diccionario tecnico ingles-ingles


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English



Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]


Page 2: Diccionario Tecnico Ingles-Ingles

Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

A a

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

a. Symbol in structural petrology for the direction of tectonic transport, similar to the direction in which cards might slide over one another. Striations in a slickensided surface are parallel to direction a.

b. A crystallographic axis: In the isometric system each axis is designated a; in hexagonal, tetragonal, and trigonal systems the nonunique axes are a; in the orthorhombic system a is always shorter than b with c either the longest or the shortest axis; in the monoclinic and triclinic systems a may be determined by one of several conventions.


A Hawaiian term for lava consisting of a rough assemblage of clinkerlike scoriaceous masses. It is contrasted with pahoehoe used to designate the smoother flows. Pron. ah-ah. Fay; Hess

a axis

a. One of the three crystallographic axes used as reference in crystal description. It is oriented horizontally, front to back. b. One of the three reference axes used in describing a rock fabric possessing monoclinic symmetry, such as progressive simple shear. The a axis is the direction of tectonic transport.

abandoned workings

Excavations, either caved or sealed, that are deserted and in which further mining is not intended and open workings that are not ventilated and inspected regularly. Federal Mine Safety


Abandonment of a mining claim may be by failure to perform work, by conveyance, by absence, and by lapse of time. The abandonment of a mining claim is a question of intent. To constitute an abandonment of a mining claim, there must be a going away and a relinquishment of rights, with the intention never to return and with a voluntary and independent purpose to surrender the location or claim to the next comer.

Abbe jar

In mineral processing, a porcelain jar used for laboratory batch grinding tests in ceramic ware. Pryor, 1

Abbe refractometer

An instrument to determine the index of refraction of a liquid between two high-index glass prisms.

Abbe theory

The visibility of an object under the microscope is directly proportional


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English to the wavelength of light, and inversely to the aperture of lens. Pryor, 3

Abbe tube mill

A gear-driven tube mill supported on a pair of riding rings and distinguished by an Archimedes spiral, through which the ore is fed and discharged. Grinding is effected by flint pebbles fed into the mill.

ABC system

A method of seismic surveying by which the effect of irregular weathering thickness may be determined by a simple calculation from reciprocal placement of shotholes and seismometers. The method was originally used to solve refraction problems arising from irregularities in the top of the high-velocity layer. AGI

Abel's reagent

Etching agent consisting of 10% chromium trioxide in water. Used in the analysis of carbon steels. Bennett


A tetragonal mineral, K(UO2 )(AsO4 ).4H2 O ; in small yellow crystals; in the Temple Mountains, UT.


a. The failure of a lens or mirror to bring the light rays to the same focus. When aberration is due to the form of the lens or mirror, it is called spherical aberration. When due to the different refrangibility of

light of different colors, it is called chromatic aberration. When present in magnifiers it often causes inaccurate decisions as to flawlessness or color of gems. b. Distortion produced by a lens. It is spherical if a flat image appears closer to the viewer in the middle than toward the edges of the field of view. It is chromatic if the visible spectrum is spread to give both a red and a blue image.


A large, steep-sided vertical shaft opening at the surface of the ground. AGI

A.B. Meco-Moore

A bulky machine that cuts a deep web of coal up to 6 ft (1.8 m) and is used in cyclic mining in medium to thick seams. It runs on the floor of the seam and does not require a prop-free front. It carries two horizontal jibs, one cutting at floor level and the other at a height depending on seam conditions. Nelson

Abney level

A surveying instrument for taking levels up steep slopes; also used as a clinometer. Hammond

abnormal place

A working place in a coal mine with adverse geological or other conditions and in which the miner is unable to earn a wage, based on the pricelist, equal to or above the minimum wage. A term generally associated with stalls or pillar methods of working. Nelson

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]


Page 4: Diccionario Tecnico Ingles-Ingles

Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English abraser

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A device for assessing the wear resistance of surfaces. The specimen to be tested is rubbed alternately by the flat faces of two weighted abrasive wheels that revolve in opposite directions through frictional contact with the specimen and exert a combined abrasive, compressive, and twisting action twice in each revolution of the specimen holder. Osborne


a. The mechanical wearing away of rock surfaces by friction and impact of rock particles transported by wind, ice, waves, running water, or gravity.

b. The wearing away of diamonds, drill-bit matrices, and drill-stem equipment by frictional contact with the rock material penetrated or by contact with the cuttings produced by the action of the drill bit in drilling a borehole. Long

abrasion hardness

Hardness expressed in quantitative terms or numbers indicating the degree to which a substance resists being worn away by frictional contact with an abrasive material, such as silica or carborundum grits. Also called abrasion resistance; wear resistance. Long

abrasion index

The percentage of a specially prepared 3-in by 2-in (76-mm by 51-mm) sample of coke remaining on a 1/8-in (3.2-mm) mesh British Standards test sieve after the sample of coke has been

subjected to a standardized abrasion procedure in a rotating drum.


a. Any natural or artificial substance suitable for grinding, polishing, cutting, or scouring. Natural abrasives include diamond, emery, garnet, silica sand, diatomite, and pumice; manufactured abrasives include esp., silicon carbide, fused alumina, and boron nitride. AGI b. Tending to abrade or wear away. AGI

abrasive blasting respirator

A respirator designed to protect the wearer from inhalation or impact of, and abrasion by, materials used or generated in abrasive blasting. ANSI

abrasive formation

A rock consisting of small, hard, sharp-cornered, angular fragments, or a rock, the cuttings from which, produced by the action of a drill bit, are hard, sharp-cornered, angular grains, which grind away or abrade the metal on bits and drill-stem equipment at a rapid rate.

abrasive hardness test

Test employing a rotating abrasive wheel or plate against which specimens are held. The specimens are abraded for a given number of revolutions, and the weight of material lost is a measure of the abrasive hardness. Lewis


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English abraumsalze

Ger. Mixed sulfates and chlorides of potassium, sodium, and magnesium overlying the rock salt in the Stassfurt salt deposits.

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An earthy, amorphous variety of crocidolite asbestos. Dana, 1


a. In chemistry, free from impurity or admixture. Hess b. In physics, not dependent on any arbitrary standard. Hess c. Frequently used in the trades to indicate a thing as being perfect or exact. Abbrev. abs. Crispin

absolute age

The geologic age of a fossil organism, rock, or geologic feature or event given in units of time, usually years. Commonly used as a syn. of isotopic age or radiometric age, but may also refer to ages obtained from tree rings, varves, etc. Term is now in disfavor as it implies a certainty or exactness that may not be possible by present dating methods; i.e., two absolute ages for the same pluton may disagree by hundreds of millions of years.

absolute atmosphere

An absolute unit of pressure equal to 1 million times the pressure produced on 1 cm2 by the force of 1 dyn. Fay

absolute bulk strength

A measure of available energy per unit volume of explosive.

absolute chronology

Geochronology in which the time-order is based on absolute age, usually measured in years by radiometric dating, rather than on superposition and/or fossil content as in relative chronology. AGI

absolute daily range

During the 24 h of the day the difference between the maximum easterly and maximum westerly values of the magnetic declination at any point. Mason

absolute humidity

The content of water vapor in air, expressed as the mass of water per unit volume of air.

absolute isohypse

A line that has the properties of both constant pressure and constant height above mean sea level. Therefore, it can be any contour line on a constant-pressure chart, or any isobar on a constant-height chart. Hunt

absolute ownership

In law, an unqualified title to property and the unquestioned right to immediate and unconditional possession thereof. Applies to mining claims and properties. Standard, 2; Hess


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English absolute permeability

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A measure of possible flow of a standard liquid under fixed conditions through a porous medium when there is no reaction between the liquid and the solids. This measure is arbitrarily taken for isothermal viscous flow. It can be duplicated with gases if tests are so conducted that extrapolation to infinite pressure can be made; specific permeability. Hess

absolute potential

True potential difference between a metal and the solution in which it is immersed. Pryor, 3

absolute pressure

a. Total pressure at a point in a fluid equaling the sum of the gage ressure and the atmospheric pressure.

b. Pressure measured with respect to zero pressure, in units of force per unit of area. CTD

absolute roof

The entire mass of strata overlying a coal seam or a subsurface point of reference.

absolute temperature

Temperature reckoned from absolute zero.

absolute time

Geologic time measured in terms of years by radioactive decay of elements.

absolute weight strength

A measure of available energy per gram of explosive.

absolute zero

The temperature at which a gas would show no pressure if the general law for gases would hold for all temperatures. It is equal to -273.16 degrees C or -459 degrees F.

absorbed water

Water held mechanically in a soil mass and having physical properties not substantially different from those of ordinary water at the same temperature and pressure. ASCE

absorbent formation

A rock or rock material, which, by virtue of its dryness, porosity, or permeability, has the ability to drink in or suck up a drilling liquid, as a sponge absorbs water.


Substances, such as wood meal and wheat flour, that are forms of low explosive when mixed with metallic nitrates and tend to reduce the blasting power of the explosives, making them suitable for coal blasting. Cooper


a. An apparatus in which gases are brought into intimate contact with an extended surface of an absorbing fluid so that they enter rapidly into solution. Hess


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

b. The resistance and capacitance in series that is placed across a break in an electrical circuit in order to damp any possible oscillatory circuit and would tend to maintain an arc or spark when a current is interrupted. c. Any material that absorbs or stops ionizing radiation, such as neutrons, gamma rays, alpha particles, and beta particles. Lyman


A device for measuring the solubility of a gas in a liquid. Bennett


a. The phenomenon observed when a pleochroic mineral is rotated in plane polarized light. In certain positions, the mineral is darker than in others, owing to the absorption of light. b. In hydrology, a term applied to the entrance of surface water into the lithosphere by all methods. AGI c. The reduction of light intensity in transmission through an absorbing substance or in reflection from a surface. In crystals, the absorption may vary with the wavelength and with the electric vector of the transmitted light with respect to crystallographic directions. d. Any mechanism by which energy, e.g., electromagnetic or seismic, is converted into heat. e. Taking up, assimilation, or incorporation, e.g., of liquids in solids or of gases in liquids. f. The entrance of surface water into the lithosphere by any method.

absorption hygrometer

A type of hygrometer with which the water vapor content of the atmosphere is measured by means of the absorption of vapor by a hygroscopic chemical. The amount of vapor absorbed may be determined in an absolute manner by weighing the hygroscopic material, or in a nonabsolute manner by measuring a physical property of the substance that varies with the amount of water vapor absorbed. The lithium chloride humidity strip and carbon-film hygrometer element are examples of the latter. Hunt

absorption loss

a. The loss of water occurring during initial filling of a reservoir in wetting rocks and soil. Hammond b. That part of the transmission loss due to dissipation or the conversion of sound energy into some other form of energy, usually heat. This conversion may take place within the medium itself or upon a reflection at one of its boundaries. Hy

absorption rate

a. The rate, expressed in quantitative terms, at which a liquid, such as a drilling circulation medium, is absorbed by the rocks or rock materials penetrated by the drill bit. Long b. The amount of water absorbed when a brick is partially immersed for 1 min; usually expressed either in grams or ounces per minute. Also called suction rate; initial rate of absorption. ACSG, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English absorption spectra

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

Specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation have precisely the energy to cause atomic or molecular transitions in substances they are passing through; their removal from the incident radiation produces reductions in intensity of those wavelengths, or absorption spectra, characteristic of the substance under study.

absorption spectrum

The array of absorption bands or lines seen when a continuous spectrum is transmitted through a selectively absorbing medium. AGI

absorption tower

A tower in which a liquid absorbs a gas.

abundant vitrain

A field term denoting, in accordance with an arbitrary scale established for use in describing banded coal, a frequency of occurrence of vitrain bands comprising 30% to 60% of the total coal layer.


A surface or mass provided to withstand thrust, for example, the end supports of an arch or bridge. In coal mining, (1) the weight of the rocks above a narrow roadway is transferred to the solid coal along the sides, which act as abutments of the arch of strata spanning the roadway; and (2) the weight of the rocks over a longwall face is transferred to the front

abutment (the solid coal ahead of the face) and the back abutment (the settled packs behind the face).

abutment load

In underground mining, the weight of rock above an excavation that has been transferred to the adjoining walls. Pryor, 3

abutment pillars

Pillars intended to support vertical load in excess of the weight of the strata directly above them. Generally, these abutment pillars are large pillars adjacent to smaller pillars, sometimes called yield pillars, which are incapable of carrying the weight of the strata above them. SME, 1

abysmal sea

That part of the sea occupying the ocean basins proper. Fay


a. A very deep, unfathomable place. The term is used to refer to a particularly deep part of the ocean, or to any part below 3,000 fathoms (18,000 ft or 5.5 km). Hunt


a. Pertaining to an igneous intrusion that occurs at considerable depth, or to the resulting rock; plutonic.

b. Pertaining to the ocean environment or depth zone of 500 fathoms (3,000 ft or 915 m) or deeper; also, pertaining to


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

the organisms of that environment. AGI c. Of, or pertaining to, deep within the Earth, the oceanic deeps below 1,000 fathoms (6,000 ft or 1.83 km), or great depths of seas or lakes where light is absent. d. In oceanography, relating to the greatest depths of the ocean; relating to the abyssal realm.

abyssal deposit

A deposit of the deep sea, accumulating in depths of more than 1,500 fathoms (9,000 ft or 2.7 km) of water; these deposits comprise the organic oozes, various muds, and red clay of the deepest regions. CTD

abyssal injection

The process by which magmas, originating at considerable depths, are considered to have been driven up through deep-seated contraction fissures.

abyssal plain

An area of the ocean floor with a slope of less than 1 in 1,000 or flat, nearly level areas that occupy the deepest portions of many ocean basins. Schieferdecker

abyssal realm

The deep waters of the ocean below 1,000 fathoms or 6,000 ft (1.83 km).

abyssal theory

A theory of mineral-deposit formation involving the separation and sinking of ore minerals below a silicate shell during the cooling of the Earth

from a liquid stage, followed by their transport to and deposition in the crust as it was fractured (Shand, 1947). Modern thought ascribes more complex origins to mineral deposits. AGI

abyssal zone

The marine-life zone of the deep sea embracing the water and bottom below a depth of 6,000 ft (1.83 km). Stokes


Relating to that part of the abyssal realm that includes the ocean floor; pertaining to or living on the ocean floor at great depths. CTD


a. Relating to that part of the abyssal realm that excludes the ocean floor; floating in the depths of the ocean. CTD b. Pertaining to that portion of the deep waters of the ocean that lie below depths of 6,000 ft (1.83 km). AGI


A monoclinic mineral, 4[Ag2 S] ; dimorphous with argentite, pseudohexagonal, in slender prisms; sp gr, 7.2 to 7.3; a source of silver.

accelerated weathering test

A test to indicate the effect of weather on coal, in which the coal is alternately exposed to freezing, wetting, warming, and light; the alternation may be varied to suit. This test


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English may be applied to other bituminous materials. Hess


Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

a. A machine that accelerates electrically charged atomic particles, such as electrons, protons, deuterons, and alpha particles, to high velocities. Lyman b. A substance added to increase the rate of a chemical reaction. Nelson


A seismometer with response linearly proportional to the acceleration of earth materials with which it is in contact. AGI


A charge of explosives or blasting agent receiving an impulse from an exploding donor charge.


a. Applied to minerals occurring in small quantities in a rock. The presence or absence of these minor minerals does not affect the classification or the naming of the rock. Holmes, 2 b. Fragments derived from previously solidified volcanic rocks of related origin; i.e., the debris of earlier lavas and pyroclastic rocks from the same cone. c. Said of pyroclastics that are formed from fragments of the volcanic cone or earlier lavas; it is part of a classification of volcanic ejecta based on mode of origin, and is equivalent to resurgent ejecta.

accessory mineral

Any mineral the presence of which is not essential to the classification of the rock. Accessory minerals generally occur in minor amounts; in sedimentary rocks they are mostly heavy minerals.

accessory plate

a. The quartz wedge inserted in the microscope substage above the polarizer in order to estimate birefringence and to determine optical sign of uniaxial minerals.

b. The selenite plate that gives the sensitive tint of a specimen between crossed nicols. Pryor, 3 c. The mica plate that retards yellow light. Pryor, 3 d. In polarized-light microscopy, an optical device that may be inserted into the light train to alter light interference after passage through, or reflection by, a crystalline material; e.g., quartz wedge, mica plate, gypsum plate, or Bertrand lens. e. In polarized-light microscopy, an optical compensator that may be inserted into the light train to alter birefringence after light passage through or reflection by an anisotropic material; e.g., quartz wedge, mica plate, gypsum plate, or Berek compensator.

access road

A route constructed to enable plant, supplies, and vehicles to reach a mine, quarry, or opencast pit. In remote and isolated regions, the provision of an access road may be very costly. Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

accordion roller conveyor

A roller conveyor with a flexible latticed frame that permits variation in length.

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accretion vein

A vein formed by the repeated filling of a channelway and its reopening by the development of fractures in the zone undergoing mineralization.


a. In coal mining, bodies of combustible gases that tend to collect in higher parts of mine workings and at the edge of goaves and wastes. They are found in cavities, at ripping lips, at other sheltered places protected from the ventilating current, and at the higher sides of rise faces. Mason b. The concentration or gathering of oil or gas in some form of trap. Commercial accumulation is a volume or quantity sufficient for profitable exploitation. AGI


a. A cylinder containing water or oil under pressure of a weighted piston for hydraulic presses, hoists, winches, etc. It is between the pumps and the presses, keeps a constant pressure on the system, and absorbs shocks. b. A storage battery. c. In oceanography, a spring of rubber or steel attached to a trawling warp, to lessen any sudden strain due to the trawl catching. CTD

accumulator conveyor

Any conveyor designed to permit accumulation of packages or objects. Usually roller, live roller conveyor, roller slat conveyor, or belt conveyor.


The degree of conformity with a standard, or the degree of perfection attained in a measurement. Accuracy relates to the quality of a result, and is distinguished from precision, which relates to the quality of the operation by which the result is obtained. AGI


A trigonal mineral, CH3 CONH2 .


The most brilliant of illuminating gases, C2 H2 . It may be produced synthetically from its elements, by incomplete combustion of coal gas, and commercially from calcium carbide, CaC2 . It also may be produced by reaction with water. Used in manufacturing explosives. Formerly used as an illuminating gas in mines and around drill rigs. When combined with oxygen, acetylene burns to produce an intensely hot flame and hence now is used principally in welding and metal-cutting flame torches.

acetylene tetrabromide

Yellowish liquid; CHBr2 CHBr2 ; sp gr, 2.98 to 3.00; boiling point, 239 to 242 degrees C with


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

decomposition (at 760 mm); also, boiling point, 151 degrees C (at 54 mm); melting point, 0.1 degrees C; and refractive index, 1.638. Used for separating minerals by specific gravity; a solvent for fats, oils, and waxes; a fluid in liquid gases; and a solvent in microscopy. CCD, 2


Former name for iron selenide, FeSe .

Acheson graphite

Artificial graphite made from coke by electric furnace heating. Bennett

Acheson process

A process for the production of artificial or synthetic graphite. It consists of sintering pulverized coke in the Acheson furnace at 2,760 to 3,316 degrees C. Henderson


Former name for dioptase.


A colorless variety of elbaite tourmaline used as a gemstone.


In microscopy, a compound lens that does not spread white light into its spectral colors.


a. A mineral consisting of fine needlelike crystals; e.g., natrolite.

Nelson b. Slender needlelike crystal. c. Refers to needlelike crystals.

acicular powder

In powder metallurgy, needle-shaped particles. ASM, 1


a. A solution of pH less than 7.0 at 25 degrees C. b. A substance containing hydrogen that may be replaced by metals with the formation of salts. CTD

acid Bessemer converter

One lined with acid refractories.

acid bottom and lining

The inner bottom and lining of a melting furnace, consisting of materials like sand, siliceous rock, or silica brick, which give an acid reaction at the operating temperature.

acid clay

a. A clay that is used mainly as a decolorant or refining agent, and sometimes as a desulfurizer, coagulant, or catalyst. b. A clay that yields hydrogen ions in a water suspension; a hydrogen clay.

acid cure

In uranium extraction, sulfation of moist ore before leaching. Pryor, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English acid-dip survey

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A method of determining the angular inclination of a borehole in which a glass, test-tubelike bottle partly filled with a dilute solution of hydrofluoric acid is inserted in a watertight metal case. When the assemblage is lowered into a borehole and left for 20 to 30 min, the acid etches the bottle at a level plane from which the inclination of the borehole can be measured.

acid test; acid-etch tube. Long

acid drainage

Water with a pH of less than 6.0 and in which total acidity exceeds total alkalinity; discharged from an active, inactive, or abandoned surface coal mine and reclamation operation.

acid electric furnace

An arc furnace having an acid refractory hearth.

acid embrittlement

A form of hydrogen embrittlement that may be induced in some metals by acid treatment. ASM, 1

acid-etch tube

A soda-lime glass tube charged with dilute hydrofluoric acid, left in a borehole for 20 to 30 min to measure inclination as indicated by the angle of etch line on the tube. May be fitted in a clinometer.

acid flux

Metallurgically acid material (usually some form of silica) used as a flux. Bennett

acid-forming materials

Earth materials that contain sulfide minerals or other materials that, if exposed to air, water, or weathering processes, form acids that may create acid drainage.


a. A descriptive term applied to those igneous rocks that contain more than 60% silica. Acidic is one of four subdivisions of a widely used system for classifying igneous rocks based on their silica content: acidic, intermediate, basic, and ultrabasic. AGI b. Applied loosely to any igneous rock composed predominantly of light-colored minerals having a relatively low specific gravity.


The process of forcing acid into a limestone, dolomite, or sandstone in order to increase permeability and porosity by dissolving and removing a part of the rock constituents. It is also used to remove mud injected during drilling. The general objective of acidization is to increase productivity.


To treat a limestone or dolomitic formation with dilute hydrochloric acid to enlarge its void spaces. Wheeler, R.R.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English acid leach

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

Metallurgical process for dissolution of metals by means of acid solution. Examples include extraction of copper from oxide- or sulfide-bearing ore and dissolution of uranium from sandstone ores. Acid leaching can occur on heap-leach pads or in situ.

acid mine drainage

a. Acidic drainage from bituminous coal mines containing a high concentration of acidic sulfates, esp. ferrous sulfate. b. Drainage with a pH of 2.0 to 4.5 from mines and mine wastes. It results from the oxidation of sulfides exposed during mining, which produces sulfuric acid and sulfate salts. The acid dissolves minerals in the rocks, further degrading the quality of the drainage water. AGI

acid mine water

a. Mine water that contains free sulfuric acid, mainly due to the weathering of iron pyrites. A pit water, which corrodes iron pipes and pumps, usually contains a high proportion of solids per gallon, principally the sulfates of iron, chiefly ferrous and alumina. b. Where sulfide minerals break down under chemical influence of oxygen and water, the mine drainage becomes acidic and can corrode ironwork. If it reaches a river system, biological damage may also result. Pryor, 3

acid neutralizers

Calcium carbonate, CaCO3 , magnesium carbonate, MgCO3 , and china clay, which neutralize free acids, thereby preventing explosives from decomposing in storage. They also have a cooling effect and tend to reduce the sensitivity of the explosive. Cooper

acid open-hearth steel

Low-phosphorus pig iron treated in an acid (silica or sand)-lined furnace. Mersereau, 2

acid process

A steelmaking process--Bessemer, open-hearth, or electric--in which the furnace is lined with a siliceous refractory, and for which pig iron low in phosphorus is required, as this element is not removed.

acid-recovery operator

In the coke products industry, a person who recovers sulfuric acid used in processing coke-gas byproducts by cooking sludge with steam in acid regenerator pots.

acid refractory material

A general term for those types of refractory material that contain a high proportion of silica; e.g., silica refractories (greater than 92% SiO (sub 2) ) and siliceous refractories (78% to 92% SiO2 ). The name derives from the fact that silica behaves chemically as an acid and at high temperatures reacts with bases such as lime or alkalies. Dodd


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English acid refractory product

Refractory product made of clay-silica mixture or pure silica. Rosenthal

acid rock drainage

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

Drainage that occurs as a result of natural oxidation of sulfide minerals contained in rock that is exposed to air and water. It is not confined to mining activities, but can occur wherever sulfide-bearing rock is exposed to air and water. Abbrev. ARD.

acid slag

Slag that contains substantial amounts of active silica.

acid sludge

Products of refining of tar, shale oil, and petroleum in which sulfuric acid reacts to form a sulfonic acid mixture, green acids, and mahogany acids and salts. Used in the flotation process and in proprietary collector agents for flotation of iron ores. Pryor, 1

acid soil

A soil with a pH of less than 7.0. AGI

acid steel

Steel melted in a furnace with an acid bottom and lining and under a slag containing an excess of an acid substance, such as silica.

acid strength

Related to ability to liberate hydrogen ions to solution, and hence to electrical conductivity of equivalent aqueous solutions of acids. Pryor, 3

acid water

Water charged naturally with carbon dioxide. Also applied to natural waters containing sulfur compounds, esp. sulfates.




A mineral aggregate shaped like a cluster of grapes. Also, full of small kernels like a grape.


a. Grapelike; applied to the structure of clustered mineral aggregates. b. Granulated; like grape seeds; applied to the texture of some mineral aggregates.


Former name for actinolite.


A little-used term said of strata that have no inclination; horizontal.

aclinic line

The line through those points on the Earth's surface at which the magnetic


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English inclination is zero. The aclinic line is a particular case of an isoclinic line. Hunt


Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A brown variety of aegirine having pointed terminations.


Mex. Ore containing 50 to 60 oz/st (1.56 to 1.88 kg/t) of silver. Hess


Used when the term that it modifies designates something that has the properties, dimensions, or physical characteristics associated with sound waves. Hy

acoustical well logging

Any determination of the physical properties or dimensions of a borehole by acoustical means, including measurement of the depth of fluid level in a well. AGI

acoustic attenuation log

In theory, a log designed to measure the manner in which the energy of elastic waves is dissipated in passing through rock. Although no practical log of this type has yet evolved, the belief that a log of this parameter would permit the estimation of the permeability of formations would seem to ensure such a development since no log has been developed to record permeability. Wyllie

acoustic dispersion

The change of speed of sound with frequency. Hunt

acoustic impedance

The acoustic impedance of a given surface area of an acoustic medium perpendicular, at every point, to the direction of propagation of sinusoidal acoustic waves of given frequency, and having equal acoustic pressures and equal volume velocities per unit area at every point of the surface at any instance, is the quotient obtained by dividing (1) the phasor corresponding to the acoustic pressure by (2) the phasor corresponding to the volume velocity.

acoustic interferometer

An instrument for making physical observations upon standing waves. It may be used, e.g., to measure velocity, wavelength, absorption, or impedance. Hunt

acoustic log

A continuous record made in a borehole showing the velocity of sound waves over short distances in adjacent rock; velocity is related to porosity and nature of the liquid occupying pores. AGI

acoustic-radiation pressure

A unidirectional steady-state pressure exerted upon a surface exposed to an acoustic wave. Such a steady pressure is usually quite small in magnitude and is really observable only in the presence of very intense sound waves. Hunt


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English acoustic radiometer

An instrument for measuring acoustic-radiation pressure by determining the unidirectional steady-state force resulting from reflection or absorption of a sound wave at its boundaries. Hunt

acoustic resistance

Product of longitudinal wave velocity and density, being the property that controls the reflective power at a boundary plane. Schieferdecker


The study of sound, including its production, transmission, reception, and utilization, esp. in fluid media such as air or water. With reference to Earth sciences, it is esp. relevant to oceanography. The term is sometimes used to include compressional waves in solids; e.g., seismic waves. AGI

acoustic scattering

The irregular reflection, refraction, or diffraction of sound waves in many directions. Hy

acoustic sounding

The indirect evaluation of water depth, using the principle of measuring the length of time necessary for a sound wave to travel to the bottom, reflect, and travel back to the water surface. Hunt

acoustic-strain gage

An instrument for measuring strains; e.g., in concrete linings to shafts

or roadways. It contains a length of fine wire under tension, the tension being varied by the strain to which the gage is subjected. The measurement made is that of the frequency of vibration of the wire when it is plucked by means of an electromagnetic impulse, and this measurement can be made with great accuracy. The gage is highly stable, and readings can be made over a period of years without any fear of zero drift.

acoustic theodolite

An instrument designed to provide a continuous vertical profile of ocean currents at a specific location. Hunt

acoustic wave

a. The waves that contain sound energy and by the motion of which sound energy is transmitted in air, in water, or in the ground. The wave may be described in terms of change of pressure, of particle displacement, or of density. AGI b. Used increasingly to study the physical properties of rocks and composition of gases. Investigations may be made both in situ and in the laboratory. Nelson

acquired lands

Defined by the U.S. Department of the Interior as "lands in Federal ownership which were obtained by the Government through purchase, condemnation, or gift, or by exchange for such purchased, condemned, or donated lands, or for timber on such lands. They are one category of public lands." Public land laws are

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English generally inapplicable to acquired lands. SME, 1


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a. A measure of surficial area, usually of land. The statute acre of the United States and England contains 43,560 ft2 (4,840 yd2; 4,047 m2 ; or 160 square rods). The so-called Scotch acre contains about 6,150 yd2 (5,142 m2 ), and the Irish acre 7,840 yd2 (6,555 m2 ). There are various special or local acres in England (as in Cheshire or among the hop growers), varying from 440 yd2 (368 m2 ) to more than 10,000 yd2 (8,361 m2 ). Standard, 2 b. Can. In Quebec, a linear measure that equals the square root of 43,560, or approx. 208.7 ft (63.6 m). Fay c. For the calculation of coal reserves, a convenient rule is to allow 1,200 st/ft (coal thickness) per acre (8,821 t/m/ha). For known and dependable areas, 1,500 st/ft per acre (11,027 t/m/ha) may be used. Nelson

acreage rent

Royalty or rent paid by the lessee for working and disposing of minerals at the rate of so much per acre.


The quantity of water that would cover 1 acre, 1 ft deep (1 ha, 13.6 cm deep). One acre-foot contains 43,560 ft3 (1,233 m3 ).


The volume of water, soil, or other material that will cover 1 acre, 1 in deep (1 ha, 1.1 cm deep). AGI


The average quantity of oil, gas, or water recovered from 1 acre (0.4 ha) of a reservoir. AGI


A chemical element with atomic number greater than 88; all are radioactive.

actinide element

a. One of the group of chemical elements of increasing atomic number, starting with actinium (atomic number 89) and extending through atomic number 103. These elements occupy one single place in the extended periodic table, in the same group into which the rare-earth elements (lanthanides) are classified. b. One of the radioactive elements, atomic numbers 89 to 103. Hurlbut


A monoclinic mineral, 2[Ca2 (Mg,Fe)5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 ] in the hornblende series Mg/(Mg+Fe2+ ) = 0.5 to 0.89 of the amphibole group; forms a series with tremolite; green, bladed, acicular, fibrous (byssolite asbestos), or massive (nephrite jade); prismatic cleavage; in low-grade metamorphic rocks.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English activated alumina

Highly porous, granular aluminum oxide that preferentially absorbs liquids from gases and vapors, and moisture from some liquids. McGraw-Hill, 1

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activated carbon

Carbon, mostly of vegetable origin, and of high adsorptive capacity.

activated clay

A clay whose adsorbent character or bleaching action has been enhanced by treatment with acid. CCD, 2

activated coal plow

With a view to applying the coal plow to seams too hard to be sheared by the normal cutting blade, German mining engineers have developed various types of power-operated cutters. One consists of a series of compressed-air picks mounted above each other; another, of a resonance pattern, houses two high-speed motors eccentrically mounted and rotating in opposite directions. The latter imparts a vibration to the cutting edge equivalent to 2,500 blows per minute with a stroke of 3/16 to 1/4 in (4.8 to 6.4 mm) and a force of approx. 200 st (181 t). Mason

activating agent

a. A substance that when added to a mineral pulp promotes flotation in the presence of a collecting agent. b. Reagent used particularly in differential mineral flotation to help cleanse the mineral surface so that a

collector may adhere to it and permit or aid its floatability. Frequently used to allow floating minerals that had been previously depressed. Mitchell


a. In the flotation process of mineral dressing, the process of altering the surface of specific mineral particles in a mineral pulp to promote adherence of certain reagents. Pryor, 3 b. The changing of the passive surface of a metal to a chemically active c. In the flotation process of ore beneficiation, the process of altering the surface of specific mineral particles in an ore pulp to promote adherence of certain reagents. Henderson d. The process of making a material radioactive by bombardment with neutrons, protons, or other nuclear particles.

activation analysis

A method for identifying and measuring the chemical elements in a sample to be analyzed. The sample is first made radioactive by bombardment with neutrons, charged particles, or other nuclear radiation. The newly radioactive atoms in the sample give off characteristic nuclear radiations that can identify the atoms and indicate their quantity.


a. In flotation, a chemical added to the pulp to increase the floatability of a mineral in a froth or to refloat a depressed (sunk) mineral. Also called activating reagent. CTD b. A reagent that affects the surface of


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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minerals in such a way that it is easy for the collector atoms to become attached. It has the opposite effect of a depressor. c. A substance that is required in trace quantities to impart luminescence to certain crystals. CCD, 2 d. Ions that are photon emitters. Van Vlack e. Any agent that causes activation.

active agent

Surface-active substance that immunizes solids against a parting liquid. Hess

active earth pressure

The minimum value of lateral earth pressure exerted by soil on a structure, occurring when the soil is allowed to yield sufficiently to cause its internal shearing resistance along a potential failure surface to be completely mobilized.

active entry

An entry in which coal is being mined from a portion thereof or from connected sections. USBM, 1

active fault

One liable to further movement. CF:passive fault

active layer

a. The surficial deposit that undergoes seasonal changes of volume, swelling when frozen or wet, and shrinking when thawing and drying. AGI b. A surface layer of ground, above the permafrost, that is frozen in the

winter and thawed in the summer. Its thickness ranges from several centimeters to a few meters. AGI

active mining area

a. The area, on and beneath land, used or disturbed in activity related to the extraction, removal, or recovery of coal from its natural deposits. This term excludes coal preparation plants, areas associated with coal preparation plants, and post-mining areas. SME, 1 b. The area in which active mining takes place relative also to extraction of metal ores, industrial minerals, and other minerals of economic value.

active workings

All places in a mine that are ventilated and inspected regularly. Federal Mine Safety


a. In nuclear physics, the rate of decay of atoms by radioactivity. It is measured in curies. Bennett b. The ideal or thermodynamic concentration of a substance, the substitution of which for the true concentration, permits the application of the law of mass action.

actual breaking strength

The breaking load obtained from a tensile test to destruction on a sample of rope. Hammond

actual horsepower

The horsepower really developed, as proved by trial. Standard, 2


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English actual performance curve

A performance curve showing the results actually obtained from a coal preparation treatment. BS, 5

actuated roller switch

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A switch placed in contact with the belt conveyor immediately preceding the conveyor it is desired to control. In the centrifugal sequence control switch, a driving pulley bears against the driving belt; as the latter moves, the pulley rotates and the governor weights attached to the pulley shaft are flung out and so complete an electrical pilot circuit and thus start the subsidiary belt. Nelson

acute bisectrix

a. The line that bisects the acute angle of the optic axes of biaxial minerals. Fay b. The angle <90 degrees between the optic axes in a biaxial crystal, bxa. CF:optic angle


a. Like the diamond in luster. Webster 3rd b. Diamond hard. A commercial name for chilled steel shot used in the adamantine drill, which is a core-barrel type of rock-cutting drill with a cutting edge fed by these shots. CF:vitreous

adamantine luster

Diamondlike luster. Hurlbut


See:quartz monzonite

adamic earth

A term used for common clay, in reference to the material of which Adam, the first man, was made; specif. a kind of red clay. AGI


A rare hydrous zinc arsenate, Zn2 (AsO4 )(OH) , occurring granular or in crusts and crystallizing in the orthorhombic system. Weakly radioactive; variable color--yellowish, greenish, or violet, rarely colorless or white; found in the oxidized zone of zinc orebodies. Associated with smithsonite, calcite, malachite, hemimorphite, limonite, and azurite. Small amounts of uranium have been found in some specimens of adamite. Fay; Crosby


A greenish-black muscovite found in a schist at Derby, VT; has been called margarodite. Dana, 1 ê[š�(œ�Æk½��ŽDICTIONARY TERMS:Adam's snuffbox Hollow, roughly rectangular pebble [\B]Adam's snuffbox[\N]

ada mud

A conditioning material that may be added to drilling mud in order to obtain satisfactory cores and samples of formations. Williams

adapter trough

A short section of a shaker conveyor trough that serves as a connecting link between any two sizes of trough. Jones, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English added diamonds

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As used by the diamond-bit manufacturing industry, the number or carat weight of new diamonds that must be added to the resettable diamonds salvaged from a worn bit in order to have enough to set a new bit. Long


A correction applied to times of seismic reflections measured from an arbitrary time origin. The additive is normally applied for the purpose of translating the time origin to correspond to the datum elevation chosen for computation, and it is algebraic in sign. AGI


A term used in the northern and parts of other coalfields in Great Britain to describe earnings or wages. Nelson

Adeline steelmaking process

A process of producing precision castings of steel or steel alloys, which comprises first forming the steel or steel alloy in molten form by the aluminothermic process, by igniting a mixture of iron ore and aluminum; then running the molten metal into a mold prepared by packing a refractory mold composition around a model made of wax or other comparatively low-melting-point substance and heating to melt out the wax and consolidate the mold; and finally centrifuging the mold. Osborne


a. An orthorhombic mineral, CaMg(AsO4 )(OH) ; occurs with manganese ores. b. The mineral group adelite, austinite, conichalcite, duftite, and gabrielsonite.


a. The molecular force holding together two different substances that are in contact, as water in the pore spaces of a rock. CF:cohesion b. Shearing resistance between soil and another material under zero externally applied pressure. ASCE c. In the flotation process, the attachment of a particle to air-water interface or to a bubble.

adhesive slate

A very absorbent slate that adheres to the tongue if touched by it. Standard, 2

adiabatic calorimeter

A calorimeter that practically remains unaffected by its surroundings and neither gains nor loses heat. Osborne

adiabatic compression

Compression in which no heat is added to or subtracted from the air and the internal energy of the air is increased by an amount equivalent to the external work done on the air. The increase in temperature of the air during adiabatic compression tends to increase the pressure on account of the decrease in volume alone; therefore, the pressure during adiabatic


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English compression rises faster than the volume diminishes. Lewis

adiabatic efficiency

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A compression term obtained by dividing the power theoretically necessary to compress the gas and deliver it without loss of heat, by the power supplied to the fan or compressor driveshaft.

adiabatic expansion

Expansion in which no heat is added to or subtracted from the air, which cools during the expansion because of the work done by the air. Lewis

adiabatic temperature

The temperature that would be attained if no heat were gained from or lost to the surroundings. Newton, 1

adiabatic temperature change

The compression of a fluid without gain or loss to the surroundings when work is performed on the system and produces a rise of temperature. In very deep water such a rise of temperature occurs and must be considered in the vertical temperature distribution. Hy


An argillaceous sediment that has undergone albitization as a result of contact metamorphism along the margins of a sodium-rich mafic intrusion. CF:spilosite; spotted slate. AGI


An aluminosilicate of calcium, magnesium, and potassium having the composition of chabazite. Dana, 1


a. A horizontal or nearly horizontal passage driven from the surface for the working or dewatering of a mine. If driven through the hill or mountain to the surface on the opposite side, it would be a tunnel. b. As used in the Colorado statutes, it may apply to a cut either open or undercover, or open in part and undercover in part, dependent on the nature of the ground. c. A passage driven into a mine from the side of a hill. Statistical Research Bureau

adit end

The furthermost end or part of an adit from its beginning or the very place where the miners are working underground toward the mine. Hess

adit level

Mine workings on a level with an adit.

adjacent sea

A sea adjacent to and connected with the oceans, but semienclosed by land. The North Polar, Mediterranean, and Caribbean Seas are examples.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English adjustment of error

Method of distributing the revealed irregularities over a series of results. Pryor, 3


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Nozzle or tube from which hydraulic water is discharged.




a. In a crystal structure, substitution of a trace element for a major element of higher valence; e.g., Li+ for Mg2+ . Admitted trace elements generally have a lower concentration relative to the major element in the mineral than in the fluid from which the mineral crystallized. CF:capture; camouflage. b. The reciprocal of impedance or the ratio of complex current to voltage in a linear circuit. AGI


A fine-grained, usually calcareous, hard-baked clayey deposit mixed with silt, usually forming as sheets in the central or lower parts of desert basins, as in the playas of the southwestern United States and in the arid parts of Mexico and South America. It is probably a windblown deposit, although it is often reworked and redeposited by running water. AGI

adobe charge

A mud-covered or unconfined explosive charge fired in contact with a rock surface without the use of a borehole.. Atlas

adobe flat

A generally narrow plain formed by sheetflood deposition of fine sandy clay or adobe brought down by an ephemeral stream, and having a smooth, hard surface (when dry) usually unmarked by stream channels. AGI

adobe shot

Ordinarily referred to as a dobe shot. A stick or part of a stick of dynamite is laid on the rock to be broken and covered with mud to add to the force of the explosion. A mudcap shot. Hess


a. Adherence of gas molecules, or of ions or molecules in solution, to the surface of solids with which they are in contact, as methane to coal or moisture to silica gel. CF:absorption b. The assimilation of gas, vapor, or dissolved matter by the surface of a solid or liquid. c. The attachment of a thin film of liquid or gas, commonly monomolecular in thickness, to a solid substrate.

adsorption analysis

Separation by differential adsorption. Pryor, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English adular



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a. A milky white to bluish sheen in gemstones. CMD b. The changeable white to pale bluish luster of an adularia cut cabochon. Webster 3rd c. A floating, billowy, white or bluish light, seen in certain directions as a gemstone (usually adularia) is turned, caused by diffused reflection of light from parallel intergrowths of another feldspar of slightly different refractive index from the main mass.


A colorless, moderate- to low-temperature variety of orthoclase feldspar typically with a relatively high barium content.

adularia moonstone

Precious moonstone, a gem variety of adularia.


a. The work of excavating as mining goes forward in an entry and in driving rooms; to extract all or part of an area; first mining as distinguished from retreat. BCI b. Rate at which a drill bit penetrates a rock formation. Long c. Feet drilled in any specific unit of time. Long d. The linear distance (in feet or meters) driven during a certain time in

tunneling, drifting, or in raising or sinking a shaft. Fraenkel

advance development

S. Afr. Development to provide an ore reserve in advance of mining operations. Beerman

advanced gallery

In tunnel excavation, a small heading driven in advance of the main tunnel.

advanced materials

Materials developed since 1960 and being developed at present that exhibit greater strength, higher strength-density ratios, greater hardness, and/or one or more superior thermal, electrical, optical, or chemical properties, when compared with traditional materials (Sorrel, 1987) and with properties needed to perform a specific function and often entirely new functions. SME, 1

advance gate

Gate road that is driven simultaneously with the longwall coal face, when the advancing longwall technique is used, but which is maintained some 10 to 20 yd (9 to 18 m) or more in advance of the face. The area immediately ahead of the coal face is therefore preexplored, and steps can be taken to cope with minor disturbances and thus prevent a serious loss of output. Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English advance overburden

Overburden in excess of the average overburden-to-ore ratio that must be removed in opencut mining. Mining

advance per round

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The length, measured along the longitudinal axis of the working, tunnel, or gallery, of the hollow space broken out by each round of shots. For raises, it is upward advance; for sunk shafts, downward advance. Fraenkel

advance stope

A stope in which sections of the face or some pillars are a little in advance of the others. This is achieved either by beginning the stoping of the section that is to be advanced earlier, or by proceeding more quickly. Stoces

advance stripping

The removal of overburden required to expose and permit the minable grade of ore to be mined. The removal of overburden is known as stripping.

advance wave

The air-pressure wave preceding the flame in a coal-dust explosion. The bringing of the dust into suspension is accomplished by such a wave and the violent eddies resulting therefrom. Rice, 2

advance working

Mine working that is being advanced into the solid, and from which no pillar is being removed.


Mining from the shaft out toward the boundary.Stoces

advancing longwall

A longwall mining technique, most commonly found in European coal mines, where the gate roads are advanced while the longwall face is advanced toward the mining limits. The gate roads are maintained throughout the worked-out portion of the longwall panel.


Spelling variant of aventurine.


To oppose the granting of a patent to a mining claim.

adverse claim

A claim made to prevent the patenting of part of the ground within the area in question; e.g., an adverse claim is made by a senior locator to exclude the part of his or her claim that is overlapped by the claim of a junior locator, when the junior locator is applying for patent. Lewis

adverse intent

The terms "claim of right," "claim of title," and "claim of ownership,"


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English when used in the books to express adverse intent, mean nothing more than the intention of the dissessor to appropriate and use the land as his or her own to the exclusion of all others, irrespective of any semblance or shadow of actual title. Ricketts

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advertised out

A term used to express the result of the action of a joint owner of a mining claim who by proper notices causes the interest of the co-owner to be forfeited for failure to perform his or her share of the assessment work.


A name given to (1) a mixture of wollastonite, quartz, and feldspar from Edelfors, Sweden; (2) impure wollastonite from Giellebak, Sweden (called also gillebackit); and (3) impure laumontite, under the impression that they were new minerals.



AED process

An electrostatic process under development, in which fine-size dry coal is passed through an ionized field that selectively charges the coal and the liberated mineral matter. The output of the ionizer is then fed into an electrostatic separator where the coal and impurities are separated.


A sodium-ferric iron silicate, NaFe3+ Si2 O6 , occurring commonly in soda-rich igneous rocks; monoclinic; Mohs hardness, 6 to 6.5; sp gr, 3.40 to 3.55.


A monoclinic mineral, (Ca,Na)(Ca,Mg,Fe)Si2 O6 , in the range 20% augite to 20% aegirine end members of the pyroxene group. Formerly called acmite-augite, aegirineaugite.


Former spelling of aegirine..


a. A triclinic mineral, Na2 Fe52+ TiSi6 O

20 ; a rare titanium-bearing silicate; black color; found associated with alkalic rocks. Dana, 4 b. The mineral group aenigmatite, rhoenite, serendibite, and welshite. CF:enigmatite




Trade name for a bitumen allied to wurtzilite. Similar to elaterite. Tomkeieff; English


a. To expose to the action of the air; to supply or to charge with air. Standard, 2 b. To charge with carbon dioxide or other


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English gas, as soda water. Standard, 2


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a. The introduction of air into the pulp in a flotation cell in order to form air bubbles. BS, 5 b. In mineral beneficiation, use of copious air bubbled into mineral pulps (1) to provide oxygen in cyanidation, (2) to prevent settlement of solids, and (3) to remove aerophilic minerals in froth flotation by binding them into a mineralized froth that is temporarily stabilized by frothing agents. Pryor, 1 c. The process of relieving the effects of cavitation by admitting air to the section affected. Seelye, 1

aeration zone

The zone in which the interstices of the functional permeable rocks are not (except temporarily) filled with water under hydrostatic pressure; the interstices are either not filled with water or are filled with water that is held by capillarity. Rice, 1


An apparatus for charging water with gas under pressure, esp. with carbon dioxide. Standard, 2


Relating to the air or atmosphere. Subaerial is applied to phenomena occurring under the atmosphere as subaqueous is applied to phenomena occurring underwater. Fay

aerial cableway

An arrangement of overhead cable supporting a traveling carriage from which is suspended a skip or container that can be lowered and raised at any desired point. Nelson

aerial mapping

The taking of aerial photographs for making maps and for geologic interpretation. AGI

aerial photograph

Any photograph taken from the air, such as a photograph of a part of the Earth's surface taken by a camera mounted in an aircraft.

aerial railroad

A system of cables from which to suspend cars or baskets, as in hoisting ore.

aerial ropeway

System of ore transport used in rough or mountainous country. A cable is carried on pylons, and loaded buckets are (1) towed from loading point to discharge, (2) suspended from a carriage running on this cable and then returned empty along a second cable, or (3) the whole cable moves continuously carrying buckets that hang from saddle clips and are loaded and discharged automatically or by hand control.

aerial spud

A cable for moving and anchoring a dredge. Fay


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English aerial survey

a. A survey using aerial photographs as part of the surveying operation. AGI b. The taking of aerial photographs for surveying purposes. AGI

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aerial tramway

A system for the transportation of material, such as ore or rock, in buckets suspended from pulleys or grooved wheels that run on a cable, usually stationary.. Fay; Peele


An organism that lives in the presence of free oxygen. The oxygen is usually used in the cell's metabolism.:aerobic


a. Said of an organism (esp. a bacterium) that can live only in the presence of free oxygen; also, said of its activities. AGI b. Said of conditions that can exist only in the presence of free oxygen. CF:anaerobic


Clay, particularly china clay, that has been dried and air separated to remove any coarse particles. Dodd

aerodynamical efficiency

This furnishes a measure of the capacity of a fan to produce useful depression (or positive pressure in the

case of a forcing fan) and indicates the extent to which the total pressure produced by the fan is absorbed within the fan itself. Sinclair, 1

aerodynamic diameter

The diameter of a unit density sphere having the same terminal settling velocity as the particle in question. ANSI

aerodynamic fan

A fan that consists of several streamlined blades mounted in a revolving casing. The cross section and spacing of the blades are designed aerodynamically. This design ensures that the air flows without recirculation between the blades and leaves the rotor in a steady and regularly distributed stream. This appreciably reduces frictional, conversion, and recirculation losses. Fans of a convenient size can handle large volumes of air at the highest pressures likely to be required in mine ventilation.

aerodynamic instability

Flutter that may occur in a structure exposed to wind force. This form of instability can be guarded against by suitable design. Hammond


a. The formation or liberation of gases in the blood vessels of the body, as brought on by a change from a high, or relatively high, atmospheric pressure to a lower one. Hunt b. The disease or condition caused by the formation or liberation of gases in the body. The disease is characterized


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English principally by neuralgic pains, cramps, and swelling, and sometimes results in death.

aerofall mill

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A short, cylindrical grinding mill with a large diameter, used dry, with coarse lumps of ore, pebbles, or steel balls as crushing bodies. The mill load is flushed with an air stream to remove finish mesh material. Pryor, 3


Synthetic water-soluble polymer used as a flocculating agent. Bennett

aerofoil-vane fan

An improved centrifugal-type mine fan. The vanes, of aerofoil section, are curved backward from the direction of rotation. This fan is popular in British coal mines, and total efficiencies of about 90% have been obtained.


a. Enclosing a liquid in the pores or cavities, as some minerals. Standard, 2 b. Characterized by the presence of both air and water. Standard, 2


Pale sky-blue aquamarine beryl.

aeromagnetic prospecting

A technique of geophysical exploration of an area using an airborne magnetometer to survey that area. AGI


An instrument for ascertaining the weight or the density of air or other gases. Webster 3rd

aerial railroad

A system of cables from which to suspend cars or baskets, as in hoisting ore.

aerial ropeway

System of ore transport used in rough or mountainous country. A cable is carried on pylons, and loaded buckets are (1) towed from loading point to discharge, (2) suspended from a carriage running on this cable and then returned empty along a second cable, or (3) the whole cable moves continuously carrying buckets that hang from saddle clips and are loaded and discharged automatically or by hand control. Pryor, 3

aerial spud

A cable for moving and anchoring a dredge. Fay

aerial survey

a. A survey using aerial photographs as part of the surveying operation. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English b. The taking of aerial photographs for surveying purposes. AGI

aerial tramway

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A system for the transportation of material, such as ore or rock, in buckets suspended from pulleys or grooved wheels that run on a cable, usually stationary. Fay; Peele


An organism that lives in the presence of free oxygen. The oxygen is usually used in the cell's metabolism.


a. Said of an organism (esp. a bacterium) that can live only in the presence of free oxygen; also, said of its activities. AGI b. Said of conditions that can exist only in the presence of free oxygen. CF:anaerobic


Clay, particularly china clay, that has been dried and air separated to remove any coarse particles. Dodd

aerodynamical efficiency

This furnishes a measure of the capacity of a fan to produce useful depression (or positive pressure in the case of a forcing fan) and indicates the extent to which the total pressure produced by the fan is absorbed within the fan itself. Sinclair, 1

aerodynamic diameter

The diameter of a unit density sphere having the same terminal settling velocity as the particle in question. ANSI

aerodynamic fan

A fan that consists of several streamlined blades mounted in a revolving casing. The cross section and spacing of the blades are designed aerodynamically. This design ensures that the air flows without recirculation between the blades and leaves the rotor in a steady and regularly distributed stream. This appreciably reduces frictional, conversion, and recirculation losses. Fans of a convenient size can handle large volumes of air at the highest pressures likely to be required in mine ventilation.

aerodynamic instability

Flutter that may occur in a structure exposed to wind force. This form of instability can be guarded against by suitable design. Hammond


a. The formation or liberation of gases in the blood vessels of the body, as brought on by a change from a high, or relatively high, atmospheric pressure to a lower one. Hunt b. The disease or condition caused by the formation or liberation of gases in the body. The disease is characterized principally by neuralgic pains, cramps, and swelling, and sometimes results in death.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English aerofall mill

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A short, cylindrical grinding mill with a large diameter, used dry, with coarse lumps of ore, pebbles, or steel balls as crushing bodies. The mill load is flushed with an air stream to remove finish mesh material. Pryor, 3


Synthetic water-soluble polymer used as a flocculating agent. Bennett

aerofoil-vane fan

An improved centrifugal-type mine fan. The vanes, of aerofoil section, are curved backward from the direction of rotation. This fan is popular in British coal mines, and total efficiencies of about 90% have been obtained.


a. Enclosing a liquid in the pores or cavities, as some minerals. Standard, 2 b. Characterized by the presence of both air and water. Standard, 2


Pale sky-blue aquamarine beryl.

aeromagnetic prospecting

A technique of geophysical exploration of an area using an airborne magnetometer to survey that area. AGI


An instrument for ascertaining the weight or the density of air or other gases. Webster 3rd


Former name for pyrargyrite.


a. A suspension of ultramicroscopic solid or liquid particles in air or gas, as smoke, fog, or mist. Webster 3rd b. Particles, solid or liquid, suspended in air. ANSI c. A sol in which the dispersion medium is a gas (usually air) and the dispersed or colloidal phase consists of solid particles or liquid droplets, e.g., mist, haze, most smoke, and some fog. AGI


Trade name of strong wetting agent based on sulfonated bi-carboxy-acid esters. Pryor, 3


A grass-green to brown nickel arsenate, perhaps Ni17 As6 O 32 ; an analysis gave 48.77% nickel. It is an oxidized vein mineral. Hess


a. Copper carbonate, due to weathering of the metal; esp., the patina adhering to old bronzes. Hess b. Copper rust; verdigris; esp., green copper rust adhering to old bronzes. Standard, 2


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English aeschynite

An orthorhombic mineral, (Ce,Ca,Fe,Th)(Ti,Nb)2 (O,OH)6 ; radioactive; occurs in black sands and pegmatites.

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aethiops mineral

A former name for metacinnabar; isometric HgS .


a. A nodule consisting of a hard shell of hydrated iron oxide within which yellow iron oxide becomes progressively softer toward the center, which may be hollow. Fay b. See:eaglestone


In ion exchange, relative strength of attachment of competing ions for anchorage on a resin. Pryor, 3


a. Two poles or legs supported in an upright position by braces or guys and used as a drill mast. Long b. An open structure tapering from a wide base to a narrow load-bearing top. Nichols, 2

A-frame headgear

A steel headgear consisting of two heavy plate A-frames, set astride the shaft mouth. They are braced together and carry the heavy girders that support the winding sheaves platform. It is a completely self-supporting and rigid structure that leaves usable space around the shaft collar and

includes a guide-tower structure built over the shaft collar. A number of these headgears have been erected in the Republic of South Africa. Nelson

African emerald

a. A deceiving name for green fluor; also for green tourmaline. b. An emerald from the Transvaal. It is usually quite yellowish green; often dark and dull. Hardness, 7.5; sp gr, 2.72 to 2.79; refractive index, 1.58 to 1.59; birefringence, 0.007. c. A term variously used for southern African emeralds (beryl), green tourmaline, and other green gemstones from this region.


During an explosion of methane and oxygen, carbon dioxide and steam are formed. When the steam condenses to water a partial vacuum is created, which causes an inrush or what is known as an afterblast. Cooper


Continued blowing of air through Bessemer converter after flame has dropped, for removal of phosphorus in steel production. Pryor, 3


In mine subsidence, a movement from the sides, the material sliding inward, and following the main break, assumed to be at right angles to the plane of the seam. The amount of this movement depends on several factors, such as the dip, depth of seam, and nature


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English of overlying materials. Lewis


a. A tremor as the ground adjusts itself to the new stress distribution caused by new underground openings. b. In underground mining, a sudden collapse of rock subsequent to a rock burst.


A device for cooling compressed air between the compressor and the mine shaft. By cooling and dehumidifying the air, and thus reducing its volume, the capacity and efficiency of the pipeline are increased. Nelson


The mixture of gases that remain in a mine after a mine fire or an explosion of combustible gases. It consists of carbonic acid gas, water vapor (quickly condensed), nitrogen, oxygen, carbon monoxide, and in some cases free hydrogen, but usually consists principally of carbonic acid gas and nitrogen, and is therefore irrespirable. Fay


Gases produced by mine explosions or mine fires. Fay


An earthquake that follows a larger earthquake or main shock and originates at or near the focus of the larger earthquake. Generally, major

earthquakes are followed by many aftershocks, which decrease in frequency and magnitude with time. Such a series of aftershocks may last many days for small earthquakes or many months for large ones. CF:foreshock AGI


In mine subsidence, an inward movement from the side, resulting in a pull or draw beyond the edges of the workings. Briggs


A monoclinic mineral, Ca3 Si2 O4 (OH)6 ; it is formed as portland cement is hydrated under special conditions, and where calcium silicate is autoclaved (as in sand-lime brick manufacture).


A fine fibrous variety of talc pseudomorphous after enstatite.


A soft, waxy stone--such as pinite, pyrophyllite, or steatite--of a gray, green, yellow, or brown shade; used by the Chinese to simulate jade for carving small images, miniature pagodas, and similar objects.


A hexagonal mineral, (RE,Ca)Cu6 (AsO4 )3 (OH)6 .3H2 O ; mixite group. Lanthanum, yttrium, or cerium may predominate among the rare earths.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English agaric mineral

a. A soft, pulverulent hydrated silicate of magnesium in Tuscany, IT, from which floating bricks can be made. Fay b. A light, chalky deposit of calcium carbonate formed in caverns or fissures in limestone.


a. A kind of silica consisting mainly of chalcedony in variegated bands or other patterns; commonly occupying vugs in volcanic and other rocks. AGI b. A translucent cryptocrystalline variety of variegated chalcedony commonly mixed or alternating with opal and characterized by colors arranged in alternating stripes or bands, in irregular clouds, or in mosslike forms; occurs in virtually all colors, generally of low intensity, in vugs in volcanic rocks and cavities in some other rocks. CF:onyx, moss agate.

agate jasper

An impure variety of agate consisting of jasper with veins of chalcedony.

agate opal

Opalized agate. Fay

agatized wood

A variety of silicified wood which resembles any variety of agate.


a. The formal geochronologic unit of lowest rank, below epoch, during

which the rocks of the corresponding stage were formed. AGI b. A term used informally to designate a length of geologic time during which the rocks of any stratigraphic unit were formed. AGI c. A division of time of unspecified duration in the history of the Earth, characterized by a dominant or important type of life form; e.g., the age of mammals. AGI d. The time during which a particular geologic event or series of events occurred or was marked by special physical conditions; e.g., the Ice Age. AGI e. The position of anything in the geologic time scale; e.g., the rocks of Miocene age. It is often expressed in years. AGI

Agecroft device

A device placed in the rail track to arrest a forward runaway tram. The front axle of a descending tram traveling at normal speed depresses the catch and allows it to drop back in time for the back axle to pass over. Should the tram be traveling at excessive speed, the tail end of the catch arrests the rear axle. Mason


a. The manager of a mining property. Zern b. On a civil engineering contract, the responsible representative of the contractor, acting for him or her in all matters. Hammond c. Before nationalization in Great Britain, the term referred to the chief official of a large coal mine or group of mines under the same ownership. After nationalization, the equivalent term

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English is group manager. Nelson d. A chemical added to pulp to produce desired changes in climate of the system. Pryor, 3

age ratio

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The ratio of daughter to parent isotope upon which the age equation is based. For a valid age determination, (1) the isotope system must have remained closed since solidification, metamorphism, or sedimentation, (2) the decay constant must be known, and (3) the sample must be truly representative of the rock from which it is taken. AGI

agglomerate belt flotation

A coarse-fraction concentration method used in milling pebble phosphate in which conditioned feed at 70% to 75% solids is placed on a flat conveyor belt traveling at a rate of about 75 ft/min (22.9 m/min). Water sprayed on the surface of the pulp aerates the pulp, causing agglomerates of phosphate particles to float to the side of the belt for removal. The silica fraction travels the length of the belt and is permitted to flow off the opposite end. Baffles are positioned at appropriate points along the belt to stir the material so that trapped phosphate particles are given an opportunity to float. Concentrate from the first belts or rougher operation is cleaned on a second belt for further silica removal. Tailings from the cleaner belt are recycled to the rougher circuit. Arbiter

agglomerate screening

A coarse-fraction concentration method used in milling pebble phosphate that is based on flowing reagentized feed over a submerged sloping, stationary screen. Agglomerated phosphate particles float on top of the screen and are recovered at the lower end. Sand particles pass through the screen and are removed as a tailings fraction. Each screen section is approx. 3 ft (0.9 m) wide by 4 ft (1.2 m) long and treats 2 to 3 st/h (1.8 to 2.7 t/h) of feed. Arbiter

agglomerating value

A measure of the binding qualities of coal but restricted to describe the results of coke-button tests in which no inert material is heated with the coal sample. CF:agglutinating value


a. In beneficiation, a concentration process based on the adhesion of pulp particles to water. Loosely bonded associations of particles and bubbles are formed that are heavier than water; flowing-film gravity concentration is used to separate the agglomerates from nonagglomerated particles. Agglomeration also refers to briquetting, nodulizing, sintering, etc. Gaudin, 1 b. See:kerosine flotation


A welded pyroclastic deposit characterized by vitric material binding the pyroclasts, or sintered vitric pyroclasts. Also spelled agglutinite. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English agglutinating power

See:caking index

agglutinating value

A measure of the binding qualities of a coal and an indication of its caking or coking characteristics. Applicable with reference to the ability of fused coal to combine with an inert material such as sand. CF:agglomerating value

agglutinating-value test

A laboratory test of the coking properties of coal, in which a determination is made of the strength of buttons made by coking a mixture of powdered coal and 15 to 30 times its weight of sand.




a. The building up of the Earth's surface by deposition; specif., the upbuilding performed by a stream in order to establish or maintain uniformity of grade or slope. b. A syn. of accretion, as in the development of a beach. The spread or growth of permafrost, under present climatic conditions, due to natural or artificial causes. AGI


a. A mass or body of rock particles, mineral grains, or a mixture of both. AGI b. Any of several hard, inert materials,

such as sand, gravel, slag, or crushed stone, mixed with a cement or bituminous material to form concrete, mortar, or plaster, or used alone, as in railroad ballast or graded fill. The term can include rock material used as chemical or metallurgical fluxstone.; lightweight aggregate. AGI


A change in the properties of a substance with time. precipitation hardening. Nelson

Agitair flotation machine

Uses air to separate aerophilic and hydrophilic particles. Low-pressure air bubbles lift aerophilic particles to an overflow, leaving hydrophilic particles behind. Pryor, 3

agitation dredging

Consists of pumping the discharge directly into the sea and using the tide to carry the fines to deeper water areas. Agitation dredging is employed only during ebb tide in tidal estuaries having swift tidal flows that will disperse the accumulations of silt. Carson, 2

agitation ratio

In older type gravity concentrators, such as tables and vanners, the ratio between the average diameter of a mineral particle and the diameter of a gangue particle that travels at equal speed.


a. A tank in which very finely crushed ore is agitated with leaching

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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solution. Usually accomplished by means of a current of compressed air passing up a central pipe and causing circulation of the contents of the tank. Sometimes called a mixer. CTD b. A device used to stir or mix grout or drill mud. Not to be confused with shaker or shale shaker. Long c. A device used to bring about a continuous vigorous disturbance in a pulp; frequently used to assist bubble formation. BS, 5 d. Pac. See:settler


A pseudomorph of spodumene in which the spodumene has been replaced by muscovite either as pinite or as visible plates. Also called pihlite and cymatolite in the belief that the material was a new mineral. Hess


Migmatite with appearance of breccia. CF:contact breccia


An early name for bismutite, Cornwall, U.K. Fay

agonic line

An isogonic line that connects points of zero magnetic declination. Its position changes according to the secular variation of the Earth's magnetic field.


The formal document by which the contractor and the authority mutually agree to comply with the requirements of

the drawings, specification, schedule, conditions of tendering, and general conditions of contract and the tender.


A former name for eulytite.

agricultural geology

The application of geology to agricultural needs, e.g., mineral deposits used as fertilizers or the location of ground water. AGI

agricultural lime

a. Either ground quicklime or hydrated lime whose calcium and magnesium content is capable of neutralizing soil acidity. ASTM b. Lime slaked with a minimum amount of water to form calcium hydroxide. CCD, 2


A brown, mottled calcareous stone. Schaller


See:agricultural geology


An orthorhombic mineral, Ag4 SeS .


A monoclinic mineral, NiSeO3 .2H2 O; forms a series with cobaltomenite; rose colored; vitreous luster; no cleavage; conchoidal


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English fracture; strongly pleochroic, X rose, Y pale green, Z brown green; from Pacajake, Bolivia. Am. Mineral., 1


In a soil profile, the uppermost zone from which soluble salts and colloids have been leached and in which organic matter has accumulated.


a. An orthorhombic mineral, PbCuBiS3 ; sp gr, 6.1 to 6.8; an ore of lead, copper, and bismuth.; acicular bismuth; aciculite. b. Wolframite pseudomorphous after scheelite.




American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Statistical Research Bureau


a. The mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth and forms its atmosphere; composed by volume of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen; by weight about 23% oxygen and 77% nitrogen. It also contains about 0.03% carbon dioxide, some aqueous vapor, argon, and other gases. Hartman, 1 b. The current of atmospheric air circulating through and ventilating the workings of a mine. c. Atmospheric air delivered under compression to bottom of drill hole

through the drill stem and used in place of water to clear the drill bit of cuttings and to blow them out of the borehole. Long d. Air piped under compression to work areas and used to operate drilling or mining machinery.



air-avid surface

A surface that seems to prefer contact with air to contact with water. A particle (or mineral) of this sort will adhere to an air bubble and float out of a flotation pulp; otherwise, the particle will not float. Also called water-repellent surface; hydrophobic. CF:water-avid surface Newton, 1

air barrage

The division of an opening in a mine by an airtight wall into two sides; one side is used as an air intake, the other side as a return.

air bell

In froth flotation, the small air pocket inducted or forced into the pulp at depth; e.g., bell and the two-walled semistable bubble after emergence from pulp into froth have different characteristics and gas-to-liquid, area-to-volume relationships, hence the distinction. These bubbles vary in attractive and retaining power for aerophilic grains and are a critical component of the flotation process.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Electromagnetic surveys carried out with airborne instruments. Dobrin

air belt

In a cupola furnace, an annular air space around the furnace, from which air is forced into the furnace. Henderson airborne magnetic prospecting

See:aeromagnetic prospectingairblast

a. A term improperly used by some diamond drillers as a syn. for air circulation. b. A disturbance in underground workings accompanied by a strong rush of air. The rush of air, at times explosive in force, is caused by the ejection of air from large underground openings, the sudden fall of large masses of rock, the collapse of pillars, slippage along a fault, or a strong current of air pushed outward from the source of an explosion. Long

airborne magnetometer

An instrument used to measure variations in the Earth's magnetic field while being transported by an aircraft. AGI

air box

a. A rectangular wooden pipe or tube made in lengths of 9 to 15 ft (2.7 to 4.6 m) for ventilating a heading or a sinking shaft. Fay b. A box for holding air. Fay c. The conduit through which air for heating rooms is supplied to a furnace. Standard, 2


A method of blasting in which compressed air at very high pressure is piped to a steel shell in a shot hole and discharged. BS, 12

air breakers

A method of breaking down coal by the use of high-pressure compressed air. McAdam, 2 air block

Air trapped in the upper end of an unvented inner tube of a double-tube core barrel, which, when sufficiently compressed, acts like a solid and stops further advance of core into the inner tube. Long

air brick

A hollow or pierced brick built into a wall to allow the passage of air.

air bridge

A passage through which a ventilating current is conducted over an entry or air course; an overcast.

airborne electromagnetic prospecting

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

N needle

a. A piece of copper or brass about 0.5 in (1.3 cm) in diameter and 3 ft or 4 ft (0.9 m to 1.2 m) long, pointed at one end, and turned into a handle at the other, tapering from the handle to the point. It is thrust into a charge of blasting powder in a borehole, and while in this position the borehole is tamped solid, preferably with moist clay. The needle is then withdrawn carefully, leaving a straight passageway through the tamping for the miner's squib to shoot or fire the charge. Fay b. A timber set on end to close an opening for the control of water; it may be either vertical or inclined; a form of stop plank. Seelye, 1 c. A small metal rod for making the touchhole in the powder used for blasting. d. A hitch cut in the side rock to receive the end of a timber.

needle bearing

An antifriction bearing using very small-diameter rollers between wide faces. Nichols, 1


Pocketed, as when face bars are set with the face end of the bar pocketed into the coal adjacent to the roof. TIME

needle instrument

Any surveying instrument controlled by a magnetic needle.

needle ore

a. Iron ore of very high metallic luster, found in small quantities, which may be separated into long, slender filaments resembling needles. AGI b. See:aikinite


Elongated crystals, tapering at each end to a fine point, as those typical of martensite. Rolfe

needle traverse

In a survey with a dial (compass), use of a magnetic needle to read the bearing of lines. Opposite is fast needle traverse or work, and refers to the use of a dial as in traversing with a theodolite, where proximity of iron might deflect the needle. Systems can be combined, using needle readings where iron is absent. Also called swinging needle traverse; loose needle traverse. Pryor, 3

negative crystal Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English a. A birefringent crystal in which the refractive index of the extraordinary ray is less than that of the ordinary ray. b. A cavity within a crystal bounded by the crystal faces of that crystal.

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negative element

A large structural feature or portion of the Earth's crust, characterized through a long period of geologic time by frequent and conspicuous downward movement (subsidence, submergence), extensive erosion, or an uplift that is considerably less rapid or less frequent than those of adjacent positive elements. AGI

negative elongation

Lathlike, rodlike, or acicular crystals in which the slow polarized light ray lies across the long direction of the crystal. CF:positive elongation

negative moment

See:hogging moment

negative rake

a. The orientation of a cutting tool in such a manner that the angle formed by the leading face of the tool and the surface behind the cutting edge is greater than 90 degrees . b. Describes a tooth face in rotation whose cutting edge lags the surface of the tooth face.


In a legal sense, a failure upon the part of a mine operator to observe for the protection of the interests of the miner that degree of care, precaution, and vigilance that the circumstances justly demand, whereby the miner suffers injury. Ricketts


An orthorhombic mineral, NaMgF3 ; insoluble; forms rounded grains or pseudo-octahedral crystals; associated with dolomite and quartz in oil shale within the Green River Formation, UT.


A biological division made up of all the swimming animals found in the pelagic division. Hy

Nelson Davis separator

A cylindrical dense-medium washer developed in the United States. It uses a magnetite water suspension as medium. The bath resembles a drum in shape, its longitudinal axis being horizontal; within the stationary outer casing there is a rotor divided into compartments. Raw coal is fed near the top of the separator, and separation takes place as the rotor revolves. The machine produces clean coal and shale; the magnetite is recovered. It can handle coal up to 10 in (254 mm) in size, the lower limit being about 1/4 in (6.4 mm). Magnetite consumption runs at about 1/2 lb/st (0.25 kg/t) of feed.



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English A rock composed essentially of ilmenite and apatite, with or without rutile. The ratio of ilmenite to apatite varies widely. CF:ilmenitite


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Pertaining to the texture of a recrystallized rock in which the shape of the grains is threadlike.


Organic debris deposited among marine sediments and modified by bacterial action in such a way as to form the source material of petroleum, or, under certain conditions, to form the kerogen of oil shales. Tomkeieff


A silky, fibrous, stellated, green, hydrous magnesium-aluminum silicate. Standard, 2


In archaeology, the last division of the Stone Age, characterized by the development of agriculture and the domestication of farm animals. Correlation of relative cultural levels with actual age (and, therefore, with the time-stratigraphic units of geology) varies from region to region. Adj: pertaining to the Neolithic. AGI

elivery strokes of the piston. Crispin


Chemical interchange within a rock whereby its mineral constituents are converted into new mineral species; a type of recrystallization. AGI


Said of the mineral grains of a rock that have been regenerated by zones of secondary growth in crystalline continuity. The new material may have been deposited from solutions or from molten fluids.

neoprene plug closure

The function of the neoprene plug is to provide a completely waterproof seal at the open end of the detonator. Moisture penetration could cause desensitization of the explosive charge in the detonator, and in the case of copper-tubed detonators, moisture could produce a potentially dangerous chemical reaction between the lead azide and the copper. McAdam, 2


A hexagonal mineral, (Na,K)AlSiO4 ; feldspathoid group; greasy luster; forms glassy crystals, colorless grains, coarse crystals with prismatic cleavage, or masses without cleavage; occurs in alkalic igneous rocks; an essential constituent of some sodium-rich rocks, e.g., nepheline syenite. Formerly called nephelite; eleolite.

nepheline syenite


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A plutonic rock composed essentially of alkali feldspar and nepheline. It may contain an alkali ferromagnesian mineral, such as an amphibole (riebeckite, arfvedsonite, barkevikite) or a pyroxene (acmite or acmite-augite); the intrusive equivalent of phonolite. Sodalite, cancrinite, hauyne, and nosean, in addition to apatite, sphene, and opaque oxides, are common accessories. Rare minerals are also frequent accessories. AGI


A fine-grained or porphyritic extrusive or hypabyssal rock, of basaltic character, but primarily composed of nepheline and clinopyroxene, esp. titanaugite, and lacking olivine and feldspar. AGI


A nepheline-rich groundmass in an igneous rock; the glassy groundmass in nepheline rocks. AGI


The process of introduction of or replacement by nepheline. AGI


The measurement of the cloudiness of a medium; esp. the determination of the concentration or particle sizes of a suspension by measuring, at more than one angle, the scattering of light transmitted or reflected by the medium. CF:turbidimetry


An exceptionally tough, compact, fine-grained, greenish or bluish variety of amphibole (specif. tremolite or actinolite) constituting the less rare or valuable kind of jade.; greenstone.

neptunian dike

A dike filled by sediment, generally sand, in contrast to a plutonic dike filled by volcanic materials.

neptunian theory



The theory, advocated by A. G. Werner in the 18th century, that the rocks of the Earth's crust all consist of material deposited sequentially from, or crystallized out of, water. Etymol: Neptune, Roman god of waters. CF:plutonism


A monoclinic mineral, KNa2 Li(Fe,Mn)2 Ti2 Si8 O24 ; forms red to black prismatic crystals; occurs in late stages of reduced, silica-deficient environments; e.g., alkaline igneous rocks and veins in serpentinite.


Pertaining to the shallow seas; for accumulations of shells, but sometimes for the whole environment of deposition on the continental shelf. Challinor

neritic zone


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English That part of the sea floor extending from the low tide line to a depth of 200 m.

Nernst film

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In ion exchange, the diffusion-layer supposed to surround a bead of resin. This static film is reduced, or diffusion through it is accelerated, if agitation of the ambient liquor is increased, if temperature is raised, or if concentration of ions in solution is made greater. Pryor, 3


A black marble found in Roman ruins, probably from the Taenarian peninsula, Greece.


An orthorhombic mineral, Mg(HCO3 )(OH).2H2 O ; forms low-temperature efflorescences, particularly as an alteration product of lansfordite. Named for a coal mine at Nesquehoning, PA.


A British term used esp. in Scotland for a promontory, headland, or cape, or any point or projection of the land into the sea; commonly used as a suffix to a place name, e.g., Fifeness. Also called nose. AGI


a. A concentration of some relatively conspicuous element of a geologic feature, such as a nest of inclusions in an igneous rock or a small, pocketlike mass of ore or mineral within

another formation. AGI b. A fitting of the next-smaller-size casing inside the casing already set in a borehole, or of one tube inside another.

nested variogram model

A model that is the sum of two or more component models, such as nugget, spherical, etc. Adding a nugget component to one of the other models is the most common nested model, but more complex combinations are occasionally used.


a. Scot. Strapping used for lowering or raising horses in shafts. Fay b. A plane of points each with identical point surroundings. CF:space lattice; lattice.

net calorific value

The heat produced by combustion of unit quantity of a solid or liquid fuel when burned, at a constant pressure of 1 atm (0.1 MPa), under conditions such that all the water in the products remains in the form of vapor. Net heat of combustion at constant pressure is expressed as Qp (net). ASTM

net-corrected fill

Net fill after making allowance for shrinkage during compaction. Nichols, 1

net cut


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English The amount of excavated material to be removed from a road section, after completing fills in that section. Nichols, 1 ¤@A�Uû�Uœ<ü��eDICTIONARY TERMS:net drilling time The rotating time actually spent [\B]net drilling time[\N]

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net fill

The fill required, less the cut required, at a particular station or part of a road. Nichols, 1


The lower part of, as in nether roof; opposite of the term "upper." TIME

nether roof

a. The strata directly over a coal seam. The props set at the face hold only the nether roof. E.g., if the props carry a load of 20 st (18.1 mt) each and are set 4 ft (1.2 m) apart each way, the supported weight is 1.5 st/ft2 (14.6 t/m2).; absolute roof; overarching weight; immediate roof. Nelson b. In mine subsidence, the immediate roof of limited depth, such as timber might be expected to support. Briggs

nether strata

The roof and strata immediately above the coal. Mason

net slip

On a fault, the distance between two formerly adjacent points on either side of the fault, measured on the fault surface or parallel to it. It

defines both the direction and relative amount of displacement. AGI

net texture

See:network structure

Nettleton method

An indirect means of density determination in which a closely spaced gravity traverse is run over some topographic feature, such as a small hill or valley. When the profile of observed values is plotted, the gravitational effect of the feature itself is calculated at each observation point along the profile and removed from the observed value for that point. The calculation is repeated a number of times, different densities being assumed for each computation. The density value at which the hill is least conspicuous on the gravity profile is considered to be most nearly correct. Dobrin

net unit value

The difference between the gross unit recoverable value and the cost of mining, treating, and marketing ore; in other words, the net operating profit. Nelson


a. Esp. in surveying and gravity prospecting, a pattern or configuration of stations, often so arranged as to provide a check on the consistency of the measured values. AGI b. In ventilation surveys, the multiple development openings, haulage


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English ways, and working faces that constitute the ventilation system of a mine. Hartman, 2

network deposit


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network structure

A structure in which one constituent occurs primarily at the grain boundaries, thus partially or completely enveloping the grains of the other constituent.

Neuenburg saw

A plow consisting of a 2-in (5.1-cm) steel plate 6 ft by 20 in (1.8 m by 50.8 cm) of seven pieces hinged together to follow floor rolls; picks on the face edge cut in both directions. The minimum workable seam is 14 in (35.6 cm) on gradients of 35 degrees to 70 degrees . Maximum face length is 80 yd (73.2 m). The machine is used in the Ruhr. Nelson


The tailgate corner of a face behind the face conveyor tension end. Trist

Neumann lamellae

Straight, narrow bands parallel to the crystallographic planes in the crystals of metals that have been subjected to deformation by sudden impact. They are actually narrow twin band, and are most frequently observed in iron. CTD


A large tree-fern of the coal forest, with trunks about 2 ft (0.6 m) thick, containing several cylinders of wood inside the stem instead of one column of wood as in modern trees. Nelson

neutral atmosphere

Atmosphere in which there is neither an excess nor a deficiency of oxygen.

neutral axis

The line of zero fiber stress in any given section of a member subject to bending; it is the line formed by the intersection of the neutral surface and the section. Roark

neutral equilibrium

A body is said to be in neutral equilibrium if on being slightly displaced it remains in its new position; e.g., a ball placed on a horizontal surface or a cone supported on its side on a horizontal surface. Morris


To add either an acid or alkali to a solution until it is neither acid nor alkaline. Gordon

neutral lining

Furnace lining of neutral refractories. Osborne

neutral point


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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a. A neutral point in a wye-connected alternating-current power system means the connection point of transformer or generator windings from which the voltage to ground is nominally zero, and which is the point generally used for system grounding. b. In titration, the point at which hydrogen ions and hydroxyls are approx. balanced, each at about 1 times 10-7 molar. Since color-change-indicating dyes do not all react at this point, selection for a given titration must be made with regard to the required point of change. Pryor, 3

neutral pressure

The hydrostatic pressure of the water in the pore space of a soil. Hammond

neutral refractory

a. A refractory that is neither strongly basic nor strongly acid, such as chrome, mullite, or carbon. ARI b. A refractory that is resistant to chemical attack by both acid and basic slags, refractories, or fluxes at high temperatures. ASTM

neutral salt

A salt in which all the hydrogen of the hydroxyl groups of an acid is replaced by a metal. Standard, 2

neutral salt effect

Reduction of ionization of a weak acid or base by addition of ionizing salt that contains one of the ions already present; form of common ion effect. Pryor, 3

neutral stress

The stress transmitted by the fluid that fills the voids between particles of a soil or rock mass; e.g., that part of the total normal stress in a saturated soil caused by the presence of interstitial water. AGI

neutral surface

The longitudinal surface of zero fiber stress in a member subject to bending; it contains the neutral axis of every section. Roark

neutral zone

A strain-free area. CF:compression zone; tension zone. Nelson


An uncharged elementary particle with a mass that nearly equals that of the proton. An isolated neutron is unstable and decays with a half-life of about 13 min into an electron, a proton, and a neutrino. Neutrons sustain the fission chain reaction in a nuclear reactor. Lyman

neutron density

The number of neutrons per cubic centimeter. Lyman

neutron-gamma log

A radioactivity log employing both gamma and neutron-log curves. The neutron log should respond best to porous fluid-filled rock and the gamma best to shale markers. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English neutron log

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Strip recording of the secondary radioactivity arising from the bombardment of the rocks around a borehole by neutrons from a source being caused to move through the borehole. Used, generally in conjunction with other types of logs, for the identification of the fluid-bearing zones of rocks. Inst. Petrol.; AGI

neutron logging

A radioactivity logging method used in boreholes in which a neutron source provides neutrons that enter rock formations and induce additional gamma radiation, which is measured by use of an ionization chamber. The gamma radiation so induced is related to the hydrogen content of the rock. AGI

Nevadan orogeny

Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous diastrophism in Western North America.


A former name for iridosmine.

Newark Supergroup

Continental strata of Lower Jurassic or Upper Triassic age in the Eastern United States, consisting essentially of red sandstone, shale, arkose, and conglomerate, some 14,000 to 18,000 ft (4.3 to 5.5 km) thick. The series includes black shales with fish remains, thin coal seams in Virginia and North Carolina, and basaltic flows and sills. CTD

Newaygo screen

A slanting screen in which the material to be screened passes down. The screen is kept in vibration by the impact of a large number of small hammers. Liddell


Variety of resin. Tomkeieff

Newlyn datum

The mean sea level now used as the British Ordnance Datum for leveling. It was determined as the result of several years' observations at Newlyn, Cornwall, England, and differs at various places by more than 0.3 m from levels based on the Liverpool datum, which it supersedes. Hammond

Newmann hearth

A modified Scotch hearth in which poking or rabbling is done mechanically. CTD

new miner training

In mining, mandatory training given the miners having no previous mining experience; includes instruction in the statutory rights of miners and their representatives, use of self-rescue devices and respiratory devices where appropriate, hazard recognition, emergency procedures, electrical hazards, first aid, walk around training, and other health and safety aspects of the tasks to which the person will be assigned. CF:refresher training; task training. Federal Mine Safety


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English new sand

Newly mixed, but not unused, molders' sand. Standard, 2

new scrap

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The material generated in the manufacturing process of articles for ultimate consumption; it includes defective castings, clippings, turnings, borings, drosses, slags, etc., that are returned directly to the manufacturing process or sold directly for reprocessing.

