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Language courses State recognised vocational college for foreign languages Language tours Test centre Accommodation 2014 Heidelberg F+U Academy of Languages

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Language coursesState recognised vocational college for foreign languages Language toursTest centreAccommodation


F+U Academy of Languages

Language Course with Internship 18State Recognised Vocational College for 20 Foreign Languages: Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and more

Accommodation Map (halls of residence, apartments) 22,23 General accommodation information 24 Transfers 24 Accommodation prices 25 Guest houses, holiday homes 25 Hotels, youth hostel 25 Host family accommodation 25 Student halls of residence 26,27 Apartments 28

Participant Statistics 31

Other F+U Group Centres 32 International test centre State recognised vocational college for foreign languages Worldwide language tours Commercial college of further education Professional schools academy 24 Heidelberg private school centre International University of Cooperative Education University of Applied Sciences for Business, Technology and Culture

2 3

Contents Heidelberg - at the Heart of EuropeHeidelberg at the Heart of Europe 3Heidelberg - City of Romanticism and Science 5F+U Academy of Languages - 7 International Language SchoolCourse Levels 9 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

F+U - International Test Centre 11General Information 13Cultural Programme, Leisure Activities 13

Individual Lessons 14

Computer Courses 14

Intensive Courses German as a foreign language 15 German as a foreign language plus English 16 English 16, 17 Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, 17 Russian, Spanish Evening Courses German as a foreign language 17 English 17

Junior Programme German as a foreign language 18

À la Carte Courses 18 Sport, music and more

Over the years, Heidelberg’s beauty has drawn a number of poets, painters and scientists. In the early 19th century, the city on the Neckar became the most important centre of German Late Romanticism. Inextricably linked with this epoch are the poets Arnim, Brentano, Goethe and Eichendorff.

The Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg is the oldest university in Germany. The respected CHE research ranking of 2009/10 named Heidelberg as the strongest research university in Germany. In the QS World University Ranking 2012/2013, the University of Heidelberg, together with the Technical University of Munich, achieved the highest position among the German universities. In June 2012, the university’s elite status was en-dorsed through the Excellence Initiative of Federal and Regional State Governments. In the CHE 2013 ranking of German univer-sities, Heidelberg was awarded first place for such disciplines as medicine.

Many monuments bear witness to the Neckar city’s diverse history. Sitting approximately 70 metres above the river Neckar, the city’s landmark, the elector’s castle, rises from the slope of Königstuhl, on its very own mountain. Its ruins are among one of the most impressive sights to behold on any tour of Germany. Visitors climbing up to the castle first pass through the gate into the famous “Hortus Palatinus” garden, created at the beginning of the 17th century. From the castle garden, there is a wonderful view of Heidelberg, including the Philosopher’s Walk, which lies on the opposite bank of the Neckar. Fascinating buildings that date back to a variety of epochs surround the inner court-yard. Situated in the Royal Wine Cellar is the world’s largest barrel, which was once filled with wine. It has rarely failed to impress – except in the case of Perkeo, the barrel’s gnome-like guard. Once, when asked if he could drink the barrel dry, his answer was a nonchalant “Perché no” - why not? – which is how he came to earn his name.

The baroque townhouses and their ornamental facades and portals are a striking feature of any walk round the Old Town. The heart of the Old Town is the market place, with the Evangelical church of the Holy Ghost and the grand renais-sance building “Zum Ritter”. Leading away from the church of the Holy Ghost are many old alleyways lined with pubs and restaurants. Spanning the Neckar is the Old Bridge, one of the most beautiful stone bridges in Germany.

Heidelberg - City of Romanticism and Science

4 5

Not far from University Square is the Jesuit church. Built in the early 18th century and adorned with several figures of the Virgin Mary and saints, the church is the Old Town’s symbol of Catholicism regaining its foothold in Heidelberg following the upheaval of the Thirty Years War and the Palatinate War of Succession. The wooded hills around Heidelberg cloak the city in a handsome green. The surrounding area, which includes the Neckar valley castles, the German wine route, ancient cultivated landscape along the Upper Rhine and the Odenwald mountains, offers a wealth of experiences waiting to be enjoyed. Proximity to Frankfurt, Karlsruhe and Stuttgart airports means Heidelberg is easily accessible to its guests from all over the world.

The name Heidelberg stands not only for tradition and romanticism, but also for a modern and world-class location for science and business. Thus, the tradition-steeped university, the Academy of Sciences, the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), five Max Planck institutes, the European Laboratory for Molecular Biology (EMBL), the Print Media Academy of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, the SAS Institute and several research cen-tres belonging to international companies are all located in Hei-delberg. Such a concentration of the sciences is unparalleled in Germany and forms the basis for a dynamic, science-orientated economy that elevates Heidelberg – despite a population of just 150,000 – to its position as one of Germany’s leading economic centres.

Heidelberg is also one of Germany’s leading cultural centres, as demonstrated by its wealth of museums and theatres. To-gether with the neighbouring cities in the Rhine-Neckar metro-politan area (Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Speyer, Schwetzingen and Worms, to name the most important), Heidelberg offers a large variety of nationally significant cultural events: •Heidelberg Castle Festival•International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg •Heidelberg Theatre Festival •Heidelberg Literature Festival•Heidelberg Spring Festival •Heidelberg “Stückemarkt” Theatre and Drama Festival•Festival of German Film •Mannheim Summer Mozart Festival •Schwetzingen Castle Festival•Niebelungen Festival•International Schiller Festival •International Street Theatre Festival Ludwigshafen •Photography Festival Mannheim Ludwigshafen Heidelberg •Enjoy Jazz, International Festival for Jazz and more •Ludwigshafen Festival

Heidelberg, once the capital of the Palatinate and the spiritual centre of Calvinism, lies in the lovely Neckar valley and is distinguished by its particu-larly mild climate.

6 7

F+U Academy of Languages

The school building offers fantastic views of the Old Town, the castle and into the Neckar valley.

Today, the F+U Academy of Languages is one of the largest language schools in Germany. Approximately 9,000 language learners and exam candidates a year participate in the language courses and examinations. Every year, learners come from over 100 countries to participate in the German courses. Thanks to its internationality, the school offers a unique opportunity to get to know people and their various languages and cultures, and to practise freshly acquired language skills, whether dur-ing break-time conversations in the corridors or in the school’s atrium, or while participating in the cultural and sporting activi-ties offered every day. With 50 multimedia-equipped classrooms (up to 70 in summer), 3 Internet rooms with 50 PCs, free Internet access and WiFi, and a central location in Heidelberg, the Academy of Languages offers everything to ensure that the language learning experi-ence in Heidelberg is an exceptional one. Several halls of residence with around 430 rooms, apartments, a school-owned hotel and several host families offer year-round accommodation to learners arriving from all over the world. Specialising in German as a foreign language, the F+U Acad-emy of Languages is one of the world leaders in the provision of German courses, whether in the form of intensive lessons in the mornings and afternoons, or extra-occupational evening courses.

As an international test centre, the Academy of Languages stands for exceptional quality in language teaching. Alongside the best-known assessments such as TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and TestDaF (Test Deutsch als Fremd-sprache) the language institute offers the following examina-tions: Zertifikat Deutsch, Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf, TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), LCCI (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry) exams, TELC (The European Language Certificates), ECDL (the European Computer Driving Licence), TestAS (aptitude assessment for international applicants for higher education) and OnDaF (online language assessment).Through its partnership with the long-established Institut de Français IF2, the Academy of Languages is also a provider of nationally significant French courses. The IF2 licensed centre for the French DELF and DALF exams is located in the F+U premises.

The intensive and evening courses are offered year round and are attended by employees of international companies and research institutes such as SAP, Lufthansa, Heidelberger Druck-maschinen, Heidelberger Zement, Siemens, Daimler, NEC, Heipha, Brunel, BASF, EMBL, HITS, the DKFZ, Heidelberg University and many more businesses and scientific institutes.

Of particular significance is the Vocational College for For-eign Languages, founded in 2004, which offers the opportunity to study full time towards the following state recognised quali-fications: Fremdsprachenkorrespondent/in (Foreign Language Correspondence Clerk), Europasekretär/in (European Secre-tary), Welthandelskorrespondent/in (Multilingual Correspond-ence Clerk) and Translator. F+U is the only education provider in the country to offer state recognised vocational language train-ing for Japanese. Recognised status has also been awarded for Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian.

