destocking, the bullwhip effect, and the credit crisis ... the bullwhip effect, and the credit...

Destocking, the bullwhip effect, and the credit crisis : empirical modeling of supply chain dynamics Udenio, M.; Fransoo, J.C.; Peels, R. Published in: International Journal of Production Economics DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.09.008 Published: 01/01/2015 Document Version Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the author's version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Udenio, M., Fransoo, J. C., & Peels, R. (2015). Destocking, the bullwhip effect, and the credit crisis : empirical modeling of supply chain dynamics. International Journal of Production Economics, 160, 34-46. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.09.008 General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 08. Jun. 2018

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Destocking, the bullwhip effect, and the credit crisis :empirical modeling of supply chain dynamicsUdenio, M.; Fransoo, J.C.; Peels, R.

Published in:International Journal of Production Economics


Published: 01/01/2015

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Citation for published version (APA):Udenio, M., Fransoo, J. C., & Peels, R. (2015). Destocking, the bullwhip effect, and the credit crisis : empiricalmodeling of supply chain dynamics. International Journal of Production Economics, 160, 34-46. DOI:10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.09.008

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Destocking, the bullwhip effect, and the credit crisis:Empirical modeling of supply chain dynamics

Maximiliano Udenio a,n, Jan C. Fransoo a, Robert Peels b

a School of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, Den Dolech 2, 5612AZ Eindhoven, The Netherlandsb Flostock BV, Horsten 1, 5612AX Eindhoven, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 30 September 2013Accepted 5 September 2014Available online 18 September 2014

Keywords:System dynamicsBullwhip effectSupply chain coordinationBehavioral decision making insupply chain planning

a b s t r a c t

In this paper we analyze the strong sales dip observed in the manufacturing industry at the end of 2008,following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and the subsequent collapse of the financial world. Wesuggest that firms' desire to retain liquidity during these times prompted a reaction characterized by thereduction of working capital, which materialized as a synchronized reduction in target inventory levelsacross industries. We hypothesize that such a reaction effectively acted as an endogenous shock tosupply chains, ultimately resulting in the bullwhip-effect kind of demand dynamics observed. To test thisproposition we develop a system dynamics model that explicitly takes into account structural,operational, and behavioral parameters of supply chains aggregated at an echelon level. We calibratethe model for use in 4 different business units of a major chemical company in the Netherlands, allsituated 4–5 levels upstream from consumer demands in their respective supply chains. We show thatthe model gives a very good historical fit of the sales developments during the period following theLehman collapse. We test the model's robustness to behavioral parameter estimation errors throughsensitivity analysis, and the de-stocking hypothesis against an alternative model. Finally, we observe thatthe empirical data is aligned with experimental observations regarding human behavioral mechanismsconcerning target adjustment times.

& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The world economy experienced a severe, sudden, and syn-chronized collapse in late 2008. The magnitude of the drop inglobal trade was the largest since World War II, it was the steepestin recorded history, and it was synchronized: all 104 nationswhere data is collected by the WTO experienced a drop in importsand exports during the second half of the year (Baldwin, 2009).Following the public collapse of the financial system (starting withthe Lehman Brothers bankruptcy in September 2008), firms allover the world observed substantial demand disruptions; salesplummeted across the board, and panic spread. While manyconsumer markets remained relatively stable (exceptions beingconsumer durables and capital goods), the manufacturing sectorobserved almost instantaneous demand drops (Dooley et al.,2010).

In crises such as these, managers are pressured to improve thefinancial position of the company at the same time that demandlevels are dropping dramatically. This typically leads to strategic

decisions such as reducing inventories (to reduce the level ofworking capital), downsizing (to reduce operational expenses),and closing manufacturing facilities (to reduce fixed assets). Thesedecisions, however, have substantial operational consequenceswhen demand increases at a later stage: the reduction of inventorylevels, workforce, and manufacturing facilities are decisions thatrequire significant time to be reversed. If the situation thattriggered such decisions is temporary and demand recovers fasterthan the speed at which firms can react, lost sales and generalproblems with inventory management will appear. Knowledgeabout the underlying dynamics behind the demand slump istherefore needed to avoid costly mistakes.

These underlying operational dynamics are a focus of extensivestudy as part of the systems-thinking approach introduced byForrester (1958). This approach centers on the use of SystemDynamics as the preferred methodology to replicate and under-stand the dynamic behavior of complex systems. System Dynamicsmodels explicitly simulate the behavior of individual componentspursuing local results, and exploit the structure of the system tomodel the interactions between these components. In doing so,System Dynamics allows the modeler to decouple endogenous,exogenous, and structural effects.

With regard to supply chain dynamics, observations are gen-erally made that (a) production variance tends to be greater than

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Int. J. Production Economics 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

n Correspondence to: Pavijloen F6, Postbus 513, 5600MB Eindhoven,The Netherlands. Tel.: þ31 40 247 5042.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Udenio),[email protected] (J.C. Fransoo), [email protected] (R. Peels).

Int. J. Production Economics 160 (2015) 34–46

demand variance, and (b) that this difference increases the furtherupstream a firm is. This has the effect of greatly amplifyingdemand fluctuations through a supply chain, and has been termed‘the bullwhip effect’ (Lee et al., 1997a). Analytical studies quantifythis effect (Chen et al., 2000); empirical studies show evidence ofits existence at a firm level (Metters, 1997; Fransoo and Wouters,2000; Bray and Mendelson, 2012); and a substantial experimentalbody of work investigates its causes and possible solutions(Sterman, 1989; Croson and Donohue, 2006). Empirical evidenceof the bullwhip effect at higher aggregation levels is, however,ambiguous: conclusive evidence of neither variance amplificationnor production smoothing has been found in public manufacturingdata (see Cachon et al., 2007, for a study based on U.S data). Thisapparent incompatibility between the predictions of the theory—supported by experimentation– and high-level observations is,however, explained by the effects of data aggregation. Chen andLee (2012) show that both product aggregation (whereby multipleitems are grouped into categories), and temporal aggregation(whereby information is grouped into quarters) mask the magni-tude of the bullwhip effect.

In this paper, we argue that firms reacted to the 2008 financialcrisis by reducing their working capital targets and, because itwas global and synchronized, this reaction introduced a signifi-cant shock in the world's supply chains—essentially creating aninventory-driven bullwhip effect. To test our hypothesis, weadopt supply chain modeling, experimentation, and validationmethods based on theory from the experimental work bySterman (1989) and Croson and Donohue (2006)—originallyfocused on the appearance of the bullwhip effect followingdemand shocks in a laboratory setting. We develop 4 differentsupply chain models for a major chemical company in theNetherlands and validate them with demand data from the crisisperiod. In terms of methodology, our work distinguishes itselffrom previous studies on inventory dynamics by using extensiveempirical data, framing the Lehman Brothers collapse as a naturalexperiment. We specifically distinguish between the direct esti-mation of the operational model parameters, such as lead times,and the econometric fitting of behavioral parameters, such asstock adjustment times. In terms of theory, we model aggregatesof companies at a particular level of the supply chain in aparticular region rather than individual decision makers (as iscommon in experiments) or firms (as is common in much of thesystem dynamics literature in supply chain management). Thecrisis time-frame, through the resulting synchronization in man-agerial objectives, gives us the opportunity to link aggregate andindividual human behaviors.