Newtonian fluid

Term marking the distinction, made in mineral processing that involves agitation, between a truly viscous (Newtonian) liquid and one in which shear or apparent viscosity (pseudoviscosity) varies with the dimensions of the containing system and the speed of agitation. The latter type of fluid is said to be non-Newtonian. Pryor, 3

Newton's law of gravitation

See:law of gravitation

New York rod

A leveling rod marked with narrow lines, ruler fashion. Nichols, 1

N-frame brace

A diagonal brace in a square set. Fay


A chondritic stony meteorite composed of bronzite and olivine in a friable, breccialike mass of chondrules. AGI


A former name for nickeline. Also spelled nicolite. .

Nicholls' technique

A technique used in the determination of elastic constants of rock in situ. Longitudinal and shear waves are generated in rock by small explosive charges in shallow drill holes. Accelerometers and strain gages are employed to measure arrival times for both waves. From wave velocities and measured density, Poisson's ratio, modulus of elasticity, modulus of rigidity, Lame's constant, and bulk modulus can be calculated. Lewis


a. An isometric mineral, elemental Ni; hard; metallic; silver-white; a native metal, esp. in meteorites; also alloyed with iron in meteorites. b. A silvery white, hard, malleable, ductile, somewhat ferromagnetic element. Symbol: Ni. It takes on a high polish and is a fair conductor of heat and electricity. Used for making stainless steel and other corrosion-resistant metals and is chiefly valuable for the alloys it forms. Also used extensively in coinage, in desalination plants for converting sea water into fresh water, and in making nickel steel for


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English armor plate and burglar-proof vaults. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 3

nickel antimony glance

Sulfantimonide of nickel, crystallizing in the cubic system. Also called ullmannite. CMD

nickel bloom

A green hydrated and oxidized patina on rock outcrops indicating the existence of primary nickel minerals; specif. annabergite (a nickel arsenate). The term is also applied to zaratite (a nickel carbonate) and to morenosite (a nickel sulfate).

nickel carbonyl

A volatile compound of nickel, Ni(CO)4 , formed by passing carbon monoxide over the heated metal. The compound is decomposed into nickel and carbon monoxide by further heating. It is used on a large scale in industry for the production of nickel from its ores by the Mond process. CTD

nickel glance


nickel green



Containing nickel.


a. A hexagonal mineral, 2[NiAs] ; commonly contains antimony, cobalt, iron, and sulfur; one of the chief ores of nickel. Formerly called: niccolite; nickelite; arsenical nickel; copper nickel; kupfernickel. b. The mineral group breithauptite, freboldite, imgreite, langisite, nickeline, sederholmite, sobolevskite, stempflite, and sudburyite.

nickel iron

a. A mineral, NiFe, containing about 76% nickel and found in meteorites. Isometric. Dana, 4 b. The native alloy of nickel with iron in meteorites.


A former name for nickeline.

nickel ocher

An early name for annabergite. Fay

nickelous oxide

a. NiO; green, becoming yellow. Found in nature as the mineral bunsenite. Soluble in acids and in ammonium hydroxide; insoluble in water; sp gr, 6.6 to 6.8. NiO absorbs oxygen at 400 degrees C forming Ni2 O3 which is reduced to NiO at 600 degrees C. Used in nickel salts and in porcelain painting. CCD, 2 b. Isometric; green to black; molecular weight, 74.71; melting point, 1,990 degrees C; sp gr, 6.67. Used for painting on china. Bennett; Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English nickel oxide

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Comprises the two nickel oxides, nickelous oxide (NiO) and nickelic oxide (Ni2 O3 ) , which are used extensively as colorants in glasses, glazes, and enamels. The use of nickel oxide in enamels is generally in the ground coat, in which it is used with cobalt and manganese. It is also used in cover coat enamels to give what is known as a daylight shade for reflector units. Nickelic oxide imparts a color to glass which is dependent upon the character of the alkali present. Nickelous oxide is used in glazes to produce blues, greens, browns, and yellows. Nickel oxide is also one of the principal components of certain type of ferrites, e.g, the nickel-zinc ferrite.

nickel plating

The deposition of a coating of metallic nickel by electrolysis. Nelson

nickel pyrite



An isometric mineral, NiAs2-3 ; isostructural with skutterudite; tin white; in intermediate-temperature hydrothermal veins, particularly in association with Co, Ni, Fe arsenides, sulfarsenides, and native silver.

nickel vitriol



a. The cutting of a vertical groove in a seam to liberate coal after it has been holed or undercut. Nelson b. Used in wire-rope terminology to describe the internal crosscutting of wires within a rope. Sinclair, 5 c. The chipping of coal along the rib of an entry or room, which is usually the first indication of a squeeze. Fay d. A vertical cutting or shearing one side of a face of coal. Also called cut; cutting. Fay


Newc. The small coal produced in making a nicking.Fay


a. Nicol prism. b. Any apparatus that produces polarized light, e.g., Nicol prism or Polaroid..


A former name for nickeline.

Nicol prism

A special prism for producing polarized light, made from two pieces of Iceland spar (calcite) cemented together with Canada balsam. Light entering the prism is split into two polarized rays; of these, the ordinary ray is totally reflected at the balsam layer while the extraordinary ray is able to pass through the prism. In a petrological microscope two Nicol prisms are incorporated.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Niggli's classification

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a. A classification of igneous rocks on the basis of their chemical composition, similar in some respects to the norm system. It was proposed in 1920 by the Swiss mineralogist Paul Niggli. AGI b. A classification of ore deposits, the major groups being plutonic, or intrusive, and volcanic, or extrusive. It was proposed in 1929. AGI

night emerald

See:evening emerald

night pair

Corn. Miners who work underground during the night. The night shift. Fay

night shift

The coal miners' shift from about 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. It may be a coal-winning shift, but in general it is a preparation or maintenance shift. Nelson


A product of the coalification of fix bitumens rich in carbon; insoluble or only slightly soluble in organic solvents. It is subdivided into polynigritite, humonigritite, exinonigritite, and keronigritite. Tomkeieff


Nothing; zero. Often used in reporting gold and silver assays. Webster 3rd; Fay

nine-inch straight

A standard 9-in by 4-1/2-in by 2-1/2-in (22.9-cm by 11.4-cm by 6.4-cm) straight brick.

nine-point sample

Final sample taken for test when a small quantity of finely ground mineral is required for assay. A suitable quantity of dry material is thoroughly mixed on glazed cloth or paper, if necessary, being rolled lightly with a round bottle to break down any floccules. It is then flattened to a disk and eight equal segments are marked out diametrically with a spatula. Approx. equal quantities are taken from each segment and from the center, making the nine points of withdrawal. Pryor, 3


An orthorhombic mineral, (U,Ca,Ce)2 (PO4 )2 .1-2H 2 O ; rhabdophane group; occurs in an unoxidized zone of the Ningyo-toge Mine, Tottori prefecture, Japan.




A shiny, white, soft, and ductile metallic element. Symbol, Nb (niobium) or Cb (columbium). The name niobium was adopted by the International Union


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Many chemical societies and government organizations refer to it as niobium, but most metallurgists, metals societies, and commercial producers still refer to the metal as columbium. Found in niobite (or columbite), niobite-tantalite, pyrochlore, and euxenite. Used as an alloying agent in carbon and alloy steels, in nonferrous metals, and in superconductive magnets.

niobium boride

One of several compounds that have been reported, including the following: NbB2 ; melting point, 3,050 degrees C; sp gr, 7.0; thermal expansion, 5.9 X 10-6 parallel to a and 8.4 X 10-6 parallel to c; NbB, melting point, 2,300 degrees C; sp gr, 7.6; Nb3 B4 melts incongruently at 2,700 degrees C; sp gr, 7.3. Dodd

niobium nitride

One of three nitrides that have been reported: NbN, Nb2 N , and Nb 4 N3 . During reaction between niobium and N2 at 800 to 1,500 degrees C the product generally consists of more than one compound. Most of the phases are stable at least to 1,500 degrees C. Dodd


a. Where the roof and the floor of a coal seam come close together pinching the coal between them. CF:want b. The contact ends of a cable for quick attachment to a power cable. BCI

c. The device at the end of the trailing cable of a mining machine used for connecting the trailing cable to the trolley wire and ground. Jones, 1 d. To move a machine along a track by sliding the nip along the trolley wire. Hess e. The seizing of material between the jaws or rolls of a crusher. Nichols, 1 f. See:angle of nip g. To cut grooves at the end of a bar, to make it fit more evenly. h. An undercutting notch in rock, particularly limestone, along a seacoast between high- and low-tide levels produced by erosion or possible solution. AGI




A tubular pipe fitting usually threaded on both ends and under 12 in (30.5 cm) in length. Longer pipe is regarded as cut pipe.


A cast iron consisting of graphite in a matrix of austenite. It contains 3.0% carbon, 14.0% nickel, 6.0% copper, 2.0% chromium, and 1.5% silicon; it has a high resistance to growth, oxidation, and corrosion. CTD


See:Boylston's reagent


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English An orthorhombic mineral, 4[KNO3 ] ; water soluble; has a cooling salty taste; a product of nitrification in most arable soils in hot, dry regions, and in the loose earth forming the floors of some natural caves. CF:nitratine

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niter cake

Crude sodium sulfate, a byproduct in the manufacture of nitric acid from sodium nitrate. Fay


a. A salt of nitric acid; e.g., silver nitrate or barium nitrate. Standard, 2 b. A mineral compound characterized by a fundamental anionic structure of NO3

- . Soda niter, NaNO3 , and niter, KNO3 , are nitrates. CF:carbonate; borate. AGI c. Salts formed by the action of nitric acid on metallic oxides, hydroxides, and carbonates. Readily soluble in water and decompose when heated. The nitrates of polyhydric alcohols and the alkyl radicals explode violently. CTD


A trigonal mineral, NaNO3 ; rhombohedral cleavage; water soluble with a cooling taste; occurs only in very arid regions. Formerly called soda niter.


The formation of nitrates by the oxidation of ammonium salts to nitrites (usually by bacteria) followed by oxidation of nitrites to nitrates. It is

one of the processes of soil formation. AGI


An abbrev. for nitroglycerin or dynamite.


A monoclinic mineral, Ca(NO3 )2 .4H2 O ; water soluble; soft; occurs as an efflorescence, e.g., on walls and in limestone caves.


Nitric acid esters of cellulose formed by the action of a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids on cellulose. The cellulose can be nitrated to a varying extent, ranging from two to six nitrate groups in the molecule. Nitrocellulose having a low nitrogen content, up to the tetranitrate, is not explosive. They dissolve in ether-alcohol mixtures and in so-called lacquer solvents, such as butyl acetate. A nitrocellulose having a high nitrogen content is guncotton, an explosive. The principal nitrocellulose plastic is celluloid.


A chemical combination of ordinary cotton fiber with nitric acid. It is explosive, highly inflammable, and in certain degrees of nitration, soluble in nitroglycerin.


See:gelatin dynamite



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Colorless, tasteless, odorless, relatively inert element. Symbol, N. Nitrogen makes up 78% of the air, by volume. From this inexhaustible source it can be obtained by liquefaction and fractional distillation. Used in the production of ammonia and nitric acid, as a blanketing medium in the electronics industry, as a refrigerant, in annealing stainless steel, in drugs, and for forcing crude oil from oil wells. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 3

nitrogen fixation

a. Extracting nitrogen from the air in commercial quantities for use in agriculture or industry. b. In a soil, the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to a combined form by the metabolic processes of some algae, bacteria, and actinomycetes. AGI


CH2 NO3 CHNO3 CH2 NO3 ; pale yellow; flammable; explosive; thick liquid; soluble in alcohol; soluble in ether in all proportions; slightly soluble in water; melting point, 13.1 degrees C; and explosion point, 256 degrees C. Used as an explosive, in the production of dynamite and other explosives, as an explosive plasticizer in solid rocket propellants, and as a possible liquid rocket propellant. Molecular weight, 227.09; triclinic or orthorhombic when solid; sp gr, 1.5918 (at 25 degrees C, referred to water at 4 degrees C); soluble in methanol and in carbon disulfide; very soluble in chloroform; and slightly soluble in petroleum ether. This highly explosive liquid is made by mixing

sulfuric acid and nitric acid in a steel tank and then adding glycerin. Its great shattering effect has made it esp. suitable for shooting oil wells. Because of its sensitiveness to shock, liquid nitroglygerin is dangerous to transport and unsuitable for use in mining and quarrying operations.; explosive oil. CCD, 2; Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2; Lewis

nitroglycerin explosive

An explosive containing, principally, nitroglycerin, nitrocotton, and inorganic nitrates, with a suitable combustible absorbent giving a balanced composition. Nelson

nitroglycerin powder

Explosive usually characterized by a low nitroglycerin content, up to 10% , and a high ammonium nitrate content of 80% to 85%, with carbonaceous material forming the remainder of the composition. This composition produces a powdery consistency and, consequently, nitroglycerin powders have relatively poor water-resistance properties, so that they should be used only in dry conditions. Their storage properties are fairly good, but this is largely dependent on the protection given after manufacture, for example, in the methods of cartridging and packing. The main application of these explosives is in quarrying and mining where the ground to be blasted is relatively soft. McAdam, 2

nitrohydrochloric acid

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English See:aqua regia


An excellent and cheap explosive in powder form, consisting of the constituents ammonium nitrate + trotyl + nitroglycerin + silicon. Fraenkel


A monoclinic mineral, Mg(NO3 )2 .6H2 O ; water soluble; white; an efflorescence in limestone caverns.

nitromuriatic acid

See:aqua regia

nitrostarch explosive

Nitrostarch explosives have been used to a limited extent for over 50 years. When these explosives were first introduced, nitrostarch was the principal explosive ingredient in their composition. Of recent years, because of the trend toward the low-sensitivity, noncap sensitive nitrocarbonitrates and ammonium nitrate-oil mixtures, certain grades of explosives are being produced with low amounts of sensitizers. Some of these explosives today contain a very large percentage of ammonium nitrate, and nitrostarch is used only in small quantities to act as a sensitizer. Pit and Quarry


The act or process of introducing by substitution the nitryl radical, NO 2 , in place of one or more replaceable hydrogen atoms, such as in an organic compound. Nitrosubstitution compounds are used in the manufacture of some explosives. Standard, 2

nitrosulfuric acid

An exceedingly corrosive mixture of one part by weight of nitric acid and two parts by weight of sulfuric acid. Used in the manufacture of nitroglycerin. Standard, 2

nitrous oxide

A gas with the chemical formula, N2 O ; molecular weight, 46; sp gr, 1.6. This gas is produced by the blasting of certain nitroglycerine explosives, esp. if there is incomplete detonation. It is also produced in the exhaust of diesel locomotives. It is used as an anesthetic in dentistry and is commonly known as laughing gas. Morris

niveau surface

See:equipotential surface


a. A term used to express great value or purity, as in a noble metal (e.g., platinum); or inertness, as in a noble gas (e.g., helium). b. An adj. usually modifying "metal" or "gas" and referring to those elements which do not normally combine with oxygen or other non-metallic elements under near-surface conditions; thus they commonly occur as native

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English elements (or alloys). The metals usually included are gold, silver, platinum, palladium, ruthenium, iridium, rhodium, and osmium; the gases are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. Other elements found in their native states, such as sulfur, copper, or mercury, are not noble because they spontaneously (even though slowly) oxidize.

noble gas

A rare inert gas: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.


A monoclinic mineral, CaB6 O9 (OH)2 .3H2 O ; tabular or mammillary; transparent; formed by the weathering of colemanite and priceite in Death Valley, CA.

noble metal

A metal with marked resistance to chemical reaction, particularly to oxidation and to solution by inorganic acids. The list includes mercury and the precious and platinum-group metals.

no-cut rounds

In blasting underground, drilling all holes straight into the face. Lewis


a. Composed of nodules; e.g., nodular bedding consisting of scattered to loosely packed nodules in matrix of like or unlike character. AGI

b. Having the shape of a nodule, or occurring in the form of nodules; e.g., nodular ore such as a colloform mineral aggregate with a bulbed surface. AGI c. Orbicular. AGI

nodular cast iron

A cast iron that has been treated while molten with a master alloy containing an element, such as magnesium or cerium, to produce primary graphite in the spherulitic form.

nodular structure

See:orbicular structure


a. A small, irregularly rounded knot, mass, or lump of a mineral or mineral aggregate, normally having a warty or knobby surface and no internal structure, and usually exhibiting a contrasting composition from the enclosing sediment or rock; e.g., a nodule of pyrite in a coalbed, a chert nodule in limestone, or a phosphatic nodule in marine strata. Nodules can be separated as discrete masses from the host material. AGI b. One of the widely scattered concretionary lumps of manganese, cobalt, iron, and nickel found on the floors of the world's oceans; esp. a manganese nodule. Etymol: Latin nodulus, small knot. CF:concretion AGI c. A rounded material accretion built of successive layers, of easily handled size. Pryor, 3 d. A small, rounded, irregularly shaped

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English mass, as those of graphite in malleable cast iron. Rolfe


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a. The forming of rounded shapes by the application to fine coal of a gyratory, rotary, or oscillatory motion, without the use of pressure. BS, 5 b. See:balling


a. Any undesired sound. NCB b. By extension, any unwanted disturbance such as undesired electric waves in any transmission channel or device. NCB c. In gravity and magnetic prospecting, disturbances in observed data due to more or less random inhomogeneities in surface and near-surface material. AGI d. In seismic prospecting, all recorded energy not derived from the explosion of the shot. Sometimes loosely used for all recorded energy except events of interest. AGI

noise level

In observed or recorded data, the fluctuations not attributable to signals. AGI

noise reduction rating

A measure of a hearing protector's effectiveness in reducing noise such as results from mining operations where drilling, cutting, blasting, etc. create high noise levels. Abbrev. NRR. MSHA, 2


A hexagonal mineral, (V,Fe,Ti)10 O14 (OH)2 ; rare; forms tabular prisms and plates; associated with uranium ores at Beaverlodge, SK, Canda, and with native gold and various tellurides at Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.

nominal area

Of a screen, the total area of the screen deck exposed to the flow of the material feed. BS, 5

nominal bandwidth

In a filter, the difference between the nominal upper and lower cutoff frequencies. This difference may be expressed in cycles per second, as a percentage of the pass-band center frequency, or as the difference between the upper and lower cutoffs in octaves. Hy

nominal capacity

A notional figure expressed in tons per hour used in the title of a flowsheet and in general descriptions of the plant, applying to the plant as a whole and to the specific project under consideration. It may be taken as representing the approximate tonnage expected to be supplied to the plant during the hour of greatest load. BS, 5

nominal price

An estimate of the price for a future month date which is used to designate a closing price when no trading has taken place in that date. Also used for current price indications in


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English similar circumstances in physical trading. Wolff

nominal screen aperture

a. A nominal mesh aperture used to designate the result of a screening operation. BS, 5 b. A notional size at which it is intended to divide a feed by a screening operation.

nominal screen size

See:nominal screen aperture

nominal size

The limit or limits of particle size used to describe a product of a sizing operation. BS, 5


A type of line chart that graphically represents an equation of three variables, each of which is represented by a graduated straight line. It is used to avoid lengthy calculations; a straight line connecting values on two of the lines automatically intersects the third line at the required value.



nonangular unconformity


nonasphaltic pyrobitumen

Any of several species of pyrobitumens, including dark-colored, comparatively hard and nonvolatile solids, composed of hydrocarbons containing oxygenated bodies, infusible and largely insoluble in carbon disulfide. This includes peat, coal, and nonasphaltic pyrobitumen shales. Tomkeieff

nonbanded coal

Coal that does not display a striated or banded appearance on the vertical face. It contains essentially no vitrain and consists of clarain or durain, or of material intermediate between the two. AGI

non-Bessemer ore

Ore containing up to about 0.18% phosphorus. Newton, 1

noncaking coal

Coal that does not form cake; namely hard, splint, cherry, and durain coal. Tomkeieff

noncaving method

Any of several stoping methods, including open stopes, sublevel, shrinkage, cut-and-fill, and square set. Lewis

noncoal mine

A mine in which the material being mined is incombustible or contains at least 65% by weight of incombustible material, and in which the underground atmosphere in any open workings contains less than 0.25% by volume of flammable gas. CFR, 2

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English noncoking coal

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A bituminous coal that burns freely without softening or any appearance of incipient fusion. The percentage of volatile matter may be the same as for coking coal, but the residue is not a true coke. Fay


Any material that will neither ignite nor actively support combustion in air at 1,200 degrees F (649 degrees C) when exposed to fire. nonconformable

Pertaining to the stratigraphic relations shown by a nonconformity. AGI


a. An unconformity developed between sedimentary rocks and older rocks (plutonic igneous or massive metamorphic rocks) that had been exposed to erosion before the sediments covered them. The restriction of the term to this usage was proposed by Dunbar & Rodgers (1957). Although the term is well known in the classroom, it is not commonly used in practice (Dennis, 1967). AGI b. A term that formerly was widely, but is now less commonly, used as a syn. of angular unconformity, or as a generic term that includes angular unconformity. Term proposed by Pirsson (1915). AGI

nonconsumable-electrode arc melting

A method of arc melting in which a carbon or tungsten electrode is used and the sponge metal to be melted is fed into the arc at the proper rate. Newton, 1

noncore bit

See:plug bit

noncore drilling

Drilling a borehole without taking core. Long

noncoring bit

A general type of bit made in many shapes that does not produce a core and with which all the rock cut in a borehole is ejected as sludge. Used mostly for blasthole drilling and in the unmineralized zones in a borehole where a core sample is not wanted. Also called blasthole bit; plug bit. CF:fishtail bit; roller bit.

nondestructive testing

Methods of examination, usually for soundness, which do not involve destroying or damaging the material or part being tested. It includes radiological examination, magnetic inspection, etc. Also called nondestructive inspection. Rolfe

nondiamond core drill

A rotary or percussive-type drill equipped with core-cutting tools or bits, the cutting points of which are not inset with diamonds. Long



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English See:nonelectric blasting

nonelectric blasting

The firing of one or more charges using safety fuse, igniter cord, detonating cord, shock or gas tubing, or similar nonelectric materials to initiate a blasting cap. shock tube system. Federal Mine Safety

nonelectric delay blasting cap

A detonator with an integral delay element and capable of being initiated by miniaturized or regular detonating cord. CFR, 1


Of, or relating to, a metal or compound that does not contain appreciable quantities of iron; ores that are not processed primarily for their iron content.

nonferrous alloy

Specif., an alloy containing no iron. Generically, any alloy that has as its base any element other than iron. Common commercial nonferrous alloys are based upon aluminum, copper, lead, magnesium, nickel, tin, and zinc. Henderson

nonferrous metallurgy

That branch of metallurgy that deals with the broad field of metals other than iron, or alloys other than of iron base. CF:ferrous metallurgy Henderson

nonferrous metals

a. Classification of metals that are not commonly associated with alloys of iron, including base metals, precious metals, and light metals. b. In singular form, an alloy that has as its base metal a metal other than iron, e.g., copper, lead, aluminum, etc.

nonflowing well

A well that yields water at the ground surface only by means of a pump or other lifting device.

nonfreezing explosive

Explosive to which 15% to 20% of nitroethylene glycol has been added. This acts as a freezing-point depressant and prevents freezing at ordinary temperatures. Polar or Arctic explosives are nitroglycerin explosives of this type. Higham

nongraded sediment

a. In geology, detrital sediment, loose or cemented, containing notable amounts of more than one grade; e.g., loam or boulder clay. b. In engineering, sediment in which the constituent particles are all of nearly the same size. Stokes

nonhardening salt

Salt containing substantial quantities of impurities such as calcium and/or magnesium chloride, which are highly deliquescent and prevent caking. Kaufmann

nonluminous flame

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Hydrogen, carbon monoxide, or aerated coal gas flames. Francis, 2

nonmagnetic rod

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A drill rod made of brass, aluminum, or other metal unaffected by magnetism. Long

nonmagnetic steel

Steel alloyed with 12% or more of manganese, chromium, or nickel. Such an alloy cannot be removed from a passing stream of ore by an ordinary guard magnet. Magnetic permeability is below 1.05. Pryor, 3


A chemical element (as boron, carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, chlorine, or argon) that is not classed as a metal because it does not exhibit most of the typical metallic properties. An element that, in general, is characterized chemically by the ability to form anions, acidic oxides and acids, and stable compounds with hydrogen. Webster 3rd


a. Of or pertaining to a nonmetal. AGI b. Said in general of mineral lusters other than metallic luster. CF:submetallic luster c. An industrial mineral; usually used in the plural. AGI

nonmetallic armor

A tough outer covering or cable sheath of rubber, rubber compound, or thermoplastic, designed to protect cable conductors and insulation from

abrasion or other damage from external sources. USBM, 2

nonmetallic mineral

a. In resource usage, "nonmetallic mineral" refers to the nonmetallic character of the product, not the mineralogy. Thus graphite is a nonmetallic mineral and molybdenite is "metallic" even though the minerals graphite and molybdenite are so similar in appearance that they may be confused in a casual inspection. Examples include: asbestos, barite, cement, feldspar, gem stones, helium, kyanite, perlite, salt, soda ash, and vermiculite, and even extending to mineral fuels. CF:metallic b. In mineral usage, the luster of a nonopaque mineral, which transmits light at least through the thinnest edges and in thin section.

nonmetallic minerals

Minerals are conveniently divided into metallic and nonmetallic groups, and then arranged in subdivisions according to the elements which form their main constituents. The nonmetallic minerals (carbon, diamond, coals, bitumen, asphalt, boron, sulfur, rock salt, etc.) lack the properties of the metallic minerals such as a bright metallic luster, hardness, density, and good conduction of heat and electricity. Nelson

non-metallic minerals

Rocks, minerals, and select naturally occurring and synthetic materials of economic value, exclusive of fuel and metallic ore minerals. The select materials include peat, mineral-derived


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English materials such as lime and cement, and synthetic versions of gemstones, abrasives, graphite, and calcite. Generally, non-metallic minerals undergo no chemical or mineralogical alteration for and in their end-uses; are low-price, high-volume commodities such as construction materials; are higher-priced and large-volume commodities that are raw materials in the chemical and agricultural industry; and very high price but very low volume materials such as gemstones. A characteristic of non-metallic minerals is that, in most cases, they maintain their form and physical properties through processing to final end use. AGI; Indust. Miner.

non-Newtonian flow

Flow in which the relationship of the shear stress to the rate of shear strain is nonlinear; i.e., flow of a subsurface in which viscosity is not constant. AGI

nonnitroglycerin explosive

Explosive containing TNT instead of nitroglycerin to sensitize ammonium nitrate; a little aluminum powder may also be added to increase power and sensitiveness. Straight TNT-ammonium nitrate explosives usually contain 15% to 18% TNT and 82% to 85% ammonium nitrate. TNT-ammonium nitrate explosives have densities between 1.0 g/cm3 and 1.2 g/cm (super 3) and velocities of detonation between 3,200 m/s and 4,000 m/s. They are reasonably free from noxious fumes. This type of explosive is susceptible to moisture and should be used only in dry

conditions unless packed in sealed containers. The main use of non-nitroglycerin explosives is in primary blasting in quarries and opencast mining, although they are used in some underground work, particularly in ironstone mining. The combination of high strength and relatively high velocity of detonation also makes them applicable for secondary blasting by plaster shooting. McAdam, 2

nonpareil brick

An insulating brick.

nonpermissible explosive

An explosive that is not approved in law for use in gassy mines.

nonpolarizable electrode

Electrode in which the phenomenon of polarization cannot occur. Schieferdecker

nonproductive formation

a. A rock unit that, because of its stratigraphic position, is presumed to contain no valuable mineral deposits. Long b. A rock unit in which no minerals of interest are found. Long

nonrotating rope

A wire rope composed of 18 strands of 7 wires each; the inner 6 strands are left lay and outer 12 strands are right lay. It is esp. fabricated for use where loads are handled in free suspension, as in lifting of loads with a single line. Lewis

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English nonsegregating chute

A chute, usually used to charge stoker hoppers, so designed as to deliver coal in a mixed state rather than having the large lumps tend to be deposited separate from the fine.

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nonselective mining

The object of nonselective mining is to secure a low cost, generally by using a cheap stoping method combined with large-scale operations. This method can be used in deposits where the individual stringers, bands, or lenses of high-grade ore are so numerous and so irregular in occurrence and separated by such thin lenses of waste that a selective method cannot be employed. Nonselective methods of stoping include caving, top slicing, some forms of open stoping, and shrinkage stoping under most conditions. Jackson, 2


A diastem or other relatively unimportant sedimentary or stratigraphic interruption. CF:unconformity; paraconformity.

nonsignificant anomaly

An anomaly that is superficially similar to a significant anomaly but is unrelated to ore. Formerly called false anomaly. Hawkes, 2

nonsparking tool

Tool, made from beryllium-copper or aluminum-bronze, that produces no sparks, or low energy sparks, when used to strike other objects. NSC, 1

nonspin cable

A wire or fiber cable so constructed as to reduce twisting to a minimum. Long

nonspin differential

A differential that will turn both axles, even if one offers no resistance. Nichols, 1

nonspinning rope

A rope wire consisting of 18 strands of 7 wires each, in 2 layers; the inner layer consists of 6 strands lang lay rope and left lay around a small hemp core, and the outer of 12 strands regular lay, right-hand lay. Will carry a load on a single end without untwisting. Hunt

nonstranded rope

A rope in which the wires are not laid up in strands but in concentric sheaths, and in opposite directions in the different sheaths, which gives the rope nonspinning properties. The outer sheaths are composed of specially shaped interlocking wires, and there is no hemp core in the rope. Sinclair, 5


A phase transformation not involving structural rearrangement, e.g., Curie point in magnetism.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English nontabular deposit

A mineral deposit of irregular shape.


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Any rock whose fabric shows no influence of movement of adjacent grains; e.g., a rock formed by mechanical settling. Some rocks are transitional between a tectonite and a nontectonite. AGI


A monoclinic mineral, Na0.33 Fe3+2

(Si,Al)4 O10 (OH)2 .nH2 O ; smectite group; expansive, a swelling clay; earthy; occurs in vesicles and veins in weathered basalt and as an alteration product of volcanic glass.

nonuniform flow

A flow the velocity of which is undergoing a positive or negative change. If the flow is constant it is referred to as uniform flow. Seelye, 1


A relative term as applied to ceramic products based on the water absorbing characteristics; i.e., brick, tile, etc., which absorb water in excess of that given by the specifications would be described as nonvitreous.



nonweathering coal

Coal having a weathering index, as defined by U.S. Bureau of Mines standards, of less than 5%. AGI


a. A term used in the flotation process and applied to certain metallic minerals that are not wetted with water but are easily wetted with oil. Fay b. As used by diamond-bit setters, a diamond inset in a metal or alloy that has not adhered to or wetted the surface of the diamond. Long


Trade name for boron carbide, an artificial abrasive; chemical formula, BC. It is markedly harder than silicon carbide and second only to diamond. AIME, 1


An orthorhombic mineral, (La,Ce)(Sr,Ca)Na2 (Na,Mn)(Zn,Mg)Si6 O17 ; forms pale brown crystals on the Kola Peninsula, Russia.


A coarse-grained plutonic rock containing basic plagioclase (labradorite) as the chief constituent and differing from gabbro by the presence of orthopyroxene (hypersthene) as the dominant mafic mineral. CF:hypersthenite



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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a. The theoretical mineral composition of a rock expressed in terms of normative mineral molecules that have been determined by specific chemical analyses for the purpose of classification and comparison; the theoretical mineral composition that might be expected had all chemical components crystallized under equilibrium conditions according to certain rules. Adj: normative. AGI b. Optimum operating condition of one or more controlled characteristics in a process such as continuous ore treatment. Pryor, 3


a. Of or pertaining to a solution having a concentration of 1 g-equivalent weight of solute per liter of solution; commonly used term in analytical chemistry. b. Used to designate aliphatic hydrocarbons, their derivatives, or alkyl radicals, the molecules of which contain a single unbranched chain of carbon atoms.

normal air

A mixture of dry air and water vapor, varying from 0.1% to 3% by volume (usually over 1% in mines). Hartman, 2

normal arc

A term specif. intended to differentiate between the arcs that are commonly observed and the low-pressure skittering arcs.

normal calorie

The quantity of heat required to raise 1 g of water from 14.5 degrees C to 15.5 degrees C. Newton, 1

normal corrosion

When used in connection with galvanic corrosion, it may refer to corrosion of the anodic metal when there is no contact with the dissimilar metal. Schlain

normal depth

The depth of water in an open conduit that corresponds to uniform velocity for the given flow. It is a hypothetical depth under conditions of steady nonuniform flow, the depth for which the surface and bed are parallel; also termed the neutral depth. Seelye, 1

normal dip

See:regional dip

normal displacement

See:dip slip

normal fault

A fault in which the hanging wall appears to have moved downward relative to the footwall. The angle of the fault is usually 45 degrees to 90 degrees . There is dip separation, but there may or may not be dip slip. CF:reverse fault; thrust fault.

normal field

In magnetic prospecting, the smoothed value of a magnetic field component as derived from a large-scale survey, worldwide or of continental scope.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English The normal field of the Earth varies slowly with time, and maps of it are as of a certain date. AGI

normal fold

See:symmetrical fold

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normal haul

A haul whose cost is included in the cost of excavation, so that no separate charge is made for it. Nichols, 1

normalized steel

Steel that has been given a normalizing heat treatment intended to bring all of a lot of samples under consideration into the same condition.

normalizing conveyor

A conveyor that moves material through a normalizing furnace under heat.

normally consolidated

Said of a soil deposit that has never been subjected to an effective pressure greater than the existing overburden pressure and one that is also completely consolidated by the existing overburden. ASCE

normal moisture capacity

See:field capacity

normal pressure

Usually equal to the weight of a column of mercury 760 mm in height. Approx. 14.7 psi (101.4 kPa). Webster 3rd; Fay

normal price

As applied to metal prices, it is the average over a long term--sometimes a period greater than the life of a mine.

normal scale

See:effective temperature

normal shift

In a fault, the horizontal component of the shift, measured perpendicular to the strike of the fault.

normal solution

A solution made by dissolving 1 g-equivalent weight of a substance in sufficient distilled water to make 1 L of solution. CTD

normal stress

The stress component at right angles to a given plane.ASCE

normal stress component

That component of the stress in a rock mass that acts perpendicular to the lode plane or any other reference plane. Spalding

normal temperature

a. Normal temperature and pressure are taken as 0 degrees C (273 degrees absolute) and 30 in (760 mm) of mercury pressure. Also called standard temperature. Cooper b. As applied to laboratory observations of the physical characteristics of bituminous materials, it is 77 degrees F


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English (25 degrees C). Urquhart

normal theory

A theory claiming that the removal of a coal seam caused the overlying strata to fracture at right angles to the inclination of the beds. Subsidence observations do not support this theory. normal travel-time curve

In fan shooting, a time-distance curve obtained along a profile in some nearby area that does not contain geologic structures of the type being sought. AGI


The adj. of norm.

normative mineral

A mineral whose presence in a rock is theoretically possible on the basis of certain chemical analyses. A normative mineral may or may not be actually present in the rock. AGI

norm system

A system of classification and nomenclature of igneous rocks based on the norm of each rock. It is used in detailed petrologic studies rather than in ordinary geologic or mining work.

Norsk-Staal process

A process for the direct production of iron sponge. A mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen is used as the reducing agent. The equipment consists of three vertical ovens, for preheating, reducing, and cooling the charge, and apparatus for regenerating the spent gases. The ore is contained in a series of muffle trays, each tray holding about 3 tons of ore. These trays pass down through the preheating oven, where the ore is heated to 1,000 degrees C, and are then transferred to the reducing oven, where they are raised through and against the downward gas current, then transferred to the cooling shaft, and slowly lowered down it. The transfer of a tray from one oven to another is made without contact with air. The ore is preheated in the first oven by part of the gases from the reduction oven, and the sponge iron is cooled in the third oven to 50 degrees C by cold gas from a gas holder. Osborne


A triclinic mineral, Al(OH)3 ; cryptocrystalline; a constituent of strongly weathered soils, of laterites and bauxites.

north end

York. The rise side of the coal in North Yorkshire.

north-seeking pole

The end of a magnet that points approx. north. The other end is the south-seeking pole. Morris

Norwalt separator

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Trade name for a dense-medium washer for treating coal lump size down to about 1/8 in (3.2 mm). It comprises a shallow circular tank with a flat base and a conical inner shell containing the driving mechanism. The clean coal floats and passes over a weir while the shale sinks to the bottom and is conveyed to an outlet chute. Its capacity ranges from about 50 st/h (45.4 t/h) to over 500 st/h (454 t/h), depending on the size of the vessel. Nelson

Norwegian cut

A variation of the ordinary cut that may be said to represent a combination of the latter and the fan cut. The first drill holes are formed with a sharper angle toward the working face, which facilitates breaking. This type of cut has been employed successfully in headings of small section, the cut hole being blasted first, followed by the bench holes. In order to obtain the maximum possible advance the cut may also be deepened after blasting, during the first pause in working, e.g, the whole section then being broken out simultaneously. Fraenkel


a. Scot. A point; a projecting angle of coal or other mineral. Also called ness. Fay b. The lead face of the crown of a diamond bit. Long c. A short plunging anticline without closure. d. To dip or run in the form of a geological nose. Webster 3rd


An isometric mineral, Na8 Al6 Si6 O24 (SO (sub 4) ).H2 O ; sodalite group; occurs in silica- and lime-deficient igneous rocks. Formerly called noselite, nosin, nosite.

nose in

Eng. A stratum is said to nose in when it dips beneath the ground into a hillside in a V-form or nose form.



nose out

a. Eng. A nose-shaped stratum cropping out. Fay b. To diminish by losing stratum after stratum and getting into the lower part of the measure; said of a coal seam. Standard, 2

nose pipe

The inside nozzle of a tuyere. Standard, 2






a. An angular recess cut in the ends of a crossbar of a timber set to fit over a corresponding wedge in the upright posts. With the advent of steel arches, the craft of notching is becoming extinct.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English b. Eng. See:let into c. A small weir made for use in measuring flow in laboratory models of hydraulic structures. d. A hollow formed by the undermining of a cliff, as a result of wave erosion and/or solution. Schieferdecker

notch effect

Locally increased stress at that point in a structural load-bearing member where the section changes at a sharp angle. Hammond


A machine tool in a steel-fabrication shop used to strip the flanges from the ends of rolled steel joists. Hammond


a. A method of excavating in a series of steps. Standard, 2 b. Cutting out various shapes from the edge of a strip, blank, or part. ASM, 1

notch sensitivity ratio

Alternative term for factor of stress concentration in fatigue or fatigue strength reduction factor. Roark

not previously known to exist

These words refer to the time of the location and commencement of the tunnel and not to the respective times of the discoveries of the various veins in the tunnel. Ricketts

Nottingham system

A longwall method of working coal seams in which the trams run on a rail track along the face and are hand loaded at the sides. It follows that the system can be adopted only in relatively thick seams where the trams can travel along the face without any roof ripping. The method is now replaced by face conveyors.




A monoclinic mineral, (Cu,Ag)21 As10 ; pseudotetragonal; forms steel-gray granular aggregates; at Cerny Dul, Czech Republic.


a. A dense, hard even-textured, light-colored cryptocrystalline siliceous sedimentary rock, similar to chert but characterized by dominance of microcrystalline quartz over chalcedony. It was formerly believed to be the result of primary deposition of silica, but in the type occurrence (Lower Paleozoic of the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas and Oklahoma) it appears to be a thermally metamorphosed bedded chert, distinguished by characteristic polygonal triple-point texture. The origin of novaculite has also been ascribed to crystallization of opaline skeletal material during diagenesis. The rock is used as a whetstone. ouachita stone. AGI b. A term used in southern Illinois for an extensive bedded chert. AGI c. A general name formerly used in

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English England for certain argillaceous stones that served as whetstones. AGI


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a. The inner part of a large mold, corresponding to the core in small work. Standard, 2 b. The bottom or drag of a molding flask, as distinguished from the cope. Standard, 2

noxious gas

A gas that is injurious to health. BS, 8

nozzle brick

A tabular refractory shape used in a ladle, with a hole through which steel is teemed at the bottom of a ladle, the upper end of the shape serving as a seat for the stopper. ARI


In metal mining, one who operates a hydraulic giant or monitor (nozzle) used to direct a high-pressure stream of water against a bank of gold-bearing gravel to erode and force the gravel into sluiceboxes, where the gold separates out and is caught by riffles (cleats).

NPN process

A modification of the basic Bessemer process. The main feature is the shortening of the blow by increasing the pressure of the blast as much as possible. Normally, the melt is cooled by the addition of scrap or iron ore, but it is claimed that a fairly high temperature can be maintained

without an undue increase of the nitrogen content, so that ladle skulls can be avoided. Osborne


A letter name specifying the dimensions of bits, core barrels, and drill rods in the N-size and Q-group wireline diamond drilling system having a core diameter of 47.6 mm and a hole diameter of 75.7 mm. Cumming, 2

N rod bit

A Canadian standard noncoring bit having a set diameter of 2.940 in (74.7 mm). More commonly called a 2-15/16 N drill-rod bit. Long


A bridge or roof truss that has parallel upper and lower chords and an arrangement of web members consisting of tension diagonals and compression verticals, with the vertical struts separating the panels. Also known as a Pratt truss.


a. Mid. A block of wood about 12 in (30.5 cm) square, for throwing mine cars off the road in case the couplings or ropes break. Fay b. See:stopblocks

nuclear-assisted mining

The use of a nuclear explosive for fracturing and fragmenting large volumes of ore underground into rubble chimneys, in preparation for


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English block-cave-type mining or in-situ leaching. SME, 1

nuclear log

See:radioactivity log

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nuclear magnetism log

Primarily a hydrogen log, useful for the following purposes: (1) provides valuable correlating curve to replace the S.P. in holes containing oil or invert muds; (2) provides a means of qualitatively distinguishing zones containing hydrocarbons from zones containing only water; (3) provides a means of measuring quantitatively what proportion of the total fluid-filled porosity in a formation is sufficiently free from the influence of chemical binding forces to be considered mobile and thus potentially recoverable; and (4) provides a means of estimating the permeabilities of formations. Wyllie

nuclear magnetometer

See:nuclear resonance magnetometer

nuclear powerplant

Any device, machine, or assembly thereof that converts nuclear energy into some form of useful power, such as mechanical or electric power. In a nuclear electric powerplant, heat produced by a reactor is used to make steam, and the steam drives a turbine generator in the conventional way. Lyman

nuclear reaction

A reaction involving the nucleus of the atom, such as fission, neutron capture, radioactive decay, or fusion; and distinct from a chemical reaction, which is limited to changes in the electron structure surrounding the nucleus. Lyman

nuclear resonance magnetometer

An instrument that measures the Earth's magnetic field, depending on the magnetic moment of the atom. Hydrogen atoms are generally used, and these can be in a compound such as water. Each hydrogen atom can be viewed as a tiny electromagnet whose strength and direction are determined by the revolution of the electron of the atom about its nucleus. In a magnetic field, atoms of hydrogen have a tendency to align themselves in opposition to the field. If the direction of the field is suddenly changed, there will be a moment pulling the atoms toward the new direction. But each atom is a midget gyroscope, and instead of shifting directly to the new field direction, it will precess about this direction. The frequency of this precession will be a function only of the strength of the magnetic field.


The beginning of crystal growth at one or more points. AGI


A Geiger counter employing 20 Geiger tubes to increase the sampling area and overcome the inefficiency of a 1-tube counter. Ballard


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English nucleon

A constituent of the atomic nucleus; i.e., a proton or a neutron. Lyman


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The central point about which matter accumulates to form a larger mass, esp. of a growing crystal or pearl. Plural: nuclei.


Any species of atom that exists for a measurable length of time. A nuclide can be distinguished by its atomic weight, atomic number, and energy state. The term is used synonymously with isotope. A radionuclide is the same as a radioactive nuclide, a radioactive isotope, or a radioisotope. Lyman


Trade name for a nonrotating rope of 17 X 7 or 34 X 7 strand construction. Hammond


A large lump of placer gold or other metal. CF:heavy gold

nugget effect

Anomalously high precious metal assays resulting from the analysis of samples that may not adequately represent the composition of the bulk material tested due to nonuniform distribution of high-grade nuggets in the material to be sampled. SME, 1

nugget model

A constant variance model most often used in combination with one or more other functions when fitting mathematical models to experimental variograms.

nuisance dust

Dust with a long history of little adverse effet on the lungs; does not produce significant organic disease or toxic effect when exposures are kept at reasonable levels.


In flotation, any of a group of nonionizing hydrocarbon oils that act as collector agents by smearing action, giving aerophilic quality to the surface they selectively coat. Pryor, 3

Nullagine Series

Local name in Western Australia for the formation consisting essentially of pre-Cambrian rocks made up mainly of jasperoid quartzites and dolomite. Crocidolite asbestos occurs in this formation as cross-fiber seams in lodes in stratified ferruginous quartzites and shales with occasional bands of dolomite. Sinclair, 7


a. A term used in the desert regions of India and Pakistan for a sandy river bed or channel, or a small ravine or gully, that is normally dry except after a heavy rain. AGI b. The small, intermittent, generally torrential stream that flows through a nullah. Etymol: Hindi nala.AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Numidian marble

A general name for marbles of cream, yellow, pink, and red color, found in northern Africa. The quarries were worked by the ancient Romans.

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Nummulite limestone

A thick bed of limestone, of Eocene age, composed mainly of the remains of the foraminifer Nummulites. The formation stretches from the Alps through Iran to China. It is the stone of which the Great Pyramid is built.

Nusse and Grafer PIV/6 drilling machine

A rotary machine used for drilling the holes in combustible gases drainage. It is a two-speed, 150- to 250-rpm machine, drill-rod rotation being operated by a 6-hp (4.47-kW) motor. Traversing is done by a 2-hp (1.5-kW) motor, a pinion of which engages a toothed rack that runs the length of the drill frame. A forward drilling thrust of 4 st (3.6 t) is possible. The machine measures 10 ft (3 m) overall and weighs about 1,000 lb (454 kg). With an improved high-speed gearbox, 100 to 130 ft (30 to 40 m) of coal measures strata can be drilled in a shift. Nelson

nut coal

a. An abbrev. for chestnut coal. Also called nuts. Fay b. Prepared bituminous coal that passes through 2- to 3-in (5.1- to 7.6-cm) round holes and over 3/4-, 1-, or 1¬-in (1.9-, 2.54-, or 3.2-cm) holes, depending on the screening practice. Anthracite, through 1-5/8-in

(4.1-cm) and over 3/16-in (4.8-mm) round holes. Jones, 1


See:boulder buster


Letter name specifying the dimensions of bits, core barrels, and drill rods in the N-size and W-group wireline diamond drilling system having a core diameter of 54.7 mm and a hole diameter of 75.7 mm. The NW designation has replaced the NX designation. Cumming, 2


The NX designation for coring bits has been replaced by the NW designation.


A generic term for a group of synthetic fiber-forming polyamides. The polymer is melted, extruded, stretched, and finally processed to turn it into a textile yarn having a very high strength, great powers of energy absorption, and high resistance to abrasion and rotting. Its major uses in mining are as a reinforcement for conveyor belting and ventilation ducting. Nelson

nylon belt

A rubber belt containing nylon fiber reinforcing. It is stronger than cotton-duck belts of equivalent size and possesses better troughability and fastener holding strength. Nylon belt has the advantage of a long flex


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English life, and the thinner carcass means easier bending. Nelson

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An eye disease suffered by some miners, in which there is a spasmodic oscillatory movement of the eyeballs; in severe cases, the victim finds difficulty in walking straight. Bad lighting is generally believed to be the main cause, and is possibly aggravated by the workers lying on their sides in thin seams.


To Go At beginning the Dictionary


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English



Loosely twisted fiber usually of hemp or jute impregnated with tar or with a tar derivative (such as creosote or asphalt); used in caulking seams (such as the wood hulls and decks of ships) and in packing joints (in pipes, caissons, etc.). Webster 3rd

Oamaru stone

A white, granular limestone found in large quantities in Oamaru, New Zealand, and valued as a building stone.


The overriding or overthrusting of oceanic crust onto the leading edges of continental lithospheric plates; plate accretion. AGI

object glass



The lens (or lenses) that gives an image of an object in the focal plane of a microscope or telescope eyepiece.; object glass.

objective glass


objective lens


oblique block

A quarry term applied to a block of stone bounded by 3 pairs of parallel faces--4 of the 12 interfacial angles being right angles, 4 obtuse, and 4 acute.

oblique fault

A fault that strikes oblique to, rather than parallel or perpendicular to, the strike of the constituent rocks or dominant structure. CF:oblique-slip fault; strike fault; dip fault. AGI

oblique illumination method

See:van der Kolk method

oblique joint

a. A joint whose strike is oblique to the strike of the strata or metamorphic rocks in which it occurs. b. A joint that forms an acute angle with dip joints and strike joints. Lewis

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

oblique offset

The distance of a point from a main survey line measured at an angle to the latter that is not a right angle.

oblique projection

A pictorial view of an object showing its elevation, plan, or section to scale with parallel lines projected from the corners, at 45 degrees or any other angle, indicating the other sides. Hammond

oblique slip

In a fault, movement or slip that is intermediate in orientation between the dip slip and the strike slip. CF:strike slip

oblique-slip fault

A fault in which the net slip lies between the direction of dip and the direction of strike.


The narrow prismatic part of a blast furnace immediately above the crucible. Fay

obsequent fault-line scarp

A scarp along a fault line, where the topographically low area is on the upthrown block. CF:resequent fault-line scarp


a. In seismic prospecting, the person in charge of the recording crew, including the shooters and linemen. The observer must maintain the electronic equipment and decide on the best shooting and detector arrangement as well as the best instrumental settings for getting records of optimum quality. The observer operates the recording equipment in the field, often with the help of an assistant. In conventional recording, or in tape recording when photographic monitors are run, the observer or an assistant develops the record in the recording truck immediately after it is shot. Also called operator. Dobrin b. In gravity and magnetic prospecting, a person who secures the instrument readings, e.g., on a torsion balance or magnetometer. AGI


A black or dark-colored volcanic glass, usually of rhyolite composition, characterized by conchoidal fracture. It is sometimes banded or has microlites. Usage of the term goes back as far as Pliny, who described the rock from Ethiopia. Obsidian has been used for making arrowheads, other sharp implements, jewelry, and art objects. AGI

obsidianite brick

Lightweight, siliceous fireclay, acid-resisting brick, burned to a glasslike mass.

obtuse bisectrix

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English a. That axis that bisects the obtuse angle of the optic axes of biaxial minerals. Fay b. The angle >90 degrees between the optic axes in a biaxial crystal, bxo. CF:optic angle

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occidental cat's-eye

See:cat's-eye; tiger's-eye.


To take in and retain (a substance) in the interior rather than on an external surface; to sorb. Used esp. of metals sorbing gases; e.g., palladium occludes large volumes of hydrogen. Webster 3rd


Contained in pores (said of gas occluded in coal). Mason

occluded gas

Any of several gases that enter a mine atmosphere from pores, as feeders and blowers, and also from blasting operations. These gases pollute the mine air chiefly by the absorption of oxygen by the coal, and in addition by chemical combination of oxygen with carbonaceous matter, for example, from decaying timbers, rusting of iron rails, burning of lights, and breathing of humans and animals. These gases include oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. Kentucky


a. Taking up or incorporation of liquids in solids or of gases in liquids. AGI


An occupant of a tract of land, as the word ordinarily is used, is one who has the use and possession thereof, whether he resides upon it or not. Ricketts


As used in the mining law, it is equivalent to possession, and the right to locate is included in the right to occupy, and incident to a location is the right of possession; but mere occupancy of the public lands and making improvement thereon gives no vested right therein as against a location made in pursuance of law. Ricketts


See:mineral occurrence

ocean current

a. The name current is usually restricted to the faster movements of the ocean, while those movements that amount to only a few miles a day are termed drifts. AGI b. A nontidal current constituting a part of the great oceanic circulation. Examples are gulf stream, kuroshio, and equatorial currents. AGI

oceanic ridge

See:Mid-Atlantic Ridge; mid-ocean ridge.

oceanic trench



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English oceanographic dredge

Apparatus used aboard ships to bring up quantity samples of the ocean bottom deposits and sediments. Hunt


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The broad field of science that includes all fields of study that pertain to the sea. This includes the studies of boundaries of the ocean, its bottom topography, the physics and chemistry of seawater, the characteristics of its motion, and marine biology. Hy


A name given to various native earthy materials used as pigments. They consist essentially of hydrated ferric oxide admixed with clay and sand in varying amounts and in impalpable subdivision. When carrying much manganese ochers grade into umbers. They are either yellow, brown, or red. The best reds are sometimes obtained by calcining the yellow varieties. They are called burnt ochers. Others are obtained by calcining copperas or as a residue from roasting pyrite. In general, the native yellows and browns are varieties of limonite and the native reds are varieties of hematite. One variety of red ocher is known as scarlet ocher. Their value as pigments depends not only on the depth of color but also on the amount of oil required as a vehicle. CCD, 2


A polygon having eight sides. Jones, 2

octahedral borax

A rhombohedral form of hydrous sodium borate, Na2 B4 O (sub 7) .5H2 O , simulating regular octahedrons. From the Lagoong of Tuscany, Italy.

octahedral cleavage

In the isometric system, cleavage parallel to the faces of an octahedron. Fay

octahedral copper


octahedral iron ore



a. A class of meteorites. Hey, 1 b. The most common iron meteorite contains 6% to 18% nickel in the metal phase; on etching, shows Widmanstaetten structure owing to the presence of intimate intergrowths (of plates of kamacite with narrow selvages of taenite) oriented parallel to the octahedral planes. c. A former name for anatase.


a. A closed crystallographic form with isometric symmetry and eight faces, each an equilateral triangle; sometimes called a regular octahedron to distinguish it from the more general usage defined below. Commonly observed in isometric minerals, such as fluorite, pyrite, magnetite, and diamond.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English b. Less precisely, a closed crystallographic form composed of (or bounded by) eight triangular surfaces (a bipyramid), such as in some samples of anatase. Plural: octahedra. Adj.: octahedral.


Each eighth of crystal space divided by three noncoplanar axial planes. CF:dodecant

octant search

Used to limit the number of sample data points used for estimating intermediate spatial values. The search neighborhood is divided into eight equal-angle sectors. Constraints on selection of data values to include in the estimation include: minimum and maximum of samples or the number of consecutive empty sectors. If either criteria is below minimum, an interpolated value is not calculated. Applies to any interpolation method where a limited number of sample data points are used to estimate intermediate values.


a. A trioctahedral clay mineral. AGI b. A group of mica minerals that contains eight cations per ten oxygen and two hydroxyl ions. c. Any mineral of the octaphyllite group, such as biotite; a trioctahedral clay mineral. CF:heptaphyllite


A bin or tank to facilitate the concrete lining of circular shafts. The

concrete is mixed on the surface, taken down the shaft in buckets, and discharged into the octopus. The concrete is then led away through flexible rubber pipes to different points around the shaft. Nelson


Eyepiece of a microscope. Pryor, 3

O'Donaghue formula

A formula used for calculating the thickness of tubbing: t = hdF/2C + A, where: t is the required thickness of tubbing in inches; h is the pressure of water in pounds per square inch; d is the diameter of the shaft in inches; C is the crushing strength of cast iron in pounds per square inch, which may be taken as 95,000; F is the factor of safety adopted between 5 and 10; and A is the allowance for possible flaws and corrosion and may vary from 1/4 to 1 in (6.4 to 25.4 mm), averaging 1/2 in (12.7 mm). Sinclair, 2

O'Donahue's theory

A mine subsidence theory based on an extension of the theory of the normal. In it, subsidence is regarded as taking place in two stages. There is, first, a breaking of the rocks in which the lines of fracture tend to run at right angles to the stratification. This is followed by an aftersliding, or inward movement from the sides, resulting in a pull or draw beyond the edges of the workings. Briggs

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English odontolite

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A fossil bone or tooth colored deep blue by iron phosphate (vivianite), and rarely green by copper compounds, and resembling turquoise, such as that from the tusks of mammoths found in Siberia. It is cut and polished for jewelry. AGI


a. The practical, cgs electromagnetic unit of magnetic intensity. A unit magnetic pole, placed in a vacuum in which the magnetic intensity is 1 Oe (79.577 A/m), is acted upon by a force of 1 dyn in the direction of the intensity vector. AGI b. Commonly used as the cgs unit of magnetic-field intensity. Except in magnetized media, a magnetic field with an intensity (H) of 1 Oe has an induction (B) of 1 Gs (0.1 mT). AGI

Oetling freezing method

A method of shaft sinking by freezing wet ground in sections as the sinking proceeds. The permanent lining is also inserted as the shaft is sunk. The freezing equipment is a cylinder equal in diameter to the shaft and 44 in. (1.12 m) in height, with the lower end closed by a plate. The cylinder is in sections, each of which can be removed. Each section is provided with freezing coils. After freezing the ground, two sections are removed, the ground is thawed locally and removed, and a segment of the permanent lining is inserted. The process is repeated. Nelson

off center waterway

A waterway port in a noncoring diamond bit, not located in the center of the bit face. Long

off gate

N. of Eng. One of the goaf roadways in longwall workings, which are set about 120 yd (110 m) apart. Fay

off-highway truck

A truck of such size, weight, or dimensions that it cannot be used on public highways.

official plat of survey

The expression in a patent according to the official plat of survey of the land returned to the general land office by the surveyor general refers to the description of the land as well as to the quantity conveyed. Ricketts

off line

a. A condition existing when the drive rod of the drill swivel head is not centered and parallel with the borehole being drilled. Long b. A borehole that has deviated from its intended course. Long c. A condition existing wherein any linear excavation (shaft, drift, borehole, etc.) deviates from a previously determined or intended survey line or course.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English off-peak load

Electricity drawn at a period when the power station that supplies it is not fully loaded. Pryor, 3


A hexagonal mineral, (K2 ,Ca)5 Al10 Si26 O 72 .30H2 O ; zeolite group; commonly intergrown with erionite and levyne as a vein or cavity filling in mafic lavas.


a. A short drift or crosscut driven from a main gangway or level. Fay b. The horizontal distance between the outcrops of a dislocated bed. Fay c. Of a fault, the horizontal component of displacement, measured perpendicular to the disrupted horizon. AGI d. A side (horizontal) measurement of distance perpendicular to a line, usually a transit line. Seelye, 2 e. To collar and drill a borehole at some distance from the designated site to avoid a difficult setup. Long f. To drill a borehole near one previously drilled, which may have been lost, for purposes of correlation or to determine the lateral extent of mineralization. Long g. An abrupt change in the trend of a drill hole, usually caused by a small shelflike projection of rock alongside one wall of the drill hole. Long h. A well drilled near the boundary of a lease opposite a completed well on an adjacent lease. offset well. Long

i. To offset a well by drilling the next adjoining location in accordance with a spacing pattern. Wheeler, R.R. j. A spur or minor branch from a principal range of hills or mountains. k. The distance along the strain coordinate between the initial portion of a stress-strain curve and a parallel line that intersects the stress-strain curve at a value of stress which is used as a measure of the yield strength. It is used for materials that have no obvious yield point. A value of 0.2% is commonly used. ASM, 1

offset deposit

a. A mineral deposit, esp. of sulfides, formed partly by magmatic segregation and partly by hydrothermal solution, near the source rock. AGI b. At Sudbury, ON, Canada, the term refers to dikelike bodies radiating from the Sudbury Complex, thought to have been filled from above by xenolithic rock fragments and massive pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-pentlandite. AGI

offset digging

In a ladder ditcher, digging with the boom not centered in the machine. Nichols, 1

offset hole


offset line

In surveying, a line established parallel to the main survey line, and usually not far from it; e.g., a line on a

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English sidewalk, 2 ft (0.6 m) from the established street line, or a line parallel to the centerline of a bridge and 50 ft (15.2 m) from it. Seelye, 2

offset ridge

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A ridge that is discontinuous because of faulting. AGI

offset staff

In surveying, a rod, usually 10 links (0.2012 m) long, used in measuring short offsets. Webster 2nd

offset well



A driller or drill-crew-worker working on the opposite shift. Also called drill helper. Long


A length of boring rods unscrewed and detached at the top of a borehole. Also called rod stand; setout. BS, 9

offtake lad


offtake rod

One of the auxiliary rods at the top of a winding shaft for guiding and steadying the cages during decking or loading and unloading operations. Nelson

off-the-road hauling

Hauling that takes place off the public highways, generally on a mining or excavation site. The hauling units used are generally higher and wider than those used in over-the-road hauling since highway restrictions do not limit size, weight, etc. CF:over-the-road hauling

off the solid

In this type of blasting, coal is blasted from the solid with no precutting or shearing. McAdam, 2


The space before the fire in a kiln. Also called killogie. Standard, 1


he United States. Symbols, Omega and omega . Webster 3rd; Zimmerman


A type of galvanometer that directly indicates the number of ohms of the resistance being measured. Crispin

Ohm's law

The formula expressing Ohm's law is I = E/R, in which I is the electric current in amperes; E is the electromotive force in volts; and R is the resistance in ohms. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2

The practical mks unit of electric resistance that equals the resistance


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English of a circuit in which a potential difference of 1 V produces a current of 1 A; the resistance in which 1 W of power is dissipated when 1 A flows through it..


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A suffix meaning "in the form of." AGI


In poikilitic fabric, the enclosing crystal. AGI

oil agglomeration

A coal beneficiation process in which an oil is used to preferentially wet the coal particles, which have an affinity to agglomerate into masses that are then selectively removed by screening, e.g.

oil base

The residuum from the distillation of petroleum. When paraffin is obtained from petroleum, the original oil is said to have a paraffin base; when the residue is entirely asphaltic, the original petroleum is said to have an asphaltic base. Some petroleums have both an asphaltic and a paraffin base. API, 1

oil-bearing shale

Shale impregnated with petroleum. Not to be confused with oil shale. Tomkeieff


A term used in flotation when a particle is given a water repellent surface. When such a coating has been formed, the particle is said to be oiled or treated and ready to be floated. Newton, 1


a. In flotation, oil that provides a film around a mineral particle. b. One of several types of mechanical devices that deliver oil to machines and into air or steam lines in controllable amounts. Also called atomizer; line oiler; lubricator; oil pot; pineapple; pot. Long

oilfield winch

An extremely powerful low-speed winch on a crawler tractor. Nichols, 1

oil flotation

A process in which oil is used in ore concentration by flotation.

oil of vitriol

Concentrated sulfuric acid.

oil pot

See:line oiler; oiler.

oil pump

A hydraulic pump supplying oil under pressure to the hydraulic-feed cylinders and pistons of a hydraulic-type


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English swivel head on a diamond drill. Long

oil shale

A kerogen-bearing, finely laminated brown or black sedimentary rock that will yield liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons on distillation. CF:bituminous shale petrolo-shale. AGI


A fine-grained stone used for sharpening edged tools or other similar metal surfaces. Fay


To harden steel by quenching in oil after heating. Webster 3rd


A triclinic mineral, Ca10 Si18 O46 .18H2 O ; white; fibrous; commonly associated with zeolites in basalts.

old age

a. The stage in the development of a stream at which erosion is decreasing in vigor and efficiency, and aggradation becomes dominant as the gradient is reduced. It is characterized by a broad open valley with a flood plain that may be 15 times the width of the meander belt; numerous oxbows, bayous, and swamps; a sluggish current; and slow erosion, effected chiefly by mass-wasting at valley sides. AGI b. The final stage of the cycle of erosion of a landscape or region, in which the surface has been reduced almost to base level and the landforms

are marked by simplicity of form and subdued relief. It is characterized by a few large meandering streams flowing sluggishly across broad flood plains, separated by faintly swelling hills, and having dendritic distributaries; and by peneplanation. AGI c. A hypothetical stage in the development of a coast, characterized by a wide wave-cut platform, a faintly sloping sea cliff pushed far inland, and a coastal region approaching peneplanation. The stage is probably a theoretical abstraction, since it is doubtful whether stability of sea level is maintained long enough for the land to be so reduced. AGI


An isometric mineral, (Ca,Mn)S ; pale brown; occurs in some meteorites and slags; rapidly oxidizes in contact with air.

Oldham stone duster

A self-contained transportable stone duster. A high-velocity current of air from a fan or blower is mechanically fed from a hopper above, both the fan and the feeding mechanism being driven from the tub axle as it is drawn along by rope haulage, horse, or manually. It delivers about 3/4 lb (0.34 kg) of dust per yard (0.9 m) of travel. Sinclair, 1

Oldham-Wheat lamp

A cap lamp designed for full self-service. This lamp, weighing 6-5/8 lb (3.0 kg), has a 4-V lead-acid battery in a hard rubber case with covers of stainless steel or nickel-plated hard brass. The switch is magnetically operated and is situated in a sealed plastic

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English moulding. A 4-W bulb burning 11 h or a 2-W bulb burning 14 h is used. The lamp is of one-piece construction and no dismantling is needed to charge the accumulator. Sinclair, 1

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old hole

See:main hole


a. Any ancient land; specif. an extensive area (such as the Canadian shield) of ancient crystalline rocks reduced to low relief by long-continued erosion and from which the materials of later sedimentary deposits were derived. AGI b. A region of older land, behind a coastal plain, that supplied the material of which the coastal-plain strata were formed. AGI c. A term proposed by Maxson and Anderson (1935) for the land surface of the old-age stage of the cycle of erosion, characterized by subdued relief. AGI

Old Red Sandstone

A thick sequence of nonmarine, predominantly red sedimentary rocks, chiefly sandstones, conglomerates, and shales, representing the Devonian System in parts of Great Britain and elsewhere in northwestern Europe. AGI

old scrap

Scrap derived from consumer goods that have outlived their usefulness in the economy; it includes discarded white

goods, automobiles, electrical equipment, machinery, etc.

old silver

Silver made to appear old by the application of graphite and grease.

old waste

Scot. Old or abandoned workings. Fay

old working

Mine working that has been abandoned, allowed to collapse, and perhaps sealed off. Unless proper safeguards are taken, old workings can be a source of danger to workings in production particularly if they are waterlogged and their plan position is uncertain.

oleander-leaf texture

Leaf-shaped masses of stromeyerite (or other minerals) in a matrix of chalcocite (or other mineral). AGI

oleic acid

Ch3 (CH2 ),CH:CH(CH2 )7 COOH ; a mono-unsaturated fatty acid used in ore flotation; insoluble in water; and soluble in alcohol, ether, and in most other organic solvents. CCD, 2



oligist iron



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Oligocene

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An epoch of the early Tertiary Period, after the Eocene and before the Miocene; also, the corresponding worldwide series of rocks. It is considered to be a period when the Tertiary is designated as an era. AGI


A triclinic mineral, (Na,Ca)[(Si,Al)AlSi2 O8 ] ; plagioclase series of the feldspar group; has NaSi (albite) 10 to 30 mol % and CaAl (anorthite) 90 to 70 mol %; pseudomonoclinic with prismatic cleavage and characteristic polysynthetic twinning commonly visible on cleavage traces; white; may be chatoyant; a common rock-forming mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks of intermediate to high silica content; forms the entire mass in some anorthosites; less commonly a vein mineral.


A former name for manganoan siderite, (Fe,Mn)CO3 .


A meteorite containing a small amount of metallic iron. AGI

oligotrophic peat

Peat poorly supplied with nutrients. Tomkeieff


An orthorhombic mineral, Cu2 AsO4 (OH) ; adamantine to vitreous; a secondary mineral in copper deposits.

Oliver filter

A continuous-type filter made in the form of a cylindrical drum with filter cloth stretched over the convex surface of the drum. The drum rotates slowly about a horizontal axis, and the lower part is immersed in a tank containing the pulp to be filtered. Arrangement of pressure and suction pipes on the interior of the drum permits the application of suction to the filtering surface. As the filter passes through the tank, it picks up a layer of solid material and emerges carrying a layer of filter cake.


A mineral group including fayalite, Fe2 SiO4 ; forsterite, Mg2 SiO4 ; liebenbergite, (Ni,Mg)2 SiO4 ; and tephroite, Mn2 SiO4 ; orthorhombic; olive green, grayish green, brown, or black; members intermediate in the forsterite-fayalite crystal solution series are common rock-forming minerals in gabbros, basalts, peridotites, and dunites; alters hydrothermally to serpentine. Fayalite occurs in some granites and syenites, forsterite in thermally metamorphosed dolomites, and tephroite in iron manganese ore deposits and their associated skarns..


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English olivine rock



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a. In the International Union of Geological Sciences classification. b. An olivine-rich ore-bearing igneous rock that also contains other pyroxenes and/or amphiboles.


An olivinelike substance found in meteorites.


a. Any ancient land; specif. an extensive area (such as the Canadian shield) of ancient crystalline rocks reduced to low relief by long-continued erosion and from which the materials of later sedimentary deposits were derived. AGI b. A region of older land, behind a coastal plain, that supplied the material of which the coastal-plain strata were formed. AGI c. A term proposed by Maxson and Anderson (1935) for the land surface of the old-age stage of the cycle of erosion, characterized by subdued relief. AGI

Old Red Sandstone

A thick sequence of nonmarine, predominantly red sedimentary rocks, chiefly sandstones, conglomerates, and shales, representing the Devonian System in parts of Great Britain and elsewhere in northwestern Europe. AGI

old scrap

Scrap derived from consumer goods that have outlived their usefulness in the economy; it includes discarded white goods, automobiles, electrical equipment, machinery, etc.

old silver

Silver made to appear old by the application of graphite and grease.

old waste

Scot. Old or abandoned workings. Fay

old working

Mine working that has been abandoned, allowed to collapse, and perhaps sealed off. Unless proper safeguards are taken, old workings can be a source of danger to workings in production particularly if they are waterlogged and their plan position is uncertain.

oleander-leaf texture

Leaf-shaped masses of stromeyerite (or other minerals) in a matrix of chalcocite (or other mineral). AGI

oleic acid

Ch3 (CH2 ),CH:CH(CH2 )7 COOH ; a mono-unsaturated fatty acid used in ore flotation; insoluble in water; and soluble in alcohol, ether, and in most other organic solvents. CCD, 2


Page 90: Diccionario Tecnico Ingles-Ingles

Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English oligist


oligist iron


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An epoch of the early Tertiary Period, after the Eocene and before the Miocene; also, the corresponding worldwide series of rocks. It is considered to be a period when the Tertiary is designated as an era. AGI


A triclinic mineral, (Na,Ca)[(Si,Al)AlSi2 O8 ] ; plagioclase series of the feldspar group; has NaSi (albite) 10 to 30 mol % and CaAl (anorthite) 90 to 70 mol %; pseudomonoclinic with prismatic cleavage and characteristic polysynthetic twinning commonly visible on cleavage traces; white; may be chatoyant; a common rock-forming mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks of intermediate to high silica content; forms the entire mass in some anorthosites; less commonly a vein mineral.


A former name for manganoan siderite, (Fe,Mn)CO3 .


A meteorite containing a small amount of metallic iron. AGI

oligotrophic peat

Peat poorly supplied with nutrients. Tomkeieff


An orthorhombic mineral, Cu2 AsO4 (OH) ; adamantine to vitreous; a secondary mineral in copper deposits.

Oliver filter

A continuous-type filter made in the form of a cylindrical drum with filter cloth stretched over the convex surface of the drum. The drum rotates slowly about a horizontal axis, and the lower part is immersed in a tank containing the pulp to be filtered. Arrangement of pressure and suction pipes on the interior of the drum permits the application of suction to the filtering surface. As the filter passes through the tank, it picks up a layer of solid material and emerges carrying a layer of filter cake.


A mineral group including fayalite, Fe2 SiO4 ; forsterite, Mg2 SiO4 ; liebenbergite, (Ni,Mg)2 SiO4 ; and tephroite, Mn2 SiO4 ; orthorhombic; olive green, grayish green, brown, or black; members intermediate in the forsterite-fayalite crystal solution series are common rock-forming minerals in gabbros, basalts, peridotites, and dunites; alters hydrothermally to serpentine. Fayalite occurs in some granites and syenites, forsterite in thermally


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English metamorphosed dolomites, and tephroite in iron manganese ore deposits and their associated skarns..

olivine rock


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a. In the International Union of Geological Sciences classification, b. An olivine-rich ore-bearing igneous rock that also contains other pyroxenes and/or amphiboles.


An olivinelike substance found in meteorites.


a. Any ancient land; specif. an extensive area (such as the Canadian shield) of ancient crystalline rocks reduced to low relief by long-continued erosion and from which the materials of later sedimentary deposits were derived. AGI b. A region of older land, behind a coastal plain, that supplied the material of which the coastal-plain strata were formed. AGI c. A term proposed by Maxson and Anderson (1935) for the land surface of the old-age stage of the cycle of erosion, characterized by subdued relief. AGI

Old Red Sandstone

A thick sequence of nonmarine, predominantly red sedimentary rocks, chiefly sandstones, conglomerates, and

shales, representing the Devonian System in parts of Great Britain and elsewhere in northwestern Europe. AGI

old scrap

Scrap derived from consumer goods that have outlived their usefulness in the economy; it includes discarded white goods, automobiles, electrical equipment, machinery, etc.

old silver

Silver made to appear old by the application of graphite and grease.

old waste

Scot. Old or abandoned workings. Fay

old working

Mine working that has been abandoned, allowed to collapse, and perhaps sealed off. Unless proper safeguards are taken, old workings can be a source of danger to workings in production particularly if they are waterlogged and their plan position is uncertain.

oleander-leaf texture

Leaf-shaped masses of stromeyerite (or other minerals) in a matrix of chalcocite (or other mineral). AGI

oleic acid

Ch3 (CH2 ),CH:CH(CH2 )7 COOH ; a mono-unsaturated fatty acid used in ore flotation; insoluble in water; and soluble in alcohol, ether, and in most other


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English organic solvents. CCD, 2



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oligist iron



An epoch of the early Tertiary Period, after the Eocene and before the Miocene; also, the corresponding worldwide series of rocks. It is considered to be a period when the Tertiary is designated as an era. AGI


A triclinic mineral, (Na,Ca)[(Si,Al)AlSi2 O8 ] ; plagioclase series of the feldspar group; has NaSi (albite) 10 to 30 mol % and CaAl (anorthite) 90 to 70 mol %; pseudomonoclinic with prismatic cleavage and characteristic polysynthetic twinning commonly visible on cleavage traces; white; may be chatoyant; a common rock-forming mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks of intermediate to high silica content; forms the entire mass in some anorthosites; less commonly a vein mineral.


A former name for manganoan siderite, (Fe,Mn)CO3 .


A meteorite containing a small amount of metallic iron. AGI

oligotrophic peat

Peat poorly supplied with nutrients. Tomkeieff


An orthorhombic mineral, Cu2 AsO4 (OH) adamantine to vitreous; a secondary mineral in copper deposits.

Oliver filter

A continuous-type filter made in the form of a cylindrical drum with filter cloth stretched over the convex surface of the drum. The drum rotates slowly about a horizontal axis, and the lower part is immersed in a tank containing the pulp to be filtered. Arrangement of pressure and suction pipes on the interior of the drum permits the application of suction to the filtering surface. As the filter passes through the tank, it picks up a layer of solid material and emerges carrying a layer of filter cake.


A mineral group including fayalite, Fe2 SiO4 ; forsterite, Mg2 SiO4 ; liebenbergite, (Ni,Mg)2 SiO4 ; and tephroite, Mn2 SiO4 ; orthorhombic; olive green, grayish green, brown, or black; members intermediate in the forsterite-fayalite crystal solution series are common rock-


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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forming minerals in gabbros, basalts, peridotites, and dunites; alters hydrothermally to serpentine. Fayalite occurs in some granites and syenites, forsterite in thermally metamorphosed dolomites, and tephroite in iron manganese ore deposits and their associated skarns..

olivine rock



a. In the International Union of Geological Sciences classification, b. An olivine-rich ore-bearing igneous rock that also contains other pyroxenes and/or amphiboles.


An olivinelike substance found in meteorites. Standard, 2


a. Any ancient land; specif. an extensive area (such as the Canadian shield) of ancient crystalline rocks reduced to low relief by long-continued erosion and from which the materials of later sedimentary deposits were derived. AGI b. A region of older land, behind a coastal plain, that supplied the material of which the coastal-plain strata were formed. AGI c. A term proposed by Maxson and Anderson (1935) for the land surface of the old-age stage of the cycle of erosion, characterized by subdued relief. AGI

Old Red Sandstone

A thick sequence of nonmarine, predominantly red sedimentary rocks, chiefly sandstones, conglomerates, and shales, representing the Devonian System in parts of Great Britain and elsewhere in northwestern Europe. AGI

old scrap

Scrap derived from consumer goods that have outlived their usefulness in the economy; it includes discarded white goods, automobiles, electrical equipment, machinery, etc.

old silver

Silver made to appear old by the application of graphite and grease.

old waste

Scot. Old or abandoned workings. Fay

old working

Mine working that has been abandoned, allowed to collapse, and perhaps sealed off. Unless proper safeguards are taken, old workings can be a source of danger to workings in production particularly if they are waterlogged and their plan position is uncertain.

oleander-leaf texture

Leaf-shaped masses of stromeyerite (or other minerals) in a matrix of chalcocite (or other mineral). AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English oleic acid

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Ch3 (CH2 ),CH:CH(CH2 )7 COOH ; a mono-unsaturated fatty acid used in ore flotation; insoluble in water; and soluble in alcohol, ether, and in most other organic solvents. CCD, 2



oligist iron



An epoch of the early Tertiary Period, after the Eocene and before the Miocene; also, the corresponding worldwide series of rocks. It is considered to be a period when the Tertiary is designated as an era. AGI


A triclinic mineral, (Na,Ca)[(Si,Al)AlSi2 O8 ] ; plagioclase series of the feldspar group; has NaSi (albite) 10 to 30 mol % and CaAl (anorthite) 90 to 70 mol %; pseudomonoclinic with prismatic cleavage and characteristic polysynthetic twinning commonly visible on cleavage traces; white; may be chatoyant; a common rock-forming mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks of intermediate to high silica content; forms the entire mass in some anorthosites; less commonly a vein mineral.


A former name for manganoan siderite, (Fe,Mn)CO3 .


A meteorite containing a small amount of metallic iron. AGI

oligotrophic peat

Peat poorly supplied with nutrients. Tomkeieff


An orthorhombic mineral, Cu2 AsO4 (OH) ; adamantine to vitreous; a secondary mineral in copper deposits.

Oliver filter

A continuous-type filter made in the form of a cylindrical drum with filter cloth stretched over the convex surface of the drum. The drum rotates slowly about a horizontal axis, and the lower part is immersed in a tank containing the pulp to be filtered. Arrangement of pressure and suction pipes on the interior of the drum permits the application of suction to the filtering surface. As the filter passes through the tank, it picks up a layer of solid material and emerges carrying a layer of filter cake.


A mineral group including fayalite, Fe2 SiO4 ; forsterite, Mg2 SiO4 ; liebenbergite, (Ni,Mg)2 SiO4 ; and


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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tephroite, Mn2 SiO4 ; orthorhombic; olive green, grayish green, brown, or black; members intermediate in the forsterite-fayalite crystal solution series are common rock-forming minerals in gabbros, basalts, peridotites, and dunites; alters hydrothermally to serpentine. Fayalite occurs in some granites and syenites, forsterite in thermally metamorphosed dolomites, and tephroite in iron manganese ore deposits and their associated skarns..

olivine rock



a. In the International Union of Geological Sciences classification, b. An olivine-rich ore-bearing igneous rock that also contains other pyroxenes and/or amphiboles.


An olivinelike substance found in meteorites. Standard, 2


a. Any ancient land; specif. an extensive area (such as the Canadian shield) of ancient crystalline rocks reduced to low relief by long-continued erosion and from which the materials of later sedimentary deposits were derived. AGI b. A region of older land, behind a coastal plain, that supplied the material of which the coastal-plain strata were formed. AGI

c. A term proposed by Maxson and Anderson (1935) for the land surface of the old-age stage of the cycle of erosion, characterized by subdued relief. AGI

Old Red Sandstone

A thick sequence of nonmarine, predominantly red sedimentary rocks, chiefly sandstones, conglomerates, and shales, representing the Devonian System in parts of Great Britain and elsewhere in northwestern Europe. AGI

old scrap

Scrap derived from consumer goods that have outlived their usefulness in the economy; it includes discarded white goods, automobiles, electrical equipment, machinery, etc.

old silver

Silver made to appear old by the application of graphite and grease.

old waste

Scot. Old or abandoned workings. Fay

old working

Mine working that has been abandoned, allowed to collapse, and perhaps sealed off. Unless proper safeguards are taken, old workings can be a source of danger to workings in production particularly if they are waterlogged and their plan position is uncertain.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English oleander-leaf texture

Leaf-shaped masses of stromeyerite (or other minerals) in a matrix of chalcocite (or other mineral). AGI

oleic acid

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Ch3 (CH2 ),CH:CH(CH2 )7 COOH ; a mono-unsaturated fatty acid used in ore flotation; insoluble in water; and soluble in alcohol, ether, and in most other organic solvents. CCD, 2



oligist iron



An epoch of the early Tertiary Period, after the Eocene and before the Miocene; also, the corresponding worldwide series of rocks. It is considered to be a period when the Tertiary is designated as an era. AGI


A triclinic mineral, (Na,Ca)[(Si,Al)AlSi2 O8 ] ; plagioclase series of the feldspar group; has NaSi (albite) 10 to 30 mol % and CaAl (anorthite) 90 to 70 mol %; pseudomonoclinic with prismatic cleavage and characteristic polysynthetic twinning commonly visible on cleavage traces; white; may be chatoyant; a common rock-forming mineral in igneous and

metamorphic rocks of intermediate to high silica content; forms the entire mass in some anorthosites; less commonly a vein mineral.


A former name for manganoan siderite, (Fe,Mn)CO3 .


A meteorite containing a small amount of metallic iron. AGI

oligotrophic peat

Peat poorly supplied with nutrients. Tomkeieff


An orthorhombic mineral, Cu2 AsO4 (OH) ; adamantine to vitreous; a secondary mineral in copper deposits.

Oliver filter

A continuous-type filter made in the form of a cylindrical drum with filter cloth stretched over the convex surface of the drum. The drum rotates slowly about a horizontal axis, and the lower part is immersed in a tank containing the pulp to be filtered. Arrangement of pressure and suction pipes on the interior of the drum permits the application of suction to the filtering surface. As the filter passes through the tank, it picks up a layer of solid material and emerges carrying a layer of filter cake.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English olivine

A mineral group including fayalite, Fe2 SiO4 ; forsterite, Mg2 SiO4 ; liebenbergite, (Ni,Mg)2 SiO4 ; and tephroite, Mn2 SiO4 ; orthorhombic; olive green, grayish green, brown, or black; members intermediate in the forsterite-fayalite crystal solution series are common rock-forming minerals in gabbros, basalts, peridotites, and dunites; alters hydrothermally to serpentine. Fayalite occurs in some granites and syenites, forsterite in thermally metamorphosed dolomites, and tephroite in iron manganese ore deposits and their associated skarns..

olivine rock



a. In the International Union of Geological Sciences classification, b. An olivine-rich ore-bearing igneous rock that also contains other pyroxenes and/or amphiboles.


