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` Developer Administration Guide Revalidate Itinerary API Action code: RevalidateItinRQ Schema Version v3.3.0 Release 2017.09 (September 2017)

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Page 1: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality


Developer Administration Guide

Revalidate Itinerary API

Action code: RevalidateItinRQ

Schema Version v3.3.0

Release 2017.09

(September 2017)

Page 2: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Schema version 3.3.0

Document Edition 1.0 (September 2017)

This documentation is the confidential and proprietary information

of Sabre Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, preparation of

derivative works, performance, or display of this document, or

software represented by this document, without the express written

permission of Sabre Inc., is strictly prohibited.

Sabre and Sabre Dev Studio are trademarks and/or service marks

of an affiliate of Sabre Corporation. All other trademarks, service

marks, and trade names are the property of their respective


© 2017 Sabre Inc. All rights reserved.

Page 3: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Table of Contents iii

Table of Contents

1 G e t t i n g S t a r t e d

1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Summary of Changes ......................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 About This Guide ................................................................................................................................ 1-1

2 R e v a l i d a t e I t i n e r a r y F u n c t i o n a l i t y

2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 New Schema Element ........................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.3 Product Usage and Example .............................................................................................................. 2-2 2.4 XML Examples .................................................................................................................................... 2-3 2.5 JSON Examples.................................................................................................................................. 2-7

3 E r r o r M e s s a g e s

3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 3-1

G l o s s a r y

Page 4: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

iv Table of Contents Developer Administration Guide September 2017

• • •

Page 5: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Getting Started 1-1

1.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n

The purpose of this guide is to describe the Revalidate Itinerary API, which enables the ability to

recheck availability and price for a specific itinerary option without booking the itinerary, so the up-

to-date content can be presented.

Possible outcomes with this solution:

• Same option is available at same price.

• Same option is available at a different price (higher or lower).

• The option is no longer available.

1.2 S u m m a r y o f C h a n g e s

The RevalidateItinRQ API is available via OTA XML and JSON REST technology, and the primary

use case is to re-validate pricing and availability for a given itinerary.

1.3 A b o u t T h i s G u i d e

This guide provides information on the Revalidate Itinerary API enhancements in the Schema

response. Each chapter is as follows:

• Chapter 1, “Getting Started” explains the purpose of the document and provides a summary of

the changes to the system.

• Chapter 2, “Revalidate Itinerary Functionality” describes the details of this capability and the

schema detail.

• Chapter 3, “Errors Messages” describes the error messages for Revalidate Itinerary API.

• Glossary, provides a glossary of terms used in this document.

1 Getting Started 1

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1-2 About This Guide Developer Administration Guide September 2017

• • •

Page 7: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality 2-1

2.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n

This chapter includes the following:

• New schema element (see this page).

• Product usage and example (see “Product Usage and Example,” page 2-2).

• XML examples (see “XML Examples,” page 2-3).

• JSON examples (see “JSON Examples,” page 2-7).

2.2 N e w S c h e m a E l e m e n t

The following flights attributes are required in the request when re-validating price and availability

for a given itinerary:

• Flight arrival date and time.

• Class of Service - This element in is required in the request, and will be used in conjunction with

any other optional fare qualifiers, to re-price the given itinerary.

• Flight departure date and time.

• Flight number.

• Flight type (optional). Valid values are:

– A – AIR


– O – OPEN

• Flight origin location code.

• Flight destination location code.

• Marketing and operating carrier code.

– BookingDateTime (optional).

2 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality 2

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2-2 Product Usage and Example Developer Administration Guide September 2017

The following attributes are returned in the RevalidateItinRS response.

• For Revalidate Itinerary, the Repriced attribute was added to the AirItineraryPricingInfo element

to define the fare returned from re-pricing a requested itinerary using the requested booking code.

This will be marked as “Repriced” in the RevalidateItinRS. The type is “Boolean,” so valid

values are: true or false.

When you re-price a requested itinerary using this new functionality, and if the price is validated

and fare is available, you will be able to identify the re-priced solution marked as

Repriced=”true” in the RevalidateItinRS.


2.2.1 D e f i n i n g t h e R e v a l i d a t e I t i n e r a r y A P I

Historically, to check pricing and availability of a specific itinerary segment(s), it was required to

either create a PNR to hold or open a new session to revalidate a previously booked itinerary. The

Itinerary Revalidation API enables the creation of a single itinerary option to be revalidated for price

and availability without booking the itinerary and decrementing airline inventory. The itinerary sell

process is separate from this API.