We show that the combination of declining end-markets andthe appearance of a synchronized inventory shock successfullyaccount for a significant portion of the observed long and shortterm dynamics. Moreover, to increase our confidence in the de-stocking hypothesis, we present an alternative model without theexplicit inventory adjustment reaction to the crisis. Our resultsshow that demand drops in the respective end markets were notsevere enough to explain by themselves the wild dynamicsobserved upstream.

In this view, exogenous end-markets drive the overall long-term evolution of sales, while endogenous behavior (such as theinventory decisions taken as a consequence of the crisis) primarilyimpacts the short term dynamics.

The contribution of this paper to the theory is thus threefold:(1) We identify the 2008 financial crisis as a natural experimentthat effectively controls for the masking effects of aggregation.This allows for the usage of a system dynamics framework basedon the bullwhip effect literature whereupon we model aggre-gate echelons. (2) We introduce a de-stocking hypothesis capableof explaining the demand evolution observed by upstream

companies following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. (3) Weidentify the importance of both consumer end-markets andordering behavior in the evolution of demand patterns throughtime. By explicitly modeling separate structural, operational, andbehavioral parameters, this study quantifies their contribution tothe observed transient behavior and allows for a comparison withresults obtained from experimental studies on individual humandecision making.

By explicitly modeling the impact of the sudden reduction ofinventory targets throughout the supply chain, we highlight theimpact that locally rational policies can have on overall supplychain performance. From a managerial perspective, we display thevalue of supply chain models that propagate end-market, andendogenous, dynamics up a supply chain. Whereas an upstreamfirm cannot avoid the bullwhip-like dynamics that follow shocksof the magnitude of those observed after the onset of the 2008financial crisis, it can use turning-point forecasts to supportstrategic decisions.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2we introduce several inventory puzzles present in the economicsliterature, use these to identify the challenges inherent in thestudy of inventories as part of aggregate models, and develop ourde-stocking hypothesis. Section 3 introduces the methodologyand model formulation. We extend prior experimental work andframe our models in the crisis time-period by explicitly modelingthe managerial decisions behind the hypothesized reduction ofinventory targets at an echelon level. In Section 4, we extend theechelon models to four different supply chains, and use empiricaldata to calibrate and validate these. We then formulate alter-native models—without the de-stocking hypothesis—to study theappropriateness of this hypothesis. We conclude in Section 5with a series of managerial insights.

2. Background and hypothesis development

When looking at the link between inventories and macroeconomic developments, Blinder and Maccini (1991) point outthat interest in inventory behavior seems to follow cycles, notunlike the economy we attempt to explain. Indeed, we observethat research on the role of inventories in the economy peaksthroughout history following extraordinary economic happeningssuch as the post-war period, the late seventies oil crisis, and—relevant to current developments—the financial crisis of 2008.

We refer the reader to Fitzgerald (1997) and Blinder andMaccini (1991) for comprehensive reviews of over 50 years ofdiscussions on inventory theory in the economics discipline andthe puzzles they attempt to solve. In his work, Fitzgerald (1997)identifies inconsistencies between theory and data, and the sub-sequent attempts of researchers to eliminate these discrepanciesfrom their models. Blinder and Maccini (1991) summarize theopposing views of micro and macro economists with regard to therole of inventories: the former discipline sees them as a stabilizingfactor, whereas the latter sees them as a de-stabilizing one.Despite these fundamental disagreements, Feldstein andAuerbach (1976) point out, inventory fluctuations have long beenrecognized as a major endogenous force in American businesscycles. In their experience, irrespective of the conceptual contra-dictions between contemporary models and the real-life processesbehind them, most studies of inventory behavior note that about75% of the cyclical downturn in gross national product (from peakto trough) can be accounted for by the reduction of businessinventories. Recognizing these conceptual difficulties, Lovell(1994) reflects upon the inherent challenge of trying to reconcilethese views. He poses a series of questions that—for all the body ofresearch available—remain open to this day: “(…) Do firms actually

M. Udenio et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 160 (2015) 34–46 35

attempt to smooth production? Is an empirical analysis ofindustry-level data enough? Is it necessary to analyze firm-leveldata in order to explain these effects?” These questions read as aresearch agenda on the mechanisms behind empirical observa-tions on both macro and micro levels, recognizing, among otherissues, the potential masking effects of aggregate data. In theoperations management literature, inventory theory is oftendeveloped in a stylized manner; with strong assumptions thatfavor mathematical tractability over the inclusion of the myriadfactors that are present in real life. The objective of thesesimplifications is to develop managerial insights that are bothrigorous, and useful in the real world. In an exploratory study,Rumyantsev and Netessine (2007) find evidence that manyinsights from classical inventory models survive aggregation anddo, in fact, hold up when analyzing empirical data.

The dynamics that stem from the interactions of subsequentechelons along a supply chain have been extensively studied in theoperations management literature. The fact that relatively smallshocks can introduce severe instabilities in entire systems wasshown by Forrester (1958), and is a central idea behind thebullwhip effect. The bullwhip effect has long been analyticallyand experimentally understood, and its effects and causes havesparked a great amount of research that has delivered valuablemanagerial insights (Sterman, 1989; Lee et al., 1997b; Croson andDonohue, 2006). This research spans a wide range of methodol-ogies, where the term bullwhip is used to describe a wide range ofbullwhip-like phenomena in contexts beyond the formal defini-tion of the classical causes and structural assumptions of thebullwhip effect (see, for example, Lee et al., 2014, for a descriptionof the “green bullwhip”). The work reported in this study isconsistent with this wider perspective on bullwhip phenomena.Even though the bullwhip effect itself is significant at the firmlevel (Metters, 1997; Fransoo and Wouters, 2000; Bray andMendelson, 2012), attempts to empirically quantify the effect athigher aggregation levels have not been successful: studies havefailed to prove it statistically significant at an industry level(Cachon et al., 2007; Bu et al., 2011). The lack of clear empiricalevidence is attributed to the influence of factors present ingovernment statistics such as their high level of aggregation(Chen and Lee, 2012), and seasonal adjustment (Gorman andBrannon, 2000). Furthermore, as Rumyantsev and Netessine(2007) point out, extending many structural properties fromsingle-product, single-echelon models to higher aggregation levels

also requires the assumption that products be homogeneous andtheir inventory control be synchronized.

With this in mind, the financial crisis of 2008 allows us to studyempirical data in a different way. Following the bankruptcy ofLehman Brothers on September 2008, the financial world founditself in turmoil; credit dried up almost instantly and manycompanies in the world shifted their financial priorities accordingto the “cash is king” motto: liquidity became essential. Freeing upcash in the short term through inventory divestment is onestrategy that can be followed by companies in times of distress(Sudarsanam and Lai, 2001). In a recent work, Pesch and Hoberg(2013) conduct an empirical study that shows that firms infinancial distress reduce their inventories as part of their turn-around strategy: 70% of the firms in their sample reduce theirinventories, with a median reduction of 9.4% of all inventories. Wehypothesize that firms all over the world reacted to the financialcollapse by significantly reducing their inventory targets. This,combined with the extraordinary synchronization observed dur-ing the period (Alessandria et al., 2010) and the ever increasinginfluence of supply chain dynamics in the global economy (Escaithet al., 2010), introduced a synchronized, endogenous, inventoryshock that generated an inventory-driven bullwhip effect. Earlystudies following the financial crisis seem to confirm this view inthe manufacturing sector (Dooley et al., 2010). Using the collapseas a natural experiment, we model supply chains at an aggregate-echelon level, use exogenous end market data to drive thosemodels, and validate them with primary empirical data collectedat a major dutch chemical company.