An olivinelike substance found in meteorites. Standard, 2


a. Any ancient land; specif. an extensive area (such as the Canadian shield) of ancient crystalline rocks reduced to low relief by long-continued erosion and from which

the materials of later sedimentary deposits were derived. AGI b. A region of older land, behind a coastal plain, that supplied the material of which the coastal-plain strata were formed. AGI c. A term proposed by Maxson and Anderson (1935) for the land surface of the old-age stage of the cycle of erosion, characterized by subdued relief. AGI

Old Red Sandstone

A thick sequence of nonmarine, predominantly red sedimentary rocks, chiefly sandstones, conglomerates, and shales, representing the Devonian System in parts of Great Britain and elsewhere in northwestern Europe. AGI

old scrap

Scrap derived from consumer goods that have outlived their usefulness in the economy; it includes discarded white goods, automobiles, electrical equipment, machinery, etc.

old silver

Silver made to appear old by the application of graphite and grease.

old waste

Scot. Old or abandoned workings. Fay

old working

Mine working that has been abandoned, allowed to collapse, and perhaps sealed off. Unless proper safeguards are taken, old workings can be a source of danger to workings in

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English production particularly if they are waterlogged and their plan position is uncertain.

oleander-leaf texture

Leaf-shaped masses of stromeyerite (or other minerals) in a matrix of chalcocite (or other mineral). AGI

oleic acid

Ch3 (CH2 ),CH:CH(CH2 )7 COOH ; a mono-unsaturated fatty acid used in ore flotation; insoluble in water; and soluble in alcohol, ether, and in most other organic solvents. CCD, 2



oligist iron



An epoch of the early Tertiary Period, after the Eocene and before the Miocene; also, the corresponding worldwide series of rocks. It is considered to be a period when the Tertiary is designated as an era. AGI


A triclinic mineral, (Na,Ca)[(Si,Al)AlSi2 O8 ] ; plagioclase series of the feldspar group; has NaSi (albite) 10 to 30 mol % and CaAl (anorthite) 90 to 70 mol %; pseudomonoclinic with prismatic cleavage

and characteristic polysynthetic twinning commonly visible on cleavage traces; white; may be chatoyant; a common rock-forming mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks of intermediate to high silica content; forms the entire mass in some anorthosites; less commonly a vein mineral.


A former name for manganoan siderite, (Fe,Mn)CO3 .


A meteorite containing a small amount of metallic iron. AGI

oligotrophic peat

Peat poorly supplied with nutrients. Tomkeieff


An orthorhombic mineral, Cu2 AsO4 (OH) ; adamantine to vitreous; a secondary mineral in copper deposits.

Oliver filter

A continuous-type filter made in the form of a cylindrical drum with filter cloth stretched over the convex surface of the drum. The drum rotates slowly about a horizontal axis, and the lower part is immersed in a tank containing the pulp to be filtered. Arrangement of pressure and suction pipes on the interior of the drum permits the application of suction to the filtering surface. As the filter passes through the tank, it picks up a layer of solid material and

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English emerges carrying a layer of filter cake.


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A mineral group including fayalite, Fe2 SiO4 ; forsterite, Mg2 SiO4 ; liebenbergite, (Ni,Mg)2 SiO4 ; and tephroite, Mn2 SiO4 ; orthorhombic; olive green, grayish green, brown, or black; members intermediate in the forsterite-fayalite crystal solution series are common rock-forming minerals in gabbros, basalts, peridotites, and dunites; alters hydrothermally to serpentine. Fayalite occurs in some granites and syenites, forsterite in thermally metamorphosed dolomites, and tephroite in iron manganese ore deposits and their associated skarns..


a. In the International Union of Geological Sciences classification, b. An olivine-rich ore-bearing igneous rock that also contains other pyroxenes and/or amphiboles.


An olivinelike substance found in meteorites. Standard, 2


Porphyry containing olivine phenocrysts. Fay


A type of hornblende schist characterized by abundant epidote, sphene, and

rutile. Garnet is one of the accessories. AGI

O.L.P. steel process

A steelmaking method similar to the L.D. except that powdered lime is blown with the oxygen stream (therefore, the letters O.L.P.--oxygen- lime-powder). Nelson

ombrogenous peat

Peat, the nature of which is determined by the amount of rainfall. Tomkeieff


In glassmaking, a sheet-iron cover to protect, from drafts, the glass articles in a leer. Standard, 2

omnidirectional hydrophone

A hydrophone whose response is essentially independent of angle of arrival of the incident sound wave. Hy


A mineral of the pyroxene group intermediate among aegirine, jadeite, and augite; i.e., high in aluminum and sodium, and of high-pressure origin; monoclinic; pale to grass green; occurs in eclogites.


a. Output (usually in hundredweights) per manshift. It is a method of expressing the productivity of mines, miners, and management. Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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b. N. of England. Output (usually tons) per manshift. Interpretation depends on the basis for calculating manshifts, e.g., face o.m.s. is based on manshifts at the face; seam o.m.s. on piecework and bargain work manshifts in the seam; overall (pit) o.m.s. on all manshifts underground, including datal labor. Trist

on air

a. The state of a pump which is operating although having no liquid in its working parts. BS, 10 b. Scot. Said of a pump when air is drawn at each stroke.


An instrument for determining the specific gravity of a molten metal by the immersion of a ball made of another metal and of known weight. Standard, 2


A variety of goethite. Hey, 1

one on two

A slope in which the elevation rises 1 ft (m) in 2 horizontal ft (m). Nichols, 1

one-part line

A single strand of rope or cable. Nichols, 1

one-piece set

A term applied to a single stick of timber, called a post, stull, or prop. Post and prop are applied to vertical

timbers, and stull is applied to inclined timbers, or those placed horizontally. Lewis

one shot

a. A borehole-survey instrument that records a single inclination and/or bearing reading on each round trip into a borehole. Long b. Single shot.

one-shot exploder

See:Little Demon exploder

one-spot strip mining

Consists of three operations: the top material is cast out of the way; pay material is dug and trucked away; and the top is pushed or cast back in. Nichols, 1

one-way ram

A hydraulic cylinder in which fluid is supplied to one end so that the piston can be moved only one way by power.

one-way ventilation

See:peripheral ventilation

onion-skin weathering

See:spheroidal weathering


a. An overlap characterized by the regular and progressive pinching out, toward the margins or shores of a depositional basin, of the sedimentary


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English units within a conformable sequence of rocks, in which the boundary of each unit is transgressed by the next overlying unit and each unit in turn terminates farther from the point of reference. Also, the successive extension in the lateral extent of strata (as seen in an upward sequence) due to their being deposited in an advancing sea or on the margin of a subsiding landmass. Ant: offlap. b. The progressive submergence of land by an advancing sea. CF:transgression

on line

a. A linear underground excavation advancing in compliance with a predetermined surveyed direction or line. b. A borehole the course of which is not deviating from the intended direction. Long c. Said of a diamond drill when its drive rod is centered on and parallel to a borehole. Long

on long awn

A face between end and crosscut.


A former name for selenian metacinnabar Hg(S,Se) .

on plane

Scot. In a direction at right angles to, or facing, the plane or main joints.


a. The person in charge of loading and unloading of cages or skips at the

pit bottom, and also the signaling to the pithead. In modern mines, the onsetter is stationed in a cabin and all controls are within reach for the loading and unloading of the cages, shaft signaling, and other car control equipment at the shaft bottom.. Nelson b. The person in charge of winding operations underground, who is stationed at the shaft side and gives all signals to the winding engineman. Mason

onsetting machine

Eng. A mechanical apparatus for loading cages with full tubs and discharging the empties, or vice versa, at one operation. Fay

on short awn

A face in a direction between bord and crosscut. Sinclair, 6

on sights

a. Following sights placed by a surveyor. Fay b. On line.


a. Stage in New York State: Middle Silurian (middle and lower parts of Clinton Group). AGI b. An obsolete name for the Middle and Upper Ordovician in New York State. AGI


a. Applied to a blasthole extending into coal farther than the coal can be broken by the blast. Fay b. That part of a blasthole that cannot be

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English broken by the blast. Fay c. A practice of blasting coal with heavy charges of explosives, in lieu of undercutting or channeling. Fay

on the track

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Diamonds inset in the crown of a bit in concentric circles so that the diamonds in any one circle follow the same groove cut into the rock. Long


a. A chalcedonic variety of quartz with color, chiefly white, yellow, red, or black, in straight parallel bands; used esp. in making cameos. CF:onyx agate b. A name applied incorrectly to dyed, unbanded, solid-color chalcedony; esp. black onyx. c. Adj. Parallel banded; e.g., onyx marble and onyx obsidian. d. Jet black translucent layers of calcite from cave deposits, often called Mexican onyx or onyx marble.

onyx agate

Banded agate with straight parallel layers of differing tones of gray; not a syn. for onyx. CF:onyx

onyx marble

Translucent, generally layered, cryptocrystalline calcite with colors in pastel shades, particularly yellow, brown, and green. Mexican onyx; travertine. ASTM


a. A sedimentary rock, usually a limestone, made up chiefly of ooliths cemented together. The rock was originally termed "oolith." AGI b. A term often used for oolith, or one of the ovoid particles of an oolite. Etymol. Greek oon, egg. CF:pisolite


One of the small round or ovate accretionary bodies in a sedimentary rock, resembling the roe of fish, and having diameters of 0.25 to 2 mm (commonly 0.5 to 1 mm). It is usually formed of calcium carbonate, but may be of dolomite, silica, or other minerals, in successive concentric layers, commonly around a nucleus such as a shell fragment, an algal pellet, or a quartz-sand grain, in shallow, wave-agitated water; it often shows an internal radiating fibrous structure indicating outward growth or enlargement at the site of deposition. CF:pisolith ovulite. AGI


Pertaining to an oolite, or to a rock or mineral made up of ooliths; e.g., an oolitic ironstone, in which iron oxide or iron carbonate has replaced the calcium carbonate of an oolitic limestone. AGI

oolitic limestone

An even-textured limestone composed almost wholly of relatively uniform calcareous ooliths, with virtually no


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English interstitial material. It is locally an important oil reservoir (such as the Smackover Formation in Arkansas), and is also quarried for building stone. AGI

oolitic texture

The texture of a sedimentary rock consisting largely of ooliths showing tangential contacts with one another. AGI


a. A soft, slimy, sticky mud. Fay b. To emit or give out slowly. Webster 3rd c. A fine-grained pelagic deposit that contains more than 30% of material of organic origin. AGI d. An unconsolidated deposit composed almost entirely of the shells and undissolved remains of foraminifera, diatoms, and other marine life; diatom ooze and foraminiferal ooze. Hy


A general term applied to swarms of opaque, microscopic grains in rocks, esp. as rims that develop mainly on biotite and hornblende phenocrysts in volcanic rocks, apparently as a result of post-eruption oxidation and dehydration. Opacite is generally supposed to consist chiefly of magnetite dust. CF:ferrite


The quality of being opaque.


An amorphous or microcrystalline mineral, SiO2 .nH2 O ; may be tridymite or cristobalite; has a varying

proportion of water (as much as 20% but commonly 3% to 9%); occurs in nearly all colors; transparent to nearly opaque; typically shows a marked iridescent "play of color"; differs from quartz in being isotropic; has a lower refractive index than quartz and is softer, more soluble, and less dense; generally occurs massive and may be pseudomorphous after other minerals; deposited at low temperatures from silica-bearing water; occurs in cracks and cavities of igneous rocks, in flintlike nodules in limestones, in mineral veins, in deposits of thermal springs, in siliceous skeletons of various marine organisms (such as diatoms and sponges), in serpentinized rocks, in weathering products, and in most chalcedony and flint. The transparent colored varieties exhibiting opalescence are valued as gemstones.


A milky or somewhat pearly appearance or luster of a mineral, such as that shown by opal and moonstone. CF:play of color


a. Any of several minerals related to or resembling opal; e.g., a pale-blue to bluish-white opalescent or girasol corundum, or a brecciated impure opal pseudomorphous after serpentine. AGI b. An earthy form of gypsum. AGI c. A rock with a groundmass or matrix consisting of opal. adj. Resembling opal, esp. in appearance; e.g., opaline feldspar (labradorite) or opaline silica (tabasheer). AGI

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English opalite


opalized wood

Silicified wood.


Said of a material that is impervious to visible light or has metallic luster. CF:transopaque; translucent; transparency; transparent; opacity


Attritus that is opaque in thin sections. Tomkeieff

opaque attritus

Refers to coal material of which the most prominent and important constituent is opaque matter and also referred to as opaque matrix, black fundamental matter or matrix and residuum. IHCP



open area

See:effective screening area


A working in which excavation is performed from the surface. Commonly called open pit.Webster 3rd

opencast method

A mining method consisting of removing the overlying strata or overburden, extracting the coal, and then replacing the overburden. When the overlying material consists of earth or clay it can be removed directly by scrapers or excavators, but where rock is encountered it is necessary to resort to blasting to prepare the material into suitable form for handling by the excavators.

opencast mine


opencast working

See:opencast; strike working.

open circuit

In mineral dressing, a flow line in which the solid particles pass from one appliance to the next without being screened, classified, or otherwise checked for quality; no fraction is returned for retreatment. Pryor, 2

open-circuit mill

A grinding mill without classifiers. Nelson

open-crib timbering

Shaft timbering with cribs alone, placed at intervals. Fay


a. To increase the size of a shaft when it intersects a drift so as to form a puddle wall behind the sets of timber. b. Open pit; surface working in which the

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English working area is kept open to the sky.

opencut mine

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An excavation for removing minerals which is open to the weather.

opencut mining

See:surface mining; openpit mining.

open-drive sampler

A drive-type soil-sampling device that is essentially a headpiece, threaded to fit a drill rod, to which is attached a removable length of thin-wall brass or steel tubing. An example is the Shelby tube. Long

open end method

A method of mining pillars in which no stump is left; the pockets driven are open on the goaf side and the roof is supported on timbers. Lewis

opener hole

The first hole or holes fired in a round blasted off the solid to create an additional free face in a coal mine. CFR, 4

open fault

A fault in which the two walls are separated. CF:closed fault AGI

open fire

Fire occurring in a roadway or at the coal face in a mine. Such fires may or may not be easily accessible. They may be in the roof of a roadway or seam, or in the kerf of a machine-cut face. However, they are quite distinct in their initiation from gob fires. An open fire may be ignited by a blown-out shot, electrical failure, or from sparks produced by friction.

open fold

A fold in which the limbs diverge at a large angle. AGI

open front

The arrangement of a blast furnace with a forehearth. Fay

open-graded aggregate

Mineral aggregate containing very few small particles so that the void spaces are relatively large. Shell

open hearth

The form of regenerative furnace of the reverberatory type used in making steel by the Martin, Siemens, and Siemens-Martin processes.

open-hearth furnace

A reverberatory melting furnace with a shallow hearth and a low roof. The flame passes over the charge on the hearth, causing the charge to be heated both by direct flame and by radiation from the roof and sidewalls


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English of the furnace. In the ferrous industry, the furnace is regenerative.

open-hearth process

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A process for manufacturing steel, either acid or basic, according to the lining of the reverberatory furnace, in which selected pig iron and malleable scrap iron are melted, with the addition of pure iron ore. The latter, together with the air, contributes to the oxidation of the silicon and carbon in the melted mass. The final deoxidation is sometimes produced by the addition of a small quantity of aluminum or ferromanganese, which at the same time desulfurizes and recarburizes the metal to the required extent.

open-hearth steel

See:open-hearth process

open hole

a. Coal or other mine workings at the surface or outcrop. Also called opencast; opencut; open pit. b. A borehole that is drilled without cores. Nelson c. Uncased portion of a borehole. Pryor, 3 d. A borehole free of any obstructing object or material. Long


a. A widening out of a crevice, in consequence of a softening or decomposition of the adjacent rock, so as to leave a vacant space of considerable width. Fay b. A short heading driven between two or more parallel headings or levels

for ventilation. Fay c. Surface entrance to mine workings.

opening out

The formation of a longwall face by driving headings and cross headings and connecting the faces to form a continuous line of coal face. It may be viewed as the final stage in development, leading to full coal production. In pillar-and-stall mining, opening out would imply the setting off of the main headings and subsidiary drivages for the formation of coal pillars. Nelson


a. The parts of coal mines between the pillars, or the pillars and ribs. Fay b. A series of parallel chambers or openings, separated by pillars or walls, in slate mining. The width of an opening varies from 35 to 50 ft (11 to 15 m) depending on roof conditions. Nelson

opening shot

In blasting into solid rock, the wedging shot, gouging shot, or burn cut. Leading shot fired to open up the rock face by creating a cavity and therefore easing the work done by later shots in a round. Pryor, 3

opening stock

Quantity on hand at start of accounting period--ore, concentrates, stores, etc. Pryor, 3


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English open lagging

Lagging placed a few inches apart.

open light

A naked light. Not a safety light. Fay

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open off

a. To turn stalls off stalls, or to drive branch roadways from crossheadings. Nelson b. Eng. To begin the longwall system from the shaft pillar, or the far end of the royalty, or from any headings previously driven out for the purpose of commencing such system. Fay c. To start any new working, as a heading, entry, gangway, room, etc., from another working, as a slope, gangway, etc. Fay

openpit mine

A mine working or excavation open to the surface. See:strip mine

openpit mining

a. A form of operation designed to extract minerals that lie near the surface. Waste, or overburden, is first removed, and the mineral is broken and loaded, as in a stone quarry. Important chiefly in the mining of ores of iron and copper. Barger b. The mining of metalliferous ores by surface-mining methods is commonly designated as openpit mining as distinguished from the strip mining of coal and the quarrying of other nonmetallic materials such as limestone, building stone, etc.

openpit quarry

A quarry in which the opening is the full size of the excavation. One open to daylight. Fay

open pot

Fireclay pot for melting glass--open at the top. Mersereau, 2

open rock

Any stratum sufficiently open or porous to contain a significant amount of water or to convey it along its bed. AGI


Large, open cracks or crevices and small and large caverns. Long

open-sand casting

Casting made in a mold simply excavated in sand, without a flask. Fay


Scot. An unfilled space between pack walls.

open shop

A shop, or mine, where the union price is paid, but where the workers are not all union members. CF:union shop

open split

A split in which no regulator is installed. Higham


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English open stope

a. An unfilled cavity. Nelson b. Underground working place either unsupported, or supported by timbers or pillars of rock. Pryor, 3

open-stope method

a. Stoping in which no regular artificial method of support is employed, although occasional props or cribs may be used to hold local patches of insecure ground. The walls and roof are self-supporting, and open stopes can be used only where the ore and wall rocks are firm. Jackson, 2 b. See:overhand stoping

open-tank method

A method of treating mine timber to prevent decay in which the timber is immersed in a tank of hot preservative and then in a tank of cold preservative. The preservatives used are creosote, zinc chloride, sodium fluoride, and other chemicals. Bethell's process. Lewis

open timbering

The usual method of setting timber or steel supports in mines--they are spaced from 2 to 5 ft (0.6 to 1.5 m) apart, with laggings and struts to secure the ground between each set. The method is used in ground that does not crumble or flow.

open-top carrier

The main use of this type of bucket elevator has been in handling the product of the larger crushers. Steel buckets of large capacity, which may

be as long as 7 ft (2.1 m), are attached rigidly to a heavy flat bar chain, each strand made of two bars with a pitch of 2 and with self-oiling flanged rollers at each intersection. The elevator rises at an angle of about 60 degrees , and the rollers run on ways made of light T-rails. The buckets have overlapping edges, so that there is no spill between them. Pit and Quarry

open-top tubbing

A length of tubbing having no wedging crib on the top of it. Fay

open traverse

A surveying traverse that starts from a station of known or adopted position but does not terminate upon such a station and therefore does not completely enclose a polygon. CF:closed traverse

open working

Surface working, e.g., a quarry or opencast mine. Among the minerals often exploited by open workings are coal, brown coal, gems; the ores of copper, gold, iron, lead, and tin; and all kinds of stone. Also called open work. Nelson

operating carrier

The mechanism used with the automatic duckbill through which the extension and retraction of the shovel trough are controlled. Jones, 1

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The sum of the costs of mining, beneficiation, and administration gives the operating cost of a mine. Nelson

operating engineer


operating point

A ventilation system is composed of a fan and a set of connected ducts. In a mine ventilation system, mine openings comprise the ducts. At a given air density and with the fan operating at constant speed, there is only one head and quantity of airflow that can result. This is an equilibrium condition and is known as the operating point of the system. Hartman, 2


In crystallography, the rotation, reflection, or inversion of an attribute of a crystal structure to complete its symmetry. CF:element

operational capacities

Figures given on flowsheets to indicate quantities passing various points in plant per unit time, taking account of fluctuations in the rate of supply and composition (as to size and content of impurity), as follows: (1) design capacity, the rate of feed, defined by limits expressing the extent and duration of load variations, at which specific items of plant subject to a performance guarantee must

operate continuously and give the guaranteed results on a particular quality of feed; (2) peak design capacity, a rate of feed in excess of the design capacity, which specific items of plant will accept for short periods without fulfilling the performance guarantees given in respect of them; and (3) mechanical maximum capacity, the highest rate of feed at which specific items of equipment, not subject to performance guarantees, will function on the type and quality of feed for which they are supplied. BS, 5

operative temperature

Operative temperature is that temperature of an imaginary environment in which, with equal wall (enclosing areas) and ambient air temperatures and some standard rate of air motion, the human body would lose the same amount of heat by radiation and convection as it would in some actual environment at unequal wall and air temperatures and for some other rate of air motion. Strock, 2


A recrystallized metamorphic rock composed of calcite and serpentine, commonly formed by dedolomitization of a siliceous dolostone. Some ophicalcites are highly veined and brecciated and are associated with serpentinite. AGI


A group of mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks ranging from spilite and basalt to gabbro and peridotite, including rocks rich in serpentine,

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English chlorite, epidote, and albite derived from them by later metamorphism, whose origin is associated with an early phase of the development of a geosyncline. The term was originated by Steinman in 1905. AGI

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A general term for diabases that have retained their ophitic structure although the pyroxene is altered to uralite. The term was originated by Palasson in 1819. AGI


Applied to a texture characteristic of diabases or dolerite in which euhedral or subhedral crystals of plagioclase are embedded in a mesotasis of pyroxene crystals, usually augite. Also said of a rock with such a texture. CF:poikilitic

optical anomaly

Optical properties apparently at variance with optical rules, such as: anisotropy in isotropic minerals, such as birefringent diamond; biaxiality in uniaxial minerals, such as quartz; and erratic variation in birefringence near optical absorption bands--e.g., some epidote minerals.

optical calcite

Crystalline calcite so clear that it has value for optical purposes; e.g., polarizers.

optical centering device

An optical device that enables a theodolite to be accurately positioned

over or under a survey station. Also called optical plummet (undesirable usage). BS, 7

optical character

The designation as to whether optically positive or optically negative; said of minerals. Fay

optical constant

In optical mineralogy, any of the following: indices of refraction, birefringence, optic sign, axial angles, extinction angles, and dispersion of a nonopaque mineral. In ore microscopy (mineragraphy), any of the reflectances and anisotropy of opaque minerals. optical crystallography

The study of the behavior of light in crystals. Hurlbut

optical diffraction

Constructive interference of monochromatic light; e.g., labradorescence in plagioclase, fire in opal.

optical flat

Glass or other surface rendered truly planar. Pryor, 3

optical glass

Carefully made glass of great uniformity and usually special composition to give desired transmission, refraction, and dispersion of light. CCD, 2


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English optical mineralogy

The determination of optical properties of minerals for the purpose of characterization and identification.

optical property

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Any of several effects of a substance upon light. Refractive index, double refraction, (and its strength, birefringence), dispersion, pleochroism, and color are gemmologically the most important optical properties.

optical pyrometer

A type of pyrometer that measures high temperature by comparing the intensity of light of a particular wavelength from the hot material with that of a filament of known temperature. It is used to determine the temperature of incandescent lavas.

optical sign

When a translucent crystal is viewed under microscope, light travels through the mineral at a speed which corresponds with its refractive index, as this is affected by the crystal planes. A uniaxial crystal has a negative optical sign when the velocity of its extraordinary ray exceeds that of the ordinary ray and vice versa. Calcite is negative; quartz positive. For biaxial crystals, the three principal directions of vibration are mutually at right angles.

optical square

A hand-held instrument enabling right angles to be set out accurately on a site. Hammond

optical twinning

A type of twinning in quartz in which the parts of the twin are alternately left- and right-handed. So named because it can be recognized by optical tests in distinction to Dauphine (electrical) twinning. Optical twinning as ordinarily applied includes all twin laws in quartz with the exception of the Dauphine. Also called Brazil twinning; chiral twinning. Am. Mineral., 2

optic angle

The angle between the two optic axes of a biaxial crystal; its symbol is 2V (less than 90 degrees ), 2Valpha , or 2Vgamma , depending on whether the optic direction X or Z is in the acute bisectrix.

optic-axial angle

See:optic angle

optic axis

A direction of single refraction in a doubly refracting mineral. Hexagonal and tetragonal minerals have one such axis, and are termed uniaxial; rhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic minerals have two optic axes and are thus biaxial. Anderson


The sub-field of physics that covers the behavior of light.


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a. Indicates the type of double refraction in a mineral. In uniaxial minerals, the material is said to be positive when the extraordinary ray has a higher refractive index than the ordinary ray and negative when the ordinary ray has the greater index. In biaxial minerals, which have three basic optical directions, the refractive index of the intermediate or beta ray is the criterion; if its refractive index is nearer that of the low or alpha ray, it is said to be a positive mineral or stone; if it is nearer the high or gamma ray, it is said to be a negative mineral or stone. b. More technically, in uniaxial minerals, the material is positive when the extreme refractive index (nepsilon ) is greater than the apparently isotropic one (nomega ) and negative when the extreme refractive index is less. In biaxial minerals, which have extreme refractive indices both above and below the apparently isotropic one (n beta ), the material is positive when the lower refractive index (n alpha ) is closer to the apparently isotropic one and negative when the higher one (ngamma ) is closer.; optical character.


Coordination of various processing factors, controls, and specifications to provide best overall conditions for technical and/or economic operation. Pryor, 4

optimum depth of cut

That depth of cut required to completely fill the dipper in one pass without undue crowding. Carson, 1

optimum moisture content

The water content at which a soil can be compacted to the maximum dry unit weight by a given compactive effort. Also called optimum water content. ASCE


a. A privilege secured by the payment of a certain consideration for the purchase, or lease, of mining or other property, within a specified time, or upon the fulfillment of certain conditions set forth in the contract. b. S. Afr. The word option may refer to shares under option to the holder of option certificates. In regard to mining activities, options are granted to acquire the mineral rights and/or surface rights over some farm at a price fixed in the agreement. This price may be a sum of money or a participation in a mining company still to be formed. The option itself can be acquired for a lump sum or for a payment of so much per morgen a year. The option contract is generally connected with the permission for the option holder to prospect for minerals and briefly referred to as option and prospecting contract. Beerman

optional-flow storage

In coal preparation, optional-flow setups are those where coal usually goes to the plant but can be diverted into


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English storage, either in bins or hoppers or on the ground. Coal Age, 3


Abbrev. for orthopyroxene. CF:cpx

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oral agreement to locate

An agreement to locate need not be in writing. If a party, in pursuance of an oral agreement to locate at the expense of another, locates the claim in his or her own name, he or she holds the legal title to the ground in trust for the benefit of the party for whom the location was made. Such a party could, upon making the necessary proofs, compel the locator of the mining claim to convey the title to him or her, although the agreement to do so was not in writing. Such an agreement is not within the statute of frauds. Ricketts

orange heat

A division of the color scale, generally given as about 900 degrees C.


A variant of the clamshell bucket with four or five leaves instead of the clamshell's two. Each leaf ends in a reinforced point. Its digging ability is less than that of the clamshell, and its principal use is for underwater excavation and digging. Carson, 1

orangepeel sampler

An apparatus consisting of four movable jaws that converge to a point when

closed; used to obtain samples of underwater sediment. AGI


Adj. Describes rounded to spherical, commonly banded, textures within minerals or rocks; e.g., orbicular diorite.

orbicular structure

A structure developed in certain phanerocrystalline rocks (e.g., granite and diorite) due to the occurrence of numerous orbicules.


A hexagonal mineral, Ni5-x As2 ; rose-bronze; at the Tiebaghe massif, New Caledonia.

ordered solid solution

A condition when atoms in a solid solution arrange themselves in regular or preferential positions in the lattice, rather than at random. Newton, 1

order of crystallization

The apparent chronological sequence in which crystallization of the various minerals of an assemblage takes place, as evidenced mainly by textural features.

order of persistence

See:stability series


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A classification of chemical reactions based on the index of the power to which concentration terms are raised in the expression for the instantaneous velocity of the reaction; i.e., on the apparent number of molecules which interact. CTD

ordinary kriging

A variety of kriging which assumes that local means are not necessarily closely related to the population mean, and which therefore uses only the samples in the local neighborhood for the estimate. Ordinary kriging is the most commonly used method for environmental situations.

ordinary ray

a. In a uniaxial crystal, that ray that travels with constant velocity in any direction within it. Anderson b. In mineral optics, a light ray that, because of its crystallographic orientation, follows Snell's law, n=sini/sinr, where n is the refractive index, i is the angle of incidence, and r is the angle of refraction. In anisotropic crystals, not all light rays follow Snell's law and are, hence, "extraordinary rays." CF:law of refraction


Y-axis; the vertical scale of a graph.

ordnance bench mark

Survey station the level of which has been officially fixed with reference

to the ordnance datum, the arbitrary mean sea level at Newlyn in Cornwall, England. Pryor, 3

ordnance survey

Originally, a military mapping activity; now a precise survey maintained by government which maps land and building features of Great Britain in close detail. Pryor, 3


A tetragonal mineral, ZnSb2 O6 ; brown.


a. The naturally occurring material from which a mineral or minerals of economic value can be extracted profitably or to satisfy social or political objectives. The term is generally but not always used to refer to metalliferous material, and is often modified by the names of the valuable constituent; e.g., iron ore.; mineral deposit; ore mineral. The term ores is sometimes applied collectively to opaque accessory minerals, such as ilmenite and magnetite, in igneous rocks. AGI

ore band

Zone of rock rich in ore.

ore-bearing fluid

See:hydrothermal solution

ore bed

a. Metal-rich layer in a sequence of sedimentary rocks. AGI b. Economic aggregation of minerals


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English occurring between or in rocks of sedimentary origin.

ore bin

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a. A receptacle for ore awaiting treatment or shipment. Fay b. Robustly constructed steel, wooden, or concrete structure which receives intermittent supplies of mined ore and can transfer them continuously by rate-controlled withdrawal systems (bottom gates and ore feeders) to the treatment plant. Thus a buffer stock is held which allows a mine to hoist ore intermittently without bringing milling operations to a standstill. It characteristically receives a weighed-in input of finely broken ore from the final dry-crushing section (usually between 1-in and 3/8-in (2.54-cm and 9.5-mm) maximum particle size). The surge bin is a much smaller one, able to receive a dumped load of run-of-mine ore and to transfer it at a regular rate to the crushing system between arrivals of further skip loads. Pryor, 3

ore blending

Method whereby a mine, or a group of mines, served by a common mill, sends ores of slightly varied character for treatment and separate bins or stockpiles are provided. From these, regulated percentages of ores are drawn and blended to provide a steady and predictable feed to the mineral dressing plant. Pryor, 3

ore block

A section of an orebody, usually rectangular, that is used for estimates of overall tonnage and quality.

ore blocked out

See:developed reserve

ore boat

A boat constructed esp. for transporting iron ore on the Great Lakes. Mersereau, 2


A continuous, well-defined mass of material of sufficient ore content to make extraction economically feasible. AGI

ore boil

A reaction that occurs in an open-hearth furnace in which the carbon monoxide released by the oxidation of carbon causes a violent agitation of the metal as it escapes. Newton, 1

ore bridge

A large electric gantry-type crane which, by means of a clamshell bucket, stocks ore or carries it from a stockpile into bins or a larry car on a trestle. Fay

ore-bridge bucket

A clamshell grab bucket of 5 to 7 tons capacity. Fay

ore car

A mine car for carrying ore or waste rock. Weed, 2


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An inclined passage, from 3 to 4 ft (approx. 1 m) square, for the transfer of ore to a lower level, car, conveyor, etc. It may be constructed through waste fills.

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ore cluster

A genetically related group of orebodies that may have a common root or source rock but that may differ structurally or otherwise. AGI

ore control

Any tectonic, lithologic, or geochemical features considered to have influenced the formation and localization of ore. AGI

ore crusher

a. A machine for breaking up masses of ore, usually prior to passing through stamps or rolls.

b. See:crusher man

ore delfe

a. Ore lying underground. b. Right or claim to ore from ownership of land in which it is found.

ore deposit

a. A body of ore. b. A mineral deposit that has been tested and is known to be of sufficient size, grade, and accessibility to be producible to yield a profit. (In controlled economies and integrated industries, the "profit" decision may be based on considerations that extend far

beyond the mine itself, in some instances relating to the overall health of a national economy.)

ore developed

See:positive ore

ore developing

Ore exposed on two sides. First class, blocks with one side hidden; second class, blocks with two sides hidden; third class, blocks with three sides hidden.

ore dike

An injected wall-like intrusion of magmatic ore, forced in a liquid state across the bedding or other layered structure of the invaded formation. Schieferdecker

ore district

A combination of several ore deposits into one common whole or system.

ore dressing

The cleaning of ore by the removal of certain valueless portions, such as by jigging, cobbing, vanning, etc.; beneficiation; preparation.ore preparation. Fay

ore expectant

The whole or any part of the ore below the lowest level or beyond the range of vision. The prospective value of a mine beyond or below the last visible ore, based on the fullest possible data from the mine being examined, and from the characteristics of


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English the mining district. ore face

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An orebody that is exposed on one side, or shows only one face, and of which the values can be determined only in a prospective manner, as deducted from the general condition of the mine or prospect. Fay

ore-forming fluid

A gas or fluid that dissolves, receives by fractionation, transports, and precipitates ore minerals. A mineralizer is typically aqueous, with various hyperfusible gases (CO2 , CH4 , H2 S, HF), simple ions (H+ , HS, Cl- , K, Na, Ca), complex ions (esp. chloride complexes), and dissolved base and precious metals.

ore genesis

The origin of ores.

ore geology

The branch of applied geology dealing with the genetic study of ore deposits.


Probably Ni2 FeAs2 ; hexagonal. From Josephine Creek, Josephine County, OR. Named from the locality. Also spelled oregonit. Hey, 2

ore grader

In metal mining, a person who directs and regulates the storage of iron ores of various grades in bins at shipping docks so that the grade of ore contained in each bin will contain the approximate percentage of iron guaranteed to the buyer (iron and steel mills). DOT

ore guide

Any natural feature--such as alteration products, geochemical variations, local structures, or plant growth--known to be indicative of an orebody or mineral occurrence. AGI

ore hearth

A small, low fireplace surrounded by three walls, with a tuyere at the back. Three important types are called: ore hearth, waterback ore hearth, and Moffet ore hearth; used in smelting. Fay

oreing down

A blocking operation in which ore is added to an open-hearth bath to oxidize the bath and to further reduce the carbon. Henderson

ore in sight

a. A term frequently used to indicate two separate factors in an estimate, namely: (1) ore blocked out; i.e., ore exposed on at least three sides within reasonable distance of each other; and (2) ore that may be reasonably assumed to exist, though not actually blocked out; these two factors should in all cases be kept distinct,


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because (1) is governed by fixed rules, while (2) is dependent upon individual judgment and local experience. The expression ore in sight as commonly used in the past, appears to possess so indefinite a meaning as to discredit its use completely. The terms positive ore, probable ore, and possible ore are suggested. b. See:developed reserve

ore intersection

The point at which a borehole, crosscut, or other underground opening encounters an ore vein or deposit; also, the thickness of the ore-bearing deposit so traversed. Long

ore magma

A term proposed by Spurr (1923) for a magma that may crystallize into an ore; the sulfide, oxide, or other metallic facies of a solidified magma. AGI

ore microscope

See:reflected-light microscope

ore microscopy

The study of opaque ore minerals in polished section with a reflected-light microscope.AGI

ore mineral

The part of an ore, usually metallic, which is economically desirable, as contrasted with the gangue.

ore partly blocked

Said of an orebody that is only partly developed, and the values of which can be only approx. determined.


A vertical or inclined passage for the downward transfer of ore; equipped with gates or other appliances for controlling the flow. An orepass is driven in ore or country rock and connects a level with the hoisting shaft or with a lower level.

ore personal property

Ore, or other mineral product, becomes personal property when detached from the soil in which it is imbedded. Ricketts

ore pipe

A long and relatively thin deposit commonly formed at the intersection of two planes.

ore plot

A place where dressed ore is kept. Fay

ore pocket

a. Excavation near a hoisting shaft into which ore from stopes is moved, preliminary to hoisting. Pryor, 3 b. Used in a phrase such as a rich pocket of ore, to describe an unusual concentration in the lode. Pryor, 3

ore preparation

See:ore dressing


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English ore province

A well-defined area containing ore deposits of a particular kind; e.g., the porphyry copper deposits of the Southwestern United States. Related to, but not exactly synonymous with, metallogenic province, which need not contain economic ore deposits.

ore reserve

a. The term is usually restricted to ore of which the grade and tonnage have been established with reasonable assurance by drilling and other means. Nelson b. The total tonnage and average value of proved ore, plus the total tonnage and value (assumed) of the probable ore. Hoover c. A mine's substantial asset, without which none of the surface works are economically viable. A body of ore that has been proved to contain a sufficient tonnage of amenable valuable mineral to justify the mining enterprise. The British Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, which regulates the professional standards of its membership, considers that the term ore reserves should be restricted to ore of which the quantity and grade have been established with reasonable assurance by a responsible, professionally qualified person. Additional ore insufficiently developed or tested for inclusion in ore reserves should be clearly described in simple terms best suited to the circumstances; modes of mineral occurrence vary too widely to permit standardization of categories. Pryor, 3 d. S. Afr. Orebodies made available for mining through drives connected by

winzes (a connection driven down) and raises (a connection driven up), thus forming blocks that are accessible from four sides. Some companies record partially developed ore reserves in which this making of blocks has not been completed. Newcomers in gold mining occasionally speak of ore reserves when they mean the orebodies contained in a mining area and in copper mining this method of expression has been accepted by large concerns. Beerman e. See:reserve

ore sampling

The process in which a portion (sample of ore) is selected in such a way, that its composition will represent the average composition of the entire bulk of ore. Such a selected portion is a sample, and the art of properly selecting such a sample is called sampling. Newton, 1

ore separator

A cradle, frame, jigging machine, washer, or other device or machine used in separating the metal from broken ore, or ore from worthless rock. Standard, 2

ore shoot

a. An elongate pipelike, ribbonlike, or chimneylike mass of ore within a deposit (usually a vein), representing the more valuable part of the deposit. b. Concentration of primary ore along certain parts of a rock opening. Bateman, 2 c. A large and visually rich aggregation of mineral in a vein. It is a

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more or less vertical zone or chimney of rich vein matter extending from wall to wall, and has a definite width laterally. Sometimes called pay streak, although the latter applies more specif. to placers. d. An area of payable lode surrounded by low values.

ore sill

A tabular sheet of magmatic ore, injected in a liquid state along the bedding planes of a sedimentary or other layered formation.

ore stamp

A machine for reducing ores by stamping. Standard, 2

ore-storage drier man

One who removes moisture from ore or other material preparatory to roasting or electrolytic processing, using a gas or hot-air drier. Also called drier operator. DOT

ore strand

Individual mass of quartz with a halo of alteration and ore minerals, or close assemblage of seams of such quartz and accompanying altered ground. AGI

ore trend

A term used on the Colorado Plateau to indicate the extension of an orebody along its major axis; the average trend of ore in a particular area, or the regional trend of mineralization over a large area. The local trend of individual orebodies may vary

from the regional trend of so-called mineral belts. Ballard

ore vein

A tabular or sheetlike mass of ore minerals occupying a fissure or a set of fissures and later in formation than the enclosing rock. Schieferdecker

ore washer

A machine for washing clay and earth out of earthy brown hematite ores. The log washer is a common type. Fay

ore zone

A horizon in which ore minerals are known to occur. Long

Orford process

A process for separating the copper and nickel in the matte obtained by Bessemerizing. The matte, which consists of copper-nickel sulfides, is fused with sodium sulfide, and a separation into two layers, the top rich in nickel and the bottom rich in copper, is obtained. Also known as top-and-bottom process. CTD


A series of closely spaced props placed at the borders of the chamber at the coal face. Such an arrangement protects the future, adjoining chamber from caving. Stoces


Being, containing, or relating to carbon compounds, esp. in which hydrogen


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English is attached to carbon whether derived from living organisms or not. Usually distinguished from inorganic or mineral. CF:inorganic Webster 3rd

organic ash

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Ash in coal derived from the incombustible material contained in plants. Tomkeieff

organic colloid

Any of the depressants used in the flotation process. They include glue, gelatin, albumen, dried blood, casein (proteins), tannin, licorice, quebracho extract, and saponin (complex polyhydroxy carboxylic acids and glucosides). Pryor, 3

organic deposit

A rock or other deposit formed by organisms or their remains.

organic efficiency

The ratio (normally expressed as a percentage) between the actual yield of a desired product and the theoretically possible yield (based on the reconstituted feed), both actual and theoretical products having the same percentage of ash. BS, 5

organic soil

A general term applied to a soil that consists primarily of organic matter such as peat soil and muck soil. AGI

organic sulfur

The difference between the total sulfur in coal and the sum of the pyritic sulfur and sulfate sulfur. BS, 1

organic test

A test in which organic matter in soil is destroyed by oxidizing agents and the loss measured. This test is used in preparation of soil for a sedimentation test, and gives an indication of the amount of organic matter present.


Derived from or composed of organic materials; e.g., a crinoidal limestone.


Rock formed from organic substances, esp. those of vegetable origin, such as coal, oil, resins, and bitumens. Tomkeieff


An ancient copper alloy resembling gold in color. Hess


a. To place a deflection wedge in a borehole in such an attitude that the concave surface is pointed in a predetermined direction. Long b. To place a piece of core in the same relative plane as it occupied below the surface. c. To turn a map or planetable sheet in a horizontal plane until the meridian of the map is parallel to the


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meridian on the ground. Seelye, 2 d. In a transit, to turn the instrument so that the direction of the 0 degrees line of its horizontal circle is parallel to the direction it had in the preceding, or in the initial, setup. Seelye, 2 e. To place a diamond in a bit mold in such an attitude that when it is embedded in the crown matrix one of its hard vector planes will come in contact with the rock to be abraded or cut by the diamond. Long f. The characteristic sheen and irridescence displayed by pearl. Anderson g. To align an optical or crystallographic direction of a mineral with a rotation axis of a microscope stage.


a. Frequently used in the same sense as precious when applied to minerals; from an old idea that gems came principally from the Orient; e.g., oriental amethyst, oriental chrysolite, oriental emerald, and oriental topaz, all of which are varieties of sapphire. Fay b. Specially bright, clear, pure, and precious; said of gems. Standard, 2

oriental alabaster

Calcium carbonate in the form of onyx marble. Gibraltar stone. Hess; CTD

oriental cat's-eye

See:cat's-eye; tiger's-eye.

oriental powder

An explosive consisting of tan bark, sawdust, or other vegetable fiber, or resins, such as gamboge, impregnated with a nitrate or chlorate and mixed with gunpowder. Standard, 2


a. Arrangement in space of the axes of a crystal with respect to a chosen reference or coordinate system. ASM, 1 b. In surveying, the rotation of a map (or instrument) until the line of direction between any two of its points is parallel to the corresponding direction in nature. c. In structural petrology, refers to the arrangement in space of particles (grains or atoms) of which a rock is composed. AGI d. The act or process of setting a diamond in the crown of a bit in such an attitude that one of its hard vector planes will contact the rock and be the surface that cuts or abrades it. e. As used in borehole surveying and directional drilling practice, orientation refers to the method and procedure used in placing an instrument or tool, such as a deflection wedge, in a drilled hole so that its directional position, bearing, or azimuth is known. Long f. The position of important sets of planes in a crystal in relation to any fixed system of planes. CTD g. The spatial relationship between crystallographic axes and principle optic directions in anisotropic minerals. h. The characteristic sheen or iridescence displayed by pearl.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English orientational twinning

See:electrical twinning

orientation survey

In geochemical prospecting, a geochemical survey normally consisting of a series of preliminary experiments aimed at determining the existence and characteristics of anomalies associated with mineralization. This information is then used in selecting adequate prospecting techniques and in determining the factors and criteria that have a bearing on interpretation of the geochemical data. Hawkes, 2


Said of a specimen or thin section that is so marked as to show its original position in space. AGI

oriented bit

A surface-set diamond bit with individual stones set so as to bring the hard vector direction or planes of the crystal into opposition with the rock surface to be abraded or cut.

oriented core

A core specimen that can be positioned on the surface as it was in the borehole prior to extraction. Such a core is useful where the general dip of the strata is required from one borehole. A magnetic method may be used to disclose the polarity the core specimen possessed while in situ. borehole surveying; oriented sample. CF:core orientation

oriented core barrel

An instrument used in borehole surveying, which marks the core to show its position in space. Hammond

oriented diamond

A diamond inset in the crown of a bit in such an attitude that one of its hard vector planes will be the surface that cuts or abrades the rock.

oriented sample

See:oriented core

oriented specimen

a. In structural petrology, a hand specimen so marked that its exact arrangement in space is known. Billings b. In paleontology, a fossil whose position is known in regards to such features as anterior and dorsal sides, dorsal and ventral sides, the axis of coiling, the plane of coiling, etc. AGI

oriented survey

A borehole survey made by lining up a reference mark on the clinometer case with that on the drill rods, which in turn are oriented as they are lowered into the borehole.

orienting coupling

A rotatable coupling on a Thompson retrievable wedge-setting assembly that may be set and locked in a predetermined position in reference to the gravity-control member. This places the deflection wedge so as to direct

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English the branch borehole in the desired course. Long


An orthorhombic mineral, Ca2 Mn2+ Mn3+

2 Si 3 O10 (OH)4 ; forms minute, brown to black, radiating, prismatic crystals.


a. In ventilation, a hole in a very thin plate. Mason b. A hole or opening, usually in a plate, wall, or partition, through which water flows, generally for the purpose of control or measurement. Seelye, 1 c. The end of a small tube, such as the orifice of a Pitot tube, piezometer, etc. Seelye, 1 d. An opening through which glass flows. In a feeder, an opening in bottom of spout formed by orifice ring. ASTM e. Opening. Formerly applied to discs placed in pipelines or radiator valves to reduce the fluid flow to a desired amount. Strock, 2

orifice meter

A form of gas or liquid flowmeter consisting of a diaphragm in which there is an orifice placed transversely across a pipe; the difference in pressure on the two sides of the diaphragm is a measure of flow velocity. Lowenheim

orifice of passage

Said of a fan with an orifice comparable to the equivalent orifice of a mine; i.e., the area in a thin plate that

requires the same pressure to force a given volume of air through as is required to force the same volume through the fan. Orifice of passage O = 0.389 Q/w.g.f., where Q = volume of air passing in thousands cubic feet per minute; w.g.f.= loss of pressure in the fan in inches of water gage. Nelson


The source or ground of the existence of anything, either as cause or as occasion; that from which a thing is derived or by which it is caused; esp., that which initiates or lays the foundation; e.g., the origin of ore deposits. Standard, 2

original dip

The attitude of sedimentary beds immediately after deposition. . AGI

original hole

See:main hole

original lead

The common lead in a uranium mineral. AGI

original mineral

See:primary mineral


a. Gold ground for use in gilding; also metal gilded with ground gold. Webster 3rd b. A brass made to imitate gold and used in mounts for furniture and for

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English other decorative purposes. Also called mosaic gold. Webster 3rd

ornamental stone


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A stony meteorite composed of bronzite and olivine in a friable mass of chondri. Hess


An orogenic belt with an imposed curvature or sharp bend, interpreted by Carey (1958) as a result of horizontal bending of the crust, or deformation in plan. AGI


A belt of deformed rocks, in many places accompanied by metamorphic and plutonic rocks; e.g., the Appalachian orogen or the Alpine orogen. AGI




Adj. of orogeny.


The process by which structures within fold-belt mountainous areas were formed, including thrusting, folding, and faulting in the outer and higher layers, and plastic folding, metamorphism, and plutonism in the inner and deeper layers. mountain building;

tectogenesis. Adj: orogenic; orogenetic. AGI


An aneroid barometer having a second scale that gives the approximate elevation above sea level of the place where the observation is made. Webster 3rd


An enamel paint for protecting metal surfaces from the action of hot vapors. Fay

O'Rourke car switcher

A crossover switch that consists essentially of a single-acting cylinder hoist on a crossrail fastened to the roof at right angles to the track. While a car is being loaded, the switcher picks up the empty car next to the locomotive and holds it to one side. As soon as a car is loaded the locomotive pulls the train back past the switcher, and the empty car is placed at the front of the train and pushed under the slide. Lewis

orphaned mine land

Abandoned and unreclaimed mines for which no owner or responsible party can be found. The reclamation and environmental conditions of such lands is then defaulted to the State or Federal Government. SME, 1


a. A yellow arsenic trisulfide, As2 S3 , containing 61% arsenic; monoclinic.


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b. A monoclinic mineral, 4[As2 S3 ]; soft; pearly lemon yellow with one perfect cleavage; in powdery foliated masses and coatings, botryoidal or fibrous; a low-temperature alteration of other arsenides; associated with realgar and gold in hot springs.

Orsat gas-analysis instrument

An instrument for analyzing flue gases. Although outside its normal field of application, it may be used for analyzing mine air. Nelson


A former name for allanite, esp. when found in slender prismatic or acicular crystals.


a. A combining form meaning straight; at right angles; proper. AGI b. In petrology, a prefix that, when used with the name of a metamorphic rock, indicates that it was derived from an igneous rock, e.g., orthogneiss, orthoamphibolite; it may also indicate the primary origin of a crystalline, sedimentary rock, e.g., orthoquartzite as distinguished from metaquartzite. AGI c. A prefix to the name of a mineral species or group to indicate orthorhombic symmetry as opposed to "clino" indicating monoclinic symmetry.


The orthorhombic subgroup of amphiboles including anthophyllite,

gedrite, and holmquistite. CF:clinoamphibole


a. A group name for distinctly crystalline forms of chlorite (such as clinochlore and penninite). b. A group name for chlorites conforming to the general formula: (R (super 2+) ,R3+ )6 (Si,Al)4 O10 (OH)8 .


A monoclinic mineral, KAlSi3 O8 ; feldspar group; prismatic cleavage; partly ordered, monoclinic potassium feldspar dimorphous with microcline, being stable at higher temperatures; also a general term applied to any potassium feldspar that is or appears to be monoclinic; e.g., sanidine, submicroscopically twinned microcline, adularia, and twinned analbite. It is a common rock-forming mineral and occurs esp. in granites, granite pegmatites, felsic igneous rocks, and crystalline schists, and is commonly perthitic. orthose; pegmatolite. CF:microcline; plagioclase; anorthoclase.

orthoclase gabbro

A descriptive name for rocks now known as monzonite, in which the plagioclase is at least as calcic as labradorite. Holmes, 2


An orthoclase-bearing porphyritic intrusive rock, such as granite or syenite. The term is sometimes restricted to rocks containing more than


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English 90% orthoclase. Not recommended usage. AGI


Cleaving in directions at right angles to each other. Webster 3rd

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a. A primary dolomite, or one formed by sedimentation. AGI b. A term used by Tieje (1921) for a dolomite rock so well-cemented that the particles are interlocking. AGI


A monoclinic crystal form whose faces parallel the orthoaxis and cut the other axes. CF:dome; clinodome. AGI


An orthorhombic mineral, (Fe,Mg)2 Si2 O 6 ; pyroxene group; now simply called ferrosilite. CF:ferrosilite; clinoferrosilite.


Applied to gneissose rocks that have been derived from rocks of igneous origin. CF:paragneiss


At right angles. Hammond


Cesaro's name for an orthorhombic form of guarinite, through superposition of hemitropic lamellae of the monoclinic mineral, clinoguarinite.

orthohydrous maceral

Maceral having a normal hydrogen content, such as vitrine. Tomkeieff


An artificial orthorhombic high-temperature polymorph of KAlSiO4 .


A term proposed by Brooks (1954) for sedimentary limestone. CF:metalimestone; orthomarble. AGI


See:orthomagmatic stage

orthomagmatic stage

Applied to the main stage of crystallization of silicates from a typical magma; the stage during which perhaps 90% of the magma crystallizes. CF:pegmatitic stage


A crystalline limestone that will take a polish; e.g., the Holston orthomarble of Tennessee. CF:metamarble; metalimestone; ortholimestone.

orthomic feldspar

Triclinic feldspar, which by repeated twinning (orthomimicry) simulates a higher degree of symmetry with rectangular cleavages; e.g., orthoclase, anorthoclase, and cryptoclase. English


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English orthophotography

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The product of a procedure that corrects the distortions in aerial photography due to the instability of the camera platform, the terrain relief, and the angle of the light rays entering the camera lens. The ortho instrumentation attached to a stereo plotting instrument rectifies the image in a transfer process so as to reposition it in its correct planar position. SME, 1


Said of the texture of the groundmass in certain holocrystalline, porphyritic, igneous rocks in which the feldspar crystals have quadratic or short, stumpy, rectangular cross sections, rather than the lath-shaped outline observed in trachytic texture. Also, said of a groundmass with this texture, or of a rock having an orthophyric groundmass. AGI


In the monoclinic system, the form consisting of two planes parallel to the vertical and orthodiagonal axes. Standard, 2


A monoclinic prism, the orthodiagonal intercept of which is greater than 1. Standard, 2


The subgroup name for pyroxenes crystallizing in the orthorhombic system, commonly containing no calcium and little or no aluminum; e.g., enstatite,

hypersthene, and ferrosilite. CF:clinopyroxene


A clastic sedimentary rock that is made up almost exclusively of quartz sand (with or without chert), and relatively free of or lacks a fine-grained matrix, derived by secondary silicification; a quartzite of sedimentary origin, or a pure quartz sandstone. The term generally signifies a sandstone with more than 90% to 95% quartz and detrital chert grains that are well-sorted, well-rounded, and cemented primarily with secondary silica (sometimes with carbonate) in optical and crystallographic continuity with the grains. The rock is characterized by stable but scarce heavy minerals (zircon, tourmaline, and magnetite), by lack of fossils, and by prominence of cross-beds and ripple marks. It commonly occurs as thin but extensive blanket deposits associated with widespread unconformities (e.g., an epicontinental deposit developed by an encroaching sea), and it represents intense chemical weathering of original minerals other than quartz, considerable transport and washing action before final accumulation (the sand may experience more than one cycle of sedimentation), and stable conditions of deposition (such as the peneplanation stage of diastrophism); e.g., St. Peter Sandstone (Middle Ordovician) of midwestern United States. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English orthorhombic

a. Any mineral crystallizing with orthorhombic symmetry. b. See:orthorhombic system

orthorhombic system

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In crystallography, that system of crystals whose forms are referred to three unequal mutually perpendicular axes.


A schist derived from an igneous rock. CF:paraschist; schist. AGI


A polarizing microscope in which light is transmitted by the crystal parallel to the microscope axis, in contrast to the conoscope, in which a converging lens and Bertrand lens are used. CF:conoscope


A name for the whole feldspar family before it was divided into separate species.



orthotectic stage

See:orthomagmatic stage


The description applied to the elastic properties of material, such as

timber, which has considerable variations of strength in two or more directions at right angles to one another. Hammond

Orton cone

a. Pyrometric cone made in one of two sizes: 2-1/2 in (6.4 cm) high for industrial kiln control, and 1-1/8 in (3.2 cm) high for pyrometric cone equivalent testing. b. Used in the United States for heat recording, Orton cones are similar to Seger cones, but the same numbers do not indicate the same temperatures; e.g., Orton cone 14 corresponds to Seger cone 13. Rosenthal


The description and systematic arrangement of minerals; mineralogy.





Osann's classification

A purely chemical system of classification of igneous rocks. AGI


A trigonal mineral, PbCuAl2 (SO4 )2 (OH)6 ; alunite group; the aluminum analog of beaverite; a yellow, powdery


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English secondary crust; at the Osarizawa Mine, Akita prefecture, Japan.

oscillating beam

See:walking beam

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oscillating conveyor

A type of vibrating conveyor having a relatively low frequency and large amplitude of motion.

oscillating feeder

See:conveyor-type feeder

oscillating grease table

An assembly of 4 to 8 metal trays, usually 30 in (76.2 cm) wide and 8 to 15 in (20.3 to 38.1 cm) long, arranged in series in the direction of flow. The trays are detachably mounted in the assembly by steps, so that the overflow from one tray overlaps the next tray by 1 in (2.54 cm) and is 2 to 4 in (5.1 to 10.2 cm) above it. The trays are inclined downward in the direction of the flow at an angle adjustable from 14 degrees to 18 degrees. The entire assembly is mechanically oscillated transversely to the direction of the flow at about 200 strokes/min with an adjustable stroke of about 1/2 in (1.27 cm). The storage bin and feed roller are independently mounted and discharge a layer 1 grain thick. Chandler


Independent movement through a limited range, usually on a hinge. Nichols, 1

oscillator plate

A thin slab of quartz which, by mechanical vibration, controls the frequency of a radio transmitter. Hurlbut

oscillator quartz

Flawless quartz, which can be used in the manufacture of oscillator plates.

oscillatory twinning

Repeated twinning in which a crystal is made up of thin lamellae alternately in reversed position; polysynthetic twinning; found in some feldspars.

oscillatory zoning

Repetitious concentric compositional variation in minerals resulting from cyclical changes in the chemical environment during crystal growth; e.g., garnet and plagioclase.


A record of phenomena observed on an oscillograph. ASM, 1


An instrument that renders visible, or automatically traces, a curve representing the time variations of various phenomena. The recorded trace is an oscillogram. AGI


An instrument for showing visual representations of electrical outputs from measuring devices. Hunt


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The native element, Os; occurs in magmatic deposits in mafic and ultramafic rocks and placers derived from them.


The passage of a solvent through a membrane from a dilute solution into a more concentrated one, the membrane being permeable to molecules of solvent but not to molecules of solute. AGI


A massive, earthy mineral (apatite) consisting of an impure, altered phosphate.


A minute crustacean with a bean-shaped bivalve shell completely enclosing the body. AGI


A trigonal mineral, CdCO3 ; calcite group; associated with oxidized base-metal ores.

other rock in place

As used in the Mining Law of 1872, means any rocky substance containing mineral matter. Ricketts

other valuable deposits

Includes nonmetalliferous as well as metalliferous deposits. Ricketts

otisca process

A process that uses an inert heavy liquid with a specific gravity between that of coal and free mineral matter to separate coarse or fine-size coal in a static bath or cyclone separator.

Otisca-T process

A selective agglomeration process under development, in which ultra-fine grinding of the feed coal to 15 mu m releases almost all the associated impurities prior to agglomeration with a low-molecular-weight hydrocarbon. The agglomerant is then recovered and recycled.

Otto cycle

In a four-stroke internal combustion engine two complete revolutions of the crankshaft correspond with the working cycle-inlet stroke (suction downstroke of piston in cylinder); compression upstroke; explosion at peak of compression followed by expansion of hot exploded gases on driving downstroke; rising exhaust stroke to complete the cycle. Pryor, 3

Ouachita stone





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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English outburst

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The name applied to the violent evolution of combustible gases (usually together with large quantities of coal dust) from a working face. The occurrence is violent and may overwhelm the workings and fill the entire district with gaseous mixtures. Roadways advancing into virgin and stressed areas of coal are particularly prone to outbursts in certain seams and faults often intersect in the area. Roberts, 1


Nearer to the shaft, and therefore away from the face, toward the pit bottom or surface; toward the mine entrance. The opposite of inby. Also called outbyeside.


a. The part of a rock formation that appears at the surface of the ground. Webster 3rd b. A term used in connection with a vein or lode as an essential part of the definition of apex. It does not necessarily imply the visible presentation of the mineral on the surface of the earth, but includes those deposits that are so near to the surface as to be found easily by digging. Fay c. The part of a geologic formation or structure that appears at the surface of the Earth; also, bedrock that is covered only by surficial deposits such as alluvium. CF:exposure outcropping. AGI d. To appear exposed and visible at the Earth's surface; to crop out. AGI

outcrop map

A special type of geologic map that represents only actual outcrops. Areas without exposures are left blank. Stokes



outcrop water

Rain and surface water that seeps downward through outcropping porous and fissured rock, fault planes, old shafts, or surface drifts. AGI

outdoor stroke

That stroke of a Cornish pumping engine by which the water is forced upward by the weight of the descending pump rods, etc.

outer continental shelf

All submerged lands lying seaward and outside of the area of lands beneath navigable waters as defined in Section 2 of the Submerged Lands Act (Public Law 31, 83rd Congress, 1st Session), and of which the subsoil and seabed appertain to the United States and are subject to its jurisdiction and control. Abbrev. OCS.

outer core

The outer or upper zone of the Earth's core, extending from a depth of 2,900 km to 5,100 km, and including the transition zone; it is equivalent to the E layer and the F layer. It is inferred to be liquid because it does not transmit shear waves. Its density


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English ranges from 9 to 11 g/cm (super 3) . The outer core is the source of the principal geomagnetic field. CF:inner core

outer gage

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Syn. for outside diameter. Long

outer stone

A diamond set on the outside wall of a bit crown. Also called reamer; reamer stone.


a. Eng. A seam cropping out at a lower level. b. The mouth of a stream or the outlet of a lake; esp. the narrow end of a watercourse or the lower part of any body of water where it drops away into a larger body. AGI c. The vent or end of a drain, pipe, sewer, ditch, or other conduit that carries waste water, sewage, storm runoff, or other effluent into a stream, lake, or ocean. AGI


a. The act of laying out or expending. Webster 3rd b. Something that is laid out; expenditure. Webster 3rd c. The cost of equipping a mine and placing it on a producing basis. Fay


a. An isolated mass or detached group of rocks surrounded by older rocks; e.g., an isolated hill or butte. CF:inlier b. Ore or favorable geologic indications

distant from the main ore zone of a district.

out of gage

a. Bits and reaming shells having set inside or outside diameters greater or lesser than those specified as standard. Long b. A borehole the inside diameter of which is undersize or oversize. Long




a. The quantity of coal or mineral raised from a mine and expressed as being so many tons per shift, per week, or per year. Nelson b. The power or product from a plant or prime mover in the specific form and for the specific purpose required.. Nelson c. Amount delivered; e.g., volume of a liquid discharged by a pump; volume of air discharged by a compressor; horsepower delivered by a motor. Long d. Current or signal delivered by any circuit or device. NCB e. The terminal or other point at which a current or a signal may be delivered. NCB

output device

Machine that prints information computed from its memory or store. Pryor, 3


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English output shaft

A shaft that transmits power from a transmission or clutch. Nichols, 1


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An outward extension of a frame that is supported by a jack or block. Used to increase stability. Nichols, 2

outside angling


outside clearance

One-half the total difference between the outside diameter of any piece of downhole equipment and the inside diameter of the borehole. Long

outside face

The peripheral portion or that part of a bit crown, roller bit cutter, or any cutting edge of a bit in contact with the walls of a borehole while drilling. Long

outside foreman

In bituminous coal mining, a person who supervises all operations at the surface of a mine. DOT

outside upset

The act or process of thickening a length of tubing at its ends by increasing its outside diameter without changing the inside diameter; a length of tubing or drill rod so processed. Long

outside wall

That part of a bit crown, bit shank, reaming shell, core barrel, drill rod, casing, or other piece of downhole equipment that when in use, comes in contact with the wall of a borehole. Long

outside work

Drilling operations conducted on the surface, as opposed to drilling done in underground or enclosed workplaces. Long


The face of the spoil or embankment sloping downward from the highest elevation to the toe.


A location which provides local monitoring and control, and provides a communications interface between a sensor and the trunk connected to a central station computer. Also called field data station. SME, 1


The passage by which the ventilating current is taken out of the mine; the upcast. The return air course. An outlet. Fay

oval socket

A fishing tool used to recover broken drill rods from a borehole. Long


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A chamber in which substances are artificially heated for the purposes of baking, roasting, annealing, etc.; specif.: (1) a kiln, such as a coke oven; and (2) a leer, which is used in glassmaking. Standard, 2


Aging at a higher temperature, or for a longer time, or both, than required for critical dispersion, thus causing particle agglomeration of the precipitating phase and, as a result, loss of strength and hardness.

overall concentration

The ratio of pithead output in tons (P) to length of main haulage roads in yards (L) or tons per yard of main haulage roads; i.e., P/L.

overall drilling time

The sum of the times required for actual rock drilling, setting up and withdrawal, moving drills from hole to hole and machine delays. The overall drilling time is a better basis for estimating drilling efficiency than penetration speed alone. Nelson

overall efficiency

a. Of an air compressor, the product of the compression efficiency and the mechanical efficiency. Fay b. Ratio of power output of an engine to the power input; the measure of the difference between indicated and brake horsepower. Brantly, 2

overall fan efficiency

The ratio of the horsepower in the air to the horsepower absorbed by the driving motor of the fan. BS, 8

overall reduction ratio

With reference to a crusher, mean size of feed/mean size of product.

overall ventilation efficiency

The ratio between the air horsepower and the indicated horsepower of a driving unit. The percentage is expressed by air horsepower x 100/indicated hp of driving unit. Measurements are taken of the air pressure and volume in the fan drift, and the power absorbed by the driving unit. Nelson

over-and-under conveyor

Two endless chains or other linkage between which carriers are mounted and controlled, so that the carriers remain in an upright and horizontal position throughout the complete cycle of the conveyor.

overarching weight

The pressure of the rocks over active mine workings. It is the roof weight that acts on the packs and the solid coal in the working area. Nelson


Excessive breakage of rock beyond the desired excavation limit.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English overbreaking

See:overhand stoping


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a. Designates material of any nature, consolidated or unconsolidated, that overlies a deposit of useful materials, ores, or coal--esp. those deposits that are mined from the surface by open cuts. Stokes b. Loose soil, sand, gravel, etc. that lies above the bedrock. Also called burden, capping, cover, drift, mantle, surface.:baring; burden; top. Stokes

overburden bit

A special diamond-set bit, similar to a set casing shoe, used to drill casing through overburden composed of sand, gravel, boulders, etc. Long

overburden drilling

a. A technique developed in Sweden that involves the sinking, by percussive-rotary drilling, of a drill casing through the overburden to where it seats in the underlying rock. A rotary percussion drill hole is then continued to the desired depth in the rock. While the casing is being sunk through the overburden it is coupled to the drill rod and rotates and reciprocates with it. The rock bit on the end of the drill rod projects about an inch beyond the end of the ring bit with which the casing is fitted and acts as a pilot bit for the casing bit. Woodruff b. A drilling method whereby drilling is carried out through subsoil and

boulders or underwater to and through bedrock. Eng. Min. J., 2


a. An enclosed airway that permits an air current to pass over another one without interruption. b. To place the overburden removed from coal in surface mines in an area from which the coal has been mined. c. Pushed forward, so as to overlie other rocks, such as in thrust faults

. overcasting

A procedure used in certain mining activities including strip mining and in some heavy construction work such as channel excavation. Overcasting may be performed in a simple operation consisting of digging out the material, lifting it from one position, moving it over, and dumping it in the spoil position where it remains, for practical purposes, indefinitely. The mechanics of the operation are called "simple overcasting." Woodruff


Adding material in excess of the capacity of the equipment used for processing.

overconsolidated soil deposit

A soil deposit that has been subjected to an effective pressure greater than the present overburden pressure. ASCE


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English overcrossing

See:air crossing; overcast.

overcurrent relay

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Relay used to trip circuit breakers when an abnormal current of two to three times the normal flow is detected in a circuit. Relays are adaptable to transmission lines, buses, feeder circuits, transformers, and motors. Coal Age, 3


a. A machine cut made along the top or near the top of a coal seam; sometimes used in thick seams or a seam with sticky coal. By releasing the coal along the roof, its mining becomes easier. turret coal cutter. Nelson b. The process of producing a larger size hole than the outside diameter of a bit and/or reaming shell used, due to the eccentric rotational movements of the bit, core barrel, or drill stem. Long

overcutting machine

Coal-cutting machine that is an adaptation of a shortwall machine, designed to make the cut, or kerf, at desired place in the coal seam some distance above the floor. The main difference between an overcutting machine and an ordinary shortwall machine is that the cutter bar in the overcutting machine is mounted at the top of the machine instead of at the bottom.

overdense medium

Medium of specific gravity greater than that in the separating bath; usually produced in the medium recovery system and used to maintain the desired specific gravity in the bath. BS, 5


The act or process of drilling a run or length of borehole greater than the core-capacity length of the core barrel, resulting in loss of the core. Long


The act of inducing a velocity higher than the steady state velocity in a column of explosive material upon detonation by the use of a powerful primer or booster; it is a temporary phenomenon and the explosive quickly assumes its steady state velocity.


A term related to the condition of a ceramic product which has been heated to a temperature in excess of that required to produce proper vitrification.


Heating ceramic materials or ware above the temperature required to produce the necessary degree of vitrification. Usually results in bloating, deformation, or blistering of the ware.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English overflow stand

A standpipe in which water rises and overflows at the hydraulic gradeline. Seelye, 1


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See:air crossing; overcast.


Comminution of ore to a smaller particle size than is required for effective liberation of values before concentrating treatment. Opposite of undergrinding. Pryor, 3

overhand cut-and-fill

In this method, two level drives are first connected, the lower and upper one by a raise, from the bottom of which mining is begun. The work proceeds upwards, filling the mined-out room, but in the filling, chutes are left through which the broken ore falls. In inclined seams the chutes, also inclined, have to be timbered. The lower-level drive is protected either by timbering or vaulting, or by a fairly strong pillar of vein fillings. Stoping in the different cuts always proceeds upwards, but as a whole it proceeds between the two level drives in a horizontal direction. Overhand cut-and-fill, esp. in mining irregular orebodies of greater size, is also called back stoping. Stoces

overhand stope

a. Stope in which the ore above the point of entry to the stope is attacked, so that severed ore tends to gravitate toward discharge chutes

and the stope is self-draining. Pryor, 3 b. An overhand stope is made by working upward from a level into the ore above. McKinstry

overhand stoping

a. In this method, which is widely used in highly inclined deposits, the ore is blasted from a series of ascending stepped benches. Both horizontal and vertical holes may be employed. Horizontal breast holes are usually more efficient and safer than vertical upper holes, although the latter are still used in narrow stopes in steeply inclined orebodies. McAdam, 2 b. The working of a block of ore from a lower level to a level above. In a restricted way overhand stoping can be applied to open or waste-filled stopes that are excavated in a series of horizontal slices either sequentially or simultaneously from the bottom of a block to its top. Stull timbering or the use of pillars characterize the method. Filling is used in many instances. Modifications are known as backfilling method; back stoping; block system; block system of stoping and filling; breast stoping; combined side and longwall stoping; crosscut method of working; cross stoping; Delprat method; drywall method; filling system; filling-up method; flatback stoping; longwall stoping; open cut system; open stope and filling; open-stope method; open-stope, timbering with pigsties, and filling; overhand stoping on waste; resuing; rock filling; room-and-pillar with waste filling; sawtooth back stoping; side stoping; slicing-and-filling system; stoping and filling; stoping in horizontal


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English layers; transverse with filling.; Delprat method; overbreaking. CF:back-filling system; chimney work; underhand stoping.

overhand stoping and milling system

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

See:combined overhand and underhand stoping

overhand stoping on waste

See:overhand stoping

overhand stoping with shrinkage and delayed filling

See:shrinkage stoping

overhand vertical slice

See:square-set stoping


a. Cliff overhang. AGI b. A part of the mass of a salt dome that projects out from the top of the dome much like the cap of a mushroom. AGI


a. Describes a condition when a journey travels towards a haulage engine at a faster rate than the rope, which then becomes slack and liable to foul the drum. Also called overrun. Nelson b. The transportation of excavated material beyond certain specified limits. Seelye, 1 c. In many highway contracts, a movement of dirt far enough so that payment, in addition to excavation pay, is made for its haulage. Nichols, 1

d. Applied to inspection, cleaning, and repairing of machines or plant. Nelson

overhead cableway

A type of equipment for the removal of soil or rock. It consists of a strong overhead cable, usually attached to towers at either end, on which a car or traveler may run back and forth. From this car a pan or bucket may be lowered to the surface, subsequently raised and locked to the car, and transported to any position on the cable where it is desired to dump its contents.

overhead conveyor

See:trolley conveyor

overhead monorail

This system is popular for use in mines since it can be suspended from the roadway supports as the face advances and can carry supplies over equipment installed in the roadway; transport is by means of endless, main-and-tail, or main-rope winches. They are generally slow-moving and can carry light loads into and around many places inaccessible to other forms of transport.

overhead-rope monorail

In this system, the loads are carried by bogies running on a taut wire rope instead of steel joists or flat-bottomed rails.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English overhead shovel

A tractor loader that digs at one end, swings the bucket overhead, and dumps at the other end. Nichols, 1

overhead traveling crane

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A crane that traverses the whole width of a workshop along the rails on which it runs. Hammond

overhead trolley conveyor

See:trolley conveyor


a. A general term referring to the extension of marine, lacustrine, or terrestrial strata beyond underlying rocks whose edges are thereby concealed or overlapped, and to the unconformity that commonly accompanies such a relation; esp. the relationship among conformable strata such that each successively younger stratum extends beyond the boundaries of the stratum lying immediately beneath. CF:onlap b. The area common to two successive aerial or space photographs or images along the same flight strip, expressed as a percentage of the photo area. AGI c. The portion of a borehole that must be redrilled after caving of the hole, cementing a section of the hole, or bypassing unrecoverable material. Long d. A reversed fault or thrust. BS, 11 e. The lineal portion of a branch hole that nearly parallels the parent hole. Long

overlap auxiliary ventilation

To combine the forcing and exhausting systems, it is not necessary to provide two ducts, one forcing and one exhausting, throughout the length of the heading. An arrangement that serves the same purpose is the overlap system. In this system a main exhausting duct is used within a convenient distance of the face, often about 100 ft (30.5 m). Some of the intake air in the heading, before reaching the end of this duct, enters a short length of tubing and is blown onto the face. The advantages of both systems are thus obtained. Precautions must be taken against recirculation of air by the forcing unit, to prevent concentration of dust, and in collieries, combustible gases, at the face. The two ducts must overlap by a minimum distance which, in practice, is usually taken as 30 ft (9.1 m). Roberts, 1

overlap fault

a. See:thrust fault b. A fault structure in which the displaced strata are doubled back upon themselves. AGI


a. Scot. The material above the rock in a quarry. Fay b. Graphic data on a transparent or translucent sheet to be superimpossed on another sheet (such as a map or photograph) to show details not appearing, or requiring special emphasis, on the original. Also, the medium or sheet containing an overlay. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English overlay tracing

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A tracing on which the workings in a seam are shown. A series of such tracings allows the workings in several seams to be seen in their correct horizontal relationship. Also called layover tracing (undesirable usage). BS, 7


a. In general, a load or weight in excess of the designed capacity. The term may be applied to mechanical and electrical engineering plants, to loads on buildings and structures, and to excess loads on haulage ropes and engines. Nelson b. To apply an excessive pressure, by stretching beyond the yield point, to a drill string and bit. CF:crowd


A loading machine of the power-shovel type for quarry and opencast operations. It may be either pneumatic-tired or continuous-tracked. It need not turn from the face to the truck if the latter can be spotted parallel to the face. The bucket is filled, the machine retracted, and the bucket swung over to the discharge point; used chiefly in sand and gravel pits. Nelson


S. Afr. Mining a grade of ore above the average grade of the ore reserves. This practice has the effect of leaving the lower grade ore in the reserves. The opposite is undermining. Beerman

overpoled copper

In refining blister copper by reducing its oxides through stirring a molten bath of metal with a green timber pole, continuation of this process until the desirable characteristic fracture of tough-pitch refined metal is lost. Some reoxidation then becomes necessary.


The superposition of a new set of structural features on an older set. AGI


A royalty or percentage of the gross income from production deducted from the working interest. Wheeler, R.R.

overriding royalty

The term applied to a royalty reserved in a sublease or assignment over and above that reserved in the original lease. Ricketts


A winding or hoisting rope. Fay

overrope haulage

Usually applied to endless rope haulage in which the rope is carried on top of the mine cars, which may be either clipped or lashed to the rope.




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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English overrun brake

A special brake fitted to a towed vehicle that operates as soon as the towing vehicle slows down. Hammond

overrunning clutch

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A coupling that transmits rotation in only one direction, and disconnects when the torque is reversed. Nichols, 1

oversaturated rock

A rock that contains silica in excess of that necessary to form saturated minerals from the bases present. CF:saturated rock


A fishing tool for recovering lost drill pipe or casing. Inst. Petrol.


Discharging over the side; e.g., by a dredge. Standard, 2


a. In reference to a mixture of material screened or classified into two products of definite size limits, the larger is the oversize and the smaller the undersize. b. In quarry or opencast blasting, that size of rock or ore which is too large to handle without secondary blasting. Nelson

oversize control screen

A screen used to prevent the entry into a machine of large particles that

might interfere with its operation.. BS, 5

oversize core

a. Core cut by a thin-wall bit, as opposed to a standard-diameter core. Long b. A core the diameter of which is greater than a standard size. Long

oversize coupling

a. See:swelled coupling b. Sometimes used in Canada as a synonym for reaming shell. Long

oversize hole

A borehole the diameter of which is excessive because of the whipping action or eccentric rotation of the drill string and bit. Long

oversize rod

See:drill collar; guide rod.



overstressed area

In strata control, describes an area where the force is concentrated on pillars. This type of area is said to be overstressed or superstressed. This superstressing is limited by the strength of the seam or pillar. CF:destressed area


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Overstrom table

Similar to a Wilfley table but of diamond shape (rhomboid), thus eliminating the waste corners. Liddell

over-the-road hauling

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

Hauling over public highways, usually by a dump truck. Various restrictions, such as weight, width of vehicle, safety features, guard against spillage, etc. must be considered in the type equipment used. CF:off-the-road hauling


A low-angle thrust fault of large scale, with displacement generally measured in kilometers. CF:underthrust AGI

overthrust block

See:overthrust nappe

overthrust fault


overthrust nappe

The body of rock that forms the hanging wall of a large-scale overthrust; a thrust nappe.; overthrust slice. AGI

overthrust plane

See:thrust plane

overthrust sheet

See:overthrust nappe

overthrust slice

See:overthrust nappe


The period beyond the normal shift time when a worker, on request by the management, performs emergency tasks that are necessary for safety or efficient operation of the oncoming shift. Nelson


Flow of water over the top of a dam or embankment. Nichols, 1



overtub system

An endless-rope system in which the rope runs over the tubs or cars in the center of the rails. This system is generally adopted on undulating roads, where the tension in a heavily loaded rope would cause the rope to lift in swilleys and derail tubs. It is also generally adopted in highly inclined roads, as the lashing chain, often adopted with this method of haulage, obtains a good positive grip on the rope and is easier to detach than a clip. The rope is kept from rubbing on roof supports by holding-down pulleys: six or eight small pulleys are mounted in circular cheeks, allowing chains or clips to be accommodated in the spaces between the pulleys; or large diameter pulleys may be used, of the hat or mushroom shape, often starred to provide recesses for chains and clips. Similar


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English large pulleys direct the rope around curves. CF:undertub system Sinclair, 5


Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

Said of a fold, or the limb of a fold, that has tilted beyond the perpendicular. The sequence of strata thus appears reversed. . AGI

overturning skip

A type of skip commonly used at metal mines, but not as often at coal mines, because of increased breakage. This skip consists of a rectangular receptacle for the material and a suspending frame of bail to an upper crosspiece of which is attached a suspension gear connecting the rope to the skip. Three guide shoes are generally provided at each side of the bail to keep it vertical. The skip body turns about a horizontal shaft at the lower end of the bail. Two rollers on the upper part are mounted on a shaft and cause the skip to tilt at an angle of 35 degrees at the tipping point in the headgear, where rollers run onto the curved guides. To prevent shocks in the case of an overwind the skips are fitted with overwind guides which glide along rollers fitted to the headgear above the tipping point. Sinclair, 5


Too much air in the mine workings. Fay


The difference between the actual electrode potential, when appreciable

electrolysis begins, and the reversible electrode potential. ASM, 1

overvoltage relay

Relay that serves primarily the same purpose as an overcurrent relay except that it is connected in the line by a potential transformer which measures the voltage across the line. When an overvoltage exists the relay operates and opens the circuit breaker. Coal Age, 3


a. To hoist a cage into or over the top of a headframe. Fay b. In hoisting through a mine shaft, failure to bring a cage or skip smoothly to rest at the proper unloading point at the surface. If severe, it can lead to a serious accident unless the special preventive devices function effectively. Overwind can also cause a cage to be lowered into the sump at the bottom of the shaft, also with serious consequences. Pryor, 3


One of the best known overwinder prevention devices consists of two vertical-screwed spindles, each carrying two traveling nuts and chain driven from the drum shaft so as to rotate in opposite directions. The nuts are prevented from rotating by projections engaging with a fixed plate and therefore travel up and down according to the movement of the cages. The upper nut takes care of overwinding and the lower nut of overspeeding. Mason


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English overwinding

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a. A term applied to a continued pull on the hoisting rope of a cage, after the cage has reached the top of the shaft. The result of this carelessness, or accident, is a broken hoisting rope and all the danger that implies. Stauffer b. A rope or cable wound and attached so that it stretches from the top of a drum to the load. Nichols, 1

overwind switch

A switch that may be used on winders, or haulages, to cause the power to cut off from the driving motor, or engine, and the brakes to be applied. Such a switch may be: (1) situated in the headgear and operated by the conveyance, (2) mounted on the automatic contrivance, or (3) operated by the depth or distance indicator. BS, 13



Owen process

A flotation process involving the violent agitation of the pulp in cold water to which a small percentage of eucalyptus oil, about 62.5 g, is added. Fay

Owen's borehole surveying instrument

A clockwork photographic apparatus that records clinometer and compass readings on sensitized paper. It is used during borehole surveying. Hammond

Owen's jet dust counter

An instrument similar to the konimeter but differing in that the air to be sampled undergoes humidification prior to being blown through the jet. The velocity of impingement is about 200 to 300 m/s and the jet is rectangular instead of circular. The prior humidification of the air causes condensation of moisture upon the dust particles by super saturation due to the pressure drop at the jet, and so assists in the deposition and retention of the particles on the slide. The Bausch and Lomb dust counter is the American counterpart of this instrument. Osborne






An orthorhombic mineral, (NH4 )2 C2 O4 .H (sub 2) O ; transparent; yellowish-white; forms lamellar and pulverent masses in guano.


A variety of aliphite hydrocarbon containing oxygen; light-yellow; soft. Tomkeieff


Sediment composed of the oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese, crystallized from aqueous solution. It is


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English one of Goldschmidt's groupings of sediments or analogues of differentiation stages in rock analysis. AGI


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a. The firing of a kiln in such a manner that combustion is complete and in consequence the burning gases are amply supplied with oxygen, which causes metals in clay and glazes to give their oxide colors. ACSG, 1 b. Combination with oxygen; increase in content of a molecular compound; increase in valency of the electropositive part of compound, or decrease in valency of the electronegative part. Pryor, 3 c. A reaction in which there is an increase in valence resulting from a loss of electrons. CF:reduction d. In fuel practice, the combination of oxygen with a substance, with or without the production of food. Francis, 2

oxidation of coal

The absorption of oxygen from the air by coal, particularly in the crushed state; this engenders heat which can result in fire. Ventilation, while dispersing the heat generated, supports oxidation that increases rapidly with a rise in temperature. Fresh air should not gain access to the coal.


A compound of oxygen with another element. CTD

oxide discoloration

Discoloration of a metal surface caused by oxidation during thermal treatment. Light Metal Age

oxide mineral

A mineral formed by the union of an element with oxygen; e.g., corundum, hematite, magnetite, and cassiterite. Leet, 1

oxide of iron

An iron ore with oxygen as its main impurity; also iron rust. Mersereau, 2

oxidized deposit

A deposit that has resulted from surficial oxidation. Bateman, 2

oxidized ore

Metalliferous minerals altered by weathering and the action of surface waters, and converted, partly or wholly, into oxides, carbonates, or sulfates. These compounds are characteristic of metalliferous deposits at the surface and often to a considerable depth. Nelson

oxidized zone

The portion of an orebody near the surface that: (1) has been leached by percolating water carrying oxygen, carbon dioxide, or other gases; or (2) in which sulfide minerals have been partially dissolved and redeposited at depth, the residual portion changing to oxides, carbonates, and sulfates.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English CF:gossan; sulfide zone.