When re-pricing a given itinerary, there is no guarantee that the same fare as in any previous search

or price request will be returned. The same RBD will be used, but there might be multiple different

fares per RBD and, among the possibilities that exist, the system could select a different price.

The functionality allows for any applicable Air Shopping qualifiers to replicate and revalidate the


2.3 P r o d u c t U s a g e a n d E x a m p l e

This section includes instructions for how to use this feature as well as a sample with flight

information in the request.

2.3.1 F l i g h t I n f o r m a t i o n R e q u i r e d i n t h e R e q u e s t

This section shows the information should be included in TPA Extensions. Following is an example:

<OriginDestinationInformation RPH="1"> <DepartureDateTime>2017-10-22T11:27:00</DepartureDateTime>

<OriginLocation LocationCode="ATL"/>

<DestinationLocation LocationCode="BOS"/>


<Flight ArrivalDateTime="2017-10-22T13:58:00" ClassOfService="C"

DepartureDateTime="2017-10-22T11:27:00" Number="1200" Type="O">

<OriginLocation LocationCode="ATL"/>

<DestinationLocation LocationCode="BOS"/>

<Airline Marketing="K0" Operating="K0"/>



<SegmentType Code="O"/>


Page 9: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality 2-3


2.4 X M L E x a m p l e s

This section includes three examples:

• Repriced attribute set to true in the response (see this page).

• OTA XML full request (see this page).

• OTA XML full response (see “OTA XML Full Response,” page 2-4).

2.4.1 R e p r i c e d A t t r i b u t e S e t t o T r u e

The Repriced attribute set to “true” in the RevalidateItinRS is to identify which is the re-priced


<AirItineraryPricingInfo PricingSource="WPNI1_ITIN" PricingSubSource="MIP"

Repriced="true" FareReturned="true" LastTicketDate="2017-08-18">


<BaseFare Amount="947.91" CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2"/>

<FareConstruction Amount="947.91" CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2"/>

<EquivFare Amount="1210.00" CurrencyCode="AUD" DecimalPlaces="2"/>


<Tax TaxCode="TOTALTAX" Amount="109.10" CurrencyCode="AUD" DecimalPlaces="2"/>

2.4.2 O T A X M L F u l l R e q u e s t

<OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ xmlns:xs=""

Target="Production" Version="3.3.0" xmlns=""

xmlns:xsi="" ResponseType="OTA">


<Source PseudoCityCode="XXXX">

<RequestorID Type="0.AAA.X" ID="REQ.ID">

<CompanyName Code="TN"/>




<OriginDestinationInformation RPH="1">


<OriginLocation LocationCode="LAX"/>

<DestinationLocation LocationCode="JFK"/>


<Flight Number="1908" ClassOfService="P"

DepartureDateTime="2018-02-10T22:50:00" ArrivalDateTime="2018-02-11T07:00:00"


<OriginLocation LocationCode="LAX"/>

<DestinationLocation LocationCode="JFK"/>

<Airline Marketing="K0" Operating="K0"/>




<OriginDestinationInformation RPH="2">

Page 10: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

2-4 XML Examples Developer Administration Guide September 2017


<OriginLocation LocationCode="JFK"/>

<DestinationLocation LocationCode="LAX"/>


<Flight Number="472" ClassOfService="P"

DepartureDateTime="2018-02-16T07:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2018-02-16T09:56:00"


<OriginLocation LocationCode="JFK"/>

<DestinationLocation LocationCode="LAX"/>

<Airline Marketing="K0" Operating="K0"/>











<PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1"/>












2.4.3 O T A X M L F u l l R e s p o n s e

<OTA_AirLowFareSearchRS xmlns=""

xmlns:xsi="" Version="3.3.0"

PricedItinCount="1" BrandedOneWayItinCount="0" SimpleOneWayItinCount="0"

DepartedItinCount="0" SoldOutItinCount="0" AvailableItinCount="0">



<Warning Type="WORKERTHREAD" Code="TRANSACTIONID" MessageClass="I"


<Warning Type="SERVER" Code="TTFHLC850" MessageClass="I" ShortText="27031"/>

<Warning Type="DEFAULT" Code="RULEID" MessageClass="I" ShortText="25956"/>

<Warning Type="DRE" Code="RULEID" MessageClass="I" ShortText="25957"/>



<PricedItinerary SequenceNumber="1">

<AirItinerary DirectionInd="Return">


<OriginDestinationOption ElapsedTime="310">

<FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2018-02-10T22:50:00"

