dhinese ^ two califoriiis car smashes bh3^ two peopl h i...

17th and Itth 0/ ToN ^ ^ B ir 2« occurred Aug. os the result 0 / -------- |o Back; Oi lays 250 R( iBtWGTON, Aug. IS PANMIE Secretary Robert —The allie today-about fche-last C eomrnunist pris- prisoner v K ^inlved in various home dcspi R d may bo held until threat to > of the prisoner’ ex- captives. S - ' The tnmri .Mment to re- ttae Pelplns : jK^^^.frCLBulloretw .hart'the.rlgb ^KJaHBt count«r*move to prisoners c}: Uwt wmo Amer- ‘'crlnies" nnd been coDTleted onnljtlce wt ^^S-iQtEOced-tO'prlsoQ priMners-hft' bar them irom vtxt Jailed a J.cSS-™ _______ ftndla.inorfi.i fmtnimur* gweana. ^ E ^ m u o n s guard In a "aCH8tner-<0 down to lesMr <rom commu this tnico VlU bbverer. that «o lor 'Pr}*oneni t u “not of the -great ^tSStM lnrlitottZcx- JO®cric«nj the exehMstfe la SMto Korew ^Erf.bot that tbe Chinese Most of thi K S^tow lved la prUon a» U be held untU the n i ^ dta t iS w rrcdloted Thla wfla [W ^^-Tjredlcted-the -teun.cftinn. .0 unUl-ttig inort-ainfCT ^KSuoe it completed-^ verefrom cai from now-before tho Yalu rlvt ^■aocimunlstA of violating However, br holding -back some ooata, Infora eamp one Bin M ^lli ...... till- Trrn1ir‘-^- -frq^tho cam ^Ktln:o(-ltA focts-before - The-prlaot charges__^whlch tlnued a t Par ^■laVbreakdown of the 408 promised — M Amei ^ K w e H c o n officials do O ^ d l a r i ’ari^ r^Euka any step now that Ame ■ ir tta Uie-repatrlaUon-of dar-broughtt ^Ecrlcans tho communists sent back to 1 ^ Etofrce. ________ held 3^U. idemic Fear I ^ K k e , affecti^.four.>TOi))loa y/m ^BUc transport'^d utilities have 1 H i of tourists—including 10»00l ■^rencirhouscwives y/w BQuecze on an estimated 1 :::— ^ ------- : ----- ready redu RSetfor— the market,. ^K m/I 'T ’m .,, hoordlns uQ X r V t7. makcsbU J available. Bond Ballot U-School tn u t^ ■m.Hjttelton, conaolldaUd B n c t have scl Scpt. 28 aa “prea? ^■ijlileJoc-aaothci-band. and p the dbtrlct for a new enfciprtte. ^■ kM . m e BcUo^ waa The result lor the new school by duced gas, committee. limited -tAXl ^^ttrt.ielectlng the site robber prlcea A . Weston, school super- Inoonvenlenci ^^berdtcn; M. p. Hart- Qarbogo w of the north-south warned that ^■Jdoldiray between Eden collecton. co site, containing of mortician ^ ■ “vU^erea.-is leas-than- -the-scrlous-d ihiiMViibuiRrdf —Haa^cds-; TOt committee recom- appealed-to. we ichool be built on for funds w H U Wt hill on the sooth- their Europe «tc.. cr retum hoi ^■PytCmpta-at-niuuilnBln..------------------ ^ ■ P ^ e w school IB tax- BOO ■ ^flU lrlct met on-July - bomtT w *"1 suRgcsUd that wmmltice be picked to resort* ■ "I* for the new jumoN ^ W i o o L Tlie conimltteo »_yrwiU ot thia meeU 3 ^■ ^ ^ t e d on Aug. B. cape"'-from : of the group decided io sl thl»-week-by lU ther«-Jan ^K ^ l Williams and the other cities. In submitting Its — ------------ EasSsR edJ ■Incorfiorated lin-President We™euchen •'rncd to<j^y ^ slerwoldc an ^'Btlpnal - Safety The Werr the new law U to dlmiantlod.' ^ B l u r v ! i > : i r '’^°^<^-inBthodn J'Csszvc—i u i ^■^HtoB-io.increaaeO- shlpped-off- la hom ' '■trccta and direction df « ■ « «.h.; s s / " - - “‘•“"'“ ""'■"'•rs;. - I A R«ei5nnl-New^ OffkUl City rrr-.. ; -------------0««l»-ITtwwpti------------ Dhinese ^ i)fficiali* I Remain Wm PA^TMUNJOM. Aug. 18 ^B jlB -The allies sent back today he-last Chinese .communist irlsoner who wants to' go lome despite a United States hreat to withhold some red H H |H B aptives. The tranafer waa made even as njBBHH be Peiping radfo woa declaring It TlgK> trt-AnlriUTMifk-oilW- Tlsoners charged with various Crimea” and Jailed even after the nnlatlce wu signed. 'Returning irisoner8-have-said--the-pTlsoncTB rere Jailed on trumped-up charges. However. It la generally beUeved I n M oiB ed-China runs the ahow In. Korea nd.ls.morfi.caoceroed wlthTgettlng ock Its own - men than North DotcMia:------------------------ } --------------- ■OT8tner-<00-prlsonm-t^e-bftele rom communlat prison-pwps to bls truce vlUage today. 'Prlioners freed In tho ninth day f tho -great POW exchange were ft_Amcri»n8._7&-ijfmBh ..and_2fiQ louth Koreans. Mr. and S Mort of tha repatrlatea appeared 7 «. tn. ThSi ,ealthy as they bounced from-tho hittheDeei ed trucks thnt brought them to ------------------ This was the first large group fam enmn jone ftt Chongwng. iU- |t 11 I rere from camp five nt Pyoktong-on ------------= be Yalu river. . . However, the stories of turn- oats, Informers and cruelty In amp one struofc n-note heard before GOODIN mufway= inued nt Panm\inJpmu^i^'ltti.Dnolhet g ro u n d a -fo 08 promised by the reds for Prlday m om intr. j l - M Americana. 74 Britiah. 1 liiidliri arid-aM-South-Koreaoia. Tho76 Americana returned Thura- — w niie JU ay-broughttbe totol.oLI7_S...tnMPS opcratora_i ent back to 823; tho reds said they ____- _________ activity w _ _ downtown Noted _ spotlight 1 ;lea have beCTi paralyzed and [ng 10,000 Americans—are The quaUt: on display hi rrOqaraing"toodr^thrcatcn=‘ jtima'ted lOOiOOO tourists.al- wefoT?^h ■eady reduced to eating box rings Thur^ foro tho crlt uncncs^.------------------- -------- -TSairyr'sw/lnc; OoaoUno Wfts disappearing from * -,- 1;. the he market,, with IndlwUons that JJ uel hoarding might halt Uie scan- entrlea in th y. makcahltt transportation atUl gt kVoUable. Homemaldi ----------- ^WaIk«B(*-8pr«ad------------- were-hold-di irogram'of Premier Joaeph Lanlel, tho parade-a lad apread from naUonnlised In- ^ t wns to iwtxy and public works to prlvato f a ^ ^ n d s . m u » WM ft land^of|M maH, lucS‘**gS”'flirkCTlng electxlcl^ Imitcd-taxl service at-highway- , Qarbogo woa rotUng In- the gut-' era of the normally-gay, tree-lined Among th« Mulevttffl* and In front of - the — wank 'hotels ot Puls, The hot ajnd ------- jumld olr reeked. ■ tit ^ Warning Bonnded JN6W JK -French—publlo—hoolth—officials — vnmed that the strike of garbage Ocl 11 :olleeto«, coupled wlUi a wolkout ripMrmt jJ^morUdana. fae^^ E i^ S lS ’. "HiSafrts'^ttimaitrAwwcSs ij5pealed-to.thc American embassy :or funds with which to conUnuo heir European vacaUons elsewhere )r retum home in disgust. ' _ ec?Uvr^tS BOON FOB ITALV . 1^!?"^^ ROME. Aug. 13 (l).R>-IUily’s hotels ment contr. ind resorts did a land office busi- jiahed In lOi oeaa today wllh tourists who Truman, wratched atrlkebound Prance from white U Ihelr travel plana. James O- Hn »pe"'-from Prance and others who predecessor, decided io aklp their scheduled vis- public meml Its thero-Jammed Rome, Turin.and Uon consist oUier cities. _ _____________and agcncy Red Evacuation-of-4 “ GeiTnaTiy-Airbases;< BERLIN, Aug. 13 (fl—The Soviet ^B-evacu olr force has evncuntcd four Im- July. It la portoat..alrbnaes la.Eaat Qermany. Pl«K>,«l-, Allied officers are temporarily bof- Pointing < fled at how-to-»naly»-th#-move. - .vlet. bases ,a ' . era and twii Carried out wllh starUlng speed, „gularly m the withdrawal stripped Soviet air- jm n- ,,inp». men ond warplanes from- flelda at Wertfeucheh. Neupetershain, Pin- mented* ” •lerwoldc and Brand. ' ••ifa a cul The Werneuchen base. W mliw ^H JiasflJc Wt~TK~BCtoh7TiaT~BEeiriOT617 on aerman dlmiantlod. Installations, Including Elbe and th rf-wvw fin»t tnnVn hBVO been Too ovac shlpped-off-br^relgbfVain ln:UlB' been turned dlrecUon df the Soviet union,. Oer- man luftopl: man undergroud Informants dis- of lO.OOO.Xoi closed.______ ________ •- Allied, off The. other fields-are report^ly n o t-^rjed suil intact as far a8~fffound"TB» »to-it8"own ciUUea are concerned. But Soviet aomft a<*Ml planes and personnel have ^ the-Ru^ar tranafeTted elsewhere— -“dostlna- few old j Uoa unknown." --------- to keep.. ^- ISth ' ' . . al-Newspaper-SerrinK--------- .- T ----------— ^ ------ TWIN-F Two Califoriiis Mr. and Mn. Getfrge Gulh, Venalr, Cailf., were 1 l a. tn. T h & ^ a y when thetr 1052 OldsmobUe went Bit the Deep creek-bridge seveB-mlles *onth of Hc Cmmt^ZEaiEOp Rodeo Featu GOODING, Aug. 13—Gooding county.o; hmraimofhingwltKiCTtratimmiOT^ rQunda^or-theJaaLtwo.daya..A^hough-tt loming. judging of 4-H‘homemaking exh: i^edneaday. - ------ : --------- -While judging continued- Thursday mor pomtnrA_put tha finishing touchea on the! ver the grounds for an early inspection ol ctivity was tho parado in ---------------- owntown Gooding at 1 p.m. ^ _ 'he first showing of Harley S p V P ■ucker’B'^odeo .wm take the ’" r potlight Thiffsday night. Hwro'Befflaa;to.'be fe»'cr com- •- -. I * terolsa eihUiUdiqB^a grounds this V>'.l place"oi ter le quality, 8 ^ -V excel previous - Sillow ing tforts.- V. .................... the ancient The quality of stock and produce «,f a display has received praise from »lr.Iofftffliil« Anrt upw tn tn ra mfttefl Sai(l_ fA . 4-H a nd opon class_llvcatock _0£ficiala ■ere brought into.th'eir rupecilve Ings Thursday moming to paas be- _ )ro tho critical eyes of.the.Judges. . 17 ¥>T—T »41ry,"B>rtnc7T)«rr8h«p“ ahd'pouI- X JD X i ry- in the various dosses wero jdgcd during the moming as were Qtrles In the women's division and 1 iH llf tie flower show. Homemaklng demonstraUons also *D.^ 'ere-held-diirln8-thB.mQmlng.ftDcL____ iTTl omemnklng Judging contests'wero • • loted for_tnc aiEernoon. t'ouowing wASHlNo; ao parade, a'free'hbree'pulllng'con- JustlwnlepQn » t wns to have bcen held nt the FBI Inveatlga ilrgrounds. ' try to deter ■^o-b]caohers:and^flrandstands-«t. .tollimlon waa [10 rodeo oreno have been repaired cent wavo < ad-ronalnts<l-And-tho-«hutas4iav». -creaiea, . ------ een strengihene^ anC'the doorS' Official' Ml einforced. The first showing of wns ordered tie rodeo Is slated for B p. m. ^portmenfs Tiursday. Other ahows will be pre- ~ o trust-bua iiiltd »t B p. m. MH»y «M Sit- amcj mOim ' deciding whi Among tho fcatiu-cs at the rodeo jncg^^clygj: -r^— - A series ol ^Jew'Riglits F aiiar rt . 1 T\ country earll SetTip by-D ecree DENVER. Aug. 13 W—Prealdent time. Ilaenhower set up today a aew gov- WhUe the < Iscriminatory ' employment prac- Wolverton. B ten -by industries and buiiness try hod laid i loldlng federal contracts. by Jacking up By executive order, the chief cx- « looming.. cuUvo established a- 14-member brought com cplnTo*"SoT^mlttee on govern- Tm ra^er of nent contract compliance estab- the Increosu Ished in 1051 by former President fled” nnd urj Yumon. t to look White House .Press Secretary 'ames O. Hagerty said the new unit S n f t f i d w rredeceasor. It nlso would-.hove lubllc members. The old orgnnlw- T ariTl Ion consisted, only of deparUaent •WASHINa Jld ogency reprcscntoUves. - wi»n<nin senal ------------------------: : aovemor-.Th of-4-E astern ases-G onfirm ed- ’^ 8 - evacuation' began' secretly 'In tor' Schoepix fuly. It la oow regarded os com- of the senate )leU)d. told » repor Pointing out Uiat’a score of So- He -said ' rlet.bases-and.eOO.slnglc.Jet.llghU .would moke irs and twin-Jet bombers had been present fam ■egularly maintained In East Oer- prices of bos nany alnce the outlireak of the Ko- of parity. •ean._war,. «n-allled. source .com- . .Thornton,, nented; ’. and friend a 'Tt's a cutdown, but the Russians dent Elsenhc abe and tho Oder." otlon ot She Tho evacuated fields hsvo not He suggest jcen‘lurnedJjvet::jaitnB_BWt_S>.er^ T O teed T h o nan luftopllzel (air police), a cadre Uon -but-not if 10.(H» fo r a future air force. Uiem a profl Allied, offleers said Uils force .Is ------- lot .trBlned-flr-c<uippcd-to-opci>- NBW- ito-lt8"own"fle1dsr-Il^ha*-r*o«lw«a- —jtOUBr-At} lomft schooling In.sovlel MIO«.'but ^ a^flnand Ae 'Russians ,have given It only a friend of the tew old - plitoii-englned olrcraft Thursdoy nl, ;o keep............- ■■-• XtaUu sova : ___1.-..'........... ^^ —T W I N - F ^ U £ ^ 4 D i U J 0 . j a t t I B S I ) A 5 ^ ^ foriiians Die as C ar Smi (mobUe went off highway n and Bon-viop from *onth ot HolUster.,IMnrjt-ihe day. (Staff.ph Opens at-Good] iatured in 3-Day : county opened'the 1953 edition ofita anm mmtlCTrcfnhB~B(rttyIty.t hat has •bcBn ‘evli aking exhibits and farm produce :and boot! rsday moming,-commerdiU oxhibitorajmd tica-QiLthcirjil8i?]aY3l.arid stands and, .bbc spection of this years’- offerings.- Higfiligh 5e^ere Earthqua Cause Island f?rTifffi^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ 6 ree^ ^ p lo a^ n t .iohi lace~oi terror today. •- ■ : Billowing firea swept earthquake ruina a fie ancient mountainous island, of .Kefallinifl remors, were.reported slipping^irito the.BCi mtea said just imder 1.000 i>erson8-have> Officiala of tha island-reported to.the mi ---------------------- ^ ^ --- that Argost P M -l± fcru iry 11 1 * underwater Lailed in Gas The Athens quotod reports.: P rice;B .O iJsts istlce ilepai'tmeitt~hos~ordered on ■■m BI Investigation of-the oil Indus- ry to determine whether Illegal ani »nii.ix.» wm inurtipoH in r o- York, engineer, ent^^wavo ot gitfollne,-price ' In- -Official' BOUiMS-sald-the-lnqulrr ras ordered at the rtquest ot the “ ,“ t. epartmenfs ontl-trust division. lie trust-buster* will study the evl- ^ °uds of dust ence gathered by the FBI before ecidlng whether to seek indict- Hawkins said lents charging oil companies wlUi bo seen under -.^rlca-fixlog-^onsplraoyi--------- -stuilf.«urTOundl A series of -Increases 'sent- retail- .......... BepbrU asollnoT3rlce»-ut)-two'eenta tt gal- ^-(^r^iToffm. )n or moro in many orcos of the .« • ountry earlier thli summer. Tho Volverton. b ;.-N. J., sold the Indus- American ry hod laid itself open to suspicion wportcd to th iy Jncklng up prices at a Ume when two, vD . looming surplus' should have onimbio Thun irought compeUUve price cuts. details were n -HetL-j/ohn-w. Hwrimn. n., Mnn, - -------- . member of the committee, termed Tfc he Increases "completely unJusU- ..... K l] led” and urged the JusUce deport- , ^ nent to look into the motter. BOXSB, Aug. “T ---- -------------- al guard fight speedjt-Rc^ort-onv Farm Plan Urgd0™2,.“,S WASHINOTON._Aug. IS 1*-A lon,.attached. Cansas senator haa suggested that bomber vHng 3ovemor-.Thomton report-to-con- Arizona In sd Tcss as aoon as possible on details was withheld t if his .proposed, cost.of-productlon be sotUlcd. arm program; -------------------- ••Congress must-extcnd or modify hfr-preaent-bnalc-farm-prtce-sup-- Y . I r i i 'w i wrt laws wlUiln ths year,” Bernii V ^X L ctX U or SchoepFwl, Republican, member " ^ _ If the senato agriculture committee, Il-t* old a reporter.. ' ' vfJL He -said he helleved 'c o n ^ M - rould make fowr4f-any,-change»-in- —Plana- for—i iresent farm laws-supporUng the Palls Chambe irices of basic crops at » per cent stock progran If parity. , feeders neorl .•niomton,. RepubUcanl cattleman nounced' by ind friend and supporter of Presl- chamber 4-H- lent Elsenhower, ouUlned' hU pro- tee cholrman. [ram.Tuesi^av «f fh. _KlmbcrJy_H rfrdwesT Uvestock Feeders assocU Filer bualnesa lUon- ot Shenondoah. Ia. Join local mer He suggested producers be guar- a county-wldc mteedThBjKVerjigfl cost oi produc. progrom -is ai lon-bnt-not‘be subsldIzed to'glve the wut end hem a profit. Uie dlrecUon —— ----------------- ^ . ford merchant ■ - - - XBW^-TBY-BLATEP— -MeCoH^ -r •. ,*^flnancl«i-exp*rt'known as‘a and .Twin'PiJ irlend of the United States, agreed held Tuesday niursdoy night to try to form an hotel to plan ItalUn joveiaiM at.--, ........ ...........^ -Th« -^o«ra Car Smashes Into BH3^ ear-waa their aoa. Leonard Gtflh. 25, San Francisco. Bon-viop from CalUomU.wlthionly a short it«p in -day. (Btaff.pholo-eagraving)------- : ----------------- jQodlng; North] l-K y Show •’1^^ on of'its annual fair and rodeo hOff-bBBirBVldent^fttortalr- - ‘i^YO.-Autr aaaij-ziaH iiE fliiilH aiy: :Sf2Siti?g; jce :&nd booths was conducted a toui of 28 c purjed.. *ibilot8.indci)iiccasion;stana nds and. -Bpectators' 'swarmed J3ung_were;.^e t Igs. HigSight of the daytime to Peiping and ______ Chlk and Chu . . -Uvely. a Pelplt iiquakes [and Terror wero-Uie Uirce I /P) 'Sovcro oa^-faeniorc fpi^ [uake-ruba and'^huge alabij of -of,Scfallinia, loosened by the Sthe PaSSij' rinto the.Bca. Unofficial esti- .nio-voiee.ci i5 on8 -h'iy/e_beeiy^led.___ ___ gave,^qre_ de ted to.the ministry of interior . that Argoslolion, a city , of 5".?-«5b*o“ 10,000 and the island*s chief wrieg of hro<uie port; was ^'beginning to sink «tions oLUie. underwater.", The AUiens newspaper-KaUierinl . in.’Munean. ' quotod reports.from the port as Bay: Ing some aectlons of the town's wo- tod-y North E terfront... .wero.._bclng_(mbtnwged iSiso-a” ----------- - ' ' •— .thfilrr«mnnunlfl XJke For«*t F ir e ________ “Most..Of.'.th( Walter Hawkins,. CoatesvUIe, Pa^ Korea hato Uu TWA pilot, and Max Scribncr, Now Pak Kwang 81k York, engineer, said their piano flew cent of tho peoj ^v«r—K«ronmia.-TVMnftsaay-artcrT tTbeUovB-Trii ' noOAjmd.thn fltripkun-lHltinrf InoVwt .(VSOlaaL.th&_fe Uko-ft-Jafcst-flro-Otoet^unks.of Iaunehed.ln..th< the wast.could be seen alfdlng.aiid .• '— splashing Into -the sea,-they said, t v '1- Clouds of dust rose over-the earth-, . j Hawkins sold slides of earth could 17' be seen under the.woter from tha JC iX lJl -ahelX-surroundlnff-thHsland:--------i ------------- otM l oratml,-.ua, hraovcr/r.- port, tlmt nil KMiilUnlii wa,-Mnli- 1 lagl.'ffcre^fttii'.exaggeratetUheY. -nroved-bv-obn« said their best lnformatfon wos Uiat the makUie tod such reports were based oh excited Budeet Dlre< messages arising from the crumbling pions to get thi Qf qiin)c>>.ril«plBrwi* fUffg mttla-outllat*.! A m erli^’persormel 'at' Kffalllnfa 'ordered'‘itrln8ej reported to the embasj^r hero thot measures to.' g two small' villages w ^ ' seen to medlotely and I crumble Thursdtty morning,'but no departments .to details were repcmd." for next year.. - ____-this year’s. ------- =r ------- ------ -----------------mesB-Kepr- ... Bulletin ^ BOI8E,AM. lim i-Aiiiuin.Uon. S "wi" “ »onth 1 Sin” raSSKS klUlng its pilot. possible step” ' . Narne of -the pilot and hls aquad- mediately. »n..attochcd_to.thaJ4Qth.flghter-. —Dodgfl'not.on bomber ^ n g from California and Ing up and do Arizona In summer training here, rected govern was withheld untU'sext ot kin could look for progra be notified. . ................ .. govemmontj^coi Ghamt)er of CommBi „ QLFat Stock E b —Plana- for—expand Ing ...the-Twln. TKln.'Falls .are FaUs Chamber of Commerce fat first of Its tyi stoc^ program for 4-H ond FFA were raised feeders nearly six-fold ore on- feeders under i nounced' by . Joseph McCollum. McCollum.«o3 chamber 4-H-and FPA subcommlt- progrom hoS'p tee cholrman. Us financing.{ ■■KlmberJy_Hftnsen,-3tfurUugh-an<l- -by-oUwe-oomn Filer businessmen, aro invited to Under the p Join locol merchants in estabUshlng feeder Is.iponj g county-wide program. A aln\Uar who ensigns i progrom .Is airei^'Ih progressln ‘pUr'Slase.oi tB the west end of thV county tmder the aajmfij Is the dlrecUon ot Buhl and OasUe- amou'drof ihvi ford merchonts. The animals -McCollum-«porU-a-meeUng-of annuaL«-H.'J?I ■KimbeTlr.*Hansen,-MurtagghrTller -faH-and-thB-i aad .Twin'Pilla-otaehahta-wni be Profit held Tuesday noon at thp Rogerson by the feeder*. hotel to plan the'project. ......... . Inviuuons hi -Tba-pro^am-coQdueted^'tlie Blmberlyi.-^iii ------- Wne. lrfigate^driH^^<W BU^— --------- H I Dll ; A California . when their speei into a bridge or Ccad ar'fi^Mr. ai 60, sho was 49.' by-the-force-of —Taken-to-Mas were coup le, jind A lij Donna daughter^aa n The.car,-^v kpced smasKed creelc~bridge. will no deaths were the 1 in Twin Falls coun thft-nUi'ond-lBUi onlrthree'leas lhar S, Saa Francisco. They bad drivta "^1 .ah^_,topi« Nevaaa ^ed«..- ________________• _________ Talley thla year, tl' have been tourists N m tli K n rP a "Purge T alfi^ 25 More Men - . . - fatallUes aa of tt —'TOKYO.-Aur-18-(lB-Oommunl8t -and-l«Bl-for-Mi -broadcttsti today—repnrtert .imrest .foe. tho entlrejit and-revoft In North-Kor#a.and-«aId -Mnglc-Volley, 18 a toUI of 28 officials have been Maglo Valley, 10 purjed.. Idoho. 1SS3 ___ Among'tho Q6W-names stricken Idaho, ian ~ from party llBt* by Premier KlmH { ------------------ J3ung_wereJhe-fomer_wnbft(isidort _ ^ to Peiping and Moscow. ,Kwon-:0 Chlk and Chu Nyong.Ha, respec- Uve^. a Peiping radio l««dc*.t iKSS At Uie aame time, the broodcast aSd^teMitSdto^ revealed Uie rUe ot new and ^ung- JSeiMuld^ itock er communists-to par^.lewlersblp, • as veteran reds fell by the wayslda. rteM ct unons S 'm w -lilet. S ‘were Uie Uirce deputy.chalmen of Labor (flrnnmunlftt) DortT •-centeat LCommitgB -^ .^wh inh 'rffin/u.t^hai^ man. Thft threa-aro Pale Ohoag Ac. only-woman member of the party helrvohy, Pak Ohong Ok imd'Oen. Nam ^ chlet co m m it delate at the panmunjopn negoUauoa^ ■ • tniTeled,'-l» fe< ,Hio, voice-cf. wmmtmlst' c^tlria MutheoJt'oomer i rihc«iKimirdunajd tii6TCcreiuo>w- • j-jrrr— 'j|— ^ej^repub^^flvo y dp66Q 6] actions ot-the sixth.convcnUon ot /i Tit* Uio -party's :central :coouhltteo in SKIII-hl' Pyongyang from last weet 5K-B.V x x In'^Munsan. Korea, » liberated -T \_ — , , South Korean prisoner predicted I fHITlfl today North. Korean clvlUafis wUl sU8o a-"Iargo- wale- Tevolt-a8alnBt - .Tlrgfl. Hosier, .: 41O.and4 W0 costi _ “Most..oL'.tbo_pcopKZ3n!n?orlS TKlTtavftil.TniUMi Korea hate Uio communists,” ' Ptc. ed guilty ot spee< Pak Kwang 81k said. “About SO per <7. Sheriff' J^si cent of tho peopio ore opposed to It. ^ i g ^ y ^ylw h toiiSed-laj^S nw*^futi^"-*^j£5& C^ _____ ; ___________ driving « mllea TV •■■■ ' - >>1 . 1 - • According to UiB.i Dodjoje Seeks ■w^. ' . ^ second bridge. Expense Cuts WASHmOTON, Aug.;iS Mi—A new-federat budget-for-tho-eurrent fiscal year, with spending figures Damage a marked down below the levels op- , proved-by-obngrw,-WB^r«port*H-ln plans to get the new spending estl- _ - . _ mate-out-lat».thl».jnoAth.xJle-5as ordered^ stringent money-eonserrlng * measures to. go into effect .Im- npni medlotely and has told govemment .clXUy J. CJ departments .to plan budget slashes BERUN, Aug. for next year.at least as deep as man food-seeken .this year's. day of a three-n ‘ ThesB- gtaprwere-ggasisrvyfiF gimTTs^et m nesday, when. ,* secret letter by American food Dodge to all govemment depaH- West Berlin. It ^ ment and- agency heads came to here ot such a pe light. It was dated July. B, more Arrivals from than g,month before President Ela- Jicld_kriitcu_*i BnliulvBTpubucjy called for au gov- raUway official, emment execuUvea to ''take'every oommunlst polln possible step” to cut spending-im- package thmigh mediately. staUon. waa sui —Dodgfi'not.onljr.ordered-economls- «»nti.w^ Ing up and down the Une, but di- In splto o f t rected govemment execuUves ' to thoae itlU look for programa and projects, the say most packagi Bovemment:could^cop._ _gledjhrgugti. ommwcePlaiislE^pff »ck Erogram for You TKln,-Pall8..area_thts. year..wiu_the. .taugh miw-h«nfi ; first of Its type. Seventeen calve* project to attend . were ralsed by local 4-H and FFA meeUng. . feeders under tho program. t ^ , McCollum.aald UUs^year’s fat calf program ha8 prev.5d successful and ^ ly -tha.ctlf p r o g ^ : .S'L.KSi V f^ ’2 ' tbe a a l^ l Is iiunired' to cover the ihe Twin Fall omountof Ihvutment,- • ■ mitteo requests g The animals wuiibo-^aold at the conUct their ca !. annuaL<-E.'.PFA.fat stock.s^.thls pilorJ2Ltha.Tuea • -fall-and-thB-bantTioto'MWqffr aie lutemlefl-l I P roflt'ffm '.U tt^e.^^‘be‘rBtaiaed the progxim; Me I by the feeder*.' . •'- . , .. hoped that 100 c , InvluUons Uw.bwn.extended to sored under. th« I I’UcT .aoil'Zdiir- sraou - FINAi iSrm SdV &duS—-"* ~tZ ^ !«4Qi Two Peopl ITie aslSu Demolis] A California couple died instantly abouV7-i when their speeding car, driven by a 26-yearK>l Into a bridge oh highway 93 seven milea abutl Dead ar'8'Mr. and Mrs. George Guth,.Denfiir, BO, she was 49. Tho right slde of the'1952'ciJ ^ by-the-force- of thoimpact: ---------------------• ' * —Taken-to-Magic Valley Memorial hoSRital fo were Leonard Guth, 25, San Francisco, son ‘^?yPi6«J‘ld Aline McCadynia,-8. Denair. a n Donna Guth, 22, Denair, a — daughter, waa not injured. t ■■. ' ..•■s , The.car.-^veling at high- L&DOF-JM hpeefl smasKed into the Deep __ . y, A im a li wm be no Inquesi.ot-charges. The Tfc ' IVT deaUia were Uie fourth and fifth B 'V 1 1 < la Twin Falls county this year and J. » h y ^ - a n d - » U r - ^ t i ^ p - v a lleTr —OHTOAq O r y ^ r at Ulla time!*The” flfto^faUU^to tt«w lthiW 'Sl^ Twin Falls county last yiar oocor- 000-maa 'oatpeat redAug. 38..0f thefatallUealn.ths union, from:the.J valley thla yeor, flvo ot the vlctUis tton of Labor, have been tourists and four ot Uie Uto oarpentsrs 1 tourist* were from-Oallfomla,-? ; - tlon onlr bouxaaf '"m t>e>» Tv I log'* pact-With the - Scoreboard _ ' Here ts a comparison of traffic fotallUes as of ttiU dato for UB3 -and-ieBl-for-MaBto-VaUey-rolH for. tho enUrft.»Stfc penters’ withdraw 'iLT.jft,. -tr^ivy i n u T ------------- n ^ l -Mino Bchedtiled.fc Maglo Valley, M63 --- --------- u ....... ' y the APL vlthlB* Tho sharlff said the fcodlM wero rrblswholoatt mangled..Uiey were taken to tbo «d out," ho'tald.: Reynolds mortuary. The UtUs gtrl A spokMmiui i received ai shoulder Injury, asd denied tunon thi Iieonard Oath waa belnr Join- fOTees-*wlth and treatad for * cut Up, facial ln« Xlnltod Utaw Woi Juries and'Shock. - of a third big-lat ' ehsritr.'Oi^ton aald the gn>^ - ' Tm Ucbi .was'.on-'route from OalUottUa to lifcurl^'JliSI •vlAlti^raon ot the boopla .who baa p n a id e n tM ^ 1 gyt^-.jat-Murtaugh a-ttaort 'time. ot^iiM m ia-'^ -4--pin;^Wednesday aud' Iw t' Hwn r-e- drivlng'^.xlneo. I t -waa b e l l ^ tho ^ th tttf lhli driver’ fOl asleep. siOd. *^ereo'wlUi -The-car went off the hlgbwajr and’ beltovtf"the'dim traveled,--199 feet, Uiea-‘ h it th e JamlU«.-«bmild-l MuUieost'oomer of the bridge. The Hutcheton oaU tftaiiairf ■ H r- thr-loderatloaU _ ' • • tloa djsp'utes Speeder Pays*,'" i°^ |10Fine;C^ D^age High - .Tlrgfl. BQaler, .BurUy.-WBa llniirt mand-»MOcosUlnTwla FaIlsJus-' •geoav&rTnuiw ^ .m ieti ne.pi^ - ed guilty of speeding. He waa dted in- n ,. bailo ou Sheriff. J9SB0 • Carltoa . early S W S n g ^ iato Thursday after his car crashed Into ■* tho-Dead-Jton'rwilolrtJridgB'WMtTjf _ rj?l£o^^^cbarged-Bosler-wite driving « miles per hour or mo«. XMS According to the.sheriff, Hosier's car -w-rt went otf the road as he headed weat r IviT toofoat-to makothe cum forthe f-*J“ second bridge. "' vr.n, i , ^ . It struck the railing oa.the-left ^ JSd bw railing on the right aide. Damage to .the_18MJ4ercury:,w*a.<sttmat«d.at ««». Damage to tho bridgo-was slight. ^ first gro; TIiSjIiniftJuliLHoaerjiiitiUima ^ ^ £ ^ 2 and on his way to work at the Bolt M .. i™ . S i. -Ea8^nnan^ts;.3S Aid, Term m Jail BERUN, Aug. J3 «>-Eost Oet- PHday or Satu: man food-seeken brought word to- F. Hose wUl be jag_gLaJliofcmonth Joll sentm-j ship— coirylng- glven a Soviet eoner for bringing aa home. Tho Oei American food parcel back from s a Tuesday, Weat Berlin. It was the flrat report Seventew std hereof such a penalty,- en. the first to ; ArriviMs from tho oommunlst- States wer« trei held t^ffritnry «lial»-4odar-<er raUway official, '.caught by the Ui ' oommuntat pollca as he carried his Two of the 17 package through tbe Potsdam roll man gmeral ho StaUon. waa summarily tried and co.' Six others sentence to three montha in prison, jervlco hospital In splto of - the tight controls. and A«Tit I thoae itUl coming over the border six others we I say most packages are being smug- p d t today for I -flledjhrouah, ....................... .................. vanlo-and-Nce. -------“ T — ^ ----------------------------------WlU leave iot. I 3 lE ^ p E K sio n = :o r-'.Y o tm g s!e rs^ ^ JsS I taugh.incrchant8 JatereatedJa.the plttsburgh_..^ I project to attend the Tuesday noon MlUer and u . meeUng. Atwell. [ Letters havo been aent V buai- neismen-In each of Uio four areas aSmSeTaS I “ ‘^ .th e m ,.to aot aa chairmen of . jafl.calt nmgram in thelr.oomtniml-. —Bioddm-Bt-H ^ Ues. Chairmen aro James Henry, ^Timet* ; Kimberly: W. D. .Wlaeman. Hansen; * ; WUUam Bunce, Jr, Filer, and-Her- - awwtwi: bsrt-Thwyr-MurUugh.- - r~ 1 The'Tvin chamber a u b ^ - O lm ly d mitteo requeaU area bualneasmen to Ttooks .-tnd.-C I conUct their’community obalnnan .Hegaa . I nrinr Pi fjm-^piwm^ay mwtlng^tf Olty PBtrt)if;;:s£ j;- r Bifl luloiBSted W uaiUalpaUiJf“ ii^ ni« Ijftnii I the program; McOoUom wpdrta Jtto --O sat ai>JM a ^ hoped that 100 calves can be spon. Oourtng. v : , 1 sored under, tha. eouaty-wld* pro- -N«w,.Yodt-itr ‘ graoiu ............ . ____ _ • it;Rhlm __ ___ ' -••■ ..v.^ mtly about .7-a;nu'ThtiM by a 26-yearK>ld son, hid^ t^cn miles south of HblUff Guth,.Den^,_C^. 'the 1952 car waarSpeS^ rial hospital for'ex&minit Francisco, son of the .-H 3t_p_ei^,,a graRd^jigh' L a b o r^ M e rg ie l 9 H ha wlthdrivil of th« p owertSl^^^H oo-maa -loatpentm -'■and mlon. from: the-A m«rtcaa--*w^^^H Ion of Labor. -: nift earpenters bolted Jon c o ir homa hg^pacttriththoOlO.Mi^M >t«p--towaid'«nDtoal^wnaellte )t tabor groups,. ■ ' ■ ; BentlM'-Soeloe-'** ' , The exmUro oou»n Una organHaUonal'T.Banla&.tct^^H tad liianM noiUtiimftnt.nn,t>iii3^^B penters’ w tthdraw^TAttfmleSB^H the AFL VlthlB M d a y s ! ^ K ^^^^^^^| *Tbis whole affair «d out," bo'tald.: < . A apokecmiui f o r t h » * - ^ e u p i A ^ ^ ^ | denied tunora that thandlaa'tW q^^^H loin- forees'irittirJolBrm-'Tni^^H United Mtaw W o r k a a '^ L n R O M ^ ^ ^ I of a third btr2abor.U oo,urAl|^^H aiOd. *^ereD'wlth^.ttia btubvtf: t h e - d O UaitteiWoSI^^H Hutcheson aaia tb»«an>lBt#W ^^B faUed. to a4».«urb.^!dlanq^T»<«aadltliH^^H Iq Saa'-nranolnob'Xieirfr,M^^^^| wlUidrawal ef terptfita«''.*‘M [^^H flea” - th e liTVu MMdl«dee_p^!ll^ > owazdrj^^^^* tng tha bado mectloa engaig^-ln r* tte <DtO« dlinM M ying From ’TTP a » 4 ‘A P 'B « p e * t s i j ^ ^ H A s ^ d tgro y of ^lO^ -United -S t a t a t a n l ^ —a b o tf o ^ ^ H -mmtary-traxtspart.'plsiier~**r;*S^^^H The first group-of -IT. arrived In'the U& yestcoda7.:.i^^| ^Two-a^tiio-m0^sboaa4-tt)9^^^■ and plano:wlU debark at homes In Hawaii . WhUe wui oonthiufr.o^to'-saa-Ptaafit^^^H American war prisoners'.'wlU on a troopship ^or the Uhlted Priday or Saturday. T h e '.a e o ^ i^ ^ H F. Hoae wUl be' the seoond ahlp— carrying^—former^—p r ls o B ^ ^ ^ I home. The Oen. Walker. left' n ^ ^ H S» Tuesday, Seventeen stck AmerSoaB' iirlK ^ ^ H era. the llrst to arrive I n^ States wer« treated In aoprtokJ^^H fu paysif^ar^WMrW^^^^W Two of the 17 were sent'toX «tti^^H man general hospital. Sa& .Ttaac^^H cer.' Six others lett last ntghi^^^^H aervlce hospltals-ln--8alx.-Aata^^H Tex., and Annlaton. Ala. ‘ Six others were to leave a t - S p ^ ^ H PDT today for hoapltala in P e o a i ^ ^ H Vt n t d Mill Vrm V/>rlf - A-nwOiw^ Wiu leave iot. Z>eaTer. M dar.,'-i^^^l B a le B a il^ I^ ^ ^ I ' By Tbe ABMdalod NATIONAL PhlladelphU .OlOrUO Pittsburgh —.OIQKU Olx— MlUv and'L^taTl«PalttflglE^^H Atwell. - -J- Clnelnnatt iiiiiisyii nno mn liiil^^W Baesewski''abd B e m O lo lC M i^ ^ l Simpson,-'Wiuir^-MeOoDoS^^H - Bro{*lytt-a» Only CTwSaairi.,,, Oourtnay.'.' •:

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17th and I t th 0/

T o N^ ^ B i r 2« occurred Aug.

os the result 0 /--------

|o Back; Oilays 250 R(iBtWGTON, Aug. IS PANMIE

Secretary R obert —The allie today-about fche-last C

eomrnunist pris- prisoner v K ^ in lv e d in various home dcspi R d may bo held until th rea t to >■ of the prisoner’ ex- captives. S - ' The tn m ri

.Mment to re- ttae Pelplns :jK ^ ^ ^ .f rC L B u llo re tw .hart' th e .r lgb^KJaHBt count«r*move to prisoners c}:

Uwt wmo Amer- ‘'crlnies" nndbeen coDTleted onnljtlce wt

^^S-iQ tEOced-tO 'prlsoQ priMners-hft'bar them irom vtx t Jailed a

J . c S S - ™_______ ftndla.inorfi.i

fmtn imur* gw eana. ^ E ^ m u o n s guard In a "aCH8tner-<0

down to lesMr <rom commu this tnico VlU

bbverer. that «o lor 'Pr}*oneni t u “not of the -great

^ t S S t M l n r l i t o t t Z c x - J O ® c ric « n j the exehMstfe la SMto Korew

^E rf .b o t that tbe Chinese Most of thi K S ^ t o w l v e d la prUon a» U

be held untU the n i ^ dta t

i S w rrcdloted Thla wfla[ W ^ ^ - T j r e d l c t e d - th e -teun.cftinn. .0

unUl- tt ig inort-ainfCT ^ K S u o e it completed-^ verefrom cai

from now-before tho Yalu rlv t ^■aocimunlstA of violating However,

br holding -back some ooata, Infora eamp one Bin

M ^ l l i ......till- Trrn1ir‘- ^ - - f rq ^ tho cam^Ktln:o(-ltA focts-before - The-prlaot

charges__^whlch tlnued a t Par^■ laVbreakdown of the 408 promised

— M Amei^ K w e H c o n officials do O ^ d la r i ’ari r^E u k a any step now that Ame ■ i r t t a Uie-repatrlaUon-of dar-broughtt ^Ecrlcans tho communists sent back to 1 ^ E to f rc e . ________ held 3^U.

idemic Fear I

^ K k e , affecti^.four.>TOi))loa y/m ^BUc tr a n s p o r t '^ d utilities h av e 1 H i of tourists— including 10»00l

■ ^ren cirh o u scw iv es y/wBQuecze on an estim ated 1

■ :::— ------- :----- ready redu

R S e tf o r —the market,.

^ K m/ I 'T ’m . , , hoordlns■ u Q X r V t7. makcsbU

J available.

B ond B a llo tU -School t n u t ^

■m.Hjttelton, conaolldaUdB n c t have scl Scpt. 28 aa “prea?^■ijlileJoc-aaothci-band. and p■ the dbtrlct for a new enfciprtte. ^ ■ kM . m e BcUo^ waa The result

lor the new school by duced gas,committee. limited -tAXl

^ ^ t t r t . ie le c t ln g th e site robber prlceaA. Weston, school super- Inoonvenlenci

^ ^ b e r d t c n ; M. p . Hart- Qarbogo w

of the north-south warned tha t ^■Jdoldiray between Eden collecton. co

site, containing of mortician ^ ■ “vU^erea.-is leas-than- -the-scrlous-d

ihiiMViibuiRrdf —H aa^cds-; TOt committee recom- appealed-to. we ichool be built on for funds w

H U Wt hill on the sooth- their Europe «tc.. cr retum hoi

^■PytCm pta-at-niuuilnBln..------------------^ ■ P ^ e w school IB tax- BOO■ ^ f l U l r l c t met on-July - bom tT w

*"1 suRgcsUd that wmmltice be picked to resort* ■

■ "I* for the new jumoN ^ W i o o L Tlie conimltteo

»_yrwiU ot thia meeU 3

^ ■ ^ ^ t e d on Aug. B. cape"'-from :of the group decided io sl thl»-week-by lU ther«-Jan

^ K ^ l Williams and the other cities.In submitting Its — ------------

E a s S s R e d J

■Incorfioratedlin-President We™euchen •'rncd to<j y ^ slerwoldc an

^'Btlpnal - Safety The Werr

the new law U to dlmiantlod.' ^ B lu rv !i> :ir '’ °^< -inBthodn J'Csszvc—iu i ^ ■ ^ H to B -io .in c re a a e O - shlpped-off-

la hom ' '■trccta and direction df« ■ « « .h .; s s / " - -

■ “‘•“"'“ "" '■ " '•rs;.


I A R«ei5nnl-N ew^

OffkUl Cityrrr-.. ; -------------0««l»-ITtwwpti------------

Dhinese ^ i)f f ic ia li* I Remain Wm

PA^TMUNJOM. Aug. 18 ^ B j l B -T h e allies sen t back today h e - la s t Chinese .communist irlsoner w ho w ants to ' go lome despite a United S ta tes hreat to w ithhold some red H H | H B aptives.The tranafer waa made even as n j B B H H

be Peiping radfo woa declaring ItTlgK> trt-AnlriUTMifk-oilW-

Tlsoners charged with various Crimea” and Jailed even after the nnlatlce w u signed. 'Returning irisoner8-have-said--the-pTlsoncTB rere Jailed on trumped-up charges.However. It la generally beUeved I n M o i B

ed-China runs the ahow In. Korea nd.ls.morfi.caoceroed wlthTgettlng ock Its own - men than NorthDotcMia:------------------------ }---------------■OT8tner-<00-p rlso n m -t^e-b fte le rom communlat p rison -pw ps to bls truce vlUage today.'Prlioners freed In tho ninth day f tho -great POW exchange were ft_Amcri»n8._7&-ijfmBh ..and_2fiQ louth Koreans. Mr. and S Mort of tha repatrlatea appeared 7 «. tn. ThSi

,ealthy as they bounced from-tho h itth e D e e i ed trucks th n t brought them to ------------------

This was th e first large group fam enmn jone ftt Chongwng. iU- | t 1 1 I

rere from camp five n t Pyoktong-on ------------=be Yalu river. . . ■However, the stories of turn- ■

oats, Informers and cruelty Inamp one struofc n-note heard before GOODIN

m u f w a y =inued n t Panm\inJpmu^i^'ltti.Dnolhet g ro u n d a -f o 08 promised by the reds for Prlday m o m in tr. j l - M Americana. 74 Britiah. 1 lii id lir i arid-aM-South-Koreaoia.Tho76 Americana returned Thura- — w n iie JU

ay-broughttbe totol.oLI7_S...tnMPS o p cra to ra_ i ent back to 823; tho reds said they

•____-_________ ac tiv ity w_ _ downtown

Noted_ spo tligh t 1

;lea h a v e beCTi paralyzed and ’[ng 10,000 Americans—a re The quaUt:

on display hirrO qara ing"toodr^ th rca tcn= ‘ jtima'ted lOOiOOO to u ris ts .a l- w e fo T ?^ h ■eady reduced to eating box rings Thur^

foro tho crltuncncs^.------------------- -------- -— TSairyr'sw/lnc;

OoaoUno Wfts disappearing from * - , - 1;. the he market,, w ith IndlwUons th a t J J uel hoarding might halt Uie scan- entrlea in th y. makcahltt transportation atUl gt kVoUable. Homemaldi -----------^WaIk«B(*-8pr«ad------------- were-hold-di

irogram'of Premier Joaeph Lanlel, tho parade-a lad apread from naUonnlised In- ^ t wns to iwtxy and public works to prlvato f a ^ ^ n d s .

m u » WM ft land^of|M maH,

lucS‘**gS”'flirkCTlng electxlcl^Imitcd-taxl service at-highway- ,

Qarbogo woa rotUng In- the gut-' era of the normally-gay, tree-lined Among th« Mulevttffl* and In front of - the —wank 'hotels o t P u ls , The hot ajnd -------jumld olr reeked. ■ tit ^

W arning Bonnded J N 6 W J K-French—publlo—hoolth—officials — vnmed th a t the strike of garbage O c l 11 :olleeto«, coupled wlUi a wolkout ripM rm t jJ^morUdana. fae^^ E i ^ S l S ’." H iS a f r t s '^ t t im a i t r A w w c S sij5pealed-to.thc American embassy:or funds with which to conUnuo “heir European vacaUons elsewhere)r retum home in disgust. • ' _ e c ? U v r^ tS

BOON FOB ITALV . 1 ^ ! ? " ^ ^ ROME. Aug. 13 (l).R>-IUily’s hotels ment contr.

ind resorts did a land office busi- jiahed In lOi oeaa today wllh tourists who Truman, wratched atrlkebound Prance from w hite UIhelr travel plana. James O- Hn

»pe"'-from Prance and others who predecessor, decided io aklp their scheduled vis- public meml Its thero-Jammed Rome, Turin.and Uon consist oUier cities. _ _____________and agcncy

Red Evacuation-of-4 “ GeiTnaTiy-Airbases;<

BERLIN, Aug. 13 (fl—The Soviet ^B -evacu olr force has evncuntcd four Im- July. I t la portoat..alrbnaes la.Eaat Qermany. Pl«K>,«l-, Allied officers are temporarily bof- Pointing < fled a t how-to-»naly»-th#-move. - .vlet. bases ,a

' . era and twii Carried out wllh starUlng speed, „gularly m

the withdrawal stripped Soviet air- jm n - ,,inp». men ond warplanes from- flelda at Wertfeucheh. Neupetershain, Pin- mented* ” •lerwoldc and Brand. ' ••ifa a cul

The Werneuchen base. W mliw ^ H J ia s f lJ c Wt~TK~BCtoh7TiaT~BEeiriOT617 on aerm an dlmiantlod. Installations, Including Elbe and th rf-wvw fin»t tnnVn hBVO been Too ovac shlpped-off-br^relgbfV ain ln:UlB' been turned dlrecUon df the Soviet union,. Oer- man luftopl: man undergroud Informants dis- of lO.OOO .Xoiclosed.______ ________ •- Allied, off

The. other fields-are report^ly n o t - ^ r j e d suil intact as far a8~fffound"TB» »to-it8"own ciUUea are concerned. But Soviet aomft a<*Ml planes and personnel have ^ th e -R u ^ a rtranafeTted e lsew here— -“dostlna- few old jUoa unknown." --------- ‘ to keep.. -

IS th ' ' . .

a l -N ews p a p er-S errinK--------- . - T

----------— ------TW IN-F

Two Califoriiis

Mr. and M n. Getfrge Gulh, Venalr, Cailf., were 1 l a. tn. T h & ^ a y when thetr 1052 OldsmobUe went Bit the Deep creek-bridge seveB-mlles *onth of Hc

Cmmt^ZEaiEOp Rodeo Featu

GOODING, Aug. 13—Gooding county.o; h m r a i m o f h i n g w l t K i C T t r a t i m m i O T ^ rQ unda^or-theJaaL tw o.daya..A ^hough-tt lom ing. ju d g in g of 4-H‘hom em aking exh:i^edneaday. - ------ :----------W hile ju d g in g continued- Thursday m or pomtnrA_put th a finishing touchea on the! ver th e grounds fo r an ea rly inspection olctiv ity w a s tho parado in ----------------owntown Gooding a t 1 p.m . ^ _ 'he f i r s t showing of H arley S p V P ■ucker’B '^odeo .w m take th e ’ " rpotlight Thiffsday night. H w ro'Befflaa;to.'be fe»'cr com- •- -. I *

terolsa eihUiUdiqB^a grounds this V>'.l

place"oi te rle quality, 8 ^ - V excel previous - S illo w in gtforts.- V .....................th e ancien tThe quality of stock and produce «,f

a display has received praise from W£»lr.Iofftffliil« Anrt upw t n t n r a m fttefl Sai(l_ fA . 4-H a nd opon class_llvcatock _ 0 £ fic ia la ■ere brought into.th'eir rupecilve Ings Thursday moming to paas be- _)ro tho critical eyes of.the.Judges. .1 7 ¥ > T —T»41ry,"B>rtnc7T)«rr8h«p“ ahd'pouI- X J D X iry- in th e various dosses werojdgcd during the moming as wereQtrles In th e women's division and 1 iH l l ftie flower show.Homemaklng demonstraUons also * D . ^

'ere-held-diirln8-thB.mQmlng.ftDcL____ i T T lomemnklng Judging contests'wero • •loted for_tnc aiEernoon. t'ouowing wASHlNo; ao parade, a'free'hbree'pulllng'con- JustlwnlepQn » t wns to have bcen held nt the FBI Inveatlga ilrgrounds. ' try to deter■^o-b]caohers:and^flrandstands-«t. .tollimlon waa [10 rodeo oreno have been repaired cent wavo <ad-ronalnts<l-And-tho-«hutas4iav». -creaiea, .------een strengihene^ anC 'the doorS' Official' M l einforced. The first showing of wns ordered tie rodeo Is slated for B p. m. ^ p o rtm en fs Tiursday. Other ahows will be pre- ~ o trust-bua iiiltd »t B p. m. MH»y «M S it- am c j m Oim

' deciding whiAmong tho fcatiu-cs a t the rodeo jncg^^c ly g j:

— -r^— - A series ol

^ J e w ' R i g l i t s F a i i a rr t . 1 T \ country earllS e t T i p b y - D e c r e eDENVER. Aug. 13 W—Prealdent time.

Ilaenhower set up today a aew gov- WhUe th e <

Iscriminatory ' employment prac- Wolverton. Bten -by industries and buiiness try hod laid iloldlng federal contracts. by Jacking up By executive order, the chief cx- « looming..

cuUvo established a- 14-member brought com

cplnTo*"SoT^m lttee on govern- T m ra ^ e r of nent contract compliance estab- the Increosu Ished in 1051 by former President fled” nnd urj Yumon. “ “ t to lookWhite House .Press Secretary ■

'ames O. Hagerty said the new unit S n f t f i d w

rredeceasor. I t nlso would-.hovelubllc members. The old orgnnlw- T a r i T l Ion consisted, only of deparUaent • W ASHINaJld ogency reprcscntoUves. - wi»n<nin senal— ■ ------------------------: : aovemor-.Th

o f - 4 - E a s t e r n

a s e s - G o n f i r m e d -’^ 8 - evacuation' began' secretly 'In to r' Schoepix fuly. I t la oow regarded os com- of th e senate )leU)d. told » repor

Pointing out Uiat’a score of So- He -said ' rlet.bases-and.eOO.slnglc.Jet.llghU .would moke irs and twin-Jet bombers had been present fam ■egularly maintained In East Oer- prices of bos nany alnce the outlireak of the Ko- of parity. •ean._war,. «n-allled. source .com- . .T horn ton ,, nented; ’. and friend a

'Tt's a cutdown, but the Russians dent Elsenhc

abe and tho Oder." otlon ot SheTho evacuated fields hsvo not He suggest

jcen‘lurnedJjvet::jaitnB_BWt_S>.er^ T O te e d T h o nan luftopllzel (air police), a cadre Uon -but-not if 10.(H» fo r a future air force. Uiem a profl

Allied, of fleers said Uils force .Is -------lot .trBlned-flr-c<uippcd-to-opci>- NBW-ito-lt8"own"fle1dsr-Il^ha*-r*o«lw«a- —jtOUBr-At} lomft schooling In.sovlel MIO«.'but ^ a^flnand Ae 'Russians , have given It only a friend of the tew old - plitoii-englned olrcraft Thursdoy nl, ;o keep............- ■ ■■-• XtaUu sova

:___1.-..'........... — ^ ^

—T W I N - F ^ U £ ^ 4 D i U J 0 . j a t t I B S I ) A 5 ^ ^

f o r i i i a n s Die a s C a r Smi

(mobUe went off highway n and Bon-viop from *onth ot H o lU ster.,IM nrjt-ihe day. (Staff.ph

Opens at-Good] iatured in 3-Day: county opened'the 1953 edition o f i ta anm m m tlC T rcfn h B ~ B(rttyIt y .t h a t h a s • bcBn ‘ev li

aking exhib its and fa rm produce :and boot!

rsday moming,-commerdiU oxh ib itorajm d tica-QiLthcirjil8i?]aY3l.arid s ta nds and, .bbc spection o f th is years’- offerings.- Higfiligh

5e^ere Earthqua Cause Island

f?rTiff f i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ 6 r e e ^ ^ p l o a ^ n t .iohi lace~oi te r r o r today. •- ■ :Billowing fire a swept earthquake ru ina a

fie anc ien t m ountainous island, of .Kefallinifl remors, w ere.reported slipping^irito the.BCi m tea said ju s t imder 1.000 i>erson8-have>

Offic iala of th a island-reported to .th e m i ---------------------- ^ ^ --- th a t A rgost

P M - l ± f c r u i r y —1 1 1 * u n d e rw a te rL ailed in Gas The Athens

quotod reports.:

P r i c e ; B . O i J s t s

istlce ilepai'tmeitt~hos~ordered on ■■ m B I Investigation of-the oil Indus- ry to determine whether Illegal ani»nii.ix.» wm inurtipoH in r o- York, engineer, ent^^wavo o t gitfollne,-price ' In-

-Official' BOUiMS-sald-the-lnqulrrras ordered a t the rtquest o t the “ ,“ t.epartm enfs ontl-trust division.lie trust-buster* will study the evl- ^ °uds of dustence gathered by the FBI before •ecidlng whether to seek indict- Hawkins saidlents charging oil companies wlUi bo seen under-.^rlca-fixlog-^onsplraoyi--------- — -stuilf.«urTOundlA series of -Increases 'sent- r e ta il- ..........BepbrU

asollnoT3rlce»-ut)-two'eenta tt gal- ^ -(^r^ iT offm . )n or moro in many orcos of the .« •ountry earlier th li summer. Tho

Volverton. b ;.-N. J., sold the Indus- Americanry hod laid itself open to suspicion wportcd to thiy Jncklng up prices at a Ume when two, vD. looming surplus' should have onimbio Thunirought compeUUve price cuts. details were n-HetL-j/ohn-w. Hwrimn. n., M nn, ■ - --------. member of the committee, termed Tfche Increases "completely unJusU- — ..... K l ]led” and urged th e JusUce deport- , ^nent to look into the motter. BOXSB, Aug.„ “ T ---- — -------------- al guard fight

speedjt-Rc ort-onv Farm Plan Urgd0™2,.“,S

WASHINOTON._Aug. IS 1* -A lon,.attached. Cansas senator haa suggested th a t bomber vHng 3ovemor-.Thomton report-to-con- Arizona In sd Tcss as aoon as possible on details was withheld t if his .proposed, cost.of-productlon be sotUlcd.arm program; --------------------••Congress must-extcnd or modify •

hfr-preaent-bnalc-farm-prtce-sup-- Y . I r i i ' w i wrt laws wlUiln th s year,” Bernii V ^ X L c tX U or SchoepFwl, Republican, member " ^ _If th e senato agriculture committee, I l - t *old a reporter.. ' ' v f J LHe -said he helleved 'c o n ^ M ’ -

rould make fowr4f-any,-change»-in- —Plana- for—i iresent farm laws-supporUng the Palls Chambe irices of basic crops a t » per cen t stock progran If parity. , feeders neorl.•n iom ton ,. RepubUcanl cattleman nounced' by ind friend and supporter of Presl- chamber 4-H- lent Elsenhower, ouUlned' hU pro- tee cholrman. [ram.Tuesi^av «f fh . _KlmbcrJy_HrfrdwesT Uvestock Feeders assocU Filer bualnesa lUon- ot Shenondoah. Ia. Join local mer

He suggested producers be guar- a county-wldc mteedThBjKVerjigfl cost oi produc. progrom -is ai lo n -b n t-n o t‘be subsldIzed to 'glve the w u t end hem a profit. Uie dlrecUon

—— -----------------^ . ford merchant■ - - - XBW^-TBY-BLATEP— -M eC oH ^ -r

• . ,*^flnancl«i-exp*rt'known a s ‘ a and .Twin'PiJ irlend of the United States, agreed held Tuesday niursdoy night to try to form an hotel to planItalUn jo v e ia iM a t.-- ,...................^ -T h « -^ o « ra

Car Smashes Into B H 3^

ear-waa their aoa. Leonard Gtflh. 25, San Francisco. Bon-viop from CalUomU.wlthionly a short it«p in

-day. (Btaff.pholo-eagraving)------- : -----------------

jQodlng; North]

l-K y Show •’1 ^on o f'its annual fa ir and rodeo hOff-bBBirBV ldent^fttortalr- - ‘i^Y O .-A utra a a i j - z i a H i i E f l i i i l H a i y : : S f 2 S i t i ? g ;jce :&nd booths was conducted a toui of 28 c

— purjed..* ibilo t8 .indci)iiccasion;stanands and. -Bpectators' 'sw arm ed J3ung_were;.^e tIgs. H ig S ig h t of the daytim e to Peiping and______ Chlk and Chu

• . . -Uvely. a Pelplt

iiquakes [and Terror wero-Uie Uirce I/P) 'S ovc ro o a ^ - f a e n iorc f pi^

[uake-ruba and'^huge alabij of-of,Scfallinia, loosened by th e S th e P a S S ij 'r in to the.Bca. U nofficial esti- .nio-voiee.cii5 on8 -h 'iy/e_beeiy^led.______ gave,^qre_ deted to .th e m in is try of in terior .th a t Argoslolion, a city , of 5".?-«5b*o“ 10,000 and the island*s chief wrieg of hro<uie port; w as ^'beginning to sink «tions oLUie. u n d e r w a te r ." ,

The AUiens newspaper-KaUierinl . in .’Munean. ' quotod reports.from the port as Bay:Ing some aectlons of the town's wo- tod-y North E terfront... .wero.._bclng_(mbtnwged iSiso-a”

----------- - ' ' •— .thfilrr«mnnunlflXJke For«*t F i r e ________ “Most..Of.'.th(

Walter Hawkins,. CoatesvUIe, Pa^ Korea hato Uu TWA pilot, and Max Scribncr, Now Pak Kwang 81k York, engineer, said their piano flew cent of tho peoj ^v«r—K«ronmia.-TVMnftsaay-artcrT tTbeUovB-Trii ' noOAjmd.thn fltripkun-lHltinrf InoVwt .(VSOlaaL.th&_fe

U ko-ft-Jafcst-flro-O toet^unks.of Iaunehed.ln..th< the wast.could be seen alfdlng.aiid .• ' — splashing Into -the sea,-they said, t v '1- Clouds of dust rose over-the earth-, . j

Hawkins sold slides of earth could 1 7 ' be seen under the.w oter from tha J C i X l J l -ahelX-surroundlnff-thHsland:--------i-------------

o tM l o ra tm l,- .u a , h ra o v c r /r .- “port, tlm t nil KMiilUnlii wa,-M nli- 1lagl.'ffcre^fttii'.exaggeratetU heY . -nroved-bv-obn« said their best lnformatfon wos Uiat the makUie tod such reports were based oh excited Budeet Dlre< messages arising from the crumbling pions to get thiQf qiin)c>>.ril«plBrwi* fUffg mttla-outllat*.!

A m erli^ ’ persormel 'a t ' Kffalllnfa 'ordered'‘itrln8ej reported to the embasj^r hero thot measures to .' g two small' villages w ^ ' seen to medlotely and I crumble Thursdtty morning,'but no departments .to details were repcm d ." for next year..

- ____• -this year’s.-------= r — ------------------------------— mesB-Kepr-...Bulletin ■BOI8E,AM. lim i-A iiiu in .U o n . S “ " w i "

“ » o n th 1

S in ” r a S S K SklUlng its pilot. possible step” '. Narne of -the pilot and hls aquad- mediately.