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A material that readily yields oxygen or other oxidizing substances needed for an explosive reaction to take place; solid oxidizers common in industrial explosives are ammonium nitrate and sodium nitrate.

oxidizing flame

In blowpiping, the outer, least visible, and less intense part of the flame, from which oxygen may be added to the compound being tested.

oxidizing fusion

An oxidation process used for fire refining bismuth, gold, and silver; the crude metals are melted down with oxidizing fluxes, so that the impurities are oxidized during the melting period and become part of the slag. Newton, 1

oxidizing smelting

See:pyritic smelting


An explosive prepared by dissolving picric acid in nitric acid. Fay


A mixture of oxygen, O2 , and acetylene gas, C2 H2 , in such proportions as to produce the hottest flame known for practical

use. Oxyacetylene welding and cutting is used in almost every metalworking industry. Crispin

oxyacetylene cutter

An appliance for cutting metals by means of a flame obtained from acetylene and compressed oxygen, which are stored in separate steel cylinders. Oxyhydrogen and oxycoal gas flames are also used. Nelson

oxychloride cement

A plastic cement formed by mixing finely ground caustic magnesite with a solution of magnesium chloride. AGI


A nonmetallic element, normally colorless, odorless, tasteless, nonflammable diatomic gas. Symbol, O. Occurs uncombined in the air to the extent of about 21% by volume and is combined in water, in most rocks and minerals, and in a great variety of organic compounds. Oxygen is very reactive and capable of combining with most elements. Essential for respiration in all plants and animals and for practically all combustion. Oxygen enrichment of steel blast furnaces accounts for the greatest use of the gas. Used in manufacturing ammonia, methanol, and ethylene oxide. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 3

oxygen balance

The amount of oxygen in an explosive mixture, expressed in weight percent, liberated as a result of complete conversion of explosive material to CO


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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2 , H2 O, SO2 , Al2 O3 , and other non-toxic gases; referred to as positive oxygen balance; negative oxygen balance is a deficient amount of oxygen leading to incomplete oxidation of explosive materials resulting in the possible formation of toxic gases, such as CO and NO.


A steelmaking process in which the air blown through the bottom tuyeres is enriched with oxygen. If oxygen alone is used, tuyere wear is excessive. Oxygen plus steam or oxygen plus carbon dioxide can be used. Also called oxy-Thomas.

oxygen consumption

A person working hard requires about 10 ft3 /min (283 L/min) of air to supply adequate oxygen. Hammond

oxygen deficiency


oxygen-deficient atmosphere

A concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere equal to or less than 19.5% by volume. OSHA

oxygen-enriched atmosphere

An atmosphere containing more than 23.5% oxygen by volume. OSHA

oxygen-flash smelting process

Employed as an autogeneous matte smelting process for smelting copper-nickel concentrate. Newton, 1

oxygen-free copper

Electrolytic copper free from cuprous oxide; produced without the use of residual metallic or metalloidal deoxidizers. ASM, 1

oxygen impingement process

A process used in steel making in which pure oxygen is blown down onto the bath in a converterlike vessel. Osborne

oxygen index

Volumetric ratio of oxygen to the total gases in a mixture. Van Dolah

oxygen lance

A device made up of a welding oxygen bottle and a length of rubber hose attached to a valve which is fitted to a steel pipe, so that when the tip of the lance is ignited it can be used to melt the solidified metal out of the iron tap hole in a blast furnace.

oxygen process

A process for making steel in which oxygen is blown upon or through molten pig iron, whereby most of the carbon and impurities are removed by oxidation. Harbison-Walker

oxygen steel

The use of oxygen instead of air to convert molten pig iron into steel. The oxygen is used in different ways in different furnaces, but the fastest ones utilize the direct oxidation effects of a relatively pure (99.5%) oxygen.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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A hornblende with (OH+F+Cl) less than 1.0. Also called basaltic hornblende.


Of, relating to, or utilizing a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. Webster 3rd


A white, massive variety of thomsonite, from Arkansas. Fay


A mineral paraffin wax, of dark yellow, brown, or black color with a melting point of 55 to 110 degrees C and sp gr, 0.85 to 0.95. Is soluble in gasoline, benzene, and turpentine and is found near the Caspian Sea region and in Utah as narrow seams in sandstone. Also called mineral wax; fossil wax; native paraffin; earth wax. Also spelled ozokerite. CF:hatchettine; hatchettite. CTD

An allotropic, triatomic form of oxygen, O3 ; a faintly blue, irritating gas with a characteristic pungent odor, but at -112 degrees C it condenses to a blue magnetic liquid. It occurs in minute quantities in the air near the Earth's surface and in larger quantities in the stratosphere as a product of the action of ultraviolet light of short wavelengths on ordinary oxygen. Ozone is generated usually in dilute form by a silent electric discharge in oxygen or air. It decomposes to oxygen (as when heated) and it is a stronger oxidizing agent than oxygen. Used chiefly in disinfection and in deodorization (such as in water purification and in air conditioning), in oxidation and bleaching (such as in the treatment of industrial wastes), and in ozonolysis (such as in the manufacture of azelaic acid from oleic acid). Webster 3rd


Electrical apparatus that converts atmospheric oxygen to ozone; used in sterilizing water for drinking purposes and for purifying air. Pryor, 3


To Go At beginning the Dictionary


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A monoclinic mineral, NaCaAlF6 .H2 O ; white; distinct cleavage; dimorphous with thomsenolite; an alteration of cryolite.

Pachuca tank

A cylindrical tank with a conical bottom. It contains a pipe that is coaxial with the leaching tank and open at both ends; compressed air is introduced at the lower end of this pipe, which behaves as an air lift. The density of the pulp within the pipe is less than that of the pulp surrounding it because of the column of air bubbles contained in the pipe, and the pressure of the denser pulp causes the pulp in the central pipe to rise and overflow, thus circulating the entire charge. . Newton, 1

Pacific suite

One of two large groups of igneous rocks, characterized by calcic and calc-alkalic rocks. Harker (1909) divided all Tertiary and Holocene igneous rocks of the world into two main groups, the Atlantic suite and the Pacific suite. Because there is such a wide variation in tectonic environments and associated rock types in

the areas of Harker's Atlantic and Pacific suites, the terms are now seldom used to indicate kindred rock types. CF:Mediterranean suite


An iron arsenosulfide near arsenopyrite in composition.


a. A pillar, constructed from loose stones and dirt, built in the waste area or roadside to support the roof. solid stowing; strip packing. Nelson b. A pack built on a longwall face between the gate-side packs is called an intermediate pack. SMRB c. Waste rock or timber support used for a roof over underground workings or used to fill excavations. Also called fill. Pryor, 3 d. To cause the speedy subsidence of ore in the process of washing by beating a keeve or tub with a hammer.

pack builder

a. Person who builds packs or pack walls. b. In anthracite and bituminous coal mining, a worker who: (1) fills worked-out rooms, from which coal has been mined, with rock, slate, or other waste to prevent caving of walls and roofs; (2) builds rough walls and columns of loose stone, heavy boards,

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English timber, or coal along haulageways and passageways and in rooms where coal is being mined, to prevent caving. Also called packer. waller. DOT

pack cavity system

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

See:methane drainage

pack drawer

In anthracite and bituminous coal mining, a laborer who draws (tears down) stone or timber packs (pillars constructed by pack builders in the working place to support the roof during extraction of coal) to permit the roof to cave behind as the mining of the coal recedes toward the entrance of the working area. DOT


a. A short expansible-retractable device deliberately set in a cased or uncased well bore to prevent upward or downward fluid movement; generally for temporary use. AGI b. A miner employed in stowing or packing the waste area. Also called gobber. Nelson


Chinese. A silver-white alloy of copper, zinc, and nickel; German silver.

pack hardening

Case carburizing, using a solid carburized medium, followed by a hardening treatment. CTD

pack hole

The space adjacent to a gate end at the face and between the face end of a gate-side pack and the coal face into which packs will be inserted when the gate is ripped or dinted. TIME


a. Occurs in crushing plants when the material in the chamber is so compacted as to be nearly without voids. It occurs when free downward movement is inhibited. South Australia b. The filling of a waste area with stones and dirt. c. The method of giving support to a roof by the insertion of waste material placed or built into space from which coal or ore has been extracted. TIME d. The spacing or density pattern of the mineral grains in a rock. CF:fabric e. See:blocking f. With gyratories, packing copy refers to an accumulation of sticky fines on the diaphragm. South Australia

packing density

The bulk density of a granular material, when packed under specified conditions. It is commonly determined, particularly for foundry sands.

packing factor

Ratio of true volume to bulk volume. Van Vlack

packing gland

An explosion-proof entrance for conductors through the wall of an explosion-proof enclosure, to provide compressed packing completely


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English surrounding the wire or cable, for not less than 1/2 in (1.27 cm) measured along the length of the cable.


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A very fine-grained sandstone that is so loosely consolidated by a little calcareous cement as to be readily cut by a spade. AGI

pack wall

A dry-stone wall built along the side of a roadway, or in the waste area, of a coal or metal mine. The wall helps to support the roof and also to retain the packing material and prevent it spreading into the roadway. Nelson


a. Ground-contact part of a crawler-type track. Nichols, 1 b. See:wallplate c. The refractory brickwork below the molten iron at the base of a blast furnace. Dodd


a. Numbered wooden marker which shovelers put in the cans of ore that they load. Hess b. A straight iron tool for stirring ore in a furnace. Standard, 2 c. A bat or pallet, as used in tempering clay. Standard, 2 d. A scoop for stirring and mixing, as used in glassmaking. Standard, 2

paddle conveyor

See:paddle-type mixing conveyor

paddle loader

A belt loader equipped with chain-driven paddles that move loose material to the belt. Nichols, 1

paddle mixer

A form of worm conveyor having two noncontinuous spirals that form paddles; the shafts are contrarotating and the spirals opposite.

paddle-type mixing conveyor

A type of conveyor consisting of one or more parallel paddle conveyor screws.; paddle conveyor.

paddle washer

A type of conveyor consisting of one or two inclined parallel paddle conveyor screws in a conveyor trough having a receiving tank and an overflow weir at the lower end and a discharge opening at the upper end.

paddle-wheel fan

A centrifugal fan with radial blades. Strock, 2


A borehole drill bit having cutters that expand on pressure. Also called expansion bit; paddy bit. Long

paddy bit



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English paddy lamp

A portable battery-operated lamp attached to the front or rear of a personnel train. BS, 13

padlock sheave

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a. The bucket sheave on a dipper or hoe shovel. Nichols, 1 b. A sheave set connecting inner and outer boom lines. Nichols, 1


a. A small wooden wedge used in securing the timbering for excavations. Hammond b. In brickmaking, a track carrying the pallets bearing newly molded bricks. Standard, 2


Ordinary massive pinite in its amorphous compact texture and other physical characters, but containing more silica. The Chinese carve the soft stone into miniature pagodas and images.; lardite; pinite. CTD


A provincial series of the Precambrian in California.


a. A term used in the western United States for an earthy, pulverulent variety of cinnabar. b. A film of molybdenite in fractures and veinlets.

paint gold

A very thin coating of gold on minerals.


The painting of the mine roof with a coal-tar paint that seals the bottom strata of the roof to prevent air from entering the crevices of the roof. Kentucky

paint mill

A machine for grinding mineral paints. Fay

paint rock

A soft, incompetent, fine-grained mass of quartz, pyrolusite, and kaolin with subangular fragments of chert, hematite, and goethite. Woodruff

paint-rock ore

See:natural ore


A party of co-workers; a gang. Also spelled pare. Webster 2nd; Fay

pair production

The transformation of a high-energy gamma ray into a pair of particles (an electron and a positron) during its passage through matter. Lyman


Devitrified basaltic glass.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English palasome

The host rock or mineral in a replacement deposit.

pale brick

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Brick that is underfired. Fay


a. A combining form denoting great age or remoteness in regard to time (Paleozoic), or involving ancient conditions (paleoclimate). Sometimes given as pale- (palevent). Also spelled: palaeo; palaio-. AGI b. A prefix indicating pre-Tertiary origin, and generally altered character, of a rock to the name of which it is added, such as paleopicrite; by some the prefix has been applied to pre-Carboniferous rocks or features, such as the PaleoAtlantic Ocean. AGI


The study of plants of past geological ages through the investigation of fossils. CF:paleontology; palynology.


The branch of science that treats of climatological conditions during the history of the Earth.


A current, generally of water, that influenced sedimentation or other processes or conditions in the geologic past.


The science of the relationship between ancient organisms and their environments. AGI


a. The study and description of the physical geography of the geologic past, such as the historical reconstruction of the pattern of the Earth's surface or of a given area at a particular time in the geologic past, or the study of the successive changes of surface relief during geologic time. b. The study of the relative positions of land masses as part of tectonic reconstructions of Earth history.

paleogeologic map

A map that shows the areal geology of an ancient surface at some time in the geologic past; esp. such a map of the surface immediately below an unconformity, showing the geology as it existed at the time the surface of unconformity was completed but before the overlapping strata were deposited. Paleogeologic maps were introduced by Levorsen (1933). AGI

paleolithologic map

A paleogeologic map that shows lithologic variations at some buried horizon or within some restricted zone at a particular time in the geologic past. AGI



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Faint magnetic polarization of rocks that may have been preserved since the accumulation of sediment or the solidification of magma whose magnetic particles were oriented with respect to the Earth's magnetic field as it existed at that time and place. AGI

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paleontological facies

a. The paleontological aspect of a particular sedimentary lithology; e.g., nummulitic facies, crinoid facies, etc. Schieferdecker b. Sedimentary facies differentiated on the basis of fossils. AGI


Person who studies the fossilized remains of animals and/or plants. AGI


A science that deals with the life of past geological periods, based on the study of fossil remains of plants and animals, and gives information esp. about the phylogeny and relationships of modern animals and plants and about the chronology of the history of the Earth. CF:paleobotany; paleoclimatology; paleogeography. Webster 3rd


That branch of paleontology dealing with the study of fossil animals, both invertebrate and vertebrate. AGI


Said of a structure or texture of metamorphic rocks in which remnants of

some pre-existing structure or texture are preserved.


Formation of a new magma by the melting of pre-existing magmatic rock in situ. Considered incorrectly by some workers as a syn. of anatexis. Adj: palingenic. AGI


A poorly defined ocherous coating on palladian gold, probably PdO.


A soft, ductile, steel-white metallic element of the platinum group metals. Symbol, Pd. Found along with platinum and other metals of the platinum group in placer deposits; also found associated with nickel-copper deposits. Used as a catalyst, in dentistry, watchmaking, surgical instruments, and electrical contacts. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 3

palladium amalgam

A former name for potarite.

palladium gold

Same as porpezite, or gold, containing palladium up to 10%.

pallas iron



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pallasite

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a. Any ultramafic rock, whether of meteoric or terrestrial origin, that contains approx. 60% iron if meteoric, or more iron oxides than silica if terrestrial. AGI b. A stony-iron meteorite composed essentially of large single glassy crystals of olivine embedded in a network of nickel-iron. Pallasites are believed to have been formed at the interface of the stony mantle and metal core of a layered planetoid.


A light platform in the bottom of powder magazines to preserve the powder from dampness. Fay

pallet molding

A method of forming bricks in sanded molds, from which they are dumped on a board called a pallet. Standard, 2

pallet-type conveyor

A series of flat or shaped wheelless carriers propelled by and attached to one or more endless chains or other linkage.

Palo-Travis analyser

A sedimentation apparatus for determining particle size, based upon the settling of powder through a long sedimentation tube filled with liquid. The instrument consists of the sedimentation tube, a smaller reservoir at the top joined to the tube through a large bore stopcock, and a calibrated capillary mounted concentrically at the

bottom of the tube. Osborne


Pertaining to swamps or marshes, and to organic, clay, or other material deposited in a swamp environment. CF:palustrine


Process of formation of a peat bog. This requires a steady growth of new peat-forming plants in phase with a steady general sinking of the depression in which this occurs. Pryor, 3


Pertaining to material deposited in a swamp or marsh environment. CF:paludal


a. A monoclinic and orthorhombic mineral, (OH)2 (Mg,Al)4 (Si,Al)8 O20 .8H2 O ; fibrous; in desert soils. b. A general name for lightweight fibrous clay minerals showing significant substitution of aluminum for magnesium; characterized by distinctive rodlike shapes under an electron microscope.


a. A branch of science concerned with the study of pollen of seed plants and spores of other embryophytic plants, whether living or fossil, including their dispersal and applications in stratigraphy and paleoecology. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English b. The study of the fossilized spores and pollen grains of the plants, esp. those whose remains contributed to the formation of coal seams. CF:paleobotany; paleontology. Nelson


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a. A shallow steel or porcelain dish in which drillers or samplers wash drill sludge to a gravity concentrate and separate the particles of heavy minerals from the lighter-density rock powder to ascertain if the rocks traversed by the borehole contain minerals of value. Long b. Hardpan. c. Fireclay or underclay of coal seams. d. A trough or section of a pan conveyor or shaker conveyor. Nelson e. The framework of a belt or chain conveyor. Mason f. A circular steel dish from 10 to 16 in (25 to 40 cm) in diameter at the top, from 2 to 2-1/2 in (5.1 to 6.4 cm) deep, and with sides sloping at 35 degrees to 40 degrees to the horizontal, used for testing and working placer deposits. CF:dish g. A carrying scraper.




A former name for tetrahedrite.

pan amalgamation

See pan-amalgamation process.

pan-amalgamation process

Method of recovering silver and gold from their ores, in which a cast iron pan or barrel is used for contacting a slurry of the crushed ore with salt, copper sulfate, and mercury; the released silver and gold form an amalgam with the mercury.

Pan-American jig

Mineral jig developed for treatment of alluvial sands. Pryor, 3


a. See:ribbon b. Any of concrete discs that are stacked to form concrete columns for stope support. They are cast at the surface and are usually 30 in (76.2 cm) diameter by 4 in (10.2 cm) thick with reinforcement from wire rope. Higham


An explosive composed of liquid nitrogen tetroxide mixed with carbon disulfide or other liquid combustible, in the proportion of three volumes of the former to two of the combustible. Fay

pan conveyor

a. A conveyor comprising one or more endless chains or other linkage to which usually overlapping or interlocking pans are attached to form a series of shallow, open-topped containers. Some pan conveyors have been known also as apron conveyors. b. Jigging conveyor; a trough down which coal slides after mining and


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English loading in dipping seams, with motion being aided by a shaking action. c. A trough conveyor or gravity conveyor. Nelson


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a. See:priceite b. A name for firm, compact, porcelainlike masses of colemanite.


a. A runner mill for grinding or mixing granular material. b. Steel supporting plates on which furnace bottom refractories are placed.


a. A large rectangular block or pillar of coal. b. A method of working whereby the workings of a mine are divided into sections, each surrounded by solid strata and coal with only necessary roads through the coal barrier. Also spelled pannel. Mason c. The working of coal seams in separate panels or districts; e.g., single unit panel. d. Rectangle of lode ore that is defined by means of levels and winzes and then considered to be proved as regards volume for valuation purposes. Pryor, 3 e. A group of breasts or rooms separated from the other workings by large pillars. Fay f. A small portion of coal left uncut. Webster 3rd

panel barrier

The pillar of coal left between the adjacent panels. These pillars are often worked on the retreat after the coal in the panels has been extracted. In the panel system of bord-and-pillar mining, the panel barrier may be 22 yd (20 m) (minimum) wide and about 300 yd (274 m) apart. In longwall panel mining, the barriers may be made of sufficient width for extraction by a conveyor face on the retreat. Also called panel pillar.

panel slicing

a. In stoping, the process of mining out a panel either from above, below, or one side as described by a qualifying term. Pryor, 3 b. See:top slicing and cover caving

panel working

a. Working laid out in districts or panels, which are then extracted as single units. The panel system of working may be adopted with pillar-and-stall and longwall methods. b. A system of working coal seams in which the colliery is divided up into large squares or panels isolated or surrounded by solid ribs of coal of which a separate set of breasts and pillars is worked, and the ventilation is kept distinct; i.e., every panel has its own circulation, the air of one not passing into the adjoining one, but being carried direct to the main return airway. Zern

pan feeder

See:conveyor-type feeder


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pan-feeder operator

See:mill feeder


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A head to a rivet or screw having the shape of a truncated cone. Hammond


A textural term for rocks in which all or almost all of the mineral constituents are idiomorphic or euhedral.


a. A worker who places in position and tends the operation of underground trough conveyors for the transportation of coal or other minerals. These conveyors are built in sections, and the principal task of the panman is to move the sections from one position to another. Hess b. One engaged in dismantling or building conveyors. Also called panner. Mason


A technique of prospecting for heavy metals, such as gold, by washing placer or crushed vein material in a pan. The lighter fractions are washed away, leaving the heavy metals behind in the pan.AGI


A peralkaline rhyolite or quartz trachyte with normative quartz exceeding 10%. It is more mafic than comendite. AGI


a. A type of drawing instrument consisting of rods linked together in the form of a parallelogram, used for copying a drawing to any required scale. Hammond b. The hinged diamond-shaped structure mounted on the roof of an electric locomotive to collect electric power from an overhead wire. Hammond

pan-type car

Doorless car of two-way, side-dump design; built in capacities from 4 to 10 yd3 (3.1 to 7.6 m3 ). The car body is reversible and may be dumped to either side. Dumping is accomplished by means of an external hoist at the dumping point. Pit and Quarry

Panzer conveyor

See:armored flexible conveyor

Panzer-Forderer snaking conveyor

A very strong, armored conveyor that is moved forward behind a coal plow by means of a traveling wedge pulled along by the plow or by means of jacks or compressed-air-operated rams attached at intervals to the conveyor structure. Sinclair, 5


a. A bluish white, massive New Zealand clay like pipe clay; used for whitening fireplaces. When hard, it is called papa rock. Etymol: Polynesian.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English b. Sp. A nugget of gold or silver. c. A nodule of mineral.


A monoclinic mineral, CaCuAlSi2 O6 (OH)3 ; forms blue crystals; secondary; at Ajo, Pima County, AZ.

paper clay

A fine-grained, white, kaolinic clay with high retention and suspending properties, high reflectance, and a very low content of free silica. It is used for coating or filling paper. AGI

paper coal

a. Coal in which cuticular matter may be prominent. AGI b. A variety of brown coal deposited in thin layers like sheets of paper. Fay

paper shale

A shale that easily separates on weathering into thin layers or laminae suggesting sheets of paper; it is often highly carbonaceous. AGI

paper spar

A crystallized variety of calcite found in thin lamellae or paperlike plates. Standard, 2


a. A prefix applied to the names of metamorpic rocks that have been derived from sediments; e.g., paragneiss. Stokes b. Prefix meaning beside or nearby.

c. Indicating a polymorph. d. Indicating a schist or gneiss derived from a sedimentary protolith. e. A matrix-rich clastic sedimentary rock. f. In chemistry, a prefix indicating: (1) an isomeric or polymeric modification; such as paracyanogen, paraldehyde, etc.; (2) a modification or a similar compound that is not necessarily isomeric or polymeric; such as, paramorphine; (3) a benzene diderivative in which the substituted atoms or radicals are directly opposite each other on the benzene ring--i.e., occupying the positions 1 and 4--such as paraxylene; or (4) an inactive isomer produced by a combination of its dextro- and levo- modifications--such as, paratartaric acid. A Greek prefix meaning beside. Abbrev., p-. g. A Greek prefix meaning beside. In the name of a metamorphic rock, such as paragneiss, it means derived from an original sediment. Webster 3rd


The shape taken by the curve of a bending moment diagram for a uniformly distributed load on a beam simply supported. Hammond


An orthorhombic mineral, Fe3+ (SO4 )(OH).2H2 O ; dimorphous with butlerite: orange; an alteration product of copiapite.


A monoclinic mineral, BaAl2 Si2 O8 ; feldspar group; pale yellow; dimorphous with celsian; at

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Candoglia, Italy.


Discoloration in minerals from exposure to weather. Standard, 2

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An unconformity at which strata are parallel and the contact is a simple bedding plane. AGI


A term proposed by Pettijohn (1957) for a conglomerate that is not a product of normal aqueous flow, but is deposited by such agents as subaqueous turbidity slides and glacier ice; it contains more matrix than gravel-sized fragments (pebbles may form less than 10% of the rock). Examples include tillites, pebbly mudstones, and relatively structureless clay or shale bodies in which pebbles or cobbles are randomly distributed.


A trigonal mineral, Fe3+2 (SO4 )3 .9H (sub

2) O ; dimorphous with coquimbite; pale violet; astringent tasting; secondary; in oxidized iron sulfide deposits.


A triclinic mineral, Zn2 (AsO4 )(OH) ; rare; dimorphous with adamite and isomorphous with tarbuttite; transparent; vitreous; pale yellow; forms sheaflike aggregates and

striated equant crystals; at the Ojuela Mine, Durango, Mexico.

paraffin shale

See:oil shale


A characteristic association or occurrence of minerals or mineral assemblages in ore deposits, connoting contemporaneous formation. CF:mineral sequence


a. Pertaining to paragenesis. AGI b. Pertaining to the genetic relations of sediments in laterally continuous and equivalent facies. AGI


In petrology, a gneiss formed by the metamorphism of a sedimentary rock. CF:orthogneiss


Trade name for a nonrotating rope of 12 by 6 over 3 by 24 strand construction. Hammond


A monoclinic mineral, NaAl2 (AlSi3 )O10 (OH)2; mica group; pseudohexagonal with basal cleavage; forms fine-grained, massive, scaly aggregates; occurs in metamorphic rocks and in soils; not common as it is incompatible with potassium feldspar (albite plus muscovite is more stable); rarely


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English identified because of its similarity to muscovite.

paragonite schist

A variety of schist in which paragonite supplants muscovite or biotite.

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A trigonal mineral, Bi2 (Se,S)3 ; paramorphous after orthorhombic guanajuatite.


A mineral trimorphous with monoclinic hilgardite and triclinic hilgardite. :hilgardite


A colorless hydrous zinc phosphate, Zn3 (PO4 )2 .4H 2 O , triclinic. Minute tabular or prismatic crystals; fan-shaped aggregates. From Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia; Salmo, BC. English


An orthorhombic mineral, Pb4 FeSb6 S14 ; dimorphous with jamesonite; metallic; black; distinguished by its X-ray pattern.


A monoclinic mineral, PbCl(OH); dimorphous with laurionite; soft; forms white pseudo-orthorhombic prismatic crystals; a secondary mineral in lead deposits.


Said of deposits laid down on the landward side of a coast, in shallow fresh water subject to marine invasions. Thus, marine and nonmarine sediments are interbedded; as exemplified in the lower part of the Coal Measures, the nonmarine (paralic) predominate, with relatively thin marine bands. CF:limnic

paralic coal basin

A coal basin that originated near the sea--as opposed to a limnic coal basin. AGI


a. In survey work, incorrect reading of a graduation on an instrument if the observer's eye is not truly normal to the graduated plate. Pryor, 3 b. The change in bearing or apparent position of an object produced by a change in the observer's position. NCB c. The apparent displacement, or change in position, of the crosshairs of a focusing telescope with reference to the image of an object, as the eye is moved from side to side, when the focus of the eyepiece or objective is imperfect. Seelye, 2

parallel blasting circuit

An electric blasting circuit in which the leg wires of each detonator are connected across the firing line directly or in parallel through bus wires. Atlas


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English parallel circuit firing

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A method of connecting together a number of detonators that are to be fired electrically in one blast. The electric detonators are connected to two common points. Each detonator offers a path for the electric current, independent of all the other detonators in the circuit, and therefore calls for a higher amperage than a series circuit in which there is but one path. Nelson

parallel cut

Group of parallel holes, not all charged with explosive, that creates the initial cavity to which the loaded holes break in blasting a development round. Pryor, 3

parallel displacement fault

A fault along which all straight lines on opposite sides of the fault and outside the dislocated zone that were parallel before the displacement are parallel afterward. AGI

parallel drum

A cylindrical form of drum on which the haulage or winding rope is coiled. The drum roll may be plain or grooved. For deep winds, multilayering of rope is often used to reduce the drum size required. Also, for deep winding (3,000 ft or 915 m or more), a balance rope is almost essential with a parallel drum.

parallel duplex mine cable

See:portable parallel duplex mine cable

parallel entry

Usually an intake airway parallel to the haulageway. USBM, 1

parallel extinction

In mineral optics, refers to crystal edges or cleavage traces parallel to the optic directions of the mineral. CF:extinction

parallel firing

The firing of detonators in a round of shots by dividing the total supply current between the individual detonators. CF:series firing BS, 12

parallel flow

Flow in the same direction of two or more streams within a stream system.

parallel fold

A fold in which beds maintain the same thicknesses throughout. CF:similar fold; supratenuous fold.

parallel growth

Two or more crystals with corresponding faces parallel. Fay

parallel lines

Lines that lie in the same plane and are equally distant from each other at all points. The term is ordinarily applied to straight lines. Jones, 2


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English parallelogram

Quadrilateral that has opposite sides parallel and opposite angles equal. Jones, 2

parallel ripple mark

A ripple mark with a relatively straight crest and an asymmetric profile; specif. a current ripple mark. AGI

parallel series

Two or more series of electric blasting caps arranged in parallel.

parallel series circuit

A method of connecting together a number of detonators to be fired electrically in one blast. The circuit consists of a number of series circuits connected in parallel. Nelson

parallel unconformity


parallel wire method

An electrical prospecting method using equipotential lines or curves in prospecting for orebodies. In the parallel wire method, two bare copper wires about 3,000 ft (915 m) long, placed about 2,000 ft (610 m) or more apart, are used as electrodes. Current is supplied from the generator, and the electrodes are connected to the ground at 100 ft (30 m) intervals by iron grounding pins. Equipotential lines are located by two electrodes or wooden rods, to one end of which are

fastened metal spikes about 6 to 7 in (15 to 18 cm) long. The electrodes are connected by some 150 ft (46 m) of wire that runs down the rods to the spikes. If a head telephone is placed in the circuit, the absence of sound in the telephone indicates that the two electrodes are at the same potential. By this method, the equipotential lines can be traced. Lewis


Having a small positive magnetic susceptibility. A paramagnetic mineral such as olivine, pyroxene, or biotite contains magnetic ions that tend to align along an applied magnetic field but do not have a spontaneous magnetic order. CF:diamagnetic


a. The magnetism of a paramagnetic substance. The property by which the north pole of a magnet that is magnetized by induction is repelled to 180 degrees by the north pole of the inducing magnet. Standard, 2 b. The property possessed by a substance of producing a higher concentration of magnetic lines of force within itself than in the surrounding magnetic field when it is placed in such a field. Miall c. A property of many substances, related to ferromagnetism, by virtue of which, when placed in a nonuniform magnetic field, they tend to move toward the strongest part. Permanent magnetism is practically absent and the susceptibility, which is much less than that of iron, is constant at any given temperature, but in most substances it is nearly inversely

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English proportional to the absolute temperature. CF:ferrimagnetism; diamagnetism. Holmes, 1


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A tetragonal mineral, Cu+2 Cu2+

2 O3 ; purplish black; at Bisbee, AZ.


a. A constant or variable in a mathematical expression that distinguishes various specific situations. b. In crystallography, one of the three non-coplanar vectors which describe a lattice.


An orthorhombic mineral, VO2 ; forms by loss of hydrogen and iron from montroseite in an initial stage of oxidation of uranium-vanadium deposits.


A pseudomorph with the same composition as the original crystal, caused by a phase transformation; e.g., calcite with aragonite morphology. CF:pseudomorph


a. The alteration of one mineral into another without change of composition, such as augite into hornblende in uralitization. Fay b. With metamorphism, it describes such thorough changes in a rock that its old components are destroyed and new

ones are built up.


Large flint nodule.


An orthorhombic mineral, NiAs2 ; loellingite group; trimorphous with rammelsbergite and krutovite; metallic tin-white; commonly massive.


A monoclinic mineral, AsS ; trimorphous with realgar and alpha-AsS; powdery; bright yellow to orange-brown; easily mistaken for orpiment.


A schist derived from a sedimentary rock. schist.


An orthorhombic mineral, UO3 .(2-x)H2 O ; bright yellow; a dehydration product of schoepite. Formerly called schoepite III.


A monoclinic mineral, Fe2+3 (AsO4 )2 .8H

2 O ; vivianite group; dimorphous with symplesite and isomorphous with koettigite; bluish green.


A trigonal mineral, Cu2 (OH)3 Cl ; forms twinned rhombohedra; massive or powdery; green


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English to green-black; a secondary mineral in copper deposits.


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A tetragonal mineral, TeO2 ; rutile group; soft; waxy; gray-white; dimorphous with tellurite; at Cananea, Mexico.


Having planes of cleavage inclined to the axis; also, abounding with facets of cleavage. Standard, 2

parautochthonous granite

A mobilized portion of an autochthonous granite that has moved higher in the crust or, more usually, into tectonic domains of lower pressure. It shows variable marginal relations, in some places migmatitic in others characterized by a thermal aureole. Schieferdecker


A triclinic mineral, FeAl2(PO4 )2(OH)2.8H2O ; colorless; forms small prismatic crystals; at Llallagua, Bolivia.




A monoclinic mineral, NaCa2 (Mg,Fe)4 Al(Si6 Al (sub 2) )O22 (OH)2 ; amphibole group; prismatic cleavage; occurs in dolomitic marbles and in skarns.

Parian marble

One of the most famous of ancient statuary marbles; from the island of Paros, Greece.


A trigonal mineral, 6[(Ce,La,Nd)2 CaCO3 )3 F2 ] ; vitreous to resinous; forms acute hexagonal bipyramids; in veins, such as the emerald deposits of Columbia; also in alkalic pegmatites. Named for J.J. Paris.


A monoclinic mineral, Ni3 (Bi,Pb)2 S2 ; metallic; bronze; has three cleavages; in a magmatic sulfide deposit, Insizwa, South Africa.


Treatment of steel in hot aqueous solution of free phosphoric acid and manganese dihydrogen phosphate, other salts sometimes being used as accelerators. A fine-grained insoluble film of ferric phosphate is formed in a few minutes, which is corrosion resistant. Pryor, 3

Parker process

A method for producing low-temperature coke in which each retort is a monobloc iron casting 9 ft (2.7 m) high, containing 12 tubes, which taper from 4-1/2 in (11.4 cm) at the top to 5-1/4 in (13.3 cm) at the bottom. A battery contains 36 retorts in 2 rows of 18. Retorts and combustion chambers are arranged alternately, so that


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English each retort is located in a radiation chamber formed by the walls of adjacent combustion chambers. The retorts are heated only by radiation from these walls, so that there is no overheating and the inside temperature of the retorts can be maintained accurately at 1,112 degrees F (600 degrees C). A cooling chamber is fitted below each pair of retorts, of a size sufficient to hold the coke from both. The pairs of retorts are charged and discharged every 4 h.

Parkes process

A process used to recover precious metals from lead. It is based on the principle that if 1% to 2% of zinc is stirred into molten lead, a compound of zinc with gold and silver separates out and can be skimmed off. ASM, 1

parmalee wrench

A wrench that has a smooth segmented sleeve that when tightly clamped around the tube of a core barrel, will not mar or distort the thin tube when the core barrel is taken apart. Long

parral agitator

An agitator using a number of small airlifts disposed about a circular, flat-bottomed tank in such a way as to impart a circular swirling motion to the pulp. Liddell

Parr formula

The simplest method for determining the amount of mineral matter present in a coal is to determine the ash and sulfur

contents and to make corrections for the changes taking place in these during combustion. The Parr formula for doing this is: total inorganic matter=moisture+1.08 ash+0.55 sulfur, where moisture, ash, and sulfur represent the percentages of these substances found by analysis of the coal. Francis, 1

Parrish arm

Long arm made of a flexible board for the suspension of a shaker screen. Zern

Parrish shaker

A screening shaker with flexible wooden hangers and flexible drive arms; used for sizing anthracite. Mitchell

Parr's classification of coal

A classification system based on the proximate analysis and calorific value of ash-free, dry coal. The heating value of raw coal is obtained, and from these data a table is drawn up, at one end of which are the celluloses and woods of about 7,000 Btu/lb (16.3 MJ/kg). These data are then plotted against the percentage volatile matter in unit coal. Hess


A triclinic mineral, Pb2 (UO2 )(PO4 )2 .2H 2 O ; forms pale citron-yellow crusts, powders, and tiny laths; nonfluorescent; radioactive; a secondary mineral in uraniferous pegmatites and other uranium deposits.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English part

In founding, a section of a mold or flask specif. distinguished (in a three-part flask) as top part, middle part, and bottom part. Standard, 2

part 90 miner

A miner employed at an underground coal mine or at a surface work area of an underground coal mine who has exercised the option under the old section 203b program (36 FR 20601, October 27, 1971), or under 90.3 (Part 90 option; notice of eligibility; exercise of option) of this part to work in an area of a mine where the average concentration of respirable dust in the mine atmosphere during each shift to which that miner is exposed is continuously maintained at or below 1.0 mg/m3 of air, and who has not waived these rights. CFR, 1

part-face blast

Either of two stages of blasts when the height of the rock face is too great to blast in one operation. McAdam, 2

partially fixed

An end support to a beam or a column that cannot develop the full fixing moment. Hammond

partial melting

a. Melting of part of a rock; because a rock is composed of different minerals, each with its own melting behavior, melting does not take place at one temperature (as for ice at 0 degrees C) but takes place over a

range of temperatures; melting starts at the solidus temperature and continues, nonlinearly, as the temperature increases to the liquidus temperature when the rock is totally molten. Fowler b. A situation in which only certain minerals in a rock are melted, due to their lower melting temperature.

partial pressure

a. That part of the total pressure of a mixture of gases contributed by one of the constituents. Strock, 2 b. See:Dalton's law

partial pyritic smelting

Blast furnace smelting of copper ores in which some of the heat is provided by oxidation of iron sulfide and some by combustion of coke.

partial roasting

Roasting carried out to eliminate some but not all of the sulfur in an ore. CTD

partial subsidence

Any amount of subsidence that is less than full subsidence; such as with solid or strip packing. Nelson


A general term, used without restriction as to shape, composition, or internal structure, for a separable or distinct unit in a rock; e.g., a sediment particle, such as a fragment or a grain, usually consisting of a mineral. AGI

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English particle diameter

The length of a straight line through the center of a sedimentary particle considered as a sphere; a common expression of particle size.

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particle mean size

See:particle size

particle size

The general dimensions (such as average diameter or volume) of the particles in a sediment or rock, or of the grains of a particular mineral that make up a sediment or rock, based on the premise that the particles are spheres or that the measurements made can be expressed as diameters of equivalent spheres. It is commonly measured by sieving, by calculating settling velocities, or by determining areas of microscopic images.

particle-size analysis

Determination of the statistical proportions or distribution of particles of defined size fractions of a soil, sediment, or rock; specif. mechanical analysis.

particle-size distribution

The percentage, usually by weight and sometimes by number or count, of particles in each size fraction into which a powdered sample of a soil, sediment, or rock has been classified--such as the percentage of sand retained on each sieve in a given size range. It is the result of a

particle-size analysis.; size-frequency distribution. AGI

particle-size reduction

The process of crushing or grinding material to reduce the particle size. BS, 2

particle sorting

Separation of solid particles, in a fluid (air, water, etc.), because of different densities or masses. Bennett

particle velocity

A measure of the intensity of ground vibration generated from a blasting event, specif. the time rate of change of the amplitude of ground displacement, given in inches (or millimeters) per second.


Refers to particles collected by filtration from ambient air. SME, 1


a. A lamina or very thin sedimentary layer separating thicker strata of a different type; e.g., a thin layer of shale or slate in a coal bed, or a shale break in sandstone. Strata tend to separate readily at partings. CF:band b. A small joint in coal or rock, or a layer of rock in a coal seam. c. The physical property of some specimens of mineral species to break along specific crystallographic planes because of twinning or chemical


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alteration along them; e.g., rhombohedral parting in corundum. CF:cleavage; fracture. d. Cutting simultaneously along two parallel lines or along two lines which balance each other in the matter of side thrust. e. The final process after cupellation to remove the silver from bullion bead. f. A side track or turnout in a haulage road on which empty or loaded cars are collected for distribution to points for loading or for haulage to the surface or to the shaft or slope bottom for hoisting.

parting and connection man

In bituminous coal mining, a laborer who directs the movement of mine cars from a parting (a side track). Also called connection man; parting boy.

parting cleaner

In bituminous coal mining, one who only picks out seam partings (layers of rock) in the coal working face prior to blasting, using a long-handled pick.

parting density

Density maintained in the bath in dense media separation. Pryor, 4

parting flask

A flask used to separate gold and silver, such as by quartation, in assaying procedures.

parting glass

See:parting flask

parting liquid

Any of several liquids--such as tetrabromethane, ethylene dibromide, pentachlorethane, and trichlorethylene--that are used in the DuPont mineral separation process.

parting powder

A powder made from chalk, bone meal, or similar nonsiliceous material, suitably waterproofed, which is applied to a pattern to ensure a clean strip from the molding sand. Osborne

parting slate

A term applied to a thin layer of slate between two seams of coal. Fay

partition curve

A curve indicating, for each specific gravity (or size) fraction, the percentage that is contained in one of the products of the separation; e.g., the reject.

partition density

The density corresponding to 50% recovery as read from a partition curve.

partition factor

The percentage of a specific gravity (or size) fraction recovered in one of the products of the separation; e.g., the reject.


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A resistivity method in which a special electrode configuration is used, consisting of five electrodes, instead of the usual number of four, to provide a check on the observations. Schieferdecker

partition size

The separation size corresponding to 50% recovery as read from a size partition curve. BS, 5

partly filled stope

See:square-set stoping

parts of line

Separate strands of the same rope or cable used to connect two sets of sheaves. Nichols, 1

part-swing shovel

A power shovel in which the upper works can rotate through only part of a circle. Nichols, 1

party chief

In seismic prospecting, the person who supervises the personnel of the crew and generally is in charge of interpretation of the data. Dobrin

party foreman

In seismic prospecting, the person who supervises the work of a field party. Subordinate to a nonresident party chief who is responsible for the interpretation of the data. AGI

party manager

a. In seismic prospecting, this person's function is to handle the operational phases of the work, particularly those involving logistics and access in difficult or remote areas, giving the party chief more time for interpretation of the data. Dobrin b. In gravity and magnetic prospecting, the person in charge of the operations of a field party. AGI

Pasadenian orogeny

Mid-Pleistocene diastrophism. AGI

Pascal's law

The component of the pressure in a fluid in equilbrium that is due to forces externally applied is uniform throughout the fluid. Webster 3rd


A monoclinic mineral, Ca3 V10 O28 .17H2 O ; forms yellow-orange to dark red-orange crusts and tiny laths; a secondary vanadium mineral in uranium-vanadium deposits of the Colorado Plateau, and at Minasragra, Peru.


a. An inclined opening in a mine, a raise or a winze, through which coal or ore is delivered from a higher to a lower level. At the lower end, the pass is normally provided with a chute or hydraulic gate through which the material is discharged into cars or trams. Nelson b. A raise or winze for workers to travel in


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English from one level to another. Zern c. The running of a sample through a sample divider. d. In surface mining, a complete excavator cycle in removing overburden. BCI

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a. A cavern opening or underground tunnel having greater length than height or width; large enough for human entrance and larger by comparison than a lead. AGI b. See:pass


a. The double-track part of any single-track system of transport. Mason b. A siding in which cars pass one another underground; a turnout. Zern

passing boss

See:motor boss

passing point

a. On haulage roads, the point at which the loaded trams going outby pass the empty trams going inby. Nelson b. In shafts, the point at which the loaded ascending cage or skip passes the empty descending cage or skip. Nelson

passing track

A sidetrack with switches at both ends. Kentucky


The changing of the chemically active surface of a metal to a much less reactive state. CF:activation


A type of inhibitor that changes the electrode potential of a metal, causing it to become more cathodic or electropositive.

passive coefficient of earth pressure

The maximum ratio of the major principal stress to the minor principal stress. This is applicable where the soil has been compressed sufficiently to develop an upper limiting value of the major principal stress. ASCE

passive earth pressure

The maximum value of lateral earth pressure exerted by soil on a structure, occurring when the soil is compressed laterally, causing its internal shearing resistance along a potential failure surface to be completely mobilized; the maximum resistance of a vertical earth face to deformation by a horizontal force. CF:active earth pressure AGI

passive fault

Fault not liable to further movement. CF:active fault Carson, 2


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A metal on which an oxide film that prevents further attack on the metal is readily formed. When a metal other than a noble metal has a high resistance to corrosion, it is because of passivity; e.g., chromium, nickel aluminum, tin, and various alloys. CTD

passive state of plastic equilibrium

Plastic equilibrium obtained by a compression of a mass. ASCE

passive transducer

A transducer whose output waves are independent of any sources of power controlled by the actuating waves. Hy


a. A metal that is normally active according to its position in the electromotive-force series is said to be passive whenever its electrochemical behavior is that of a less active metal. b. A metal is passive when it is relatively resistant to corrosion in an environment in which a large decrease in free energy is associated with the corrosion reaction. c. A condition in which a piece of metal, because of an impervious covering of oxide or other compound, has a potential much more positive than the metal in the active state. ASM, 1

pass pipe

An iron pipe connecting the water at the back of one set of tubbing with that of another, or a pipe only in

communication with one tub and open to the interior of a shaft. Fay


a. The claylike matrix of a dirty sandstone; e.g., the microcrystalline matrix of a graywacke, consisting of quartz, feldspar, clay minerals, chlorite, sericite, and biotite. AGI b. The mineral substance in which other minerals are embedded; groundmass (as of a porphyry). Webster 2nd c. An imitation gemstone made from a certain type of lead glass; loosely applied to all glass imitation gemstones. Anderson d. A white clay body. e. In magnetic particle suspension, finely divided ferromagnetic particles in paste form used in the wet method. f. A slurry of sulfur and water, usually containing 30% to 50% of finely divided elemental sulfur. g. Material of which a porcelain body is formed. Hard paste (pite dure), composed of china stone and china clay, is true porcelain. Soft paste (pite tendre), composed of glass or frit with white, is artificial porcelain. h. Comparatively concentrated dispersion (greater than 10% by volume) of fine-solid or semisolid particles in a liquid; often shows elastic or plastic behavior. Bennett

paste fill

a. A class of backfills that has low water content; high densities (> or =75% by lot); and consistency, transport, and deposition properties different from those of traditional low-concentration slurries or other types of high-concentration backfill. Aref


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English b. Paste fill (high pulp density) that does not settle out of suspension at zero flow density and does not produce free water when placed in a stope. Uncemented paste fill can generally be mobilized reasonably easily by pumping if left standing in a pipe for many hours.

paste pumping

The transport and placement of high-concentration, low-slump material by positive displacement through pipelines by pumps, similar to those used for concrete pumping.


The operation of mudcapping or plaster shooting whereby rock is blasted without drilling. An explosive is placed on top of the rock and covered by a cap of mud or similar material.


a. A mine village, usually built and owned by a coal company.


Distributed in an irregular manner, as when ore occurs in bunches or sporadically. Fay

pat coal

Scot. The bottom, or lowest, coal sunk through in a shaft. Fay


A document that conveys title to the ground, and no further assessment work need be done; however, taxes must

be paid. The procedure of obtaining a patent is divided into five steps: (1) a mineral surveyor is paid to make a patent survey, to adjust boundaries and correct errors, in which case an amended location should be made; (2) at least $500 worth of improvement must have been made per claim; (3) the presence of valuable mineral must be proven beyond reasonable doubt; (4) the matter is taken up with the local land office, and the proper notices must be published in the papers for a specified time; and (5) the purchase price of the land is paid and the patent is received. Lewis

patent ax

A type of surfacing machine employed to remove irregularities from the surface of blocks of stone.

patented claim

A claim to which a patent has been secured from the U.S. Government, in compliance with the laws relating to such claims.

patented rope

Galvanized steel rope. Pryor, 3

patent survey

An accurate survey of a mineral claim by a U.S. deputy surveyor as required by law to secure a patent (title) to the claim. Fay

Patera process

A metallurgical process consisting of a chloridizing roasting, leaching

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with water to remove base metals (some silver is dissolved and must be recovered), leaching with sodium hyposulfite for silver, and the precipitation of silver by sodium sulfide. The process was first carried out by von Patera at Joachimstal (Jachymov), Czech Republic. Liddell; Fay

paternoster pump

A chain pump; named from fancied resemblance of the disks and endless chain to a rosary. Standard, 2


In geochemical exploration, a relatively mobile element or gas that occurs in close association with an element or commodity being sought, but can be more easily found because it forms a broader halo or can be detected more readily by analytical methods. A pathfinder serves to lead investigators to a deposit of a desired substance. Often called indicator element, but this latter term is restricted by some authors to elements that are important components of the ores being sought. AGI

path of percolation

See:line of creep


Strictly, the green film formed on copper and bronze after long exposure to the atmosphere. By extension, the term is applied to a film of any sort formed on wood, marble, chert, or other material after weathering or long exposure.

patinated chert

Chert nodules with weathered or case-hardened surface layers. AGI


a. Mex. Cloth used by miners. b. Sp. Place where minerals are concentrated. The patio floor is one on which silver and/or gold ore is amalgamated. arrastre. Pryor, 3

patio process

The patio process, dating back to the 16th century, was a crude chemical method for the recovery of silver by amalgamation in low heaps with the aid of salt and copper sulfate (magistral). Liddell


A monoclinic mineral, VS4 (?) ; synthetic VS4 is soft, gray-black, fine-grained; impure material constitutes an important ore mineral in the vanadium deposit at Minasragra, Peru.


a. As applied to diamond bits, the design formed by spacing and distributing the diamonds in conformance with a predetermined geometric arrangement on the crown of a bit.; eccentric pattern. Long b. The system followed in spacing boreholes, pattern shooting. Long


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One who makes sand molds for castings; a molder. Standard, 2

pattern shooting

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In seismic prospecting, the use of a number of energy sources arranged in a definite geometric pattern. AGI

Patterson agitator

An agitator of the Pachuca-tank type in which air is replaced by a solution or water, under pressure from a centrifugal pump.

Pattinson process

A process for separating silver from lead in which the molten lead is slowly cooled, so that crystals poorer in silver solifidy out and are removed, leaving the melt richer in silver. ASM, 1

Pattinson's pots

A series of pots for separating silver and lead by making use of the fact that the melting point of their alloys rises as the percentage of silver increases. Standard, 2

Paulin altimeter

This instrument measures barometric pressure and is quite accurate for a portable instrument. It can be used for finding the difference in pressure between points at various elevations without checking the setting of the pointer, or it can be checked against a mercury barometer and then used as

a portable barometer. It is useful in making a survey of the drop in ventilation pressure throughout a mine.


An isometric mineral, (K2 ,Ca,Na2 ,Ba)5 [Al10 Si32 O84 ].34-44H2 O ; zeolite group; forms rhombic dodecahedra; at the Columbia River Rock Island Dam, Wenatchee, WA.

Pauling's rules

Generalizations about coordination polyhedra and the ways they fit together in stable ionic crystal structures: (1) A coordination polyhedron of anions forms about each cation. (2) Electronic neutrality is maintained over short atomic distances. (3) Coordination polyhedra tend not to share edges or faces. (4) Highly charged cations minimize sharing of polyhedral elements.


a. A layer immediately underlying coal or any other workable material. Arkell b. The floor of a mine. c. Any construction superimposed on a subgrade to reduce loading stresses and to protect it against the abrasive effects of traffic and weather. Nelson d. See:base rock e. A bare rock surface that suggests a paved road in smoothness, hardness, horizontally, surface extent, or close packing of its units; e.g., boulder pavement, glacial pavement, desert pavement, limestone pavement, erosion pavement. AGI


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Any of the undersides and corners of a brilliant-cut gem; they lie between the girdle and the collet. Hess

paving breaker

An air hammer that does not rotate its steel. Nichols, 1

paving sand

A type of commercial sand with applications divided into three general classes: concrete pavements, asphaltic pavements, and grouting.


A monoclinic mineral, (Ag,Cu)(Bi,Pb)3 S5 ; at the Porvenir Mine, Bolivia. The synthetic phase, AgBi3 S5 , has the same X-ray pattern.


A tooth or set of teeth designed to lock against a ratchet. Nichols, 1


A monoclinic mineral, CuAs2 ; pseudo-orthorhombic; forms intergrowths with novakite, koutekite, and arsenic; in Bohemia, Czech Republic.

pay dirt

a. Gravel. Of alluvial deposits, sand rich enough to be excavated and treated to recover its valuable contents.

Pryor, 3 b. S. Afr. The same as payable ore, but in an alluvial deposit. Also called pay rock. c. Earth, rock, etc., that yields a profit to a miner. Webster 3rd

pay formation

A layer or deposit of soil or rock whose value is sufficient to justify excavation. Nichols, 1

pay gravel

a. Gravel containing sufficient heavy mineral to make it profitable to work. Nelson b. In placer mining, a rich strip or lead of auriferous gravel.

pay limit

S. Afr. Grade below which the mining of ore is considered to become unpayable. There has been much discussion about mining below the pay limit for technical reasons, as a result of taxation, or to conserve natural resources. Beerman

pay load

a. In any winding or haulage system, the pay load is the weight of coal, ore, or mineral handled as distinct from dirt, stone, or gangue. Nelson b. The mineral raised up the shaft from an underground mine. Sinclair, 5

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The mineral to be recovered. Austin

pay ore

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Rock that, at current cost of discovery, development, and exploitation, can be mined, concentrated and/or smelted profitably at the ruling market value of products. Ore below this value or cut (the threshhold value) is unpay.

pay out

To slacken or to let out rope.

pay rock

See:pay ore

pay shoot

A portion of a deposit composed of pay ore; generally a dipping band within a more continuous vein.

pay streak

a. The area of economic concentration of gold in a placer deposit. Bateman, 2 b. The part of a vein or area of a placer deposit that carries the profitable or pay ore.. CF:pay ore

peachblossom ore


pea coal

In anthracite only, coal small enough to pass through a mesh 3/4 to 1/2 in (1.9 to 1.3 cm) square, but too large to

pass through a 3/8-in (9.5-mm) mesh. When buckwheat coal is made, the size marketed as pea is sometimes larger than the above; known also as No. 6 coal.

peacock coal

Iridescent coal, the iridescence of which is due to a thin film of some substance deposited on the surface of the coal along minute cracks. Arkell

peacock ore

Informal name for an iridescent copper mineral having a lustrous, tarnished surface exhibiting variegated colors, such as chalcopyrite and esp. bornite. Also called peacock copper.

pea gravel

Clean gravel, the particles of which are similar in size to that of peas. AGI

pea grit

The term pea grit has been used for a coarse pisolitic limestone. Such usage should be discontinued; it is erroneous. The term grit should be reserved for a coarse-grained sandstone composed of angular particles. Rice, 1

pea iron ore

A variety of pisolitic limonite or "bean ore" occurring in small, rounded grains or masses.


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Maximum permitted power draft from an electric supply main. Pryor, 3

peak loading

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The maximum number of tons of a specified material to be carried by a conveyor per minute in a specified period of time. NEMA, 2

peak particle velocity

The maximum rate of change of ground displacement with time.

peak stope

Flat stope advanced (overhand if deposit is inclined) in slanted steps, each flat forming a separate working place. Pryor, 3

pea ore

a. Eng. Rounded grains of hydrated peroxide of iron, or silicate of iron, commonly found in cavities of Jurassic limestone. b. A variety of pisolitic limonite or bean ore occurring in small, rounded grains or masses.


A monoclinic mineral, Ag16 As2 S11 , having copper as an apparent necessary minor component; forms pseudorhombohedral tabular crystals or may be massive; metallic black; brittle; in low-to moderate-temperature silver and base-metal ores.


A dense spherical calcareous concretion, usually white or light-colored, consisting of occasional layers of conchiolin and predominant nacrous layers of aragonite (or rarely calcite); deposited concentrically about a foreign particle within or beneath the mantle of various marine and freshwater mollusks; occurs either free from or attached to the shell.

pearl ash

Potassium carbonate, K2 CO3 ; esp., an impure product obtained by partial purification of potash from wood ashes. Webster 3rd


The lamellar mixture of ferrite and cementite in the microstructure of slowly cooled iron-carbon base alloys occurring normally as a principal constituent of both steel and cast iron. Webster 3rd

pearlite iron

a. In general, pearlite iron is gray cast iron consisting of graphite in a matrix of pearlite; i.e., without free ferrite. CTD b. In particular, pearlite iron is a German proprietary name denoting an iron of low silicon content, which is caused to solidify gray by the use of heated molds. CTD

pearl mica



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pearl sinter

A variety of opal. Fay

pearl spar

Dolomite occurring in rhombohedrons having a pearly luster. .




Applied to minerals having a luster like a pearl; e.g., talc, brucite, and stilbite.




There are two types of peat, low moor (Flachmoor) and high moor (Hochmoor) peat. Low moor peat is the most common starting material in coal genesis. It therefore constitutes a caustobiolith of low diagenetic degree. Peat is formed in marshes and swamps from the dead, and partly decomposed remains of the marsh vegetation. Stagnant ground water is necessary for peat formation to protect the residual plant material from decay. Peat has a yellowish brown to brownish black color, is generally of the fibrous consistency, and can be either plastic or

friable; in its natural state it can be cut; further, it has a very high moisture content (above 75%, generally above 90%). It can be distinguished from brown coal by the fact that the greater part of its moisture content can be squeezed out by pressure (e.g., in the hand). Peat also contains more plant material in a reasonably good state of preservation than brown coal. Individual plant elements, such as roots, stems, leaves, and seeds, can commonly be seen in it with the unaided eye. Failing that, treatment of peat with dilute alkali will make visible many of these plant tissues. Further, peat is richer in cellulose than brown coal (reaction with Fehling's solution). Unlike brown coal, peat still contains cellulose, protected by lignin or cutin, which gives a reaction with chlorzinc iodide. Correspondingly, peat shows under the microscope tissues that have not undergone either lignification, suberinization, or cutinization; this is not the case in brown coal. The reflectance of peat is low (about 0.3%). Microscopic examination is best undertaken with transmitted light. IHCP

peat bed

An accumulation of peat. Fay

peat blasting

A method enabling a road to be built across peat deposits. Hard filling is first dumped over the route to a height equal to the ascertained depth of the peat, into which blasting charges are inserted. By the action of blasting, the peat is displaced outwards and the hard fillings sink into

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English place and can then be consolidated. Hammond

peat bog

A bog containing peat; an accumulation of peat. Webster 3rd

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peat hag

A pit or quag formed by digging out peat. Standard, 2

peat machine

A machine for grinding and briquetting peat. Webster 3rd


A digger or seller of peat. Webster 3rd

peat moss

Any moss from which peat has formed or may form. Webster 3rd

peat press

A machine for making bricks of peat fuel. Standard, 2

peat spade

A spade with an L-shaped blade for cutting out peat in blocks. Webster 3rd

peat-to-anthracite theory

The theory that there were progressive stages in the conversion of vegetable matter into the various grades of coal of the Carboniferous system. Thus, peat forms at an early stage in coal formation and lignite

at an intermediate stage, and by further compression and alteration, bituminous and anthracite coals were formed. Nelson


a. A general term for a small, roundish, esp. waterworn stone; specif. a rock fragment larger than a granule and smaller than a cobble, having a diameter in the range of 4 to 64 mm (-2 to -6 phi units, or a size between that of a small pea and that of a tennis ball), being somewhat rounded or otherwise modified by abrasion in the course of transport. In Great Britain, the range of 10 to 50 mm has been used. The term has been used to include fragments of cobble size; it is frequently used in the plural as a syn. of "gravel". b. Transparent and colorless quartz crystal, such as Brazilian pebble. Webster 3rd c. Grinding media for ball or semi-autogeneous mills. As a rule, these are either hard-flint pebbles or hard-burned, white porcelain balls.

pebble armor

A concentration of pebbles coating a desert area. The pebbles are usually the residual product of wind erosion and are closely fitted together so as to cover the surface in the manner of a mosaic. Also called desert pavement.

pebble dike

a. A clastic dike composed largely of pebbles. AGI b. A tabular body containing sedimentary


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fragments in an igneous matrix, as from the Tintic district in Utah; e.g., one whose fragments were broken from underlying rocks by gaseous or aqueous fluids of magmatic origin and injected upward into country rock, becoming rounded owing to the milling and/or corrosive action of the hydrothermal fluids. AGI

pebble gravel

An unconsolidated deposit consisting mainly of pebbles. AGI

pebble jack

Sphalerite in small crystals or pebblelike grains not attached to rock, but found in clay in wall rock cavities.

pebble mill

Horizontally mounted cylindrical mill, charged with flints or selected lumps of ore or rock. Usually long and high discharge.

pebble phosphate

A secondary phosphorite of either residual or transported origin, consisting of pellets, pebbles, and nodules of phosphatic material mixed with sand and clay, such as occurs in Florida; e.g., land-pebble phosphate and river-pebble phosphate.

pebble powder

A gunpowder or black powder pressed and cut into large cubical grains so as to make it slow burning. Webster 3rd




A fernlike tree of the coal forest, with small ovate pinnules that are attached to the pinnate axis by their whole breadth. Nelson

Pecos ore

a. A gossan containing lead and silver. Fay b. Tasmania. A yellowish, earthy mixture of oxides of iron, lead, and antimony containing silver; mostly massicot. Fay


A triclinic mineral, NaCa2 Si3 O8 (OH) ; isomorphous with serandite; forms compact masses or fibers; commonly associated with zeolites in cavities and veins in mafic rocks.


Soil enriched in alumina and iron in regions of high temperature and humid climate that are marked by forest cover. CF:pedocal


A relatively slender neck or column of rock capped by a wider mass of rock and produced by undercutting as a result of wind abrasion (as in the Southwestern United States.) or by differential weathering.


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a. A class of blocks perched on pedestals of limestone. AGI b. Isolated masses or rock above and resting on a smaller base or pedestal.

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pedestal rock

An isolated, residual or erosional mass of rock supported by or balanced on a pedestal. The term is also applied to the entire feature.

pedestrian-controlled dumper

A small dumper controlled by a person walking alongside it.


A broad, gently sloping rock-floored erosion surface or plain of low relief, typically developed by running water in an arid or semiarid region at the base of an abrupt and receding mountain front or plateau escarpment; underlain by bedrock that may be bare, but is more often partly mantled with a thin discontinuous veneer of alluvium derived from the upland masses and in transit across the surface. AGI


The process of pediment formation.

pediment pass

A narrow, flat, rock-floored tongue extending upslope from the main pediment and penetrating a mountain

sufficiently to meet another pediment slope extending into the mountain from the other side.


A crystal form consisting of a single crystal face.


Broad, rock-cut, thinly alluviated surface formed by the coalescence of adjacent pediments and desert domes.

pedis possessio

The actual possession of a piece of mineral land to the extent needed to give the locator room to work and to prevent probable breaches of the peace, but not necessarily to the extent of a mining claim.


Soil enriched in calcium carbonate, accumulating in regions of low temperature, low rainfall, and prairie vegetation. CF:pedalfer


The formation of soil from parent material.

pedogeochemical prospecting

Synonymous with geochemical soil survey. Hawkes, 1


The science that treats soils, their origin, character, and utilization. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pedometer

A pocket-size instrument that registers the number of steps taken by the person carrying it. AGI


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The part of the Earth in which soil-forming processes occur.


a. One of a set of blades that picks up and channels water moved outward by the impeller of a centrifugal pump. Nichols, 1 b. An iron implement with a flattened end and ring handle, which is used by a baller in placing blooms, ingots, etc., in a reheating furnace. Standard, 2 c. See:calk

Peerless explosive

High explosive; used in mines. Bennett


a. A surveyor's mark. b. To mark out a miner's claim at the four corners by pegs bearing the claimant's name. Sometimes used as "peg out." Webster 3rd; Fay

peg adjustment

The adjustment of a spirit-leveling instrument of the dumpy-level type in which the line of collimation is made parallel with the axis of the spirit level by means of two stable marks (pegs) the length of one instrument sight apart. AGI


An abrupt change or sharp bend in the course of a borehole. Also called dogleg. Long


An exceptionally coarse-grained igneous rock, with interlocking crystals, usually found as irregular dikes, lenses, or veins, esp. at the margins of batholiths. Most grains are 1 cm or more in diameter. Although pegmatites having gross compositions similar to other rock types are known, their composition is generally that of granite; the composition may be simple or complex and may include rare minerals rich in such elements as lithium, boron, fluorine, niobium, tantalum, uranium, and rare earths. Pegmatites represent the last and most hydrous portion of a magma to crystallize and hence contain high concentrations of minerals present only in trace amounts in granitic rocks. Adj: pegmatitic.


a. Said of the texture of an exceptionally coarsely crystalline igneous rock. AGI b. Occurring in, pertaining to, or composed of pegmatite.

pegmatitic stage

a. A final stage in the normal sequence of crystallization of a magma at which the residual fluid is sufficiently enriched in volatile materials to permit the formation of coarse-grained


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rocks (pegmatite) more or less equivalent in composition to the parent rock. CF:orthomagmatic stage AGI b. The late stages of magma crystallization in S-type, 2-mica granites.

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The process of formation of, introduction of, or replacement by pegmatite.





peg point

A pointed bar in a slide clamp. Used to brace a machine during work. Nichols, 2

peg structure

A structure characterized by tiny peg-shaped cavities, some with intricate profiles, penetrating the interior of crystals; typical of melilite. AGI

Pehrson-Prentice process

A method of producing steel direct from ore. Osborne

Peirce-Smith converter

A cylindrical-type converter having a basic (magnesite) lining; used for treating copper. Newton, 1

Peirce-Smith process

A basic converting process for copper matte in a magnesite-lined converter. The iron of the matte is fluxed by silica added before the process begins. Liddell

Peissenberg ram

See:ram scraper.


See:permissible exposure limit

pelagic deposit or sediment

Deposit found in deep water far from shore and may be predominantly either organic or inorganic in origin. Such deposits are light colored, reddish or brown, fine grained, and generally contain some skeletal remains of plankton organisms. Those that contain less than about 30% of organic remains are called red clay; those that contain more than about 30% of organic remains are known as oozes. Hunt


A term applied to coal deposits formed from submerged forests and driftwood. Tomkeieff

Pelatan-Clerici process

A continuous process of dissolving silver or gold in cyanide solution and simultaneously precipitating the precious metals with mercury in the same vessel, with an electrical current assisting precipitation. Liddell


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English peldon

An English term for a very hard, smooth compact sandstone with conchoidal fracture that occurs in coal measures.

Pele's hair

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A natural spun glass formed by blowing-out during quiet fountaining of fluid lava, cascading lava falls, or turbulent flows, sometimes in association with Pele's tear pyroclast. A single strand, with a diameter of less than 1/2 mm, may be as long as 2 m. Etymol: Pele, Hawaiian goddess of fire. AGI

Pele's tears

Small, solidified drops of volcanic glass behind which trail pendants of Pele's hair. They may be tear shaped, spherical, or nearly cylindrical. Etymol: Pele, Hawaiian goddess of fire. AGI


a. A sediment or sedimentary rock composed of the finest detritus (clay- or mud-size particles); e.g., a mudstone, or a calcareous sediment composed of clay and minute particles of quartz. The term is equivalent to the Latin-derived term lutite. AGI b. A fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of more or less hydrated aluminum silicates with which are mingled small particles of various other minerals; an aluminous sediment. Etymol: Greek pelos, clay mud. AGI


a. Pertaining to or characteristic of pelite; esp. said of a sedimentary rock composed of clay, such as a pelitic tuff representing a consolidated volcanic ash consisting of clay-size particles. AGI b. Said of a metamorphic rock derived from a pelite; e.g., a pelitic hornfels or a pelitic schist, derived by metamorphism of an argillaceous or a fine-grained aluminous sediment. AGI

pelitic gneiss

A gneiss derived from the metamorphism of argillaceous sediments.

pelitic hornfels

A fine-grained, nonfissile metamorphic rock derived from an argillaceous sediment.

pelitic schist

A schistose metamorphic rock derived from an argillaceous sediment.


A method in which finely divided material is rolled in a drum or on an inclined disk, so that the particles cling together and roll up into small, spherical pellets. The addition of a binder may be required to produce a pellet of acceptable mechanical strength. Newton, 1


A waterproof, free-running blasting agent. Pelletol is a high explosive,


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English but is not considered cap sensitive and normally cannot be initiated with a cap, except under perfect confinement in small-diameter boreholes. Du Pont, 1

pellet powder

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Black powder pressed into cylindrical pellets 2 in (5.1 cm) in length and varying from 1-1/4 to 2 in (3.2 to 5.1 cm) in diameter. Each pellet has a 3/8-in (9.5-mm) hole through its center to permit fuse insertion. Carson, 1

pellet texture

A concretionary texture characterized by minute pellets of colloidal or replacement origin and closely resembling oolites. Schieferdecker

pell-mell structure

Coarse deposits of waterworn materials in which there is an absence of bedding. AGI


A worker employed in a coal mine to take down pelt (shaly stone) from the roof of a narrow seam, to make enough height for a coal cutting machine. CTD

Pelton wheel

An impulse water turbine with buckets bolted to its periphery, which are struck by a high velocity jet of water. This turbine is most efficient under a head of from 900 to 1,000 ft (274 to 305 m) or more.




A large stone or boulder. Etymol: Spanish, "rock."


a. In connection with a contract for purchase of mineral concentrates by a custom smelter, a deduction from an agreed price for failure to reach an agreed assay value or to eliminate specified contaminants; charged at so much per unit of mineral or metal concerned. Pryor, 3 b. In a construction contract, a penalty clause is one that imposes a penalty for failure to complete work to agreed time, specification, etc. Pryor, 3

Penang tin

Pig tin of about 99.95% purity, obtained from the Penang Mines in Malaysia. Bennett

Penberthy anoloader

A simple powder loader with a high air velocity that is used in Canada in underground work for charging holes with a depth of up to 14 ft (4 m).

pencil-core bit

The very-thick-wall, medium-round nose bit that cuts a pencil-size core. The bit is essentially a noncoring bit, and in most instances no attempt is made to recover the very-small-diameter core as a sample.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pencil-coring crown

See:pencil-core bit

pencil ganister

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A variety of ganister characterized by fine carbonaceous streaks or markings; so called from the likeness of these to pencil lines. The carbonaceous traces are often recognizable as roots and rootlets of plants. AGI


Reduction in the fire face area of the brick, in which slag erosion at the joints is pronounced.

pencil mark

Aust. A thin bed of dark slate, about the thickness of the lead of a carpenter's pencil, that is parallel to the indicator. indicator

pencil ore

Hard, fibrous masses of hematite that can be split up into thin rods. CMD

pencil stone

A compact pyrophyllite used for making slate pencils. Webster 3rd

pencil structure

A very pronounced lineation, such as that produced by intersecting bedding and cleavage planes in slate.


See:roof pendant




In mechanized mining, the arm that extends between the fulcrum jack and the swivel or angle trough or turn. Jones, 1

pendulum buffer

In Vermont, large wooden blocks covered with felt pads that are propelled back and forth by means of a crank and pitman. Used for polishing monumental stone.

pendulum mill

See:Griffin mill; Huntington mill.

penecontemporaneous structure

Small folds and faults that form in sediments shortly after they are deposited, in igneous rocks as they solidify, and in metamorphic rocks as they recrystallize.


The subaerial degradation of a region approx. to base level, forming a peneplain.

penetrating pulley

A pulley around which a wire cable runs in cutting marble. Its thickness is less than the diameter of the wire and


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English consequently, it can follow the wire as the latter cuts into the stone.

penetration feed

See:feed rate

penetration log

The penetration speed of a drill related to the size of the hole and bit, mud pressure, speed of rotation, weight on bit, etc. From the results, which are plotted as penetration curves, the thickness of coal and dirt bands in the borehole can be determined with reasonable accuracy. Nelson

penetration macadam

Screened gravel or crushed stone aggregate, bound by bituminous grouting, the binder being introduced after compaction of the aggregate. Nelson

penetration per blow

The distance a drive-type soil sampler, casing, drivepipe, pile, or penetrometer is driven into the formation being tested by each blow delivered by a specific-size drivehammer allowed to fall a specific distance. Long

penetration rate

The actual rate of penetration of drilling tools.

penetration resistance

a. The number of blows of a hammer of specified weight falling a given

distance required to produce a given penetration into soil of a pile, casing, or sampling tube. Also called standard penetration resistance; proctor penetration resistance. ASCE b. The unit load required to maintain constant rate of penetration into soil by a probe or instrument. ASCE c. The unit load required to produce a specified penetration into soil at a specified rate by a probe or instrument. For a proctor needle, the specified penetration is 2-1/2 in (6.35 cm) and the rate is 1/2 in/s (1.27 cm/s). ASCE

penetration resistance curve

The curve showing the relationship between the penetration resistance and the water content. Also called proctor penetration curve. ASCE

penetration speed

The speed at which a drill can cut through rock or other material.

penetration test

A test to determine the relative densities of noncohesive soils, sands, or silts; e.g., the standard penetration test that determines the number of blows required by a standard weight, when dropped from a standard height (30 in or 76.2 cm per blow), to drive a standard sampling spoon a standard penetration (12 in or 30.5 cm); or the dynamic penetration test, which determines the relative densities of successive layers by recording the penetration per blow or a specified number of blows.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English penetration twin

A twin crystal in which two parts interpenetrate with each other and share a common volume.


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An instrument to assess the strength of a coal seam, its relative workability, and the influence of roof pressure.; coal penetrometer. Nelson

pennant flag

Unproductive grit and sandstone between the Lower and Upper Coal Measures, South Wales and Bristol, England, coalfield. Largely quarried for paving and building. Also called pennan grit; pennant stone. Arkell


A monoclinic mineral, Mn5 Al(Si3 Al)O10 (OH)8; chlorite group; excellent cleavage with flexible laminae; commonly associated with manganese deposits.


A pseudotrigonal variety of clinochlore.

Pennine system

Eng. The original and typical series of Carboniferous rocks, comprising the Upper Old Red Sandstone, the Mountain limestone, the Millstone grit, and the Coal Measures. Standard, 2



penning gate

Regulating device used to govern the draft of water from a dam; may incorporate arrangements for holding back sediment or floating detritus. Pryor, 3


A green crystallized chlorite from the Penninic Alps. Composition essentially the same as that of clinochlore, (Mg,Fe2+ )5 Al(Si3 Al)O10 (OH)8 . Fay


A period of the Paleozoic Era (after the Mississippian and before the Permian), thought to have covered the span of time between 320 million years and 280 million years ago; also, the corresponding system of rocks. It is named after the state of Pennsylvania in which rocks of this age are widespread and yield much coal. It is the approximate equivalent of the Upper Carboniferous of European usage. AGI


One-twentieth troy ounce (1.56 g). Used in the United States and in England for the valuation of gold, silver, and jewels. Abbrev.: dwt; pwt. Standard, 2


An isometric mineral, (Ni,Co,Cu)Se2 ; pyrite group; cubic cleavage; forms radiating columnar masses; occurs


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English in Bolivian mines near Colquechaca. Formerly called blockite.


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a. A sluice or gate for restraining, deviating, or otherwise regulating the flow of water, sewage, etc.; a floodgate. Webster 3rd b. The barrel of a wooden pump. c. A closed conduit for supplying water under pressure to a water wheel or turbine. Seelye, 1


A polygon having five sides. Jones, 2


A triclinic mineral, MgSO4 .5H2 O ; chalcanthite group; highly soluble. Formerly called allenite.


A triclinic mineral, CaB2 O(OH)6 .2H2 O ; colorless; forms small anhedra at a skarn in the Ural Mountains, Russia.

pentasol xanthate

Collector agent use in flotation, in which the hydrocarbon group is crude and unfractionated amyl alcohol. Symbol, Z-6. Pryor, 3


a. Having a valence of five. Webster 3rd b. Having five valences. Webster 3rd; Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2

Pentelic marble

One of the most famous of ancient statuary marbles; from Mount Pentelicus, Greece.




Pentaerythritol tetranite. Used as an explosive.; niperyth. Bennett


a. A rock pillar left, or a heavy timber bulkhead placed, in the bottom of a two-or-more-compartment-deep shaft through which to sink it further. A small, auxilliary steam or air hoist, dumping apparatus, and pocket or bin are installed above the pentice; through an opening in it, sinking by short lifts is carried on while the shaft is in use above the pentice. Practiced in the Michigan copper country. Hess b. A cover, protection, or roof over a sinking shaft. The cover contains a trapdoor through which the rope and bowk pass. Nelson c. In shaft sinking, a solid rock pillar left in the bottom of the shaft for overhead protection of miners while the shaft is being extended by sinking.


a. An isometric mineral, (Fe,Ni)9 S8 ; octahedral parting; metallic; pale bronze-yellow;


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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nonmagnetic; generally associated with pyrrhotite, less commonly associated with chalcopyrite in magmatic sulfide deposits; the principal sulfide ore of nickel. b. The mineral group argentopentlandite, cobalt pentlandite, geffroyite, manganese-shadlunite, pentlandite, and shadlunite.


A mixture of PETN and TNT used primarily for boosters and cast primers; military grade pentolite is usually 50% of each ingredient by weight; commercial pentolite often has a lower PETN content.


The trough in which the penstock of a water wheel is placed. Fay


a. The movable vertical post of an arrastre. b. A prop, post, or stall. c. Mex. Helper; a common laborer.

pepper-and-salt texture

Said of disseminated ores, esp. with dark grains in a light matrix. AGI


a. Liquefaction of a gel; deflocculation and dispersion of solids in a pulp; conversion of a substance to its colloidal state by subdivision. Pryor, 3 b. A dispersion due to the addition of

electrolytes or other chemical substances. Brantly, 1


To bring into colloidal solution; to convert into a solution.


Said of igneous rocks in which the molecular proportion of alumina is less than that of soda and potash combined.


Said of igneous rocks in which the molecular proportion of alumina exceeds that of soda, potash, and lime combined.

percentage extraction

The proportion of a coal seam that is removed from a mine. The remainder may represent coal in pillars or coal that is too thin or inferior to mine or is lost in mining. Shallow coal mines working under townships, reservoirs, etc., may extract only about 50% of the entire seam, the remainder being left as pillars to protect the surface. Under favorable conditions, longwall conveyor mining may extract from 80% to 95% of the entire seam. With pillar methods of working, the extraction ranges from 50% to 90%, depending on local conditions. Nelson

percentage ore

N.S.W. In most cases, understood to be the percentage of the metallic element present in the ore. New South Wales


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English percentage subsidence

The measured amount of subsidence expressed as a percentage of the thickness of coal extracted.

percentage support

The percentage of the total wall area of a mine that will actually be covered by supports. Spalding


a. Any of various units of measure for stonework, (including 24-3/4 ft 3 (0.70 m3 ) representing a pile 1 rod (5.0 m) long by 1 ft (0.3 m) by 1-1/2 ft (0.46 m); or 16-1/2 ft3 (0.47 m3 ); or 25 ft3 (0.71 m3 ). Webster 3rd b. A measure of length equal to 5-1/2 yd or 16-1/2 ft (5.0 m); a rod, or pole; also, a square rod (25.3 m2 ). Webster 2nd

perched ground water

Unconfined ground water separated from an underlying main body of ground water by an unsaturated zone. AGI

perched water

See:perched ground water

perched water table

The water table of a body of perched ground water. See:vertical sand drain


a. In the leaching treatment of minerals, a process whereby a solvent

flows gently upward or downward through a bed of ore-bearing material sufficiently coarse textured to permit this flow. b. Slow laminar movement of water through small openings within a porous material. Also used as a syn. of infiltration. Flow in large openings such as caves is not included. CF:infiltration

percolation leaching

The selective removal of the metal values from a mineral by causing a suitable solvent or leaching agent to seep into and through a mass or pile of material containing the desired mineral.

percolation rate

The rate, expressed as either velocity or volume, at which water percolates through a porous medium. AGI

percussion bit

A rock-drilling tool with chisellike cutting edges, which when driven by impacts against a rock surface, drills a hole by a chipping action. Long

percussion cap

See:detonator; primer.

percussion drill

a. Drill in which the drilling bit falls with force onto rock. Also, a pneumatic drill in which a piston delivers hammer blows rapidly on the drill shank. Pryor, 3 b. Sometimes limited to large blasthole

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English drills of the percussion type. Nichols, 1

percussion drilling

Act of using a percussion drill.

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percussion figure

A pattern of radiating lines produced on a section of a crystal by a blow from a sharp point.

percussion machine

See:percussion drill

percussion powder

Powder so composed as to ignite by a slight percussion; fulminating powder. Fay

percussion sieve

An apparatus in which material is sorted according to size. It consists essentially of superimposed, oppositely inclined sieves, both mechanically agitated by vertical lever and having water sluices.

percussion system

Applicable to drill machines and/or the methods used to drill boreholes by the chipping action of impacts delivered to a chisel-edged bit.

percussion table

Early form of shaking table.concussion table; shaking table. Pryor, 3

percussive boring

A system of boring using solid or hollow rods or ropes; may be used for exploratory drilling and for blasting purposes.:boring Nelson

percussive drill

A pneumatic drill that is used widely in mining for exploration and for blasting purposes.

percussive drilling

a. A method of drilling whereby repeated blows are applied by the bit, which is repositioned by intermittent rotation. BS, 12 b. A form of drilling in which the rock is penetrated by the repeated impact of a reciprocating drill tool. Fraenkel

percussive machine

Any of several types of machine, including heading machines, air picks, and the numerous types of percussive drills. Mason

perfect-discharge elevator

In the so-called perfect-discharge elevator, there is an extra set of traction or sprocket wheels on the discharge side, so set that they bend the chains back under the head wheels. As a consequence, the discharging chute may be placed directly under the buckets. This elevator will also handle material that packs, and both types of gravity-discharge elevators may be run much slower than the centrifugal type. Pit and Quarry


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English perfect frame

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A structural frame that is stable under loads imposed upon it from any direction, but which would become unstable if one of its members were removed or one of its fixed ends became hinged. Hammond

performance curve

Any curve used to show the relationship between properties of coal and results of a specific treatment. BS, 5

perhydrous maceral

Maceral having a high hydrogen content, such as exinite and resinite. Tomkeieff


A prefix meaning around or beyond. AGI


A kind of provitrain in which the cellular structure is derived from cortical material. CF:suberain; xylain. AGI


a. The micropetrological constituent, or marceral, of periblain. It consists of cortical tissue almost jellified in bulk, but still showing indications of cell structure under a microscope. AGI b. A distinction of telinite based on botanical origin (cortical tissue). CF:suberinite


a. An isometric mineral, MgO; cubic cleavage; colorless to yellow or brown; may be strongly colored by inclusions; occurs in high-temperature metamorphic rocks derived from dolomite. b. The mineral group bunsenite, manganosite, monteponite, periclase, and wuestite.




Said of strata and structures that dip radially outward from, or inward toward, a center, to form a dome or a basin. CF:quaquaversal; centroclinal. AGI


a. A general term for a fold in which the dip of the beds has a central orientation; beds dipping away from a center form a dome, and beds dipping toward a center form a basin. The term is generally British in usage. dome; quaquaversal. AGI b. A variety of albite elongated in the direction of the b-axis and often twinned with this as the twinning axis. It occurs in veins as large milky-white opaque crystals. Pericline is probably an albitized oligoclase. AGI

pericline twin

A twin crystal, in the monoclinic system, whose twinning axis is the orthoaxis of the crystal. Fay


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English peridot

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a. A transparent to translucent green gem variety of forsterite in the olivine group. Also spelled peridote. b. A yellowish-green or greenish-yellow variety of tourmaline, approaching olivine in color. It is used as a semiprecious stone.




A general term for a coarse-grained plutonic rock composed chiefly of olivine with or without other mafic minerals such as pyroxenes, amphiboles, or micas, and containing little or no feldspar. Accessory minerals of the spinel group are commonly present. Peridotite is commonly altered to serpentinite. AGI

peridot of Ceylon

See:Ceylonese peridot; peridot.

perimeter blasting

A method of blasting in tunnels, drifts, and raises, designed to minimize overbreak and leave clean-cut solid walls. Holes in the outside row are loaded with very light, continuous explosive charges and are fired simultaneously, so that they shear from one hole to the other. Nelson

perimeter of airway

In mine ventilation, the linear distance in feet of the airway perimeter rubbing surface at right angles to the direction of the airstream.