ArrivalDateTime="2018-02-11T07:00:00" StopQuantity="0" FlightNumber="1908"

ResBookDesigCode="P" ElapsedTime="310">

<DepartureAirport LocationCode="LAX" TerminalID="2"/>

<ArrivalAirport LocationCode="JFK" TerminalID="4"/>

<OperatingAirline Code="K0" FlightNumber="1908"/>

<Equipment AirEquipType="76W"/>

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Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality 2-5

<MarketingAirline Code="K0"/>


<DepartureTimeZone GMTOffset="-8"/>

<ArrivalTimeZone GMTOffset="-5"/>

<OnTimePerformance Level="9"/>


<eTicket Ind="true"/>

<Mileage Amount="2475"/>




<OriginDestinationOption ElapsedTime="356">

<FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2018-02-16T07:00:00"

ArrivalDateTime="2018-02-16T09:56:00" StopQuantity="0" FlightNumber="472"

ResBookDesigCode="P" ElapsedTime="356">

<DepartureAirport LocationCode="JFK" TerminalID="4"/>

<ArrivalAirport LocationCode="LAX" TerminalID="2"/>

<OperatingAirline Code="K0" FlightNumber="472"/>

<Equipment AirEquipType="764"/>

<MarketingAirline Code="K0"/>


<DepartureTimeZone GMTOffset="-5"/>

<ArrivalTimeZone GMTOffset="-8"/>

<OnTimePerformance Level="8"/>


<eTicket Ind="true"/>

<Mileage Amount="2475"/>






<AirItineraryPricingInfo PricingSource="WPNI1_ITIN" PricingSubSource="MIP"

Repriced="true" FareReturned="true" LastTicketDate="2017-09-16">


<BaseFare Amount="2906.04" CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2"/>

<FareConstruction Amount="2906.04" CurrencyCode="USD"


<EquivFare Amount="23238" CurrencyCode="SEK" DecimalPlaces="0"/>


<Tax TaxCode="TOTALTAX" Amount="1971" CurrencyCode="SEK"



<TotalFare Amount="25209" CurrencyCode="SEK" DecimalPlaces="0"/>




<PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1"/>


<FareBasisCode BookingCode="P" AvailabilityBreak="true"

DepartureAirportCode="LAX" ArrivalAirportCode="JFK"

FareComponentBeginAirport="LAX" FareComponentEndAirport="JFK"

FareComponentDirectionality="FROM" FareComponentVendorCode="ATP"


<FareBasisCode BookingCode="P" AvailabilityBreak="true"

DepartureAirportCode="JFK" ArrivalAirportCode="LAX"

FareComponentBeginAirport="JFK" FareComponentEndAirport="LAX"

FareComponentDirectionality="FROM" FareComponentVendorCode="ATP"




Page 12: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

2-6 XML Examples Developer Administration Guide September 2017

<BaseFare Amount="2906.04" CurrencyCode="USD"/>

<FareConstruction Amount="2906.04" CurrencyCode="USD"


<EquivFare Amount="23238" CurrencyCode="SEK" DecimalPlaces="0"/>


<Tax TaxCode="AY" Amount="45" CurrencyCode="SEK"

DecimalPlaces="0" CountryCode="US"/>

<Tax TaxCode="AY" Amount="45" CurrencyCode="SEK"

DecimalPlaces="0" CountryCode="US"/>

<Tax TaxCode="US1" Amount="1743" CurrencyCode="SEK"

DecimalPlaces="0" CountryCode="US"/>

<Tax TaxCode="ZP" Amount="33" CurrencyCode="SEK"

DecimalPlaces="0" CountryCode="US"/>

<Tax TaxCode="ZP" Amount="33" CurrencyCode="SEK"

DecimalPlaces="0" CountryCode="US"/>

<Tax TaxCode="XF" Amount="36" CurrencyCode="SEK"

DecimalPlaces="0" CountryCode="US"/>

<Tax TaxCode="XF" Amount="36" CurrencyCode="SEK"

DecimalPlaces="0" CountryCode="US"/>

<TaxSummary TaxCode="US1" Amount="1743" CurrencyCode="SEK"

