design west android sanderson integrating sensor hardware android

Android 2012: Integrating Sensors Into Android Hardware Rian Sanderson Sensor Platforms Inc.

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  • Android 2012: Integrating Sensors Into Android Hardware Rian Sanderson

    Sensor Platforms Inc.

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * Rian Sanderson * share some of what Ive learned over the past year working with Android

    * presentation is not about using sensors in an android app * not how transformative sensors are

    * You have a board running android, you have senors on some daughter card * Theoretically there is open source code to bridge the gap between them * This is the presentation for you

    Next Step: * Thats where I was a year ago

  • integrating android sensor


    the source code is out there but not much of the big picture

    the problem

    google this

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * it wasnt great three months ago, it was worse a year ago, is now getting better * adding in a board name: beagle, snoball helps * just not much in the way of guides out there for people developing their own hardware * One of the best links: tells you how to build it, tells you to read a header file, but thats it * Another is a great guide from TI, I have a link to it on a further reading section

    Next Step: * like many things in this business * if know what to look for more a matter of cranking it out

  • this talk should enable you to

    integrate new sensors into Android debug each of the layers in the sensor stack

    download these slides and check out the speakers notes if youd like to read all my bullet points

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * I'll show you what to look for and where * Introduce you to some tools to make sure you're getting it right * Illustrate the low level sensor architecture in Android * Hands on demo of tools for debugging at each layer * Based on Gingerbread release, but not substantially different in Ice Cream Sandwich

    Next Step: * before diving in, take a step back

  • creating sensors systems is an art

    Software System Integration Physical Conventions Sensor Fusion Hardware System Engineering Processor Resources

    todays talk

    the software integration is a craft that can be picked up quickly

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes:Sensor system design is more akin to RF design than traditional digital design

    Focusing on Software integration today * only talking about 1/3 the software stack! * have a good diagram about this on Big Picture slide

    Physical conventions * This is the stuff that rockets blow up over * acceleration in m/s^2, magnetometer in uT, accelerometer sees gravity as a force pointing UP * all the sensors aligned correctly on the board

    Sensor Fusion * serious math * kalman filters * signal processing

    Hardware System Engineering * Kevin Shaw speaking in Sensors Theatre on Thursday * garbage in garbage out * sensor noise * PCB flex corrupting accelerometer * magnetometer next to battery

    Processor Resources * break this out because its so important * after cost, cost, and cost * responsiveness and battery life are arguably the next most important attribute of a great product * CPU choice, RAM, storage drive costs * goal is to keep that processor in power save * every instruction executed counts, especially at 100Hz

    Next Step: * I want to introduce you the platform for todays demos

  • demo: BeagleTab

    you too can integrate all the sensors you want into Android

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * Something only an engineer could love * resistive touch display, buttons * beagle board,batteries * sensor board: ** (Accel + Mag + Gyro) x3 ** breakout board + GPS + pressure + temp ** i2c + SPI through EXT connector * Sensor Fusion is done with FreeMotion library

    Next Step: * This is doable, and if you have android up and running already, can get sensors in there very quickly

  • big picture

    insert your code here

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes:sensors at the bottom, phone/tablet applications at the top

    * Jim Steele is talking about how to develop apps that talk to sensors * Karim Youngers new book talks about android internals * android specifies a sensors hardware abstraction * libsensor aka and is specific to android systems * you must implement * huge amount of linux infrastructure to utilize in completing that task

    Next Step:Will bounce around this diagram, in the manner of how I approach debugging a new Android board

  • data flow

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * drivers are loaded at boot time * Android Sensor Service starts and reads what sensors are available * App starts, requests sensor data from SensorManager * Sensor Service asks libsensor to go start up a sensor if its not already started * libsensor flips the switch in the driver, sensor starts up, starts spewing data * libsensor reads that data, reformats it for android, puts it in a queue * sensor service comes along and gets that data at a regular rate * delivers to each app subscribed to sensor manager

    Next Step: * lets see one of those apps

  • app level debugging

    AndroSensor displays sensor info exactly as an app

    developer will see it

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * demonstrates the power and joy of android * I didn't have to spend time writing this * I know this works and is tested * shows exactly the information an app sees when querying Android.SensorManager

    Next Step:skipping over the middle of the big picture, diving into the bottom

  • sensor drivers

    Tools for debug

    adb shell lsmod | grep


    dont write sensors drivers keep them platform agnostic

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * first thing with a new board, I want to see if drivers are working * Linux drivers are available for most any sensor out there * dmesg: is it working? * lsmod | grep : is it loaded * adb shell with a pipe -> utilize text processing of your dev machine