A crystal of one species enclosing one of another species. Webster 3rd


a. The geochronologic unit lower in rank than era and higher than epoch, during which the rocks of the corresponding system were formed. It is the fundamental unit of the worldwide geologic time scale. AGI b. A term used informally to designate a length of geologic time; e.g., glacial period. AGI c. The interval of time required for the completion of a cyclic motion or recurring event, such as the time between two consecutive like phases of the tide or a current. AGI d. The duration of one complete cycle of a periodic function; the reciprocal of the frequency of such a function. The independent variable is limited to time. ASM, 1 e. The elements between an alkali metal and the rare gas of next highest atomic number, inclusive, occupying one (a short period) horizontal row or two (a long period) horizontal rows in the periodic table. CTD f. The time required for the power level of a reactor to change by the factor 2.718, which is known as e. Lyman


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English periodic law

The physical and chemical properties of the elements depend on the structure of their atoms and are for the most part periodic functions of the atomic number.

periodic reverse

Pertains to periodic change in the direction of flow of the current in electrolysis. It applies to the process and also to the machine that controls the time for both directions. Symbol, PR. ASM, 1

periodic table

An arrangement of elements based on the periodic law and proposed in various forms that are usually either short with only short periods (as in Mendeleev's original table) or long with long as well as short periods (as in most modern tables).

peripheral fault

A fault along the perimeter of a geologically elevated or depressed region. AGI

peripheral speed

The distance a given point on the perimeter of a rotating circular object travels, expressed in feet or meters per second; sometimes incorrectly called lineal travel by some drillers.

peripheral-turbine pump

This pump--sometimes called a regenerative pump--is classified with centrifugal pumps, but is designed to

develop several times the head obtained from a centrifugal pump having the same-diameter impeller and the same speed. The maximum head developed does not have the same relation to the impeller diameter and speed of the centrifugal pump; it involves size and spacing of the impeller vanes, fluid channels, and other factors. Pit and Quarry

peripheral ventilation

A mine ventilation system in which the upcast shaft for taking air out of a mine is situated at the limits of the mining field or away from the downcast shaft. Also called transverse or one-way ventilation.


Said of an isothermal reversible reaction in a crystallizing melt or magma in which a liquid phase reacts with a solid phase to produce another solid phase on cooling. ASM, 1


a. A siliceous volcanic glass having numerous concentric spherical cracks that give rise to an onion-skin structure. Most perlite has a higher water content than obsidian. When perlite is heated to the softening point, it expands, or pops to form a light fluffy material similar to pumice. It is used as lightweight aggregate in concrete, as insulation for liquid fuels, and in potting soils. b. A pearly volcanic glass.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English perlitic

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a. Said of the texture of a glassy igneous rock that has cracked owing to contraction during cooling, the cracks forming small spheruloids. It is generally confined to natural glass, but occasionally found in quartz and other noncleavable minerals and as a relict structure in devitrified rocks. AGI b. Pertaining to or characteristic of perlite. AGI


A permanently frozen layer of soil or subsoil, or even bedrock, which occurs to variable depths below the Earth's surface in arctic or subarctic regions. It underlies about one-fifth of the world's land area.

permafrost drilling

a. Boreholes drilled in subsoil and rocks in which the contained water is permanently frozen. Long b. Holes drilled into perenially frozen ground that may be superficial unconsolidated material, bedrock, and ice. When no ice is present, it is called dry permafrost.


An iron-nickel alloy with high magnetic permeability. Nelson

permanent adjustment

The adjustment of a surveying instrument that is made infrequently and not at each setup.

permanent expansion

Increase in bulk volume as a result of decrease in specific gravity.

permanent hardness

Hardness of water that cannot be removed by boiling. Opposite of temporary hardness.

permanent hard water

Hard water that cannot be softened by boiling; water containing magnesium sulfate or calcium sulfate. Bennett

permanent magnetism

Magnetic property of a substance maintained without external excitation. Pryor, 3

permanent monument

A monument of a lasting character for marking a mining claim. It may be a mountain, hill, ridge, hogback, butte, canyon, gulch, river, stream, waterfall, cascade, lake, inlet, bay, arm of the sea, stake, post, monument of stone or boulders, shafts, drifts, tunnels, open cuts, or well-known adjoining patented claims. Fay

permanent pump

A permanent main pump is one on which a mine depends for the final disposal of its drainage. As it is usually not moved during the life of the mine, its location, installation, and design require careful consideration. A permanent main pump may discharge on the surface, into an


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English underground sump, or into some other part of a mine.

permanent set

The amount of permanent deformation of a material that has been stressed beyond its elastic limit. AGI

permanent shaft support

After a shaft has been sunk to a certain depth, the final or permanent lining is inserted. This may consist of: brick walling; concrete blocks shaped to the curvature of the shaft; concrete lining put in liquid form behind shuttering; brick coffering; and cast-iron tubbing. The permanent lining is generally built up in sections, during which operation the temporary lining (such as skeleton tubbing) is removed. Concrete is now widely used as a permanent shaft support.; lining; steel rectangular shaft supports. Nelson

permanent way

The completed assembly of rails, sleepers, fixings, and ballast forming the finished track for a railway. Hammond


A salt of permanganic acid of the type, MnO4 ; dark purple; good oxidizing agent; often used as a disinfectant. Enam. Dict.


a. The permeability (or perviousness) of rock is its capacity for transmitting a fluid. Degree of permeability depends upon the size and

shape of the pores, the size and shape of their interconnections, and the extent of the latter. It is measured by the rate at which a fluid of standard viscosity can move a given distance through a given interval of time. The unit of permeability is the darcy.; coefficient of permeability. AGI b. In geophysics, the ratio of the magnetic induction to the magnetic intensity in the same region. In paramagnetic matter, the permeability is nearly independent of the magnetic intensity; in a vacuum, it is strictly so. But in ferromagnetic matter, the relationship is definite only under fully specified conditions. AGI c. See:coefficient of permeability d. In magnetism, a general term used to express various relationships between magnetic induction and magnetizing forces. These relationships are either absolute permeability, which is the quotient of a change in magnetic induction divided by the corresponding change in magnetizing force, or specific (relative) permeability, the ratio of the absolute permeability to the permeability of free space. ASM, 1 e. In founding, the characteristics of molding materials which permit gases to pass through them. Permeability number is deteremined by a standard test. ASM, 1 f. In powder metallurgy, a property measured as the rate of passage under specified conditions of a liquid or gas through a compact. ASM, 1


Pertaining to a rock or soil having a texture that permits passage of

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English liquids or gases under the pressure ordinarily found in earth materials.


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An instrument for measuring permeability. AGI


A process of fossilization wherein the original hard parts of an animal have additional mineral material deposited in their pore spaces. AGI


a. Means completely assembled and conforming in every respect with the design formally approved by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration for use in gassy and dusty mines. b. A machine or explosive is said to be permissible when it has been approved by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration for use underground under prescribed conditions. All flameproof machinery is not permissible, but all permissible machinery is flameproof.

permissible blasting device

Any device, other than explosives, for breaking down coal that is approved by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration.

permissible blasting unit

An electrical device for firing blasts, approved by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration.

permissible dustiness

See:dust-free conditions

permissible explosive

Explosive that has been tested for safety in handling and approved for use in mines by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration.

permissible exposure limit

An exposure limit published and enforced by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as a legal standard. NSC, 2

permissible hydraulic fluid

Any of several commercially available, fire-resistant fluids that are water-in-oil emulsions and can be substituted for flammable hydraulic fluids by users of large machinery, whether the equipment is operated underground or on the surface.

permissible lamp

Any electric or flame safety lamp that is similar in all respects to a lamp tested and approved by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration. Hess

permissible machine

Any drill, mining machine, loading machine, conveyor, or locomotive that is similar in all respects to machines tested and approved by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration for use in gassy mines.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English permissible mine equipment

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Equipment that is formally approved by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration after having passed the inspections, the explosion tests, and other requirements specified by the Administration. (All equipment so approved must carry the official approval plate required as identification for permissible equipment.)

permissible mine locomotive

See:electric permissible mine locomotive

permissible motor

A motor the same in all respects as a sample motor that has passed certain tests made by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration and installed and used in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the Administration.

permissible velocity

The highest velocity at which water may be carried safely in a canal or other conduit; the highest velocity throughout a substantial length of a conduit that will not scour. Seelye, 1

permit man

A member of a geophysical field party whose duty is to obtain permission from landowners for the party to work on their lands, or from public officials for the party to work along highways. AGI


See:permitted explosive; permitted light.

permitted explosive

a. Explosive that has passed the Buxton tests and has been placed on the British list of authorized explosives, implying that they are reasonably safe to manufacture, handle, transport, and use in safety-lamp mines. Upon detonation, a permitted explosive: (1) gives off the minimum possible quantity of noxious gases, and (2) produces a flame of the lowest possible temperature and shortest possible duration, to lessen the risk of combustible gases ignition. The explosive contains cooling agents, such as sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. The first British list of permitted explosives was published in 1899. Nelson b. A permitted explosive is one that has been approved for use in coal mines where there is any possible risk of igniting combustible gases or coal dust. In Great Britain, an explosive is approved by the Minister of Power and placed on the Permitted List after it has passed the official gallery tests prescribed for the particular class of explosives to which it belongs. These tests are carried out at the Safety in Mines Research Establishment's Testing Station at Buxton. McAdam, 2 c. Permitted explosives are divided into four groups: P.1., normal permitted explosives; P.2., sheathed explosives; P.3., eq.s. explosive; P.4., permitted explosives that have passed additional and more stringent tests. BS, 12 d. The term "permissible explosive" is used in the United States.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English permitted light

Locked safety lamp or any other means of lighting, the use of which below ground in British coal mines is authorized by Regulations under the Act.

permitting process

A process in which an applicant files forms to a regulatory agency with required narratives, maps, mine plans, etc., to ensure in advance of mining that the proposed operation will be in compliance with the applicable environmental standards. SME, 1


Strata not differentiated between the Permian and Carboniferous systems, particularly in regions where there is no conspicuous stratigraphic break and fossils are transitional. AGI


Strata not differentiated between the Permian and Triassic systems, particularly in regions where the boundary occurs within a nonmarine, red beds succession. AGI

Perosa process

A process by which beryllium is extracted from beryl.


a. An orthorhombic mineral, CaTiO3 ; may have Ca replaced by rare earths and Ti replaced by niobium and tantalum; pseudocubic; massive or in

cubic crystals; yellow, brown, or grayish black; occurs in silica-deficient metamorphic and igneous environments such as skarns; also occurs in mafic and alkaline igneous rocks. Also spelled perofskite. b. The mineral group latrappite, loparite, leushite, and perovskite.


a. A header extending through a wall so that one end appears on each side of it; a perpendstone border, bondstone, throughstone; through binder. Also called parping; perpender; perpent. Fay b. A vertical joint, such as in a brick wall. Standard, 2

perpendicular separation

The separation of a fault as measured at right angles to the fault plane. AGI

perpendicular slip

The component of the slip of a fault that is measured perpendicular to the trace of the fault on any intersecting surface. AGI

perpendicular throw

The distance between the two parts of a disrupted bed, dike, vein, or of any recognizable surface, measured perpendicular to the bedding plane or surface in question. It is measured in a vertical plane at right angles to the strike of the disrupted surface.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English persilicic

A term proposed by Clarke (1908) to replace acidic. CF:subsilicic; mediosilicic. AGI


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Continuous; orebodies are often persistent in depth and metal contents. von Bernewitz

personnel proximity survey

A survey of radiation conditions at positions occupied by personnel working near apparatus emitting radioactivity. NCB


Deep sorption of gas by liquid. Pryor, 3


A common term for crowbar, lever, or some such article used as a manual aid in moving heavy objects. Crispin


A variety of alkali feldspar consisting of parallel or subparallel intergrowths in which the potassium-rich phase (commonly microcline) appears to be the host from which the sodium-rich phase (commonly albite) exsolved; such exsolved areas may be visible to the naked eye, typically forming strings, lamellae, blebs, films, or irregular veinlets; where texture is invisible to the eye but can be resolved with a microscope, it is microperthite. CF:antiperthite; cryptoperthite; microperthite.


A deep-seated igneous rock consisting of alkali feldspar with less than 3% dark minerals. Feldspar, both orthoclase and albite, may be perthitically intergrown as cryptoperthite or as anorthoclase. Hess




A monoclinic mineral, LiAlSi4 O10 ; perfect cleavage; vitreous; resembles spodumene; a source of lithium salts; in granite pegmatites.


Resembling a flower petal in form, appearance, or texture. Applied to the structure seen in minerals that split into pieces with a smooth polished concave-convex surface that fit into one another somewhat like the petals of an unopened flower bud. Webster 3rd; Fay


A small drain valve. Nichols, 1


To fail gradually in size, quantity, or quality; e.g., the mine has petered out. Also called peter out. Fay


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English petering out

The gradual thinning of a vein until it disappears. Statistical Research Bureau

Petersen grab

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In the Petersen (or van Veen) type of grab, two semicircular buckets of varying sizes are hinged along a central axis. The buckets are held apart for lowering from a ship to the bottom by some form of catch. On striking the bottom, this is released so that on hoisting, the buckets move around on their axis, take a bite out of the sediment, and come together to form a closed container. With this configuration, the rate at which the grab hits the bottom affects the bite, and when the ship is drifting, a poor sample may be obtained if the grab does not hit the bottom vertically.


Abbrev. for pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Bennett


An explosive compounded of ammonium carbonate, nitrated wood or charcoal, and saltpeter. Standard, 2


A process of fossilization whereby organic matter is converted into a stony substance by the infiltration of water containing dissolved inorganic matter (e.g., calcium carbonate, silica), which replaces the original organic materials, sometimes

retaining the structure.



petrified moss


petrified rose

An aggregate or cluster of tabular crystals of barite, forming chiefly in sandstone, enclosing sandy grains within the crystals; sand cemented by barite with the crystal form of the latter.

petrified wood

See:silicified wood


Combining form meaning stone or rock.


Any of several materials and compounds present in, or derived from, natural gas or crude petroleum by physical refining or by chemical reaction. Bennett


a. The study of the chemical composition of rocks. AGI b. The study of the chemistry of petroleum and its products. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English petrofabrics

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The study of spatial relations, esp. on a microscale, of the structural-textural units that comprise a rock, including a study of the movements that produced these elements. The units may be rock fragments, mineral grains, or cleavages.


A branch of petrology that deals with the origin of rocks. CF:genesis

petrogenic element

An element that is characteristically concentrated in ordinary rock types as opposed to ore deposits. CF:metallogenic element




Person who is versed in or engaged in petrography, or the study of rocks. Fay


Pertaining to the study of rocks. Stokes

petrographic microscope

A microscope specially fitted with optical, esp. polarizers, and mechanical accessories for identifying and studying the properties of minerals in granular form or in thin section.

petrographic province

A natural region within which some or all of the igneous rocks present certain well-marked peculiarities in their mineralogical and chemical composition, structure, texture, etc., that set them apart from rocks of other petrographic provinces. Consanguineous, comagmatic.


A general term for the science dealing with the description and systematical classification of rocks, based on observations in the field, on hand specimens, and on thin sections. Petrography is thus wider in its scope than lithology, but more restricted than petrology, which implies interpretation as well as description. Holmes, 2

petroleum coke

Cokelike material found in cavities of igneous rocks intrusive into carbonaceous sediments. Tomkeieff

petroleum ether

A mixture of hydrocarbons boiling from 40 to 60 degrees C; a mixture of low-boiling liquid alkanes. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 1

petroleum-oil cannel coal

See:oil shale


A general term for the study, by all available methods, of the natural


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history of rocks, including their origins, present conditions, alterations, and decay. Petrology comprises petrography on the one hand, and petrogenesis on the other, and properly considered, its subject matter includes ore deposits and mineral deposits in general, as well as rocks in the more limited sense in which that term is generally understood. Holmes, 2


See:oil shale


Study of the physical properties of rock. AGI


See:structural petrology


Said of a material that resembles stone in its hardness; e.g., petrous phosphates. Little used. AGI


See:china stone


An isometric mineral, Ag3 AuTe2 ; metallic; steel gray to iron black; massive; sp gr, 8.7 to 9.02; in gold-bearing telluride veins; may be a significant source of gold and silver.


The negative logarithm (base 10) of the hydrogen-ion activity. It denotes the degree of acidity or of basicity of a solution. At 25 degrees C, 7 is the neutral value. Acidity increases with decreasing values below 7, and basicity increases with increasing values above 7. ASM, 1




A concordant intrusive in the crest of an anticline and trough of a syncline; in cross section, it has the shape of a doubly convex lens. Adj: phacolithic.


An igneous rock having the grains of its essential minerals large enough to be seen macroscopically. AGI


Said of the texture of an igneous rock in which the individual components are distinguishable with the unaided eye, i.e., megascopically crystalline. Also, said of a rock having such texture.


That part of geologic time represented by rocks in which the evidence of life is abundant, i.e. Cambrian and later time.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English phantom crystal

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A crystal or mineral aggregate within which an earlier stage of crystallization or growth is outlined by dust, tiny inclusions, or bubbles; e.g., a trigonal scalenohedron of calcite coated with hematite and overgrown with a clear calcite rhombohedron in crystallographic continuity.

phantom horizon

a. In seismic reflection prospecting, a line drawn on seismic sections so that it is parallel to nearby dip segments thought to indicate structural attitude. It is used where actual events are not continuous enough to be used alone. AGI b. Horizon on a reflection profile that is obtained by averaging the dips of the reflections within a band, thus indicating the trend of the dip, but not necessarily coinciding with an actual boundary plane. Schieferdecker


A monoclinic mineral, CaHAsO4 .2H2 O ; white to gray; forms silky fibers; occurs in the oxidized parts of arsenical deposits.


An isometric mineral, KFe4 (AsO4 )3 (OH)4 .6-7H2 O; crystallizes in cubes or tetrahedra with cubic cleavage; rarely massive; occurs widely as an oxidation product of arsenical ores.


a. The sum of all those portions of a material system that are identical in chemical composition and physical state. CTD b. A homogeneous, physically distinct portion of matter in a heterogeneous system. AGI c. An interval in the development of a given process; esp. a chapter in the history of the igneous activity of a region, such as the volcanic phase and major and minor intrusive phases. AGI d. A lithologic facies, esp. on a small scale, such as a minor variety within a dominant or normal facies, or a facies of short duration or local occurrence; e.g., a marine phase or a fluviatile phase. AGI

phase angle

An angle expressing phase or phase difference. Webster 3rd

phase-balance relay

Relay that protects an electrical system from faults occurring in any phase of a three-phase system. Quite often a fault current will not be large enough to trip the overcurrent relay, but will operate the phase-balance mechanism. Coal Age, 3

phase control

The process of varying the point within the cycle at which anode conduction is permitted to begin. Coal Age, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English phase converter

A machine for converting an alternating current into an alternating current of a different number of phases and the same frequency. Webster 3rd

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phase diagram

A graph designed to show the boundaries of the fields of stability of the various phases of a system. The coordinates are usually two or more of the intensive variables temperature, pressure, and composition, but are not restricted to these.

phase disengagement

In solvent extraction or liquid-liquid extraction procedures, allowing the mixture of aqueous liquor and organic solution phases to separate for individual recovery and further treatment.

phase disengagement rate

In solvent extraction technology, the rate of disengagement of phases (aqueous and organic carrier).

phase displacement

The angle by which the amount of difference of phase between two alternating-current magnitudes is expressed. Standard, 2

phase equilibria

The study and determination of stable phases present under various conditions of pressure, temperature, and composition according to the Gibbs phase rule; used in the study of

mineral genesis. CF:crystallogeny

phase inversion

In the Convertol process, replacement of the film of water covering a coal particle by a film of oil. BS, 5


A device for measuring the difference in phase of two alternating currents or electromotive forces. Webster 3rd

phase rule

The statement that for any system in equilibrium, the number of degrees of freedom is two greater than the difference between the number of components and the number of phases. It may be symbolically stated as F = (C-P) + 2.

phase shifter

A device employed to alter the phase of a wave. NCB

phase system

Any portion of the universe that can be isolated completely and arbitrarily from the rest for consideration of the changes that may occur within it under varied conditions. In a closed system, energy may cross the system boundary, but matter may not. In an open system, both energy and matter may enter or leave as required. An equilibrium system is closed with all phases in their lowest energy states. The variance (degrees of freedom) of an equilibrium system is its number of components minus its


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English number of phases plus two. A steady-state system is open with all phases in their lowest energy states while matter streams through it. Systems may be described by the number of their components; e.g., unary for one component, binary for two, ternary for three, etc. They are commonly defined in terms of their components; e.g., the system CaO-MgO-SiO2 -H2 O is a quaternary system.

phase transformation

The inversion of one crystalline assemblage of components from one symmetry to another; e.g., calcite to aragonite.




A trigonal mineral, Be2 SiO4 ; colorless to yellow, red, or brown; a minor gemstone sparsely found in granite pegmatites. It is sometimes confused with quartz. Not to be confused with fenaksite.


a. A variety of muscovite having high silica. b. A transparent or translucent stone (probably crystalline gypsum) used by the ancients for windows.


a. Applied to certain conditions under which coal was formed, namely those of open waters into which the plant debris

was swept from the adjoining land. Tomkeieff b. Refers to vegetable matter deposited under water in contrast to that laid down on a wet substratum. CF:crypthydrous


A term for large crystals or mineral grains floating in the matrix or groundmass of a porphyry.




A soluble, crystalline acidic compound; C6 H5 OH ; has a characteristic odor. It is present in coal tar and in wood tar. It is a powerful caustic poison and in a dilute solution, a useful disinfectant. Used chiefly in making resins and plastics, dyes, and pharmaceuticals (such as aspirin).; carbolic acid. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2

phi grade scale

A logarithmic transformation of the Wentworth grade scale in which the negative logarithm to the base 2 of the particle diameter (in millimeters) is substituted for the diameter value (Krumbein, 1934); it has integers for the class limits, increasing from -5 for 32 mm to +10 for 1/1,024 mm. The scale was developed specif. as a statistical device to permit the direct application of conventional statistical practices to sedimentary data.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Philadelphia rod

A leveling rod in which the hundredths of feet, or eighths of inches, are marked by alternate bars of color the width of the measurement. Nichols, 1

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A compact, blue, hydrated copper and iron sulfate, Fe2 Cu(SO (sub 4) )4 .12H2 O , produced by decomposition of chalcopyrite. Standard, 2


A monoclinic mineral, (K,Na,Ca)1-2 (Si,Al)8 O16 .6H 2 O ; zeolite group; commonly occurs in complex twinned crystals; in basalt amydules, in pelagic red clays, in palagonite tuffs, in alkaline saline lakes from silicic vitric volcanic ash, in alkaline soils, and around hot springs in Roman baths.

Phleger corer

Designed to obtain cores up to about 4 ft (1.2 m) in length, the Phleger corer is utilized where only the upper layers of the sea bottom are to be analyzed. Hunt


In coal, the outer conducting part of the central cylinder or vascular tissues. It consists primarily of sieve tubes and companion cells, phloem fibers or bark fibers, stone cells, and parenchymatous cells. Hess


A monoclinic mineral, K2 Mg6 (Si6 Al2 O (sub 20) )(F,OH)4 ; a magnesium-rich end-member of the biotite crystal solution series; mica group; pseudohexagonal with perfect basal cleavage; occurs in crystalline limestones as a product of dedolomitization, in potassium-rich ultramafic rocks, as an alteration mineral in sulfur-rich hydrothermal assemblages, and in kimberlites.; amber mica; brown mica.

pH modifier

Proper functioning of a cationic or anionic flotation reagent is dependent on the close control of pH. Modifying agents used are soda ash, sodium hydroxide, sodium silicate, sodium phosphates, lime, sulfuric acid, and hydrofluoric acid. Fuerstenau


A claylike mineral closely related to or identical with kaolinite. Fay


The group of aluminous glauconites grading into normal (ferruginous) glauconite and occurring in sedimentary rocks. Includes skolite and bravaisite. Distinct from pholidolite of Nordenskiold.


The extrusive equivalent of nepheline syenite. The principal mineral is


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soda orthoclase or sanidine. Other major minerals are nepheline and aegirine diopside, usually with other feldspathoidal minerals such as sodalite or haueyne. Accessories include apatite and sphene. Phonolite is an important ore progenitor, as at Cripple Creek, CO.


A tetragonal mineral, 4[Pb2 (CO3 )Cl2 ] ; forms stubby crystals; may be massive; adamantine; sp gr, 6.13; a secondary mineral in lead deposits and from action of seawater on lead slags and artifacts; commonly associated with cerussite and anglesite.


Phosphorite that occurs as beds of small concretions resting on clay surfaces or scattered in sands and limestone. AGI


a. n. Any mineral containing essential tetrahedral phosphate, (PO4 )3- , structural entities; e.g., apatite, amblygonite, or monazite. b. A mineral commodity supplying phosphorus, usually for agricultural or chemical purposes. The source materials for phosphate are marine phosphorite and, less commonly, guano and apatite-rich igneous rocks. c. Adj., phosphatic. Pertaining to or containing phosphates or phosphoric acid; said esp. of a sedimentary rock containing phosphatic minerals, such as phosphatic limestone produced by

secondary enrichment of phosphatic material, or a phosphatic shale representing mixtures of primary and secondary phosphate and clay minerals. CF:vanadate

phosphate lands

In mining law, a leased area for phosphate lands may not exceed 2,560 acres (1,034 ha). A certain expenditure for mine development and operations is required. A royalty of not less than 2% of the gross value of the output must be paid, and an annual rental, similar to that for coal lands, is imposed. Lewis

phosphate of lime


phosphate rock

Any rock that contains one or more phosphatic minerals of sufficient purity and quantity to permit its commercial use as a source of phosphatic compounds or elemental phosphorus. About 90% of the world's production is sedimentary phosphate rock, or phosphorite; the remainder is igneous rock rich in apatite.

phosphatic nodule

Black to brown, rounded mass, variable in size from a few millimeters to 30 or more centimeters. Usually consists of coprolites, corals, shells, and bones, more or less enveloped in crusts of collophane. Found in many horizons of marine origin. Also covering the ocean floors at many locations around the world. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English phosphide

A compound that is a combination of phosphorus with a metal; e.g., schreibersite, (Fe,Ni)3 P .




A monoclinic mineral, Zn2 (Fe,Mn)(PO4 )2 4H2 O ; forms tabular crystals with perfect cleavage; vitreous; colorless to pale blue-green; a secondary mineral from pegmatites; possibly in some oxidized base-metal deposits.


Any material that has been prepared artificially and has the property of luminescence, regardless of whether it exhibits phosphorescence. CCD, 2; Lee


a. To combine or to impregnate with phosphorus; as phosphorated oil. b. To make phosphorescent. Standard, 2

phosphor bronze

An elastic, hard and tough alloy, composed of 80% to 95% copper, 5% to 15% tin, with phosphorus up to 2.5%. Nelson


a. Luminescence in which the stimulated substance continues to emit light after the external stimulus has ceased;

also, the light so produced. The duration of the emission is temperature-dependent, and has a characteristic rate of decay. CF:fluorescence; luminescence. Webster 3rd b. A misnomer for the property of emitting light without sensible heat; luminescence. Although light is produced by a biochemical reaction involving phosphorus, bioluminescence is the preferred term. Hy

phosphoric acid

A clear, colorless, sparkling liquid or a transparent orthorhombic crystal; H3 PO4 (orthophosphoric acid), depending on the concentration and the temperature. At ordinary atmospheric temperature (20 degrees C), the 50% and 75% acids are mobile liquids, the 85% acid is syrupy, and the 100% acid is in crystals; specific gravity, 1.834 (at 18 degrees C); melting point, 42.35 degrees C; boiling point, 260 degrees C; soluble in water and in alcohol; and very corrosive to ferrous metals and alloys. CCD, 2; Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2


A sedimentary rock with a high enough content of phosphate minerals to be of economic interest. Most commonly it is a bedded primary or reworked secondary marine rock composed of microcrystalline carbonate fluorapatite in the form of laminae; pellets; oolites; nodules; skeletal, shell, and bone fragments; and guano. Aluminum and iron phosphate minerals (wavellite, millisite) are usually of

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English secondary formation. bone phosphate; pebble phosphate. AGI



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phosphorized copper

A general term applied to copper deoxidized with phosphorus. The most commonly used deoxidized copper. ASM, 1




A substance that promotes phosphorescence in a mineral or other compound. Hess


A nonmetallic element of the nitrogen group. Symbol, P. Never found free in nature, but is widely distributed in combination with minerals. An important source is phosphate rock, which contains the mineral apatite. Ignites spontaneously, and is very poisonous; must be kept under water. Used in safety matches, pyrotechnics, pesticides, incendiary shells, smoke bombs, tracer bullets, and fertilizers. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 3

phosphorus copper

Copper that contains about 15% phosphorus. Used chiefly as a deoxidizer for molten metals. Henderson

phosphorus steel

Steel in which phosphorus is the principal hardening element. Fay


A monoclinic mineral, Fe3+ PO4 .2H2 O ; iron may be replaced by aluminum; dimorphous with strengite; isomorphous with metavariscite; forms tabular crystals or reniform crusts; vitreous; occurs in a wide variety of settings where iron and phosphate are in proximity. Formerly called metastrengite, clinostrengite.


An orthorhombic mineral, Ca(UO2 )3 (PO4 )2 (OH)2 .6H2 O ; radioactive; deep yellow; earthy or as crusts or tiny scales; associated with autunite and other secondary uranium minerals, esp. in pegmatites.


Described as altered rhodonite; carbonated rhodonite. Dana, 1


A property of certain transparent substances that enables the presence of strain to be detected by examination in polarized light. If models of complicated engineering structures are made of such a substance, the stress distribution in the structure may be resolved.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English photoelectric cell

Broadly, any device in which the incidence of light causes a change in the electrical state. Nelson


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The photography of images produced on a fluorescent screen by X-rays. Varieties include photoradiography, photoroentgenography, miniature radiography. ASM, 1


The identification, recording, and study of geologic features and structures by means of photography; specif. the geologic interpretation of aerial and space photographs and images and the presentation of the information so obtained. It includes the interpretation of second-generation photographs obtained by photographing images recorded on television-type tubes (the images recording wavelengths outside the visible spectrum). AGI


Study of earth forms as revealed by aerial photographs.


The art and science of obtaining reliable measurements from photographic images. Methods utilize horizontal, vertical, and oblique views, with or without the aid of the stereoscopic principle and with or without computer-based image processing and analysis.

photographic borehole survey

A method of checking verticality and/or orientation of a long borehole. A compact camera inserted at a known depth takes a photograph of a magnetic needle and/or a clinometer. Instruments have been developed by Oehman, Owen, and Wright. Pryor, 3

photographic interpretation


photographic-paper recorder

A small device for registering photographically the passage of flame. This must not be confused with the photographing of the flame on the manometer record. Rice, 2


The extraction of information from aerial photographs and images for a particular purpose, such as mapping the geologic features of an area.


Autotrophic microorganism that derives energy to do metabolic work by converting radiant energy into chemical energy and assimilates carbon as CO2 , HCO3

- , or CO32- (photosynthesis).

photomagnetic borehole surveying

A method of borehole surveying, consisting essentially of a timing clock, batteries and light bulb, a floating light-transparent compass, an


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English inclination unit, and a photographic film for recording both the position of the compass and the crosshairs of the inclinometer. The instrument is enclosed in a nonmagnetic casing. Nelson

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photometric method

A dust-sampling method in which samples of dust are collected on filter paper and then placed in a photometer. The instrument shows the intensity of a beam of light after it has passed through the paper, and the fall in intensity is a direct measure of the dust concentration. With dark dust, such as in coal mines, a rough indication of the dustiness may be obtained by comparison of the depth of tone with a graded series of samples that have been calibrated against some other instrument. There are two methods of collecting samples for photometric estimation: (1) by passing the air through a filter paper, as for gravimetric estimation; or (2) by impingement, as in the konimeter. Spalding


A photographic enlargement of a microscopic image such as a petrologic thin section; a type of micrograph. Less-preferred Webster 3rd


A sensitive detector of light in which the initial electron current, derived from photoelectric emission, is amplified by successive stages of secondary electron emission. NCB


A discrete quantity of electromagnetic energy. Photons have momentum but no mass or electrical charge. Lyman


Term applied to minerals (e.g., chlorargyrite, utenbogaardite) that are visibly injured by light.

photostat printing

A method of reproducing a drawing on opaque paper by printing from a photographic negative, which enables the original drawing to be enlarged or reduced. Hammond


A ground-surveying instrument used in terrestrial photogrammetry, combining the functions of a theodolite and a camera mounted on the same tripod. AGI


The reversible change in color of a substance produced by the formation of an isomeric modification when exposed to radiant energy (such as light). Webster 3rd

phragmites peat

Peat composed of reed grass and other grasses. Tomkeieff


Pertaining to ground water. AGI


Page 216: Diccionario Tecnico Ingles-Ingles

Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English phreatic explosion

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A volcanic eruption or explosion of steam, mud, or other material that is not incandescent; it is caused by the heating and consequent expansion of ground water due to an underlying igneous heat source. AGI

phreatic gas

Any of the vapors and gases of atmospheric or oceanic origin which, coming into contact with ascending magma, may provide the motive force for volcanic eruptions. CTD

phreatic line

See:line of seepage

phreatic surface

See:water table

phreatic water

A term that originally was applied only to water that occurs in the upper part of the zone of saturation under water-table conditions (syn. of unconfined ground water, or well water), but has come to be applied to all water in the zone of saturation, thus making it an exact syn. of ground water. AGI

pH regulator

Substance used in flotation processes to control the hydrogen-ion concentration.


Siliceous shale. The term is used esp. by European geologists. Also spelled phtanite. AGI


Miner's occupational disease, a form of lung consumption associated with or aggravated by work in dusty surroundings, such as badly ventilated underground workings.

phyllic alteration

Hydrothermal alteration typically resulting from removal of sodium, calcium, and magnesium from calc-alkalic rocks, with pervasive replacement of silicates, muting the original rock texture. It is a common style of alteration in porphyry base-metal systems around a central zone of potassic alteration.


a. A metamorphic rock, intermediate in grade between slate and mica schist. Minute crystals of sericite and chlorite impart a silky sheen to the surfaces of cleavage (or schistosity). Phyllites commonly exhibit corrugated cleavage surfaces. CF:illite; phyllonite. AGI b. A general term for minerals with a layered crystal structure. AGI c. A general term used by some French authors for the scaly minerals, such as micas, chlorites, clays, and vermiculites.


Page 217: Diccionario Tecnico Ingles-Ingles

Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English phyllite-mylonite


phyllitic cleavage

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Rock cleavage in which flakes are produced that are barely visible to the unaided eye. It is coarser than slaty cleavage and finer than schistose cleavage. Leet, 1


A rock that macroscopically resembles phyllite but that is formed by mechanical degradation (mylonization) of initially coarser rocks (e.g., graywacke, granite, or gneiss). Silky films of recrystallized mica or chlorite, smeared out along schistosity surfaces, and formation by dislocation metamorphism are characteristic.


The processes of mylonitization and recrystallization to produce a phyllonite. AGI


Crystalline hydrocarbon similar to fichtelite and extracted along with fichtelite from fossil pine wood. Tomkeieff


Vitrain in which the plant remains are discernible under a microscope. Tomkeieff


A suffix used in naming rocks that are porphyritic, such as vitrophyre, orthophyre, or granophyre.

physical depletion

The exhaustion of a mine or a petroleum reservoir by extracting the minerals. Williams

physical geology

A broad division of geology that concerns itself with the processes and forces involved in the inorganic evolution of the Earth and its morphology, and with its constituent minerals, rocks, magmas, and core materials. CF:historical geology

physical mineralogy

That branch of mineralogy which treats of the physical properties of minerals. CF:chemical mineralogy

physical oceanography

That marine science which treats of the Earth's water mass as a fluid and studies its physical properties of motion, density, temperature, etc.

physical shock

A state of collapse that interferes with the normal heart action, respiration, and circulation. This condition is probably due to derangement or lack of proper balance within the sympathetic nervous system and may be caused by any number of things, such as serious injury, loss of blood, severe burns, fright, and


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English many others. It is important to look for shock when rendering first aid since it may cause death even when the injury is less serious. Kentucky


The science, or group of sciences, that treats of the phenomena associated with matter in general, esp. in its relations to energy, and of the laws governing these phenomena, excluding the special laws peculiar to living matter (biology) or to special kinds of matter (chemistry). Physics treats of the constitution and properties of matter, mechanics, acoustics, heat, optics, electricity, and magnetism. More generally, it includes all the physical sciences. Standard, 2

physiographic province

A region of which all parts are similar in geologic structure and which has consequently had a unified geomorphic history; a region whose pattern of relief features or landforms differs significantly from that of adjacent regions. AGI


The term was introduced by G. H. Cady in 1942, to designate plant forms or fossils in coal as distinguished from the material of which the fossils may be composed. Phyterals are identified in general botanical terms that are usually morphological, such as spore coat, sporangium, cuticle, resin, wax, wood substance, bark, etc. The initial composition of the phyterals differed; these or other differences produced during diagenesis may or may

not be perpetuated by and during carbonification (coalification). Phyterals are recognized with increasing difficulty in high rank coals. In contrast to macerals which represent a purely petrographical concept, the concept phyteral demands strict correlation with certain organs of the initial plant material. IHCP

phytogenous rock

Rock formed from plant remains. Tomkeieff


A rock formed by plant activity or composed chiefly of plant remains. The term was applied by Grabau to a large group including coal, peat, lignites, some types of reef limestones, and oolites. AGI


The plant life division of plankton, including diatoms and algae. Unattached plants that are at the mercy of the currents. Hy

piano wire screen

A screen formed by piano wires stretched tightly, lengthwise, on a frame 2 to 3 ft (0.61 to 0.91 m) wide and 4 to 8 ft (1.2 to 2.4 m) high. The screen is set up at an angle of about 45 degrees and crushed material is fed to it from above. The mesh size varies from about 4 to 16. Because there are no cross wires, and because the taut wires can vibrate, there is less tendency for blinding, but some elongated particles inevitably pass the screen. Dodd

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Page 219: Diccionario Tecnico Ingles-Ingles

Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English picacho

A peak or sharply pointed hill or mountain; commonly a volcanic rock. The term is used in desert regions of the Southwestern United States.


a. Steel cutting point used on a coal-cutter chain. b. A miner's steel or iron digging tool with sharp points at each end. It weighs from 3 to 6 lb (1.4 to 1.7 kg) and has a wood handle, fitted to the center or head, from 2 to 3 ft (0.6 to 0.9 m) in length. c. To dress the sides of a shaft or other excavation. d. To remove shale, dirt, etc., from coal. e. To select good ore out of a heap. f. In seismic prospecting, any selected event on a seismic record. AGI

pick-a-back conveyor

A short conveyor which takes the coal from, and advances with, a face power loader or continuous miner. It delivers the coal onto a gate conveyor over which it runs on a bogey.

pick-and-shovel miner

See:pick miner

Pickard core barrel

A double-tube core barrel in X-group sizes. The distinguishing feature of the Pickard barrel is that when blocked, the inner barrel slides upward into the head, closing the water ports and

stopping the flow of the circulating liquid; no additional drilling can be done without irreparably damaging the bit until the barrel is pulled and the blocked inner tube is cleared. Long

pick boy

In bituminous coal mining, a person who carries sharpened picks or bits for coal-cutting machines to the machine operator in underground working places. Also called pick carrier. DOT

pick breaker

A breaker developed as the mechanical equivalent of the miner's pick. In the modern type, the picks are mounted on alternating arms, the primary and secondary picks being at different spacings so that breaking is performed in two stages. The breaker and plate belt are usually supplied as a standard unit driven from a common motor. Nelson

pick carrier

See:pick boy


a. An employee who picks or discards slate and other foreign matter from coal in an anthracite breaker or at a picking table, or one who removes high-grade ore, iron, or scrap wood from ore as it passes on a conveyor belt to crushers. BCI; DOT b. A mechanical arrangement for removing slate from coal. c. A miner's needle, used for picking out the tamping of a charge that has failed to explode.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pickeringite

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A monoclinic mineral, MgAl2 (SO4 )4 .22H2 O ; hallotrichite group; forms acicular crystals and tufts; astringent taste; a product of surficial acid sulfate attack on aluminous rocks in mines and arid regions.


a. A sighting hub. b. A short ranging rod about 6 ft (1.8 m) long. An iron rod, pointed at one end, and usually painted alternately red and white at 1-foot (30.5-cm) intervals; used by surveyors as a line of sight. CTD; Fay


a. Operation performed between mine and mill in which waste rock, wood, detritus, steel (tramp iron), or any specially separated mineral is removed from the run-of-mine ore material by hand sorting. Usually done during transit of material on belt conveyors, preferably after very large lumps and smalls have been screened off and the ore to be picked has been sufficiently washed to display a true surface. Also done on a picking table, a rotating circular disc around which hand sorters stand or sit to remove part of the ore fed radially from a central point. Picking can also be mechanized. Pryor, 3 b. The falling of particles from a mine roof about to collapse. c. Extracting over a prolonged period an undue proportion of the richest ore from a mine, thus lowering the average grade of the remaining ore

reserves; "picking the eyes out" of a mine. d. Rough sorting of ore. Webster 2nd

picking belt

A continuous conveyor (e.g., in the form of a rubber belt or of a steel apron, steelplate, or link construction) on which raw coal or ore is spread so that selected ingredients may be removed manually. BS, 5

picking chute

A chute along which workers are stationed to pick slate from coal.

picking conveyor

See:picking belt

picking out eyes

Mining in which only the high-grade spots are taken out. Hoover

picking table

A flat, or slightly inclined, platform on which the coal or ore is run to be picked free from slate or gangue. picking conveyor.

pick lacing

The pattern to which the picks are set in a cutter chain. In this respect, it may be a balanced or an unbalanced cutter chain. Pick lacing is important as it has a bearing on the stability of the machine, on dust formation, and even on dangerous sparking. Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pickle

a. An acid dip used to remove oxides or other compounds from the surface of a metal by chemical action. Lowenheim b. To use such an acid dip.

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The process of removing scale or oxide from metal objects by immersion in an acid bath to obtain a chemically clean surface prior to galvanizing or painting. Hammond

pick machine

Coal-cutting machine which acts percussively, and cuts with a large chisel fixed at the end of a piston reciprocated by compressed air in much the same way as a rock drill is operated. Kiser

pick mine

A mine in which coal is cut with picks. Kiser

pick miner

In anthracite and bituminous coal mining, a person who: (1) uses hand tools to extract coal in underground workings; (2) cuts out a channel under the bottom of the working face of coal (undercutting) with a pick, working several feet back into the seam; (3) breaks down a coalface with a pick; (4) bores holes with an augerlike drill for blasting, and inserts and sets off explosives in holes to break down coal; (5) shovels coal into cars and pushes them to a haulageway. Also called hand cutter; hand miner; hand pick miner; pick-and-shovel miner. DOT

pick money

An earlier practice whereby miners paid a blacksmith for sharpening their picks. Nelson

pickrose hoist

A small haulage engine used for pulling light loads over short distances; used at junctions, loading points, and haulage transfer points. Nelson

pick tongs

Tongs for handling hot metal. Webster 3rd


a. Syn. for lift, as applied to hoisting drill rods from a borehole. Long b. An angular crosscut, through which coal is hauled from one entry to another. c. See:geophone; detector. d. Transfer of metal from tools to a part, or from a part to tools, during a forming operation. ASM, 1 e. In Alaska, a gold nugget picked up during mining operations prior to sluicing.

pickup test

A laboratory procedure used in investigating the floatability of minerals. A few grains, sized between 60 and 120 mesh, are placed, after suitable surface cleansing, under water in an observation cell which is controlled for pH, reagent concentration, temperature, and conditioning time. An air bubble is pressed down on the particles and then raised; the degree and


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English tenacity with which they cling to it are observed. Pryor, 3


Cutting coal with a pick, as in driving headings. Fay

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picky poke bar

A steel bar, usually of 7/8-in (2.22-cm) stock and about 4 ft (1.2 m) long, with each end sharpened, bent out at an angle of 45 degrees , the bends being 3 to 6 in (7.6 to 15.2 cm) from each end. Hess


A former name for chromian spinel, (Mg,Fe)(Al,Cr)2 O4 .


An etching reagent consisting of a 2% to 5% solution of picric acid in ethyl alcohol. It may be used for plain carbon and low-alloy steels. Osborne

picric acid

A yellow crystalline compound, C6 H3 N3 O7 , obtained variously, such as by the action of nitric acid on phenol. It is used in dyeing and is an ingredient in certain explosives. Also called carbazotic acid; chrysolepic acid; trinitrophenic acid. Standard, 2

picrite basalt

Olivine-rich basalt, as formed by the settling of olivine in thick flows

and sills. Commonly contains 50% or more olivine. AGI


Magnesium chromite, MgCr2 O4 ; melting point, 2,250 degrees C; sp gr, 4.41. This spinel can be synthesized by heating a mixture of the two oxides at 1,600 degrees C; it is formed (usually with other spinels in solid solution) in fired chrome-magnesite refractories. Picrochromite is highly refractory but when heated at 2,000 degrees C, the Cr2 O 3 slowly volatilizes.


An asbestiform antigorite serpentine.


a. A monoclinic mineral, K2 Mg(SO4 )2 .6H2 O ; forms highly soluble masses or crusts around fumaroles; also a rare, advanced desiccation constituent of marine evaporites. Formerly called schoenite. b. A mineral group including boussingaultite, cyanochroite, mohrite, nickel-boussingaultite, and picromerite.


A screen to shelter workers from falling water. Zern

Pidgeon process

A process for the production of magnesium by the reduction of magnesium oxide with ferrosilicon. ASM, 1


Page 223: Diccionario Tecnico Ingles-Ingles

Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pie

A local term for an intermediate pack without supporting walls. TIME

piecemeal stoping

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A process by which magma eats into its roof by engulfing relatively small isolated blocks, which presumably sink to depth where they are assimilated.

piece weight

See:effective piece weight


The performance of underground work on the basis of an agreement between a miner and the mine manager. Payment may be made by the yard of advance of a heading or tunnel or per ton or cubic yard of coal or ore removed. In ripping work, payment may be made by the yard advance of excavation to a specified width and height; strip packing may be built at a certain sum per yard advance or cubic yard of filling.; yardage. Nelson


Adj. Lying or formed at the base of a mountain or mountain range; e.g., a piedmont terrace or a piedmont pediment.---n. An area, plain, slope, glacier, or other feature at the base of a mountain; e.g., a foothill or a bajada. In the United States, the Piedmont is a plateau extending from New Jersey to Alabama and lying east of the Appalachian Mountains. Etymol:

from Piemonte, a region of NW Italy at the foot of the Alps. AGI

piedmont alluvial plain




piedmont plain


piedmont scarp

A small fault scarp at the foot of a mountain range and essentially parallel to the range. AGI


An iron wedge for piercing stone. Standard, 2


A monoclinic mineral, Ca2 (Al,Mn,Fe)3 (OH)O(Si2 O7 )(SiO4) ; epidote group; less common than epidote; occurs in a variety of environments: low-grade regional metamorphic rocks, manganese deposits, and some intermediate to silicic volcanic rocks, perhaps due to metasomatism. piedmontite. CF:withamite


A rectangular or sometimes circular form of column, constructed usually of concrete, hard brickwork, or masonry, and designed to support heavy


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English concentrated loads from arches or a bridge superstructure. Hammond

pier cap

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The upper or bearing part of a bridge pier; usually made of concrete or hard stone; designed to distribute concentrated loads evenly over the area of the pier. Hammond


Salt plug that rises and penetrates rock formations to shallow depths. Wheeler, R.R.

piercement dome


piercement fold



A blasting needle.


A prospecting method used in soft soil free from stones, in which small drivepipes are used to secure samples of underlying material or to determine the thickness of the soil. Lewis

pier dam

Dam or jetty to influence current. CF:weir

pietra della raja

It. A fine-grained Permian sandstone suitable for sawing and finishing. Hess


Crystallization of a magma under pressure, such as pressure associated with orogeny. AGI

piezoelectric axis

One of the directions in a crystal in which either tension or compression will cause the crystal to develop piezoelectric charges. Gaynor

piezoelectric detector

A type of detector that depends upon the piezoelectric effect by which an electric charge is produced on the faces of a properly cut crystal of certain materials, particularly quartz and Rochelle salt, when the crystal is strained. The detector is constructed from a pile of such crystals with intervening metal foil to collect the charge. An inertia mass is mounted on the top of the crystal stack that is included in an electronic circuit. AGI


The property exhibited by some asymmetrical crystalline materials which when subjected to strain in suitable directions develop electric polarization proportional to the strain. Inverse piezoelectricity is the effect in which mechanical strain is produced in certain asymmetrical crystalline materials when subjected to an external electric field; the strain is proportional to the electric field. Quartz is an industrially important example. Hunt


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English piezometer

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

An instrument for measuring pressure head; usually consisting of a small pipe tapped into the side of a closed or open conduit and flush with the inside; connected with a pressure gage, mercury, water column, or other device for indicating head.

piezometric surface

See:potentiometric surface


a. A crude casting of metal convenient for storage, transportation, or melting; esp. one of standard size and shape for marketing run directly from the smelting furnace. CF:ingot b. A mold or channel in a pig bed. Webster 3rd c. A heavily shielded container (usually lead) used to ship or to store radioactive materials. d. An air manifold having a number of pipes which distribute compressed air coming through a single large line. Nichols, 1

pig and ore process

Modification of the open-hearth process of steel manufacture with pig iron and iron ore as the charge. Bennett

pig and scrap process

Modification of the open-hearth process of steel manufacture with pig iron and steel as the charge. Bennett

pig bed

A series of molds for iron pigs, made in a bed of sand. Connected to each other and to the taphole of the blast furnace by channels, along which the molten metal runs. CTD

pig caster

Person who pours molten metal into hand ladles, and from ladles into molds to form ingots. DOT


a. A room driven directly into a coal seam from the edge of a strip pit. b. Any small poorly equipped coal mine. c. A hole in the shaft house floor through which the bucket or skip is raised or lowered. Hess d. An opening left at the meeting of two sections of arch work, permitting the workers to close the arch and to come out. The pigeonhole itself is closed from below. Stauffer

pigeonhole checker

An arrangement of checkerbrick such that each course of brick is laid in spaced parallel rows with the brick end to end; each alternate course above and below has its parallel rows at right angles to the intervening course. ARI


A monoclinic mineral, (Mg,Fe,Ca)(Mg,Fe)Si2 O6 ; pyroxene group; crystallographically distinct from augite; occurs only in quickly chilled lavas. CF:augite


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pig foot

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a. An iron clamp shaped like a pig's foot used to attach the jack to the feed chain of a continuous electric coal cutter. Fay b. A pipe jack with a pig foot at one end. Fay

Piggot corer

A device for sampling bottom sediments. A core barrel is driven into unconsolidated material by an explosive charge. AGI

piggyback conveyor

See:long piggyback conveyor

pig handler

A laborer who removes metal pigs from molds manually and stamps heat numbers on pigs with hammer and punch. DOT

pig lead

Commercial lead in large oblong masses or pigs.

pigment mineral

A mineral having economic value as a coloring agent. The most important are the red and yellow ochers and brown sienna, which consists of iron oxides with some impurities, and the brown umbers in which manganese oxide is also present. When the iron-oxide content is high the term oxide is used in preference to ocher. AGI; Nelson

pig metal

Metal, such as brass or copper, in its first rough casting. Standard, 2


A salt of alumina and organic acid, 4Al2 O3 .C12 H 10 O8 .27H2 O ; formed on the surface of granite under the influence of wet vegetation. Tomkeieff


A person delegated to the duty of punching or knocking pig iron out of chills or molds at a blast-furnace or pig-casting machine. Fay


Timber support used in stopes to hold up the roof, consisting of a square frame of chocked round timbers and filled with waste rock.

pigsty timbering

Hollow pillars built up of logs laid crosswise for supporting heavy weights.

pig tailer

A laborer who helps a pusher to push loaded mine cars over long distances and up inclines where mechanical or mule haulage is not used. Also called helper-up. DOT


Page 227: Diccionario Tecnico Ingles-Ingles

Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pike

A term used in England for any summit or top of a mountain or hill, esp. one that is peaked or pointed. Also, a mountain or hill having a peaked summit. AGI

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Pike process

A method for the direct production of steel by passing reducing gases over iron oxide ore, carburizing the reduced ore, and alloying it in an electric furnace. Thus, a reducing gas, heated to 900 degrees C is passed over iron oxide ore to produce metallic iron and spent gas. The carburized, partially reduced metal is melted, reduced, and alloyed in the electric furnace. Osborne




An aluminous variety of chrysocolla. Standard, 2


a. A timber, steel, or reinforced concrete plate or post that is driven into the ground to carry a vertical load (bearing pile) or a horizontal load from earth or water pressure (sheet pile). Nelson b. A spiked or sharped-edged plank, beam, or even pipe or girder that is forced forward or downward (sinking) into running ground with a view to support. Mason c. A stack of ore or stones. Gordon d. A prop of timber. Gordon

e. Long thick laths, etc., answering in shafts in loose or quick ground, the same purpose as spills in levels, piles being driven vertically.

pile dam

A dam made by driving piles and filling the interstices with stones. The surfaces are usually protected with planking.

pile drawer

See:pile extractor

pile driver

a. A machine for driving down piles; usually consisting of a high frame with appliances for raising and dropping a pile hammer or for supporting and guiding a steam or air hammer. Also called pile engine. Webster 3rd b. An operator of a pile driver. Webster 3rd

pile extractor

A sheet piling extractor that works on the same principle as the piledriving hammer, except that the force of the blow is upward rather than down. Carson, 1

pile group

A number of piles driven or cast in situ, will sustain a much heavier load than a single pile can carry, esp. when connected by a pile cap. Hammond


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pilehammer

This may be a drophammer, a steam hammer, or a diesel hammer of which the last two are completely automatic. Steam hammers are also able to operate on compressed air.

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pile head

The top of a precast concrete pile, protected during driving by packing under a pile helmet and sometimes by a timber dolly. The top of a timber pile is protected by a driving band. Hammond

pile helmet

A cast-steel cap covering and protecting the head of a concrete pile during driving.

pile sinking

A method of sinking a circular or rectangular shaft through 20 to 30 ft (6.1 to 9.1 m) of sand or mud at the surface. It cannot be used for greater depths as each ring of piles reduces the inside dimensions of the shaft.


A structure or group of piles.


A loosely rolled cylinder of burlap and 1/4-in-mesh (0.6-cm-mesh) hardware cloth pushed down into a borehole ahead of a string of drill rods to the point where a large crevice or small cavity has been encountered. At this point the cylinder tends to unroll partially,

forming a mat that acts as a barrier against which other hole-plugging agents may collect and help seal off the opening. Long


a. A column of coal or ore left to support the overlying strata or hanging wall in a mine, generally resulting in a "room and pillar" array. Pillars are normally left permanently to support the surface or to keep old workings water tight. Coal pillars, such as those in pillar-and-stall mining, are extracted at a later period. b. A block of ore entirely surrounded by stoping, left intentionally for purposes for ground control or on account of low value. Spalding c. A column of rock remaining after solution of the surrounding rock.


A system of coal mining in which the working places are rectangular rooms usually five or ten times as long as they are broad, opened on the upper side of the gangway. The breasts usually from 5 to 12 yd (4.6 to 11.0 m) wide, vary with the character of the roof. The rooms or breasts are separated by pillars of solid coal (broken by small cross headings driven for ventilation) from 5 to 10 yd (4.6 to 9.1 m) or 12 yd (11 m) wide. The pillar is really a solid wall of coal separating the working places. When the object is to obtain all the coal that can be recovered as quickly as possible, the pillars are left thin; but where this plan is likely to induce a crush or squeeze that may seriously injure the mine, larger


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pillars are left and after the mine has been worked out, the pillars are "robbed" by mining from them until the roof comes down and prevents further working. In the steeply inclined seams of the anthracite regions the pillar-and-breast system is employed by working the bed in "lifts". Also called pillar-and-stall; post-and-stall; bord-and-pillar. Fay


A pillar method of working often adopted in extracting a proportion of thick deposits of salt or gypsum. The method may be adopted where the value of the mineral in the pillars is less than the cost of setting artificial supports. Nelson


A system of mining whereby solid blocks of coal are left on either side of miner's working places to support the roof until first-mining has been completed, when the pillar coal is then recovered.


a. A system of working coal and other minerals where the first stage of excavation is accomplished with the roof sustained by coal or ore. b. One of the earliest methods of working coal seams in Great Britain. It is employed in thick seams and where valuable surface buildings require protection from damage by subsidence. A number of narrow roadways are driven in the coal seam to a predetermined boundary. There are two sets of

roadways, driven at right angles to each other, and thus the seam is divided into a large number of square or rectangular pillars. These pillars are extracted at a later period. The driving of the narrow roadways is termed working the whole while pillar working is known as working the broken. The width of the roadways and their distance apart are governed by the thickness and nature of the coal seam and the type of roof and floor. The main headings are driven forward and connected at intervals by crosscuts or stentons for ventilation and as a second exit. The bords are driven off the main headings at fixed distances apart, and are connected at intervals by walls. The width of the main headings, crosscuts, and bords varies from 3 to 5 yd (2.7 to 4.6 m). The bords are driven from 15 to 60 yd (13.7 to 54.9 m) apart. The walls are about 2 to 3 yd (1.8 to 2.7 m) wide and driven at similar or greater intervals according to the size of pillars to be formed. Modern pillar-and-stall mining is highly mechanized.; mechanized heading development; stenton. Also called bord-and-pillar. Nelson

pillar boss

In bituminous coal mining, a person who supervises the work of robbers in removing pillars of coal that were left to support the roof of working places during mining operations.

pillar burst

Failure of remnants, promontories, as well as pillars, by crushing. Spalding

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Page 230: Diccionario Tecnico Ingles-Ingles

Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pillar caving

Removal of ore from a series of stopes or rooms, leaving pillars between. Eventually the pillars are forced or allowed to cave under the weight of the roof.

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pillar coal

Coal secured in pillar robbing. Fay

pillar drive

A wide irregular drift or entry, in firm dry ground, in which the roof is supported by pillars of natural earth or by artificial pillars of stone, without using timber. Fay

pillar extraction

The recovery or working away of the pillars of coal that were left during the first operation of working in the pillar-and-stall method. Also called pillar mining. Nelson

pillaring back

The operation of extracting coal pillars, on the retreating system, in a pillar method of working. Nelson

pillar line

a. The line along which pillars are being mined. b. Air currents which have definitely coursed through an inaccessible abandoned panel or area or which have ventilated a pillar line or a pillared area, regardless of the methane content or absence of methane in such air.

pillar man

A person who builds stone packs in mine workings.

pillar methods of working

Methods of working coal seams, which have been given different names in different coalfields, such as stoop-and-room in Scotland; bord-and-pillar in Durham, England; and single and double stalls in South Wales. There are many modifications of pillar mining, but in general, there are two stages: (1) the driving of narrow roadways and thus forming a number of coal pillars, and (2) the extraction of the pillars--often on the retreating system. Pillar methods of mining are widely used in the United States, while the longwall method is favored in Great Britain. Pillar methods also are used for working stratified deposits of ironstone, rock salt, slate, and other layered minerals. Nelson

pillar mining system

Any of several systems, including the room-and-pillar system, the block system, and the bord-and-pillar system. Woodruff

pillar recovery

Mining of pillars during retreat mining to increase the overall recovery of the reserve.

pillar road

a. Roadway formed in coal pillars. Nelson b. Working road or incline in pillars


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English having a range of longwall faces on either side.

pillar robbing

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a. The systematic removal of the coal pillars or ore between rooms or chambers to regulate the subsidence of the roof. Also called pillar drawing. Fay b. The removal of ore pillars in sublevel stoping or slicing. c. Formerly, in pillar-and-stall mining, the coal pillars left were too small, and miners were satisfied to gain some coal by robbing the pillars, usually from middle portions, the remaining coal being too dangerous to extract. Nelson

pillar split

An opening or crosscut driven through a pillar in the course of extraction.

pillar strength

The formula for pillar strength can be expressed as follows: S = C (L/T) 1/2 where the coefficient, C, is directly dependent upon friction, L is the least pillar width, and T is the thickness. Coal Age, 3

pillar working

Working coal in much the same manner as with the pillar-and-stall system.


A rock texture characterized by piles of lobate, pillow-shaped masses; individual pillows range up to several meters across; typical of basalt

that has erupted under an appreciable depth of water.

pillow block

A metal-cased rubber block that allows limited motion to a support or thrust member. Nichols, 1

pillow lava

A general term for lava that exhibits pillow structure, mostly basalts and andesites that erupted and flowed under water. The ocean floor sodium-rich basalts known as spilites are commonly pillowed.

pillow structure

A structure, observed in certain extrusive igneous rocks, that is characterized by discontinuous pillow-shaped masses ranging in size from a few centimeters to a meter or more in greatest dimension (commonly between 30 cm and 60 cm). The pillows are close-fitting, the concavities of one matching the convexities of another. The spaces between the pillows are few and are filled either with material of the same composition as the pillows, with clastic sediments, or with scoriaceous material. Grain sizes within the pillows tend to decrease toward the exterior. Pillow structures are considered to be the result of subaqueous extrusion, as evidenced by their association with sedimentary deposits, usually of deep-sea origin.


a. A cylindrical steel bar extending through and about 8 in (20 cm) beyond


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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the face of a reaming bit. It acts as a guide that follows the original unreamed part of the borehole and hence forces the reaming bit to follow and be concentric with the smaller-diameter, unreamed portion of the original borehole. Long b. A cylindrical diamond-set plug, of somewhat smaller diameter than the bit proper, set in the center and projecting beyond the main face of a noncoring bit.


Said of the texture of the groundmass of a holocrystalline igneous rock in which lath-shaped microlites (typically plagioclase) are arranged in a glass-free mesostasis and are generally interwoven in irregular unoriented fashion. CF:trachytic

pilot bit

A noncoring bit with a cylindrical diamond-set plug of somewhat smaller diameter than the bit proper set in the center and projecting beyond the main face of the bit.

pilot bob

The weight attached to a shaft plumbline for the purpose of lowering the line down the shaft. BS, 7

pilot burner

A small burner kept lighted to rekindle the principal burner when desired (as in a flash boiler). The light so maintained is called a pilot light or pilot flame. Webster 3rd; Fay

pilot drill

A small drill used to start a hole in order to insure a larger drill running true to center. Crispin

pilot hole

a. A small hole drilled ahead of a full-sized, or larger borehole. Long b. A borehole drilled in advance of mine workings to locate water-bearing fissures or formations. Long c. A small tunnel driven ahead of, and subsequently enlarged to the diameter required in the following full-size tunnel. Long

pilot-hole cover


pilot lamp

A small electric bulb that lights when power is turned on in a circuit. Hammond

pilot method

The method of excavating a tunnel by driving a small tunnel ahead, and then enlarging its dimensions.

pilot plant

A small-scale processing plant in which representative tonnages of ore can be tested under conditions which foreshadow (or imitate) those of the full-scale operation proposed for a given ore. Pryor, 4


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pilot reamer

An assemblage of a pilot, a pilot reaming bit, and a reaming barrel.

pilot reaming bit

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A box-threaded, diamond-set, annular-shaped bit designed to be coupled to a pilot and used to ream a borehole to a specific casing size.

pilot sampling

The taking of preliminary samples of a mineral deposit to study its mode of occurrence and its detailed structure. Nelson

pilot sequence

Sequence control by means of a pilot cable is effected by means of a low-voltage supply from one contactor panel to the next, or by means of a line voltage pilot cable. Each contactor has an auxiliary contact that controls the supply to the next contactor. In the low-voltage system, the secondary of each potential transformer is earthed at the preceding panel through an auxiliary switch which closes with the contactor. Until these secondary potential transformer circuits are completed, by closing the auxiliary contact, the next conveyor cannot start.

pilot shaft

See:pilot tunnel

pilot tunnel

A small tunnel or shaft excavated in the center, and in advance of the main drivage, to gain information about the ground and create a free face, thus simplifying the blasting operations. lson

pilot valve

a. A small balanced valve, operated by a governor or by hand, which controls a supply of oil under pressure to the piston of a servometer or relay connected to a large control valve, which it is desired to operate. Also called relay valve. CTD b. In a compressor, an automatic valve that regulates air pressure. Nichols, 1

pilot wedge

A half-cylinder member, about 5 in (12.7 cm) long, coupled to the lower end of a Hall-Rowe deflection wedge, by means of which the deflection wedge may be oriented in a specific manner in reference to a matching half-cylinder surface on the upper end of the wedge (drive wedge). This is driven into the wooden plug placed about 8 ft (2.4 m) below the point in a borehole where a deflection is to be made. Also called wedge pilot. Long

Pilz furnace

A circular or octagonal shaft furnace, maintaining or increasing its diameter toward the top, and having several tuyeres; used in smelting lead ores. Fay


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pimelite

A massive or earthy, apple-green, nickel-bearing phyllosilicate; probably willemseite or kerolite having disordered stacking; (Ni,Mg)6 Si 8 O20 (OH)4 .

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pimple metal

Crude copper matte of about 78% copper, obtained from the smelting of sulfide copper ores. Bennett


See:wedge rock


An open crystal form consisting of two parallel faces. AGI


a. A marked thinning or squeezing of a rock layer; e.g., a coming-together of the walls of a vein, or of the roof and floor of a coal seam, so that the ore or coal is more or less completely displaced.nip CF:make; want. Standard, 2 b. A thin place or a narrow part of, an orebody; the part of a mineral zone that almost disappears before it widens out in another place to form an extensive orebody. AGI c. The binding action caused when drillhole walls close in before casing is emplaced, resulting from failure of soft or plastic formations. Long


A kind of crowbar with a short projection and a heel or fulcrum at the end; a pinch. Used to pry forward heavy objects. Standard, 2


Where a vein narrows, as if the walls had been squeezed in. Where the walls meet, the vein is said to be pinched out. pinch.

pinching out

Where a lode or stratum narrows down and disappears.pinch BCI

pinch out

To taper or narrow progressively to extinction; to thin out. AGI

pinder concentrator

A revolving table on which are tapering spiral copper cleats on a linoleum cover. The tailings are washed over the riffles and off the edge, while the concentrates are delivered at the end of the riffles. Liddell


a. A cast roller, designed to keep the haulage rope centered between rail tracks. Spiral grooves on the sides return a straying rope to the central grooves. Works in one direction only. Pryor, 3 b. See:line oiler


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pine tar

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Very viscous; dark brown to black; liquid or semisolid; strong characteristic odor; sharp taste; translucent in thin layers; hardens with aging; sp gr, 1.03 to 1.07; boiling point, ranges from 240 to 400 degrees C; soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, acetone, glacial acetic acid, fixed and volatile oils, and sodium hydroxide; and insoluble in water. Chief constituents are complex phenols; also present are turpentine, rosin, toluene, xylene, and other hydrocarbons. Used in flotation. CCD, 2


An acoustic pulse signal projected by an echo-ranging transducer. Hy


A former name for nontronite.


Smaller of a pair of toothed wheels, e.g., the pinion geared to the driven crown wheel of a ball mill. Pryor, 3

pinion gear

A drive gear that is smaller than the gear it turns. Nichols, 1


A compact, fine-grained, generally impure mica near muscovite in composition; dull-gray, green, or brown; derived from the alteration of other minerals, esp. cordierite, nepheline,

scapolite, spodumene, and feldspar.


a. Any high tower or spire-shaped pillar of rock, alone or cresting a summit. A tall, slender, pointed mass; esp., a lofty peak. AGI b. A sharp pyramid or cone-shaped rock under water or showing above it. AGI c. In alluvial mining, a spine or pillar in limestone bedrock of an irregular and serrated type, in which it is difficult for dredge buckets to work. Pryor, 3

pinned coupling

A drill-rod coupling that has been permanently attached to the body of the rod by a metal dowel (or pin) driven into a small hole drilled at the point in the rod where the coupling is screwed into the body of the rod. Long


a. Boulder clay, from Cumberland, Northumberland, and Lancashire, England, and North Wales. Arkell b. Coarse gravel or sandstone conglomerate. Arkell

pin puller

A laborer who removes studs from aluminum reduction pots by operating a motor-driven hydraulic jack. DOT


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pintadoite

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a. A vanadium ore. Osborne b. A mineral, Ca2 V2 O7 .9H2 O ; green; forms water-soluble efflorescences; associated with uranium-vanadium deposits of the Colorado Plateau.

pin thread

A thread on the outside surface of a cylindrical or tubular member.

pin timbering

A roof support method following two basic principles: (1) that of drilling holes vertically or at an angle into the roof and anchoring roof bolts into a strong firm structure above the lower weak layers, thereby suspending the weak roof on bolts from the strong roof above; and (2) the binding of several layers of weak strata into a beam strong enough to support its weight across the working place. The advantage of pin timbering is that support can be provided at the face without posts being in the way of equipment and more freedom is provided for shuttle cars and other equipment in tramming. Kentucky


A vertical pin fastened at the bottom that serves as a center of rotation. Nichols, 1

pintle hook

A towing device consisting of a fixed lower jaw, a hinged and lockable

upper jaw, and a socket between them to hold a tow ring. Nichols, 1


The currently accepted term for a coupling, one end of which is threaded on the outside (pin) and the opposite end threaded on the inside (box). Formerly designated as a male-to-female coupling. Long


The currently accepted term for a coupling, both ends of which are threaded on the outside. Formerly designated as a male-to-male coupling. Long

pin-type slat conveyor

Two or more endless chains to which crossbars are attached at spaced intervals, each having affixed to it a series of pointed rods extending in a vertical plane on which work is carried. Used principally in spraying or washing operations where the least amount of area of the product is contacted.


An elementary particle; the contraction of pi-meson. The mass of a charged pion is about 273 times that of an electron. An electrically neutral pion has a mass 264 times that of an electron.

pioneer bench

The first bench in a quarry which is blasted out. It is usually at the top of the rock to be quarried.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pioneer road

A primitive, temporary road built along the route of a job, to provide means for moving equipment and workers. Nichols, 1

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pioneer wave

U.K. The advance vibration set up by a coal dust explosion.




a. A cylindrical, more or less vertical orebody. shoot; stock. AGI b. A vertical conduit through the Earth's crust; e.g., a kimberlite pipe of South Africa, through which magmatic materials have passed. It is usually filled with volcanic breccia and fragments of older rock. As a zone of high permeability, it is commonly mineralized. AGI c. A tubular cavity from several centimeters to a few meters in depth, formed esp. in calcareous rocks, and often filled with sand and gravel; e.g., a vertical joint or sinkhole in chalk, enlarged by solution of the carbonate material and filled with clastic material.

pipe bit

A bit designed for attachment to standard coupled pipe for use in securing the pipe in bedrock. Can be set with diamonds or other abrasive materials. Long

pipe clamp

a. A device similar to a casing clamp, used in the same manner on pipe as a casing clamp is used on casing. b. A pipe wrench constructed like a parmalee wrench. Long

pipe clay

a. Originally a clay suitable for making tobacco pipes, but the term is now used to include any white-burning plastic clay. Nelson b. A mass of fine clay, generally of lenticular form, found embedded in or below a placer gravel bank.

pipe coil

A device which measures only the density of the magnetic components of a slurry. This electromagnetic sensing unit is mounted on a section of rubber or stainless-steel pipe which is installed as a section of the slurry-carrying pipeline. All components are exterior to the pipe, and there is no obstruction to flow. The pipe coil is used widely in magnetic taconite and heavy-media plants. By combining this device with other instruments, it is possible to continuously measure the ore-to-media ratio. Nelson

pipe coupling

An internally threaded, short, sleevelike member of ordinary steel used to join lengths of pipe. Sometimes incorrectly called pipe collar; pipe sleeve. Long


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pipe cutter

A tool for cutting wrought iron or steel pipes. The curved end which partly encircles the pipe carries one or more cutting disks. Crispin

piped air

Air conducted to workings or a tunnel face through air pipes.

pipe drivehead

a. A drivehead that is coupled to a pipe. b. Extra thick walled pipe or casing coupling against which the blow of a drive block is delivered when driving or sinking drivepipe or casing. Long c. An oversize rod or casing coupling on which the blows of a drive block are delivered when casing is being driven or an attempt is being made to jar loose stuck casing or a drill-rod string. Long d. Incorrectly used as a synonym for drive shoe; drive hammer. Long

pipe elevator

A device similar to a casing elevator, used to raise and lower outside-coupled pipe in a borehole. Long

pipe factor

a. Correction made when drilling running ground, alluvial gravels, and sands. The volume actually extracted over a measured depth is compared with that which would be obtained over

the true drill pipe area and distance, any discrepancy being due to inrush of sands or forcing out of sand by the pumping action during drilling. Pryor, 3 b. The assumed cross-sectional area of a length of borehole when estimating the in situ volume of a core sample. Also called pipe constant. Nelson

pipe fitting

A general term referring to any of the ells, tees, various branch connectors, etc., used in connecting pipes. Crispin

pipe friction

The drag created on the outside of a pipe being driven into overburden material, which presses and rubs against the outside surface of the pipe and its couplings.

pipe grab

A clutch for catching and raising a well pipe. Standard, 2

pipe jack

An iron pipe with a clamp or pigfoot on one end and a curved point on the other. It is wedged between the floor and roof of a mine room to hold the feed chain of a continuous electric coal mining machine. Fay

pipeline transport

Long distance pipeline used for hydraulic transport of coal, gilsonite, copper concentrates and similar materials.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pipeman

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a. A person engaged in laying or repairing pipelines. Also called pipefitter. BS, 10 b. Mine worker who repairs, lengthens, and maintains the pipelines for air and water in mines. Stoces c. A worker in charge of a pipe, esp. in hydraulic mining. Webster 2nd

pipe prover

An apparatus for testing the tightness of a pipeline or system, usually by hydraulic pressure. Standard, 2


Sometimes applied to a blower of gas in coal mines. Nelson

pipe sampler

A device for sampling a pile of ore, consisting simply of a small iron pipe that is driven into the pile and which, when withdrawn, brings a core of ore with it.

pipe sampling

Sampling by means of a drivepipe in accumulations of crushed residues or of material where the larger pieces are not usually greater than 2 in (5.1 cm). The advancing end of the pipe is generally sharpened to provide a cutting edge, and sometimes contracted in diameter so that material once entered will not readily fall out when the pipe is lifted. Also called gun sampling.



pipette analysis

The size analysis of fine-grained sediment made by removing samples from a suspension with a pipette. AGI

pipette method

A method for the determination of particle size.


a. In hydraulic mining, discharging water from nozzles at auriferous gravel. b. The act or process of driving standpipe, drivepipe, or casing into and through overburden. Long c. Erosion by percolating water in a layer of subsoil, resulting in caving and in the formation of narrow conduits, tunnels, or pipes through which soluble or granular soil material is removed; esp. the movement of material, from the permeable foundation of a dam or levee, by the flow or seepage of water along underground passages. AGI d. The flow of water under or around a structure built on permeable foundations that will remove material from beneath the structure. Nelson e. The tubular depression caused by contraction during cooling, on the top of iron and steel ingots.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English piracy

Stream piracy.


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An orthorhombic mineral, Na2 Ca(CO3 )2 .2H2 O; forms colorless to white short prisms or tablets; in nonmarine evaporites, particularly the Green River oil shales in Wyoming, and Borax Lake, CA.


A blue to green cuproan melanterite (Fe,Cu)SO4 .7H2 O .


a. A sedimentary rock, usually a limestone, made up chiefly of pisoliths cemented together; a coarse-grained oolite. b. A term often used for a pisolith, or one of the spherical particles of a pisolite.---Etymol: Greek pisos, pea. CF:oolite c. An individual unit in a mass of accretionary lapilli. AGI


One of the small, round or ellipsoidal accretionary bodies in a sedimentary rock, resembling a pea in size and shape, and constituting one of the grains that make up a pisolite. It is often formed of calcium carbonate, and some are thought to have been produced by a biochemical algal-encrustation process. A pisolith is larger and less regular in form than an oolith, although it has the same concentric and radial internal

structure. The term is sometimes used to refer to the rock made up of pisoliths. CF:oolith

pisolitic tuff

An indurated pyroclastic deposit composed chiefly of accretionary lapilli or pisolites. AGI


A pistachio-green ferric-iron-rich variety of epidote. Also spelled pistazite.

pistol pipe

In metalworking, the tuyere of a hot-blast furnace. Fay


The working part of a pump, hydraulic cylinder, or engine that moves back and forth in the cylinder; it is generally equipped with one or several rings or cups to control the passage of fluid. It ejects the fluid from the cylinder, as in a pump, or receives force from the fluid, which causes a reciprocating motion, as in an engine. Long

piston corer

An oceanographic corer containing a piston inside the cylinder which reduces friction by creating suction. There are several varieties, including the Ewing corer, the Mackereth sampler, and the Kullenberg corer.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English piston drive-sampler

See:piston sampler

piston sampler

A drive sampler equipped with either a free or a retractable-type piston that retreats up into the barrel of the sampler in contact with the top of the soil sample as the sampler is pressed into the formation being sampled. CF:drive sampler

piston speed

Total feet or meters of travel of a piston in 1 min. Nichols, 1

piston-type sampler

See:piston sampler

piston-type washbox

See:plunger-type washbox


a. Depression produced in a metal surface by nonuniform electrodeposition or by corrsion. Lowenheim b. Excavation to hold quantities of water and drilling fluids. Wheeler, R.R. c. So. Wales. Long, open-air fire for converting coal into coke for blast-furnace purposes. Fay d. A mine, quarry, or excavation worked by the open-cut method to obtain material of value. e. The shaft of a mine; a shaft mine; a trial pit. Nelson f. The underground portion of a colliery, including all workings. Used in many combinations, as pit car, pit clothes,

etc. g. In hydraulic mining, the excavation in which piping is carried forward. h. Commonly, a coal mine, but not usually called so by workers, except in reference to surface mining where the workings may be known as a strip pit. BCI i. See:abyss

pit ash

Ash in coal derived from the dirt bands, adjoining shales or cleat minerals. Tomkeieff

pit bank

a. Eng. The raised ground or platforms upon which the coal is sorted and screened at the surface. b. Scot. The surface of the ground at the mouth of a pit, or shaft.

pit bar

One of the wooden props bracing the sides of a pit. Standard, 2

pit boss

A mine foreman who is in direct charge of workers in a specific portion of a pit or mine. Also called shift boss.

pit bottom

The bottom of a shaft and all the equipment and roadways around it.

pit brow

The pithead, and in particular, the mouth of the shaft. The edge or brow of a pit.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pit cage

The structure used in mine shafts for transport purposes.

pit-car loader

A short, electrically powered, lightweight elevating conveyor designed for use in working places, to facilitate the loading of large cars or to aid in shoveling long distances. The loader shovels into the hopper end and the conveyor carries the coal to the car. Jones, 1

pit-car-loader operator

In bituminous coal mining, a person who operates a machine to load coal in mine (pit) cars. DOT

pit-car repairer

See:mine-car repairman


a. The angle between the horizontal and any linear feature, such as an ore shoot or lineation, measured in the plane containing the linear feature. b. The angle between the horizontal and an axial line passing through the highest or lowest points of a given stratum in an anticline or syncline. c. Loosely, the grade, rise, or incline of a seam or bed. d. A vein-form deposit that follows dipping joint planes. This usage is confined largely to the Upper Mississippi Valley lead-zinc deposits. e. The slope of a roof, in inches (or centimeters), of vertical rise per

horizontal foot (or meter). f. The distance between tooth centers, as in a gear wheel, or the number of teeth per unit of diameter. The grade of an incline or the rise of a coal seam. BCI h. The solid or semisolid residue from the partial evaporation of tar. Strictly, pitch is a bitumen with extraneous matter, such as free carbon, residual coke, etc. Nelson i. The angular inclination of an ore shoot with respect to the surface, measured in the direction of the strike. Nelson j. Of a lode, angle of deviation from the vertical taken by a section of ore having some special characteristic, such as enhanced value. Pryor, 3 k. The angle that a directional feature, for example, slickensides, in a plane makes with a horizontal line within the plane. BS, 11 l. In dredging, the distance between the center of any pin and that of the pin in the next adjacent bucket. Fay m. See:dip n. The slope of a surface or tooth relative to its direction of movement. Nichols, 1 o. In a roller or silent chain, the space between pins, measured center to center. Nichols, 1 p. The amount of advance of a single-thread screw in one turn, expressed in lineal distance along or parallel to the axis, or in turns per unit of length. Standard, 2 q. The distance between corresponding points on adjacent projections produced on work by a cutting tool.

pitch arm

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English One of the rods, usually adjustable, which determine the digging angle of a blade or bucket. Nichols, 2


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The massive variety of uraninite, UO(2+x) ; radioactive; black to dark brown; the most important ore of uranium; occurs widely in hydrothermal veins and the disseminated uranium-vanadium deposits of the Colorado Plateau type.

pitch circle

The circle passing through the chain joint centers when the chain is wrapped on the sprocket. Jackson, 1

pitch diameter

The diameter of a circle that passes through the points of average contact between the teeth of two gears running in mesh, or between the teeth of a sprocket and the roller of its companion chain, or between a male and a female thread that are engaged. Brantly, 2


One who picks over dumps for pieces of ore. Webster 3rd

pitching bar

A kind of pick used, esp. by miners, in beginning a hole. Webster 2nd

pitching chisel

A chisel used for making an edge on the face of a stone. Also called pitching tool. Webster 3rd

pitching seam

A highly inclined seam. In coal mining, called edge coal. Nelson

pitch length

The length of an ore shoot in its greatest dimension.

pitch line

a. The line on which the pitch of gear teeth is measured; an ideal line, in a toothed gear or rack, bearing such a relation to a corresponding line in another gear with which the former works that the two lines will have a common velocity, as in rolling contact. Webster 3rd b. The line along which the pitch of a rack is marked out, corresponding to the pitch circle of a spur wheel. CTD

pitch off

A quarry worker's term for trimming an edge of a block of stone with a hammer and set. Fay

pitch ore

See:pitchblende; pitchy copper ore.


A dark, resinous volcanic glass.


In coal mining, work done on shares. Standard, 2

pitch working

Mine working in a steeply inclined seam.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pitchy

adj. Resembling the appearance or properties of pitch.

pitchy copper ore

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a. A dark, pitchlike oxide of copper. b. A mixture of chrysocolla and limonite.

pitchy iron ore

a. An old syn. for pitticite. See:pitticite b. See:triplite

pit efficiency

In order to allow for the friction of the skips on the guides and between the air and the skips in the shaft and for other small losses, it is usual to divide the total static torque at any point of the wind by 0.9 for a new shaft with rope guides, or 0.85 for an old shaft with rigid guides. This factor is generally referred to as pit efficiency. Sinclair, 5

pit eye

Bottom of a pit shaft from which the sky is visible. Pryor, 3

pit-eye pillar

A barrier of coal left around a shaft to protect it from caving. Fay

pit foreman

In bituminous coal mining, a foreman who is in immediate charge of all mining operations in a strip mine.

pit frame

a. The framework carrying the pit pulley. Fay b. The framework in a coal mine shaft. Standard, 2

pit guide

An iron column that guides the cage in a mine shaft. Standard, 2

pit hand

In the iron and steel industry, a general term applied to workers who perform varied duties around the processing furnaces. DOT


a. Landing stage at the top of a shaft. Pryor, 3 b. The top of a mine shaft including the buildings, roads, tracks, plant, and machines around it.

pithead output

The total tonnage of raw coal produced at a colliery, as distinct from saleable output. It is the tonnage of coal as weighed before it enters the coal-preparation plant.

pit lamp

An open lamp worn on a miner's cap, as distinguished from a safety lamp.

pit limit

Either the vertical or lateral extent to which the mining of a mineral deposit by open pitting may be economically carried. The cost of


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English removing overburden or waste material versus the minable value of the ore so exposed is usually the factor controlling the limits of a pit.


a. The worker who regularly examines the condition of mine infrastructure. Nelson b. A connecting rod, such as in the Blake type of jaw crusher; the vertical member linking the eccentric shaft with the toggles between the frame and the lower end.

pitman arm

An arm having a limited movement around a pivot. Nichols, 1


Workers employed in shaft sinking or shaft inspection and repair.

pit mining

Surface mining in which the material mined is removed from below the surrounding land surface.


