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Communicate, Collaborate and Stay Connected Business Collaboration Platform

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Post on 15-Apr-2017



Small Business & Entrepreneurship

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Communicate, Collaborate and Stay Connected

Business Collaboration Platform

What is a Collaboration Platform and Why it is Important for Your OrganizationA collaboration platform is a set of tools that allows your team and business partners to communicate, collaborate and share information to improve your day-to-day business operationsWith a collaboration a platform, you can ensure that everyone on your team is able to work together without running into various boundaries, even if they are located across the world from one another.

Business Collaboration PlatformA single application that combines a suite of services such as document sharing, messaging, project management and task management to promote a collaborative environment within your organizationDesknet’s Neo comes with an intuitive, responsive site that provides the users with an easy-to-use communication, leveraging on the latest HTML5 and CSS technology.Desknet’s Neo is accessible via web and supports multiple devices i.e PC, laptop, tablet and mobile devices

Desknet’s Neo is multi-lingual with English, Bahasa Malaysia and Japanese support and it is offered as Cloud hosted service or installed at your premises

desknet’s Neo FeaturesThe services provided by the desknet’s NEO collaboration platform includes:

All-in-One platform is suitable to meet the needs for an organization and it’s employees to communicate effectivelyThe capabilities can also be extended to allow for better collaboration and project management with vendors and external project team members


Healthcare Distribution & Retail

Information Technology & Communications

Construction & Real Estate Local Government

Featured Customers

Desknet’s NeoSolution Highlights


Concept of desknet’s NEO

Ready ApplicationsMerit 1

Key Applications

Business Improvement and Communication Applications

Supporting Applications

Interactive UI built on HTML5 Technology

User interface is built on the next generation standard web technology “HTML5” that provides lean, clear and easy interface.

Interactive Interface with Drag & Drop

Smaller screen transition

Merit 2

Real-time “What’s New” notification, Messages and “Post It”.What’s New Information

Notice icons shows unread messages

[Top Portal Page]

“Post It” shows received messages

Messages to myself

Merit 2 Interactive UI built on HTML5 Technology

Instant CommunicationThe new feature “NEO twi” adopting the concept of social networking.Easy & instant communications on the timeline.

Information NEO twi Direct Message

You can tweet on the time line!

Merit 3

Multi-Device Support

desknet’s NEO also provides the optimized UI for mobile devices.You don’t need anything else, only a browser!

Ready-to-use on multiple devices !

Merit 4

Multi-Device (Smartphone View)Merit 4

[Top Page] [Top: What’s New] [Schedule: monthly] [Schedule: weekly]



[NEO twi] [Notepad] [Whereabouts]

Multi-Device (iCalendar Support)Merit 4

desknet’s NEO


desknet’s NEO


[desknet’s NEO Schedule] [iPhone Calendar] [iPhone Calendar]

desknet’s NEO iCalendar synchronizes data between desknet’s NEO and iPhone.

Desknet’s NEO Cloud SubscriptionWe offer an attractive All-In-One package for customers who wants to subscribe to the Desknet’s Neo on Anise Asia Cloud.

Standard Subscription PlanSetup Fee RM0.00

Monthly Subscription RM14.00 per user

Storage 1 GB per user

Optional Services / Subscription• Domain Purchase and Setup• SSL Purchase and Installation• On-Site Training

Note:• Monthly or yearly billing• Minimum 15 users per company• Additional storage is chargeable

Desknet’s NEO on Cloud Highlights

No Installation Required Accessible Anywhere Instantly

Data Assurance

No Hardware Required

IT Support Included Increase Users & Storage Easily


24/7 Local SupportService Availability

Thank YouContact Us:Danial Azwan [email protected]