DecimalPlaces="0" CountryCode="US"/>

<TaxSummary TaxCode="ZP" Amount="66" CurrencyCode="SEK"

DecimalPlaces="0" CountryCode="US"/>

<TaxSummary TaxCode="AY" Amount="90" CurrencyCode="SEK"

DecimalPlaces="0" CountryCode="US"/>

<TaxSummary TaxCode="XF" Amount="72" CurrencyCode="SEK"

DecimalPlaces="0" CountryCode="US"/>

<TotalTax Amount="1971" CurrencyCode="SEK" DecimalPlaces="0"/>


<TotalFare Amount="25209" CurrencyCode="SEK"/>



<Message AirlineCode="K0" Type="N" FailCode="0"


<Message Type="W" FailCode="0" Info="VALIDATING CARRIER - K0"/>




<Endorsements NonRefundableIndicator="true"/>


<FareCalcLine Info="LAX K0 NYC1453.02K0 LAX1453.02USD2906.04END







<SeatsRemaining Number="1" BelowMin="false"/>

<Cabin Cabin="F"/>






<SeatsRemaining Number="1" BelowMin="false"/>

<Cabin Cabin="F"/>






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Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality 2-7





<SeatsRemaining Number="1" BelowMin="false"/>

<Cabin Cabin="F"/>






<SeatsRemaining Number="1" BelowMin="false"/>

<Cabin Cabin="F"/>





<DivideInParty Indicator="false"/>

<ValidatingCarrier SettlementMethod="BSP" NewVcxProcess="true">

<Default Code="K0"/>




<TicketingInfo TicketType="eTicket"/>


<ValidatingCarrier Code="K0"/>






<AirlineOrder SequenceNumber="1" Code="K0"/>




2.5 J S O N E x a m p l e s

This section includes three examples:

• Repriced attribute set to true in the response (see this page).

• JSON full request (see “JSON Full Request,” page 2-8).

• JSON full response (see “JSON Full Response,” page 2-9).

2.5.1 R e p r i c e d A t t r i b u t e S e t t o T r u e i n t h e R e s p o n s e

The Repriced attribute set to “true” in the response is to identify which is the re-priced itinerary.

Page 14: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

2-8 JSON Examples Developer Administration Guide September 2017

"AirItineraryPricingInfo": [


"LastTicketDate": "2017-05-17",

"PricingSource": "WPNI1_ITIN",

"PricingSubSource": "MIP",

"FareReturned": true,

"Repriced": true,

"ItinTotalFare": {

"BaseFare": {

"Amount": 990.7,

"CurrencyCode": "USD",

"DecimalPlaces": 2


"FareConstruction": {

"Amount": 990.7,

"CurrencyCode": "USD",

"DecimalPlaces": 2


"EquivFare": {

"Amount": 990.7,

"CurrencyCode": "USD",

"DecimalPlaces": 2


2.5.2 J S O N F u l l R e q u e s t


"OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ": {

"Target": "Production",

"POS": {

"Source": [


"PseudoCityCode": "XXXX",

"RequestorID": {

"Type": "0.AAA.X",

"ID": "REQ.ID",

"CompanyName": {}





"OriginDestinationInformation": [


"RPH": "1",

"DepartureDateTime": "2018-02-10T00:00:00",

"OriginLocation": {

"LocationCode": "LAX"


"DestinationLocation": {

"LocationCode": "JFK"


"TPA_Extensions": {

"Flight": [


"Number": 1908,

"DepartureDateTime": "2018-02-10T22:50:00",

"ArrivalDateTime": "2018-02-11T07:00:00",

Page 15: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality 2-9

"Type": "A",

"ClassOfService": "P",

"OriginLocation": {

"LocationCode": "LAX"


"DestinationLocation": {

"LocationCode": "JFK"


"Airline": {

"Operating": "K0",

"Marketing": "K0"







"RPH": "2",

"DepartureDateTime": "2018-02-16T00:00:00",

"OriginLocation": {

"LocationCode": "JFK"


"DestinationLocation": {

"LocationCode": "LAX"


"TPA_Extensions": {

"Flight": [


"Number": 472,

"DepartureDateTime": "2018-02-16T07:00:00",

"ArrivalDateTime": "2018-02-16T09:56:00",

"Type": "A",

"ClassOfService": "P",

"OriginLocation": {

"LocationCode": "JFK"


"DestinationLocation": {

"LocationCode": "LAX"


