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  • 8/17/2019 Designing network-based materials for students of Accounting at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry


    Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City

    University of Sodal Sdences and Humanities

    Faculty of English Linguistics and literature



  • 8/17/2019 Designing network-based materials for students of Accounting at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry


    Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City

    University of Social Sciences and Humanities

    Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature

    ICELT 2014

    Proceedings of

    the 2014 International Conference

    on English Language Teaching



  • 8/17/2019 Designing network-based materials for students of Accounting at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry


    M u c lu c



    G oh. C hristine C . M .

    Foregrounding m etacognition in second language oracy:

    A call for vis ib le learn ing of listening and speaking


    Cao, Thi Q uynh Loan; Nguyen. Thi Chau Anh

    Pragmatics: The East-W est D ivide in reouest rea lization of a bilingual ch ild 3 j

    Carey. M ichael; Do. Anh Tuan

    An LI point of reference approach for the instruction of pronunciation 55

    Chua, R owena M arie R.

    Beliefs about language learning of pre-service E nglish teachers from a C atholic

    university in th e P hilip pin es T

    C uu, Q lang Thanh

    Students' use of m etacognitive reading strategies at Pham N goc Thach U niversity of

    medicine 9

    Dang. Phuong H oai

    LI transfer in L2 acouisltlon of E nglish intonation   V ie tn am e se le arn ers 10j'

    D ang. Nguyen Anh Chi

    M otivating students' literature learn ing w ith the application of m ultim edia   3

    D ang. Thi

    V a n

    D l; N guyen. Thi K leu Thu

    Errors in lexica l co llocat ions   academ ic w riting students at

    faculty o f E nglish ling uistics a nd literature. U nive rsity of S ocia l S ciences

    and H um anities - Ho C hi M inh C ity

      4 3


  • 8/17/2019 Designing network-based materials for students of Accounting at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry



    Dewl, F inita

    C ollaboration in E FL class: Using W eb 2.0 application in Indonesia conte xt


    Dinh. Thi M inh Hien

    Implementin g CALLA in Literature-Based EFL Program s in H igher Education  

    Dutta, M anashi G .

    Innova ting c lassro om p ra ctic es   promoting le arn er a uto no m y

    a nd m o bile te ch no lo gy


    Garcia . Rochelle Irene; Rojo-Laurllla, Mildred; Bernardo. A llan Benedict I.

    Exploring noun bias in filip ino bilingual pre-school children


    Hoang. Thi M ai Xuan

    T ow ards the choice of instructional varieties at Danang architecture university:

    The norm s or norm s? 235

    Hoang. Thi Nhat Tam

    The unlouely significant fu nction of intonation in the com m unication of meaning.

    S om e suggestions for teaching intonation in pronunciation class


    lati , Gumawang

    P reparing O n line Tutor: in a blended Learning Course


    Le, Bich Thuy

    The application of Internet advantages in m ulti-level English classroom s

    28 3

    Le, Hoang Dung

    O u tcom e-based language assessm ent from perspective of Q uality assurance -

    im plications for regional integration at the EF. USSH. VNU-HCM

    29 1

    Le, Huong Hoa

    Exp lo rin g s tu de nts' academic mo tiv ation

    at the P olice U niversity   M USIC m odel 315

    Llbult, Concepc ion C .

    Learning styles and E nglish ratings of teacher education stu dents

    a t I rnus Ins titute-College


  • 8/17/2019 Designing network-based materials for students of Accounting at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry



    Machmud, Karmila; Basalama, Nonny

    Integrating technology into EFLcurriculum 331


    D u y

    Mong Ha

    Motivating students to improve lifelong learning skills 349

    Pharn, Ngoc Kim Tuyen

    Improving oral fluency in and outside the English speaking class


    Nguyen. Hoang Tuan

    Teaching verbal irony in literature 361

    Nguyen. Thi Chau Anh

    Introduction of some applications for applytng information and communication

    technologies (lCT) in teaching and learning English

    3 j j 

    Nguyen. Thi Kieu Thu; Nguyen. Thi Thu Ngoc

    A survey of the teaching of translation

    at the Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature. USSH

    39 1

    Nguyen. Thi Nhu Diep

    Teaching prononuciation in the TOEIC program to non-majored students

    at Saigon Techonology University 411

    Nguyen. Xuan

    Is it all about the computer?