3. Theoretical background and model structure

In this section, we present our echelon model based uponSterman's managerial decision making and supply chain models(Sterman, 1989, 2000) and follow with an introduction to the de-stocking logic we use to model the hypothesized reaction to thecredit crisis.

3.1. Echelon model

An echelon model consists of three decision areas (see Fig. 1):the forecasting and orders sector tracks the incoming customerorders, maintains the echelon sales forecast, and generates

Fig. 1. Overview of a modeled echelon.

M. Udenio et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 160 (2015) 34–4636

material orders. The production sector regulates inventories andproduction, and the delivery sector keeps track of customerdeliveries and backlogs. The model assumes no lost sales, and isbased on continuous time system dynamics simulations. There isno sequence of events as such; cause and effect relationships aremodeled by differential equations (i.e. we model rates of change),and products are modeled as continuous flows (demand is anoutflow, incoming orders an inflow).

Because these echelon models are linked to one another(deliveries from one echelon become material receipts for theechelon immediately downstream in its supply chain), each of theparameters we define has a subscript ½n¼ ð1;…;NÞ� that representsits place in the supply chain. We number echelons from down-stream to upstream: the most downstream echelon being 1 and themost upstream N. In the case of diverging supply chains, where oneechelon can potentially have several direct customers, we introducea second index after a period, that indicates the existence of otherparallel echelons in the supply chain. Table 1 shows a summary ofall parameters and variables in the echelon model.

3.2. Forecasting

The forecasting sector maintains a sales forecast by accumulat-ing the differences between the incoming customer demandðOn�1Þ and the previous forecast (Fn). When demand exceeds theforecast it is updated upwards and vice-versa. To allow for asmoothing of the forecast, these differences are divided by theforecast adjustment time ðτnðFÞÞ, indicating whether the wholedifference or only a fraction is taken into account.


� �Fn ¼


: ð1Þ

3.3. Production

The production sector models the flow of material through theechelon. The incoming material rate (An) is equal to the deliveryrate of the immediately upstream echelon ðDnþ1Þ,An ¼Dnþ1: ð2ÞThe supply line is the cumulative difference between orders placedand orders received,


� �SLn ¼ On�An: ð3Þ

Incoming material is stored as work in process (Wn). In the interestof simplicity we do not model any production release rule. Thus, thework in process stock is not used strategically or as a controlvariable: all incoming material is committed to production, and theproduction rate is modeled by applying a fixed delay (equal to theproduction time PTn) to the order arrival rate. System dynamicsmodeling allows for the introduction of this discrete step in themodel, which approximates the real production process,

Pn ¼DELAYðAn; PTnÞ: ð4ÞEq. (4) assumes a production model where the manufacturing timeis independent of the utilization rate, it also implicitly assumes thatthere are no capacity limitations for production (the model can bestraightforwardly extended to include capacity limitations).

On -hand inventory (Sn) depends on the delivery rate (Dn) andthe production rate (Pn),


� �Sn ¼ Pn�Dn: ð5Þ

Material orders are based on an anchor and adjustment heuristic(Tversky and Kahneman, 1974): the sales forecast acts as the

anchor, with the adjustment stemming from the differencebetween actual and target stock (and supply pipeline) levels.

To calculate the target stock, we start with the desired on handinventory coverage measured in time units ðC nÞ. When this ismultiplied by the sales forecast, we obtain the desired on handstock ðSnÞ in units of product.

Sn ¼ C nFn: ð6ÞAnalogously, there is a supply line level ðSLnÞ consisting of themultiplication of the lag (lead time) and the forecasted volumes,

SLn ¼ Fn Lnð Þ: ð7Þ

3.4. Orders

Once we have calculated the desired levels of on-hand andsupply line inventories, we generate adjustment orders with thepurpose of closing the gap between the actual values of theseinventories, and their desired (target) levels. The inventory adjust-ment time ðτnðSÞÞ and supply line adjustment time ðτnðSLÞÞ repre-sent the time allowed for these quantities to reach the desiredlevels. These adjustment times model the behavioral aspect of theorder generation. Short times imply a nervous buying behaviorwhereas a long adjusting time is equivalent to a smooth orderingstrategy. We define the stock adjustment orders ðOnðSÞÞ and supplyline adjustment orders ðOnðSLÞÞ as

OnðSÞ ¼Sn�SnτnðSÞ

; ð8Þ

OnðSLÞ ¼ SLn�SLnτnðSLÞ

: ð9Þ

Eqs. (10) and (9) calculate the difference between desired andactual values and spread these in equal parts over the amount ofperiods specified by the adjustment times. Finally, generatedorders (On) are calculated as

On ¼max f0; FnþOnðSÞþOnðSLÞg: ð10Þ

3.5. Delivery

A backlog is used to keep track of orders. The backlog iscalculated as the cumulative difference between the incomingcustomer order rate On�1 and actual delivery rate (Dn). O0, thedemand observed by the echelon closest to the end market, is theonly exogenous input to the model 1,


� �Bn ¼ On�1�Dn: ð11Þ

The order delivery rate (Dn) is the rate of product that is actuallyshipped out in response to the incoming customer orders. To calculatethis, we first define the desired delivery rate ðDÞ, which is equal to thecurrent backlog divided by the expected delivery delay ðτnðLÞÞ,

Dn ¼Bn

τnðLÞ: ð12Þ

The maximum delivery rate ðmaxðDÞnÞ per period depends on theability of firm to physically prepare the products for shipment,modeled as the minimum time to fill orders ðτnðIÞÞ,

maxðDÞn ¼SnτnðIÞ

: ð13Þ

We calculate the delivery ratio (Rn) as the proportion of outstandingorders that can be shipped from stock,

Rn ¼min 1;maxðDÞn


� �: ð14Þ

M. Udenio et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 160 (2015) 34–46 37

Finally, the actual order fulfillment rate is equal to the desired deliveryrate multiplied by the delivery ratio,

Dn ¼ DnRn: ð15ÞAlternatively, we can combine Eqs. (13)–(16) and define the orderfulfillment rate as

Dn ¼minBn


� �: ð16Þ

3.6. Modeling de-stocking decisions

We model de-stocking decisions by decreasing the desiredinventory coverage ðCn Þ of an echelon n at time T by a fractiondn (with 0rdno1).

Thus, we can define C n as

C n ¼Cn if toT;ð1�dnÞCn if tZT:


where Cn is the desired stock coverage in “normal” (non-crisis)situations. It is important to note that de-stocking is a decision tolower target stock levels that are measured in time units. It is nota decision to reduce its absolute value, nor does it imply thedestruction or writing-off of inventory. In this way, we separateexplicit decisions to lower inventory targets from the implicitreductions that come from a decrease in sales.

