dialogo reciently 2 mod

Upload: mili-valery

Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/18/2019 Dialogo Reciently 2 Mod


    Marisol:hI mily .how are you?

    Mily: hello marisol i'm very well and you?

    Marisol: i'm fne too. Thanks

    Mily: it's great to see you again.

    Marisol: yes,!!! I've been very busy

    Mily: really? Why?

    Marisol: i started my university studies this is really very stressul beause i

    get u" very early sometimes i don#t have time or breakast and i get home late

    how about you?

    Mily: wouu i work in an o$e, I only work "art time.

    Marisol : %nd what do you do in your ree time?

    Mili : &h, read, hel" around the house and whath T.

    Marisol: oh sounds great, (o you like %merian T?

    Mii: It's &), but I like movies better.

    Marisol:What kind o movies do you like?

    Mili: %ll kinds, but es"eially the omedy.

    Marisol: *ow oten do you go to the movies?

    Mili: %bout one a month. %tually, I don't go very oten beause I don't like to

    go alone

    Marisol: what did you do yesterday in the night?

    Mily: i saw a great movie last night

    Marisol: what movie did you see?

    Mily:the king lion it is a very old movie

    Marisol:how many times have you seen that flm?

    Mily: i have seen the king lion a lot o times it is very wonderul

    Marisol: have you seen s"ider+man?

    Mily: no i haven't seen. i don't like movies o s"ider+man and you whih has

    been the worst flm have ever seen?

  • 8/18/2019 Dialogo Reciently 2 Mod


    Marisol: the worst flm that i have seen is general emetery and you whih has

    been the best flm you have ever seen? Why?

    Mily: the best flm that i have seen is hea"er by the doen beause this is a

    very unny movie i remember when. I saw this movie my holidays "ast

    Marisol: really where did you go on your last holiday?

    Mily: i went on holiday to hilayo last summer it was wonderul

    Marisol. What did you do there?

    Mily: i have done a lot o interesting thing and i have visited di-erent "laes

    this was really beautiul

    Marisol: uhm have you seen ana lately?

    Mily: no i haven#t i hear she moved to hile

    Marisol: thats nie i have never to hile

    Mily: what are you going to do tomorrow?

    Marisol: i am going to travel to amana, or new year

    Mily: nie. %nd what did you do last year in these days?

    Marisol: i did not travel, i stayed here in are/ui"a but i went to a "arty, and


    Mily: i was in mollendo with my amily.

    Marisol: interesting.and have you been in the beah reently?

    Mily: no i have not , but i#m "lanning to travel ne0t week.

    Marisol: me too, i have saved money the last two months or my tri"

    Mily: i have money in the bank , thanks god

    Marisol: ool,let me know i you are going to be in amana ne0t month so we

    an hang out what time do you have?

    Mili: it's 11:23

    Marisol: oh, i have to go.

    Mily: ok no "roblem , see you

    Marisol: see you take are