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DWELL DEVOTIONAL GUIDE© 2021 Abundant Life, 7000 All Nations Blvd. East Syracuse, NY 13039.All rights reserved.

You are permitted to use the 2021 Dwell Devotional Guide in your church or ministry for free, as long as you do not change or add to the guide in any way, charge for the guide or use it for any commercial purpose. This nonexclusive, revocable license expires on Dec. 31, 2021.


“You shall dwell in booths for seven days. All who are native Israelites shall dwell in booths, that your generations may know that I made the children of Israel dwell in booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.”

-- Leviticus 23:42-43


Come Dwell

We invite you to dwell with God and your church family as we honor the Feast of the Tabernacles - a week-long fall festival commemorating the 40-year journey of the Israelites in the wilderness and God’s provision. We are not doing this out of obligation, but rather out of celebration of God’s faithfulness. This is an opportunity to draw closer to the Lord, as well as your natural and spiritual family.

To make the most out of this devotional experience, we encourage you to do the following each day over the next 8 days:

• Create a space where you and/or your family can gather together to pray each day. You will learn how to create a “sukkah”, a booth or a tent that is meant to be this sacred space where you meet with God. We encourage you to build, inside or outside of your home, as you are able.

• Live as simply as possible. Avoid unnecessary spending, shopping, social media, technology, and entertainment. Turn off, unplug or put away anything could be a distraction. The intent is to clear out the voices and influences that could distract you from this precious time.

• Intentionally set aside time every day to be together with God and close friends and family. Try to have meals together throughout the week. Invite friends over to celebrate. Let everyone take part in preparing the table, the meal and cleaning up after.

• Read the devotional and daily scriptures out loud. If you live with friends or family, talk about what you are learning and experiencing. Answer the discussion questions together. Share what God is showing you as you dwell with God and with one another.

You know that saying: you only get out what you put in? That is exactly true for this devotional experience. If you are diligent with the steps above each day, you are sure to encounter your faith in a whole new way.

As you close out the Feast of Tabernacles, create a moment you will never forget around the table with friends and family, as you share all God’s goodness. On the final day, plan to have a celebratory meal together with family or church family. This should be a thanksgiving meal.


What is the Feast of Tabernacles?During the Exodus, for 40 years, God’s people wandered the Sinai Desert prior to their entry into the Promised Land. These slaves who, despite the hardships of their enprisonment, had only known a life where everything had been provided for them. Despite the trials of the day, they knew where they stood and where their provisions were coming from.

As they faced the now real hardships of the journey, they began to hope again. But this time, they hoped to go back to Egypt! Where was this God who has split the seas? Where was the power that had created the plagues? What if they had followed this “messenger” out into the desert, only to be left for dead?

And right there, in the midst of their fear, doubt and hunger, God proved himself once again. This time, God came to them…tangibly. He showed up in a form they could see. He came…as the cloud by day…and as the fire by night. In these forms, the people could tanglibly see Him, and God made them a promise. As they traveled through the wilderness, God miraculously surrounded and hovered over them, shielding them from the dangers and discomforts of the desert.

It was as if His presence was speaking to them : “By day, I will guide you into your future. By night, I will protect you from your past behind you. From any threat, I will protect you. And most importantly, I will always be with you. You will never be alone.”

And though they would continue to battle their old slave mentality and all the complications that mindset brought with it, God was always with them. He was ever making a way back to Him, back home to the Promised Land. Leaving Egypt did not make them free. God made them free. Journeying through the wilderness was a journey to true freedom, and the destination was a land of promise.

When the people finally settled in the Promised Land, they would remember and celebrate every year the way God had protected them in the wilderness. The Feast of the Tabernacles was a celebration of the provision by God in the wilderness and the bounty of harvest, celebrated last in line of the religious festivals and viewed as holiest of the feasts.

During the festival the people dwelt in booths outside. They build small temporary shelters called Sukkah. In these tents outside, they ate together with friends and family, celebrating God’s bounty, His provision, and that were called members of His family. And as they dwelt with God, they would remember that He was the one who had guided them faithfully toward freedom.


In the Bible, God tells us that He is the same yesterday, today and forever, which means He still leads people today the way He led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the wilderness and into the Promised Land. Our wilderness journey may look nothing like what the Israelites experienced. But true freedom is only achieved when we learn how to dwell with God, despite our wilderness, when we learn to rely upon and rest in His care.