The F+U Academy of Languages offers internship programmes including “Eurodyssée” and “Leonardo da Vinci”. These internship programmes give young people from approximately 40 European regions the chance to participate in a language course abroad in either another European country or in Heidel-berg, followed by a commercial internship.

The Academy of Languages rounds off its range of courses with the organisation of language tours.

Your reasons for choosing F+U – the key criteria•Wide ranging educational competence: F+U is the provider

of a University of Applied Sciences for Business, Technology and Culture, an International University of Cooperative Educa-tion, secondary schools (Gymnasium and Realschule) and a number of colleges specialising in commercial and vocational foreign language training.

•Test centre for TOEFL, TestDaF, TestAS, TOEIC, LCCI, OnDaF, ECDL as well as for other examinations and tests.

•State recognised vocational college for foreign languages.•Memberships and partnerships: FaDaF (Fachschaft

Deutsch als Fremdsprache); VDP (Federal Association of Private Schools in Germany); Eurohodip (European Hotel Diploma); DRV (German Travel Association); Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici; Olympiastützpunkt Rhein-Neckar e.V. (Olympic Training Centre); German Youth Hostel Association

•Year-round guaranteed provision for all language courses•Large selection of rooms in our own student halls of

residence, apartments, with host families and in F+U’s own “Bayrischer Hof” hotel.

•International atmosphere (students from over 100 countries in 2012).

•Central location in one of Germany’s most beautiful cities.•Value for money.

Committed to quality:A certified quality management system (DIN EN ISO 9001:2008) continuously monitors our compliance with important quality standards.

The F+U language school is situated in the middle of the university city’s historic centre, and just a few metres from the Neckar.

Our language school in the Darmstädter Hof Centre, 3rd floor.

International Language School

CEFR levels F+U levels TH2 per

levelLanguage certificates1

English German Fr / Sp / It / Ru

A1 Elementary I 160 English A1, LCCI-Preliminary 1, TOEIC 10-120 Start Deutsch 1 DELF A1, Español A1,

Italiano A1, Russian A1

A2 Elementary II 160 English A2, LCCI-Preliminary 2,TOEIC 120-225 Start Deutsch 2 DELF A2, Español A2,

Italiano A2, Russian A2

B1 Elementary IIIIntermediate I 160 Certificate in English, LCCI-1,

TOEFL 57-86, TOEIC 226-550 Zertifikat Deutsch,

Deutschtest für Zuwanderer

Français B1, Español B1, Italiano B1, TRKI-1

B2 Intermediate IIIntermediate III 160 Certificate in English for Business Purposes,

LCCI-2, TOEIC 551-785, TOEFL 87-109Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf, TestDaF 3,

DSH 1Français B2, DELE intermedio,

Italiano B2, TRKI-2

C1 Advanced IAdvanced II 160

Foreign Language Correspondence Clerk, European Secretary,

Multilingual Correspondence ClerkEnglish C1, LCCI-3, TOEIC 786-945, TOEFL


Deutsch C1,TestDaF 4, DSH 2,

Deutsch in der Wirtschaft (A2-C2)

Foreign Language Correspondence Clerk, European Secretary,

Multilingual Correspondence ClerkDALF 1, DELE C1, TRKI-3

C2 Specialisation 400 Translator LCCI-4, TOEIC 946-990 TestDaF 5, DSH 3 Translator

DALF 2, DELE Superior, TRKI-4

CEFR levels(TELC

descriptors)Listening Reading Speaking Writing

A1 Can understand familiar words and very simple phrases

Can comprehend single words and very simple sentences

Can communicate in short, simple phrases

Can produce short, simple postcards

A2Can understand the overall meaning of short, simple, clearly spoken messages

Can comprehend short, sim-ple texts, e.g. advertisements and personal correspondence

Can communicate in a series of sentences in familiar every-day situations

Can produce short, simple notes, messages and personal letters

B1Can understand important information regarding work, school, free time, etc.

Can comprehend text written in everyday language for gen-eral and job-related purposes

Can participate in conversa-tions about family, hobbies, work, travel and current events

Can produce simple, con-nected text on familiar themes

B2Can follow lengthy statements and most TV programmes and films when the topics are somewhat familiar

Can understand articles, reports and literary prose

Can communicate relatively fluently and spontaneously, and actively participate in discussions

Can produce detailed texts, e.g. essays, reports and let-ters, and present arguments effectively

C1Can understand lengthy state-ments, TV programmes and films without great effort

Can comprehend lengthy and complex texts of a specialised or literary nature

Can express thoughts fluently, spontaneously and precisely

Can produce clear, well-struc-tured texts in appropriate style on complex subjects

C2Can understand spoken language with ease, also when spoken quickly

Can comprehend texts of any complexity with ease

Can participate effortlessly in all conversations and discus-sions, understanding and using colloquial language

Can produce sophisticated and complex texts, as well as sum-marise and discuss specialised texts and literature

8 9

Course LevelsCommon Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

1 All language certificates can be taken at the F+U Academy of Languages or through one of our partner institutes.2 One teaching hour (TH) consists of 45 minutes; the listed hours indicate the average number of TH and refer to group lessons (for individual lessons the required number of hours is reduced by approximately 50%).

Examination Language(s) Description Dates 2014 Fee1

TestDaFTest Deutsch als Fremdsprache

German Required for enrolment at German universities (equivalent to DSH).

13.02; 24.04; 11.06;15.07; 11.09; 13.11. € 175

TestASTest for Academic Studies

German or English Aptitude test for international students; not yet obligatory. 26.02; 26.04; 18.10 Free of charge

OnDaF Online Test Deutsch German Internet test (A1-C1), result avail-

able worldwide on demand.Registration two weeks in advance. Dates: See below2

€ 30 (supplement of

€ 30 for individual dates on demand)

TELCThe European Language Certificates

English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian and more.

Evidence of foreign language skills (A1-C1).

Registration 6 weeks in advance - late registra-tions are subject to an additional fee.Dates: see below2

€ 180 (supplement for express marking and for individual dates on demand)

TOEFLTest of English as a Foreign Language

EnglishEvidence for admission to higher education, especially BA, MA, BSc, BEng, MSc, MBA pro-grammes.

Several dates throughout the year. US$ 240

TOEICTest of English for International Commu-nication

EnglishWorldwide the most frequently taken test of English for business purposes.

Listening & Reading: Dates: see below2 Registration: 1 week in advanceSpeaking & Writing: Dates: Every 3rd

Wednesday in the month, registration: 2 weeks in advance

Each € 180 (supplement for express marking and for individual dates on demand)

LCCILondon Chamber ofCommerce and Industry

English Test for professional English. Not known at time of going to press From € 135

DELF Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française

DALFDiplôme Approfondi de Langue Française

FrenchDiploma recognised by the French Education Ministry. The DALF is required for admission to French universities.

Several times a year.In cooperation with the Institut de Français IF2, located in our premises.

From € 50

From € 120

DELEDiploma de Español como Lengua Extran-jera

SpanishThe “Diploma Superior” is required for admission to Spanish universi-ties.

May, OctoberExamination held by F+U Tenerife.

From € 140

TRKITest Russkogo Kak Inostrannogo

RussianJointly licensed by Moscow Lomonosov University and the Education Ministry of the Russian Federation.

Conducted by the Insti-tute of Slavic Studies at Heidelberg University (branch of the Halle Cen-tre for the Certification of Russian Language).

From € 50 TRKI

Foreign Language Correspondence Clerk

English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and more. State recognition for Chinese

English, French, Japanese, Russian and Spanish

For the other languages examina-tions such as those offered by the IHK are available. Further informa-tion on request.

Start in March and Sep-tember: English, Spanish, French, Japanese. All other languages begin in September.

See page 20. State recognised

European Secretary English, Spanish, French

Multilingual Corre-spondence Clerk

European Sec-retary + fourth language

Translator English, Spanish, French and more.

ECDLEuropean Computer Driving Licence

IT Evidence of good IT skills, in seven modules.

Registration two weeks in advance.

€ 30 per module plus € 50 for a

Skills Card

In-house language tests All languages € 150 (with certificate), C1 Test for admission to the Translator training programme € 90.

The test is offered every Saturday; registration at least one week before the preferred date.

