diary dragone 03.06.2014

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 Diary Dragone 03.06.2014


    4thof May 2014This morning we left from Matera to Bari by taxi. Once

    we arrived at the airport in Bari, we took the airplane to

    get to Rome. In the Rome airport we met the Greek team

    and took the plane to Krakow. There a taxi driver came

    to get us and took us to a hotel where our hosting

    families were waiting for us, so everybody went to their


    5thMay 2014This morning we all met at school and from there we alltook a bus that brought us to the Myslenice City Hall. Inthe City Hall we met the Mayor that talked about thecity. After we went back to school were the Polishstudents greeted us and after that we did an icebraking activity where we all got to know each otherbetter. After that we all went for lunch. In the afternoonwe did a treasure hunt in teams, it was all about Math.Then everyone went back to their hosting families.

  • 8/12/2019 Diary Dragone 03.06.2014


    6thMay 2014Today we went to visit Krakow. Its beautiful full ofgreen and so clean and pretty. We also visited a MathsMuseum, it was so much fun because there were lots offunny things, we loved it After we visited the city, andafter the tour we went to lunch in a Jewish restaurant.In the afternoon we did a game that consisted in anhomicide where we had to find the killer, it was reallyfun. Then we went back to Myslenice and everybodywent back home.

    7thMay 2014Today we went to school to do some Math activities, we

    also did a Math Magazine: a magazine all about math,with riddles, math curiosities, interviews to important

  • 8/12/2019 Diary Dragone 03.06.2014


    mathematicians. After that we went to have lunch in arestaurant. After lunch we went to the Library to do a

    mathematical quiz.After we all went back home.

    8thMay 2014This morning we went to school to finish some work westarted yesterday. After we went back to Krakow. InKrakow we visited a University, it was beautiful We alsoassisted to a Math lessonAfter the lesson, right before lunch the teachers gave usthree hours of free time. We went shopping, and afterthat we went back to Myslenice where there was a partywaiting for us. Everyone was at the party: teachers,hosting families, students, etc. The party was amazing,there was music and barbecue and we all had lots offun.

  • 8/12/2019 Diary Dragone 03.06.2014


    9thMay 2014Today was a bad day because it was our last day inMyslenice and everybody was sad. We all said goodbye,but we didnt want to leave. Of course we had to so wetook a taxi that brought us to the Krakow airport, andfrom there we took the plane to Rome. Once we arrivedin Rome we had a couple of hours of free time in theairport and then we took the plane to Bari. From Bari wewent back to Matera and our trip was over. We will missPoland so much and we hope we will go back theresomeday

    Alessia Dragone Camilla Gnocchi Giuseppe Nicoletti