    English language teachers  educational use of technology 423

    Nguyen. Xuan Trieu

    English vocalic and consonantal epenthesis from optimality theory point of view


    Nunez. '.R . Santillan

    The use of media diary in the language classroom and

    de-theorizing the curriculum


    Phan, Thi Kim Loan

    Application ofTotal Quality Management (TQM)

    in enhancing EFacademic staff Quality


  • 8/17/2019 Designing network-based materials for students of Accounting at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry


  • 8/17/2019 Designing network-based materials for students of Accounting at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry


    Des ig n in g n etw o rk b as ed m ater ia ls fo r

    s tu d en ts o f A cco un t in g at Ho Ch i M in h

    C i ty Un iv er s i t y o f Fo od In du s t r y

     ghi  ran  in

    Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Ho Chi Minh City

    [email protected]

      b s t r a c t

    The idea of creating a virtual lea rn in g en vironment to b ring d yn am ic, m edia-

    rich content into courses and assignments


    in sp ired and gone beyond

    tr aditional approaches to language learning and teaching because it helps

    students achieve th e critica l co ll abora tion, creative, and communicatio n skill s

    needed to compete in today s global workforce. F or students successes in their

    careers, it is necessary th at institu tions, co ll eges and univ ersit ie s need to

    in tegrate digita l m edia education in to their curricu lum . The auth or

    collaborates w ith his students and coll eagues in Ho Chi M inh C ity U niversity

    o f Food In dustr y (HUF f) to deliver an in teracti ve materia l based on th e

    in ternet technology. In ternet iedinologv is not currently used in ESP

    classroom s at HUFf, so the outcomes of th is study are being used as a

    classroom assistant fo r online learning in Engli sh fo r Specific Purposes (ESP )

    in struction from home. The result s a lso show ed th at the posit ive acti on of

    supplying a supplement online materia l to ESP students and even graduate

    students enhance th eir m astery of E SP subjects.

    Keywords:English for Accounting, material design, e-learning, NBLT,



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    1 In t roduct ion

    The Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has required English

    for Accounting as a framework of the course for Accounting that lasts at least

    one semester (around three to six months in colleges or universities). Many

    colleges have designed their own syllabi in their curricula; others may

    choose a commercial book on the market to follow. Consequently, the

    syllabus for this subject has been designed independently with differences

    in the frame and its contents. Students majoring in accounting usually have

    difficulties in finding the right materials for further reading and self-

    studying. Therefore, it is urgent that English teachers need to design a

    scientific and effective ESP material for such an accounting major in the

    Vietnamese context.

    Every teacher of English knows that ESP concentrates more on language in

    a context than on grammar and language structures. Some of materials, which

    being now used in HUFI like English for Accounting, English for Food Industry,

    etc., fails to integrate English into a subject matter. Due to the wash-back of the

    written exams for ESP subjects, only reading skill and granm1ar are paid a

    careful attention during the teaching. Therefore, the lessons are built mainly on

    reading comprehension disciplines that only develops students' ability in

    grammal~ translation, and vocabulary. Other kinds of imported textbooks (e.g.

    English for Accoun ting by Frendo and Maloney (2001) for accounting cause

    students many difficulties for Vietnamese students due to the differences in

    accounting procedures and provisions in accounting laws. Besides, the most

    important difference between English for Accounting and the other kinds of

    ESP course lies in the students' purpose for learning English. Accounting

    students have to use a great deal of English in their job, but other ESP students

    only want to have some acquaintance with English or just communicate a set of

    professional skills and to perform particular job-related functions.

    For the problems presented above, it is necessary to build interactive

    materials for accounting students in the Vietnamese context. The project

    entitled D esig nin g n etw ork-based materia ls for students o f Accoun ting a t HUFIis

    conducted as a result. These materials are to apply multimedia visual aids

    and an interactive web in designing a course that is the integration of textual

    material with visuals. The combination is highly expected to motivate

    students in learning ESP process in HUFI because accounting students


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    D esign ing netw ork -based m ateria ls for studen ts of A ccoun ting at. ..

    would apply what they learn in their English classes to their main fields of

    study or vice versus. In other words, students can use what they learn in the

    ESP classroom right away in their workplaces and higher studies.

    2 Ne two rk  based language teach ing : A b ig change in V ietnam

    Since the early of the 1960s, language teachers have been interested in

    the dramatic changes in the ways that languages are taught. The

    methodology has been transferred from the instructing of discrete

    grammatical items to the integrating of communicative ability. Language

    textbooks have begun to distinguish spoken and written language forms,

    and commonly incorporate authentic texts (such as advertisements and

    realia) alongside literary texts. It is in the context of these multifarious

    changes that one of the most significant areas of innovation in language

    education - computer-assisted language learning (CALL) - has come of age.

    (Warschauer   Kern, 2005, p. 1). Together with the spreading of the internet

    technology, the audiotape-based language labs have been given the way to

    the development of language media centers, where language learners can

    access foreign language documents on the World Wide Web, communicate

    with their teachers, classmates, and even native speakers via internet.