"Airline": {

"Operating": "K0",

"Marketing": "K0"






2.5.3 J S O N F u l l R e s p o n s e

" OTA_AirLowFareSearchRS": {

"PricedItinCount": 1,

"BrandedOneWayItinCount": 0,

"SimpleOneWayItinCount": 0,

"DepartedItinCount": 0,

"SoldOutItinCount": 0,

"AvailableItinCount": 0,

"Version": "3.3.0",

Page 16: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

2-10 JSON Examples Developer Administration Guide September 2017

"Success": {},

"Warnings": {

"Warning": [



"ShortText": "8762765362989207685",


"MessageClass": "I"



"Type": "SERVER",

"ShortText": "27031",

"Code": "TTFHLC850",

"MessageClass": "I"



"Type": "DEFAULT",

"ShortText": "25956",

"Code": "RULEID",

"MessageClass": "I"



"Type": "DRE",

"ShortText": "25957",

"Code": "RULEID",

"MessageClass": "I"




"PricedItineraries": {

"PricedItinerary": [


"SequenceNumber": 1,

"AirItinerary": {

"DirectionInd": "Return",

"OriginDestinationOptions": {

"OriginDestinationOption": [


"ElapsedTime": 310,

"FlightSegment": [


"DepartureDateTime": "2018-02-


"ArrivalDateTime": "2018-02-


"StopQuantity": 0,

"FlightNumber": "1908",

"ResBookDesigCode": "P",

"ElapsedTime": 310,

"DepartureAirport": {

"LocationCode": "LAX",

"TerminalID": "2"


"ArrivalAirport": {

"LocationCode": "JFK",

"TerminalID": "4"


"OperatingAirline": {

"Code": "K0",

"FlightNumber": "1908"


Page 17: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality 2-11

"Equipment": [


"AirEquipType": "76W"



"MarketingAirline": {

"Code": "K0"


"MarriageGrp": "O",

"DepartureTimeZone": {

"GMTOffset": -8


"ArrivalTimeZone": {

"GMTOffset": -5


"OnTimePerformance": {

"Level": "9"


"TPA_Extensions": {

"eTicket": {

"Ind": true


"Mileage": {

"Amount": 2475







"ElapsedTime": 356,

"FlightSegment": [


"DepartureDateTime": "2018-02-


"ArrivalDateTime": "2018-02-


"StopQuantity": 0,

"FlightNumber": "472",

"ResBookDesigCode": "P",

"ElapsedTime": 356,

"DepartureAirport": {

"LocationCode": "JFK",

"TerminalID": "4"


"ArrivalAirport": {

"LocationCode": "LAX",

"TerminalID": "2"


"OperatingAirline": {

"Code": "K0",

"FlightNumber": "472"


"Equipment": [


"AirEquipType": "764"



"MarketingAirline": {

"Code": "K0"


Page 18: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

2-12 JSON Examples Developer Administration Guide September 2017

"MarriageGrp": "O",

"DepartureTimeZone": {

"GMTOffset": -5


"ArrivalTimeZone": {

"GMTOffset": -8


"OnTimePerformance": {

"Level": "8"


"TPA_Extensions": {

"eTicket": {

"Ind": true


"Mileage": {

"Amount": 2475









"AirItineraryPricingInfo": [


"LastTicketDate": "2017-09-16",

"PricingSource": "WPNI1_ITIN",

"PricingSubSource": "MIP",

"FareReturned": true,

"Repriced": true,

"ItinTotalFare": {

"BaseFare": {

"Amount": 2906.04,

"CurrencyCode": "USD",

"DecimalPlaces": 2


"FareConstruction": {

"Amount": 2906.04,

"CurrencyCode": "USD",

"DecimalPlaces": 2


"EquivFare": {

"Amount": 23238,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0


"Taxes": {

"Tax": [


"TaxCode": "TOTALTAX",

"Amount": 1971,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0




"TotalFare": {

"Amount": 25209,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0

Page 19: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality 2-13



"PTC_FareBreakdowns": {

"PTC_FareBreakdown": [


"PassengerTypeQuantity": {

"Code": "ADT",

"Quantity": 1


"FareBasisCodes": {

"FareBasisCode": [


"BookingCode": "P",

"AvailabilityBreak": true,



"ArrivalAirportCode": "JFK",





"FareComponentDirectionality": "FROM",



"GovCarrier": "K0",

"content": "MAWIA0DQ"