10 11

F+U International Test Centre

1 Status June 2013. ²18.01; 15.02; 15.03; 12.04; 17.05; 14.06; 19.07; 16.08; 13.09; 11.10; 08.11; 13.12.

12 13

Information, Culture & LeisureGeneral Information•Lesson times: Monday-Friday: 07:30-21:00; Saturday: 10:00-

16:00; Sunday: on request.•School administration opening hours: Monday - Friday:

07:30-20:00; Saturday: 10:00-16:00.•The listed prices and services are valid until publication of a

new price list.•Only the information specified in the German and English

versions is authoritative. All other translations are intended solely for orientation in the respective language.

•All course fees are per person, the accommodation rates per room/apartment (unless otherwise specified).

•Educational institute with charitable status: Most services offered by F+U are exempt from value added tax.

•One teaching hour (TH) = 45 minutes.•The language courses are professionally orientated or

prepare for higher education and lead to an internationally recognised language diploma.

•Change of school: If not booked before the start of the course, a change of school location to our language schools in Berlin or Darmstadt will incur a charge of € 75. An applica-tion to change the school location must be made at least two weeks in advance.

•Minimum age: 16 years (junior courses: 6 years).•Our teachers are experienced native speakers.•Guaranteed provision, minimum participant numbers:

Courses are held even if the minimum number of participants (4 people) is not reached. The booked number of hours will be reduced by 25 %. To compensate, learners may join another group course in the language booked.

•Public holidays (no lessons): 01.01; 06.01; 18.04; 21.04; 01.05; 29.05; 09.06; 19.06; 03.10; (missed lessons may be made up through participation in a module or an evening course) a written request for compensatory lessons must be submitted at the latest by 14:30 one day before the respective public holiday).

•School holiday: 22nd-26th December; no holiday application is required for this week. Group courses and individual lessons are available on request; the school administration office is open on 22.12 and 23.12 from 08:00-20:00 and on 24.12 from 08:00-13:00.

•Individual holiday: (The booked course will be extended by the length of the requested holiday): Intensive course: Two weeks (Monday - Friday) per quarter (12 course weeks); applications by Wednesday, 14:30, before the start of the individual holiday. Evening course: Applications by Friday, 14:30, before the start of the individual holiday. One-to-one, duo, trio lessons: Cancellation of the scheduled lesson is permitted without charge by 16:00 on the previous school day.

•Applications to change course level or module must be re-ceived by the school administration office by Thursday, 10:45, for the subsequent week.

•A cancellation of the course is possible without charge up to two weeks before course commencement, after which the following cancellation charges will be incurred: up to one week before course commencement: € 25; until Friday, 12:00 before course commencement: € 50; less than this notice period but still before course commencement: registration fee plus course fee for one week’s/one month’s course or, in case of individual lessons, the course fee for two individual teaching hours.

•Following course commencement a cancellation of the course or reduction of lessons is possible only in cases prescribed by law (see our General Terms and Conditions, point 5).

•Cancellation of accommodation booked through F+U is possible with two weeks’ notice (for further conditions see page 25 and our General Terms and Conditions, point 6).

•The school offers barrier-free access, and a wheelchair-accessible WC.

•International test centre: At F+U you have the opportunity take internationally recognised tests: TOEFL, TestDaF, TELC, TestAS, LCCI, TOEIC, OnDaF, ECDL and more.

•State recognised vocational college for foreign languages: Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish.

Cultural Programme, Leisure ActivitiesFive times a week throughout the year, F+U offers a richly varied cultural and leisure programme. In July and August, two activities are offered daily from Monday to Friday, and one activ-ity is offered at weekends. The cost of drinks and meals is not included in the listed prices. We guarantee the provision of the leisure programme under the following conditions: Registration and payment (unless offered free of charge) by 14:30, one day before the activity; the minimum participant number for each ac-tivity is four people. Special rules apply for the junior programme (see page 18).•Regular “Stammtisch” gathering on Mondays: free•Seminars by the Japan Centre and China Centre at the F+U

Academy of Languages: partially free of charge•Film evenings in the school: free •Trip to the Heidelberg vineyards: free•Orientation tour through the Old Town of Heidelberg: free•Sports (football, volleyball etc.): € 15 / annual subscription•Trip to the romantic Heidelberg Christmas market: free•Bicycle tour along the Neckar to the Roman town of Laden-

burg: free (bicycles not provided)•Walks: Heiligenberg, Philosophers’ Walk, Bismarcksäule,

Thingstätte, Stift Neuburg, castle and much more: free•Visits to concerts, theatre productions, cinema (open air cinema

in summer): cost depends on the event•Welcome party in F+U’s listed vaulted cellar in Heidelberg’s

Old Town: € 5•Barbecue party on the banks of the Neckar (July, August,

September): € 5•Museum visits (German Apothecary Museum, Kurpfälzisches

Museum, University Museum in Heidelberg): € 5•Themed tours through Heidelberg, e.g. night watchman’s tour,

historical buildings tour: € 8 •Excursion to the German Wine Route in the nearby Palatinate:

€ 25•Boat trip on the Neckar to Neckarsteinach (town of four forts):

€ 20 or to lovely Hirschhorn: € 30•Half-day excursions to Schwetzingen, Speyer, Bad Wimpfen,

Worms, Weinheim: € 40•All-day excursions to Frankfurt: € 50, Holiday Park:

€ 50, Strasbourg: € 65, Europa Park Rust: € 95, Rothenburg ob der Tauber: € 95, Metz: € 75, Munich: € 75

•Rhine river trips: Rüdesheim: € 60; Loreley: € 65; Rhine in Flames (Koblenz): € 110

Foreign Languages•Registration fee: € 25

(single payment; trio lessons: € 10 per person). Includes: Placement test, Internet access - three computer rooms equipped with 50 computers, WiFi - certificate of participation, student ID, or-ganisation of language tandems.

•One teaching hour (TH) = 45 minutes.•Discounts (quantity discounts) only apply to advance payment in full. •Your benefits at a glance:

- For bookings of two trial lessons there is no registration fee (payable only from the third teaching hour). - No charge for lesson cancellations with written notification received by 16:00 one day in advance ([email protected]). - Teaching hours: Monday - Friday: 07:30-21:00; Saturday: 10:00-16:00; Sunday on request. - The progression and content of the lesson are tailored to your requirements. - You can form a free language tandem with our German course learners from England, the USA, Japan, China, France, Italy, Russia, Brazil, Spain and several other countries.

•Languages offered: Arabic, Bulgarian, Brazilian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian (more languages on request).

•See also General Information on page 13. •We will be pleased to provide a quotation for large groups.

•Registration fee: € 25 (single payment; group bookings for three people or more: € 10 per person); Includes: Placement test, Internet access - three computer rooms with 50 computers, WiFi - certificate of participation, student ID, organisation of language tandems, four grammar and culture hours every week in the afternoon (German courses), leisure activities.

•Learning material: ca. € 35 (two books, available for hire; deposit required). •Provision guarantee, minimum participant number: The courses are held even if the minimum number of learners (4 people) is not reached.

The booked number of hours will be reduced by 25%; to compensate, learners can additionally participate in another course type (main, module or evening course).

•Public holidays (no lessons): 01.01; 06.01; 18.04; 21.04; 01.05; 29.05; 09.06; 19.06; 03.10; (a written request for compensatory lessons must be submitted at the latest by 14:30 one day before the respective public holiday).

•Discounts for courses of 12 weeks or more only apply to full payment in advance. •A change of course level and module is possible: Applications must be received by Thursday, 10:45, for the subsequent week. •The intensive courses are partially recognised as Educational Leave according to legislation in the federal states of Rhineland-Palatinate, Hessen

and Schleswig-Holstein. Please enquire about additional recognition of our courses.•Our vocational college for foreign languages is state recognised for Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. •Main course: Lessons are differentiated by level in accordance with the European Framework of Reference for Languages (see page 9). The

lesson focuses on all key standard language skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking). Standard German courses from level B1 are comple-mented by examination courses that prepare specifically for DSH and TestDaF.

•Module courses: Specific language skills (grammar, conversation, business language) are trained; it is also possible to take an examination preparation module (DSH, TestDaF, TOEFL and LCCI). The module courses can be taken in combination with the main course or as a stand-alone language course. Switching modules is permitted.

•See also General Information, page 13.