    Next Step: * Youre probably compiling lots of drivers, so glossing over this

  • linux infrastructure

    leverage the most

    appropriate infrastructure

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * in software we talk about toolboxes, I think of linux as a warehouse * hard to find the most appropriate tools * best to build on what other people have done

    Next Step: * highlighted input event framework because its so prevalent

  • Input Event Framework presents each sensor as name and a stream of data events

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * Historically for connecting mice and keyboards to X server * helps unify disparate driver interfaces * find right drivers, can process data from a OneWire thermo like an SPI accel * standard methodology, standard handling, standard tools, easy to debug

    Next Step: * it unifies driver interface through event based processing

  • Input Event Processing

    struct input_event { struct timeval time; __u16 type; __u16 code; __s32 value; };

    // Event Types #define EV_SYN 0x00 #define EV_KEY 0x01 #define EV_REL 0x02 #define EV_ABS 0x03 ... // Event Codes #define REL_X 0x00 #define REL_Y 0x01 #define REL_Z 0x02 ...


    4 event structs per sensor measurement uses code field to differentiate axis

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * recommend reading the header

    * Types: ** are a little mismatched for sensor data ** EV_ABS is for absolute measurements- think Touchpad ** EV_REL is for relative measurements- think mouse ** EV_SYN is a sync record to say that These events all go together

    * Codes: ** code tells you the axis

    Next Slide: * see this in action with a demo

  • Demo: Input Event Framework

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes:Hands on demo at command line using * cat /proc/bus/input/devices * getevent /dev/input/eventX

    Next Slide: * back to the presentation

  • Input Event Framework Resources

    tools for debug

    getevent /dev/input/event cat /proc/bus/input/devices


    further reading Internal input event handling in the Linux kernel and the Android userspace

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * input.h is an approachable header to read * get past mouse and keyboard focus * check out the links under further reading * standard tools, standard debug

    Gotchas: * beyond x,y,z standards arent so standard * what if you want to return something like calibration data? * EV_ABS events can get dropped by framework * EV_REL events will get dropped if exactly the same as previous event

    Next Step: * just showed how raw sensor data comes into the system, but how does android get a hold of it?

  • libsensor advertises available sensors and makes them available to

    Sensor Service

    controls sensors and reads data using Linux infrastructure

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * Sensor Service asks for things * libsensor handles these requests using the linux infrastructure

    Next Step: * the first request: what sensors does this board have?

  • libsensor advertises sensors

    struct sensors_module_t { struct hw_module_t common; int (*get_sensors_list)(struct sensors_module_t* module, struct sensor_t const** list); };

    libsensor must define a sensors_module_t struct named

    HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM has a func ptr which returns a list of sensor_t strycts describing

    the sensors

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * not immediately obvious from the header what to do * define HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM * object oriented C with function pointers in the structs * comments removed here, and they help a little * will look at how this is commonly implemented later and it will be crystal clear

    Next Step: * libsensors makes sensors available

  • libsensor makes sensors available

    struct sensors_control_device_t { struct hw_device_t common; int (*activate)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev, int handle, int enabled); int (*set_delay)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev, int32_t ms); int (*wake)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev); }; struct sensors_data_device_t { struct hw_device_t common; int (*data_open)(struct sensors_data_device_t *dev,

    native_handle_t* nh); int (*data_close)(struct sensors_data_device_t *dev); int (*poll)(struct sensors_data_device_t *dev, sensors_data_t* data);

    object oriented interfaces to

    control and poll sensors

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * turning on/off , getting data from them * putting function pointers in structs * comments are removed to focus on methods * method names in blue * for each sensor, you declare one of each of these structs * is much less opaque when you see code that implements it

    Next Step: * this is how data is made available to android, but what about data formats?

  • libsensor reads sensor drivers

    typedef struct { union { float v[3]; struct { float x; float y; float z; }; ...

    translate from

    4 input_events to 1 sensors_vect_t

    struct input_event { struct timeval

    time; __u16 type; __u16 code; __s32 value; };

    put into physical units: deg C, m/s^2

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * Sensor Manager asked for data, but need to go out to drivers and get it * input event framework is an easy way to get at our sensor data * drivers have a fixed point representation * android wants data in SI units: m/s^2, degrees Celsius,

    Next Step: * how are we doing? Starting to make sense?

