development on political identity of activists final

Development on Political Identity of Activists Nash Dunuan Johanna J. Gatchalian Trisha F. Lim Patricia R. Lopez De La Salle University - Manila CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION – we don’t have talaga? REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Political Identity Activism

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Page 1: Development on Political Identity of Activists FINAL

Development on Political Identity of Activists

Nash Dunuan

Johanna J. Gatchalian

Trisha F. Lim

Patricia R. Lopez

De La Salle University - Manila


INTRODUCTION – we don’t have talaga?


Political Identity



Activism is defined as the practice of a group of individuals to bring about social,

political, economic, or other changes to the status quo. Often it is concerned with ‘how to change

the world’ through social, political, economic or environmental change. This can be led by

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individuals but is often done collectively through social movements (Jordan, 2002).  “It can be

violent or peaceful, noisy, or quiet actions taken by groups of people, some small and some huge,

in attempts to alter society according to the desires of those taking action” (Jordan, 2002, p.8).

People who engage in activism usually have this “I want to change the norm” or “I want to

change the rule” attitude.


They are challenged to change the status quo no matter what it takes because of their

desire to maintain social support, and people low on these factors might be less concerned about

potential social rejections resulting from their activism (Werner, 1978). From this perspective, it

was concluded that people who feel strongly about a social issue and believe in internal control

of reinforcement would show more activist behaviour (Werner, 1978). Research from Gough

(1966) in a way supports this perspective; according to him, "social maturity, in its highest form,

involves the creation of new order, and hence the destruction of old order"; the socially mature

individual "under repressive conditions may set himself against the established order" (p. 190).

Therefore, a socially mature person who has strong attitudes would be likely having a higher

degree of activism. *This predicts that, SOCIAL MATURITY=HIGHER DEGREE OF


Effective activism depends on how a certain group builds relationship among people who

share a same purpose and builds alliances with other organizations with similar goals for

changing society (Reber & Kim, 2006).  *WE CAN INSERT HERE ERICKSON, NATURE

AND NURTURE* --PSYCHOLOGY 7 book for citations

Activism can make or break people because it may be the cause of their high self-esteem

and could also be influenced in doing a bad behavior. Although such movements cannot be

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explained always as simple quest for material gain or tangible benefits, and they seem to call for

an explanation that incorporates the notion of identity (Monroe, Hankin, & Van Vechten, 2000).

What do political activists do? According to Corning and Myers (2002), they advocate

political cause such as protecting the environment, human rights issues, opposing abortion or

preventing wars via any of a large array of possible means. One example is institutionalized acts

which includes starting a petition to unconventional acts such as civil disobedience, Egyptian

Revolution also known as Lotus Revolution that occurred on 2011 is one example of a combined

force of demonstrations and marches against Hosni Mubarak. McMahon (2003) also mentioned

that an activist is someone who takes action in support of or opposition to a cause. Being an

activist can take a range of form such as writing letters to government representatives and

organizing boycotts. Some activists involve in radical or even illegal activity to further their

ends. On the other hand, some activists choose to stay within the boundaries of the law to win

more supporters to their causes. If one writes a letter to the editor, educates a friend about an

issue, or phones an elected official, he or she is participating in activism.

At various times in history, being an activist has been dangerous, as activism was equated

with dangerous political dissent, making people who spoke out targets for persecution. Jose

Rizal is an intellectual activist, he preached reforms rather than revolution though

writing his novels and joining an activist group named La Liga Filipina, this caused his

death but on the bright side this triggered other Filipinos to revolutionized and

continue fighting for what he left even if they’ll be killed also. This only shows how

brave activists are because they don’t fear death and fight for the rights of fellow

Filipinos. La Liga Filipina and his group that consisted of individuals who wanted to be free

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from the Spanish occupation in a peaceful way, but this lasted for only three days because Jose

Rizal was captured and thrown to Dapitan on 1892. At other times, activism has been tolerated or

even encouraged. On a lesser scale, activism might involve participating in activist causes,

without actively organizing. Examples are participating in letter writing campaigns, phone

banking for political candidates, walking in marches, and supporting boycotts and strikes are all

examples of basic activism. In some cases, activists start out at this level before moving on to

more active organization, which involves things like leading marches, hosting organizing

committees, community organizing, offering classes at teach-ins, and so forth (McMahon, 2003).


        However, there are psychological consequences that activists must conquer. People who

push against violence and injustice or pull for peace and freedom must face their own fears.

Many activists also must struggle with aftershock, the physical and emotional reverberations of

frightening, horrifying, or otherwise traumatizing experiences endured in the course of their

activism (Jones, 2007). They have been brutally beaten, tortured, and wrongfully imprisoned.

Some of them are so badly injured they will never be quite the same again, emotionally or

politically (Starhawk, 2001).



        In the Philippines, activism becomes dangerous. Between 2001 and 2006 hundreds

of killings, disappearances, death threats, and cases of torture have been documented by

the independent human rights center, KARAPATAN, and the church-linked Ecumenical

Institute for Labor Education and Research. Since 2001, there have been 400 documented

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extrajudicial killings. In 2004, 63 were killed and in 2005, 179 were assassinated and

another 46 disappeared and presumed dead and in the first two and a half months of 2006,

there have been 26 documented political assassinations (Petras & Abaya, 2006). Activists

who defend the rights of victims, specifically the marginalized, need to choose from two

choices. The first choice is to give up and the second one is to get killed. Thus, those who

defend other people have ended up becoming victims themselves (Reyes, 2007).

Even if these activists know how dangerous their work is and even if they have families

and loved ones, they still choose to continue, fight, and be motivated due to the conviction of

their beliefs and the neediness to change the status quo, which in they think is unjust. They chose

to take the risk and make a difference, they have this greater need or desire to live on 'higher

moral ground', that ethical shift may become the basis of persistent peace activism (Downton &

Wehr, 1998). They didn’t involve themselves in this dangerous situation for nothing. They hold

strongly into their commitment, and they know by heart that those issues that they are fighting

for are noteworthy. Moreover, the activist's commitment is set within a larger constellation of

obligations to family, job, and friends (Downton & Wehr, 1998). These reasons urge them to

continue despite the consequences they have to face, including violence and death. As a result,

some of these activists are ridiculed by their own friends and worse, rejected from the society


The objective of our study is not just to determine the significance of political identity to

the young adults of the 21st century political activism but also to identify the reason behind their

yearning being an activist and to investigate profoundly into the lives of these people to reveal

the indispensable features which influenced their capacity to preserve.

Political Activism

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Compared to research about activism and what activists do, researchers paid a little

attention to political activism and factors that push people to develop their political identity.

Thus, we found that there are 5 main predictors of political activism. These predictors are

called as ‘‘the Big Five’’ which composes of extraversion, openness to experience,

emotional stability, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. According to McAdams and

Pals (2006, p. 207), these broad traits provide consistency and predictability to an

individual’s behaviors across a range of situations. In contrast to these broad traits, they

argue, there is a ‘‘wide range of motivational, social-cognitive, and developmental

adaptations, contextualized in time, place, and/or social role’’ (p. 208).  They also pointed

out that ‘‘characteristic adaptations are typically more specific and malleable than are

dispositional traits and that traits likely exert some influence on the development of some

characteristic adaptations’’ (p. 209). For example, family and peer biases could have a

major impact on being a political activist. In addition to that, many variables are said to be

related to political activism. Researchers discover a link between referent attitudes and

political activism; this has not always been the case in studies on social work activism.