And because we have a Savior who paid the full price for our salvation, our wandering now has a destination in Jesus. In John 7, the author captures the proclamations of Jesus at the celebration of this festival in order to assert that Jesus is now the new place where God’s people will tabernacle, the one who will provide salvation for the harvest, and the only one who can supply the living water that will bring everlasting life. Because now God dwells not only amongst His people – but within them. He is the life for those who dwell with Him.

What is A Sukkah?A Sukkah is a temporary hut or booth with at least two full walls and a roof or covering. During the Exodus, the Jewish people lived in “booths” out in the wilderness. The materials to built a sukkah were usually gathered from nature, the environment surrounding them. Ever since the Exodus, the Jewish people remember God’s kindness and reaffirm their trust in His providence by taking their meals and dwelling for eight days during the Feast of Tabernacles.

A sukkah must have a least two full walls. They can be completely constructed or you can use a pre-existing wall in your home or on your property as one of the outside walls of the sukkah. A sukkah must also have a roof covering. Traditional sukkah roofs were made from vegetation like branches, corn stalks or ever narrow strips of lumber.

You want to consider a good location when building your sukkah. Popular sukkah locations include porches, backyards, lawns, balconies and rooftops. As weather in Upstate New York can be temperamental at the start of fall, you can choose to build your sukkah outside if a spot offers you enough covering, or if it’s more convenient for you, you can construct one in your own home.

The sukkah should be at least large enough to hold a person and usually, a small table and chair. But there is no limit to how large a sukkah can be, especially if you would like to invite your family in for meals or devotionals! The most important element of the sukkah is that it creates a quiet place for you to dwell with God this week.




Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”

It is the divine nature of God that calls to man, because we long for a relationship that only dwells in God. In fact, we hunger for it in a way that creates a void in us that cannot be filled by anything other than the One who created us. A.W. Tozer said in his book, And He Dwelt Among Us: “God has buried something deep within the soul of every man and woman. It is simply and profoundly a longing for immortality” (Tozer, p. 19). The reason for this longing is rooted in the nature of the living soul that God placed within man.

It is from this living place that man desires to experience God. Mankind searches for it with a longing that can only be fulfilled by God, but is often diluted by the demands of a worldly life. It is the cry of the world that deters us from connecting with the source of life that we were made to long for. God planned for mankind and it is his loving kindness that draws us to Himself.

It is our awareness of this draw and our acknowledgement of our need that opens the door to relationship with God. God is not separate from His creation. He is even now interacting with and revealing Himself to mankind, calling to us with the promise of salvation, with the promise of more.

It is our responses to this call that defines not only our life, but the environment in which we live. God is not deistic or distant. He is ever-present and fully involved. God invites us to dwell with Him right now in the present. But it is on us to respond to that call, to choose to dwell with him and abide in Him.




You are at the start of this 8-day journey. It is time to dwell with God. He is calling you to go deeper. So, like the Israelites of old, create a space where you can dwell with God as you journey with Him through this devotional. Choose a quiet spot, build your sukkah (booth), grab your bible and a journal, and be prepared for God to speak with you.


Lord, I long to dwell with You. King David said in Psalm 27:8 (NKJV), “When You said, ‘Seek My face,’ My heart said to You, ‘Your face, LORD, I will seek.’” This is my cry, too. The deepest desire of my heart is to know You more. Father, as I dwell with You this week, help me to drive out distraction and to position myself to hear You speak. I know you have things You want to say. Things I need to hear for the season ahead. My heart says to you, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” I will dwell here and wait on You. Amen.


1. Where do you intend to dwell with God this week? Where will you build your dwelling place (sukkah)?

2. When during the day do you plan to spend time with God this week?

3. What are you expecting from God? What do you need to hear?

4.Do you feel you are ready to listen and receive? How can you prepare to hear?


The Feast of the Tabernacles was a time that was celebrated with the whole family. It was a time of food, fellowship, worship and togetherness. Take some time today to create a fun space where your whole family can gather to talk and eat together this week. It can be in your sukkah (if its large enough).

It can be the at the dining room table, or it can even be a living room picnic. Together, decorate the space and make sure it is prepared to host your family and the meals to come as you gather together to talk, pray and dwell on the goodness of God!