3.7. On the equivalence of the ordering policy

The model presented in this section is a straightforwardextension of the model found in Sterman (2000). In particular,we introduce an explicit de-stocking decision and a discreteproduction delay. The structure of this ordering policy, however,is not unique to System Dynamics models, and can be found inother branches of the literature.

In the behavioral operations literature, an equivalent rule isused to model the decision-making behavior of human managers.In this context, the model is presented based upon its equivalenceto an ‘anchor and adjustment heuristic’ (Tversky and Kahneman,1974). These heuristics are used to describe human decision-making biases: Orders are calculated by selecting an anchor (inthis case the forecast) with subsequent adjustments motivated bydeviations from the target stock and supply line levels (Sterman,1989; Croson et al., 2014).

The control theoretic branch of inventory theory also uses afamily of models based on the same principles as the modeldescribed in this paper. The more general of the models in thisframework, the Automatic Pipeline Variable Inventory Order-basedProduction Control System (APVIOPCS), is a discrete-time, constant-coverage, equivalent of our System Dynamics model. Linking thisframework with other branches of inventory theory, Dejonckheereet al. (2003) show that these models are essentially modified OrderUp To (OUT) policies. In particular, when the supply line and stockadjustments are taken fully into account every period then thismodel is equivalent to an OUT policy with a safety lead timeproportional to the inventory coverage. The more general cases,when the supply line and stock adjustments are not equal, nor arethey taken fully into account every period (as in this paper), canthus be thought of smoothed variations of OUT policies—with thekey difference being that OUT policies have only one feedback loop,for the inventory position (the sum of the on-hand stock and thesupply line). For a survey of the different policies explored in thecontrol theoretic literature, and a discussion on the implications ofindependent supply line and stock adjustments, we refer the readerto Ortega and Lin (2004) and Udenio et al. (2013).

4. Results and analysis

In this section, we use the echelon model as a building block toconstruct, calibrate, and validate 4 different supply chain modelsbased upon data collected at our research company.

The methodology presented thus far concerns the modeling ofa single echelon in a supply chain: The input to an echelon modelis a customer order and its output is an order placed to a supplier.To model a supply chain, we link echelon models according to thecustomer/supplier relationships defined by its structure (e.g.number of echelons, linear, divergent) and parameterize theindividual echelons. We run the supply chain models using end-market sales data as their exogenous inputs.

Each of the echelon models is defined by operational andbehavioral parameters. Operational parameters posses a concreteinterpretation in the day-to-day operation of a firm (e.g. targetstocks and production times) and are thus set based upon expertinterviews. Behavioral parameters (e.g. supply line and stockadjustment times), on the other hand, define the relationshipbetween internal variables—product of explicit or implicit man-agerial decisions—and are thus estimated through a process ofmodel calibration. The de-stocking decisions we hypothesize,however, do not fall squarely in either of these definitions. Whilethese decisions correspond to the operation of the firm, we couldfind no hard evidence of the desired inventory reductions. Rather,the de-stocking decisions corresponded to financial recommenda-tions from upper management, which were estimated to be ‘onthe order of 10–20%’. Similarly, de-stocking decisions do notconform to the definition of a behavioral characteristic of themodels. Thus, de-stocking is estimated via scenario analysis basedupon expert interviews: Feasible de-stocking quantities (from 5 to30% reductions of desired stocks) are defined in discrete incre-ments, the calibration is performed for each of these scenarios,and the best fit is chosen. Potentially, the amount of de-stockingcould depend on a series of firm characteristics such as the type ofproduct and distance from the end market. However, due to thelimitations of our data, we can only quantify the cumulative effectof de-stocking on the uppermost echelon. We therefore use asingle de-stocking parameter for each supply chain.

The rest of this section is divided as follows. We explain themodel set-up and data collection in Section 4.1. Then, we definethe structure of the modeled supply chains and the operationalparameters in Section 4.2, and the estimation of behavioralparameters in Section 4.3. Finally, we study the historical fit ofthe model in Section 4.4, and analyze an alternative model, wherethe de-stocking hypothesis is suppressed, in Section 4.5.

4.1. Model set-up and data collection

Two distinct flows appear when we link individual echelonmodels to form a supply chain model: An information flow thattravels upstream (orders), and a material flow that travels down-stream (deliveries). The information flow of any supply chainoriginates at the sales point of a finished product (i.e. its end-market). Thus, the demand information observed by an upstreamentity is a function of the original signal, generated by the end-market, and transformed—throughout its flow upstream—by thesubsequent echelons of the particular supply chain (in the case ofdivergent supply chains, the combination of end-market signals).We use the 2008 credit crisis as a natural experiment because itallows us to link these end-market signals to the correspondingupstream demand: The synchronization observed during theperiod effectively controls for the smoothing effects of aggrega-tion. Explicitly, we assume that (a) entities at a given echelonshare the same structure, (b) entities at a given echelon share thesame behavior during this time frame, and (c) the information

M. Udenio et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 160 (2015) 34–4638

distortion that is observed in the passage of demand informationupstream, from its origin in the end-market, corresponds to locallyrational policies at each stage of the supply chain (i.e. no demandinformation is arbitrarily created or discarded by intermediateechelons). We base this approach upon the observation thatempirical data shows that, during the credit crisis, turning pointsin sales and inventories were indeed aligned by tiers, suggestingsynchronized behavior by stages (Dooley et al., 2010).

Conceptually, we model echelons that represent a group ofcompeting companies providing the same product to the samesupply chain. This follows what Sprague and Wacker (1996) defineas the modeling with a “disaggregation by stages along theinventory stream”. They point out that management practicegeneralizations made in this way recognize the impact of themanagement of inventory as it progresses through the stages. Inparticular, we model 4 different supply chains to which a dutchchemical firm (where we collected primary data) belongs to. As areference, 4 different business units of this firm are situated 4–5echelons upstream from retail demand in each of these supplychains. The upstream products sold into these supply chains areresins, thermoplastics, and polymers; the end-markets wherethese can be found are shown in Table 2. Each individual supplychain is defined by a “product family” of the upstream manufac-turer. The aggregation level for each of these is defined by eachbusiness unit and represents an aggregation level that is used formedium-term decision making in each unit's Supply and Opera-tions Planning (S&OP) procedures.1 SKU's in the given productfamilies generally only differ in the mix and quantity of thecomponent materials; characteristics such as production time,safety stocks, and lead times are assumed to be equal.

We use monthly, EU27 sales data available from Eurostat as aproxy for the demand for each of the end-markets. The series usedare: Construction index, automobile registrations, household

goods retail index, and production indexes for: food products(C10), paper and paper products (C17), glass and glass products(C23.1), basic metal and metal products (C24), and motor vehicles(C29.1). All data is normalized with the average of 2007¼100. Dueto the continuous nature of the System Dynamics simulations, themonthly frequency of the data is approximated to the numericalintegration step (daily) through a cubic spline interpolation. Thisimplicitly assumes continuous production, which is reasonable inthe context of process industries. The work at each of the four sitesof the company began with a kickoff meeting with managementwhere the objectives and scope of the study were explained anddefined. Following these, interviews were conducted with employ-ees to formalize data collection procedures. The structure of thesupply chain model and the parameterization of operationalparameters is based on input from these employees, complemen-ted with information obtained from players distributed along thesupply chain. The modeling work was performed on-site, whichallowed for additional ad-hoc interviews and further familiariza-tion with the particulars of each individual supply chain.