An instrument that consists essentially of two pitot tubes one of which is turned upstream and the other downstream and that is used to record autographically the velocity of a flowing liquid or gas.

Pitot-static tube

When the Pitot tube and static tube are combined, they form the

Pitot-static tube, and as such they can be used as an anemometer. The tubes are usually arranged concentrically. When they are connected to the opposite sides of a manometer, the dynamic or velocity pressure will be measured directly. Roberts, 1

Pitot tube

Consists of two concentric tubes bent in an L shape. In operation, the instrument is pointed in the direction of air flow: the inner tube, open at the end directed upstream, measures total head, and the outer tube, perforated with small openings transverse to the air flow, records static head. Each tube is connected to a leg of a manometer, when reading velocity head. Hartman, 1

pit pony

A pony used for packing or haulage in a mine. Webster 3rd

pit prop

a. A piece of timber used as a temporary support for a mine roof. Zern b. Length of timber used as a roof support in longwall mining. Modern variants include expandable steel props which can be hydraulically or mechanically lengthened; used in stratified deposits. Pryor, 3

pit quarry

An openpit quarry sunk below ground level. Access is gained by stairs, ladders, or mechanical hoists, and material is conveyed from the quarry by inclined tracks, trucks, derricks, or

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cableway hoists. These pits may reach depths of several hundred feet. A drainage scheme will in most cases be necessary, as the pit will form a natural sump for both surface and subsoil water. This type of quarry is often used for gravel or soft rock that can be extracted by some form of digging.

pit room

a. The number of working places, or the length of a longwall face, available in a mine for coal production. Nelson b. The extent of the opening in a mine; pit space. Fay

pit rope

Eng. Winding rope; a hoisting rope. Fay

pit sampling

a. Use of small untimbered pits to gain access to shallow alluvial deposits or ore dumps for purpose of testing or valuation. Pryor, 3 b. Sampling shallow deposits by means of trial pits, usually about 2 to 3 ft (0.6 to 0.9 m) in diameter. In reasonably dry ground, depths of 50 ft (15.2 m) or more may be reached. Pit sampling is often used to assist site investigations as it provides the maximum of information regarding the nature of deposits and bedrock.

pit sand

a. Sand usually composed of grains that are relatively angular; it often contains clay and organic matter. When

washed and screened it is a good sand for general purposes. Zern b. Sand from a pit, as distinct from river or sea sand. Arkell

pit shale

The name given to the shale from a drift opened in the side of the ravine at a level 62 ft (18.9 m) below that of the Pittsburgh coal seam. Rice, 2

pit slope

The angle at which the wall of an open pit or cut stands as measured along an imaginary plane extended along the crests of the berms or from the slope crest to its toe.


An old name give to viscid bitumen.


The mineral amorphous, hydrous, ferric arsenate sulfate. It is brown to yellow and red; earthy; occurs as crusts and botryoidal layers; a common oxidation product of arsenical ores. Also spelled pittizite.


a. The act of digging or sinking a pit. Fay b. Testing an alluvial deposit by the systematic sinking of small shafts, the material recovered being subsequently tested. The practice is confined to shallow depths; i.e., down to about 50 ft (15.2 m) in fairly dry soft ground. Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Pittsburgh bed

The Pittsburgh coal which outcrops prominently in the vicinity of Pittsburgh and extends under a large area of western Pennsylvania, northern West Virginia, northwestern Maryland, and eastern Ohio. It belongs in the Carboniferous system, Pennsylvanian series, at the base of the Monongahela formation. Rice, 2

pit water

Water from the underground workings of a mine. BS, 5

pit wood

The various kinds of timber used at a mine, mainly as supports. Nelson


Cornish pumps and other engineering appliances in and near a mine shaft. Pryor, 3


A nonrotating axle or hinge pin.

pivoted-bucket carrier

The highest type of combined elevator and conveyor. It consists of two long-pitch roller chains joined by crossbars on which are hung the buckets in such a way that they can be completely turned over.

pivoted-bucket conveyor

A type of conveyor using pivoted buckets attached between two endless

chains that operate in suitable guides or casing in horizontal, vertical, inclined or a combination of these paths over drive-corner and takeup terminals. The buckets remain in the carrying position until they are tipped or inverted to discharge.

pivot shaft

A tractor dead axle, or any fixed shaft that acts as a hinge pin. Nichols, 1

pivot tube

A hollow hinge pin. Nichols, 1


a. See:in situ b. The part of a mine in which a miner works by contract is known as his "place" or "working place." c. A point at which the cutting of coal is being carried on.


A deposit of sand or gravel that contains particles of gold, ilmenite, gemstones, or other heavy minerals of value. The common types are stream gravels and beach sands.; beach placer.

placer claim

a. A mining claim located upon gravel or ground whose mineral contents are extracted by the use of water, by sluicing, hydraulicking, etc. The unit claim is 1,320 ft2 (122.6 m2 ) and contains 10 acres (4.1 ha).

b. Ground with defined boundaries that contains mineral in the earth,

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sand, or gravel; ground that includes valuable deposits not fixed in the rock. c. The maximum size of a placer claim is 20 acres (8.1 ha). Association claims of two or more persons may be located up to an area of 160 acres (64.8 ha) for eight persons. Placer claims must have a discovery. They should be staked, a location notice posted, and recorded in the same manner as for lode claims, stating the mineral for which the location in made. Lewis

placer digging

a. The action of mining by placer methods. Craigie b. A place at which placer mining is or may be carried on. Craigie

placer gold

Gold occurring in more or less coarse grains or flakes and obtainable by washing the sand, gravel, etc., in which it is found. Also called alluvial gold.

placer ground

Ground where placer mining can be done; i.e., where valuable minerals can be obtained by digging up the earth and washing it for the valued mineral. Craigie

placer location

A location of a tract of land for mineral-bearing or other valuable deposits upon or within it that are not found within lodes or veins in rock in place; a claim of a tract of land for

the sake of the loose deposits on or near its surface. Ricketts

placer mine

a. A deposit of sand, gravel, or talus from which some valuable mineral is extracted. Hess b. See:placer mining

placer mining

a. The extraction of heavy mineral from a placer deposit by concentration in running water. It includes ground sluicing, panning, shoveling gravel into a sluice, scraping by power scraper and excavation by dragline, dredge or other mechanized equipment. Nelson b. Extracting the gold or other mineral from placers, wherever situated--in dry channels and in channels temporarily filled with water. The mineral may be found in deep channels, in navigable streams, or in estuaries or creeks and rivers where the sea ebbs and flows. Ricketts c. That form of mining in which the surficial detritus is washed for gold or other valuable minerals. When water under pressure is employed to break down the gravel, the term hydraulic mining is generally employed. There are deposits of detrital material containing gold which lie too deep to be profitably extracted by surface mining, and which must be worked by drifting beneath the overlying barren material. The term "drift mining" is applied to the operations necessary to extract such auriferous material. d. The extraction and concentration of heavy metals or minerals from


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English placer deposits by various methods, generally using running water. CF:alluvial mining; hydraulic mining; drift mining. AGI


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A fossil resin found in Switzerland. Tomkeieff




a. Any of a group of feldspars containing a mixture of sodium and calcium feldspars, distinguished by their extinction angles; crystal; triclinic; Mohs hardness, 6; and sp gr, 2.6 to 2.7. Bennett b. A series of triclinic feldspars of general formula: (Na,Ca)Al(Si,Al)Si 2 O6 ; at high temperatures it forms a complete crystal solution series from albite, NaAlSi3 O8 , to anorthite, An, CaAl2 Si2 O8 ; the series is arbitrarily subdivided and named according to increasing mole fraction of the An component: albite (An 0% to 10%), oligoclase (An 10% to 30%), andesine (An 30% to 50%), labradorite (An 50% to 70%), bytownite (An 70% to 90%), and anorthite (An 90% to 100%). The Al:Si ratio ranges with increasing An content from 1:3 to 1:1. Plagioclase feldspars are common rock-forming minerals, have characteristic polysynthetic twinning, and commonly display

zoning. The term was originally applied to all feldspars having an oblique angle between the two main cleavages. CF:alkali feldspar; orthoclase.

plagioclase rhyolite

A porphyritic extrusive rock with phenocrysts of plagioclase and quartz in a groundmass of orthoclase and quartz. Also called plagioliparite.


Having the cleavage of plagioclase; breaking obliquely. Standard, 2


Having an oblique spiral arrangement of faces; specif., being a group of the isometric system characterized by 13 axes of symmetry but no center or planes. Also spelled plagihedral. Webster 3rd


A monoclinic mineral, Pb5 Sb8 S17 ; metallic black to lead-gray; forms stubby tablets; an uncommon associate of other lead sulfosalts in hydrothermal veins.


a. An extent of level, or nearly level, land; a region not noticeably diversified with mountains, hills, or valleys. Fay b. A flat, gently sloping or nearly level region of the sea floor. Hunt


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English c. Archaic. Relatively free of gaseous inclusions. ASTM

plain clinometer

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A clinometer having only its upper end threaded to fit drill rods. Also called end clinometer. Long

plain concrete

Concrete with no reinforcement. Hammond

plain detonator

A detonator for use with a safety fuse. It consists of an aluminum tube closed at one end and partly filled with a sensitive initiating explosive. The tube is only partially filled because a plain detonator is always used in conjunction with a safety fuse, and the empty space enables the fuse to be inserted into the tube until it comes into contact with the detonating composition. The safety fuse is then secured in position by indenting the detonator tube, this process being known as crimping. The combination of safety fuse and plain detonator is called a capped fuse. BS, 12; McAdam, 2

plain pilot

A pilot in the surface of which no cutting points, such as diamonds or slugs, are inset.


A texture seen in some schists that results from the intersection of relict bedding planes with well developed cleavage planes. AGI


a. A map showing features--such as mine workings, geological structures, and outside improvements--on a horizontal plane. b. A scheme or project for mine development. Nelson c. The system on which a colliery is worked, such as longwall, room-and-pillar, etc. Zern


Lying or arranged as a plane or in planes, usually implying more or less parallelism, as in bedding or cleavage. It is a two-dimensional arrangement, in contrast to the one-dimensional linear arrangement. AGI

planar cross-bedding

a. Cross-bedding in which the lower bounding surfaces are planar surfaces of erosion. It results from beveling and subsequent deposition. AGI b. Cross-bedding characterized by planar foreset beds. AGI

planar element

A fabric element having two dimensions that are much greater than the third; e.g., bedding, cleavage, and schistosity. CF:linear element AGI

planar flow structure

See:platy flow structure


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English planar gliding

Uniform slippage along plane surfaces. AGI

planar structure

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See:platy flow structure


The widening of valleys through lateral corrasion by streams after they reach grade and begin to meander and form floodplains. Also, by the extension, the reduction of divides and the merging of valley plains to form a peneplain; peneplanation.


a. Any roadway, generally inclined but not necessarily so, along which ore or workers are conveyed by mechanical means from one bed to another or to a lower elevation in the same bed.; slope. Nelson b. A road on the natural floor of a seam. Mason c. A two-dimensional form that is without curvature; ideally, a perfectly flat or smooth surface. In geology the term is applied to such features as a bedding plane or a planation surface. Adj: planar. d. In crystallography, a plane of symmetry dividing a crystal structure into two mirror images. e. A level surface bounded by straight lines, such as the faces of crystals. Gordon

plane course

Scot. In the direction facing the joint planes.

plane engineer

See:slope engineer

plane fault

A fault with a surface that is planar rather than curved.

plane figure

A plane surface bounded either by straight lines or curved lines or by a combination of straight and curved lines. Jones, 2

plane group

The 17 possible combinations of symmetry elements which may coexist in 2 dimensions. CF:space group

plane man

See:incline man

plane of saturation

See:water table

plane of stretching

A low-angle gravity (normal) fault resulting from stretching of the solidified top of an igneous intrusion.

plane of symmetry

Any plane which divides a crystal, crystal structure, or crystal symmetry such that each side is a mirror reflection of the other. Represented as m or 2 and graphically as a solid or heavy line.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English plane or rectangular coordinate

Either of two perpendicular distances of a point from a pair of rectangular coordinate axes. Seelye, 2

plane-polarized light

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Light with its electric vector confined to a plane.


a. First developed as a fixed-blade device for continuous longwall mining of narrow seams of friable coal, this machine is pulled along the coal face, planing a narrow cut. Vibrating-blade planers were designed later in an attempt to apply the technique to harder coal; they have also been experimented with in the phosphate mines in western Montana and northern Idaho. b. A machine provided with a cutting tool having lateral and vertical adjustment that is widely used in stone trimming. Both sides and tops of blocks may be planed to desired dimensions. Some planers may be adjusted to cut curved forms.


A triclinic mineral, Al6 (PO4 )2 (PO3 OH) (sub 2) (OH)8 .4H2 O ; turquoise group.

plane schistosity

A type of schistosity characterized by the arrangement of tabular and prismatic grains in parallel planes.

plane shear

One of four types of slope failure. Plane shear failure results when a natural plane of weakness, such as a fault, a shear zone, or bedding plane exists within a slope and has a direction such as to provide a preferential path for failure. Large intact portions of the slope rock may slide along this plane surface. Woodruff

plane strain

A state of strain in which all displacements that arise from deformation are parallel to one plane, and the longitudinal strain is zero in one principal direction. AGI

plane stress

A state of stress in which one of the principal stresses is zero.

plane surveying

Ordinary field and topographic surveying in which Earth curvature is disregarded and all measurements are made or reduced parallel to a plane representing the surface of the Earth. The accuracy and precision of results obtained by plane surveying may decrease as the area surveyed increases in size. CF:geodetic surveying

plane table

a. An instrument for plotting the lines of a survey directly from the observations; consisting essentially of a drawing board mounted on a tripod and fitted with a ruler that is pointed at the object observed, usually with the aid of a sighting device,


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English such as a telescope. Webster 3rd b. An inclined ore-dressing table. Standard, 2

planetary geared drum

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A drum containing planetary gearing that is used to control the motion of the rope drums on certain types of mining machines. In planetary gearing, which is used when a large ratio of speed reduction with only a few operating gears is required, some or all of the gear wheels in the train of mechanism have a motion about an axis and a revolution about the same axis. Jones, 1

planetary lap

A type of machine lap employing a number of geared workholders that rotate with an epicyclic motion between two stationary lapping plates. The crystals being lapped, when contained in pentagonal holes in the workholder, have an imposed rotatory motion. Also known as the Hunt-Hoffman lap or Bendix lap. Am. Mineral., 2

planetary mill

Mill used for making very large reductions on slabs by one pass through the mill. The mill consists of two large plain rolls, each surrounded by many small work rolls. Osborne

planetary set gear

A gearset consisting of an inner (sun) gear, an outer ring with internal teeth, and two or more small (planet)

gears meshed with both the sun and the ring. Nichols, 1

plane tender

See:slope engineer

planet gearing

Gearing in which one gear wheel revolves around another. Mason


An instrument for measuring the area of any plane figure by passing a tracer around its boundary line. Webster 3rd

planimetric analysis

Analysis of patterns in a fabric diagram based on distribution of points and areal comparisons. AGI

planimetric map

A map that presents only the relative horizontal positions of natural or cultural features, by lines and symbols. It is distinguished from a topographic map by the omission of relief in measurable form.


a. The measurement of plane surfaces; e.g., the determination of horizontal distances, angles, and areas on a map. AGI b. The plan details of a map; the natural and cultural features of a region (excluding relief) as shown on a map. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English planisher

A device for flattening thin sections cut for microscopic examination. Standard, 2

plank timbering

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The lining of a shaft with rectangular plank frames.


The whole community of rifting small plants and animals in layers of the water. This term is frequently used to describe all life forms, regardless of size, which have no means of significant self-locomotion. This community can be divided into the phytoplankton (plants) and the zooplankton (animals). Hy

plankton bloom

The rapid growth and multiplication of plankton, usually plant forms, producing an obvious change in the physical appearance of the sea surface, such as coloration or slicks. Also called sea bloom; florescence. Hy


Relating to the chiefly simple types of floating and surface-dwelling forms of organisms of the ocean waters. Schieferdecker

plank tubbing

The lining of a shaft with planks, spiked on the inside of curbs.


The predesign of the detailed layout, main roadways, and workings of a mine or group of mines. The scheme usually involves the introduction of mechanical equipment for the working and transport of the coal or mineral. The selection of mining methods and machines properly adapted to the local conditions is part of planning. Nelson

planning engineer

A mining engineer responsible for mine planning. The engineer is attached to the planning department of a large mine or a group of smaller mines and is qualified by training, experience, and technical qualifications to envisage new development work and coordinate the ideas of other experts such as a mechanization engineer, ventilation engineer, mining geologist, etc. Nelson

planometric projection

Pictorial view of an object showing it in plan with oblique lines showing the front, side, and thickness.


A great soil group in the 1938 classification system; an intrazonal, hydromorphic group of soils having a leached surface layer above a definite clay pan or hardpan. These soils develop on nearly flat upland surfaces under grass or trees in a humid to subhumid climate. AGI


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a. The shaft or slope, tunnels, engine houses, railways, machinery, workshops, etc., of a colliery or other mine. b. To place gold or any valuable ore in the ground, in a mine, or the like to give a false impression of the richness of the property. To salt, as to plant gold with a shotgun. c. In mining, the mechanical installations, machines, and their housings. Earthworks are sometimes loosely included. Pryor, 3 d. Used to include the machinery, derricks, railway, cars, etc., employed in tunnel work. Stauffer

plant mix

The process of soil stabilization in which the soil is carried to a stationary mixer, returned to the site after mixing and then spread. CF:mix-in-place

plant-mixed concrete

Concrete that is mixed at a central mixing plant and delivered to a site in special equipment designed to prevent its segregation. Hammond

plant-mix method

A method of preparing aggregates for bituminous surfaces in which aggregates and bitumen are combined in a plant situated at the road or at a relatively long distance from the road. Also known as the premixed method. Pit and Quarry

plant scrap

Scrap metal produced in the plant itself; e.g., sprues and gates in a foundry or defective ingots and hot tops in a steel mill. Also called home scrap. Newton, 1


a. Gas comprising equal amounts of positively and negatively charged particles; a fourth state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma) capable of conducting magnetic force. Pryor, 3 b. A bright-, leek-, to emerald-green subtranslucent variety of cryptocrystalline (chalcedonic) quartz. The green color is attributed to chlorite. CF:bloodstone; heliotrope. c. That part of a soil which can be or has been moved, reorganized, and/or concentrated by soil-forming processes.

plasma jet

a. A jet formed by passing a high-speed current of nitrogen or a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen over a tungsten electrode placed in a specially designed narrow orifice in a cutting torch. An arc is struck between this electrode and the earthed nozzle of the torch, which is cooled by a water jacket. When a plasma jet is used to cut rock, two separate zones of action can be expected. Min. Miner. Eng., 1 b. Ionized gas produced by passing an inert gas through a high-intensity arc, causing temperatures up to tens of thousands degrees centigrade. Harbison-Walker


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plaster mill

A machine consisting of a roller or set of rollers for grinding lime or gypsum to powder. Fay

plaster pit

Derb. A gypsum mine.

plaster shooting

a. A surface blasting method used when no rock drill is available or is not necessary. It consists of placing a charge of gelignite, primed with safety fuse and detonator, in close contact with the rock or boulder and covering it completely with stiff damp clay. The charges vary from 8 to 16 oz/yd3 (297 to 593 g/m3 ) of rock.; snakeholing. Nelson b. A form of secondary blasting in which the explosive is detonated in contact with the rock without the use of a shothole. . BS, 12

plaster stone



Said of a body in which strain produces continuous, permanent deformation without rupture. CF:elastic

plastic and semiplastic explosive

Any of several explosives used for commercial purposes. The consistency is

such that the explosive can be shaped by moderate pressure to fill a drill hole. The difference between plastic and semiplastic form is primarily dependent on the difference in equipment which has been found necessary in manufacturing cartridges of the explosive. The viscosity of the plastic type makes it possible to produce cartridges by a process of extrusion through tubes. Fraenkel

plastic clay

Any clay, but chiefly kaolinite, which, when mixed with water, is easily shaped and retains this shape until fired.

plastic deformation

a. Permanent deformation of the shape or volume of a substance, without rupture. It is mainly accompanied by crystal gliding and/or recrystallization. AGI b. Deformation by one or both of two grain-scale mechanisms: slip, and twinning. This is a metallurgical definition, increasingly used by geologists. Sometimes called crystal plasticity. AGI c. Rheological term for deformation characterized by a yield stress, which must be exceeded before flow begins. AGI d. An elastic deformation of brittle minerals--such as olivine under mantle conditions, or quartz, during metamorphism; deformation occurs along well-defined crystallographic planes in specific directions, which may be preserved as thin deformation lamellae or as deformation twinning. It may be annealed out by recrystallization. CF:elastic deformation e. Irreversible deformation of metallic

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English minerals, such as gold or copper.

plastic design

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The design of steel or reinforced-concrete structural frames which is based on the assumption that plastic hinges form at points of maximum bending moment. plastic modulus. Hammond

plastic explosive

See:plastic and semiplastic explosive

plastic firebrick

A common term for both high duty and super-duty fire clay plastic refractories.

plastic flow

See:plastic deformation

plastic fracture

The breakage of a solid material under load when being permanently deformed. Hammond

plastic igniter cord

A corklike device for lighting a safety fuse. When the cord is ignited an intense flame passes along its length at a uniform rate and ignites the blackpowder core of an ordinary safety fuse. Two types are made: the fast has a nominal burning speed of 1 s/ft (3.3 s/m); the other is about 10 times as slow. Nelson


The property of a material that enables it to undergo permanent deformation without appreciable volume change, elastic rebound, or rupture. plastic soil; plastic state; plasticity index. ASCE

plasticity index

The water-content range of a material at which it is plastic, defined numerically as the liquid limit minus the plastic limit. CF:Atterberg limits; plastic limit.


A material, usually organic, capable of imparting plastic properties to nonplastics or improving the plasticity of ceramic mixtures.

plastic limit

a. The water-content boundary beyond which a soil can be rolled into a thread approx. 3 mm in diameter without crumbling, i.e., beyond which it is plastic. b. The water content of a soil or clay material corresponding to an arbitrarily defined boundary between a plastic and a semisolid state. CF:Atterberg limits; plasticity index.

plastic modulus

A factor used in the plastic design of steel structures. It is a constant for each particular shape of section. Hammond


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English plastic soil

a. A soil that can be rolled into 1/8-in (1.6-mm) diameter strings without crumbling. Nichols, 1 b. A soft, rubbery soil. Nichols, 1 c. A soil that exhibits plasticity. ASCE

plastic solid

A solid that undergoes change of shape continuously and indefinitely after the stress applied to it passes its elastic limit.

plastic state

The range of consistency within which a soil exhibits plastic properties.

plastic strain

In rocks, which are composed of many crystals commonly belonging to several mineral species, the term applies to any permanent deformation throughout which the rock maintains essential cohesion and strength regardless of the extent to which local microfracturing and displacement of individual grains may have entered into the process.

plastic tamping rod

A tamping rod or stemmer, of a rigid nature, made from plastic possessing suitable dielectric properties. A plastic conducive to the building up of heavy charges of static electricity is unsuitable. Nelson

plastic tooling

Dies, jigs, and fixtures for metal forming, boring, assembly, and

checking; made at a saving of time and labor, of laminated and cast components, and cemented into highly stable industrial tools, chiefly with epoxy and some with polyester resins. Epoxies are strong adhesive resins, particularly useful because of their low shrinkage factor. Polyesters have a cost advantage and are easy to handle. Crispin

plastic yield

The term commonly applied to plastic deformation. Hammond

plastic zone

In explosion-formed-crater nomenclature, this zone differs from the rupture zone by having less fracturing and only small permanent deformations. There is no distinct boundary between the rupture and plastic zones. Min. Miner. Eng., 2


High-quality iron powder made by reduction of iron oxide; used in powder metallurgy. Bennett


a. The map of a survey in horizontal projection, such as of a mine, townsite, etc. b. A diagram drawn to scale showing land boundaries and subdivisions, together with all data essential to the description of the several units. A plat differs from a map in that it does not show additional cultural, drainage, and relief features. Seelye, 2 c. A platform, floor, or surface in or about

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English a mine used esp. for loading and unloading ore, etc. Webster 3rd


a. A flat iron or steel sheet laid around a mine-shaft collar, at the shaft bottom, or at any level station, to enable mine cars and other equipment to be easily turned and moved about. Also, a cast-iron plate with a circular ridge on which mine rail cars are turned at the junction of roads. b. A horizontal timber laid on a floor or sloping wall to receive a framework of timbers. c. A torsionally rigid thin segment of the Earth's lithosphere, which may be assumed to move horizontally and adjoins other lithosopheric plates along zones of seismic activity.

plate amalgamation

Use of copper or copper-alloy plates coated with enough mercury to form a soft adherent film, in order to trap gold from crushed ore pulp as it flows over the plates. The resulting amalgam, containing up to 40% metallic gold, is periodically scraped off and more mercury is added to the film. Pryor, 3

plate-and-frame filter

A filter press consisting of plates with a gridiron surface alternating with hollow frames, all of which are held by means of lugs, on the press framework. The corners of both frames and plates are cored to make continuous passages for pulp and solution; the filter cloth is placed over the plates. The pulp passageway connects

with the large, square opening in the frame; the solution and passageways connect with the gridiron surface of the plate. The Dehne and the Merrill are well-known types. Liddell

plate apron feeder

An automatic arrangement by which coal or ore is fed forward on steel plates forming segments linked together in an endless chain.


Broadly, any comparatively flat area of great extent and elevation; specif. an extensive land region considerably elevated (more than 150 to 300 m in altitude) above the adjacent country or above sea level; it is commonly limited on at least one side by an abrupt descent, has a flat or nearly smooth surface but is often dissected by deep valleys and surmounted by high hills or mountains, and has a large part of its total surface at or near the summit level. A plateau is usually higher and has more noticeable relief than a plain (it often represents an elevated plain), and it is usually higher and more extensive than a mesa; it may be tectonic, residual, or volcanic in origin. CF:mesa

plateau basalt

A term applied to those basaltic lavas that occur as vast composite accumulations of horizontal or subhorizontal flows, which, erupted in rapid succession over great areas, have at times flooded sectors of the Earth's surface on a regional scale. They

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English are generally believed to be the product of fissure eruptions. CF:shield basalt AGI

plateau gravel

A sheet, spread, or patch of surficial gravel, often compacted, occupying a flat area on a hilltop, plateau, or other high region at a height above that normally occupied by a stream-terrace gravel. It may represent a formerly extensive deposit that has been raised by earth movements and largely removed by erosion. AGI

plate bearing test

A method by which the load bearing capacity of a soil may be estimated.

plate cleaner

A device for cleaning raw coal which uses the difference in the coefficient of resilience or friction between clean coal and an inclined plate, commonly of steel, and that between refuse and the plate to allow the clean coal to jump over a gap while the refuse falls through. BS, 5

plate conveyor

A conveyor in which the carrying medium is a series of steel plates, each in the form of a short trough, joined together with a slight overlap to form an articulated band. The plates are attached either to one center chain or to two side chains. The chains connect rollers running on an angle-iron framework and transmit the

drive from the driveheads that can be installed at intermediate points as well as at the head or tail ends. A plate conveyor can negotiate bends down to about 20 ft (6.1 m) radius; available in widths 400, 540, and 640 mm with running speeds from 3 to 4 ft/s (0.9 to 1.2 m/s) with a carrying capacity from 100 to 400 st/h (90.7 to 362.8 t/h).

plate coordinate

In photographic mapping, either of two rectangular coordinates measured on a photograph with reference to the principal point as origin. Seelye, 2

plated crystal

A crystal with a conductive surface film of gold, silver, aluminum, or other metal produced by cathode sputtering, evaporation, or chemical methods. The films, to which lead wires may be soldered, take the place of the conventional clamped metal electrodes. Am. Mineral., 2

plate feeder

The mechanical plate feeder is a device for feeding material at a fixed and uniform rate. It is generally applied at the tail end of a conveyor or elevator which feeds a plant, but may be applied to feeding any other single unit. It relieves the pressure and drag, with the consequent unnecessary wear on the belt, which is ordinarily experienced if feeding from a hopper directly to a belt. It not only cuts maintenance costs by eliminating uneven wear, but increased output can be obtained by steady

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English feeding. This type of feeder also handles wet aggregate. . Pit and Quarry; ACSG, 2

plate former

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Used for lining shafts, winzes, and rises; usually constructed of comparatively thin steel sheeting, stiffened around the edges with angles. Plates should be of such size that they can be conveniently handled in the skips or buckets used for sinking. Spalding

plate girder

A built-up riveted or welded steel girder, having a deep vertical web plate, with a pair of angles riveted along each edge to act as compression and tension flanges. For heavier loads, flange plates are riveted or welded to the angles. Hammond

plate roll

A smooth roll for making sheet iron or plate iron, as distinguished from iron having grooves for rolling rails, beams, etc. Standard, 2

plate tectonics

A theory of global tectonics in which the lithosphere is divided into a number of plates whose pattern of horizontal movement is that of torsionally rigid bodies that interact with one another at their boundaries, causing seismic and tectonic activity along these boundaries. AGI

plate tongs

Tongs for grasping and handling iron or steel plates. Standard, 2


a. The place on top of a breaker where the freshly mined coal is weighed by a weigh boss just before it is dumped into the machinery. Korson b. A wooden floor on the side of a gangway at the bottom of an inclined seam, to which the coal runs by gravity, and from which it is shoveled into mine cars. c. A plank or mesh steel-covered level area at the base of a drill tripod or derrick, used as a working space in front of a drill machine around the collar of the borehole. Sometimes the platform is large enough to act as a foundation and anchor for the drill machine. Long d. A scaffold. Fay e. A wood mat used in sets to support machinery on soft ground. Also called pontoon. Nichols, 1 f. An operator's station on a large machine, particularly on rollers. Nichols, 1 g. In the breaker, a flat or slightly inclined floor covered with iron plates onto which coal is run from the main screen bars and cleaned by platform workers. Korson h. Also a similar floored area in the tripod or derrick on which a laborer stands while working in a tripod or derrick.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English platform gantry

A gantry constructed for carrying a portal crane or a similar structure. Hammond

platform hoist

A power-driven hoist, having a lifting capacity ranging from 200 lb (90.7 kg) to about 2-1/2 st (2.27 t), which can be raised on a loading platform up to 200 ft (61 m) high. Hammond


a. Twisted silver wire. Standard, 2 b. Crude native platinum. AGI

platinic gold

Said to be a native alloy containing 84.6% gold, 2.9% silver, 0.2% iron, 0.9% copper, and the remainder 11.4% platinum. Hess


An isometric mineral, (Ir,Pt) , with Ir 50% to 80% (atomic) of Ir + Pt; forms silver-white grains having sp gr, 22.6 to 22.8; Mohs hardness, 6 to 7.


To coat or combine with platinum, esp. by electroplating. Standard, 2


a. An isometric mineral, native platinum 4[Pt] with variable Pd, Ir, Fe, Ni; malleable; ductile; metallic; sp gr, 21.45; corrosion resistant;

occurs in ultramafic rocks, quartz veins, and in placers. b. A malleable and ductile silvery-white metal, when pure. Symbol: Pt. Occurs native, accompanied by small quantities of iridium, osmium, palladium, ruthenium, and rhodium. Used in jewelry, wire, vessels for laboratory use, and in many valuable instruments including thermocouple elements. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 3

platinum-group metal

(PGM). Any of the minerals native platinum, osmium, iridium, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, and their alloys, such as osmiridium (Ir,Os) , ruthenosmiridium (Ir,Os,Ru) , rutheniridosmine (Os,Ir,Ru) , and platiniridium (Ir,Pt) . Other alloys of PGM are exemplified by stanopalliadinite, (Pd,Cu)3 Sn2 (?) ; and potarite, PdHg . Other sources of PGM are sperrylite, PtAs2 ; cooperite, (Pt,Pd,Ni)S; stibiopalladinite, Pd5 Sb2 ; braggite, (Pt,Pd,Ni)S ; vysotskite, (Pd,Ni)S ; ruthenarsenite, (Ru,Ni)As ; cuproiridsite; CuIr 2 S4 ; cuprorhodsit, CuRh2 S4 ; malanite, Cu(Pt,Ir)2 S4 ; and dayingite, CuCoPtS4 . Varietal terms include plyxene and ferroplatinum for iron alloys and cuproplatinum for copper alloys.

platinum sponge

Metallic platinum in a gray, porous, spongy form; obtained by reducing ammonium chloroplatinate, which occludes large volumes of oxygen, hydrogen, and other gases. Webster 3rd

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English platting

Brick laid flatwise on top of a kiln to keep in the heat. Fay


In bituminous coal mining, a colloquialism of English origin for a pusher who pushes loaded mine cars onto a cage from a platt (an enlarged underground opening at the shaft where cars are gathered prior to hoisting). DOT


a. A tetragonal mineral, PbO2 ; rutile group; dimorphous with scrutinyite; iron black; occurs in lead mines. b. Erroneous spelling of planerite.

platy flow structure

An igneous rock structure of tabular sheets suggesting stratification. It is formed by contraction during cooling; the structure is parallel to the surface of cooling and is commonly accentuated by weathering.


A trigonal mineral, PbBi2 (Se,S)3 metallic; iron-black; forms thin plates like graphite; at Falun, Sweden. Also spelled platinite.


a. A term used in southwestern United States for a dry, vegetation-free, flat area at the lowest part of an undrained desert basin, underlain by stratified clay, silt, or sand, and commonly

by soluble salts. The term is also applied to the basin containing an expanse of playa, which may be marked by ephemeral lakes. c. A small, generally sandy land area at the mouth of a stream or along the shore of a bay. Etymol: Spanish, beach, shore, coast. AGI

playa basin


playa lake

A shallow, intermittent lake in an arid or semiarid region, covering or occupying a playa in the wet season but drying up in summer; an ephemeral lake that upon evaporation leaves or forms a playa.


play of color

A pseudochromatic optical effect resulting in flashes of colored light from certain minerals, such as fire opal and labradorite, as they are turned in white light. Periodic spacings of phases with slightly differing refractive indices act as optical diffraction gratings in these minerals. CF:fire; opalescence; pseudochromatism. plenargyrite



a. A system of ventilation in which air is forced into an inclosed space, such as a room or a caisson, so that the outward pressure of air in the space is slightly greater than the inward

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pressure from the outside, and thus leakage is outward instead of inward. b. A mode of ventilating a mine or a heading by forcing fresh air into it. c. Use of compressed air to hold soil from slumping into an excavation. Nichols, 1



pleochroic halo

a. A minute zone of color or darkening surrounding and produced by a radioactive mineral crystal or inclusion. AGI b. Any of the concentrically colored aureoles in minerals--e.g., micas, fluorite, and cordierite--centered by minute grains of minerals containing radioactive elements, such as zircon and monazite. This discoloration results from crystal structural radiation damage from alpha decay.


a. The property of exhibiting different colors in different directions by transmitted polarized light. AGI b. More precisely, the property of absorbing differently, light that vibrates in different directions in passing through a crystal. If the crystal is uniaxial the change of color is called dichroism; if the crystal is biaxial, the change of color is called pleochroism. AGI c. The property of birefringent crystals (minerals) to absorb various wavelengths of light differentially depending on the vibration direction of the light within the crystal. Thus a mineral displaying pleochroism

shows various colors or tints when it is traversed by plane polarized light and the orientation of the crystal is varied with respect to the plane of polarization. It is a common and diagnostic property of many minerals, and is easily observed under the petrographic microscope or a dichroscope. AGI d. The capacity of strongly anisotropic minerals to change absorption colors with changing electric vector in plane-polarized light; e.g., as seen with a polarized-light microscope. Uniaxial minerals may be dichroic and biaxial ones trichroic. Qualitative pleochroism is change of intensity in the same color; quantitative pleochroism shows change of color with change of orientation. Adj: pleochroic. CF:dichroism; trichroism.






A fine grained intergrowth of kamacite and taenite.

pliable armored cable

A flexible cable having collective armor comprising stranded groups of fine, galvanized, steel wires. BS, 13

pliable support

A support composed of elastic materials that either yields to the roof

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pressure, or permits the subsidence of the roof without the support being completely destroyed and losing its significance. Stoces


Intense, small-scale folding. Adj: plicated. CF:crenulation AGI


Eng. To dress down or remove loose stone from the roof or sides. SMRB


A mineral, Ca5 H2 Si6 O18 .6H2 O(?) .

plot mark

A mark made in a bit mold, bit die, or blank bit where a pip or hole is drilled to receive or to encompass a diamond. Long

plotting instrument

A large drawing machine by means of which stereoscopic pairs of vertical photographs can be viewed in conjunction with their ground control points and mechanically translated into accurate maps. Hammond

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plotting scale

A scale used for setting off the lengths of lines in surveying.


a. In coal mining, a cutter loader with knives or blades, which is pulled

along the longwall face by a powerful chain. The broken coal is loaded onto an armored flexible conveyor which, with the aid of hydraulic rams, holds the plow up to the coal face and causes the knives to bite into the coal as they are pulled along. The plow is a continuous mining machine. b. Applied to V-shaped belt scrapers that are attached to the belt conveyor frame and which press against the return belt. They are intended to remove coal or other material that might stick to the return belt and be crushed as the belt passes over the driving rolls or the return pulley. Jones, 1

plow cut


plow deflector

a. A steel plate attached to the end of a cutter loader for deflecting cut coal onto the face conveyor. Nelson b. A device for removing or diverting the dust and dirt off a belt conveyor and thus prevent it being carried back along the return belt. Nelson

plow steel

A high-tensile steel used in the manufacture of hoisting ropes.

plow-type machine

Plows may be divided into two classes: (1) machines that peel the coal to a depth of from 1 to 12 in (2.54 to 30.5 cm) by knives of various designs and the cut coal is then loaded onto a heavy type scraper chain conveyor;


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English and (2) machines that peel a thin slice up to 2 in (5.1 cm) in thickness, by knives attached to each end of a steel box, and the coal is dragged along the face inside the box. From the aspect of speed of travel, plows may be divided into: (1) slow-moving types of 10 to 20 ft/min (3.0 to 6.1 m/min), which remove a thicker slice; and (2) fast-moving types at about 80 ft/min (24.4 m/min), which take a relatively thin slice.


a. Describes the sudden jerking or plucking on heavy endless-rope haulage when the rope again takes the load, following rope coils. Instead of slipping smoothly sideways, the rope tends to stick until the pressure of oncoming coils overcomes the friction; these slip suddenly, producing a momentary slackening followed by a sudden jerk or pluck as the rope again takes the load. This may loosen chains or clips and cause derailments and runaway sets. Sinclair, 5 b. The disruption of blocks of rock by a glacier or stream. Standard, 2


a. A watertight seal in a shaft formed by removing the lining and inserting a concrete dam, or by placing a plug of clay over ordinary debris used to fill the shaft up to the location of the plug. BS, 10 b. See:hoisting plug c. A steel cylinder placed inside the annular opening in a coring bit to convert it for use as a noncoring bit. The face of the plug may or may not

be provided with serrations, inset diamonds, or other types of cutting edges. Long d. See:block e. See:cartridge f. A cylindrical piece of wood or an expandable metal apparatus placed in a borehole to act as a base into which the drive wedge of a borehole deflection device is driven. g. Small wooden pin driven into a hole in the rock roof of a tunnel. The axis of the tunnel is marked on such plugs by tacks, or by small iron hooks from which a plummet lamp may be suspended for sighting upon. Stauffer h. To plug a well by cementing a block inside casing or capping the well with a metal plate. Wheeler, R.R. i. Any block installed within casing to prevent movement of fluids. Wheeler, R.R. j. A steel wedge used in quarrying dimension stone. See:plug-and-feather method k. A vertical, pipelike body of magma that represents the conduit to a former volcanic vent. CF:neck

plug-and-feather hole

A hole drilled for the purpose of splitting a block of stone. These holes are usually in rows. The plug is a slightly wedge-shaped piece of iron driven between two L-shaped irons, or feathers, inserted in the hole. Stauffer

plug-and-feather method

A method used in quarrying to reduce large masses of stone to smaller size. By using a hammer drill, a row of shallow holes is made along the

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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line where a break is desired. The feathers consist of two iron strips flat on one side for contact with the wedge, and curved on the other to fit the wall of the drill hole. They are placed in the hole and the plug (a steel wedge) is placed between them. They are sledged lightly in succession until a fracture appears. Wherever possible, such fractures are made parallel with the rift of the stone.

plug bit

a. A diamond bit that grinds out the full width of a hole.

b. A noncoring diamond-set bit that can be in the form of a bullnose bit, pilot bit, or concave bit. Also called bullnose bit; concave bit; noncore bit; pilot bit. BS, 9

plug box

Eng. A wooden water pipe used in coffering.

plug drill

A stonecutter's percussion drill. Webster 3rd


a. A borehole that has been filled or capped with a long plug, or in which a plug has been inserted. Long b. Cracks or openings in the rocks in the walls of a borehole that have been filled or sealed with cement or other substances. Long c. A borehole that has been drilled with a plug or noncoring bit. Long

d. A blocked core barrel or bit. Long e. A coring bit in which a plug has been inserted. Long

plugged bit

a. See:noncoring bit b. A core bit, the annular opening of which is tightly closed or blocked by a piece or the impacted fragments of a core. Long

plugged crib

A curb supporting the walling in a shaft and is itself supported on plugs or bolts driven into the ground around the shaft. The crib may be removed when the walling from below is carried up to it.


a. The stopping of the flow of water into a shaft by plugs of clay. Zern b. The material used, the act, or the process of inserting a plug in a borehole to fill it or the cracks and openings in the borehole sidewalls. Long c. The act or process of drilling a borehole with a noncoring bit. Long d. The practice of filling holes and cavities in castings with porous silicate mixture (cast iron filler) before the application of cover coats. The filler must be firmly forced into the casting holes, since any entrapped air beneath the filler will expand during firing and force the material out causing blowholes. Enam. Dict.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English plughole

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a. A passageway that is left open, while working on an explosion-proof stopping, for the purpose of maintaining the ventilation of the fire area at or as near the normal quantity as possible, to prevent any increase in the combustible gases content in the air. After the stopping is completed, this hole is plugged up with sandbags in order to completely seal off the mine area. The plughole is generally a tapered passageway of about 3.5 ft (1.1 m) square at the inby side of the stopping and 2.5 ft (0.76 m) square at the outby side. McAdam, 1 b. See:block hole

plughole stopping

A stopping in which the floor and the sidewalls of the passage are built of sandbags, and the roof may be the roof of the roadway or covering boards used between the webs of steel arches, or preferably, corrugated steel sheeting used as lagging behind steel arches. The plughole or passage is generally tapered from the inby end from 3 to 3.5 ft (0.9 to 1.1 m) square to 2.5 ft (0.76 m) square so that, in the event of an explosion, the plug of sandbags in the passage is subjected to a wedging action assisting to retain the plug in place. The plughole may be placed in the most convenient position and although this is often at the top, it is sometimes placed to the side and reasonably near the floor. Sinclair, 1


See:pumping engineer

plug shot

Scot. A small charge exploded in a hole to break up a stone of moderate size.

plug valve

A valve or cock opened or closed by the turning of a plug, usually conical in shape. Not to be confused with needle valve or globe valve. Long


a. A large random-shaped stone dropped into a large-scale mass of concrete to economize on the volume of the concrete. Hammond b. An old form of plumb. Fay


a. See:vertical b. See:plumb bob; plumbline. c. To carry a survey into a mine through a shaft by means of heavily weighted fine wires hung vertically in the shaft. The line of sight passing through the wires at the surface is thus transferred to the mine workings. An important piece of work: in mine shafts, and in transferring courses or bearings from one level to another. Fay


a. A special quality of powdered graphite used to coat molds, and in a mixture with clay, to make crucibles. c. Impure graphite or graphitic rock. d. Minerals resembling graphite; e.g., molybdenite.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English plumbago crucible

Highly refractory crucible composed of a mixture of about equal parts of refractory clay and graphite. Osborne

plumb bob

a. A small weight or bob, hanging at the end of a cord, which under the action of gravity is oriented in a vertical direction. Also called a plummet. CTD b. A pointed weight hung from a string. Used for vertical alignment. Nichols, 1

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plumber's dope

A soft sealing compound for pipe threads. Nichols, 1


Of, pertaining to, or containing lead, esp. in its higher valence. CF:plumbous


Containing lead. Webster 3rd


Transferring a point at one level to a point vertically below or above it by means of a weight (plumb bob or plummet) suspended at the end of a string or wire (plumbline).; string survey. Nelson


A device used to produce a vertical line between a survey instrument and the reference point over (or sometimes

under, in underground work) which it is set. Special plumblines are used in a vertical shaft to transfer a fixed or an azimuth angle from the surface to underground workings for the purpose of orientation. Also known as plumb bob; plummet.


A variety of calcite containing a small amount of lead carbonate.


A trigonal mineral, PbFe4 O7 ; black; at Jakobsberg, Sweden.


A trigonal mineral, PbAl3 (PO4 )2 (OH)5 .H 2 O ; crandallite group; forms yellow to brown encrustations; in Cumberland, United Kingdom.


A trigonal mineral, PbFe6 (SO4 )4 (OH)12 ; alunite group; forms minute brown tabular crystals with rhombohedral cleavage.


An isometric mineral, (Pb,Ca,U)2 Ta2 O6 (OH); pyrochlore group. It occurs in greenish-yellow and orange masses and octahedra from Kivu, Zaire.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English plumbous

Of, pertaining to, or containing lead, esp. in its lower valence. CF:plumbic

plumb pneumatic jig

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Mineral concentrator in which air is pulsed upward through a porous deck by means of a rotary valve. Pryor, 3

plumb post

One of the vertical posts at the side of a tunnel resting on sills and carrying the wallplates; collectively, they support the tunnel roof by means of centering. Stauffer


A feathery variety of jamesonite.




Having a feathery appearance. Fay

plumose antimony

A feather-ore variety of jamesonite or boulangerite; also called feather ore. Also spelled plumites, plumosite.

plumose mica

A feathery variety of muscovite.


A feathery variety of jamesonite or boulangerite.


Corn. A corruption of the word pump.

plum-pudding stone



a. The vertical angle between a horizontal plane and the line of maximum elongation of an orebody. b. The inclination of a fold axis or other linear structure, measured in the vertical plane. CF:apparent plunge; dip. AGI c. To set the horizontal cross wire of a theodolite in the direction of a grade when establishing a grade between two points of known level. AGI d. To reverse the direction of the telescope of a theodolite by rotating it 180 degrees about its horizontal axis.


a. In blasting, a rod designed for thrusting into a drill hole and ascertaining the position of a cartridge. Standard, 2 b. The piston of a force pump. Fay c. A piston and its attached rod. Long

plunger bucket

A pump piston without a valve. Also called plunger lift. Webster 3rd

plunger case

The pump barrel, or cylinder, in which a solid piston or plunger works. Also called pole case. Fay


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English plunger jig washer

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A washer in which water is forced upward and then downward through a screen by the action of a plunger in an adjoining compartment. Although these machines are still in use, the term "jig washer" is now applied to the fixed-screen, air-pulse jig, which is directly descended from the first Baum washer used in 1892. Nelson

plunger lift

Scot. A pump and attached column of pipes, that raises water by means of a ram or piston. Fay

plunger press

A press in which the pressure is applied by a plunger, with a reciprocating motion, to charges of feed contained in molds in a vertical or horizontal table. BS, 5

plunger pump

a. Reciprocating pump used for moving water or pulp, in which a solid piston displaces the fluid. Pryor, 3 b. A displacement-type pump may be of various types, such as: (1) the triplex pump, a vertical or horizontal, single-acting plunger type for small heads with three single-acting cylinders in the pump frame driven by a motor mounted on the outside of the frame and connected to the crankshaft of the pump through gearing; (2) the quadruplex or quintuplex pump, a pump having four or five cylinders; and (3) the duplex pump, a crank-and-flywheel type for high heads,

with double-acting plungers. Lewis

plunger-type washbox

A washbox in which pulsating motion is produced by the reciprocating movement of a plunger or piston.

plus distance

Fractional part of 100 ft or m used in designating the location of a point on a survey line--such as, 4+47.2, meaning 47.2 ft or m beyond Station 4; or 447.2 ft or m from the initial point, measured along a specified line. Seelye, 2

plush copper ore

See:chalcotrichite; cuprite.

plus mesh

The portion of a powder sample retained on a screen of stated size. Osborne

plus sight



A body of medium- to coarse-grained igneous rock that formed beneath the surface by crystallization of a magma.


a. Pertaining to igneous rocks formed at great depths. CF:hypabyssal AGI b. Pertaining to rocks formed by any


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English process at great depth. . AGI

plutonic metamorphism

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Deep-seated regional metamorphism at high temperatures and pressures, often accompanied by strong deformation; batholithic intrusion with accompanying metasomatism, infiltration, and injection (or, alternatively, differential fusion or anatexis) is characteristic. CF:injection metamorphism

plutonic ore deposit

Collectively, the major group of ore deposits of magmatic origin that have been formed under abyssal conditions. Schieferdecker

plutonic rock

Igneous rock formed deep within the Earth under the influence of high heat and pressure, hypogene rocks; distinguished from eruptive rock formed at the surface. Hess

plutonic series

A series of different igneous rocks that evolved from the same original magma through various differentiation stages.


a. The obsolete belief that all of the rocks of the Earth solidified from an original molten mass. CF:neptunism b. A general term for the phenomena associated with the formation of plutons. AGI


See:rain gage


a. U.K. A thin band of shale lying immediately over a coal seam. b. U.K. A rib or successive ribs; e.g., of clayband with very thin partings. c. Limy ply; a limestone bed; Edinburgh, U.K.


Set in motion or operated by compressed air. Nelson

pneumatic blowpipe

A long, 3/4-in-diameter (1.9-cm-diameter) metal pipe, connected to an air supply; used to blow out dust and chippings from vertical blast holes at quarries. The blowpipe is generally used for holes exceeding about 12 ft (3.66 m) deep. A stream of water is sometimes used instead of an air jet. Nelson

pneumatic caisson

Closed casing in which air pressure is maintained equal to the pressures of the water and soils on the outside. The deeper the caisson, the higher the pressure that must be maintained. Carson, 1

pneumatic cartridge loader

A cartridge loader widely used for underwater blasting, for blasting without removing the overburden, and for long-hole blasting. It is also


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English being used increasingly for tunneling and other sorts of rock blasting. Langefors

pneumatic cleaning

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Mineral cleaning by machines that utilize air currents as the primary separating medium. The air machines can generally be divided into three types: (1) pneumatic jigs, in which the air current is pulsated; (2) pneumatic tables, in which the refuse is diverted from the direction of flow of the clean mineral by a system of riffles fixed to the deck; and (3) pneumatic launders, in which the products are flowing in the same direction, and the clean mineral is skimmed off the top of the bed and/or the refuse is extracted from the bottom in successive stages. Mitchell

pneumatic concentrator

Gravity jig, shaking table, or other device in which suitably ground minerals are separated by gravity during their exposure to a continuous or pulsating current of air. Pryor, 3

pneumatic conveying

Use of compressed air to move fairly fine aggregates laterally and/or vertically. Pryor, 3

pneumatic conveyor

a. A pipe or tube through which granular material is transported by airblast. It is used for pulverized coal, crushed rock (pneumatic stowing), cement, etc. The term could also be applied to a conveyor

operated by compressed air. Nelson b. An arrangement of tubes or ducts through which bulk material or objects are conveyed in a pressure and/or vacuum system.

pneumatic drill

Compressed-air drill worked by reciprocating piston, hammer action, or turbo drive. Pryor, 3

pneumatic drill leg

See:air-leg support

pneumatic filling

A filling method in which compressed air is utilized to blow filling material into a mined-out stope. Stoces

pneumatic flotation cell

Machine in which the air used to generate a mineralized froth is blown into the cell, either through a porous septum at or near the bottom, or by pipes that bring low-pressure air to that region. Pryor, 3

pneumatic friction clutch

This clutch transmits power through friction shoes carried on the tube of cord and rubber construction. The pneumatic clutch is self-adjusting for wear owing to the natural resilience of the rubber tube. Disengagement is complete and automatic when the air under pressure is released. The clutch is controlled by finger pressure on a valve. The valve can be installed at the place most convenient for the operator. Pit and Quarry


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pneumatic hammer

A hammer that uses compressed air for producing the impacting blow.

pneumatic hoist

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A device for hoisting; operated by compressed air. Standard, 2

pneumatic injection

A method for fighting underground coal fires. This air-blowing technique involves the injection of an incombustible mineral, like rock wool or dry sand, through 6-in (15.2-cm) boreholes drilled from the surface to intersect underground passageways in the mines.

pneumatic jig

a. Air jig used in desert countries for concentrating ore. Pryor, 3 b. A jigging machine in which an airblast performs the work of separation of minerals. Standard, 2 c. See:Kirkup table; plunger jig washer.

pneumatic lighting

a. Underground lighting produced by a compressed-air turbomotor driving a small dynamo. Pryor, 3 b. The use of compressed air to generate electric light.

pneumatic method

In flotation, a method in which gas is introduced under slight pressure near the bottom of the flotation vessel, the device used for introduction being either a submerged pipe or a porous

cloth, frit, or rubber surface forming the wall of a wind box. Gaudin, 2

pneumatic mortar

Mortar applied to a surface with a cement gun in the same manner as gunite. Such mortar has a cube crushing strength of 3,000 psi (20.7 MPa) at 7 days and of 6,000 psi (41.4 MPa) at 28 days, with a water-cement ratio of 0.45. Hammond

pneumatic pick

A compressed-air-operated hand tool used to excavate coal, ore, and rock, with a punching action. Without the pick steel, its length is about 18 in (46 cm) and weight about 24 lb (10.8 kg). It delivers about 2,500 blows/min. The latest type is the water-controlled pick, so designed that the air valve is operated by water pressure. The water assists in suppressing the dust made during cutting. Nelson

pneumatic ram

A ram fed by a compressed-air pipeline. The piston is about 8 in (20 cm) in diameter, giving an area of 50 in2 (323 cm2 ) and exerts a pushing force of up to 4,000 lb (1,800 kg). Nelson

pneumatic riveter

A compressed-air tool used for driving rivets. Hammond

pneumatic rod puller

An air-driven rod puller.


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Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

The branch of physics that deals with the mechanical properties of gases, such as their pressure, elasticity, density, and also of pneumatic mechanisms; sometimes it includes acoustics. Standard, 2

pneumatic shaft sinking

a. Shaft sinking with the aid of a drop shaft fitted with an air-tight deck to form a working chamber. b. The caisson-sinking process now largely obsolescent in mining practice. Nelson

pneumatic stowing

A system of filling mined cavities in which crushed rock is carried along a pipeline by compressed air and discharged at high velocity into the space to be packed, the intense projection ensuring a very high density of packed material. For stowing shallow workings--up to 200 yd (183 m) in depth--the stowing plant may be installed on the surface. The air pressure is about 60 psi (414 kPa). For deeper workings, the plant may be installed underground, and the crushed rock taken down from the surface. The stowing pipes are about 5 to 6 in (approx. 13 to 15 cm) in diameter. The system is often employed if important surface structures require protection. The material used is from old dirt heaps, screen dirt, and washery rejects. The material is crushed to -2-1/2 in (-6.35 cm) and preferably without the -1/2-in (-1.27-cm) material.; crusher stower; hydraulic stowing; low-pressure air stower. Nelson

pneumatic table

An appliance for the dry cleaning of ore or coal. It consists of a perforated deck, with vertical ribs or riffles, which is reciprocated; the motion keeps the bed of raw coal sufficiently mobile for the blast of air from below to effect a process of stratification (or layering). The coal rises to the surface, with dirt at the base and a central layer of middlings.; Kirkup table; Vee table; air table. Nelson

pneumatic tamper

Essentially a long-stroke piston with a mushroom-shaped foot about 4 in (10 cm) in diameter. It operates on compressed air, which is used to lift the piston and footpiece; their combined weight, in falling, supplies the impact. Carson, 1

pneumatic tool

Tool operated by air pressure. Crispin

pneumatic transport

System composed of: a compressor, which provides airflow; a feeder, which meters the flow of material into a pipeline; and the pipeline-- for transporting coarse, dry, noncohesive material. SME, 1

pneumatic water barrel

A special type of water barrel for removing water from a shaft sinking. By means of a hose connection to an air pump at the surface, a partial vacuum is created inside the barrel and the water lifts the valve and fills the


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English barrel. The hose is then detached and the barrel is hoisted to the surface and discharged. Also called vacuum tank. Nelson


Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

Said of a rock or mineral deposit formed by a gaseous agent. CF:hydatogenic; hydatopneumatogenic; pneumatolytic. AGI


Alteration of a rock or crystallization of minerals by gaseous emanations derived from solidifying magma. Adj: pneumatolytic. AGI


A term used in different connotations by various authors and perhaps best abandoned. It has been used to describe: (1) the surface effects of gases near volcanoes; (2) contact-metamorphic effects surrounding deep-seated intrusives; (3) that stage in igneous differentiation between pegmatitic and hydrothermal, which is supposed to be characterized by gas-crystal equilibria; and (4) very loosely, any deposit containing minerals or elements commonly formed in pneumatolysis, such as tourmaline, topaz, fluorite, lithium, and tin, and hence presumed to have formed from a gas phase. CF:pneumatogenic

pneumatolytic metamorphism

Contact metamorphism in which the composition of a rock has been altered by introduced gaseous magmatic material.

pneumatolytic stage

That stage in the cooling of a magma during which the solid and gaseous phases are in equilibrium. AGI


A combining form taken from the Greek meaning lung, and used in connection with the terminology of geologic processes and effects involving gases and vapors. Stokes


A disease of the lungs caused by habitual inhalation of irritant mineral or metallic particles. It occurs in any workplaces where dust is prevalent, such as mines, quarries, foundries, and potteries. Also called miner's asthma; miner's consumption; miner's lung. Also spelled pneumonoconiosis; pneumonokoniosis. CF:anthracosis; silicosis.




a. A localized enrichment; a crevice in bedrock containing gold; a rich patch of gold in a reef. b. A rich deposit of mineral, but not a vein. c. A bin, of a capacity equal to the skip, used at the shaft bottom of an underground mine for quick and accurate skip loading. shaft pocket; measuring chute. Nelson d. A receptacle, from which coal, ore, or waste is loaded into wagons or


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

cars. Fay e. A ganister quarryman's local term for masses of rock, 30 to 50 ft (9.1 to 15.2 m) in width, that are worked out and loaded, leaving buttresses of untouched rock between them to support the upper masses. Fay f. A hole or depression in the wearing course of a roadway. Fay g. A local accumulation of gas. Hudson h. A bulge, sop, or belly in a lode or bed. Arkell i. A cavity, whether filled with air, water, mineral, or gravel. Arkell j. In pegmatites, the central openings lined with crystals, including those of gem species. Sinkankas

pocket-and-fender method

In pillar extraction, a method in which lifts are mined in the same way as in the open-end method, except that a fender of coal or a series of small coal stumps is left adjacent to the gob as the lift is advanced. After the lift is completed, the fender or stumps of coal are blasted, and sometimes part of this coal is recovered. Woodruff

pocket-and-stump method

A method of mining pillars in which a narrow pillar of coal, called the stump, is left along the goaf (worked-out space) to support the roof while driving the pocket. This coal acts as a protection for the miners. When the pocket has been completed, the stump is worked back, then another pocket is driven, and so on. Lewis

pocket compass

A magnetic needle enclosed in a nonmagnetic case, the needle being free to swing over a graduated face or dial. The compass is useful for experimental purposes or for direction-finding in desolate parts of the countryside, or during darkness and foggy weather. Morris

pocket conveyor

A continuous series of pockets, formed of a flexible material festooned between crossrods, carried by two endless chains or other linkage that operate in horizontal, vertical and inclined paths.

pocket hunter

California. A miner or prospector who searches for small gold deposits which occur on the surface in the gold-bearing areas of the State. Fay

pocket of gas

A small accumulation of methane in a roof cavity, where it is beyond the reach of the ventilating air current.; combustible gases layer; hurdle sheet. Nelson

pocket transit

See:Brunton compass


A rudely cylindrical orebody that decreases at the ends like a cigar or a potato.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Podsol



Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A great soil group in the 1938 classification system; a group of zonal soils having an organic mat and a very thin organic-mineral layer overlying a gray, leached A2 horizon and a dark brown, illuvial B horizon enriched in iron oxide, alumina, and organic matter. It develops under coniferous or mixed forests or under heath, in a cool to temperate moist climate. Also spelled Podsol. Spelled "podzol" when used as the soil type belonging to the Podzol group. Etymol: Russian podsol, ash soil. AGI


The process by which a soil becomes more acid owing to depletion of bases, and develops surface layers that are leached of clay and develop illuvial B horizons; the development of a podzol. Also spelled: podsolization. AGI


The original spelling of poikilitic. Now obsolete in American usage, it is still the most accepted European spelling. AGI

Poetsch process

a. The original freezing process of shaft sinking developed by F. H. Poetsch in 1883.b. A process in which brine at subzero temperature is circulated through

boreholes to freeze running water through which a shaft or tunnel is to be driven during development of a waterlogged mine. Pryor, 3




An automatic weighing device for use on belt conveyors. The device feeds the material from a hopper in a uniform stream onto a short independent belt conveyor and from there onto the main belt or bin. The weight of material on the measuring belt actuates a scale beam that raises or lowers a gate controlling the rate of flow from the feed hopper to a certain predetermined load per foot of measuring belt. A meter records the travel of measuring belt, and this figure multiplied by the weight per foot of belt, as fixed by the scale beam adjustment, gives the weight of material handled in any given period.




A rock texture in which numerous grains of various minerals in random orientation are completely enclosed within a large, optically continuous crystal of different composition. Also spelled poicilitic. CF:ophitic

poikilitic texture



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English poikiloblastic

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

a. Said of a metamorphic texture in which small grains of one constituent lie within larger metacrysts. Modern usage favors this meaning. b. Said of a metamorphic texture due to the development, during recrystallization, of a new mineral around numerous relicts of the original minerals, thus simulating the poikilitic texture of igneous rocks. CF:helicitic


a. A predetermined direction for driving a roadway underground. The point is fixed by roof plugs in the roadway. spad. Nelson b. One one-hundredth (0.01) part of a carat. When less than one carat, the weight of a diamond is usually expressed in points; e.g., 20 points equals 1/5 carat. Chandler c. A pipe through which steam or hot water is brought into contact with frozen gravel to thaw it for mining or dredging. d. See:well point e. In quarrying, a type of wedge that tapers to a narrow, thin edge. f. The end or bottom of a borehole, as distinguished from the mouth or collar. Fay g. A tool used in trimming and smoothing rough stone surfaces. Webster 3rd h. Either of a pair of tapered rails at a turnout that can be adjusted to direct a set of mine cars from a straight rail track to another track branching off at an angle.. Nelson

point agate

See:point chalcedony

point chalcedony

White or gray cryptocrystalline quartz flecked with tiny spots of iron oxide, giving the whole surface a uniform soft red color.

point defect

A deviation from ideal crystal structure about a point location; e.g., interstitial, atom missing (Schottky), or combined (Frenkel). CF:crystal defect; Frenkel defect; Schottky defect.

point driver

In metal mining, a person who drives steam or water points (specially made pipes with a chisel bit at one end) into the frozen ground of a placer deposit in advance of dredging operations, to thaw the ground so that it can be worked by the dredge for recovery of gold. DOT

pointed box

A box, in the form of an inverted pyramid or wedge, in which minerals, after crushing and sizing, are separated in a current of water.

point group

One of 32 geometrically possible arrays of symmetry elements intersecting at a point. These symmetry elements are axes of rotation, both proper and


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English improper (1 = i, 2 = m). All minerals having the symmetry of one point group belong to the same crystal class. CF:symmetry; crystal class; space group.

point kriging

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

Estimating the value of a point from a set of nearby sample values using kriging. The kriged estimate for a point will usually be quite similar to the kriged estimate for a relatively small block centered on the point, but the computed kriging standard deviation will be higher. When a kriged point happens to coincide with a sampled location, the kriged estimate will equal the sample value.

point of attack


point of compound curvature

The point of tangency common to two curves of different radii, the curves lying on the same side of the common tangent. Abbrev., P.C.C. Seelye, 2

point of curvature

The point where the alignment changes from a straight line or tangent to a circular curve; i.e., the point where the curve leaves the first tangent. Abbrev., P.C. Seelye, 2

point of frog

The intersection gagelines of the main track and a turnout. Kiser

point of intersection

a. The point where intersecting lines cross one another. Jones, 2 b. The point where the two tangents to a circular curve intersect. Abbrev., P.I. Also called vertex. Seelye, 2

point of recalescence


point of switch

That point in the track where a car passes from the main line onto the rails of a turnout. Kiser

point of tangency

The point where the alignment changes from a circular curve to a straight line or tangent; i.e., the point where the curve joins the second tangent. Abbrev., P.T. Seelye, 2

point plotting

In seismology, a procedure in reflection interpretation in which depth points are computed and plotted for each seismogram trace separately. Schieferdecker

point source

A single point from which light emanates; e.g., the sun or a lamp filament, or their reflections. In the case of multiple reflections, each is a point source.


a. The unit of absolute viscosity, equal to one dyne-second per square


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English centimeter. Named from the physicist Poiseuille. AGI b. The second unit of fluid viscosity, often expressed in centimeters or grams.

Poiseuille's law

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A statement in physics that the velocity of flow of a liquid through a capillary tube varies directly as the pressure and the fourth power of the diameter of the tube and inversely as the length of the tube and the coefficient of viscosity.


a. In ion-exchange terminology, loading of resin sites with unwanted ions, thereby eliminating them as locations for loading. b. Fouling of an organic solvent used in stripping pregnant leach liquor. Pryor, 3

Poisson's ratio

The ratio of the lateral unit strain to the longitudinal unit strain in a body that has been stressed longitudinally within its elastic limit. It is one of the elastic constants. Symbol: sigma .

poker man

A laborer who removes blue powder and ash residue from retorts after molten zinc has been tapped. Also called scraper. DOT


a. Lacking a center of symmetry, with the result that crystals are acentric in their crystal forms and physical properties; i.e., electrostatic or magnetic properties are equal and opposite at the opposite ends of these crystals; e.g., tourmalines. Ant. nonpolar. b. An optical device, such as nicol prism or polarizing filter, for the production of plane-polarized light.; Nicol prism.

Polar Ajax

A high-strength, high-density, nitroglycerin gelatin explosive, supplied in both unsheathed and sheathed forms.

polar curve

A graph showing the distribution of light in a flame safety lamp obtained by plotting the values obtained at intervals of 10 degrees around a full circle. Mason

polar explosive

Explosive containing an antifreeze ingredient and distinguished by the prefix polar. Polar and nonpolar explosives of equal grade possess similar characteristics. Explosives that contain nitroglycerin tend to freeze when stored at low temperatures for lengthy periods.


An optical device consisting of two polarizers with a space between for a crystal or rock under study.


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In crystallography, the property of having differing types of termination at the two ends of a prismatic crystal. May be reflected in pyroelectric properties, conduction of electric current, etc.


The property of an ion or atom to deform so as to create a dipole from the displacement of its electron cloud.


a. The difference between the equilibrium value of the potential of an electrode and the value attained when an appreciable current flows through a system. Schlain b. In electrolysis, the condition in the vicinity of an electrode, such that the potential necessary to get a desired reaction is increased beyond the reversible electrode potential. ASM, 1 c. The production of dipoles or higher-order multipoles in a medium. AGI d. The polarity or potential near an electrode. AGI e. In seismology, the direction of particle motion of shear (S) waves in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation. AGI f. A process of filtration or reflection by which ordinary light is converted to plane-polarized light in which the electric vector of a light ray is confined to a single plane.

polarized light

Light with its electric vector restricted to a plane or to an elliptically

or circularly helical path as a result of filtration, reflection, or interaction with a crystal structure.


In a polarized-light microscope, the polarizing filter or Nicol prism (polar) located below the sample stage.analyzer.

polarizing prism

A prism of an anisotropic crystal, commonly calcite, cut and cemented together so as to permit passage of one of the doubly refracted light rays while reflecting the other out of the train of a microscope.

polar moment of inertia

The second moment of area about an axis perpendicular to its plane is known as the polar moment of inertia of a plane section.


A sheet of cellulose impregnated with optically aligned crystals of quinine iodosulfate, which permit passage of light with its electric vector in one plane while absorbing all other impinging light. It is a cheap substitute for Nicol prisms in modern polarized-light microscopes.

Polar Viking

A typical nitroglycerin powder explosive, which is now supplied only in the sheathed form. McAdam, 2


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Dutch. Low fertile land, as in The Netherlands and Belgium, reclaimed from the sea by systems of dikes and embankments.

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a. Either of the two regions of a permanent magnet or an electromagnet where most of the lines of induction enter or leave. A point toward which a freely suspended ferromagnetic rod aligns itself. b. The negative or positive electrical pole in a circuit.

pole chain

A surveyor's chain.

pole figure

A stereographic projection representing the statistical average distribution of poles of a specific crystalline plane in a polycrystalline metal, with reference to an external system of axes. In an isotropic metal; i.e., in one having a completely random distribution of orientations, the pole density is stereographically uniform; preferred orientation is shown by an increased density of poles in certain areas. ASM, 1


See:locomotive brakeman

pole piece

A specially shaped piece of magnetic material forming an extension to a

magnet; e.g., the salient poles of a generator or motor. CTD

pole strength

In measurement of magnetic strength, the number of unit poles in the measured field. One unit pole is the strength in a vacuum required to exert 1 dyn in a 1-cm gap between poles. Pryor, 3


A steel-gray dioxide of manganese, MnO2 , crystallizing in the tetragonal system. It is distinguished from pyrolusite by its hardness and anhydrous character. CMD; Dana, 4


a. The act or process of temporarily protecting the face of a level, drift, cut, etc., by driving poles or planks along the sides of the yet unbroken ground. Used esp. for holding up soft ground. b. A step in the fire refining of copper to reduce the oxygen content to tolerable limits by covering the bath with coal or coke and thrusting greenwood poles below the surface. There is a vigorous release of reducing gases that combine with the oxygen contained in the metal. If the final oxygen content is too high, the metal is underpoled; if too low, overpoled; and if just right, tough pitch. ASM, 1; CTD

poling back

Carrying out excavation behind timbering already in place. Hammond


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Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

a. A forepoling board, driven horizontally ahead to support the roof when tunneling through running ground. b. In trenching, either of a pair of side boards wedged apart. Pryor, 3


Tripoli slate. Also called polishing slate. Dana, 1


An attribute of surface texture of a rock, characterized by high luster and strong reflected light, produced by agents, such as desert or glacial polish, or by artificial grinding and smoothing; e.g., marble or granite. AGI

polished section

A slice of rock or mineral that has been highly polished for examination by reflected-light or electron microbeam techniques, a procedure mostly applied to opaque minerals..


Removing the last traces of suspended matter from solutions by passing them through a filter coated with diatomaceous earth or similar material.

polishing cask

A barrel in which grained gunpowder is tumbled with graphite to glaze it. Standard, 2

polishing mill

A lap of metal, leather, or wood used by lapidaries in polishing gems. Fay

polled stone

Som. Stone hewn into shape and faced ready for building. Building stone with one side rough faced, as opposed to hammer-and-punch dressed. Arkell

pollen peat

Peat rich in pollen grains. Tomkeieff

poll pick

A pick with a head for breaking away hard partings in coal seams or knocking down rock already seamed by blasting. Fay


An isometric mineral, (Cs, Na)2 Al2 Si4 O12 .H 2 O ; zeolite group; forms a series with analcime; colorless; occurs in granite pegmatites; a source of cesium and a minor gemstone.


A prefix signifying many. Used in many mineral names, such as polybasite, polycrase, polyhalite, and polyaugite. CCD, 2; Spencer, 5


A mixture of argentite and tetrahedrite.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English polybasite

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A monoclinic mineral (Ag,Cu)16 Sb2 S11 ; forms a series with pearcite; pseudohexagonal; soft; metallic; gray to black; sp gr, 6.0 to 6.2; in low-temperature veins; a source of silver.


Altered cordierite. Dana, 1






An orthorhombic mineral, (Y,Ca,Ce,U,Th)(Ti,Nb,Ta)2 O6 ; black; in granite pegmatites. Formerly spelled polykras.


A mineral specimen composed of an assemblage of individual crystals of various crystallographic orientations. syntaxy.


An aggregate of crystals of the same species.


An isometric mineral, NiNi2 S4 ; linnaeite group; easily confused with violarite.


a. Resulting from more than one process of formation, derived from more than one source, or originating or developing at various places and times; e.g., said of a mountain range resulting from several orogenic episodes. AGI b. Consisting of more than one type of material, or having a heterogeneous composition; e.g., said of a conglomerate composed of materials from several different sources. CF:monogenetic


A plane figure bounded by straight lines. Jones, 2


A two-dimensional form having more than four regular straight sides.

polygonal method

An ore-reserve computation method in which an assumption is made that the area of influence of each drill hole extends halfway to the neighboring drill holes. Therefore, thickness and grade must vary uniformly in opposite directions and in such cases errors tend to be compensating. Where the thickness and grade vary in the same direction, the errors will accumulate and cause erroneous results. Krumlauf


A triclinic mineral, K2 Ca2 Mg(SO4 )4 .2H (sub 2) O ; bitter tasting; varicolored; occurs in


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English salt deposits in Texas, New Mexico, and Germany.



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a. A compound formed by the union of two or more molecules of the same simple substance. Standard, 2 b. In the plural use, compounds identical in composition but which vary in molecular weight, such as ethylene (ethene), Ch2 :Ch2 ; propylene (propene), CH3 CH:CH2 ; and butylene (butene), CH 3 CH2 CH:CH2 . Standard, 2


Union of two or more molecules of given structure to form a new compound with the same elemental proportions but with different properties and a higher molecular weight. Pryor, 3


To chemically combine small molecules into larger molecules; to undergo polymerization.

polymetallic sulfide

A sulfide deposit rich in copper, zinc, lead, silver, or gold, which forms as a result of hydrothermal activity in the vicinity of mid-ocean spreading centers or tectonically active basins. The first discovery of these deposits was from the French submersible Cyana, in 1979, during a joint international biological investigation of thermal springs on the

deep seabed. The term derives from the French "sulfides polymetalliques."


An orthorhombic mineral, (Ca,Fe,Y,Th)(Nb,Ti,Ta,Zr)O4 ; radioactive; in syenites and granite pegmatites. Also spelled polymignyte.


The characteristic of a chemical compound to crystallize in more than one crystal class; e.g.: (1) kyanite, andalusite, and sillimanite; (2) quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, coesite, and stishovite. Allotropy refers specif. to chemical elements crystallizing in more than one class; e.g., graphite, diamond, chaoite, and lonsdaleite. Polymorphism limited to two or three crystal classes is dimorphism or trimorphism, respectively. Individual species are polymorphs (dimorphs, trimorphs). Polytypism refers to variable stacking of identical layer structures in different crystal classes. Adj: polymorphic (dimorphic, trimorphic). Adv: polymorphous (dimorphous, trimorphous). isomorphism; isotypy; polysyngony.


Variety of nigritite found in a finely dispersed state in argillaceous rocks. CF:keronigritite; humonigritite. Tomkeieff


A montmorillonoid clay mineral in soils. Spencer, 6


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English polyphase

In electricity, having or producing two or more phases, such as a polyphase current.


Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

Having a texture consisting of numerous small grains; said of minerals. Standard, 2


Minerals having a texture of many small grains.


A condition where two or more minerals have the same composition, but different crystal classes owing to changed bond angles; e.g., alpha and beta quartz. CF:polytypy; polytropy; polymorphism.

polysynthetic twinning

a. Two systems of lamellar twinning at an angle with one another. b. Successive twinning of three or more individuals, according to the same twin law, with parallel composition planes; commonly revealed by visibly striated cleavage planes; e.g., albite twinning in plagioclase feldspar. CF:cyclic twinning; twin laminae.

polythionic acid

Any of several acids in a series related to sulfurous and thiosulfuric acid. Pryor, 3


A condition in which there is no change in the geometrical symmetry of the crystal structure of two related minerals, but a change to permit a variant in the resultant mineral; e.g., orthoclase microcline.


a. A condition in micas and similar clay minerals in which they show growth spirals which are due to lamellae of different orientations. AGI b. One-dimensional polymorphism resulting from alternate stacking of identical layers; e.g., kaolinite, nacrite, and dickite.


A condition in which the space lattice of two related minerals is completely altered to a new type. This is illustrated by the quartz-tridymite relationship.Hess

polyvinyl butyral

A resin, with a plasticizer. Provides the interlayer in standard laminated glass made from either polished plate glass or window glass. Lee


A variety of native platinum alloyed with iron.

Poncelet wheel

A kind of undershot waterwheel suitable for falls of less than 6 ft (1.8


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English m), having the buckets curved so that the water presses on them without impact.

Ponsard furnace

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A furnace in which the escaping combustion gases, passing through tubular flues, heat the incoming air continuously through the flue walls. Fay


An iron rod used in glassmaking to carry and manipulate hot bottles, etc.; has a projection at the end, varying in shape according to the character of the ware carried. Also called snap; pontee; ponto; ponty; puntee; puntil; punty. Standard, 2


a. A float supporting part of a structure, such as a bridge. Nichols, 1 b. A wood platform used to support machinery on soft ground. Nichols, 1

pony set

A small timber set or frame incorporated in the main sets of a haulage level to accommodate an ore chute or other equipment from above or below. Nelson


a. To undercut or undermine material, such as coal, esp. in excavating. Webster 3rd b. A continuous area of porous

sedimentary rock that yields petroleum or gas on drilling. Webster 3rd

pool washing screen

A screen that is divided into alternate transverse screen cloth panels and metal plate pool sections. Water is directed to the pools, setting up a swirling motion that agitates fines into suspension.

poor fumes

Toxic or irritating chemicals produced by an explosion. Nichols, 1

poorly sorted

See:nongraded sediment


a. A short, secondary drill hole blasted to reduce larger pieces of rock or to trim a working face. Also called pophole; pop shot. b. Explosion in sealed area of a mine. Manometers may record a sudden pressure rise due to such an explosion. Sinclair, 1

pop a boulder

To place and explode a stick of dynamite on a boulder so as to break it for easy removal from a mine. Fay


A secondary drill hole.pop


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pophole blasting

Breaking down large pieces of asbestos by means of short blastholes judiciously placed. Sinclair, 7

pop-off valve

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

A pressure-relief valve. Long


a. A pulley frame or the headgear over a shaft. A headframe. b. A valve that lifts bodily from its seat instead of being hinged. .

poppet head

a. The top of a derrick where the pulley is situated. Gordon b. See:headgear

poppet valve

A valve shaped like a mushroom, resting on a circular seat, and opened by raising the stem.. Nichols, 1


The drilling, charging, and firing of a hole in the center of a boulder at quarry and open-cast mines. The hole is charged at the rate of 2 to 3 oz (57 to 85 g) of explosive per yd3 (74.2 to 111.3 g/m3 ) of rock. The charge is pushed to the bottom of the hole and then filled with sand or soil. Also called pop shooting. Nelson

poppy stone

Red orbicular jasper from California; popular for cutting en cabochon.


A method of drilling a hole just beyond the center of a boulder to be broken so that the charge is centrally situated. Stemming is used. Pop-shooting is economical in explosives, but drilling is required. It is somewhat difficult to control the throw of broken material, but there is little noise to cause annoyance to nearby property owners.

pop shot

a. In mining, a shot fired for trimming purposes. BS, 12 b. In quarrying, a method of secondary blasting. BS, 12 c. A shot by which a boulder in a mine is broken up by placing a stick of dynamite on top of the boulder and exploding it. Ricketts d. In blasting, an explosion of the charge that simply blows out the tamping.

pop valve

A pressure-relief valve. Long

porcelain clay

A clay suitable for use in the manufacture of porcelain; specif. kaolin. AGI

porcelain earth



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English porcelain jasper

A hard, naturally baked, impure clay or porcellanite that, because of its red color, was long considered a variety of jasper.

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porcelain oven

A firing kiln used in baking porcelain. Fay


Resembling unglazed porcelain; e.g., said of a rock consisting of chert and carbonate impurities or of clay and opaline silica. Also spelled: porcellaneous; porcelanous. AGI


A dense siliceous rock having the texture, dull luster, hardness, conchoidal fracture, and general appearance of unglazed porcelain; it is less hard, dense, and vitreous than chert. The term has been used for: an impure chert, in part argillaceous; an indurated or baked clay or shale often found in the roof or floor of a burned-out coal seam; and a fine-grained, acidic tuff compacted by secondary silica. Etymol: Italian porcellana, porcelain. Also spelled: porcelanite; porcelainite. AGI


A space in rock or soil not occupied by solid mineral matter.

pore space

The open spaces or voids in a rock taken collectively.

pore-space filling

The deposition of minerals in the voids of rocks or between the grains of loose sediment. Nelson

pore water

a. In soil technology, free water present in a soil. Normally under hydrostatic pressure. The shear strength of adjacent soil depends on this pore pressure, which reduces frictional resistance and soil stability. b. Subsurface water in the voids of a rock.

pore-water pressure

See:neutral stress


An instrument used to determine the porosity of a rock sample by comparing the bulk volume of the sample with the aggregate volume of the pore spaces between the grains. Porosimeters are of various designs, some using liquids and some using gases, at known pressures, to find the volume of openings. AGI


a. The ratio, P, expressed as a percentage of the volume, Vp, of the pore space in a rock to the volume, Vr, of the rock, the latter volume including rock material plus the pore space; P = 100 Vp/Vr.


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Holmes, 2 b. The amount of void space in a reservoir usually expressed as percent voids per bulk volume. Absolute porosity refers to the total amount of pore space in a reservoir, regardless of whether or not that space is accessible to fluid penetration. Effective porosity refers to the amount of connected pore spaces; i.e., the space available to fluid penetration.

porosity coefficient

Evolved by Professor H. Briggs in 1931 to express the conductance of a waste to air leakage, per foot length of the roadway per foot width of the leakage zone. Roberts, 1


Containing voids, pores, cells, interstices, and other openings, which may or may not interconnect.

porous ground

Any assemblage of rock material that, as a result of fracturing, faulting, mode of deposition, etc., contains a high percentage of voids, pores, and other openings. Long

porous-pot electrode

Nonpolarizable electrode consisting of a metal bar immersed in a saturated electrolytic solution which is contained in a porous pot. Schieferdecker


A native alloy of argentiferous gold with palladium, the palladium content varying up to 10%. From Porpez, Brazil.


An obsolete term synonymous with porphyry. The term was originally used to distinguish porphyries that contain plagioclase phenocrysts from those that contain alkali feldspar phenocrysts. AGI


a. Said of the texture of an igneous rock in which larger crystals (phenocrysts) are set in a finer-grained groundmass, which may be crystalline or glassy or both. Also, said of a rock with such texture, or of the mineral forming the phenocrysts. AGI b. Pertaining to or resembling porphyry. AGI

porphyritic obsidian

Volcanic glass having microcrystalline phenocrysts.

porphyritic texture



A pseudoporphyritic crystal in a rock produced by metamorphic recrystallization. Adj: porphyroblastic.; pseudophenocryst. AGI


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a. Pertaining to the texture of a recrystallized metamorphic rock having large idioblasts of minerals possessing high form energy (e.g., garnet, andalusite) in a finer-grained crystalloblastic matrix. AGI b. See:pseudoporphyritic


A rock fragment contained in mylonite.

porphyroclastic structure

See:mortar structure


Said of the texture of a diabase porphyry having phenocrysts of plagioclase and augite in a ground mass of plagioclase laths and augite.