»n..attochcd_to.thaJ4Q th.flghter-. —Dodgfl'not.onbomber ^ n g from California and Ing up and doArizona In summer training here, rected governwas withheld untU'sext o t kin could look for prograbe notified. . ........ .......... govemmontj^coi

G h am t)e r o f Com m Bi „ Q L F a t S to c k E b

—Plana- for—expand Ing ...the-Twln. TKln.'Falls .are FaUs Chamber of Commerce fat first of Its tyi stoc^ program for 4-H ond FFA were raised feeders nearly six-fold ore on- feeders under i nounced' by . Joseph McCollum. McCollum.«o3 chamber 4-H-and FPA subcommlt- progrom hoS'p tee cholrman. Us financing.{■■ K lmberJy_Hftnsen,-3tfurUugh-an<l- -by-oUwe-oomn Filer businessmen, aro invited to Under the p Join locol merchants in estabUshlng feeder Is.iponj g county-wide program. A aln\Uar who ensigns i progrom .Is a i r e i ^ 'I h progressln ‘pUr'Slase.oi tB the west end of thV county tmder the aajmfij Is the dlrecUon ot Buhl and OasUe- amou'drof ihvi ford merchonts. The animals-M cCollum -«porU -a-m eeU ng-of annuaL«-H.'J?I

■KimbeTlr.*Hansen,-MurtagghrT ller -faH-and-thB-i aad .Tw in'Pilla-otaehahta-w ni be Profit held Tuesday noon a t thp Rogerson by the feeder*.hotel to plan the'project. ......... . Inviuuons hi-T ba-pro^am -coQ dueted^ 'tlie Blmberlyi.-^iii

-------W ne. lr fig a te ^ d r iH ^ ^ < W B U ^ — ---------

H I Dll; A California . when th e ir speei into a bridge or Ccad ar'fi^Mr. ai 60, sho was 4 9 .' by-the-force-of — Taken-to-Mas werecouple, jind Alij Donnad a u g h te r^ a a n

T h e .c a r , - ^ v kpced sm asKed creelc~bridge.will no deaths were the 1 in Twin Falls coun thft-nUi'ond-lBUi onlrthree'leas lhar

S, Saa Francisco. They bad driv ta "^1. a h ^ _ , t o p i « Nevaaa ^ e d « . . -

________________• _________ Talley thla year, tl'have been tourists

N m t l i K n r P a

"Purge T a lfi^25 More Men

- . . - fatallUes aa of t t—'TOKYO.-Aur-18-(lB-Oommunl8t -and-l«Bl-for-M i-broadcttsti today—repnrtert .imrest .foe. tho en tlre jitand-revoft In North-Kor#a.and-«aId -Mnglc-Volley, 18a toUI of 28 officials have been Maglo Valley, 10purjed.. ■ Idoho. 1SS3 ___

Among'tho Q6W-names stricken Idaho, ia n ~ •from party llBt* by Premier K lm H { ------------------J3ung_wereJhe-fomer_wnbft(isidort _ ^to Peiping and Moscow. ,Kwon-:0Chlk and Chu Nyong.Ha, respec-Uve^. a Peiping radio l« « d c * .t i K S S

At Uie aame time, the broodcast aS d^teM itSdto^ revealed Uie rUe o t new and ^ u n g - JSeiM uld^ ito ck er communists-to par^.lew lersblp, • as veteran reds fell by the wayslda.

r t e M c t u nons S 'm w - l i l e t . S‘were Uie Uirce deputy.chalm en of Labor (flrnnmunlftt) DortT •-centeat

LCommitgB - .whinh 'r f f in /u .t^ h a i^man. Thft threa-aro Pale Ohoag Ac. only-woman member of the party helrvohy, Pak Ohong Ok imd'Oen.Nam ^ chlet c o m m i t d e l a t e a t the panmunjopn negoU auoa^ ■ • tniTeled,'-l» fe<

,Hio, voice-cf. w m m tm lst' c^tlria MutheoJt'oomer i

rihc«iKimirdunajd tii6TCcreiuo>w- • j - j r r r — ' j | — ^ej^repub^^flvo y d p 6 6 Q 6 ]actions o t-the sixth.convcnUon ot / i T it*Uio -party's :central :coouhltteo in S K I I I - h l ' Pyongyang from last w ee t 5K -B .V x x

In'^Munsan. Korea, » liberated - T \ _ — , , South Korean prisoner predicted I f H I T l f l today North. Korean clvlUafis wUl sU8o a-"Iargo- wale- Tevolt-a8alnBt - .Tlrgfl. Hosier, .:

41O.and4 W 0 costi_ “Most..oL'.tbo_pcopKZ3n!n?orlS TKlTtavftil.TniUMi Korea hate Uio communists,” ' Ptc. ed guilty o t spee< Pak Kwang 81k said. “About SO per <7. Sheriff' J^si cent of tho peopio ore opposed to It. ^ i g ^ y ^ylw h

toiiSed-laj Sn w * ^ f u t i ^ " - * ^ j £ 5 & C ^■_____ ;___________ driving « mllea

T V •■■■ ' - >>1 . 1 - • According to UiB.iDodjoje Seeks■w . ' . ^ second bridge.Expense Cuts

WASHmOTON, Aug.;iS Mi—A new-federat budget-for-tho-eurrent fiscal year, w ith spending figures Damage a marked down below the levels op- ,proved-by-obngrw,-WB^r«port*H-ln

plans to get the new spending estl- _ - . _ mate-out-lat».thl».jnoAth.xJle-5as ordered^ stringent money-eonserrlng * measures to. go in to effect .Im- n p n imedlotely and has told govemment .clXUy J . CJ departments .to plan budget slashes BERUN, Aug. for next y e a r .a t least as deep as man food-seeken .this year's. day of a three-n‘ ThesB- gtapr w e re -g g a s is rv y f iF g im T T s ^ e t m nesday, when. ,* secret letter by American food Dodge to all govemment depaH- West Berlin. I t ment and- agency heads came to here ot such a pe light. I t was dated July. B, more Arrivals from than g,month before President Ela- Jic ld_kriitcu_*i BnliulvBTpubucjy called for au gov- raUway official, emment execuUvea to ''take'every oommunlst polln possible step” to cut spending-im- package thm igh mediately. staUon. waa sui—Dodgfi'not.onljr.ordered-economls- «»nti.w^Ing up and down the Une, but di- In splto o f t rected govemment execuUves ' to thoae itlU look for programa and projects, the say most packagiBovemment:could^cop._ _g led jh rgug ti.

ommwcePlaiislE pff »ck Erogram for You

TKln,-Pall8..area_thts. year..wiu_the. .taugh miw-h«nfi ; first of Its type. Seventeen calve* project to attend . were ralsed by local 4-H and FFA meeUng.. feeders under tho program. t ^, McCollum.aald UUs^year’s fa t calf

program ha8 prev.5d successful and l y -tha.ctlf p r o g ^

: .S 'L .K Si V f ^ ’2' tbe a a l ^ l Is iiunired' to cover the ih e Twin Fall

om ountof Ihvutment,- • ■ mitteo requests gThe animals wuiibo-^aold a t the conUct their ca

!. annuaL<-E.'.PFA.fat s to c k .s ^ .th ls pilorJ2Ltha.Tuea • -fa ll-an d -th B -b an tT io to 'M W q ffr ai e lu tem le fl-l I P r o f l t 'f f m '.U t t^ e .^ ^ ‘be‘rBtaiaed the progxim; Me I by the feeder*.' . •'- . , .. hoped th a t 100 c

, InvluUons U w .bw n.extended to sored under. th« I I ’UcT .aoil'Zdiir- sraou -


iSrm S d V & d u S —-"* ~tZ ! « 4 Q i

Two Peopl ITie aslSu Demolis]

A California couple died instantly abouV7-i when th e ir speeding car, driven by a 26-yearK>l Into a bridge oh highway 93 seven milea abutl Dead ar'8'M r. an d M rs. George Guth,.Denfiir, BO, she was 49. Tho rig h t slde of the '1952 'c iJ by-the-force- of th o im p a c t:---------------------• ' *—Taken-to-M agic V alley Memorial hoSRital fo were Leonard G uth, 25, San Francisco, son ‘ ?yPi6«J‘ld A line McCadynia,-8. Denair. a n Donna Guth, 22, Denair, a — daughter, waa n o t in jured. t ■■. ' ..•■s , T h e .c a r .-^ v e l in g a t high- L & D O F - J M hpeefl smasKed in to the Deep __ . y ,

A i m a l iwm be no Inquesi.ot-charges. The Tfc ' IVT deaUia were Uie fourth and fifth B ' V 1 1 < la Twin Falls county this year and J.» h y ^ - a n d -» U r -^ t i^ p -v a lleTr —OHTOAq O ry ^ r

a t Ulla time!*The” flfto ^ faU U ^to t t« w l th iW 'S l^ Twin Falls county last y ia r oocor- 000-maa 'oatpeat redAug. 38..0f thefatallU ealn .th s union, from :the.J valley thla yeor, flvo ot the vlctUis tton of Labor, have been tourists and four o t Uie Uto oarpentsrs 1 tourist* were from-Oallfomla,-? ; - tlon o n lr bouxaaf

'" m t>e>» T v I log'* pact-With the

- Scoreboard _ 'Here ts a comparison of traffic

fotallUes as of ttiU dato for UB3 -and-ieBl-for-MaBto-VaUey-rolH for. tho enUrft.»Stfc penters’ withdraw'iLT.jft,. -tr^ivy in u T ------------- n ^ l -Mino Bchedtiled.fcMaglo Valley, M63 --- --------- u

.......' y the APL vlthlB *

Tho sharlff said the fcodlM wero rrb lsw h o lo a tt mangled..Uiey were taken to tbo «d out," ho'tald.: Reynolds mortuary. The UtUs gtrl A spokMmiui i received a i shoulder Injury, a sd denied tu n o n thi Iieonard Oath waa be ln r Join- fOTees-*wlthand treatad for * c u t Up, facial ln« Xlnltod Utaw Woi Juries and'Shock. - of a th ird big-lat' eh sritr.'O i^ ton aald th e gn>^ - ' Tm U cbi .was'.on-'route from OalUottUa to l i fc u r l^ 'J liS I •vlAlti^raon o t th e boopla .who baa p n a id e n tM ^ 1 gyt^-.jat-M urtaugh a-ttao rt 'tim e. o t^ i iM m ia - '^

-4--pin;^Wednesday aud' I w t ' Hwn r - e -drivlng' .xlneo. I t -waa b e l l ^ tho th t t t f lhli driver’ fOl asleep. ‘ siOd. *^ereo'wlUi

-The-car went o ff the hlgbwajr and’ beltovtf " the'dim traveled,--199 feet, Uiea-‘ h it th e JamlU«.-«bmild-l MuUieost'oomer o f the bridge. The Hutcheton oaU — tftaiia irf ■ ■ H r - thr-loderatloaU_ ■ ' • • tloa d j s p 'u te s

Speeder Pays*,'" i° |1 0 F in e ;C ^D ^ a g e High

- .Tlrgfl. BQaler, .BurUy.-WBa llniirt m and-»M O cosU lnT w la FaIlsJus-'•geoav&rTnuiw ^ .m ieti ne.pi^ -ed guilty of speeding. He waa dted in- n , . bailo ou

Sheriff. J9SB0 • Carltoa . early S W S n g ^ iatoThursday after h is car crashed Into ■*tho-Dead-Jton'rwilolrtJridgB'WMtTjf _

r j? l£ o ^ ^ ^ c b a rg e d -B o s le r -w itedriving « miles p e r hour or mo«. XMSAccording to the.sheriff, Hosier's car -w-rt •went otf the road as he headed weat r I v i Ttoofoat-to m ak o th e c u m f o r th e f - * J “second bridge. " ' vr.n, i , ^ .

I t struck the railing oa .the-le ft ^ J S d b w

railing on the r ig h t aide. Damage to .the_18M J4ercury:,w*a.<sttmat«d.at ««». Damage to tho bridgo-was slight. ^ first gro;

TIiS jIiniftJu liL H oaerjiiitiU im a ^ ^ £ ^ 2 and on his way to work a t the BoltM . . i ™ . S i .

- E a 8 ^ n n a n ^ t s ; . 3 SAid, Term m JailBERUN, Aug. J3 « > -E o s t Oet- PHday or Satu:

man food-seeken brought word to- F. Hose wUl be jag_gL aJlio fcm on th Joll sen tm -j ship— coirylng- glven a Soviet eoner for bringing aa home. Tho Oei American food parcel back from s a Tuesday, Weat Berlin. I t was the flrat report Seventew std hereof such a penalty,- en. the first to ;

ArriviMs from tho oommunlst- States wer« trei held t^ffritnry «lial»-4odar-<erraUway official, '.caught by the Ui

' oommuntat pollca as he carried his Two of the 17 package through tbe Potsdam roll man gmeral ho StaUon. waa summarily tried and co.' Six others sen tence to th ree montha in prison, jervlco hospital

In splto of - th e tight controls. and A«Tit I thoae itUl coming over the border s ix others we I say most packages are being smug- p d t today for I-flledjhrouah,.........................................vanlo-and-Nce.-------“ T — ----------------------------------WlU leave iot. I

3 l E ^ p E K s i o n =

: o r - ' . Y o t m g s ! e r s ^ ^ J s SI taugh.incrchant8 Ja te rea ted Ja .th e p lttsburgh_..^ I project to attend the Tuesday noon MlUer and u . meeUng. Atwell.[ Letters havo been aent V b u a i-

neismen-In each of Uio four areas a S m S e T a S I “ ‘ . t h e m , . to aot aa chairmen of . jafl.calt nmgram in thelr.oomtniml-. —Bioddm-Bt-H Ues. Chairmen aro James Henry, ^ T i m e t * ; Kimberly: W. D. .Wlaeman. Hansen; *; WUUam Bunce, J r , Filer, and-Her- - awwtwi: ■ bsrt-Thwyr-M urUugh.- — - r~1 T he'Tvin chamber a u b ^ - O lm ly d

mitteo requeaU area bualneasmen to Ttooks .-tnd.-C I conUct th e ir’community obalnnan .Hegaa .I n rinr P i fjm - piwm^ay m w tlng^tf Olty PB trt)if;;:s£ j ; - r Bifl luloiBSted W uaiUalpaUiJf“ ii^ ni« Ijftnii I the program; McOoUom wpdrta J tto --Osat ai>JM a ^

hoped th a t 100 calves can be spon. Oourtng. v : ,1 sored under, th a . eouaty-wld* pro- -N«w,.Yodt-itr ‘ graoiu ............ . _____ • i t ;R h lm

__ ___ ' -••■ ..v.^

mtly about .7-a ;nu 'T htiM by a 26-yearK>ld son, hid^ t cn miles south o f HblUff G u th , .D e n ^ ,_ C ^ .'th e 1952 c a r w a a r S p e S ^

rial hospital fo r 'ex& m in it Francisco, son o f th e .-H 3 t_ p _ e i^ ,,a g ra R d ^ jig h '

L a b o r ^ M e r g i e l 9 H

ha w lthd riv il of th« p o w e r t S l ^ ^ ^ H oo-maa -loatpentm -'■and mlon. from : th e -A m « r tc a a - - * w ^ ^ ^ H Ion of Labor. -:

n ift earpenters bolted Jon c o i r homa

h g ^ p ac ttr i th th o O lO .M i^ M >t«p--towaid'«nDtoal^wnaellte )t tabor groups,. ■ ' ■

; BentlM '-Soeloe-'**', The exm U ro oou»nUna o rg an H aU o n a l'T .B an la& .tc t^^Htad liianM no iU tiim ftn t.nn ,t> iii3^^Bpenters’ w t th d r a w ^ T A t t f m le S B ^ H

the AFL VlthlB M d a y s ! ^ K ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |*Tbis whole affair

«d out," bo'tald.: < .A apokecmiui fo r th » * - ^ e u p iA ^ ^ ^ |

denied tunora th a t t h a n d la a 'tW q ^ ^ ^ H loin- f o r e e s 'i r i t t i r J o lB r m - 'T n i^ ^ H United Mtaw W o r k a a '^ L n R O M ^ ^ ^ I of a th ird b t r 2 a b o r .U o o , u r A l |^ ^ H

aiOd. *^ereD'wlth^.ttiabtubvtf: t h e - d O U a i t t e i W o S I ^ ^ H

Hutcheson aaia tb»«an>lB t#W ^ ^ B

faUed. toa4 » .« u rb .^ !d lan q ^ T » < « aad ltliH ^ ^ H

Iq S a a '-n ra n o ln o b 'X ie ir f r ,M ^ ^ ^ ^ | wlUidrawal ef terptfita«''.*‘M [ ^ ^ H flea” - the liTVuM M dl«dee_p^!ll^ > o w a z d r j ^ ^ ^ ^ *

tng th a bado mectloa engaig^-ln r * t t e <DtO« d lin M

M y i n gFrom’TTP a»4‘A P 'B « p e * ts i j^ ^ H

A s ^ d tgro y of lO

-United - S t a t a t a n l ^ —a b o t f o ^ ^ H -mmtary-traxtspart.'p lsiier~**r;*S^^^H

The first group-of -IT. arrived In 'th e U & y e s t c o d a 7 . : . i ^ ^ | ^ T w o -a ^ t i io -m 0 ^ s b o a a 4 - t t )9 ^ ^ ^ ■ and plano:wlU debark a t homes In Hawaii . WhUe wui o o n th iu fr.o ^ to '-saa -P taa fit^^^H

American war prisoners'.'wlUon a troopship ^or the UhltedPriday or Saturday. T h e '. a e o ^ i^ ^ HF. Hoae wUl be' the seoondahlp— carrying^—former^—p r ls o B ^ ^ ^ Ihome. The Oen. Walker. left' n ^ ^ HS » Tuesday,

Seventeen stck AmerSoaB' i i r l K ^ ^ H era. the llrst to arrive I n ^States wer« treated In a o p r t o k J ^ ^ H fu paysif^ar^WMrW^^^^W

Two of the 17 were s e n t 'to X « tt i^ ^ H man general hospital. S a & .T ta a c ^ ^ H cer.' Six others le tt last n tg h i^ ^ ^ ^ H aervlce h o sp lta ls -ln --8 a lx .-A a ta^ ^ H Tex., and Annlaton. Ala. ‘

Six others were to leave a t - S p ^ ^ H PDT today for hoapltala in P e o a i ^ ^ H Vtn td Mill V rm V/>rlf - A-nwOiw^Wiu leave iot. Z>eaTer. M d a r . , ' - i ^ ^ ^ l

B a l e B a i l ^ I ^ ^ ^ I' By Tbe ABMdalod

NATIONALPhlladelphU .OlOrUO Pittsburgh —.OIQKU Olx—

MlUv a n d 'L ^ ta T l« P a l t t f lg lE ^ ^ H Atwell. - -J-Clnelnnattiiiiiisyii nno mn l i i i l^ ^ W

Baesewski''abd B e m O l o l C M i ^ ^ l S im p s o n ,- 'W iu ir^ -M e O o D o S ^ ^ H - Bro{*lytt-a»


C Tw Saairi.,,,

Oourtnay.'.' •:

'o S ssttK“ 'rd*! 5• t« n « o .|„ g M m « 5 S

to cholc* helfen iS

M r is lKo m % S - »- R m th l i i M J

■nie Isle.of.JUa k tnm E&iUnd, xrthai land.

Scey^jiB^EixMrifTKR A S E ^




i d B 'TW O -

prmer Xiocal EQ ^H C oach Speaks' ^ B rA rQuE~Meef Jf^ ^ ^ ^ H l th l f lU o prognma of/«r-»t leu t '1

W. (OUnt) Z na t, former Twin ^ ^ ^ H l L _ U 8h_aebooLJ<»li]Btl_coMhj _ _ ^ _ ' ^ ^ ^ K U r e d ^ t h e resulftr weeUy mi> , ,. , ^ ^ ■ ■ n of the Twin FtOls RoUrr club » ■ *

the^AmerlOQ Legion h»ll Wed-

^ ^ ^ ^ fc S s .._ U n lT flx il ty _ o L j5 * li? o n ’l» " ~ ^ ^ ^ ■ ■ a d basebftti- ouch , w u the xei* - r t , -

speaker. -H e'declued that I J f o .of the leitaerthlp-nnd re-

^ ^ ^ H u r c e f u lD e u which enabled the ^ ^ ■ f i i t c d 6 tAtci-tO:.wln-World-war U I l r ^ ^ H l i developed on the athleUo field. -

survey eonducUd at the Vnl- aof California ahowed 04 per J \

of the^th leU i who competed ^ ^ ^ K l t h e untveralt}' In an elsht-year KINOI ^ ^ ^ H r l o d prior to the war were phys- six wor ^ ^ ^ ■ I d l y able to enter the armed lorcei when thi ^ ^ ^ ^ % m e d la te ]y . on o Ut^ ^ ^ K l o f the 94 per cent, 88 per eent under cu ^ ^ ^ K lM lv e d commlulona — a remark- Ins extri ^ H ^ b ' l l e figure, Evani declared. Many The n ■ ■ ■ fc n -b a t t to f J e J d decoratloru. with eon^ ■ B ^ a n s declared he believes ath- Tliey wll ■ K D K * les are a vital part of the na- of comp I j U i n ' in's social structure as. athletics blsamy, ■ H f l * » t« enthujletn) ^and "nothing contrlbut

od or ffreat can ever be accom- mlnori.■ ^ ■ 7 ahed-wlthout-enthuslftsnL'*,-----!:_ . _Th2^ »

[n » 4ueitlon-aod-answer.period Utah off. n f l B , lowing hU talk. Evans stAted he demande H I I h in 't believe outlawing the platoon raided th B U B stem la football would hurt the let of'po) K B I k ' mermie-blt:—He-eald-he-favora —Twentj | H ^ hools of equal enrollment com- bonds an H H B Ung against one another in their the npoal

n lesp ie i.----------------------^ - Weak desSVdTW -Wa* 'Introduced_by_DTi. lUUam 7 . Passer. , An caU3bela Borcmeyer, ^^^p-yenr-old

ilted States on an International) t ^ club scholarship, was a guest . <!■the club. She told elub membera ^

vt and is Impressed'with "your H ! ® 7 ^ iDderful country and way of life.”

■ U r fi. w . Morgan. Anchorage, "AJas- f* P «rformer-Twln PflUi-superlnten* ^ » ral

I B S Dt of schools, briefly described hisirk:U)d conditions In Alaska. si:

■ V ; Bert Sweet, Jr.,-oalled-for TOlun- \crr-trT>aint-th8*taterlor-of-thfr

Slub.gueiU vere Stewart Rolls, _ .Dt« Olaxa; Richard Fuendellng,

■ ■ I p llo Alto: John H. Hsyea, Ottawa,■ ■ B t Chester Buley, Burbapk, Callf.: A f 1

«nV TT«rri« T^Wgnnri. P., antl <C\L J^ ^ J i i A t a p h Tbelsoo, Twin Falls. MOSOC^ H l u I ' • — . ■ Pavenpor■ K o r » n e r R e s T d e n t r S S

H r D i e s i n C a l i f o r n i a ^ u u tV7ord has beeif reeelred hero .of ^Rslph J e death of Mra. SUtU Dlmmltt. ^ vice n e r Twla F ills tn d Buhl resl- Beach, B. at,:TueKlayatRiTers!de, OaUf, <rs,.D lm m ltt,« m istered nurse, » u s i ^ SI• tb& daugh ter o f 'th e U te JudgeA Mrs; J . 0. Oates, Buhl. h e . U iurrtved by t. daughter,I. ports WltU. Riverside, Oallf.;I w a . Buhl OUlett, Arixona: four “V'houte

mdchlldrea and two g reat-gw d-

f ^ U t h - T M L l ^ n f u l n a ^ ^^ ^ ^ B ^ K a t h e r Wilson, Taooma, Wnsh.

1&. son. Mahlo&.Oillett, preceded IcesforW rt. Olmmltt In desth In IMl,____ ^cre held

______ ______________ ^ Mc<Kldrl(

livorce^warded = “SSI

IiBy District Judge-S i;

HAiLKY,. Aug. 18 - Mra. B itty .

I onk has been awarded a decree of f 1, ? “, rorce-friim“Tlign-iaonk~lvT3S^ S,"",?*??*': e t Judge D. K. Sutphen. She i f ; LS given euitody of her two minor jkUdren. Monk was ordered to payloo a month for their support. MlAU household fumlahlnga were ■*

---------- •^P>:.f<>-:M r8.--_M 9nfc=iog6U ier. - --------Ih ^ e - r lg h t to Uve on the prem- ----- —

^is.Aald-hff .Mnnk-imrtur »-- — 0-ohase. -They • were-marrled a t —BUHL- arahfleld, N. Y.. Oct, 6, M48. Ex. Miracle w

» ^ ‘7JW-Chfcrged.by_Mrs. urday_»t. o n k T M ^ 1s employed at Sun chapel wl illey. Mrs. Monk waa represented »nont Sm '^Atl^Sf-Or^arKneeUnd.-^---------BapUalyt

m T h e H o s p i t a l |

Bm ‘ VWUn, h«ui. .1 HMlo V.UW BH i r ? ' « 5 ° ? “ trom a to «

^ ^ W ta « .n a M ti .H .O T R .M « tr lo l . mi^ 5 ^ ^ ' wmroE

DIBMIBSEDMB' W » Allred and aon, Mrs. ch^Sh’- ^ . etaW ir l r t aad daughter. Un. JkTc _ y la J tayboro-aod-daUghter.-Mrsr T4kehTKT<; JUlna Anderson, Mrs. Nolan Jews-

- uy and daughter.-Mrs.-3url Eld- tw tn

J ^ and Lvnn-n r anaerboth- -PraByleH________________ Donald I

I Z— Interment

Weather •th n a d ^ o w e rs t e a l g h t ^ p u ^

« « 7 jW 4»y . tonight 66 81 ■ J | rii FHday near M. Twla FaiU |

S ^ B I Il a - ^ . T i r = ^

ff lf p rO - O U R -C U S T O M B R S ^ — t J l J » , t o u e to the death of my husband. ' l l ^ *Wm ■ p ffle r Edwards, his b ro th e r- ■— —|B J = _ _ £ A y j ,_ r o W A B D S .- — b— ____— - F - 1™! operate the— ------HI e E R 'Y IC B "r a -. n re Will Continue to Serve You H ' K S e p ^ t ! Manner a s [Bli' n jH E E ro w A B D j f " A t

K » M IM .E. KlmbcS, .[Mij,—-■. V -------1'--'

I l-ITTUe S . I X I Clul

M - , - , ~Sijt . . . M ^ \ / / I Anchoragt

1 PV 'I. ^ V \1 / ''•-'"^<<1 f^ p n l dUtrlct (aJ ------ « _ v _ v t - ^ --------- _ :> i_ ifc n r - -p-jnncnet, It's a tosrap vrhleh is more t»1- one-fifth . nable a t a plcnlo—the lodlna er the entire

- th * can opener. . _ That wiI ' I " inade Th

I Utah Portion— SH; Of Polygamy

I Area Raided 'S sr KINOMAN. AtIs., Aug. 13 Ofv- Duvall.• Six women, who auyed behindI when their neighbors fled in a raid mimon d(

on a Utah polygamy colony, were under wat under custody here todoy after be- *nd that• Ing extradited by Utoh oulhoriUw. needed. B r The women were brought here Increase n

with some IflO children laat night. 300 over• They will be arraigned on charges t r a shov• of conaplracy to commit adultery, the one b I bigamy, unlawful cohabitation and Wages a [ contributing to the delinquency of but so art• mtnori. • o u t'tha t t . . _Th2_L.^ro«n_3iere_seir^_»hcn. ary.la fS.jl

U tah offlcers.^a.e*tradlUon acUon Qulrfld.of. demanded by . Arliona aulhorltlea, applIcoUor raided the Short’ Creek, UUh, ham- for emploj let of'polygamlsts. 8,700 atude— Twsaty-two—women,—th*lt_hu*« .tcnLllCAt.t bonds and lOO children belonging to As an e the opoatate Mormon cult fled into .going on li bleak deaert mountains surrounding toll sales 1 Jhelr_colony 8hortly_before_the_Tal!l. alOM totaJ

An catlmated 40 men. 90 polygam- The to m Ist wives and 3S3. ch ll^en were In 17.000. th»-vlllage-beforo the 'raid, officers Morgan said. ' a few day

The defendant! were living on poat. the Utah side of the Short Creek During I -polygaroy-comrounlty-that-straddlee humorous- m e-m ah^A ruonft-boraefrBoine-or -"oid-dttys' the Inhabitants were those who ea- Falla. He v caped from the Arlsona side dur- meietlngs ing a raid by tha t sU te’s officers Unlveralty three weeks ago. position. B

The alx captives willingly sub- Followlni mlUed to arrest, .but refuaed to President .diYmga_ihft_jfhcreal»iita..of_thcIt called.a-si ir»}“ «L*nd.«ieltjIstet-TWim,.along. .TheyjnadiwIlS^arramiT-of-chlldrra:-------------- s*Mloime>

' offlcera fr

Officers Selected aelect a <

_AtPffliltryParley5?r^^MOSCOW, Aug. IS (ffl-Calvln ' ' S

vytumwr, WM OJOctBd^JPsSlfleBt OF BMl«tniltthe Idaho Poultry Improvement as- ■•oolatlon today. He was vice presi- deot l u t year. • ^

Ralph Miller, Preston.;wss eleot- I . j a t T i l od vice president and . James W.Beach, Bolae, v a s .retained as sec- ■ r r retary-treasurer. J . o . Merrill, Paul; IRussell Stanley, Nampa, and Oeorge ^ ^ t J b e r g . Parma, ‘■were named, to p t»„ , #,the board of directors. R„V^^T>l„

T^e 18th annual convention end- fiw J t r i ed today with a discusslon of lay- Itw -^M o vwtllatloa and poultiy ? { £a ia e a s e s .^ ^ .tl;.,-- Twln.Fftlls

BTSHiEV. Aug. 13—Funeral serv- Natlonol Cices for William Everett (Bill) MlUer AS,errca e.w - ^5’? afternoon a t the the comp sMcOoldrlck funeral chapel with the for develocR e v rc iJd e ~ W n io a3 f< I& tl2 ^ ^ \m ie he-wil^-McKBTohBinui<nJonBa-R«- • M firR r'a McKeroher, -accompanied by Mrs. camp olte,-

„ .committee

°oS , c s ' ‘“ '■”- ‘=1

| 3 r & ™ r r s r ; . ’ “ B e g ithe Hailey cemetery. • SHOSHC

■ M ontana-j

M a g i c V a l l e y u y A T l z _ . ^ P u n e r a l H =

They or—BUHL—Puneral-serrlccs for Levf B ch ln ie r i Miracle wUl be held a t a pin. Sat- ^ l8*yea urday_»t_tha_Alhertsoa-mamorlfll -Ca«.;is l« chapel with the Rev. Harold Fre- mont Smith, poator. _of. th s-F irs tBapUalyehurchrTBuhlr-officlnttDroemUry'^ will be made In' tha Buhl . g

w i N D H .i , - S ; ; ; ; . i ' . , n i c „ tot Sherman H. Laraon will be held a t navy Is anz a p. m. Friday a t the Methodist Walker. r& church wiui the Rev. Harry U s ta r - tng recruit •ftek-Dfftdatnui. O ravenai ^itcs willbe coiidueted.atJhe.WendeU.ceme-tery by the Wendell Orange. 2 ^ | «

WTOfPgJcJSintrfll oftrvkt^ f r t^ Wlllloms will be held a t | ,3 p. m. Priday a t the Wendell LDS I 'chtuch with Bishop Evan M. Wll- t ,

T O ehno Oracr 8 a tu tday..for burial. | ^ - 1 1

FALLS-Puneral aervlces 1 Jor Dr. Charles ,F. Sawyer, ar, will 1 r O fbe held a t 3 p.m. Frid«g «> ♦>.. g)r,» a t■ ^ o y te r l i in h u rc h with the Rev. IDonald B. Dlackstone offlclaUng. + Co<

S g pis.'"' f;, , , ,

h F a s t - H i--I .- --- .- .J J JP ,--

- i = r - ^ N O W = ^ O N L Y D A Y S j

Qt McVEY^" A N N O U N C E M E O T - T O I M

.. - - T n

Club Spej^er j , Uses. Alaskan br;z;

~SuBjecfHereThe' num ber'or“ cWlaren in tKe ' . _

Anchorage, Alaska, school dlsUIct ~ U"BTDWlnr lJ y “lwtJS mid botmds'*- —Wllllnm t

and the assessed voluaUon of the district (about the sUe of the Twin ^“ *.“ 1 ',™ ,

- T«yr>chool-iiiitrjatjrURHor«-ra#ir -broth«.ln-l one-fifth Uie-aaecssed voluatlon-of “*• the entire sUte of Idaho. ti

Thot waa one of tho staUmenU• made Thursday noon 'b r A. W. .- •Morgaa.-formsr-sobooLaupsriatend*.

ent here, who spoke to members of S? ,- tK8-Klwanls club. Morgan Is nowi

headjpg the Anchorage system. l if ;!) ^ The former superintendent shared

speaking honora a t the KlWanli ses- ^ ~' slon with OUnt Evans,' a coach at

the .local school, during. U u-early . X . l f l . C J• 20’s. Both were introduced by O. P. _

I Morgan pointed out tha t a alx I S I j 1 mlUioa doUsr building program Is _, under way. in Anchorage achools u V. and tha t more buUdlngs wUl be J l C. needed. He said that tha.student ..... .. ...." ') increase next term will be some !,• ^ D f fn io n . 300 over the post term. Tbo p u t fr«n * *«•' I term showed a 1,000 increase ever to

Uie -one before It. multt-auUlo;I Wages are high in A luka, he said, worl: but ao are Uvlng coats. He .pointed

o u t'tha t the inlnlmiun te a s e r sol- * sprawling I ary,ia 18.400 but th a t a degree I s re- to rubble.L quired.of.oU.teachers. Some/0,000'’ Company , applIcoUona were received l u t year damage f l^' for employment. There wUl be some Uon doUars

8,700 atudents In the Anchorage sys- ing ahort ot.tcm.nMt.term,____________________.the.J,OOO..en

As an example of the boom now suburban 1 .going on in Alaska. Morgah said re- to flee the b Ull sales in.th«_BChool dlaCrlcl'.area a.Uaming.lt aloM total Mme_ipo_milllon.d«llar8. _ iJ v o n la - l The toTO h « a population of aome junet 1* H/ 17.000. mate nlaced

Morgan la vlaltlng Twin Falls for a few days before returning to his of o,e two^l

During his Ulk, Evans kept in a SSt humorous vti’n ht th t i .i.. _ i■"oid-dft-ys-nn-atniBUca-in-Twm- Falla. He wIU apeak at, several other ^ .1 . , , u . meieUnga before returning to his » mh_ Unlveralty of Oallfomla coaching S®*vposition. He coochea boaebaU there. f,„M f

FoUowlng the '.regular meeUng.President K enneth' Montgomery cailedJLjpeclaL session o£.direetora.They.mndfl plans for. ■m_arflo.wlda.•s*MioimexrThurBdgyTitrvwehtirt6‘ officers from Twin Falls ond the vorlous other clubs will caucus and aelect a candidate for Ueutenont governor of Klwanls to bo voted on the.flro Intc at-Uie Seotember converitlon a t Sun 7“ '°" ' * Valley. -lor-arrojria:- New ibember Introduced to club _

’ . C o n d lSawtooth naUonal forest. Mrs. CaUii

------ -------------------- OaUf.. is in

Gamp Site Is TZSi_ / • , ^ • B hehadb

Under Study. Plans for developing the new hecouse of ti Snake RlverBoy Scout council comir B«w«r «»d site a t Claredon Hot springs neor San Diego Hailey are expected to be drown up Bremerton, within one month. Ralph Kalaher^ Benicia. - Oa Twln.Falla Boy.Scout executlro..an-. .Qloud.„Wci_ajmn^y_TOuf5du^«: ^ J L -------- -yrahairHsn

igaloher reports Frank Rogers, .

Natlonol CouncU of Boy Scout* of S l i f f f f l America engineering service, visited the comp site recently to study plans

jQt.dflv.floplng.Jt,_______ _____________While here. Rogers visited Mr. and ^ n q m y so

•M firR ra.'R ohdeJIT donors-or the -***‘fy - to -camp site,- and Roy Pointer, councU “ nounU o .committee cholnnan In charge ofdeveloping the site. f—------------------------ .. between a

“ B e g i i r S e n t e n c e s ~ i S h ™ ;SHOSHONE. Aug. 13-The three certain atr

Montana-jnen convicted of-forgefy from boUiand sentenced to not more thon dent Elaen14 yeors In Uie sUte penitentiary figures shoT ueaday were token to Bolae tha t —not mllll

"^{erheon^bratatB-offlcers. ^ — The-omi^ ^ c y are ^Jo^^O H ogan , Fred _monJs

A 18-year-old Kjy Involved In the tracted fr ca«..'Is_belnK_held_ln«the-Llncoln. -h«dget_'wo county jail pending medical InvesU- blUIoa doU gatlon before being taken to .SUAathan^'Vuiin^rrpl-KKc^i : ^ v ; - ----- -----------

E n l i s t s i n N a v y K ir w kEnllaUnentof Robert R. Lulow. 19, 1 N U Y \

eon of John E. Lulow. Eden-; In the navy Is announced by MMO Oeorge Walker, recruiter. Lulow Is recelv ing -n tP lltJrsJn lng at San Dlego, . ________

foR iE N T A L l Nyf

t ____NOW OPEN I r e t l

r 11:30 AVMr II F o r L U N C H E S , , i I - a i 1d - D t m £ - R S ^ - M s - d e ^t C ool, C om fortab le I a snug i C su rround ings t wl*" ru t

> m n » * Stiffness

I-' ------------------ --------------------no sfortt


TSIz«t tr ..... la rg e -

' ' O n ly ■

n |K j | | l ^ ™ B - i' ' Delight

to core............... _____________________ __ in paste

- j ' “ pattemi

> A Y S A W A Y T ~ “ " " ^ L —

m ' s y vr TOMORROW! ^ *-

- ■ TraiM-TOW3.TTi>m

Twin Falls News ilWins Soholarshlp , Births—RoM^MIUer,, ^ In -T allSr-hu-re------A—ion—waceived a. line arU scholarship award M ^ valleya t Kansas SUte college---- -------Mr,-and-Mra

— — .A ' daughter «Rctarns From M p Mr. and Mn.—Wllllnm H. wiotCT-haa-TetcTDed- •Fallsrwid**' from SouUi Oate, OaUf., where he Dan Black, I visited .hU .twin brother and a .'

-broU>er«in*lawr-both-«f-whom-baVfr 0 «B)mI«loDe< been UL _ c . R. Ensle

------- — ^ TTIgglnr- . StOMarrUra IJeaases commissioned

Dean AUclnsoD, Ooodlng, and Bev- upon-ooinplet erly Anderson, Twin Falls, and a t Pensacola.

T lrga-V O it-and 'Joan Mmer.-liolh' l ie r a ^ g n e d Filer, obtained marriage licenses air b u e In Wednesday a t the county clerk's training, office.

------------------------ ------------ — ■ FUeAppllesU

Torch S p ark :^ jS S ! Is Blamed in address and i

T 7 '_ . T ? * bathroom. Earactory t'u’e..... — — - J avenue eaat, :D ffniorr.-A ug. U m - a spark douWi

fr«n a welder's torch .w u blamed „ ----- Ztoday for touching.off a spectacular 1multl-miUlon-doUar fire which klU- J . W O . Jed two workmen and injured more ' . _than a score qt othera aa i t reduced . A 1a sprawling Oeneral Motors plant x V l C J to nibble.■ Company offloials feared the final | " n i ldamage figure might reach W mU- x j v w Uon doUars and said Jt waa noth-ing short o l a mlracle Uiat m « t of . ..H fr .th e j,000. eraployes_on_duty_at.uie suburban Uvonia plant managed

—Llvonla-Publio - s a fe ty Director yuht'sIde'cK i Jsmes 1* Hsgsn's prellmlnsrr eitl- the lata Mr. mate placed the damage a t h mil- the Car, th>n i llon doUart.~He aald u e only part thrown 17 fee ol the two-block-long atnicture left s t o p ^ . ' The w u a secUoa housmg tront offices, thrown out th The rest w u a m a u cf charred when it atooiJ i r t o j j u t i iw u t id J ta iz : ------------- ?i6Uiliia;::wall

The lire started d u rln r yester- were scattered day's lota afternoon shift while a >i(nirtiiwelder, not Identified, w u working near a tank of highly inflammable S e ^ w U h fluid uaed to clean U-ansmlsslons, J nif

Biasing fluid showered Irom the T n X / l S , ? . tank and raced acroas Uie creosote- wm t im o f f ' trented-woodennitxmir-thB-olsntr -^■hia£=lnak*s:i:tfanainlMloi»-for 4 ^ ^ f i J c n U l Cadlllao and Pontlao passenger can.Flames soon spnad to an oil-soaked * “5/,conveyor belt which helped carry « “», toe ahei th'e.flro into the OM Tematedt dl- vision, a producer-ot range-finders j , ,

^ '■ coupe,' wos dln ! • • • r t • coroner. Dr. J

-Condition Senous^Mrs. CalUe May Lewis, San Dlego, lavesUgaUd.:

OaUf.. is in serious eondlUon a t the beUeved the t Twin Falls ellnlo hoapltal foUowlng a. m., althoui a cerebral hemorrhage Saturdoy. unable to get

She had been VUltlng her moUier;Mrs. Annie Shohoney. ot 7iS5,_..

Brothen and sisters called hera because 61 her lUness are Mra. B. E. l l f r a 1 ? Brewer and Ernest Shohoney, both l U l O . - J.V San .Dlego: Howard Shohoney, T T rtti /» i Bremerton. W uh.: John Shohoney. i l O I l O ] Benicia. -OaUf.: Mrs. Donald Mo- CASTLOO' .Oloud..,W cndeU.-and-. Mra^- Fay. « e ^ i,^ S

I Methodist ch

S l i g K t ' D i f f e r e n c eBURLEY, Aug. 13—Even in Sololat wos

these days when a study of as- occomponled I-tronomy sometlmea-DppeorsTiW^ -who-aUo-ploy-easary-to-comprehend th e-v a jl- lude-muslc_Aamounts of money used to fl- Mra. George Bnance government, there stUl is B . P. .Johnso.a Teal, down-to-earth difference sang,between a million, and a bUUon. Pallbearers

— la-Uie-report-W edncsdoy-by- -sonrSororHejSen. Henry W. Dworshak that lu y Pettllohicertain amounts had been cut m . W. Cookfrom both TVuman's and Presi- in thd Buhl eedent Elaenhower's budgets, the ------1!_______figures should hove been bllUon FOR ATHLI—not million—dollars. _ ___n e e * i/ cb

— T he-am ounl-cu t-from —m iJ-man's proposed budget was 14 oev*AUat—

tracted from t h e President's kwirf f«r_budget_'wa#_fouc_and_DneJialL c«« »i»i» flTRor blUIon dollars. W -l. at ■nj’ dn

________ _________________________ ONE HOUR. TSI----- --------------------------------


Nylon-T affeta------ "-----P e ttico a ts ...■

T h e y - ju s t- c a m e - ln 'T T ';-------------------■white nylon to f fe to p e ttico a ts__________ / _M ade with e la s tic w aist, j j ta snug fittin g yo k e yf7/iTfiw ith ru f f le d 't ie r s . / 7 / l v \S tiffness s tays in— / / / / 1 1'jno sto rtch lng o r .»Ironing. W ash a n d d ry

/ / / f ll ■ SIzet imoll, medium, i j '!

.... lorge — Whir# only A . / "

O n /f f

V - ^

______ l _ S h o i t y __________ - ______ S I

Gowns ’ PojDellghUul to wear! easy ........TSieyVe jto care for. nicely styled 1^8ht to v

' ----------



N P A L L S o I D A H O I — ......

W in Brief l ^oodi■r t.„.... II.-) ”

— 3S3A daughter w u bom Wednesday W --------- {fnMr. and Mn. Eugene Mesaner. Twln »m. be Oene FallsrTin(l**“*on-tc-Mrr-and~MTS7 'iTo'TO aa ct~E Dan Black, Edeo. noid,

n e d ------ * ‘C. R. Ensley, son of Mra, Faye E. -Monica. Calif

Higgins; M# Ramage street, w u ^ m i« i«n> H UX ensign In the navy i Among Uie «pon .oon ,p lclU i« .pr« .Ill8 lit.triis S f ' j f . ™ '5 a t Pensacola. Flo. Ensign Easley h u f:b e r a ^ g n e i n r t h e '^ l l n r n a v a l - air b u e in Florida lo r advancetn in lns ' Department

- Inelude Dr. IFile AppUeaUons --------- - cla^ .veEerlnar

Two new.bulldlng permit appllca- general UveaUons have been filed a t Uib clly hall. Clarence WellRichard Pruden, 179 Bracken sU-eet BuUer, baelsouth, plans to move a 30- by 33- swine and shifoot buUding to his Bracken street horses; WUliitddreta and remodel his residence's V. Bumgarnerbathroom. EsUmoted cost is >1,000. tlculture; 0<nEUngsbury's Pharmacy. 177 Main club, flowers;avenue eaat, plans to erect a 8- by slonal Womei16-loot double-faced aeon sign, partment;' E<

---------------------------- and girls' cli

Two. PersonsJudges will

Are Killed in - v'f?' S .a‘Shorthorn; Qi

Cotmty Crash. *! pert, swine an

<rn>« Ptx* OflO ler, Twin FalliiherJfl sold Outh m ust bave been ol, Jerome. 1Irivlng at-hlgh-speed.---------------- HalnUne,-Fll<

Alter hitting ihe bridge, the car Fred Kohl. £ n n t another 134 feet belore stop- Wheeler, H a jing.~'BrIdge 'planklng 'flp p ed 'tn o Olen Bodily,'! •Hhfslde-off the'car.'TrwuTjBllevsa- tieulture:“Robi he lata Mr. Outh w u dragged by 4-H livestock h« thAT win fiy>;r. Hlu body w s 4.TT rfnirvr hrown 17 feet from where the car ome. poultry; topped.' The oUier occupaata were Burley; Edna hrowa out the right aide of the cor Florence Schu vhen it stopped. The sheriff said homemoklng. aothiagr-watarmsjon«..and-peaches. —The—4-U--^ vere scattered all over. ment Is undo

The stnicture of t t e ' bridge w u Helen Lamprei leacribed by the sheriff as being Uon agent, an vooden, with obout 10 by 10-lnch Hagermon, su josts and planking about. 4 by 10 Lorry WUIlo nehes. The enUre southeast comer. 1084 rodeo qivai.tom.off.1____________________that toe gueei^ J L d c n lJ n n n wwi_rldlng_Q.n;}he.Tone seat on tfioTrlght side ond rodeo-fflth lis wife WM riding on the righ t rear «ot, Uie aheriff aold. Donna OuUi lores LeoveU, v u riding in the ccnter-ln front, Po»y Frostena md the lltUe girl in the le ft reor. • Jacltson. Weni -Tha. car, a.UM.01damnhllft-gftxUib. Xola_Clfinr_J :oupe,' w u demolished. *1110 county dricksen ond ' icroncr. Dr. J.«Woodson Creed, ond _ --------

nvesUgaUd. 'The sheriff said It w u . ‘j ’',® ‘ jeUevcd the occldent.ocourred-at 7 jnow »na «e I. m., olthouBh the aurvlvora were ^ mable to get word to the port of :H. ^ »i mtryunUl 7:30.'The sheriff orrlved It 7JS5, , • Knull Orange.

The talent

Mrs. Rutherford Honored in Rites

CASTLEFORD, Aug. 13—Puneral ieryjgq~for"Mrw.--T.fiMn~ttTit>i*»rfnrrt

Soloist wos Mrs. George BUck,•ccomponled by Llsbeth Lou Shields,fho'auo-ployed-preludo-ttnd'poit^ ----- -------------ude-muslc_A-(martet-composM-^f ____ - . . _Ira. George BUck, Mrs. M. W. Cook.}. P ..Johnson-ond I<. B. Shields ong.PaUbearers were'Selmer'Thomp-

onrSoTOrHesselholtrJohn-ThomasT ------lay Pettljohn. Walter Reese, and IS. W. .Cook. Interm ent wos made In thi Buhl cemeUiry. |

:0R ATHLETE'S FOOT Ijs e _ a j ( e r a t o l y t i cJECAUSE— D P

IMM (mitl and kllli It en canUci. -mtM» BTRONC. fc.fat«lnli ______ / v A

'^•L. al anj’ i n t ilgr*. It nal pl«tM4 IN # 7 ANE HOUR, 4k back; No* a t T»I- J L I


-COMIf f If \ l3


SPR,_________ __ Gallon

__S^rty... 6.9!Paiamos_______________

^nieyre so wonderfully . P i IV light to wear and never

-3.98 -

g e fe n s [ iy

S o o d in g F a ir

"TtnHp S I Mrown-aSaTuilflgBtcr;' Vch Hey-olds and LltUe Bever. ColevUle. orfir« «ollf, WlUl Uiclr trained Brahma • * ^u llsr^aad r^u ck -P ark in sr-B aat* ^ronlca^CaUf., announcer. steps while cAmong the free' events .are the niUs . . . Saloi

orse show sponsored by tho Oood- in* o n street tig Riding club a t 3 pJH. PWday of bricks dennd-*-oow-«uttiaf-and-junior-cow -uterlor-of rutUng contest a t 3 p jn . Saturday, building . . . <Departmeat supervisors this year Wnd pair of .

sneral livestock superintendent: ed in' IroHTse larence Wells, dairy catUe; A.,H.- at sam e'tim e :uUer, bael catUe: Earl France, uilng lett ho vine and sheep; WUUam Jackson, uUins Al Wei orses; WUllam Pyle, poultry: J. other . . . Anc . Bumgarner, agriculture and hor- vldaon telling ! culture: Ooodlng County garden pit when trui ub, flowers; Business and Profes? highway rearonal Women'a club, women's de- --------artment;' Edward Koester. boys' Tl*’_ ^ T Tnd girls' club work; W i l l i a m L nSilX i lhoules, FFA. and Veraoa Ravens-:oft, livestock parade. t r F f l V GJudges will include James Mab-•ly, Rupert, open class dairy: Mel- Omveslden - Orosaleyr'PrulUond.-M llklng WMley Haven(lorUiom: Qeorge Cleveland. Cold- ■'•ur-Ou*msey;:-Edwiird_EttraQna. tery_ ;wiu» theayette, beef; WUllam P rle itrR u - « rQ n r :nirt. ewlne ond sheep: Walter MU- ,r. Twin Falls, horses; Lomm Flor-, Jerome, flowers: Mrs. Haroldalnllne,-Filer,-women’s-dlvlslon;red Kohl. Shoshone, and JameaTieeler. H a i l e y . mUceUoneous:len Bodily,-BUriay, crops and hor- _____nJlturei-Robert KemarTwin Falls;H livestock: Oeorgo Cleveland,H dalrv: Loren W. Cannda. Je r- o fne. poulUy: Marjorie OUlesple, arley: Edna WIegen, Jerome, and nillltftry police orence SchulU, Twin FaUs, 4-Himemoklng. ______ __ ____ ■ ______-The—4-U—homomoking—dciiazt-. . •_______ent la under the supervision of tlen Lamprecht, home demonatra- ^:n agent, and Mrs. LeRoy Jolley, agermon, superintendent.Lorry WUlIoma, cholrmon of the '84 rodeo queen contest, reportsa t the queen contestants wlU po- _____ae-ia to-.m o.arcnaieaai-aign i-or10 rodecrwith-iwmirHobdpyrsUssr-------'53 queen. Conteatonta ore De-res I^ovell, Annie Lou Aatorqulo, '3)Iy Frostenjcn, Fairfield; Carold ickson. Wendell; Pot ElUs, Bliss;)la_Clfinr_JcrDme^Chciyl_Hta=._____ :__ ____ :'Icksen ond Thelma Stevena.

X i r a n f r f i . S e t s j ! ¥ e n t ^ _________Plans foc'o Soturday night' Ulentlow and.Ice.creom aodaU at-the —nuU Community, hall to raisends-to concrete the basement'of ■-.0 hall ore onnounced by .thenull Orange. _ « ^ BThe talent show Is free, but a ^large will be made lor refresh-ents.. Proceeds w U l.be used toncrete the buem ent for use asBoy Scout room.

- — -N E W 100%RICH LUS

5 P t lE DDRIES rR 14 TfcnjR

—F a c t o r y B e HERE FRIDAY

C O M E I M * ^ P F _________ t h e* •O M ttflllll


SPREO OtOSS- ■ tlfu j raady-*

- malchad lo S

SPRED G L O S S ^Gallon Q u a rt Pint - —

6 ,9 f 2 .1 0 1.25 SPRED SATIN f

--------- G a tlo n ................. - Q u o i t ' “ I'

Z A J 9 ^ \ . 5 9 t .

301 M ain A venue V /e tt

------------ ~

Seen Toda^]•erore lumping out o l car ond hikh. ' I ’l - - r— rig -Ih to -o fftw r-rT -rL leu t-rm toe ------JeU on leave from army . . . oa r T hat.i..' • ••itarly-hiUlas-womaQ-as-shtnrtronficross interaecUon reading letter . . Office workeni d iscu ss in g ^ :

raatages of living in Florida .ITan aearly IMUng dow5”postofliM higher ■teps wh^-<Uitrncted by-.pawinj i te e n V e ite L ^ nlis . . . ealoaman and maa stand- BuUa » 2 ? * lV 5 Dg o n atreet oomer talking . . . pn . » ^If b rick s d e n o U n g 'ia U n t td cover E d ^ , i ? “ » Ja u a te r to r - o f new -E p licopal- church m llding . . . O u s K elker h iding be- brou»hi‘%'®*^ te u Ilnd p a ir o f su n g la sa u W oman W alt« ^

,p r in k l e u g ja a ld _ g a te r . U ie - U » S S ^ ^ « Dg aldBwaUc_.,,. *niree_wpmen se at. » ig n a en T 2 ? ?* « ■d in f ro n T a ea t ot a u to aU gabblnir 0,t s a m e -u m e . . H ow ard M o lfu w S S ? ^ Ji a ln g le ft h a n d to asalat h im in faJS SfcllV "* *« eUins Al W estergren som ething or s S « ^ f t ither . . . A nd 'o v e rh eard : B en D a- to Idaon telling how ho took to borrow m erd^ •»!

Wan Honored by i T ' a S Graveside Service

arftveslde services n r Jomea iVesley Havena.trare held Thunday ehoSVu^*^?. .llemoon at -the Twin Falls ceme- low ^ ery^wlUi the Rev. Ruaaell d . Wal-&s o rttrtlerom tt'B opU afchurch- toijficlatlng. rn«.r £Zt neaen |Pallbearers wtse E arl Olork, Carl »14”» lj« ” Jl!;ii;

liver and Everett WooUey, all Twin calvea m

Voolley, Ooodlng.-and Joo YBar- lioSo uen. S alt Lake c ity ., ... ..........

--------- SERVES IN KOREA------------OAXLEy, Aug. 13-P/c. Oerald H.

31ion, son o l Mr. and..Mrs. Fred The Isle of v.„ lnonr^R M ey.-U 'servlng wllh“ a from EBiUoifiS illltftry police battalion in Korea, land.

P B S m a

0 0 % l a t e x - r a s e -



D e m o m tr a t io

PAY aiifi SATaRDif c ^ R E E r b u d v a :


______ — N o P .W ig ^ .io n r_

S T E - T H t 4 8 l t


THE 1 0 0 * l A T I X

• SmMth «a tn . • N i tei*


SPRED OtOSS UaTBllalitaln IS bM«< M B H i v Mtlfu j r«ady-te-ui« te la f i p»rt«rtli' t r malchad lo S « ! 0 8ATIM,wall paint prafafflJ bv mitlloni.______ Jl^^^B ^O ;l|Se

C C --N ew es t-d ev e lo p m en t--------^ “ l l |

t _ in re se o rc trb y M .- J j■ 'th e jm a k e 'rs o f fcm ouj . -

t 5 - - SPRED SATIN. .


■ ^ ^ 2 2 ! ! ! - : — - -

B ^ e e r __________ _

U foclns opc&lns

J in tbe srea. N.

M o y j s s f ^ y s ” H H ^W g j^ lT ir ^ ’M"""^ ^ K i^ U a n Clyde Mua- j K - J r '- •''-'"

t^oo employ- i ^ & ¥ t h V Mlnldolcm« t n »n^ ^ g g 'J c J i l v ilB ;^u U o n * » re"n b t" 'l^ ^ ^ ? ' ) ; - V M l . ^ “inc to the-world."

relations P sp o ru n t. and em-

president Ken Fu1d.-Hai1e:r.

«111 meet with ' ^ ‘J sept. » and J^nMUng sept. U.^D. N«mpn, put

. . . . sa»t m n

Hied by-DeathI All*. 13-John EnvJn clob tcboJat |**;?.tSUBcnedlcW . • ._ * jCTuae »k 8 p. Ttl. Wed-

' - H r i r ; u . s . i[IBJ *raO »m _pct. 3, _ ^

^ if l lH -» son In the ‘'i t la ab<-UMTailnc»s. He mar- your way or, piolwa at Grace and y^m. concerntfieath marrled^Ivy K. u,jy impret!

r S ' I f l “ sUii Janice Calhoon, S S ; .un. n,eima Fielding. ^

rtcej will be Held a t 2 "d«y, , t the Wendell LD3?ffl.ihon Evan M. Wll- Jonn H. ,«aS i l r e ^ w T j vin Saturday Ior burial. ' The attra- n funeral home. Oood- la vUltlns thtfM of .orrancementa.__-re»ult.or_Tm

-________ exchange pn

iaymes Will : fltizenship1A8, Nev.. Aug. 13 (W—

Haymei, lacing do- P«It lonowlng BUltiy Rlt* he on<jHiwall. aald today he bttar-Amerlean c ltto n . “TaisBsnriy t , ywr** '** hlw«t> to CM«v,-who-ls-app«tiln8 * ihamn.lt.w junljhtclub. “My ulU. lett your « aiuhlp. I dldn’t-g e f i t »een th«-wea » I'goofed." A full-, tnI ru confident he will jlanned-foc; S 3 .- . to the Haye;— ------------------------- ■sonUrhUl»r<aS-WewgjiVAKT.JU>B. filiMlione.fa]

lOAHO’SI 6 YEAR 0'Full,

l I l l l llllil l fHif e *

| | O t ! f e r ^



[•---■ -• ' -- -- '....... .

.^Discuss Tre

R « r / v y - t ; v ; r - < - ■■-' A ' ■■ ■ ■’i - - k H

w-;-' -

DlaeuMlnc Uiecl trcndi in the Intemallonal I ^Ki«kiaUni profraM’Me-GUeU norrneycrrleft. itudent,- >nd Mra.. John Ilaye*. Twin' Falls, met adiliory committee of the Institute for Intem atl B biracyeria'T lalH nrthe'-lInlteil-S toteff-om m - elab scbolanbip. (SU f/ pboio-eorrarlnr;

■ ._ * * _'-*-----—------------- ;---------* --- 't

U .S. O v e rw lie lm s G<

“I t ■ la abeolutely overwhelming, will return to your way of life, such vaatnesa and lowstone not! your concern for your fellow man— • Olsela Ja ai they impreis me more than your .wonders of ^ modem motor cars ond refrlgera- ^

—T^w-imprtaalon’a nrcU ioae-of-Olj-- ela Borgmeyer, 33-year-old Oerman . student vlaltlng a t the home of Mr. tended ft uosi and Mrs. John E. Hayes, Twin [y and says Fallj, but was dlatu. Mill Bfirgmry«i:.an:lve±licm.Bnt^ “H i !urday evening with the Hoyes’ son ~and daughter-in-law. [Mr. ond Mra.John 'K.Haye3. Ottawa, m.-TTfflfplan-<a-rctum-to-31UnoU-Monday._ .c l iL a h e n o' fh e '-a ttw tlv c Qermon. student q ^ ,la vliltlng the,united Btatos M 'thereault of Tntamatlonol Rotary club However,-*e'xchange program. She la s p o ^ r - 'red by the Ottowa Rotary club. [“ J o n ^ b S

John Hayes attended tho Tlnlver- quicker. She slty of'Berlln In’ 1031 and 1033. He the two metj returaed to .the United States Just Ucol opproac before Hitler came to power. The Olsela Is i German people wero so Und to him student exc that he and his wife decided to feels that n bring Oisela out west with them to among ihe < h^lp^epoy the debt of kindness. solve m aty ' 7T3TsBSns^SM fUltW M 6" fiRRl'- “ O trehr-Jts hiwtt»-to-qmiu mLnL. *‘l magl»B'\t1iaT* •BOffimBlTO riii«TWii I t Wmilrl hrrn.jfJ-TiSa! lioif , J CmO! left your country-without having opportunity seenth8-w eat.lt is wonderful." psychology t

A full-, travel agenda, h ad been . nlnnnrt. tn r ha^bmellt-'w llh-vlilH- — to the Hayes summer home in the qulred a rt a s o n t t r h U ls ^ te r s ^ h e ^ M n - a n d -ploylng-t^o Slibalione.falls-and.Twla falla. They Vlsloainami


The EXERA YEARS enh; the ieaf Bourbon Taf


' ~ v t i m i

s Trends in Program

tmallonal Parent* and Teachers _ . .meycrrleft,-tS-year-oia Germa&'i — —.I' Falls, member of the weitemor IntemaUonai EdueaUoa.-BU«*---------- --------»^es-omm-lntema»lonat BoUry------------------ -

n s G e rm a n — ___ mg = g ? w in ^ td is — ^'111 return to.lUlnols by way of Yel- _ _ _ . )wstone national park. , -Olsela is anxious to see the mony

renders of Yellowstone park. How- ver. a Visit to Kkcs Peak-ln Colora-0-lcft her dl8llluBloned.)"Evcrythlng l‘;7rft-Tn|nwi»Trfiiltfi.Tt,'' iilir ' i r |mrtll. ■ ------ ■ 'Baseball fans purzle her. She a t- ..

ended ft basebaU game here recent- i and says 'she enjoyed the game ut was disturbed by-the manner in ' rhlch the fans yelled a t the um- ilt'tsr-— 3 T ~ ~ --------------------^American parents* method ol ^

nlslnfr-lhelr-fomilles-lnterosta Gis- la. She not<!a_Amerlcan-paienU -- rent their chirarCH more-lllce^dulta ---------------—1-hlle German parents o ro . more •'. trict. .Howoverr~sho.^cvcs.the .Amer-. p rm r in r r jaa

»tn method develops a..sense of ^esponalbillty in'- the .youngsters ') H ^ nulcker. She sees a combination of paaHWhe two methods as Uie more proc- j B .leal approach. i R } Olsela Is o firm believer In the U

tudent exchange program. She Jeels that more personal contacts U 9 K .>mong ihe world population would » olvo m aty ot today's problems.-

Oliielfe lid s" t)ceii a"atiident -titioffiruinyersHyrfor w o - and one- ^ 'la lf ,ycMs-«iiJ..would_wclLvuio uii ■n-------:"•,ipportunlty to B^ldy sociology -and Mwychology h e re ,. . n

Seeing.,ls-^i*t~as-Jiucli-an. te - ■&----------------lulred ort and sklU-aa danclrig or ^>laylng-tho-plaiiv«fty»-tho-Better 4 -----—r-------/la lo aJu a tlliitc_ _ ___ _______ _ W—


I3 enhance | m Taste o f ------1 —

UwHirat— :------- - — I—lA. PEHNSYLVANIA - — ^


jram School a<OAREY, Aug. ]

be pripclp^ol

principal the i

teach the sevenU nna R ny-Bnmty

||^B B E i|K J.p S a^ Brigham Younga-i music Initruc


N e^^O M nby.^

wUl bo depdrtme Patterson—and-

g- J cooch;-'os—teocteachers are R- ture. mathemati **"• “P'clal clas: Andrews, comm

city police cc for overtime pai eluding a ts be

S S B E a g g J ^ ^ B H P S cltntlon posted I

W. O. McCollun

macher; Nell M

^ S f l | | f i ^ ^ ^ S S | | ^ D B ^ H lacc Bond, Tom

Jonea and Mrs.

l l ' i ^ 4KIPDIES-

CrawleiI ;i In. durable iinen o r gabar- 1 dine;‘-Sn.apcrotch-jum per] ^ style. Sm all— m e d iu m ^

j la rg e— extra- large.. A s- / ^ T ^ so i^ d ^ o lo rs r-^ — .;■. , .. J |

I ■1 ________ . ^ .

...........M n K

I " ... , *. JUSX'SAY ~ f— “ CHARGE i r

N FAIiLS;td a h o : ' " ■_______ _

khool at Carey ' Inva To Open Sept. 8

OAREY, Aug. 13—Cecil^Olstn wlU n a r i ^ - runs ••

g iS '^ -J jB l'k -P fttto n o n -w tll-lJ# -saniu 'rian! f( ^ l

''jCM 'wUdc, MounUin Horae, will

Irlgham Young unlveralty. will act “ “*• :Ll music Instructor. Other teachers » ' ' ■ ' ire Mrs. Lillian Smith,-first grade; T ^ 1 . 1 . , ^ * , _ d n . Melvin Baird, second; Mrs. l ^ D D y l n g 'Jeal^Lcasenby. third and fourth; o md Mrs. Alf Bllllngslry. fourth and f e O U g l l t .Iflh .- ----------. -------:- - - ' BYLVAN LAKI_The_6eventh_and_el8hth_grttdaa -Tho-Natlbnal-A ?Ul be depdrtmentaiized with Wilde. tomeys-Oeneral Patterson—and - M o n t e—Bennett, -council' •of“ Stat< :oach;-'08--teachers.--Hlgh school d raft IcglslaUon" ^achera are Robert Day, agrlcul- of lobbying, iure. mathematics and science; O l- The reouest wa ten, apeclal classes, and Mrs. LucUls q; n resolution Andrews, commercial. end . of the annu

................................... ........ terday.