4.2. Structure and operational parameters

The number of echelons, structure, and end markets of each ofthe 4 supply chains are all different and can be seen in Fig. 2.The supply chains in this study consist mainly of chemical firmsupstream and make-to-stock component suppliers downstream.For further context, we present an appendix where we describethe different stages of supply chain 3 in greater detail. For thisstudy, we consider our research site to be the upstream-mostboundary of each supply chain. The parameterization of theoperational parameters per echelon is shown in Table 3.

To simplify the models, we assume deterministic lead timesand the availability of resources such that order preparation doesnot introduce significant lags. Thus, the expected delivery delayðτnðLÞÞ is equal to its own delivery lead time ðLn�1Þ, and theminimum time to fill orders ðτnðIÞÞ is equal to 1. Due to theabsence of disaggregated data, the lead time is defined as thetime between placing an order and its receipt (i.e. it encompasses

Table 1Definitions and sources of model parameters and variables.

Parameter/Variable Dimensions Source

ParametersLn Incoming delivery lead time at echelon n Weeks Set based on interviewsPTn Production time of echelon n Weeks Set based on interviewsτnðSLÞ Supply line adjustment time at echelon n Weeks Estimated to fit past dataτnðSÞ Stock adjustment time at echelon n Weeks Estimated to fit past dataτnðFÞ Forecast adjustment time at echelon n Weeks Estimated to fit past dataτnðLÞ Expected delivery delay at echelon n Weeks Set a fortiori and based on interviewsτnðLÞ Minimum time to fill orders at echelon n Weeks Set a fortiori and based on interviews

C n Desired on-hand inventory coverage at echelon n Weeks Set based on interviews

dn De-stocking fraction at echelon n Dimensionless Judgmentally set based on interviews

VariablesSn On-hand stock at echelon n Units EndogenousSLn Supply line at echelon n Units EndogenousWn Work in process stock at echelon n Units EndogenousPn Production rate of echelon n Units/Week EndogenousFn Sales forecast at echelon n Units Endogenous

Dn Desired delivery rate echelon n Units/Week Endogenous

Sn Desired on-hand inventory at echelon n Units Endogenous

SLn Desired supply line at echelon n Units Endogenous

On(SL) Supply line adjustment of orders at echelon n Units EndogenousOn(S) Stock adjustment of orders at echelon n Units EndogenousOn Orders placed by echelon n Units EndogenousDn Delivery rate at echelon n Units/Week EndogenousAn Incoming material rate at echelon n Units/Week EndogenousRn Delivery ratio echelon n Units/Week EndogenousBn Backlog at echelon n Units Endogenous

1 Product families analyzed in this study are, among others, water-borne resinsused in the production of the paint used in a specific range of constructionproducts, and automotive-grade Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM)rubber used in the manufacturing of engine hoses.

M. Udenio et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 160 (2015) 34–46 39

both the informational and physical components of the delay). Wemake two additional assumptions regarding the boundary condi-tions: (1) Orders placed by the uppermost echelon in a supplychain are always served by a supplier with infinite stock, and(2) downstream demand is exogenous and composed of theindividual demand signals of the end markets that require thematerials produced upstream.

Having defined the structure and operational parameters foreach of the supply chain models, we proceed with the analysis ofthe de-stocking decisions and the estimation of behavioral para-meters through calibration.

4.3. Model calibration and behavioral parameters

Oliva (2003) defines model calibration as the process ofestimating parameters to obtain a match between modeled andobserved behavior and argues that it is, in itself, a stringent test of

the validity of the model linking structure and behavior. Never-theless, he points out that achieving a good historical fit is notenough to confirm the dynamic hypothesis behind the model; themodel has to match the observed behavior for the right reasons.Partial model calibration, the process of estimating parameterswithin a subset of model parameters instead of the entire modelparameter space, introduced by Homer (1983) is the preferredcalibration strategy for system dynamics models because it“reduces the risk of the structure being forced into fitting thedata, increases the efficiency of the estimation (estimators withsmaller variances), and concentrates the differences betweenobserved and simulated behavior in the piece of structure respon-sible for that behavior” (Oliva, 2003). However, we cannot performpartial calibration for our supply chain models because we lackprimary sales and inventory data at the intermediate levels, and itis not possible to map secondary empirical data to individualechelons. To overcome this, we perform a full model calibrationand follow it with: (i) a sanity check of the estimated parameters(is the model structure sound?) and (ii) the test of an alternativehypothesis (can we achieve the same behavior through a differentstructure?) to increase the confidence in our model.

We use the corresponding secondary EU27 end-market data asthe input for each of the end-markets in our models and primary

Table 2Summary of end-markets served by the 4 modeled supply chains.

Supply chain End markets

Supply chain 1 (resins a) Residential and commercial construction;residential and commercial repair &maintenance.

Supply Chain 2 (resins b) Residential and commercial construction;residential and commercial repair &maintenance;furniture sales.

Supply chain 3 (polymers) Automotive sales.

Supply Chain 4(thermoplastics)

Automotive manufacturing; Glass panelmanufacturing;metal manufacturing; Food manufacturing;paper and pulp manufacturing;residential and commercial construction.

Fig. 2. Supply chain structures. (a) Supply chain 1, (b) supply chain 2, (c) supply chain 3, and (d) supply chain 4.

Table 3Operational Supply Chain parameters per echelon.

Supply chain 1 Supply chain 2 Supply chain 3 Supply chain 4

C Ln PTn C Ln PTn C Ln PTn C Ln PTn

1.1 5 10 1 1.1 8 4 1 1 4 3 1.5 1 8 0.25 21.2 5 10 1 1.2 4 4 1 2 2 1 1 2 14 0.25 52 8 2 1 1.3 4 4 1 3 1.5 2 1 3 10 0.25 43 8 2 1 2.1 8 4 1 4 1 2 1 4 8 0.25 14 4 2 1 3 8 0.25 1 5 2 2 1

4 3 0.25 15 2 0.25 1

M. Udenio et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 160 (2015) 34–4640

sales data from our research company as a proxy for upstreamdemand. This assumption is reasonable all through the historicalperiod used for the calibration (where no capacity shortages wereobserved). Due to the existence of only one exogenous time seriesper supply chain, we use 27 months of historical data (Jan 2007–Mar 2009) to calibrate the model, then freeze the model para-meters and use further 24 months (Apr 2009–Mar 2011) to runand validate the model. The calibration time period is selected sothat it includes the hypothesized de-stocking period. This step isimplemented within the simulation software; simulations areperformed for each supply chain by generating model runs whereall the operational parameters are fixed as established in Section 4.2,while the behavioral parameters are varied. The cumulative sum ofsquared errors between the estimated demand and the historicalsales data is calculated per run and the combination of parametersthat minimizes this error is then chosen. Formally, the minimizationcorresponds to



t ¼ 1ðON�1ðtÞ� ~DNðtÞÞ2: ð18Þ

where N is the most upstream echelon in the supply chain, and~DNðtÞ is the historical sales data for time t at echelon N (our researchcompany). In other words, we compare the orders generated by themodeled customers of our research site with the actual historicalsales of said firm and search for the parameter values that minimizethe error. The minimization is performed through a modifiedPowell–Brent algorithm (Brent, 2002). For computational purposesand to reduce the search space, τðSÞ, τðSLÞ, and τðFÞ are estimatedthrough their reciprocals, αS, αSL, and Θ (with αS, αSL;ΘA ½0;1�).Table 4 lists all the parameters estimated through calibration,including the 95% confidence intervals calculated through a sensi-tivity analysis. The de-stocking fractions, estimated through acombination of interviews and scenario analysis, are also shownin this table.

