designing with executives (aka "why execs obsess over icons")

Designing with Executives Insights from working “at the table” & how to survive Uday Gajendar, Principal UX Consultant @udanium / [email protected]

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Designing with Executives (aka "Why Execs Obsess Over Icons")

Designing with Executives Insights from working “at the table” & how to survive

Uday Gajendar, Principal UX Consultant @udanium / [email protected]

Page 2: Designing with Executives (aka "Why Execs Obsess Over Icons")
Page 3: Designing with Executives (aka "Why Execs Obsess Over Icons")
Page 4: Designing with Executives (aka "Why Execs Obsess Over Icons")


“Maybe I’m not as comfortable being powerless as you are.” – Don Draper, Mad Men Season 1

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Page 6: Designing with Executives (aka "Why Execs Obsess Over Icons")
Page 7: Designing with Executives (aka "Why Execs Obsess Over Icons")

"Making relationships is just as important as making software or making design." John Maeda

Page 8: Designing with Executives (aka "Why Execs Obsess Over Icons")

A variety of contexts!In which you’re working with executives

UX Review

Think Tank

Demo Fair

Project Kickoff

Quarterly Business Review

Hallway ChatNetworking Lunch

Global Customer Event



Sr Director






Clarity Focus Definition Agreement Criteria Targets Problems Threats Costs Benefits Risks Choices Timeframes Resources

Page 9: Designing with Executives (aka "Why Execs Obsess Over Icons")

So who is this “executive”?Must have empathy to understand

A Point of View

Jack Donaghey, fictitious exec

Olivia Pope,fictitious exec

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Learn their criteria for annual reviews and figure out how to support them.

Page 11: Designing with Executives (aka "Why Execs Obsess Over Icons")

An “executive persona” of sorts.A baseline of characteristics

Many are not natural collaborators.

Critical fiduciary duties / profit-loss accountability.

Left-brained analytic thinkers, demanding “proof”.

Don’t know everything, but know more than you.

Unknowns create anxiety; data creates assurance.

Constant context-switching is a given.

Jack Donaghey, fictitious exec

Olivia Pope,fictitious exec

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Understand the org structure of the

executive’s peers & subordinates.

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Some critical lessons learned.Experience is a valuable teacher ;-)

Assert your point of view and don’t apologize.

Simplify and explain the concept like to a child.

It's ok to disagree, with concise credible rationale.

Don't attempt to wear hats you're not qualified to wear.

Many execs love to sketch and visualize their ideas!


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Always remember –Executives are just people, too.They want to succeed. Support them, and get the most from them.

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Get to know their support staff so if you

need a quick chat, you’ll likely get it.

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Finally...What about those icons?

Confidence & assurance via pretty things.

Shift it to business & design strategy.

That’s why they hired you. Remind them!

“If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.” – Don Draper, Mad Men Season 2

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*Your Mileage

May Vary

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Google Ventures Blog

The Designer Fund

General Assembly

Warm Gun

An Event Apart

Uday Gajendar [email protected] twitter: @udanium

Any Questions?Thanks!