Some studies confirm the socialization argument. Recently, Ritter (2008) and Chui

and Gray (2004) concluded that social workers were more engaged in activism when they

discussed politics with colleagues and family members. Similarly, in a study of peace

activism among social work students, Ezell (1993) and Hamilton and Fauri (2001) found no

relationship among the frequency of political conversations with one's co-workers, one's

family of origin, and the amount of political activism among employed social workers.

Moreover, it was also found that personal political salience was consistently related to

political activism Studies show that political activism among students increased after

colleges offered policy practice experiences outside of the classroom (Anderson & Harris,

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2005; Rocha, 2000; Sather, Weitz, & Carlson, 2007). Stewart and Gold-Steinberg (1996)

found that adult reproductive experiences were related to increased political consciousness

and political activism in women.  Fahs (2007) found that divorced women were more likely

to consider political movements of the 1960s to be personally significant and were more

likely to be involved with politically oriented community organizations after their divorces

compared to their still-married counterparts.

In addition to that, research showed lots of variables that influence and is associated with

the activist behavior; these are the social psychological variables such as value orientation,

attitudes and knowledge (McFarlane & Boxall 2003). Their attitude is observed to voice out all

the injustices they see and feel, they really practice their right to be heard and act on it according

to the righteousness that they want. Their knowledge of the situations is the arbitrator in their

rambling deeds. Thus, the study supports the call for a more complete model of activism that

includes the interplay between social psychological variables and macro-factors such as the

environmental movement in shaping attitudes and influencing behavior (Stern et al., 1993; Dietz

et al., 1998).



        Summing up, past studies gave details and explanations about who and what the activist

do, what political activism is, activism in the Philippine setting and the psychological effects it

has. Notwithstanding the escalating amount of activism records, these studies did not focus on

the lived experiences of the development of activists. Due to the gap presented in the up to date

literature, the researchers would like to know the experiences of young adult activist in the

Philippines towards the development of their political. Consequently, this study also aims to

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comprehend and be aware of the stories told by the activists in order to have an in-depth analysis

of their experiences, and be able to situate with their personal experiences, culture and historical

contexts.   There is a need to study these development experiences for the reason that activist are

often times judged, labelled, and stereotyped as people who rebel against the government

because of unknown reasons, people who have nothing to do with their lives but to rally and

protest, in doing this study we will be able to understand where they are coming from, and to

know the factors and in-depth details that developed them into an activist.



This study focuses on the narrative told by the activists, specifically their experiences as

expressed in their stories. We aspire to make deeper meanings and in-depth assessment on the

development of their Identity in Politics. For that reason, this study seeks to know, how

the activists in the Philippines upon the development of their political identity sees themselves in

terms of their status in the country, their motivations in which their desire to seek for change is

rooted from.

How do the activist participants construct their experiences before?

How do the participants construct their experiences during the time they started being


How do the participants construct their experiences after they have become activists?


The researchers have found out that there have been limited studies about activists and

people judge them because of what they do (e.g., rallying).The rich information from the

interview with some political activists will encourage possible contribution to the learning and

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understanding of the human race and future researchers in the area of political activism in


In this study, we want to know the perspectives of different activists, listen to their

experiences, and find out how activism change their point of views in life. Most importantly, we

want to know how these experiences and perspectives shape their identity.

Approaching activism and the activists, the research may shed light on how to attend and

deal with the people behind the rallies. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to know more

about activists’ identity so people could also avoid confusions and misunderstandings about



This study will be focusing on activists in Manila, Philippines since it is the most

accessible location for the researchers. Moreover, conducting interviews for different activists

with also different socio-economic status, organizations, and professions will take two weeks or

a month. However, this study will be delimited to participants who are only from mid-20’s and

students are not allowed to be interviewed. In addition to that, even if we, the researchers, all live

in the Philippines, the literature we gathered was mostly from Western literature. Hence, Filipino

values were not taken into consideration.  



Qualitative research will be employed in this study for it is the best way to answer the

research questions being asked. Quantitative research roots its foundations on meaning. It

focuses on how people perceive the world and their experiences. It does not concern itself with

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identifying variables of relation, but veers into what the person makes of what they experience

(Willig, 2008).

The researchers made use of Narrative Research design based on the interviews gathered

that formed biographies from the participants. Narrative Research explains human activity,

defines self and personal identity, and uses Ethnographic approach which is a way of recording

biographical data as lived events. With the use of this, researchers have captured the significant

events that the participants have encountered in garnering their political identity basing the

experiences that they have dwelled a life in being an activist. In a comprehensive “story-telling”

the researchers are enabled to a data rich in specificities constructed by the “knowers” which

they will experience firsthand. Narratives also includes body language, visual images and

different media effects that did not limit the researchers of word based communication

(Clandinin and Connelly, 2000; Whitehead and McNiff, 2006; Hedy Bach, 2007; Reissman,

2008; Paul Macintosh, 2008). In the light of Narrative Research, one of its strengths is allowing

the participants to conceptualize their own scene in their own plot of events, which is how

human existence is formed, through synthesis and analysis(Narrative handout given by Miss

Salanga). Webster and Mertova also notes that “Narrative is not as objective reconstruction of

life –it is a rendition of how life is percieved” (2007:3).


        A purposive sampling method will be done throughout this study. A purposive sample is

a non-representative subset of some larger population, and is constructed to serve a very specific

need or purpose (Tongco 2007). The researchers have a specific group in mind, which are

activists in profession. The researchers will attempt to zero in on the target group, interviewing

whomever is available.

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There will be at least two participants that will be interviewed for this study. The

participants would be of both genders and are currently a part of an active activist group. It is

important to know that the participants in the study are not fair-weathered activists, in this way

we can gather information truly from activists not individuals who goes with the flow or are only

paid for rallies so that the data gathered will consistently come from authentic individuals. The

study needs activists who are serious about being part of an activist group and is dedicated to the

group’s core mission and vision. The researchers have assessed the participants in a way that

they must fit in these criteria; must have an affiliation with the activist group for two years or

more; must commit time of at least ten hours every week in service for the organization; they

may or may not have jobs outside the organization so long as they comply with the ten hours per

week inside the organization. The participants are contacted through known sources of the


YUNG PARTICIPANT NIYO. The last participant’s contact information was gathered from a

seminar, a month ago before the study. Participant C or “Doc” is the founder and director of his

own activist movement for the environment from 1995 to the present. He is a working

professional who was previously part of a previous president staff and secretaries while

continuously being active on his activist movement. The interview will be conducted for one

hour with two of the researchers (one interviewer and one note-taker) and their participant



        There will be a questionnaire to be read for the participants to answer. While conducting

the interview, a voice recording device will be active to document the conversation of the

interviewer and the interviewee. The questions that will be asked are as follows:

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Opening Questions:

Ano ang organisasyon o grupo na iyong sinalinan?

Ano ang nag-udyok sa iyo na sumali sa kanila?

May may mahalagang layunin ba ang grupong iyong sinalinan na nakapukaw ng iyong

atensyon? Ano iyon?