Parking FinesCity police collcctcd S23 In bonds Also odopud

for overtime parking Wednesday In- pledging effortseluding a «5 bond on a delinquent sUtutlonallly o:cltntlon posted by Elmer Perl. lands act. Mont

Posting <1 cach were Cllff Sharp, and Idaho votetW. O. McCollum, ChrU Block, c . W. luUon. ' 'Westbrook. R.W.Mar»h. V.N.Schu- The asaoclatloimacher. Nell Morrlwn. o.-W. Toler, members. They Barl-QutBl«y.Jo*-Bmlth..Mr»,-W*i--SmyllorJ<IahOr-lace Bond, Tom WhUe. E’lmo Ellaon. ----------------------L, Hughes, r . R. Baldwin, Gordon n n n n nJonea and Mra. Dick Stafford. U _

_______ ______________ jOldeit ind ffloui W I P ^ P H I ^ ury Khool in thi

inn ftoa ,l l W l l l l i ^ ___ hiKh Xlwol. S)

ihe fundimeflUl. Rtncditl iiililxi: tu r, athletic. 1

___Etrallme*!! 4,

j 1

wlef$ ' ■ I1*99 f

En t i r e STOCK


Denims cotton .tr im m e d — co bright hand prii

£ 1 ^ 1

'>hivasion ~1.*5. S.S^S 'S Vote to A

—Omon-ft-sanlUrlan- fnr. thB-Btat< health OOTARIO, Ore { deportment, said Wedneaday. hour '(inuity onloc

Hfi said it is the first tlmo TOted to cooperate

county. Reports of ta fM ta^ fS U oB T ^d^o°M dO of rats In Caldwell and Mlddlo- About U of th#

«na in ,‘- " . . " Xmond Mfd. - o t a cent a hundr,

----------------------------------------------- mMit to IlnMice u

Lobbying Control, JSoSSo’tM Sought by Group £° SJ

SYLVAN LAKE, S.D.,-AUg. 13'W ®™**' rho-N atlbno l-A seoo la tloD -o t^t-tomeys*Oeneral has asked tho « u o ^ Peckhm,C ouncil-or-State-aovem m ents'to nw-ff-U io Idaho idraft lcglalaUon"for the'rcgUlaUon nHsalon. said Orei of lobbying. - ^

The request was contained In oneof 17 resoluUona adopted a t tho ■ ^end. of the annual conference yea- ■ ■ ■$■terday. . ■ I l i

The association aald ''odequate" H 'towa are needed to regulate lobby- ■Ing acUvlUes.

Also adopted was a rtsoIuUon ■pledging efforts to sustain the oon- ■stliutlonallty of ■ the submerged ■lands act. Montana. Rhode laland Hand Idaho voted against the reso- ■lutlon. " ■ t # / \

The association elected four board I T Umem^^ra.^ ^ c y included Robert ‘ M * ^

i n n n ^ j i m iu ia r y . f ____ m u . I L ) L j m ;a d e « i y _

OtilMt *nd mow d itl in ^ iW mMi- ~ury jchooi in iiw Northwest, bo»fd." ' iijf! bojs from ftnt gndc thn>u«bhifih xltool. Speciti eaiphatit on ' Am 1lhe fundimeflUlrofTdikatioirwlth— -----^Rtncditl aiililxoce...the fiflettmili. .A /Ury, ithletic, *nd *o<lil training. jW '

Etrolimciiii M t f i r J tM j timi, ^

rm iw u rm M A m T I . - ]4JatirB'me..ro<il‘«*<L20J3a»_______ • ______,1 PluMMedceaplcttUitntantadbalktiA. I W l

j: — ; S H

B B p^ppp« 0 i iX Y t

"Z Z Z Z lZj 51 g au g ^ lS dehf

.........Full-fashionpd hosiery,"sh'eer to aindistinctive Country Beige or T to harmonize with everything you

' a drawerful nqw a t these special

n '. ’ Sizes 8V2 to l l

' T : iSkirts I

o f f /

r aT ir a y o r styles. | " " 'T re r l’i^ cms — cottons,, straw | , . _ , . ,im ed — c o rd u ro y . B to~Scnooit hand prints-^ray- p nylon reimd linens. _ ,r> , ; . , .

__ ' I s tn p ed .iiilues up torl0.95T^^^ ations. I

t t f V l V L s S t M A M A ^ l A i r

W!li|lFRSOPt$eoMnS&mS'—- ■■■■

_ P

iregon Growers S i iS S SJ . A • i * • Tha •Maho>Br«Vote tO'Assist m !

-Onion^PromotionJ?NTARI0, Ore., Aug..J3.WfcdMi4: ' w awBinf -^ leur county onion growers h»y« ' 1■oted to cooperate with the Idaho idTOilstng” commiaion' on TJronKK lon cf Idaho and Oregon onions, ? j g i i 5 h l ? ^ .

About SO of the .growers l « n l ^

if a cent a h u n d re d i^ h t ftnrtni- S l Salndor is-tlnent to finance the program, but try In the west«niho matter wUl l^e.aubmltted t o ' a _______. l".L 1 ' .•eferendum of the 300 Ongpjn grow-jrw later. No opp Uon wis a - > " ’ ’SPRAjreased at the meeting, but .about > wimLabIiIaaU.of-th*-growet«-»tt«ndlng-<lld y»MLWlCTTrAPWaot vote... ........... ......... .................... ( R A K I D A t L“ Hubert Peckham, WUder, a mem-

Id*ho .d rtttw u it-eom . {-1633: — fH O tnlsalon, said Oregon growers a te K n y iju V i/W v -

l ETUS - i


— e V e E x p e r t s

t*' ’ Yes. we’re experts a t getting the tne

out ot your chUdren's ahoes. We can s<

-----’emc ieel-femr-llfcHemr-llt- em .. .-j----------- 5i -------- and .rcnnomlcally>,ft>a^rlng_H>emJj

now . . . In Ume to have them new looUng and the wear back

In befora school start*

...... -

workmanship and each repair Job is gua

H U D SO N 'j S H O E R E P^

. •• DOWNSIADta , '

1% : ME— I S d e i u e r .....~ ^

ery,~sh'eer to a filmy mist T ' : | B;ry Beige or Town Taupe • ffyverythingyouwear. Buy, p J .; these special sa^ngs.

8 V 2 to l l ' 7 .

i j o y s ^ ^ v j c i s

^ pair ior 0 0

' 'T f e r i ’i ^ o o r 'cTiance t^^^ -S ch o o l! These- q u a l i t y so nyloii re in fo rced heel an d toe. striped , in m an y handsom a coloj ations.; L a to ra to r ifB s te d -a n ff£

shop’t a S ^ U l i y f i R E E P i ^


PAGB3s£ ^ ^ |tttng-a'

M (Uc»lala«d ' e, BOlMitaIlm HiiHiiiiiiii w n iin I

BANSEN.- Atlg. .ISr-Mr,'

SltoZlSveStonedtim Si^^^loltlng his sister. Mrs, B. V /t t and_ lwal^._'___-

y In the westeni • h e a l s p h ^ i , | , ^ ^ ^ ^ J

.B a c L S r iS f r rA P h lM M i^ B U in H H


We do- r ' h o s i e r y r H H

^ M E N p iN G ,

getting the most shoes. We can'sole',nr^flt-^em .« .-j . ■.■ aSpIw......a i r i n g - th e m la le to have them the wear back ^ool start*

la ilnMt-matoriaTs«palr Job ia g u o t i n t e ^ T ^ ^ T B H

» O R ' s .-

l E J P A l R ^iT A n s- ', '

S e 5 |3or 0 0 c ■

u a l i t y soc k s 'h a y e ,? jW

1 an d to e .: ;B n g h t ly ';^ B Jsoma color c o m b in Y fjH ested-anffappr6v e d .H ^ H

:— •■ .:• ■ ----- .'.'.■■'<,1


io WlJtllL - *1*8»| ^Bj

>»»»Blne ft i t n - ^ S * ^ ®

fonni, mmatwUinu^“ 2 : ' t t ^ S(Wned a o ^ i^^loa be du?%'the c o n o t f e S wW* kwn-boT^gSw M ,^Thertliao"Qifl22Mitne Met o{ “n j c J i r ^ K

P » a B ^urn. If he etc

“ "“■2'«Stfg»In oUis vordi w ^ E

»hlch U l l i . S M * t o l s H n u l K S ®

Resjdenteoi®'Travel, iJiB

rUEIl,' Au£. u i ^ r Bunee' hUini^ k'acatlon ti 6 u C S z W * ^ngelei, CiUf.::Mr. » ad -iii* ,-ftm ® Uesft. CiUf, a n i ^ K

y » T ,fwnllr.—wt»- tuTi tier puenU. Ur. ud ) A i ! Johiuon, 1t{( T ttd iu S f bome Bt W u itc iu n k S ;

Mr. ftDd U r r i L , W ramlly, {uetU ot ttf D. H. PtTll. lUTi f a B ivra*h.T'wniike I b t t ^ V

Mr. tnd Mn. reUirned lo tto x Mr. Md

GoldeoMt.' - ^ ■ i

en q f-A u to S u fi

UST 17

I NiROtcF:^

OM SUITDDON-HAir:>9.95.{ex_e!iinj<i


D voreil

MLY!. . ,

• ■ H jj- tW

3 1

kers,..::lS_...Now ; 4 ^ ^ B

J tto n to "

= S m

............................ “M»BY CAaBIE^SpATADU IN ADVa'nCB . . . . m tW

----------- H r - ■

iM w Bfc» C«Mtr. W»T»**» t i.M K g

----- ' ---------« lio E

^^Ktrsss** ... -------------IB l -^ * ‘S 5 f o S f f A ? ? K ‘S J " „ . ih S

U l M>rk»t a tm t. Sas PnoelMo. Ctlir. Of U------------ tribu

FAITH IN SUPEH-MAGIC “^ ^ H E o i c m e n t Attlee, leader of the Brltlah Labor of lo ^ ^ H n r t y , doesn’t 'th ln k tho proposed big-power' of a I H H h k s a t tho foreign nUnlstor level are a good Bi\ ■ M b s t i t u t e for the top-level dlacusslona aug- H B B S s t e d by Sir Winston Chufchlll lost Mey. I w ^ ln A t t l c o 's arguments are a trUlc strange. Ho i t '

a foreign minister^' meeting would fall on t ^ ^ H H c a u s e the west and Russia havo taken M B nt-rr.nncllabl& .D 03ltlonB-on the crucial Issue H B B iT aVrmany'a future. B ut he Imagines tHB" H i l B i a d s of-the blrpow ers-could somehow sur- ej I H B lount th is difficulty by considering It In seiu ■ K ^ e larger setting of a world-wide settlem ent. ^ B B i - To-be sure, Bir Winston himself seems to f„ir

Ye~bad'great fa ith In ^he Idea'bf a top- it ?eI-conference.-But-thls l/j partly-thc-wlsh- xieW I dream of an aging Btatcsman who wants p"*'

grawn_a brJlllant. ca ree r-by -jtrlltlng -A . imendous blow fo r 'la s tin g peace.Insofar as I t Ib a realistic proposal, S ir cc Inston recognizes th a t a t the s tart It can

^ ^ B -iittte-moTerU «n-»-problng-of-SQiiielJnr_ ^ B V ntlons to determine how much substance

ace." For th a t purpose, tallcs a t th e foreign inlster-Ievel-can 4orvo-a«-a-'U8oful-preUm—

^ H c Auiee'5 fa ith In high-level conversation,, servi iwever, appearsto tally blind. I t Is the faith n m nn * imiyprsal solvent fo r all

e world's Ills. He evidently believes th a t v«^ ^ B N r e e of four m en representlng'powerfu\ n a - in uB M y fT r ir r - - virtually a t a single stroke, brush poiit■ K S J ra ^ rT re i r t - i s s u c T T in d -u s h e rH n - t t r^ o d -^ ^ B S "peace and enU g^enm ^nt.--------------- ----------*-po^ ^ B O K o t ~ ^ c e ^ i ta ln 'f l prew ar Labor party vhic^ ^ B ^ e r . Ram say MacDonald, tolled for dls- vou)^ ■ b m am ent-w lthout-attaclclng^ttje-problem s- -cans

a t m ake m en arm has th e world M en ju ch ijspe’ndence upon th e notion of a grand p an- way<ea oeo]

^ ^ B Very possibly th e Institution of the top- ^ ^ B i rel conference ia ^oday an outmoded dovice^ ^ B world diplomacy. I t implies th a t all th e inen^ ^ B tlona big, and small, - ^ l abide by the decl- the

»ns of th e ‘‘B lgjrhrccIloj-^U ie.:® w ar-tim e they may, since the conditions

^ ^ ^ B m xnrifllrti t.»wrt fnMM pnWBr in tha wM»n^ ^ ^ 1 n d a of a few greati leaders. But peace- prov

n e O s lso m e th in o ls^ • 7?]^^ H E There's moro to It th a n Jusl^thO' question-

je ther th e ' heads of the big powers .can* g ^ ^ B ally Bpeak fo r others. There’s tho m atter chtr ^ ■ b iw h e th e tz th ey apeat-honestly . President:^ ^ B t^nhow er-h in ten ignrteri :eYldfloee.flt:.aufc: ^ ^ B ' - in good-laith. We made a m ajor concession ^ ^ B ; len we agreed to the foreign m inister talks'- Y ^ ^ B i sifch evidence. B ut this problem^ ^ B eins to trouble Attlee and some others very 71

tlK— :------------------------- --------- --We had “Big-Three” talks a t Teheran. Rob.

^ ^ B ; a t a and Potsdam, '^ tey symbolize a string ^ ^ B l broken Russian promises, promises th a t 7 ,

ire-]»ade-to. b e -b ro k en ^ lt 1& a .aource-ol- .voia m d^r’that;responalble'm en~can'ttow have tha

: 'h ig h a hope foe another such conference. H B ; A ttlee actually is suggesting we- p\it our

|iBh <n ft. -klnd_nt-m flplc^BuU w a-ju ianeedT rauper= H oud in ito -iip irirB w ay ' -riani

^ ^ B e armed m ight and aim s of conquest which s‘vei ^ ^ B icft Russia, th e continuing menace It la. ~ ~ '

--------------------------------------------- Tt.

■ H CONFUSION^)F REDSH R Another h in t oi Ameiicon colnmunlsia’ tn, p m H nfuslon an d perplexity appears evident In cu^

^ ^ B id e 'to o b ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ ia y 7 o n 'h e M ? n g 5 'f^v i ro th e subversive activities control board, -been Although they were cited m any months 0 by the departm ent of Justice as antl- ,

^ ^ B _ nerlcan groups liable to reporting on their Th ■ D r mnces, ond a c t ly l t l^ 4 h e lr lawyers plead dcnc ^ ^ B - ey-ara^imjsropared-.for-the formal hearings;’ ^ 0^

ley-have accused the board o ru n fa lrn c « . .®r* ^ | B ' dlsm iuihg these requests. ai v,H H Aa a result of th is strategy, many board ahou H B ' wyers and a ttaches 'suspect th a t th e reds Tot H H ~ e noplng a n a waiimg orouna lo r a more "P ”*

vorable atmosphere, possibly bom of im- H H ~: oved relations between the United Statea

I Id Russia.Itiloplcs aa jf-they-w ould llke-to-fltave-off-

^ H ~ cls^on day untU a f te r the W eat and thois t have staged their top-level conferences tcui tHhe-German-and-A^istrlftn-problemerand.- zrr<y: Itu th e political phases of the Korean dls-

^ H . Ite havo succeeded or failed.^ H ~ T he board, however; Is'expccted to Judge lum' ^ H e various so-called fronts on their own past price ^ 1 - cords, not_on .what Malenkov or his succcs- eycr

rs sign a t the European or Koreafi pow- ^ H ' JWBTAh’d 'I t fu r th e r indicated th a t almosT mu B B 1 these organizations with the come-on aee' H l 'R g n o m e n s will be hold to be willing and able only B B o f th e Krem lin.■ B f • • • • • ' dl»b

B 9 . . . Y A N K EE D IFFERENCES wmn J sa n . B alph Flandera, ]r ., K„ Va„ told the S l ■ f l ffnate w h a t- th e -d lffe re n ce was between a ■ S l » n n o n t-R ep n b llca n an d a Tennessce“ Re- #um: M M .jubllcan.* , on pK B ^Senator F landers was In eastern Tennessee

i5peettng~a~ rmont-mgrble-iiuarry, own— -fro

by V ermont Interests. As eastern Tenr___ No

ssee J s a .S epub llcan -^ trongho id rS enato r- m ders asked th e quarry m anager w hat the Terence was b e tw e e n 'a Tennessee Yan- -niirn'. B and a V ermont Yankee? • possii■‘A Vprmont^ a n k e e -w a n ta -th ft-b e a t-c n d - J , bargain;" the; m anager rep lled ,-‘'and. “ i*. T<ooessee Yankee w ants both

■......._____________■ ' . a

” TU CK ER’S NATIONAL. W H IRLIG IG f« > WASRINOTON-Atty.-aen. Herbert O. Brownell, ^^ I.- h „ h,.giin 10 compUfl g tentaU w > lis t o l poaalble S J J

aDBolnteea to th e aupreirne cour; o i la o u n iu a u u le k ~ ~*cH . J- ----In view of aeem injly authenU c reporta th a t “ v e r ^ - •' ----- n i'eiii5« i'W lU 7eilp i 'liirln ro r-a t-lhc -c lo#e o H h e u e x t- -:t • teitn, which will end, in June, 1954. L_——tr —The^nattctrmor t frgqueatly-aieti— ----------V4 K g V ^ ^ ^ H tloned 05 anxloua' to termlD&t« tlielr An eo

f f laenlorlty. Stanley P. R«ed, Ken- one wetucky: Pellx .Prankfurtcr, Maaaa- uke to

chuaelti. and WlHlun O. DousUa. olWashington. Reed haa not been well can.for aomo time. Guy

Frankfurter haa' aald he vould ^m e no.Uke.to.devoc«.hla time to-w ritlns tnd lookand lecturlnB. Douglaa may quit for yeara,personal reaaona,-larsel)r-because of Tt

>» B<r hla need of a larger Income. _ dnys.-H•. atory to

MAY DEFER RESIGNATIONS—The? may defer ^ ^their realgnatlons unUl next June, however, becauae tw waa

■ of Uie heavy gist of important caaea beforo the high ^rd for“ tribunal. Theae involve such epitaUtma aa aegitBatton bled 00

In the elementary achool syatcm,‘numerous civil 11b- betow, Ierty t-wues arising from»federal aod atat« ImpoalUon y jp . j

'f, of loyalty oath «yilema and waterpower controvmlea ,hora air' of a baalc nature. and hed Slnco all nine incumbents have parUclpated In the jnjunl

heartnga on these urave questlona. when they reached dths aupreme court on appeal, it would mean further pjoichecdelay. If they were, to wolk out now. H OOO to

e I t would be dW/lcult for new membera to bruah up jf11 on the baekground of these exuemely complex m at- Hn tera. All require prompt settlement because ot their jeniy. ^. far-reaching c ff« t on highly controveralal social „pea t t

and economic problems. __________ ;___________ t i l r —C

— EXP/WSION“ OF'CORTAILMENT8;—Tn“ a:i(vrge’ u'asn't^^' n aenae. when they paw on theae and related problems,. good C( >. the high court will be liquidating or preaervlnR many dive or

phaaea of the Roosevelt new deal, and tho Truman to kno?2_ fnir rtrttl. ---- ------------------------- — - ■ -tJllnp.—I- I t Win be called upon to determine whether. In the

Xleldfl.of cducatlon.-dovfilopmeht.of notural xeaourcea, r v 3 personal beliefs and economic operations generally, the <j-hese- power and rcach of the federal,government ahall bo n,an 3 n

-expanded-or-curtailed^ ' - - - ; THeyier COURT TACKING- ‘iniPOBBIBLE — Although- Prealdent Elsenhower la'e*pect«d”H)'name ralaUvely

conservative men to the bench when vacancies occur,- -tha-«i»parlfnrr nf rfcrnt yf!nr«.tiM Blmwn It U tm-— >n»r-n e possible to "pack" the court with mind-bound men. * , iL onca they t.ut on the tilieV: robe: th w dortt .-atny

” ^Both.roB .an4.Tnnian.lhou8ht-thaM hcr-hB d-tt5-- ^ aured preservation of their refonna by appointing “ ." ““ i

"llberalB.” But the.court U now regarded aa a con- V aervatlvo body by a a-3 alignment,'or 6-4 In certain 'h type* of cases. incldenUlly. Oouglag jm d'Beed are U usually found wllh tho_new deal-fair deal minority,, [[gn ^ ,

^ Vacancies, however, may help “Ike” In other ways. 5!“ ®*■- tn tha t ho could fill them with certain offlcJala and h politicians he would like to get rid of without hu rt- ?i‘“" “a_ Ing thi.|r-ff>.llnt«_________________________________ _ *

• ■ Secretary Dul2ei,XotJnitaniieJ»;ao»etlme8-llsle(J-a5------ »T30Hlbnitym GOV. Thomaa-E. Dewey would accept. ‘7 which la doubtful, hla retirement from active politics ,I- would be welcomed b y many 'prominent pw ty and15. LcongreaalonaLJeadera.-— -— ------------—----------------- : -gibiy"i«h INTEREST ON GOVERNMENT DEPOSITS-Al. f‘*I- waya wlUlng to-take a rfood tlp ior hint,-Secretary me « o i

Oeorge M. Humphrey Is studying the poaalblllty of collecting Interest on the caah surpluses deposited by _

• the treuu ry In hundreds of banks throughout the ® country. Tho auggeaUoa came from numeroua prom- “ ^ « e inent aenatora- during debate on ralalng the celUng on with Iti 1- the publlo debt-, sup^se-I* TTiese aurpluaeX i^ lc h c o r r^ o n ^ to ^ n Ijidlvldualja

‘® lars, the latter being the present llgure. Tho govem-

!- provided lor In oUier jm ys. But th e ^ ^ o tm t rarely Z •----- fftTljT>«16w'thfeeUinionrTneanlnBltTealiyt*comu'»"n - .Bftvlnga account. • •

. .. At two. per ccnt, tliI».aum‘would:provldD;w»iincome----------" of 60 mllUon dollara annually. Although only small ir change these days, It would buy several airplanes, i t l . And J t Ja.the-sort-of,waat« and Inopholc. Mr..Elsen-- . .•

-Jiower promlaed ta~plug:r.~ ' 'J]_____ ________________■■•VA

S- V IE WS OF O TH E RS" BECUBTTV REQUIREMENTS*'■y The necessity lor wisdom and restralnt.ln applying »= rMourltyi.mca*iin‘A:JS.»nrtffri'CQredn>yahe^caso:Gf.-3U pp =---- | | f ^\ Robert L. Condon. The atcmic energy'bommUslon In- IF|«- vlted him to a bomb teat In Nevada and then barred

him from it. .Two main lasues are raised. Tbe first qucsUon In- l»

l£_ _yol«fta_the .govarnmen fa-rjght-tft-protect-ita.elt^ Pan- " r ’/ | | < ’ft. the exeoutlve deputm eul wltliliold: any Information' --- U l s . from a congressman? The answer must bo yes.' Congresa lUelf has set up the joint atomic energy

committee to.screcn moterlal. Obviously If a known_ ____ _'e- -commnnl3t-wcmW Cred=trng~the voters have tlie_ ",y ^lahm o''^lecl a red IfU icy chooic—ho could n ^ ” be h given access to military secrets. CerUlnly tho AEC

• ahould-and does-have authority-to bar ov'ea a cdn- - - a----- BtefiimaiUUhct«j5_BCmiln9_dttnBerj0_accurlty-^----------------- V;

The second question involves the Individual'^ rig h t against governmental action which dam ages'hla ^reputation. Should cltlzens-^lncludlng congressmen— ‘

a ^ piotecUd against olllclal words or acUons which *¥n cast suspicions of disloyalty when no proof has been

_effega;jniB_fca»ffflr again miut.tn.yas.---------------- ------------^^ The AEO did not broadcast any charge against Mr. %a i :Cnmlftn,.hiit,.tha^r)iyi>f-hia harrlng waa-bound-tte rr r r^A

get aroiind.~The only baals lor barring him that' has .been disclosed was one-tim e membership In t^e m K

,3 Lawyers guild and In a law firm which represented M rji I left-wing labor unldns. He says hi* constituents knew I all about this when they elected him.

— The disposition to' accept any unorthodoxy as-evl-— d dence of disloyally, the tendency to blacken reputa-

.tlona wlU30wb.pn»r.-l*ragam-UluitnitecHn-thl8-ctu»e.-*--------Iff5, Only this time It happened to-a-mcmber-ol-congross:-----------*'

-That fnct should-lend'congress to-look more olmrply ~ .........a t whttt sane o(. its commttteea mc dolnR. And it jL. ,

d .should cause-executlve agancloa to oxorclKo moro care. l5 Tot suspicion of disloyalty Is n dangerous 'weapon. I t .. m i|i:=- -CTU be atjuigd liy t lie icgtslattvu or. Uie exccutlTB--------K l l

branch—nnd by either party.—ChrlsUan Science [■ Monitor. I ^

U.S. FOO0 POR U.S. ITONGRY[f. ._Prom Chalrman-George-McLaln-rt-Los-Angelea* ------ ssi

CaUfomla Instltuto of Social Welfare,, we have i t - - Su, cenUy received a letter which seems to us to make tno

's sense. ^d.- jTT Jwuituonfliriir presldeni fflsenhowcfa'8h'ipmerit“ 6I-' —[. $15,000.000 worth of food for the red»rldden East r> r,

Gennans. Mr. McLain goes on to nsk; "But why Is it. that-wlth“mn!lons'and'm illions of dollars wTjrth 'o f ’ S uei lurplos tood (bought the government under farm ^

>t price support laws) on hand In our counix>\ no oneever thinks, no one dares suggest, thnt a portion be Ta; given to hiinRry, hiUf-stArved Americans?" Chei

- - — Prom-tho-tcaeral-wclanecurliy-bulIeUh"fcr~'Juno. - Lai1053, Mr. McLain cites Xlgurea to ahow that the aver- Wo

n age old age'aaalaunco payment in this country I* Ca'e only M8.86 a month: aid to the bUnd. $53.71; aid to .P««

needy children. ^ .4 6 ; aid to permanently and totally flaUldisabled. J<8.59: general assistance, *49.20 Wr

During the big depression; hc recnlls. food aUmps. ' , were given lo Jobless people so Uiat tliey could buy

g m p lus foodstuffs. He asks: "Whj- can’t Uie samething be done today for those on public assistance?" ' i

^ The method suggested ..Is issuance ot surplut-food-- aumps u-orth a t least $50 a month to every person wF 2 \m

on public assistance rolls of any kind, and to those [ C 9 J ac drawliii; o’d nge benefits under-Bocial'.nccurityrsiotea' I f e l M- would be torbldden to deduct tlie Vnl»» nr i)»«. «n..r.nit

froin uie .imount of aia aire(idy Ijclng glvcnr *C-_,_lio_doubt.4Qme-Ilaws-would.dcvclop.hcro-ftnd-thero---------s>c

r^ ;.*n.-fu?ll_a.program.-a3^cy.:ulid_ln_iha^o«t.jt*mp- —s>Mcm. But in principle the McLain scheme sounds "

.. _‘><,y?.'’ ihna good to US. We. hope the Elsenhower ad- ' niiiiKtratlon will' give It careful eonaldcratlon- as a ’ ~ '

Po-'l*'*’'* mc.ins of letting Americans eat smplu'a food 'f™ '" ^ j^ t< ''^ ® ® t^ o rb Id a R n o ^ rh e re . w hl^“ \

. -It tan-dUpoee of-abroad only In IlmltM ouantlUea- 4M 'W E*• and with'considerable difficulty, and w ^ h It wouW- F l -}-be-cfimlna|-to-deatTPy~gr-lerroi:-^Ncw'YorE“J<'ewfc~~

__TIMfiS^wi-TTON M

> r - r n s o i r, P 0 T ^ P E f

O T _ T / ^ r n o Tlje condud 1 '^

------------------ !------------- aad-eodal'-se- ■.................... • • indicates .ih*>

------ WHO REMEBdtBERSr b « t o S) COTAn early-day resident of Twla Titth these oi

■FaUs-told-ua-fr-i(otT'tfae-«ther:darr ou t—I ev s—one we hadn't heard before. We'd regulatloni.like to find out the date and the in the castname of the person Inyolved. If we Vlvlaa Kellican. wbo road’6

Guy A. Cantzler, wbo lives In Se- kinipulous reiattle now. has been visiting here of the amountand looking around a f te ra n abeence money herof years. He used to work on the old p lo y e s propT«'ln Palls Newa' back In the eu ly owed underdays.-Herc'a_the-way ho-told tha -wlthboldlng-tstory to us: - these two dep

A .well-fortMled lodlao towed to Ut to applfie waa golor to aet a world's r e e - . tie* to this s{ord for a blgh dive. Bo t>e wob- ahe pleaded wbled ont on a point o f rock Jo s t. .order tba t a ibelow, Shoahone falU and dived, made.Yep. be (urvlved. Came Into The treasur;ahore aboot a n tle beloi^ihe falls attaching her.and he waa one completely sober amounC of mofnjun! ' to be due. evFew days later, some fellows ep- every employe

proached, him, aald they'd gaUiered his or her tu11,000 together and would give It to in the end,him If he'd repeat his perform- stand-off.ance. He declined somewhat aud- _ trmisu:dcnly. allowed as how he wouldn't monev ond mirepeat the leap Xor «00,000. 2 ^ „ S i“ but^ - C a n ta lo r - th o u s h t r H h e - tn d r f.dent happened around. 1908,. bu^be Sinvanlencewasn't-too sure. Do any of you-good constituents remember thedive or reading about It? We'd like her ci1° .to”" -Sw 5 £

' . , , She and othsjrOTS-FOR KIDS DEPT.----- trlotle. constlt

These two male pups, a little morethnn 3 montlis old, need new homes. Nevertheless,

■Tiieyre black'and'w hite, 'to u c a n ployers fre <phone 0383.J<. Tho owner Is Le- dollars .in arrRoy Zlmmennan. ments.of’mon<

• • • “ en, they actuaWHERE D^YTJH OETT™ ^ - their emplpvts

“ T liV oiher' day one of the'w ire w the.treaaurservices handled .a story about new As long ago-Tulea-and-regulatlwis-for-the-duefc bnnau—c n rADd-goos^aeaaons-thls-fanr-It-all- mitt'tdTucfi craounded aomewhat reasonable until ernment abouiyou-, got down toward the part The'NewY<where Information was given on on the local allbag and possession'Umltjr • said "a drive :

That'a wnere you found Informa- enuroffldals ^tlqn_tp_yie.^f.^,t_.thatJheLllniltJageese would remain a t ol* (6 you taaes.- payrollcount 'em) thla year. We don't taxes has beerknow how long I t has been since weeks." 'there was a limit of six geese. But About 13.56(

nr~mmi b'e'a6tnfeWh‘ire;b~erwg£g:2(r InTfEiriEIid^and 30'yeara- ! alone,-for-em

That Isn't what wUl bother near- ■ — is every goose hunter. Most' ot 'emhave difficulty t»gglng_one or pos- ___________slblylwo. Wltli the legal-limit of jsix they’d Just about be ready, for - . - 0the Iwobyhatflh.----- ------- ^ a

YOU'D BE OUTCLASSED ^ ^Dear Sir: 1 ' ^

If I took my lltUe ol' flshln’ boat ' ' ^with its one-lung motor, do you | suppose- Uiey'd le t me enter those ' boat races a t Thousand Springs |

Im a Putter— =---- PAMOU8-IM8T-UNE------------ 1-----.-J.....Xefa.jCflJioir:iaatj:oHrLneir- ' _____7 ^ .car will g o r . ^_ GENTLEMAN W TnE . 1 _______ -

- ~ ~ — FOURTH ROW I

- f i t p l M - »• ;

■ .....

-BMW0-Deliix8—So Bimple_l.,BofAHO Deluxe W |

ready*to>uae—no measuring. '

pump. Give your garden this § I X I ^ l most modem peat protection. ' U I I N

of all of the following: P v ii■ Sucking iiiaeetasAphia.Thrip^’ |

White Flic*. Leaf Hoppers, 'u c e Bug,.Sp>ttle Bug*, |Tarnished Plant B ug . . . ^ D : « J

_JC hew inK ln«ect* i.E arw ies. I P l f OLawn Moth Larva* (SM^Web \ ’ -«Worm). Dlabrotlca Boetle, ' I I « s i m .

► F'ooP la n t dlaeosea: Powdery ^

Mildew. Black Spot o a Loaf ^------Spot, R u s t. .. f

> Sof_— — Re d- or

- • y

401 WEST 4 iAI?T-----PHONE MW b ......... ’. . ..F-R-LE-P-a r -k i -H G --------r — '• -

^ I P A H O ' ~ • ■

H O ir tH lN G S -A P F E S

P E G L E R ’S - A IThe condact of the'treasury atid income tax an

h , of Juatlce in- the ^UeUdnn fm -ta ■fst ca'iifi the withholding p ^ iB of the ind-eodal security-taxea -atrontly taelf-foiir-yea ndlcates that ° 0 | | | | m | m | I | _ m te renne teosR l e r a o n n e e d ^ ^ B ^ ^ f l H ed-a'praictleal wther to e o m p l y i n ^ n | H H tude.' Those atttx these o n e r - t u t k a n . n a - l a -ws—an d - 4 ^ H W | ^ B - -------^ -

»ho. m a o d tynlcal of a a:«nn>ulous r e p o r t ' f i H ^ B ^ ro tS^cSm itr^ If the amounta o f ^ n j H p ^

noTes 55p“ y B i ® 3 ford to hire « (

B lS L u iS jit™ ^ 'T" 5 r i r ' . p i £ . . « i . w «r.,« r.W0 try to apply the criminal penal-lea to thU spirited rebel although w b ^ - vbihe pleaded with them to do ao In^ e r^ th a t a atraight t « t oould be

'nse treasury took evasive acUon, Siulnews ittschlng her- bank account xor the as of - then imounC of money which It claimed inum al rewi0 be due. even thouaJi each and m aSvo ivery employe concemed h id paid g o Q ^ In payn Ils or her taxes personally.

In the end, there was a Mexican creased a greal tand*off. only In New KThe - treasury already had its countiy.

Qoney and Miss Kellems w ai "vln- For one reasi llcat^" bu t.o n ly at conalderable nue waa expos ixpense lor lawyers .at greaf 'deparGnent-innconvanlence. ■_ __ o 'ra exeouUves

The expense a n d lh e 'inconveSir ince In her case were a sweet d!s- Press. .howcven— because ‘ Vivien * ranted publicity-Xor an- issue-whlch he and others regarded aa a pa- V?,?";- r lo lto .c< .n.U tuU on.l«u.t . .

• . Jo«{ on honest

onars .in arrears with their pay- u ,. courts can lenta.of-money which, unlike Vlvl- . MUllons o f w n, ttey aetually did withhold from ju ^ box all U

rihe'Su’Sy!’''*^Al long ago as Dec. 11. 1051. the nlaln -that the

tnraaq~cr~inieiTiat_reveaue art.. painless— ,— illtt'idTucfi employes owed the gov- To be ^ure, rnment about $832,303,000. been had afteThe New York Times, In a atory delinquent has

in the local situation In Manhattan, Ject to Instonl aid "a drive by loct\l Internal rev-' converUble aaa n u r offldals to collect more than get Its pound a tnllltnn rin11ar«_AtjinpQltl.lnromi> of'the-^U nd~ cxes.- payroU and social security or the assets axes has-been under way for three procesa'ls labo reeks." .. A man auUAbout 13,560 - warranta .were out internal revem

QrtKe''Uiiid district of New Yorkr Washington a 1 ilone.-Xor-employer»-dellnqucnt-lnLhoiic»t cltlien

' f, i . i i l


> SOFA BED —T rro Z ir^ lis^ iT irN b W -^ f " ------------------------ ---------

I Blond Bedroom^ Double D rciier, Lorge Mirror ^ ^ I Bookcase Bod


1 = ^ 5-PIECE 7

I D inette Set ^

) ■ --------------- — — —

»— _______ _____5-PJJCE ._\ DINETTE SET• Ih laid I w o -! one PlbsHc TopP Two-Tcne Choirs. Rod and Groy,I Yellow an(| Grey ................ :N O W ^

> Bird Armorlite— I Guaranteed * ; I Floor Covering Now *

I ......... TW O ONLY!

I Sofa Sleepers m m» '- 2 2 0 - C o iM „ „ o „ 5 S r M a t t r c -I — R ed^or-G rccn-....r ..... MOSV _ ~ ::^ Z ^

i .

r V : ‘

P F E i R t r o m

Mme tax and K>clal security de- < r^ b e to i5 w 1cHonaJot-ihdt^mDlBiK.________ Utlona. awtCir

of the deUnquencle* dated agenta, the dJe k 'fo u r 'y e a r ra n d the-in ternal t h a ^ u r t J . Wit^ e ^ ^ c n to bave adopt- aentm w t waa•a'prtctleal • aBd apathetic .a ttl- for failure oX t

le.- Those wbo did pay were m the caw:ia n . • . ____________ h o l d ^ and 1

When ao many cuet develop un -r any Uw. and It may be assumed pay ‘matchlwat this New York pbaie waa -socW J w ^ l tplcal of a altustlon corenng th e ‘Ure country, that law Is fallln*. pleased wtth Ule Eoranm ent simply caimot aX- The -majorlt;rd to hire enough accottotants, d e- really regard ,‘Uves or "field agents,” dnd tria l as a tax on tbvyers to pursue them all to their ready had be«tal'coiiclualonsr-___ ___ . raised to pro[n some cases. It had been found their'Wlthheld-at the employers, running close to «nje oost- arB breaSeven Uno anyway, had audi-taxea Xorit helped Uieioselves to money amall. ne>ey had held back from their em - easier to bearjyes and used It a» capital in, their jm ted their jtl.slnesses. ^ revenues to mAs of-then, in t h w New Yorlc -nnaU operatoilemal revfcnus • dutrlcts, m ere vere personal>8 a massive deUnauency of •17.- goes, also, for),000 In payroU taxts. The proper- taxpaysrs, thea and amount probabry luive in - aelf-employed•ased a great deol since then, M t the system Inly in New York but ell over the j m et an ole

.u I ton 'w ho formi?or one reason, tne internal-Teve- . .e waa exposed ,aa a very cemip.t partmBnt-in-w\Uoh^t_flnlZ_ita «.m n execuUves, selected In all oases V " o jr-pollUcal-servlcea-to-lhe RW»e- ^ ^It-TVuman party, but brlbe-glvers “th pollUcal connecUons. had “ ‘ • eked or, compromised taxes whUo

II as a m atter of course.rhe lolly ofthelrH onestyw ai not. t«ther-of acco { on honest men. For another. I t ting, s bccome_qulte.P'“ln th a t the . '- •k-eramenfa machlnerj-, includlns •J courtJt, can 't handle the Job.

‘lnJlwJu-thOt»K«5-0L»ia_W.«.e. .a«-make-thtrtInlessi • f—~~— ' ItT jy attacnmtto bo sure, when' Judgment h wen had ofter tflal cr-where thellnquent has a bank account sub- tA to instant attachment or haa mimpower andaYerUble.aasets,-thO-treaaury_can,I lU pound of flesh or a s much -ihe-flound-aa-tho'banlc-account- -up anfl.-biow-<

the assets wUt yield. B ut tho Martin Dies, xesa'ls laborious and wasteful. gress, was ono \ man authorized to speak for the Marshall s » n a l revenuo admitted to me ta reported tha t 1 uhlngton a lew days ago tiuti the "In "HllPlBcaa^ nest cltlien h u 't o bear n o t only and guessed t

U l l ^ i T h e r W e s t - s O l d e s t a n d ^


t l V A l ^


NLY!----------^ -R .g r9 » .9 5 ---------------

oom Suite

V 5 W ith lock < OW Red, Greet

Reg. t l 9 .9 5 -— ^ ^ ^ PloiHc Co<O J i 0 9 -ROC

— ......... Saddle Tai

■ _______ _________________

_____ Reg. 149.95 ^ PLASTIC <

s 4 . 8 8

__ ______ 9 b rT 2 F hW tde _____________•Rog. 90c sq. yd. -g

6 ? e ^ ^ ; p i = t f• Red, Greer

, - Regular 69NLY! _ _ , : r : ' “

Reg. 249.95 ‘

- S i t i S S i ’ -

' . ■ ■ ■ ...................

Is -aha ta -o f-the-bu rdon-bu t the Ti-a c k e r ,-V u r« .a wen. '

Tliere ia n o aayln* a t what point 52-NiJ >e ayjtem-would b re t^ downrely. In pTOhlBltlon; nof.only th j caw, S l ' i ?nrwhelmlnf mass o r criminal vlo- a lm ^

S bShS '3 ^ !i a ^ u r t j ; h u t a Xlcroajwpular re . l“ »W cliea te^^ mtment waa equally responsible ir faUure oX the noble experiment. „ Nebod, m the case oX-the InoomeVwith- « th«-*^i oldln* and social lecurtty Ux«s. Sz’u**® irTOentojent-lr4«rwly--j(jciiira- -^^Pe-tlJST^^* a th e side of those who haTe' ta ?,£!]?**• - ^ ay "matching", amounta for t te th* Tv*.»cial security- oL employes, • ^ e W ? nployes, pn the w ^ le , seem to beleased wtth toe aoclal aecurlty.ux.The majority of them never did ^la lly -regard ,tta .withholding tw ‘ •I a t « on them a t alL Wages al- s o lu t tK S ^ W j fady had been raised c r aoon were fa lu T ^ U Used to provide t t e money lor t te n ,-f . Wa jeir-wlthheld-tnoome-taxefT^—The oost-and complatlty of all Kn t o w t s ^ J ^ Kh-taxea Xo- all employera. la^ e forms, * 5 f e ad amall, never have, become any dtadUnu ’isler to bear. Big companies ad- e»med moS; £? isted their affairs to Increase tte lr Pension nrenues to^meet the expense. But the cost of naU operators have Buffered se- his kwn-bov tre personal h w lsh lp and tt ls T h e rtln w w S Des, also, xor the new classes of the coet of - * ,2 r ixpaysTB, tbe-housewlv«B and -tta «lf-emptoyed»^ !lf-employed mUllona swept into halrtsh tau tU ^^ le system In 1961. . turn. iThTeTo wr m e fa n old friend In Washing, the nost in who formerly ra n a news bu- •'’'•tless cecajioaiii; lau and engaged In lobbying for oths vont. merlcan and foreign Interests. Be a l u ^dd-he-flnally had flrrd la em> ^ - prodUMr. 4thu loyes to go it alone becauae th« aper-work took too m uch, of hla higher thaa tiit t»i me. - _ sens. -^ an-lndlvldual. without a a ta fr ‘ ' •-------- ^a-waa maklng-Ju a t-fm trMi,-h ff,r .P laoiilA M i.... Imself and he. d ld n t have t te A v “ >U6ntS^r 3tter-of-aocountlnrond transmit- j j

___ _________________ _ _ m<E^’AU£._u.The Marahal! girls, Marshall re'tumrt ^ex.. iever have sent the treasury '[ « ‘‘Von at Saa ftt.cent ox social aecurlty under tte An**'«. CaUf-iby-8ltt«'5..t*x..'rhey_i'report"-the wjjf*pount t t e treasury seems to be iJ r ? 1Je ungef Oia BeheUulea l)ut tn ty m » . Chariu .aith..

m ta every time. •*' her partnls. Ur. u This oosts the treasury a lot ot nSm?Tt W toit^ lanpower and money. I f t t e same Mr V n d '^ u lettod of rebellion ahould.become fMnuV auM ^f S Jnerai;-tte''whole t t ln g would dry d H I^t? p-aruU-blow-away.-------------------T ^ K T ^ r u t i UuMartin Dies, now returned to con- Mr. andMn.wurress, was ono of t t e attorneya for returned lo)e Marshall girls. At th a t time he Mr. asd K n .\k .iported that_qnly_ajeweccehtrlcs ;• ^ —I TallTexas were paying this tax , Accra Is the cipUind guessed tha t -‘half a* million'* Oold coast.'

lest-andL argest-R ctailenqi^utoSi

S A L E E N D S A U G U S T 17

W A i i - i N■ • ' -FOR YOUR O L D ^


Suifc as L p W T s 159.95 (exehii


SOFA B E K ” ^N o w L g y

P lortie CoYOreil

Piotferm Reckers mqW ith lock and m etehing ottoman X I | W i Red, G reea or Saddle T an , NOW “ ^

Ploitlc Covared PlotForm

ROCKER 4 2S a d d l tT o n .i. ........................ NOW


Platform Rockers l O iIvory or Green .......------— NOW ■

Platform Rockers £R od, G roon, G ray, Boiga -y , 4 9 *Regular 6 9 .9 ? ................

Also, with M a tc h i^ Ottomo*'~ ~ :

8B I T W l K S j l

' ‘SSSw«n“ Ota-S j S “ ’ = wMS J ^ J. Eurley, Uie Re-

w c« jubuw t

_ ^ * o u t ^ t ObivM JI^Bof tome 6.000 votca

iS w e fr*ud Ifl cH«B6d - I ^ H,, Aa lubcommltua does . | H I M UB,» oul « ch Here U

Uitn er**e the p«no-

^O T wJU r« u m to ^ _________

g s f f s s r s s ^ a t (i W l d not fttt«nd theeeciW..- -- .. C f,.).i_«wt itn e d,^aS{WiMUed-»-»t«te- —RtrpER’: M {i*t "While thU com- "soard^br ^ to eoosldcr the w a-

m,_ol the_baIlot_^yea

t2i{i qucsUon and aUo on * jUt? of voters UvIdb on iT lO l j « unlU a Uter dote." x « H * -

----- Innruction-in—o rk .V a li ie V fS, • T fc /* \T VT ■TfiKftph Riven JiUW a0M-VILlAOE.Korea.Jlu®. child, revi B*Jph E. Butler. Mounda. he tht ebmmunlaU tried to charges o: inbbofn>Ainerlcan- 'reao-- J»mmvnU

anu i aU the work deUlla ‘itonid.-W henw eaalced f*5® ^r^®' Id to do all the work, they rt tr j i^ to tcach you the

I ctmi from working peo- ^ m m u S

S ^ S n s t m o W ^ttto we were with' the —

C a r e iactionary” camp because *■Id to volunteer. to help ' P i VC ^ . l l h t h ^ , n u ,

i™ » ,p o U ,t ln he lc l.s 5£ - S 3 ' | .• Oallf- ani

rnptuim r F jf it son.-Poca' BsUer was Cpl. O eone u r and ,a,H lt«nan,Ja._H e.saW goi r Unlw Ua “progre^lves” — men K u lX or^ and'tolBn'lor c6mmunlat and Mrs. lUoa-were sent back dur- Mrs. A '» nritch" last April ond dren. Woj ta the t in t .p a r t o t “bls her oarc:Ut lTMt._____________ JiMke.______st«S to be liberated the Mr. onii j-by our armed forces," returned

• Ctnorrusi •Mt be thousht of return- rlno man

I ta w H.V.10C1C »W ; \ r x ™ Hat Uke to voice my opJn- i V J v r

fflneras Nab eS3^ fery Suspects S . “^ D , AU8.-*18 HH — P o. " T h e j: s ^^nJelevlaianjM W noaa. i s o c m “1 iour men suspected of m ltJ tlie «^5 ,Q «l_S foE lli_6 t^l^ - o n l r - ^ P*™ from a warehouse, llonth of TO uld the company had cleus of ^ Mdlo tube* and elec- ‘ fto-pl ^ fn several weeks. plan* art wa they hid ;two television another

« Ihe warehouse stock- erful. Th - t ?ecelver_upstaira .the.Bmal

*wd^o»dm{ni6ck~icU^r -Buittwr~

and h e a rd ’w - Ti s tae arrest Tuesday of t o 5 | ^ M u o n . « , , o a ?■ a . Th»-two-impUc«ca •niMtlnB- ^ V s V a n d Milton e . ^■ “» *Ha. lL,m. Av

TSom e''

! cussed V

work of______ ____________________ _ holding I


i»:*M J-iIo t m I ■■'


■ "“ Freedom Right-

Here U a len en l Tiew of Travis a ir force 1 repatriatad «a*FOW arrived on the f ln t “free< He U martae Pfe. AUred F. Graham. Jr.. 6eatU< too lU to be retamed by boat, were flown boma

Water-District Offer Storage Space in 2

ROTgRT.~Ai3gr~ iy ^Thnni8h-lt3 -thot- wa«-< ‘board 6f dlwctora. the Minidoka' p art'o ra ’c Irrigation district ho* mods appll- rights in ,: cation to. tho Interior department American:

' to pnrchaso-lO jq-acre fee t prs to rv trac fW ar : age i^ace In American Polls reser- last montf

voir and 7JOO feet of apacej_ln _W ater_u Pallsadu. son- lake rl

Tbe woter Is the same amount )n Ampria- — Breazeal .L — ^ ^ ______ here saldJ■ Man inJVIcCanuiy_

Inquiry Declares X 'S ” —Innocence of-Tie S„T.S’

WASPINQTOK, _A ut_13W V -A The ar gov^nupent bookbinder roaintacre'd' board reqi m a y ; he Is Innocut of old loyalty American chw^es th a t a p p a ^ t ly hav^ Hgur- acrtXoot.. ed In secret nedrin'^ before Sen. ^ c t . and

—Tlio bookbinder, Edward, Roths- ^ow rso^l dilld, revealed through hl* lawyers renorted■tiiat' h T '^ " e le a re d - - ln —lMO--ot bcen r ^ l

) charges ot being a lnem>er o t the caUon.

f ‘” ^ '* 'c h Je f^ fc irn c y , 01iArlc8“ ErPord, said he was certain-thcae

. were-the «ame charges raised when i, riirtrirt I the 43-year-oId govemment print- , irig office employe wa* called before '’ the subcommittee this- w e e k . Vy-

McCarthy ha* s a i l tho secret • ** • . hearings—they will be publle s tart- RUPER

Ing next week—have dealt with w l th a s a chargea th a t a govemment worker in the M

- -wltlracccssTto-secret docnmentais-a- stocfc-Jodi■ Communist party member. But he' Acock am

® --------------------------- • On the

. Carey Riejports on S ^EventSj,Activities SSL S“ OAREY. Aug. 13—Recent Rueat* of tie a t Johr t o . ' -im a M yr'3.- Lr-5 ia tiaH g ^ 6 t'‘6' --------s Harold Brooks ond *on. Lo* AnBCle\ READ T3

Calif, and-Mr. and Mrs..Earl Carl- ■ ------- --Bon.-PocatcKo. H _ g _

e Mr. and Mrs. Fernand Kulfor and R *otn>ITpland,'Calif., and Mrs..Luclen n K u lfe rr^ -V etasrN cv rv ls ltca-M fr >t and Mrs. Harold Holman lost week.' ^B lV in

Mrs. Anthony Barton and chll- d dren. WaahlnRton, D. C.. a re visiting 8 her.j)arent«, Mr. and..Mrs.;Harvey .

e Mr. ond M n Pet«-Oenarrnsa-have i” returned from CaUfomla 'where

Cftnarrusa participated In U. 8 . Ma- I- rlne maneuvers. .

.. N^w Microscope _ lUMost-Ebwerf ul- - H r

STANFORD,, gay;., Aug. 13 (IB- Stanford unlver^ry *clentUts-s»k]

„ today they have perfected the 5 world's most powerful microscope.). "They;; sald.lt Is a'comblnatlon of la. two complex n a chlnes which per- 3f m ltJ t h ^ todSUngulflh p a r l K ^ _ ^ n W 5- -oRly-lwu uue*liuiiareon(s'dr a tru-

llonth of an Inch within the nu- id cleus of an atom. s. ‘ o-phy&lclst* also-disclosed that

plan* are on the drawing board for ; ; . ., m another apparatus even more pow- • Ic- erful. They believe It will probo to ra the.Bmalleatjtructuxfs .ln__ordlnMy_ • ^ 1 ^ ir inattwT---- ----^ ---- .-j—

•; B oard to M eet fS CARBX-, Aug.^ 13-A planning

mwttng-wlH-bB4}old.by mrmhrni n l ____le Corey PTA eiecutlvo board a t 3:30 jj,, .

’ lL.m. Aug. 30. . .TSom e'of the buslneas to bo dis-

“ 1 cussed will be.- p lans. for the fall , • work of-the organlraUon siid the .

J holding of a teaiAg-^s reception.

iP S A R Land

! - : O A Ii W A N T

I ^ :E tJ0 S lE l8 S

On Truck Lone—

153 . ‘ ‘ • —

light Ends ‘Dte’i

. ''B y M EI __ VP W hi1 2 ^ PiNercoio

Eisenhower mountaia'trc hand 'w ith t

i . 1 watched. flshJu!r«-XM

cooking abU- with a fly TO

Not tha t h was Just

ef tho ~iiaI Kurrytng-U

to pick up ti- *• rough stoi

the Platte i In-heavy-sk with undtoi

Mr. a s e a Denver

-.1:1 cattle .. Bal' chlet e x ^ t

J l ' companion A ' i of the Den

merce.S r . J They tlsh

. a i : # in th e s tre o . * « * » ranch. Th

I a ir fore© base, Collf- aa tbe H n t hondrome s . f ln t “freedom fllfht” from Kor«fc brown ». Jr., SeaiUe, Waah. Seventeen mea, “« d a ye»‘ flown home. (NEA t e l e p h e t o ) ___C a r e v f t

Offers to Buy > ^ ; in 2 Reservoirs 5 . 0-thDt-was'offered-to-the-dlstriot-a* — ------- -—p art'o ra ’contnicno-exchange-watcr---------------rights in Jackson lako f^r those In American Palls reservoir. The con-tract~M>tta~defcatcd~cteai'i^~Here --------last month._W ater_user3:hcre-sald-thot-Jock------;•—tmn lakft rlirhta nre Bumrlnr to thnseInBreazeal., long-time water oftlclal

»«lf If npln|ftn rnn t iu r tshould have been offered. In "two ■packogra“-'^--ow -for-w ater^rignta — tmde and one for purchase. The - offer ot the supplenlcntal water rightj>urchose, waa favored by prac- , tlcally all water users. .

The appllcaUon made by ' theb o a^ reques^tHTflghTlirisnrennsa'------American PaUa-space a t *1.33 . per.ttcrc:Xoot..floroe pricc oaJn.tho.coa- --------^Uvct. and the Pallsadea space a t ^

pcra3ro foot. - ' — * ■ '. ■ *oeorge Nickerson, board secretarr, V> V

, rtported that no Information haa bcen r^ lv e d concomlng-thV.applP’ , ,w

’ caUon.. _lEoy.Morauc»5 la chalrmon of the ’ board, with WMtef M o i^ onil E. J." ~ i y i ’ Rush d lK c tb n .'R o y Ciinnlhgbam ' "; la, district m anager.-.' J K

Wins ContestRUPERT, Aug. 13—Steve WUcoX. ' ]

1 With a s u re ot 435, won high honon ^ J • In the Minidoka county 4-H 'live- r stock-Jodglnff*tour-Monday.—M ario — ~—:• Acock and Pred Olnsmore.tled for __ ___ ■tsecond.nnd tiHrtfplaces wli&”« o ^ -• •

of'415’ cocir*" —On tho tour two classes of Jerseys

wero JucTged-ot-Rex-Broodhead’s — -----form, one'.class;of Suffolk'owea a t TTwi , Trantham*B farm and two

I claaaea of A b^een-A ngus beet c a t ; __f tie a t Joto'Renuberg's farm. .......................


s II

;t■ ta a v e t .v c u lif e l lj

V b r a a f h i e s t f

“ thi gtiatHt n a m a ln V D B tt f t

» SO^r.Mt<lerranlOO%snlDMutiiItpIHn.“ ' Sl«.PIo«SolrooBPU.loe.,H«rf«4.Cooa. \ ^

L L E Y I fi n d ^

M Tl'D - i--------------------- j ;

pPfoilBceTs= =- 1 2 2 4tlvAve Sa.


‘Dte’ Also fi T o j^aijd - Eryfi^PanonFish

' By MERUUAN BMIXn He. 'N leliwVP While B o i^ Bepoiter Schuls, the

'T 'lN e rC o Io n M frn i« -P « « ‘<««»fr alder*in*Uy-« Eisenhower not only U * master ^ e day grew 1 m ountain'tniul'nsianain, buraTop TBIT hand 'w ith the-BkUlet Tho Preside

1 watched the President cook and ranch buildlns fIshJu!te>Bst«ilay aBd came away wading boots Imprrwrf m m hv-hls streamalde _lC9tnQ_0QJiZ cooking ability than, his deftness stream ft b it awith a fly rod. ........ "■-.................. of the best tlsl

Not thot he isn t an expert angler. The Prealde I was Just Impressed t»r the close-up hanging edge of the nation'* chief executive right on the et scurrying-through-the underbrush outdoor kltche to pick up flr«wood.-qaicklyJ)Ulldlng like' an aoUve a rough stove ofstones taken from ing ilrowood the Platte river, then frying trout oM enjvhnt.w ln-heavy-8ktllet8’and »emnff'them ' Rocks were I with undtogulsed pride—on paper bed to moke pUtes. fire flared U]

Mr. asenhower-drore bere from to re d .h o t ct Denver yesterday to the Hereford . Tbo Prealdt eatUe ranch of an old friend. Bal wrapper from Swan. Bal wasn’t around but the sliced i t with chlet e x ^ t iv e had an able fishing complained th companion In Aksel Nielsen, head as It should of the Denver Chamber' of Com- bacon tlzsllng merce. Then ha i

They fished for about two h o to other okUlet in the stream running throush the bacon gfeoae ranch. The President landed a pan. handsome string of talnbow, brook Then h e gol and brown trout. Mr. Elsenhower He mUed salt used a yellow dry fly. resembling a In ft bag anc grasshopper and whooped wlth.de- . ,Ho a b o o t- llght-nrev6fy"BttIker” c o a f th e f b h

5 .00 H Q ID !

I - — DOUBLES— -----' PUMPS


---- ITHACA ---- --_ -RAVAGE— - - r -



rp l i t iO W NAIIONALE ^ *

r : . - . w i N m m v i : ^ ,



3 .1 c r H I G ^ S > _.SHOTGUN.SHELLS- ^

* A ll Gouges and StxeaT _ :_ # _ P r lc M .o t-lh o ir_ L o w « itI ------------------


•Hand With >nFishiigTripsH £|.'^

He. Nlelien and' Coli R o ^ ; ! * . ' "Who w anta- Schuls, th e Pnaldenfs ihlUtary. Beveral pers

the day grew h nf ■"«< thair "wi^v tin,"_aansK. • . U v e .T v eg o ta ;

Tho President re tu m e d - to - tb e __And cook heranch buildings, shucked hla heavy ft bite until hi wading boots and' proclaim^; ' three rtportera __lQflmejoojincebody.jBtli.gQ.doga. “ q lff. agentg,^ stream ft b it and I’U cook you. nome i» d flah bei,oreof the-best tlsh you ever ate'." hlmseU.-------- :

The Prealdent picked the • over- As a mon wi hanging edge ot a -large-boulder the President's right on the edge of the river for bla with complete outdoor kitchen. He bustled around chef a t tho Br Uke'ftQ ftoUve Scoutmoater, g a th e ^ Denver -can t Ing ilrowood bimself and . telUhg named'BlsenhoqMenjvhnt.woajieedcd..:----- — -----------

Rocka were brought from the rivw ■Dl-*,— XT.« bed to make a crude atove. The I r l a y J N 6 flra flared up, then aetUed down t 'r% to re tt.h o t coftls.__ . l H U e j

T h . P r ^ m t pCTltd lh«, g t w k a m p a . Ai wrapper from a pound of bacon, -owhov nVarln sUced i t with his pocket knlfe-ho ^ ^ d a complained tho edge w osntaa sharp ^ daym ato as i t should b o -and started the w i e & S -wW bacon iln lln g in one of the tkUleta. U ^ '

Then he melted butter In tbe b < ^ bolted i 1 other skillet and eventually mixed gjng Linda thi I bacon grease, with butter In each down a oounti » pan. * -TheglrVamc

Then h e got down to real business, followed th e n• He mUed aolt, pepper and com meal and halted th< I In ft bag ond dumped In the fbh. Linda -was b• . Eo abook-the-bag-Tlgorotiilr-to In th e b ac lm r

coo ftho fb h with the mixture for laceration*.

I D S 7 V N T e

_ |iM |i


______ ________ ■;■■■■

W y - ' ,

:s- — - ——IS ' America's

fc’.- •■<■■'^ Ventilate!

, ■ ............ ond.thot.:

R gun a n d ]■ • Free-Falli

- — - --------------—• “ R ubberre■“ ' — ^^B c~ #~ 'C om pqre~


s l • Undernec . "Fost-tra

J — ~ Only C h rM • • 3 0 .0 6 orW - • G enuine-1 tB E tion — n

;j|M l N ational

if lK_ • 30-06 e!^.^n U i tm S P ‘ *•



back—I 'm . about to ^ * t o “w o rk r N a t i o n a l 'lt_secraed Uke only ft m»tt«r-of ^ - -‘i

seconds whefn the President, ipeftrtd I j o n I P S T one of the flah in the pan aad held .i t up proudly: , ^ WASHINOTON,

"Who wanta the n rsflU b T ''— ; te s ta n ta 'ln ' tho'"i Beveral persons suggeated ’ he “roadeo’* were Int

ahoul«l-hav«-lfc : . . . ■ r waanmgtona trai"HrrV nf),r-«a|rt.the~ehl*f-ax»cu- p«rienofr-thai-mak

Uve. T v e got a lot of cooking to' do." j ^ d test on _ A o d cook he did. refuaing to eat • °ft bite unUl be saw thftt each of .........three reporters with him. the secret

agents, Shultt and JWUtoCT__________'had flah bei,ore he would touob oaehlmseU._____ :___:___________ .................' As a mon who hoa tasted one o f ....................... jMtho President's fbh, X-can~t«stUy with complete obJecUvlty tha t thechef a t the Brown Palace hotel l a .................Denver 'c a n t touch another chef named'Elaenhower................. ......... ... ...........

P l a y N e a r l y E n d s

I n D e a f t for G i r lNAMPA. Aug. 13 » -P lay ln g

; cowboy nearly ended in tragedy' for U nda Rose, 0, Wedneaday.' A ploymate lassoed ber trom' horseback whUs one end of the• rope waa Ued to the saddle. The > horse bolted and ran away drag- I glng Linda thref-tourtba e t ft-mlle• down a country lane.

" Ib e glrVa mother, Mrs. Paul Ro&i, ■<] ^• followed th e runowoy horsa in a car ' ^ 1 and halted tho aplmaL

Linda v a s bospltallted with ft out u— .y in th o b ackT jrb trbead rtenberu id - ------------- -------*r laceroUon*. • .


r B A l I w E 'O N S E A R s '* A S T ^ A Y M E W

T A K E Y O U R G U M H O M E ’A & S O O N AS

" A m e r i c a ' s F i n e s t V a l u e 6 - S h o t 1 2

• Ventilated rib for foster p o in tin g , . more end thot .smooth eustom.oppe.gronce!.........

gun and it cuts recoil up to 6 0 ^ ! '• Free-Falling action— 6 shots In 3Vi second:

-•-Rubberrecoil-pQd;;3ilver-co!orednQmeplQte! ^ # ~ ^ m p a iv t t ^ l t h - o t i i e r a - 3 e l l l n 9 - f o ^ 3 5 l .—^

-Chollenger-Comparison-y if rh -^ li• Underneath loading like expensive repeat!