In all cases, the confidence bounds of the estimations for theuppermost echelon are lax: this is due to the data available forcalibration being the historical sales of this echelon. None of theparameters in the model allow a firm to influence its own demand

via strategic decisions. Thus, the uppermost echelon can eithermeet the demand or incur in destabilizing stock-outs. The con-fidence bounds represent the parameter space that allows for theformer. Similarly, the amount of parameters being estimated froma single time series (between 12 and 21, depending on the supplychain) explain the size of the confidence intervals of the supplyline adjustment time, which are particularly large. A parameterestimated to be 1 corresponds to a parameter that is not takeninto account in the ordering heuristic. The upper bound for thesupply line adjustment time for all but two of the echelons is 1,which suggests that we cannot reject the hypothesis that firmscompletely ignore the supply line. On the other hand, the lowerbound for 2/3 of the echelons is larger than one, which suggestssmoothing of the supply line adjustment.

This is consistent with results from experiments found in thebehavioral literature (Sterman, 1989). The gap between desiredand actual supply lines is severely underestimated in the orderingdecisions: both the means and medians of the supply line adjust-ment time ðτðSLÞÞ are larger than the respective values for the stockadjustment times (two-sample t-tests on the means, Wilcoxonrank-sum tests for the medians, all pr0:01) as well as the valuesfor the forecast adjustment time (pr0:1 when comparing meansand pr0:01 when comparing medians).

When we compare the stock and forecast adjustment times, onthe other hand, we find no statistical difference between neithertheir means nor their medians—suggesting a smoothing of thesame order of magnitude for the adjustment of the inventory gapand the forecast updating.

We next compare the adjustment times between the differentsupply chains to test for any differences in the inherent behavior.We find no significant difference among the different supplychains, implying that the overall behavior, and the mechanisms,behind all the models is comparable.

4.4. Historical fit and structural validity

Following the calibration, we run the four supply chain modelsdriven by the exogenous end-market and the de-stocking

Table 4Estimated behavioral parameters and de-stocking fractions.

Echelon τðSÞ 95% CI τðSLÞ 95% CI τðFÞ 95% CI

Supply chain 1 ðdn ¼ 0:15Þ1.1 3.65 2.17 6.39 5.51 2.17 15.07 6.25 1.00 29.531.2 9.49 4.42 14.46 1 24.46 1 1 120.39 12 9.19 7.59 11.38 1 7.59 1 8.81 5.63 14.883 13.70 11.86 15.97 1 11.86 1 21.75 16.54 29.124 10.00 1.30 1 60.25 1.30 1 10.00 1.00 2561.69

Supply chain 2 ðdn ¼ 0:25Þ1.1 4.39 3.20 5.71 1 7.83 1 3.91 1.00 17.711.2 25.62 1.00 1 1 1.00 1 110.74 1.00 11.3 540.86 159.26 1 901,432.01 79.63 1 1 204.94 12.1 5.44 2.81 7.80 2.72 1.40 6.28 5.02 2.22 7.773 8.16 6.67 10.01 81.62 3.34 1 14.11 10.01 20.574 31.84 23.89 44.31 76100.78 11.95 1 8.60 6.86 10.765 10.00 1.00 72.52 100.00 1.00 1 10.00 1.00 49.93

Supply chain 3 ðdn ¼ 0:20Þ1 12.97 10.61 15.87 1 11.02 1 1377.31 124.29 12 3.11 1.78 5.04 10.80 1.88 1 1.00 1.00 16.043 9.21 7.81 11.02 1 37.13 1 13.27 8.40 21.964 12.09 9.42 16.04 1 10.09 1 11.52 8.47 16.015 10.00 1.00 1 60.25 1.00 1 6.03 1.00 1

Supply chain 4 ðdn ¼ 0:10Þ1 14.55 12.11 17.45 16.28 6.06 1 1 399.02 12 8.63 7.27 10.23 37,643.27 15.08 1 16.15 10.55 24.473 11.23 9.33 13.57 1 19.70 1 8.63 5.90 12.264 16.88 1.00 445.38 56.67 0.50 1 1011.40 1.00 1

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hypothesis. To validate the models, we compare the actual salesrealizations of the upstream-most echelon of each of the supplychains with the corresponding modeled demand. Fig. 3 shows themodel outputs against the seasonally corrected upstream demandrealizations.2 The vertical axis represents the demand expressed in% of the average 2007 demand and the dotted vertical linesindicate the threshold for the calibration period. Table 5 showsthe root mean squared error (RMSE), R2, and Theil inequalitystatistics for the data series shown in the figure. These inequalitystatistics decompose the mean square error into three fractionsrepresenting: unequal means (Um), unequal variances (Us), andimperfect correlation (Uc) (Theil, 1966). A low Um indicates astrong correspondence between the modeled mean and the actualmean, and a low Us indicates a similar correspondence betweenvariances. Therefore, low variance and means statistics indicatethat the error is unsystematic, and therefore desirable (Oliva andSterman, 2001).

The models, driven by one exogenous data series (end custo-mer demand), and the de-stocking policy (desired stock reductionsin September 2008) show good tracking of the overall bullwhip-like behavior of the system. The low RMSE values, combined withthe unsystematic nature of the errors for all four data seriesincrease the confidence in the model, and hence in the underlyingde-stocking hypothesis.

However, a match between observed and simulated behavior isnot in itself enough to accept the model and hypothesis. As Oliva(2003) explains, “There is a chance that a set of parameter valuesmight be capable of replicating the observed behavior through aset of unrealistic formulations, and thus generate the rightbehavior for the wrong reasons”. To test the validity of the model,we need to analyze what the estimated parameters say about itsstructure, and follow this up with an analysis of an alternative

model to test whether the same behavior can be achieved througha different structure.

As mentioned in Section 4.3, the large confidence bounds forthe supply line adjustment time, coupled with the statisticallysignificant underestimation of the supply line ðτðSLÞ4τðSÞÞ areconsistent with findings from the behavioral operations literature.In this (mainly) experimental body of work, individual humanbehavior is analyzed in the context of the beer distribution game.Three of the most salient such studies are Sterman (1989), Crosonand Donohue (2006), and Croson et al. (2014). In these experi-ments, students (and professionals) play the beer game underdifferent settings, and their behavior is estimated through the useof regression analysis on a decision rule equivalent to Eq. (10).These studies consistently report underestimation of the pipelineand a smoothing of both the forecast and stock adjustment times.The fact that these characteristics are observed in the behavioralparameters of our calibrated models increases our confidence onits structural validity—the behavior of the models is consistentwith prior research.

