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Network Server Operating System DF9N 34

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Network Server OperatingSystem

DF9N 34

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Assessment Exemplar for Higher National Unit

DF9N 34: Network Server Operating System

1st edition: August 2004

Price: £20.00

Publication code: CB2175

Published by the Scottish Qualifications Authority, Hanover House, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow,G2 7NQ, and Ironmills Road, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1LE

The information in this publication may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications. If it isreproduced, SQA should be clearly acknowledged as the source. If it is to be used for any other

purpose, then written permission must be obtained from the Support Materials Development Officerat SQA. It must not be reproduced for trade or commercial purposes.

© Scottish Qualifications Authority 2004

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DE9N 34: Network Server Operating System

Scottish Qualifications Authority Assessment Exemplars for Higher National Units


1 Introduction

2 How to generate evidence

3 Assessment exemplar

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DF9N 34: Network Server Operating System

Scottish Qualifications Authority Assessment Exemplars for Higher National Units 1

1 Introduction

This pack must be used in conjunction with a copy of the Unit specification which detailsthe standard of performance expected of the candidate. A copy of the Unit specificationcan be obtained from SQA.

This pack supplements the assessment guidelines and support notes of the Unitspecification. It aims to provide an example of assessment that is valid, reliable andpracticable. The assessment task(s) detailed in this pack correspond to the assessmentguidelines outlined in the Unit specification.

The example provided is intended for guidance only. It may be used in a variety of waysincluding, for example:

♦ to exemplify the standard of performance expected of candidates achieving theUnit, ie as a benchmark

♦ to help you develop your own assessment for the Unit♦ to help you develop valid and practicable assessments for other Units within the

subject area of the Group Award to which it contributes♦ to give you new ideas♦ as a staff development tool

It is important that you make sure that the assessment exemplar is used in a contextappropriate to the delivery of the Unit and to the Group Award of which it forms a part.It is also very important that you note that using this assessment exemplar does notautomatically guarantee successful external moderation. It is still your responsibility tomake sure that all the appropriate internal quality assurance procedures are satisfactorilycompleted. For example, a valid, effective and approved internal moderation systemmust be in use at your centre.

Recommended reading

Before using this material you might find it useful to look at some of our otherpublications, in particular:

♦ Guide to Assessment and Quality Assurance for Colleges of Further Education(AA0841/3, September 2003)

♦ Guidance on Special Assessment Arrangements (AA0645/4, September 2003)♦ Quality Assurance Principles, Elements and Criteria (A0798, December 1998)

Details of these and other SQA publications are available in SQA Information, ourpublications catalogue which is updated and printed twice a year (telephone:0845 279 1000). SQA Information lists all published HN assessment exemplars. Youcould also visit our website at www.sqa.org.uk.

A free copy of this pack is available to all SQA approved centres at the time of initialdistribution. Additional copies can be obtained, price £20.00, from SQA’s CustomerContact Centre, Scottish Qualifications Authority, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow, G2 7NQ(telephone: 0845 279 1000 or fax: 0141-242 2123).

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Scottish Qualifications Authority Assessment Exemplars for Higher National Units 2

Other related Units

This Unit has been validated as part of the HNC Computer Networking and HNDComputer Networking and Internet Technology award at level 7 within the ScottishCredit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).1 Centres are required to develop theassessment instrument in accordance with the validated Unit specification. Related Unitsare:

Unit code SCQF level TitleDG0K 33 6 Hardware ConceptsDF9L 33 6 Operating System ConceptsDF9M 34 7 Client Operating SystemDG0J 34 7 Computer Networking: Group Award Graded Unit 1

The core Units for HND Computer Networking and Internet Technology include theabove, plus:

Unit code SCQF level TitleDF9T 34 7 Internetworking Concepts 1: Development and

Delivery ConceptsDF9V 34 7 Internetworking Concepts 2: Security and Business

ConceptsDF9X 35 8 Networking TechnologyDF9Y 35 8 Routing TechnologyDG09 35 8 Switching TechnologyDG0A 35 8 Internetworking TechnologyDG0H 35 8 Computer Networking and Internet Technology:

Group Award Graded Unit 2

Exemplar Assessment packs are available for all of these Units.

There are no specific prerequisites for this Unit.

Core Skills

Where Core Skills have been embedded in a Unit specification and an Assessor wishes touse an alternative method of assessment, she/he must ensure that the assessment generatesthe Evidence Requirements specified in the Unit specification. It is recommended thatthe centre seek prior moderation for the alternative method to ensure that the Core Skill isstill covered. The Unit specification will detail the Core Skills covered within the Unit.

1 The SCQF provides the national common framework for describing all relevant programmes of learningqualifications in Scotland. The level a qualification is assigned within the framework is an indication ofhow hard it is to achieve. There are 12 levels, from level 1 for Access 1 through to level 12 fordoctorates. For further information on the level and credit rated see the Unit specification.

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Scottish Qualifications Authority Assessment Exemplars for Higher National Units 3

2 How to generate evidence


The Scottish Qualifications Authority’s system of assessment measures the evidence of acandidate’s attainment of knowledge, understanding and skills against defined criteria.The assessment process must allow for evidence of each candidate’s performance to begenerated and collected. This evidence must then be judged against the standards set outin the Unit specification. To achieve the Unit the candidate must successfully meet thestandards and there must be evidence to prove this.

The Unit specification defines the criteria you need to use to judge whether or not thecandidate has met the standards. All Units have the following:


These tell you what the candidate actually has to do.

Knowledge and/or skills

This section details the essential knowledge and skills which the candidate must attain inorder to achieve each Outcome, combination of Outcomes or for the Unit as a whole.

Evidence Requirements

Evidence Requirements can be written for each Outcome, for a combination of Outcomes,or for the Unit as a whole. There is no standard format for writing EvidenceRequirements. Provided that they state clearly and unambiguously the type, standard andamount of evidence which candidates have to produce in order to be judged competent,the Evidence Requirements can be written in the format which will be most easilyunderstood by users of the Unit.

Note: The national standard of achievement expected, which was previously specified asPerformance Criteria, is now stated in the Evidence Requirements.

Where it is not possible to cover all the items listed under knowledge and/or skills throughholistic assessment, sampling can be used as a method of gaining additional evidence.Sampling may also sometimes be an appropriate method of assessing very knowledge-based Units. This type of assessment must always be carried out in supervised conditions.

Where sampling is used, the Evidence Requirements must clearly state:

♦ the standard of evidence required for each knowledge and/or skills item so thatsatisfactory performance can be judged whichever items are sampled on any oneoccasion

♦ the proportion of knowledge and/or skills which can be sampled♦ whether any item(s) must be included in each assessment, ie if it is crucial to the

achievement of the Outcome(s) or to an embedded Core Skill♦ the fact that a different sample should be chosen on each assessment occasion to

prevent candidates being able to foresee what they will be asked♦ the conditions of assessment

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Assessment guidelines

This section should give guidance on how best to conduct the assessment to generate theevidence required, eg recommending the use of a particular assessment instrument. Itshould include guidance on how to integrate the assessment of the whole Outcome or, ifappropriate, how to link assessment holistically with other Outcomes in the Unit. LikeEvidence Requirements, assessment guidelines can be written for each Outcome, acombination of Outcomes, or for the Unit as a whole.

It is important to realise that it is up to the Assessor to judge when and if the candidatehas satisfactorily met the standards. This decision should be based on the quality andcorrect quantity of evidence collected, set against the standards in the Unit.

The assessment instrument in this pack should not create any unnecessary barriers toachievement for open/distance learning delivery or candidates with special needs.However, you may need to adapt it so that you can assess candidates with special needsor candidates who are undertaking the Unit on an open/distance learning basis.Obviously, whilst taking into account the needs of the candidate concerned, the methodsof assessment you choose must still be valid, reliable and practicable. If you have anyquestions or problems, or if you are in any doubt as to whether or not the alternativeassessment you have chosen is still valid, please contact the Customer Contact Centre atthe Scottish Qualifications Authority on telephone: 0845 279 1000.

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3 Assessment exemplar

Assessment tasks

The table below summarises how each assessment exemplar task relates to coverage ofthe Outcomes detailed in the Unit specification. It also indicates the evidence whichshould be retained for external moderation.

Outcome Suggested task Suggested evidence to beretained



1 Restricted response test(40 questions)

2 Logbook recording practical taskscompleted

Candidate responses to restrictedresponse test

Logbook completed by candidate

Conditions of assessment

Restricted response test

Candidates must answer at least 70% of the questions correctly in order to obtain a pass.If subtests are used, they must also score at least 70% in each subtest. It is not necessaryto score 70% in each individual Outcome — an overall score of 70% is sufficient toobtain a pass.