"Fast-travel" bolt action is ropid and sure!• FgQtbarJigbtJmlanca.for.ad^e'c.hondlinQ^

er pointing and more accurate shooting!- • Beautiful walnut pistol grip stock, thumb

heavy lufiber recoil pod; plug included! k « 12, 1 6 ,2 0 -g a u g e — full choke!

Only Chromed Barrel Hi'-Power R• 30-06 6r..270 with 2 V i P w e r Scope-• Genuine world-famous FN Mauser bolt-t

tion — made In Belgium by Fobrique.' Natlonole!' " —;---------- ------------------T“

• . Chromed barrel resists heat and wear: 2 .Power Scope, hos 43-ft. fleldr^nt00^dst7

• 3 0 -0 6 o r .2 7 0 w ith o tit scope» . 3 0 -0 6 e r .2 7 0 w ith 4-P ew er gco p e ......1 4 3 .

National368466’:- Contest L a te ^ d ?s i

WASHINOTON. Aug.-18 nm-Oon- compeUUon.’ • testan ta 'ln the-naUonia teeaJftgo " ■ tK r tlU a'or-- “roadeo’* were Introdueed tMtay to oiiampinw w m g u in a traiiio "maao—U I'B t? ‘m ontf T»t~ U3fl( perienofr-thai-makea adults-ahoddar^ ^btoorrow-iwiU^^

A road test on Uie na tion^ cap* examination*..- ;

t -~U—


e~S-Shot fS ^ a u g e Pump G.iinT ~In tlhg '.. . m o r e 'a c c u r a c y - ^ - 'H H H jl jV l iH •pe.arance!______ ____ VTol ^ves-vou on oll^om 'e -. ■-

ts inS V isecondsl Kored n o m e p la te !- t—-------------i9 - fo t^ 3 5 l.— .

S.’OO Holdf T il-O c t. I r t

>n->rifrh -^ hera^SeHing^fof^5p!^repeaters . . .

rapid andsure!

rate shooting? ' p stock, thum b sofety; ilug included!

------------ 5 .0 0 H o ld ! T i l O ct. I l f '

Hi-Power Rifle Selling' Less Than.:)WerS(»pe; . ■ ■ ■1-Mauser bolt oc->yFabrique.'

:at and w ear: 2 H

ir.gcope:.....-143 .00 ’ • 1

^'C C A D C 403 A4AIN AVIS' L > tf tK A , PHObl^^

- • • •: • • • ••


the .sftUonalnp-^tbe -dayv- f o r £ j £ u S 7 p i ^ ^ ^ H for the t t ' linallsts com'peUUoa.’ ■’ :

W K g^M jlBw ■■

CT. 1st 4

T iB B

i : .

i p g .u i It '■ ■

t - —

■il-Ort. l i t ' ■ ; ' j . .

' ’< ^ 1

f o f 4 s o u _________________

*ii O ct. 1 I t ----------------—


Less Than.$200I ^

AlHAVeiSE^i^ ^ M


S ii^ S ’5®

- KISSiS NoiS- i n - t l ^ 'S e a 5 o n | i ^ »


5 A T U R D A ^^"^B **’'

^ ■ ■ . -

ifeE S tX

^Itesei^es [)kta Okayed [ _ By Examiner .„<“«,

ASmNQTON, Aug. 13 (fl — A - j - ___ ^te-..««wnla»lon-CTtniliiff--llir a - tiiirco n trf tv if iiira ijrT e iR - to new-QfttunU gu n t t n a t:m mm

00 be m tdo ATaUtblB I t » hnr*OQ tppUetUonr to M m th« P»* .1[2!1 xwnthwut.. ■i-o tfer-of- lnfonnatmn-Thowlng eued reMrYM -r»n Into objee*B 10 d&j« ago a t a hearing on ■» Tow Itcatlona by thr*e comp*nl«-- - IJJ ♦n i MM eompaalM are PatWo !»ndih bhw ^.Plpellns xompany, which sM 'Bm 4U main «mrco of ja* In th# •« Juan flelda ot Colorado and . .m «d«i

^ ^ * » _ M e x lc o :_ W e a K C M { j r r ^ U . . } >m : j « amipanjr, whofe mutm otjap- J;

^ ^ ■ n i r i n ' Cahnda—and-'TfOrtflteact I .ii u.i.O u company, which alto ^ t Q »

Ita n a supply In Cinada, f ^, 22 ExhlblU ----- no N«>

issue arose when Pacirie ‘ 'K K ^ ^ ^ ■ ■ t h w e a t sought to introduce 72 - uo .j.., ^ ^ ■ n i U o n a l exhlblU which Included si<i u<,,

showing InomsMl'resenres over Jji,*' ^ ^ ^ p K m o u n t listed In ita original ap> iioo Mik

^ ^ B F e a ^ t - o b j e c t e d to the I n t ^ MS 3^*'■ ^ n i t l o n ol this data. Westcoaat saM ;>» Jan<^ ■ n V a that it also had reterres In ad* *■?”B M M o n to those shown on Its original «,is kiriH n i i b l e a t l a n but did not intend to put s.ss au.<

I Information Into the record. ,rFS ^ estcoast contended that if anylha parties were Interested the , —

CrmaUorPcouIci be brouBht^'ouf^ H S l |erou*examlnatlon of Its wit- J - iA .* :

1 1 Make* Rnllng QB H f f i [samlner Olen It. Law, who took ^ ■ l U l ll matter under consideration 'w . ch

Ihday. made this ruling Wednes- j o v ,

j T^aTPacUle Norlhwesfaniend kppbeatloiH jy-Prlday^nelud*[new gaa fields It h u available, pm aA ttr-fot-the-gurnew -tn*-- ,Bering or new plans of finance.I That WeiteoMt must put In astet evidence any new rewrvaa It fh ^ J a b l r - aod - n ct leava-ewhIter to be brought under cross- «7,Jnlnatlon.he effect of tha ruling U to per-

port-of Tu amended application. C u h n ^ J ^kesm an for the firm said they 'aa ahow an Increase In the :iat- i jM ^ r f M .f r o m .a b e u t .a m - .000,060 cublo reet to 1,000,000,. ™ » " >, ■

______________V - the.bondi

ai m Leader__ isisl'Session-EndsAbffB-'lN?j.“ Aug.' is 'in -i-'A n iw ly 8« *rday. conference of agrlcultur- entlflo an eadera from alx weaUm atatea te n d l^ a A lajlu h u eonciudad with aleo* Bovlet unof Qfflcen.--;------------r------------Kopklw-

eorgo Schwais, director of plant ^utry for the sUta of Nevada. ”P'named president of the Wost* Asseclatlon o t Commlaslonen O ' * \T

"Plrector* of Agrlc^ture. ^h i group decided to hold naxt r’a nesting in Nevada, but the A Land date were not aet. r Ujtfia S.-BtubW4rield.-Maho"66m ; '

______ —• -■ ■■•■••■■KlW| ^viu •iiv

rm -»nlm al7 dla«aM-I*l>oratory H H h western range atatea. Whitney ■ n . Uand. Uaiaoa ©Ulcw tor the TJ.

lepartmnjt e f agtloultur*. urged atatea.^adoptnm lform -lnapS. g . 'S w ,

ISSis**2 ?“ lucceeSa wSusS* Ohap. ik?“m .4

It. and Bvenre Omdahl. Waah- u A ^ cn dlteetor cf agrleulture, . k .

R ome ProHI' n . r-. , te boutRow-Stopped■ i

lBtaIjii4 lotfiji a t hoUl- ———: projeet where -unruly crowds ' demonstrated In protest to a

H H ' w m e "^ '* - fH B P " <»nt.of the ChlceioH n |c a department, or about 780 of. ^ ^ ■ ^ s ^ w e d s U U j d t o th# area

^ ^ H ^ n c e r s reported It w u .“all ^ ^ ■ k t " last Mght and early today. Ww ^ V l r o ^ s UP to 3,000 partena had K

fcinbled in the nelghberhood D iry day slnca Sunday when the

r a e ^ jeBred,- threw brlokt. broke _ * _ S _

— -Cl-•tDBtd->crter-l>sftaW W i-artr3<: I f * ’J wife and two children were tha nt Negroes to move Into the pre- ia ly •■au-whlte" project. , , tl^epco£leol_tha-nel|hbortrooa- ------ “ tJ

“Mla reconcile themselves to our ig here," Howard said.

Wps Listed n• n « W _ A u g ^ » -M r .- a n d -M rr - W

non Darone and daughters and. Lenoro.,Thompsoa..Brle,-Pa, -LhM O ecn Tlsltlng Mr, «nd-Mre, -n S. Oourley. have lift for Wai- i^ O Vcreek to visit relatives. a | 3 m

lr. and Mrs. Oeorge Johnson. i T u SnawvlUe. Mo, and Mrs: Edith l i * i tg. Springfield. Mo., left Sunday -W iiB

h t for thelr .homea after visiting-and-Mr».-H;-tc^ohnBOB:-----------tX9. Ha*el U nptng. Monmouth. ^ “

*To viaitln» relaUves and 0 ^ “


M agic Valle------- K L E S K T F I A M -[• (UIO En.OCYCLEBi (UIO KILO-M.7 L TllUaSDAT

IT ■olTf'tir^T V '^ tiM X'L'l-X'tri. a»w« _ (llO iRor Boi'n? ?!« s ‘«0 s h i ? C»iie»‘«

-it«s Ca«bon id«bo p«ib iiso iCiirtM uu«r ’* JOiSS Mvin c. HIU Sdl xJ*n« Ptiklni

*!*? ' f liM C*II to fn jn CBIDAT■* SilD Hollr't Bnnup TonJ** ».m. . „ .Q IKS Town^BBUy JevRisl SiCO Top e( Uoralai

-Ills •lUrtJB Amnikr «Sl40 Lmt Ll>«le<kllte *Dcb Gtrrld. o m SlM 'Uwl« v*|]«r Ala T IS tdibe Knn • t i l l Urtarwt UlUo:h I 00 i l 'M k /^ a a b liM >N... er W«fU. *ioe XII. K*u«d4f TUI ImU. u- H«il? tilS •Cbtt liaaU« Site ButlBmcun'i E

X III ii«i»arrn-8enpi>uo» - -o nostniam»-r6*m ^0 i» t(M*m (M ft Dm 1J:M PaDllO* rrMriek

I mo Olnow B*a Bwia4n» lli l l f i ra Joursftlll H,wt Iil4» xNwil Nf». Ue 1 lU KIU Kwlt IlOO xRb41s Onnur II Dlno»f 8«!1 lUniiiiup »lOO*Dr. P»al3 - 1} ' i ’aul lU n n . »•»• liM Kllwi'eU Klimbi1 It HiMla Thtl Klleki 4i09 sW«lora< Tr»M - Il llUmlnsvO. nrwi iil9 KLaeyeU SUmb

ll &l>t crokr Shoir . 148 KWors>B BntU. 100 MiloJltt <rf MomtBl # i« .Nfwi P.tiS«

>0 KIddI* K*rtiW*l <ili 8U-(l>t*n UIOiIt nM Ur Mtrqa*# (UO CIim KMl< Jo<CI«in«nU tliO rartd* of HIU

1 U Bh5n» »!» >Rmhti*t» CitiW. lOO World N«wi Silt iiEddI* riiher, ID l<Mdlln« Ultlsn SlSO xCIIIbm UUrr•l ll Klm«r DkvU «iM lOm M»n*t F»Bt I* All-flUr rootb«n - «iU iNln»->ICinn t l

iS Cowbor* *l Ic!«b r.lU 9ilQ Gur Uabtrds 1 160 ri»««ur« ■XXm’T - 1110* *0<* «Bd B«r

1 E x ^ R M E M d e F C I a i n

. ' Seeks Control by' WASHINOTON. Aug. 13 (IB-Mos- of the IU ■ coWa stratcffy colls for conquering regorded a , westem-Surope-by-infiltration and students o : subversion Instead of outright war. -rhf. tji ft •forftier' nT mBif df tfli lU ln n ftrid Fiesch.Communist parUes-aald-to*- ^ rp o s t 'in

■aay. - ' - jelnfc, A. 'EUitii ot the Unlvenlty o t Paris, by the L a pioneer red who broke. wlUt the ond World communists in 1938. aaid the Soviet oountrles ~ unlbn '^bM no jnteresb-m payu>g-a strength-r heavy prloe by running a serloOs risk mlt glvlnj of war to control western-Europe for order to st lU beniflt." He aald tha Kremlin „ i

: ptan-lB-to-us*-non>mmtary-«athods- •■to-pbtatn-the-Tama-TWult-alm oit iHnfcrJofr

: without cost.” . t u m W"It Trttntfc. weatem Oermany and Marahall ]

. lUly are neutralUed; U the fO e^ of this co : m a n )—R uhr-lnduatrta l—compler nonB-bytl

ceuea to furnish an economlo foun. plan. iU : . d4llflnJorJhfl.deleMe.oLtiiewesiiJf gemlntung

the.bonds t>etween Prance and Eng- _land and America are greaUy loos- ^ • i

. anad-lf-notphrcjcw r-th a-g sait-wiu- ■ | - p v 4 i jut_lonsei:-have-anythlng-to-^4ar f r o ^ th a t dlrecUon."Jiossl_sald.

. _Ito*»routJlnVd' Sla viBws“t)0lore K lm arly SM business.'educaUonal."SCI.' ' ' ' entlflo and govemmer^ officials a t . c'oLOMl tending a five-day eeminor on the 7)19 trmy Bovlet union aponsored.by.the Johns p rem ier-I Kopklns-unlverslty-:»ohool-of-ad- -volunteers- vanced IntemaUonal studies. communist

The speaker, one of the< founders five perso: “ ■ " ■ ■ ' 60 injured

2 New Planes i»™'main road

Are ReportedWA6mHQT^ ~A ia~ff>CI?rh» the-rioUni

^ O f l n i - ^ ^ l a n e 't - ^ ^ nounoed-today-lt l#-bulldlng two niw types of hlgh-alUtude reoon- f S i i„ < nalsaance planes for the a ir force. *? ^- B olh-planes-are-m odlfled-var.

alona-of Boelng’a -B .47 "Slratojef bomber.'I4ke Uia B-47. Ui(iy ire In ;!m f i / 5

One of the naw typea, designated __the RB.47E. w u described by the r a hjaMUiaoturftr„aa “thBjmrWB fa tt. _ h a o e w i eat-day-or-nlght-long.rango-?hoto nbd-M S ri ship." I t has a longer nose Uian mlasIonarlB the B-47. and a special alrcondU vlslUnsUened compartment to preserve vUltors in unlfortn_lcmperaturo-and-humldlty m ak « r-p ?{or de!lc»to_»«rlaI.caaeiis.j___ if ln e - jo h tj ro e other plane U called U»e RB- !,h . .

47B and was des£rlBed“ only asr a church In"n»clftlly convertKl" B-47, sulUble — ........... 1for both reconnaissance work or iomWng.jals4ioD3.______________ ____________


- IB PROOF . THE B O H tm u u B O '* * * :o,UM»y, lo m s m iE , K y m r a ;

Falley R adio Schedi’FI AM-FM KEEP ”Ki Co -M.7 H £0 .) H4M KILOCYCLES) .

*0B8 aB<»D« II« Nolverii • TlltlBaDAT • ^ _________ -THPBflDAT -

K«wi Ptnd* ■ tS» •rmallv Sktltoa

tadf ' liOO •!Um»ac»;iiru»ii uuwttn* rtiklni atos •Tl)* Amortua W»'•ther Kbowi Bat BiM «0b StM*“-.as?— !op e( UoralK 10.00 *Now. Ia l Li>«le<k l l i i s e u r l l te U«MI«Wl« V*|]«r AstI. ' - PBOATim *er ^erU s'lM *CBS World Mow*

■ T 'a s s / i f i ' , ; : ,jp Ton* TIBIO Ttio AUra Clvk Oak tllrOi. ItRlen T>U*CD8N*>* . 1'hr«M-Tbt('F<M SilO •Anhar-<M(r*r 1}ob H«p» 101» ‘Htlitt .Tr«nl pamoTowa luport leMS •Wem«n*fW«rM--------liDllo* rrtdriek U:SO •asldJiic Lisblira Joursftl fsiM t i t • ’sintk N m ]4oofl Ntw.. »Urk*t» II iM Hlih Noes l» >C V.U4SlsOi«nu l i l t •LlaUctUr .>r. P*dI 3i00 'Arthar OedfnTlloereU KUnb.k. Slip •Pm r HuonuwHu* Xltmb4^ - s!oe •Ou^oarMBdtrs s ' p s s r !!i! .7 . ! i s i : u u . < ,x>(l>t*n Editlea SiOS rr>a Wurta■ MK.-K.n.VJK'Uatmtrr C e«s«7 T'.M *Ut. Cbkmolon

}B« Mitn'i Finillr siM aia(tn| Amtrktiu4ln»->IC<nn riatl tilO^Ur. KmbJr toabirds lOiOO *»««■- Ii»b«B<H«r - u n s aurUu M«io«ii«« i

Claims Ru^ia I j ll by infiltration n“^';

v tranamlssi• of the Ilallan Communist' party, Is announeec! [ regarded ai one of free Europe'a top aser Ed nI students of Uie CommunUt party..... Ho did"L _ ‘ThB tactlea_of the Communist _the_juspgf

porUes . . . have had but a single ___Hurt aa“ Twrpos^'in-all, iouutrlfs: T o T o fS d .monUis”

and reinforce the poslUona gained are rtsumi , by tha UfiSR a s % result ot th s aec- K73CDI ond World war.” Rossi said. “Zn tha clal telavlL w unti^s ~ o^^w es^m Europe the _to.heglii.3

mlt giving Communist parMes the order to sttze power . .

Rossi said the Bovlat union, oper- J V l C U l

turning United States aid under the X V 6 9 I Marshall plan to the dlsadvanlage _ _ of this uun try . He said Utla was M Im iflonB-by-throwlnrniiplclon-on-thfl--------^Ir-H <plan. iU IntenUons. and "by dls* /« m ln ^ U n g U e s ." - - '

fe y lo ir f te w s z r iS r-B rin g ..F o rc e := f ;

COLOMBOA. Ceylon. Aug. 13 (W- The army waa called out todoy by 1 " .wJ Premier -Dudley - BenaBayakB--and **’«-volunteers were ••niob«lzed-to-quBll-------— WaicommunUt-lnaplred riots In which He told a live persons have been killed and rounded by ,60 injured In th e past two daya. ciO Comm

The premier aald mllilary units America, occ have been ordered to patrol all and tha t he main roads and thot maohlneguns to re-enter t have been Installed a t key points. West said ' Several'flres hava been atarted by occupied by

the-rioUng-demonstrators:----------- -U jo y i^ u l^—■ ■ «M nnf, jiTf r ^ W n f^ n ite atown S » l o ^ CMly today as com - S 'h e re -a M munlsta swarmed through the ; streets in the second day of violent m aionai diau^tra. Mo-X ro w g r-W trn rrC o -B u liaingB in —w aat said aayaral parU of tJi# olty but police c U U ^ le r 5 aald the sltuaUon waa consldetnbly nicktd ub hv quU tet^T he -poUcfl-dl5p«ftd“ lh-o turned tS & m te a .b y jlrlnerovcr:-their heod^- ^ a ' s ^ d ' t l i No casualUes were ryo rted . don’t want o

RAOERMAN v is it o r s *"Ae*'cmaUM —HAOERMANZ3VUCZI2=rh5=Ra^ aM 'M ra. T . M. Mocre, Pitfbylerlan rnass demormlasIonarlBS from Malnpurl. India, s o ^ h Band are vUlUng Mra. Leda Evans. Other n X v . vUltora includo MarUia sclvwn. makerj-Panniylvanlf,--- and^M a^a- ~W haiT 'ele •lone JohUUen. Narway,' mlj«ion. available, en

c liu n a i In I n J I v ______________» t .lumlDUji.

B A N—In s tru m e i

Before you buy e ith e r a ne' used .instrum ent — invcsti o u r rcntaUpurchaso p la n !

Large SelectionI Low Prices! E

y — i i i u j t i ' p -^^^'miACROSWlCtUNOS


....... -- .... ■ TI

chedfiles - ^ ~ |K S I rP K B K * « > 'rCLES) (U30 m o C Y C L E 8 » l a v

K n J w - - 4 3 5 ^ S « - - - l - s r saioo >)Uk« HiJkv Wednesday

. ;>J[»Xta«c*p.9U belBc set at.•!?! saa’cfflr' »*>”'--------------

SS'iBluS: ........ comouis. Q10 lU rieuoro Tim* pany of th

_ raiDAT amaUer utUJaioo Uoraiw Czpr***. valuaUoQS.,

M*w* Ills *M«R]B Acroatkr -Vtah-PowerIf e lio ^ b u * ^ j? o ? S i« M ountains!Clob. •. egrahcdmpi

mM - ------iiioo'niitJi«‘~' ------------ ranre:

Im ^ 11*0 TiSr and NorUier■- iVifl mission tha

itif 5 II#. **•"'*• higher tax‘ I” fe?” »•■«" claasea of p-Uy M-isMrkw " " * •

>00 JoIib i ^ u happy to hai

I'nr "TSft..OB- : » ‘Futuf Sr*in. ed," aald Prerktiu llo *7y*uurr Bhoir Und and ta

1 loo "or'i'ilS'TK'.""" Union Paclfl4im i n s p ^ ^ c n ^ ' . valued a t U

“*■ — other propeiij ---- ■ ■ — "I—■ Jlca_lt_smrc3

TVHalts Hallroad vNAWPA. Aug. i l W V-tnd«ll-i

-nlta-suspension of television tranamlsslon on ICPTO-TV w u Jannounced Wednesday by Man- ager Ed Hurt. - .h /u w L ^

;3 5 lcL JU l^L tnay -be-! '«evera lJ .monUia'’ before TV'operaUoaa- ?are resumed. regulatory U

K IT O vaa the llrst commw- dal^^WavlrienjtaU^^^ |

"• ’ T T .rTm'I'Tiilf,- _ ^ 7T3CC.TKem ■ • Northern . Ui

Kidnap Claim Results Froni -Phone- Strike

INDZANAFOLIS. Ind, Aug. 13 (III ' . T > .i-'A-r*terwrtndl«OT-SellTBlirphonB- -------—

he w u ^^H^OTOMA

told to get out. of town.’.!^aa_aiaaa. seml^^anniial, picketing flacad thtre. day evening 1

Bell for as years, said ha w u repair-Ing^-awltchboard Wednesday night P*’'’*” ™-at an'lnduatrlal plant when he-was rc » » .a . to th .. .lr« , -------------------------— Wamed-by-StrlliBrr—-------- borrifc;— Tcco

He told authorities he w u sur- Mecham. Talrounded by striking membera of the 'aid MechamCIO Communication Workera of Closing praycAmerica, ordered to ’‘start walking," Oold.and tha t he would not be permitted -------to re-enter the building. DEFENi

West said h e was forced Into a car BOISE. Auoccupied by six peraons who said sen hoa beer 4hoy-would-<lrlv<t7^m-to-a-liu*-iU- .<tiwotor.-=farW nf^iiitCTut;" Wejt"Hita r h e wna f f a n t MumBi driven to .LakeVllIe. , 10 miles south director, annc of here.-and'told to le t'o h - th T bus cceda L. O." for IndlonapolU there. ■ TCcenUy.

_________NotltleQ Ottlclsla - ■West said he-notlfled-Bell offl- t A /? vt i

clala after the union people left, waa Jw O O K 1 plckid.upJiy_a poUca-escort, and-re-- — ^A 'N Dturned to South Bend; ; _ _ i _ _________

^ a 'a ^ d 'O i e ’slrilcera told him "w* M cVEf f s . r . ‘„ s r S ; ? S G r ‘ h i t c h -

==^0Hmass demonstrations yesterday a tSouth Band, where Uie strike began I33 day* ago.

“ w ha'nl'electric. powBr"'..ii..«nad6 i . “ .____ TTavailable, englnaers say Uie African Twin•Oaia*Boaarean-proaufi8-2io;ooo"tonrof aluminum a year. — *

m e n tsi t h e r a n ew o r £ [ 9 H |— in v e s tig a te

to p la n !

Prices! Easy Terms!

j^ - — 11


R a i r o a d s S e e k Propos R e d u c t io n s o n

V la x Y a lu a t io nBOISE Aug. 13 t n - ^ e four ma> off the mark

Jor raihvaaa serving Idaho protest* proving presed -th e lr—tentaUve u x -v a lu au o n r -w u 'rejectedWednesday and objected to their atato potatobeing set a t a higher p e r ^ ta g e of day. Tbe vcacUial value than oUier classes of The propoiproperty. growen■"The" w uhin jum ,wat«p Power ■metrwitiniRcompany. Qeoeral Telephone com- meeung of 1pany of the Northwest and two dealers here.amaUer utUIUes alao aaked reduced H. A. MichvaluaUons., Idaho P6wer compaay. mlttee. chain

.Vtah -Power and Light company and who voted agMountain States Telephone andTel.- tvlth aU meiregrah cdmpany entered no'proteata vallay.' Spoila t Wednesdays hearing. Ellensburg,

— —------Ask for Cota a resj Indicat''TSiTropW nlatlves-orth-e-U nion »««la*‘ -*lthlPacific, Oreat Northern. Milwaukeeand NorUiem Paciflo told tho com- 'mission that the rallroada bave a M J a Z G .higher tax valuaUon than otherelaasu of property In the countiesthey serve. All said Uiey«would bo l T X l H thappy to have their valuatlona Ilxeda t the aame percentage aa oUier »!WVET^property. >"*y *>«

•T don't see how tho commission’s ®'*) companl poalUon can be lusUfled or support- od." aald Pred Clark, Balt Lake city, land and tax representaUve of theOnion Pacinc. He said the U. P. Is P Vvalued a t ihrefl Umes the raUo of V mother property In Uio 18 Idaho coun* co^p

RaUroad valuatlona were trimmed (1 .. = .« l u l y ..r . . n a , E D.Baird, cemmlsilon chairman, aald irUUa-year-a'valuations have been-set ^ M l n l ^ ^ tentaUvely s t last year’s levels. ,SI

"If any change Is contemplated. It -anv a t 31 n should be downward," said E. J. jrtkNoeAe.,SeiaU6. assistant U x com-

regulatory bodies which g6vem the pany, OUman raUroad’a raUs. wagoa and aervlces xhe mUcv 1 and I h t “subsidised" motor, a ir and m enu recent »«t«r compeUUon. _ _ ■ _ Aaicrlcan_M .. JCZ0...Senne3y..Bt.. Paul, Oreat iwnpanv, w>ii» N orthern . tax commissioner, noted poratlon. Kei the lU te's surplus and income- tax pany. end the reduction, bringing thla reply Jrom Carteret. NJ. IL ^ ^ a d d a u p a nf Uia otfmmtolnnt ____________- • T hs-B t& t8 -*aa ito ru irita ia -ttie r n r n v n ^ m at the surplus will ba eaten up ind th a atata will bo writing ttgla- .HAGTOMAl tered'warranta before Un-blennlum MeUiodlst cJi

----------------- ---- Jjera:Landi-Mj. guests of the

— E r ie s to J M e e t ---------■ HAOERMAN. Aug. IJ-P rlests of A 7 p.m. t

!h aJ l agerman-LDB-ww4-held-thelr «emd-'tty'4.{n )eml;^anniial, cotUie_mejtlnKjruM i BelI._Mrs. ..I jay evening at Uie home of Mr. and Mrs. Pick Pop Stra.-Eraetwn ^ugtalre. par, tlw regu'

LaRao Stringer w u -ln charge of lowed. Evenln Ihk program. The Opening prayer held tn the si ivas given by John'Oraen. The pro- , rram consisted of a vwal duet by w O O w z™ ?? yirglnltt Olalborrie'and J ^ c e Clal- v C D d jorrifc,. accompanied T)y ’ 'Cnrol f - r K c l VCecham. Talka were given by Ron. 1 >ld Mecham and LaRae Stringer. D E L Closing prayer w u given by DencU I M d . ----------------------------- ^

DEFENSE AIDE NAMED BOISE. Aug. 13 (/n-Max J. Him. I ^ I > I

icn haa_^en named civil defense S

rra in MumErpw.-gtJ ta - civn -aefeMB 3 ' ^llrector, announced todny._Ho sue- i _____ _ .Wiceda L. 0. Wright, who resigned I .■ecenUy.________ , OPEN

L O d lT jro R n o t i c e ”- ^ A - I J D : D X T E O F -------— M cV EY ’S “PA ST- " J E I H IT C H ” and IM P L E -

J B E N I _ S H O W _ I I C i - TO H O R K O W ’S '

P A P E R ENDS--------- ^ ~"GROl

^ a -P a ll# -U tU a -3 h ta U r-p u lld ------------ MARM n o t h e r - L o n g u a s i Q '—___ By ftankin _________ ^Augrl8rl9r20=8:T5 p.m.

W o sh lng ton School Aud. R ’inckeu 1.3S. Reserved 3.00 i j Available Lloyds Jewelry P ^ B W l

' ALL COMMONITY.CAgr___ W W i B l l i

. . . Ridilna mttrle wltfi the shop*. lieu jilum in tht reyol

f*oM:no • a

N I I P M I l f


Proposal to Hold Demo No. 2 Spuds Gets ojatf Washington Snub

— B S i)ff the market, iu a means of lm- b o is e , Au jrtTving present low potato prices, ocraU on Uii nu 're jec ted -by^the-W ash ing ton work»“ cflmin lUte poUto committee hero Tues- Saturday lo b lay. Tbe vote w u eight to three, of federal p j

The proposal came from a Moaes the P*d«8 n >ake ArrtTing heuvb with ulue suppoib « l ••io wt»cu laavlnff aarlv neeUng of about tO growers and ten,-Or«., will lealers here. rea. D.. M. t l .,H. A. Mlchaelis, Moses Lake, com- n riM.. and

nlttee chairman, was amoOg- those vho voted against the moUon. i^ n g in*ivlUi aU membera from Ule.yaktraa ^ eomml 'allay.- Bpokeamea for grow m -ta Qlensburg, Yakima ? fH e u ? ,Sn5ireu indicated-eenUmen^U atrong .galasb-wlUiholdlng No. 3s. . •

~ oppoaln* Id*

Date Is Set on » Mine Walkout

DENVER, Aug! 13 Strike no2d »Jtniia1nay be called Aug. Sl’agalnst *ev- ra i companies In the non.feiToua ^nd Nes Fere netala Industry by the In tem a- ot ttae 8n»ke. Ional Union of Mine. Mill and Jmelter Workera (Ind.).The union's policy committee After an ov

aid In a statement Wednesday a Walla, Wash.. ;alkout will be ordered unleu will fly over 1 these companies como through watera to Ins n o r tn e tn e m e n tln - im c 'w ia r tija - sitcartncindij ilne-cent paUem already estab- Libby in Moa ishtd In the industry." The groupThe campanlta named by lh e Palls. Ida.. 1

ommUtee_are tha Anaconda Cop- Spokane. Wai er Mining company and Ita sub- Wpa to Grai Idlary. Uie American Brass com- Joseph lo Wo any a t 31 properUes In Uie Ooeur Tueaday. ■Alenes, Id a .; 'th e AmerJcon-Zinc -A houae pu QmiMny.^ ^ /ia is and W a^Jngton; will- v y t the .

/aah.: and Uie Empire Zinc com- though tbo it: any, OUman, Colo.' the group phiThe policy group approved aetUe- 6*Pt. 18 and

a n d O r a ^ Sampany. Php.Ips.Podge Copper cor. ------ . . .oration. Kennecott Copper com« W m t " any. and the t7.B. Metals r e f ln ^ , ■ ■ n i l i , arteret. N J. J U m

— --------------------------------- i v t n n iJj a r a v a n E n f e r l a i n ^ nowHAGERMAN. Aug. 13 - The

teUiodlst church caravan-_«em'< DOQRBm -and-..M ^-W a>Tie-ragg-w ete ________ _jests of the Rev. and Mrs. Harry W V T f t Mtarbuck a t a plcnlo a t Banbury’s ■ A i / ' f l jl'SPiliigS'Tuesday noon.A 7 P-"\-,fellowship tfupger w u ^ J g r n g J ^

elI._M rs...Howard._Cuifordland:rs. Pick Pope, Following the sup- sr, tlw regular schedule was foi. wed. Evening worship aervlce w u eld in, the sanctuary. ................. ■ V g Z


ORlEtfTAL g“ C A F - E ^ l-Suson-H oy

OPEN 11:30 A. M: | Hisfon - T h e - P i e s


JEROME e r al l i t a ^ T h e a t r e r-EHos ENDS TONIGHT'GROUNDS FOR = F R i -MARRIAGE"— ; G o e i ^ T o

Van Johnson - K. Grovion _A -G oedJ


iS z iisriw u iiiiiic s iD is ^ m m m

r ^ S t i T ’K ^ jit 'iD ■AUTIStS

— " I . ■ s j ■ ■ . f m

fleino S o l o n s

S l a t e Tour o f

.......B a a i n . B e g i o n

ocrata on tn o U.S. a e i ^ 'a public, ahak b fforka-commlttM-wUl meet he« reu6„*V t f l Saturday 10 l>ogla Ml Inspection trip lrapo^‘® , ^ . jof federal p r o ^ t a In Alaaka and d o e ^ .Uio ,Pad«8 oormweat.— ____ _

la ^ ^ ^ w r i^ ^ S u n d ^ fo r^ p e n d le ^ Msfe* wttl be Bena. Denm,

S ?^ 5 " Holland. »wg ^ n a . . aod John C. B te n ^ . o :

I r w t Damsite ' Uirouih”c ^

. S S ^ v r S T d a J W a r v l SJf Hell, cujyon, w b jec t of-a f ih* S ' d b ^ ^ Mtween puWo and private p o i „ S?- b 2^® rroupa. PubUo power advocatea are u

I d ^ o Power company's totSrt?* ipplfcauons tor power commission • lieansai te buUd three dams in ths #■« nadlh Snake. Including oae a t ^ “ can! ron. a ^ p r o j ^ d aa Uie aite of a Use to’ederal p ro ject indosuy at• The aenaton.alao wlU view pro- soluUon t f “

!am. including Mountain Sheenind Ne* iri th e middle reach ^,t ttae B nao .

Noataaa ProJecU N*Uonal ^ S S a ;After nn overnight atop a t Walla h u la

aroUa. Wa»h.. Uie aonatora Monday “PPOse pr« vlll fly over upper Columbia head- on laporti vatera to Inspect proposed nrojKt rltcsr-tnclndlnT 'O lffeier'V l^andJbby In Moatana. K ■ S H

The group will motor to Albenl I . W a T rails. Ida.. Monday and atty Jn B A / _ T » \ Spokane. Wash., th a t night. Auto ■ R i M n l i i xipa to Grand Coulee and Chief ■ u M j I a roseph lo Waahlngton are planned rueaday

. A a r . > ; p y o ' ’a e n d s t h

hough tbo itinerary la incomplete.

------- NOWTBCYING!------- 'Inds Saturday ? V r

____DOORS OPEN AT 1:15 • _

i a i i i g m i i f l j w— T t i U J t S r - . i : F J U . r : = |

-S u so n -H o y ^ o rd — C h orlton -Hoslon - Fay Balhtor | ' '

- T h e - P i e s i d e n t V L a d y :


- ^ E N D S - T O N I G H T = - i W /

Donald O C onnor-PIpor i ^Laurie ' ......................^ ^

= f r a n g i F ^

; G o e r : T o ~ T h e - R a e « J — / J

^„A^Good_Hamily_Ricturfl— - I —

i r r n r f g T T i e n d s t o n i■ ! ! > * > d i n a J

-----------------'" B i .o 6 D H O U N S ? |- » M A B W ^

. :_________ F R I D A y ^ i n d . S A l . l | R D | ^

~ m . A R o y - R o g e r s A d v e n T u r e l


_________A N D ............-

■ — ~ - • - ’ <N^, - 0]TTTrinD

M c C R ^ S T C ^ n ^ X L yP^PH"Cattle Drive" 'WK^JI

w i t ^ t » n i . w g iM _ ' j

" .-y. :r

£ ^ L . d d n c a n .^ ^ P ^ ^ y | I | I p r Mud. U ut

* ' ' sBi^e tn 'e m** tl->Vurtaaih Duncan’i mu

^ ^ t ^ h S ^ - t a p U « -h e» ry -ito*5,Jt<d ■n«nwUy. WM unable i -oMhcEumboAUf. 91t Alnnen sali

ftom M motor «

SpB.ttr«P-«- - ' --------------------

Effort t

IsH*r ^ h t h fT*de. •’"<1 ?:.» wMUonal ii«rl* COEUB D7 5 ^ Eliorfa of tho

tha dlatrlct Jn- cation commit >™«6 » “ • '‘ "

of BrighamHi fo^crly PhH«« of the

BDrit, who S a lm w ^ 'b 'pP* *' **, S"fi ? Hb •ununer m « tu ,^W .tH # U ey . HeI rf flics. upof tfie ll- win be high KhMl committee h « 4 -TUid mathemUw to a pTOffram e Ifcuraduateof Buhl jjty of removi

like Cit;. Is responsible1 homemaUnR and loues annual

U from Rupert induitrr."ijote of Saint Mary Future proji- gtni. port* were or J'EaiUih aad eocbl Twelve memb i w T u from Twin are here for

S s a r s s s i u s^ companies ie r

w « S p ° S

= — — - ^ e a d i - i iuppof ts Amonj. • A' • 1 WALLA W /i s f c o n ^ ^ ^ y s s

i s a S irfti* iModation ahows In IDM Is am ^ a eoA-of.preduc-- .to >e_returoe<

The aon U :J T u c h . p to m imr iR r’WjanliaUon-tjy -U v ^ atally^v< hmtfln.Xolorado Re-

p(r «nt-of-thoM-voU. a fivored coat-of-pro- "

iS.“r .S S -y < .„ i» i a . . . - m .> -

. tu ld t h . U rm p r . - ‘ “ j J , ”imrtntei a profit of .L .L ;^toi coJt of produoUon. _____sttbsuthi tne Severn- ^ ^da nothing. SU per S U f f a r (.

1 wnethlng different » '■Ulnlo detail. Thirty- S A f i im undecided. . “ - „ WABHINQT

i 6 F « ig t= |S |“p|te! llton Output S'^crbf;

S i i s b w S. ngylsgryrco»n« --Thn nftnffnl

E i a a . l 5 S ^ ~®-ihe-28.400,000'bale5 lPSJ-53, Outalde the

^^^produetlon U ten-

u l« t seaeon^nd 'S? uttaate of the Ameri- lated a reducUon of • Uiin half a million ff™**” W"®.»--------- -----------------Ing O-Burpluf.H-pre(luetlori-ln'19M. — — --------fc* nuch more cleaely ^ The averagi

Mtt-Wt-TOW-CTn..-la Injlther Of the laat ____ —-

a i committee lald.

“n- u w i WlU. a rt ^Mr. and Mrs.

^ 'L '-nw y will i„ v e p r i c e grt ef 8«piemb«r for /

^Wted'Mr.andMn!' ^ Sunday ui4 Mon- ’ 1-7B MTSrr l-JA SG E^ -fid tw . Spoicane. i-^aM AU

CHAINT ” -[ ■WHEE“‘nm tn t/o r T our-- - — -t-BRioK

m tO H -y = m

P Varloua ot


6 0 4 Shoi

H!Ji*®«>‘ tha tllw m ' J- J

lent lo your


ripping /

Qic^ ty- — ^0 OF1R g ="'IN falls. . T -' .........

,. sticky ■ RefrigDDNCAN. Okla., Aug. 13 WU T 5 .

lud . tha t ase i old slowpoke, J h l ' rroretf e«}Uftl to the thrust ot aet engine Wednesday. By Ui

fnrr-M >n The-bomMaake an emergency landing on ^ r e lound liTiJuncan’a muddy i^lntrlp. during ' ' ' ‘or box a t Hi-heary-atorm -Tueaday-night,. -brlnglng..ta-nltras unable to take off because dren tound deif the gumbo; " ' ------- ; “ wlUiln two dayi

Airmen aald the six-ton craffa Yesterday fliet motor oouldnt budge It au IQ a Crawfordnch7~TheyTxpectia*t(rwsimnv ""in RichihonffU the sun dried the runway be- and Woodrow Iore attempUng another takeoff, twins, their brt__________ ■--- ____________ J Walter CharlelAA . . . »v « found In »n ObiJfort to Reduce . S ,“ “Hardware” Dls _ T ^ _ d tfa p p

Is Having Effect ur"ewCOEUB D-ALKNE. Aug. « '.IV- J . ‘’^-llI forta of tho Idaho farm electrlfl- «undredJ Jolr tlon committee to combat “hard- * “ 6>“ «i-tow< ire dlaeaec" among UToatock Is lYlog good rasults. E. B. Theo. . illua of the Unlveralty of Idaho Id Wednesday. ’ all buildTheophUus. dean of agriculture “ oroughly yM • the unlveralty and committee „L* lalrman, is presiding at a one-day ^0^“mmer meeting ot the organlsaUon ire. “ In Orawfordi“p i f tfie last six montha, the mmltteo has been giving attenUon | l8h‘ ; a program emphasising t te neces-

■y of removing'fnetals from live- • ,!“ • ., ock feed " ho eald, • had cautlTtet-lnslde-orHresponsible for one of the biggeat *ues annually In our livestock ^nnlo B duitry.”Future projects and progress ro- - - ■ - rrta were on the day’s program. T l_ _ > _ T „ irelve membera of the committee 1 . a 6 ' B iJ o t here for the. session; They > >i >eludb representatives from the . ASSaiJS tS I S I S Sn il n p r u t n u t K n , ta rn t t c l i S f ' " " ? , , . r ^

Bead^Son=Fou«d=^^gHsAmong Returnees ?'“• S 'SWALLA WALLA. Wash., Aug. 13 -mlniistration's —L. J. NutUng, Walla Walla, a ot plunder." p7>ec_ppuiaer, ooio.. rflRKnt; re - Tittitcked"©!*!! i«s' he ha<l’'Herinnrtffffi*TT"60Jr Tron-'Kuln; pul it«d officially as killed In Korea Ing and social

IDJO Is among pdaoners of war .Durkin, a Dbe_retum^;t\ome_{ioon._______ conference _&

The eon la JUchart Hutting, -who Vere nol, “well illsted In the a ir force « t IS while retary recalled

In TViiitdgr. ■ enhowcr has :The father spotted (he grinning en|ng social si

freed prisoners. He checkcd irtth both tabbed t 'nsHlngto^T'fdr ""the Best 'news T tlon next year

Young Nutting WM“f«p6rl«d VllI- T fll '* ^ T 1 In a B-M crtnh -ThanksglvlnR U f l l O R l l lyr-IWC.-The-elder-Nutting-jiftld — -rt,^ ■ .!_had been ndvlsed members of J __H I k P 1ie;crcff_cttme-oiiLttf..North-KQriia- i * * * * * ^ * iUt a story of parachuting behind WALLACE, j lemy lines before the piano shine Mining i ashed. the Independc

----------------•— Mill and 8me

lugar Cane Curb Set up by USDA dlMppolntmcn'

Aug. W ^ T l , o Z p “ for a y l »ed-pIanWni ontr<S-on-domi igar^cane producers for the first me since before WorldTwaf'II^nnd “It 19M acreage altotmcnU 73 per rn^” Him intJjjlow 1063 planUngs. • 07,«onti«ls:«n-iM 4-crbp-pttH t. ig apply only to the mainland au- ' ■;•IT cane area orLoulslana'iindHdr- ■■ m mm a. Growers must* comply with tbo ' ' ■ ■ I C 'Ellotmnita to..rem aln. e llg lb la -Jo r__rice support payments under tho l o i / «.««» «leral sugar act.Acreate allotments —wer a . prn^ _UxK1.6nT.. almed'earUw for PuerETRlMn su- N o th inq D ir cane growers. No controls nre ' ^ ‘ ^I effect for mainland sugar beet '®®* ‘owers who have n o t^ e n produc- FREEZER...

------------------------------ZrpEQWThe average whisker In a beard«■ t grfa tffT «tr»ngfh fhnnon.

W a m S B B -REFRKm m c u m

EQUIPMENT ..I 9.4vCubkFoot........ i...

P R I C E D R I G H T I N o th tng c

~IPor~Ouic(rSale—1-7BM1XEB . .. N E W -1~JAEGER HOIST D o u B l e -

CHAIN H O I S T ~ N O TH IN G -------WHEELBARROWS--------- T ?Q W N !~


Various other, amall Items

Phone 2 2 6 W /6 0 4 S h o ih o n . S t. W « i(

' T r a i E

efrigeratorj Ice Box C Lives of 9 TJ. S. Yo

l ^ L 7 ? "

tor box a t Richmond, ^a.. today, bodlea ofiglng to nine the toLal ot chll- V' . Odie an d ..' n tound dead in such fashion *'®™rana~B*r1 hln two days. >ound tn the lo'esterday fire were found dead ^ box on tha ] a CrawfordsTiUe. Ark , Ice 1 ^ n u n ’s tenant fai II RieniHoaa Uie txidtes oi wilion 'm e ss-year-o I Woodrow Biackstock. 7-year-old home_l»t« yeaU ns. their brother. O eo^e, 6. and other c h l l d i . I 4ter Charles Boykin. 7. were Eugene. 9, to dis nd in a n abandoned refrlgeraUon . ah* u id thn * ; at McGuire veterans adminls- been latt to M tlon hospital, by a VA hospital toTsun^merwW penter. John Turner. - ton i t e fielS:^_ d tsap p eared _RhlIa_playlng .h a if . |r^ .-h tt“ ,r Ihelr homes Tuesday. Ches- w t l i n ^ ^ rield V county police s t a r t s a 5 S -^ S jS ^ 5 S ? rch for them Tuesday night. - ^ ndreds Joined and hellcopten *-e used-to aid the search from the

A hospital officials said Uie IM ' ‘ Aea of the big paraplegic hospital />>1 all buildings were searched / / •iroughly yesterdoy. Somehow the / / ^

refrigerator box. stored In an ised buUdlng. was overlooked . Jl Turner went out to U today. n OrawfordsvUle five small chll- :n locked themselv.es in an air- 2 5 'ht Ice box while playing. Their ther was picking cotton tn nearby Old-ds. _ _I had cauUoned them never to M | -inslde-or-thejr-m lght-lreeie-to -------- 'ith." their grief-stricken mother, s. Annlo Bell Hallman, sobbed

____ £.cfc

ce’s L a b o r A id e _ ■Asaails-Sm aaflao fc r— j r r f l^S ctfeS ?^ D*urkln has defended H X l j J: E l s e n h o w e r adminlstraUon -ilnst crlUeism by tho man taking . ■ M S. place as president ot the A ^ H B l

’eter J l . SiMSn,»mftnn, nrHnj the plumbers while Durkin Is on ! ■ fS£ ve, recently described the ad- ‘ I f l IHI niiitration's record as a “pattem l | B I B

plunder." Schoemann eald it I M M ucted~organ}sed—JaboT'e“ “hardr- n**Tprln7™publlc™powcr-and^tous** * - ■: and social security. I B>urk!n, a Democrat,' told a news ■ ■ Iterance Bchoemann's charges H B ' ro nol, “well f6undea;”*3TiB see- ■ ■ — f ary recalled th a t Preslde;i( Els- M B Tlower has recommended- broad* ;_____ng so c l^ sec^U y coverage and

h tabbed tor' congreuldnnl ac- n next year. . --------------- --- ------B — .

n io n I s O f f e r e d - 1 ® H ikig i n M in e P a y ^ 1 J

VALLACE, Aug. 13 WV-The SuA- B ^ne Mining company has offered . ■ • * ) Independent Union of Mine, WII and Smeltor Workers a pay Tease of flvi-«ents on hour.rhe utilofi.-which had boen s e e k - -------: an cent raise, expressed appointment In tho otter but B reed tO;carry It to Uie'm embu- I B . Ip for a vote. ______ . _____ I B _ _ |J

nshlne U saheduied I6r AUg.-lU. -------- ■ -----iie-mlne-mlll-n«3oUation-commlt> ------- I B - ^ ^i' meet.1 with the so-called 16 ] B iZerators Thursday and Bunker HIU ■ 4 ^iday. ____ •.

^ F R p p R S - ^ h z BK E j 4 Z 9 ! i = | ='Jothing Down, $16 Month B

15 foot $ 0 1 0 ^ ^ I * '•REEZER___ O i yi r b p q u a c i t y ' f r e e z e r '


Nothing Down, $7 Month H 01 >.4vCubie ,'oot....... — . A > 4 f 7 m (LllNothing Down, $9 Month - L a g l

, new — complete ■ ‘ Double-Oven Range I-JOTHING S I 0 1 .0 0 I 'W W N !-----------^ o l * - — I ; ^

O NLY >7.C0 P . r M o ; ~

Well give you the best deal In | | |m i l i ltown on WASHERS, DRYERS. ■ ^


S Shoahoae Ko. Pbone SOI ■

B -^ 1n

T m E S - N E W S j T W I N F A L L S ^ 1

Box Claim Shell Fon S. Youngstersm y^nevor played'around the

he bodies of Edwani. »: Wesley, part of seven wes Odie and TomnUTa 4-year-old centered In a n« M T and-B irta i* Ana.. a.-wer« - - -Qd tn the loo-pounfl aoft drink 8- Jf- _Bowlby. i box on tha porch d Mrs, Hall- P»ny vice preslc s’s tenant farm honi# last night.

f = M o ^ " b ? < er ChUdren. Mary % n . 10. and o r a n d 'C c t rene. 9, to discover n ^ n g . SJvlSSi knd mai he eald the younger-AUdre»i had Approximately- n latl tn Edward'* care dilrlng be assigned to t summer, whilo the diopped cot- Jan. 1, Bowlby i

m t te flelda about ( mile and a office will dlreei frfrem'-her-home.-l*oat«d on a AtHonarUtah-ar ton planUtlon In th i amall .east paru of Idaho, \ antas community. \ , - and New Mexico

B fOld-Ftthlon GoodntuI

_ m o l As s e sK ISSE S Tl

.£ach oncWr«pt> 4


~ C a r f o n o f ■ ~ ■ *I bobook I ~ u n


a_(L5mjt )TJ .■ J J


I fS S

* p 'o ^ p s j

• C o u p o n .............. .. .. , I

hell Forms New Large Reg Office for Region ByRtog

BALT ^LAKB CITY. Aug. « UTh- ' BOISfe Aug. IJ c «U OU company offlclaU aald to- charred moro thar ly aupervUlon of the flrm 'i oil graslng'land 10 mile

irt of seven western aUtes will be graslng servlee said. :nt«ed In a new division office The fire waa c o r

8. r Bowl^, Los Angeles, tom- S m ^ V tfTuiftee my Vico president. sa ld -O . H. r a S tu rg w ^n cm sentw geologW - to The bureau of is

Ulon exploration manager, and _ • « & ■ « « • E. Mohr, now district-land agent D a F A L S E

; Orand Junction. Colo., wlU be " ‘[Vision land manager. RackApproximately-lao employei-win* assigned to the office by a e i t rA sn rru . » iniin. 1, Bowlby said. He said .thetflce -will- direct work' In -o ll-o f Ifu t X V m V n*tHona.-TJt»h-ana"Nmaa“ tna~ ln ntn*-ef-f*4iint. tm

S r i ? ' * ”'" '™ ' , r > S , lnd New Mexico._______ ^ <ni« nafe.

T H U R S D A Y , F R ID A '- --~ —- UmllQutnlliItt 102M oin Ave.

BniiiEI9|j v.60^

k sTnhakr" ' 3 3 e - B - - ts ;-* -

.,. 89“ M j Q ei B SVlLBlS6.Aloml«r g g c |

rftbsprbine J "S^Bann^PALMOLIVE

scot Tissue^ACTIVE)^ V I I

S m c M BoHut O fU ri I I K

p^REE!n«® Tube l i t

fJre'rwiartfcnSlwV^HAVtiMlMnI — v l t a m ln s - & - M ln « r a l» ^ — 1 - 1 —

% mlns, lO m lntrth___ ^ "

^ C T j r o C T I P C E ^ I T A M I N S ' 1 ~ 2

Ne Fhtr Aiphhl STERKH E s B - W a l g r e e n ----------

l l l i l . a s p i r i n ■ £ 1 ^ .1

l t i i i l te?o 4 9 * R;.v,■ a S S S W i U.S.P. qualiiY. G R IF P i

r o tg u t i5-.*----- ^IBI-~Soft*nr,-Cfcenie> n , y

f e ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ P e r f c c t i o i t -C o l d C r e a m j r . m

(J^f.rZly.SS'^ ^T o r DRY akin. •

Plui 30% biU*T«iM T*U*I

m m, T 1 ”TA *p«~ | E B

f fa l ls ; IDAHO /

<arge Region Hit ' X “ h“ „ « " S « i*

By Rtoge Flames^ l y ^ o ^ m u u a ^ o f _ ^ the co u t guard In IW

aslng servlee said.The fire waa c o n t r o l l e d by SO •aalng-:eervlce lire ftght*Tt"and ........... T. ,'..,whenThe bureau et land managemen t '

)o FALSE TEETHRock, S lid , o r SH eJ . ,

' s'«k >>'•<»'iM.intb RiBTi flrsir u a n . _______ ,

F R ID A Y , S A T U R D A Y S A IMain Ave. North .— Phone.60

____, ■' " '= W a l g r n a n ' s F a m o u s ^ ;_ MILD BITTERSW EET _

1 ^ 1 5 ^ :tfodS iB -D ip i -

^ — --------F ro itv io d d t a o o d ehocolGt*,- -

ne Jr. “ 78T h tu tin d V <r in ' /w r . T .b i.u

I I I J. (U m lil) (

, I V E

■ * * £ £ £ £ 1 2 2

1 . ^ 7 h t B r lg h ^ ^ o J t

Fold for fiS fl Adjtistobl# arm. jfof/n® . . M

r!V-s t ■

' S T E R N O C o o k S t o v * A ' J e_ WllhhWtiroMstot<WllnB . . . . ..

C ^ M J I N E ^ 29 c

F « v « r T h e r m o m e t e r e O eR es.B te.O ialM r»ctoltvp«f . . 9 9

^ GRIFFIN ALLWITE « Cc v__ rot<Uty»aseboei.»ettU.>uW« . _

K-Y L u b r l c e d t Jelly1 .......... 3olubto.tlem<.-H>wlarel»e-r. . -

n TR. MERTHIOLATE- 8ato.aHa«tva<miiseptlav.-r-.-T A A

Ant ^ Ixen w ith DDT a O cS«Uio* M a ol powder, oaiy . . . 0 9

I control ottlce said an exactvey has nol been made to do- J ».'i— ar m ln e how maay acre* se re , . N E A R O R 'J

/■ - - D E P E N D 'CVlexander Hamlltcm, flrat U. S. “ C A D C C C i r xetary of the treasury, - founded r U K C r r l j * ■ coast guard in i m - _ ^

. . , w h e n y d u 1 ' • - o p e i i f l i 8 d o o c _ | ;

Will lliari ll* riffiilitig I - - Olyarlt I n r 01 yoir- I : nlrliirater ikilf} . ■ ; .s t i c k i p i i M . 1 ' - X A i U

----------- o w i i i ^ c a . I T R A N S F Jt.*------------------P H o w r

I Groyhoui I Pull WogiM 1 t e 4 V o r t

DAY S A L E \ 1 i j c Phone 60 v J g L | * T C


llV I NOISTtl&ftu3r= |WAX-H- -COOKIE IfTwR

y '0 ? J ZBcnliftrfwt/l, Vf O , 69' VALUEI iffMMi

: MPESMrSi i i i i i i9 “ ;

U llI lll l . J O - M — j . -Q e - i

(Atr t itn g ln g er iStindIng, m A F 4 | \9 B rlg h irM o Jtm M o d tl l I ^ O J

i U l V E J ^ B S s i K

J S K S ^ 1 4 ™V -i— 4 j L / y « f y — 4 i Q 8 9 - 1 ™ W ■ I V . .-- W itte/.. I M (Limit 4

j | r

N M '

h C T : -S S S M .S t.-J

£ ■ 1 ? , ^ h o t » n n l s M i i i ^ ^

.............. _________



'• KtflH^^^BB



T O reS

in a t o r * ,ppliances



J ^



— — ®

■ M





■ --o

M i l

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - P i c k i i i g ^ ■ i M acl^ery Is ^

Sent to Peru H' Export t f 'a rock'plddnff mublne

«ni4 a[«tHtaiit«1 bg. thB UftnufActurios company, to

^ ^ ^ ■ ■ u m f t . iP e n i . It announced by F. W. ^ ^ ■ K ^ S e l f t ' t t t ^ p l t k e r ules-nuQft'

^ ^ H | f * 0 & e todc p k t e « u ihlpiMd thU^ ^ ^ ■ w M K - to -a u -C a n v U o D department

T be local firm U awalUoK ^ ^ ■ ■ a r c o n f l n n l n g order to fthip * rock ^ ^ ^ ^ B p t c k e r to Bal/a. XsracL -AddlUonal ^ ^ ^ H o r d e n s r e ' ezpectod from Mexico. ^ ^ ■ ■ o u b * . Venezuela. Denmark. Spain. B K ^ ^ ■ ■ B a w a U u d p U s e r forelfD M W Crl^^ ^ M ^ M U a n d R w k Plckexv &re ia:use | H ^ ^ ^ ■ K r M c ly ''lh 'U e a h , Oregon, Waablng*

UontaDB, Wyoming. North Da« ^ ^ ■ f f l k b t A . Colorado. OUahoma. OeOTgla, M H ^ ^ K l o a l U o m l a , Texaa and Idaho.^ ■ H B T)i« machloo U dealtfned to. pier ^ ^ ^ W i p surface rocki and load them Into B n

h o p p e r .-^ -m a ch ln e 'a pleUng S t m ^ ^ ^ B m i n M cover approximately an eight* S S ^ ^ H K l o o t a n a and penett»t« the loU ^ ^ ^ v K b o u t two laches to gather rockx. ^ ^ ^ K a r b a tines are raised bydrauUcaUy ^ ^ ■ v l a n d rocks deposited Into » hopper ^ ^ ^ K S b o x with a capacity oi trom 3.000 ^ H H ¥ t o iOOO pounds. Rocks are unloaded H ^ H i f r o m the hopper Into ttiicks.

Picnic Is Planned H WKt By Grange Group su

K1MBERI.V. Aug. 13-Plons for a w M ' Mmig-ari-pmrAur.-SS-Bt-tho-lClmr

H H < berly O nnge hall were discussed a t . n u t H H N a recent meeUng of .the Orange. l H Ht Sheares for the Orange’s booth a t

the Twln'-folls county falr.wUl be | nade a t th a l Ume. ^ - - - V . ; ! '

The resignation of Stacy Diets as ____ias*tar-wa«-aeeepted'and-Mr.-andtifT« 1gng«mii BrrapnpM r. un rl Mni. ---- -9en Jansen were appointed to Uie efW iar66tgBntt<ie:~Mi'. :arid Mrs. . CTT >aul LatUn,were accepted as new nembers' siHd the transfer' of the changc »«T. and Mrs. Rex LIndemood from “‘ys. t penntylTonla Omnge M the Klm» u»^t uwly-Oranga-was-announoed.------------ 6oa<

Metnbera of the FUer Orange and the Ol mrenlle Orango presented the pro* by res: rram< Taking part were Mrs. Al- And t 'red^Theenor,— Donna— 37ieenorr -well-ki EareD Tbeenor. Nancy Lancaster. condiU

B»nrtr«_T^^nffaitA.. tionoL irs . Richard Morgan, Mrs. Rex q_ ; :*nc*ster.-xi»ood-Hccauley. MpC ftalg Dunlap. OUff Thomaa. Dar- ? 5 J r ^ -D a u * h e r ty -a n d -M » .-L o re n i ^ y - j

~ 2 . H r i n h M p p t a g J-yitEBrAufriS race L«aard APf« nd Joan Leonard entertained the °A R ltcband,0hattcr4*H group Tues. Pjoneelay afternoon. • --------------- Ptace l: DembnstraUons „were given b f )onn« Albln. Rachael Trapp, Marl- ilSEES! Bjj;emltti,-ZT^b7_'McMurflla_and _ A x1b nn Walters. . . . Uie gi«A tea for mothers will be served In —— ■

kugust. Oomes provided rccreaUon nd Mrs. Carl Leonard served re- reshmenta.

Beal E s ta te T ransfers iBfermaUoa Fsmlsbed by

I ' Twin Fans Title aadT ra it Coijjpany _____

▼ a n u tr X m V Am’m k ^ « r ts l in .S PloekSTTwlB --------

B H . >Ult T1> ^IU wllh «xe«v(l0n., . ^ t ___jotS,-N83BrflESWa{-»-lS.--------------W«moV DMd I I t 0. Fait «« NitlU S.

*»« »« fliock H y«lf« Ajdl. •

'R«n«a>r UmiTJclhn 0. n u ^p to Xm» ' h E. SulUi. 110, {«n 6EME « 10 IT.

S e ia b K - S .* - * •■ j

InM-CIrtl* 8ulxll>lilon.W ut*nlr SMdi ra r rb 0 . Clin* to

\ u n M M f KtBsilh-E.'^OwInn totha B lo t » Orcb«ltf> _____ _

B l ' AI I I

Sirloin or T-Bone

i S M K S i

Ua 9^P - R S

; 226 Shi

— Gity of Roc


to. w.in o '






to ll

I P s te m clouds bang over tfae e u t spproseh I ^ In Mado VaUey Jnst a few miles north ot th

I a t nan ts boand for California after leaving U: Ige. ' . ■ * * * *

f City of Rocks Has S I Pioneer Days,E T ■” C m '“0I»'^aO K S, Aug.. 13 ( f l - some oflew T l^ . unujlual "city" has not sgmo mthe changed a~treat deal since ^pioneer ylved 10om «>*y8. And many visitors . believe erosion.Im - th a t Includes the 'roads.. ' Impoaslb-------- Be«ewha^-ell th e ' beaten -traltr -thmtlfflmd the Olty ot Rocks IS'VUlCed-moitly tUcmentiro< by residents of southcentral Idaho, paint arAl- And the attracUon Isn't nearly so the new lorr we»-tnown ’as-ln-fomier~7COTa.-The~ overrmter. condition of roads and laclc of dlrec- Moreto . tlonal,algns-afe-bUnled.— -----i—— awayrfr

- OeologtaaUy, Clty-«t Becka Is -an Uurough extruslon'of a granite baUioUUj..In thing, I

" ■ plaln_Kngllsh,.erosion hoa cawled | = = away softer material and left huge

— -ohunke-cf-grenltei-p iu tn idlng. Tha T T i n. giant hunks-ofrocTc ate '-'buUdlAgs" ^

__ In -the city._______ ' ‘Aird '^A ppajen ilFdtiT orR oSca derlv ~ M (the Ita name from -some' imaginative m 'T i ies. pioneer. The,area w a s .a stopping --- place for-plonMra e n -n u te to-caU" - IW]by •fomla. n io lU.fotcd Donner party ' n

irl- 5toE£ed_htrc_--------- ----------4 - - - --------^m d —AxlBrgreaso-messages-daubed on ------ r -

Uie gianlte are faintly vUlblo today, _I In - ------- - . »-Ionre- .

'nd ■ ■H l l

to — - —

• A Y L O W P R I c;;e

J U L ja<^n- ^-Assorted---- ------ —-

y - -MEATS.lb^^Lean, Pork g

>“ RO A STS3 .; ^No^honK, lb. ^


FRA N K S !___I 2 lbs............ .. A

26 Sh6sh(yne Sh EdsV

f Ro%8^D^

s t spproseh to the City of Rocks located In foregT i north ot U>e Utah border. Tfae -city- this road r-wlr*-^avofitff•*toppl^g^lace-#or-em|;— In-goW t er leaving the Oregon tralL Tbe road before Ui

s Has Changed Littt Day^,Jnchiding^cc't— some of them dating back to lU l. That sum ^0 Some names a n d 'd a tu have sur- coach'In'< s " vlved lOO years of weathering ahd The robbc 5''® erosion. But many are ao .faint It Is burled thi

Impossible-to read them. Adding-to of-Rocks, rth- -thc-dlfflcnlty an? theTngnr ' ndver?' '_ tK ST tly tlscments and modem scrawUngs In 'o ity „f p ho. paint and oUitr material. Soine of- M ^^new er^elp is h a ^ b e e n psln tfd ._________

« - More curloua visitors -who set • ;— awayrfrom-the-road-'whlch-wtnds —an through,the-"city'* mlghtr find on j - i k l i f i m thing, including m.DOO In, gold.