Individual and Computer Courses

14 15

Intensive Courses

One-to-one Language group I Language group II Language group IIIStandard Specialist Standard Specialist Standard Specialist

1-9 TH € 25 € 28 € 28 € 30 € 30 € 35

10-19 TH € 23 € 25 € 25 € 28 € 28 € 33

20-99 TH € 21 € 23 € 23 € 25 € 25 € 31

From 100 TH € 20 € 22 € 22 € 23 € 23 € 29

Duo lesson Language group I Language group II Language group IIIStandard Specialist Standard Specialist Standard Specialist

1-9 TH € 28 € 30 € 30 € 34 € 34 € 40

10-19 TH € 26 € 28 € 28 € 32 € 32 € 38

20-99 TH € 24 € 26 € 26 € 30 € 30 € 36

From 100 TH € 22 € 24 € 24 € 28 € 26 € 34

Trio lesson Language group I Language group II Language group IIIStandard Specialist Standard Specialist Standard Specialist

1-9 TH € 30 € 33 € 33 € 39 € 39 € 42

10-19 TH € 29 € 32 € 32 € 36 € 36 € 39

20-99 TH € 27 € 30 € 30 € 33 € 33 € 36

From 100 TH € 24 € 27 € 29 € 32 € 32 € 35

Language group I: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish.Language group II: Croatian, Czech, Greek, Portuguese (also Brazilian), Romanian, Serbian.Language group III: All other languages.Specialist language: Business, literature, examination preparation, translation training. Supplements: 10% for lessons on Sunday; 15% for specialist language for medicine, technology, cost performance analysis, accounting and preparation for the Interpreter examination; 20 % for external lessons in Heidelberg (the fees for in-house training outside Heidelberg are available on request).

We will be pleased to provide a quotation for larger groups or for special IT programmes.ECDL – European Computer Driving Licence F+U is a test centre for the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL). The examination consists of 7 modules: Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint, Internet, Operating Systems and Concepts of IT. The ECDL or ICDL (International Computer Driving Licence) is inter-nationally recognised (test centres established in 146 countries). a) Fees for the ECDL: Examination: € 30 / moduleSkills Card: € 50 (successfully passed modules are entered onto the card).b) Dates: The examination for the individual modules can be held on different dates. We usually offer the examination on Saturdays between 10:00 and 14:00 (registration at least two weeks before the preferred date).

Computer Courses (MS-Office training, ECDL - European Computer Driving Licence)Registration:

€ 25 1 person 2 people 3 people 4 people 5 people 6 people

1-9 TH € 30 € 32 € 36 € 38 € 40 € 42

10-19 TH € 28 € 30 € 33 € 36 € 38 € 40

20-99 TH € 26 € 28 € 30 € 34 € 36 € 38

From 100 TH € 25 € 27 € 29 € 32 € 34 € 36 1 Discounts apply only to advance payment in full for courses of 12 weeks or more.2 You can choose from modules in grammar, conversation, business and examination preparation. It is possible to participate in more than one module. ³ A combination of 30 group teaching hours + 5 individual lessons (IL = individual lesson).4 The specialist seminars (70 TH / two weeks) prepare learners for (inter alia) higher education courses in Medicine and Engineering. The focus of the seminars is training competence in the subject as well as in the related specialist language. Subject areas include Biology, Chemistry, Technology, IT and Physics, including the necessary Mathematics.5 Junior learners with existing knowledge can begin every Monday between 07.07 and 25.08. The programme finishes on 29.08. You will find a detailed description of the Junior programme on page 18.

Course description TH Level LearnersCourse times

(Mon -Fri)

Fee per weekCourse start Course

duration1-11 wks From 12 wks1

Main course standard German 20 A1-C2 4-15 09:00-12:15 € 125 € 100

Every Monday

Absolute beginners:07.01; 03.02; 03.03; 07.04; 05.05; 02.06; 07.07; 21.07; 04.08; 18.08; 01.09; 06.10;

03.11; 01.12

The course duration

depends on the knowledge of German and

the learning goal.

Minimum dura-tion: 1 week,

no upper limit.

For example, a beginner requires

an average of 800 TH to attain

language level C1; this is equivalent

to 40 weeks in the main course, and approximately 32 weeks in the main

course plus module course.

Main course DSH/TestDaF preparation 20 B1-C2 4-15 09:00-12:15 € 125 € 100

Main course + module course² 30 A1-C2 4-15 09:00-12:1513:00-14:30 € 160 € 125

Super-intensive courseMain course + module course² + IL³

35 A1-C2 4-15+ IL


€ 285 € 250

Module course IGrammar course 10 From

A1 4-15 13:00-14:30 € 100 € 80

Module course IIConversation training 10 From

A1 4-15 13:00-14:30 € 100 € 80

Module course IIIDSH/TestDaF preparation 10 From

B1 4-15 13:00-14:30 € 100 € 80

Module course IVBusiness German 10 From

B1 4-15 13:00-14:30 € 100 € 80

Mini group mornings 20 A1-C2 4-6 09:00-12:15 € 400 € 300

Mini group afternoons 20 A1-C2 4-6 13:00-16:15 € 400 € 300

DSH preparation special course 30 B2-C2 No limit 09:00-12:15

13:00-14:30 € 15031.03, 03.11

Lateral entry possible on 1st

Monday of the month. 4-12 weeks

Senior course 50+ 20 A1-C2 4-6 09:00-12:15 € 300 - 04.08 1-4 weeks

Professional development seminar for German teachers 20 From

B2 4-6 09:00-12:15 € 300 - 04.08 2 weeks

Specialist seminar - Preparatory course4 35 From

B2 4-25 09:00-12:1513:00-15:15 € 500 - 05.05; 01.09 2 weeks

Junior programme(other modules bookable)5 20 A1-B1 4-10 09:00-12:15 € 160 -

Every Monday in July and August. Begin-ners: 07.07; 04.08.5

1-8 weeks

German as a Foreign Language

DSH (i.A.)F+U Test centre for DSH (i.A.)

F+U Test centre for

F+U Test centre for

16 17

Intensive Courses Intensive & Evening Courses

Evening Courses

Course description Course type Level TH Course times

(Mon-Fri) Fee1 Learners Course start Course duration

AY programme IMain course A1-C2 20 09:00-12:15

€ 23754-15 Every Monday2

25 wks

AY programme II € 3600 40 wks

AY programme III Main course + module course³ A1-C2 30 09:00-12:15

13:00-14:30€ 3000

4-15 Every Monday225 wks

AY programme IV € 4600 40 wks

Course description Course type Level TH Course times

(Mon-Fri) Fee1 Learners Course start Course duration

AY programme VII Main course A1-C1 15 09:45-12:15 € 1990 4-10 Every Monday2 25 wks

AY programme VIII Main course A1-C1 15 09:45-12:15 € 2990 4-10 Every Monday2 40 wks

AY programme IX Main course plusmodule course³ A1-C1 30 09:45-12:15

13:00-15:30 € 3750 4-10 Every Monday2 25 wks

AY programme X Main course plusmodule course³ A1-C1 30 09:45-12:15

13:00-15:30 € 5800 4-10 Every Monday2 40 wks

Academic Year - Long Courses (German as a Foreign Language) Academic Year - Long Courses (English)

Course type Level TH Course times(Mon-Fri)

Fee per weekLearners Course start Course

duration1-11 wks From 12 wks1

German (main course) plus English (module course³) A1-C1 20+15 09:00-12:15

13:00-15:30 € 200 € 180 4-15 Every Monday2 1-40 wks

English (main course) plusGerman (module course³) A1-C1 15+10 09:45-12:15

13:00-14:30 € 180 € 160 4-15 Every Monday2 1-40 wks

English (main course) plusGerman (mini group afternoons) A1-C1 15+20 09:45-12:15

13:00-16:15 € 450 € 400 4-10/6 Every Monday2 1-40 wks

German as a Foreign Language plus English

1 Discounts for courses of 12 weeks or more only apply to advance payment in full.2 Start for absolute beginners: 07.01; 03.02; 03.03; 07.04; 05.05; 02.06; 07.07; 04.08; 01.09; 06.10; 03.11; 01.12.3 You can choose from modules in grammar, conversation, business and examination preparation. It is possible to participate in more than one module.


1 Discounts only apply to advance payment in full for courses of 12 weeks or more.2 You can choose from modules in grammar, conversation, business and examination preparation. It is possible to participate in more than one module.