Testing must take place in a closed-book environment where candidates have no access tobooks, handouts, notes or other learning material. Testing can be done in either amachine-based or paper-based format and must be invigilated by a tutor or mentor. Theremust be no communication between candidates and communication with the invigilatormust be restricted to matters relating to the administration of the test.

If a candidate requires to be re-assessed, a different selection of questions must be used.At least half the questions in the re-assessment must be different from those used in theoriginal test The suggested time allocation for a restricted response test is two minutes for eachquestion plus five minutes’ starting-up time and five minutes’ finishing-off time; thus atotal of 90 minutes should be allocated for a 40-question end of Unit test and 110 minutesfor a 50-question test.

Although individual Outcome tests are permissible, it is suggested that if subtests are tobe used, Outcomes should be combined to produce tests of no fewer than 10 questions. A10-question test would, therefore, have a time allocation of 30 minutes.

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If an Outcome has a practical component, this must be assessed by having the candidateuse a logbook to record the practical tasks successfully completed. The logbook can be inpaper or electronic form and must be authenticated by the tutor or mentor.

For some Outcomes only a sample of the practical tasks needs to be completed andrecorded for assessment purposes, eg three out of five. This is clearly indicated in thelogbook instructions for the Outcomes involved. Where this occurs, tutors must informcandidates of the tasks to be completed.

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Assessment task 1

Outcome(s)covered All

Assessment task instructions

The question paper given overleaf is for a 40-question end of Unit test lasting 90 minutes.It may, at the discretion of the centre, be divided into two or more subtests. This can bedone by reference to the ‘Question Sources’ grid which follows the question paper.

The suggested time allocation for a restricted response test is two minutes for eachquestion plus five minutes’ starting-up time and five minutes’ finishing-off time; thus atotal of 90 minutes should be allocated for a 40-question end of Unit test and 110 minutesfor a 50-question test.

It is suggested that, if subtests are to be used, Outcomes should be combined to producetests of no fewer than 10 questions. A 10-question test would, therefore, have a timeallocation of 30 minutes.

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Restricted response test

Unit No: DF9N 34

Unit Title: Network Server Operating System

Instructions for candidates

This test covers all Outcomes. This test is closed-book — no reference material ispermitted.

Each question has only one answer unless otherwise indicated. All questions should beattempted.

1 You want to ensure that only WHQL-signed drivers can be installed on your WindowsServer 2003 computer. Which of the following Driver Signing options settings should youchoose?

(a) Allow.(b) Warn.(c) Block.(d) Ignore.

2 You have just installed a new Windows 2003 Server domain and you want to write a scriptto create a large number of user accounts quickly. Which of the following command-lineutilities could you use?

(a) Adduser.(b) Useradd.(c) Dsadd.(d) Usermgr.

3 You move a file called JuneData.txt from the D:\LiveData folder to the D:\OldData folderon the same NTFS-formatted volume. The JuneData.txt file currently has Modifypermission applied for the Users group. The D:\OldData folder has the Write permissionapplied for the Users group. What permission will the JuneData.txt file have after it hasbeen moved?

(a) Read.(b) Write.(c) Modify.(d) Full Control.

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4 Your company operates 24 hours a day, every day of the week. There are three eight-hourshifts which use the same computers. You’ll soon be upgrading to Windows Server 2003.Which of the following licensing models would be most cost-effective?

(a) Per Server licensing.(b) Volume licensing.(c) Per User licensing.(d) Per Device licensing.

5 All of the Windows 2003 server computers in your domain are scheduled to be backed upevery day at 1:00 am. You want to write a batch file to automate the backup procedures.Which of the following command-line utilities is your batch file most likely to incorporate?

(a) Ntbackup.(b) Winbackup.(c) Backupschedule.(d) Backup/schedule.

6 Your Windows server 2003 computer is a 3 GHz Pentium 4 which has a single basic diskinstalled. Which of the following configurations is valid?

(a) One primary partition and three extended partitions.(b) Two primary partitions and two extended partitions.(c) Three primary partitions and one extended partition.(d) Five primary partitions.

7 A user who has just been transferred to the Accounts department complains that she cannotaccess files on the Accounts share from her workstation. You check her account and youfind that she hasn’t yet been added to the Accounts group, so you add her and tell her thatthat she should now be able to access the files. However, she calls back a few minutes laterto say that she still can’t access them. Which of the following is the most likely source ofher problem?

(a) She needs to log off and log on again before the new settings will take effect.(b) She needs to allow time for the changes to replicate across the Active Directory

Network.(c) She has only been granted access to the shared folder and not the individual files

within it.(d) She needs membership of the Administrators group.

8 A user is unable to view the previous versions of a file that has been shadow copied on theserver. When he examines the file’s properties, there is no tab for previous versions. Otherusers of the network can view previous versions without problems. Which of the followingis the most likely the cause of this problem?

(a) The Previous Versions Manager hasn’t been installed on the server.(b) The Previous Versions Client hasn’t been installed on the user’s computer.(c) The user isn’t a member of the Administrators group.(d) There have been no changes to the file since shadow copying was enabled.

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9 You have six workstations connected to a network which has a Windows Server 2003computer as a domain controller. You want to allow any user to log on at any workstationand receive their own desktop settings, but you also want to ensure that any changes madeby the users to their desktop settings are removed when they log off. Which type of profileshould the users be allocated?

(a) local.(b) global.(c) roaming.(d) mandatory.

10 Users store data files on the D: drive of your Windows 2003 Server computer, which iscontinually running out of space. You discover that the problem is largely due to two users,Robin and Mike, who insist on keeping large and outdated files. You decide that thesolution is to impose disk quotas, so you do this, limiting each user to 10 GB of disk spaceon the D: drive. Robin already has 8.5 GB of files stored. He attempts to store another 4GB file and it is stored successfully. Why does this happen?

(a) The partition is not configured as NTFS.(b) Quota limits only apply to files stored after the limits have been applied.(c) Robin is a member of the Server Operators group and quota limits don’t apply to this

group.(d) Only new users of a volume are affected by file quotas.

11 You are developing a plan for backing up several Windows 2003 Server computers everynight. You want the backups to be carried out as quickly as possible, but you also want datato be restored as quickly as possible following a disaster. Which of the following backupstrategies would be the most effective?

(a) Perform a daily backup each night.(b) Perform a normal backup each night.(c) Perform a normal backup, followed by nightly differential backups.(d) Perform a normal backup, followed by nightly incremental backups.

12 You are configuring permissions for a shared folder. You want to allow AuthenticatedUsers to save files to the folder, read all files in the folder and change or delete files thatthey own. Which of the following permissions do you need to set? (Choose two.)

(a) Authenticated Users — Change.(b) Authenticated Users — Read.(c) Creator/Owner — Change.(d) Creator/Owner — Read.

13 Which of the following names is given to the subdivisions of a dynamic disk?

(a) Partitions.(b) Volumes.(c) Logical drives.(d) Sectors.

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14 You have a job which you wish to print urgently. You examine the print queue and noticethat there are a number of jobs, including several long ones, queued before yours. What isthe best way to ensure that your document is printed next?

(a) Delete all jobs scheduled before yours.(b) Pause all jobs scheduled before yours, wait for it to print and resume the paused jobs.(c) Move your job to another printer.(d) Double-click your job and increase its priority.

15 You are the network administrator for a Windows 2003 Server domain calledcoatbank.com. You have created two new child domains called north.coatbank.com andsouth.coatbank.com. You now want to move two Windows 2003 member servers fromcoatbank.com to south.coatbank.com. Which of the following tools should you use to movethe computer accounts?

(a) Dsmove.(b) Movetree.(c) Active Directory Users and Computers.(d) Active Directory Domains and Trusts.

16 You have just installed a non Plug and Play SCSI controller in your Windows server 2003computer. You now need to configure its resource settings, but you are unable to find thecontroller in Device Manager. Which of the following is the most likely explanation?

(a) You need to select Show Hidden Devices in Device Manager.(b) You need to upgrade to a Plug and Play compatible device driver.(c) Device Manager doesn’t display non-Plug and Play devices.(d) You need to restart the system in Safe Mode.

17 How do you convert a roaming profile to a mandatory profile?

(a) Rename Ntuser.dat on the local machine to Ntuser.man.(b) Rename Ntuser.ini on the local machine to Ntuser.man.(c) Rename Ntuser.dat on the network share to Ntuser.man.(d) Rename Ntuser.ini on the network share to Ntuser.man.