™ - x o o w o i o r o T i c E ^!1 __A H D J)A T E-Q E ,---------------a -TtfcVEY’S-FA'ST-------------S HITGH” and IMPLE- I f c :lii' ~ THENTC SHOW IN ' ■

„_1TOMORRO'W"S— ^ - ^ — ™ ____- PAEER :— :>y. _________ ' ■ ' Try. thi

----- . Moado I

------------ porfectl- .--------—

‘ rccipo,

r p B U f i i p ^ ' ~ ^ 5 * ^


• - ::MSain thin sli

'S - H v | ^% M workliko

* • ^ Valunblo- — - . ' — 'McV, too.

-^W O M g .p

. ::‘n p ^

D h a ia g e l^

1 In foreffrooBd Is tbe only one leadlnf throoih • , this read 'th a t two bandits held up » stageoai ;— In-goWtborbnrted-iomeinreftrln-tbls-wlU-Jnii 1 before U elr c»ptare. (Staff pboto>engravln{)

Little From - r3'a r ' -r-k . t speculttteh

r^A cccss-Roflds- -SSii^il. That sum was atoiea from a stage-r- coach to a well documented holdup. ihM uoh thid The robbcra were caught, but had arc ao t onIs burled tbelr gold loot la the City ••Booka"to of Bocks. ______________ ■ A n ^ h e re[5 ,- Tho^acUial holdup occurml ln thT big enough

-Olty, of Rocks; which offers many catUe. Nun

et _ • ; ___________________ ]___________ ___

nNowTBreadii- J tS X d ^-It’s a SPERRY failurcp -- -d e s ig n e d for use in

T ry . th i s r e d p o w ith confidence. M o r t lu- M oado a n d 117 homoroakera-on ho r H a o » .

S ta ff havo a lready mado sure i t w ill work

- - yfludon!t'.lind th a t Sperry D r if te d Snow“Homo-'Porfectbd” Enriched Ilo u r baica better than any all-purposo-flour.in any

' S a w * (showing piir-

money back.,wny gomoio otv b a k i^ roi. -----su its when Sporry ffuarnn tees auccesa? -- ' ' ~— ' ~"M

— *''' ' j-T' ''7 ' ' ' '

boAin;. For 202 years ii has been Oie 'Wcst'a ftuxTO A ST E D C O C O N U T L (

________________ • (Quick B re a d )••AHroCM urej^t8_wJqvpl.SittJlouc.bof<K»^ Sift't«goiher into.a largo mixing bowl— . ^ ■-

■-------- -3 cops sV*erf S p e n y D rifG a S novT r**Hom«-Porfect«d’! Enriched FT

_________ 3_tflBaDQOna doubIc.Bet;nn > iaH «y rVA t« a sp o o iu s a l t

. A d d - , _ ” ____ :1V4 cupa toasted* ooedaut (4 oz. <aa) 1V4 cupa millc

1 largo esir. xinbeaten 1 tc&apoon vaniUa "•

- S tir vigorouflly untU ingredients are blooded, "g reo aed and Hourod large bread loaf pan, 9 Hx5

• » “‘o a ^ ^ e k ' t o i ^ l t ^ u g h l yin thin slices and aervd plam. toaatod. orbtftte: •Tonal coconut in a ahallow pon while nrfiboa

. quontly to insure.an even gokTon brown color. < , M ore M a i^ a M eade Beclpes ia ' '■ ■ 1 ^—•vary S perry SBclc.-Lusdous cakes,------i T ^ .~ pw », dossortB .H diirty casseroles. ' W > Ja*

All home-pcrfected. guaranteed to ■ work liko a charm in y our oven. f kt^V alunblo S ilv e rw a re Coupon hi

: 'Back. too. Got lovely Queen Beaa ;. p a tte rn mlverwara in T odor Plate

mada by Oneida Cocnmunity Silver*. amitbg.

S h e itm r '— J j B l g E D - S W O W: r f 5 “ W : t “ f « T t l > ! S S i m c M m =

F L O U R p j i 7 “ “

---- II....... .. »m i. — ■iiMBiui '

m i FA IIS.-ID A H O ____ _ : '_ - - ~ ■ ■' ' hiddm* thiY e a r s :

■iiHlHlill Olty of Robidding .o

-nie cit7trom two d although th Is generall) can tu n i^MgUwamoibetween.Bu der.-Then- aouUiwest ( to Uie 0 1 9

this fumme: Molta-Elba' this route It Albion and wUhttiaro) —The route ttacUve. I t cated 33 ml routeapproach t( it's hard 01 -'TRegsrdles pecUre rule: inqulr try. there many vlslti

paM i

^h^h |H |^^hhh^h b t»Bhfltaf throofh the "city.” I t waa on ■. p a sUgeoach. cscaped wUh 530.000, ..........


fine vnnbige points for. siich acUvl- ty. People who have-senrched for - ■ . ^ th e lost {oM down through the years speculate how far two men. on horses could carry their heavy loot before

. A iirvlnf.lt. The consengtia la that _______ _■ "Ihey^lda^ carry It fa r , ■

■White-faced- range cattle roam through the City of Rocks and deer a rc ao t on uncommon alght. -'

"Books" o£ mica c a n . be found.. And there are valleys and ravines ______I big enough to hide wholfi-herds of■ catUe. Numeroua small sprlnga o r e _________

id lo good -^A l e s s e r t - ^ ^liureTproof recipe:

u s T l i n d a h o ._____ __ ' '■

I. M a r t tu .hor H o o io _____w ill work » '

r S ° S m wou r b a ic a ^ T ^ ru r .in any

j i P j )

__- -- ■' siccesa?- - . __________

n S w ^''

'J ^ — - -- - : - .■

S:0NUT loAf . DB read ) 'auc.bof<K»-me(iaurlnff----- .----- - - - - — ■ ~ j

< ^ ’8 n o w ~ ^ Snriched P ic a r

— --------- 1^

f pan, OHxSKxSinchM^R^fcx i„ - , - - ------

1 thorougWy before St^oring, Cut ed. o rb tftterod . M akw j loof. 'while prebeai^R evoo. S tir fro-rown color. Cool beforo using. r — —

;.Id5bidding Cache peak, 10.340-foot ' . , _^

to tb e north of tho area.,' BOIBB, A r a . o to 01 B<eU om b . I ^ c a

trom two S S S n S

~a2S'’('Sbonreea.Burltr ond tho D l r t . 1 ^ S S S n t ^

:siJsruis>.x..2i.s:.“ £ ‘Sssthis summer win vnsUy Improve the t><.K« tkn t Malta-Elba-Almo’ routed Access 'on this route Is poaalble from Burley to ,. ,Albion and on aouUi lo a JuncUon “ f f « « “ * with the road from Malta. '■ w lthalgnsr—Theroute-fran-the west Is-WasoU —r~.------ -—tractive. I t Uts thrmigh OaWey.-lo- cated 33 miles south of Bnrley. This root® provides the moat effecUve ,• p p ro .S . to U ,o O W O IB « * i .. la t ,I t’S h a rd on autos. lavesUgs- TRegstdltas of th e route, tbo pros- - prodncts pecUre visitor should follow—onerule': inquire locally. It's a big coun- C R O < try. there are lots of dirt roads and many vlsltore bave strayed from


Q Ih ^ isi l w

W Msm

_SEOI.LIIE-._.-3.50_^■ ~ " 3 T 0 D Y L A M P S --------




— -See "A aother-Lonjuage"" ----------- '............. 3 Act'Comedy Draiaa - , ,

A ug. 18-19 -20 •Twin Falls ITieatre Oulid ^ • ‘

Land Bevenne hT~Idaho Increases hwd I

B<3iBB; Aug. 13 (f>—The Btate lanrtdepartment;; revenue for-the ^ aeven months of U83 topped t » mllUott dollars. ■OoamUalontt a ? thur WUson reported Wednesday.

■sja;laBd'sale*,"StSes{.*r«talfS!Jgeneral fund revemie for Uie dc. R k R H parUnent amounted to t3ffn^o^ K S H B

- B ™M .to--tlm l>or~lm -limnbt-lp-^ - B E j W H

^ oootn onl; to bo ootitnratuwith . i m rM ln ,; -BiMlin; g i 7BIH|P ^ ^^ = W H Y 7 a y % P ;

- prodncts ytfun And a t W a rn e rb ^ ^


Gapehact&RCARQd[ W A R N E R J ^ ^ ;^

i P i S s t r ^


— -----------< ) s i s i - f » ;

■ ■ ■ ' '_____ li.W

■■. METAl

'■■ ■ " ____WARDROI22.50 I

■ - •


|£ |£S :i^ --------------- - -^-g„^ iT.soori

liitbUr: iltusbur UmUi^ ^ B ^ i r j ^ d 'V o r ctfb ban® £ i ; n L b . . o ^ c . i 5 . ' ^ r «

J uUUV «nd low

MiTs**«iiM iatw»i>o« iBJ».n.(W____

aw'ita. V»!o«‘“w g-l^”« wllh >*0.OvO jt.OO; occftilonil

^^K ^L^ir. SbMP 200: tc.„__ btad »nd IniuKr x A ’s KJtsc- i K".:Lr..KM »S f e y w.rf JJl] . r

■|Ss:iss?x I m.wTuKMtt Dl» i ! 2 »tMdy: cholt* II

H n S o b i* o i i tJbxp SOO: X«JJlJ-rMJI^C" **& ;nd.cbok» ipHr

^ ■ ’Illj'F.rt Pli*"

■ i l : £ ‘'“- Jjfi c-iss^EI l l S ; ' i i i l Kfe g g -" i S .H IE■ ■ .IJ j Eo'rMlMe -- ■*!'• 1«.60.-------------

i) Stxrrr Kofi 700: Int■ Sl Oil C>I MS lUa: about aUi H HS Sl Oil N S 3«|i <0|}.3(0 Ih*. ai

H H^TriBi Am«r . -7^i mooUr »Ua4r: e■ »«; Uslon Cktb C8 „w> Urf«lr 10

' **,'? chelc* and ptln■ 11«i w«i Alrbr • SJ]V n.!M «. -■ sm, v,’«i n<c 4(^ tis whiM Mot : t

■ iisw iii.t _____tiYf c illC A cp. Au!i bnlib , 7( s«ntrtUr •U*<1|

'r « *on*’ «<&Vd*u

S n S ’- sS S 'Si_ — ..J.———— »m«U kU!«t» tS.tto ----j::----------- B.7« oM«rin»» :i.oo-s

=eeeee*s s F -~ •...... .......... .......... Cattl* J.soos......... ....... .......... iS-ij aetlv*. »t*«.r*. »■-- :” I_.,Z:i».e4 a“ jo'liXb.r: »— = = ‘7:.? !S*.,,;sl,“'

I prim* la.JMO:

' a ‘Vfnt*q n f o O I 'hlth','chfft{i_<il'^ e r a g e s - q ^ S ; F ;

I eholc* l».00-:2.0 r n« Auoclttad rr*** eStUrtToS-ll.Oi

»inil iiii*001, **CattIa'#,IOOr.c

;*«._^U.«>-Wool futurei Prim* M ilMr*4 lub«f to J ot tno*tlr,«u«lri'.*J: Dw. 14I.HD: «.reh and up fullr lUi m.:D; Julr ]3I.e^ Dk. ta_w*alc i>rlm<

!!S! ss .,ayr.fiU;eln.ll . . KJ- • KANSAS CIT

te Falls^itock-Prices- 5 “

1 .so-lowars ebol« » . « „ F .n . i i» - . - “ ■•■ " i ! : ; : :

C - S - “c ' o U S J T ) o g E i

Serv<ra .5 0 jo ja 3 m — r rn s B U H

r — ?!? '^ J® huaky • Oerm

s s .“jJA.*i2S sS'J'ir.- !®P;*25.T5 -deaerlbed as

----------- - „ .. *23 j j j t ftnn_ He — ------------------------ runeh I10.S0 Thatl Naun7~ --------- ! er-ln-Iaw. oai

''rSwimimer'Boisfe' Shows ' 'S..'i,S’ SSF'5 ---------- Dii^ ^ a 'rk e * - in -B o ls c — DAliAS,-

benefit ot pound womicommlilcc. • Pcace W.

^ Jr- publleliy' chair- Wednesday^ McConnlel^-m give bond with^laaion satitfdiy .and durlnit a do

naioiortum. •, Rlchbur?®'"y pcraoti’ evei- to 12G-pound 1

ttLft ntttcr ' nnff™ Mllonil AAU mies 0"'yll McCormJelt ••Well, JmjolJ^'^raiance gy win- ^ed. “I suca-

J ja a J E a iis M arlr«Sr:„,;--- ,1 & - —,IW. .......... ———IIS.M Colorad iprlan

----------------------- --------8l»«* -i^r:::~--=:::"».00.17J3O ColoT.4 .«ka ,------ --------------U*horo socki ,-------------«ir,lO Inborn and A

! • '■ • Z:;:::::^v.:.:_,,,,oo?i^;?g no. i nutu^a'

f # = = i 5 S =

s and F inal3 £ w e ifeo G lt— — - €ogden; Aui. ^S°wv-(USDA)-Catll. > *ii” w^b?l tu: nomlnallr (laadr: I«w «utl«r HbliUln br«*kln* la Mim (.CO-10.00: C.ltat 18: sol mouth board o( trad* tf«r«!. «<«l p r lc . rraeilcaTir allHorn 19: barrawf and illt* (IconK to ‘o mor* ibaa «_hIaheE:_loa.-aOUilsh*«-se-.^lnm«^ .ln^*-u.l>.aqu4, c* 14M40 Ih. .buithtn «.SHoTf?w n...r a. -JTTa.ole* Und«r 270 Ib. (air* S2.00-21.80. upward la (b* llS»*«plT.SOO;-Urs«l]r Idaho rani* iprlnc '''htai <b*«lu«bur lamb*: not t tu blUhcd. • = «”■

BAN FRANCISCO low«r' ‘fo***K "lSAN VRAKCISCO. Au,. I* (UPI - r „ JU .:^ hi.tUa 28: *atlr lata r«««lpU lltnltH M>'«: Mrbt*MilnI)T-io.«o«t*:-Uad* (alrlr-acllrv-and >>*»UiiiWr-Mltle*> itaadj to *lron*: no*t oKirlnsa «nii a busdrwlnn*r» and eutUr* T.»0->.8»j • Uw .13.18. - — Illtr and low eotnmirclal eowa 10.00-,00: onlr part load Ittara bslnr carrlM ------- CJ*r: ealv*. non* off.rrd .arir: lau CHICAGO. A' lawUy a tlaabl* lou) or commtrtlal 'lo "CornNQ.lr*““ ’'•i.!; m-,Hoca 200: lUaJr: cholc* buteh«ra 110. h««vr «>hil* n t Ib*. 2».M: a f*w around 2W.28S lb*. No. » Hmtt «h.00: ocea*lon«l h.ad o( lowi IT.OO-IO.OO. No. 4 mtdlumBh*«p 200: (atlr iupplf lm (ban 80 Barl*7 nsnlniad and loiurdelfni to taat markit; on t»-1.30. tdoailar. count* luda ibmUi' cholc*rinr ianb* wllh fall iborn p«lli n.OO; FUT'H«r*> lou rood and c)iole* wooled /nd> CUICACO. Aut Umb* 16.00.80. Open

rOltTLAND Saul .t:Usr, ::s6.00*80: cannart and eulMra 7.80-5.80: U*rd utility bull* 13.0I1-I4.80: calvca Z8: Camrady: cholt* tlihc vtalar* 10.00. Rapt I.4l<;iloia )80: aUadr to 28 hlihar: rholea Dae I.»|I40.25S Ib, barrowa , and j^li* M.28.16: Mar . l.!H‘I■r Iota cholc? No. 1 butehara 270 and U*y l.CS Ib*. 28.28: cholea 431 Ib. lowa 21.80, Oalatibaap 600: X«w aaln about aUady: sood SaPl .?»«d choka^aprln^^UrnU im i ^ ^ itood. Ok ' .77^50.4.00.*" ' ■'**" Mm !78S

LOB XKCELKR Rcpl 1,18VLOa ANGELES. A\i(. It UV-(rSMN)— Dm l.llUlltl* (00: larsaly—steady: eotnmercltl Mar XtiUd CMd under 1.100 lb. fad alMra I9.:b- May l.IO M l u«H)17 t» Jo* rood h«!f»r»*JS.80-.00: tiiiliir-»aw»..ii.aD.i3.po: ------ _ kans,d culurt B.OO.11.00! ecmmoB and ma- XATreAS'Cnjm Jliht fetdet itttra ----------------—. -llS-«ar*i dowci**^*1 ^hlai^^ ' h '" ' M ol ‘"‘* t U® 6 0 .--^--------- ----------' Ho, a IKof* 700: Includin* 2S3 bnuchl tn ar- <S%rn: 38 canra: about ataadr: cholea No. 1 and 2 whlta ti.07 to0-240 Iba. 31.00-2S.00: aoma held to t:.lin ;N o. 2 ] .00: ehalaa 800-120 lb. lawa II.OO-IO.OO. No. 3 tl.8«K to 8ba«p 100: aMady, part drek ehotc* Oaui Heart:lb.:wooM (print lamb* 22.(0. 2 whil* TCe to 1--------- Mllo wall* 12.

_______ DCNvsR------------------------K inr'iinm rD^vr:n.^j^u«. » (fft-tuaD^-caiti*. —it».<>.u .4 -i5*tlr *t«ady:'eaBnan. cu!tii» and uilllly I

iSL ihiS liB srFs Buttei»<U»B> aloek - »t««r» arid halfar* 10.00-

J8-27.00: cholt* 4M-H8 lb. aow* lt.80- M.rilltjiudr.:..00.:- —-----^ ---------- -------- aince yaalarday:Bb*«p l.tOO; no *«rlr aalea: Wadnaaday 24 eenta a pounolea and plim* aUuibur aprln* Jamb* 22Wi laihorn 2.28-78. - . . - Ch.a**r Sln(l<

I I. ..I ... pound: lonihorCUICAGO . 39-4IU) a«lu CHICAGO. Au*. 18 rUP)-<USDA)-i=- 0 37.5*.Igi «.BOO:—falrir—aetlrrr—unrran-- but —Hoitart-JiOJljlnarally ateady en buUhara and aowa. S3 acora 88 centma’ «*akn*ta on Jliht walfbt K>wa: «0 <cor* 81; 11»t-«helc«-190.270-]L-buleb*ra 24.78- acara-U4-»-*«.Uj.aay*»*l-l**da llMW-lba.-88,S8-»nd —K«»t-«.4K-.40; htarlar waUhU acare*. {*w lou firm. Whil* lai' to too Iba. down to 24.00) mott 180-180 A and orar 87 <L--tUlO.j4.ao:molt ehole* ao«i 409 lb>. axtrai 80-8».» id IlKhUr 11.00-21.00: l*w undar aOO'lb*: -mt<]lumi'«»49.B-ai.80.and-21.7S:.moil.40fr«0».lb. iow* alandafda, 4«H-I.00-21.80: cood cltaranee. dlrtlr* 38^; c < Sh**s 1.000; alauihltr lamh* epenlns IW, waak ta /.OO. mottly 60.1.00 fowtr:rau'5.*i!Us%.o'o"tt s“uik'^ss PotatitarinM 21.00-24.00 wllh bulk un.oWandrd*rton* »*ry w*»k: ytarllnia abatnl: ___________Ulh Hr awt* aUady |a wtak al 4.80-8.00Calti* 2.800; ealvt* 400; moderalaly CHICAGO, Allv*. ataara, yaarllnia and hclCera fully rivala t i t iracllady wllh Wtdnaiday'a atara**: towa. mtnU 809. Sw-80 hlfbtr: bull* and vtalar* aUady: markal (Uadyole* and prim* alaara and yaacllnt* on rada..00.28.00: ftw load! blsh cholc* lo low Track tain tIffla 18.28-40: good te Tow eholc* ataera tinleaa aUtadi <IOO-lfe*.-down -ao.OO-lt.7(i-load->»eaUy «Iudlaa-US-«x>K-Ttptn—r<CB~Tgr-T»:Brr~rtWOTHT4r ^OBirmnitmwirIma halfart 22.80.2*4.00: sood to low whilaa 1.40-1.80ole* 1»,00-22.00: Ullllly and commarclal 1.40-3.801 bakarwa mainly 11.00-14.00: c»i>n*r« and IIumcU ahawlntu n ft.00-11.00: utility and commerelal Warhaa 2.28. ' •lilt I3.80-1MOI comratrclal lo prim* Street aalea (Mien ie.CKf-H.00i evil* down lo JO.OO ?"?*.**Td'.hV’Sn:........... '' UHAHA ' ' ...... . etmtin*fr78: CalOMAHA. Au». IS (UP)-Kota 4,800; Inston Pontiac*laily to atrons: eholea 200-240 'Iba. 4.8a ..00-18. Onion tuppllaiCattl* S.tOO;.ulm 180l hlsh cholc* and ktt about atead]Ima M ataera atronitr, other f«d at*m Traek lala* (S'Mlly.alaulri f*d heifer* from' 180 Iba.- C*IHornt*--Spaiid up fully aUadr. lltbUr welshU'iUadr unlnapecmS bul

rH~iT . 77 ‘r r "** 'lul tale*—dtllri27.00: eholea to prime (O Ib. helfen New York -yell< .80: eo^a aUady lo^a^«ns» nllllly, andBbw ' 800?Vuu»hlar 'lamta *anaT»lly t Ineh and "anuidr; ebolea aed prliM saliva aptlntcn 1 Ineh 1.80: 1 I:1&-21.00. waat D*dlinn yttl------------------------------ - . .. Yorfc-ni«<JtBm-j

KANBAB CITY _ _ _ _ _ _KANSAS CITY, Aui. II (UP) — Hon ^ ,K?io ^I^^2'S».28.26.” -'. P u L f l t t

Shtap 800: tiauthur lamia aUady l« Compai)7|.E1-lowar: cbolu and prioi. tnicktd-lntll.a- aprinstra 22.0Q.11.00. ....... —

Jog Kilif Master "-‘■il'' Served for Years J

-PITTSBUROH, Aug.-13 Ifl - . 'A h .st hlsh. Iluky -O erm an police dog today eara iradtd.^ocldenully killed the master hc .,i g, hUh i

• 'e8fi"t l'id«j.M artin O’Brien, .4 3 .-wa-7 found .'JovBi

ead In bed with what a physicianeacrlbed aa a •‘dog .w oundljjnJlls __:(t arm. He had bled to death. '^ I 'pc“n ia tl Naumiinn. CBrlen'a broth- ■*•

r-ln-Iaw, said the dog apparenUy SHCSHOK]lftwed-0!Btlcn In.Jumplng fronxhla ii^ th e R<d (inat«r'3 - bed: The'wound aevcr^ arc being glvn-artcry................................ . . (iay, OaJl-Bt

. -s Dounces.' Aptr \ > n n den(« have i—^Diiierence——

—I>AliAS,-AUg.-13-(M -A-300- be g” S ^ a fto1 pound woman told JusUce of the Peace W. E. (Bill) Ilichburg Wednesday ahe atrucic her hus-band with ft hammer handle ’____during a domeaUc argument. ' '

Ricftburg remarkoit that the C o f l n r12G-pound hujband had ault« a . O a i l U l

•badJWt-ln-hla-httKMtr-h'hte-been- — llUNO KObit only with a wooden handle. th 'an 1.000 j

••Well, Judge," m e wife admit- stranded aahted, "I gueu’the handle did have and merchai

.a homrter on Jt" - v the open sea threat.

Bain dren. - --------thfr-m aln—^

'M a r k e t s - ....-........................... - • • I -------------CLI


lalra WlUa, 4 Jba. toi tna .■« » nlca fihaUeeo'orad tprlnsi . --,. '- ta.eshern and Aulra WhlU frrtra ..ZZlU

(Sa^fl and coBDaDX prkaa) - , nUTIERFAT

u 1 Huturfat M llM laB ? Io. 2 cuiurfat _________ ______ m ilm im LISwlfi a& eompaay prlcat)

■ I*^r ~yoT7m r lAus-' a-l. tnelualT»> f Idaho Es« Frvducvra. Twin FftUt: I-»ri. AA ___________ — — <5«

g v ' . ' i H I S H•»k*r» - - • ___ -**« .laiMiamaw

t ..... -----...---------------------

nance 1j2 ;CHICAGO. 'Au». II M>H-Wbaal aUrMd ilow bul aUadr upward climb afur "CUlra« SeCTfi »*kln* 10 naw Mwa alnca 1»«7 ot> iht JUght the gove

:5^^o‘ ^“ bl^h^r^•^^um'b.V “ '“ tb e aoom. 3U-:v hfiw , ^piSnU r r a a : ctucUona.Uifi11', : aoybtana uneWs»d to JU lowtr. better quaUty

cmc»™ . '.rFr-ww. SST”, ^Corn No. l yallow I.«|.H>j; Ho. 2 t.«4| "ThB agrlCU

>. a htarr whlU I0»i I No. 4 while 701 .Uid lU juodu

•1.30. muat market :. ..I ■ leaa vaa(i> "

FUTIJRIS TAOLK •CHicAfio. Auf. J.7 ivri— ■ * -Open Hlth Lo* Cloa* -

i!is* !!is !!! !!! Benson !;li!! i!!!! IKS Wheal

Pt 1.4l<; 1.47U 1.44H 1.47U LOUISVILE,tr I « i'” ' ' 1 «^* Seen•i ■ i.«:' i:« !i l iio 'i ' xIiM thenatlon-iwOela prove markeurt ‘- :!!i! :!!l5 i s ; « » U ! ! e»r----- .77« - .n tj m Z Ttih « * “ y TIV .78S -78S •7<\ .7IH BflMOn StOp

ima: n a i- 1 m - i aU PlAMSK l.aiJi \ l i * LiJIl 1: Jh. .Waahlngton to

'•••'» >• b® very mueh KANSAS CITY cnAiN groweri turTia

XAireA8-crn5'A «rr-tt-(«-W he.tf ad d ed lh a f^h

.s(i^tA-i>ii<li-Ne.~t-r*d-<i,f8H-to' th«-contr«:s-<- 1, piled the vbi

iita"ij.07 to No. I'l'i.io^'io pl« Informatloi.n n : Ho. a yellow and mliad ll.blU: fftco In caiUniJ. 3 I1.54W to ll.«2^N.' . . . ___ '—1

JBIansJs a ts s s . - -DimieiButter and Eggs

.................... I I . i h o u l and In

»ca yaaurdayj Httui Colortd over 1 Ibt. . .At .the..Kli eenta a poundi hybrid 22^: bartbaak Astorqula. f l

^Ul**‘’s"slV^iliita «H-4m ranu » WaUter « n d ^ und: lorihorat 40-42: preeetaad loaf fook; Mrs. Ro -llvSl B*l« srada A 4I.43 - 0 3M1S « hOStCM; Ml noita;-t-»,oj*,i»»-»««»d*.~«a.k.wau.iy- M r«.^ainJei_: aeora 88 ctnU a pound 142.acore 84U: Of tickets: Mri

T ^ t y . IKwT-MK-caaefritiTint-'itMdr-to * t-O rayr-M nrm. WhlU larta axtraa lO-M.I ptr eent Moty EUOQ Al and o<rtr 87 ctnU a doatn: mixad lars* r A««««- Mrs. '

S w .S :' ' ) wUJ fljaike co

Potatoes-Ohibnsi At the Inch:

rniCAco David InchauCHICAGO, Aus. II (UP)—Pouio ar- Bonl Rcmemti ..la t f. iraek IM: loUl V. S. .hIp. Ing! MT«. WllJK? a;, rada. wlU handleTrack aalta tlOO Ibt.) i US lA waahad Head. Juanllr

10. _9.4o w ,m ^ oi

40-3 801 bakara 10 ounc* minimum 1.78: — —S'S Counc

s BnoBkom

ston Pontiac* 4.00; Idaho RuaaeU 4.00- ^*5 *lcld uk TI sa . . .. ' . - M anhattan caOnion auppllt* Ilsfall demand fair: mar- Buflon . R'^ a ^ '’ia*»'*fso lu.)t UB 1 uniaaa tuudi Urges aU.orga: allfornia-SpanUh 2 Ineb and lanier tO tend at

aw Yotk -ytllow ^obta 78 . per cenl 3 flldCraUon Ot icb and larttr I.IS. . der the sue

dwiS iIneh l.BO: a Inch and larstr 1.18; mid. tsade.tal D«dlBm ytllov (lobaa 1.1M.80: Ntw "_____

orkrmtdtum-MlItnr?slob.. P o t a b r a n d ' O n l o i t --------- b s t r t z :

. F u t u r e s(C o u r ts E. W. McBoberU ana aad stopped fi Company,.ElETBiafTPHoM’lW)- •ft-plc3nip-irui ■________ __ I of. her car, c;

unviiunEtt niJioiig ^ .7nHn_fl. Ti- ■I.OI b K lVi i r - ? 11.01 .loM, no «hcHir» om

JANIIARV oNioN'n and"ono^half*

• VCORUARY ONIONS • — "WTOnjrwlUl-tt 11,37 hlsh. 11.38 low and cloatj nlnaira ‘™d*^ MARCH ONIONS ‘ -----—J1.84 hlth. tl.48 low. 11.80 .elWiZ-tt_________ _XX,ira 'iy rr^ potatoes hatle:v

_____^ d a y by fiherliTestslSiven-— r s S r i i

SHOSHONE, Aug. 13-FlnaI testa porti of his tlijth e R<d Cross swimming course Taylor wasre being given Thursday andTFTI- recognisance”ay.-OaJl-Branden, Instructor, an - s ta rt paylng.lounces.'Approximately eight stu- of September enta have pawed the testa priora-thls-tlme.....— --------- - ■ ■ ■ ■ ISwimming InstrucUona will not

e given aftcrTrldayrMlB8 Brnndciraid. although Uie pools will re- ■ ■ ■ m D Qlain open as long as the wcaUicr U B D H D S«rmlU. ■ i a | | y D j l

Sailors Strandedh'an 1,000 AmMlcan sailors wero tranded ashore today os warship nd merchant veijels headed .for he Open sea to ride out a tj’phoon hreat.Bain drenched the colony,- but

hfr-m oln—wlnd»U>rm-passed 1 8 0 -----nUes south, ________ , I |

------- CLUB TO.MEET._____ _______BHOSHONB, Aug. 13—Tho Jolly

runlors 4-H elub will meet o t 2 I. m. Monday at the home of Eu- . Rilco fihakJee. ___________ ' H


p . 0 . B

Benson Urges P ^ ImprovedTJ. S. L— _—

1 " ’ '• n t Following Is- ^ I I Y k ' n ^ v t ' - — ^'^nnera In iinltj

^Ki. SS“ £™t.Sght the government a u i t Improve * i^ iiam prioe lupport iffograms u> '

icUona.ta farm prodt»Oon coats.liter quaUty product*, in d greater Malone. Twin' 1fortt-^o-axpaod-lanoJBUkBH—•TO .acwmpllsh 'Q im U ^ . " i> S Tootoon!^enson aald. “aothlh* «wi t a k e ^ _______ jrunace of research and 6c»icaUoli. r^ ss I^e, Jex “ Th. .irtculU in o t t IS future.- piirtiBM: n t J9 added, “must b« able to use th e Bmlth^Burley; ( »cuces. )Mst_ adapted t i the land p ,ii ,; 'D o n Wil Id tu pioduoU.'Zl laqrt-prodttce -wuson. Buh]; R hat Is-adspted to th« market. I t Larry Haskln, R ust market mora eff^Uvely w llh der. American 1 ss waste." i vST

* - ------------ m nces.JJrak

Senson Foreiiasts Wheat Quota OK

LOUISVILE, Ky., Aug.l29 ITW-Ag- No Magle Valculture Secretary Benion expects UNTT-10 nation’s wheat fanners wlU -ap- . Joe Dplani— rove markeUng quotas o^ their ies4 Stricklin, Rupei •op when thtv vote In a refercdum . — —-erdiyi--------- -------------- r - „Banion stopped here briefly be- P T T T ”

veen plants on his way from |H 0Washington to Columbia, Mo------------— J -He aald In an Interview he “would r ^ ( |.V ^ < i e very mueh surprlted“>if wheat ^ ; * [-rowers turned dow^r-controls. He -naij-M.^ua lded-lhat'whU*-tha-aBrtoulture:de-. . . . — artment has had to be neutral on _ _ , .. j«-«ntroJ8-<iuesHon.-it-haa-aup- —itaguc-rleadln lied .the nhflot.gtQKWB-'ffl th . iun^ lolnformaUon.oh'altematlves they ice in caiung their balloU. News tooUiole

— :--------------------- Lane SUplw

aansJorJBasque - DiraterCompleted •‘jS 'HAILEY, Aug. IS - Final ar-

mgemanU for the Basque dinner ,.aturday evening a t the’ Rialto .oUl and InchauaU dining roomave been made br the gt. CharlesItar «oelatv ------- .. ^ t e d l M w ^'At .the..Rlallo,.i£itel_Mfa.. JuUo storqula, asilsted by 'M rs.-Lloyd Tho IOOP ralker and.Mre. Mike Beltran, will Molyneux Mau jok: Mrs. Robert Crocker will act hurling of I hostess; Mrs. Orargo Klbblo and mer was the lotLrs_cai«ies_B#rrU_ari:iiC5hWK5. 855twciii..5J: tickets: Mri. Joseph Bergln, M ar- Junior-Bniiasnina Tinsley. Mn. Petfl Drown, J a n - h it a homerun 5-Orayr-M nir-arant^Hawkr-imd- -Jlm-Johnaton.-^roty Ellen Allred, wlU act as walt> ed % triple.^Jinissea; . Mrs. WlUlam Brooks, Mrs. each hit-rfdubecll Ramsey and Mrs. Timothy Oary Jeff h it d>ouBlM- W ill''waah-dUhes^-Mrs.- Mlka Oreea-waloyd Wilson, Mm. Thomas Powers Olen Hopwo(UJ Ajake eoltee, and Mrs. John the Sawtooth Inslgn an'd Mrs." John Drexler wUl Running's Wruike pies, and salads. Baoon was crediAt the InchousU dining room Mra. John Peterson i

>avld InchausU, assisted by Mrs. loss,onl Rcmemterla, will do the cook- The Philliesig; Mrs. William Mallory will be over the Moile hostess: Domingo Anasotegul Dale Ford bani'111 handle Uckels; Mrs.- D errls Charles Bason-read. Juanita InchauaU and. Mrs. pace tho PhlUleorgo McOonlgal. Jr.. wlU be' w ait- Shackey was i iaeM;~and-Mra.=Oe6rge~McOonlSBV -t>ennla-Hayn»

- S s iKCouncil to Meet-

BHOBllONE, Aug. 19-^A meeting ^C.the.Shoshone.Safety ceunclLwUl ™ ^ n o o n - S o tu r d a y - » t r , t l i e ;

B u r ^ " B . -''thome. president, rges aU.organljaUons in the coun- r..to send at.leaat one reprw enU -

deraUon of"the safety scSool'uh-er the supervision of Probate ,,.1,*' timinpudBo DwlghfJ. LaQrange wlU bc k S w^ 15

- credit fbr the— _ . - . y r ^ ___ was.nicked,fo:

Crashes D^edMrs. R. L. Stayncr, 1704 M lnt^ and Roger Lat

venue east, reported to police she doublo as the 'as driving on Shoshone street west defeated the 6« Qd Stopped for a traffic Ught when s ic k Llngnav *plclnip“iruct-Tsn-lnto-tho-bB C t -j^tcher and 3e f. her car, causing lltUe damage. i n a Pee W -Joh'n, a . Lorslri- rotk>rt«<U <o.^th» -Khraols-Bpartc herlff's office Wednesday n ite r- Derby team- 0 ' oon th a t he ran Into-a tree two’ dall h i t • trlpl nd ono-half miles north of C edar holt n double rosslng when something-_went Dick Brelnhol Tons"wlth-the steering geir in 'h is the win.'RogM or. a homerun fo

- • ----- -------------------- ieom -with IX

matt.H A P t^ i Aug. . 13-7-Oeorge • T. in other-aan'aylor was taken to Ooodlng Tues- ____________ay by Sheriff L. E,'- O uta, to op-ear-tjcfore-Dtotrtet^Judge-Doron- --------- -------r. Sutphen on a charge>«f nonatip- ort* of his three minor children. ^Taylor was released on his own

ecognlaonce and wss ordered to ' B iic lc» B ta rt paylng.*20 a montH support na _ f September 1st.____________ _ S d C C I

BHBBffliwffllMffi Builde. J

Vou. BEANSY E L L G W ^r BR<

You May'Have

Red Spider or T


— Moqic-Vallev-AuP. 0 . Box 3 8 3 Edsel R . H a le Evenings p

■ : : m t o * ‘H a l e W U h Y o u r B


AntelopeFollowing Is a 'U st of additional

winners In imlta.a in J2.-ll-end-16 ..-KAtHTNQTOhnf tha. .p»Aiai y,ur.t tu-nt. leafltra said tod11. 13 and M. Time for submlttUJ# o*ai oi me missispeclU hunt appllcallona for these ®®Uy hold the kcunits was exUnaed until noon Tues- «ponomlc vota wlday, Aug. 11. since they h ^ not Uonj. for next yfilled In time for the regular draw- •l«Uons.tag held laat week. Because th6 spe- H the refeictal-antelope •archerT-hunt-aid~not ^-^u*sU on-ot-lifill. Jt.lj automatically open to .an j- feting quotaa oone wkntmy-k"p«rmlt u n tirxw rt hunt to filled. R*porU recelvi

UNIT NO. 5 t^e NaUonal:Carter LuUier, Jerome: Wilbur NaUonal On

Malone...Twln';ralU; Oeorge Bad- --------— - r -fo rd ,-R u p a tU ^ Schaefer,-Ruptrts -

_____ , Fiinerd JRoss L«e, Jerome: H. W. Lewis, f f p a i f l a

Palrfleld: Fred Allen, Burley; roa • * V C a iU C ,Bmlthp/Burley: OUver, Stewart. Twin , » W jU ^ , Aug,Palli; Don Wilson. Oakley; Jame^ for Edwin 1WUson.-Buhl; RuUj Haskln. Bupart;. » t theLarry Haskln, Rupert; KeUey Crow- dhuroh wltder. American Palh. derson offlcUUnj

W4IT NO. n k “ le mortiFrances .Drake. Hazelton* LUUan ” ®*1 Bowcutt. '

Hall, Haselton; B. R. Posey, Jerome; PoaUude were pliLyJe Pool. Haselton, Baek. Muslo wi

UNIT NO. IS quartet from theNo Magic Valley winners. P«ed ot Delor

tN lT NO. 16 Victor. Jamea liNo Magic Valley winner*, Bulkley; a duei

UNTI-ARCilERY ^ May Hanks an«, Joe D o la n i-f tu p e rt;-N o rm » n Holyoak.StrlckUn,' Rupert. InvocaUon wa

----- - ■ t ^ o n w4_fcJJI ^ I- uary by J. Wek

Roy Jentejk M O ' " H O liE . the benedlc

J ■‘i _PjHlbearers wec T v - c t B ^ Richard »

I ^ U > /v p * W J cutt. WlUlam BS'*»4— / r f f j l i - ' O rant B«k., The

--------- ---- l is t society .was-' ’ era. ---------

-JLeague-leadlng..teams.continued _The-bc^y-waato dominate play In the Wednesday Ptrk . U tth. MonToujid uf bouipetiuon In'the~nm ea^ *loch-Buriey fumNews ^oU io Ie lesgue. Itl.

Lane SUples, winning pllcher, -----------rapped a double ^ d ^ Ick C ra n d ^ R lV A ]r< * f

& V 4^3^n o vu ^A i^g w ated Sugar idam'has been aBobcata. Oary Walker lilt a double divorce from H<for tbe Bobcats. Larry Routt waa the trlct Judge Dora losing hurler. - . The couple wi

Paul’a PanUiers dumped the Row ■l>on# “ “f . 37. :BockeU JO-a. Noel SUyner waa “ Inor chUdren.

T^o lOOF B'engala edged the Molyneux Maulers 4-5 behind the hurling of SmiUi. Rodney Pal- mer was the l o ^ g pitcher. • —i m 1

Shotwell's Electrics defeated the . i r l l C t 7rim Ior^nnfisn9T<n5rDlvrp»anBr —r r r r f ; : * ^ * h it a homerun for the Electrics.and -Jlm‘ Johnaton.-wlnnlng-pltcherradd- -? ,S -2 £ u £ ^ ^ r- ed a trtple. Jim iM o^e and Palmar each h it- d'Uubles. Neal Yost and i ! “Oary Jeff h it doubles for tha losara.Mika Oreea-was tha losing pitcher.-

Olen Hopwood h ltT d o S b le for the Sawtooth Cougars .who tripped Running's Wrangleri 18-4. Dick ^tra departmenl Baoon was credited with Uie win and John Peterson was charged w ith tha forfeited to the loss. and ths Hardhlt

The Phillies won a 0-8 decision WUdcats. ’ over the Mountain States Imps.Dale Ford banged two doubles and Charles Basom added another to pace tho PhlUlea bltUng. Richard Shackey waa the- winning .pitcher.■Dennto-Haynefr^ilt-a-homsr-for- tha. --- -------Imps and Ray Clark got a double. . jM•Los!ne-pitcher-was-I*arry.Beckwlth.------------

. Dtck Baoon pitahed the SawtoothCougar# io a 7-a win over the IdahoEggs. Lowell Ihler was the losing twlrJer. ' - '-McVcTB-Bluar-Racers'-smothered----- —:

^ h T 'K lmberiy BtiliaOgrTP^ffrMlkr — ----- ^----------Stowa. and- Howard .QeiTlah. h it ; — , . . homera for the Blue Racera and 8‘.anley Qualntance h it a doublefor tho -Bulldogi. Winning nltcher. ' -----

•was-43an Murphy and Don.-ltmley tbe loser. *

T he-Junior Plremen to p p W ^ « ^ .Kangaroos 15-3. Jerry Klnlf got ^ ' credit for the win and Jack Sharp - ' was nlcked.for tho loss: .

- 'J im Llngnaw h it inro izlplea,nharla. M alha». Vlt, » ^nmpnm _________ 3 Hand Roger Lackey connected for a ___ ^ ^doublo as the Moose lodge Sabers ^defeated the Sevenup Mustangs 1&.0.Dick Llngnaw was the winning

T^tcher and J e rrrK ln rth e -lo se r:--------------------------in a Pee Wee league game, the t".

-Khraals-Sparka-dgwn ea th e Bniim -------- :—Derby team- fl to 7. Dewey KuyfcSn* — dall h i t a triple and Ronald Breln* ' —holt a double for the Sparks^wlUi /T)'Dick Brelnholt getUng cred Il_ fo r_________the win. Rog« Broyles banged out . .a homerun for th a Brown Detbyte ^ Douglsji^l^udsro L

Losing pitcher w u J o ry Randolph.. In other-gam es,.the^cUc.ClrcIe . -----

O A K | ~ f e~ B U c k - R a k o T o e J h o f m o

Special PricesV O L C O - ■ tiSB u i l d e r i S u p p l y



Dr BROWN may'Have ■ .

sr or T hrip II

m ejSZ Z ■ HD INSPECTION _ JuQjJjf leV-Aircroft—lla Evenings p h o n e 1 183-W ^

'U h Y o u r B u g t i* . . -*


E a s t’s G rowers H old In W hea t C ontrols

. J K A S m N a T O N ,W ^ ^ I V - 3 ^ -poilUon-tfrmiote-' leadtrs said lodsv wheal *rowers In Pennsvlvsnls. o

ot the MisilsAl^pi HVU Kppir- U ltnotr-^--------^enUy hold the key to a naUon-wlde . The auoUs reou economic vota wlU» strong'Implies- -of - tw o ^uons for next year's congressional eA votog.^ ?i“ ;u ..i-,.. ' growers could delI t Is the referendum Priday on program Its dafr thamuMUon-ot-lnvoklng-xlgld-mar- v o v S n m U r ^ ^ ketlng quotaa on tee.l9M _w heat averagi

“ S p o r uor u ,, N.Uou.1 J * i « . union .h4 t t . M .U.n.l o , . . , . lndlo.l«d ro-

........;-------------;«mtovo.JJi«n-'w h

Fiineral HOTor Resident of Area mlnlmlzo federal i

BURLEY. Aug. IJ -fu n e ra l aerv- ‘Ices for Edwin E. LewU were held I ' " f*rteers Saturday a t Uie Starrhs Perry ID S *»«n program fr j ward dhuroh’ wlth BUhop Ooa-An- nomtaatloii<_iIe_Ji derson officUUng. The family pray>- »e«k » better prog er a t the mortuary was given by C£®P “ d cNoel Bowcutt. The prelude and ■‘•"ee* have conf poaUude were played by Mrs. Annie P « » ^ . «{. Baek. Muslo was provided by a Product aft*quartet from Uie fourUi ward, com- posed of Delora Dummer. Ruby oonUnued to fall. Victor. Jamea Holyosk and 8. M. y®* •n.'*Bulkley; a duet by VonetU and « n ^ e a voUng fc May Hknks and a solo by Albert »« ly .^by states-1 Holiroak. Colorado 5.M9 for,

InvocaUon was given by Ptaiik P«r cent; Monlani ^ Q q _ > jd r ihqrt Ulk »n«< «hlt. uary by J. Weldon Beck. Speaksra 70 rp03 a g a ^ r w ware Roy Jenten and John Craner ‘•'"'P* 5 ” for, 11 WlUl the benedicUon by A. c . 111167._Pjillbesrers were Frank H. Cham- fw lM t. 91.1 per t bars, Richard' Holyoak. Noel~^6w^ ■HMfi-forrlW-agi cutt, WlUlam Beck, Frank Beck and Orant BMk.. The Starrhs F trry R e- m n m n w lU t soclety.was-ln-«harga of Jiow-era. ------------ ------ - ......—The-body-was taken-to Spanish Ftrk. UUh. Mondsy by the McCul-' 'iocn:BiiT!ey~Tunersrni»nr~Tor~tmr='

Divnrce Granted— _idam'has been awarded a decree of divorce from Helen Siaism by DU- f t o B f l trlct Judge Doran H. Sutphen.. I U | S ¥ | ^ ^ ~

The couple was married a t Sho- ahone May 37. 1940, and have two minor chUdren. SUiam was award- ed the custody ot Uie chUdren. Ho' nrtoiprtatnKOBAtSmar'R, -Kneeland.-Mi»T-aaiam-’was-reprff=-

w ^ r a m

iU iuckB M niaJ^ SfcsSJi!BORLEY. Aug. 13-Weldlng Uiat Drop by the C

•tiia-nbt-cooled-waff.the cause-of a -e r a - cenTIB.- ;-flre'wHchlUrm"worUr'of-flim-age to a .truck belongtag to aim er tray-loadlng piEdwards. Kimberly. Tuesday. excenUonal brlU

Edward! waa about six miles west jUon M i p ^ S of-Burlsy-on-Urfl- 80 when he-no-ilced the b lau . The Burley rural ^flra department was called. ■ H n f f i f f H

forfeited to the KLSC Biackhawksand ths Hardhltters to the awensen. ■lU m SfiU iaiUWUdcaU. ■ __________

- " ' ' ~

___ j i e e d j i ^ a r r i e ^ ^ ^ ^ I I ^ B

ripS p S QN

OldTTiom psonlsW ., W O O D . ThU meani

k o f b e in g . bottled ^ a f te r b lending , Oj; ^ Is pu t b a c k Into

^ assure tmlform high Its bettor-ffovor-tor

WSOSJilffiS "


s H old K ey F T l ^ m tro ls BaHot;

ROJBTtIThe quoUs require the'approval

M a t least-two-Uilrds .of th« £T0W- - •eA 'voUng. Thus a minority of .......growers could defeat the control program. IU

from an average -of about $340 - -a bushel to about i m ......... -

Production controU. never have 'been popular among whea» grower*. alUiough Uiiy saver haf^ taUad toW proM -them -w hin-U ia-^esttoo -------was submitted, . ' ' .

During tha campaign laat yaar. ’ | ^ ' ' Prealdent EUenhower pledgM : to ;minimise federal. agricultural con- troU. Agriculture Secretary Banson 'h u siald fariners want a faderml farm program free of government 'domtaatlon.JHe_JiM_promUed to — ^ --------seek a better program. -------------------jm

Now crop and carryover clrcum- ■ •sUncea have confronted him wUh the prospect of controls oa one fatm product after another. Farm *prices—and therefore Ineoma—hfcve ■' " ’ _conUnued to fall.

The yes aod no votes and ths -per- centages voting for quoUs. respec- ■ lively, by su tes-ln 1943 Included Colorado S,U9 for, 980 against, 85.7 per cent; Montana 18,848 for. 1,718against. 90.7 per cant:_PUh-l.BOt. ____70rT303 agalrUr&iJ percent;omlng 1488 for, 117 against, M.1 per ' ^cent; Idaho, 10,169 for, 1,131 ■!->against. 91.1 per cent; Waahlngton,

•l 2.<as-forrl-W-agalnat,-8C-p«r-cant..

FoUcs', you'U I ■-TDO->iUalnllner-400'>-pi«]aotorr- Drop by the CORONET jJAM- ■ ■ I *-ERA-CENTEB,-Ttoday-;-T-8ee i-------" U il8 ~ ^ W .w a ttr ^ lo w e r^ o o le d r ------txay-loadlng projector,' I t .haa ■ ’excepUoual brlUUnce, cool oper-' .M h t . 4atlon and poalUva mlcraUlt ad- jusunawi: ....... .. , - - — .- r

n i io m p io n b W E D .IN .T H E . Bl)O D .*niU m eanithatInft® ad .b e in g . bo ttled tmmedtetelyir blending^ O ld fhom pion ■ L J 4 i»ut b a c k I n t o T j a r r d i n S ^ ~ 7 T ~ r ^ r f -ireun lfbnnh lghquaH ty .T ry ; i l l | J |letter-flavor'tonlghti----- 1 1 ^ ^

& ' BLEHDECrYff lls ig V ^ ^ ;!^ ^THE STRAIGHT WHISKIES IN ^

3 R r o i s T i a e i ! i e s o 3 M f A w ' lOUI5VlttF,'KYr'-'“* ~ '_ _ ___

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•erved u W * ^

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^°uple Hm ■wtoi.fcj'iJS'W'm n t » u heVJ-i?i spring*. >_ itr . u d n - .

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^ ■ K n a n a C akeJs .^-

^ K i ^ r s : ' E. Taylor's Favorite Recipe

T i b ' -iike oo « plcolo b u n t dlittppearwl long be-

^^^^^■•-UB>*-t0-lM V0~>ls Mia. JQitiat ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ r l o r ' i fftTorltfi, flttta b sn u u u . .. 'v y / ^ ^ ^ H K e ; ’An »U>roanil cake, vMch U n . &VJ.V‘ ^ ^ ^ ^ K ' l o r l e m a w ith most u>7 Und of ^ ^ ■ K t , -It U topped wiUi a nerer-foU j r / /^ .^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ • t l t t t . " ' ' ’ r>-At^W^

B itiin i f«*'« -------into » sitter a_cup*_sUt«l "■•.'/r:'’

S o n . 1 itaspooa 'SSang poW=1 t«upoon KdA, H teupoon

^ ^ ■ K t e n l o k l Memnin' Into » cup M m | g | | | |^ ^ ^ K to a rm l lk a & d .l te w p o o n T a n l l -

CUR muhed rlp«% cup chopped nnU »nd

^ H B u r ’ih o r te a l^ ju i t to u tU n .f i l f t ^ ^ B | d z 7 InffredienU: add U cup milk ^ ^ ^ ^ I B d - te n a n a i »"'< beat 3 m lout«, ^ ^ H | k ^ ^ ^ ■ d e n i , nuU and rcmatnlag milk.

minuter . ■^ ^ ^ H p a k a lo moderate oren 97& de«

ror.39 mlnutef.. ..........^ B T^ ^ B l f N«Ter-F*Il Fm tlflr

In » uuoepaa I cup brawn tablopoon butter and 3 ta*

^ ■ n p i b p o a a j cream. Stir and boU for B B H t nilnute. nemove from stove and B f i f l u iL Add enough powdered suear to ^ ^ B l ead, then add vanUla and l» a t H R d

n «m « th. . -

essdn Featured H h M S ; A t Church Event ^ B■ r a s i <rt. iTTlnK Wood presented the ^ ^ ^ B ^ B B * ion'tt-the-nMUnK-or't}ie-ChrU>- ^^Bh } Women's feUowshlp of the Va1>^ ^ M r i -GhrlsUan churoh-Tussda; eve- H | B I

» = it the-home o f -M n r -m n k -e t M n. E

^ B t t J J M aaU tfldJizJfc^giK cnes. J 5 £ ^ ’Jt. tnd Mrs. Willard Ihler.Stm, Bill Slbbe gave the devo' (Blaff piIf. A solo was sun? by Mrs. — —oskl*Ijoader-and-Mrs.-HettlePlp* -----> 1 ^

H E nans wera discussed lor to# all- “TJEbLO [rch plcnlo which wUl be held a t bera of U

^ B B ^ m . Sunday a t the Olyde Ramsey reunion t ^ ^ B a Be,' * " Mr. and :

* V . ¥ Mrs. c . I

B ' Shower IH eld 'ahower . f « 8 t r S S ' ”w£a

^ ■ E d-M onday-»t-the homo or Mrs.- ^ ■ t e le Brookbank. Hostesses were

Ila Brookbank. Jo Anne Baer andK ^ ... .

' v r e w 80CIEXT m betb - •OEW. AUff. 1»-The LDS Relief 3 B

^ ■ u latjr’a woik_meetloc._w»4_h«Id . o a y C( aidayjn .thajccrcattoo-roflm -ot mlscallani -rnew '.ohareh/Textile paln tln r dnv ’evenli

^ ■ r I directed by Mrs. Pauline.Nel- bera.of hi ^ ^ B : • R a f r e ^ e n ts w m served by Alpha. M ^ ^ B ^ s .~£d SeerI»-and--Mr«.~Jesse petersen t

^le ., th s Tirst

H Care of Your C___________ _____ By ANGELO. PATP

t they are extravagant, or Utb need. Thi ^ ^ K B p n d tb e lr Incooie.'adults must In youngs^ ^ K » : : ^ B : c o r i«equBncB» of taia r gwff T h c ^ if io

^^Oiff 'Oericmr^urold bo'to'tcach' them on~

r'laara to avoid the hole we call what they0. their purtt (s a bad hola to fall Into and, ference w«.you.are la It, Ter; ditfloult-to lowonce Is.o u t Wa should spare the.chllr batlon ani n wme of tha.tri<f-and faumllla*- to~-aff-'a~i^^B > resulttat frcm such a mlsfor~ penalty, il

^ ^ B l ** . a youngsboy« and «lrls who earn money when

k If they .earn 10 cents, l cent hmlfsht. <f oM go Into the bank for fu tu re l ^ “ing i

H Marian M artin - ■ i ^ . P a t t e r n - ....j

......... niuiiey a cAs a yc

11 standing..------n S B 3 w 9 iE rS n fc F spend his

■ ■ "hlnniniej■ ■ H t -------------r -v — M p r y ^ r senseless^ B ' l V > 3 ^ necd.«-Asl(

'■' v r ■ > . cash; he sI K n . _ . . IsfaoUon J

lowance. <K B i o L , ^ ^ -eams.'Tor■ ■ |i7w 'VvPvfNrrt^^ **“•“

'l^ ^ ^ lx S S E E * apend onl^ ^ ^ B B I m K i charge an

........ ' tnto-debt-j ) iW ) r a i iU ii' a lender.']

'Btfyjw>EiwgTl uwMd Iq 1■ 5 B 3 S T f 7 a j ^ r l iiAliTvv^ iT^^insch

■ - P i f e i

. -W•SIZES / 7 ' , f ? V \ - ■M'-' '

. ______5 B- rO S^A OAT. LASSIE! ' .: - “ n i : -

R w * slice of plain—team with Rid and prestot you have the

-ftttlest dnea 4 UtUe girl-could I------- ^I b back to school. Thla Is a aew- . wmy stylo-designed for busy moms I«ike tho r■make. Be thrifty—use remnanta. you.toOj^w

-Ika-two-.veralons-ahort-ftnd-lonff,Jbm . Wutntion,-M tim 'e i9 5 ;-o h U d ren ^ 'S lze* -3 , '■ "^ ^ 5 '® - 1 ,8 ,1 0 . Bleed take* aw y a r t s » -

,JK f^b rlc ;.^ yard » ^ ^ l wT lB T ^ ^ - to - u s e pattern glres “ ySu^'Hrt like m « tIJrt shows you even-step. . Bonnet r, : ^ iB b U f ty.-fln i-centa-lo-oola»for: g reun ii-Vth. ijy paWTOT add^-cm ts~ fo r c a ^ ss tlio high

Bend Y etB tui ®“ “ of Times. A*V a s mu

O. box 9740. , f .N .E J Ii i f l ? ? ? ' ®* your name, . M a jg a^ eS l^ * P « ;.a lie .» ty ip jiu m b e r . . .r I l# V o r ,l i

ar '-

Cake fo r Dinr

' E ? i Z ^ 8

•'i i . I . V '; ^

Mtl Etdred Tailor aad her danghkr, NaJda ingredients for a fleat* »«-"f"ii cake, a favorite

'teBBa-dM ertTToiTopi^gTTHrs. Taylor prtfe? (SUff photo-enjrravlsg)

bera of the Peterson family held a K vreunion this week ot-the homes o( /Mr. and Mrs, Truman Bonner-and ‘ BURLEY,M n. c . O. PBt^er»n. J , membere of

Banner end Earl Coilson showed attended amovies loUowlng supper Monday ell canyon.-avenlng—at . - t ho— hnmr __Atnona-iJAmong those present w e« Mr. and m S t ^ R ay Petenon and da^gh^rs,-

vMr. and Mrs. Dean Jones and Mr*'nnd*KSMrs, ,0 .,0 . pBUrson traveled Tues- ^ , ^ " 2 day to.Idaho Palls to.vlslt the LDS

■' m ' u u Burley: Mr.3BIDE-ELECT FETED - ' ®0^- ^

. Oay Coimer,waa honored a t a i ’ ^ *mlscaUanoous-'brldal-ehower-TuM. B r a o ^ ^dtiy evening'at Twin falls by mem- Brackcnbur b en .o f her sorority,-Epsilon-SlgmaAlpha. Miss Conner and Max B.' Mr. oiPetersen wIDTm mareled Sunday'lri' children, Vtho Pirst Christian church. * - Howard Bn

- . ■ ■ • ■_________ •• • Almo; Mrs.~ ~ I and son, M

ur Children, Mr s. Jack 3LO- PATRI------------------------ ------ puer; Mrs.— ----------------------------- I dren.Wcndi

need. Thrift ahould bo encouraged

Th^_auowanceVilhQu]d-be-slven-tQ' 'Oii^< a~nJ ^ them on the’TOe It 1S'BUB.-Thc7 »g»-

what they spend, and the nature of , i their purchases a t a monthly con- L S S ference with their parents. An al- WAnimM lowance is a phase of a child’s edu- tation and it should not be added, t 5S»

. r o » M . t . r ’. p o . l n , c t o . c t , r . S ' i . S_ ^ « 5 a^xpung_j)er9<m_.e(vmj ju nch -andJmoney h e l i , ' i r he has not been The nextiTOdght up in a wholesome.-.under- sepU «. standing manner. lUeljt.to say toh im self:'T hU Is my monoy. and I . . ™ „can do whal I-want.wlth I t - ■iWs ^ 55 ^boy will probably spend tt reckless-. DIBTRIO]ly and look to his parenta for.more birthday ar

spells trouble. Prevention Is the cure ^ : ^ = :

Aa 4 youngster grows In under- B E Estanding._he_flhould-bB..taj»rht-iA. ----------«pRspend his money carefully, to get „ , ttt »»•

■WTTnoTie7S-n'6rtW»4HdTi6lTt5T>u7senseless artlelks that he doesn’t • W MUe W.need.'-Aslde from wise use of hiscash; he should have a certain sat- ^ —IsfaoUon In saving part of his al- • ^lowance, or some ot the money he•eams.Tor some specliirpurposeTper---------'haps for hU futore education. / m m

•pend 01^ what he has, never to | \ rcharge anything—and never to get IInto-debt-never to be a borrower or ' \ d o ii a lender, '^ e «n»lble uae of money

t e r . ' "

~uS*’ h^wi7 jT i i ; '

I S S S S v j s i aI? n.'." .”'’.f,ilv'5.5"v-r,i'T::

^ u t r O i r ^ lo r B o n n e t ......—-A ppreciates

. F.N.E.! _

ray o n ' w ith li

'h '- ----->®sirBunny.- ' " ^ h 1 $ -F i

, ______frjDUYou get ex(ra nutrition, too! Un- ' ‘ '

S iM j'

r^Vor«<27utritioD, £coaom-c-«I

- . ' ■ . ; , ' j - ’ v T I I

ir Dinn e r ' ,. . i_ _ Jeromi j Mark

.: Of.Aiirilon waa ht of and \ servance- nlvcrsary mother

AU of Mrs> present, cepUon of. <

w SiH urcin] a s.. r r a m

^ v e r . J Henri ■ Lecat CaUf.;.J._Dr Calif.:-Mr.-.- <on.' -lerome; Baver f and CaUf.,.and M cr and dauj . .FoUowlng home, I ^ t

B^^HBR>j^s€$nBBB^^^Bi3 duringblanca. -.Mrs^Raver at Loganspo; Idaho with 1

i has made he> M L ^ 0 - ^v / ' - M ^U 9V c^^^B ^4 ber of the a

: \ ' ' J .. ' : the Kl-Lond\ ^ Neighbors ol

w o 'tDy B

X I j i s i « l ^ ^ r e are a ter-ln-law sl

becomesT Y T . '1 Her son 1I knows lt.jioui■ 1h r j P ^ 6 hopes shI ? JtwNWM BB EKL ihc-is-p^foot hW, ™j. aha, ,Urt "a!,'’™ S'l;. t l . .o r i lo b e a m I f . . c ood .11- , ' • a m p r a t r . > n o » i r - i f l n r o .U i i i . S „ ™ S S t ;

•_____________________________ be welcome ii ______■ » home

Reunion Is i-ieldBy Area Family ^ th e r- ln - la '

BURLEY, Aug. 13—More than 70 about her sormembcre of tho. Brackenbury family To create tattended a reunion Sundoy.otiHow- thinks her soell canyon. " wife he has.

Bnd.-Mra.-aeorge-Brackenbury and other-way or fam lly.^blon: Mr.. a nd 'M rs.'R od - To ask her Brackenbury and family, Lewiston: vice a t least M r.and Mrs-'Qcorge Lancaster at\d advice, children.^ Escalon,' C6l!fa_j^r._nnd. ^ e ver-tajq

Burley: Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Engelklng -'lost” het.Bpi and sons. BoUe;, Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Show ' her Paget, Boise; Mr. and Mrs. Jock kind of affi Brackra«niry.rilrzamttTilrszOBtaJd: Bh'owBlier'wii Brackenbury and daughter and Mr. ore forever w and-Mrs.-Henry .Briickenbury..Al. asonworks.1; blon: Mr. and Mrs. D. Brownley and to the foct tl chlldrro7->VendeU;-M r.'-and-~~Mrs. Tje w6rklng“ji Howard Brackenbury and children. Never to tr Almo; Mrs. Betty Lou Darrlngton ter-ln-law's 1 and son, Malta; Mr. and Mrs. Joo m oream otht Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ed- date his wUe wards and children a n d ' Mr. and to bo aonrecl Mrs. Jack Edwards and family. aU in-law PUer; Mrs. O. Marshall and chll- • i,,dren, Wendell; Dee Ann Durfee, Mr. .hS^om

S e s ‘*'mdr“',Oimo,~a~nd.MrB.—Velma-Oahoon-cnd- . . . , '.fm-T>»rin..... -■■■ ----- -— -------—8he-thlnks

Y Y M •KirsTTHoinn■ a mother-ln-]

Lesson .Given. HAOERMAN. Aug. « -M rs . Orris DIRTUEShelby Instructed members of tho . PILE^ .AueLDS Rell6r»ocl4ty'bn"maklM rick'- a3n w-as-'Khrock earrings a t their meeting anniversary '' Tuesday,-at the 'churchrRerresh” 'Wlpper arrw*ments were served by Mrs. Ross ersole and Mn n ch -an d.-Mrs-R oy-Koaltser,:------ ' ' ' '

The next meeting wlU ■ be "held ■** * > i i P


DICTRICH, Aug. 13—v e m Root’s fbirthday annlversyy was honored

................ OPEN- B ala-L oadera-& ^tackars-- - P O R - H

B EET-& ‘GRAIN d ---------TRU G K ^BD S--------- ---------- ^^A^JL-ROBEBTS-WELDINO— -^nm g—ri

M MUe' W. Hospital Hlway 3 0 ' , yoL

\ BOIttKKM DCa/ , y i .