Introductory Questions:

Pwede niyo po bang ikwento sa amin yung mga halimbawa ng mga pangyayaring sa

inyong karanasan bilang aktibista?

Transition Questions: Bakit po mahalaga ang pag-sali niyo sa grupong inyong kinauunlakan?

Bakit po mahalaga na ipaglaban ang inyong mga layunin?

Key Questions:

Ano po ang nararamdaman niyo sa tuwing magsasagawa kayo ng pagpulong at paglaban

ang inyong mga layunin?

May epekto po ba sa katayuan niyo sa komunidad ang pagiging aktibista o magin parte

ng aktibong grupong may pinaglalaban para sa bayan?

In this research, the researchers had one-on-one interviews with the

qualified participants. The language used during the interviews is Filipino for

the reason that the interviewees are more confident and comfortable in

expressing their selves in the Filipino language, also the questions asked are

made straightforward, uncomplicated, and asked the best way possible in order

to have a smooth flow of interview. The researchers conducted (2) two pilot-test

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interview to guarantee the validity. To add to that, participants were told about

the study and secured their confidentiality; they were asked to sign the consent

form and asked if it is okay to record the interview. An iPhone and Samsung

Mega was used to record the whole interview which lasted 1 hour each. Lastly,

these were decoded into verbatim transcripts and narrative analysis was utilized

to have an in-depth interpretation.


        The interview will be held in a quiet place room or a place that they prefer on which they

feel comfortable in. before starting with the interview, the researchers should wait if their

participants are settled before the interview session will start. Once the participant would feel at

ease, the researchers will then introduce themselves and will brief their participants the consent

form prepared for the study. they will have a small talk or have a “get-to-know” conversation to

keep the flow of the interview going. The researchers will then ask permission to their

interviewees if they could record their conversation. One will take note everything that is part of

the conversation with the interviewer and the interviewee. before starting the interview, the

researchers should then ensure their participants that everything will be kept confidential and be

used for research purposes only. The researchers should give a recap of the study. After the

interview, the researchers should show gratitude for the participant’s willingness to be

interviewed and be able to give a token of appreciation.


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        In this present study, thematic analysis will be done to analyze the gathered information

from the interview session with the participant. Thematic analysis will be able to identify,

analyze and to report the study’s theme but it reaches on further to a number of interpretations

with a whole new different aspect (Braun & Clarke, 2006). The recorded conversation between

the interviewer and the interviewee will be transcribed into a readable form to be reviewed.

Initial codes will be generated once the there is a familiarization of the patterns. The codes will

then determine the theme of the study. Once the themes are organized to show interpretation of

the aspect of the study, it will illustrate the study’s significance (Braun & Clarke, 2009).


Clustered Theme Initial Theme Definition

Comparing Situations

Resentment to the GovernmentSocial Involvement

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APPENDIX A: Instrument and other Protocols

APPENDIX B: Validity Studies on Instrumentss

APPENDIX C: Exemplar Transcript and Analysis of Pilot Test

Doc Transcript

Joey So.. Uhm.. First of all po, I want to introduce my..Doc Talagang “first of all”? Di ba pwedeng “second”? hahaha..Joey I want to introduce myself po, Ako po si Joey Gatchalian and I am with Nash Dunuan.

Uhm..Doc How are you related to the Gatchalian of ano..? The powerful Gatchalian in Metro

Manila? No relationships?Joey Distant lang po.Doc Ah distant lang. Tignan mo. Sabe ko na nga ba eh. Hahaha.. The “Plastic King” di ba?

Gatchalian. Go ahead.Joey Uhm.. So.. Gusto po naming itanong po sa inyo kung okay lang po bang ikwento niyo po

sa amin yung karanasan niyo bilang environmental activist?Doc Anong gusto mong karanasan? Kasi maraming karanasan, no? You have to put it into

context. Uhm.. iba yung karanasan to become an organizer. Iba yung karanasan if you are a plain advocate. Iba yung karanasan kung ikaw ay leader. At iba ang karanasan kapag ikaw ay nag-network, no, at nag-partner. Iba yung karanasan yuon nga sabe niyo nga naging advocate ka. So in advocacy, the end of advocacy is, when you push for a policy framework where you know for a fact the background of a serious..a serious public issue, in this case on environment. And then viewing as an advocate in the issue, what are the

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possible policies that you should address this issue. And here, you look at the problem ‘pag advocate ka. So the end of advocacy is when you are able to present very solid, clear, and compelling public..uh..policy paper. And the end of a policy paper is when you get to have a law. So ‘pag advocate ka, the end of advocacy is when a law is actually ah..uhm..filed and passed in congress. The second level is on the execution. So when the policy is there, for example.. as an advocate in the environment, ever since we have been barking on..let us have a common encompassing policy regarding solid waste management. And there you have.. we have the 9003.. R.A. 9003 The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of the Philippines. And then we were advocating on for the clean air.. we have the Clean Air Act. We are also advocating for clean water. Everything is there. But the thing is, the next level is “Is it being implemented?” and in the implementation stage, you have this government. The triad, no? You have the government. You have the civil society. And you have the citizenry. So..uhm.. it’s the citizenry the body politic, di ba? Eto yung target ng public policy eh. And the policy implementers are those in the government. But, it’s a given fact nowadays even internationally, the government cannot in anyway mobilize and make all these people follow the law, right? Minsan may problema dito.. Corruption, incompetence, incapacity, no funding (the government side). Dito naman, nag aantay lang sila yung passive, di ba? Ang tanong, kung may pondo yan gagalaw dito. Kung wala, wala. So here comes the civil society. The civil society now connects, like the “Save Mother Earth Movement” di ba, so here we are. We are not paid. We are volunteers. Uhm.. we are volunteers and we are not paid because we are..we are uh..ano.. we are..we have no value as volunteers. We chose not to be paid because we are priceless. Di ba? ‘Cause if you want to pay us, you cannot pay us because this is advocacy. We are not here ‘cause we just want to work and just want to earn a living. Why we are here we are an advocate for the environment until the end of that public policy implemented. So here is the civil society. And the civil society has now the heart and the expertise, the commitment di ba? The thing is, we are limited in terms of the funding. You don’t have the influence given to public agencies that you can you know.. coerce them into following. So, it’s now the triad. In the execution side the government, to implement the law, to fund the law. And here comes the civil society to help the government, noh? and here are the people. Now, the problem is, how would you, for example.. we have this program in  DENR, “The Community-based Forrest Management”. When you say “community-based” forest management..