"BookingCode": "P",

"AvailabilityBreak": true,



"ArrivalAirportCode": "LAX",





"FareComponentDirectionality": "FROM",



"GovCarrier": "K0",

"content": "MAWIA0DQ"




"PassengerFare": {

"BaseFare": {

"Amount": 2906.04,

"CurrencyCode": "USD"


"FareConstruction": {

"Amount": 2906.04,

"CurrencyCode": "USD",

"DecimalPlaces": 2


"EquivFare": {

"Amount": 23238,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0

Page 20: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

2-14 JSON Examples Developer Administration Guide September 2017


"Taxes": {

"Tax": [


"TaxCode": "AY",

"CountryCode": "US",

"Amount": 45,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0



"TaxCode": "AY",

"CountryCode": "US",

"Amount": 45,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0



"TaxCode": "US1",

"CountryCode": "US",

"Amount": 1743,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0



"TaxCode": "ZP",

"CountryCode": "US",

"Amount": 33,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0



"TaxCode": "ZP",

"CountryCode": "US",

"Amount": 33,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0



"TaxCode": "XF",

"CountryCode": "US",

"Amount": 36,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0



"TaxCode": "XF",

"CountryCode": "US",

"Amount": 36,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0



"TaxSummary": [


"TaxCode": "US1",

"CountryCode": "US",

"Amount": 1743,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0


Page 21: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality 2-15


"TaxCode": "ZP",

"CountryCode": "US",

"Amount": 66,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0



"TaxCode": "AY",

"CountryCode": "US",

"Amount": 90,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0



"TaxCode": "XF",

"CountryCode": "US",

"Amount": 72,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0



"TotalTax": {

"Amount": 1971,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK",

"DecimalPlaces": 0



"TotalFare": {

"Amount": 25209,

"CurrencyCode": "SEK"


"TPA_Extensions": {

"Messages": {

"Message": [


"AirlineCode": "K0",

"Type": "N",

"FailCode": 0,





"Type": "W",

"FailCode": 0,








"Endorsements": {

"NonRefundableIndicator": true


"TPA_Extensions": {

"FareCalcLine": {

"Info": "LAX K0 NYC1453.02K0




Page 22: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

2-16 JSON Examples Developer Administration Guide September 2017

"FareInfos": {

"FareInfo": [


"FareReference": "P",

"TPA_Extensions": {

"SeatsRemaining": {

"Number": 1,

"BelowMin": false


"Cabin": {

"Cabin": "F"





"FareReference": "P",

"TPA_Extensions": {

"SeatsRemaining": {

"Number": 1,

"BelowMin": false


"Cabin": {

"Cabin": "F"









"FareInfos": {

"FareInfo": [


"FareReference": "P",

"TPA_Extensions": {

"SeatsRemaining": {

"Number": 1,

"BelowMin": false


"Cabin": {

"Cabin": "F"





"FareReference": "P",

"TPA_Extensions": {

"SeatsRemaining": {

"Number": 1,

"BelowMin": false


"Cabin": {

"Cabin": "F"






"TPA_Extensions": {

"DivideInParty": {

Page 23: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality 2-17

"Indicator": false


"ValidatingCarrier": [


"SettlementMethod": "BSP",

"NewVcxProcess": true,

"Default": {

"Code": "K0"







"TicketingInfo": {

"TicketType": "eTicket"


"TPA_Extensions": {

"ValidatingCarrier": {

"Code": "K0"






"TPA_Extensions": {

"AirlineOrderList": {

"AirlineOrder": [


"Code": "K0",

"SequenceNumber": 1







Page 24: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

2-18 JSON Examples Developer Administration Guide September 2017

• • •

Page 25: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Error Messages 3-1

3.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n

There are no new error messages to be implemented in the Revalidate Itinerary API, however, if the

customer combine shopping or pricing qualifiers not supported with this functionality, the system

might return an error in the response. The error messages returned might differ as well the reason

why the option is no longer available.

The most common error messages returned are the following:

No Fare:



No schedules:



No availability:


3 Error Messages 3

Page 26: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

3-2 Introduction Developer Administration Guide September 2017

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Page 27: Developer Administration Guide - · Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Revalidate Itinerary Functionality

Developer Administration Guide September 2017 Glossary 1


Term Description

PNR Passenger Name Record

RBD Reservation Booking Designator

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2 Glossary Developer Administration Guide September 2017

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