DWELL IN HIS PRESENCERead Revelation 21:3-7 NIV

“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’

He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’ He said to me: ‘It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children.’”

When the people of Israel drew away once a year during the Festival to dwell in booths, it made a statement! It made sense when they were in the wilderness to dwell in tents. It was how they sheltered and survived. But once they entered the Promised Land, they could settle and build. And yet, they chose to willingly go back to their booths once a year for eight days during the Feast of the Tabernacles. Can you imagine what that looked like to outsiders?

Millions of small tents spread out over the land. It clearly sent a message. God dwells here, and we choose to dwell with him. In their booths, they were remembering that God’s presence dwelt among them, protecting them, and perhaps more importantly, branding them. These people belonged to God and access to His presence was their right.

In a very real way, the people dwelling in those individual tents was a foreshadow of what Jesus would come to do. He came to save God’s people and to ensure that God’s presence who never leave them. How?

Because by saving them, making them new, giving them a new spirit, they became the dwelling of God. The Spirit of God could now live in them and His presence was theirs to experience…forever. When we give our hearts to Christ, we become living houses where God’s presence lives and resides. We become the tabernacle where God dwells. And we can access and experience His presence ever day…at all times… forever more. We are never alone.



Today, as you dwell with God, fill your sukkah and all your spaces with worship. Worship invites God’s presence to fill the space we are in, and worship helps us to feel His presence. Remember, access to His presence is your right. Allow worship to help experience His presence today.


Lord, thank you for Jesus and His saving work in my life. Because He was willing to die for me, I have been made new. He transformed me into a living tabernacle. Now, Your presence is with me forever. I am never alone. I can’t thank you enough that I can always come to you and know without a shadow of doubt that I am welcome. Thank you for making Your home in me, Lord. Thank you for dwelling in me. Amen.


1. How do you feel knowing you are the dwelling place of God?

2. How do you experience the presence of God in your life?

3. What is God talking to you about today regarding experiencing His presence more regularly?


Worship is a wonderful way to connect together as a family! And it teaches your children how to experience the presence of God at a young age. So, gather everyone in the living room, put on some worship music (the excitement of praise and the excellence of worship), and lead the way, parents! Show them how it’s done! And why it’s so important to experience how real God is for themselves.



DWELL IN HIS PROTECTIONRead Psalm 91:1-2, 14-16 NKJV

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” ... “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation.”

When the people of Israel left Egypt, God performed an incredible miracle that made a bold declaration for all to see and hear. While the Israelites walked across the Red Sea on dry land, God destroyed their enemies in the same sea. When He did that, He was clearly communicating: These are My people, and I will protect them. When they entered in to the desert, there were so many obstacles to overcome, and threats from outside enemies.

But God once again did the miraculous to let outsiders know that these people were under His watchful care. He came…as the cloud by day…and as the fire by night. As they traveled through the wilderness, God miraculously surrounded and hovered over them, shielding and protecting them from outside dangers and threats. God’s protection dwelled among them. It went before them and behind them.

God’s word clearly tells us that one of the signs that God’s is dwelling with His people is supernatural protection. God still promises to go before you and behind you. He has given you the Holy Spirit as an early warning system.

And when danger arises, because at times it will, God promises to be our shelter and our safe place. When the people of God dwelled in those tents in the desert, they were not afraid. Why? Because they know God was with them. And God is still with His people now. No matter what comes your way, you have the might of the Almighty God on your side. No weapon formed against can succeed, because God is with you.



Today, as you dwell with God, check the condition of your heart. Are you living with fear? Ask yourself what you are really afraid of. In order to confront fear, you have to understand and acknowledge it first. Then pray for God to help you release that fear to Him. Cast all your care on Lord, because He cares for you. And He is strong enough to protect you, always.


Lord, thank you that I do not have to live in constant fear of any outside enemy or threat. No enemy can stand against Your power at work in life. I know that when I call out to You, You will deliver me. I know that I am safe because You are my refuge and my strength. I trust You, Lord, because You faithfully take care of me. I do not have to fear. You are with me. Amen.


1. What fears have you been struggling with lately?

2. What does God have to say about your fear? What will He do about them?

3. How can you remind yourself every day that God is bigger than your fears?


Dealing with fear is a big part of a child’s life as they learn how to grow up. Take some time today to sit and talk with your children about what they afraid of. Give them a safe place to be honest.