4.5. Alternative model

The de-stocking hypothesis presented in this paper is moti-vated by a variety of results from the inventory management andeconomics literature. It has been shown that firms can convertassets into cash in the short-term (Sudarsanam and Lai, 2001), andthat lowering inventories is a common response to financialdistress (Pesch and Hoberg, 2013). Furthermore, studies focused

Fig. 3. Model output vs. seasonally corrected sales data. (a) Supply chain 1, (b) supply chain 2, (c) supply chain 3, and (d) supply chain 4.

Table 5Historical fit statistics.

Model RMSE (%) R2 Um Us Uc

Supply chain 1 4.85 0.60 0.041 0.226 0.733Supply chain 2 5.70 0.84 0.025 0.087 0.888Supply chain 3 7.39 0.84 0.020 0.101 0.879Supply chain 4 9.86 0.82 0.001 0.051 0.948

2 Note that the time series for actual sales in supply chain 1 has an extra year ofdata available. This corresponds to the nature of the collaboration agreements,which where negotiated independently with each of the different business units.

M. Udenio et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 160 (2015) 34–4642

on the mechanisms behind the recent 2008 financial crisis havereported on its extraordinary magnitude and synchronization(Alessandria et al., 2010). In line with this, anecdotal evidencepoints to decisions having been made to reduce working capital:formal and informal interviews with decision makers across theindustry support this view.

However, the empirical validation of our hypothesis not possi-ble: Inventory targets are not explicitly reported, and we cannotuse actual inventories as a proxy for inventory targets during thetime-frame of this study. The decision to reduce inventory targetstriggers a shock that immediately affects orders, but its effect oninventory levels is substantially more complex: The combinationof time delays and declining demand caused inventory levels tospike following the start of the crisis, further increasing the gapbetween target and actual inventory levels.

Therefore, to further test our model and—in particular—thede-stocking hypothesis driving it, we perform additional experi-ments to rule out alternative explanations. To do so, we repeat thecalibration procedure from Section 4.3 this time with a version ofthe model where Eq. (17) is replaced by a constant C n. Thestructure of the models and the operational parameters of thealternative model remain the same as those of the original model.In Fig. 4 we show the model outputs of these calibrated alternativemodels; Tables 6 and 7 respectively show the calibrated behavioralparameters and the fit statistics of the alternative models for eachsupply chain.

With regard to the calibrated parameters of the alternativemodel we, again, observe relatively large values for the supply lineadjustment times coupled with large confidence interval. Thissuggests a significant under-estimation of the supply line, a resultthat is consistent with behavioral theory and with the findings ofthe original model. In particular, we find no significant differencewhen testing the mean and median values of the supply lineadjustment times of both the original and alternative models.

When looking at the output of the alternative model, we seethat the alternative model adequately tracks the average, or long-term, demand variations but fails to explain the magnitude of the

demand drops and their timing—we see that the output of thealternative model is appreciably more stable than the originalone. If we compare the alternative model runs with the original(de-stocking) model runs we can see that the end market sales drivethe long-term evolution of upstream sales, while the short termbullwhip-like dynamics are dominated by shocks. This is confirmed byan analysis of the fit statistics of the alternative model (presented inTable 8). Not only does the original model exhibit lower RMSE andlarger R2 (two-sample t-tests for the means pr0:05, Wilcoxon rank-sum test for the medians pr0:05, and pr0:1 respectively), but theTheil statistics denote that the error presents in the alternative modelsis more systematic than those of the original models.

Behaviorally, it is interesting to note that both the original andalternative models seem to present a consistent picture. Especiallywhen comparing the median values of the calibrated adjustmenttimes, we see that the stock and forecasting adjustment times areof a comparable magnitude, while the supply line adjustment timesare significantly larger. This implies that, in order to track medium tolong term demand changes, firms tend to smooth their orders.Consequently, short term dynamics seem to stem from other sourcesof adjustments such as changes in desired stock levels.

5. Conclusions and managerial insights

Behavioral dynamics in supply chains have been widelyresearched. Initial studies by Forrester (1958) analyzed data atthe level of individual or series of companies. Following the workby Lee et al. (1997a), extensive analytical work has been con-ducted, and more recently, driven by the work by Sterman (1989)and Croson and Donohue (2005), focus has been on laboratoryexperimentation. On the empirical front, Cachon et al. (2007) donot find conclusive evidence for the existence of the bullwhipeffect in aggregate empirical data. Chen and Lee (2012), throughanalytical work, argue that it is the aggregation of the data thatplays an important role in hiding some of the effect, which isobserved at a firm level (Bray and Mendelson, 2012).

Fig. 4. Alternative model output vs. seasonally corrected sales data. (a) supply chain 1, (b) supply chain 2, (c) supply chain 3, and (d) supply chain 4.

M. Udenio et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 160 (2015) 34–46 43

In this study, we use observations following the collapse ofLehman Brothers in the Fall of 2008 to develop a hypothesisregarding target level setting and investigate the explanatorypower of behavioral dynamics. Our study observes demand atthe level of an individual company, but takes into account thehypothesized dynamic decision making behavior at meso-level.With this, our study sets itself apart from previous studies, and notonly builds upon the lines of research discussed above, but also onresearch in economics studying inventory cycles.

Our results show that the theoretical results of (among others)Sterman (1989) and Croson and Donohue (2006) together with an

inventory shock, can explain a large part of the dynamic evolutionof demand observed upstream in the periods following the start ofthe recent credit crisis. The endogenous replenishment processdrives the evolution of demand throughout the supply chain,determined by structural characteristics of the supply chain(following Forrester, 1958), and the hypothesized human behavior(following Sterman, 1989). The empirical evidence presentedshows that slow reaction speeds, and an apparent underestima-tion of the supply pipeline are prevalent at higher aggregationlevels, suggesting that they go beyond being a phenomenon ofindividual decision-making biases. At this level, the supply lineunderestimation seems to be caused not from an incorrectestimation of target values, but as a combination of the inherentreaction time of firms and a decision rule that eschews thetracking of the supply line by instead steering on large amountsof on-hand inventory. This finding calls for further study on theordering behavior of firms; if behavioral biases influence decision-making at the echelon level, how can—and should—firms overcomethem?. Equally important: how do these behaviors change over time?

To increase the confidence in our de-stocking hypothesis in thepresence of limited data, we presented an alternative modelwithout the hypothesized de-stocking. Our results in four supplychains show that the underlying behavior of both models isconsistent between them and with prior research, and that whilethe exogenous demand at consumer level and endogenous order-ing decisions in the supply chain drive the overall demandevolution, short-term demand bullwhip-like dynamics are mainlydriven by the de-stocking response to the crisis.