Said of or pertaining to a blastoporphyritic or sometimes porphyroblastic metamorphic rock of igneous origin, or a feldspathic metasedimentary rock having the appearance of a porphyry. It occurs in the lower grades of regional metamorphism. AGI


An igneous rock of any composition that contains conspicuous phenocrysts in a fine-grained groundmass; a porphyritic igneous rock. The term (from a Greek word for a purple dye) was first applied to a purple-red rock quarried in Egypt and characterized by phenocrysts of alkali feldspar. The

rock name descriptive of the groundmass composition usually precedes the term; e.g., diorite porphyry. Obsolete . AGI

porphyry copper deposit

A large body of rock, typically porphyry, that contains disseminated chalcopyrite and other sulfide minerals. Such deposits are mined in bulk on a large scale, generally in open pits, for copper and byproduct molybdenum. Most deposits are 3 to 8 km across, and of low grade (less than 1% Cu). They are always associated with intermediate to felsic hypabyssal porphyritic intrusive rocks. Distribution of sulfide minerals changes outward from dissemination to veinlets and veins. Supergene enrichment has been very important at most deposits, as without it the grade would be too low to permit mining. AGI

porphyry deposit

a. A deposit in which minerals of copper, molybdenum, gold, or less commonly tungsten and tin, are disseminated or occur in a stockwork of small veinlets within a large mass of hydrothermally altered igneous rock. The host rock is commonly an intrusive porphyry, but other rocks intruded by a porphyry can also be hosts for ore minerals. b. A deposit, usually of copper, molybdenum, or tin, in igneous rock of any composition that contains larger crystals in a fine-grained groundmass. SME, 1


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a. In drilling, a cylindrical opening through the bit shank from which the circulating fluid is discharged at the bit face into the water ways. Long b. Any opening in a furnace through which fuel or flame enters or exhaust gases escape. ASTM

portable aggregate plant

A plant mounted so that it can be moved over the highways on its own mounting and that performs all the operations of a stationary plant, including crushing, scalping, secondary crushing, screening, washing, and sand separation. Some of these complete plants are mounted on one chassis; others have the more common operations on one chassis with the supplementary equipment on separate portable mountings. Pit and Quarry

portable bucket loader

Any of several types of self-propelled multibucket loaders that are considered suitable for miscellaneous light excavating work. These loaders dig their own path, and to do this, have various means of gathering the material to a point where it will be picked up by the buckets as they pass over the lower tumbler. While these loaders are usually used for reclaiming from stockpiles, they can, under favorable conditions, excavate from deposits. These machines always are mounted on crawler treads. Pit and Quarry

portable concentric mine cable

A double conductor cable with one conductor located at the center and with the other conductor strands located concentric to the center conductor with rubber or synthetic insulation between conductors and over the outer conductor.

portable conveyor

a. A conveyor designed to be moved as a unit. It is commonly wheel mounted and may or may not be sectional. NEMA, 2 b. Any type of transportable conveyor, usually having supports that provide mobility. loading conveyor; movable conveyor; portable drag conveyor; roller conveyor; trimmer conveyor; unloading conveyor; wheel conveyor.

portable crane

A hoisting device carried by a frame mounted on wheels. Crispin

portable crusher

A crusher with temporary support foundations, so that it can be moved in sections, or it can be moved along roadways with minimum dismantling. SME, 1

portable drag conveyor

A portable conveyor upon which endless drag chains are used as the conveying medium. Also a term sometimes applied to a portable flight conveyor.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English portable drill

Any size drill outfit that is wheel-, skid-, or track-mounted so that it can be moved readily as a unit. Long

portable electric lamp

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Self-contained lamp (such as a battery-operated lamp) that may be worn on the person or carried about freely.

portable flame-resistant cable

A portable cable that will meet the flame tests of the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration.

portable loader

A loading machine mounted on wheels or crawler tracks.

portable mine blower

A motor-driven blower (fan) to provide secondary ventilation into spaces inadequately ventilated by the main ventilating system; the air is directed to such spaces through a duct.

portable mine cable

An extra-flexible cable used for connecting mobile or stationary equipment in a mine to a source of electric energy where permanent wiring is prohibited or impractical. (A portable cable for mining service is not always extra flexible and is used also with portable as well as with mobile and stationary equipment.)

portable parallel duplex mine cable

A double or triple conductor cable with conductors laid side by side without twisting, with rubber or synthetic insulation between conductors and around the whole. The third conductor, when present, is a safety ground wire.

portable pneumatic core sampler

A device developed by the U.S. Navy Ordnance Laboratory for sampling coral and sand bottoms. It consists of a four-legged pyramidal frame about 8 ft (2.4 m) high, a pneumatic hammer with air supply and exhaust hosing, 400 lb (180 kg) of lead weight, an anvil, and a 4-ft-long (1.2-m-long) aluminum barrel with a driving head for cutting through coral. Hunt

portable shunt

A tub-changing arrangement for a tunnel face.

portable trailing cable

A flexible cable or cord used for connecting mobile, portable, or stationary equipment in mines to a trolley system or other external source of electric energy where permanent mine wiring is prohibited or is impractical. USBM, 2


a. The rock face at which tunnel driving is started. b. The surface entrance to a drift, tunnel, adit, or entry. c. The log, concrete, timber, or masonry


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English arch or retaining wall erected at the opening of a drift, tunnel, or adit.

portal crane

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A type of jib crane carried on a four-legged portal frame, which runs along rails.


A term encountered in disputes over what constitutes compensable "working time" under Federal laws. Portal literally means "entrance" and, in underground coal mining, portal refers to the mine mouth or entry at the surface. Hence, portal-to-portal as a descriptive term means strictly elapsed time from entry through the portal to exit on return. BCI

port crown

Port roof of a tank.

porte et gardin plow

See:scraper plow


A long iron bar attached to a forging, or a piece in process of forging, by which to swing and turn it. Standard, 2


The opening or passageway connecting the inside of a bit or core barrel to the outside and through which the circulating medium is discharged.

portland cement

A calcium-aluminum silicate produced by fusing or clinkering limestone and clay in a kiln so as to drive off carbon dioxide and produce an oxide glass. The clinker is ground very fine and, when mixed with water, will recrystallize and set. It is combined with aggregate to form concrete. The name is from a resemblance to the Portland limestone of England.

portland cement mortar

A mixture of portland cement, sand, and water.



A hexagonal mineral, Ca(OH)2 ; occurs in skarns; an important constituent of portland cement.

Portland limestone

A series of limestone strata, belonging to the Oolite group (Upper Jurassic) on the Isle of Portland, Dorsetshire, England. Most of the building stone used in London is from these quarries.

Portland stone

a. A yellowish-white, oolitic limestone from the Isle of Portland (a peninsula in southern England), widely used for building purposes. b. A purplish-brown sandstone (brownstone) from Portland, CT. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English portrait stone

A flat diamond, sometimes with several rows of facets around its edge; used for covering very small portraits. Standard, 2

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An oxygenated hydrocarbon from the Great Western mercury mine, Lake County, CA. It occurs in plates and nodules, sometimes brittle, occasionally hard; the color is light green to reddish-brown; and sp gr, 0.85 to 0.985. Fay

position block

Mining claim that is in a position to contain a lode if it continues in the direction in which it has been proved in other claims, but which itself has not been proved.


a. Electrically, a point at a relatively high potential with respect to another point. A positive ion is one in which a particle, molecular or atomic, has ceased to be neutral owing to loss of one or more electrons. Pryor, 3 b. Positive ore is ore that has been proved to exist by being blocked out in panels sampled at close intervals on all four sides so as to establish its quality and quantity beyond reasonable doubt.

positive confining bed

The upper confining bed of an aquifer whose head is above the upper surface of the zone of saturation; i.e.,

above the water table. Little used. AGI

positive crystal

An optically positive crystal. AGI

positive derail

A device installed in or on a mine track to derail runaway cars or trips. This device is held open by a spring, necessitating that a worker hold it closed while a trip passes over it. Hess

positive-discharge bucket elevator

A spaced bucket-type elevator in which the buckets are maintained over the discharge chute for a sufficient time to permit free gravity discharge of bulk materials.

positive displacement pump

A pump which discharges the same amount of water for a given power, regardless of the head against which it operates.

positive drive

A driving connection in two or more wheels or shafts that will turn them at approx. the same relative speeds under any conditions. Nichols, 1

positive element

A large structural feature or area that has had a long history of progressive uplift; also, in a relative sense, one that has been stable or


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English has subsided much less than neighboring negative elements. AGI

positive elongation

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Tabular, lathlike, or needle crystals with the electric vector of their slow ray parallel to the long direction of the crystal.

positive ore

a. Ore exposed on four sides in blocks of a size variously prescribed. Fay b. Ore which is exposed and properly sampled on four sides, in blocks of reasonable size, having in view the nature of the deposit as regards uniformity of value per ton and of the third dimension, or thickness. Fay

positive rake

The orientation of a cutting tool in a manner, so that the angle formed by the leading face of the tool and the surface behind its cutting edge does not exceed 90 degrees ; e.g., teeth in a ripsaw.

positive ray

Stream of positively charged atoms or molecules that take part in the electrical discharge in a rarefied gas. Positive rays have been studied by allowing them to pass through a perforated cathode onto a photographic plate, being deflected by magnetic and electrostatic fields (Thomson's

parabola method) and by means of Aston's mass spectrograph.

positive temperature coefficient

See:temperature coefficient


Positive electron of the same mass as a negative electron; has only transitory existence. Pryor, 3

possessio pedis

The actual possession of a mining claim by the first arrival.

possessory title

Title vested in the locator of a mining claim by compliance with the State and Federal mining laws.

possible crystal face

Any crystal face permitted by the symmetry of crystal structure but not appearing on a particular mineral specimen.

possible ore

An obsolete term for inferred reserves.


a. To bring the survey, maps, and records of a mine up to date. Fay b. A charge of ore for a smelting furnace. Webster 3rd c. Any of the distance pieces to keep apart the frames or sets in a shaft; a studdle. Webster 3rd


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d. A mine timber, or any upright timber, but more commonly used to refer to the uprights which support the roof crosspieces. Commonly used in metal mines instead of leg which is the coal miners' term, esp. the in the Western United States. e. A support fastened between the roof and the floor of a coal seam; used with certain types of mining machines or augers. f. A pillar of coal or ore. g. An item of kiln furniture. Posts, also known as props or uprights, support the horizontal bats on which ware is sent on a tunnel kiln car. Dodd h. A discrete portion of bond between abrasive grains in a grinding wheel or other abrasive article. When an abrasive grain held by a post has become worn, the post should break to release the worn grain so that a fresh abrasive grain will become exposed. Dodd i. A mass of slate traversed by so many joints as to be useless for building purposes. j. Any of the four vertical timbers of a square set. Lewis


A mode of working coal, in which a certain amount of coal is left as pillars and the remainder is taken away, forming rooms or other openings. The method is also called bord-and-pillar; pillar-and-breast; etc. Fay

post brake

A type of brake sometimes fitted on a steam winder or haulage. It consists of two upright posts mounted on either

side of the drum and operating on brake paths bolted to the drum cheeks. Nelson

post drill

An auger (or drill) supported by a post. Fay

post hole

A shallow borehole. Long

post-hole auger

A hand-rotated drilling tool that enables bores to be sunk down to about 20 ft (6 m) in unsupported holes and deeper in cased holes.

post-hole digger

Large auger, rotated mechanically or by hand, used for digging in unconsolidated ground and retrieving a sample. Pryor, 3


In tectonics, said of a recurrence of forces and movement along lines or over areas affected by similar forces in a previous period; overprint.


York. Extracting the post or pillars; pillar robbing.

post jack

A jack for pulling posts. Standard, 2; Fay


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English postmineral movement

Movement usually along a fault that occurs after a mineral has been deposited.

postorogenic intrusion

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An igneous intrusion that took place after an orogenic event or cycle.

post puller

An electric vehicle having a powered drum for handling wire rope used to pull mine props after coal has been removed; used for the recovery of the timber.

post puncher

A coal-mining machine of the puncher type supported by a post. Fay

post stone

An English term for any fine-grained sandstone or limestone. Also spelled: poststone. AGI


a. A vessel for holding molten metal. ASM, 1 b. An electrolytic reduction cell used to make such metals as aluminum from fused electrolyte. ASM, 1 c. Mud-filled stump of Sigillaria in an upright position in the roof of certain coal seams. The stump became hollow by decay of the central pithy part, the hollow being filled by mud. This stump is now a separate mass of shale and is liable for collaspse without warning. Nelson

d. A colloquial syn. of seismic detector. AGI e. See:abyss; line oiler.


A tetragonal mineral, PdHg ; silver white.


Potassium carbonate, K2 CO3 ; formerly extracted from wood ashes; used as a component of glasses, glazes, and enamels to enhance colorants. Also called pearl ash.

potash alum

See:kalinite; alum; potassium alum.

potash feldspar

See:potassium feldspar

potash fixation

The retention of potassium in clays either by chemical combination in clay minerals or by adsorption. AGI

potash mica


potash spar

See:potassium feldspar; spar. CF:soda spar

potash syenite

A syenite with a large excess of potassium feldspar (microcline, orthoclase) or feldspathoid over sodium feldspar (albite).


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English potassic

Of, pertaining to, or containing potassium; relating to or containing potash. Standard, 2


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A highly reactive metallic element of the alkali group; it is soft, light, and silvery. Symbol, K. Occurs abundantly in nature; obtained from the following minerals: sylvite, carnallite, langbeinite, and polyhalite. The greatest demand is for use in fertilizers. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 3

potassium alum

An isometric mineral, KAl(SO4 )2 .12H2 O .

potassium aluminosilicate


potassium apatite

A synthetic phosphate with K replacing Ca.

potassium bentonite

A clay of the illite group, formed by the alteration of volcanic ash; a metabentonite.

potassium carbonate


potassium chloride


potassium feldspar

The minerals microcline, orthoclase, and sanidine.

potassium titanate

This compound, which approximates in composition to K2 Ti6 O 13 and melts at 1,370 degrees C, can be made into fibers for use as a heat-insulating material. Dodd

potato stone


pot bottom

A large boulder or concretion having the rounded appearance of the bottom of an iron pot and easily detached from the roof of a coal seam. CF:caldron bottom; bell..


Inferior opal that does not exhibit play of color; found in association with precious opal (Australia).


a. The words potential and voltage are synonymous and mean electrical pressure. The potential of a circuit, machine, or any piece of electrical apparatus means the voltage normally existing between the conductors of such a circuit or the terminals of such a machine or apparatus. In U.S. Bureau of Mines practice: (1) any potential less than 301 V shall be deemed a low potential; (2) any potential greater than 301 V but less than


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651 V shall be deemed a medium potential; and (3) any potential in excess of 651 V shall be deemed a high potential. b. Any of several different scalar quantities, each of which involves energy as a function of position or of condition; e.g., the fluid potential of groundwater. AGI

potential crater zone

This is the region in which, if a sufficient quantity of explosive is used, the rock will be shattered and projected outward to form a crater. Leet, 2

potential-determining ion

Any ion which leaves the surface of a solid immersed in aqueous liquid before equilibrium (saturation point) has been reached, while an electrical double layer is building up and zeta-potential develops. Pryor, 4

potential difference

The difference in electric potential between two points; represents the work involved or the energy released in the transfer of a unit amount of electricity between them. AGI

potential energy

The form of mechanical energy a body possesses by virtue of its position. If a body is being dropped from a higher to a lower position, the body is losing potential energy, but if a body is being raised, then it gains potential energy. Morris

potential gradient

An ascending or descending value of voltage related to a linear measurement, such as a distance along the Earth surface or ground. USBM, 2

potential ore

Inferred reserves. See:reserves

potentiometric surface

An imaginary surface representing the total head of ground water; defined by the level to which water will rise in a well. The water table is a particular potentiometric surface.; pressure surface. AGI


a. A kettlelike or circular depression, generally deeper than wide, worn into the solid rock in a stream bed at falls and strong rapids by sand, gravel, and stones being spun around by the force of the current. Also called a kettle hole; swallow hole. Fay b. A kettlelike to irregular steep-walled subcircular interruption of bedding in the Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. It is filled with younger material. c. A term used in Death Valley, California, for a circular opening, about a meter in diameter, filled with brine and lined with halite crystals. AGI d. An underground system of pitches and slopes. Applied in some cases to single pitches reaching the surface. e. A rounded, steep-sided depression resulting from downward surface solution. AGI


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f. The occurrence, in the nether roof of a coal seam, of an irregularly shaped mass generally broader at its base than elsewhere and with smooth sides (slickensides). TIME g. A circular or funnel-shaped depression in the surface caused by subsidence. Hudson h. A rounded cavity in the roof of a mine caused by a fall of rock, coal, ore, etc. i. A vertical pitch open to the surface. j. See:abyss

pot kiln

A small limekiln. Webster 3rd

pot lead

a. An obsolete term for graphite or black lead. AGI; Fay potlid

Eng. Flattened oval dogger of flaggy sandstone; so called because sometimes the upper or under layers, when split off, resemble potlids. CF:baum pot

pot ore

Foliated galena. Arkell

pot setting

In glassmaking, the placing of a pot in a furnace for the purpose of melting metal. Standard, 2


a. Impure steatite or massive talc; used in prehistoric times to make cooking vessels. Also spelled pot stone. b. See:paramoudra


A skilled craftsperson who fabricates ceramic ware using various forming techniques.

pottern ore

A term used in early metallurgical practice for an ore that becomes vitrified by heat, like the glazing of earthenware. Standard, 2

potter's asthma

See:potter's consumption

potter's bronchitis

See:potter's consumption

potter's clay

A plastic clay free from iron and devoid of fissility; suitable for modeling or making of pottery or adapted for use on a potter's wheel. It is white after burning. AGI

potter's consumption

An acute bronchitis often occurring among pottery employees, eventually affecting the lungs. Standard, 2

pottery spar

A 200-mesh feldspar produced for use by the manufacturers of chinaware, sanitary ware, ceramic tile, frits, enamel, glazes, electrical insulators, and vitrified grinding wheels. AIME, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English potting

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The placing of pots, containing either potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate and sulfuric acid, in the kilns used in the manufacture of sulfuric acid from sulfurous acid obtained from the combustion of sulfur in air. Fay

potty ore

Som. Brown iron ore, Brendon Hills. Apparently a color term, since the two varieties of ore are black and potty. Arkell

Poulter method

A seismic technique that dispenses with the need for drilling shotholes. In this air-shooting method, dynamite is exploded in arrays of simultaneous blasts with charges several feet above the ground. The principal difficulty involves the hazard of working with aboveground explosives and the damage to property or to the peace of mind of nearby inhabitants. Dobrin


Wales. Underclay. Apparently a survival of the obsolete form of puncheon (punchin)--a supporting timber in a coal mine or in a building floor timber. Also spelled pounson. Arkell


a. A large, natural fissure or cavity in strata. b. An underground reservoir of water.


a. A hybrid term between the English and metric units and defined as the amount of heat required to raise 1 lb (0.454 kg) of water 1 degrees C. Newton, 1 b. An engineering heat unit, often called centigrade heat unit (chu). Defined as above. Approx. equal to 1.8 Btu (1.9 kJ). CTD


An ore-mill stamp. Standard, 2


Unit of bending moment being the moment due to a force of 1 lb (0.454 kg) applied at a distance of 1 ft (30.48 cm). Hammond


In founding: (1) the amount of material, as melted metal, poured at a time; and (2) the act, process, or operation of pouring melted metal; such as, make a pour at noon. Standard, 2

poured fitting

A connecting device that is fastened to the end of a cable (wire rope) by inserting the cable end in a funnel-shaped socket, separating the wires and filling the socket with molten zinc. Nichols, 1

pouring basin

A basin on top of a mold to receive the molten metal before it enters the sprue or downgate. ASM, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pouring gate

A channel in a mold through which to pour molten metal. Fay

pouring pit refractory

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In the steel industry, refractory used for the transfer of steel from furnace to ingot. Refractories include ladle brick, nozzles, sleeves, stopper heads, mold plugs, hot tops, and mortars used for the brickwork involved. AISI


In glassmaking, a long iron rod for either drawing out glass or twisting it to a fine thread.


A general term for explosives including dynamite, but excluding caps. Nichols, 1

powder barrel

A barrel made for the conveyance of gunpowder, usually holding 100 lb (45.4 kg). CF:powder keg

powder box

A wooden box in a miner's breast or chamber, in which were kept black powder, cartridge paper, cartridge stick, squibs, lampwick, chalk, and tools.

powder chest

A substantial, nonconductive portable container equipped with a lid and used temporarily at blasting sites for

storage of explosives other than blasting agents. Unused explosives are returned to the magazine at the end of the shift.

powdered coal

Coal that has been crushed fine; may be transported by air to fire a boiler or industrial heating furnace. BCI

powdered ore

Aust. Ore disseminated with veinstuff.

powder explosive

An explosive containing still smaller quantities of liquid products, compared with plastic and semiplastic explosives, so that the spaces between the solid particles are not filled out entirely. As the result of this, the density of the mass is 20% to 40% lower than that of plastic and semiplastic explosives. Fraenkel

powder factor

The quantity of explosive used per unit of rock blasted, measured in lb/yd 3 (kg/m3 ) per ton (metric ton) of rock.

powder house

A magazine for the temporary storage of explosives.

powder keg

A small metal keg for black blasting powder, usually having a capacity sufficient for 25 lb (13.5 kg) of powder.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English powderman

Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]

a. A person in charge of explosives in an operation of any nature requiring their use. b. In bituminous coal mining and metal mining, one who handles proper storage of explosives in a powder house at a mine and issues powder, dynamite, caps, detonators, and fuses to miners as needed. At smaller mines, may deliver explosives to miners at working places. Also called powder monkey.

powderman helper

See:powder monkey

powder metal

As used in the diamond-drilling industry, the finely divided particles of iron, copper, nickel, zinc, tungsten carbide, etc., which, when mixed with a suitable binding material and subjected to processing by heat and pressure, may be used as a matrix material to form a bit crown. Long

powder-metal bit

Any diamond bit, mechanically set, in which finely divided metal powders are used as a matrix to hold the diamonds in place. Also called powder-pressed bit; powder-set bit; sinter bit; sintered-metal bit. Long

powder metallurgy

The art of producing and utilizing metal powders for the production of

massive materials and shaped objects. ASM, 1

powder-metallurgy technique

A metallurgical technique in which metal powder is pressed into a desired shape.

powder-metal process

The process of mechanically setting diamonds in a bit in a matrix of finely divided metal powders. The metal powder is first cold pressed to compact it in a bit mold or die and then heated to allow the bonding alloy to melt and bind the powder to the diamonds and bit blank. Hot pressing or coining follows heating of the powder in some modifications of the process. Long

powder mine

An excavation filled with powder for the purpose of blasting rocks. Fay

powder monkey

a. A person employed at the powder house of a coal mine whose duty is to deliver powder to the miners. b. In some metal mines, the person who distributes powder, dynamite, and fuses to the miners at the working faces. This is a nautical term, but is frequently used in the mining industry. c. In the quarry industry, one who carries powder or other explosives to the blaster and assists by placing prepared explosive in a hole, connecting a lead wire to a blasting machine, and performing other duties as directed. Also called blaster helper;


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English powder carrier; powderman helper.

powder pattern

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The array of monochromatic X-ray diffractions produced by a mineral powder. CF:crystallogram

powder porosity

Ratio of the volume of voids between particles, plus the volume of pores, to the volume occupied by the powder, including voids and pores. Pryor, 3


A tetragonal mineral, CaMoO4 ; forms a series with scheelite as tungsten replaces molybdenum; a minor source of molybdenum in Idaho, Michigan, Nevada, and California, and Siberia, Russia.

powellizing process

A wood treatment consisting of impregnating the wood with a saccharin solution. It hardens the wood, and renders it fireproof to some extent. Liddell


a. Any form of energy available for doing any kind of work; e.g., steam power and water power. Specif., mechanical energy, as distinguished from work done by hand. Standard, 2 b. Used loosely to indicate the electric current in a wire. Fay c. Rate of doing work. The foot-pound-second (fps) unit of power is the horsepower (hp), which is a rate of

working equal to 550 ft.lbf/s (745.7 W). The electrical power unit, the watt, equals 107 cm-gram-second (cgs) units; i.e., 107 erg/s or 1 J/s. CTD

power arm

The part of a lever between the fulcrum and the point where force is applied. Nichols, 2

power barrow

See:pedestrian-controlled dumper

power control unit

One or more winches mounted on a tractor and used to manipulate parts of bulldozers, scrapers, or other machines. Nichols, 2

power control winch

A high-speed tractor-mounted winch with one to three drums; used chiefly for operating bulldozers, scrapers, and rooters. Nichols, 1

power dragscraper

A machine consisting of: (1) a bottomless scraper bucket; (2) a two-drum hoist; (3) two long cables that attach to the front and rear of the scraper; (4) a movable tail block; (5) a short, guyed mast located behind a ground hopper or other delivery point; and (6) two sheave blocks mounted on the mast to guide the operating cables to the hoist. The tail block is shifted manually from time to time, swinging the scraper in a wide arc until all the material within the operating


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English radius has been taken out. Pit and Quarry

power earth auger

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A mechanically operated auger for exploring and testing deposits that are not very hard. The drilling rig may be mounted on a lorry or on continuous tracks when greater depths may be reached. Nelson

powered supports

In fully mechanized coal mining, a system of pit props connected to a flexible armored conveyor by means of hydraulic rams. Pryor, 3

power factor

a. The ratio of the mean actual power in an alternating-current circuit measured in watts to the apparent power measured in volt-amperes; equal to the cosine of the phase difference between electromotive force and current. Webster 3rd b. The ratio of the total watts input to the total root-mean-square volt-ampere input to a rectifier or rectifier unit. Coal Age, 1 c. A clause frequently found in electric power contracts, which sets forth that if a customer permits the average power factor of the load used to fall below a specified value, a penalty charge will be made. Power factor is often defined as the ratio of actual power to apparent power and is usually expressed as a percentage. Kentucky

power-factor meter

Meter that indicates the relation of the phase between the line current and the line voltage, which actually is the same as the power factor of the load. Coal Age, 3

power grizzly

Power-operated machine used mainly for removing dirt and fines from material to be crushed. There are three main types--the live-roll grizzly, the vibrating-bar grizzly, and the bar grizzly feeder.

power-operated supports

See:self-advancing supports

power pack

a. In general, an electrically operated hydraulic pump, placed at the gate end, to supply power to face equipment; e.g., self-advancing supports. The system forms a closed circuit with the oil returning to a reservoir containing about 212 gal (800 L) of oil. The pump can supply 2-1/2 gal (9.5 L) of oil per unit at 2,000 psi (13.8 MPa), which allows a setting load of about 9 st (8 t) per prop. Nelson b. A unit that converts AC or DC current to AC or DC voltages suitable for the operation of electronic equipment. NCB

power rammer

A manually operated compacting machine, weighing about 200 lb (91 kg), raised by an intrinsic internal combustion


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English mechanism and allowed to fall by gravity.

power sequence

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A sequence control system that is suitable for a group of conveyors in tandem. The trunk conveyor contactor is first closed; after a delay of from 3 to 15 s, sufficient for its motor to come up to speed, power is switched on to the contactor of the second conveyor; finally, after a similar delay, power is switched on to the third conveyor or conveyors. All power comes through the number 1 conveyor contactor so that, if this conveyor is stopped, all other conveyors in tandem stop as well.

power shovel

An excavating and loading machine consisting of a digging bucket at the end of an arm suspended from a boom, which extends cranelike from the part of the machine that houses the powerplant. When digging, the bucket moves forward and upward so that the machine does not usually excavate below the level at which it stands.

power-shovel mining

Power shovels are used for mining coal, iron ore, phosphate deposits, and copper ore. The shovels may be used either for mining or for stripping and removing the overburden, or for both types of work, although at some coal mines the shovels used for stripping are considerably larger than those used for other mining. Lewis

power station

An assemblage of machines and equipment, including the necessary housing, where electrical energy is produced from some other form of energy. Steam boilers are fed with coal or oil and the heat generated is used to produce high-pressure steam. The steam then passes to turbines that drive the generators and thus produce electricity. Nelson

power takeoff

A place in a transmission or engine to which a shaft can be attached so as to drive an outside mechanism. Nichols, 1

power tongs

A mechanically powered wrench used to make up or break out a drill rod, casing, or pipe string. Long

power train

All moving parts connecting an engine with the point where work is accomplished. Nichols, 1

power unit

a. Generally applied to any device used to drive or operate machinery around a mine. Specif., it is used for the motor-speed reducer combination used to drive belt and chain conveyors. Jones, 1 b. That part of a mining belt conveyor that consists of a power unit base, an electric motor, an electric controller, a speed reducer with a flexible coupling between motor and speed reducer, a power transmission device to


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English power the drive pulley or pulleys, suitable covers for all moving parts and, if the power unit is of the detachable type, a device for attaching it to the conveyor. NEMA, 2

power upon the air

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In coal mine ventilation, the horsepower applied is often known as the power upon the air. This may be the power exerted by a motive column due to the natural causes, to a furnace, or it may be the power of a mechanical motor. The power upon the air is always measured in foot pounds per minute. Kentucky


a. A leucitic tuff quarried near Pozzuoli, Italy, and used in the manufacture of hydraulic cement. The term is now applied more generally to a number of natural and manufactured materials, such as ash and slag, that impart specific properties to cement. Pozzolanic cements have superior strength when cured and are resistant to saline and acidic solutions. Also spelled: pozzolan; pozzuolana; pozzuolane. b. A material that is capable of reacting with lime in the presence of water at ordinary temperature to produce a cementitious compound. Natural pozzolanas are siliceous material of volcanic origin. They include trass and Santorin earth. Blast furnace slag is used to produce artificial pozzolanas. CCD, 2

pozzolana cement

A cement produced by grinding together portland cement clinker and a

pozzolana, or by mixing together a hydrated lime and a pozzolana.

practical shot

In coal mining, a shot for which a hole has been drilled in a direction selected with reasonable care and filled with powder and tamped with the same degree of care. Fay

prairie soil

Soil transitional between a pedalfer and a pedocal. Leet, 1


a. A translucent dull green or yellow-green variety of chalcedony. b. Crystalline quartz containing abundant hairlike crystals of actinolite.

praseodymium oxide

A rare earth that, together with zirconia and silica, produces a distinctive and stable yellow color for pottery decoration. Dodd


a. A green alteration product of iolite. Fay b. A greenish foliated alteration product of cordierite.


A green chromium variety of common opal from Australia, Hungary, and Brazil. Also spelled prase opal.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Pratt hypothesis

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A suggested type of hydrostatic support for the Earth's solid outer crust in which crustal density is supposed to be greater under mountains than under oceans. CF:isostasy; Airy hypothesis.

Pratt truss


Prayon process

The most common phosphoric acid dihydrate process for phosphoric acid production using sulfuric acid with naturally occurring phosphate rock. Becker


Aeration of water or ore pulp before treatment, notably by froth flotation where deoxygenated water is used (e.g., from under a frozen lake). Also used to stabilize ore pulp containing unstable sulfides before cyanidation. Pryor, 3

prebaked anode

Anode produced by binding together crushed petroleum coke and coal-tar pitch in a mold under pressure; subsequently baked to 1,000 to 1,200 degrees C; used in a metallurgical electrical furnace and replaced as a unit when consumed; in the production of aluminum metal, the anode is attached to a metal rod.


Pertaining to the time period prior to the initiation of a blast.

preblast survey

Documentation of the existing condition of a structure prior to exposure to blasting vibrations.

Precambrian shield

Rocks older than the Cambrian age. Name refers to the great shield-shaped areas of ancient mineral-bearing rocks. These ancient rocks occur in many parts of the world. Cumming, 1

precementation process

Grouting the strata to control ground water prior to the start of construction or excavation, such as shaft sinking. Precementation has been used in South Africa to depths of 4,000 ft ( 1,200 m) and considerable savings have resulted.


Descriptive of the finest variety of a gem or mineral.; precious stone.

precious garnet

Brilliantly purple almandine.

precious metal

Any of several relatively scarce and valuable metals, such as gold, silver, and the platinum-group metals. ASM, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English precious olivine


precious opal

A gem variety of opal that exhibits a brilliant play of delicate colors by diffraction of light from close-packed 150- to 300-mm spheres of cristobalite-tridymite. The color of the bulk material may be black or white. CF:common opal

precious serpentine

A pale or dark oil-green, massive, translucent serpentine. Dana, 1

precious stone


precious topaz

a. Genuine topaz as distinguished from topaz-colored quartz (jewelers' topaz). b. An incorrect term for yellow to brown sapphire.

precious tourmaline

Dark-colored gem variety of tourmaline.


Any agent, as a reagent, that when added or applied to a solution causes a precipitate of one or more of its constituents. Standard, 2


a. The operation, act, or process of adding a chemical or chemicals to an

aqueous solution to react with a dissolved material in the solution and remove the resulting new solid matter by settling. b. The solids resulting from the precipitation process.

precipitated sulfur

Sulfur precipitated from calcium polysulfide solutions by hydrochloric acid and washed to remove all calcium chloride.


a. The process of separating mineral constituents from a solution; e.g., by evaporation (such as halite or anhydrite) or by cooling of magma (to form an igneous rock). b. Exsolution. c. Water that falls to the surface from the atmosphere as rain, snow, hail, or sleet. It is measured as a liquid-water equivalent regardless of the form in which it fell. AGI

precipitation barrier

Metal-rich water, as it moves away from the source of the metal, ordinarily comes into an environment where changing conditions of some kind cause precipitation of part or all of the metal from the water. Precipitation barriers account for the more than normal decay of hydrochemical anomalies than can be accounted for by simple dilution. They characteristically occur in spring and seepage areas where groundwaters coming to the surface encounter an environment of increased availability of oxygen, sunlight, and organic activity. Hawkes, 2

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English precipitation hardening

Hardening caused by the precipitation of a constituent from a supersaturated solid solution.hardening. ASM, 1

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precipitation heat treatment

Artificial aging in which a constituent precipitates from a supersaturated solid solution. ASM, 1

precipitation process

a. The manipulation of physical and/or chemical properties of a solution to cause one of the constituents of that solution to become insoluble. b. The treatment of lead ores by direct fusion with metallic iron or slag, or ore rich in iron; performed generally in a shaft furnace, rarely in a reverberatory. It is often combined with the roasting and reduction process.


In beneficiation, smelting, and refining, a person who (1) tends zinc boxes in which gold or silver that has been dissolved in a cyanide solution is precipitated; and (2) precipitates gold from cyanide solution, except that the cyanide solution is agitated with zinc dust in a mixing cone and precipitate, then turned into a filter press where the precipitate is recovered prior to the drying and refining to secure the gold. DOT


The degree of agreement or uniformity of repeated measurements of a quantity; the degree of refinement in the performance of an operation or in the statement of a result. It is exemplified by the number of decimal places to which a computation is carried and a result stated. Precision relates to the quality of the operation by which a result is obtained, as distinguished from accuracy, but it is of no significance unless accuracy is also obtained. AGI

precision depth recorder

A device for recording a sonic depth trace. Abbrev., PDR. Hy

precision idler bearing

A bearing having ground races and in which the bore and outside diameter tolerances are held to ten-thousandths of an inch and the width tolerance to thousands of an inch. NEMA, 2

precooler load

The amount of sensible heat, removed from the air in precooling. Hartman, 2


Method used in machine mining where a coal cutter makes a cut along the face in front of a cutter loader. It may be adopted in hard coal seams or where an improvement in the +2-in (+5.1-cm) coal product is required. Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English precutting blade

A special blade attached to a plow that operates a little in advance of the main blades of the machine. It may be used in hard coals or to prevent the climbing of the machine, which would leave a layer of coal on the floor. Nelson

predicted 4-hour sweat rate

An index devised by the Medical Research Council of Great Britain which is based on the rate of loss of sweat from the body. It is designed to measure the physiological effect of work in near limiting conditions in hot working places, and is based on the assumption that heat stress is a function of the rate of sweating. Roberts, 1

predictive metallogeny

See:mineral assessment

preemption act

An act providing for a patent to agricultural lands. The act does not include mineral deposits, as they are expressly reserved.


A familiar term under the public land laws meaning exclusive. Ricketts

preferential flotation

a. A name applied to a special type of differential flotation in which a mixture of two flotative, sulfide minerals

is given a slight roast so that one may be oxidized, and therefore not float, and the other remain unchanged. b. Preferential flotation may also be achieved by control of pH or by addition of an activating agent or depressant to the flotation mixer, conditioner, or cell. AGI

preferential wetting

Applied to froth flotation when separating fine coal from coal washery slurries. The slurry or mixture is treated with a reagent that has an affinity for the material to be recovered and that will lend itself to subsequent stages in the separation process. Nelson

preferred orientation

Feature of a rock in which the grains are more or less systematically oriented by shape. A schist in which the mica plates are parallel to one another shows a preferred orientation; so does a hornblende schist in which the long axes of the hornblende crystals are parallel. .

preformed rope

Wire rope in which the strands are bent to their correct lay before being laid up, so that the rope is unlikely to spin or kink. Pryor, 3

pregnant solution

A value-bearing solution in a hydrometallurgical operation. Pryor, 4

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pregnant solvent

In solvent extraction, the metal-bearing solvent produced in the solvent extraction circuit.


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The liquor resulting from leaching of ore to dissolve a valuable constituent. Term connotes such a solution when it has reached a loading sufficient to justify its removal from contact with the ore, for separate treatment to reclaim the contained values (by precipitation, ion exchange, or stripping). After this treatment, the now barren solution is returned to work, or if foul, is run to waste or regenerated. Also called pregnant solution; royals. Pryor, 3


To heat beforehand; as: (1) to heat (an engine) to an operating temperature before operation; and (2) to heat (metal) prior to a thermal or mechanical treatment. Webster 3rd

preheat zone

That portion of a continuous furnace through which the ware passes before entering the firing zone. ASTM


An orthorhombic mineral, Ca2 Al2 Si3 O10 (OH) 2 , in which Fe replaces Al; forms botryoidal or mammillary and radiating aggregates. Occurs in: hydrothermal veins, cavities, and amygdules in basalt; veins in felsic plutonic rocks; and low-grade

metamorphic rocks. Commonly associated with zeolites.


a. A variety of mizzonite resembling prehnite. Dana, 1 b. Impure prehnite. Dana, 1

preliminary exploration

An investigation carried out along certain broad features of a coal or mineral area, with the object of deciding whether the proposition is such as to warrant a detailed or final exploration, which is often costly. Nelson

preliminary prospecting

Prospecting undertaken after scout prospecting has disclosed the existence of values. Preliminary prospecting helps to determine approx. the extent of the payable ground. Griffith

preliminary soil survey

A quick investigation of surface or near-surface conditions; no special equipment is employed. Tests are carried out on site for approximate classification of soil and are limited to visual or other simple tests. Nelson

premature blast

The detonation of an explosive charge earlier than warranted. Premature explosion may be due to carelessness, accidental percussion, a faulty fuse, or degenerated explosives.. Nelson; Pryor, 3


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English premature block

An obstruction or block in a core barrel or bit that prevents the entry of core into the barrel before the bit can be advanced far enough to cut a length of core to fill the barrel. Long

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premature firing

The detonation of an explosive charge or the initiation of a blasting cap before the planned time. Meyer

premature set

a. The hardening of cement in a shorter time than normal or estimated. Long b. This may be caused by the addition of catalysts to cement to increase setting time or by downhole temperatures and pressure that cause cement to set prematurely.

premium tin

Tin of such high purity as to rate a special bonus in the metal market. Pryor, 3


Aggregate that has been coated with bituminous binder before spreading. . Nelson


a. The treatment of ore or coal to reject waste. ore dressing; preparation plant. b. The process of preparing run-of-mine coal to meet market specifications by washing and sizing. Jones, 1

preparation boss

In bituminous coal mining, a foreman who is in charge of the operations of washing and sizing coal for market at the washery plant. DOT

preparation plant

Strictly speaking, a preparation plant may be any facility where coal is prepared for market, but by common usage it has come to mean a rather elaborate collection of facilities where coal is separated from its impurities, washed and sized, and loaded for shipment. BCI

preparatory work

Mining operations to facilitate mining proper after having explored a deposit and having made it accessible both in strike and dip. This work is executed almost entirely within the deposit and includes making: (1) inclines and transfer stations with manways; (2) sublevel drives between the levels; and (3) various crosscuts, chutes, minor shafts, raises, winzes, and other works. Stoces


a. To shear or undermine coal so that it can be readily blasted loose. Fay b. Arkansas. To make a cartridge for a blast. Fay c. Arkansas. To charge a blasthole. Fay


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English preplaning

The lead or stagger that exists between planing blades in the same vertical plane of a plow. Nelson

prereduced iron-ore pellet

A semimetallized pellet developed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines from taconite concentrates. The process involves rolling the concentrates into pellets, then drying, calcining, and roasting the pellets in a reducing (oxygen-deficient) atmosphere. During the heat-hardening stage, the pellets are partly converted to metal. Use of these pellets causes a considerable increase in pig-iron production.


An arrangement by which a gear level can be moved, but the resulting speed shift will not take place until the clutch or the throttle is manipulated. Nichols, 1


Eng. Stone of suitable thickness for shaping into a tile stone without frosting; occurs in Stonesfield slate series and Chipping Norton limestone of the Cotswolds. Arkell

present value

a. The present value of a mine may be considered to be a sum of money that may be allowed for the purchase, development, and equipment of a mine, with the expectation of receiving for this capital expenditure, during the estimated life of the mine, the return of

this capital plus a substantial profit commensurate with the risk involved in the venture. Hoover b. The present value of a property is the amount that, if invested now in its purchase, would find its repayment with commensurate profit in the estimated series of annual dividends. Actuarially, it is the discounted sum of each and all those dividends, after allowance for any estimated further capital expenditure on necessary works and equipment. Truscott


For mine timbers that are exposed to severe conditions of damp, ventilation, and stress, any of several chemicals used to impregnate them to resist dry or wet rot. These include copper sulfate, creosote, salt, sodium fluoride and silicofluoride, and zinc as chloride or sulfate. Pryor, 3


a. A smooth blasting method in which cracks for the final contour are created by blasting prior to the drilling of the rest of the holes for the blast pattern. Once the crack is made, it screens off the surroundings to some extent from ground vibrations in the main round. Langefors.

pressed amber

Synthetic amber produced by consolidating amber fragments under pressure with an oil binder.; amberoid.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pressed cameo

Similar to molded cameo, but pressed. CF:molded cameo

pressed copal

Synthetic copal produced by consolidating copal fragments under pressure with an oil binder.


In ceramics, a worker who molds the handle, ears, and decorative reliefs to be applied to a pottery vessel before firing. Fay

pressing machine

a. A machine that forms ceramic shapes by forcing plastic or semiplastic raw materials into a die or mold. b. A machine in which the whole forming operation is carried out by pressing the plastic glass by a plunger forced into a die or mold. The machine may be operated by hand or it may be fully automatic. CTD


a. The force exerted across a real or imaginary surface divided by the area of that surface; the force per unit area exerted on a surface by the medium in contact with it. AGI b. A commonly used short form for geostatic pressure. AGI c. As used in mine ventilation terminology, it is sometimes defined as the available energy content of the air and as the pressure difference between two points in a ventilation current as the energy lost due to friction

between two points. Roberts, 1 d. Force exerted by air per unit area, either gage or absolute. Atmospheric pressure is measured by a barometer. Measured in pounds per square inch, kilopascals, or inches of mercury. Hartman, 1

pressure anemometer

a. An instrument for measuring the velocity of ventilating air currents in mines. b. An anemometer indicating wind velocity by means of the velocity head exerted. Standard, 2

pressure arch

The driving of a narrow roadway results in the development of a pressure arch over the excavation. The strata within the arch bend slightly and cease to support the overlying beds, and the load is transferred to the solid or rock along the sides. The wider the roadway, the greater the span of the arch and its height at the crown. A similar but larger pressure arch is formed across a longwall face, with one leg resting on the solid coal and the other on the solid pack behind the coal face. Nelson

pressure arch theory

The pressure arch theory in roof action suggests that, when a narrow heading is advanced, the layers of rock in the immediate roof deflect slightly and relieve themselves of the load of the overlying strata by transferring it to the sides of the opening by means of a pressure arch. The arch width just short of that which the

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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higher strata cannot span and transfer the load to the sides of the opening is called the maximum-pressure arch. The depth mainly influences the minimum width of the pressure arch, although the type of overburden also plays a part. The following formula has been developed for approximating the minimum width of the maximum-pressure arch (W = minimum width of arch, in feet; D = depth of coal from surface, in feet): W = 3[(D / 20) + 20]. The equation does not apply for overburden less than 400 ft (122 m) or more than 2,000 ft (610 m) thick. Coal Age, 3

pressure balancing

When an area of a mine has been sealed off from the remainder of the workings by barriers or stoppings inserted at suitable points, it is important to prevent the circulation of air within the sealed area. This means that external air pressures must be equalized on all the seals. The object of equalizing the atmospheric pressures on the seals is attained by inserting or removing doors or brattice cloths at appropriate places. It is possible to make all the seals contiguous with a common airway by this means, so that, if they are not widely separated, they will be subjected to the same external atmospheric pressure. Roberts, 1

pressure block

Pressure formed over the workings by masses of rock being severed from the surrounding formations, creating pressure on the pillars, walls, or other supports. Pressure blocks of large size may result from natural geological

phenomena, such as faults, or may occur as a result of mining operations. Lewis

pressure blower

A machine or blower having either pistons, cams, or fans for furnishing an airblast above atmospheric pressure. Standard, 2

pressure bump

An occurrence when a coal pillar suddenly fails on becoming overloaded by the weight of the rocks above it. Generally, the coal is forced with some violence into the roadways and other open spaces.shock bump; bumps. Nelson

pressure chamber

a. An enclosed space arranged on the access side of a stopping, which seals off an area and is furnished with means of raising or lowering the air pressure within it. BS, 8 b. If the mine area to be sealed off is extensive, and the seals are widely scattered, the fact that they are subject to different pressures may be unavoidable. In this event, pressure chambers may be required on the outby side of seals. Pressure chambers are also of value when the seals cannot be made tight, because of broken or fissured ground. The principle consists of building an outer chamber by erecting a second stopping on the outby side of the seal. The air pressure in the intervening space is then controlled to prevent movement of air across the seal. Roberts, 1 c. A method of driving tunnels and sinking shafts through running sand by


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English holding back the loose material by compressed air. The technique is no longer applied to any great extent in mining.Nelson

pressure creosoting

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The most effective method of preserving timber by impregnation with creosote under pressure in tanks. Hammond

pressure detector


pressure die casting

The usual die casting process in which the molten metal is forced into highly finished molds under heavy pressure by plungers, compressed air, or combined methods. Hammond

pressure dome

a. See:air dome b. The bonnet on a steam boiler. Long

pressure drilling

A process of rotary drilling in which the drilling fluid is kept under pressure in an enclosed system. Brantly, 1

pressure drop

The decrease in pressure at which a liquid or gas is made to move between the intake and discharge of a pipeline or drill stem. Long

pressure equalizer

In drilling, a diaphragm connected to the fluid column by a series of

ports incorporated in the design of some core barrels and preventing the entry of drilling fluids into the core-barrel-head bearings. Long

pressure fan

a. A fan supplying air under pressure. Webster 3rd b. A fan that forces fresh air into a mine as distinguished from one that exhausts air from the mine. Fay

pressure figure

The indistinct six-rayed star produced on a mica plate after pressing with a dull point. CF:percussion figure

pressure filter

a. A machine for removing solids from tailings; the effluent can be reused in the washery or plant. The tailings are pumped into the filter under pressure; filtration takes place and solids are deposited in the chambers. Gradually the resistance increases until a pressure of 100 psi (690 kPa) is necessary to force more tailings into the press. At this stage, the chambers are almost full of solids. The feed is cut off and the press opened to allow the cakes to fall onto the conveyor beneath the chambers. The output of the pressure filter is low. Nelson b. A filter in which pressure is applied to increase the rate of filtration. BS, 5 c. A filter in which the liquid to be filtered is forced through filtering material by a pressure greater than its own weight in the filter.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pressure forging

Forging done by a steady pressure, as in a hydraulic press. Standard, 2

pressure gage

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An instrument used to measure the force per unit area exerted by a confined fluid or gas. Long

pressure grouting

a. The act or process of injecting, at high pressures, a thin cement slurry or grout through a pipeline or borehole to seal the pores or voids in rock or to cement fragmented rocks together. Long b. Forcing a slurry of cement and sand into subgrade or an embankment either by use of compressed air or by hydraulic pressure. Urquhart

pressure head

The height of a column of liquid supported, or capable of being supported, by the pressure at a point in the liquid.; total head. AGI

pressure leaching

In chemical extraction of valuable ore constituents, use of an autoclave to speed processing by means of increased temperatures and pressures. Pryor, 3

pressure per diamond

The feed pressure or load applied per diamond in a bit. The total load supported by the bit divided by the number of stones set in the bit face

expresses the pressure per stone in numerical values. Also called diamond pressure; stone pressure. Long

pressure plate

In a clutch, a plate driven by the flywheel or rotating housing, which can be slid toward the flywheel to engage the lined disk or disks between them. Nichols, 1

pressure process

Treatment of mine timber to prevent decay by forcing a preservative, such as creosote, zinc chloride, sodium fluoride, and other chemicals, into the cells of the wood.

pressure-quantity survey

See:ventilation survey

pressure ring

A ring about a large excavated area, evidenced by distortion of the openings near the main excavation. Shear cracks appear and minor slabbing of the rock takes place. Lewis

pressure shadow

The name sometimes applied to a fringe or halo differing from the groundmass that often accompanies a porphyroblast in a schistose rock. Hess

pressure stripping

The predominant means of extracting precious metal values from loaded activated carbon in the cyanidation process. Loaded carbon is placed in a


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pressure column along with a solution containing about 1% NaOH. This solution is circulated through the column at 150 degrees C until the precious metal values have been removed from the carbon absorbant. The loaded strip solution serves as the electrolyte for a subsequent electrowinning step for recovery of the precious metals. Van Zyl

pressure surface

See:potentiometric surface

pressure survey

An investigation to determine the pressure distribution or pressure losses along consecutive lengths or sections of a ventilation circuit. Nelson

pressure testing

An indirect method of testing porosity and permeability of formations at elevations of proposed structures.

pressure water loader

A cartridge loader in which compressed water, rather than compressed air, is used for loading underwater. Langefors

pressure wave

A pressure produced by expanding gases moving at high velocity, the side component of which, equivalent to static pressure, may be recorded by a manometer at the side of the entry or mine passage. compressional wave. Rice, 2

pressure wire

Wire leading from any of various points of an electric system to a central station, where a voltmeter indicates the potential of the system at the point. Webster 2nd


a. Said of any structure, area, or zone fitted with an arrangement that maintains nearly normal atmospheric pressure. Nelson b. Said of any structure or area in which the pressure within is held higher than the outside pressure.


The application of load to a structure so as to deform it in such a manner that the structure will withstand its working load more effectively or with less deflection. Hammond


The Hoyer method of prestressing concrete beams, precast in a workshop with the tensioned wires embedded in them and firmly anchored. Hammond

preventive maintenance

A system that enables breakdowns to be anticipated and arrangements made to perform the necessary overhauls and replacements in good time.


The dense woody lenses in lignite that are equivalent to the vitrain in coal of higher rank. AGI


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A triclinic mineral, Ca4 B10 O19 .7H2 O(?) ; earthy to porcelainous white; conchoidal fracture.

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pricking bar

a. A bar used in opening the taphole of a furnace. Fay b. A rod used for removing obstructions from tuyeres and blowpipes. Fay


A tetragonal mineral, (K,Ba)(Ti,Fe)8 O16 ; cryptomelane group; red; easily mistaken for rutile in leucite rocks; occurs at Kimberley, Western Australia.




In assaying, the bullion bead resulting from cupellation of an auriferous or argentiferous lead button. Pryor, 1


Tin extracted from slag. Also spelled prillon. Standard, 2; Fay


A fuse composed of an explosive core within a textile or plastic covering. It detonates every explosive that is in direct contact with it. Streefkerk

Primacord-Bickford fuse

A detonating fuse having an explosive of pentaerythritetetranitrate (PETN). Used in large-scale blasting work, esp. in quarries. Lewis


a. Characteristic of or existing in a rock at the time of its formation; pertains to minerals, textures, etc.; original. Ant: secondary. b. Said of a mineral deposit unaffected by supergene enrichment. AGI c. Said of a metal obtained from ore rather than from scrap.

primary anomaly

An anomaly formed by primary dispersion.

primary basalt

A presumed original magma, from which all other rock types are obtained by various processes of fractional crystallization.

primary blast

A blast used to fragment and displace material from its original position to facilitate subsequent handling and crushing. Atlas

primary blasting

The blasting of solid rock, ore, or coal; blasting in situ.


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A machine that takes over the work of size reduction from blasting operations; may be a gyratory or jaw breaker. Its capacity must be greater than the overall crushing plant capacity. In mines, primary ore crushing to about 7 in (18 cm) may be performed underground. . Nelson

primary breaking

A stage in bituminous coal crushing that occurs at the entrance to a plant and consists of raw feed flowing into the primary breaker for reduction to a maximum top size of 4 in, 5 in, 6 in, or 8 in (10.2 cm, 12.7 cm, 15.2 cm, or 20.3 cm) either for washing or for other preparation purposes. Mitchell

primary cell

a. A group or bank of flotation cells in which the raw feed is given a preliminary treatment, either or both of the products being subsequently retreated. BS, 5 b. A cell that generates or makes its own electrical energy from the chemical action of its constituents; e.g., the voltaic cell, Deaniell cell, LeClanche cell, and dry cell. Morris

primary clay

A clay found in the place where it was formed. CF:residual clay; secondary clay. AGI

primary coil

a. The coil through which the inducing current passes in an induction coil or transformer. Webster 3rd b. A coil, forming part of an electrical machine or piece of apparatus, in which a current flows, setting up the magnetic flux necessary for the operation of the machine or apparatus. CTD

primary creep

Elastic deformation that is time-dependent and results from a constant differential stress acting over a long period of time. CF:secondary creep

primary crusher

a. The first crusher in a series for processing shale or other rocks. b. In comminution of ore, a heavy-duty dry crushing machine capable of accepting run-of-mine coarse ore and reducing it in size to somewhere between 4 in and 6 in (10 cm and 15 cm). Heavy-duty connotes the ability both to handle large tonnages daily and to withstand very rough treatment. Pryor, 3

primary crushing

In ore dressing, the first stage in which crushers take run-of-mine ore and reduce it to a size small enough to be taken by the next crusher in the series. Ordinarily, the Blake jaw crusher or a gyratory crusher is used. Newton, 1


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The first type of crystal that separates from a melt on cooling. ASM, 1

primary current distribution

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The current distribution in an electrolytic cell that is free of polarization. ASM, 1

primary dip

See:original dip

primary dispersion

Geochemical dispersion of elements by processes operating within the Earth. CF:secondary dispersion

primary drilling

The process of drilling holes in a solid rock ledge in preparation for a blast by means of which the rock is thrown down. Fay

primary environment

See:geochemical environment

primary excavation

Digging in undisturbed soil, as distinguished from rehandling stockpiles. Nichols, 1

primary flow structure

Structure of either linear or platy nature developed in igneous rocks prior to or during consolidation. Stokes

primary fluid inclusion

A fluid inclusion containing fluid trapped during original crystallization of its host mineral. AGI

primary foliation

The variety of platy flow structure that forms during crystallization of a magma and is due to the parallelism of platy minerals. Stokes

primary gneiss

A rock that exhibits planar or linear structures characteristic of metamorphic rocks, but lacks observable granulation or recrystallization, and is therefore considered to be of igneous origin. AGI

primary gneissic banding

Banding exhibited by certain igneous rocks of heterogeneous composition; produced by the admixture of two magmas only partly miscible or, in other cases, by magma intimately admixed with country rock into which it has been injected along bedding or foliation planes. CTD

primary haulage

A short haul in which there is no secondary or mainline haulage; e.g., a mine is started into a hillside, using mine cars, track, and hand loaders. An empty car is placed for the loader, and the loaded car is taken to the dump manually or by machine, repeating the process for each loader.


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a. Metal produced: by direct smelting of ore; from a mine product, such as that extracted from mined ore; from reprocessing mine tailings; or from reprocessing smelter or refinery slags or residues. Camm b. Metal extracted from ores, natural brines, or ocean water. Also called virgin metal. Newton, 1 c. Ingot cast from reduced and perhaps refined metal as distinct from ingot containing recovered scrap metals. Pryor, 3 d. Metal recovered as a principal or byproduct material from the processing of ores; includes metal recovered from ore processing wastes such as tailings, and downstream processing wastes such as slags and residues from the smelting and refining of the metal. Excludes metal recovered from scrap or its processing wastes (secondary metal).

primary mill

A mill for rolling ingots or the rolled products of ingots to blooms, billets, or slabs. This type of mill is often called a blooming mill and sometimes a cogging mill. ASM, 1

primary mineral

A mineral formed at the same time as the rock enclosing it, by igneous, hydrothermal, or pneumatolytic processes, and that retains its original composition and form. CF:secondary mineral AGI

primary mineral deposit

Syngenetic ore deposit.

primary ore

Ore that has remained practically unchanged from the time of original formation. Stokes

primary ore mineral

An ore mineral that was deposited during the original period or periods of metallization. The term has also been used to designate the earliest of a sequence of ore minerals, as contrasted with later minerals of the same sequence, which some writers have called secondary. To avoid confusion, Ransome proposed the terms hypogene and supergene. Hypogene, as the word implies, indicates formation by ascending solutions. All hypogene minerals are necessarily primary, but not all primary ore minerals are hypogene; e.g., sedimentary hematite is of primary deposition even though it formed as a low-temperature precipitate.

primary phase

The only crystalline phase capable of existing in equilibrium with a given liquid; it is the first to appear on cooling from a liquid state and the last to disappear on heating to the melting point. AGI

primary reject elevator

A refuse elevator that extracts the first or heavier reject; usually situated at the feed end of a washbox. BS, 5


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English primary relict

A relict mineral that was a constituent of the original rock, whether igneous or sedimentary. Schieferdecker

primary screen

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A screen used to divide coal (usually raw coal) into sizes more suitable for the subsequent cleaning of some or all of them. BS, 5

primary settling

The surface subsidence that manifests itself a few months after mineral extraction and that usually constitutes 60% to 90% of the total subsidence. It varies according to the depth and thickness of the seam, the nature of the overburden, the mining method, and the thoroughness of the filling in the mined-out areas. The primary period is followed by the secondary period, in which the surface subsides gradually for a period of many years or even decades. Stoces

primary shaft

The shaft from the surface in which the first stage of hoisting is carried out. Spalding

primary solid solution

A constituent of alloys that is formed when atoms of an element B are incorporated in the crystals of a metal A. In most cases, solution involves the substitution of B atoms for some A atoms in the crystal structure of A, but there are cases in which the B atoms are situated in the interstices between the A atoms. CTD

primary source

An operation that produces or creates new dust. Hartman, 2

primary structure

a. A structure in an igneous rock that originated contemporaneously with the formation or emplacement of the rock, but before its final consolidation; e.g., layering developed during solidification of a magma. AGI b. A primary sedimentary structure, such as bedding or ripple marks. AGI c. The structure preexisting the deformation and reequilibration associated with the emplacement at shallow depth of a metamorphic body of deep origin during an orogeny. CF:secondary structure

primary washbox

The first of a series of washboxes, which receives the feed and from which one product at least is given further treatment. BS, 5

primary washer

The first of a series of washers, receiving raw feed, from which at least one product is retreated. BS, 5

primary water supply

The principal or original source from which drilling water is obtained, as opposed to recirculated water. Long


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Portion of a lode below that changed by leaching and secondary enrichment, and characteristic of the type of ore most likely to persist into the deeper levels of a mine. Pryor, 3

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prime mover

a. A machine that converts fuel or other natural energy into mechanical power. Nelson b. A tractor or other vehicle used to pull other machines. Nichols, 1 c. Any machine capable of producing power to do work. Shell


a. A contrivance, such as a cap, tube, or wafer, containing percussion powder or other compound for igniting an explosive charge; ignited by friction, percussion, or electricity. Webster 3rd b. The cartridge or that portion of a charge that carries a detonator or is coupled to Cordtex fuse and that detonates or sets off the remainder of the charge. The primer cartridge is placed at one end of the charge with the detonator pointing toward the charge. Nelson c. In blasting, the cartridge in which the cap is placed.

d. Usually the combination of a dynamite cartridge and a detonating cap. Nichols, 1

primer cartridge

The explosive cartridge into which a detonator has been inserted. BS, 12

primer charge

A boosting charge placed in contact with a detonator to ensure detonation of the main charge. BS, 12

prime virgin mercury

A term used for mercury produced by mines.

prime western spelter

See:prime western zinc

prime western zinc

Low grade of virgin zinc containing about 98% zinc, 1.60% lead, 0.08% iron, with no limitations on cadmium or aluminum. Bennett


a. The act of placing a detonator in an explosive charge. Pryor, 3 b. The act of adding water to displace air, thereby promoting suction, as in a suction line of a pump. Water used to promote initial suction in a centrifugal or reciprocating pump.

priming coat

A coating of binder applied to a surface of natural compacted or stabilized soil before surface dressing. Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English priming tube

A tube containing fulminating powder for firing a charge. A detonator. Standard, 2; Fay

priming valve

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a. A safety valve on the working cylinder of a steam engine to discharge the priming. Standard, 2 b. A valve connected with the discharge pipe of a force pump through which the pump may be primed. Fay


See:primitive circle

primitive circle

In crystallography, the great circle on a stereographic projection that represents the equator of the spherical projection. The poles of all vertical crystal planes plot on the primitive. Fay

primitive form

A crystal form from which other forms may be derived; e.g., a hexoctahedron has six faces replacing each octahedral face.


Roofing slate sized 24 in by 14 in (61 cm by 36 cm). Pryor, 3


Primary, or leading function. A principal axis is the longest one in a crystal. The principal valence is that at which an element forms the

greatest number of stable compounds. Pryor, 3

principal axis

a. In the tetragonal and hexagonal systems, the vertical crystallographic axis; hence what is the same thing in uniaxial crystals, the optic axis. In the orthorhombic and triclinic crystals, the axis of the principal zone; the axis with the shortest period, often the axis of the principal zone. In monoclinic crystals, the axis c, usually the axis of the principal zone excluding the symmetry axis; the symmetry axis b. Fay; AGI b. That crystallographic axis with unique symmetry in a crystal system, designated c, except in the monoclinic system where the second setting is used by mineralogists making b the unique axis. c. In a transducer used for sound emission or reception, a reference direction for angular coordinates used in describing the directional characteristics of the transducer. It is usually an axis of structural symmetry or the direction of maximum response, but if these do not coincide, the reference direction must be described explicitly. Hy d. In experimental structural geology, a principal axis of stress or a principal axis of strain.

principal axis of strain

One of the three mutually perpendicular axes of the strain ellipsoid.

principal axis of stress


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English One of the three mutually perpendicular axes that are perpendicular to the principal planes of stress.

principal meridian

A central meridian on which a rectangular grid is based; specif. one of a pair of coordinate axes (along with the base line) used in the U.S. Public Land Survey system to subdivide public lands in a given region. It consists of a line extending north and south along the astronomic meridian passing through the initial point and along which standard township, section, and quarter-section corners are established. The principal meridian is the line from which the survey of the township boundaries is initiated along the parallels. AGI

principal moment of inertia

The moment of inertia of an area about either principal axis. Roark

principal point

The geometric center of an aerial photograph, or the point where the optical axis of the lens meets the film plane in an aerial camera. Symbol: p.

principal section

a. In crystallography, the plane passing through the optical axis of a crystal. Standard, 2 b. The optical indicatrix of a biaxial mineral is a triaxial ellipsoid with semiaxes proportional to the refractive indices alpha, beta, and gamma. A principal section is an ellipse

containing any two of these semiaxes. The indicatrix of a uniaxial mineral is an ellipsoid of revolution; its principal sections contain the axis of revolution which is proportional to the refractive index epsilon.

principal stress

The stress normal to one of three mutually perpendicular planes that intersect at a point in a body on which the shearing stress is zero. ASM, 1

principle of superposition

To determine the stress in a member due to a system of applied forces, the system can be split up into several component forces and their moments and reactions added in order to calculate the total stress. Hammond

Prins process

A dense-media process in which large-size coal is separated from the refuse in a flowing bed of small coal in a reciprocating launder. Refuse sinks to the bottom. The small coal is screened from the coarse refuse and returned to the head of the launder by a drag conveyor. The floating large coal passes over skimmers in the trough to the discharge chute.


An orthorhombic mineral, (Y,Ca,Fe,Th)(Ti,Nb)2 (O,OH)6 ; now formally named aeschynite-(Y); forms series with aeschynite-(Ce) and with tantalaeschynite-(Y); black; forms with other rare-earth minerals in

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English granite pegmatites and placers. blomstrandine


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a. The volume of a length of embankment or excavation. Seelye, 1 b. The liquid mobile volume of a stream. Seelye, 1 c. An open crystal form with faces and their intersecting edges parallel to the principal crystallographic axis. Prisms have three (trigonal), four (tetragonal), six (ditrigonal or hexagonal), eight (ditetragonal), or twelve (dihexagonal) faces. The nine-sided prisms of tourmaline are a combination of trigonal and hexagonal prisms. d. A long, narrow, wedge-shaped sedimentary body with width:thickness between 5:1 and 50:1; e.g., a bajada adjacent to an escarpment. It is typical of orogenic sediments formed during periods of intense crustal deformation; e.g., the arkoses found in fault troughs. CF:tabular


a. Descriptive of a clast with length to width ratio between 1.5:1 and 3:1. CF:tabular b. Pertaining to a sedimentary prism. c. Pertaining to a crystallographic prism. d. Descriptive of a crystal with one dimension markedly longer than the other two. e. Descriptive of two directions of cleavage. f. Descriptive of a metamorphic texture in which a large proportion of grains are prismatic and have approx. parallel orientation, giving a lineated appearance in hand specimens

and thin sections. CF:equant

prismatic compass

A small magnetic compass held in the hand when in use and equipped with peep sights and a glass prism so arranged that the magnetic bearing or azimuth of a line can be read (through the prism) from a circular graduated scale at the same time that the line is sighted over. AGI

prismatic plane

Any crystallographic plane that is parallel to the principal axis of a crystal.

prismatic quartz

Collectors' name for cordierite.

prismatic telescope

A telescope having an eyepiece fitted with a prism that reflects at 90 degrees . Hammond


Any solid, bounded by planes, whose end faces are parallel. Usually understood to include also figures whose bounding surfaces are warped surfaces. Seelye, 2


Adj. of prismoid; used in sedimentary petrology (not prismatic, which is a crystallographic term).


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A formula used in the calculation of earthwork quantities. It states that the volume of any prismoid is equal to one-sixth its length multiplied by the sum of the two end-areas plus four times the mid-area. CTD


A statistical measure (where zero is impossibility and one is certainty) of the likelihood of occurrence of an event. AGI

probable ore

a. Indicated reserves. See:reserves b. A mineral deposit adjacent to developed ore but not yet proven by development. CF:extension ore

probable performance curve

A performance curve showing the expected results of a coal-preparation treatment. BS, 5

probable reserves

Areas of coal or mineral believed to lie beyond the developed reserves but not yet proven by development.


a. A small tube containing a sensing element of electronic equipment, which can be lowered into a borehole to obtain measurements and data. Long b. To conduct a search for mineral-bearing ground by drilling or boring. Long c. To lower drill rods, etc., to locate

obstructions and/or to determine the attitude of a piece of junk in a borehole. Long


A monoclinic mineral, NaCaB5 O7 (OH)4 .3H2 O ; colorless; forms radiated columnar crystals; in Kern Country, CA. .


Thrusting a pointed steel rod down through sand or soft clays to contact a seam or orebody. The point of the rod is examined for traces of coal or mineral.


The term proceedings is broader than the term action, yet in the mining law it is used in the sense of action and refers to the commencement of an action. It is used to enable a party to institute such proceedings under the different forms of actions allowed by the State and Federal courts.


A series of operations conducted to achieve a result. Webster 3rd

process company

Company formed for the purpose of exploiting a patented process. Hoover

process flowsheet

A basic flowsheet indicating the main operational steps within a plant,


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English the movement of the various materials between the steps, and the final products obtained, and often also the quantities of material with which the plant must be capable of dealing at various points. BS, 5

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a. The methods employed to clean, process, and prepare coal and metallic ores into the final marketable product. Nelson b. The various artificial methods adopted for strengthening a soil, such as compaction, treatment with bitumen, lime, cement, etc. Nelson


An official land surveyor. Standard, 2

process lag

In mineral processing, the delay or retardation in the response of the controlled variable at a point of measurement to a change in value of the manipulated variable. Fuerstenau

process metallurgy

Branch of metallurgy that deals with the recovery or extraction of metals from their ores.

process scrap

The scrap arising during the manufacture of finished articles from iron and steel, and usually returned to steelworks after sorting and processing by scrap merchants. circulating scrap. Nelson

Proctor penetration needle

A quick and convenient method for testing the resistance of a fine-grained soil to penetration at a standard rate of 1/2 in/s (1.27 cm/s). Needles from 1 to 0.05 in2 (6.5 to 0.3 cm2 ) area are used, and a spring balance indicates the pressure required for the needle to penetrate the soil. soil. Nelson

prod cast

See:impact cast

prod mark

a. An indicator of slip direction on a slickensided fault surface, consisting of a groove made by a clast. AGI b. A short tool mark oriented parallel to the current of a stream and produced by an object that plowed into and was then raised above the bottom; its longitudinal profile is asymmetric. The mark deepens gradually downcurrent where it ends abruptly (unlike a flute). CF:bounce cast


a. The marketable ores or minerals produced by mining and dressing. b. Corn. The amount of fine copper in one hundred parts of ore.


a. Person who extracts ore or coal from mines, rock from quarries, metals from ore by metallurgical processes, etc. b. A producing well. AGI


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c. A furnace or apparatus that produces combustible gas to be used for fuel; usually of the updraft type, which forces or draws air or a mixture of air and steam through a layer of incandescent fuel (such as coke) with the resulting gas consisting chiefly of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Webster 3rd d. An organism (e.g., most plants) that can form new organic matter from inorganic matter such as carbon dioxide, water, and soluble salts. AGI


Percent of metal in ore. Gordon


That which is produced or made; any tangible result of industrial or other labor. The yield or output of a mine, metallurgical plant, or quarry.

production checker

In metal mining, a person who keeps a record of the number of containers (cars, buckets, or skips) raised to the surface, and the amount of ore contained in each, estimating or weighing the contents. DOT

production gang

A team of workers employed at the face on production, covering all face operations, maintenance, and supplies. Nelson


Yielding payable ore.

productive development

The headings and levels excavated in a coal seam, preparatory to opening out working faces. These drivages are planned to prove and render accessible the maximum area of coal for the minimum yardage of development work. The modern trend is to make in-the-seam development as productive as possible with the aid of machines. Nelson

productive land

Land that has produced farm crops within the previous 5 years. Woodruff


a. A term closely allied with, and that may be expressed as, the output per manshift of a face or colliery or metal mine. Productivity will vary with the degree of mechanization and multishift working; it is also a function of the horsepower, of a suitable nature, at the disposal of each miner. b. The efficiency with which economic resources (workers, materials, and machines) are employed to produce goods and services. Crispin


a. The outline produced where the plane of a vertical section intersects the surface of ground; e.g., the longitudinal profile of a stream, or the profile of a coast or hill. b. A graph or drawing that shows the variation of one property such as elevation or gravity, usually as ordinate, with respect to another


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property, such as distance. AGI c. Cross section of a region of cylindrical folds drawn perpendicular to the fold axes. AGI d. In seismic prospecting, the data recorded from one shot point by a number of groups of detectors. AGI e. See:soil profile f. A vertical section of a water table or other potentiometric surface, or of a body of surface water. AGI g. A drawing used in civil engineering to show a vertical section of the ground along a surveyed line or graded work. Webster 3rd

profile flying

The technique of flying at a constant height above the ground during airborne mineral exploration. Generally, the aircraft maintains a height of 300 ft or 500 ft (91 m or 152 m) above the ground. This often involves a series of skillfully controlled climbs and dives over rolling ground.

profile shooting

A type of seismic refraction in which the shots and detectors are laid out on long straight lines. Successive shots are taken at uniform or almost uniform intervals along each line, and successive detector spreads are shifted about the same distance as the corresponding shot points so as to keep the range of shot-detector distances approx. the same for all shots. Generally, shots are received from opposite directions on each detector spread. The distance range is chosen so that the first, or where desired the second, arrivals will be refracted from a particular formation such as

the basement or a high-speed limestone marker. The proper distance is usually determined from time-distance plots based on experimental shooting at the onset of the program. Dobrin


An instrument for plotting the perimeter profile of an airway on a reduced scale, and primarily used when taking air measurements underground.


When one speaks of the interest on a mining investment, the rate mentioned ordinarily consists of the normal rate plus a substantial additional rate that represents the profit that should accrue in proportion to the hazardous nature of the mining business. In this sense, the rate of interest in most forms of mining should be high; to be satisfied with less than 10% annually would show a lack of acumen. Hoover

profit in sight

Probable gross profit from a mine's ore reserves, as distinct from the ground still to be blocked out.

proforma invoice

Invoice that does not charge for goods marked, but shows cost details. Pryor, 3

prograde metamorphism

Metamorphic changes in response to a higher pressure or temperature than that to which the rock last adjusted itself. CF:retrograde metamorphism


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English progress chart

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A chart or graph forming a continuous record, which is kept up to date, of the amount of work done on a major project. It may take the form of a bar graph, divided into sections representing different jobs to be done, estimated and actual completion dates, etc. The chart covers the entire project from the initial site preparation or drivage to completion. Nelson

progressing cavity pump

See:Mono pump

progressive aging

In heat treatment, aging by increasing the temperature in steps or continuously during the aging cycle.

progressive failure

Rock or material failure in which the ultimate shearing resistance is progressively mobilized along the failure surface. ASCE

project data

Basic information needed by engineers concerned with design, site development, machine and housing assembly, plant erection, contract supervision, and coordination when planning, erecting, and bringing into operation a new mine and its attendant services, including the ore treatment plant. Pryor, 3

projected pipe

A pipe laid on the surface before building a fill that buries it. Nichols, 1


a. In underground mining, a plan showing the proposed direction and location of entries, rooms, shafts, fans, and watercourses. Such projections commonly cover the entire property to be worked. b. A systematic, diagrammatic representation on a plane (flat) surface of three-dimensional space relations, produced by passing lines from various points to their intersection with a plane; esp. a map projection. AGI c. Any orderly method by which a projection is made; the process or operation of transferring a point from one surface to a corresponding position on another surface by graphical or analytical means, so that each point of one corresponds to one and only one point of the other. AGI d. See:exposure e. See:outcrop f. In mapping, a geometric (or mathematical) system of constructing the true meridians and parallels, or the plane rectangular coordinates on a map. Seelye, 2 g. A geometrically or mathematically derived portrayal of the surface of the geoid on a plane surface. The requirement for a particular projection is that it show the features of the surface of the Earth with a minimum of distortion of distances, directions, shapes, and areas. Hy h. The act or result of constructing a


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English figure upon a plane or other two-dimensional surface that corresponds point for point with a sphere, a spheroid, or some other three-dimensional form. Fay

projection balance

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Shows movement of a pointer by means of an illuminated scale. Pryor, 3

project plans

A series of plans of a proposed new mine or reconstruction, which are drawn up for the purpose of obtaining approval of a project. BS, 7

prolapsed bedding

A series of flat folds with near-horizontal axial planes contained entirely within a bed with undisturbed boundaries.


Secondary condenser used in the zinc industry.


Eng. The forked end of a bucket-pump rod; used for attachment to the traveling valve and seat. Fay

Prony's dynamometer

A dynamometer for obtaining data for computing power delivered by turbines and other water wheels, or from the flywheel of an engine, or transmitted by shafting. Fay

proof stress

a. The stress that will cause a specified small permanent set in a material. ASM, 1 b. A specified stress to be applied to a member or structure to indicate its ability to withstand service loads. ASM, 1


To transmit or spread from place to place; as coal dust propagates a mine explosion.

propagated blast

A blast consisting of a number of unprimed charges of explosives and only one hole primed, generally for the purpose of ditching, where each charge is detonated by the explosion of the adjacent one, the shock being transmitted through the wet soil. In this method, one detonator fired in the middle of a line of holes is capable of bringing about the explosion of several hundred such charges. Fay


a. The transfer of a signal through a medium; e.g., sound in air, seismic waves in fluids and solids, electromagnetic waves in a vacuum. b. In general, propagation is said to occur when the flame of an explosion travels over considerable areas of a mine in such manner as might result in loss of life of workers in the mine. Rice, 2


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English propagation velocity

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The speed of a wave in the material concerned, such as the propagation velocity of a detonation wave front traveling through an explosive or the propagation velocity of a seismic wave from a blast traveling through the ground.

prop-crib timbering

Shaft timbering with cribs kept the proper distance apart by means of props. Fay

prop cutter

In mining, a person who operates a power saw to cut to designated- and standard-length timbers and props used to support the walls and roofs of underground passageways and workplaces. Also called: prop sawyer; timber cutter. DOT

prop drawer

a. A sylvester or other appliance for withdrawing props from the waste area in coal mining. b. A worker who withdraws props and allows the roof to collapse. Props are withdrawn when caving of the roof is adopted. Nelson

propeller fan

a. Axial-flow ventilating fan used to blow fresh air into mine workings or to extract foul air. Pryor, 3 b. A fan having an impeller, other than of the centrifugal-type, rotating in an orifice, the air flow into and out of

the impeller not being confined by any casing. BS, 8

propeller pump

This type of pump, often called axial-flow, develops most of its head by the propelling or lifting action of the vanes upon the liquid. These pumps are built in horizontal or vertical casings and are primarily used in handling sludge, dewatering pits, sewage pumping, and similar duties requiring large capacities and heads under 100 ft (30 m). Pit and Quarry

propeller shaft

Usually a main drive shaft fitted with universal joints. Nichols, 1

propel shaft

In a revolving shovel, a shaft that transmits engine power to the walking mechanism. Nichols, 1


In crystallography, any symmetry rotation which does not change the chirality (handedness) of an asymmetric unit; e.g., not involving reflection or inversion. CF:improper

proper proportion

In a transparent gemstone, the proportion of the mass above and below the girdle, as well as the angles of the facets in relation to the girdle, that produces the greatest brilliancy from the particular species. These


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English proportions vary with the refractive index of the gem species.

properties of sections

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These include the cross-sectional area of a structural member, its moment of inertia, section modulus, and other geometrical properties essential for accurate design calculations. Hammond


One of the physical and chemical characteristics of a material.

property man

In bituminous coal mining, formerly one who kept record of location and has charge of distribution of coal cutting machines, drills, loaders, and other mechanical equipment in and about a mine. Now, one who oversees surface lands and structures.


In longwall mining of a coal seam, a face with no posts between the coal and the conveyor used to remove it. Pryor, 3

prop-free front

a. In coal mining, longwall working in which support to the roof is given by roof beams cantilevered from behind the working face. This leaves unobstructed room for digging and conveying equipment in a mechanized working. Pryor, 3 b. Such a face is necessary where armored flexible conveyors are used to

carry a coal cutter or power loader.; self-advancing supports. Nelson

prophylene-glycol dinitrate explosive

An explosive containing the liquid ingredients named, in contradistinction to dynamite, which contains nitroglycerin. In commerce, the term dynamite is loosely used to include any mixture containing a liquid explosive. Fay


A statement of equality between two ratios. When one ratio is equal to another ratio, they are said to be in proportion. Jones, 2

proportional control action

As used in mineral processing, action in which there is a continuous linear relation between the output and the input. Fuerstenau

proportional counter

A gas-filled, radiation-detection tube in which the pulse produced is proportional to the number of ions formed in the gas by the primary ionizing particle. ASM, 1

proportional limit

The greatest stress that a material is capable of withstanding without deviation from proportionality of stress to strain (Hooke's law). In the case of rocks, this term and "elastic limit" are restricted to short-time tests; rocks may slowly and permanently deform in periods of long


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English duration, even at stresses below the short-time proportional limit.

proportional plus integral control action

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As used in mineral processing, action in which the output is proportional to a linear combination of the input and to the time integral of the input. Fuerstenau

proportional plus integral plus derivative control action

As used in mineral processing, action in which the output is proportional to a linear combination of the input, the time integral of input, and the time rate of change of input. Fuerstenau


Measuring by weight or by volume the constituents, before mixing of concrete, mortar, or plaster. Hammond


Hydraulic fracturing and propping agent employed in the gas and oil industry to enable production from deep petroleum reservoirs.


The setting of timber props in mine workings. Nelson

prop retriever

See:prop drawer

prop sawyer

See:prop cutter

prop setter

In anthracite and bituminous coal mining, a worker who installs props (posts) to support the roofs of underground working places, placing and wedging them at the most effective points. DOT

prop wall

Props that are fastened together in a group, like a fence, and placed against the walls to prevent the roof from caving into the stope. Stoces


A hydrothermally altered andesite resembling a greenstone and containing calcite, chlorite, epidote, serpentine, quartz, pyrite, and iron oxides. The term was first used by Richthofen in 1868. Propylite is common in mining districts of the Western United States, generally in the outermost subzone of hydrothermal alteration.


The result of low-pressure-temperature alteration around many orebodies. The propylitic assemblage consists of epidote, chlorite, Mg-Fe-Ca carbonates, and sometimes albite-orthoclase, all involved in partial replacement of wall-rock minerals.


A monoclinic mineral, CaAl2 (F,OH)8 ; forms tabular crystals or granular masses.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English prospect

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a. An area that is a potential site of mineral deposits, based on preliminary exploration. AGI b. Sometimes, an area that has been explored in a preliminary way but has not given evidence of economic value. AGI c. An area to be searched by some investigative technique, such as geophysical prospecting. AGI d. A geologic or geophysical anomaly, esp. one recommended for additional exploration. A prospect is distinct from a mine in that it is nonproducing. e. A mineral property, the value of which has not been proved by exploration. Lewis f. To search for minerals or oil by looking for surface indications, by drilling boreholes, or both. Long g. A plot of ground believed to be mineralized enough to be of economic importance. Long h. Territory under examination for its mineral wealth. Prospecting is the search for deposits and is performed by aerial survey, magnetometry, surface examination, pitting, trenching, use of a prospector's pan, geochemical testing of soil, drilling (shallow or deep), seismic probe, and resistivity survey. Pryor, 3 i. The gold or other mineral obtained by working a sample of ore. j. A formation that may be capable of development into a mine, but which is untested. k. A sample of gold obtained in panning. Nelson l. A specimen or sample of mineral obtained from a small amount of paydirt or ore. Craigie m. To work (a mine, ledge, etc.)

experimentally in order to ascertain its richness in precious minerals. Craigie

prospect drilling

The exploratory drilling of boreholes in the search for minerals and petroleum. Long

prospect drill panner

In metal mining, a person who, with a cable drill rig, drills down through gravel to bedrock along a present or an old creek bed that usually has been prospected by a hand-dug hole. The panner saves the drillings and pans them to discover the possible presence of paydirt (gold-bearing gravel), and weighs gold particles recovered. In the event of the discovery of gold in quantities sufficient for profitable removal, the panner moves drill and continues operations to determine the boundaries of the gold-bearing strata. DOT

prospect entry

See:prospect tunnel


a. The search for outcrops or surface exposure of mineral deposits. b. Searching for new deposits; also, preliminary explorations to test the value of lodes or placers already known to exist. c. The surface discovery of coal or mineral only proves its superficial existence and further work is necessary to establish its quality and extent. The term exploration is sometimes applied to this extension of the discovery work.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English prospecting and mining

Generic terms which include the whole mode of obtaining metals and minerals. Ricketts

prospecting claim

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Aust. A claim larger than the average; allotted to the miner who is the first in a district to discover the presence of gold. Standard, 2

prospecting dish

A simple appliance used in the search for gold and other heavy minerals. By means of water washing, the lighter, worthless material is separated from the valuable, heavier minerals, which are made visible by concentration and retention in the dish. Standard dishes with sloping sides are made in sizes ranging from top diameter 10 to 18 in (25 to 46 cm) and from 2 to 4 in (5 to 10 cm) deep, with riffles or grooves to retain the heavy minerals.

prospecting license

Authorization granted by a government to an individual in some countries, permitting the person to prospect for minerals and to register (stake) a claim. Pryor, 3

prospecting pan


prospective ore

Ore that cannot be included as proved or probable, nor definitely known or stated in terms of tonnage.; ore expectant.