Joey Kailan po yun?Doc Huh? Matagal na ‘to.Joey Mga ano pong year?Doc Matagal na yan. Mga 90’s pa yan. 90’s pa na program na yan ah. So ang idea ng program

is.. Imagine mo DENR di ba? I think if I’m not wrong just to state the sorry state of it. Meron tayong mga forest rangers to guard the forest from the intrusions of the private individuals to cutting, to protect the trees. Isipin niyo, ang ano ata is 50 hectare is to 1 forest ranger. Imaginin’ mo, how can one forester can guard the 50 hectare forest. Paano kung andun na sa loob di ba? just imagine, so.. paano mo ngayon gagawin yan? So they came up with the program “Community-based Forest Management. So the programs calls for the training of the community di ba? So they could be the one to take care of the forest that is the actual source of their life. They will be educated that.. “hey don’t cut the trees they will soon cut you” it will cut their lives. So ganon. Dapat pangalagaan niyo

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yan, sige pwede ninyong gamitin yan mag-tanim kayo dyan. Kunin niyo yung mga secondary yung mga laglag wag niyo lang sisirain. They are made to believe and they are made to consider that the forest is the source of their life. So, the civil society now helps. Kasi ito kapag katapos dito, basta alam mo naman the mentality of the government, 8 hours, after 8 hours i have to leave. Enough na yan. Tapos na yan. But civil society is 24/7. Kasi advocacy yan eh. Puso yan eh. So yan kami yung "Save Me" pupunta ngayon dyan. And it's more than education. Hindi lang yung tuturuan kita ganito ganyan, hindi. Kaya kailangan namin mag-immerse. That's why we have a program called yung "Lakbay Aral". It's a 12-day program. We immerse kasi maraming leader nagsasabing "pusong mahirap". Leche! Hello? Pusong mahirap ka tago ang presidente tago ang mayor. Hindi totoo yan. Pero yung mga "Save Me" leaders namin they have to immerse with the.. ano ba kulay ng mahirap. Ano ba? Halimbawa ikaw sweetheart. Have you ever experienced na kumain ka sa kinakainan nung mga mahihirap na mahihirap? Na kakain sila sa isang bao. Di ba? Nakatulog ka na ba kung san sila natutulog? Naransan mo na ba yung hindi sila kakain aantayin nila yung tatay from the forest. Kapag walang nakuha na woods di sila kakain. no? Kapag walang root crops di sila kakain. Oh kung fishermen sila, kung walang wala silang makuha kasi wala bebenta muna di ba? Ako alam ko yan mahirap ako nung bata pa ako. Yung tipong aalis yung nanay at tatay ko pupunta sila sa mangingisda sila. Pagka tapos pagdating ibebenta ko pa yung isda. Pag walang bumili isda ang kakainin ko Isda lang kakainin namin. Walang walang bigas. So ganun kahirap. So dito pumapasok this advocacy of mine ah you will read between the lines of my answers. Hindi eto fake. Hindi eto na advocate ako for the environment because i am with it kasi that's the craze you know that's the uso thing now. No no no no I know it. I know it. Now that I am already okay na ako buhay ko di ba at least I could live my life the way I should live it. Di ba because of hard work and education, I am now trying to somehow be part of the educational system na public meaning your dad's tax..taxes were used to have me educated in the public school. I know. Kapag umuuwi ako sa probinsya namin imagine mo dati papasama ako sa nanay at tatay ko mamingwit, pagkalagay mo ng paen, itapon mo, magbilang ka lang ng 1 2 3 4 5 meron ng ano yan meron ng ano yan meron ng kakagat. May huli ka na. Ngayon, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, wala pang.. wala pang ano.. wala pang kumakagat. Bakit? Kasi nasira na yung corals, kasi commercial fishing. Yung mayayaman inuubos yung moroami yung mga destructive na talagang uubusin ang lahat. So what happens now to the marginal farmers? You know, when you say okay lang naman yan Doc hanap-buhay nila yan eh. No. You have to look up the statistics. Ilan ba ang naghihirap sa Pilipinas di ba 78 percent to 80 percent. 20 percent lang ang well-off. So kung itong mga well-off na 'to sila nakakabili ng malalaking bangka. Nakakabili ng mga nets na sosobrang haba at lalake para makakuha nang isda. What happens now to the marginal farmers? Marginal fishermen? Economy of scale. Di ba La Salle kayo business school, economy of scale. Kung ako meron akong isang hektarya o kalahating hektarya o 1/4 na hektarya magtatanim ako ng palay eh ang input sobrang mahal no? Samantalang 'tong mga commercial farmers nakukuha, economy of scale, 50 hectares tataniman lahat ng pinya di ba may nag iispray pag nandun tayo sa eroplano makikita mo ang nagsaspray eroplano. I mean, hindi mo na napapansin ang gastos. What happens? di ba? and all of these is environment. so hindi lang ang environment ay physical eh may social environment if you see the destruction of physical environment it's the manifestation of that is something. It is the manifestation of the

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cause. It is the effect. Ang basura ba magiging basura? na gusto niya maging basura? Sino ang gumagawa ng basura? Kaninong concept ang basura? Tao di ba? Ang puno ba pinuputol ang sarili niya? Ang tubig ba dinudumihan ang sarili niya? Ang hangin ba dinudumihan sarili niya? Sino nag-isip na putulin ang puno? Nakita niyo ang puno board fit para yumaman siya lalo so puputulin niya bebenta niya. Di niya alam yun yung oxygen. Nagbibigay. Hindi tama yung acounting. Yung accounting lang natin ilang board fit ang yung puno. Mali yung accounting natin. Yung accounting ng iba, ganito kalaki ang masasave natin pag imbes gumawa tayo ng water treatment itapon natin sa pasig river itapon natin sa river system. Tas bayad nalang natin corruptin natin yung mga tao. Therefore, pollution starts from here. And what you see is actually the manifestation of the kind of thinking our people today in this world. So "Save Me Movement" is an advocate for the social environment. You don't see us planting. Bakit kayo magtatanim, para lang putulin? Bakit kayo mamumulot ng basura, para yung iba magtapon sa malinis na lininis namin? Ba't kayo maglilinis ng water waste, para lang tapunan niyo? No way. Hihiyain ka namin. Na kapag nagtapon ka, sasabihin ko kailan mo pa nabili ang buong mcdo para gawin mong basurahan? Kailan mo pa nabili ang buong grounds ng La Salle para gawin mong basurahan? So that is our advocacy. Okay? So implementation, ang dami niyan para dapat i-implement. So from advocacy, from policy making to implementations advocacy. And then when you sustain that. papasok yan ngayon on how do you educate. eto na yung concern mo eh. how do you make this people move? yun na ang tinatawag natin siguro na activism. This groups like "Save Me". Minsan sinasabe natin yung gobyerno nagiging hyper critical kasi gobyerno may kasalanan niyan eh. Imbes na magtanim ng puno dito, ninakaw ang pera. that is destroying you. so what will happen to the people? mahirap na nga kami, ninakaw niyo pa resource namin, hindi na nga kami pinartehan pagkatapos wala kayong pakielam sa amin kung mamatay kami dito. Look at Yolanda. Imagine mo dadaing ang gutom. Nagrorot na pala yung.. because yung gobyerno walang capacity to distribute. Lahat nalang gusto dumaan sa DSW. Ang dami daming gustong magbigay. Bakit hindi natin i-mobilize? Eto na naman, the goverment is so fuckingly untrustworthy because kasi sila iniisip nila.. imagine mo ang gaganda yung iba Ma-ling nakalagay bakit 555 ang nakarating? We opted and we have accepted na ganyan na talaga eh. imagine mo ang dami daming business dyan. yung mga ukay-ukay. Saan galing yan? Lahat yan bigay ng iba't ibang bansa para sa mga na lindol, na baha pero bakit nandyan binebenta at walang humuhuli? May anti-fencing law tayo na kapag ninakaw ko cellphone mo binenta ko nalaman mo na eto yung bumili ng ninakaw. Mas malalim ang liability mo kesa sa magnanakaw... Binebenta niyo ang para sa mga biktima. Pero bakit walang na huhuli? kasi protected. Yan yung advocacy namin. That we train so that after 18 to 40 years we can produce leaders na talagang alam ang mahirap alam yung problema. Alam yung interplay ng government, civil society at body politic. At dito kami active.