Course type TH Level LearnersCourse times


Fee per weekCourse start Course duration

1-11 wks From 12 wks1

Main course 15 A1-C1 4-10 09:45-12:15 € 100 € 85

Every Monday

Absolute beginners:

07.01; 03.02; 03.03; 07.04; 05.05; 02.06; 07.07; 04.08; 01.09; 06.10; 03.11; 01.12

The course dura-tion depends on the knowledge of English and the learning goal.

Minimum dura-tion: 1 week, no

upper limit.

For example, a begin-ner requires an average of 800 TH to attain lan-guage level C1; this is equivalent to 40 weeks

in the main course, and approximately

32 weeks in the main course plus module


Business correspondence 10 A1-C1 4-10 08:00-09:30 € 70 € 65

Main course plus Business correspondence 25 A1-C1 4-10 08:00-09:30

09:45-12:15 € 150 € 135

Main course plus module course² 30 A1-C1 4-10 09:45-12:15

13:00-15:30 € 170 € 155

Super-intensive course: Business correspondence + main course + module course²

40 A1-C1 4-1008:00-09:3009:45-12:1513:00-15:30

€ 200 € 180

Module course I Conversation course 15 From A1 4-10 13:00-15:30 € 100 € 85

Module course II Business English 15 From A2 4-10 13:00-15:30 € 100 € 85

Module course III TOEFL preparation 15 From B1 4-10 13:00-15:30 € 125 € 100 1-8 wks

Educational leave I 30 A1-C1 4-10 09:45-12:1513:00-15:30 € 200 - 1-2 wks

Educational leave II 40 A1-C1 4-1008:00-09:3009:45-12:1513:00-15:30

€ 250 - 1-2 wks

Academic Year - Long Courses (German as a Foreign Language + English)

1 Discounts only apply to advance payment.2 Start for absolute beginners: 07.01.; 03.02.; 03.03.; 07.04.; 05.05.; 02.06.; 07.07.; 04.08.; 01.09.; 06.10.; 03.11.; 01.12.3 You can choose from modules in grammar, conversation, business and examination preparation. It is possible to participate in more than one module.

Course description Course type Level TH Course times

(Mon-Fri) Fee1 Learners Course start Course duration

AY programme V German (main course) plusEnglish (module course³) A1-C1 20+15 09:00-12:15

13:00-15:30 € 4250 4-15 Every Monday2 25 wks

AY programme VI German (main course) plusEnglish (module course³) A1-C1 20+15 09:00-12:15

13:00-15:30 € 6600 4-15 Every Monday2 40 wks

1 Discounts only apply to advance payment.2 Start for absolute beginners: 07.01; 03.02; 03.03; 07.04; 05.05; 02.06; 07.07; 21.07; 04.08; 18.08; 01.09; 06.10; 03.11; 01.12.3 You can choose from modules in grammar, conversation, business and examination preparation. It is possible to participate in more than one module. 1 Discounts only apply to advance payment.

2 Start for absolute beginners: 07.01.; 03.02.; 03.03.; 07.04.; 05.05.; 02.06.; 07.07. 04.08. 01.09.; 06.10.; 03.11.; 01.12.3 You can choose from modules in conversation, business and examination preparation. It is possible to participate in more than one module.

Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, SpanishCourse description Level TH Course times (Mon-Fri) 1 week 2 weeks Learners Start

Main course A1-C1 15 09:45-12:15 € 175 € 315 4-8 04.08.

Main course + conversation training A1-C1 30 09:45-15:30 € 250 € 450 4-8 04.08.

Educational leave A1-C1 30 09:45-15:30 € 300 € 550 4-8 04.08.

Conversation training A1-C1 15 13:00-15:30 € 175 € 315 4-8 04.08.

•Registration fee: € 25 (single payment; group bookings for three people or more: € 10 per person); Includes: Placement test, Internet access - three computer rooms with 50 computers, WiFi - certificate of participation, student ID, organisation of language tandems, four grammar and culture hours every week in the afternoon (German courses), leisure activities.

•Learning material: ca. € 35 (two books, available for hire; deposit required). •A level differentiation in accordance with the European Framework of Reference for Languages (see page 9) is only guaranteed for the main course.• It is possible to switch between the individual modules.•For further conditions see General Information, page 13.

1 Discounts only apply to advance payment for courses of 4 months or more. 2 Start for absolute beginners: 07.01; 03.02; 03.03; 07.04; 05.05; 02.06; 07.07; 04.08; 01.09; 06.10; 03.11; 01.12.3 You can choose from modules in grammar, conversation, business and examination preparation. It is possible to participate in more than one module. 4 A combination of 24 group teaching hours + 8 individual lessons (IL = individual lesson).

Course description Level TH Course days 18:30-20:00

Fee per monthLearners Course start

1-3 mths From 4 mths1

Main course A1-C1 16 Monday + Thursday € 125 € 100 4-15 Every Monday2

Main course + module course³ A1-C1 24 Mon, Wed + Thu € 175 € 130 4-15 Every Monday2

Module course I Grammar for beginners From A1 8 Wednesday € 100 € 80 4-15 Every 1st Wednesday/


Module course II - TestDaF/DSH From B1 8 Wednesday € 100 € 80 4-15 Every Wednesday

Module course IIIConversation training From A2 8 Wednesday € 100 € 80 4-15 Every Wednesday

Intensive course evenings A1-C1 24+8 IL4 Monday to Thursday € 335 € 300 4-15/IL Every Monday2

German as a Foreign Language

1 Discounts only apply to advance payment for courses of 4 months or more. 2 Start for absolute beginners: 07.01; 03.02; 03.03; 07.04; 05.05; 02.06; 07.07; 04.08; 01.09; 06.10; 03.11; 01.12.3 You can choose from modules in grammar, conversation, business and examination preparation. It is possible to participate in more than one module. 3 A combination of 16 group teaching hours + 16 individual lessons (IL = individual lesson).

Course description Level TH Course days 18:30-20:00

Fee per month Learn-ers Course start

1-3 mths From 4 mths1

Main course A1-C1 8 Monday € 80 € 60 4-10 Every Monday2

Main course + module course³ A1-C1 16 Monday + Thursday € 130 € 110 4-10 Every Monday2

Module course I - Business English B1-C1 8 Thursday € 100 € 80 4-10 1st Thursday / month

Module course IIConversation training A1-C1 8 Thursday € 100 € 80 4-10 Every Thursday

Module course IIITOEFL preparation B1-C1 8 Thursday € 120 € 100 4-10 Every Thursday

Intensive course evenings A1-C1 16+16 IL4 Monday to Thursday € 440 € 420 4-10/IL Every Monday2


18 19

Junior Programme German as a Foreign LanguageRegistration fee: € 25 (single payment; group registrations of three or more people: € 10 per person).Start: Every Monday in July and August (Beginners: 07.07; 04.08); End of programme: 29.08. Duration: 1-8 weeks; Age groups: 6-9 years, 10-12 years, 13-15 yearsCourse levels: A1-B1Learners: 4-10 (Lessons reduced by 25% in case of fewer than four registrations per group.)

Full programme Duration Fee/week

Full programme without accompaniment to school 1-8 weeks € 595

Full programme with accompaniment to school 1-8 weeks € 715

Fees for individual modules (can be booked individually) Course days Fee per module/week

Language course (incl. learning material) Monday - Friday € 160

Lunch in the school Monday - Friday € 80

Leisure activities Monday - Saturday € 90

Host family with half board (full board at weekends) Monday - Sunday € 280

Accompaniment from the host family to school and back Monday - Saturday € 125

Discount (accumulation of discounts is not possible):•Course bookings for siblings: 10%.•Bookings of at least 4 course weeks: 10%.Programme description:•Language course: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:15, 20 teaching hours (45 minutes) a week.

The language lessons do not focus on teaching grammar; instead, the programme aims to create age-appropriate lessons in which young learners are familiarised with the German language and culture. For this reason, partici-pation in the additional modules is recommended.

•Shared lunch in the school: Monday - Friday: 12:30-13:30.•Leisure activities: Monday to Saturday; 13:30-17:00.

Example leisure programme activities: Boat trip on the Neckar, orientation tour of Heidelberg, visits to Heidelberg zoo, the Fairytale Paradise on Königstuhl, Heidelberg castle, Landau Reptile House, Mannheim Planetarium, Sinsheim Technikmuseum, sports activities and a picnic on the banks of the Neckar, mini golf, group cookery, swimming in Heidelberg’s open air pool, walking on the Heiligenberg, visit to Thingstätte and more. Includes: Admission to museums, swimming pool etc. or tickets for the Neckar boat trip (not included: meals during trips or public transport tickets; weekly ticket for Heidelberg / city centre: ca. € 20, monthly ticket: ca. € 60).