    Warschauer and Kern (2005) define that  NBLT is language teaching that

    involves the use of computers connected to one another in either local or

    global networks . Traditionally CALL is likened as tutorials, drills,

    simulations, instructional games, tests, and etc. while NBLT focuses on

    human-to-human communication. It means that language learners who

    access to the Internet can now potentially communicate with native speakers

    (or other language learners) ail over the world at any time and any places.


    the year of 2000, Richard Kern and Mark Warschauer define NBLT as

     language teaching that involves the use of computers connected to one

    another in either local or global networks  (Warschauer   Kern, 2005, p. 1).

    NBLT represents a new and different form of CALL. Communication is at

    the core of NBLT and NBLT also breaks with the time and space constraints

    imposed by face-to-face communication and by traditional language learning

    tools, thus allowing for multiple forms of learning, communicative practice,

    and collaboration.

    5 47

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    Table 1: The Role of CAll in Structural, Cognitive,

    and Sociocognitive Frameworks


    Structural Cognitive Sociocogn itive

    What is

    th e To provide unlimited To

    provide language

    To provide


    principal ro le drill, practice, tutorial input and analytical and contexts for social

    of compute rs?

    explanation, and inferential tasks. interaction; to


    corrective feedback.

    access to




    and the creation of new


    It is not new or surprising that more and more Vietnamese language

    teachers have not only embraced network technology but also developed

    creative ways to teach English in their classrooms. Since 2013, National

    Foreign Languages 2020 Project, a Vietnamese MOEf PMU, has created a

    competition for English language teachers creatively applying IT in their

    teaching. On June 27


    , 2014 there was a final round for that competition

    with ten teachers at the nationwide level. Many of their applications in

    English language teaching have positive results in teaching despite the fact

    that it is hard to answer the question:   D oes the use of NBLT lead to bett er

    la nguage teaching and learn ing?  .

    It is true because computers, which are like

    pencils and paper, blackboards, overhead projectors, tape recorders in

    language teaching, do not in and of itself bring about improvements in

    learning. It can only be answered correctly when we look to particular

    practices of use in· particular contexts. These practices of use must be

    described and evaluated in terms of their specific social context in order to

    answer the following questions:   W ho are th e learners?   ,  W ha t circum stance

    did they do?   , For wha t purpose?  ,   W hat kinds o f language? In what pa tterns o f

    social in teraction?  , and   W ha t are particular outcomes in term s of quantity /qualit y

    of language use, a ttitudes, m o ti vation? 

    etc. Because NBLT is an emerging area,

    the NBLT research mainly deal with the development of discourse and

    discourse communities in on-line environments. In Vietnam, teachers are

    successful in designing learning websites and commercing it in the public

    such as or Many others use social networks

    (e.g facebook) to publish their lessons and connect to their students.

    To sum up, although NBLT does not represent a particular technique,

    method, or approach, it is a vital tool to help students communicate via


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    D esig nin g netw ork-based m ateria ls fo r students o f A ccounting a t. ..

    computer networks and interpret and construct on-line texts and multimedia

    documents. NBLT steadily increases engagements in new discourse

    communities. The engagement takes place depends on a number of factors

    such as the nature of interaction via computer, the sociocultural context.

      M e t h o d o l o g y

    In this article, surveys are used just as one part of a complete data

    collection and evaluation strategy, They are powerful tools to achieve insight

    information of skills, competencies, and attitudes among undergraduate

    students, ex-students and teachers. The author has presented the informants

    of the study, questionnaires, interview and tools of data collection at the

    following address NewsDetail.aspx?id = 108.

    The study involves three groups of informants: pre-course students, ex-

    students of, subject teachers at HUFI. By means of questionnaires and

    interviews, data on both target needs and learning needs were collected to

    be analyzed. The data are reflected on this preliminary analysis to compare

    his findings with others. The author is using all of the results from the study

    to weigh up the benefits and design his own teaching materials that worthily

    matches the students' time and efforts in learning ESP course.

      T h e t e c h n i q u e s t o b u i l d N B L T E S P m a t e r i a l s f o r a c c o u n t i n g s t u d e n t s

    As analyzed in the section 3, seventy-eight percent of students found

    the convenience and flexibility of the online learning environment, which

    means that network-based materials match their learning goals and

    lifestyles. Besides, from the findings in 3.2.1. in questionnaire 2, the author

    has found that 100 percent of HUFI teachers recognize the needs to use

    online materials as supplementary documents to teach English to their

    . students but they meet lots of difficulties in designing such kinds of these

    materials and the way of exploiting them for their teaching. In this article,

    six major techniques for designing all. interactive lesson via internet are

    presented as guidlines.