Joey Ano po yung personal experience niyo, if I may ask? Ano po yung personal experience niyo that started your advocacy?

Doc Ayun. Yung mahirap kami. Nung bata pa kami, mahirap na kami. So san kami nabubuhay? Alam niyo yung palawan yung root crop, yun ang nagpalaki sa akin. Kasi wala kami pang bili ng bigas. Sa eastern samar ako lumaki. So i live up with the environment. Hanggang grade 3 wala akong shorts dahil sa hirap. Habang yung mga bata tumatakbo pauwi para kumain para magbreak, ako tumatakbo pa bundok, bakit?

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kailangan kong tawirin ang dalawang bundok para makakuha ako ng malalaking bayabas para pagpasok ko ng hapon may pagpapalit ako para may lapis ako na maliit atsaka may papel ako. Without nature could not have had my studies. Without nature I could've died of hunger. Kapag wala kaming ulam kukuha ako ng kaldero pupunta ako sa shore at kukuha ako ng mga seashells. Virtue pala maging mahirap kasi you eat the right food. So dun na nagsimula. Ngayon I'm 45 years old buhay sa akin at sa tingin ko marami pang Edwin Monares na ganito ang karanasan. SIguro kasama na ako sa 20 percent na maayos ang buhay. May pattern ba ang pagiging social activist ko para masundan nila? Kahit aktibista ako sa PUP at nag aaral ako hindi ko nalilimutan na estudyante pa rin ako. Na dapat kahit anong laban ko dyan, if you want to change the system, be in the system. You cannot be in the system if you are not going to follow the law. Nung naging teacher ako, low and behold, dumami kami sa "Save Me". May bumaba na katulad ko at nakinig sa kanila, nakitulog sa kanila, nakikain sa kanila, na maexperience ko ano yung kind of hospitality. Na kung anong meron sila dun ka matutulog at ang pagkain. Okay na sa kanila yun kesa sa bibigyan mo yan ng computer. Hindi yan ang mga kailangan ng tao. Hindi awa. Kailangan nila yung tulong kung san nila mahahanap yung landas na hindi sila kaaawaan. And I am speaking from my experience.

Joey Pero nung nagka college po kayo, nakatulong po ba yun yung environment niyo doon nakatulong po ba sa inyo para maging active ka sa ganyang bagay?

Doc Ay oo! Kasi imagine nag aaral ako nakatira lang ako sa pangatlong asawa ng babaero kong uncle. Imaginw mo yung babae galit na galit sa lahi namin kasi di ba. galit na galit auntie ko di binibigyan ng pamasahe. Yung pagkain niya na iba kesa sa pagkain namin na para bang di niya ako pamangkin. Dati yung PUP paligid niyan puro squatter mga kaibigan ko lahat yan yung mga holdaper, pickpockets. Ano ginagawa namin? Nagluluto kami ng bigas naglulugaw kami nag aaral ako ng college sa bona. sa lata ng bona. tas yun ang kakainin namin.. Maging administrator ka nang munisipyo binabayaran ka nang milyon. San ka makakakita ng milyon? Lunukin mo lang pride mo. Ako di ko nalunok . I resigned after 6 months. Utang sa taong bayan, bakit mo ako babayaran na utang ng bayan. How can you resist 3 million cash offered to you? Ang corrupt mga businessmen because they are corrupting those in the government.. Si Greggy. Tumawag siya sa akin may nag ooffer sayo na senador, ano yan, one million daw. This was circa 2002-2003, one million, oh ano okay yan! Assistance daw para sa "Save Me" pero ang mahirap sir, reresibuhan daw pero wala silang resibo eh national lang ang resibo reresibuhan daw po naten ang arrangement po, 800 thousand ibabalik naten sa kanila, yung 200 thousand yun ang matitira sa atin. Imagine mo, that's how they are corrupting the NGOs kaya tignan mo ngayon. The corruption is now with them. The Napoles camp at hindi lang yan! Malaki pa yan. Hindi lang si Napoles yan marami dyan kahit sa government may mga NGO na corrupt. Di ko na sasabihin kahit sa DSWD yung mga opisyal dyan. Because we came from one sector. They are at the receiving end. Pano ka naman sa Pilipinas na eto. Hindi ako aktibista na gusto i-overthrow ang government at magpatayan tayo. At the end of the day, tayo pa rin ang talo. Kami pa rin mahihirap ang magpapatayan hindi mayayaman. Hindi ako tulad ng ibang aktbista na gusto ng rebolusyon. No way! at the end of they day kalaban mo mga sundalo. Sino ba ang mga sundalo? Mahirap eh. Tas papatayin niya mahirap din. No way. Kung ako gusto ko maging supersibo magiging terrorista ako. Pero kung makikipag patayan ako sa ordinaryong sundalo. No way. I think the solution is when I become a millionaire, I have my own business. It is a political

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consultancy and i'm teaching the local politicians that this is government. this is politics. This is the way to do it. Hindi yan tinuro sa inyo. Hindi siguro kami kasing yaman ng nanay at tatay niyo o ang mga kamag anak niyo na nasa La Salle but we are trying our best how to do our social enterprise that we will not be destroying institutions but we will be earning by building institutions.

Joey Kailan po nag start yon?Doc Kasabay siya nung kailan namin na found yung "Save Me". As a volunteer of the

economic system because we opted to be paid because we are priceless. Joey Ano pong year yon?Doc 1995. August 8, 1995. Ako ang mag isa ang unang "Save Me" tapos ngayon 150

thousand na kami sa buong Pilipinas. 100 or 200 chapters. But this is our advocacy hindi kami yung nag rarally. Mag rarally ka dyan, sino ba pinuperwisyo mo? Di ba driver din. Eh mahirap din yan eh. Yung mga mayayaman may GPRS naman yan eh di iiwasan ka lang.So bakit ka magrarally? Kawawa sila. Iba yung aktibista ko. This is rational activism. I know. Kasi "Save Me" is a fundamentalist organization. Meaning we don't solve the periphery we know the cause of the problem. The cause of the problem is the values of the people. Hindi natin sinisisi ang mayayaman kasi mayaman sila. Hindi natin sinisisi ang mahihirap pero may kasabihan na ako nga buhay na mahirap pero hindi kasalanan mabuhay ng mahirap pero ang mamatay kang mahirap ka pa rin yun ang mortal sin. Yung dispalinghado nga eh yung isa lang yung kamay eh umuunlad eh. yung bulag nga kumikita eh. Ikaw pa kaya buo ka.

Joey Being part before and after ano yung sa tingin mong pagbabago nakamit niyong bago sa adhikain niyo?