•Accommodation with a host family: Young learners stay with a carefully selected host family: The family provides half board (breakfast and evening meal) from Monday to Friday, and full board at weekends. Organisation of host family accommodation is only possible for young learners aged 12 and over.

À la Carte Courses (sport, music and more)Parallel to our intensive courses, we organise various special courses in cooperation with local associations, operators and music schools. Administration fee: one activity: € 125; two activities: € 200; each additional activity: € 65.Selection: Football, handball, table tennis, tennis, basketball, field hockey, ice hockey, rugby and other sports, music lessons, floristry.Please note that the practice sessions are invoiced separately. The fee depends on the number of hours booked and, moreover, on the type of activity. For sports lessons, it is often the case that only a small fee is payable to the sports club. Practice hours at school’s own piano: € 10 / 45 minutes; from 50 hours: € 8; Mon-Fri: 15:00-20:00; Sat + Sun: 10:00-17:00.

Language Course with InternshipRegistration fee: € 250 (short internships of 2 to 4 weeks: € 125)Applications for the internship should be received at least 12 weeks before the preferred starting date. The short internships are usually offered within an F+U school. Requirements: Participation in an intensive course of at least two weeks and intermediate language skills (B1; for short internships at F+U: A1). Applicants from third countries must apply for a Working Holiday visa (only available to candidates from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and the USA: J1 visa).

“Eurodyssée” and “Leonardo da Vinci” (Scholarship-funded language course and internship.)Since 2004, the federal state of Baden-Württemberg’s Ministry of Trade has authorised the F+U Academy of Languages to offer the “Eurodyssée” internship programme, which consists of a four-week language course and subsequent three-month internship. Every year, the Academy also organises internships through the EU’s “Leonardo da Vinci” programme. Both programmes are offered in Heidelberg as well as in other European countries.

20 21

College for Foreign Languages

Course / Language(s) Fee Duration Start TH / week

Translator (state recognised) English, French or Spanish

€ 3150 (F+U alumni:

€ 2500)6 months(650 TH)

March or September 35

Translator(IHKcertified)1Italian, Polish, Russian, Portuguese, Turkish and more € 6600 300 IL1 Any time By


Multilingual Correspondence Clerk (European Secretary + 4th language)English and French and Spanish + Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian or Turkish

€ 9900 2 years March2 or September 40

European Secretary (three languages) English + French + Spanish € 7700 2 years March or

September 35

Foreign Language Correspondence Clerk (three languages) English and French or Spanish + Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian or Turkish

€ 8500 2 years September 35

Foreign Language Correspondence Clerk (two languages) English and Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian or Turkish

€ 7450 2 years September 30

Foreign Language Correspondence Clerk (two languages) English and French or Spanish € 5100 1.5 years March or

September 30

Foreign Language Correspondence Clerk (one language) English € 3950 1 year March or

September 25

State Recognised College for Foreign Languages - full-time training programmesChinese, English, French, Japanese, Russian, SpanishArabic, German as a Foreign Language, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish

1 Preparation for the Translator qualification (IHK) takes place in individual lessons.2 Start in March is only possible for the state recognised languages: Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.The examination fees and costs of learning materials are not included.The following languages are state recognised: Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. For all other languages we recommend the following examinations: IHK = Chamber of Trade and Commerce, TestDaF (German).Detailed information is available on request and can also be found in our Foreign Language Professions and Translator brochures.


Location of Halls of Residence and Apartments

U Albert FritzU Am MarktU ApoU BachU BoschU BroxU BurgiU ConcordiaU CzernyU DelicatesseU EichendorffU EmmertsgrundU Haus am RitterU Im WeiherU KarlsplatzU Karlsruhe

















U Looks InnU MärzU MühltalU Philipp ReisU Rohrbach 16U SchmittU SchwetzingenU SophieU SRHU SteinhofU TurnerU VictoriaU Villa MönchhofU WasserturmU RathausU Heiligenhaus

















U Old BridgeU CastleU University libraryU Church of the Holy GhostU Jesuit churchU MolkenkurU KönigstuhlU Television towerU EhrenfriedhofU BierhelderhofU BergfriedhofU Philosopher’s WalkU Town hallU Local administration office (central)U F+U Hotel Bayrischer Hof




















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Berg-heimer Straße



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7 2








Accommodation Information Accommodation PricesArrival and Departure You will find a list of accommodation (updated daily) at: in: Sundays (10:00-24:00), Move out: Saturdays (by 12:00). •Please inform us no later than Friday (14:00) before moving in of the

exact time of your arrival. If you inform us any later, we will not be able to guarantee the handover of the key at your preferred time.

• If you would like to move in on Saturday or leave on Sunday, you will be charged accordingly at the “extra day” rate.

•Moving in before 10:00 or after 24:00 must be confirmed in advance; you will be charged € 10 for each commenced hour.

• In case of delay, please telephone the named contact person for the key handover, or your host family.

•The accommodation rates for halls of residence and apartments are calculated to take into account location (distance to school, attractive-ness of the district) and furnishings/facilities of the accommodation. In all cases, please bear in mind that all our halls of residence and apartments have a “student” character, including those in higher categories.

Use of computers, Internet, WiFi•The halls of residence and the apartments are equipped with WiFi

(except “SRH”). During the summer we offer additional rooms and apartments; information on their facilities is available on request.

•Some families allow the use of their computer for an additional charge. Detailed information is available on request.

•You can also use the computers in our school, with free Internet access (50 computers in three IT rooms); WiFi is also available from 07:30 to 20:00 (Monday - Friday) and on Saturdays from 10:00-16:00.

•A Steinway piano is available to music students: € 10 / hour (from 50 hours € 8).

Cleaning of rooms and communal areasPlease note that for the entire duration of your stay you are responsible for the cleaning of your room. F+U / the host family undertakes the cleaning of communal areas only (twice a week in halls of residence) and for the final cleaning of the room.

Laundry•Host family accommodation: Free use of the washing machine once

or twice a week.•Halls of residence / apartments: A coin-operated washing machine is

available (except in “Rohrbach 16”, “Brox” and “Am Markt”; however, there is a nearby laundrette).

•Bed linen and towels: Bed linen is provided on arrival; please bring your own towels.

Childminder € 15 per hour.

House rules (extract): •Smoking is prohibited in the halls of residence and in apartments.•Kitchens must be kept clean; used crockery and utensils must be

washed up. •The night-time quiet period from 10 pm to 6 am is legally protected

(federal state regulations). During this time, all residents must keep any noise to room volume only.

•Guests are permitted in halls of residence and in apartments only until 10 pm.

• If you would like to invite a friend to stay overnight, permission must be obtained in advance from the residence administration. Overnight stays cost € 10 per person. Guests who stay without prior permission will be fined the equivalent of at least one week’s rent.

•Violation of house rules may incur a fine of € 50; for repeated viola-tions we reserve the right to terminate the rental agreement without notice.

•Further details are given in the house rules and fee regulations handed out on arrival.

•Residents in the halls accept liabil-ity for their guests

• In host family accommodation, the host’s rules apply.

TransferTransfer to and from accommodation (must be booked by Thursday, 14:00, before the arrival or departure).

1Meeting point at taxi rank; 2Meet at “meeting point” in the arrivals hall or at the designated place; 3Distance to school. 4Discount only for group bookings, with joint arrival and departure.

Extending, changing or cancelling accommodation Applications to extend the rental period must be made four weeks in advance of expiration of the contract. For short notice applications we apply the following fees:•One to two weeks before expiration of contract: € 25•One week before expiration of contract: € 50•Less than one week before expiration of contract: € 75 The extension to a rental period for a room or apartment cannot be guaranteed at any time. If, despite compliance with the four-week notice period, the previously booked room is already allocated, we guarantee the availability of a room in an alternative hall of residence within the same category. In this instance, the fee for changing accommodation will be waived. Change of accommodation: € 50 (unless notice is given four weeks in advance). Termination of rental contract: Termination of the rental contract is only possible with a notice period of two full weeks (Monday to Sunday). In case of termination, there will be a fee of € 50, and rent paid in ad-vance will be refunded. The notice of termination must be submitted in writing during office opening hours.