18 You are the network administrator for a Windows 2003 Server domain. Your servercomputer has C: and D: volumes. You want to see what shares have been created on theserver for all volumes. Which of the following utilities could you use?

(a) Windows Explorer.(b) File Manager.(c) Share Manager.(d) Shared Folders.

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19 Which of the following command-line utilities can be used to display performance counterdata on the screen?

(a) perfmon.exe(b) relog.exe(c) typeperf.exe(d) logman.exe

20 You are designing a backup strategy for all the servers within your domain. You want toperform a complete backup every Friday night and from Saturday to Thursday you want tocreate backups every day at 1am and 1pm, using the minimum amount of space. Which ofthe following backup options should you use?

(a) Differential.(b) Incremental.(c) Daily.(d) Copy.

21 You want to use the dsmod.exe tool to enable the user account for Margaret Kerr in thecoatbank.com domain. Which of the following commands should you use?

(a) dsmod user “CN=Margaret Kerr,CN=Users,DC=coatbank,DC=com” –enabled yes.(b) dsmod user “CN=Margaret Kerr,CN=Users,DC=coatbank,DC=com” –enabled no.(c) dsmod user “CN=Margaret Kerr,CN=Users,DC=coatbank,DC=com” –disabled yes.(d) dsmod user “CN=Margaret Kerr,CN=Users,DC=coatbank,DC=com” –disabled no.

22 Your manager has asked you to generate an audit log of all users who attempt to access afolder which stores confidential company information. She wants to know about users whotry to access the folder, but are stopped due to insufficient NTFS permissions, as well asthose who successfully access the folder. Which of the following types of auditing shouldyou configure? (Choose two.)

(a) Successful Object Access.(b) Failed Object Access.(c) Successful Directory Service Access.(d) Failed Directory Service Access.

23 You have just installed a new USB device on your Windows server 2003 computer, but itisn’t working correctly. You want to use the Hardware Troubleshooting Wizard toinvestigate the problem. Which of the following utilities will give you access to theWizard?

(a) Control Panel -> USB devices.(b) Regedt32.(c) Device Manager.(d) System Information.

24 A publishing company keeps all its current projects in a folder called Projects. Thecompany employs two groups of staff who are allowed access to this folder, editors andreviewers. The Editors group has Full Control permission on the folder, while the Deny

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Write permission is assigned to the Reviewers group. George is promoted from Reviewerto Editor and is added to the Editors group, but the network administrator forgets to removehim from the Reviewers group. Which of the following statements best describes thecumulative effect of the permissions resulting from his membership of both groups?

(a) He won’t be able to Write.(b) He won’t be able to access the folder at all.(c) He’ll have Full Control.(d) He’ll be able to Write new files, but won’t be able to Change existing ones.

25 A virus has been discovered on one of your Windows 2003 Server computers and yoususpect that some of the operating system files have been corrupted. Which of thefollowing recovery techniques would you use to recover the operating system files?

(a) System Restore.(b) Driver Rollback.(c) ERD.(d) ASR.

26 Your Windows Server 2003 computer has a single 80GB hard disk. You want to addanother identical disk and configure the two disks as a mirror to improve fault tolerance.After installing the new disk you reboot and go into the disk management MMC. Whenyou right-click on the C: drive, Add Mirror is greyed-out. Which of the following is themost likely cause of this problem?

(a) The original disk needs to have its format changed to NTFS.(b) The new disk needs to be formatted to NTFS.(c) The original disk needs to have an Extended Partition placed on it.(d) The new disk needs to be upgraded from basic to dynamic.

27 Your organisation often employs temporary staff and allocates user accounts to them. Youwant to disable these accounts when temporary staff leave. You decide to do this bychecking which accounts have not been used for two weeks and disabling themautomatically. Which of the following commands would you use?

(a) dsquery user domainroot –inactive 2 –disabled yes.(b) dsquery user domainroot –inactive 2 | dsmod user –disabled yes.(c) dsquery user domainroot –inactive 2 –enabled no.(d) dsquery user domainroot –inactive 2 | dsmod user –enabled yes.

28 You have configured your Windows Server 2003 member server computer as a TerminalServices server. Which of the following utilities would you use to view all the users whoare currently connected?

(a) Terminal Services Manager.(b) Terminal Services Administration.(c) Terminal Services Client Manager.(d) Terminal Services Configuration.

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29 Which of the following authentication methods are supported by IIS 6.0? (Choose two.)

(a) MS-CHAP authentication.(b) EAP authentication.(c) Integrated Windows Authentication.(d) .NET Passport authentication.

30 Which of the following will prevent a successful ASR restore? (Choose two.)

(a) A missing or damaged ntdetect.com file.(b) A missing or damaged ntldr file.(c) Storing the ASR Backup file on the same drive as the operating system.(d) A failed CD-ROM drive.

31 Users of your Windows Server 2003 computer have complained that file access speedshave deteriorated dramatically over the last few months. The number and size of files andthe number of times they have been accessed has remained fairly constant over this period.Which of the following would be most likely to improve access speeds?

(a) Upgrade the disk to a dynamic disk.(b) Defragment the disk.(c) Convert the disk to NTFS.(d) Compress the files on the disk.

32 You have just created a new Active Directory group on a Windows 2003 Server domaincontroller. Which of the following properties can you configure for this group?

(a) Managed By.(b) Logon Hours.(c) Logon Computers.(d) Logon Scripts.

33 You have configured a number of client computers with the Terminal Services Client,Remote Desktop Connection, and configured a Terminal Server in Remote Desktop forAdministration mode. However, when users attempt to connect to the terminal server, theyreceive an error message saying that the local policy of this system does not permit them tolog on interactively. Which of the following steps should you take to resolve this problem?

(a) Enable the Terminal Services Remote Control Setting for each user.(b) Add the Users to the Remote Desktop Users group.(c) Enable the Client/Server data redirection setting in Group Policy for each client

computer.(d) Enable the Client/Server data redirection setting in Group Policy for the Terminal

Server computer.

34 Users have reported that several server-based applications are running slowly. You noticethat the LED is blinking rapidly on the applications disk, so you suspect that a diskcontroller problem is responsible. Which of the following counters would you add toSystem Monitor to check this?

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(a) System\Processor Queue Length counter.(b) Memory\Available Bytes counter.(c) PhysicalDisk\Current Queue Length counter.(d) PhysicalDisk\% Disk Time and % Idle Time counters.

35 Which of the following methods will allow successful completion of a backup job to beverified automatically?

(a) When starting the backup job, click on Advanced and select Verify Data AfterBackup.

(b) Use the Backup Wizard to run a verification check.(c) Check the Properties of the backup job from the from the Restore and Manage Media tab of the Backup Utility.(d) The Windows Server 2003 Backup Utility does not allow a backup to be verified.

36 You have started a new employee to help manage backup and restore tasks for Windows2003 Server computers within the Accounts department. You want to allow her to carry outbackups and restores, but you do not wish to allow her access to the file system. Which ofthe following groups should you assign her to?

(a) Backup Operators.(b) Server Operators.(c) Administrators.(d) Accounts.

37 An employee with the username gbrown has left the company. You want to reassignownership of her files to the Administrators group. You open a command prompt andnavigate to the directory where her home folder is located. Which of the followingcommands would you type to change the ownership of her files?

(a) takeown /u gbrown.(b) takeown /f /r *.(c) takeown /a gbrown.(d) takeown /f /r /a gbrown\*.

38 You are a senior systems administrator, based at your company’s headquarters in Glasgow.A junior administrator based at a branch office in Inverness has contacted you to say thathe needs to modify some registry settings on one of the servers in Inverness and he wantsyou to watch him remotely so that you can check that he does this correctly. Which of thefollowing techniques will allow you to watch him carry out the modifications and talk himthrough anything he does not understand?

(a) Terminal Services Remote Administration Mode.(b) Remote Assistance.(c) Computer Management Console.(d). HTML Remote Administration Tools.

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39 You have just installed a new application on a Windows 2003 member server computer.The installation procedure involved editing several registry settings manually. When youtry to restart the server it hangs before reaching the logon screen. Which of the followingrecovery options should you try first?

(a) Restore the server from the most recent backup.(b) Use Automatic System Recovery.(c) Boot the computer in Safe Mode.(d) Boot the computer with Last Known Good Configuration.

40 You want to list the devices connected to your Windows Server 2003 computernumerically by IRQ. Which of the following procedures would achieve this? (Choose two).

(a) Select Resources by Connection in the View Menu of Device Manager.(b) Select Devices by Connection in the View Menu of Device Manager.(c) Select Resources by Type in the View Menu of Device Manager.(d) Select Devices by Type in the View Menu of Device Manager.

