determinasi sil untuk alarm

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Post on 16-Feb-2018




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  • 7/23/2019 Determinasi SIL Untuk Alarm


    1. Determinasi SIL untuk alarm

    A survey of the literature shows that signicant variation exists in the

    recommended PFD to be used for the overall layer of protection (PFD Safety IP

    Alarm!" As shown in #able $% &&'A $)$ provides recommended PFD Safety IPAlarm values as a function of *uasi alarm system performance re*uirements" It

    recommends not using a PFD Safety IP Alarm below +"+$ for any operator

    action" #he I&, -$.$$ / ISA 01 standard allows the use of PFD Safety IP Alarm

    e*ual to +"$" 2$+3

  • 7/23/2019 Determinasi SIL Untuk Alarm


    ,ontoh perhitungan PFD untu4 Safety Alarm

  • 7/23/2019 Determinasi SIL Untuk Alarm



    7perator response to alarms (safety IP alarms! can be used to reduce ris4 as

    part of a layer of protection analysis" In order to accurately estimate their ris4

    reduction credit% it is important to understand the design of the system% the

    operator8s environment and the alarm management practices and proceduresthat will be used during operation" #his paper has shown that reliability of the

    hardware (sensor% logic solver% 9'I% nal element! provides a lower limit for the

    probability of failure on demand for a safety IP alarm" #he example calculations

    yielded a hardware contribution of "+1. and "+:1 for ;P,S and SIation and / or its

    performance has not been proven to be acceptable based on comparison to

    metrics established in ISA

  • 7/23/2019 Determinasi SIL Untuk Alarm


    ntu4% 4olom maximum time to respond% sebagai beri4ut6

    ntu4% prioritisasi ma4a dila4u4an penggabungan 4eduanya6

  • 7/23/2019 Determinasi SIL Untuk Alarm


    ada priority alarm 4eempat yaitu critical

    Berdasar Buku larm "ana#ement $and%ook

    &ualitati 'isk "atrintu4 Severity% 4riteria sebagai beri4ut6

    S4or nilai% berdasar software yg berlandas4an &&'A dan petun?u4 bu4u6

  • 7/23/2019 Determinasi SIL Untuk Alarm


    B" larm ctivation Point

    Data yang harus dicari6

  • 7/23/2019 Determinasi SIL Untuk Alarm


    Berdasar Buku 7 efective methods or optimum perormance(IS!) pen#hitun#an hi#h alarm trip point adalah se%a#ai %erikut*

  • 7/23/2019 Determinasi SIL Untuk Alarm


    1" Limit o larm Limit