Parking•Parking is available at a rate of € 25 / wk in the unsupervised car parks

at the Concordia hall of residence, Eichendorff and Villa Mönchhof.•There is public, paid parking available in the school building. Parking

spaces can be rented from F+U for € 60 per week plus a deposit of € 100. There is a limited number of parking permits, so please enquire at least one month before the start of your course. Monthly permits can be purchased from the Darmstädter-Hof Centre garage adminis-tration office for ca. € 125.

Meals•All halls of residence and apartments are equipped with a kitchen.

Host families provide meals as specified in the booking. •Meals in partner restaurants (Mon-Sun): Breakfast: € 50/wk; half

board € 125/wk (breakfast and lunch); full board € 195/wk.•Lunch in our school canteen (Mon-Fri; July and August only): € 70/wk.•You can also have a good value meal (ca. € 4) in the university refec-

tory (voted “best refectory in Germany” 2009-2011), just a 10-minute walk from the school.

Guest Houses, Holiday HomesQuotations on request; weekly rent depends on size, location in the city, furnishings and season. Rates from € 300 to €1500; administration fee € 150.

Hotels, Youth HostelAdministration fee: € 50.F+U Hotel “Bayrischer Hof” ***: The “Bayrischer Hof”, one of the most tradition-steeped hotels in the city, is situated on Bismarckplatz, just 150m from the school and the Old Town (single rooms from € 80 / night; double rooms from € 100 / night).Hotels in all price categories are located close to the school. We can also book rooms in Heidelberg’s beautifully situated youth hostel.

Host Family AccommodationAdministration fee: € 50.

1 Journey time to school (using public transport): The travelling time to the bus stop is not included; this is usually just a 5-10-minute walk from the accommodation. Further details available on request. ² Some host families offer full board for a supplement of € 50 per week.

Category Distance to school Meals² 1-3 weeks(rent per week/room)

From 4 weeks(rent per week/room)

Extra days(rent per day/room)


HF-A 2-30 minutes by public transport1

Half board € 225 € 430 € 200 € 380 € 45 € 85

Breakfast € 190 € 365 € 175 € 335 € 40 € 75

Room only € 170 € 325 € 155 € 295 € 35 € 65

HF-B Maximum 50 minutes by public transport1

Half board € 190 € 365 € 175 € 335 € 40 € 75

Breakfast € 160 € 305 € 145 € 280 € 35 € 65

Room only € 140 € 270 € 130 € 250 € 30 € 55

Apo, Hall of Residence Brox, Hall of ResidenceF+U Hotel Bayrischer Hof F+U Hotel Bayrischer Hof

Im Weiher, Hall of Residence Villa MönchhofTurner, Hall of Residence Schmitt, Hall of Residence

Concordia, Hall of Residence Victoria, Hall of ResidenceMärz, Hall of Residence Karlsplatz, Hall of Residence

Railway station Heidelberg1

Railway stationMannheim1


Distance3 2 km 20 km 80 km

Journey One way Return One way Return One way Return

1 person € 40 € 75 € 70 € 130 € 90 € 170

2 people4 € 25 € 40 € 55 € 95 € 70 € 125

3 people4 € 18 € 30 € 40 € 75 € 65 € 115

4+ people4 € 15 € 25 € 35 € 60 € 60 € 105

Airport Stuttgart/Baden-Baden-Karlsruhe2

Airport Hahn/Stras-bourg/Saarbrücken2

Distance3 120 km/95 km 160 km/140km/160 km

Journey One way Return One way Return

1 person € 150 € 270 € 180 € 325

2 people4 € 110 € 195 € 120 € 215

3 people4 € 75 € 135 € 85 € 155

4+ people4 € 60 € 110 € 70 € 125


Accommodation Prices Accommodation Description

*From Monday to Saturday 100 m to bus stop; Sundays 1 km to the nearest bus stop.Please note: The halls of residence are available to our learners all year round, with the exception of “Looks Inn” and “SRH”. However, due to the high demand, we recommend booking accommodation at least two months in advance. During the summer, if accommodation in one category is fully booked, we reserve the right to allocate a room in another residence of the same standard. All our halls of residence offer free WiFi (only exception: SRH) and washing machines (exceptions: Rohrbach 16, Brox, Am Markt; launderettes are available within walking distance). Abbreviations: APO = Apothekergasse; Cat. = category; stop = distance to the nearest bus stop.

Student Halls of ResidenceAdministration fee: € 50 per room (incl. all utilities, cleaning of communal areas at least 2 times per week and the final cleaning).Deposit: € 100.Double room bookings are only available for learners arriving together. Discount for groups of 10 people or more: 5% off listed price.

Category Short description 1-3 weeks (rent per week/room)

From 4 weeks (rent per week/room)

Extra day* (rent per day/room)


I 2 to 6 km from the school.The categories take into account furnish-ings/facilities of the accommodation and the attractiveness of the area.

€ 100 € 150 € 85 € 135 € 30 € 45

II € 110 € 165 € 100 € 150 € 35 € 50

III € 130 € 190 € 110 € 165 € 35 € 55

IV 3 to 4.5 km from the school.Shower and/or WC in room. € 150 € 225 € 130 € 195 € 40 € 60

V Central location (some in the Old Town; 200 m - 1.4 km from the school). € 180 € 270 € 160 € 240 € 40 € 65

VICentral location (Old Town; 500 m from the school). Shower, WC in room, kitchen en suite or shared with only one other room.

€ 225 € 300 € 180 € 270 € 50 € 75

*Extra day: Saturday for early arrival / Sunday for late departure Booking a hall of residence category First, please only book the preferred residence category. About two weeks before your arrival – at the latest on the Monday before your arrival – you will be informed of the name of your hall of residence. GuaranteeingaspecifichallofresidenceFor a single supplement of € 200 we guarantee – subject to room availability at the time of booking – allocation of your preferred hall of residence. If the start of the course is postponed, e.g. due to a delay in issuing a visa, we reserve the right to allocate a room in a hall of residence in the same category. In this case the guarantee supplement is refunded in full.

No. Name District Dis-tance Stop Short description, location Cat.

1 Albert Fritz Kirchheim 4.1 km 50 m

Rear house: 8 / 9 rooms on three floors in two semi-detached houses (cellar, ground, 1st floor); each semi has 2 bathrooms, 1 guest WC, 1 kitchen. II

Front house: 13 rooms on three floors sharing 6 bathrooms and a spacious kitchen with rooftop terrace; rooms with balconies and terrace access available. III

2 Am Markt Old Town 1.4 km 200 m Renovated 2011; 250 m to Old Bridge and castle, located on Market Square. V

3 Apo Old Town 1.3 km 200 m 300 m to Old Bridge and castle; 2-3 rooms sharing bathroom and kitchen; well-furnished room and/or kitchen V

4 Bach Eppelheim 5.0 km 100 m Renovated 2011; quiet residential area, well-kept and personal atmosphere; partial balcony access. III

5 Bosch Eppelheim 6.0 km 800 m Renovated and refurnished 2012; some rooms with access to terrace; in popular residential district of Eppelheim; several supermarkets nearby. I

6 Brox Centre 0.3 km 50 mVery central location, close to Bismarckplatz and language school.

Small room, no cooking facilities, basin in room, shared bathroom. I

Renovated 2011; kitchenette in room, shared bathroom. V

7 Burgi Old Town 1.0 km 100 m Renovated 2011; kitchenette in room; 200 m to Old Bridge and Neckar. V

8 Concordia Rohrbach 2.0 km 200 m Simple furnishings; large car park; close to city forest. I

9 Czerny Bergheim 1.9 km 450 m Renovated and refurnished 2012, all rooms with balcony; near station. III

10 Delicatesse Old Town 0.25 km 250 m Located on the Hauptstraße; 7 rooms sharing kitchen and two bathrooms. V

11 Eichendorff Rohrbach 3.5 km 250 m Renovated 2011; bathroom shared by 3-4 rooms; close to vineyards and Old Rohrbach market. III

12 Emmertsgr-und

Emmertsgr-und 5.5 km 100 m Quiet location in Heidelberg district of Emmertsgrund; kitchen and bathroom

shared by 4-5 rooms. II

13 Haus am Ritter Old Town 1.2 km 250 m Luxuriously restored baroque building; high-grade bathrooms and kitchen, parquet

floors; exclusive Old Town atmosphere. V

14 Im Weiher Hands-chuhsheim 3.6 km 700 m

Renovated 2011; 600 m to Neckar, horse riding grounds nearby, 750 m to large sports centre.

