development diary

Digi-Pack Development Diary I started the construction of my physical CD by opening an existing template, to do this I went to File > Open, once my selections opened I selected the correct template. Once I had the correct template I then opened the pictures that I would use for the CD, I used the same process that I followed to open the CD template. These are the pictures I chose. I wanted the model to be walking around the CD, jumping over the amps. Once I had opened the pictures I then edited them to make them brighter and more visually appealing to do this I used the Level and Curves tool. The shortcut for the Levels tool is ‘CMD > L’ and the shortcut for Curves is ‘CMD > M’.

Upload: ellierawl

Post on 22-May-2015




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Page 1: Development Diary

Digi-Pack Development Diary I started the construction of my physical CD by opening an existing template, to do this I went to File > Open, once my selections opened I selected the correct template. Once I had the correct template I then opened the pictures that I would use for the CD, I used the same process that I followed to open the CD template. These are the pictures I chose. I wanted the model to be walking around the CD, jumping over the amps. Once I had opened the pictures I then edited them to make them brighter and more visually appealing to do this I used the Level and Curves tool. The shortcut for the Levels tool is ‘CMD > L’ and the shortcut for Curves is ‘CMD > M’.

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Once I had finished editing the pictures I then had to select them to drag them onto the CD Template, to do this I used the magic wand tool, once I had it selected I traced around the model’s body and it selected the model and separated it from the background. I then selected the move

tool and dragged the model onto the CD Template. I then had to resize the model as they did not fit properly onto the CD, to do this I used Free Transform, to do this I went to Edit > Free Transform; then making sure I

held down the shift button, to make sure the picture stayed in proportion, I dragged the corners in to make the model the correct size. When I had finished this I put the amp in, I followed the same process that I did for the model, the only different that I did this time was rotate it, to do this I went to Edit > Transform > Rotate I then rotated the amp until it was at the correct angle, I then used the eraser tool rub out the bottom of the amp so it fitted against the inner circle of the CD. I then repeated this process with the next model and continued until I had covered the whole CD. After I had finished this I felt that the CD just looked too plain so I decided that I would link in the chequered pattern from the front cover in with the CD. To do this I first hid the layers with the model and amps on them so I had a clear background, I then started off with the lines that I would need to draw, I used the Line Tool to execute this, I set the thickness to 0.2cm so the line

wasn’t too big but still able to be seen. Once I had completed this I merged the layers and then filled in every other space with a different colour using the Fill Tool. I then added a Inner Shadow by double clicking on the layer and selecting Inner Shadow with the opacity at 100 and changed the Distance, Size and

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Choke until I had the desired effect. This is the finished product.

I then moved on to the inside cover, to do this I first created a new square Photoshop document, I did this by opening Photoshop

and going to File > New, I then went onto custom and changes the centimetres to 22cm by 22cm as this would give me the same width as a A4 page. Once I had this page set up I

opened the first picture that I would be using as one of my four, to do this I went to File > Open. Once I had the picture open I then had to edit this picture, to do this I first wanted to fix the models skin to make it look smoother, I did this by using a technique called soft focus; this includes selecting the lasso tool and tracing

around the models eyes and mouth, making sure I was on the duplicated layer. I then inversed the selection and went to Filter > Gaussian Blur, I

then changed the opacity of the layer to make the blur look subtle but effective, once I had the desired look I flattened the image, I did this by going to Layer > Flatten Image. Once I had finished with this process I then went onto changing the

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colour and tone of the picture, I did this by using levels (cmd+L) and curves (cmd+M). This is my edited product, I then decided that the picture would look better with a filter on it and after going

through lots of layers I decided that the film grain filter looked the best, I did this by going to Filter > Film Grain. This is my finished product. I then put this onto my blank Photoshop document and

used Free Transform to resize the image to fit into its designated quarter. I then repeated this whole process for

each of the four pictures. This is my finished design for the pictures.

I then wanted to add text to the inside slip so people could use it as a mini poster to put on their wall. I used the Text Tool for this, once I had selected the tool I picked a font that I thought would best fit the house style for the digi-pack, the font that I selected was Marker Felt and then I used Free Transform to change the size and shape of the writing.

This is the finished product, I am very pleased with how this turned out and if I was to go back and do it again I don’t think I would do anything differently.

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I then moved onto the Front Cover, this was a Mash-up idea. To do this I first freehand drew a design on a square piece of paper. Once I had finished the design I then scanned it onto my computer system using a scanner, this is what the picture looked like once I had scanned it onto my system. I then opened this picture in Photoshop and duplicated the layer, to do this I had to go to Layer > Duplicate Layer. Once I had the layer duplicated I then selected the line tool and began drawing all of the straight lines, once I had finished the straight lines I started with

the curved lines, to do this I first used the straight line from one point to the other, using the warp tool change the line so it fit against the drawing, I did this by going to Edit > Transform > Warp. After I had finished with the outline I stared to

add colour, to do this I used the Fill Tool. I also wanted to add a realistic aspect to the front cover so I decided to replace the

cartoon iPod with an actual iPod, to do this I took a picture of my iPod and then traced around the iPod using the Magic Wand Tool and then inversed the selection using Select > Inverse and then pressed the backspace button to get rid of the background. I then used the Magic Wand Tool again to select the screen, I then opened a picture of the Wheatus album cover and dragged it onto the iPod into the selection using

the Move Tool, and resized it using Free Transform. This is the finished iPod. This is the finished product, I am very pleased with how this product has turned out as I feel it achieved the cartoon style I was going for.

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I then created the template for the Digi-pack, to do this I opened a new Photoshop document, I did this the same way I did the previous square document by going to File > New. I then dragged the Front Cover onto the document using the Move Tool and resizing it using Free Transform. Once I had this in place I added a spine to separate the Front and Back Cover, to do this I used the rectangle

tool. Once I had finished with the I began the Back Cover, to do this I used the Rectangle Shape Tool to then fill in the left-hand corner of the document, I then double clicked on the shape layer to bring up I would be able to edit the colour and style of the box. I added an Inner

Shadow to the box, I set the opacity to 100% and then adjusted the Distance, Choke and Size until I had my desired effect. This is when I

added the text using the Text Tool. For the header I chose the font Marker Felt because I thought it

would be better to keep the same house style throughout. And then

for the list of tracks I decided to use the

font Bangla because I thought it looked better and fit into the style of my Digi-pack. I then added a barcode to the back cover, I did this by placing the image onto the image and then resizing it using Free Transform This is the finished design for the back cover.

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Once I had finished this I started to assemble my Digi-pack, because I already had the Front cover and back cover on the Photoshop document I only needed to drag the Inside Cover and CD onto the document using the Move Tool. This is the finished Digi-pack, I am very pleased with how this turned out, as there is a certain style throughout which I feel reflects the band well and the tone of the album.