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Restricted response test

Question sources


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1.4 2.3 3.3 4.2 5.5 1.1 3.1 5.1 2.1 4.4


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


5.4 3.1 1.1 4.4 2.2 1.2 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.2


21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


2.2 4.1 1.2 3.3 5.3 1.3 2.3 3.2 4.6 5.1


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


1.3 2.4 3.2 4.5 5.2 2.4 3.3 4.3 5.3 1.4

Outcome Number ofquestions

Question numbers

1 8 1, 6, 13, 16, 23, 26, 31, 402 8 2, 9, 15, 17, 21, 27, 32, 363 8 3, 7, 12, 18, 24, 28, 33, 374 8 4, 10, 14, 19, 22, 29, 34, 385 8 5, 8, 11, 20, 25, 30, 35, 396 —7 —8 —

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Answer sheet

Name: Date:

College: Class:

Write the letter (or letters) corresponding to the correct answer in the box beloweach question number.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30



31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


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Assessment task 1

Outcome(s)covered All

Suggested solution and making an assessment decision

The table overleaf gives the correct answer to each question. Where a question has morethan one answer, all answers must be correct for the candidate to be awarded a mark —there are no half marks.

A candidate must score at least 70% in order to pass. If subtests are used, candidates mustscore at least 70% in each subtest in order to pass.

It is not necessary for candidates to pass each discrete Outcome, ie if a subtest coversOutcomes 1 and 2, it is sufficient that the candidate scores 70% overall. He/she does notrequire to score 70% in the questions relating to each Outcome.

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Correct responses


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


c c c d a c a b d b


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


c b, c b d b a c d a b


21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


d a, b c a d d b a c, d c, d


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


b a b d a a d b d a, c

Distribution of responses

Response Frequency Percentagea 11 24.4%b 11 24.4%c 11 24.4%d 12 26.7%Total 45 99.9%

Notes: the total frequency is greater than 40 because some questions have more than oneanswer. The total percentage is less than 100 due to rounding.

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Assessment Task 2


1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Assessment task instructions


The following page gives instructions to candidates and tutors/mentorson completion of practical activities.

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Candidate logbookHN Unit: DF9N 34 – Network Server Operating System

Candidate name:Candidate number:Centre:Start date:Finish date:Tutor/mentor:

Summary: In order to successfully complete this Unit, the candidate must carry out thespecified practical tasks relating to Outcomes 1 to 5. There may be a degree of overlap betweentasks, depending on the tasks chosen, so a single task may allow more than one log book entryto be completed. The tutor should fill in the date of completion against each completed task.

Outcome 1Task 1.1Task 1.2Task 1.3Task 1.4Outcome 2Task 2.1Task 2.2Task 2.3Task 2.4Outcome 3Task 3.1Task 3.2Task 3.3Outcome 4Task 4.1Task 4.2Task 4.3Task 4.4Task 4.5Task 4.6Outcome 5Task 5.1Task 5.2Task 5.3Task 5.4Task 5.5

I certify that all the work detailed in this logbook has been carried out unaided by the candidatenamed above.

Signed: Date:

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Outcome 1: Manage and maintain physical and logical devices.

You must complete at least two of the four tasks listed below (1.1–1.4). The tasks to be completed will be selected by your tutor. 1.1 Manage hard disk subsystems

Carry out any three of the six tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the stepsyou took or attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

1.1.1 Create and format a partition

1.1.2 View and update disk properties

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1.1.3 Mount and unmount a volume

1.1.4 Create a volume on a disk

1.1.5 Convert a disk from basic to dynamic

1.1.6 Import a foreign disk

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1.2 Monitor server hardware

Carry out any two of the three tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the stepsyou took or attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

1.2.1 Use Device Manager to monitor server hardware

1.2.2 Use the Hardware Troubleshooting Wizard to monitor server hardware

1.2.3 Use Control Panel utilities to monitor server hardware

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1.3 Optimise server disk performance

Carry out both of the tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you tookor attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

1.3.1 Implement one of the following RAID solutions: RAID-0, RAID-1 or RAID-5

1.3.2 Use the Disk Defragmenter to defragment a volume or a partition

1.4 Install and configure server hardware devices

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

1.4.1 Install and configure at least two server hardware devices, taking account (whererelevant) of device properties and settings, hardware drivers, driver upgrades, driverrollback and driver signing options.

Device 1:

Device 2:

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Outcome 2: Manage users, computers and groups

You must complete at least two of the four tasks listed below (2.1–2.4). The tasks to be completed will be selected by your tutor. 2.1 Manage user profiles

Carry out both of the tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you tookor attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

2.1.1 Create a roaming profile

2.1.2 Create a mandatory profile

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2.2 Create and manage user and computer accounts

Carry out any three of the six tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the stepsyou took or attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

2.2.1 Create and manage a user account

2.2.2 Create and manage a group account

2.2.3 Disable and enable user and computer accounts

2.2.4 Create a user account template

2.2.5 Locate user and computer accounts in Active Directory

2.2.6 Initiate automated creation and modification of user accounts

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2.3 Troubleshoot user and computer accounts

Carry out any two of the three tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the stepsyou took or attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

2.3.1 Diagnose and resolve user account lockouts and issues relating to user accountproperties

2.3.2 Troubleshoot user authentication issues

2.3.3 Diagnose and resolve issues related to computer accounts by using the ActiveDirectory Users and Computers MMC snap-in and resetting computer accounts

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2.4 Create and manage groups

Carry out any two of the four tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the stepsyou took or attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

2.4.1 Identify/modify the scope of groups

2.4.2 Find domain groups in which a user is a member

2.4.3 Use Active Directory Users and Computers MMC snap-in to manage groupmembership

2.4.4 Initiate automated creation and modification of groups

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Outcome 3: Manage and maintain access to resources

You must complete at least two of the three tasks listed below (3.1–3.3). The tasks to be completed will be selected by your tutor.

3.1 Configure access to shared folders

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

3.1.1 Configure access to shared folders and manage shared folder permissions

3.2 Troubleshoot terminal services

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

3.2.1 Diagnose and resolve issues relating to client access and terminal services security

3.3 Configure file system permissions

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

3.3.1 Configure file system permissions, verify effective permissions and change ownershipof files and/or folders

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Outcome 4: Manage and maintain a server environment

You must complete at least three of the six tasks listed below (4.1–4.6). The tasks to be completed will be selected by your tutor. 4.1 Monitor and analyse events and system performance

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

4.1.1 Carry out monitoring, using counter logs, trace logs and alerts

4.2 Manage software updates and site licensing

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

4.2.1 Use the Software Update Service to manage software updates and site licensing

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4.3 Manage servers remotely

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

4.3.1 Manage a server remotely by using Remote Assistance and/or Terminal ServicesRemote Administration mode

4.4 Monitor file and print servers

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

4.4.1 Monitor disk quotas, print queues and server hardware bottlenecks

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4.5 Monitor and optimise application performance

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

4.5.1 Monitor and optimise server memory, network usage, processor usage and diskperformance and use counters and thresholds

4.6 Manage a web server

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

4.6.1 Use IIS to set up either a Website or an SMTP server

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Outcome 5: Manage and implement disaster recovery

You must complete at least three of the five tasks listed below (5.1–5.5). The tasks to be completed will be selected by your tutor.

5.1 Perform system recovery for a server

Carry out at least two of the four tasks listed below and either give a brief description of thesteps you took or attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

5.1.1 Backup files and System State data

5.1.2 Use the following system recovery tools: Automated System Recovery (ASR) theRecovery Console

5.1.3 Restore data from shadow copy volumes

5.1.4 Configure security for backup operations

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5.2 Manage backup procedures

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

5.2.1 Verify the successful completion of backup jobs and manage backup storage media

5.3 Recover from server hardware failure

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

5.3.1 Recover from at least two of: hardware failure, corrupt registry, viruses, corruptboot file, by making use of use of at least two of: Safe Mode, Last Known Good andRecovery Console

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5.4 Restore backup data

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

5.4.1 Documentary evidence that the candidate can use system tools to restore backup data

5.5 Schedule backup jobs

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

5.5.1 Documentary evidence that the candidate can use system tools to schedule backupjobs

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Assessment task 2

Outcome(s)Covered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

Suggested solution and making an assessment decision

All of the exemplar tasks described here require little in the way of subjective judgment toascertain whether the candidate has completed the task — either the required task hasbeen performed and evidenced or it has not. The most important factor is the candidate’sability to carry out the required task, rather than the quality of his/her description.

It is important that the candidate should describe tasks he or she has actually carried out,under the oversight of the tutor or mentor, and not simply give theoretical instructions asto how a task should be carried out.