Doc Ay malaki. Well, I have here di ba, dating student leader siya. He is now stationed in Iceland. A boss of an airlane. Hindi rin mayaman pero ngayon marami na siyang natutunan na naipapasok niya sa airline industry. May sarili siyang business na legitimate. Hindi na ngungurrupt na business.. Pag member ka ng "Save Me", ang tawag sayo ay mover. Think globally but act locally. You may have all the problems on you but the thing is can you solve all of that? No, just pick. Pick your battles to when the war. Hindi yung buong gera gaganunin mo. You have to craft your way. Choose your battles. And your first battle begins in you. Mahirap na nga ako, magpapakatanga o maglalandi pa ba ako sa eskwelahan. Hindi na nga ako kumakain, hindi pa ba ako mag aaral ng mabuti. It's you and your conscience. You are not to blame anybody. Yun yung impact na siniasabe mo. In fact, ang dami ng batas yung mga nakikita ko modules namin nakikita ko kasi binibigay namin for free..

Joey Yan po ba ang mga realizations mo nag grow nung medyo latter part o kalagitnaan na po nung pagiging activist mo?

Doc Yes. "Save Me" started it's not mine. I was a student leader then I attend. nagtuturo na ako nung '92 noon. Nung '95 i was head of the environment of the Philippines executive vice president. I was not a member for memberships sake. I was there advocating for agriculture because i see that is the hope of the people in the Philippines. Pinadala ako sa Taipei sa Asia Pacific Youth Forum for the Environment. So doon sinabe ko yung kailangan magkaroon ng environmental ethics.. Yun yung problema that's when i become a consultant of CHED under chairman puno, yan ay ang laging pinaguusapan namin lagi. Mali yung education natin..Pag graduate ka ng La Salle at Ateneo pag aagawan ka. Pero tanong magkano tuition fee ng La Salle. Kung gusto niyo mabago ang kahirapan sa

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Pilipinas, di ba education? Bakit hindi yung mahihirap nag aaral sa La Salle o Ateneo? Wala dyan ang PUP, PIT, o public schools. Kaya ba nang mahihirap yang mahal ng tuition fee niyo? That's the burden ng mahihirap. Para bang tinatakan ka na sa noo na forever ka nang mahirap.Yan ang pagiging aktibista ko. I will question the system, but I will be in the system. Pwede akong maging mayaman, super yaman, babaguhin ko lahat.

Nash Kelan mo naman na realize yun?Doc Yun nga when suddenly I became educated, I had my Doctorate, I have my two MA’s. I

had education, I had to compensate. I have my Law, my engineering, I have all that! I am Studying! Because the school did not give it to me, mahihirap mga estudyante, mahihirap rin mga titser, imbis na turuan mga estudyante, ang mga iniisp pagkakitan yung mga estudyanteng mahihirap rin. Mga nagbebenta ng mga kung anu-ano. Kaya talagang dito sa bansa na to sumpa ang pagiging mahirap, at kung yan ay nalusutan mo, sobrang galing mo na dapat maging presidente ka dapat ng Pilipinas.

Joey How do you see yourself before you had your advocacy?Doc I was just an ordinary victim of the system(laughs) diba. I was not that typical victim

because I was using my mind, God has given me wisdom. Tingnan mo sa pages ng history, Christians tayong lahat, sino ba ang mga nakasama ni Jesus Christ? Mga mayayaman ba? Mga sikat ba? Diba yung mga mangingisda. If we want to change the world, we should stop hiring graduates of Ateneo of La Salle of UP of UST. We should hire people maybe yung mga nakipag cha-cha sa kahirapan. Kasi sinasabi nila pag mayaman hindi na magnanakaw, kalokohan yun. Para sa mahirap pag nakakita ka nang ten thousand manginginig ka na, pero pag sa mayaman, makakita ka ng ten billion, one billion yan, billion lang yan, sanay ako jan at they want more! That’s the law eh, insatiability of human wants. “Needs” siguro may katapusan pero “wants” wala yan. So mas malakas magnakaw ang mga mayayaman. Put it in the court, kasi sila hindi sila takot. They can hire the lawyers, they can even buy Supreme Court. Magkano lang yan, 17 judges bigyan mo ng tig iisang billion yan, may absolute, kung 17 yan, kung 15 yan bigyan mo yung 8 ng tig 1 billion, edi 8 billion lang yung nalugi sayo. Eh yung babayaran mo 20 billion dahil hindi ka nagbabayad ng tax. Do you know who I’m reffering too? Ayoko nalang sabihin kung sinong businessman. Matatalo ka? Jan sa Rizal isipin mo lupa na, na ibinigay sa mga mahihirap ngayon binawi ng Supreme Court pag-aari daw ng isang mayaman na gusto pang tumakbo ng pagka –Presidente ngayong 2016, land grabber! Bigla nalang nagkaroon siya ng titulo! Yan ang sistema natin. Jan na nagkaupo, tapos bigla nalang “Oy amin yan, eto yung titile lumayas kayo jan!”. all because they can buy the bureau of deeds, bureau of lands, they can buy DENR, the courts, saan tayo papunta nito? I am thinking magpatayan tayo, kagaya ng nangyari sa ano, kasi in history ganun e. Walang umunlad na bansa ng walang bloodshed. America had their share, France, has theirs China, Korea, Japan has theirs, Germany has theirs, the whole of Europe has theirs. Is that true to the Philippines? Do we have to kill ourselves just to liberate ourselves from poverty? This is not just a research, at hindi ako nagpapacute na I just want my message to get across.

Joey So now, being part of the organization how do you see yourself now that you are fighting for something?

Doc I see myself fulfilled a bit, I’m in a position na nakikita ko na yung forest, dati trees lang yung nakikita ko, ultimo mga fungus. Kaya now na mejo mataas-taas na ako sa canopy, nakikita ko na “aaah yan pala yung ginagawa niyo a” Now that I am a doctor, kahit sino

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na pwede ko kausapin, for all I care kahit senador ka I’m sorry, but I’ll tell you the plain truth. Dati nagsalita ako sa PUP, I bad mouthed a congressman and the chairman of NYC “akala mo kung sino ka, you are a dishonourable in being a public servant, therefore if you are a public servant sila ang master”. Diba honourable ba ang katulong sa bahay? Ang amo ang honourable. Pero sa bansang ito, kahit bata na SK na corrupt, honourable na ang tawag. What is honourable kung ang honourable ay nasasangkot sa corruption na ganito kalaki ang magnitude, I don’t take that as honourable. Kaya no I was elected, I don’t want to be called as honourable! Ano ako yung R.A.? yung re-affirmist, yung pumapatay? Sabi ko ako hindi ako ganun, yung R.A. ko “Responsible and Accountable” hindi honourable. Because we are a public servant, respond to your call of duty and be accountable for your own, kung nagkamali ka, ikulong mo sarili mo.

Joey Ano yung nais niyong mangyari pa as an individual?Doc Sana dumami pa ang kagaya ko, na tataya dumami pa ang hindi matakot na magsiwalat

ng katotohanan. Sana dumami pa ang katulad ko na kayang tumanggi sa milyun-milyun para sa dignidad. Sana marami pa na katulad ko ang tumayo, magsalita kahit na mahirap ang pinanggalingan nila, na yung hindi ako yuyuko sa kahihiyan dahil alam ko na tama ako.Sana, ang pagiging tama ay hindi nadedetermina ng yaman o ng pagiging sikat dahil gwapo ka artista ka. Sana yung tama yung nararamdaman.Yung Supreme Court yung mga judge na mag operate with their conscience, sana marami pang tao na mamuhay na buo ang kunsensiya nila at sana yung mga nasa relihiyon, yung nasa education system. Ako, naging head ako ng isang paaralan, but I resigned after six months why? Because they were forcing me to raise the tuition fee. “Bakit kelangan natin i-raise e hind ko pa naman sinasabi sainyo? Kaya pa naman”. Ang eskwelahan walang tax yan, hindi yan business, alam mo ba yun? Lahat ng eskwelahan sa Pilipinas, hindi yan business. Sa tingin mo saan napupunta yun?

