developing a functional coaching philosophy don burroughs [email protected]

Developing a Functional Coaching Philosophy Don Burroughs [email protected]

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Developing a Functional Coaching Philosophy

Don Burroughs

[email protected]

Popular Thoughts on Philosophy

• When you're in the muck you can only see muck. If you somehow manage to float above it, you still see the muck but you see it from a different perspective. And you see other things too.

• The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it.

• Unintelligible answers to insoluble problems.

• There's a difference between a philosophy and a bumper sticker.

Wrong Reasons for Coaching

• Power

• Trophies

• Fulfill their own agenda

Right Reasons for Coaching

• Molding a group of individuals into a team

• Be part of the game – love of the sport

• Pass on knowledge

• Enjoyment of teaching players to play better and help them develop

• The thrill and excitement of sport

• Help young players have fun

• Want to share the experience with your kids

• Nothing kills a team’s spirit faster than an apathetic coach

• Leadership is inspiring people to do their best

Great Coaches Are Teachers

• Teaching them the skills

• Teaching them how to play within the team concept

• Teaching them how to make good decisions

• Teaching them not to be afraid to fail

• Teaching them character values

• Teaching them to be successful as players and people

Motivations for Successful Coaches

• Love of coaching

• Love of the game

• Fear of failure

• Need to prove to people they are good at coaching

• Love of competition

• The challenge itself

• Highs of winning knowing there will be lows of defeat

Aspects of Coaching Philosophy (1)

• Team needs a clear idea of what they’re expected to do and how they’re expected to do it

• Goal setting is a major part of motivation, empowerment and commitment

• Provide knowledge, information, and feedback through stats

• Verbal communication

• Our team will work harder and play harder than anyone else

• Believe in a team playing together, playing unselfishly and having the characteristics of a family

• No individual is more important than the team

Aspects of Coaching Philosophy (2)

• Play smart and make good decisions

• Total focus throughout competition

• Team is totally positive and enthusiastic

• Have fun and play loose

• Play with composure in a crisis situation

• Play with a lot of courage

• Play with confidence

• Play with a good attitude

Philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom

• Helps us understand fundamental questions of what, why and how

• Determines how we view objects and experiences in our lives

• Determines how we view people and our relationships with them

• Determines how much value we place on objects and people

• Philosophical uncertainty leads to inconsistency in behavior

Why develop a coaching philosophy?

• A well-developed philosophy will help you make difficult decisions and coach more successfully

• Think like an accountant…

Purpose of a coaching philosophy

• Starts everyone on the same page

• Shows how you approach the game

• Blueprint of you as a coach

• No surprises for anyone

• Players make an informed decision to play for you

• Helps you keep winning in perspective

• Guide to coaching decisions

A philosophy consists of…

• Major objectives

• Your beliefs or principles that you achieve your objectives

Possible concepts in philosophy (1)

• Winning

• Sportsmanship

• Time management

• Academics

• Setting priorities

• Choosing captains

• Good decisions

Possible concepts in philosophy (2)

• Commitment by coaches & players

• Player roles

• Substitutes

• Trust

• Work ethic

• Resisting temptations

• Coachability

Things that test your philosophy (1)

• Parents

• Administrators

• College coaches observing - recruiting

• Job security

• Boosters

• Personal competitiveness of the coach

• Tradition

• Time of season

Things that test your philosophy (2)

• Rivalries

• Team morale

• Problem athletes – player behavior

• Outside distractions

• Media

• Staff

• Family problems

Know your “self”

• Self-awareness

• Self-esteem

• Self-disclosure

Know your “self-awareness”

• When you are at peace with yourself you can help your athletes be at peace with themselves

• What you teach may well be less important than what you demonstrate through your character and philosophy

• Your athletes are much more likely to become what you are rather than what you want them to be

Know your “self-esteem”

• The inner conviction about your competency and worth as a human being

• Not achieved by defeating others, but by living up to your own realistic standards

Know your “self-disclosure”

• Must be relevant to your relationship and appropriate to the situation

• If you don’t self-disclose with your players, they won’t with you

What is a “successful” coach? (1)

• Wins

• Relates to athletes

• Motivates their players

• Can recruit successfully (good players)

• Has good support financially

• Strong work ethic

• Has right equipment & facility

• Good knowledge of the sport

What is a “successful” coach? (2)

• Good staff

• Stays educated

• Graduates players at a high rate

• Their players love the game when they finish their eligibility

• Enjoy a lifetime friendship with former players

• Respected by players & peers

• Mentors others in the field

Don Shula

“[Coaching philosophy] set[s] the context and boundaries within which our players and coaches can operate. They keep me honest and heading in the right direction.”

•Keep winning and losing in perspective

•Lead by example

•Go for respect over popularity

•Value character as well as ability

•Work hard, but enjoy what you do

Tony DiCicco“Catch Them Being Good”

• Know your limitations and use them as strengths

• Play hard, play to win, have fun

• Less is more

• The relay paradigm

• Vulnerable, humble leadership

Tony DiCicco (cont.)

• Validate their feelings

• The challenge coefficient

• Imprint vs. Perfect

• One size doesn’t fit all

• Be prepared to take a penalty

Tony DiCicco (cont.)

• Validate their feelings

• The challenge coefficient

• Imprint vs. Perfect

• One size doesn’t fit all

• Be prepared to take a penalty

Pat Summitt“The Definite Dozen”

• Respect yourself and others

• Take full responsibility

• Develop and demonstrate loyalty

• Learn to be a great communicator

• Discipline yourself so no one else has to

• Make hard work your passion

Pat Summitt (cont.)

• Don’t just work hard, work smart

• Put the team before yourself

• Make winning an attitude

• Be a competitor

• Change is a must

• Handle success like you handle failure

Coach Krzyzewski

• Preseason, Regular Season, Post Season, All Season

• Teaching

• Commitment

• Family

• Excellence

• Motivation

Rick Pitino

• Build self-esteem

• Set demanding goals

• Always be positive

• Establish good habits

• Master the art ofcommunication

Rick Pitino

• Learn from role models

• Thrive on pressure

• Be ferociously persistent

• Learn from adversity

• Survive success

Anson Dorrance

“Players get better everyday from the competitive cauldron. We keep score on everything we do in


Coaching Philosophy

Hopefully it is based on…

•What’s best for the kids

•What may improve their chances of success