Have them write them down on a piece of paper. Then show them the words in today’s scripture reading that prove to them that God will protect them (ex. refuge, strength, deliver, honor, etc.). Show them how to cast their cares on God. Take their papers and either safely burn them or rip them up to be thrown away. Help guide them in prayer to release their fears to the Lord.




“For those blessed by Him shall inherit the earth, But those cursed by Him shall be cut off. The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the LORD upholds him with His hand. I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lends; And his descendants are blessed.”

In the wilderness, the Israelites traveled for 40 years across a barren desert. And no one died of starvation or thirst. Millions of mouths to feed, and not a single person went without? How was that even possible? God sent bread and quail miraculously from heaven for them to eat. Manna means “What is it?”

They had never seen God do this before! Shortly after God sent manna and quail to eat, God also sent them water to drink. It would be collected in the morning as the dew evaporated, six days a week. On the sixth day, they would collect two days-worth to have some set aside for the seventh day, the Sabbath. Only the portion saved for the seventh day would keep overnight.

Otherwise, it would rot if it was kept for the following day. It had to be collected fresh each day. This meant that the Israelites had to (literally) rely on God every single day for 40 years to provide food and water. And God never failed to provide.

Matthew 6 tells us not to worry about our lives, what we will eat or drink or where our natural needs will come from. Not that those things aren’t important and doing our part does matter. What we are not called to live in worry over material needs. “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

Are you not of more value than they?” (Matt 6:26, NKJV). Look at the Israelites in the wilderness! God never failed to provide, not one day. Rather than worrying about how the bill will be paid, or where our needs will come from, we need to choose instead to be thankful. God has provided and He will provide. He cannot fail you. It is not in His nature to abandon you. You matter too much.



Today, as you dwell with God, make a list of all the things that often attract your worry. It could be bills, a job, a healing or even a relationship. Write them all down. These are your needs. Now write out Matt. 6:25 out on the paper.

And in big, bold, all caps, write over the list…GOD’S GOT IT! Put that list up somewhere in your house where you can see it every day. And when you feel worry try to creep back, walk over to that list and remind yourself – GOD’S GOT IT!


Lord, sometimes it’s so easy to give in to worry and forget how abundant and giving You are. Your word clearly tells me that I have no reason to worry or fear. All I have to do is stay rooted in thanksgiving. The more I thank you for your care and provision, the more I am reminded – YOU GOT THIS! Thank you for reminding me daily to just trust you. You will never fail me. Amen!


1. What do you think about how God provided for Israelites in the wilderness?

2. Why do you think it is so easy to entertain worry or doubt?

3. What can you do to stand on God’s promise to provide for you?


We learn to let go of worry when we learn to trust God at His word. Trust is huge for a kid, because trust is associated with safety. It’s something they have to truly feel to understand. So as parents, perform a simple trust fall with your child.

Led by the parents only, instruct your child to cross their arms over their chest and close their eyes. Tell that you are standing behind them to catch them.

(Make sure you are close enough to catch them securely) Count down from 5, and tell them to fall back. When you catch them, they will feel what it is like to truly trust someone. This is how it works will God, too. We have to learn to trust Him, no matter what, and to know that He will always catch us.




“There are many who say, “Who will show us any good?” LORD, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us. You have put gladness in my heart, More than in the season that their grain and wine increased. I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.”

Egypt wasn’t the only enemy that the Israelites would have to trust God to help them to defeat in their journey through the wilderness. In the wilderness, there were many opportunities to lose their peace. They had to trust God for everything. They were a wandering people who had yet to form a nation. They had to get up and move when the cloud moved.

They had to believe for food and water every day. And in the openness of the desert, they could be attacked at any moment. This means that to maintain their peace that had to yield total control to Jehovah Shalom (The God of Peace). From the very beginning, from the very first step out of Egypt toward freedom, as they crossed the seas on dry land, God made them a promise: “The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace” (Exodus 14:14, NKJV).

In the booths as they reflected back on what God had done in the wilderness, the Israelites could see that they never had any reason to worry. God was always on top of it all – the food, the water, the protection, even the Promised Land to come. They could have breathed easy the whole time.

Peace is priceless. But peace is only achieved when we trust God to be…God. The true key to keeping our peace is to recognize that we are never truly in control. And when we let go of our fruitless efforts for control and yield control back over to God, that’s when we can live in peace. He is fighting for us, but it is our job to hold our peace.