The range of assessment tasks available should make it reasonably straightforward for atutor or mentor to select a suitable range of tasks, depending on the equipment andfacilities available.

There may be some judgment required to determine if the log contains sufficient detail. Ingeneral a log should contain sufficient detail to allow the task to be repeated by anotheruser with a similar level of skill and background knowledge to the candidate.

If each of the fields in the pro forma contains the required information then there isprobably sufficient evidence. Fields with little or no information may indicate a lack ofevidence.

Example responses are given for only a selection of the tasks contained in the exemplarassessment. These are intended to illustrate the general standard of responses expected,rather than to provide model answers.

The use of the pro formas in not mandatory — candidates can provide the logbook in analternative form, such as a narrative document or a blog. If assessment tasks are based onpractical activities from a textbook or lab sheet, it may be more to provide a copy of theinstructions issued to the candidate, supplemented by additional evidence (completionitems, screen dumps etc) to show that the candidate has carried out the taskssuccessfully.

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Candidate logbook

HN Unit: DF9N 34 — Network Server Operating System

Candidate name: Shug McGlumphertyCandidate number: 123456Centre: Coatbank CollegeStart date: 1/2/2005Finish date: 12/3/2005Tutor/mentor: A Teacher

Summary: In order to successfully complete this Unit, the candidate must carry out thespecified practical tasks relating to Outcomes 1 to 5. There may be a degree of overlap betweentasks, depending on the tasks chosen, so a single task may allow more than one log book entryto be completed. The tutor should fill in the date of completion against each completed task.

Outcome 1 The candidate must complete at least two of the four tasksTask 1.1 Completed 21/2/2005Task 1.2 Completed 22/2/2005Task 1.2 Completed 23/2/2005Task 1.4 Completed 24/2/2005Outcome 2 The candidate must complete at least two of the four tasksTask 2.1 Completed 25/2/2005Task 2.2 Completed 26/2/2005Task 2.3Task 2.4Outcome 3 The candidate must complete at least two of the three tasksTask 3.1 Completed 29/2/2005Task 3.2Task 3.3 Completed 30/2/2005Outcome 4 The candidate must complete at least three of the six tasksTask 4.1 Completed 31/2/2005Task 4.2Task 4.3Task 4.4Task 4.5 Completed 1/3/2005Task 4.6 Completed 2/3/2005Outcome 5 The candidate must complete at least three of the five tasksTask 5.1Task 5.2Task 5.3Task 5.4Task 5.5

I certify that all the work detailed in this logbook has been carried out unaided by the candidatenamed above.Signed: A Teacher Date: 5/3/2005

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Outcome 1: Manage and maintain physical and logical devices.

You must complete at least two of the four tasks listed below (1.1–1.4). The tasks to be completed will be selected by your tutor. 1.1 Manage hard disk subsystems

Carry out any three of the six tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the stepsyou took or attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

1.1.1 Create and format a partition

I created and formatted a primary partition on the C: drive of my computer as follows:

1. I started up the Disk Management MMC from the Computer Management Console.2. I right-clicked the unallocated space on the C: drive3. I clicked New partition on the pop-up menu. This started the New Partition Wizard4. I clicked Next to continue.5. On the Select Partition Type window, I selected Primary partition.6. I clicked Next to continue. I was then prompted to specify the partition size.7. I specified the partition size as 10 MB and clicked Next to continue.8. I assigned the partition the drive letter D and clicked Next to continue.9. I now needed to format the new partition. I chose to format it as NTFS and then

clicked Next to continue.10. The Completing the New Partition Wizard window appeared. I read over the summary

to verify that I had made the correct selections and then clicked Finish to completethe process.

1.1.4 Create a volume on a disk

I used the Computer Management MMC to create a simple volume on disk D.

1. I right-clicked the unallocated space on disk D.2. I clicked New Volume on the context menu. This started the New Volume Wizard.3. I clicked Next to continue.4. On the Select Volume Type window, I selected Simple.5. I clicked Next to continue.6. I was prompted to select the disk to use for the simple volume. The correct disk

was already selected.7. I selected 5 MB as the amount of space to be used for the simple volume and

clicked Next to continue.8. I assigned the new volume the drive letter E.9. I chose to format the new volume as NTFS clicked Next to continue.10. I saw the Completing the New Volume Wizard window. I read over the summary

to verify that I had made the correct selections and clicked Finish to completethe process.


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1.1.5 Upgrade a disk from basic to dynamic

I used the Disk Management MMC to upgrade the D disk to dynamic.

1. I right-clicked on disk D.2. I selected Convert to Dynamic Disk from the pop-up menu. This gave me the Convert

to Dynamic Disk selection window. The disk I wanted to upgrade was already checked,so I clicked OK to continue.

3. I was shown a summary screen that indicated which disks were to be converted and Iclicked Convert to continue.

4. Windows warned me that I was about to convert to dynamic. I clicked Yes on thewarning screen to continue.

5. I was warned that file system currently in use on the disk would be dismounted duringthe upgrade. I clicked Yes to dismount the file system.

6. I Clicked OK on the confirmation window to reboot my your PC.7. Once the PC had been rebooted I used the Disk Management MMC to check that the

disk had been upgraded to dynamic.

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1.2 Monitor server hardware

Carry out any two of the three tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the stepsyou took or attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

1.2.1 Use Device Manager to monitor server hardware

I opened Device Manager as follows:

1. I selected Control Panel from the Start menu and then selected System from thelist.

2. I selected the Hardware tab in the System Properties dialog box, then clicked DeviceManager.

This allowed me to view devices in four different ways: Devices by type view (default),Devices by connection view, Resources by type view and Resources by connection view.Devices that are disabled have their sections automatically expanded in the default viewand an icon with an ‘X’ (disabled) or exclamation point (error).

I investigated a problem with the sound card by opening the device Properties dialog boxby right-clicking the device entry and selecting Properties from the context menu to getaccess to the Device status section. When I clicked on the Driver tab I discovered thatthere was no driver installed, so I downloaded the correct driver from the vendor’s website and this resolved the problem.

1.2.3 Use Control Panel utilities to monitor server hardware

Certain Control Panel applets including Network Connections, Mouse, Keyboard, Soundsand Audio Devices allow you to display and modify hardware status information. Theseapplets often bring you back to Device Manager’s Properties dialog boxes to do actualmanagement. I used the Mouse applet to increase the double click speed on my mouse andthe Keyboard applet to change my keyboard setting from US to UK.

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1.3 Optimise server disk performance

Carry out both of the tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you tookor attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

1.3.1 Implement one of the following RAID solutions: RAID-0, RAID-1 or RAID-5

I implemented RAID-1 (mirroring) as follows:

1. I started the Disk Management snap-in and right-clicked the simple volume Iwanted to mirror (Volume E: on Disk 1) then I chose Add Mirror from the contextmenu.

2. I was prompted to select a location to hold a mirror of the selected drive. Iselected Disk 2 and clicked Add Mirror to continue. I then saw the mirror beingcreated.

3. After the mirror was created, both volumes making up the two parts of the mirrorappeared in the Disk Management console with the same drive letter.

1.3.2 Use the Disk Defragmenter to defragment a volume or a partition

1. I opened Computer Management by clicking Start | All Programs |AdministrativeTools | Computer Management), then clicked on Disk Defragmenter.

2. I clicked the Analyze button to analyze my disks and give me a report of howfragmented they were.

3. I clicked the View Report button to see the status of my disk. This gave a reportsimilar to the previous one.

4. The disk needed to be defragmented, so I clicked the Defragment button to startthe process.

5. I had the option of pausing or stopping the defragmentation process by clickingPause or Stop on the Action menu, but I didn’t do this.

6. When the defragmentation process is complete I was given the option of viewing adefragmentation report, so I clicked on View Report to do this.

7. www.syngress.com8. I compared the defragmentation report with the analysis report produced in step

2. There was a significant decrease in file fragmentation.

9. I clicked Close to finish.

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1.4 Install and configure server hardware devices.

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

1.4.1 Install and configure at least two server hardware devices, taking account (whererelevant) of device properties and settings, hardware drivers, driver upgrades, driverrollback and driver signing options.

Device 1: Graphics Adapter (Plug and Play)

1. My computer came with built-in graphics. I installed a new AGP Graphics Adapter.2. Windows Server 2003 immediately detected the device, but couldn’t find a

suitable driver. The Found New Hardware wizard started and prompted me toinsert the CD that came with the mouse. I did this and the driver was installedcorrectly.