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    4 .1 U se s im p le an d c le ar


    One of the requirements for developing such kinds of materials is to

    develop students' necessary skills to succeed in online learning, especially

    how to follow the online directions account for 56.7 percent. Students

    responding to the survey agree that the reason for not taking online course

    is that they do not really understand the instructions. A main difference

    between electronic literacy and traditional text is interactive functions.

    Students read the online materials need to know how to reach to the page

    they need through the online directions or instructions. Therefore, it is

    imperative that language teachers. should use very simple and clear

    instructions in the NBLT lessons. Using simple and clear instructions also

    saves time to read and does not distract students away the main points of the

    lessons. Teachers should shorten the instructions as much as possible in the

    language tasks or activities. Let us examine the following instructions in

    books and online materials:

    In books:

    Multiple choices:

    Cir clethe lett er A ,




    to indicate th e correct answer to

    each of the follow ing questions.

    In online materials:

    Multiple choices:

    Cli ck the best choic es fo r th e fo llow ing questio ns.

    In short, simple and clear instructions not only meet the needs of most

    of the students as found in the survey but also create a fine image to readers.

    4 .2 M a k e fo ru m s fo r o nlin e d is cu s sio ns

    Beside the need of concise and simple instructions, most students



    want to use email and online discussion. Students love to interact

    mostly through a forum. In order to meet this need, a forum, in which



    and the instructor interact in asynchronous time, must be

    developed for ESP courses. As discussed in section 3.1.1., this form of

    learning creates lots of the possibilities for improving students' language

    proficiency, promoting students' positive attitude and interest in learning

    English for Accounting (EFA). Hence, before starting EFA lessons, teachers

    should set up a forum discussion online to provide students with richer


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    D esignin g netw ork -based m aterials for stu dents o f A ccounting at. ..

    discourse such as pictures, audio and videos formats. In fact forums function

    as a significant  shift  of students getting accustomed to any lesson in the

    course before they take a discussion in traditional classes. Opening online

    discussions also satisfies the need of expanding the course length of more

    than three quarter of students (]18.9%). This figure also matches with 60

    percent of HUFI language teachers' opinions about the course length. If the

    request to extend the course length fails to get an agreement from the HUFI

    Training Department, online discussion is compensated for the shortage time

    of the course length. With 88.9% percent of students surf the web, weekly

    discussions will contribute a greater success in their EFAwith the plans of

    interacting themselves through internet.

    4 3 M ak e u s e fu l a n d c o n c is e le ss on s th at a re b ala n c ed w ith fo ur la n g ua g e

    m a c r o  ski l ls

    The four language macro-skills are designed in details the questionnaire

    given for HUFI language teachers. The balance of such four macro-skills as

    listening, speaking, reading and writing must be appreciated in designing a

    scientific and effective lesson for ESP course. The purpose of this action can

    solve the unbalance in teaching and learning ESP at HUFI. The actual class

    time is given too much for the skill of reading (59%) but rather for listening

    (6  ).

    Table 2: The distribution of time for four language skills




    ~ Reading

    Only when a useful and concise lesson that is balanced with four

    language skills is made, students will have choices to help them improve

    their communicative skills. In order to get the fruitful results for NBLT

    5 5

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    materials, teachers design a learning lesson which is combining all of the

    four macro-skills. For instance, students have to read a passage of an

    accounting issue and then watch a movie about that topic and then ask them

    to write or speak the similarities or differences about two input materials

    (written and spoken texts). The online materials can provide many useful

    communication tools like forum discussions, e-mail connectivity, live chat or

    so on. Therefore, a lesson that is integrated the four language macro-skills is

    becoming more and more apparent to EFA.

    4 .4 E n ha nc e s tu d e nts in tr in sic a nd e x tr in sic m o t iv atio n s

    The results in questionnaire 1 show that '16.'1percent of the students

    have their own high motivations towards EFA. But nothing can be sure that

    students also have their extrinsic motivation with the traditional ways of

    learning, especially with materials. 86.1 percent of the students want to learn

    EFAwith the help of network. If they have an interaction with other learners

    or an instructor at the interval times during the course, online students can

    increase their extrinsic motivations. Besides, they can take an advantage of

    opportunities to work with their partners online. The encouragement and

    feedback from lesson they received will help them to stay motivated and

    they wish the program to be tailored ('14.4  ). We can take a conclusion that

    NBLT can bring students not only intrinsic motivations but also extrinsic

    ones. Therefore, we should design the materials with the testing and

    evaluating sections for each of units in order to raise their extrinsic

    motivation through NBLTmaterials.