Nash Last na po, feeling niyo po ba minority kayo?Doc Hindi e, kasi in terms of number, marami yan, hindi lang sila nakakapagsalita. Hindi

nabibigyan ng pagkakataon mainterview ng katulad niyo, hind nakakapunta sa Climate Change na Seminar na parang tanga na mas madami pang mga speaker kesa sa nanunuod. Just to have that privilege, tapos tawa ako ng tawa, God! Ang gagaling dito ng mga speaker, pero walang nakikinig, samantalang dito sa Save Me libo, dalawang libo ang batang mahihirap na gusting making pero walang magagaling na speakers katulad niyo sa La Salle, pero tingnan niyo ang nangyari, sino ang nakikinig sila-sila rin, tama mali? Imagine mo, kung sana tong mga speakers na to, bababa sa mga binababaan namin at explain Climate Change, na ganito yan, how will the Philippines respond, what will be the impact of that. So hindi kami minority. I think that we are the minority, it’s just that the system, ano ba yung sistema, na ang mayaman ang nagcocontrol, ang sikat ang nagcocontrol, ang mga maimpluwensiya ang nagkcocontrol, so sila ang minority, but we have the majority of power that is coercive diba? Pero it is a passive power sa Political Science, tapos pag dating pa sa eleksiyon babayaran. Sana yun ang pagkakataon namin, but the coercive power of money, fame, and media. That is why the Philippines is like this. Nagsalita ako sa UP yung sa Palihan Pinoy yung the best of Filipinos, I’m explaining to them na hindi tayo katulong, mayaman tayo hindi tayo mga bobo mga Indio, hindi tayo mga hostess mga Japayuki lahat nasa atin. Pero binabastos nila ako, dahil daw si Gloria na amo ko corrupt. Binalik ko sakanila ang tanong, for the past 14 presidents karamihan jan graduate from UP, yung sa pinanggalingan ko sa PUP ni isa

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wala, pero bakit ganito ang Pilipinas, baka kayo ang may problema. Kasi si Macapagal Arroyo ay graduate niyo, titser niyo pa dito kaya nagiging bulok yung mga estudyante niyo dito. Sino ba mga secretary diba mga taga Ateneo, La Salle, UST, pero bakit ganito bansa natin? Andyan yung Psychology, why the people behaves the way that they do, pwede namang gawin yan e, diba intervention Sino ba yung madaming business? Yang sainyo school business yan e, Ateneo, La Salle, business yan. Pano naman yung mga mahihirap. So jan palang may diskriminasyon na, pati sa pag-hire, syempre ang mga boss tiga La Salle, kaya kung taga ibang school ka, sino ka? Kaya kahit magaling ka nobody will hire you. But you know I’m good. Kahit sinong executive dito sa Pilipinas ang iharap mo sakin, kung kagalingan lang naman, pero dahil graduate sila sa La Salle, they will be the Presidents, they will be the managers, not “us” na galing lang sa kung saan. Baka gusto niyo subukan, kayak o yan, kahit wag niyo na ako suwelduhan. I will turn your company upside down. Not really to lose, but it will be bent. Yung mga estudyante ko takot, hindi makapag tanong, kasi yang mga kumpanya na dapat tutulong dahil sa Social Responsibility pineperahan pa ang mga estudyante na mahihirap. It is all marketing which is entirely selling again for profit. Diba ang leading businesses, how much do they make? Ano ginagamit ba nila mga pera nila sa Yolanda? Hindi bigay ng mga taong mahihirap. Pero anong ginagamit nila na truck? Diba galing sa gubyerno, pero kami sa Save Me, meron kaming truck galing a sa mahihirap, I have to drive my own truck 36 hours to bring it to Tacloban, ci-norrupt pa ako jan ng mga pulis, hindi pa ako sinasakay, kino-corrupt pa ako, imagine mo. Paano, ang hirap maging mahirap, at ang hirap ng tumutulong sa mahihirap. But again, hindi ko sinasabing magrebelde tayo, at the end of the day ginusto mo maging mahirap, at ginusto mo maging mayaman at ang ugali mo ganyan. Igagalang kita jan, pero sana dumami kami.

Nash Edi sinasabi niyo na konti lang po kagaya niyo?Doc Mag-isip. Pero yung nararamdaman, iisa. Iba yung nararamdaman, sa naiintindihan e. it’s

a function of emotion, awang-awa na nga ako sa sarili ko e, pero naintindihan ko ba kung bakit ako naawa sa sarili ko? Yun yung next level.

Nash Sinasabi niyo po ban a mas mataas na yung naiintindihan niyo?Doc Ako? Kasi nag-aral ako e, I have two MA’s I have a doctorate, I have my Law. I have

five degrees. Para hindi ako apihin. If I don’t have my five degrees, who would listen to me?

Nash So dati po, naeexperience niyo na apihin?Doc Ay naman! Oo. Dati pitong award sa school, hindi binigay saakin dahil hindi ako

makapagbigay ng five pesos na contribution. Alam ko, I was way ahead. Nag-aaral na, 18 kami e sa probinsya, ako andun sa desk ng teacher ko, kasi iba ako. Alam ko na, so sila fraction pa lang ako simple equations na. Meron namang special school na para saamin, pero hindi ako naging first honor. Sa Manila Highschool, nung nag-aaral ako, lahat ng award ko hindi binigay saakin, binigay dun sa mejo mayaman. Sino ba naman yang si Edwin. Yung, uniporme ko naka ganyan, yung sapatos ko hanggang dito butas, *does a walking action, a penguin walk, wherein he doesn’t put his feet up because he is careful that people will see his shoe open at the bottom* hindi na ako makalakad, wala na yung swelas. Gusto kong tumaas ng kamay pero hindi ako makataas ng kamay, dahil makikita nila yung polo ko na nag mamak-mak na dito. That is the hardship of being poor. You psychologists know that. Yung iba jan nababaliw nalang, buti ako hindi nabaliw. Meron akong gusting sabihin pero iniisip ko kung, yung iba alam niyo na yung mga