3. I then checked with the manufacturer’s web site and located what appeared to bea more recent driver. I downloaded this and attempted to install it, using theUpdate button on the Drivers tab of the Device Manager Properties box.

4. I was warned that the new driver was unsigned, but I chose to continue installingit. After installation I was instructed to restart the computer.

5. When the computer was restarted the display was fuzzy and flickered badly. Iwent back to Device Manager and clicked the Driver Rollback button in theProperties box.

6. I was again asked to restart the computer. Once I did this the display worked OK.

Device 2: Sound Card (non Plug and Play)

1. My computer came with built-in sound, but it did not work with some my legacyaudio software so I decided to install an older sound card (Sound Blaster Gold PlusPro).

2. I installed this card in a PCI slot, started up the machine and started the AddHardware Wizard by selecting Start | Control Panel | Add Hardware.

3. The Wizard searched for new hardware. I selected Yes, I Have AlreadyConnected the Hardware and clicked the Next button.

4. The Wizard displayed a list of installed hardware, but my sound card wasn’t listed.I highlighted Add a New Hardware Device and clicked Next.

5. In the next dialog box I chose Install the hardware that I manually select froma list (Advanced) and clicked Next.

6. The next dialog box asked me to select a device - I chose Sound, video and gamecontrollers. This produced a list of manufacturers including Creative Technology,but my sound card wasn’t listed, so I clicked Have Disk and specified the locationof the driver.

7. The next dialog box listed my sound card correctly. I clicked the Next button andthe drivers were installed, then clicked the Finish button to complete theinstallation. When I restarted the machine my sound card and software workedperfectly.

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Outcome 2: Manage users, computers and groups.

You must complete at least two of the four tasks listed below (2.1–2.4). The tasks to be completed will be selected by your tutor. 2.2 Manage user profiles

Carry out both of the tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you tookor attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

2.1.1 Create a roaming profile

Setting up roaming user profiles involves the following steps:

♦ Create a shared directory for storing user profiles.♦ Create a place on the network for storing users’ home folders.♦ Configure the domain profile for each user to map to the path of the user’s profile

and home folder.

To create a shared directory for user profiles on my server, I carried out the followingsteps:

1. I created a new directory called user_profiles.2. I right-clicked on this directory and chose Properties.3. I right-clicked the Profiles folder and chose Sharing and Security.4. I clicked the Sharing tab and share the folder with the share name: user_profiles.5. I clicked the Permissions button and selected the check box to allow Full Control, then

clicked OK.

To create a shared directory for users’ home folders, I did the following:

1. I created a directory called home_folders.2. I right-clicked on this directory and chose Properties.3. I right-clicked the Profiles folder and chose Sharing and Security.4. I clicked the Sharing tab and share the folder with the share name: home_folders.5. I clicked the Permissions button and selected the check box to allow Full Control, then

clicked OK.

I assigned user accounts to use roaming profiles as follows:

6. I selected Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Active Directory Users AndComputers.

7. I expanded the Users folder, right-clicked on a user and selected Properties.8. I selected the Profile tab and entered the profile path to the shared profiles


I assigned a user’s account to map to a home folder as follows:

9. I selected Active Directory Users And Computers from the Administrative Toolsfolder.

10. I right-clicked on the appropriate User and selected Properties.

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11. I selected the Profile tab and selected the Connect radio button.12. I selected the drive letter and entered the network path to the user’s home folder.

2.1.2 Create a mandatory profile

To create a mandatory user profile I carried out the following steps:

1. From File Explorer, I open the shared folder where all of my roaming user profileswere stored (user_profiles).

2. From the Tools menu, I selected Folder Options, then selected the View tab and thenthe Show Hidden Files and Folders option.

3. I selected the directory of the user that I wanted to change to a mandatory profileand renamed the Ntuser.dat file to Ntuser.man.

2.2 Create and manage user and computer accounts

Carry out any three of the six tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the stepsyou took or attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

2.2.1 Create and manage a user account

I created a user account as follows:

1. I opened Active Directory Users and Computers (Start | Programs |AdministrativeTools | Active Directory Users and Computers) and right-clicked the domain where Iwanted to create a user.

2. I clicked New from the pop-up menu, then clicked User from the pop-up menu and theNew Object – User screen appeared.

3. I filled in the new user’s information for a user named Fred Bloggs with the usernamefbloggs and clicked Next to bring up the password window.

4. I entered a temporary password of fred (the user will be forced to change this at thefirst login) and clicked Next to continue.

5. When the summary screen appeared I checked that the settings were correct andclicked Finish to create the user.

I wanted to add Fred’s address to his account details, so I managed the user account asfollows:

1. I opened Advanced Directory Users and Computers as above and selected Fred’saccount.

2. I clicked the View button on the menu bar and selected Advanced from the drop-downmenu.

3. I clicked on the Address tab and added Fred’s details including: Street Name, City,State, Zip Code and Country, then clicked OK to finish.

2.2.2 Create and manage a computer account

I created a computer account as follows:

1. I opened Active Directory Users and Computers (Start | Programs | Administrative

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Tools | Active Directory Users and Computers) and right-clicked the domain where Iwanted to create a computer account.

2. I click New from the pop-up menu, clicked Computer from the pop-up menu and typedthe name for the computer account (Workstation2) in the Computer name field.

3. I selected the the built-in Domain Admins group as the group that can join the PC tothe domain and clicked Next to continue.

4. I again clicked Next to continue. This gave me the summary window, where I clickedFinish to create the account. The final screen showed the newly created computeraccount.

I wanted to add the name of the workstation’s owner to the description in the computeraccount details, so I managed the computer account as follows:

1. I opened Advanced Directory Users and Computers as above and clicked onComputers.

2. I right-clicked on Workstation2 and selected Properties.3. I completed the Description field of the General tab with “Joe’s Workstation”, then

clicked on OK to finish.

2.2.3 Disable and enable user and computer accounts

I carried out this task using the command-line dsmod command:

Disabling user jbloggs:

dsmod user jbloggs –disabled yes

Enabling user jbloggs:

dsmod user jbloggs –disabled no

Disabling computer Workstation2:

dsmod computer Workstation2 –disabled yes

Enabling computer Workstation2:

dsmod computer Workstation2 –disabled no

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Outcome 3: Manage and Maintain Access to Resources

You must complete at least two of the three tasks listed below (3.1–3.3). The tasks to be completed will be selected by your tutor.

3.1 Configure access to shared folders

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

3.1.1 Configure access to shared folders and manage shared folder permissions

1. I clicked on My Computer, then clicked on the icon for the C: drive and created a newfolder by selecting File | New | Folder and giving it the name SharedDocs.

2. I thern right-clicked the folder icon, chose Properties from the pop-up menu andselected the Sharing tab which allowed me enable and disable the share for the folderand set the permissions on the share.

3. I shared the folder, limited the number of concurrent users to 5 and entered adescription of “Joe’s Shared files”

4. I set permissions by clicking the Permissions button in the Shared Properties windowwhich opened the Permissions window for the folder. By default, the Everyone grouphad Read permission assigned to it.

5. I changed this to Full Control then clicked on OK to apply the permissions. I clickedOK again in the Shared Properties window to finish the task.

3.3 Configure file system permissions

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

3.3.1 Configure file system permissions, verify effective permissions and changeownership of files and folders

Before attempting this task I set up my system as follows:

♦ Windows Server 2003 (Standard Edition) was installed as Server1 and configured asa domain controller in the coatbank.com domain.

♦ Two first-level organisational units (OUs) were set up: Security Groups and Staff.♦ The Domain Users group was made a member of Print Operators.♦ Five domain local security groups were set up in the Security Groups OU: Project1,

Project2, Engineers, Managers and Contractors.

♦ User accounts were set up in the Staff OU for Joe Bloggs, Fred Smith and JaneGray, with Joe Bloggs belonging to the Engineers, Contractors and Project1 groups,Fred Smith belonging to the Engineers and Project1 groups and Jane Graybelonging to the Managers and Project1 groups.

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Configuring NTFS Permissions:

1. I created and shared a folder called c:\docs.2. I created a folder called Project1.3. I opened the ACL editor by right-clicking Project1, choosing Properties, and clicking

the Security tab.4. I configured the folder to allow the access outlined below:

Security Principal Access

Administrators Full Control

Users in the Project1 Can read data, add files and folders and have Full Controlof the files and folders they create.

Managers Can read and modify all files, but cannot delete any filesthat they did not create. Full Control of the files andfolders they create.

System Services running as the System account have Full Control.

5. When I had configured these I clicked Apply, clicked Advanced and ensured thatAllow inheritable permissions … was not checked. This ensured that users outwith theProject1 group would not be able to read files in the Project1 folder.