    4 .5 E sta b lis h w ork ing g ro up s to e xp lo it N B lT m a te ria ls m o re


    As discussed above, both teachers (60 ) and students ('15.6 )

    complained about workload and time limit and wished to expand the course

    length, which prevent them from creating listening and speaking tasks on

    classroom. To solve these problems, setting up working groups to exploit

    NBLTmaterials is the best way. These groups consist of about from five to

    ten students and the teacher has to appoint a group leader for each group to

    manage them with their works.

    Group members can join the forum for discussion or do tasks delivered

    by the teacher. In general, their duties should be focused on a collection of


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    D esign ing netw ork-based m ateria ls fo r s tudents o f A ccoun ting a t. ..

    listening and speaking materials because the actual time for these skills in

    classroom is too low (5.5% and 12.3%). The teacher should join into the

    working time to help them overcome some difficulties they deal with during

    the course.

    In order to carry these activities, in the NBLT materials the teacher must

    ask students to register and arrange them in groups to manage the classes

    easier. When students login into the materials for learning, the teacher know

    exactly the duration of time and jobs they access in the material sites.

    4 .6 G e t su p p o rts fro m o th er o nlin e m a te ria ls

    From the results shown in the Section 3, the needs for learning to write

    clearly (47.2%) and communicate with other people confidently (62.8%) are

    unable to reach in EFA because these are extremely fruitful results .

    Therefore, when designing NBLT materials for ESP course, teachers should

    take into accounts of giving supplementary links to the other online sources

    which offer language teachers the other micro-skills such as vocabulary,

    grammar, structures and so on. Supplying useful links to students helps

    them enhance their GEP knowledge that ESP teachers do not have enough

    time to teach or reinforce them in classrooms. There are some of the

    suggesting online materials that teachers can direct students to the links that

    are helpful to their studies.

    All of the materials which are the lessons of EFA are published at the

    address webpage is now available

    for students to access when they take EFA course in their curriculum at

    HUFI. The materials consist of six units that cover main fields of accounting

    major. This website is considered as an overview of common methods,

    techniques, and applications used to design ESP materials for the EFA in

    HUFI under the light of NBLT. These technologies are blended with each

    other of following established form.

    We should design a website that publishes all documents or materials

    related to the subject they teach before starting a class. Webpages are

    information resources about the subject, teacher, course length, course

    requirements, grading and reference books which are available for the

    WWW This technology is applied in order to meet the need of 61.1 percent

    of students who want to use computer as a learning tool. The materials can

    5 5 3

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    be accessed through a web browser and can be viewed on PC screens or


    Table 3: The established technologies of NBlT


    C o n c l u s i o n

    This article is delivered to point out valid educational outcomes for

    teaching ESP at HUFI in the use of new technology - the internet. This is

    an innovative strategy for designing and giving the creative and interactive

    web-based materials for students of accounting. These kinds of materials

    are aimed to enhance the students' capacity to advance and support their

    creativity and independence in learning. The results will serve the

    purposes of saving students' budgets in buying reference books or

    materials for their studies because NBLT is constantly being created, tested

    and implemented from the West to the East at an amazing rate with

    incredible cost.

    The author has applied positive actions in training ESP courses, bringing

    the Accounting students in HUFI with the significant benefits as follows:

    developing, delivering and mainstrearning training material with the

    lowest cost;

    helping students to collaborate towards the completion of tasks which is

    not only learn to a certain knowledge but also the ways of living

    together in  the global village ;


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    D esign in g ne twork-based m aterials fo r studen ts o f A ccoun ting at. . .

    and helping students to have choices to demonstrate their ability to

    proficiently create in their target language. Their products are not only

    read their instructors but an authentic audience as well. With this

    experience in learning, students may reread their products and revise

    their artifacts. These actions of training are also to help students to have

    more changes to better practice communicating with their friends and


    When the students take a course in ESP at HUPI, they may feel nervous

    and worried than the other subjects because they do not have any

    knowledge about this field. They find it difficult in learning this subject. This

    kind of ESP materialsis applied to help students overcome their difficulties,

    provide students with scientific materials as well as support them an

    innovative way of learning.

    R e f e r e n c e s



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      i o d a t a

    He is the lecturer and Vice - manager of English LanguageCenter of Ho

    Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

    His main interests include tools development for Computer-Based

    Language Teaching (CBLT): linguistics research and applications, and

    Englishfor Specific Purposes (ESP)program designand methodologies.

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  • 8/17/2019 Designing network-based materials for students of Accounting at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry
