development of improv: a provisioning solution at unc-chapel hill

June 10-15, 2012 Growing Community; Growing Possibilities Celeste Copeland, UNC-Chapel Hill

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When implementing a Provisioning solution for UNC-Chapel Hill, we found there was very little available in the Open Source ecosystem that addressed this Identity Management problem space. Thus we set about writing our own solution, in the hopes that we would then be able to contribute it back to the community. We have nearly completed the first phase of the outcome, a system we call IMPROV (Identity Management Provisioning.) It consists of a SPML-based router mechanism that interacts with individual Services that provide our login identifiers, the Onyen and the UNC Guest ID. We intend future phases to include De-provisioning for these identifiers, and Provisioning/De-provisioning for other services such as Heelmail (our Microsoft Live@EDU implementation) and Exchange. In this session, we plan to communicate the status of the project, discuss the architecture of IMPROV, and find others who would like to contribute to making this an Open Source project.


Page 1: Development of IMPROV: A Provisioning Solution at UNC-Chapel Hill

June 10-15, 2012

Growing Community; Growing Possibilities

Celeste Copeland, UNC-Chapel Hill

Page 2: Development of IMPROV: A Provisioning Solution at UNC-Chapel Hill

  Several years ago, did an RFP for a Provisioning solution ◦  Already have a home-grown Person Store

  UNC, like many others, bought Sun IDM ◦  Then Oracle came along…

  Left us with a few options ◦  Re-do RFP – seemed like a waste ◦  Go ahead and implement Sun IDM without knowing

the future of the product ◦  Wait and see what Oracle would choose to do ◦  Grow our own ◦  Grow our own AND try to make it Open Source

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  OASIS Standard, currently v2.0   OASIS Provisioning Services TC ◦  Karsten Huneycutt

  XML-based   Core: listTargets, add, lookup, modify, delete   Others: batch, bulk, search, suspend, update   Custom: better error codes, Challenge-


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  Onyen service   UNC Guest ID service   Resource correlation service   SPML router service ◦  Not actually a service, but a single join point around

the "create" method of all services that calls a set of scripts to check eligibility for services ◦  Eligibility is determined by consulting with the resource

correlation service before routing any request to the backend services ◦  After any successful add/delete/modify, the service will

update the correlation service with any necessary changes ◦  This is an initial implementation for our phase one

project; may switch to Grouper for eligibility

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  Available under LGPL license

downloads/list   SPML Router 1.0.0   Resource Correlation Service 1.0.0   UNC Prop Service 1.0.0 ◦  Simple example service ◦  Shows how the focus on the service implementation side

is almost exclusively on the business logic rather than the SPML plumbing

  SPML Toolkit 2.0.0 ◦  Java library that contains everything needed to write an

SPML service or client

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  De-provisioning of Onyens, Guest IDs, etc.   More services: Exchange, Live@EDU/MS 365   Workflow   Grouper

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  Contact: [email protected]   Contact: [email protected]

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