For managers, our results have implications at both thestrategic and tactical levels of decision making. Tactically, formanagers it is much more important to keep track of consumerdemands, supported by an endogenous simulation of orderingbehaviors to make demand forecasts, rather than relying exclu-sively on information obtained from one or two echelons down-stream. These simulation-based forecasts can drive decisions onplant openings and closures, staffing decisions, and aggregateinventory strategies. Additionally, our results highlight the impor-tance of understanding the implications that policy changes

Table 6Estimated behavioral parameters for the alternative model.

Echelon τðSÞ 95% CI τðSLÞ 95% CI τðFÞ 95% CI

Supply chain 11.1 1.00 1.00 1.27 5.80 5.69 7.47 1.00 1.00 2.731.2 35.51 34.08 37.45 134,441.23 18396.22 1 4779.57 4121.37 5923.292 11.23 7.44 22.01 187,103.83 3.72 1 7.49 4.70 12.193 9.67 6.82 15.90 59,794.30 3.41 1 7.38 3.92 13.874 10.00 1.00 1 100.00 0.50 1 6.03 1.00 3427.92

Supply chain 21.1 1.98 1.63 2.62 1 3.02 1 3.92 1.57 9.771.2 21.03 1.00 1 1666.67 1.00 1 47.00 1.00 11.3 49.68 28.39 96.79 1 1.00 1 84.65 38.60 343.642.1 1.00 1.00 3.48 0.50 1.00 0.88 2.86 1.20 5.853 11.76 7.51 18.35 10.00 1.00 1 10.63 6.75 17.604 3.04 1.29 6.46 1.00 1.00 1 13.69 5.26 45.405 10.00 1.14 1 4.31 1.00 1 10.00 1.00 174.73

Supply chain 31 2.32 2.27 2.46 139.41 35.45 1 1.00 1.00 4.172 19.18 13.44 30.20 1 6.76 1 15.89 10.33 26.463 18.07 13.14 26.79 1 22.45 1 16.05 10.38 26.934 1.01 1.00 1.40 4.25 1.26 6.87 1.00 1.00 2.995 10.00 1.00 1 60.25 1.00 1 10.00 1.00 1

Supply chain 41 19.98 14.20 28.41 1 12.74 1 2.52 1.00 6.182 17.75 14.61 21.75 1 19.95 1 9.95 6.54 13.893 18.23 14.68 22.88 1 19.31 1 10.75 7.10 15.094 14.52 1.00 1 18.59 1.00 1 5.22 1.00 1

Table 7Alternative model fit statistics.

Model RMSE (%) R2 Um Us Uc

Supply chain 1 7.87 0.16 0.245 0.389 0.366Supply chain 2 12.02 0.43 0.200 0.036 0.764Supply chain 3 10.93 0.65 0.027 0.193 0.780Supply chain 4 12.86 0.70 0.005 0.015 0.980

Table 8Summary statistics for original and alternative models.

Variable Mean St. dev 1st Quartile Median 3rd Quartile

Original modelτðSÞ 36.71 115.71 8.63 10.00 13.70τðSLÞ 84,630.55 258,287.00 13.54 60.25 18,871.62τðFÞ 146.92 386.95 6.25 10.00 16.15RMSE 6.95 2.21 5.28 6.55 8.63R2 0.78 0.12 0.71 0.83 0.84

Alternative modelτðSÞ 13.67 12.00 3.04 11.23 18.23τðSLÞ 29,777.61 59,143.05 5.80 80.13 35,056.11τðFÞ 240.32 1040.25 3.92 9.95 13.69RMSE 10.92 2.18 9.40 11.48 12.44R2 0.49 0.25 0.30 0.54 0.68

M. Udenio et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 160 (2015) 34–4644

can bring into a supply chain. It is well known that aggregateinventory levels can serve as an additional way to achieve liquiditytargets, however, limited research exists on the implications ofsuch decisions on the stability of the entire supply chain. Strate-gically, we show that the structure of the supply chain impacts theclockspeed at which the supply chain operates. In this sense, weprovide a formal model that can be used (a) to analyze the effectsof structural and policy changes in the supply chain, and (b) topotentially become a decision-making tool in which endogenousbehavioral changes form the basis of scenario-based forecasting. Inthis sense, our findings highlight the prospective value of informa-tion sharing. In cases such as the period studied in this paper, andconsistent with experimental research (Croson and Donohue,2006), knowledge about the underlying source of the observeddemand dynamics (i.e. distinguishing between ‘actual’ demanddrops and inventory adjustments) is crucial so as to adopt thecorrect response strategy.

There are limitations and opportunities for further research.First, we used a single time series of upstream sales per echelonmodel, which hinders our ability to perform partial model calibra-tion and dissociate the de-stocking decisions according to thesupply chain stages. To overcome this we performed the modelcalibration during a time-frame where supply chain decision-making was particularly synchronized. Further studies withdetailed data at every stage of the supply chain can offer morerobust statistical tests of firm-level behavior as well as bringinsights regarding the influence of firm characteristics (in parti-cular the distance from the end market) in the ordering and de-stocking behavior.

Second, the use of the term bullwhip effect to describe thephenomena investigated in this paper is consistent with thebroader use of the term (De Kok, 2012; Disney et al., 2013; Leeet al., 2014). However, it can be argued that the term bullwhipshould be restricted to situations where classical assumptions(such as constant behavior and constant parameters) hold.

Third, we make a series of implicit assumptions that may notnecessarily apply in other industries or time periods. Our modelsassume independent echelons with no information sharing amongthem, with constant market share (nor pricing changes), a stablesupply chain structure, no capacity limitations, and aggregate data.We expect these assumptions to be reasonable within the crisistime-frame, but further modeling efforts are necessary to testwhether they can be applied during stable times, where thedemand dynamics are more subtle.

Such studies, combining fine grained data from multipleechelons in a supply chain, have the potential to take us closerto the objective, both empirical and experimental, of testingwhether endogenous mechanisms that we know govern theindividual behavior (such as the underestimation of the supplyline, and de-stocking and hoarding behaviors) can be consistentlyfound at the aggregate level.


In this appendix, we explore details of the model for one of thesupply chains under study. In the next section, we introduce thesupply chain in greater detail. Then, we analyze the model outputfor all the intermediate echelons in the supply chain.

Appendix A. Supply chain 3

This supply chain is defined by geographic market boundaries.The unit of upstream aggregation is as defined by the business unit“the production of ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM)rubber for the supply of the European automotive market”.The steps in this supply chain are:


OEM. Auto terminal.


Module assembler. Whereupon products are assembledinto modules to be used in the auto terminal.


Converter. Where the rubber product is modified(through for example slitting, cutting, and extrusion) toform a finished product.


Compounder. Where the raw materials are mixed withother ingredients to produce usable rubber compounds.


EPDM producer, our research site.

Appendix B. Model output for intermediate echelons

Fig. 5 shows the demand and inventory dynamics for eachsubsequent echelon in supply chain 3. We see, as expected, anincrease in order variability the further upstream we go in thesupply chain. Additionally, the figure illustrates the impact of thedelay of information transmission; the timing of the differentturning points varies across the supply chain. Note that theassumption of an infinite capacity supplier to echelon 5 resultsin more responsive inventory dynamics for this echelon—this,however, does not affect the dynamics of its demand.


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