developing the local development roadmap: processes, challenges and status


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Page 1: Developing the Local Development Roadmap: Processes, Challenges and Status


Page 2: Developing the Local Development Roadmap: Processes, Challenges and Status

VISIONDumaguete is a city of gentle, peace loving, self-reliant, and socially responsible citizenry living in an ecologically balanced center of sustainable development with accountable, responsive, and transparent leadership and wholistic education.

MISSIONTo uplift the well-being of its people through local autonomy and maximum utilization of available resources for efficient and effective delivery of services for the common good.

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1. To enhance and promote the city as a center of quality education. 2. To promote the city as investment destination for commerce, trade and business process outsourcing.

3. To provide efficient infrastructure facilities and high level of access to basic social services and economic opportunities. 4. To ensure that sectoral programs are geared towards the development of the city’s constituents.

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5. To provide high level of access to community services and economic opportunities.

6. To ensure transparency and responsible community participation in governance.

7. To sustain and maximize utilization of land and resources in a manner that will protect the environmental integrity of the city.

8. To provide spatial direction in the location of settlement, agricultural production areas and protection zones that will effect rational distribution of population.

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Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA) 2014-2016

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What is the Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA)?

A document that contains the governance program of a province, city or municipality for a given period, usually 3 years, corresponding to the term of office of elected officials.

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What is the Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA)?

A participatory process that promotes partnership between local executive and legislative and the involvement of multi-stakeholders in the identification & programming of 3-year LGU development priorities.

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What is the Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA)?

An implementation instrument that strengthens utilization of LGU information, other plans & stakeholder agenda; & that builds in the resources & capacities required to carry out the priorities.

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Important uses of an ELA

Lead the executive and the legislative branches towards a unified vision, mission, goals and objectives.

Enable the executive and legislative branches to agree on priority problems and issues.

Help the LGU focus on a set of interventions towards the attainment of a common set of objectives and goals.

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Important uses of an ELAIncrease the chances for implementation of priority programs of the executive department, if the legislative branch formulates ordinances in support of the LCE program of government.

Speed up the implementation of priority projects.

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Basis in the formulation of the ELA

based on the policies, directives, planning guidelines and performance monitoring tools issued by concerned organizations and government agencies with particular reference to the following:

1. United Nations Millennium Development Goals

2. Local Government Code of 1991, RA 7160 (Section 16 of the Local Government Code states that “… shall ensure and support,

among other things, the preservation and enrichment of culture, promote health and safety, enhance the right of people to a balanced ecology, encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliant for scientific and technological capabilities, improve public morals, enhance economic prosperity and social justice, promote full employment among their residents, maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants.”)

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Basis in the formulation of the ELA

one of the most critical data utilized in the formulation of the ELA are those found in the State of Local Governance Report (SLGR) or findings of the survey of the Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS) as conducted by the city DILG. The SLGR contains the pertinent data and careful analysis of trends and popular responses of respondents. For an ELA to be credible, it should be based on solid research such as LGPMS and SLGR

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1. Objective – must be grounded on an objective research and a good analysis of the local situation.

2. Integrated – must be a product of a thorough review and validation of existing LGU plans, and consolidation of insights shared by stakeholders.

Qualities of a Good ELA

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3. Needs-based – must be anchored on the real needs of the local community by using the minimum basic needs (MBN) surveys.

4. Focused – it should channel LGU efforts and resources towards interventions that are anticipated to contribute to the realization of long-term development goals while bringing immediate benefits to its constituency.

Qualities of a Good ELA

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5. Widely-shared and Participatory – must be widely-shared, crossing party lines and sectors.

6. Time-bound – must be implemented by elected officials during their term of office.

Qualities of a Good ELA

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Qualities of a Good ELA

7. Implementable – must be owned and used by key decision-makers such as the LCEs and the legislative leaders as they make policy and program decisions.

8. Enjoys Top Management Support – it must enjoy strong support and commitment from LGU officials, particularly the LCEs.

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Steps involvedin theELA process


12 Managing and SustainingELA Implementation

11 Popularizing the ELA

10 Moving the ELA to Action

9 Securing Endorsement and Approval

8 Building Commitment

6 Identifying and Prioritizing Programs and Projects

5 Formulating Goals and Objectives

4 Defining the LGU Vision and Mission

3 Consulting with Multi-stakeholders

2 Prioritizing Issues

1 Planning to Plan

The 12 Steps in ELA Formulation

7 Determining Legislative Requirements

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1. A planning and budgeting tool

2. A transparency and accountability tool

3. A social mobilization tool

4. A performance measurement tool

5. A communication tool

6. A convergence tool

Benefits of the ELA

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1. Full support and commitment of the LCE, SB and the ELA Team.

2. A competent and dedicated Team to formulate and implement the ELA.

3. Adoption of appropriate planning and participatory tools and techniques in the ELA formulation process.

4. Building on existing LGU plans and convergence of existing sectoral/thematic plans into a single planning document.

5. Integrating the ELA process into the regular/mandated local structures and systems for planning and investment programming and not as a stand alone planning activity.

The following were considered in formulating the Dumaguete City’s ELA

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6. Involving the mandated planning bodies, especially the LDC and the SBs, in the various stages of the ELA process.

7. Meaningful consultation and validation with various stakeholders.

8. Popularizing the ELA, or making the ELA widely known, to the larger community.

9. Tapping the services of external facilitators or coaches for appropriate technical assistance.

10.Instituting two-way feedback mechanisms on ELA implementation on a sustained basis.

The following were considered in formulating the Dumaguete City’s ELA

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Effective Local Governance is a continuing challenge to local government units

Good governance does not happen overnight

It is a result of thorough and systematic planning and efficient and effective execution of plans involving various stakeholders in the locality.

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