No matter what we face, no matter what is going on around us, God is always in control. He never steps off the throne. He always has a plan. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28, NKJV).



Today, as you dwell with God, it’s time to let go of things. If there is anything that you are holding onto, that you have yet to give to God, it’s time to give control of that thing back to Him. You will never be able to do what He can do if you will just let it go. And when you do, God can do the work He was just waiting to do. But He needed you to open your hand and let go. Pray for God to show you how to trust Him fully so you can experience peace.


Lord, I have been holding on to some things that I have yet to give to you. Thinking I could take care of it myself, I haven’t trusted you the way I should have. Lord, forgive me for being so controlling. I willing release my cares into Your capable hands. You can do exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ask or think…and so much better than I could. I choose today to trust You. I choose peace. Amen!


1. Why do you think we try so hard to maintain control?

2. Why do you think trust and peace balance one another?

3. How can you “hold your peace”?


Letting go is a big part of learning how to experience peace. When a child learns how to trust child, they can experience peace. But as parents, it’s our job to teach why God is trustworthy. Here is a fun way to remind your children how to open their hand and let go. Start will a closed fist, and have them open each finger one at a time as they say the truths below.

1. Pointer Finger: God is high above all.

2. Middle Finger: God is right next to us.

3. Ring Finger: God will never leave us.

4. Pinkie Finger: God is big and not small.

5. Thumb: God will make sure everything is okay.



DWELL IN HIS POWERRead Ephesians 1:19-23 NKJV

“…and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”

When the Israelites in Egypt were introduced to their God again, one thing was made very clear. Here was a God of real power. From the moment God burned up a bush in front of Moses without consuming it, the story of the Exodus became a story filled with miraculous power.

From the plagues to the splitting of the Red Sea, God demonstrated His power to the world on behalf of His people. And the power did not end when they crossed the Red Sea.

God showed his power again and again as they wandered in the wilderness. Cloud by day, fire by night, quail, manna, and water from the rock. That power followed them wherever they went. When they crossed into the Promised Land, God’s power went before them.

The walls of Jericho crumbling with a shout, the sun standing still in the sky to secure victory. God made sure every knew He was with His people. It was His power that kept them safe in their booths, and it was His power that ensured that they crossed over into the Promised Land.

Ephesians 1 clearly tells us that same power is at work today in our lives. Our covenant with His gives us access to “the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe.” Our faith in Him, our hope in Him, our relationship with Him, this is how God’s power moves in our lives.

As we dwell with God, His power goes to work in our lives. It goes before us and behind us. It takes care of us. It moves mountains for us. This should inspire such an attitude of confidence! If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom. 8:31) If we really believe that, our attitude should look different. Our hope in God should show! God’s mighty power is available to His people – yesterday, today and forever.



If God’s power should inspire an attitude of confidence in us, then it’s time to show it! As you dwell today, declare scriptures of victory from His word over your life – loud and proud! The louder, the better.

Proclamation is loud faith, faith in God’s mighty power! So go find the scriptures you need right now, scriptures that fill you with faith, and go ahead and yell them in the face of your enemy. It’s time to take a stand. Put your faith in God’s power.


Lord, you are a mighty God! You have never faith to demonstrate your strength to us. You call Yourself a lion, a fortress, a strong tower, a King, a mighty arm, a redeemer, a conqueror. And because you are strong, I am strong through you. Your power works on my behalf. And it works in me to be brave. I choose to stand strong in your and in the power of Your might (Eph. 6:10). Thank you that your power at work in my life shows the world that I belong to you. Amen.


1. How does God show His power in your life?

2. What do you need God to fight for you in your life right now?

3. How does standing on God’s word demonstrate your trust in His power?


Time to have a little fun with this one! Perform a strength test with your family. It can be a push up challenge, a sit up challenge, a wall sit challenge, plank challenge or even a family run. Whoever wins, give them a small prize.

After the competition, sit down together and talk about what makes a person strong. Then ask them what makes a person strong in their faith. Point them back to Jesus. Talk to them about how God shows His strength. And most importantly, how He shows Himself strong in our lives.




“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”

One of the greatest gifts that the people of God celebrate during the Feast of Tabernacles is family. They remember that God called them His people and chose them to members of His family. As the head of that family, God took it upon Himself to deliver, protect and lead His people to the Promised Land.