Room in basement. II

Room on ground or 1st floor. III

WC and shower in room. IV

15 Karlsplatz Old Town 1.4 km 250 m The residence is located in the heart of the Heidelberg Old Town, at the foot of the Schlossberg. 5 rooms sharing 2 bathrooms and a kitchen. V

No. Name District Dis-tance Stop Short description, location Cat.

16 Karlsruhe Rohrbach 2.8 km 10 m

One double room with steeply sloping attic roof across entire area of the apartment. I

5 rooms in rear house sharing bathroom and kitchen; access via rear courtyard. II

5 rooms in front house sharing two bathrooms, WC and kitchen; some with balcony access; pleasant community atmosphere. III

1 room with private kitchenette and ensuite shower. IV

17 Looks Inn Pfaffen-grund 5 km 700 m TV and WiFi available; shower and WC shared. II

18 März Old Town 0.5 km 100 mNew building (2011) in the Old Town, near pedestrian area.

WC, shower + kitchen shared by 2 rooms. V

Room with WC/shower ensuite; private kitchen or sharing with only one room. VI

19 Mühltal Hand-schuhsheim 2.3 km 250 m Renovated 2011; close to Tiefburg (13th century); community atmosphere. III

20 Philipp Reis Südstadt 2.1 km 250 mSmall au-pair-room, simple furnishings; bathroom and kitchen shared. II

3 single rooms and 1 double room sharing bathroom and kitchen. III

21 Rohrbach 16 Weststadt 0.5 km 100 m Kitchen and bathroom shared by 3-4 rooms; central location. V

22 Schmitt Kirchheim 4.4 km 150 m Large kitchen in annexe, quiet residential area.

WC/shower along corridor; basin in room. III

WC along corridor; shower/basin in room. IV

23 Schwetzingen Kirchheim 4.0 km 200 m 4 rooms in attic (slightly sloping roof); pleasant community atmosphere. III

24 Sophie Centre 0.1 km 50 mRenovated 2011/2013; very central location, close to Bismarckplatz and language school; bathroom and kitchen shared by 4 rooms, some with access to large ter-race; community atmosphere.


25 SRH Wieblingen 3.0 km 500 m Shower and WC in room; kitchen along corridor; no WiFi; 400 m to Neckar. IV

26 Steinhof Pfaffen-grund 4.3 km 100

m*Refurnished 2012; nearby hik-ing trails; kitchen in basement; several WCs and showers.

Small attic room. I

Larger room. II

27 Turner Rohrbach 3.4 km 250 m Renovated 2008, close to Rohrbach market.

2 rooms sharing WC + shower; kitchen along corridor. III

Shower and WC in room; kitchen along corridor. IV

28 Victoria Rohrbach 3.7 km 150 m Kitchen and bathroom shared by 3-5 rooms; close to vineyards and Rohrbach market. II

29 Villa Mönchhof Neuenheim 0.8 km 200 m Renovated 2011; handsome villa with small parking area; spaces available. V

30 Wasserturm Eppelheim 5.6 km 100 m 11 rooms across 3 floors sharing 3 bathrooms and a guest WC; partial access to terrace or balcony. III

28 29

Accommodation PricesApartments Administration fee: € 100 (incl. all utilities, final cleaning).Deposit: € 200.The categories take into account furnishings/facilities of the accommodation and the attractiveness of the area.

Cat. Name 1-3 weeks (rent per week/apt.)

From 4 weeks(rent per week/apt.)

Extra day1

(rent per day/apt.) 1 person 2 people2 1 person 2 people2 1 person 2 people

I Heiligenhaus, Karlsruhe, März, Rathaus, Rohrbach16 € 225 € 320 € 180 € 295 € 50 € 75

II Haus am Ritter, März € 275 € 415 € 250 € 375 € 60 € 95 1 Extra day: Saturday for earlier arrivals / Sunday for later departures. ² Supplement for each additional person and week: Apartment category I = € 50; apartment category II = € 75.

The apartments are equipped with a washing machine (except “Rohrbach 16”; a launderette is available nearby) and have WiFi.Abbreviations: Cat. = category; stop = distance to the nearest bus stop.

No. Name District Distance Stop Short description, location Cat.

13 Haus am Ritter Old Town 1.2 km 250 m 4 narrow bedrooms, attractive bathroom, separate WC, living room, spacious

kitchen; exclusive Old Town atmosphere; 1-4 people. II

32 Heiligenhaus Rohrbach 4.5 km 400 m Living-room/kitchen and bathroom/WC; bedroom (2 singles); 1-2 people. I

16 Karlsruhe Rohrbach 2.8 km 10 m In attic: Own kitchen and marble bathroom; beds on gallery (small maisonette area); 1-2 people. I

18 März Old Town 0.4 km 100 m1 room, shower/WC and kitchenette; 1-2 people. I

2 rooms, shower/WC and kitchenette; 1-4 people. II

31 Rathaus Rohrbach 3.6 km 100 m 1 – 1.5 rooms, bathroom/WC and spacious kitchen; 1-4 people. I

21 Rohrbach 16 Weststadt 0.5 km 100 m 1 room, shower/WC and kitchenette; 1 person. I

Rohrbach 16, Apartments Rohrbach 16, ApartmentsMärz, Apartments Am Rathaus, Apartments

30 31

Participant StatisticsGFL learners + their countries of origin: 4,510(GFL = German as a foreign language)

*Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Congo, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Domini-can Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, Gabon, Geor-gia, Guinea, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Iceland, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Mali, Malta, Mauritius, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Oman , Pakistan, Palestine, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Syria, Thailand, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zimbabwe.

In 2012 we welcomed 8,903 language learners and examination candidates to our Academy of Languages. Participants in our German as a Foreign Language (GFL) courses came from 114 countries. Alongside German, 18 other foreign languages were taught at our school.

Language course participants: 6,748

*Arabic, Turkish, Dutch, Korean, Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Portu-guese, Norwegian, Romanian, Finnish.

German as a Foreign Language (GFL) 4,510

English 1,750

French 155

Spanish 145

Japanese 50

Russian 30

Italian 30

Chinese 27

Other languages* 51

Language examination participants: 2,155

*On behalf of Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.**OnDaF, TOEIC, ECDL and more.


DSH* 710

State recogn. vocational college for foreign languages 210

TestDaF 175

TestAS 75



Other examinations** 55

Spain 505

494 Participants from 76 more countries*

Russia 329Italy 311

Japan 297Tunisia 295

China 221USA 199Turkey 193

Israel 180Mexico 166

France 140Poland 130

Cameroon 105

Greece 66Switzerland 65Brazil 61

Belgium 55Cyprus 55India 52

Bulgaria 45Georgia 34Canada 33

Columbia 33Romania 30Taiwan 30Belarus 29Australia 28Korea 25Hungary 24Croatia 23Slovakia 21Venezuela 20Sweden 20Iran 20

United Kingdom 89Azerbaijan 87

F+U Rhein-Main-Neckar gGmbH Academy of LanguagesHauptstrasse 1, D-69117 HeidelbergPhone +49 6221 8994-2992Fax +49 6221 [email protected]

Language courses in HeidelbergArabic, Bulgarian, Brazilian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and moreInternational test centreTestDaF, TELC, TOEFL, TOEIC, LCCI, ECDL, OnDaF, TestAS and moreState recognised vocational college for foreign languagesForeign Language Correspondence Clerk, European Secretary, Multilingual Correspondence Clerk, TranslatorWorldwide language toursEngland, Ireland, Malta, USA, Canada, Australia, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Central and South America, Russia, Japan, China and moreCommercial college of further education Business administrator, business specialist and moreProfessional schoolsWorkplace pedagogy, youth/care home pedagogy and moreacademy24Extra-occupational further educationHeidelberg private school centreSecondary schools (Gymnasium, Realschule), vocational schoolsInternational University of Cooperative Education Bachelor degree programmes in the dual systemUnivrsity of Applied Sciences for Business, Technology and Culture Bachelor and master’s degree programmes









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Our language school in the Darmstädter Hof Centre, Hauptstraße 1, 3rd floor.