Full fosliiott d rom o*.

half-size ’ suit dress J h S •9.95-^------

_ '1 '_$o.»limi_>o_youtHfitl i *t *'very elegant! CoHon-ond- royon faille, shot throughout . ^ B B B

! with luxurious gold-colored threads...a.gala fabric . youlI'bTseein^Ibts'of'

- ^hls-Foll.-Smart pleated-----—V ^ ^ ^ Bfront peplum wilh self-b ju tto n ^ j^^^B

. sleek straight skirt, bracelet length s le e v e s^ ^ ^ ^ _ B l^ ^ B

' S iz es 'id n T w ii.

s ; s s r ^ 3 « l i s

T flte

JeromeiReunion^ . . . Er Marks 'B irthday j | | | | | | |H - Of A rea Woman

—JgROMgZJlllg,liy-^A~ famUy re- jinLdP-HM hcirt H tm dayatasjw m e- ot Mr. and Mrs. a . J . Scheld In ob- servance-of. the 75th birthday*u- nlversary of Mea. Jeasia Raver, mother ot Mr*. Scheld/ ^ ^ ^ B V

AU of Mrs. Raver-a children were present a t tbe'CTent with the ex-

AftSssgj s?® : ^ B ia a..rragcr.JfftncouVer>-WBsh.; K.D. Raver. Jerome; Mr, and Mrs.Henri ■ Lecolt and son. San Jose. CaUf.;.J..D.:B&vel-.and^a..Nap&.Calif.:-Mr.-.-«nd-Mrs.-:::Scheld'and son, J e r o m e ;^ , and Mrs. Oerald Raver f an d - ' dauBtiters," Qcovltle;CaUf., andM r. an(tM rs.W . H .H ar. cr and daughtera,-Enterprise, Ore.. -PoUowing dlnnisr-at tbe Beheld home, I ^ t showed, colored slides taken during a pecent'trlp to Casa-

-_Mrs Raver was bom Aug. S.-lS7a. I ^ B I H Bat Logansport, Ind. She came' to h a b jo k vIdaho with her family In lOlB and jgla has made her home In Jerome sincethat time. She' is an active mem- * - '

the Hl-Luid Sewing club and the Former Neighbors of Woodcraft.

We, the Women I o.®= o.‘SI former Buhl

— — jSTEUTU MII.I.EIT ’S S n " '! n i . "

to S r SkproS” ,she becomes a mother-in-law: « chnnmMi

Htr son haa . aome lauVla. Bhe J : ^ knows It. now because she lives with , him and 'tiles-to make hlm“ HBppy.'Bho hopes she won’t suddenly decide icJa .pcrfoot when tho Job Is taken ;--'? 2 « o r ^ o m b y iw ire . ■ .

Always to build and never to tear t«n^nr,B righ down-her-dBUghter-ln*lawr-If-ahe f t ^ v o ^ o remembers that, she knowa she wlU for the i bc wefeome in her daughter-in-law’s wm acUve U home. S l ^ fratem~Kevcr to ask prying {jueatlons. The ^napmnn t nulcktst way in the world lo make a school and th gSG gliT ii'^IH ^-aiairu jrW -T orT r 4»for»—«nt«n mother-in-law to toke. the attitude university, wl lhat she has the right to know all In physics ani about her son and hla wife's affairs, past two ycai

To create the Impression that sho of Sigma Phi thinks her son Is lucky to have the He aUo has wife he has. Too many mothers-in- mission In th la g .a r t .n t .lf the-lw-k. wwe-nil thw --After a ahother-way around.——-------------- — «ouple-wlll-rt' To ask her daughter-in-law’s ad- he wlUi eomp' vice a t least as often as sho offers. Brlgharh Youi advice. ■ H^ eY ^ t ^ yo .b ^ d a ^ ^

•'lost;;|iet.Bpn when he married. JTLER, Au Show her daughter-in-law the creasey w u

kind of affectionate-concern she the Woman’s BhrniierwiirSome-niTOmErrt^nilaw. nre forever'worrying over how hard noon a t tho 'a son works-but aro-completely.bUnd. gchneU--------to the foct tha t the son’s wife may ^ r a l v - J - v be^wfirklnTJurt as hart; — '

Never to t r r to ahow up a daugh- f.-y_ qoh ter-ln-law’s faults to her soti. Th©more a m other helps a son to appre- _________dale his wife, the moro she Is golng to be appreclatca by her daughter- in-law.' To niako her daughier-lh-law feel thnt she considers whatever success comes, their way ns being won bytntii.uC-tLuur.^uUJuftt-by'Uiu-AUii.— ---- . --------- —Shc-th inks-lf-aho can remember —,-------------- .

1 mother-ln-lnv/ sEe won't have any Jaughter-ln-law trouble.¥ * *

DIRTUDAy OBSERVED. P I L ^ .A uB ^13-^..N ..L ,.John=. ____________-

w -as.^noreiTbn her, birthday inniversary'Tuesday - a t a plcnlo mpp«r arrwRed by’Mrs. Keith E b f ''■ ■ iTsole and Mrs. Marshall J o h ^ t i .

o r i e n t a l !CAFE__________


-FeR-toNe+^EeM- — — —-____EAR-T-i-ES— ___ ^ ,----~D<ntng - r a o iTi ' , eo o [ed for,'

y o u r cdmfort-

'P H O y e 2 8 6 0 * .I . . FREE PARKIN(L..„_______ 1 2 0 )

N - F A L L S , I D A H O :

Engaged..^;.. .Hgger.n Honoi

HAOBRMA! german LDS ooodlng'stake

' r ' " t he d ty -p a rk -persona.attenc '" I 'M ders and were present

’.4Im I ^ ^ ^ ^ B ' Jerome first- WendeU. f a l Hagerman.—Stoke-isiRjrU King, Wendti ^ 0 games, Thompson, si and Dale director, both' danc«;k---------

FoodV oslu;

Lodge c ~ : Repc

||^H |K j|m |H H H [| . .MABJOKY JAN8 ELDBSDOE “ ’*’ J *

(gUff engraving) lodge m et Tui ........... # ' . * ■ ■ * ' * ■ •• Woodman bal

■ '•', " . . I t was-deeld-ormer.Resident

OfBuhlWillWedBtTHL. Aug. IJ^M r. tand Mrs. Henry.

Jeorge O, Eldredge,. Provo.-Utah, - oeraid ormer Buhl residents, have nn- <jf buying food otmccd-lbo-engsgtment-imd-forlh-- —Th'e“ rltunlls offllng. mirrlnge of their dikugh- piuied. tr. M arjory. Jane, to Oleli Wmis . ihapman. son of Mr. and Mrs. E.L Ohapmsn. BounUful, Utoh. Mrs. S n R The couple plans to be married Games were

i-8?ptemB«r In-tho-QaltXaka-Cliy pronk Wright 0 8 tample. • * *The bride-elect, a 1B81 grftduato ___

f'B uE l high schooirhas been at- D r i a Q m dlnr, Brigham YpUng university d e o l o . a S L to v o . raaJrirlng'ln'homa,eonnflm .' -ton-waa-hoetet =.; lo r th . p u t lTO -s.iy,. S to ,n , N ..n a s as active In th e . Lambda Delta ^'as served Igma fraternity. Mrs. Lelnnd•Chapman attended UavU ' high TgOTfl- anfl- Mr shool and the University; of u ta h low.

niversity, where he has mojored logs until Oct<I physics and mathematics for the — ast two years. He Is a .membert Sigma Phi Sigma fraternity. «JKe aUo has filled a two-year LDS , ‘

ilsslon in the east central states. -■After a shor t honeymoon, the _______ /•**-juple-wlll-reside-in^ProTO“ wi>Bre —e wlUi eomplete -hls eilucatlon a t " \ U Cirigharh Young university. • • / ^

¥ H- ¥ / a

=©#teefff€ieeted------FILER, Aug. 13-M rs . Wayne . /

^ensey w u elected president of /le - '^ m a n ’a-ChrUllfin Temprrancfi------- / ___ JVotnion-nfVrneetlngjruesday-ixfter----------—oon a t tho homo of Mrs. Homerchnell.--------------------------- ------ -----------------M rs.-P,-J,-Kalbnel8ch-ls-the-vlee-- - resident; Mrs. Tom Spaur, scctc- J ; H I L L ’S

andM rs. D .H . Showers,.treas- under lU a k A

AN D I---------------- '— Her e ' s t h e 0 [-t— —--------------------- :——b— , ---------------— — ^world’s-favorife^

-----------------------------— — m acliines'■_ ' ■ • f a r io i

T h i s i s a - s a

” 1


SINGER■ ^ i ^ t c d m y o u r t e l e p J i Q .

. 120 North Main

lagerman Ward. Tg Honors Afenhbers 1—------

HAOBRMAN, Aug. 13—The Ha- Highland V rman LDS ward entertained the poUutk dlnnei w dlng 'stake M la Maids and Bx- at-1 p.-n>. Sun

e ^ d ty - 'p a r t : * O n r h m S ^ .* f ^ '^bri ’wa*rsona. attended, the party. «Leaders and stake board mehibers xhe annual « present from Olenns Perry, ufe B and H Tome f i r s t - a n d second wards, uled for 3:30 ’endeU. y*WleId. Oooding end „ o n park. M Igerman. bring cake orS tuke-ipo rtra trec to rrM nrN elra ------ *-----------zing, Wendell, wos In charge of _____ J0 gonies,~ and. 'M rs. I > v ^ t Offlcera of lompson. stake dance director, American Woi d Dale Peterson, stake activity bers who are rector, both-Jerome, planned tha rangements f<nce-^i---------------------------- ------- ^ tIon,-whloh-vPoodVaa Xumlshed by eoch ward.- Twin Palls, a

„ „ Jl 3 p. m. Satur* ^ * Legion hall.

odge a t Honsen ^■Reports Session ''“‘--“ s

RAN8BN...AUg,. l»r^Member8_pf , '0 Itoyol Neighbors of America r i C n i C IgB met TuBsdny evening a t the The Presbyi oodman halL[t waa-dedded to mako the chill n^JVednesdaj r the Twin Falls county fair <nio commit oth on Aiig. 30 a t toe hall. Hm - Mrs. A. L. He: rger patties wlU be made 'Aug. u ,d Mrs. Jam

a t th e home of Mrs. Oeorge-Mrs.-Prank Oc :ivy. Prlzelle and IMrs. Gerald Stanger Is in charge AUen.buying food for the stand.__________________ ¥

rh'e rltunllsQc .wolk ^ exem- _ ...B IB T ni.................BELLEVUE

Mrs. Paul Sloan-received ' the <jny annlversa iveUng bosket. Jtlrs. Joe HIH and honored S rs. Ben R o» were- hMtesses. ^Is Inmlly A umes were conducted by Mra. town wero Mrank Wright ond-Lona-Bohxn------ children;-Boise

¥ * * ler are plannlr

^Bridge Played==3EOLO. Aug. 13—Mrs. J. M. Dal-

9 N- and S Bridge club. Dessert s served.^ s . U lo n d won high .

'<■ , 1Eho-«lub-deoldo<yo-cano«l-meet-----------[s until October.

- i

■■ H I L L ’S S f T s h o p ^ider Bank A T n u t P hw e 4se

GER Root I uiJkmonsiiire 's t h e o p p o rtu n ity you’ve beeii w a itin g f t — — — b u y a - |i8 ? u tifu l-b m ltte la s t-S IN G l s - f a v o r i f e * r - 6 v e r - a - c e n to r y ^ a t3 - g r e a t ! - m a c l ! l n e M i ^ o o i ^ a s - n e r t t - a r « e l l i n g -

fa r low er t h a n t l i6 c o s t w hen new . S e e h is is a -sale y o u won’t w an t to m iss!

P ^ E R M F i e


L U M B E I^ F I I s rc i......... Visit.phone or write nowO N ^U E -O H tYAr— Mark of thb »>twnr*

E R S E W I N G• t e l e p h o n e b o o k .o n ly u n d e r .a iK Q E

- — Calendar-BHWmd Vic* club will hoM . ' °-Wi||jJ

oUutk dinner and Ice cream social 1 1 p.-m. s u n ^ y a t the Twin falia to J f^ lG

The annuol ehUdr«Mv’s .plcnlt olhe B and H club hos been ached- !led (or ;:30 p. n , w a .y , t h2 -loa park. Members are asked to h . v® ^ring cake or cookies.__________ T.

Offlcera-Of-Twin-paUs chopter » a « o f 2 ? ? « ^merlcan W ar Mothers, and ro « b 4 * ‘“‘«ers who are p ^ d p a t ln g In ar- Qra s Ja,^ungements fo r-th e state conven- th e h ru .^ ^ ift:on,-whleh-wm-begln Sunday-in Plew.'■win Palls, are uked to meet ot « " « ! isp. m. Baturday In the American “O'* aft>hti7f5*^'

eglon hall. Pinal - plans. for the ^^Kbetrei.Mslon wUl be made and a rehenrjsl BIum ,eld for color bearers- and the ser- “’ai'chei^^ “ J**'“ ‘- - “ S ' , , , .Picnic Reported •'“‘'to'ilS,''

The Presbyterian chureh'i Cou- serJlc.? fte le s ^ u b s^nsored Its annual pic- ^W ednesday evenUig a t Nat-Boo- T h^ p i^ ^

•roe committee Included Mr^ and * *Irs. A. L. Heinrich, chairmen: Mr. C H i i n U I ind Mrs. Jomes Leighton, Mr. and Hirs.-Prank Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Boy ti rlMlle and Mr. and Mrs-JJhorles

» " * « ' SlvenBmTHDAY HONOBED. 1 .1 .''“^

BELLEVUE, Aug. is-^The birth- »y anniversary of RusseU Buhler i lr «os h o n i ^ members of th e l t 'h SIs inmlly. Attending from out of B h e ^ J S . ^.wn wero Mrs. Rockwell Scott and t h r j * ^ ^ ? ^illdrtnrBolse.-M r.-nna-M rarBuBr ■c«ded^'S?*il?

> north-Idoho. ................... - T r k E A b - T ^ ^ i t :

v f l M » J

B tiatoi5„i waiting for-achancetolast-SINGER'Sewing-Maciiihet- --------^

ita'greatsavlngiHiese: ^orMeliing-atMsts------ — rv-r-in new. See for yourself! . - miss!


E ^ l

ISIiJCM IE^EIRSM i!®•ite now. .' A T YOUR - —HflgtJCgtT, «>. • ,■ ■ ...j

» c i : e n t e p ifer. SIN G E S SEW ING

f s fflTf EffTias.Sc pfinth as ] ■ e s E le v e n

inff p itcher P n u l 'S c h u lte had ■ X i S n a s h c d h ia f i r s t h o m eru n

.hTWrflnfflera a 4-S v ic to ry a f te Iibiner c leared th e la ftfio ld

■rS^s ISuroo'----------- -Ohambor-oX■ o tesm .

dty 'a N atlw e lation r b

• Springs real' H ) Aur- W U V -W e pro- M erchandlsa ■ ^ p ^ n Detroit LlOM vftrlous 1

» tw o-wuch- orer Bobby D o ^« Ogden. Poci

the -expected toiK V fteW -entrlea.^-T*

CAM since uie Angelu ore ^ tJ r t j^ u c iB T M - in f tu - -tx ce ij-D n a

E jT * ™ «r. Doub]^ F e u n d offense-1ft three i* ^ -j,

I^ K j^ -o rb 'e jcp c c te d - to - l S - , S p l ] I^ B L u u t>f-su:hTCoUc«tate. ;" • . ' *» m c £ “ McPhftll.“ Okla-^■ D isw n. Texas: Jolinny ^ l a x

K ^ A n d y - K o a r . Ten-

■ iu e s ls t* victory ORalnat c a ^ ^ t rBm nhs and two ties hlna- 3.1■'ffigirlnB wms oi Muvy ' --------■ Beartath. Ullnolf’ Tom- Hollywood _ B e U tnd Purdue's Dale sacramcnto ..

Wftlah and V , ot llglitnlr^s payotf Ritchey. ^ K tlil5 trio to nn array of Second: '^ ^ u d ln s ends B o r n ie Hollywood .«.(

Decker, Michigan QuKn and i Uu best threat to the dlnl and Mon

^ E d Uons.K a d t y crowd of 01,000 Is DEAVER8 6, ^ K \,m the huge atndUim PORTLAm:

front- Other mlN land.'with Bo ^ K tc h and hear the game Robinson beltl ■ B ffiu m o n t) ond radio OaWand 6-1

Its third atrali- Oakljfnd-----

-----:— P oftland-jr;-

fcM enton-.- .nrrb„si ImesHead * iSsEANOl

Angeles Bcorec

■ t h l e t i c s■ u . A«,. 13 W -Ba.k.1- ^ ■ s ia Voices bas been pro- ' 1.

director a t College geMtle’ *

^ E ^ n d a y to become aa- ■ jr ia S f tS e rsss?i■ Plton. p tu ia .n l, »1M K !“ n , « S ": ^ ■ n u ld handle tho Coyote .. otvls, Dell

^ and Ortelg ;i to College of Idaho trowiKli Qumi

uriivc'rslty two

^ H iiu ls tan t footban'coaclt*' §'Xk~ K i a baslcctbttll coach a t w ith Oeorge ^ ■ ^ p * _ c o n iln 8_ la i0 .oli -wjUj-^-throe ^K ths. .He formerly -was Prsncls’oo Sec K i l coach at University s in Diego 6-:

K ^ r o t e coach announced Sanclsw practice would begin . Fannin, Mt

B l rnliiNi and .^m ay ,

K l u t discharged nfUr A l l G f ^■wTTiee as a navy lieu- i A X l ' O l^fcrnmdcr^-U l-rennrt la.

^ f c w i '^ f f i f h e a d i o a S '

^V tch . Flnlcy, Idaho’s ba*- r o r S> has handled both a.

■ i n t J. E. Buchanan said ■ n t i overlap In tho spring B lc lib u e b n ll shoirid havo■ i i t e . . „ i , j ^ , . . ^ 1,‘ J

^ D c t i Q i i I'^ ' i i l v* * * ^ ho Palls cent

■ Last Two S i s ►ng Heats;«B ^K rY ^A u^3-W ^H elt< - to-tackllDg p; V K t Canaditm-owned filly. Physician rec ■ y i e n or nit namblotoolaa P’*?- ■WnsKlay when she cap- ««■»« In pn ■ j u i t E l U i c a t i - o f - i a e out of the c< » J= o Iu S ry e rb y ■Tit- Good th«-*?ua«t'W

before a scroamlng ----------■ Kntt 20.000 peraons, ^ Stono- «pe■ *« flnt time a foreign- r

had won tho world- «aeh VlncBfor 3.yeiir.old trotters S^ono's Inju)InauRuraied Jn 1020. condlUc

‘‘fc two Bramp- _ _ ----» rm ° .IV;. •?' ^'8‘n . P l a v p r

From 1In 1047. -was ’ SALT LAI «*rry Har- An Idaho Pa

■ t tn S ^ .w > - ‘’2Ml-driv.. -thajilsh t.lnIriJured In pi

■ M s k s T o r - -

■ frictions STi.1?13 M^The team's battli or commls- Ho wa* U'

K J ! ^ « n d t d that hunt- treatment. 1^ f c e , ^ i i ^ “ '“ »realnune- leaylng the

. 5 <l»m. day.the stale flsh'and ____

..Harold—West- —Thft-Uth.l^ ■ e f ^ KToup, u id nunent will B v T . “nd Pali. «>md oa Ai

“'■« °f work, l o o kr = A N I

ITS HOMEI uScore in Fir as Paul Schu venth Contesch u lte h a d f r l t te « d _ a w f ly a 3 -0 .-M iu ric_ ; h o m e ru n f o r t h e C ow boys w ith tw o o u t : ic to ry a f t e r B o ise h a d tied th e sco re w ith 3 la f tf ie ld b a r r ie r 816 fee t m ra y f ro m th< . — ■• ■' ■ B y h re a n d 1

S u p p o r t .BUHL, Au7. 13—The Buhl the t in t thre<

Ohamb«r-of Oommerco-vot«d-at- -the .Vankees-ia special meeting ' Monday to the filth u »lend Its moral support to Sun* down each tinday'd NaUonal Powerboat auo< Schulte, pltcelation r a c e s n t 'Thousand his three bad :Springs resort on Snake river, a ball'guao sMerchandise prises will be given row. KLs reccby various Buhl stores. bested Jim O l

Boats from Salt Lake Olty, 11-8 mark.Ogden. Pocatello and BoUe are Schulte wonexpected to be among ths 100 3 against the 1entrlea. '“Two -entries from-Los Blll Pnmco-otAngeles are capable of speeds In he hasJost uviO tcu rD n^-m U es-perhour.— : got-hlm- t o ' d ~ — I fifth and aev

O o u b l e h e a d e r 3 r H sr 1 ' Arend walked.f e , S p l l t ^ b y - ^ : : r r ^ -

.-------- -------^JOlnc_wBlkeA P n t ' T l f a the seventh,«

by Rube Johi•SACRAMBNTO.-Aurr^ia-WV-Hol- when.,.:■wood nnd Saoramento broke oven Wednesday night in n double head- Tho Cowboy : with tho Solons winning the first In^^e^ 4 ^ ^ ! -

tars c a 'p ^ tn s the 10>lnhlns finale to third with •I. Johnson forcep irsF ----------- :------------- Ilea:---------------

:ollywood ____000 000 0- 0 S I c y Qonsalv.aeramento .„.:...001 010 x— 3 7 0 with a slashli Walsh and'M alonei-Onbtes and Cullen Deck i itchey. ’ to the left olSecond: hands',were-w

iollywood ....000 100 000 1— 3 10 0 {ully sacrlflcec aw naw to non non nni i - i _ 4_n.Queen and Bragon; Johnson, Can. deep loft to c

Inl and Montalvo, Ritchey. _ cole led off

EAVER8 6, ACORNS 4 strikeout kinsp o R - ^ m a . A u r is ( j ^ - p ort. h J

ind.'wlth Bob Moitjuls and Aaron Kllllngsworth oblnson beltlnj-homeruns, trimmed the rlghtcente ■aWand 6-1 Wednesday night for cole -s third straight v ictory.-............... ^ h a t was nlakljfnd-— -..100-001.020~-4_7._1 .inff until the o r t in n d " -0 n n i0 -3 0 * ^ -B n ra - -^ V ,H ” '^ Atkins and N e^; Linde, Adams “layers

nd-Roblnson. - Khtillc av<

NOELS 5-9, RAINIERS 4-8 . SVelgJRh b5LOSE ANOELES, Aug. 13 WV-I^s 5j?»ngelcs scored sl* runs In tho ninth during whlclTf Its second game against Seattlo ““ i"* ‘f .redneoday jilght to beat the Rai- lers 8-8 after having won the open-

^ ^ t : . . forced ArendeMtle ^ ___ 040 000 0 - 4 8 . 0. ov«_eS a ito ^ c * ■6"'8“ 0' Afaldonado—i Itodsfathsr, Lovrlch and Ortcig; 0 « tt <0^ »

l a t u ^ nd-Pedeni----- ; r r ------------ -*1^ J^ ru M i

tatUe J ____ 103 300 003— 8 13 1 sent a fly U> dios Angeles ...,001 <a(t'OW-=- 9 13 1 Bathered\ln 1Davis, DelDuca, Nagy. Wldmar threat. )

nd Ortelg ;Chandler, Padget, Oa- Two m«n-wrowiW; Oumpert and Evans, ninth a s ' tho

7 -------------------r p re t ta w r r p_ _ _SEAL8 5, PADBEB * Maldonado's&AN FRANCISCO, Aug. 13 (A - was-.tiie_flr8t

Vith George Vico leading tho way claimed- th a ti'lth-»,-thrae.run hamer.-the.San. MaltlnnndO-Jv:“ranclsco Seals Wednesday downed Bob OaffneyIto Diego 0-3. lc was sent t<lan D iego__ 000 003 000— 3 10 1 later.lan Francisco 030 030 OOx-c. 8 9 0 Cole movedPnnnln. Malloy and Mathis; Lien played short

x \i Tornay___ rlghtfleld to c--------------------. ^Tj,9_COT.bo

4 U . S t a i P ^ r c k -;

b o - t l a p t a i n s ^1 P • a - J l ____ Dolph CamiH o t * ^ a t l l l ’Q a V for a lo -sam t I V i k . ; a n * X ^ A a j engage BolsoBOISE, Auff. 13 W—Co-captalns Idaho Palis,

vere-named Wedne.iday for Satur* igam. I t will lay night's aeventh annual esst*west home during iH-star high sehool football game' ' , magic "v is.tho.wcatcrners.lost.one of-thelr- M.,‘dVn4o-ivV-

Jack Stone and Tom Painter. Ida- Kiinr__»b . s ; 10 Palls center, were named co-cap- *| 4 !;nlns of the East nll«stara.-Oene itunref------a-i3eorge, Lewiston tackle, and Mel ghKh»n rf « ; SohmldtrOoeurd'Alentrfullbacfcpiirtll- o ^ » i r T * 1 :aptaln the westerners.

Nick Rudge, 19S-pound Boise end received a sUght cerebral concussiona-tackllDg prncUcn.Tuesdny-andJils_____ ___ .-r--physlclan recommended that he notjlay. Rudge had bruised a shoulder noi,, * ....sarller In pracLjee and was counted n«ti« v.uty „3Ut of the contest. But he rejoined n,? r ^ iu i°i‘i* ° the-*juad'M onday only. Jo" bo-hurt ido.-coif.- Kiniigoln................. ......... ..............■ — ■------

Stone, speedy Idaho Falls half- * 0” coft»Svr.bnck. wns running well and east loiI—Uoita 11.:oaeh VlncB Carter, Qoodlng/ said schuit. s. o j Stone's Injured knee would be InBood condlUon for the game. . • ____

•t;------- ------------------ , LOUISE SU(P l j i v p r

F r o m H o s p i t a l ' H i mSALT LAKE OTCY. Aug. 13 «V- released Wee

An Idaho Palls baseball player spent Profession^ Iho jiish t.liuU losp ltaL afte r being. lajured In pracUce before the IMes- I1B.W von day night Salt Lake Olty-Idaho IQ W t.Falls Ploaeer league game. -■--Le«“ C orcoranr^usset:.-second baseman, waa h it on the head by a ground ball during the Balt Lake team's batting pracUce.

He was Ukea to LDS hospital for treatment. He remained overnight, having the hospltnl early Wedne*-

-Jh ftilth -n JB -A U o aU o J^ M to ^ ' J_______nament will be held. Jn Long IiTaad ________sound oa Aug. 38. 38 and 37. ^ n





Jtiilte [ I test .' 'ilN.0 -M iuric_V alley. Ic a d .-D u r l . tw o o u t i n t h e n in th s ta n . .:o re w i th a 's in g le to n in th e [" '■ f ro m t h e p la te a f t e r P a u l ’h r e a n d S c h u lte h a d go n e t in th o l a s t in n ing . T h e :V - wboys scored’ single markers in I first three cantos only to see I .Vankeca_gam£E_two-laJlIej-ia 1 firm ood aeventh with two wn each.time.fchulte, pitching well aside from _ H-nthree bad moments, finally won - —.

bairgatoo after losing five Ih a ■ .. . ' r. His record now is I I .7. He it«d Jim O'Reilly who now has a ■8 mark. * — ......khulte won his last contest Joly Igalnst the aame Boise club, with »•*— ■.I Fnmco'on-the-hlll.-slnce- then ---------hasJost several close frays'. Walksr h i m- ln ■diffieu ltr-in -both-theth and aerenth after two menre drown. . Ruion HaacU y Maldonado received a pass In the Amerieaa3 fifth and advanced after Jim > t... p motorend walked. Wayne Kllhg rifled a --------------------gle toleftfietd and Uie first Boise ^1 oeb'red.fiUng_wolked_jvith_two_down-ln — - - 3 seventh, advanced on a pass ball Rube Johnson and crossed the

it« when., Jim Oott s in g led -to ___bt.rhe Cowboya had amawed a run the initial frame as Tom Beclc

miad and rbarlcy^Cola M m ------ - ..third w ith n double to right.

hnson forced Colo aa Beclc taU

3y Qonsalves opened the second __th a slashing single-to leftfleld. lien Deck followed wlUj a chop ST O C / d l C the loft of the mound and all

nda-.wcre-aafe. Schulte success- Q ly sacrificed both runners. Vital • V.4U. it=hBmg=goamvcfciuLhit, i t o p i . — ' ’ ___5P loft to cent«rfleld.- POCATELLO:ole led off the third with a free runs by Tomm: ket to flrat. O'Reilly, the league Sobeck and Ui Ikeout king, got the next two Don Orwller' ■n nt‘t--hut. «Kf-nnri jinckpr-Qarv JQfinjlfiClUJajL: lllngsworth sent a double against ho Falls Russe 5 rlghtcenterfleld fence to score Roberson's n le. - - the flfUi off lcrhat was all the Wrangler scor- calanto 'gaVe I t-unUlTthc..cruclivLnlnlli_iyiOv jia rg ln ,ln thfl. Illly allowed only three Maglo,Iley players to reach base. •, 1 in rSchtnio avoided nnolhcr iiolse' ^ walked a »rkcr as he got out the side In -j j^ boi^8 elgnth but the ninth proveA a " -uno Dt5ri'ferent story amid a fracasring which two were ejected. _ , 'Maldonado h it safely down the ^It:htfleld line for two bases to sta rt “ o_ ,v ,e first of the nlnUi. Schulte 1 , . . ' ,reed Arend but Kllng dropped a Jigle over second base Jo score °aiaT O ado=w ilT F=th i^ ln i=ru«?jt t forced KllAg. Bob Rock, Ued

nt a fly to deep leftcenter that was” eron aoilbl«ff*4 theredvln by Vital to sUfle Uie 8*“ - rest POCATELLO5^o.min-w«e-U)rown out In the ‘ 4 1Dth a s 'th e Cowboys vehemently lUtk ib <o

D ^ . “*^ho -3 1is’ th e f i r s t to r<celve Uio heave, au«hi«..rt j aslmiarOint-CftleVUirow".nipped g l’K**:.* -! JftldongdQ_ftt second, bu t um pire xitilim w p -? 0>b O affney ru led oUierwlse. Sec - U rlirt p 10w as se n t to th e bench n m om ent ' . ^ , , 1,

ter. - idibo F»ll» __*Cole moved to first and Byhre r*e.t^io .ayed short wlUi Elmer Daley lu 0 ,{htfleld to close out tho frame. n.iii, or*ii.r, z The-Cowboys-txavel-to^-ongaBOlaHTTOTirTenight-WltirJack-Oirime facing Reno Barblsan. The --------

S a i m o a^BCido"th8“Ploneer 'league ■ccllar 1 - 1 Tongement. - J u n U I H J.Dolph Camllll'i crew returns home i _ .r alo-gam o slona Aug..ia'aa O ft/ Tr A t e i 'S igage Bolso once and then play “laho Palis. Pocatello and Bolso .

;£ -d .ir ;s i! ‘ i9M “ ''’ ^ 0*” '----MAGIC VAI.tsr-4. BOIHE-S------- 'iii« Kb h o (iMixia Vkiirr caught ore In

j n a ?|vi't,jl ’r /~ ~ j>ii'sb'’ • s i s sinnfr tt 0 0 0 0 The summe; »k If 4 I s o[^i« rf lb * 2 J 5 reach the moli

‘ • ‘U : S - ‘S b ! ! S ! J : ? " . ' ; ? ' " ' ;lD»«k M a T I 1 ported au mo ujhr* •• 1 0 I 0 Ing Excellent cScbult* p s 0 0 J • - ;_____

‘I : t e e j n r s ‘e

R e p o r t *

F o r S e vm i s e * »

on—uoiia 11. lusio Vdiiy T. UU— fishingJlcens( :hult« s. O'lUllly S. 80—SehulU S. {fom 1 .comparlS^.- »

• ___________ during 1913 ijOUlSE 6UG0S SETS RECORD classes report NEW YORK, Aug. 19 MV-Louise Pay Whitson, t.y j . Aftiiwfii finished her year's- - Mrs. Whitsi w k with an Rll-time record booty ment coiHoin t -« « ^ l6 JS , acc{jrdlng..to..Ilgures licenses incre eleased Wednesday by the Ladles' 07,639; non-i Tofesslonal Oolf association of from 0,538 t o : jnerleo.-The previous high w aithe day flA ftom 10000 von bi Babe Zaharlas resident fish 1 19CJ, ' dropped trom


X 3R E A SE J O B „ O T M P t E T E ~ r : * '■ A n u - C a r i - p i i l y . - . . - ■



NINTH TO---=rrr==E~——W hippi

Rulon H ancock, SaU L ake CUy.-plIoU hU elasa F le Amerieaa Pow erboat assoclaUon r*«es a t T boui loss F B o to r la Uio la rg est of raclog eogtnes. Gi

lomerunsPaGell-Meet-Se W e U o t o . r s : '■2 C onquestPf%r'ATTrT.Ty llW__‘SBlliOr" swlmwhs by Tom m y R oberson and Dick compeUUon wl beck a n d U ie 'a lx -h it p itch ing of- , v itM io n s^ a v e in o r w l le r 'p a c < d . th e Pocatello eatello . Tw in :

Roberson's n in th ,c ir c u i t b la st In ^ ,i? ,B flfUi o ff losing h u r le r S a r l E s- lanto 'gaV# th e B annocks a ' 1-0

- ^ m e r : A n d s ,But Uie Russeta rebounded^for a iWlfnmIng~coa I Irnd^ in th e ,.slxth. ;— E c t o - a ^ - t r y —la~M errll Ida walked and P hll SU ehle s in - jn awlmmlng 1 Id and b o ^ ru n n ers Cflmo hom e .u u o n . - ittd U

Cuno B arragan 's long one>baso year's3W to le ft . Qiers.T hen In th e six th Pocatello u n -ided s ix h its good fo r as m any . ~ns. O nly two of th e m arkers S f ' a r:re earned , however.Sobeck led off UiQ,frame w ith h is 'r ioN Ei n n ri-trlpper.— And, w ith tw o ouL . jberson and K en N ard lnelll dou- ----------fnl , n ,^ ti> P ii««H -----ror, D ick w a t s o n 'a n d D on Canr- uiiiit»i —o rra o iib le ro n d -B u tch T H o ran 's ln - ---------id . MACnC VALLSrPOCATELLO T. IDAHO TALLS J Poe.UIlo .............

>ho r«lU tb h a • roealtlla a b j in * - . -:rr« •• 4 1 1 « W.txin «r— S i 0 4 PACIFIC <.ck lb 4 0 2 J C » m « ro n lf4 2 a 0 ____ ._____J i ^ b - . T f o ' t a rf s I ' j 5 - I Z Z ;tn4<t ef ' a 1 2 0 Carmebtl :b 4 I 2 0 Lm AnitiM ____Mh1«..r* 4 2 » 0 8»h»r»im-Jb JiO 2 l S.n FrtncUeo,rr»an a I I 1 0 Roberwin e 4 S S 0 PartUnd ..... .....)llh Sb -4 0 8 2 N.rHln.Ul ef 8 2 3 0 s .n DIfzo______

illLw«l»oT,"c«m«ren7'8o Rob.i»on K«w Jfotk ------—NinllMni. Orwllir. E*U«d« 2. .N»rdl" Chlc««o-----------

Ul. O rvlltr. Ettrada. SUthl*. F.—D«r- CIrrcUnd -------- -

>r»n. T—n i l . A—140. Phll»dilphl« ------

ialmonJiatog to_ ‘11 —-WAJim

Jnd in Most Idaho S'K‘.te--==: Vaters^atiirday-s- E' IEtEEBO ISE, Aug. 13 I f l -a a lm o n I l s h . ---------g enda in m ost Idaho w atera S a t . p u u ^ rg h ”•day. T hose rem ain ing open aro -----------is t . th e i r p e a k .ru n s a n d th e f ish r i * - T \lUght a re la . poor. condlUon, th e f t l f f n S U li t « f ish and game dep artm e n t r e - YORK

•The sum m er chlnook m n ahould T e n t H ^ c e SIa ch th e m oin Salm on riv e r du rin g V ork OlanUle n e x t Uiree weeks._________D u cw h ttJL M t-W lttn H W rca l IHIfUng bock to nesday by sign:o u t fishing, th e d ep artm e n t r e - tw o years.3rt«d a ll m oun ta in lakes produc* T h e saggingIg Excellent cAelies. place, 17*ii gan:

;----------------------------- - lead ing Brooklj

jferejnrse Sate“Rise^ ieported^by State H jM <W8even Months ~BO ISE, Aug. 13 — H unU ng and sh lng illcense soles have increased ‘•om J a n . . l - J u l y 31 th is -y e a r in “ v ' Y ^ ^ U }(nparlson w ith th e aam e period ^ - V V u rlng 19&3 in th ree o f four m a jo r .oases reported , aocordlng to M rs, . ay W hitson, license c lerk. I W fMra. J ^ t o o n K v e a lr t th a t .k s - . T T y i i f C

censes inc reased .’.frooi: M .4U to . ■ E m Hr,6S9; n o n -re sid e n t season fish■om 0,638 to 10,660 a n d to u ris t five- s>.-a y fish from J4W a-to-18.60fi. .O n ly .___isid eh t fish ing l l o e n i a oales iL> ttJB B B a ropped fro m 30.174 to 30,133. • I "

^ 5 g g j g g g ™ | _ Jh a re 's

I Fri. X su. t " ' " ► ONITI IAIK SENSATIONAL OFFER_____ .. ' __________ _______ ]_ NOVI -------------- --------- PREM

s J I Q i s iKEMTO

ISHONE JELIEX->NE EAST . . . : \ • ,


TIMES-NEWS. TWIN .fa l ls ' ]

r o G I V E C O

i ^ p p i n g a t ^ O — : ^

Iota hts elasa F racing nioaboal a t *0 mllea p«r boor li raeea a t Thousand Spring* Bnaday. Roeca start at

ng engtnea. Gary Peteraoa ridea on deck .(Staff anr

-Meet-Set— GnlferJ, RUPERT.'Aug. 13—Tho RU- ___Opert annual invitational awlm I 3 K P S 0 meet hi.s been scheduled for7i30p. m. Aug. 31 a t Neptune park T lpool, Keith. Wlnton.^maaoger. - 1 0 U C 1 1 6aald Weanesday.__J u n lc c „ |in l . ------------

- ^ i or • si^ m ln g —^nd—diving- H ioung-Jlm _E icompeUUon will bo featured. In> an early lead InTiUktlons 'have been sent to Po- of the medal pl<eatello. Twin PaUs, Burley. Jer- ment a t Uuu.51ome. Ooodlng and Buhl. club, as he fired 1

— P61W"iBaiviaBii"iffipm*!•' « n r H ’hoie .-coupinibe awarded to high scorers, with >8, he f a s a 140one team trophy and 33 first, way mark. -j«co,Tnedals, plus- award rlb«- - B u t Uie f la t

. -------• Purves. Jim's faU— Blmei^Anderson-ls-Uia-Ruperti- -*-)|8fiOajl_£S!Und_

awlnimlng coach. One'imre o n - ' -CJ’for-the-flrst 1-tfy -la -M errlll Andcrsont-both- n.paslUon-to ret

in swimming nnd diving compe- lead.-UUon, -ittd Lenlta UlUcan. one The V)Umameiof last year's first-place swim- era are playing 1m en. four weeks, servi

;_____________________________ _ Uie club champ!' „ elded In Septemt

^ i - Q n A i - n n a ^ handle ^ L f l r l f l l T l f f S tournamtnt, Ru o uie lead. H# hi

________PIONEER LEAGUE or g net 130.

o m t j i i t i .. H -4u-;w -» i» - -nhTtt*holeTiremn'?imi ----- '““ “ •»?• -doy-as ahe-flrec

— ------------«« »* ««* # s«ond-on‘ a hai

S ! ^ ^ c - 'v A L L s r ~ H t t - in S S d T S e f ?•:...;... .............« « •« S w L third ;


^ rPKiueo...........,.,,.10 IJ : j « -ReceivesManages

-------- • Frank JohnsbiAHEMCAN LEACUB , at« It, tOO, Tuei

M— v»,k • « h CountiTclub.cmI.’J o ---------------- li 5; :«0T T ■ ■ The wrprlsedciy»und -_________ SS 47 .SIS bo* Of hU JunI

p ? » s S i ? r z i ^ ^ 4 n r ; i ! F S l ws- birthday”D.troit------------------•.;><a 71 .sso t% luncheon party.8U Louii----------------- ss IS J3I t Ceaterploc# of..............WAtHOm.U.EACUE____ ___------------------------------w—u--p«Lon n iircoun iry jiiun ^ k l r n ----------------- TS ST .8.4 plotc to BOSS lal

P h i u 4 “ ' « - —-fit.—i/MU-cr.-.-n..i.T.mKr....ix.M-«o~'.Hs-is~ TKrty-lnt?luned,-JKrrw v«fk---------------- »* Purves, Karen Cc in c ^ . i i ---------------- SO Janet Purves,-1p u X r * r ~ r . : : ~ Z r J i si .su «** Block. WlrUm ;

--------------------:— r Edgar.. JoAaa

Signs Durocher S ' |S i fYork OlantJ gave manager Leo jjjg TUorson Dl DurochtrjLMtflJiLrnnriflfnpn Wod» -yeiltr." OallHB nesday by signing him for Uie Jioxt Rorbara Sawyeitwo years. • ---------

The sagging Olants are in fifth The Big Ten place, 17\{i games behind the league shlpa will be heleading Brooklyn Dodgera.__________next' March fl.



_ j h e r e ' s . n o . b f l U e r J i B e _______ _t h a n v a c a t i o n t im e to :.« n io y _


T ake a b o ttJo of E a r ly ■niuei on youE ■ — vaatimrOn«lfrwfflThow-yo^ r

.•___ ,it!fl.tru ly .ev .^ ounce a,7rwn*L?lhialgr» . _

•r--~-~KEMTWKT n»M«HT M W U« W Rim ~ ^

*u a tY 'TlMU OUTSIUS AU OTHn j.____JTlAiaHf-WMIliau AT.Ot *»OVI w» TO

EAtiy TU p m m iiiV coM f

i .fa l ls ', IDAHO

COWBOYS 47 ¥anke(

RoberlM |M h A s tho Y ankees

injrton W ednesda; S m f c r y g K ^ ru n s in th e eight)"

r /■ Sox 7 .4 in Glcveli- 20 a s th e Philll

P i t ts b u rg h 8 . 4....... league play, Brookly' a game to the.Brav

‘ their flag margin t as Milwaukee battei

r 'T'.i “ 1* 6-J and 8-3 1? ? V . ' . r - ,, — beat-UieOlanU.

f Vankeea socko' 7 pitching all over th

*K Uie Senators withmost piled ,up by an team Uils year, and

gST -•-—!>■? with Uielr 33-1 vie- umph pulled the

games ahead of sec “ I ”-

The Yanka'-total- short of the. seasoi gained'by the Boat June, but those were tba.:OppoilUon had Washington pitcher

} mllea p«r boor In preparation.for. 13.games, when Uie . Raeca start a t ItiSO p .m . Tbo ed 18 runs.' deck .(Staff engraving) Ike Boone's her c

■ ■■.. —-------- ■ ■ Browna'-pitohers Wl' " ' . O . ^ - again Wedneaday nl

------ trolt-Tlgeczlnlielde__g f ____ thlrd.grand Siam t

^ J[ f : s ^ n against Uie 1f i up a 9-9 ball gam

-------- Inning for a 7-3 Tl' The Boston Red

pitching stratf . ------■>------gg_----------- nesday to edge U

. _ AthleUcs 3»a in a l

— B il^ Ooodman’s loIxnlter Kiil-vfts Takes 36-H61e r'iirhV!!

In two nights, car

Tourney LeadI . . , > . . *

on eorly lead In the second roundof the medal play 72-holo toum a. litShurSh l iment a t th fcJlue Lakes Country •S®club, u h . ifca . 11 lor m i. w « .K f '• » “ *'‘ “ 7 , 'i r i M p r tM u n n n nr r - n n i ioOTdM, h . J u .1 1 0 to w . t Ul. H.1I-

-.B lit tho flrtt round load.r, Ed Putv.,, J n ’. I.lh .r , h a . y . l » p » t

‘ -^^.llw i-to return-himaelf In m e t h f l S t T S u S -

' ^ 0 tournament, Sn which play- ‘J,®era aro-pUylhg 18 holes for each of “ 5 " ^,o .ry .g > . r a . M i . , . tuh.up <or ^ i T c S K V !

In Uie handicap .dlvUlon of the tournament, Rulon Sverton holds 1“; ? JL. J ^ v i t

o r . ' s ; ? - ™or a net ijo . _ ____. h«h 4»<a mt-nn

-day-as ahe-fired a 41, and placed- second on 'a handicap baal|_w}Ui_o « iS nnet soore of-JJ. Mrs, Oordon dray ^ * 0 flfuTfired a net 31. Mrs. Oeorge Nick- J2..on wa. thlnl wllh . M t M. J S X ! f f J

« u b - P r o f e s s i o n a l ' ~ 5 «

R e c e i v e s G a k e ^ d --------------------

Manages t o m t i t - -ORI EiFrank Johnson got hla cako and __ .

ato It, too, Tuesday « t Blue I ^ e s ^ A Country club.’ Tho surprised guest"of'the inem* ' n o w « «bert of hU Juniors' class, the Blut | | ;

his birthday- anniversary a t ’ a ’ “^ O k - N O O N luncheon party. DINNERS-

Oenterpleee of the occaaion was a ■■ ■ 'U.I • _ O u le t_ p e q c eplete to Bass lake. . ’ a lY t^ e d to r

The committee Uiat pu t on. the fo rt, i

Purves, Korea Oolner, Lorlta Block, ------- — -------------Janet Purves,'Trudl Perrlne, Larry A - ■ • J - : Black. Miriam Breckenrldge, Linda • l l l l f f l # Edgar. JoAaa lUese, Roger Det- U I I I I I Cwaller. Jerry . Bacon.-Noaey-.Trail,..............................Bob Reese, Bill Reese, Karen S ow . — — — — yer, Dlono - Clittarr Nlckl-'Sdgor,

Carol Ashworth. Judith Bacon, Con.nle Thorson. Dick Trail. Marie -Dgi. --------- ------- r.------■wensf." OolinSawyer, Billy Cook,Borbaro Sawyer and Mike Qray.

The Big Ton boxing champion* A ahlpa will be held a t Iowa City, la., ” next' March fl.__________________ ^ _ j ______________ _


WKKSm'SsMn e - ifMPfS

itop1f t i is io f* — [ | W M “ ~ T L r — I I-TniS'-i!I'sw hishy r -

1 o m n ^ nets, keeps■VIIWHWCI •____V^OftVtUtK

covcry. Nevio w ? v i t t f ^ " Kyr.--i6 > i 6 o y ; Je

YS CiTankees Win 22-1 Roberts Hurls No----------------------- ■------'By~Tbe~A«»eUtcrTrflM--------A s tho Y ankees w e re w a llo p in ff.W ash in g to n i

isrton W ednesday th e In d ia n s cam e f ro m bo h l m s in th e e ig h th f r a n ie to s to p th e f a l te r in g C ox 7 .4 in C leveland . R o b in R o b e rts ra c k e d ru iD aa th e P h illie s d e fe a te d ------- -------------------i t ts b u rg h 8 * 4 in N a t io n a l nesday as the Chica ague play. Brooklyn lost one-haU ed Uie Olndnjiatl B gome to Uie Braves to decrease the Rodlega beat ,t

»elr flag margin to seven gobies .flWner 1^ 8 -.on A I Milwaukee battered the Oordl. nlnUi.lnnlUvgrand aU 6-J and 8-3 while Brooklyn ->to3at-the O lants.----------------- Hghtfidd fottl line.The Yankees socked Waahlngtoa winning ttm Wedno

Itching all over the.lot,:«lubWng MUwaukoe Brayei j (le Senators with 38 hit*, the In the.-socond lost piled up by any major-league night double hendi jam Uils year, and romping home the Cardinals 8-3 i 'Ith Uielr 33-1 victory.-The tri- Milwaukee.' mph pulled the Yankees seven AHKiUCAN ames ahead ot second.place Chl. chUijw^.............— 1|

The Yanka'-total-of 33 fell-’one l-Tu?!8b*ily; wSScaihort of the. season's high of 33 5]***" , ..alned'by the Boston--Tted~8ox'lh WMtin B:~Zl"~ oSune, but those were more runs than Ton. Kniy tnd D«r ba-^opposiUon-hafl-afm-frt- against.Voshlngton pitchers tn tholr last rww*iphSmiroo9S.games, when Uie Senators'yield. ;^Iko BoonVs hex on Uie a t. LouU ^owna'-^pitohers was-ln-operatlon su -u iu ir^ '- . ..— .« igaln Wedneaday night as the-De- r » ^ “o4lfc UrM«“ai iQit.-Ttgazlniield6t_unlo(uled“ hU ^ —hUti_grand.8iam.homcrua.«t_the________ wahokal.leason against Uie Browns to break ' sm« u .,IP a 3-3 ball gome In the nInUx ------------- innlng for a 7-3 Tiger victory.----- -^-RlffiiiibSSrr^iuii

The Boston Red Sox used moss {twh and Ctnclolsi -.■elief pitching strategy again Wed- ..........■■■.■"■!lesday to edge Uie Philadelphia M r i , winir.Srji VUiletlcs 3*3 In a lo-lnnlng botUe. Ctmp*DiiU: Oomo. v - After-bunemng-threa-aliiHlcs' andSiUy: Ooodman’s long fly ta' their cineiciakll *.......... «'•>Mo( ;otfi fw tffo Tvw..<^gfled Bo* sweated for a few anxious LeraftttSSkinomsnts before veteran Ellli K in- . . r im 'ler, making hU third appearance ......in two nights, came’ on. to retire s«bBidu ohamSnT the side In the A's .turn. )>» u>d xvan t . aA-napKLRoW nraohei.fajwKPlitIa- ■ lelphla -Phillies' ace rlghthoAder,

Infield out and a triple to whip tn s 'cS ^ r. O n ^ ilf Uie Pittsburgh P lr tt ts andTietoh ---------

mojor leagues this -year, t t P itts. - • 'burgh. READ TIM3ES.m

Roberts' victory moved him Into " the' SO.game winning circle for a . fourth straight »ason. He h a d -a . ao .H -m ark .la - ljf t;.3 1 .tf - ln ..lM l _ . • iand.M .7 In 19U. Oarl Bubbel wax . - . |thB-lut-NaUoftal-leagire-hujlBr-to * -----------perfonn th e . feat, wlnhlng 30 or more gamea In 1933-34.35-30.37. . I

Leo Durocher signed a new two- . ■ ■ Iyear contract to manngo the New IYork GUnts Wedneaday and then —watched his charge* blow a five. n a ii „ „ -*u- run lead to lose Uielr flfUi-straight - - -8*6 to tha Brooklyn Dodger*. yourJ fo r pro■ Duke Snider’s grand<4lam home- Ing

iLLid ' TCFIHThe defeat, Uie Olonts* u th ,ln JU A I J t

their-last-ia'B tarta,-dM pped-Uiem f O M W ideeper Into flfUi place, 18H games »behind tha leading Dodger# « Jd one We hare aUt#game below Uie JOO mark. » , war,mouIdtagi

Bob Rush fanned 10 and Jiave tip out ionly-ninr-httr-t -«atT»gBnWa ee=•-------ond game of a doubleheader.W e d - ___ _ _ .P C I

S i i f i $ A OC A F E

' now 1 1 , -j a COME IN; 'OPEN I I . j U DAILY, ._OVER,:W I

■ “T d R ^ O O N “ C D N C H E ^ “ ' . •■yOU-'iDINNERS— PARTIES '

j Q u le t.^ p eacefu l.-Q tr con.-_ . j G o t O —

(JewVitalisGragming,Agent is Greaseless " ~ ~ '

IGsbp Your Hair Neri j Thl^BwrGBEiffi

. . - . yo^nin ttIj*n3fleitf u t veg ^ M >-_,'0 U iD new V ita li* t Pr«veat4«lry . I f f l ^

nets, keeps your b t i r - U K W

1s No. Ime r r tm r -------:— ^.W a sh in g to n 22-1 im e f ro m b e h in d w i t h > f o H ^ ^ | ;he f a l te r in g C h icag o W h f ^ ^ ^ l e r ts r a c k e d r u p - w in .n u m t^ ^ ^ J

ulay as the Chicago Oubi d ^ e ^ ^ ^ ^ H the O lhdnnatl Redlegs > RodlBga beat the O u b s . l a . ^ ^ ^ ^ H mer 10*0 - oa Andy S e m ia lo n ^ ^ H iUi.lnnlnf-'^grand4 lam- h o m e t ^ ^ ^ H lim P t^ e to n ,d o u b le (L d o v a : ;^ ^ ^ H htfldd foul line,- d r ^ T l n c - l a ^ l ^ ^ H nnlng tuB Wednesday alght Iwaukee Bravei nipped Bt. t in thi»;:se<»>nd game o({ht double header oft«r e t U i n ^ ^ H B Cardinals 8.3 in t b s 'o p i e n o l ^ ^ H ilwaukee.' - ; -

AHKiUCAN LCAaVS .S E d -= = !!S Si ? * ! ■ « ■rornlttas. Aloink. Oerub. OattM' llir. BbMir; -wtlMa t 'Wjrao.

rsrt. Knly u>d D«m. THudatt u . PUon, L«a» an*

tctno. U«nlB 4»d Uumy. AiUoth..;;^^^^^!

Bnnti, Ab«n aad Ou«b«i S iM ha^^^^^l iizfc.Otla. Uraw and; C w iB i r . ._ ^ ^ ^ ^ J

---------N A n O K A L -L X A C in d Z ^ ^ ^ H..........I '.Inn _____ O i e j l O o m ^ l i ^ ^ ^ H

Babam >i>4 BumaSt zia(hU ao4 . ^ ^ ^ H


.Dolj u p t h a t o ld ca r ybufs fo r p ra c tic a lly n o t h > ^ ^ HIng • ' . " ^ H

.We bare ault« 'S stodc '^ p r « ^ ^ ^ H war mouldings w»* are' s e U lB ij^ ^ Hout ^“ fErc>wi3«

:^ T O m -u p -v o tn ^ c a rH » ih T r^ ^ H Uiase-mouldings «U1 fit


COME IN ; LOOK T H ^ ^ B ._ O V E R ,, W E X U .

JGore-MotfliicB• . *nviN > f a u s “T [ ^ H

r M llM

f lf i l l e d ^ 1

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__ _' B ciurtl« flliepatyeurM «n(

Food C en ter : U r MMlpt*. f r tr y $39.00«

^ H £ .. yM Gorfffti

■ ; FREE • jComs n to d iy i

—......PlltM«OU>EN RIPSI — B A N ^


I ^ ^ S E M H E ' ■ . ■ ■ ' '




m G R A PESn^

I h^- —^ALBERI^■ HIGHEi B ™ = ^U A tlT Y "

B . BEEF Fresh

I M incec- -------- . f t l H H ^ I l K - --------------------------------

SAUS4extra Labge

FRYE— iPiciiicJ'


1 4 ^


1 8 ‘I - . :

ro u rM and ly A lbertson ’s In te r, and Mv« your u i h ragli" I

S 39 .00 woXfi o f r t f l l i ta r r « e d p h giv«<

i O o ritM if ' DOLLS ■ bio tu tily IIn to d iy and i m Hiom on d I tpU y ; ..

■■■ riflh — ■■ -

f t N A S r r l S "

W G : . . , - - - .

s.-....-' 13<=c

m s o N ^ —5HEST.... m f m

_______________ J ________

g W D ~ ^

Fresh, Lean . ....... | | ) »

c e d H am ib .

SjfeE-f B U ^ Pan read]

C l l j Lqroe

c J ia m — l b —


HA- ~ ^X Y D O ^ ^

. ' , , ......7 3 . '• L*n


P EASn ’s ____


I givai D e e p B r o w rolMtfly - • „ -

— ^ _ G ard 9 n ^ ro w n ^ u

- ASPARA(5 ^ - -Ghurche^s------—-

i ^ I G R f t P E J U

S ^ — -— Payettft-yalley-r-S

^ Pie CKerriLibby's Sliced




W ^ / HUl

■■ - Gi

IP* ^ S)

lb. 4 5 ^ “________ FL

t i b s Dl

ready . 2 9irge . .. I.- : . .

■b- 4 9 *=:—


8 « . c . . , : ............... 2 5 * 3/;

:. ---T;iimS:-NKWS,Tl rFAI.

i T A l .

4 foi

o w n B e a n P ”^

w n ^ u ts > > - A IL G r ra n — - --

^SyS^^Tfca u i c r ^' . - 1 ^ I ' ■■!

B r r i e ^ - " 4

C - M - E S — 3.

P C Hood Rivef Bartlfl» ~1 ^ - ^ -No.^2 Vi-Con— ---------- 1.;..:..,

_ LIBBY'S SMALL_________ ^



- - C A T S U P - r : T T 7 : : 7 7 T r ;


" sw ee tsttt: 21


FLOUR.............. I


Va Gal. 7 'A l b e r t s o n ' s (

- ' — Spe<lal^lend7-lh , Choice BleYtct,-|b.

Cashm ere Bouquet Str

----- .ncff.- - ..... Bith----V 3 / 2 3 C Z f «

S ; : : , = i : . F A B - ' - — G <

For all laundry Ji

« [ „ . „ . .... 7 3 ' 2 ^

T O r F A U iS . B D A H O - : — ^

m m

1 ------------ ----------------------- -----------------------------

^ L a r

too•" 4 fo r I

~ 1 0 0 _^•" 3 fo r I - -------—

^ E l

. J 3 ‘ Gl

L . o . 9 V n:__ _________[-1___ _L ICE CREAM


7 9 ' 1 1f i t LIIVIAH

I S L o t t e end> Ib. 87c-------; ^ ♦Jftl,- |b . -88c 2 r» J

G erb e r’s f lStrained Foods

H G erbe iris^Foods

2 - ........2 3 < l J B

Ricfi C o l o r f u l , J l


LOAFL a r g e 4fry t i g h t

------ A NiSErFO

^ A KEACH 8 *

P if tS f :■ Welch

GRAPE JUI'.'Fla^-R.Pac"







lAsty ~ ^

■MON WUT m m

h t

^ o o j r ^ Z Z Z z

.HNWEST ..;.... 2 for

S 3

RltS..4for 1°°

RROTS. 2 lo t2 9IIW G S P E C IA L "

D inTO Ib. p»p»r »■»


y V ^ f * r NORTHERN ~ i O ^ “ i

Exp' 1 BOISB. Al

^ ^ g - . U n i n - l T l - ~ SBforcemeni Jffwmo.Buoi

----- i ' j r ^ r ^ r t •nesd*y;whyJ « X £ d S . t r aharlffg

rlotioly h • fleW enough, drli

anough to i

. S - -

^ S l“S.'K •Busin» bead of • f - j

» A N _ ra «■ S n flSSman. » n d T u western

<e<uiV *Beo^ f u t cUp tbnn^ '^dimioD nnch two jn bank depc

Judged flowing throi;. ■ July debitseWleUl up 10 per ccjMi»Mcw.Arco,Kr*tt gan Fraocisc

reported WedJ tfternoon tha group oTcr a year «uuoUlHl«<nlb's fann from .10 to i;

of hsy.'Ander- aoveral montl^ t t i t the quality of for the flratjrbe-«l**yaJ:e£L»* i yeftr la 'l l pcpjjaptcrou3jj_ M W- oalyrnveTtsol in t h # ^ . he ciuea jmicdtjat- ebKk ttoiild bo y j „ .j.WWn phoJpUcmua be- „

f f i 'p r o p t r teU lto - ■ "(Osary-requlttmcnUR.____________jood W 'food valuea.

nn«i’« f*na ,at-BfUe- • - - | | C !the iroup ln»P« UbIbuilt bUTU and ebedA.

ts K e p o r t e t r “ r r r —T W .-» -M » . 6yW* ------— :------

Cflllf- IJ VUltlngi. TWd CTltcblleld:---------------------j |n. cbules Smith have thetr children tn Salt

ln.-Jojepb.WilMn.wid _ -K lake City, are vlalt-dU. Ur. and Mrs. L. B. A 6 eC.

— W• center of th# District

— - - - BAU BRO18-HgWa WAHT ADA. -__________ -

~ m i

L veAi l 3 !|TliisExclusive“BiIl - 0 - > I

*. 1 r s11 -t'.yi:*

gllPtBBUHSAreReajt-Sliceil''Vnburj.r.. w ndw lch.i o r w hat I

ntw Wonder Buna.■ th»y hav. all th« B it S F*at» J m . V . f o r p , r f „ t b u n . i

•up^w horlonoc You know what ahortenlng «

B « U r 't e r ‘! r PUf* eugaiR l ! . « h « t pur* a

u “Ii' you UM W ondar 1■wr.uwtS''’" ' , •*«» P‘rtle. .

WonLr D**’’"® »® g o o d v ^ - H d « , . r , V »ha Big 3 F«al■ " H w '

p w B i S s

-- Explanation - PropaBOISB. Aug. 13 MV-SUte U w . m T l

Enforcement C o m m U a lo n e r i O J JW»yno.Buouncra explalned_Wcd-. — ___ , ' —neaday ;whylbtiBonn«vUle eoun.- . By-BICDiaL -tfigU fa::ottto .. w tncb -p rc------■HENna .a iTloualy h a d received barely greatest propenough, drivers Ucense appllca- Hitler’s famouUonfTo-BctTjyriuadcfOFKc^vcd- solng-oa no»a aupply large enough for two m anla-aa co«years. - aata the Sovle

“We’d been putting ^u t Just Two of fouanougb to acrnpa hv hfcna^e of InvUM hfhtnf» lack of-fund*.-summeni eald. thU show—Urw hen .our appropriations for world -festivaltbe new biennium became avail- tu m rt to Vlciablfr-July-l-wehadcnough-prlnt«- enlwaa-oneo:•d to laat a whUe.” ' Beneath t t

■— ' ■ ■■’■ - - . ■

B n s in e s s T ia ^ i!^■ T » ‘ ' • • T T * 1 “ ■*® found:Remains High

” munlst emp 8AN_raAN0I8CO. ^ u « . U .(« _ Chino.

