designing a learning activity

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  • 8/9/2019 Designing a Learning Activity


    A. Lee Baule5/28/2010

    Test Review #2

    Learning Goals:

    y Read each case scenarioy State which psychology theory is taking place in a scenario and state the evidencey Identify each factor in the scenario that fitthe psychology theoryy Solve a problem given by a scenarioy Choose and justify which reinforcement is most beneficialy Describe a similar scenario and breakdown and analyze the situation by using psychology


    y Create potential solutions for some scenarios.y Number of maximum points: 21


    Each question is worth 1 point unless otherwise indicated.

    Miko has recently moved to Silent Hill and is now attending Midwich High School. On her first

    day in her Biology class, herteacher, Mr. Li, was late. As she waited she observed her newclassmates doing differentthings. Santos was studying for his math test, Youna was listening to

    her iPod, and Mateo & Hsi-ru were getting outthe Petri dishes, microscope, and utensils toprepare fortodays lab. When Mr. Li came in, he verbally praised Mateo and Hsi-ru fortheir

    behavior and told the class Since Mateo and Hsi-ru are the only ones to prepare fortodaylessons, they will have an additional 2 days to do their homework. From this experience, Miko

    learned that she should get outthe necessary lab equipment atthe start of class.

    1. What Psychology theory is being used by Mr. Li?

    2. According to this theory, Mateo and Hsi-ru served as _________________ for Miko.

    3. Whattype of reinforcement did Miko experience?

    4. (4 pts) Describe a situation where you observed a similar kind of scenario. Explain what yourteacher did. How did the class react? Did yourteachers solution work? Why or why not?

    Dr. Rolph is going overthe Algebra homework instructions with the class. Out of nowhere, Santi

    throws an eraser which smacks Marquis in his face. Without hesitation, Dr. Rolph sends Marquisto wash his face and hands Santi 2 additional sheets of homeworkto him and says Since you

    smacked Marquis with the eraser, you are getting extra homeworktonight.

    5. Assuming thatSanti despises homework, what kind of consequence did Dr. Rolph use?

    6. What will happen to the behavior afterthe consequence has been applied?

    7. What would happen to the behavior ifSanti LIKES homework?

  • 8/9/2019 Designing a Learning Activity


    A. Lee Baule5/28/2010

    8. (2 pts) IfSanti likes homework, what consequence would you recommend and why?

    Sophitia recently adopted a pug puppy named Peggy. Sophitia is crate training here (i.e. she isput in the crate at night). Last night, she woke up in her crate and began to whimper and cry. The

    sound was so annoying thatSophitia that she let Peggy out ofthe crate and her whimper and

    crying stopped.

    Inthe fu

    ture, she is more likely

    to le

    tPeggy ou

    twhen she cries or whimper.

    9. Peggys whimpering and crying served as a __________________ forSophitia.

    a) Negative Reinforcement

    b) Extinctionc) Type I Punishment

    d) Vicarious Reinforcemente) None ofthe above

    10. (4 pts) What should Sophitia do to stop Peggys crying and whimpering instead of letting her


    ofthe cra

    te? Provide your reasons. (Hin

    t: Think abou

    tconsequences you will apply forPeggy.)

    Cheshire, a 5 year old boy, was bitten by a Chihuahua a few months ago. Now, every time that

    he sees a dog, Cheshire cries, shakes, and yells. Cheshires mother, Alicia, is worried about hersons behavior and discusses it with you. She thoughtthe behavior would extinguish as long as

    her son was not bitten again. But, months later, Cheshire is having the same behavioral responsewhen he sees a dog.

    11. (2 pts) From a behaviorist point of view, what kind of behavior is Cheshire displaying?

    12. (2 pts) What has to be done to extinguish Cheshires fear of dogs?

  • 8/9/2019 Designing a Learning Activity


    A. Lee Baule5/28/2010


    1. Vygotsky Theory

    2. Model

    3. Vicarious

    4. Must include

    y Student performing a wanted behavior.y Other student performing an unwanted behavior.y Teacher rewarding the student with the wanted behavior and letting other students know.y Observe the aftermath and see if it worked. If it didnt work, explain why

    5. Type I Punishment or Positive Punishment

    6. The behavior should decrease or stop.

    7. The behavior should increase if not stay stable.

    8. Type 2 Punishment. Example: If he does not like staying after school, keep him from playing

    sports. Type 1 Punishment: Give him a form another form of aversive consequence that willwork.

    9. Negative reinforcement


    y Name a type of reinforcementthat will be usedy A description ofthe consequence that will be implementedy and a thorough explanation on how to apply ity explain why it would work.


    y emotional conditioned responsey half point: conditioned response


    y Must pairthe dog (UCS in this case) to something pleasurable (CS)y a number oftimes untilCheshire finds the dog (UCS) pleasurable (CR)

  • 8/9/2019 Designing a Learning Activity


    A. Lee Baule5/28/2010

    This is an in class assignmentthat students will work on individually. This assignment

    will be given sometime in the middle ofthe semester after students learned about differenttypes

    of cognitive, social, and behavioral theories.

    The general goal thatthis assignment addresses is that students will understand the

    different psychology theories, the factors that each theory contains, and the understanding and

    application of consequences from the psychology theories.

    The learning outcomes are that students will

    y State which psychology theory is taking place in a scenario and state the evidence.y

    Identify each factor in the scenario that fitthe psychology theory.

    y Solve a problem given by a scenario.y Choose and justify which Reinforcement is most beneficial.y Describe a similar scenario and breakdown and analyze the situation by using psychology


    y Create potential solutions for some scenarios.I believe thatthis assignment covers a number of areas on Blooms taxonomy scale. Not

    only does it askto recognize and recall certain facts and information, but also challenges my

    students to generalize a theory by having students come up with their own scenarios and look at

    it from a psychological point of view. It also gives students the opportunity to think critically and

    use whatthey know in orderto create a solution to a problem that has not been resolved or if a

    currenttactic did not work. Not all the scenarios are restricted to a classroom either.

    Students will be advised to study the night before fortheir will be no books or notes

    allowed to complete this assignment in a 50 minute class which consists of a maximum of 22

    points. However, students are free to ask me, the teacher, for assistance. On the white board, I

  • 8/9/2019 Designing a Learning Activity


    A. Lee Baule5/28/2010

    will write the formulas of each theory as hints or cues for students to answer a question. For



    The majority ofthe questions are worth 1 point with others being worth 2 or 4 points due

    to degree of difficulty. Some questions are right or wrong answers which are the 1 point

    questions. The more difficult ones that are worth more points will have to meet each certain

    criterion. For example: Question number 10 has 4 criteria, each being worth one point. If

    students get 3 out ofthe 4 criteria set, they will receive 3 points out of 4 forthat question.

    The final grade is simply straight forward. All the points for correct answers will be

    added and recorded. Students will receive their graded paper back and I will putthe answer key

    on the overhead or projector of some sort so all students can see whatthe right answers were and

    whatI was looking for. Students can review the paper and see whatthey need to study. It also

    gives me and them a chance to correct any mistake thatI may have done on my behalf grade

    wise or if student provides support on why a certain question should be right can be considered.