6. All user accounts for contractors are members of the Contractors group and do notbelong to any other group in the domain. No further steps need to be taken to ensurethat they cannot access files in the Project1 folder as they do not have permissionsgiven to them by the current ACL that would allow any resource access.

7. Some user accounts, e.g. Joe Bloggs, belong to both the Contractors and the Engineersgroups. In this case it was necessary to assign Deny permissions to the Contractorsgroup. Because they will receive Allow permissions assigned to other groups,these must be overridden so I configured the folder to Deny Contractors Full Control.

Verify Effective Permissions

1. I opened the Advanced Security Settings dialog box for the Project1 folder byopening the folder’s Properties, clicking Security, then clicking Advanced.

2. I clicked Effective Permissions.3. I selected each of the following users and verify their permissions.

User Effective Permissions

Joe Bloggs No permissions

Fred Smith Traverse Folder, Execute File, List Folder, Read Data, Read Attributes,Read Extended Attributes, Create Files, Write Data, Create Folders,Append Data, Read Permissions

Jane Gray Traverse Folder, Execute File, List Folder, Read Data, Read Attributes,Read Extended Attributes, Create Files, Write Data, Create Folders,Append Data, Write Attributes, Write Extended Attributes, Read

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Change Ownership

1. I logged on as Fred Smith and opened the shared folder by connecting to\\Server01\Docs.

2. I opened the Project1 folder and created a text file called Report1.3. I opened the Advanced Security Settings dialog box for Report1 and confirmed that

all permissions were inherited from the parent folder.4. I logged on as Administrator and opened the Advanced Security Settings dialog box

for Report1.5. I clicked Owner and confirmed that Fred was listed as the current owner.6. I select my own user account and clicked Apply, making me the owner of the object.7. Since I had the Restore Files And Directories user right I was able to transfer

ownership to another user. I clicked Other Users Or Group and selected Jane Gray.Once Jane’s account was displayed in the Change Owner To list, I selected it andclicked Apply.

8. I confirmed that Jane was now the owner of Report1.

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Outcome 4: Manage and Maintain a Server Environment

You must complete at least three of the six tasks listed below (4.1–4.6). The tasks to be completed will be selected by your tutor. 4.1 Monitor and analyse events and system performance

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

4.1.1 Carry out monitoring, using counter logs, trace logs and alerts

Creating a Counter Log

1. I accessed Performance Logs and Alerts by selecting Start | Administrative Tools |Performance.

2. I expanded Performance Logs and Alerts, right-clicked Counter Logs and selectedNew Log Settings from the pop-up menu.

3. The New Log Settings dialog box appeared and I typed in Counter220205 as the namefor the log, then clicked OK.

4. The counter log file Properties dialog box appeared. I configured the log properties asfollows:♦ In the General tab I clicked the Add Objects button, selected %Processor Time

and clicked the Add button.♦ In the Log Files tab I selected Text File-CSV.♦ In the Schedule tab I specified that the log should start immediately.

5. I then I clicked OK to exit the dialog box, create the log file and record the activitiesfor the counter specified.

Creating a Trace Log

1. I accessed Performance Logs and Alerts by selecting Start | Administrative Tools |Performance.

2. I expanded Performance Logs and Alerts, right-clicked Trace Logs and selected NewLog Settings from the pop-up menu.

3. The New Log Settings dialog box appeared and I typed in Trace220205 as the namefor the log, then clicked OK.

4. The trace log file Properties dialog box appeared. I configured the log properties asfollows:♦ In the General tab I selected the system events I wanted to track, choosing Disk

input/output and Network TCP/IP.♦ In the Log Files tab I selected Circular Trace File♦ In the Schedule tab I specified that the log should start immediately.♦ In the Advanced tab I configured the buffer settings for the log file, accepting

the default of saving the trace file to memory and transferring the data to thelog file.

5. I then clicked OK to exit the dialog box, create the log file and record the activitiesfor the counter specified.

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Creating an Alert

1. I accessed Performance Logs and Alerts by selecting Start | Administrative Tools |Performance.

2. I expanded Performance Logs and Alerts, right-clicked Alerts and selected NewAlert Settings from the pop-up menu.

3. 4. The New Alert Settings dialog box appeared and I typed in Alert220205 as the name

for the alert, then clicked OK.5. The alert file Properties dialog box appeared. I configured the log properties as

follows:♦ In the General tab I clicked the Add button, selected %Processor Time and

specified than an Alert should be triggered when this exceeded 90%.♦ In the Action tab I accepted the default that that an alert should log an entry in

the application event log.♦ In the Schedule tab I specified that the counter scan should start immediately.

6. I then clicked OK to exit the dialog box.

4.5 Monitor and optimise application performance

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

4.5.1 Monitor and optimise server memory, network usage, processor usage and diskperformance and use counters and thresholds

Server Memory

1. I selected Start | Administrative Tools | Performance. System Monitor opened bydefault.

2. In the System Monitor window I clicked the Add button on the toolbar.3. In the Add Counters dialog box I selected the following performance objects and


♦ I selected Memory from the Performance Object drop-down list, selectedAvailable MBytes from the counter list box and clicked the Add button.

♦ I selected Paging File from the Performance Object drop-down list, selected%Usage from the counter list box and clicked the Add button.

4. I clicked the Close button and a graph appeared showing how the computer’s memorywas being used.

5. To generate some activity I selected Start | Help and Support, closed it and thenopened it again. The first time I opened Help and Support the Memory>Pages/Seccounter spiked, but the second time I accessed it the spike was much lower, becausethe program was already in memory and didn’t need to be fetched from disk.

6. I checked the Paging>%Usage counter. This was below 99% so there was no excessivepaging.

7. I checked the Memory>Available Mbytes counter. This was above 4MB, so I hadsufficient RAM.

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Network Usage

1. System Monitor was already open from the previous task, so I clicked the Add buttonon the toolbar.

2. In the Add Counters dialog box I selected the following performance objects andcounters:♦ I selected Network Interface from the Performance Object drop-down list,

selected Bytes Total/Sec from the counter list box and clicked the Add button.♦ I selected TCPv4 from the Performance Object drop-down list, selected

Segments/Sec from the counter list box and clicked the Add button.3. I clicked the Close button and these counters were added to my graph.4. To generate some activity I copied some files between my server and a workstation.5. I noted the Network Interface > Bytes Total/Sec and TCPv4 > Segments/Sec

counters.6. I copied more files and noted the counters again. The values had increased as these

counters are cumulative.

Processor Usage

1. System Monitor was already open from the previous task, so I clicked the Add buttonon the toolbar.

2. In the Add Counters dialog box I selected the following performance object andcounter:♦ I selected Processor from the Performance Object drop-down list, selected

Interrupts/Sec from the counter list box and clicked the Add button.3. I clicked the Close button and this counter was added to my graph. The Processor >

%Processor Time counter was added by default.4. I noted the Processor > %Processor Time counter. This counter’s average was below

85%, indicating that there was no processor bottleneck.5. I noted the Processor > Interrupts/Sec counter. This counter’s average was below

1000, indicating that there was nothing generating excessive interrupts.

Disk Activity

1. System Monitor was already open from the previous task, so I clicked the Add buttonon the toolbar.

2. In the Add Counters dialog box I selected the following performance objects andcounters:♦ I selected Physical Disk from the Performance Object drop-down list, selected

%Disk Time from the counter list box and clicked the Add button.♦ I selected Physical Disk from the Performance Object drop-down list, selected

Current Disk Queue Length from the counter list box and clicked the Addbutton.

3. I clicked the Close button and these counters were added to my graph.4. To generate some activity I opened and closed some applications and copied some files

between my server and a workstation.5. I noted the Physical Disk > %Disk Time counter. This counter’s average was below

90%, indicating that there were no excessive requests being generated for this disk.I noted the Physical Disk > Current Queue Length counter. This counter’s average wasbelow 2, indicating that there were no excessive requests being generated for this disk.

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4.6 Manage a web server

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

4.6.1 Use IIS to set up a Web Site, an FTP server or an SMTP server

I set up a Website as follows:

1. I started IIS Manager by going to Start | Administrative Tools | InternetInformation Services (IIS), then navigated to the Web Sites node and right-clickedit.

2. I selected New then Web Site and the Web Site Creation Wizard appeared. Iclicked Next on this screen.

3. In the Web Site Description window I entered the Web site name as ShugsWebSite,then clicked Next.

4. The IP Address and Port Settings window appeared. My Web site domain name iswww.shugswebsite.com and it runs on port 80, so I entered these details under theHost Header and TCP Port this Web site should use text boxes. I did not assign aspecific IP address for this Web site, but left the Enter the IP address to use forthis web site combo box with the (All Unassigned) property. (This is the defaultvalue.) After all the values were entered, I clicked Next.