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determinants ng mga behaviour. Sinong maniniwala saakin, irereject pa nila ako, baka pagtawanan pa nila ako. Imagine mo nalang, how I treid my best to love my life. Samantalang si Rizal, mayaman kaya ganun siya magsalita, kahit saan siya mag-aral. Now he is our national hero. Rizal was rich! Siya ang may pinaka magagandang titser. Ano ba ang hero may hierarchy? May national hero, regional hero? Dapat lahat ay hero, there is a hero on everyone of us. Jan nanaman mali ang mga titser, na pinag-aaway ang mga hero. Iba si Rizal, iba si Bonifacio, iba ka, iba ako. Mayroon kang ginagawa nasa pangkalahatan ay pagiging hero. What is capitalism? It is the exploitation of man and the resources, and what is Socialism? It is the reverse, but still it is exploitation of man, form this and this. Ask me what is the perfect system? It should be humanism and Godism the centre should be God and Humanity. All of us should care, mayayaman kayo, wala kayong pakealam sakanila, pero sino ba ang magnanakaw sayo? Diba mga mahihirap? Sino ba ang magddrive sayo? Diba mga mahihirap, bakit may executive ban a magddrive sayo? Sino gumagawa ng damit mo? Diba mga mahihirap yan, so why the discrimination? So they are as equal as you, kung walang magtatahi ng damit mo? Anong isususot mo? So are the big companies, yung president ba nun better sa mga nagtatahi? No parehas lang yan. Alam mo yung sabi ng isang famous *He was mentioning a name, he quotes* “if we want to redirect the educational system of our contry we need to change 80% because they are entirely wrong and we need to remove 80% because they might be wrong.” Kasi kung tamo yung technology natin, hindi na siguro ganito ang mundo. Kung totoo ang promise ng technology at education, hindi na dapat ganito ang mundo. Pero the way it goes, ilang top ten ang pumapasa sa Civil Engineering, bakit lahat ng big companies, ang hina-hire niyan mga top ten na Engineers, but behold, magpagawa si Congressman ng kalsada, six months lusaw na. Asan yung top ten? Samantalang alam mo yung sa Quiapo? Ginawa yan 1940’s mga Amerikano may nakita ka bang crack dun? Pero bakit yung pinagawa ni congressman ilan buwan lang? bakit yung mga tulay jan, e ang mga gumawa niyan top ten from big companies. There must be something wrong with educational system. Graduate ka ng accountant tapos pagdating mo sa company tatlo ang libro. Tapos lulunukin mo nalang yung ano mo, because of money, Social Pollution, so tatanggapin mo nalang na tatlo ang gagawin mo. Lawyers, so wala ito, talagang ganito. Tanggapin nalang natin, mahirap nagnakaw, nang-rape? Tanggapin nalang natin mahirap e. Hindi dapat ganito. Yung sa Maslow hierarchy yan e, edi kung hindi ko masatisfy yung physiological, hindi ka makaakyat, pero kahit papano kahit naman 1% meron akong self-esteem. You make a bar graph with a 100% siguro 80% ako physiological, pero meron din akong sense of security. Hindi ganito, Tanggapin nalang ba natin na nag mga mahihirap magnanakaw? Rapist? Wala silang self-esteem hindi, mali yan, the fact sila nga ang pumupunta sa simbahan e. in fact meron kaming event sa Save Me, yung Lakbay Aral, meron kaming challenge yung humility challenge. Mamamalengke sila ng walang pera, literally mamamalimos. Alam mo for the past 17 years, yung mga malalakas magbigay, yung mga naka bilao lang. ang gandang research niyan. Yung mga mahihirap, sila pa yung mga nagbibigay ng marami, yung mga malalaking compaby, papalayasin. So it takes somebody who knows how to be poor to give, kesa itong mga mayayaman na dapat sila pa ang magigay. That is our experience na umiiyak ang mga aming estudyante. Ganuon ang mga realization pala. Sila sa Naga, kung manghihinga ka sa ano, kung sa mahihirap ihahabo pa sayo, naintindihan kasi nila kung pano maging mahirapat mamalimos.

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Nash Meron rin kaming na try na parang ganyan sa school, para sa Biology class namin, nanghihingi lang kami ng piso, pero binibigay naman nila mga 50, hindi naman sila naging madamot.

Doc Pero nagpakilala kayo na La Salle?Nash Oo, sa campus yun e, pero tinry rin naman…Doc Oo nga sa campus kasi. Subukan niyo sa palengke dahil jan makikita ang tunay na kulay

Pilipinas. Subukan mo yung walang wallet, walang cellphone makikita mo yung tunay na kahirapan. Na ang pamilya ng labandera, maglaba ka. It is okay to ba an Activist, but the thing is what is the coor of your activism? What is the end goal of you activism? Is it bloodshed? The means of your activism, is it bloodshed is it chaos? Ok kung peaceful, sa Save Me kasi ang principle namin ay you are valuable as the universe and no one has the right na saktan ka, we should agree to disagree. Yung sa hierarchy ng food chain nga diba as much as possible wag nating patayin, dahil wala tayong karapatan. Kaya pag piñata kita ngayon, pag sinaktan kita ngayon, we are changing the course of the universe because we have no right. Hindi kita puwedeng saktan o tanggalin ko yung kaligayahan mo dahil you are part of the universe and that right is given to you. Tama? Yun ang pini-preach namin. It is life the primacy of life, and life is not existence, life is defined as the sta by the quality, hindi naman yaman diba, diba yung pano ka ba nabubuhay. The essence of life is happiness. Ano ang pinag iba ng ako humahalakhak na mahirap, na humahalakhak na si Bill Gates? Wala, parehas kaming masaya. Masasabi mo ban a mas masaya siya dahlia mayaman siya, at ako ganito lang dahil mahirap ako? Masasabi mo bang mas busog si Bill Gates kesa sa busog ko? Parehas lang yun. So what’s the point? The only differene is only the level of happiness. Kayo you spend this much para kumain, kami sa PUP nagsasaing kami sa lata pag nabusog kami masaya kami, anong pagkakaiba nun pag kumain kami sa fine dining? Nothing, it is just the ego na “yea kumain kami sa ganito”. In fashion, bakit ba gusto mo ng uso na damit, ako may business, mura lang pero mas maganda pa ang quality kesa sa Bench. Sino ba gumagawa niyang mga bench, ordinary lang din naman pero pag nalagyan na nga brand mas mahal na. That’s business. Sino pinapayaman natin yung mga mananahi ba, hindi. Saakin nga mas malaki pa kita ng mga mananahi kesa sa mga big companies na ang mga mananahi dun kawawa. So imagine kung magkakaroon tayo ng ganong klaseng social consciousness. Imagine kung isang estudyanteng kagaya niyo ang magsasabing “Dok impress kami sa ginagawa niyo, gusto namin kayong tulungan, yung mga social case, meron kaming mga friends na gusting tumulong diba, pwede ba kaming maki bonding, maki saw saw” tingnan natin kung ano ang impact, welcome kayo, welcome kayong lahat. Kaya I spend time talking to you, kasi I know thatm ayun na nga significant people kayo eh, imagine kung ikaw magiging Save Me sweetheart, magsasalita, papakinggan ka diba, the impact! Diba, kesa magsasalita tiga PIP, san yan, sino yan. Pero kung magsasalita taga La Salle, taga UP, pero nag ano kami sa UP iba talaga, we have our members sa UP, pero di sila ganun ka-active, mga grade conscious, mas grade ang kanilang ano rather than service.

Joey So we would like to thank you for enlightening us, umDoc Mm, I think that is my dutyJoey So thank you for giving us time and more knowledge. So thank ou po talaga.Doc As what I have said, I am only an instrument, this will not happen, if this is not destined

to happen.

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*OBSERVATIONS: put in the results!* “We noticed….” Part of the narrative, about the characteristics –within the flow of the story

After the tape, he told us a story about his former “student” whom he has imparted a lot of knowledge, telling us about the kid’s accomplishment through Save Me, how the kid has gar nered international praises from the UN and so on. The kid went living in the States he told us, when he came back Doc said that he was breathing a different air