■ar western buslneaa held to Ita , A sullen, u t clip through July as reflected “1 bank depoalta- (money pajmenta a. Secret po lowing through the banks). thought so tb<July debltjj totaled •U.m^OT.OOO, *

p 10 per cent from July. M53, tho c o m m i^ ta 1 An Francisco federal reserve bank tbousaieported wedneaday. Monthly galw S ver a year ago have been running rom.10 to 13 per cent for the last sveral montha. Tho yearly Increaao oo™®unut*- UT the flrat aeven montha of this e a r ^ l l per cent,- toIy:flveToui.:D t-m eTaBrM porU iift Itlea failed to ahow gains over a manlana Tha ear ago. Hicso Included Ogden, so u S it beft rtiih. off 18 per cent.Salt Lake City had a gain of i t twist might I'

e r cent. , ular uprising

R » A P O fE C r^• EASY TO HU.• EASY TO'StAl "

fl6 c«. ■ • EASY TO 2 2 — aad . c i ^ w »d » t

K O W T ttW » B ii t r r t i r c s w rH « M « '* ‘ ^

B A U BROTH6RS CO V o* C o H fo m lo T lS c

w o ^

v e“ Balaiiced-B9king”

ly-Sliced and Packaged in Cellophane 1■ o r w hat hava I \.para w ith th .M \

Big S F * a tu ro a ^ W

ir>»hortaned for ihortening doaa..........whdla rhilk 7o>------- 'i^ ' " ± a W a B P 3 M

’ou .know w h a t-----

purafhat pura augar—

ta W ondar Buna B ynd parties ara a ' W

o g o o d . S o / • • IBig 3 Featurea / # * ■

idyallced—fre ih ^CwnpciV./n** I

J_ tw,

m at

i / T I M I

*rop^andcSpeclacle To ffide'Misery of"RiMBrBICHABD^O-BBdAN-:-----^ Before wa I t

eatest propaganda showa since expressing wba tier’s famoua.naiL party raUlea U aald afier we h Ing-oa -now lar-eommunlst'lto- -police to tans-tc anU -aa complete a police atate «rv» not ii>.« Is the Soviet uaJoa ■ IJ®*

Two of four American newsmen , v “ . * vitM h*ht„ri Ih» f.itrtAin tn wey appear to ils show—the ao-called “fourth fw H val.-'thi 1 irld -festival of youth’’—have re - Uuee months ' m r t to Vienna, This correspond- nl^t govemmenil waa-ono of-lhem.---------------- -- from marfcelaBeneath the brilliant spectacle 4*“ ?* *lat must be eoaUng mllilona of . l lm -a ^ectacle so aklllfully or- 300 pinIier:it^adB :ith8 -nasl-T S opa. » « _ “ Ult inda.experta look like achoolboya to say awe found: - - "They arrest1. Despair and poverty probably the fesUval.wb imatched anywhere In the com- b«InB able to unlst empire except perbapa during the .fes lilna. - *Thousanda'3. A sullen, bungry people, plao* •g hope tn ths united SUtea for xratlon. . B S f m ra. Secret polite conlrol of Ufe and W i E S v S l I lOught so thorough tha t thousands re in daily terror while a few t ^ BT&ICrVsH immunlsts live la luxury.'But thousands of Invited weatern S t f i B H i luthswhO'Ore not oommunlsta may - m > deceived and convinied ^ th e m J l T u m :illful stage m anagenent of the immunlsta.' who .organized the B SOFTDfiThe affair, which runa another rn n H B w iH cck. also appears to hare relaxed e-t«Mlotw>t...tha-ja-mimft,S--n»- m S S ^ S S m i anlans. The screws on them were e B r « - « 3 —

tight before the fesUval tha t istcm diplomats, say another rlst might have produced a pop* ar uprising;-------------— ...............-

F ^ z e r B" A K P — ■ -.......

^ t o r a a f s ^ \m mi PEMFECr AM-TI6HT SEAll mi • EASY TO EMPTY SEAL •E«YTOSTAgr • EASY TO^ M td 9nr~ m d v m w g S V

i r a i ^ k n c ^ e i" M o !i» « rC a l< - — ^

i l ' I M # - »CRi

^ U R B ^ 1ling” Ormula _ H


lo p t ia n e t o K e e p F r e s h ! . l i t ® ;

— • Aiiiir. ----------------- V E rbm r o i f A K n ^ ^ ^ • b u b i . e i

I - V B n rl .......--------------------------- -♦-CABIXE

itiflfM Todayl TZS:•, - • •• V Sha'i

JBfttBefett/;,:.-----_ 1 ____ i — ___ _____ .;■•___•


!lacle-of^Red- Areas

«sslng what- score* o f people S n ^ a S S i!^ * -^ d afier we had eludq) th e secret “ **ilee to-taHs to t te m .'T T ' • ' B 2a5"tim b^nT>o not leave with .‘the, tapres- ' n the ttomaniaa-.pMple llVe’ as !y appear to live now during the . • ' ■ ' Hval.""the le tttf declared. T o rrtf, months before, tbe . commu- - - i------ -.j iIt government seUed sJl the foodm marhele .-.-.-w orkers o t - a l l ------lases died of hunger on the eets. In tront of food stores, lines 100 to aoo people asked for food

d the mllltla took those who - red to say anythlngr.'•They arrested thousands-before ' ■e fesUval wbo were suspected ot ■ing able to produce'an uprising ' ■irlng the .festival.' ------------------- ' ■"Thousands o f’ honorable Ro- B

[ s O F T O B W j < y ) C ^ l r t -

_ J |:_________________ IGA Extrq

y f C o

K M lS H E M M E A e K

3 for 25c 'Bath SI» V V i

Ba d e ~ Dl

7 3 ? Toile- * * * < —-Lorge Slee

r a 3 0 c ^

^ ^ 5 Both Slie4 g

a Largo Size ---------------

3 0 c KOi

f - 2 for J ”

2 5 c 1Larg* S[» H ^

Giant Six* ^

~ H E R E A R E M A G I C V M

■: T h e r e ’s A n L G . A . j

» BUSB • FILEBV BUSS Mere ' V Filer H eal Ces]

- ^ - .LLi— - • -- •______ - V Conrteay Markei» B l ^ *-QOODlNQ

V Erb Brothers ' s / J . C. Painter *• BU BU T ^ BAZELTON

-^-CAHIXEFORD------ ------------ ^s/-Clly Market—V o » 6< Food Scrflci- ■ -V-Hl.-War-Market

• DECLO, •.V Staw-a Market ^ oAKLET

• &IETB1CH~ • ' V Oakley MercanI .,^...yV.DIeWcb_Mer<^ins____V CeotnU Market,

^T F A t l ^ , I D A g O ^ ; r ■ , .

lie“shQrt.otJn.forMdyiii»r' '. L a n d -W ll

-“All hope of the Romanian The . f e d e r a l 1' e Ilea in the Amerlean-people. • - agency, BolsCT'ha: ^ y eV e figured 1W3 U-the".yeikr , , . ,,fn b e t» tlo n n h e -R b m k n lan -p ^ e ira .lro m .fed era i' emaln allent. like a festering.iore, mlles’northwest ol lur - w u iB tm t-p eemBB-w n e in g tenau im for tn a n -b o a 'c h le ^ 'I t will break.** ' ' department, aocor

•— _______ . einimerit tiled W'IgAP T P j ^ k ^ - W A i i ^ ^ S ^ ■ ^ i r c I e r k ’B'bfflc

T K F 4

1GA Extrq-Fency '_______•

ruif Cocktail

5 r - 2 S r | p -t P H I i t a S a S i ; ■

COFFEE I- j k i S f c r l i


Toilet Tissue f

------------------------ M ■'IGA-Extro::jtfhIppBd ' ,y ' rl II



_ j j -------- S o l i d ^ o i

I TU N /l Fl!

B .......:

L C I C V A U . E r S

. G : A , S t o r e N e a r Y o u .

EB ' • BICHFIBIDFlier H eal Company , V « p e fs Market

SSS” :

Stokea Grocerr V Don'a BJarketftwtrClly M a r k e l i : Z ; . . _ _ L ! ! 5 r |^ ^ . M » r k « l - ^ - Bl ^ a r - Ma r ke t — r= M AOOn PALL8 ^‘rbome$ Cardinal Pood.Mkt -£LET , . V Jamea foodUnetr ^Oakley MensnUla X v Shelby's Uarket. . .W Central Market. . - y Wah1*» Toed C m ^ -

->— :— •'. • -------------- --y. .•" • y

------- ---------- - ❖ -

I ^ n d W i t f i d f a w i ^ ^ _ _■ ^The .federal land and survey A .R a IjMcy, BolserhU wItbafawn' BO ---ETta:lrom. federa^janSlabouW'ilVft '''...... * 'B ljUes-northweifof Buhl sS'a aui-^pai^ent.^a^^liJI*M »^an*ln- ; f o i»TO t tiled. Wedneada7:at_the.Bunty clerk’a'offlee, - ■'■jBBBSBR

■ Von Cam?f/No. 2W- J TORK& BEANS^.—

- | l ; IGA 46-ox.

^T dJiB A fO -JW* IGANo. w'i ,

^ Jp O E W lE I^ ^, Rtal GoId Umonade or '

^ 1 ^ S n ^ K w im .


I f ^ ^ q r l e n e M a r g d i

- J ' P o t t n d - — ■> . :-rrrrr^

> o i r d P o c k ■ r . — — "


‘•ci...... , . . .3 3 c j-CANTACELERK


'oodsiora ' > lev______ __

lu k tt - ------^

ood.Mkt" -M P v V p M B a V l l M H Ilarket.

— '" ' * ■■ ' • : • '••■ • .......


^ l A l B e t i M e n r T r H e l i y B

~ far For^

O p m to r iMa FINGER TIP CONTROL of M which CBft b« rolacd or lew m d to ■ frocttoii o t eU'Hmei.-


PAUL EQUIP. & WELDINGj Paul , Burley. Phon. 0 2 a W 5

.„^R E A D -T IM E S -N B W S ^W A N T ^

M S : : ^ : 2 5 c S w i S

EE .r.:.v25c“ orRice Ch

3 1 C — — I G A ^ ^ N o n f ^

3 3 3 ^ 5 ^ Q R I

M a r g a r i n e ■ ■ V | | | i i , i , ^ | j | | | |

v i l l H ™ ™' k k c m ' ^

= ^N M L0U PESi!^3l«t CELERY HEARTS .Crlipna».M—f

paoehct M ^ ^ B

A T END O F / R O W S : ~ ^ : ; ^ ^ | •NTROL o f n r ttfn g b lo d t f l i ^ H d to ■ frcictloM o f • n b c h . f l ^ H


VELDING SHOP0 2 8 5 ^ 5 id o h »

t t" V V I1 y - ' i v y V Y ^ ^ V ] ^ ^ ^

S S S l i S H■ Rice Ghex-

B g g i w g g t g ;


f th b 'n o w e ro p “ ' r t l d o o r t l o r o r ^ b f c ^ f ^ i ™

G ordBn:f«lh“ T" C r l i p n « l . . . . . P K ^ . J T C g £ H


w ^ t

m\ftuw»A ^H

B w w t i B i

W U . B 8 ^ m |^ ^ H

Ahjp’fwe- \7 ^ ® 3 ^ B i

.................^ ^ H ^ I U f ia C A Y ,A tG U S T lS , 196S ,.

^ ^ ^ ^ h S I V I M W f H M i i - i f i a I rm l I

AOROU H .K u eb u lsU t P ! I ^ ^ ^ ■ t : S U b M t » 0 l a l —-^ - -rU M -^rT.::— [0 O Dl^ ^ ^ ■ c - W a r d o a M.Nulwne« . [A V

W ltpeiyd IS. P»>yed th> | f | ^

'—a7:L:irUU...—||lilBIJ R ” g l r u l t

— S S S K 5 ? - ■ • • '“• '» '

^ ^ ^ K l a u a K d _ d o w n 5 - S " 3 f '

i S i i r , -^ ^ ^ K W M b ------' ^ ^ r d B. RuBtei

W -^ P T I'

iBBidz- gj wn p ^ j _ _ p _ ^ ' . , „ p _ -

■ p z z z z f i E z z z ^

I k ” r ~ w ^ — I— '----- ----- _ _ _ . - AfMnrl<Kl¥rw___________

B BO^Pi^Tj^SET^ MiE — X 4 -S E H ITH : E


(SaLW V0UI7$ILP' ' " ^ B ^ cEAOEe— rTigA

. gUBgeg OM6>


i ' ^


^ V | F . **1 h e a r d y.ou t e l l D a d d y a l l m e n a r c U p I p r o u t e l l m e t o w a i t f o r t h o r i g h t m a n

E T H E ' G U M P S " ^

: t rDE3UZtlORCttY^T£TpiWALW-3^E. ^i ■ 'if P®cwsiTioN B B

WE HAVB BEEN ORBWIM® B L S : t>^, ^ A9o\n...

p o n A l d d u c k

1968 \ ..

I y i - M p T ^ r s ^ T 7 r "

iviii8iy§flti£i£Myy Sll^ { Q lO ID IO M E -fN tT m lY lB ili • -AA>

lAIV E m i I l H 6 N k i P OTD r TH■ P M Mm V ft y B Rr r t n i ' »

hw B 5 » r u U t t J^HB v I- 1 £—~4A 4R tJIB -MM f ■ | g |B iL liJU I________[- L i t

- ■ to lu tlen '# ? Y « iU rd « ^ t; Putxli ' ' ' ^ ^

~ i r c i t k l i ■ iroG irl ~ ~ {O .C b u it • 10. L and . ^& PrlnUflf r a tu u r t i “‘‘j t ’. . ' ? ! ? ( . l l .T b iU I U ,Y - . , e z .' • “ n “ . ' J

•■ S 1 S S tT ~ ^ ~- | „ .^ IJ " | U I j i ' i - c trU Ja

‘ wrtfcl- ^ j j - — — J L U a u ln i t lw ,

i f ^ VMMI---------------a i r t i t e n f ln n l y

33.M Bd«aoap- r?— Tssbjs ’- ^POlntnwnl ■<

**ul> out----------- U .8 « io n J n itZ4 “ 27.-Meanir« of •

------- H O - - s l s i n X a .

- m ¥ - - «■■“ «:. SIDEW l' ■**• Point of th t

--------------- e»rth‘i u U

C - - ^ 1 - ’: l $ j j « , ------

- - - ^ l i t t P i S '^ V h i /

' ! ” ■— u . E x T . r» » » « . . ■ » »

~ ~ ^3 - M AJOR H O O P tJ! j>,

- ■- [ -------- 1 ^ ^ -

m e n a r e a l i k e . . . t h e n w h y d o i _______I g h t m n n to c o m e a lo n g .” “ Y o u

— n o t ac-■ . ’ ^ f lo m e th i i

H R E ^ I W -^siS JH ” e " fr *'F'

■ ■ ri

OUT OUK W AY ^- — I- W t P B B g

• W A ie e 'M e T ijo K V ^ Ii SH U T’SSIL L Y / IC O -E V E N \ f

- AAAKB Arts CA K X y’ . _ |—

s L jc K g B ^ ^ L g o K . r n |rn ] y ^

“ — 3 r r i N ^ l e L L ^ 5 w S ^ Z t l " 1 1 ^^ j i s m £ ^ t o f n v I I\ |l lyLlUILit_ _

^ m m -" ^ 6

T H g W ORftY W m r


- B i = ^

- - X f

■ • -Jsy^^\Vi . i ,y®F

• T .» H t a t . ►«.#«.• ’ ',. _ __ ....." I k h W y o u only m ade $12 'a'w eek'v

nge, s ir—b u t I w a n t to be sure th a t wh« be w here you a re I"

C A R N I V A L b F D

l l | i i

"You certain ly w ere s wondorful hoatc —not acream ing every tim e aomebody h

^flometmngi'*" ' - ,

1. ' I K ^« -an (?> joW w m ile m y s t e m :. J C _ A D D a e s s E S - T w e - ie r r e J 2 -^ 1 TO NEPHEW, YtW UAiM S ., I ^ o^TE TO ^ p p g• y B A U *

B rW A l

■■ ^^P pl

/4 - -

■ r i M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A U

^ . By^^TOLlAMS . -r|—

" s l


!-—p El 1^

^ I 0 P

J ( f l M i y w a M I 3 y i 1 / 1 / M

"7" IFI *" " 6IN A Bl ---------------s -----I f 0- Iv' J i . -

________ i - ~- 4 ^ , : —

J . ________

L '. —

-________1 E--------- Y

2’a w eek 'w hon you w erem jr - -- '— 1~ “ re 'th a t w hen I ’m your age I’ll

B AU j g


r ^n n N _ K


; l l m - | : |D ~ i

d | - - U — i

n I

= = = = ' " M j B S i l - - 8 - ^ = - ^C

lerful hojtosa, M rs. O tommta C lomebodv hnT^rwnpH tn hrnnV

■ . ....... . .. - Y,' -... >

S MY s t e w ' _ --------------- LJB-iETTElZ--------- 1 ’ I J iEW, W U Wa/E I s : ■“HE TO AOOOESS j i —• y V “#— U V — ^ 1 ' Tt

J H L 1 I vo- k x - i -

■ l ! ^ K r y B I ^K l ^ K ^ ' -N 'i\

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"-■XI — - ,. ■■■■J TKACH Ac

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I ' f f l r a nN nitlmllll —liilc BBVBBHppBjpnweinrTA W S h w w wsvb tpocenV S P o S lS 1p - |P = ^ |^IN rW%A .


B M B M M M B I l l l ..... ... II

B H O U W .W rn m o ’~ B TOUNO l l i■ n o u a m K ■ c a r -■ odR C E tm r e T O ^ . r o n M


A IBM iBBBHpniXS ------------ T-A-i3\9r>f^-x)oMng.a^-0Lcoutft

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§ 'C HuvtvjjA »0 \

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I i vSSI l0 ( s u i s

LB . v ^ / SOyaJVEGOr\^*CQDEN - --.-■ l:i^ .,-/-A iJ£y00P -uP iN j-> \^M E -M w :

LB / i ■/. 1 ■mEYB.LOkVOTJNE'l ■ ' y}.‘ • V EH? GE O L O eC M l^l » o w -.

_ ^ r _ B ccrea 6LMR.

W r i j 5 n ’' r f i n A « f x ; 5 i w r v M x ty j o v F d r s D U — Lt f J m i M

i c B l lH W p S w n ^ . ? ^ ' - 5KS»!]K1-eAMWTD- - MMErMtnUXK - A l ^ t W rW C H A ^ - ' m X 2»P «B S 5N » t o «5 2 , » 50L7PI9H C L A 6 f/p

V; J B i f 1

^ I COULD. W a r i B HAMPIN(»OVCI^TH05E XC 5Carceiv. M ^ ^ 9 W{RBKk o r p iu <s ^ wu m- 1 ^ 9 & 9 L E r ^ i ^ ^ B I Cl>U\'<OLrO.KlODeM^ PU

H S^Jg N O ^ T - t ^ ^

i m m SECftViSt- OT II M: W«<y - B f^ ^«k m^OOV I s n n■ H M ? H I ^ ^ g n Z H j ^ H

1/What 1$ th is- ^ M j u h i t f t i W-OLcouwA k 8 n u th a t c h ? /^ it’s thel^ tf T e y a t g . ^ 1 r Q ^ y n T ' ^ ’'

Hlii l Hill'

T T • H c y ,f iu \s (? .D ;D y A a E B V K k s w c ni ^ A. * OR^JBRV LOOKIN’^ WIBHT 1

«w vE V w rs Aa v H S R B T y W M

2 ^ - ■ V ^ 5 f c ? 5 c w ^ ~ ' ' : £ f 2 ^ -

i i i


> WB c u t a ' N i Tweyv* — ^^ * u o k B .w - 'e a = r sw uers^ C • \ *^K E . 8 6 TWE


■» • a * F _ v y v _

\1^E^W0M»JTCR-4 lNEftWCU9

V n ^ ; - m s ^ - C f F S O r ^ J ] ^ ..

41 - -----------------: - , ^ 3 B

' ’ ' '' !!! ^ ' ^

C t A W B W l / j m j ^ ^ ^ y j O w *S«|3

KlOOeM- nuDlM.THem --------- - / O u i f s S S■ M - W - L SHOOT U » i] I I W I l I S S K

H ^ l- r t


i « ’ . ^ B

I HS W ENT TNArm/, rmii '•^ * 1 1 '

i \ \ Q B $ ^ J * f e ^ B p g f 3 fafcl B tW 'W u i i

IfflflBMtfffii T w eyw E fl^B U JB \ • Z ' A^JPiye

t= r 3 r iu g re ^ 7 V 4 t9 ^ 5 r - L ! - l - - ^ M f i ^ 5 f ^ r i ^ , 8B 7W E cosm !a / ' ^ “‘V o t s m f i ^ ^ A R C O W S Q U A P .V ^ 1 ^ ^ —


I l g t e r a g y s ^ ' P 7 ^ ^^ »«RaKNEB7D0K*>0*) VflttlKggJa

|NEtoOU9)YEWUNPEg7l I ({& * '“**WRKK, ywaGHT_TOC« H S 9 ^ e V w , < « r i

• v p V him o f f c f -


newTrori55&wle'" S u h*ve^®® dowir(be aecond

> ^ k ^ a ■ / , d.riU be oK 10 * 5 ^

t t ^ R ^ o D - a n d De-

t & ' ^ ~ mMLSm Tikd New York.-5 1 ^ to6 c « U low « ■ ••»L but WUI be bUbcr g« i V S f e i tu m ^‘^ u e * . wiih red u c - ■ l UDts * pound.1 , I b k UI*^ % b dfptrtm rot

Mme »t«rei In- g ^ ^ f t o u n d e r w d

2 * ^ m t l > b l M tr# j Pi r o o o d bu ji are i f

53i^ wa»U)*i. e#l«nr. ....- - m r iS h;»*1i and rad* ' mj *

and Uttuc* g •

ra55 ii-U T » i« u i^ a r

BM »ad r » P » * r t ^ Sl n i o p e c lttct.________ •

action Quotas Pi r Com as 1953 (bton. a u j . 13 w ^ e x t~ g e s t U .S rSo (np laces federal pro- seen. _ itrii. but they may bo oommenUr Rhntary acreafirp laav

department crop ®®*” 'lit foreeaat this' year’s aory. He alri ittOHie.-OW>-buflh~e1ft jmoJlMUOfMp

i irould put tne aupply crop, suHJect' esuck feed, (train in a e n . and forei arLTBegerUrthB-blg-- ton-anp-ladl


I . -- - - -

Won’t We

- r z ----- ------------- —

i f f B l

i l M i h ,■ - >. _ *W.MPEVfe?/l V/AEttTRIEWP5/m -. ^P ^ r ^ A ,

™ J r „ .

ta sP re d ic te d ^ ^ S Sn r . n r i T T - 1 ™ > 7 of Quol953 Crop m gh sie s tu rsrS o iS ^ iS E iriB taw tn rra ri'leen. ------------000,000-bujlie

OomwBT\ting OB the com esttoate, 3ecretu7-Benson saJd^ho ld t-S n « d jr a'formu! jo b of some Itlnd would bo aeces- production, i lory. He already has Invoked rigid demand stai Tiar^.Uojr-qqot»T-on-tht-lflHJBhea t -Mov.-rrlB.Jhl at>p, suHJeB^to a Vot« By the ttr«W=’ USpFoTeftfeiltr

and forecasts of tbls'yeor’s cot> next thiefo n »n~crop~lndlcttta-Uiey-mtty be-nee- rlgid-rules li

.. ., V.'. • .-»x f - - I

.-i4 . .<■.• —

,.L.. - . i . ^ ^ ... V ,-..

( n y m a t o l i g

l a ,« 4 in » » * „ „ „ c t o o x -


I A nd etO R O X niQicM b a fh i» o it» \ \ • u r f a M l h y a l * n l « ' 'y « > i » n '1\ .......... ... A Clerta-clMfi bothraoM’ \\ ”5k '’*!**

“ U “ iftoaerUInBrCTbKurprOYl” o iyp» of non-polionetrt;

^ ■ C JntfCllen r«epmtn«n<#dM E hurrffd.ojwJ>neh«dth

^ W '@ b a ^ a 0 lB - - A m V f i< a 'i f » r o r t l« l -----

. , • T n c

’t We Ever Leam? _

^ ^ :a?Vfe5/( W=U5—,x»-5 ?iewp5/*'. '••;

isory for Uio fiber c r ^ next year, era ajreedTol Benson did a o t rula out the po id- The srala oi lUly of w oKu.oij com oert J« .r, ta«Jl7 c ^ l i i Ut department officials admlnls- . qi^:rlri(c Brain prosrams said th# crop ,tmld-havo-to-raaoh-around-3.400,- »,000.bujliels-to maka.ottotaa nec- '» approved I jBory. •• ■ of-tho-growcj.The.auotalew i'li'detennuiodrw - ■er a formula In form law, ualnj roducUon. supply and prospecUve £o *1““ “ emand statistics ayallable next has unUl mid nv.—lB.-Thua->*->70-ml»lon»b^«h«l -auQ taaJgjW Hpfo7efifeflt^»~prMiiMB“ in~thB-— — ext thiefo months would b rln j tho • Tbo Unlve: Igid-TUles lnto-forcerU-thB-grow«- Joundedin .;g

I W a t t^ c le a h l in e

l ^ d H


r s s - ” \

Jls• H ^ S B f ls •OeroKltuwa^

io th r* e m f ar c l t a n l a m / M•on bothroon) cwt 9 S S |h M •ansr.ltbctMnV. f S B i l S *••*"■ *117 fUlu am •movingitelMond W B S PS miwOkm. ”i, abKurprovid«» W S f fff -- - Tm ,niM n,ion-po1ionetrt;df».----- HMi»-niw«<iraBiai----•epmtnanrfed by S S I g ~ - - . .

^ustialClaras.o---------- ,|ti£SSBiii53ilaySkk^^rrortlal-----------' -------- ■ ■ ' ’^ ^ ^ ^ S S S g


Dedo• ---------- D xaua^A ut.

-------- ------------ ---------------------- # tr o m - b a « -retui^ Oleoaa Parko la

^ - U r« .A ..O . B ll■ - - - - - - Blaefcfoot. .and:

McOammon. hat rum B. Lewis. :

i f^ y ! V

! t

m S ^ L d3 ajreed to liiem .-Tbo srala officials said i t was Ttr- I ' lally cerUln that acreage allot- ■ lents would hare to b« appUed to ■ jm . ■.M firX eanLffllQ iflaJK flH W ^TO .tg--1—B approved by a t le as t tw o-th ird s •C -tho-grow ert-toU nj-ln-»-r*fer- — ■--------------Odum. ' ___ . - -■WWaf farmeri w in-voU -rrldaT — | ------a QiJfttas 'for their crop. Benson fc« — i as until mld'Oetober-to. announce

Tba University of 'Alaska waa junded ln.;92a a t Juneao.. ^ _______

)hlin«$s.^OX! I

•______________— — • - <

u p S p - ' ’'V *3B~ a V MBH

I J, , j

:Pitflkwfce iril y V3R»<lMawaikl ffl/jp g S r I

Sflm 'g j W>W»M.O»l, WKS

— -----------

^ E - =iMiry httoifBl


Declo Visits . . .DIVnUOH, AuP TOIO . A y .- -l»~Jackla S n r Mrs. Qlen Hmhe

trom -baa returned trom Tlslttnt haT6'been~Tlallla; neon* Parke in CUcaca B«n Lauer and )Mra. A. .o. B ln tns and daughter, and tamllits. .

aiackXoot. .and : Mra. Clara HaB, • ------------dcCammon. have bM& T U ltlB (-B r' " ATcrat »anDuri ■um B. Lewis. : ; Ix, Aris., U only 1

j like f re s h “I p e q s -I w i t h o u t ^j th e s h e l l inI

! S ta n ilb iiI-i_________________________ W b«a harvest time I

____ _ji standby peas are am

I^ S S J * vatohed. then pickShndM ”J== -JSiSSr,

I ' ' a n unusually d e l l— --------- ^ --------- frash-out-of-Tour---i

I . - — • ,> S g ® r flavor. They’re like■* peaa-^WlthoUflHd'C

_ 4 ____ ^ ^ ___ • 'P 7 ..’« °» .. ,

j Picked f o r Flovor

” H ■ '

“ ‘ and“btiy'all‘yoc

^ TheCardini — —-^PUCETC

^ r60nM 1 a£SIRLOIN.... T^ONE. . . . POT ROASfvr PORKCHOPS .

^ a v i t f n

T isiT iN a BtBTEia D n m u c H , Au«. u _ Mr. and - / ¥ -

ttXL Olen Buthes.’ OtklaxO, Oallf., .ss.’ u hs'sT’tSJamllits. •

*' ATcra|t»^inDu>l-falhfan -la J *hoeii3i Lx, Aris., is only 1.^ lacbas.■;-----—:t '6 sh “^

elling J ^* MUtWI

m ! s a■ . Shrimp,tunI Buheahlt«

an harvest time Is nesr, Indby peas are anxiously • jrs IneUmea-in-the-middlB- a - ------------- w<leWest«

a summer’s nlghtl)- t ~ •iV4,3Thy they-hava such------------ — ■ K Vunusually d e l i c a t a , ' |

ih-out-of-your---»ardea-------------=-----------ror. T h e y ^ like freah I" a-^w ithout'ttu 'cielllns.----------- ; ---------• »«m>----------- ------1 -I 1H8HI jMttiOIIar-FloYor.. | —

:;. .

^ e j ’eady to — ^tlie"PtiJNGE'^yral l^ o a r groceries a t oh.e st(- ' ~ \ ' ''---—;--______ _______ , ' ■% , ■

CardlnnI Food MarkeiCE TO GET W E t^

. CHECI?" g . THESE! \

[ i m lb.5?c . . . . Ib.53c Q

Ib 59c• • • • Svery prodlIt to YOUI

i S T ^ [ i : 3 9 r ^ OPS .'lb.59c s ' s


I . - 3. SW« are al«

--plenty of_F

j Q B B S j C t i C Z ^ ^ help make j

■■ 663 MAIN EAST

MUt wito I|^^S|m|ebSEASHHttHftCAROMIShrimp, t tu t , aod enOtneal ulidi slwan v r K f l mahe a hit wbea msde with trader HUdea

------sesthelU. for MIulco ibells held Ihelr-".sbspe snd Ihe flavor of Ute »«afood (d s W S RdowaiiuIdetheihsUaBdliMdoulForm E SaU dR edpot,a*k»nr|roeer-or

:; _ B B A i j ~ T i ] t o -y E W B ~ w A N T ':

Ol—MGE" (Ii a t o n . e s t o r e . . - ; - - «

l_ ____ ■

Market IS A GOODirE t^ T T ^ B U T -N O T --


1. QualityT lic rt Is no compromise with our b lsh staada Svery product must jsrove Itself to US BEFORl It to YOUI Everythlns ws sell is sold on a U OPARANTZBI ' •

27Value-Wa s iz tv s -a m r to ba undersold on anTthlar. s time. W« strlva to see that our prices are a n I meet osuallv less than elsewhere. We aro aj hom a-operatedtood torei

3. Service2, Wa are always open Sundays and most boUdi __ -p le n ty of_PBEB PARKINO r-A lw aysl -O tir-«

belp make your shopping here a-pleanirol

w m f M.IN EAST; .. .• r

;ia isagsifiaii^B1 Ihelr--

u l F » 1 iB W l l


s s a


our high staadards of qualltyl ( to US BEFORE WB WlU offer 1 is sold o n a MONT?-BAGS

d on a n y tb lv . a n y r t im . a ^ Z T ^ ^ H or prices are aover higher and :.ere. We ara aa-iDdepeodent^

and most holidays. T h m !a. j-Always! -Otir-courie w ; - w t l l < : ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J

rpiSuuroi ~

i s ^ m

I'^i' ■z;


- " ■ • « ' S < W *- ! 2 u a £ ^ ^ *

^ ? ™ n > T O a a


= s a ^i’ri« .m .« i‘“ *»»«i

c i m e m n


" ■ ^ A C ^ Ei«nnt W ,„ .

•b««p mtia la


gradei , dairy PAB

'*^^*'»f»JrA iiliT fa

• ~ S m O f t T . wBEALESTi

Tnrtf^ia BtSibt

'■ G ooB 'im isv

a s i ' i s■ S X S ' i . t t !s ! - ! t ; ^ - a . “ a■ruij d U r ^ njid;<iml[r ortiiri. Fn idl

ta? c ^ tilai mtil xnuii U l ^

rStCIt ACSZD-a3BOner '

Wtli‘>. a Baat

■'■— ■—mCBES'

' - ' ■ MACBE3'


LjBO Suwut. W * * “ r*uuttis.- -

. C.A. liotiM»«Drff»blal«

M W W«*

= H 5 S J ^

E 3 ? ^


0 » A j g B

“ i r s s »,yU. Hit.

B js r il®

— s^ “S S ! ^ BV & SB 0n^^K

. b e d ^ ^ B

^ ^ H b C IS IX IS IS N t '

^ ^ ^ k ^ e n t s l^pleen i IhatNeKerJGet toBy B B N W r MoLEMOBS - - H ar j 1*CT joonth I .i« lU two »eU o« aiUedJ . L ' OruilM I. . r up qPB M t; the oOie r T j a m ^ a t In ih o m a r B S t r j u s t m U iot c » y .tncenfEenUnnBB imti'lianioi’* - j ^ p g |„ ;

0*> «” ' • " ' n>B>»w>«p i t to . be tru e e 7 e r* ln « .y m i :d up o n r « r s t bundle o f laun -

nwHBly. lh « t you k o *Ung, thlflvliiB oulfU th»t isn / o n tnutin* c1U«m . ^ ^ 1 " / “ 'Irty-scven (»37) dollnrs. In - » / « “ 'I If you ever get paid U will I oonlederoie money. nd tha t Juwler you employ bOTV>r<itKr to my homtftnd I I I out.

hla croolced eyea IhAt the bill auranca lo In’t htivo been m ow thaH 111. *vUe Joins m e In b randing you r “ 8h, “ ie s • « ! 'pure and *lmple p ick - “ *™'“ * * Bf pocket*, a n d w hile she la a, y o u d have a ider th e w ea the r these Wftrm- taice-m e i , #he haa asked m e to buy h e r annind a ] to o In order to apltc you a n d up ngnlnst Brt you-on-ghat-ahtt-and J-hopo- —3toUM-ln to© th o ro ad to going o u t o f T h is le tte r aou. D ear Sira:lu claim lo bo » hand laundry . . . . , m uat be. becaUM no m achine ”

e oould ever hope U) rip , rav e l _le a r clothea w ith Uie precision

------------ t o n w n m.jri6r O T t * . _ ,n K i i» u -iaftJ|.thftJet,{<rrthat-gct3MUi!il~ -ttM apser-^U jnaQj________ • __ ox&teiuiiicloaed p leaw fin d check fo r (D btritaw i) dollan for July. I rejtret ---------------n * Inconvenienced you by la te , , n e n t.-b u t ..I-h f ly e_ b e e n .o u t .o t --. fccbA L

f l t ' ------------------------------------------B iG * » .-A P V « T IS tM E N T S -- S y i ; f i ^1KV1T*TI0[( ro n ii™

w_b!d. .m jT-tJ- CItJ -IDAHD. TC

S S i “ W u . .S j .• " i . i r . . . . . a..kd on or .alwut liao o'clock 1'. M..Id i)*t« durlnr th« mwtln< of lh« TPJNCHM.H H B h j t-»f-Oeiniiil—t«mTr»i-fi»r ■ wmtn icUon- —ItONDS^K

H E rb“ W EHtOP^ ■ t k i U (or tl>* conitruetlon ot Cltr e t TIlIBi TO

r«iu eundird curb Md GulUr a t TAY ^B S . 5 1 K

K K i W i r - f i a ’t t - K ;bttwMti th* Moth lint or th* AiifT raoyiDKin Block I t 0. T. »na TtilTd ATtnn* ]4AHCt_0

-EM C-A -touj-ofn«riinM i-r«i;or WUniNO Bj eurb >nd ritt<r. Inetudlas on* *111/ . mOVIDR

T ilB -m K«bh .11 I»1«r. .n.UrIl>1<-ai><l tncl; 1K0 RAID I* (or tha ccnilraellon ot CUy of TltOVlDE F.U. 8un<!*rd-curb iod Cult«r • ( l^ANCK Al

B t e i s - i - . r i . w . » « . » * W lSS '^ iM vnn BMoni Av«no* Bcmtb and AND <’ nXtth* north Iln* ot th . >U«7 In niock rnOCnAMtlo t O. T. A toUkI ot lt ( llnMl f«*t OP TIUR: ^ ^ B ^^^dUlUr, ItwludlBB on*

Avenu* E*‘t.'' A *£u* ITn "*L-fOTrar-ETiTtr-inSrtuibrris'cTudlna nan ce w .on* *11*7 *nr0Mb.. TOR OP

■ B at TliM 8tr*rt Bouth IDAHO.,from 6«cond A'r'niM-South to • nC IT flllDA'

/ W . ” .;!™.-” ' " » - ■ ! * '" '• . iK '. 'u '.r t i

* C I ^ O ^ 'tV in’ m U A IDAHOK W c o » n A » K J.B ^^ B . HOTICB TO C R *D nO » ^ ^

r a 7R0DATB COUnT OF TWIN *- Tsar and


^ ^ f r S M ) * r e r . Io Ih* <r«IICon iSlddeU om LH B K ) d lOI pfraelM hatlns claim* atalnit and tor th* pi

d«e«otd.-ta asblblt Ui«m wlUi'lht tn'(onn*<tkio i

B f l 'V ^ l '* ! ! * - Countr of Twin K*lla and WatenrorV* In t»nMctI«D o( th* biujnru o( aald « ^ iim a ^ ^

n ^ i U T . . ot*"H R i U| AdmlnlitrstrU e t tk« ZiUI« propmr,,«Ithl:■ I H 11 of S*ltl* HtT*r. dR*M*d. . w fn FalU lo • ■ R Aui. » . io. ST. 8«gl. a. »M Jfl^^th*^tlr»cl,

^ ^ K l : KoncK to creditors bA ) i2 * u w

^ In U lo li i I**!Ika ii >i«ttbr clrrn br Ih* Osd«r> o S ' . . "d SpMlal Ailmlnldralor of Ih* F.»ut* dollar lil-M) i nil«« noutK'dtcciued.- to th* «r«tlur> th* taaalil* pr id kll Mnon* h*vlnc elalmi ualn*t th* Cltr of T>

- s i j s ^ s i s r s ? » « j i s » s a - e :;h Wth* rint pulillcallon of thU notltr. T. Nlo* mill

>• *ald SpMlal AdmlAlitralor at- It* ot th* oimm. lacalad -at l i t Uain Avtnut Ea*t. viAMnT '•Uhliof T«I" P»1I*. CotmlT of Twin r.n.. Twin Falli ttaf Idabo. thli brln> (h* plac* fUM arHnklinr. flui

h* tr»n»*ellon of tb* bul&ca* jit aalJ ot »*ld eltr ilurI.------------ -------— .- ---- -g. Two mllliltd ADruat 11. im i. ot th* ai>~«<^ '_ _ D v m ..,r* L L & -T m .g -* -m w r ■wni>imh*iiraH

“ “c 'o ' f f o K o . A r . , . - . - , w a r : *' flptclal AdmlnUtrator et tht *ald fl*cal ytai

. Eaut* of LoulM Routb. «. Tktt^mWdttramtd of th* a iinitd '

ABO OAUCOCK within th* llmllntjr for Admlnltlrator to proyiU* forlac >t Twin Falla. Maho proarami durIn il» Aug. » . 50. *7. tUpt. I. »M 10. Two mill

/T % •

' V- ,

leen in LettersJet'to Postoffice I s i i ’'

" Her* la ano tber.« rlt4«n b u t s e v e rstalled! tiM 'O r y i l t o ^ ^ o ^ ^ l r t ^ ^ Styj>T^^°r>

‘d « 7 s i« T " IH ia la st th in s I -< v c r expected ortlnan^lm c

from such an organization aa you rs section j . FM the aciirvy tr ic k w hich you u p - JI;iii? '"r* w

W hat the devil do you m oan by any - " '• ’5 '° ^ ing th a t I did n o t send m y Ju n e ' a u c u h t jffem lum ,_ancl_U iat_iL Jt_doei_jaQ t _.______ . _

ance wm lapse? • c i i r c i t tk- I f you h lg h .b ln d e ra - th in k I a m rub iuh iA ut.

Ig o ln g .to . pay. tw ice, you’d b e tte r — Z ^ . come down off your h igh horac. I remember aa w e U jia -I .d o -m y ow nnam e walking up th e h ill a n d m o il- Cout^ir, tsut*Ing tlra t prem ium to you. • I t .waa a hh"“broiling h o t day, and I reco il th in k - °f \h* citring th a t you, m y insurance com - dau auiuh pany, w ouldn't liko m y c lim bing ah lli In such w eather. ."i

My agel T h a t 's w h at you b lack -guarda a rc th ink ing abou t w h en ‘'’®you claim 1 ha v en 't se n t m y J u n o Jprenilum. You’ve go t i t a ll f ig . 5ured out. You know U m t If m y In - ruhn.h. JuiTsuranca lapses I won’t . b e able to -----------------get any more w ithout payinff ns oiuh igh as a cat'a back for It. Y ou 're AN niiniN^ a fra ld -I -m lg h t- k ic k ' off. too ,- andyou’d have to came throuRh. D o n 't dkkmki)' : ta k e -m e -fo r-a -fo o l. I 'h a v e beenannind a long tim e, and havo been • v iu {" inup agnlnst shnrpstera before. si-fxItViN

V«'ir« Iti rtujii^f Qmgircmcnt. v iiMtm t h

T his le tte r was posted: J>ut;n' a i tolr«. MADK FOJl

r.INNINR II f I overlooked m y Ju n e p rem ium , ,J?I?

and I m ust hovo jf you r e ffic ien t k n o w n aiaccounting office aays I did, plense k ia tio n h forgive me. Enclosed f ind checkto r Uifl nmouniT’ttndT T jcp nmt-be-^ k iis o k thneccii.you-not.fo-aJIow.tny-Influronce- —lu K fta :—

■•• • — SSS;(Dbtrlhiltd ^ KcHatubt artidleil*. Int.)------------ ------------------------------------- 1- “ “ th? flrtt Jl!

aE G A L . APVERTISEM ENTSohd inan cb wo. a n ‘K ; ;

* % ? n“ » ' ? da' ' iTo , '" / I v? s ;5 s s


. S S S ' S S '" * 'rniNCH-AL UPON OUTSTANRlNtJ ‘I'S. »»»•';> -nqw P3 AWp n y i TitT;-rAYMRWT-ot*- t“ i,» .'


IDF. IlEVENUK TO. PAY THE KJ^ •"'Ia S v " M T r N ” K “c f T ' A " i , - i E ." 1 , r? S v ff i°n ff if f i i l i % W ‘SSim 'S


NO HAID PEllIOD Op TIMK: -TO ......- ..... .TllOVIDE nEVr.NUB’ FOn MAINTf - ««l«lf* »"< NANCK AND lUPROVKMKNT OF AMUNICIPAL Alni’OnT DUniNG HAID - »"'*FEKIOD OF TIME! TO PnOVIDK ? » ' '« • - .......-AND .■ nEOULATE RECHEATIONAI, Batarle* tmrnocnA M s duk ino baid m i i o o '>»'’« •";>OP TIME: TO PnOVIDE FlllE DF^ •'"1

p^^^^OF TWIN FALLS COUNTY. m.nt* and"

3E IT bilDAlNKD DY -niK CHAIRMAN ^''-Vai;,!™ .nil i ; y ! ; K % r " % » r ' & T i 5 " S S

•I»l* llmlU of Ih* Cllr Ot T iln F.llt. ntcnt andr»ln FalU Counlr. Idaho, ad valohtm OoK Conn*a««*-M followi; - 8alarl« ani

l._'Twfntr mlllt on *ach dollar (ll.DOi _n»nc* and|,^1* V '“* • “ proptrty m .n t and ;rllhin th* llmll* ot th* Cllr of ‘[^In Swtlon 3. FalU to ditrar th* itneral currtnt ttpcn tn aU othsr Ilabllt **ld cllr for th* fUcal r ta r b<.flnnlne tor Ih*B u>* IDlb dar ot Jun*. Iti4. htrtln mtntloniw on^balt nllU on *a«h on* » » r b* n*c«*aai

ot tb* *i*Mnd rain* of all tn m aald <c>*<!i7* ••veral-T.iirpOM

lulldlne Uon£! a trin ef July Itl. 10l8r lo l l o » l n ? r **w * t e - -1

oHar (Il^wf o?“tJ* u ttt i td *alat e t alt M unW pS^

yJuiw ^V* Into^'t* ’ J d m lw ^ r j

P .1 **?* tenntcllon »ltb th* InUfMt. ...»]>"y«n ____ , ____ _____________ ilunlelpU C«. TbrMAllIt on aatli ea* dolUr Ill.SO) Uulldlni-

V '“f. •'* taxable Principal ..” P "Jr *Ilhln tht llmitt of th* Cltr of l n l * r n t_|j"th** .lr^U ^7^1ld^"l;"dur^nV '^^ld F ^ ' ^ ’l"*'HO

dlirin ' From '7h.” wA'iIr durint .lid flKal ytar. MENT FOND .II . ®{ »»'*< on* . - - Halarln md>llar Ul-M) of th. »>*,.«) valu. of .11 n.nen atiit i

;* nl. , .r^W n Ih. llmiu of menl and I,m .£ nf " i ' « Vrom th,.AIKPC

w iT i. .k fl •^••hle From lha 8TRE r f Jfl'lln lh» limit* of Ih* Cllr nf FUND _______r s f t- .'S iS !

^H rfsId /Ilea* ».ar“ ” ‘"*’*‘*lh."^U** 2l‘“ ' f" »n.60) 'sulldlnc Fui“ p5«'ldV'f"r‘* o r d l ^ i n * « 1iSa.v-'-T- "K’* •■»10. TWO mill, an uch on* .lollir (ll.ntJ full forro and

I------------------ lu pM tact andt ^ S S ^ " *

A tln it

/* INB ^ f l / N ^ kS ’IS ^ J

# undtral»n*d E itV «l»y J’*ii«r»ot

of’ Tlrln

^ ___________

o f 'h o ' Twin Fa^ ■ ^ ^ P P r ;

— ------------- . . paid PDtthw

‘ 'L E G A L A D V g R T I S tM tN T S

ef tb* a ttf ttd valat of all taub i* piap ttty I > I S ) within Ib* Umltl ot th« Cltr of Tw InT^fi, \ j 1 O f for <nt)nUlnlD( tnd «aulppla« tb« f ire n .narti^.nl durlor laidlUaal . . . r .

:— Tho WUl nfrth* a b w -U flftyM>n*-«nd r “* 'S ^ ”K l i . - M ^ ? £ ! L S - , ! S . r . ' ; W A N !

CItj. of-TwIn *!{“* ; . , t 4*y — ^I Twin Fallt, Twla Falta Idalto, ia « dar* _ _ _I lo ibt'Counlr Auditor of th* Coantr.ot* ta aay on* <I Twin FalU. mtl* of Idaho, a eopy of till* r . , „ „ . iordlnanc* ImmwllaUlr a fi.r th* pattas*. , „ ^ n p >

Section J. All erdlnancte and parU of Word*ordlnanct* In »nfllel l^t*wlth ar* btrtby ^ ^_ io

~ i l l HSI ON EI LB,™ U cl?8T*?0.^ » — J®---- -' K t ‘i‘d’: iVs - r H l £ = £

-Xiuni----------, CONHTANCE J. LEIBER, CEADLINrublUA:Aug.H.lQU . . .________ _ ^ *®":toSa

• NOTICE TO C0NTIIACT0B8 ' ' *flSildij^rOSTl'ONEUC.NT_OF -OiD-Ot'BNtNnfl -ThJTpaptr'

Tll* CKr of Twin FalU, Twin Fall* *nd r«r*et aCouc(lr, Slat, of Idaho dot* htrtby tiollfr -Ulind - Ada-*senoral .tnnlraclon ot tht potlDoncmant aod ao Infoiof th* hid optnlnr for the remodtllnK rtsaid lo tL nt tht Cllr lIulMinc; orialnal ep«,in>riaU Aaau.l a. loss. Th* daU of th* _ . ’po.ipnntil opcniiiff will b* at Itn (10) A. « . , E"om *b«athn Tw«-nly.fuiirth dar ct AUKUII (AUB. 1'. allowai:<). lOlS at Iht oXIe* of th* City Mani Uia<> o>>« Intoz " c r i ' , ' ; : „ s , "■ : -

Bllnni! a>i>v«iJ. It. LATIUORE. SPECI

s r . ' f w - i S h J . ' " v S f I ± i i i ± ] u : i ± 2 J L i L i f ! ! _ i r a r S


f r “T„‘? v s i , K ' » w . ' ' E r i - r , 5 SE!:” 5 ' ; , „ S S ? ' 'S 5 p J S . f f - i ' j ; i S i f m rMAIIII.ITIF-H OF THR CITY OF TWIN m''fl»l. HPK*

niNmNrP o n ' t h e ' f ir s t ^ d^ o f Wl:_iSV‘iriJA Y -oV '% W E p'^ ,°SI°^V ^^ - ........... BEA

a n n u a l a p p r o p - COMPLETE ncIIIATION III.L OF l«sa. p tn eptratot


fS!i^ *rtii'**'*hYii‘‘*‘ iT" !! :^ .:^ . .* h ”. ^ r '' Y f u i v

‘ h* *j"h'‘’r "'f* j’’'" ■'"* allo WMt PMI

M0ND*^5>KHYTI0N^^lil?‘VNTO ^ 'dw ,

SPUINKI.INt!. FLUSHING AND OIMNG I J a ^(••tlNU; AIHPOIIT KUNDi IIKCIIEATION 'FIINtVr—KIHK-nKPARTMKNT TOND; --------------- = :KlINDS nmVIDED nY THE BOND 13-“ . i=.Vo ;r'Th;‘f„^‘:-|n.'.um.otmonry; LEG A L A l

' u n d nilE^’S R T M E N T ^ U N ^ br''lh“ ";„d.™ rj

tflr<l. to.wH:._________. “ lluhl. Idaho. ZBalarln a^w afftrm ainU ^^ d».tiiu.W ,[] •nanct and .uppllct, U*** « i! mmt and Imprortmtnla

!nsln«rlnB ...7,.,._-„.T_— ......... | 2J.40J.0B . E*«S S " . : , ! ' . " ; , j . " ? .

“ ™ .? 5?f»:nanct and tuppllri. «]ulp.________

’^omSvof!qaUtlt* and was»t, m aln lf ,Jt>A}IO''nVne* and i,.ppllc. toulp. ’*'riT» i?iiiitnt and mprovtmtnU. CHAULK.S KA:ho,. ..... .............................. .....t IT.JUOO I'u fuant ip arHalarlft and wait«. rpalnt.- «" «''» Sfh *l»y ■

.■:; c S 7 i . z “"

n .nt. .,,1 , .n s is . s : k '

Batarica and w aw . tnajntw • h

BanV«“ m? tup*|!»tt."«iu^^ *’*-^KVER*narkT "* ..*."!*. '™f.” !.*_"!.*."! ...,, t Jt.MJ.O# ■

_Salarle* and.waBo-jnalDi*.---------------------- ■wnTtr.."«^[nanc. and tuppllrt. equip. KOTICE OJ^ m z K ' S

Salaritt and waart. m alnlf 2 ®*''* Dlrtc -nanct and tupplM W-lp.

_ ment and Imptovtmtnla.Stellon 3. For tht purpott ot mt«lInB , J '*?“'* ’I olhtr llablllllF* of th . Cllr of TwlS J^ 'w ln c thoIlia for Iht aforttald fUcal ry t.r. all ni»naBcm«nt, - , : r r . s . ' s s . > r ; S E

js ™ ™ " '" ! . . 'ver«l-riirpM «~f8r-w hlelr Iht moncrT i T m ^ d T ^ '”

it„'hvL"JX' pi*'

- P x i W f r n d ' T . ' i . s A . s ; ' » “ . s ;Coni«a 8™ ., In

: j a s a ; u = . — S f c l i s K

I’rlnclDal..........................t 17.000.00ln lc r t.t. ___ _.................... «7«.t0 .*?•**’• *•*s a a * ! — s s r t v s i w s ' a a y — ....K«t«, tallmattd ................ t 1BI.I10 ^


Fw t. rtllmalrd ___ 710 oO' u r t l

........... ....■ »oT .cf

>o^ thf AlRPOllT FUND *2.702.00

mini* a'd* lmpKll7m.?iH!‘*‘ fpllowlnB ifol>«r5m^lh« STREET LIGHTINO IN?*nf«.'- ‘

M s r f S F = i ? ; 1 S ,

-li«w*t_Tfvnli.^;«i.tninfnn-i—< «>< W J-<Limm> Jillmhfr ™ ‘be FBDEHAL AlHPOilT FROJECTl '^ S d o a '^ T ifn *

« tiun a. TbU ordlnanc. .hall U tn „",'j

pait'iie *a^d *purnMlS” M d 'L U u ^ Sb?r*‘ *nren'*'^‘"rwn ^ tb* Aaasal AppropriaUon Sill ?p ^ n " ” to

R. J.’«CIIWK.S'D1MAN, ^ONBTANOE 3. I.EtSER. ruhUahi Au«. H.

.lllh® a 5 ,. I I . J J ir " 9 I E F , Pj

" . K " £ K ? n » - ' , » ' I s s ™ |THE PRODATE COlJIlT OF TWIJl IN TIIE PIEOnA'

*ralan*d Em ulor ot lha Miata r,t an Oi. inih A ,^ \ri ltr P * llti«n . d«;t..td, will a*ll , t NOTICE V 11lli? .!,* « i ''W'ltr «nd rridar. lha Sl.t dl« t to tonflrmailon ih. .aid Pro- t«iVelock A.M. ol Court, on or .Jirr the u th dar Boom ot aald Cou

^}®? •! ‘'•"■"•'■'ock A. M. " iroiiM In th . Clt? I, ^ay.-*!! Iht rli-ht. till* and I n ltm t Twin FalU. Bui*lald drrratcd In and lo tht followlnr poIat«l u th . Unnllw ♦ "iL i *’"1 •Itiiat. In th* on th* pttillon ofnty of Twin lall,. j t„ i , ^ t Idaho, appoliitintnt aa a

h2 r ’—«Tnl-Ta>t— •eiOon-of-I.CToy-t‘® h^^ < ^ "''rr-* iishW fn^IT ^T O l— wto-imrmsTrTnj?

JoJW htr-w liB— m «tlo»-r.ftrtn»t l

•*»“ P«"«“ im 'trtatrt r_ _ _ i. itTiM and a itrtitd asalnat lam*. ' —-----^propw^for^tj,. r« r Ivsj i„ bS pro- DaUd tbli lOlh d • It»l«l for a‘uM.II„i " t hi. It pufthaarr. an Ah.ir.ct of TUI* ruHW Aur. *, IJ,


Classified. . . larenoatton i

W A N T . A D r R A T E S(Daa«i «■ '- ba ."D r K. JO

i ' - L — . . , - r - r ?l j i * l» N o ^

la aB“ o P t 'S a t l fw ’ adT**'**'*^ ‘"L O S T "For azaoplt. aa* Ubla btlowt itll.Ai'’K wkiu' Worda I 1 lia r I i d.T» I ~I .Iiy. . » alt. a B»onl

------------- ~*^ ~ T l/OaT^*^--*-“a

-m a l L , '1 m L L‘i£ ~■ a - i - “ ■> - a l > i a ^

n S r 'S S .S S . ' SITUAT■ . " S X ' K S S IS lS i . c u . ^ k U.JI

'T U T oapn'nM rvM th* riabt to *dH filULD ean »» and r«i*et aar eUaalflad advtrtlilac. Monro*. <l*-i "Ullnd-Ada'* are atrtcUy eosfldtntlal Ib^NIUfiB In

“ cS o t

IIU .. . . I . - , , - . I ^ u . . . I m b -,

S P fc lA L NOTICES* r . S r ? K

ai-tJJ(rEir7(io».tii«i,. » i„ , L n lt ilanl- rrr^m > A 2ad ,A r« .,t tM t. Pbtn*

AI.C«IIUMCt>. AsBarmoui. Wtdnaadar. S la f i -

“ f e s . "Da.la. rouu 8. Pbon* l>a»«.Rt. RuhL U«»Y wllb pow

-----------S I E A M - B A I H S - . - ^AI.UNA’H sraduaU maaieur. S.-IH<ilfW Holland wIrt t

mti.as*; r*duelnB< foot Uthnlqufc b'UtiTUM liar, a I hon. 481. Pbon* 04ia~>;.

- BEAUTY-SHOPS.-COMPLETE ttod .m baaoty a trrk t by c e I i ' L S S

pan ep tn torh MachlBtltti- and cold , u „ , bookkf.pl

—wiuttrnt* »t-y*duc*d pHra*. • JooJer tlu . g j ta j

PACIC-lnlo-ldabo'l-prlmltlyt art* Jor *Uc. KmMt ttoulL_dr«r, bear, coat and thttp, Mak. rtttrra- FAINTING: Go<tlona rarly. Rocklnf.N Out/Ultra aad afford. F rtt aCuldt Stn-lct. WrIto u»,now at Hhoup, _^anlng i only.IJ'ho- UUV. IN. hlih_________________________ _________ _lo»n -»U h .a.a t

■ — ■ ' tnrt.~ HrttTont


wmin* for aald rropfrtr will ba.rtetlvtd farm work-m>‘'''l«™l»ntd Kateulor at tht law amall boy. LoU

?ia“ ? u °y : . . l^“n j lT « ;y > nd rtp .lt

M l' ii.**t*'°'i in ^ i^ L i"L t” .f " r ! '‘'i i J S ti,i.'!7.h t o ^ • co K ira S

GLENN A. ROLAnd . T l"„ ■ s ^ s r r . s ^ ' i r i r j i ” - :

'ulUihi Ju lr ao. Au*. o. is . . iiih - ■ ------------------- --

• r f I ., ■W1LI.„.C T C .____________ —— ^ ----- CO


n tht Slh day ol *fsuii**i'i6 ?''nollTt*'l* M o r

y , at th« Court Room of aald Court, at *-'J!i *’'• Co“"* ' «» -----------------------

d T“ f “ •• “>• time;^ l t* Katf«r. ^djerwd,‘’’a*nd"/or htarlnB C U S T O M^.appllcaUon of Jo* D.tk. and J. n.:.tnan. fo> ,th* I»uant* lo ihtmVef W -------------P ca sn’»-r<'«uiii^nisty mn .wnffo-Tiir ----------- ~:"iSAtt ^ n Intofttttd may appear and c o n i ta j________S E IJ-Daitd Aurutt I. HSS. . _

■ EVERETT M. SWEELET • F tCIProhato JudBe and tx-offlc.o t l . r k , ________

iiIiirih'"A^.'~jl. 13. ;o. »}». ,_________• L - '

~A M Em c*N r A r r ^ i ta B R V o n i--------u c i b w a *

^ O nC E IB HEItElJY CIVBN That th« Cltr Cat*, oard of DIrtclor* c t Amtrican Falla OAK ilOPB. No | rttrvolr DUtrlct did on tht ttb d tr nt Phont snO.

a S S S rS H iraalJon. Ineludlnc ih* aatarlM of offlcan UPERIENCEO « id taployata, and th* malnUlnlnr and Mrton, Scotu C

rm to .th* fact? ^ n ” *th***’aa.SMm«mt Hou*t*'mKk. ' J >>7-U>a U6 ^a.-1» er

S T o r i ' t J 'S * ^ Board of DfretioT. -

s i s f s i s ’* g S A u " " , : : ' :-------------»> J ' K.-PAnKEIl. - - ------- *-a»alUll»-1n-Uitl---------- ^ r o r a - A ^ c m n S Z l * ^

NOT,cf '.r f ig ,;S !’v™c'.™N. - DBI

fin Fall.. Idahn. rr<|ur*llBK that th*lowlnB proptrtiM b. r*.ion*d from *10"*nf«»- ‘ n«ld*ntlal, to Zona J,™t ntildtmlal. to Zen* 1, Bualnatai PLEA

nl'lnn NiiIXL" • f ti’*' _________a , i ! r . f a . V K a i f . " ' " “ W i S T vSJfn Fan?'* lda'ho°*"^* '^O-nCE 18 FURTHSR OrVTN. thal tht ''r i - v , ; ' r K - , i , . f r 5 f A - „ v . i ' ! : ---------------------iMnet on aald ro-ionlnc and hM flicd _ . _

r a iy Hall in TVln FalU. Idaho, wbtn and T^T^T 17^*t » anront to dttlrlBc abaU bata tha I I ^ I j IM j

by flllna wrllttn auitmtnto rtUllnc otedtd now.

IESSF!ba.li. A .;:* ,I. i i . f f l s i " s

ro n rraL .C A T .nK o r n n i

f e f U rM A L E ^

tOnCE IS HRREIIY GIVIN. Tkat ^ K E t:o.M Jali] **?•, * £ •/'•» "t.AucuaU ii i s . a i pJ*!"- WrIU oelock A.M. of aaUI d.v. *l <h. r^i.irt Ma.iarhua«tt*. >Z t i t*h! “ ' i fi®""*’' E x m ilK N u S rn i

r a . - J c X ” " "ol^m tnt aa a.lmlnl.trator wllh wlU *“ At,Tl(,AL nurm* »X«J ot th* will nt Mar Finch Court- i® " 'T

j —^ ^ n v S ’r*'omc^


y InUrtatrt mar app«ir and toaurt *011 LKASKj Mo.i aUd tbi. lOlh d .r of July. 1*M. •

MARY BALMON. BEItVICB station emi, A U ,.,. „ . P r ® ='“ ‘- » ' , . i ; = r r V


t k a v e i^ e s o r t j b u s in e s s

^ n m and trip< >o tbe bisb lalM ’ For BMBtb. Saertf m trratlona.eall Mn. coat tWett..

Datid OUrk. Pb°"» MT. TwIn Falla. DREBEHTEBl

c h i r o p r a c t o r s - f l i S S t ^ n

VJ .bUlk . ^ I . m t. I>f. Alma Uardla, IM Phona 1M7.J.

----■“ L '0S T '‘A N [> -F 0 U N D ------- -T ^ y A B B ;

at r*TT<B* UtUL Pbop* ST. 'lottT i MUttk. aoa w b lie ^ e ^ g .^ p a ^ Ml- _____________

0n » .m “ ’DUD* So* l U n ^ ■HLACK eocktr. BP,»f>r- » '‘5 ;b*to cb**t bloub. lott vkjnllr Wtat t PoIbU Bia-_*lalr_ai*Uoa_AMi_»t_iN«_««llef._CaU ______ $400--PolUe._______ _ g p ,

S IT U A T IO N S W A N T E D3UaTOM^,^.UlP«, all .farm .prodwtfc , ..firfuUar-am

i m i r c ^ * ; : : : i ^ a . 7 ; ^ ' o r ;i,i.u s ^ a .V o - i iKMonro*. 419-R- vou nuat ha«

it^NINfiu la mr bosM. ars 4tb auW iteurod.l•*.t. Phon* lOOS. boura a w*tk

lAUNO. wlr* II* BOV OUrtr. Fboa*

VlLL UO MWlBf. *nHmiWttT, erecbtt \l^rt«*ln*It*M* work. H 4 Qulner. W ludapbon*!

LnoX tartals itoadry. I»;a Stb ataas* *-A. Tlrat»-Nr aaaL l-boa* tSI.S.

C.IIIn«i. S»S STSS^". ^AMILY uniaa* and a ta 'a Uoadiy d«M .--------in baaa.- fhnat nW-W. F U R N I!

‘UCLL Child . . 'V u , « M , . » W . , . C l...Pbon* »as.M. Twin FalU.iiM-ftr ii- KT: ..AW............ r . i i . . — r u ; FURNISHEhar hauling. Phont tMS-NR. FUIINIHIIFJ). ai

UX wllb » w tr m o ^ “ wUhoi lawn. ZS8S.J. Twin t mowlnB. I'hont 82a. Twin FtlU. *_ K0UM5, prl>

Holland wl'n tlt?*'rh^ne OiaoSt! C02Y S tU m ^ UHTUM har. alraw and com chopplnc. oraltd. .InlPbono 04l«~»:. Duht. Peto Kuntfc I.OVKI.Y dow^tn &yri!KIN<:i7 A'nr tlmt. anr place. Hay «n. MIddIt a«.batlnrr-fbonc 0»»».iu or Otn.Ra. LaKOE on*-n>or

f f i “ B ; s s i . r ; ; r - ' r c : “. . . r . s s . "fiLAV'tNGt P.nd.Tlon: :oi;; ^ k -» a a a - .j :. - . .U - h a tb 'l - i i . In.—dalfr "t.lUa and orchard*. • Pboot' — ^« ltr . 6«3 2r

N^^^T^iirnainii Wtil TM auil'a

Maniin." ,................... -* -* • pt f m BBtlir-lh.UNFURh

UNTING: Good work a t pricta Toa caa ~foupl«i PbOB* afford. F rtt ttllnaUa. fhont WW-W, BMt.

liv.' ” kT.f m lu .u .. . . . u ■ FURNIStiM A U r-nod*^

tnrt.* Krftrtneta. Phon* tttS.NW, Av«iu*'EMt. ■rEADY work on ranch. Fatdlnr talUt aik.ti-aattk.irrtCtrrt<|. Marrltd. Two achool aa* U N F U R Nlia“ "oT hI%5m? '*^ ‘ CLeaN • r I ^KVEItJllt^CED -urinar-wanu ptm antnl' ifarm w ork-rnu.t alM m ^ o homa-for *amall bny. LoU txptrltnc* wlUl m*«h[n« tntnt. z n ^ ta

------------ ---- — '..— I :S iaaR li!5M :;COMBININO * ItAV BAUNO WkW oN&UEDil

rbon* OStOJll ____ _ bartaon.'a.-Ioflul- rRED' MONTGOMERT ® 'S . ° ? r “ wlil’'!