5. The next window to appear was the Web Site Home Directory window. I entered thepath to the ASP.NET files associates with the Web site, in this instance theC:\inetpub\wwwroot\ShugsWebSite directory.

6. I clicked the Browse button and navigated to that folder and verified that the Allowanonymous access to this web site flag was checked by default. I then clicked Nextto navigate to the next window, the Web Site Access Permissions screen.

7. I configured access to the Web site using this screen. The Read and Run scriptsoptions are selected by default and the Execute, Write and Browse options are not. Iselected the default options and clicked Next to finish the creation of the Web site.The final window confirmed the creation of the Web site.

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Outcome 5: Manage and Implement Disaster Recovery

You must complete at least three of the five tasks listed below (5.1–5.5). The tasks to be completed will be selected by your tutor.

5.1 Perform system recovery for a server

Carry out at least two of the four tasks listed below and either give a brief description of the steps youtook or attach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

5.1.1 Backup files and System State data

1. I started the Backup Utility by clicking Start | All Programs | Accessories | SystemTools | Backup.

2. The Backup or Restore Wizard opened. I clicked the text link on the Welcome screenlabeled Advanced Mode. This closed the wizard and opened the Backup Utility. I thenclicked the tab labeled Backup and clicked New on the Job menu.

3. In the left pane of the Backup tab, I selected the C: drive. This changed the display in theright pane to shows the contents of the C: drive.

4. I scrolled through the contents of the C: drive and selected the files I wanted to back upby clicking the check box beside each file or folder.

5. I also clicked the check box beside System State to indicate that I wanted the SystemState Data included in the backup.

6. In the Backup Destination drop-down menu, I accepted the default of backing up to a file.7. In the Backup Media or File Name text box, I entered the path and filename for the

backup file as C:\backup.bkf.8. From the Tools menu, I clicked Options and then clicked the General tab and ensured that

the Verify data after the backup completes check box was checked.9. I clicked the Backup Type tab and selected Normal as the type of backup to perform.10. I clicked the Backup Log tab and clicked the option labeled Detailed. This provided a

detailed log of the files being backed up.11. I clicked OK to exit the dialog box, then clicked the Start Backup button.12. When the Backup Job Information dialog appeared, I accept the default values and clicked

the Start Backup button to begin the backup job.

5.1.2 Use the following system recovery tools: Automated System Recovery (ASR) and theRecovery Console.

Creating an ASR backup

1. I selected Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Backup and clicked theAdvanced Mode link to open the main Backup utility screen.

2. I clicked the Automated System Recovery Wizard button on the Welcome tab. TheAutomated System Recovery Preparation Wizard started and I clicked the Next button.

3. The Backup Destination page appeared. I specified the D: drive as the location of mybackup media and clicked the Next button. I waited for almost half-an-hour as the systempartition was backed up, then clicked the Finish button.

4. The Backup Utility dialog appeared and I was prompted to insert a blank floppy disk intodrive A:. I did this, then clicked the OK button.

5. I was then prompted to remove the floppy disk and label it Windows Automated SystemRecovery Disk for Backup.bkf created mm/dd/yyyy at hh:mm. I labelled the disk and

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clicked the OK button.

Performing an ASR Restore

1. I booted my computer using the Windows Server 2003 CD and pressed F2 when promptedto initiate the recovery process. I was then prompted to insert the ASR floppy disk andpress any key.

2. The system reformatted the C: drive automatically and the Automated System RecoveryWizard began an installation process similar to the initial Windows Server 2003installation.

3. After the Windows Server 2003 files were copied to the hard drive the computerrebooted and the Windows Server 2003 setup procedure continued.

4. During this procedure the Automated System Recovery Wizard prompted for the backuplocation. I selected the correct backup location to complete the wizard and continue withthe setup process.

5. At the end of the Automated System Recovery process, the Backup utility openedautomatically and restored the system.

Recovery Console

1. I inserted the Windows Server 2003 installation CD into the CD-ROM drive (D:) of myserver.

2. I clicked Run on the Start menu and when the Run command box appeared, I typedD:/I386/Winnt32.exe /cmdcons.

3. A message box appeared asking if I would like to install the Recovery Console. I clickedYes.

4. Windows Setup started and began installing the Recovery Console. When this completed,another message box appeared informing me that the Recovery Console was installed. Iclicked OK to exit the message box and restarted the server.

5. After the restart, a menu appeared, asking which operating system I would like to start:Windows Server 2003 or the Microsoft Windows Recovery Console. I used the up anddown arrow keys to select Recovery Console, and then pressed Enter.

6. After Recovery Console started, a command-line interface appears on the screen, enablingme to enter commands at the prompt.

7. I typed MAP to view a list of drive mappings.8. I typed MORE C:\BOOT.INI to view the contents of the BOOT.INI file.9. I typed LISTSVC and a list of available services and drivers was displayed on the screen.10. I pressed the spacebar to scroll through the list until I reached the end of the list and the

command prompt appeared again.11. At the prompt, type EXIT to exit the Recovery Console.

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5.4 Restore backup data

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took or attachannotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took.

5.4.1 Documentary evidence that the candidate can use system tools to restore backup data

1. I ran the Backup Utility program and clicked the Advanced Mode link.2. I clicked the Restore and Manage Media tab, expanded the media item that I wanted

to restore from and then expand the backup set.3. I marked the check box for each drive, folder, or individual file that I wanted to

restore.4. From the Restore Files to drop-down list box, I selected that I wanted restored files

to be copied to the Original Location.5. I clicked the Start Restore button to begin the restore operation.6. When the Confirm Restore message box appeared, I clicked the Advanced button to

specify advanced restore options.7. From the Advanced Restore Options dialog box I ensured that the Restore Security

check box was marked to restore NTFS security settings for restored files andfolders.

8. I clicked OK to save the advanced restore options settings and then clicked OK tobegin restoring the data.

9. The Restore Progress window kept me updated on the progress of the restore job andnotified me when the restore is finished. I clicked the Report button to view theRestore Report log.

10. Finally I clicked the Close button to finish the restore operation.

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5.5 Schedule backup jobs

Carry out the task listed below and either give a brief description of the steps you took orattach annotated printouts or screen dumps showing the steps you took

5.5.1 Documentary evidence that the candidate can use system tools to schedule backupjobs

1. I started the Backup Utility by clicking Start | Programs | Accessories | System Too| Backup.

2. In the Welcome part of the to the Backup or Restore Wizard window, I clicked theAdvanced Mode link.

3. From the Welcome tab in Advanced Mode, I clicked the Backup tab, rather than usingthe Backup Wizard (Advanced), for greater control over the backup process.

4. From the Backup tab, I selected the folders and files that I wanted to back up.5. From the drop-down list box I selected D:/Backup.bkf as the Backup Destination.6. I clicked Start Backup to enter descriptions and choose options for the Backup Job

Information dialog box, then clicked the Schedule button.7. I clicked Yes when prompted to save the backup selections.8. At the Set Account Information dialog box, I accepted the logged-on user account name

and typed and confirmed the password, then clicked OK.9. In the Scheduled Job Options dialog box, I typed ShugsBackup in the Job Name box.10. I clicked the Backup Details tab to view a summary of the details and options configured11. I clicked on the Schedule Data tab and clicked the Properties button to schedule the

job.12. I clicked OK to save the schedule settings. The scheduled backup job appeared on the

calendar for the Scheduled Jobs tab for each time that it was scheduled to run.

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Assessment checklists

Unit assessment: candidate’s assessment record

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Class GroupCandidateName


Outcomes 1–5Evidence Requirements Record of Performance



Assessment Task 1

Title of task: Restricted Response Test♦ completes Restricted Response Test with score

of 70% or greater♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Overall comments:

Assessor’s signature: Date:

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Assessment tasks checklist

Unit assessment: candidate’s assessment record

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Class GroupCandidateName


Outcomes 1–5Evidence Requirements Record of Performance



Assessment Task 2

Title of task: Logbook♦ completes required tasks successfully and

records these in logbook♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Overall comments:

Assessor’s signature: Date:

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Unit assessment: class checklist

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Class Group



CandidateID 1 2 3 4 5


1 P F2 P F3 P F4 P F5 P F6 P F7 P F8 P F9 P F10 P F11 P F12 P F13 P F14 P F15 P F16 P F17 P F18 P F19 P F20 P F21 P F22 P F23 P F24 P F25 P F

* Mark as appropriate