During the Feast, as they dwell in their booths, they draw together all members of their family to celebrate with them. They believe that God is dwelling with them in that moment, just as He did in the wilderness.

One of the greatest gifts that God gave to us through the person of Jesus Christ is the opportunity to part of His extended family. When we are saved, we become sons and daughters, adopted family members in the larger family, now known as the church.

Ephesians 2 tells us that because of Jesus, we are no longer strangers or outsiders to the promises that God made to His family. No, now we are active participants! And God’s family enjoys a unique spirit of unity, a sense of together that transforms them in the House of God. Just like the tabernacles of old, the place where the Spirit of God dwelled, now God tabernacles in us. We are now the dwelling place of God.

But notice that the scripture above says that we are being built together to become the dwelling place of God. This means that there is work to be done, some growing to do. We grow into a holy temple for God. What this scripture is trying to tell is that we have to make an effort to connect together with our spiritual family.

We have to prioritize connecting together, growing together, building together. It is this togetherness that shows the world just closely knit that family of God is. And hopefully, it makes them hungry to be a part of it themselves.



Part of being an engaged family member is praying for your family! Take some time today to pray for your spiritual family, the Church. Pray for your shepherds and leaders who guide you. Pray for the people you serve alongside. Pray for the health and safety of every believer. Pray for opportunities and increase to come into their lives. Let God use your prayers to bless your family members today.


Lord, thank you for calling me into a family. When Jesus saved me, I became part of Your family. Now it is my chance to help serve my family. Lord, use me to bless those that I called to walk alongside, grow with and knit together with tightly. Lord, help my church to have a spirit of unity. Let the world look and us and say “I want to be a part of that family.” Thank you that together, we can show the world what a loving Father you are. Amen!


1. What does family look like to you?

2. What do you think it means to be fit together or built together?

3. What do you think unity in the church would communicate to the world?


So, plan some special time together with family or friends for today. Today is all about celebrating family! It can be a special dinner, a movie night, an outdoor activity, a BBQ, anything that brings you together with your family members. Just take some time to enjoy the family that God has called you to be a part of in this season of your life.




“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find Me.”

From the very being, from the moment of creation, God had a plan. That plan has always included us. When the Israelites left Egypt, they had to trust that God had a plan. Now, there were some up and downs, some whining to go back to Egypt moments, some golden calf and broken tablet incidents, some extra wandering in the desert consequences.

But they did come to learn that they had to follow God’s plan to get where they were always intended to go. They could not come up with their own plan. They had to trust His plan. God’s plan was always to bring His people back home to the Promised Land. Just like it was always God’s plan to send His Son to die on a cross to save us from our sins. God is a master planner.

God’s plan is a plan of restoration and freedom. It is a plan that includes a relationship with Him. In fact, His plans have one primary purpose – a closer and deeper relationship with his children. As we finish this conference, remember this promise Jer. 29:13: If you look for Me with your whole heart, you will find Me.

The invitation to dwell with God has always been there. It is our right come directly to God and spend time with Him. In that place we can learn about the future and the hope with He has in store for us.

Don’t let the lessons that were learned this week go to waste. God can always be found in the secret place. He is always available to you, always waiting to talk with you. You have to make the choice to trust His plan and dwell with Him, every day.



Today, as you dwell with God, remember that the choice to dwell with God and receive from Him is a choice only you can make. Make a plan for how you plan to continue to dwell with God in the coming months. List the things you experienced this week that you loved and that you would like to add into your regular time spent with the Lord.


Lord, I thank you for dwelling with me this week. Thank you for speaking with me and showing me the things that I need to know for my future. Lord, help me to pursue your plans for my life. I want to follow in Your footsteps and go where you lead. Lead me deeper into our relationship together, Lord. I long to remain here with you. Show me how to continue to dwell with You. Amen!


1. Why is it important to go to God for His plan over your plan?

2. What are some of the things that you learn about yourself and God this week?

3. How will you continue to dwell with God moving forward?


It is important that you help your children to continue in what they have learned this week. Learning how to spend time with God requires some good planning. As you close out today, make a plan with your kids to continue to gather to eat and talk about God together.

It could be breakfast in the morning, a special meal once a week, in the car on the way to school or for an hour or two on the weekends. Make a plan and stick with it. Continue to dwell in God together with your family.