■ ■■— I— I . I . a oulr* S!« Olbli------------- - J .1100U modern

■— : . ' " ' I _ Ulwcta-3i<ln-—* » ----- CXJMBININa------ ■ -road . rbon>.0

VEW MABBEY-HARniS W A N T E D 7'V A * . T a c , . ;


M orris' Mooro ' S I S J SP hone 01B7-RS C.ii 7so.w or i

1 ¥iME3.>^EWB tsi ------------- laL Family of

CUSTOM COMBINING ’ •% L ,“S ““r‘, , P e a s .a n d -G ra ln

- 2 MABSEY.HARRIS NICEL'Y furnUh<----------SELF-TKOrXLIXD— apartmant-or-oi.ponalbl* marri

. F r e d T h t o e _

- ■ . work.- Phnn. m


.^ lO P ^ No airl* m uralna to .d ,5E -----------------------*,?2:________ , . • TROCKI

, BTAEE.'v'}

lE id i^ d k l) : walmaa .ior-ec*-aonili ^ .-.m A n .T n rE>in'^Frib? ^ * ^

HELP W A NTED-MALE ‘‘m . u r a . ,■N. » n .ra l <arm work, flie.dy 'okUuat. milk. • MS3. CMlltford. ^ ^

r — ----------- 3 larsa loU. J.h.■ ■ ---- r r . I ■ floor*, etmmltd

— d r u g g i s t . . .---------- W ANTED---------- -------;?:.o'iio.*aT>“ s

$100 W eek . Conuct*4<io*'s^n

PLEASE •WRITB around wHh'fruh _eriatlfltalteaa_aaii-Exp„W ,«------------

T o J . W. e rA G O S - ^ riT ry-^nT w iT

c o io N iA i 'a p a r t h e n t s B.| Z T'TWIN FALLS b e e

**"' ‘ k*»e a aood— • " • prl«*d from 14.80

I tl» TOO. L»t ut knRAILROAD mniGATEi


W . i;.u.™wt _■ ~ 7 ~

;'n‘K “N ;" S f '% J ; £ . “ “ f u ' ' " ’-

Phar. writ*

------ J m - t T^Xr-Tlmtf W ^ -----------W.-Ar-OSTTlANt);— Plonttr R»aH


~E 1: 0.00 Jalii. Ji.ll lumloou. n .S I

r V i m ^ N J . " 'lo* „ CECIL .77=77771---- ---------------------------------- V pauln Hank 4. -I

^ rI |T * . ^ ! , * a » ^ — -------

I S I N E S S " O P P m U N t r i ^ - ^ - S ^ B c d r o i

LEAUEl Modvrn sfpecrr .tnr« il Hnbart hot airw e ,u |p B „t. - r W r ^ p?,!,^^” ^ ho«.pow.r j . , p,allon. Call a«<t.W bp loit buJlt-liu. . r , i« , |vTcb SUtlon Ul. U. H, 4U T .l, i- i."Jof rompaar product.. ■W'»|r?n/„li5‘ - PHOh»1 Tolumi Phont 433, Twin VI'S***''' I_________________


W B $^& K rt5?fe^qati»ia. 4 2 8 'E ^^J^TbIOT

? 5 s u i ! £ i ! i v ’; s s . “u . r a : —E. F.-D*tm«-, NOS FlUr artnoa vaat.Phona 1M7.J. Twin Falla. ___ _ | y,, ,,, ..

' . . I ftoora, blrcbro it LrAJE p juuU..ni tutlon'wlth __Blr.eoadlUoa

W.car,parkin* lou Btlllns nallo'aallr . adrartlaed product*.-------------------------- MODERN 1 V. -FboB*!-------------------------kltoban.br*

--------------------------------------------- J BMnl. ia« f

_____S d O O JaO N IH L Y ______ ________S P A B E T IM E • GOOD,,)

'S -bedreowa.:-:

a i s U ' s s : i . S r ^ < S ' t lE K iG A T S r . I W . - i & K W i » "ISW*monlhly wllh tary *ood poulblll- ■U** of taklnt ertr full llmt. Incom* ' lacrtaalnr ateordlnalr. For Inttrvltw. 1 ■ ■'

™ “ “ “ " S S f f l “

_____________L____ :--------------- S&'S— full fInUhtd

FURNISHED ROOMS d^o^V**..^!laa cltan, prl»at* tnlranc, cooklnK 'prltlltct*. 121 2nd Avtnut North. ___VHEMtlNT room, for men. I'rivau. coot S W IM INBh«w*r;_Cla*Bj _44>_ n£_A»*nij*_2Jof g

•URNISHED APARTMENTS L .JiiNIHlim'. apanmanl. Call atur s;?S8^J. Twin Falla._______________ —_K0UM5, prlrate balh. ground lloor. .~1Y » ITl.au talh. Ntwly dt«: J -* '"imltd. SS3 .lr.1 avtnu. north. «?'«>'•IVELY downtown Un«m. Small kluhl 5Jrt*',Wa Tn(m. MIddIt attd prtftrrt.1. Phon. 232S. |a , u varlttltlrnOE ono-n>om';v.'rim.nl. amall on^ M.«00 and Voti■oom apartmtnc 21» Srd Artnut North. 4.b«lraom tlri<EEPlNG.i.llihl houMktcpInt room. I’H- ln_b«UtaIdtBiaU-heth.-«ntrancr.-Tia:*nrh«al, toft InB and dlnlnBtaltr.—643 2nd Avenue Eait. ----- : -etment-baitmt:AT aroaii tiaatmtnt apartment wilii J»undry. Irul/

UNFURNISHED ARTS. *“tOOMB, ahowtr and uilllly ro«m,_nt«u 1 raUr fumUhtd. 217 Rim. Dfl8.J. --------------------;*«!*. .Walklnr* dSuIJct, Workiat j f u jn e J - oupla;—T&0B*'28S).' rfSl Stli Avtnua nTaerc*. exctpU ^ t . . ■ lortly 3.bedroor— FURNISHED HOUSES ^

IvOTue.EMt. atur t p-ro- -_______ Dln*tU and"?!!UNFURNISHED HOUSES «t «

talk iio*. In. L^wa. ' ’ A R T H U I,Hd 4 ItOOU modtrn &;it;a..')‘uTrTn^ .. _ .R E S l wnU 2t< ^la.______________ Ftar»y.TaUr S

I ■ —W ON&liEUllOOMi fum '^i near aI- C0D»artaan.'a..lB<)ulte-Ssa'grd artnoa nsrtb. -kDH0 6 M liouat. mojem txctpt U t . tam '^^S 'aS^<iupl* or win Uk* baby. No ptU. ' In- boSi*. Ur^, Julr* S2« Ol^ndtr. --- ----------- ^N«t tOUU modern l.nant hou.. loeaud ap*c* la_but

'A N T E D TO RENT, LEASE >‘S 'J L ° . “ S

u".VuU^.^‘ v r r r i . r i 7 : “I • ' ______________ ■ Larsa 2.b*droo>NT TU ItENT WlUl optmn to buy, ' saras*. flnUhi

IE3.>^EWa tmplorn netJa's or U UJI C . A . Rol »m unfurnUhed hou.t btfor* BtpUmUr Drt„iL Family ot 4. Phont 18B3.W. .f.* •••■I. . iiebliuoM l^»,. r i .„r llaatlton. Prtfar hou.. wlOi putura.own or eountry.- Kennrth-Ruwelt,-«/#arrrttta }nanranp^V«rhmngp^er"~— —'lELY furnUhed or partly turnl.hed _ CLOSE II•onalblt married coupU. Rtftrancta! A” e^elUfll lo<hon. IMP daw or 1285 trtnlnga. A r*H O M E IMPROVEMENTS _ . S ^ t l o x T ^ -

,l»„> ‘

M ISC. F O R j R E N f ^ r :

~ ■ - two. bl*. badrocI sio.soo.■ ” ” 555 » “ • T W IN F A

. _______ & INEIDA BO m H . ln ^ i« u

D -D K ITS. Ino . ™ "------- "-----------

~ HOMES FOR SALE>^-tant*wt«-moTad.-raoB« 7s:3r ------- OF A COJ

f S s S ’

>EIIN Z.btdroom, ailachtd sarast. Low ottrlook thU Tl m"<?l??I?'"'' “ O’ North

mow*’* li? “ - V “ *'aai to"***" ^ WORTat locaUon In rHr * iRj, Hl.aM kn

I."™ k : “or,. b«.m.i,t. oil (um.M.

.1..., . » ' b e a i — s b r v i c

i s ! = = r ------------------^

■ s n : m . . . ~ |

t»T. . nod MUetlOT, . ( famaa Snr'oUlltj^'ieo. :*i from 14.800 op, wllb Urma to ej>,n>*tlnc. Low yo». Ltt u. know your nttda. • S‘j* *i!l7h“ £booL'mniGATED LANDS CO. tei^ S . * " '“ ®Pmlnt Houl Uldr. Awuio.


u tr^ tn F -s :;" ■! %. ' i 'KXCEIt 'tHE GOLDEN RULe"” •ho mT**!■rou folk. nt«l a homa lo find flnlahtd. ntw b.Wt'll ahow you btfort tchool. houae. Only |12,LEM CHAPIN.AGENCYAr-03TnANt)tR=------------------- — M S G IC■ KENYON OREEN lU ^U rlVWonttr ntaltor^Pbona 71» IN V E S T M

'. • HS Bhotboi

TOROOHS. on. I.i battmtnL Flrt- I ' 'act. 1 hath., rumpua room, atok.r?n'S “ •'! ______________


■ > - S ^ B c d r o m i1 n n i ! 5 - ^TO SE MOVED K u M 'S S ^ iH

fTt hot air furnact. alnV.r, »! .For..lnfona»llon.« tpowar j*l pump, water h».i».»*■«»■ • C. A . Robli

a s s ! -

. , , 1 1

. HOMES FOR SALE T i i l A r t ^ ^

U l U*s» A tk. Wltl .Tat I t l IW tM fc S S " ^


- — ^

'I -h^ireom..:-! b«tha.-atw U B.r,-K j'r ^ i i r htat. SbotboB. .tra.1 location.„7.S0fl. Cood urma.

ir r ig a t e d l a n d s go.rtrrin* HoUl Bid*. - |

Vc ; ‘.= ;S S “ “- . ' i f f a i

S V . a V " v ; i " : « « " ' K = = = :chtek lit** fealarta aa wtll at tht r ~ _full fInUhtd burratnt. ooal atoktr l u acMi K_tfurtiaet. 1 car ta ra n . ttorm w |„. wr,i“ ®Ji«*!L*dow*. aerttn*. ftncrt back yard, fame«m<nt patio. »UMO. Ttrai,- »

SWIM INVESTMENT CO. swim rsvtsaJIS Shoahoo* BL K. I ’ilOnW.

Twin ValU. idaho Talt rn^— rbon* sst Of i t 2s .y ^ t . r I I fi»««m ,raa

l.Acr* tract nietir lecaltd. ntarWMh. .

t; W i . ; s : '.“ a " i M s t e ’iM.«00 and po*»«tiloBi room htat tai S J

f .'u "x ;“ a ; " i ’ ’“S ' l i t . - t v ; _ j s m mMboDla Bad ' iShil'

I I I Wllatora Phon* IS(

iTaerte.'aMtpUonalfyaood around with I K ACRIcrrtly 3.bedrooRi bomt. CboTe* Itcatlon. I ExrtTItti Uu. Ill a Vtry cloaa In. Only (U,tOO. Eaay utn*^ t watar. kU nlUriw

ment. olt tumaea. and til ra larx* lou 1 'S173.000. »% 4m . , Dinette and utility room. Aa outaUnd- I W* alao ktit ! al ib IflB valua a t i l l .« 0. , »bt»P Juab* u fcet

■ ABTHUk ' T, WATSON 1 ffiKIGWEHl : *E3SC-EST3tTE - .‘’- S - S fPe;T;r.Tab«VllM«. Phon* SOS_ 1------^ .W l^

: c o m m iY H O M JS-- S-B*4>«om. aharp, eompltttl/ mMtm bomt with an acre of around. Chlcktn IIATRY VhoSt. bare, »axa»t. abada and^ tOo. , Hla rd ta ., Neal M'a pin. E itr* jijrA-£i7

s r . v . w s i t T £ a . s u s e k ? ;;

SSi K -Ji.'S U S ’S . K ! l ,f£ S £ ‘ -

- S n io i t T. 10. A. Robinaon Agency p«cr*T. ur im,i

»rt»*-Ja Rtoltora faL 11# TIT Mala A»*. .Waat


• s s R ’S r ?(i;s00 down. 8*. UiU barxala today. S?i_________ -------------------------------n t^ la J in aK 'B tr~ JjlU UX^liE HOME ,pud tetur, twdi

m m r n m : i i g0 ^ FALLS SEA LTY

& INSUKANCEH Jiala Artnut JUtt Phon* »«» V tiu r. 0. t a A

Twla Fall*. Idaho I _ ■ '____ TT

_ . Z l _ —VOULD ^OTJ INVEST M.600 IN T tt» . . j

’■ a S S S r e S f S g ' r . lioicffl


: s f - . » = « . ” £ ' “K „J t m Itl .

B E A L E S T A T O , -S B R V ie E -A O B N e y —


r . a s

»»«^“SJSSAOREAGB BBtlXfa** ^

r —“ "‘• o .r i iw 'a .® -

- T H G I C r Y A E E E r r ^ i n v e s t m e n t CORP.

I I I 8 1 « b „ . Bl^.1 K M .......■ Pbone 8 f« or ll« l oTtuloa* P ^ »


---------------- ' " n fFOR SALE OB TRADE -

ulKul bom. .IW. „ • S £ e ^ i: . . l . l .n , . lO T .. . l l > « « C ... « « . U -

C. A. KobtaJott Agcncy ' ’ J« . . . T . t » .

M I 1 1 --------------

^ ■ - . b * » a « “^ ^ • !' •— - - : a r t i f k ;

_-• »u ■>»'"• **“^^■|t«***Vtlcun" "•• "ff, -CutniiT. • .

rUONE* » i _ _ •

^■ stfrr ''T O D A Y .

^ p t k a c t o r c o. . . . . .

^ ^ PrC»H OLK.'

• ^ ^ ^ P E C I A L S . "

, E E i r # !! ^ H ( , u W*f" *®*'‘‘* ! «ifin «ml Ff>J

J ^ ^ W W » tU « h . t.AKAKt:K»

.Ttv^a Ullh SAl'KAm o w er s m» i.tr.-oi

i»l««U°n °;,P„t».T' t^NCLiS ll 'a

»ll t«ondlllonrl -----

I ^ K . - .11 ef our r*«)nillilon»d‘ , O ERM


SDfiftom Dfiltr);

. ~ g o o d

M °yrZ i t;ot,DKN-iT

■ Cue.Hond Tie |f.’:,.,''‘f.h.;J u ^ t l c r - .......— «25

m s F O R s m e t o r srt“ l^ v .^ l•^ B l- f .^ I r cr«tb»u1*J, ......« ; ' » . . . • -------- >•>■ ' " iS h . ‘m

lOT* o r OTHZR II . & A ' aH d 'UBED rrRACTORS. »H t0W BH ft-R AK E6.~ ' 'p n ^ r rhS

Bargain‘Pricc3 w an t^w b■' .. .UAV.--a»Ji

■ ■ jsc TIIC authorized »^-K- Kl■ ^ i E R o u b c o u m r o n u A K L C rT■ a r t e R B r a s . ^ . “

----------------- — —WTB-KIrn

^ r . I C T RACTOR ^o?t'm ;^s. ■ b l E M E N T CORP.^ ■ i b l a rbont TTO ULAUH a li^■ ^ M E , IDAHO - a . " ^ . r

SttThom *>jKnT*m Rqulptntnt FOR— I iu«i»

ltoo.1 fnmll ^ LAKUh;. 4>

^ fiirnlthnl.

■ a b v e st t i m e U r e " ,'2 ; '

K | E C 1 A C & ~ - T ^ mtrslltr boi;

^ ■ • U PrepflW CecnblB. «tr««t. Goo

■ « » » "•- ' ■ 'F E S a - v . v :

^ B k.. I .'ilomkile wlr« tU bi1«r ^ H iUND Ilrlni llo lul«r, TlmwNe«

y o u tiAi.^i^ ^ w e i lle •Idni tl* b»Iv « i‘ilnmrtit.

“ • ' “ y*;ai!iip

■ Sl”■ tnll U „ „ ' ^ . ’ ‘• ' s . v s . ' '^ ■ u i ^ ________ ______ t;«m »tw l^ H u *M. n . i . VLKhM'WINi SUt nifct^ K i t j||iv„-------------------- - _ —Wcmt. Al.1.1

^ B i r g n t i r - ■ *------- -^ \T -* « ru r

B u n t a jk . s t a t e s __» L B I E N T C O . -

^ P tonT iirm --------------—

H r . GUIN & FEED I----------K r t ”

■ g f i i i w ^ 5 B r = K H - r i i s 3__________ K.nmoM '

»'£.'.~;i,.""“"- “'•»■ S.'.".1,".'S'■" '• " ............. . ? W .;5 "

V."AY.1,7~''-~ - t - sS ^ S a C ^ ^ l S ; : i a > ...-7l'. ,-v -1 - ^ '— a^ ^ F iT tn g mUutn n ,va i.~ iiU ■ —

I'honi lOlJ-n or . 1, , ■■■

» A N T t o b u y 1 c i ® r ° i

H a r l e y a n d g r a i n ■

Phone 31G4

H 'n-Muho~ ~ ~ ^ SidV-'T^l

Mt*. 110 .77------------ -^ * ! i r . l u , *"'* “P- i'hon* Iti>llrrr«a.

" h I r^ ^ g ] S ? r u i 7 T i a , . . 1 S A

“• Wl; i;uaru

■ £ k 3 S s ; ? s s a^ ■ r t e T — — - - aei-T ic t>nB ^ j S S i E i s - g - a i F i s

H'"Tir UVI.II. ■ FU R N IT

'''io«‘'’i,:/^ ,V Dii ^ ^ P v « o ^«n '®'' >f»tlln» r.tiT UAUI. C an

f t dOWB.'

-~ L IV E 5 T O C irA ^ P O O C tR Y FURNITI- ..........- ~ I-ltulJU MX


-------------------- OERVfCS----------------- * ^ i jg ;^ L aMabe owned and oM»i*d IJoliUln. C<niar.

-Outrnir.' J«nir. Uilkliii ShartBom." Ui!LB V\Um Mrrka !». ao »t«ira chtrta AAA S««li

•PUONE t- ib rui* Ilil CC1I.CI TC.”im>r-,'. PUONE J.roa. .. Ml CoU*« '^ibu!|“ “ '

— ^ — : ......." na ’a M ip .

A R x f^ IA L BREEDINa ol^K* wlttiie . v “i ' j ‘t0 v v r F « ;

IDAHO-UTAH Proved Sire Service

C(» OLK.VN KEDDICK. 117. J.nat, rutor JOB ll Ot rER. IIWI. >llir^ d«inon*lral

------------------------------------------------- Rlnijy%'»tuSEEDS a PLANTS S "b " i.'i;

5EEITTJ*J?^'T»n~pI*dUnf!~iiio5*T52 .

PETS . jk s U s Li-AKAKC Tl'li. AI4 lid A>tnu* t^o^u. |

Hifin* 113C.CANAIllh:S: tilnaen. S(.V». 121 Soulh «ih

Ktrccl. Iluhl. Iilahu,Ullh SAl'KAKK lUirlevcr pupi for •>]«. m» l.tr.-oln, Phan.- I«!i.

' tiatlmt.----Tie-8nl—AmTe—Kin—entr — "c


•Weimarajier PUPpIcs_____ _______~Tor-»»U aL r»<Jue»J prlcft. Dos> Mr* Nochamplona from 0 «rmin huntint tr1k|>wlUi Ut prlifi. ________

- -------CunUct-I.. K, Short- . ------- -J.mcilantl Ave . iCoute :.. AiJim fiuL I

Twin kITii.'W»ho‘ ■■“


.rehorol y*mllrt *nor^t«i *'{ I rcwk r* 1 h• n l^ k ’ KAiim'r“ 'tm c .c r..— -wa:n>*<l»y; v>hol« or cut up In t»rton». Hab

bit Kry«r Karm. Km-lt. ■ ,ju]WANT srr«n b«*ni> for eannint. Have TOD Nl Idaho pot«(i>*« al lav priei-. Oihir

frtilu, vrsfiublf*. Connor'* M»rk«t. SJ2 Don’t 1■ Wwt AriiiUnn,___________________ '201 Bl

W A N T E 1)~ T 6~B 0Y " ~ u TOAra.~s!:o<j<f-acanresr~xcoUec"(iUno(k,'FlUr. rhon* 02;0.J1.______________ .WANT to buf uaU. Uall B<lm^ n<im|>- ' MagH.UAV.-^AwAmsuBU--.Paul U w u^ri'bsss. -P>«n«-3I)W 14&.U. KlmUrl]'. Mal». ' 'UA.IlKv' .vnd miml grain, UkU,. _________

phoiiB H-J*. Murlauih.UUUD 6 or 0 reom modtrn bouie. I'boBt ■i.nn—WTB-KlrHuhtr rvtnlngi.________ TI ANO TUNWAt«TKlir Mlx«<l sriiln. I.O(W buihcli. ,

Orvlll. Sarkctl. Kllcr. Maho. ACUOamjlCilcrUe'a 'roSllry"‘"r^m."”hnn.” l?a;‘**'

ULAUH ahowcatc*. Wni Kl>* I’oInU Mobil TRUCH«pvlfo arm«« fmm All>trt*on'». Phnna____ m —rruoa. A.k f.ir llol. nr fiwntf. - IV4B COLUJ.

FOR SALE OR T R A D ^ „»t * fo°kdm v M. jKTLIMK 4-<iuor Cncvrolau Varr -K'"*,?!,*-,.K00.I f«in.minn. Call IMI-NJ. JlIK CilKVJiLAKUh;-4.tf>oni huu**, tumUbad or un> i?"

fiirnlthBl. Will trad* for Iralltr bouaa. gjff * ,7,LAIK IVtV etr. n c tlln tl eandltloB, low ?

WILL TftADR'lflH ColumHi'n', 'iVVISJ.- “ rVH^'" ^

t l r t t . ^ I n r . .MKW m* VlKlNG-booiC-«rilI.r. I^fooi. p v "or.a bcdrooiTU Owner lak** lou. 1900 down, Trsllir fial

rinane* twianca 6• ,. Wrlta Capt. Harth. rail*.na« OflT. llountaln llnmr, AKH. H^ho. -tuM: n

Tlmw-Newa. f«P«r«, w you tlAl.K: l»mpln«-lln« nf rtauuranl C«t fur II wulnmrnt. llnx 418. W«n.l»ll----- DanJx pit

.rr .*,iU4T AKUONCA Chlft alrplana. (iood --------------

cnriil Uoi- Cbaap. Uiut aolL •• Pbon*4.MU U.T.U. DEAKIIOKN h«al«r." "|140. ., NUT

U.ed ona «a»n. Will **ll tar IM. 401VLKl-ri'WINU blko. IJS.OO. Uoiraway )>«d

ami niallrwj. IM.tO. 312 Snl Av«nuo 1D80 FOF_Wc*t..Ai»artni<nt.l. , — - ^IthAltUUFLb:X modtl "E" Cam*ra. wllh

iOJL_BAU;i_HHil_CheTr«ltl-M-P»M«ngtr.r ; ^ —

~ s :—projeeuoa-rooro. Our.a«i»«Uon Is Uie

>bcnt. Ooronat Cam«r> Cantor.I------------------------------- ----------------1 ON Tl

SPECIAIi VALUES! ,Hotpoint «l«<trle ran** ......----- l«.SO , _APtx wyhlnt rn/chln* with . Spark* oil h»*rer ...........—..... 110.00

-rremrT0H*0le-T««Ho-.............. __________________s : s » ’ “ S , i n r : L —

: = r r - : : 'S ’; m :Mcn’n Kill* an.1 inpcoaU ...........I 7.S0• Open CTfnlng* and bumUy*____ ^ _________ .

“ T-HEaCHANDISE"HXRTr— J------------ :__ >81 flhe*hon* St. floulb______

' wllh *.:»*!I rear bzI*.

"c'a'H^DSSTfbF *hil!oWi!ll«b« -.SOe' *l»n.-Iarr«

El*«lrio Swltth. chain pull-----— UWaltrproof Touch**----------------lie ®“* JWAO Ovor**** Cap__________ »a " trada-liCanvaa Spara Parr*! COTir. Can b« parinonUi

uied for Klihlnc Hod*---------llo Uon b«k*4»8-ln. nukberli*<l Gofil* Ca*o *lth jeprMltlle

an*p fa*uner and ball bold*r _ieo eOuMn'l n80 tal. Ammunition Can ------------«aTurabutkla* - ___J----------— _!»« '

— -^ n F cm r s o B S g R ^BELTING

FLEXIBLE TOBINO , , ^W* **11 n*w and u««d flteal. Plumblnt

cHh for Vourierap tron. IladUtor*, X 'lvItailrrlx*. Copper, Urau, Aluminum.Lea.1. Ele. /

‘ H A R R Y K O P P E L CO.m 2nd A«*. (>oulb..........PboB* t t l

- -1 Ol

SPECIAL iE R V lC ti i ' ~ 'Wk i;uarua dr^» •» »"">•—pDHUTTTaBnnlr l4t-4tliTA»«1»l»' k«*l— ---- .. __—

— H iSbVtic t«nk and <».poo1 lEeTCmiTtroaur **w«r **r»l«*. B- 0. Jon*a. IIT ..4.. ,

tAjlUL_^ia'a euble^ool free»*r,. b**»T7m ,UAU. C anil'it AuciIm 19 a*li l-oir fu” W. t

nllufc. I'hoae 14i!4. ,. ____WE IIUY furnliure. do uptiouurin* snd • NUT]

w S g ^ ; ; r . . ; p r a ^ ^ v ^ i

9W - ■ ■

FURNITURSTTAPPLIANCES I A liT1-lluWii WttiJ. Ua«i* Uail*T AiietiiB: f l j l sfAHIlA U^rou bar* (arellur* or applUse** to iloa. t«l> K

s j a SubLu*^vAt;um^ _____________ C ‘ '**AAA Sawln« lUthin"aTop. t?Sm Worth. "ptS!

I ' cHBY,lua'afiUiSaUb . . Younaalokn . .-automallc- 'WSS- ITUDB

dlihwa*b*r ilnk. Continu* rarmanu, 4.door 1*ar* IIU.00. Itlwr-Caln. h*» b»*ui^E 'W ntbtW a. <l.lu.. doubl* oY«i. 5“^ *

rant* u**d In hnm* *emoralc* ricpart- ^manU TltvlMX t4», now ttl9.ll. ^ A Y IMt PLYMC

iif;WWO'ilAOaiHEar"W;w and U**i - Zls-Zac—*tr^bl *ew—Irtadl**. All ma- 1*.000 :eh)n«« totnnUml. Ub>ral Urmt. h'r— ttjr Mnn

IvIkIsV Vacuum Claantr iral'tn vrlui m ttir 1930 HUICKarlr*n (loor polltb*r. Flntit vacuum r^>*. b poitlbl* (or m to own. Phon* for « ht* homo d*m<3n»tr«ll0B. No oblliaUoa.' Lou o( u«d el*«n*r*. ParmtnU l( d*. t'nlib.alr*d. KIrbjr Co., 40! 4th A»*nu* Eaat. p „ ,


F O R SA L ESrreral ra n : S dlnlnc mom aata: ■ kitchen Ubl*: bookeat*: chair*: awlnc f roekerj alnsl* bed; and olh*r llama.

------------TATmE-BEEK'AT j D E A l S

W a rb e rg B ro th e rs j p e r s oW areh o u se j y

" No'Phone Coifj PlM tT-^-'________-_______ ______________ twin *p

- - ' ' iiTaui" ‘ ' -AUCTTo N s a l e ^

B at;;d ..A u ..a t..tb 1 P.«. KPedroora ault**: lkln« n-nm »ult«: '••fr ttdlnlns room aultci: thrum* lilaatla tISl STUDE

°“‘l * t“ l..J"‘ ____twln-brJ*;-»i bHi. complel*: platform- _____onalJLio«k»r*: davfnoa: arwlnc machin*:vaihln* .rnacUnLiTJflubla-iub»i—r« - -j»«-JltJD5tTTJeeriEr*; end lablf*: coffe* Ubic*: Ntw plawD. houi*. elotbe* clottt. tcod b


Don’t Uia* ThU Dlx Auction SaU jjs «nj Av•201 Bhoihone atfcet South L— 11— i

— -—

M a g ic V alley A u ctio n g g ' '

‘ : P E

■UNO r*!iN °'° i t _____ACItOUONIO aplnft piano, on* y*ar old. 1S9S DODG!~Hk*-n*w.—llarwln,—Pb«i*-M»a,-W«f*- -------mlt**t-

iltll. Ivan Kuniaktr. 4.*p«tKiTRUCKS & TRAILERS 1012 dodci

IV4B ll6LljUulA. Zt. oot. Terml. 3%'*m 'llu» Home. Phonn 0HQ.J2._________ j j j j j'OnO

lest FOKD pickup, prrfrct eondltlon. OvardrVltiane*. 829 81h Avenue Eait tie aralmt: CllKV)tOL»rr % un. 1»4R yorO s ' ten pickup. 1141 Cnrrrolet 2.<loor a«i1aR.

S** at MonMomtrr Drolhtr* 6*r».Ur. ^0"°S*l( BUtlon. B«at*r.waa 11.K0UT Cabin cniuer houi* trailer. j j i i poNTI

Wfll alio trarf* for t.9t or aa parttat down btatar.j a i

Kalla’ 'V.t:;.'. . - .......... 1«ll PI.VMihtAilKk UbUta. Looh i»» ' »i.<oct rood -

r a , . 7 ‘i:,U '';! 'f ; '" i.s5 r"u .‘i R S “ a nFall*. __________________

“*iQalpy.di"V7».~''“ n3VlW«a‘ f5^ ----- ---On* l^fo6t. IJMj Dll redueUon cn allpapen, whr P*T thal hl*h (Inancal Get eur lleurti btfnr* l.urlns. Onp Jim DanJy pickup coach, tm . -wa* llMO. _ ,Sa* >ia for birialiu. Wa’ll nol U un- M 1 h;1)1 ilartold. Woody Stai. l i t Addl.cn av*. iV iiljJJJ

. I - ■'NUTTY'S and KENNY’S | _

_ lY A L L E Y J IO T O il .C .O ._ . I ______ID‘80 f o r d 3-Ton..._.......... ....was Du* to

- with a.Speed Axle. -—— ACTPtrTrtinrt t r N ew -cicrirar~ iwTtT

I . - • -> ■ I-X--------------------------- -— ----------- -----tq-tba-l

— S 5 V I T W 2 C 0 ------------------................ .............. -■— -19M-D«SOT


Work Horae ___ ^

--------- ;------- Hwe'fl * _________

106Z -C H E V R O L E T

---------------2 J o .^ u d k ---------------t in t

wllh 8.21x20 10-plr* all around. 2-ep**d ****~bS6w rear axle. he**y duty 4.ip«*d tranami*. ar. axe*lon.-Iar»«-fr..h •lr-b*aU»,-*ll-«JUrr — perroaneni anil-fra***. Baa* body alyla

-*s-'«r-ralnt-ini*7ew,—TbU-trwU- ------------—MiU o»ar ttSJI niw. W» will M*«pt ” ■rour old truck ratardl*** of condition.M tr*d*.ln. Monthly or farm plan CHURCparmanU *ailly arran(*d. Our r*pula>Uon back* our fuarant**. rit«l y*ardepraelttlen baa b**a Uk*n. You OptMuldn'l mak* a WtUr deal anywhirk Bus

-------------- ^p rice?--------— p r ; --------

O n l y $ 1 8 4 5

' 'N i D K T H S I D E

A U T O C O .Jcromo •"cEMEfi

.Optn ’in t C-n.nt wotK Bundaji Noon ’til • _ • C>-^-ANi

••lUBla V.1l.»-» Volumo DeaJ.f ItlchfrdioB^-_______ . • COMi'f£

.■ Phon* as.— a u t SS Ptik iA L t ■ • F to o nHim bJluVoLUll ‘ew Vorker club eouM ^loora aand*d

••«•*. T>iu[nt>«rf. Phnn* Itt-NiT. J*rom*. D. A. lielder:« . . ' " I • FVH NAl

—WETJUY— ■' I'or lb* v*~- 'r n r . . Trucks - Plckupit-

'^ • -* ^ :.t 'i : t‘o 7 r f ‘ ‘' NUTTY'S and KENNY'S • MONEYV A L L E Y :M 0T 0R CO, _ ^ 3 ^Aero** f-om lbo New Clt, Ka.l -T M O ro S

I , -----------------' flUaIn e,3S

• •' ________ TI- TIMES-NEWS, TWIN PALL

AUTOS r f i i r s s n * o t o

____eoUBt far ca*h. W H i ltd A»*n«a Q P PNorth. Phona t t lW. OX V>


hS !Tert” v\ I m O lA rMl boy at _ tiT«l»Sl PLYMOimi Cy b w k ^ f c ^ r .

■ i S ^ * ? ? _ ^ L ^ l ! l ^ U i t t i .......... ■ BCm r rono v.« oeup^ Oooi m u r D<xig«

and Ury. _Bllck awtBlUa j j j

IMO nUlCK Sp«clal l.d«eri«d*B, with-radla. b«al«r. **at ^ * r t rood ___________clrn. TbU nle* family «*r bu al.e*uil(ul Htbt gmnfInUh. Ooty _ _ — —— tll l l

Prewar Cara. L IN C O L

A SH W O R T H M O TO R CO. H aaTR A i


m l PONTIA__ U SEEL-CA ES____- _______

Its i ilUDSON Pae«aaktr «.d»«r Mdan v.»7h .paj*i, baaUr, orardrlr*, **"twin apotlbbta. An •ze*ll*nt,buy. }H1 MERcOl

■"191l'lfin)80N"Commaior«'Clllb tauP*- —-.TT- - ‘" s r : J « i « R D -

— • S . l t t ' T ' ' ' i ' X"" ess; i OT

..PT <«^. low »rla-l .« . 5 ;* ,'1IBtl SrUDEDAXER Cemm.nd.r S m . 1 , . t a UencU

— s ^ K s s ' i ' ^ - a -

-i»4»-JltJD5DN^ap*r'’l ' ^^door'‘U iijT New Btlnt, B*w *«at covers. A fcod buy.

All Theae C ars A «Ready to Oo * » u D<

121 Sat Av*bu* W**t' Phon* lU SXt• ~ m i pi

.. — j j Many OI

B E T T E R BXrg' • ■■■■■ ■ - — LINCOLN

P E P E N D A B L E , pi»"» i» t.v

-------U -S E -D — C -A 'R -S — ■■- 1

18JJ M^CB^.tojj^ p ek .^oBly »,IM ' p p4.4P**d traBimUaloo' —! _ l » i r

1082 DODCE ITlon track: h*aUr. 1- *p**d axle, low nll*ar* ---- t l« l

19SJ FORD V-l OUumlln* 4-door.OvardrI.e. radio and heaUr. plaa- 1»1 CHEVn tie aral cover< turn Indicator*: eondltloi8,000 mllt* ... .....................t2W0

.rj. '^ A ^ .'i 'S = ' K S !an____ ______________ tltO dyn lo."lJ4l PLY^UTH-4.doir.rili7.“ Il!!!;cood ^71 lOMTJinOC-

_ ............. ......... .. ..b*auly.

H A N D M O TO R CO. , „ i pomti>PHONE 18

___ _ Jerome, Idnho ____ _ i t i i nuicic

.............. • ~ ~BR0W 1<"Wb*ra You

M E D IU M -P R IC E D --------^

U se d C a r - . ' ~

B a rg a in s !

Ou* to prcatnt trtnd (o awluh- to Fordj. w* ar* tradlni for -Iota of m*dlum ■ prlead—«nd - -----

-— i z r ”. s - s s r S r ^ T S Cnucb lt*a mon*y ^ttanSi“n '^ l « ’«l&*“lt 1* obvloua XIBl PONTICwhy w* can offer tb*** mvIbi* B*dlo,' - toitb*U.«dC*i*oy«T,-------------- —

' Choolt----- 4nd——Oomp*r».—— nsBi’ioiiD"'ThetePrlce#! ' . ‘to .’'!.''

-1982J)«SO«) rir*dom* “f Cu.t«a,f-_ ___ *door ((dao. Powar aUarlBf, radio >,.pvn and haaur. lomu* drira. low lull*- ase. look* Ilka now.

• Avcras* n»Ull Our Prlo«. *'tJ«>0 ' *«»» IKS OLDSMi

-UM-PMOg-^ BaU Club ------- f t r f e j

-rq^Tfrt^rt»ull------------Ou*.».J**— _11828 tU lt

1981 MERCURY Rport Coupe. Radio, tait-nTtiri.'

!i" S !” m i t “ti7s8

"BARN^ ar wjH^t'Sibbe’r"'

r o * c i!o o ^ rM ir ^


—Pbon* TT or l i t — ,Open EvanlBf* TII • cloaad flutBusday frtna 11 ‘TU « | .



« BlCrCLE SALES i SEaVtCE~•%"emekt' wo^ “ '— • ' " n i f mc EC*m*nt work, mono IMt-K. '


^ COMi'fEflCtALfflW TW G.^ ~ » ° t h k ” ~SE

• FUHNACE CLEANING Johnton-.. 4«4

• T ? ^ r ? K ^ g O ^ 'W C — ^ FlIuB-sJaa- Haitr**.**- renovaud. Ev«n^ MtttrM "?» » « •_ » Factory, Pbona tl.W. girby Va^uu*

, ? ^ 5 : ” y y y ..................

uiaaiB* uyalnr. rk. ItU t t l M»l» At% B. OoUlSU 6 e tr

i ------ *oT 0s-T0irsX xr----------^ a u to s

: SPOT CASH'! ll SafetFOR USED c

-.-CLEAN-USED-CAKS— --------------■ Jill OUJSMOR . a*dan. Rc


-------^B IG -H E rA R T B D ---------- ------ h »‘SJ.-V?r'.......... B 0 B -R E E 3 E ----------- w o i .D s u o n

Dodffe . . | P lym outh133 3rd lAve. No. B eclal J

- ______________ " 1I4IWILLVU__ ov*rdrlT«,I - ' —■" ■— ■ ■ — ■— I 1,10 CMC J lo

L IN C O L N - M E R C U R Y setoral*'■ H a s T h e B E S T

T R A D E ^ N C A R SIn T ow n! q „

wall Ilm. .*wmllet„. S P A E T l..... ...........................JEROME. IDAI

m s PONTIAC 4.door Chltflaln d*. . pjjoj____ la*a_2.too*-palM,-radl».-h*at*r.- -QLDS'

dual rant* bydramitlc. new tire*.V«rj- tharp--------------- i.illMS ___________

J9JI FORD—Cuitom .;? Ioor. JUdfo. IT S WOP■ s s s ; " s . " s ; ' r r 3 r . ' s ............. '»

I t t l 8TU0CTAKER Champion Woor. MfTCN*w whli*.aldt»all irre*. btat^-. ro i

■- uKucLiiK ciub“ coup*r'Tuai9.- -iHinti:ncuR'

' A «— 5G95—- tbaVthu

‘ 19U DODCE 4.door 5*dan " « "KftCUn'19(9 PLYMOUTH 4.door a'*daa cover* ‘

I t l l PONTIAC 2.door cilKVROl- — ^im-yORD-r-ClU»-c6Ug»------ - '^ ’" •" h e o u ^

Many Older Kfodels, t75 up overhau'a* HIT CIIEVIIOI

■■.k e n : ^ l e :j j o i o r ^c q ^ _ ._ i'2^5SSu“ LlNOOLN.MEROURY-DflAlieR----- -------rbont 1149.W Twin r*1Il ],(, jrouo

---- — .......... ........ ' .-I top.' -----. ■ It you’f* lot

I - . . . ......In reeomllili__ ____ RRowNiNR's

Used Car ' ■“Spcciols! , MITO!

l l t l cilEVnOLCT. Very Aleap’. UU

19«t PLYMOUTH 8*dan. A taal buy I'for --------------------------- II»»

OLDEtt^ t flUICK Coup«. Aadlo. heaUr.dynaflow ____________ tlH t I ==3BI*=BRB1

' ‘10MTIinCIC-»«dan.-lUdto.-h**ur.;^A- -■ -----. . baauly.for — ______tU lt 1603 AUT(

m i PONTIAC 8«d*n --------»«»■ • . 1018 D D a

I “ B R O W N IN G A U T O CO;-- " iflM p r a i-Wb*ra. You Deal Wllh Contldtnet“ ^

__________________ ___ We dI ; ! or the


, „ R E P U T A T I O I i _ . _______"■ YOUR . . ____ ™

■ ^ “ P S O T E C T l O N —' ~ • - u

m i PONTIAC 'S’ Dtlux* l-door ledan.Radio,- htattr..,hydramaUc. .

- — • rf* e t- .U iro o ^ t-......™ .i t I I» T -------------- .fa“ riSBriOnD'Cualora""* cylinder 3<oor

**dan. Itadlo. btaUr and ovtrdrh*._ 5?.»o‘«vS2r. mTr*:'.!!irL^ti«T ■«m o CHEVROLCT 'siylln-V-Delui.

door **d*n. .ll**ur. power-- ’83 OHEVRiVhiu il4*wall Ur**--------- lUTT

'53 c h e 'vb ^" -------laTT •• Club Coui

m t PONTIAO atretnllnir 4-door *»• 'Sl CHEVIU• dan. Iladlo. beaWr. hydramaUc. l.doer po*^~Snlly caT"---- II!!!I .“ ----- l» T 'fil OH^R~(

1911 TJUICK Super Woor aedan. lUdlol l-doof- btaler.^new paint, very elean;;^ ,j, oh BVRC- — 1_------------- .. : - — ciub'coup

- “ B A R N - A - R D - A - U T O - -’“ 2 S ? S

- m M PA N Y jK .cmmii-Aoot

- -EOtn SACU:---- ---------CADILLAC. -W.CKEVRC

Home ef Coo<lwlll Uted Can** ' l.d«er ova■ K T O R D .

-Cloaad 8uBday-«a* yxin Monday- i-joor. -------- ----- '83 PLVMOl

r r - ^ — r « « r -----

[ P R O F E S S I O N A L f i ™ '? ?

C T O R Y ■ ' ' 4.door

■ ^ b t u d s

” • • RADIO ilEPAin SERVICEr nia> fi~J*nkln:. tudl» sorvlf*. PhoBaMMl '60 BUIOK .- ' • RhlilGEhATldN SEHVICE~~ '*>’- BCar.gUn ApplUBtei." WioB* 2411. *U BClCtC ,- ilaxle VaUey-IUfrlg. Bervlee. Ph. lW-«r ■ 4-door dyn

i X l S S

- • rygEW H JTEflS. . eUe*.' ronuleT.nd *«rvin: pImb* » . —M»ny Ot X ab*rwB^^^^*wrlur Ex. Oppo*lM- F. 0. •-

- -GLEN. <

ICIrby Va uua. Bal*a aad Sarvica R*:;""- 24- rtBtal*.' 402 Itb At*. Eaat. Phont »«•^ • VENETIAN BLINDS Bame D e« o

~ • » A T ^ “S 0 F r^ V ltS T“I . AalUn. (tot* W .t« l«rTU ^ U * BL '----------- -------


---------^ A T n - o s ~ r o R ~ 5 3 a E " ----------'• 1941 MERCURY 2MJoor. CSood eotidttkm. “ *» “UICK eonvar . y rU -t,.* lL Pbo„J..-«or.,.,D «bI. ^

-------- , '■ - = r : r : i • *«n «

.S a fe ty .T e s te d ' ■■ U S E D C A R V A L U E S ' -

Jill OLDMORIl,!! 8up*r ' i r l ^ r ~ ---------- J.-ri**dan. Kockat *nBlB*. low mllaa**_______ ««l»l

mo PONTIAC ’f Btreamllnar Daloxa 19J0 6TDDBIAK: I 4-door ttdan. liytlramalle. radio. . v door tarlat------h«attr.-virrc»*n .-'.------ LTtMtJ- ------ healiTandm roi.D suonn,E Tif-Delt>T«-*-d«o»

Mjlan. llydramalle, radio. h*aUr, JMJ K>nl) 3-<tet w;^.yU 11,^ . OBO ownar. i,e.t« _

194I WILLY® J**peur. New motor.'ov*rdrlr«. b*aur - ........HTt Two>t«a* |

T lltO CMC J Iob truck. t-*p*«l »xl*.' OUEVROLSbtater. tiew 2T0 *n«lni — _t9^8 «.»peed Ut

SEVERAL PRE-WAR CARS ‘ “ ®** -----('It'* to '43'tl IM DODOS U

Your choice only |80. cieaa u d iOpen Evenlnja and Bundayi j j j , gp,


- OU-DUU-WHBU-------------- :---------- T W Ih


. PhoBl 828 ot_828___________________- -0LD3- _OMO

IT’S WORTH T H S DRIVE f ' ------- Per What-You-Bave- • ------- rr-^ -r.* ,

M r r c H m , h u n t • j ) ^FORD SALES ^ ^

m i MERCURY 4. ^jiUnU Drl>* ll nnd m 'll ___

- -IISO-irenCURY Club eoupfc Ovardrlv*,be*di. «icellrnl eoodlllon. You il A T>wen I find a ahartxr. an>plil«r ear S A XVtban thU.ona ......... .......... IU »

H49 UERCURY 5. ioor. lUJIo. heaUr.'o^rtrlve, new molor, Ullor«i *«l n ^ o V T lcover*------------------------iii<» cUanl

-mT-CltEVaoi.BT.- t liwm li»lfM a " t~ ------------.cluh coup* M V«idoor.-Uoth-wilb- JH * Pl.VMOUXradio. heaUr and recant------ - Woor __overhaul* __________ ___ «m

HIT CIIEVIIOLET Conrortlbl*. «*UW CIIEVROLllie cr*«n (Inlih, powar Up. radio. uwnrtinv1 ____ hrati-f .n.l V.1III.. «IJ.<^tll Waub ia<»

- -mt-MRD-V.!m t FORD tudor. -rtli on* 'la' J91T_DQDQE_%;

_, It you’f* loouins for a m l »alii«In reeon.lliloned lalo model pick- Pickup---t J S lt4f BTUDEnAI

“^ V r “ nT.iarll« nl tm . ' ---------------wlttn.28 tl

M IT C H E L L H U N X FO R D S A L E S . „ ^

au iiu IDAHO MO”

; I T W I N


= ^B IFB R E W B T E It^m nG H T —i' I 1603 ATJTp“ VEmOEE--------- I


1018 DIXIE FLYER. ...-.Ir -.• "V ^T IL L g ] -lOOfl ESSEX-------------------------- ---- ------------------

- ■ I5 _ A L W A :

■MOB Z M .-, - - ' ............................... E D I N !

_ We don't have nny. " • SO Cof the above models, but they were OK Jn , .

their day.

T ^ T O D A Y ’S” - “ A W

- “ — _ U K — ^ F O R M

- U acd 'C a r 's A R E IN T I

----------^ S e e - U s ! . - _____ ^

■ B A T ?r '83 CHEVROLET --------- .11795

4^gor powcrwlld*i '83 C H EV RbLrr ----------- .11145 's p - "' 7-49er

L '53 CTr=:vRfTTfrrr -Naah r .. Club Coup«

-51 C H EV RO LBT----------- .|1«5 .l.doot pow*r«lld« >•** it bvdra

~ " ‘r ° ™ ™ ™ T = z = : ; n = » i « r ------ S is i iS S

[ '81 CHEVROLET „-..-.-....41M5 m o OLDSMOB— ------ — K i .S 'S l-'BO OHEVROLCT________ »1HB ' .rf.n. oS

„ j jo oHEVR«^Br_..------ — IIU5S*door matle tran

I- - ’M.CKEVROLST---.— -----4 1 l« - ------ ****- —ll l l CHBVROL

'83 FORD ...... .................«1..4n85 nadi.• iHloor ovardrlva *“ *"

'49 F O R D ---------------- 005 , „ i hash ru<-door . . . beaur. U.

- '83 P L Y M O U T H ________ llW i. ”**n r « « r cirevROL

'8 i P L ^ q u T H ------------- » u «

•31 PLYMOUTH--——T.:;.-„4l«8 in# OLDBMOD Relvadara ' aedan. Rail _____ Varr eUan

J W BTUDEBAKER-____---------------------------- ------_ ___________________________ _ ■ ^9<T CHT.VnOL

STUDEBAKER............... I.50S’ T T l u u ^- Coup*Z '60 BUICK __ ____.............. » « NABlt "tc

nivUr« dynatlow h*aUr. A

J -------------------««N A 8rr"«oR. l^oor dynaflow _._it*l*r,-ov<3; m i ciii^ROLET ?;-ion _Ll_iiiM "** ^- l » l CltEVnOLET J^.ton____ tlO»it- ________ TWj- 1»« ClIEVnOLET 1-ton -1— 1T91 Sma

—Many o th cc Older M odels- BiopTi^a';£ ' - >

! : , 6 L E N G . J E N K I H S :a ^ --------C H E V J IO L E T - --------U se d Ca:12: ' _9 ■ . 3t3 Tru3: 24 Y E A R S Pbon. Ur Bame Denier . . . Same'LocaUon ' ^ 31 1 -------------------------- --------------- - .. ------Johnale-II I----------- ’ ' ' '* ...............

^ , ~ : ' " l l • -A U T C l

^ W ^ ^ ' r ........' 3 O ...........-AT -T H E SE

„ r ^. <«'■ PfioM ^' W l MkncuftY- «.doo;~;;d;B'- ijUlon. Moit **11 t t ^n^j.lir,VSiSSn._ _________ L IE

.------------ : I G U A R------ -------‘Q D A IilT Y

- p&lBV flnaU sed C ara ~

J:~ 'l'rucka- - olaaa

1950 BTUDIBAKm Ch»»Dlon 4. ‘ ” ** S 5 2 K ^ r

tw t corm — .......... .— ^09J m i UMCURY}M V ro^3^l»T $ ^ : iu a io ~ ; ^ ' '

1M» ClirVTtOLtT auburbm. lUdlo. *** wSS?*aun D*w motor, naw tlrva. b( eemfsrtTwo.Kio» cra«n paint __t09S p«bm.

leSO OUEVROLXT Xoa plektin. lt(T HVD&OM4.(peed trtumlwlon. new and beateimotor -—____________ tioes TUht body.

t«« DODOE U ton pJeliOT. 4-^>Mdm tc n a a ia , U sc d Ca:

• ------- ------ - .....— ' ww Mal,IMO BUIIW 8P«SU] «-<loor____ W

- --------- T W IN -P A fc tS ----------- - t J 3 S f I 0 >E Q U IP M E N T C O . - p h

Trutt.U pt_W M t_______ — ----~ _ T ru c k 1

Phoot I0i9 . . Phont JOOJ 351 Mal)J ________ ___________ _________ A JiKASl- —. -.-- - ..... ........... _ ------- 1-WJLl, - ___ . _ . IIU INTERNA

................................. '

N E w c a T 'D " ■

j W H E

i B A R G A I N S b IG -B O B

i mo PLYTIOUni-SuburUa-f«xt«eltanl ......... .......... 1—t i m - ----------------- -I- -IH» Pl.VMOXmi'Upaclal -dalux.___ __ _ 2-1

-------- rm - —m r CItEVROLST Aare tadaa-.! tIO

[- -mi-PORD-v.tnudor

I *118 iM s’b o D a 'im i STUDEBAKER %.ton Radlor bPickup-------------------------- .

- - ^ * - 5 - 5 K ? « . » n ‘& l ' '«60:PLYMCRadio, b*

We Need ' • M » DODOl Moro Ujed Caral

J . ' tsis.'“ 1 T W I N F A L L S I iMa b o to k

M 0 , T 0 R C O . ‘ 2/i?t‘“Thi Friendly lloma of' 8 lud*ab«» 1950' CHBV.

= ------ :------— Jakn-Botli._________ ________________ _ ' 1M9D0DQ:

I I . a»» p s

W IL L S M O T O R CO. 'le .A W A Y i lm r a R E f S T ^ ^ ^

- _ -E D IN P E O P L E . . . . . mo b 'ioc


I N , ' . •. BO

- W E U S

“ - ■“ A R ; ^ 6 b K iN G ‘^ “

" F O R P E O P L E W H G '■

A R E IN T E R E S T E D IN — ; ------- g '

i F O I

B A R G A IN S ! .* We Hn

_ ScleotU* S ee d u r N o w . “

8 taf*t]r pi t t t NABH Anbaaaador.' lUdle, btat- ^r"?oi!dl

*r. bydramaUc. inloor 'ttd tn . iJtgs. i’■ KmS twla'’& i ^ f ; . “‘: : :£ 4 J » r ~^----------—

l » l CHTVBC

,ewn*r. t0.b00 actual mil**. Club B . ' aedan. Only -------:--------198J OW8MC

s ' - H imatle tranamUalea. Varr-

»■ .......^l l l l CHEVROLET aiyltllnt Dalttit ♦- wtlOMl

J doer. Kadloi baaUr: »fry• U a n ------------------1------ titts I „ . Mgnctn

8 m i NASH RUletman t.door. Radio, ^. beaur. b«l unit, ovardrlva. Lika

!. ......... .................. .................m o CireVROLW Stylalln* J-door. mll*a«».

X Radio, heaur, ahlny black flalth. 'Bbatpl --------------:--- lltOMNTIA

J 111# OLDSMODILE 8, « aerla*, Woor Varr *0.- aedan. Radio. hoaUr. hydramatlc.

* lookarx ^9<T CHT.VnOLET Club coupa. Radio, .

5' — 1919 milCK— ......... I ------ beaUr.-aiwall tlr.

i 194T NASH "toov Club eetip« Ba la, . netallitt.beaUr. A abafp.ear. Only-—1798

. XM* PLTMOT* 1918 NASrr*'(D0‘* 4.door aedan. BaSla.'---------------------‘ ._^it*l*r.-ovardtlv*;Jx.u-o<-axtTa*- —;----ur«_».^. and naw palnL A valua car_tTltJ ’«81STDDKB

L • 'Stock on Hand

Blop Ib and look them ever inlSSON

[ W IL L S M OTO R CO.- U se d C a r D o p a f tm e n t - Y O U R B

. 3 t3 Truck Lane W wt , ' • Us«Pbona 1200—Twta riUa . UM Khnbarb

- ^b ar* 0«a^^_^fi«aii;Tb*l»^,.

----- Johnnie-B oyd-M aoagtf .: -^ . ,

A T - T H g S E ^ A R 3 ' ' 'P o |^ ^ ^ ^ |

Choice-------------L T F R T I M S u i i l ^ ^ ^ ^ B

G U A R A N T E I ^ ^

SSS^flS ;

m i l a A ^ ^ ^ r . J la d to e*}lr, r«rf«cl'

m r SaaOTO. Radl» and

I tn HVD&OM Ceamedoro'

kally perfMt

U sed C a r D o p B r t m ^ 3 ^ ^ | . 601 M a in A venue. W eat

^UNIONivrOTOK^H- P R O N ^ I ^ -

T f u ' c i r i i e a d q u j i r t ^ ^ ^ ^ H381 M ain Avenue W u t


C h h e e l j S u o t ^ B



. ---- — i-r-O u p — ------------ _____ 2 : D a x _ J W e _ _ ; j ^ ^ H

' B rlvinff T r i a p ; : T ^ ^ ^ H

T a k e s th e a u e s t '. ------------W o rle -O tib -c l'U M —

IMS D O D o 'g '4 .D o o r _ ._Radlor baatar. pUatU mM

- . . '*'’*■< (Md

iB & o :p L Y M b i3 ^ ~ 4 ':D 5 ;£ ; i :^ ^ ^ |Radio. b*«ur. plaaUo

.. . «Bt.ftWD«r ear. vary IfiBO DODOE '{•Dow. - _ _ I ^ ^ ^ H

IMa B U IO K a - D M r . 2 : _ I ^ i ; i ^ ^ ^ Hludlo. b«aUr. ..........l i l i l i l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ BMat eovar*. Bharp

19S0 OHEV. f t-S to ck



40 O thers . . ' '. • Oara and

-----------»l'mii iiiii Illllllli , , ^

aoO'Bioek Track Lane (3nd Avo. South)/

. . . . .U a .S n t Ave.

BOB R E E S E ' ^ ' ^ ^ H U S E D CARS

• D O D d H ^ ^ - ^ - - - ^ P M r i t f O ^ ^ ^ B

We Have An ExceUsai Selection of Fine OanI ■

«4,t9t, BOW-----r --------------- — —


___ .owBar^,,,, ■ I ,,

> 1992 UEROtmY l-door. Radb.

mlltac*. V*rr (harp

» Itto **®**TIA0^“ IhIoot.V trr cood condition

191( rOBD eoop*. S a d k . h t a ^ ^ ^ | looka cood. raaa cood —

r l'tl9 milCK Supar :e o « T * tU b i;r ]C ^ ^ ^ H ------- beaur-and d rnariow .'W U ta-a^^^^H


*- .. -~r» ~' ] t t l STDDXBAKSB CosuBBsdv L ^ ^ ^ H

■ 1911 inlDSOK S o p * t ; « ; M ^ « ^ ^ ^ H . _ _ U iZ = lJ2 M .;^ 5 U ea» i;^ ^

■ ~ T 0 U R B E ‘1 i ^ f x S ^ H ' - U sed Car ’ L o t •;■■■

UM Klnbarfar Bted -

Ja«k -oos • U u u g n ^ i ^ H


lOft t i i----r

'-«f 12)ri----- -


_ (SAvnortij- R consfortb*. p r le to J ia- (SAVHOtflJ( } r .w |!d p a B ir :

pricf ef 11}“ (sAvnwij"

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f i-M n i.fo r tfn - : ^ priM .ol IJ)■ (SAVI! Ort U • •

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iS iF i :oW*' I r— - I

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• n th w--------^ 1 \ - - - A ^ r — IJb ''-I Cirr •

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R : - : o . . . 4 5 *M MUWAHEir-

H f f i : *'

I H - ' u. l, N».‘i-U iI Im. :_______ — -------- Eoncyr-3w<q S g Crop~S«

X ifc -3

■ — (W CAIfjS.............V m M W-5-N

W S M . Golden i


S T I R I M P ^



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• »eU ingotV *“ pteseivei >" 1 thejc While Book o f ‘''® ^

Cicr 'De»le«- ’.-------O m I « B J i^ ^ -w e n r i> tW U e B C iL jT --------

u u rchu ing^/'*^ .. . ^ „ K.wh« foe___ ^

f CT>-el '*‘ t htka'i ^

P riee t Efffictiv* T h u rtd o y , Frid S o tu rday a n d Sunday

» D DRESSING[ 5 ' P t . .. Z 9 ‘

................^ . 6 9 ° ,

H B S ^ s^ i Y g j £ W W

I. N *.'l-U rs« Sllilof N aU l....... jb . I M

GRAPES POTATOESt a n t y ^ w M l ^ . w — rU rS rN o r1 = ft» ilrD o «

C r o p -5 « .c l i .a Rod S t W H I.


U. S. N o. 7, SUNKI5TG olden C en ter ta rg e . Ju icy

Ik S c Ib .l5 ' '

iR. BEL AJRQ fresh frozen

LEMONADE6 O z . C a n s ■

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nrVvj V i/£ liilfl

! - r f - | ------------■?-----------------------1

the WM9. ^vKen------- ----------------------------- ------ ------ ^ 7 —i_br—

rtday, ____ l.

tlBBY’Sn ^ PEARsrrK-

P=^BtUEBERRI^ -A p r ic o ts :w

PEACHES^ M isceiiAN eo

f - . BEVERLY V „ r“ r . . r— r z s c o o i c i E s i i r ; : : ^--------------------------E U lL O iC O L D ^ ^

JELL WELL S t r » '.. FLOUR S .T i '" " ...

p = ~ P O W D E R tlf ii/ i i i .K W SLICED BEEF = CIGARETTES K '

F R E S H M I L K _ _

I \ TOM ATOES ?a'T i ^ 4 — CATSUP a ^ - v r - B R E A D

------S U N N Y B A N K i;" T C C olartJ M grgtrlae ................ .'

» EDVrARDS s : : : * - N O B HILL r :

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K R R I E S ^ i ^ l ^ ^( I A T A H lg h w a y rG o ld e n H a lv e s - _ _l i U J : a 7 4 ^ a : c a n : . : . . , . ■

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E ltA N g O U S V 4 tU £ STtiry Pi«i«rt ‘ • m q a■«rtlM ..............................r.M t u ^ y z ----------------

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tANK rr«rt.!• .............. . . : . : . i b .

s c ^ . : J 9o^

PINEAPPLE n mLlbhy t, Fancy Sliced ^ <1—

“ TKfc^co:?,............. W i C G

3U IC E ~ ^ ^L TownhoBM Grope- 'I fr« ] t .4 6 e z .c o ji .. X V O

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f PAiliS, IDAHO , . L l "

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! Get 13 For The II — Prineo~lo(

n JB rtM ::!!"

SC K T A lPSovlngi! (SAVEI C e t l 3 - ' f — Mfk............ y c « n i f o r th . R n

^ prlca-oLOa)________ ”(SAVHGet13 W%W

.:.... : 1 2 c ^ " ~ s o— “ ------------------p y , P , , ^ ^ 2 P = = c V . W

WAVII Get 13 ' . r .’t A-------- — ean»-forthB— — I I I• • • ; price of 12)_ _ ..I I - (SAVH GetlS M | |: = : - - ^ 9 c - ^ ' : V g = : = D 0

‘ i . z o c ' ' r . ° = r . i r : ' n Rprice e f 12) \


' ^ ^ ^ R o u n t< ^ __ Cutfoow-U^i'-Top

i f e ^ — G ro u B

I m i BEEF R(■ S M » n I Tender Chuck Ci

D N H H e f f l l i U> s . Top Grade

y ^ ^ i - L b _________ _

— o o o o -Q u A n


NES PEANUTS--------- ------------------------ rBtANCHED— ^

in y s = ^ = tQ z :z c s H .x

■■ ------------ ----- ■ . ■ ' ,■ v_

f e e o ^ ^ n

Hie Pric^OHJ^incs-Lso----------05kain>lMk=—).-! Tall;Can—

t Hostess Delight . 4P o lic lQ u a P ru lf— ________

A s s t d r N o r f - T a l l - C a n . i

A A n y M o n te -C r ta m e d - : U U I l H N o . 3 0 3 C a n . ~ : ~ ................

n P J | A Bel«AIr-Freih*Frexen—. r C f l v 1<M3unce P kg. . . . . . . . . .



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aimd-BeS'—y i H l e h Q u a l i t y - - '^r o u n d ........................ ........... ID ; 4

:F ROAST j^FR/e r Chuck C u fi-F ro m CUDAHAYTop G rade* o f B«c^ Ski

lOO-QUAllIT ----------- ----------------

4 \ ilI q

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UTS M i l kHto— -------------------- TOMJUAUTY-

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j j c r a B a SP o n y P t id . , Ix trn «ldv | ;

________AMorted Havon

E R U B - R O Y A t r S A t i > l

I L K Shorf^iiiiiQUALITY-----------------S k - M I