  • libsensor

    advertises available sensors and makes them available to Sensor Service

    controls sensors and reads data using Linux infrastructure


    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * recap of what libsensors does * libsensor interface in hardware/sensors.h * not to be confused with any other sensors.h, or linux lm_sensors

    Next Step: * how do you actually implement those functions?

  • adapt an existing implementation

    rowboat / hardware-ti-omap3 / rowboat-gingerbread / libsensors / sensors.cpp

    rowboat / hardware-libhardware / include / hardware / sensors.h

    this is the most common implementation, and is extendable for input event drivers

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * open both files, start in sensors.h * talked about input event framework because its the basis for the most common implementation * notice the helpful introductory comments on physical conventions * browse to sensors_module_t, which is implemented in sensors.cpp as sSensorList * later on in the file

    Next Step: * rest of Sensors.cpp starts to rely on SensorBase classes to do the control and data structs

  • root of the implementation

    best thing about it is that it works

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * public methods mirror a device driver * private methods for dealing with file handles, opening, closing * Best thing about it is that it works, extendable via copy-paste * Im not a fan, because encourages copy/paste * an example of why people dont like C++, but not the fault of C++

    Next Step: * must derive a concrete class to utilize it

  • SensorBase and friends rowboat / hardware-ti-omap3 / rowboat-gingerbread / libsensors / SensorBase.h / AccelSensor.h / GyroSensor.h / InputEventReade

    copy/paste if you

    have an input event driver

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * example from TI repo with Accel and Gyro * much of the functionality is in sensor base * copy paste from the concrete classes AccelSensor GyroSensor * concrete classes have details like device name * InputEventCircularReader does the hard work of converting the input events into sensor_vec_t structs

    Next Step: * encourage you do download this source code

  • libsensor

    further reading

    source code

    root / device / samsung / crespo / libsensors rowboat / hardware-ti-omap3 / rowboat-gingerbread / libsensors

    OpenEtna / android_device_lg_eve / android_device_lg_eve / libsensors

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * here are three implementations of libsensor * TI BeagleBoard * Samsung Nexus One aka Crespo * an alternative, somewhat older, libsensors implementation on a phone Ive never heard of * Please share any libsensor specific documentation links you find with me * link from kandroid talks about building

    Next Step: * more links..

  • Linux Infrastructure links

    further reading Android Sensor PortingGuide Linux Industrial I/O Subsystem

    Getting Started With UInput

    PresenterPresentation NotesFurther Reading * recently released, hard to find guide from TI covers similar info as I have * IIO is an alternative to Input Framework, targeted towards high speed A/D drivers and Sensor drivers * Kernel documentation- surprisingly well written, not mired in the details * uinput for making virtual input devices, simulated sensor data

    Next Step: * to wrap it all up

  • remember

    keep drivers platform agnostic

    leverage existing Linux infrastructure

    implement the glue between Android and Linux

    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * platform specific data goes into lib sensors

    Gotchas:be cognizant of GPL and Android Open Source licensing issuesdefinitely GPL at the kernel levellikely AOSL in userland

    Next Slide * what I didnt talk about thats going to impact you

  • whats next

    Ice Cream Sandwich not that different Non input-framework based drivers Sensor Fusion daemons


    Open Sensor Processing standards Dedicated Sensor Processors Sensor Fusion going beyond just orientation


    PresenterPresentation NotesNotes: * didnt get time to talk about these things * happy to answer questions on them

    Ice Cream SandwichAPIs largely the samesome sensor fusion includedEmerging Sensor Related Standards WC3StreamInputDedicated Sensor ProcessorsSensor HubsBig/Little processorsAlternative sensor configurations * wireless sensors * USB based sensors

    Alternative driver frameworks * non-input event based drivers * io-ctl based sampling drivers * Linux IIO for more efficientSensor Fusion Daemons * Platform Testing and Verification * using uinput to simulate data

  • Questions?

    [email protected]

    Slide Number 1the problemthis talk should enable you tocreating sensors systems is an artdemo: BeagleTabbig picturedata flowapp level debugging sensor driverslinux infrastructureInput Event FrameworkInput Event ProcessingDemo: Input Event FrameworkInput Event Framework Resourceslibsensorlibsensor advertises sensors libsensor makes sensors availablelibsensor reads sensor drivers libsensoradapt an existing implementationroot of the implementationSensorBase and friendslibsensor Linux Infrastructure linksrememberwhats nextQuestions?