A person engaged in exploring for valuable minerals or in testing supposed discoveries of the same.

prospect shaft

A shaft sunk in connection with prospecting operations. Craigie

prospect tunnel

A tunnel or entry driven through barren measures, or a fault, to ascertain the character of strata beyond.


A preliminary printed statement describing a business or other enterprise, and distributed to prospective buyers, investors, or participants, giving detailed information concerning the company's business and financial standing. Common in mining.

protecting magnet

Electromagnet or permanent magnet installed ahead of crushing machinery to remove tramp iron that otherwise might enter and damage the appliances. Pryor, 3

protection screen deck

A screen plate with large apertures mounted over the screening deck in order to reduce the load and wear thereon. BS, 5

protective alkali

In the cyanide process, the use of dissolved lime to maintain a slightly


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English alkaline pulp, therefore ensuring that the cyanide salt retains its potency and does not acidify to hydrocyanic acid, which cannot dissolve gold or silver.

protective alkalinity

Lime added to auriferous pulp to ensure alkalinity. Important in the cyanidation process for precious metals. Pryor, 1


An objection to the patent proceeding; when made, it calls for a hearing on the matter in the local land office. Lewis


A name for a series of artificial orthorhombic fluoramphiboles having only half the a-dimension of anthophyllite. The presence of lithium and absence of calcium appear to be essential to their formation. Named because of a structural relation to protoenstatite. Hey, 2


Leith's term for a rock possessing what he considered to be primary cleavage; e.g., bedding planes in sedimentary rock, formed concurrently with the rock. CF:metaclase


a. Said of igneous rocks in which the earlier formed crystals have been broken or deformed because of differential flow of the magma before complete solidification. AGI

b. Said of an igneous rock containing deformed xenocrysts. AGI c. Said of the texture characteristic of an early stage of cataclasis, with a very small amount of finite strain. AGI


a. Dolomite with calcium and magnesium disordered within layers rather than ordered by layer. b. An imperfectly crystallized synthetic material of composition near CaMg(CO3 )2 .




Said of original rocks as opposed to derived rocks, and including saline deposits, coal, igneous rocks, and ore deposits. The term is no longer used. Holmes, 2


A granitic rock, occurring in the Alps, that has gneissic structure, contains sericite, chlorite, epidote, and garnet, and shows evidence of a composite origin or of crystallization (or partial recrystallization) under stress after consolidation. Also spelled protogene. The term, dating from 1806, is obsolete. AGI


a. A mylonitic rock produced from contact-metamorphosed rock, with granulation and flowage being due to overthrusts following the contact

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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surfaces between intrusion and country rock. AGI b. A coherent crush breccia whose characteristically lenticular, megascopic particles faintly retain primary structures. It is a lower grade in the development of mylonite and ultramylonite. CF:ultramylonite


An elementary particle with a single positive electrical charge and a mass approx. 1,847 times that of an electron. The atomic number of an atom equals the number of protons in its nucleus. Lyman


A well-sorted, quartz-enriched sandstone that lacks the well-rounded grains of an orthoquartzite; specif. a lithic sandstone intermediate in composition between subgraywacke and orthoquartzite. AGI


In older writings, any primary mineralized material too low in tenor to constitute ore but from which ore may be formed through secondary enrichment. As commonly employed today, the rock below the sulfide zone of supergene enrichment; the primary material that cannot be produced at a profit under existing conditions but that may become profitable with technological advances or price increases. sulfide zone.


An instrument used in drawing and plotting, designed for laying out or measuring angles on a flat or curved surface, and consisting of a plate marked with units of circular measure.


A trigonal mineral, Ag3 AsS3 ; dimorphous with xanthoconite; rhombohedral cleavage; soft; ruby red; occurs in low-temperature or secondary-enrichment veins; a minor source of silver.


a. To determine, by boring from the surface or driving a passageway underground, the location and character of a coalbed or the nature of rock strata. Hudson b. To establish, by drilling, trenching, underground openings, or other means, that a given deposit of a valuable substance exists, and that its grade and dimensions equal or exceed some specified amounts.

proved ore

See:proved reserve

proved reserve

An ore deposit that has been reliably established as to its volume, tonnage, and quality by approved sampling, valuing, and testing methods supervised by a suitably qualified person. The proved reserve is the overridingly important asset of a mine,


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English and by its nature is a wasting one from the start of exploitation unless it is increased by further development.


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A place of origin; specif. the area from which the constituent materials of a sedimentary rock or facies are derived. Also, the rocks of which this area is composed. CF:distributive province AGI

prove up

a. To show that the requirements for receiving a patent for government land have been satisfied. Webster 3rd b. Can. To establish economic value of a property. Hoffman

proving hole

a. A borehole drilled for prospecting purposes. b. Advance bore or heading into a mineral deposit, made either to check the quality of the ore being approached or to relocate a deposit that has been distorted or dislocated by faulting. Pryor, 3

proving ring

A steel ring that has been accurately turned, heat treated, and polished. It is precisely calibrated in a testing machine by measuring its deflection for different loads and can be used for measuring applied loads on a structure. Hammond

proving the area

The establishment of the quantity and grade of coal or ore available for working by means of geological surveys, exploratory drilling, or exploring headings. Nelson

proximate analysis

a. The determination of the compounds contained in a mixture as distinguished from ultimate analysis, which is the determination of the elements contained in a compound. Used in the analysis of coal. Standard, 2; Fay b. The determination, by prescribed methods, of moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon (by difference), and ash. The term proximate analysis does not include determinations of chemical elements or determinations other than those named.

proximity log

A Schlumberger log based on the principle of shallow investigation; as its name implies it is markedly affected by material that lies in its immediate proximity. It depends for its operation on the forcing of a more or less horizontal beam of current into the formation. Its vertical resolution is about 6 in (15 cm) and it is almost impervious to the presence of a mud cake on the formation wall. Wyllie

prudent-man (person) test

The basic legal standard for discovery under the mining law that states: Where minerals have been found and the evidence is of such a character


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English that a person of ordinary prudence would be justified in the further expenditure of his labor and means, with a reasonable prospect of success in developing a valuable mine, the requirements of the statute have been met. SME, 1

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P.R.U. hand pump and densitometer

A dust sampling instrument comprising a D.V.P. Mark 11 pump with a swept volume of 90 cm3 . A filter paper is inserted into a bridge behind the inlet nozzle of the pump such that a circle of 1-cm diameter of the filter paper is exposed to the dust. The dust, while passing through the filter paper, produces a stain. The optical density of the stain is determined photoelectrically in a densitometer by the light that falls upon a galvanometer. The dust particle concentration is evaluated by a calibration factor. Its main disadvantage is that it underestimates the number of fine particles. Nelson

Prussian blue


prussic acid

See:hydrocyanic acid


Eng. Cornish miners' term for soft white clay. Also spelled pryan.

pryany lode

A lode in which the ore is mixed with gossan or flucan. Arkell


A pole that forms the prop of a hoisting gin and stands facing the windlass. Webster 3rd


a. A sandstone. The term is equivalent to the Latin-derived term arenite. AGI b. A term formerly used in Europe for a fine-grained, fissile, clayey sandstone. AGI c. The metamorphic derivative of arenite. Etymol: Greek psammos, sand. pelite. Adj. psammitic. AGI




a. A sediment or sedimentary rock composed of large fragments set in a matrix varying in kind and amount; e.g., talus, breccia, shingle, gravel, and esp. conglomerate. The term is equivalent to the Latin-derived term rudite. AGI b. The metamorphic derivative of rudite. Etymol: Greek psephos, pebble. . Adj: psephitic. AGI


A prefix meaning false or spurious. AGI


An upward buckling of the superficial layers of the ground due either to changes in volume brought about by pedogenic processes or to some other nontectonic cause. Challinor


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pseudoboleite

A tetragonal mineral, Pb5 Cu4 Cl10 (OH)8 .2H 2 O ; indigo blue; occurs only in parallel growth on boleite, at Boleo, Baja California, Mex. Also spelled pseudoboleite.


A partially dolomitized limestone, characterized by: a mottled appearance, that gives the rock a texture mimicking that of a breccia; or by a weathered surface that appears fragmental. It is produced diagenetically by selective grain growth in which localized, patchy, and irregularly shaped recrystallized masses of coarse calcite are embedded in a lighter colored and less altered matrix of calcareous mud. AGI


An orthorhombic mineral, Fe2 (Ti,Fe)O5 ; resembles brookite; occurs in cavities in andesites. See:brookite


Colors and color plays produced by physical optics as opposed to chromophores; e.g., diffraction, dispersion, and scattering.


A rock that resembles, or may easily be mistaken for, a normal sedimentary conglomerate. Examples include a crush conglomerate consisting of cemented fragments that have been rolled and

rounded nearly in place by orogenic forces; a pebble dike; a sandstone packed with rounded concretions; and an aggregate of rounded boulders produced in place by spheroidal weathering and surrounded by clayey material. AGI


Quartz pseudomorphous after crocidolite. hawk's-eye. English


Composed of detrital crystalline grains little worn and solidly compacted by siliceous or other mineral matrix, so as to resemble a true crystalline rock.

pseudoeutectic texture

Intergrowth of sulfide minerals that simulate eutectic texture in metals.

pseudofibrous peat

Peat that in spite of its fibrous condition, is soft, noncoherent, plastic, and on drying, shows great shrinkage. Tomkeieff




Descriptive of minerals with hexagonal habit without hexagonal symmetry; e.g., hexagonal plates of monoclinic mica.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pseudojade

A name that may be applied to any mineral resembling jade in appearance; e.g., bowenite, massive serpentine. English

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Large isometric crystals consisting of mixtures of nepheline and orthoclase, or of analcime formed as breakdown products of leucite; occurs in syenites from Arkansas, Montana, and Brazil. CF:leucite; metaleucite.


A monoclinic mineral, Cu5 (PO4 )2 (OH)4 ; trimorphous with ludjibaite and reichenbachite; dark green.


A mineral sample with the external crystal form of one mineral and the internal chemistry of another; e.g., cubes of geothite after pyrite resulting from oxidation of the ferrous sulfide to ferric oxyhydroxide. CF:paramorph

pseudomorphous quartz

Quartz displaying the form and habit of any of several mineral species, which it has assumed through replacement. The most common quartz pseudomorphs are those of calcite, barite, fluorite, and siderite. Silicified wood is quartz pseudomorphous after wood.

pseudomorphous tonstein

A type of tonstein characterized by numerous pseudomorphs of kaolinite-feldspar or kaolinite-mica within a kaolinite groundmass. IHCP




A compact massive mixture of chlorite minerals resembling serpentine.


a. Said of the texture of an igneous rock in which larger crystals have developed in a macrocrystalline groundmass, but were formed, at least in part, after the rock solidified (e.g., large potassium-feldspar crystals in a granite). AGI b. See:porphyroblastic

pseudosecondary inclusion

A fluid inclusion formed by healing of a fracture occurring during growth of the host crystal. AGI


Variety of amber differing from Baltic amber in its reaction to solvents. Tomkeieff


Said of crystal structures in which the atoms are only slightly displaced from positions that would be in accord with a higher symmetry. Thus, a


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English monoclinic, pseudotetragonal mineral contains atoms only slightly displaced from positions of tetragonal symmetry. Hess


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a. Close angular approximation of a mineral with lower symmetry to one of higher symmetry; e.g., pseudohexagonal micas with monoclinic symmetry. b. Compound twins simulating an external symmetry not found in their atomic structure; e.g., orthorhombic aragonite in pseudohexagonal prisms. c. Abnormal crystal growth along one direction; e.g., elongate native gold cubes with apparent tetragonal symmetry.


a. A dense rock produced in the compression and shear associated with intense fault movements, involving extreme mylonitization and/or partial melting. Similar rocks, such as some of the Sudbury breccias, contain shock-metamorphic effects and may be injection breccias emplaced in fractures formed during meteoric impact. CF:ultramylonite b. A dark gray or black rock that externally resembles tachylyte and that typically occurs in irregularly branching veins. The material carries fragmental clasts of adjacent rock units, and shows evidence of having been at high temperature. Miarolitic and spherulitic crystallization has sometimes taken place in the extremely dense devitrified base. Some pseudotachylyte has behaved like an intrusive and has no structures obviously related to local crushing. AGI


Quartz simulating topaz. From Striegau, Silesia, Poland. English


Viscous resistance offered by a slurry, sludge, mud, or suspension of minerals in water as a pulp, due to the specific surface involved, with possibly an element of thixotropy under stated conditions of pH value, agitation, flow, temperature, and solid-to-liquid ratio. The pseudoviscous effect is distinct from viscosity due to molecular shear. Pryor, 3


A large crater or circular hollow believed not to be associated with volcanic activity; e.g., a crater that is possibly meteoritic in origin but may be the result of phreatic explosion or cauldron subsidence. Adj: pseudovolcanic. AGI


Synthetic triclinic CaSiO3 polymorphous with wollastonite-1T, wollastonite-2M, and wollastonite-7T.


a. A general term for massive oxides of manganese not otherwise identified; commonly botryoidal or colloform; a source of manganese in the United States (Arkansas, Virginia, Georgia); also in India, South Africa, and Russia. CF:cryptomelane; wad. b. See:romanechite; manganese oxide. CF:pyrolusite


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English psilomelanite



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An instrument for measuring the vapor pressure and the relative humidity of the air or the quantity of moisture in the air. It consists of a dry-bulb thermometer and a wet-bulb thermometer, the latter having its bulb covered with a layer of muslin kept moist with water. The rate of evaporation from the moist muslin depends upon the quantity of moisture in the air. The more rapid the evaporation, the greater the cooling, and hence the greater the difference in the temperature readings of the two thermometers. Also called: hygrometer. Standard, 2


a. Study of atmospheric humidity and its effect on workers. The psychrometer, or hygrometer, measures the difference between dry-bulb and wet-bulb thermometer readings. Pryor, 3 b. The determination of the psychrometric properties of air at a given state point. Hartman, 2 c. Measurement of the humidity of air. Nelson

pteropod ooze

A fine-grained pelagic deposit with more than 30% calcium carbonate of organic origin, of which pteropods are an important constituent. AGI




See:ptygmatic folding

ptygmatic folding

Primary folding in migmatites (injection gneisses, etc.), caused by the high-temperature and high-pressure processes to which the migmatites owe their origin and composite character. CF:flow folding

public domain

Land owned, controlled, or heretofore disposed of by the U.S. Government. It includes the land that was ceded to the Government by the original 13 States, together with certain subsequent additions acquired by cession, treaty, and purchase. At its greatest extent, the public domain occupied more than 1,820 million acres (737 million ha). GI

public land

Land owned by a government, esp. a national government; specif. the part of the U.S. public domain to which title is still vested in the Federal Government and that is subject to appropriation, sale, or disposal under the general laws. AGI

public land and public use

There is a clear distinction between public lands and lands that have been severed from the public domain and reserved from sale or other disposition


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English under general laws. Such reservation severs the land from the mass of the public domain and appropriates it to a public use. Ricketts

public limited liability company

An association of individuals, at least seven in number, who together subscribe the necessary means or capital--i.e., money, property, or other credit--to engage in a joint undertaking. Truscott

public mineral land

Land belonging to the United States containing a deposit of mineral in some form, metalliferous or nonmetalliferous, in quantity and quality sufficient to justify expenditures in the effort to extract it and subject to occupation and purchase under the mining laws. Ricketts


An orthorhombic mineral, BiVO4 ; trimorphous with clinobisvanite and dreyerite; reddish brown; a source of vanadium.

pucking cutter

A worker employed in a coal mine to cut the floor in cases of creep or upheaval toward the roof.


a. Earthy material--such as a mixture of clay, sand, and gravel--placed with water to form a compact mass to reduce percolation. Seelye, 1 b. To place such material. Seelye, 1 c. To compact loose soil by soaking it and

allowing it to dry. Nichols, 1 d. The molten portion of a weld. Webster 3rd e. To work (metal) while molten. Webster 3rd f. To subject (iron) to the process of puddling. Webster 3rd

puddled steel

Steel made in a puddling furnace, a type of reverberatory furnace in which the flame plays down upon the metal. Camm


a. Worker who converts cast iron into wrought iron by puddling. b. A rabble used in puddling. Webster 3rd c. A puddling furnace. Webster 3rd d. A system of small pipes admitting compressed air to a tank of water and zinc chloride, to effect a thorough solution for use as a timber preservative. Webster 2nd e. A machine for breaking up alluvial wash, consisting of a shallow tank in which the arms rotate slowly. The coarse stones are forked out and the pulp passed down sluice boxes along which the gold settles.

puddle roll

Any of the roughing rolls through which puddle balls are passed to be converted into bars. Collectively called a puddle train.


The agitation of a bath of molten pig iron by hand or by mechanical means,

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English in an oxidizing atmosphere, in order to oxidize most of the carbon, silicon, and manganese, and thus produce wrought iron. puddling furnace

A reverberatory furnace for puddling pig iron. Standard, 2

puddling machine

A machine used for mixing auriferous clays with water to the proper consistency for the separation of the ore. Fay

puddling process

Production of wrought iron from molten pig iron, in an oxidizing atmosphere in a reverberatory furnace of special design. Pryor, 3 IL:šd�œd÷Ô����sDICTIONARY TERMS:puff blowing Blowing chips out of a hole by means o [\B]puff blowing[\N]

puffed bar

In powder metallurgy, a cored bar expanded by internal gas pressure. Rolfe

puffer boy

A person employed to operate an engine used for hauling loaded mine cars through haulageways. Also the operator of any small stationary hoisting engine.

puffer man

In bituminous coal mining, a worker who operates a small hoisting engine used for hauling loaded mine cars through

haulageways in a mine, or operates a small stationary engine used for hoisting coal or rock in a shallow shaft, esp. for prospecting or development work. Also called: puffer; puffer boy; puffer tender. DOT

puffer tender

See:puffer man


Eng. Travertine; hard enough to use for building; so called from its cavernous structure. Arkell


a. A parting of clay that sometimes occurs between the walls of a vein and the country rock; gouge. b. The coal left on the floor by a coal cutter. c. Clay or other material used in packing cracks to prevent leakage; also, to use this material. d. Crushed strata or clay.

pug lifter

One who removes coal left adhering to the floor by a coal-cutting machine. CTD

pug lifting

The breaking and clearing of the coal left adhering to the floor by a longwall coal cutter. Nelson

pug mill

a. A machine for mixing water and clay, consisting of a long horizontal barrel containing a long longitudinal shaft

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English fitted with knives; the knives slice through the clay, mixing it with water, which is added by sprays from the top. The knives are canted to give some screw action, forcing the clay along the barrel and out one end. AISI b. See:paddle-type mixing conveyor

pug-mill operator

a. One who prepares ground, sifted, and filtered clay for molding by mixing it with water in a rotary-type mixer called a pug mill. This machine is frequently operated in conjunction with an auger mill and a cutting machine, the same worker tending the operation of all three machines simultaneously. Also called clay pugger; mixing-mill operator. DOT b. One who mixes ground preheated magnesia and carbon with hot asphalt in a pug mill to form a viscous mixture suitable for processing into pellets. Also called: mixer tender; pug miller; pug-mill tender. DOT

pug tub



a. The unit advance during the firing of each complete round of shotholes in a tunnel. b. To loosen the rock around the bottom of a hole by blasting. Usually used with a negative to describe a blast that did not shatter rock to the desired depth. Nichols, 1 c. The amount of core obtained each time a core barrel is removed from a borehole. Long d. To draw or remove coal pillars, or

pillars of ore. e. To hoist drill-stem equipment from a borehole. Long f. Strata movements over large excavated areas will extend to the surface and the disturbed surface area is almost always larger than the area of the underground excavation. The extent of this pull or draw depends on the depth of the workings, the nature of the strata, the thickness of the seam being mined, and the degree of packing support. Lewis

pull-apart structure

Features produced in beds that have been disrupted and separated during soft-sediment deformation.

pull drift

A small crosscut through barren ground to connect two orebodies. Hess


An operator who charges, pulls out, and otherwise manipulates crucibles. Mersereau, 2

puller rod

The rod used between the crank arm or drive arm of the drive unit and the panline of a shaker conveyor. Also called: connecting rod. Jones, 1


a. A cylinder, with a shaft for mounting it so that it may rotate; used to change the direction or plane of belt

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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travel. If the shaft is designed to be mounted so that it will not rotate, a pulley includes the bearings that provide for rotation of the cylinder on the shaft. NEMA, 2 b. A sheave or wheel with a grooved rim, over which a winding rope passes at the top of a headframe. Fay c. A wheel that carries a cable or belt on part of its surface. Nichols, 1

pulley man


pulley oiler

In bituminous coal mining, a laborer who oils and greases the pulleys on which run the cables that are used to raise and lower cars along haulage roads underground and at the surface of mines. DOT

pulley repairman


pull hole

In sublevel stoping, term applied to a raise along the haulage level put up to the first sublevel. The raise is enlarged at the bottom into a grizzly chamber immediately over the haulage level and at the top is widened into a funnel-shaped opening. As ore is broken, it drops directly into a pull hole. Lewis

pulling pillars

The common expression used for mining the coal in the pillars of a mine; robbing pillars.

pulling stumps

The process of taking out the pillars of a coal mine.

pull-over mill

A two-high mill in which a piece is rolled in one direction only, and after traveling between the rolls has to be passed back over the top roll for rerolling. Osborne

pull pin

A device for throwing mechanical parts in or out of gear, or for readily shifting in or away from a fixed relative position. Crispin

pull rope

The rope that pulls a journey of loaded cars on a haulage plane; the rope that pulls the loaded scoop or bucket in a scraper loader layout.

pull shovel

A shovel with a hinge- and stick-mounted bucket that digs while being pulled inward. Nichols, 1


The path from the face to the loading point taken by the scraper of a scraper loading unit. Jones, 1

pull wheel

A large driving wheel or sprocket. Nichols, 2


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pulmonary dust

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Dust harmful to the respiratory system, including: silica (quartz, chert); silicates (asbestos, talc, mica, sillimanite); metal fumes (nearly all); beryllium ore; tin ore; iron ores (some); carborundum; coal (anthracite, bituminous).


a. A mixture of ground ore and water capable of flowing through suitably graded channels as a fluid. Its dilution or consistency is specified either as solid-liquid ratio (by weight) or as a percentage of solids (by weight). Pryor, 2 b. Pac. Pulverized ore or coal mixed with water; also applied to dry, crushed ore.

pulp assay

Pac. The assay of samples taken from the pulp after or during crushing.

pulp balance

Balance that weighs ore or coal pulp in a container of known volume; graduated to show pulp density directly. Pryor, 3

pulp climate

In mineral processing, the general physical and chemical conditions of a pulp, in which the pH, added chemicals, solid-liquid ratio, temperature, particle size range, and ionization of a flotation pulp are held within controlled limits while a considerable number of associated factors of less direct importance to the surface

chemistry of the process are, at best, only indirectly monitored. Pryor, 3

pulp density

a. In mineral processing, the amount of solids in a pulp, typically ranging from 10% to 25%, by weight. It has a marked effect on the recovery and grade of concentrate. Taggart, 1 b. The weight of a unit volume of pulp; e.g., if 1 cm3 of pulp weighs 2.4 g, then the pulp density is 2.4 g/cm3 . Newton, 1

pulp dilution

The ratio of water to solids by weight. It is expressed as a ratio; e.g., a pulp dilution of 3 to 1 means that a pulp contains 3 t of water for each ton of solids. Newton, 1


The special platform upon which the operator of a Bessemer converter stands. Mersereau, 2

pulpit man

Person who operates the complex controls of a rolling mill, in which iron and steel ingots or billets are rolled into shapes such as bars, T's, rails, and sheets, by throwing the correct electric switches when signaled or by personal observation. Also called: manipulator operator; mill control operator. DOT


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pulpstone

A very large grindstone employed in pulp mills for crushing or grinding wood into fiber. Fay


a. A motor-driven air compressor that supplies compressed air to an electric channeler. It receives the exhaust from the channeling machine cylinder and thus utilizes the pressure of the exhaust. b. In mineral processing, a Harz-type jig. Pryor, 3

pulsator jig

A gravity concentrator utilizing vertical pulsations in a hydraulic medium to separate particles by specific gravity differences.

pulsed infusion

A variation of water infusion that has been effective in reducing both explosives consumption and airborne dust concentrations during mining. Water is introduced under pressure into long holes containing explosive charges and forced into the coal seam by detonation of the charges.

pulsed infusion shot firing

A coal blasting technique that consists of firing an explosive charge in a borehole filled with water under pressure. The water is introduced through an infusion tube that also seals the hole. When the charge is fired, it produces in the water a high-pressure impulse that is transmitted into the

numerous water-filled cleavage planes and slips and thus breaks the coal. The energy from the explosive is used more efficiently than when blasting in the conventional manner, and better coal preparation is obtained. ; long-hole infusion. McAdam, 2

pulsion stroke

In mineral concentration by jigging, the stroke of the plunger device that controls the hydraulic lift of water through the bed of particles. Pryor, 3


a. A steam pump in which an automatic ball valve (the only moving part) admits steam alternately to a pair of chambers, forcing out water that had been sucked in by condensation of the steam after the previous stroke. It can tolerate very dirty water and has been widely used for shaft sinking and miscellaneous pumping duties. Nelson b. A displacement pump with valves for raising water by steam, partly by atmospheric pressure, and partly by the direct action of the steam on the water, without intervention of a piston. Also called: vacuum pump. Webster 3rd

pulsometer pump

Pump with two chambers that are alternately filled and discharged. An automatic ball valve admits steam, which forces out the charge from the filled chamber while the other is filling as its steam condenses. Pryor, 3

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pulverization

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a. In soil stabilization work, the separation of particles from each other rather than the breaking up of individual particles. Separation of the particles is the first step towards good dispersion of stabilization additives and moisture. Nelson b. The reduction of metal to fine powder by mechanical means.


To reduce (as by crushing or grinding) to very small particles (as in fine powder or dust). Webster 3rd

pulverized fuel

Finely ground coal or other combustible material, that can be burned as it issues from a suitable nozzle, through which it is blown by compressed air. Pryor, 3


See:fine grinder


That which may easily be reduced to powder. Said of certain ores. Weed, 2; Fay


A light-colored, vesicular, glassy rock commonly having the composition of rhyolite. It is often sufficiently buoyant to float on water and is economically useful as a lightweight aggregate and as an abrasive. The adjectival form, pumiceous, is usually

applied to pyroclastic ejecta. CF:scoria; pumicite. AGI


Adj. form of pumice.


A very finely divided volcanic ash or volcanic dust ranging in color from white to gray and buff. It is the unconsolidated equivalent of tuff.


A mechanical device for transferring either liquids or gases from one place to another, or for compressing or attenuating gases. AGI

pump bob

The balance weight used to bring up the plunger in a Cornish pumping engine. Standard, 2

pump chamber

An underground pumping station. Fay


a. A monoclinic mineral, Ca2 (Mg,Fe,Mn)(Al,Mn,Fe)2 (SiO (sub 4) )(Si2 O7 )(OH)2 .H2 O ; pumpellyite group; individual species named according to the preponderance of Fe, Mg, or Mn; occurs in minute bluish-green fibers or plates in Michigan, California, Haiti, and New Zealand. b. The mineral group jugoldite-(Fe), okhotskite, pumpellyite-(Fe), pumpellyite-(Mg), pumpellyite-(Mn), and


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English shuiskite.

Pumpelly's rule

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The generalization, made by Pumpelly in 1894, that the axes and axial surfaces of minor folds of an area are congruent with those of the major fold structures of the same phase of deformation. AGI


In bituminous coal mining, a person who works a hand pump to force water, accumulated underground in low places, into a drainage ditch flowing to a natural outlet or pumping station.

pump fist

Eng. The lower end of a plunger case of a pump.


a. The act of moving a liquid or gas by means of a pump. b. The operation of filling a sludge pump by an up-and-down motion of the rods or rope. Also called pumping the sludger. c. In scraper operation, raising and lowering the bowl rapidly to force a larger load into it. Nichols, 2 d. Alternately raising and lowering a digging edge to increase the volume of dirt being transported. Nichols, 1 e. The motion of mercury in a barometer arising from the movement of a ship or from fluctuations of air pressure in a varying wind. CTD

pumping engineer

In mining and in the quarry industry, a person who operates one or a battery of pumps to force excess water from a lower level to the surface or to a drainage tunnel. Also called: pitwright; plugman. DOT

pumping head

In an airlift, the distance from the surface to the level of the water during pumping; it equals static head plus drop. Lewis

pumping shaft

The shaft containing the pumping machinery of a mine. Standard, 2

pump kettle

A convex perforated diaphragm fixed at the bottom of a pump tube to prevent the entrance of foreign matter; a strainer. Fay

pump lift

a. The vertical distance that a pump can suck up water. Theoretically, this should be about 34 ft (10.4 m) at sea level; practically, the limit is about 26 ft (7.9 m). Long b. The vertical distance a pump can force water to flow. Long

pump load

The back pressure and/or resistance to flow of fluids that a pump must overcome to force a fluid to flow through a pipeline, drill string, etc. Long


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pump pressure

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The force per unit area or pressure against which a pump acts to force a fluid to flow through a pipeline, drill string, etc.; also, the pressure imposed on the fluid ejected from a pump. Long

pump rod

The rod or system of rods (usually heavy beams) connecting a steam engine at the surface or at a higher level with the pump piston below.

pump-rod plates

Scot. Spear plates; strips or plates of iron bolted to wooden pump rods at the joints for the purpose of making the connection. Fay

pump slip

Leakage past the valves and the plunger in a reciprocating pump, which should not be greater than 2% or 3% for a pump in good condition. Lewis

pump slope

A slope in which pumps are operated. Fay

pump station

a. In mining, a chamber near the shaft at depth, where a pump is installed. Pryor, 3 b. An enlargement made in the shaft, slope, or entry to receive the pump. Also called pumproom. c. The site at which one or more pumps are installed along a pipeline for

the purpose of forcing a fluid through the line. Long

pump stock

Lanc. See:pump tree

pump sump

A tank into which fluids gravitate and from which they are recirculated by means of a pump. BS, 5

pump surge

The pulsating effect transmitted to a pipeline or drill string at the completion of each compression stroke of a reciprocating-piston pump. Long

pump tree

Eng. A cast-iron (wrought iron was formerly used) pipe, generally 9 ft (2.7 m) in length, of which the water column or set is formed.


a. A tool (ram) for knocking out timbers in coal workings. Standard, 2 b. See:leg; punch prop.

punched screen

Thin plates through which holes have been punched. These may be round, rectangular, or slotted. Pryor, 3


An early-model pick machine used to undermine or shear coal by heavy blows


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English of sharp steel points attached to a piston driven by compressed air. Fay

punching shear

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If a heavily loaded column punches a hole through the base on which it rests, the base has failed in punching shear. This is prevented either by thickening the base or by enlarging the foot of the column so as to ensure that the allowable shear stress is not exceeded. Hammond

punch mining

a. Mining in which the rooms are opened off the strip mine highwall. USBM, 3 b. An underground method of extracting coal from finger-shaped areas of reserves not amenable to other mining methods. Openings are driven by continuous mining machines back and forth across the fingers from outcrop to outcrop leaving a pillar of coal between each cut.

punch prop

A short timber prop for supporting coal in holing or undercutting; a sprag. Standard, 2

puppet valve

A valve that, in opening, is lifted bodily from its seat by its spindle instead of being hinged at one side.. Fay


An underground set of pumps. Fay

pure bending

In mine subsidence, bending without fracture. Briggs

pure coal


pure culture

A collection of microbial cells of the same species in a container that is devoid of any other form of life. Rogoff

pure oxide

Any of a group of refractories including alumina, magnesia, thoria, zirconia, beryllia, and ceria. Osborne

pure oxide ceramic

Ceramic product made from any of the pure oxides of nonmetallic materials; i.e., Al2 O3 , MgO, SiO2 , etc.

pure shear

A strain in which a rock body is elongated in one direction and shortened at right angles to this in such an amount that the volume remains unchanged. AGI

pure steel

The product of a basic open-hearth furnace refined to a point where the impurities are reduced to the lowest practicable minimum, after which copper and molybdenum are added in correct proportions.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English purlins

Timbers spanning from truss to truss, and supporting the rafters of a roof. Crispin


High-purity iron. Osborne

purple blende

An old syn. for kermesite. Fay

purple copper ore

A miners' term for bornite.

purple ore

Sintered pyritic ore.


An orthorhombic mineral, MnPO4 ; forms a series with heterosite; deep red or reddish purple; forms small, irregular masses as an alteration product of lithiophilite and triphylite; at Pala, CA; Hill City, SD; Newry, ME; and the Erongo Mountains, Namibia.

pushbutton coal mining

A fully automatic and remotely controlled system of coal cutting, loading, and face conveying, including self-advancing roof support systems.

pushbutton winding control

A system in which the operation of the winder is similar to automatic cyclic winding, but the starting is

instigated by the onsetter and banksman. When everything is ready for winding, the onsetter and banksman press their respective start pushbuttons and the winder starts, accelerates, and banks automatically without the intervention of the winding engineman. With this form of control, loading and discharging of the skips is fully automatic. manual winding control. Nelson


a. A laborer who pushes loaded mine cars on tracks from underground working places to haulage roads where they are hooked up to a locomotive and hauled to the surface, shaft, or slope bottom for hoisting. A pusher may, at bituminous mines, shift empty and loaded cars in and about the tipple, where coal is prepared for market. Also called: car puller; car shifter; headsman; putter; trailer; trammer.. DOT b. One who encourages or hastens the miners. Also called jigger boss. Ricketts c. A tractor that pushes a scraper to help it pick up a load. Nichols, 1

pusher tractor

A bulldozer exerting pressure on the rear of a scraper loader while the loader is digging and loading unconsolidated ground being excavated and moved during opencast mining.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English push hole

A hole through which glass is introduced to a flattening furnace. Standard, 2

push-pull support system

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A method of advancing power-operated supports on a longwall face. Double-acting hydraulic jacks are used in conjunction with supports that slide forward on the floor and provide their own abutments for both their forward movement and that of the conveyor. Nelson

push-pull wave

A wave that advances by alternate compression and rarefaction of a medium, causing a particle in its path to move forward and backward along the direction of the wave's advance. In connection with waves in the Earth, also known as primary wave, compressional wave, longitudinal wave, or P-wave. Leet, 1

push wave

See:P wave


To haul by hand. Mason


A process of decomposition of organic substances that occurs in the presence of water and with the complete exclusion of air. It is a kind of slow distillation whereby chiefly methane (CH4 ) and smaller

quantities of other gaseous products, such as hydrogen (H2 ), ammonia (NH3 ), and hydrogen sulfide (H2 S), are formed. CF:disintegration

PVC belt

There are two main types of belts: (1) solid woven carcass impregnated and covered with polyvinyl chloride; and (2) normal multiple construction, which has polyvinyl chloride interlayers and covers. PVC belts are now used widely in coal mines, being not only fire resistant but equal, if not better, in quality than normal rubber belting. Nelson

P wave

A seismic wave that propagates by alternating compressions and rarefactions in an elastic medium; the motion is in the direction of propagation. It is the type that carries sound. dilatational wave; irrotational wave; longitudinal wave; pressure wave; push wave. AGI


A variety of topaz occurring in massive columnar aggregates. Also spelled pychite.


A steep vertical gradient of density. Hy


a. A device for weighing and thus determining the specific gravity of


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English small quantities of oil or other liquids. Also spelled pyknometer. Hess b. A small bottle for determining the specific gravity of grains or small fragments.




A garnet composition between pyrope and almandine.


The pyrope, almandine, spessartine subgroup of the garnet group.


An open crystal form consisting of nonparallel faces that intersect the c crystallographic axis and consist of three (trigonal), four (tetragonal), six (ditrigonal, hexagonal), or eight (ditetragonal) faces meeting at a point. CF:bipyramid; hemipyramid; dome.


Descriptive of a crystal habit dominated by pyramids or bipyramids.

pyramidal garnet

Same as idocrase; a variety of vesuvianite. Fay

pyramid cut

a. In tunnel driving or shaft sinking, a pattern of shotholes drilled so

that the middle holes converge and outline a pyramid-shaped volume of rock. These holes are fired first, and thus create a free face or relieving cut. Pryor, 3 b. This cut has received its name from the shape of the initial opening. The three or four holes are so directed that they meet at a point farthest in. The pyramid cut is mainly employed in raises and for shaft sinking but is not recommended for horizontal tunnels where a machine setup for a definite direction of the four holes cannot easily be obtained. c. This type of cut usually consists of four holes drilled to meet at a common apex in the center of the face. This arrangement permits a high concentration of explosive to be used, and the pyramid cut is therefore particularly suitable for breaking hard ground. In very hard ground the number of holes forming the cut may be increased to six. The main disadvantage of this type of cut is the difficulty in drilling the holes at the correct angles so that they will meet at the back of the cut. As in the case of the wedge cut, therefore, a hole director should be used. Also called diamond cut. McAdam, 2 d. In underground blasting, a type of cut employed in which the three cut holes in the center may be drilled to form a pyramid. Also applied to four holes meeting in a point. The simultaneous firing of these holes is somewhat equivalent to using a very heavy charge of explosive and makes a powerful blast. Lewis e. A cut in which four central holes are drilled towards a focal point, and when fired break out a tetrahedral section of strata. BS, 12

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pyramid-set

A bit crown, the face of which is covered with a series of stubby pyramids, each apex of which is set with a diamond. Long

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pyramid structure

In crystallography, that of a crystal in which three or more inclined faces cut the three crystal axes. Pryor, 3


A trigonal mineral, Ag3 SbS3 ; dimorphous with pyrostilpnite; rhombohedral cleavage; soft; deep red; in late-primary or secondary-enrichment veins, and an important source of silver. .


A tetracyclic hydrocarbon obtained from the coal-tar fraction boiling above 360 degrees C; C16 H10 ; soluble in carbon disulfide, toluene, and ligroin. CTD; Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2


A black variety of andradite garnet.


An actinometer that measures the intensity of direct solar radiation. AGI


The pyroxene group plus amphibole group.


A general name for a fossil combustible substance. Tomkeieff


a. An isometric mineral, FeS2 ; dimorphous with marcasite; forms a series with cattierite; crystallizes in cubes and pyritohedra; sparks readily if struck by steel; metallic; pale bronze to brass yellow; hardness varies from 6.0 to 6.5; occurs in veins, as magmatic segregation, as accessory in igneous rocks, and in metamorphic rocks, in sedimentary rocks including coal seams; a source of sulfur; may have included gold. b. The mineral group aurostibite, bravoite, cattierite, erlichmanite, fukuchilite, geversite, hauerite, insizwaite, krutaite, laurite, malanite, maslovite, michenerite, penroseite, pyrite, sperrylite, testibiopalladite, trogtalite, vaesite, and villamaninite.


a. Various metallic-looking sulfide minerals including iron pyrites (pyrite); copper pyrites (chalcopyrite); tin pyrites (stannite); white iron, cockscomb, or spear pyrites (marcasite); arsenical pyrites (arsenopyrite); cobalt pyrites (linnaeite); magnetic pyrites (pyrrhotite); and capillary pyrites (millerite). Without qualification it popularly refers to pyrite. b. Stones that may be used for striking fire.

pyrites of copper

Common name for chalcopyrite. Weed, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pyritic

Of, pertaining to, resembling, or having the properties of pyrites. Standard, 2

pyritic smelting

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Smelting of sulfide copper ores, in which heat is supplied mainly by oxidation of iron sulfide.

pyritic sulfur

The part of the sulfur in coal that is in the form of pyrites or marcasite. BS, 1


Containing or producing pyrite. Webster 3rd


Introduction of or replacement by pyrite; e.g., the replacement of original fossil material by pyrite. A common hydrothermal introduction of pyrite specks in rock adjacent to veins.


An isometric closed crystal form of 12 faces, each an irregular pentagon. It is named after pyrite, which characteristically has this crystal form.


A trigonal mineral, Mg6 Fe2 (CO3 )(OH)16 .4H 2 O ; hydrotalcite group; dimorphous with sjoegrenite; occurs in goldlike submetallic scales, or brown crystals having pearly to greasy

luster. A silvery white variety is called igelstromite.


An orthorhombic mineral, PbMn(VO4 )(OH) ; descloizite group; forms minute fire-red acicular crystals at Laangban, Sweden; a source of vanadium.


Any of the dark-colored, fairly hard, nonvolatile, carbon-rich material substances composed of hydrocarbon complexes, which may or may not contain oxygenated substances and are often associated with mineral matter. The nonmineral constituents are infusible, insoluble in water, and relatively insoluble in carbon disulfide. AGI


Pertaining to substances that yield bitumens upon heating. AGI


a. An isometric mineral, (Ca,Na)2 Nb2 O6 (OH,F) ; forms a series with microlite; in pegmatites in Maine, California, Colorado, Africa, and Europe; a source of niobium. b. The mineral group including the betafite subgroup betafite, plumbobetafite, and yttrobetafite; the microlite subgroup bariomicrolite, bismutomicrolite, microlite, plumbomicrolite, and uranmicrolite; and the pyrochlore subgroup bariopyrochlore, ceriopyrochlore, kalipyrochlore,


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English plumbopyrochlore, uranpyrochlore, and yttropyrochlore.


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A trigonal mineral, Mn(OH)2 ; brucite group; soft; pearly white darkening on exposure; has perfect basal cleavage.


An individual particle ejected during a volcanic eruption. It is usually classified according to size. AGI


Produced by explosive or aerial ejection of ash, fragments, and glassy material from a volcanic vent. Applied to the rocks and rock layers as well as to the textures so formed. Stokes

pyroclastic deposit

A deposit made up mainly of rock material that has been expelled aerially, normally explosively, from a volcanic vent, such as agglomerate, tuff, and ash. The fragments range in size from bombs and blocks to dust or ash. Such deposits are usually designated according to the lavas to which they correspond in composition. Stokes


A broad term encompassing the intrusion and extrusion of magma and its derivative. Adj. pyrogenic. AGI


A term introduced to designate minerals, such as olivine and chromite,

developed at high temperature in melts containing only a small proportion of volatile (hyperfusible or fugitive) constituents.


Said of a process or of a deposit involving the intrusion and/or extrusion of magma.. AGI

pyrogenic ore mineral

An ore mineral that crystallized as a primary magmatic mineral of igneous rocks. Schieferdecker

pyrogenic rock

A rock resulting from the cooling of a molten magma; an igneous rock.


The characteristics (such as the degree of fusibility or the flame coloration) of a mineral observed by the use of the blowpipe. Webster 3rd


An explosive resembling gunpowder in composition. Webster 2nd


A tetragonal mineral, MnO2 ; rutile group; trimorphous with akhtenskite and ramsdellite; soft; metallic; steel gray; massive or reniform; a source of manganese. CF:psilomelane gray manganese ore.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pyrolysis

Chemical decomposition by the action of heat.

pyrolytic graphite

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Graphite formed by pyrolysis of a carbonaceous gas. Van Vlack


Metallurgy involved in winning and refining metals in which heat is used, as in roasting and smelting. Practically all iron and steel, nickel and tin, most copper, and a large proportion of zinc, gold, and silver, as well as many of the minor metals, are won from their ores and concentrates by pyrometallurgical methods. It is the most important and oldest class of the extractive processes. ASM, 1


Metamorphism produced by heat; it is a local, intense type of thermal metamorphism, resulting from unusually high temperatures at the contact of a rock with magma, such as in xenoliths. CF:igneous metamorphism; hydrometamorphism.


Formed by metasomatic changes in rocks, principally in limestone, at or near intrusive contacts, under the influence of magmatic emanations and high to moderate temperature and pressure. AGI


Contact metamorphism. CF:metasomatism


An instrument that measures high temperature, e.g., of molten lavas, by electrical or optical means.

pyrometric cone

A small, slender three-sided pyramid made of ceramic or refractory material for use in determining the time-temperature effect of heating and in obtaining the pyrometric cone equivalent (PCE) of refractory material. Pyrometric cones are made in series, the temperature interval between successive cones usually being 20 degrees C. The best known series are Seger cones (Germany), Orton cones (United States), cones (United Kingdom).:cone; orton cone. ARI; Dodd

pyrometric cone equivalent

The number of that standard pyrometric cone whose tip would touch the supporting plaque simultaneously with a cone of the refractory material being investigated when tested in accordance with ASTM Test Method C-24. Abbrev. PCE. ASTM


A hexagonal mineral, Pb5 (PO4 )3 Cl ; apatite group, with iron replacing lead and arsenic replacing phosphorous; sp gr, 6 to 7; in oxidized zones of lead-ore deposits.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pyrope

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a. An isometric mineral, 8[Mg3 Al2 (SiO4 )3 ]; garnet group, with Fe and Mn replacing Mg and Cr replacing Al. Crystallizes in dodecahedra and trapezohedra; deep red to black; in high-pressure ultramafic and metamorphic rocks; also in placers; a gemstone and an abrasive. b. Formerly, a name for any bright red gem, such as ruby.


An opal, e.g., hydrophane, artificially impregnated with melted wax.


A trigonal mineral, MnTiO3 ; ilmenite group; forms a series with ilmenite; blood red.

pyrophoric sphalerite

A variety of sphalerite that gives off sparks or glows when abraded. Some pieces are so sensitive that the effect is obtained by scratching them with a fingernail. Hess


A monoclinic and triclinic mineral, Al2 Si4 O10 (OH)2 ; foliated; soft; in schists and hydrothermal veins in North Carolina, California, Newfoundland, and Japan.


A coarse opaque variety of topaz from Finbo, Sweden. Also spelled physalite.


An earthy nonphosphatic pyrobitumen composed primarily of water, humic acid, wax (a source of "montan wax"), and silica, associated with brown coal called pyropissitic brown coal.

pyroradiation pyrometer

A self-contained instrument with the millivoltmeter mounted in the pyrometer tube; the radiant energy is concentrated by means of an objective lens (quartz or fluorite) rather than by a reflecting mirror. Newton, 2


A brittle, brownish-black resin that occurs in brown coal near Aussig, Bohemia; sp gr, 1.05 to 1.18. Fay


Any member of the hexagonal mineral series, ferropyrosmaltite-manganpyrosmaltite, (Fe,Mn)8 Si6 O (sub 15) (OH,Cl)10 .






A monoclinic mineral, Ag3 SbS3 ; dimorphous with pyrargyrite; red.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English pyrosulfuric acid

a. A heavy, oily, strongly corrosive liquid H2 S2 O7 that consists of a solution of sulfur trioxide in anhydrous sulfuric acid. It fumes in moist air and reacts violently with water with the evolution of heat. Webster 3rd b. A solution of sulfur trioxide in sulfuric acid; H2 S2 O 7 . Colorless to dark brown depending on purity; hygroscopic. CCD, 2


a. A group of chiefly magnesium-iron minerals including diopside, hedenbergite, augite, pigeonite, and many other rock-forming minerals. Although members of the group fall into different systems (orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic), they are closely related in form, composition, and structure.; hypersthene. Fay; AGI b. The mineral group aegirine (Ae), aegirine-augite, clinoenstatite, clinoferrosilite, diopside (Di), donpeacorite, enstatite (En), essenite (Es), ferrosilite (Fs), hedenbergite (Hd), jadeite (Jd), jervisite (Je), johannsenite (Jo), kanoite (Ka), kosmochlor (Ko), natalyite, omphacite, petedunnite (Pe), pigeonite, and spodumene (Sp). Some former names relegated to synonyms include acmite = aegirine, bronzite = enstatite, clinohypersthene = clinoenstatite or clinoferrosilite, diallage = altered diopside or other pyroxene with good (100) parting, eulite = ferrosilite, fassaite = ferrian aluminian diopside or augite, ferroaugite = augite, ferrosalite = hedenbergite, hiddenite =

spodumene, hypersthene = enstatite or ferrosilite, kunzite = spodumene, salite = diopside, titanaugite = titanian augite, uralite = pseudomorphous amphibole after pyroxene, and ureyite = kosmochlor. Pyroxenes (px) are either monoclinic (clinopyroxenes, cpx) or orthorhombic (orthopyroxenes, opx). General formula: AB2 ZO6 : A = Ca, Fe2+ , Li, Mg, Mn (super 2+) , Na, Zn; B = Al, Cr3+ , Fe2+ , Fe3+ , Mg, Mn2+ , Sc, Ti, V3+ ; Z = Al, Si. Their structures are built from single chains of silica tetrahedra each sharing two oxygens, with a silica:oxygen ratio of 1:3, electrostatic neutrality being maintained by cross-linking cations. Crystals are prismatic with prismatic cleavage at 87 degrees and 93 degrees . Colors are mostly greens, but range from white to black. Etymol: Greek pyros (fire) + xenos (stranger) from a mistaken belief that they were only accidently caught up in lavas.

pyroxene perthite

Lamellar intergrowths of pyroxene of different kinds, as with the feldspars. Also pyroxene microperthite, pyroxene cryptoperthite. English


A coarse-grained, holocrystalline igneous rock consisting of 90% pyroxenes. It may contain biotite, hornblende, or olivine as accessories.


Single-chain silicates with individual silica tetrahedra twisted relative

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English to the pyroxene chains, resulting in triclinic symmetry; e.g., the wollastonites, rhodonite, and pectolite.



pyroxmangite See:pyrrhotite

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A triclinic mineral, MnSiO3 ; forms a series with pyroxferroite where iron replaces manganese; forms brown cleavable masses near Iva, SC; Homedale, ID; Sweden; and Scotland.


A monoclinic and hexagonal mineral, FeS ; invariably deficient in iron; variably ferrimagnetic; metallic; bronze yellow with iridescent tarnish; in mafic igneous rocks, contact metamorphic deposits, high-temperature veins, and granite pegmatites. Where associated with pentlandite and nickel replaces iron, it is a source of nickel. Also spelled pyrrhotine.




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The composition quadrilateral for the Ca-Mg-Fe pyroxenes (enstatite-ferrosilite-diopside-hedenbergite).

quadrantal bearing

A horizontal angle or bearing less than 90 degrees , measured to north, south, east, or west from a survey line. Hammond

quadrant cutter

A machine that will make a shear cut as well as a horizontal cut. The central column is wedged tightly between roof and floor and operates similarly to a radial percussive coal cutter. Nelson

quadrant search

Similar to octant search, but using four sectors instead of eight sectors. Applies to any interpolation method where a limited number of sample data points are used to estimate intermediate values.


A four-sided plane figure of any shape, having an area equal to the product of the diagonals multiplied by half the sine of the angle between them. Hammond

quadrille twinning

See:crossed twinning


a. Having a valence of 4. Webster 3rd b. Having four valences; e.g., chlorine, which has a valence of 1, 3, 5, and 7. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2

quadruple block

A pair of blocks, each having four sheaves, reeved with rope or cable and used to increase the lifting capacity of a drill-hoisting mechanism; a four-sheave block and tackle. Long


A soft marsh or bog that gives under pressure. CF:quaking bog AGI

quake sheet

A well-defined bed resembling a slump sheet but produced by seismic shock from an earthquake and resulting in load casting without horizontal slip. AGI

quaking bog

A peat bog that is either floating or is growing over water-saturated ground, so that it shakes or trembles when

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English walked on. Quagmire is sometimes used as a synonym. AGI

qualitative analysis

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In chemistry, the process of determining which elements are present. Standard, 2


a. Refers to the nature, and not the amount, of material. In the case of a coal seam, its quality is closely linked with its rank and its chemical composition. In the case of metals, average unit values are determined by systematic sampling and therefore represent a known quantity. b. Native values of a gem irrespective of color and cut. Hess c. The ratio by weight of vapor to liquid plus vapor in a mixture, as in steam. Strock, 2

quality control

a. Systematic setting, check, and operation designed to maintain steady working conditions in continuous process such as mineral concentration; to forestall trouble; to check condition of ore, pulp, or products at important transfer points. Pryor, 3 b. Graphic method of exposing abnormalities in sets of figures produced by measurement of repetitive operations or as variances from operating norms. Pryor, 3 c. The maintaining of air within desired limits of purity. Hartman, 1


Once a dust sample has been collected, it must be evaluated. Of principal concern is quantitation--determining how much dust or how many particles. Certain methods of quantitation are favored for the various sampling methods. The number basis is preferable for evaluating a pulmonary hazard, while the weight basis is preferred for toxic, radioactive, or explosive hazards. Number quantitation is usually employed for impinger, konimeter, molecular filter, and thermal precipitator samples. Weight quantitation is used for filter paper and electrostatic samples. Hartman, 1


In testing ore, how much of each metal is present. von Bernewitz

quantitative analysis

In chemistry, the process of determining the quantity of each element present. Also called elementary analysis. Both volumetric and gravimetric methods are included. Standard, 2

quantitative survey

See:ventilation survey


Deals with the amount, and not the nature, of a substance. In the case of a coal seam, quantity refers to its workable thickness and acreage. In the case of ore, the quantity determines its commercial importance. Unit ore values without the quantity factor have


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English only a qualitative significance. Nelson

quantity control

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The control of air movement, its direction, and its magnitude. Hartman, 2

quantity-distance table

A table listing minimum recommended distances from explosive material stores of various weights to a specific location. Meyer


Dipping outward in all directions from a central point, as a dome in stratified rocks. CF:centroclinal; periclinal.

quaquaversal fold


quarey lode

See:quarry lode


A portmanteau word from quartz, feldspar, and feldspathoids. CF:feloids


A large brick or tile; esp., a curved firebrick used to support melting pots for zinc and retort covers. Webster 3rd




An obsolete term for a quarry.


a. A stone quarry. Standard, 2 b. Materials from a quarry. Standard, 2


A worker in a stone quarry. Standard, 2


a. An open or surface mineral working, usually for the extraction of building stone, as slate, limestone, etc. It is distinguished from a mine because a quarry usually is open at the top and front, and, in ordinary use of the term, by the character of the material extracted. b. Day work pit. Also called opencast; quarpit. Pryor, 3 c. An underground excavation formed in the roof, or fault, for the purpose of obtaining material for pack walls.

quarry body

A dump body with sloped sides. Nichols, 1

quarry drainage

Arranging the quarry layout so that pools of water do not collect in the working area. One-half percent grade away from the face will generally


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English keep the floor free of mud and water. Nelson

quarry drill

A blasthole drill. Nichols, 1

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quarry face

The freshly split face of ashlar, squared off for the joints only, as it comes from the quarry, and used esp. for massive work. Distinguished from rock face. Webster 3rd

quarry-faced masonry

Masonry in which the face of the stone is left unfinished just as it comes from the quarry. Crispin

quarry floor

The lowest level on which stone is loaded. Streefkerk


a. The surface exploitation of stone or mineral deposits from the Earth's crust. Nelson b. Removal of rock that has value because of its physical characteristics. Nichols, 2 c. One of the effects of glaciation whereby blocks of stone, bounded mainly by joint planes, are lifted from the bedrock and carried away by ice. Also called plucking. Stokes

quarrying machine

Any machine used to drill holes or cut tunnels in native rock; a gang drill, or tunneling machine, but most commonly a small form of locomotive,

bearing a rock-drilling mechanism, and operating on a track laid temporarily along or opposite the ledge to be cut. Standard, 2

quarry lode

A vein in a heading that is jointed and blocky, like granite in a quarry, or a heading in granite.

quarry machine

See:quarrying machine


a. A person employed at the face of a quarry, stripping, drilling, excavating, and loading rock or economic product. Nelson b. One who operates a jackhammer to drill holes in quarry stone, and drives wedges into the holes to break or split off slabs or blocks of stone. Also called hammerman; plug-and-feather driller; rockman; rock splitter. DOT c. In crushed rock quarries, a laborer who performs any one or combination of such duties as: loading rock into boxes to be hoisted out of quarry pit; assisting in moving power shovel from one loading position to another; dumping rock from cars into crusher or storage bins; feeding rock into a crusher; tending belt conveyors that transport crushed rock from crusher to storage bins; loading crushed rock from storage bins into trucks or railroad cars. DOT d. In building stone quarries, a laborer who performs any one or combination of such duties as: cleaning dirt and mud from surface and sides of stone deposits; chipping


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irregularities from surface of granite blocks; breaking large pieces of stone into smaller sizes suitable for building purposes with a sledge hammer; attaching hoisting cable hooks or slings to blocks of stone to be hoisted from quarry; guiding and steadying blocks of stone as they are loaded at the quarry surface on trucks or railraod cars by a derrick. DOT

quarry powder

Ammonium nitrate dynamites intended to replace the more costly gelatin dynamites used in quarrying, where blasts of several tons of explosives are used. Cartridges up to 8 in (20 cm) in diameter by 21 in (53 cm) in length, can be enclosed in metal cans to protect against water damage. Lewis


Overburden. CF:ridding

quarry sap

a. The moisture contained in newly quarried stone. Arkell b. See:quarry water

quarry waste

Material discarded after crushing, as being too fine, irregular, or flaky for constructional work. Nelson

quarry water

a. Water that fills the pore spaces of a rock in a quarry. b. Subsurface water retained in freshly quarried rock.


The separation of gold from silver by dissolving out the latter with nitric acid. It requires not less than three-fourths of silver in the alloy, whence the name, which is also applied to the alloying of gold with silver, if necessary, to prepare it for this method of parting. See:parting


a. The act or process of dividing sludge, core, and other pulverized or granular samples into four equal parts. Long b. Syn. for quadrant as applied to a drill-bit crown. Long


a. The reduction in quantity of a large sample of material by dividing a heap into four approx. equal parts by diameters at right angles, removing two diagonally opposite quarters and mixing the two remaining quarters intimately together so as to obtain a truly representative half of the original mass. The process is repeated until a sample is obtained of the requisite size. b. To split a piece of core longitudinally into four equal parts. Long

quartering in

Lanc. A plan of building or putting together tubbing plates from the top downward, the rings and segments being bolted together as the work of excavation proceeds.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English quartering way

a. A quarry term to designate a direction in which a rock cleaves with moderate facility; grain. b. The direction of the natural joints in a quarry rock. CF:rift c. Grain, second way, bate, hem, sheeting plane.

quarter line

Western United States. The survey line by which a section of government land is divided into quarter sections.

quarterly survey

An underground survey required by law to be undertaken at least once every three months for the purpose of bringing the working plans and other plans up to date. BS, 7

quarter octagonal

A square shaft with corners cut back. Nichols, 1

quarter-point veins

Small veins having an intermediate bearing between strike and cross veins.

quarter post

A post marking a corner of a quarter section of the U.S. Public Land Survey system. It is located midway between section corners. AGI

quarter section

A fourth of a normal section of the U.S. Public Land Survey system, representing a piece of land normally 1/2

mile (0.8 km) square and containing 160 acres (64 ha) nearly as possible. It is usually identified as the northeast, northwest, southeast, or southwest quarter of a particular section. AGI


a. A trigonal mineral, SiO2 ; polymorphous with tridymite, cristobalite, coesite, stishovite, and keatite. Amethyst is a variety of the well-known amethystine color. Aventurine is a quartz spangled with scales of mica, hemitite, or other minerals. False topaz or citrine is a yellow quartz. Rock crystal is a watery clear variety. Rose quartz is a pink variety. Rutilated quartz contains needles of rutile. Smoky quartz is a brownish variety, sometimes called cairngorm. Tigereye is crocidolite (an asbestoslike mineral) replaced by quartz and iron oxide and having a chatoyant effect. The name of the mineral is prefixed to the names of many rocks that contain it, as quartz porphyry, quartz diorite. ; beta quartz; high quartz; low quartz. Sanford; Fay b. Pac. Any hard, gold or silver ore, as distinguished from gravel or earth. Hence, quartz mining, as distinguished from hydraulic mining, etc. Fay c. A general term for a variety of cryptocrystalline varieties of SiO (sub 2) ; e.g., agate, chalcedony.

quartz battery

A stamp, or series of stamps, for crushing quartz ore. Mathews

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English quartz boil

An outcrop of a quartz vein.

quartz claim

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In the United States, a mining claim containing ore in veins or lodes, as contrasted with placer claims carrying mineral, usually gold, in alluvium.

quartz conglomerate

A rock made of pebbles of quartz with sand. Osborne

quartz diorite

A group of plutonic rocks having the composition of diorite but with an appreciable amount of quartz, i.e., between 5% and 20% of the light-colored constituents; also, any rock in that group; the approximate intrusive equivalent of dacite. AGI

quartz felsite

See:quartz porphyry

quartz glass

Glass made by fusing quartz.

quartz gold

Gold that is not rounded and waterworn, but irregular and frequently twisted in form, usually very bright, and always of fine quality. Craigie




Quartz-bearing as applied to a rock not defined by the presence of quartz, but containing minor amounts of it; e.g., limestone.

quartz index

a. A derived quantity (qz) in the Niggli system of rock classification, which may be either positive or negative, and is as indicator of a rock's degree of silica saturation. AGI b. A term used to indicate the mineralogic maturity of a sandstone by measuring the percentage of detrital quartz. It is expressed as the ratio of quartz and chert to the combined percentage of sodic and potassic feldspar, rock fragments, and clay matrix. The index is used as a basis for evaluating the degree of weathering of the source rock and the degree to which the sediment has been transported. Values for sandstones range between 3 and 19. AGI


a. A granoblastic metamorphic rock consisting mainly of quartz and formed by recrystallization of sandstone or chert by either regional or thermal metamorphism; metaquartzite. CF:orthoquartzite b. A very hard but unmetamorphosed sandstone, consisting chiefly of quartz grains that are so completely cemented with secondary silica that the rock breaks across or through the grains rather than around them; an orthoquartzite. AGI c. Stone composed of silica grains so firmly cemented by silica that


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fracture occurs through the grains rather than around them. USBM, 7 d. As used in a general sense by drillers, a very hard, dense sandstone. Long e. A granulose metamorphic rock consisting essentially of quartz. Holmes, 1 f. Sandstone cemented by silica that has grown in optical continuity around each fragment.


Of, pertaining to, or consisting of quartzite.

quartz keratophyre

Altered sodic diabase (trachyte) with accessory quartz.

quartz latite

The extrusive or hypabyssal equivalent of a quartz monzonite. The principal minerals are quartz, sanidine, biotite, sodic plagioclase, and hornblende, commonly as phenocrysts in a groundmass of potash feldspar and quartz (or tridymite, cristobalite), or glass in flows. Accessory minerals are magnetite, apatite, and zircon.

quartz lead

A lode or vein of ore with quartz gangue.

quartz liquefier

In metallurgy, an apparatus for extracting gold from its ore. By the action of an alkali and high-pressure steam, gold-bearing quartz is converted into a soluble silicate from

which gold may be separated by washing. Standard, 2

quartz mill

A machine or establishment for pulverizing quartz ore, in order that the gold or silver it contains may be separated by chemical means; a stamp mill. Standard, 2; Fay

quartz mine

a. A mine in which the deposits of ore are found in veins or fissures in the rocks forming the earth's crust. Usually applied to lode gold mines, but not to placers. b. A miner's term for a mine in which the valuable constituent, e.g. gold, is found in siliceous veins rather than in placers. It is so named because quartz is the chief accessory mineral. AGI

quartz monzonite

A medium- to coarse-grained plutonic rock containing major plagioclase, orthoclase, and quartz, with minor biotite, hornblende, and accessory apatite, zircon, and opaque oxides.


A crystal having the form of two six-sided pyramids base to base.

quartz ore

A rock containing a large quantity of quartz. Gordon


a. Of, pertaining to, or consisting of quartz.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English b. Containing quartz as a principal constituent; esp. applied to sediments and sedimentary rocks (e.g., sands and sandstones) consisting chiefly of quartz. CF:quartziferous


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quartz porphyry

A field term for a medium-grained porphyritic igneous rock of felsic but unspecified composition occurring normally as minor stock or dike intrusions, and carrying prominent phenocrysts of quartz. It is a common altered companion to porphyry copper deposits.

quartz reef

A lode or vein of quartz.

quartz sinter

Siliceous sinter. Fay

quartz syenite

A potash or soda syenite with quartz as an accessory, hence on the borderline between syenite and granite.

quartz trachyte

A fine-grained igneous rock consisting mostly of alkali feldspar, with normative quartz between 5% and 20%; the volcanic equivalent of quartz syenite. It normally shows trachytic texture. AGI

quartz wedge

a. An optical accessory with varying retardation used in polarized-light microscopy to determine birefringence and optic sign. CF:Berek compensator b. In polarized-light microscopy, an accessory plate that gives variable compensation for birefringence. CF:accessory plate; gypsum plate.




The second period of the Cenozoic era, following the Tertiary; also, the corresponding system of rocks. It began 2 to 3 million years ago and extends to the present. It consists of two grossly unequal epochs; the Pleistocene, up to about 10,000 years ago, and the Holocene since that time. The Quaternary was originally designated an era rather than a period, with the epochs considered to be periods, and it is still sometimes used as such in the geologic literature. The Quaternary may also be incorporated into the Neogene, when the Neogene is designated as a period of the Tertiary era. AGI

quaternary alloy

An alloy containing four principal elements. Rolfe


Aqueous extract of a bark of quebracho tree; contains up to 65% tannin. Used in froth-flotation as depressant for


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English oxidized minerals. Pryor, 3


Slate measuring 36 in by 24 in (91.44 cm by 60.96 cm). Pryor, 3

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A fissure, joint, or small cavity in a rock or quartz vein. Also spelled quere, queere, and qweear (U.K.).


Corn. When the lode or rock on which the miner is driving partakes of the character of quarry stone, namely, in detached lumps by natural divisions, it is called queery ground, and is frequently worked with crowbars and levers instead of being blasted or gadded. A "queer of ground" is a detached rock. Also called quarry lode.


a. To cool suddenly (as heated steel) by immersion, esp. in water or oil. Webster 3rd b. To produce a crust or a succession of crusts on molten metal, each crust being removed as it is formed. Standard, 2


Generally means rapidly cooling metals and alloys, or any substance to below the critical range by immersing it in oil or water to harden it. Also applied to cooling in salt and molten-metal baths or by means of an air blast, and to the rapid cooling of other

alloys after solution treatment. CTD

quenching oils

Oils used in heat treating. Fish oils are often used. Minerals, fish, vegetable, and animal oils are often compounded and sold under trade names. Crispin

quenching tub

A tub of water in which to cool, harden, or temper iron or steel. Standard, 2


Crevice in lode or vein. Also spelled queane. Hess


A monoclinic mineral, PbMnO2 (OH); occurs in pitch-black crystals with perfect cleavage; at Laangban, Sweden.

Querwellen wave

See:Love wave

questal bentonite

A colloidal bond which, when added to molding sands in amounts up to 3%, increases porosity and strength (green and dry), and reduces the amount of water needed. Osborne


a. Said of a sediment that, when mixed with water, becomes extremely soft and incoherent and is capable of flowing


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easily under load or by force of gravity; e.g. quick clay or quicksand. AGI b. Said of blasting powder that burns or goes off very rapidly. c. See:quicksilver d. Said of an economically valuable or productive mineral deposit, in contrast to a dead ground or area. An ore is said to be quickening as its mineral content increases.


Descriptive of an ore as its mineral content increases with distance.

quicklime sizes

The different sizes depending upon the type of limestone, kind of kiln used, or treatment subsequent to calcining. The sizes commonly recognized are as follows: (1) large lump--8 in (203 mm) and smaller; (2) pebble or crushed--2-1/2 in (64 mm) and smaller; (3) ground, screened, or granular--1/4 in (6.4 mm) and smaller; and (4) pulverized--substantially all passing a No. 20, 850 mu m, sieve. ASTM


The property of an explosive by virtue of which it exerts a sharp blow or shattering effect on the material with which it is in contact. The quickest explosive of the dynamite class is the 60% straight dynamite. Quick explosives are the ones particularly desired for mudcapping. For maximum effect for this purpose, they should be of high density and sensitiveness.


A mass or bed of fine sand, that consists of smooth rounded grains with little mutual adherence and that is usually saturated with water flowing upward through the voids, forming a semiliquid, highly mobile mass that yields easily to pressure.


A common name for mercury.

quicksilver cradle

A wooden box placed in a sloping position, and fixed upon rockers, in which gold-bearing gravel is washed, the gold being caught by mercury in the lower part of the cradle. Fay

quicksilver rock

An altered rock consisting mainly of dark opal and chalcedony, commonly associated with ore in California mercury deposits in serpentine.

quick test

A shear test of a cohesive soil without allowing the sample to drain.

Quigley gun

An air gun which mixes dry, granular, refractory materials with water.

quill shaft

A light drive shaft inside a heavier one, and turning independently of it. Nichols, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English quincite

Light carmine-red particles found in a limestone near Quincy, France; color apparently organic; a doubtful mineral. Dana, 1


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a. Having a valence of 5. Webster 3rd b. Having five valences. Tungsten has five valences which are 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2


a. A release of a claim; a deed of release; specif., a legal instrument by which some right, title, interest, or claim by one person in or to an estate held by himself or another is released to another, and which is sometimes used as a simple but effective

conveyance for making a grant of lands whether by way of release or as an original conveyance. Webster 3rd b. In the United States, a document in which a mining company sells its surface rights but retains its mineral rights. Nelson


a. The keystone or a voussoir of an arch. b. A wedge to support or steady a stone. c. A large square ashlar or stone at the angle of a wall to limit the rubble and make the corner true and strong; an exterior masonry corner. d. One of the four facets on the crown, pavilion, or base of a gem.

Q wave

See:Love wave

To Go At beginning the Dictionary


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A system of working steep seams of any thickness. Nelson


York. Limestone in the Coralline Oolite. CF:toad's-eye


A monoclinic mineral, Ca3 Mg3 (UO2 )2 (CO (sub 3) )6 (OH)4 .18H2 O ; radioactive; forms yellow efflorescence on mine walls.


a. An iron scraper serving as a rake in removing scoriae from the surface of melted metal. Fay b. A charcoal burner's shovel. Webster 3rd c. A mechanical rake for skimming the bath in a melting or refining furnace or for stirring the ore in a roasting furnace by hand or mechanically. Webster 3rd


a. See:rabble b. One who uses a rabble, as in puddling iron. Standard, 2 c. A scraper. Standard, 2


Stirring molten metal, ore, or other charge, using a hoelike tool or other device. ASM, 1

rabbling tool

A rabble of simple construction for use by hand. Also called rabble rake.


A small thread of spar or ore.


The term is applied to conduits, moldings, and other hollow material, often concealed, through which wires are fished from one outlet to another. Crispin


a. An inclined trough for washing or separating ore. Nelson b. A toothed or notched drill-base-slide and meshing-gear pinion used to facilitate the moving of a drill to clear the borehole when hoisting or lowering the drill string; generally limited to larger, skid-mounted machines. Long c. A framework of wood or metal for the orderly storage of core, pipe

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rods, etc., in a horizontal position. Long d. A tilting table on which concentrates are separated from the passing flow of finely ground pulp, the system being arranged to be periodically self-flushing. Pryor, 3 e. A screen composed of parallel bars to catch floating debris. Seelye, 1 f. In electroplating, a frame used for suspending and conducting current to one or more cathodes during electrodeposition. Lowenheim


Mining explosive based on a mixture of potassium chlorate and nitrobenzene. Pryor, 3

rack back

To move a drilling machine away from the borehole collar by sliding it on its base, using the rack-and-gear pinion to facilitate moving the machine.

racked timbering

Timbering braced diagonally as stiffening against deformation. Hammond

rack frame

Inclined table used to treat slimes.

rack gear

A toothed bar. Nichols, 1


a. Old term for concentration in sluice boxes.

b. The process of separating ores by washing on an inclined plane. c. See:ragging

racking table

A table on which to wash ore slimes.

rack railroad

A cog railway; cog tramway. Fay

rack up

a. To move the drilling machine forward into alignment with the borehole, using the rack-and-gear pinion to facilitate moving the machine. Long b. To stack and arrange the drill rods in an orderly fashion in the tripod, mast, or derrick, or horizontally on a rack provided on the ground. Long c. To place core on a rack. Long


Said of lines or other linear phenomena converging at a single center or departing from one.

radial arm

The movable cantilever supporting the drilling saddle in a radial drilling machine. Crispin

radial dikes

A descriptive term for dikes that radiate outward from a center, commonly a volcanic neck or stock.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English radial drainage pattern

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A drainage pattern in which consequent streams radiate or diverge outward, like the spokes of a wheel, from a high central area; it is best developed on the slopes of a young, unbreached domal structure or of a volcanic cone. AGI


a. An iron scraper serving as a rake in removing scoriae from the surface of melted metal. Fay b. A charcoal burner's shovel. Webster 3rd c. A mechanical rake for skimming the bath in a melting or refining furnace or for stirring the ore in a roasting furnace by hand or mechanically. Webster 3rd


b. One who uses a rabble, as in puddling iron. Standard, 2 c. A scraper. Standard, 2


Stirring molten metal, ore, or other charge, using a hoelike tool or other device. ASM, 1

rabbling tool

A rabble of simple construction for use by hand. Also called rabble rake.


A small thread of spar or ore.


The term is applied to conduits, moldings, and other hollow material, often concealed, through which wires are fished from one outlet to another. Crispin


a. An inclined trough for washing or separating ore. Nelson b. A toothed or notched drill-base-slide and meshing-gear pinion used to facilitate the moving of a drill to clear the borehole when hoisting or lowering the drill string; generally limited to larger, skid-mounted machines. Long c. A framework of wood or metal for the orderly storage of core, pipe rods, etc., in a horizontal position. Long d. A tilting table on which concentrates are separated from the passing flow of finely ground pulp, the system being arranged to be periodically self-flushing. Pryor, 3 e. A screen composed of parallel bars to catch floating debris. Seelye, 1 f. In electroplating, a frame used for suspending and conducting current to one or more cathodes during electrodeposition. Lowenheim


Mining explosive based on a mixture of potassium chlorate and nitrobenzene. Pryor, 3

rack back

To move a drilling machine away from the borehole collar by sliding it on its base, using the rack-and-gear pinion to


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English facilitate moving the machine.

racked timbering

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Timbering braced diagonally as stiffening against deformation. Hammond

rack frame

Inclined table used to treat slimes.

rack gear

A toothed bar. Nichols, 1


a. Old term for concentration in sluice boxes. b. The process of separating ores by washing on an inclined plane. c. See:ragging

racking table

A table on which to wash ore slimes.

rack railroad

A cog railway; cog tramway. Fay

rack up

a. To move the drilling machine forward into alignment with the borehole, using the rack-and-gear pinion to facilitate moving the machine. Long b. To stack and arrange the drill rods in an orderly fashion in the tripod, mast, or derrick, or horizontally on a rack provided on the ground. Long c. To place core on a rack. Long


Said of lines or other linear phenomena converging at a single center or departing from one.

radial arm

The movable cantilever supporting the drilling saddle in a radial drilling machine. Crispin

radial axis

See:longitudinal trace

radial dikes

A descriptive term for dikes that radiate outward from a center, commonly a volcanic neck or stock.

radial drainage pattern

A drainage pattern in which consequent streams radiate or diverge outward, like the spokes of a wheel, from a high central area; it is best developed on the slopes of a young, unbreached domal structure or of a volcanic cone. AGI

radiation-type gage

An instrument for measuring the density or percentage of solids in slurries flowing through pipes. It normally uses a gamma-ray source, usually cesium-137 or cobalt-60, mounted in a lead-shielded holder on one side of the pipe. A radiation detector is mounted on the opposite side. Since the absorption of the gamma radiation, as it passes through the slurry, varies as a function of the density of the slurry, the change in


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English radiation received by the radiation detector is representative of the specific gravity or percentage of solids in the slurry.


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a. Generally, the property possessed by certain elements, such as uranium, of spontaneously emitting alpha, beta, and/or gamma rays by the disintegration of the nuclei of their atoms. Long b. Of, relating to, caused by, or exhibiting radioactivity. Abbrev., RA. Webster 3rd

radioactive decay

a. The change of one element to another by the emission of charged particles from the nuclei of its atoms. AGI b. The spontaneous disintegration of the atoms of certain nuclides into new nuclides, which may be stable or undergo further decay until a stable nuclide is finally created. Radioactive decay involves the emission of alpha particles, beta particles, and other energetic particles, and usually is accompanied by emission of gamma rays and by atomic de-excitation phenomena. It always results in the generation of heat.

radioactive disintegration

See:radioactive decay

radioactive dusts

Dusts that are injurious because of radiation. They include ores of

uranium, radium, and thorium. Hartman, 2

radioactive element

Applied to certain unstable atoms, the nuclei of which spontaneously disintegrate, emitting particles and rays, eventually reverting through a series of such emissions into an atom having a stable nucleus and a different atomic number. Radium, e.g., becomes lead-207. MacCracken

radioactive mineral

One of six radioactive elements that occur naturally: potassium, rubidium, thorium, uranium, and associated radium, samarium, and lutecium. Thorium commonly occurs in monazite, a sparsely scattered accessory mineral of certain granites, gneisses, and pegmatites. It is concentrated, however, by weathering processes in sands and gravels as commercial placer deposits along rivers and beaches. The most important primary uranium ore minerals are davidite and uraninite, esp. pitchblende, the massive variety. These minerals are of rather underspread occurrence in certain granites and pegmatites and occur as secondary minerals in metallic vein deposits. The secondary uranium minerals, however, are more underspread and more numerous than the primary uranium ore minerals. Secondary uranium minerals are found in weathered and oxidized zones of primary deposits and, also, in irregular flat-lying sandstones, such as those in the Colorado Plateau, where the uranium mineralization was precipitated from solutions. Carnotite, the potassium uranium


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English vanadate of conspicuous yellow color, is perhaps the most important of the secondary uranium ore minerals. Others are tyuyamunite, which is closely related to carnotite, and the torbernites and autunites which are uranium minerals.

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radioactive series

A succession of nuclides, each of which transforms by radioactive disintegration into the next until a stable nuclide results. The first member is called the parent, the intermediate members are called daughters, and the final stable member is called the end-product. Four radioactive series are the uranium series, the thorium series, the actinium series, and the neptunium series. Glasstone

radioactive tracer element

A radioactive isotope of an element used to study a process by observing the intensity of radioactivity.

radioactive waste

Equipment and materials from nuclear operations that are radioactive and for which there is no further use. Wastes are generally referred to as high-level (having radioactivity concentrations of hundreds to thousands of curies per gallon or per cubic foot); low-level (in the range of 1 microcurie per gallon or per cubic foot); and intermediate (between these extremes).


The spontaneous decay or disintegration of an unstable atomic nucleus, accompanied by the emission of radiation. Lyman

radioactivity log

a. A log of a borehole obtained through the use of gamma, neutron, or other radioactivity logging methods. b. The generic name for well logs whose curves derive from reactions of atomic nuclei involving the behavior of gamma rays and/or neutrons. Except for the natural gamma-ray log and the spectral gamma-ray log, they record the response of rocks very near the well bore to bombardment by gamma rays or neutrons from a source in the logging sonde. Most can be obtained in cased, empty, or fluid-filled well bores. Varieties include: density log; neutron log; neutron-activation log; epithermal-neutron log; pulsed-neutron-capture log. AGI

radioactivity prospecting

Exploration for radioactive minerals utilizing various instruments, generally a Geiger counter or scintillation counter, by measuring the natural radioactivity of earth materials. Dobrin


Equipment carried in survey aircraft to ensure constant height above ground (not sea) level of 300 ft or 500 ft (91.4 m or 152.4 m)--a critical factor in certain airborne geophysical


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English prospecting and aerial mapping surveys.


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Radioactive carbon, esp. carbon-14, but also carbon-10 and carbon-11. AGI

radiocarbon dating

See:carbon-14 dating


The chemical study of artificial and naturally occurring radioactive materials and their behavior. It includes their use in tracer studies and other chemical problems. AGI


A form or sample of an element containing one or more radioactive isotopes.


Produced by radioactive transformation. Thus, uranium minerals contain radiogenic lead and radiogenic helium. The heat produced within the earth by the disintegration of radioactive nuclides is radiogenic heat.


a. A photographic shadow image resulting from uneven absorption of radiation in the object being subjected to penetrating radiation. ASM, 1 b. A picture produced upon a sensitive surface (such as a photographic film), by a form of radiation other than

light; specif., an X-ray or a gamma-ray photograph. See:roentgenogram


a. A nondestructive method of internal examination in which metal or other objects are exposed to a beam of X-ray or gamma radiation. Differences in thickness, density, or absorption caused by internal discontinuities are apparent in the shadow image either on a fluorescent screen or on a photographic film placed behind the objects. ASM, 1 b. The use of penetrating ionizing radiation to examine solid material. When the source of radiation is internal, such as an implanted radioactive tracer, the technique is known as autoradiography. Lyman


See:pleochroic halo


a. An unstable isotope of an element that decays or disintegrates spontaneously, emitting radiation. Lyman b. Radioisotope is loosely used as a syn. for radionuclide.


a. Subclass of the Sarcodina consisting of marine protozoans that possess complex internal siliceous skeletons. b. Silica rock formers. Mason

radiolarian ooze

Deposits of siliceous ooze made up largely of radiolarian skeletons and


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English are formed at depths between 13,000 ft and 25,000 ft (4.0 km and 7.6 km). AGI

radio link

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Radio signal unit used to control or communicate between scattered sections of mine, or to link isolated camp with other places. Pryor, 3


A spherulite composed of radially arrayed acicular crystals.

radiolite survey instrument

A one-shot bore-hole-surveying instrument having the horizontal (compass) and vertical indicator markings painted with a radioactive substance, such as that on the luminous dial of a watch. The positions of these markings are recorded on small, circular, photographic film. Long


a. Said of the texture of an igneous rock characterized by radial, fanlike groupings of acicular crystals, resembling sectors of spherulites. AGI b. Said of limestones in which the components radiate from central points, with the cement comprising less than 50% of the total rock. AGI


The application of X-rays to the study of the internal structure of various materials, esp. metals. Fay


Essentially a heat-flow meter used to measure long-wave radiation as well as solar radiation. It can be used both for daytime and nighttime measurements and to measure the net heat transfer through a surface. Hunt

radiometric assay

A test to determine contained quantity of uranium. The actual uranium present may be more or less than the assay shows.; inequilibrium. Ballard

radiometric ore sorter

A device for separating gangue from uranium-bearing ore, after primary crushing. Nelson

radiometric prospecting

Use of portable Geiger-Muller apparatus for field detection of emission count in search for radioactive minerals. Pryor, 3


An FM apparatus, using the mine haulageway trolley wire for power and antenna, that permits the dispatcher to talk back and forth with his motor crews as they are moving throughout the mine. This saves stopping and starting trips to make telephone calls. Kentucky




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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English radiore method

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An electromagnetic method used in mineral exploration in which a high-frequency current is used, ranging from 30,000 to 50,000 Hz, but, if necessary, a frequency as low as 50 to 3,000 Hz, can be made available. The detecting or direction-finding coil, mounted on a tripod, has the form of a pair of spectacles and is equipped with an amplifier and head telephone. When the exciting coil is energized, a current is caused to flow in the conductor and a secondary electromagnetic field is set up around the conductor. The detecting coil is affected by both the primary field from the exciting coil and the secondary field. Lewis


A radioactive metallic element; one of the alkaline-earth metals. Symbol, Ra. It occurs in pitchblende ore, in carnotite sands, and in all uranium minerals.

radium G

A name for lead-206, the stable end-product of the radioactive disintegration of uranium-238 in the uranium disintegration series. Natural lead contains 23.6% of lead-206. Symbol, RaG. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2


A mixture of black pitchblende, yellow uranotile, and orange gummite. Schaller


Horizontal distance from the center of rotation of a crane to its hoisting hook. Nichols, 1

radius of curve

A term used in laying mine track; the calculated radius of an arc that will connect two pieces of track (at a desired angle of direction from each other) with a smooth curve section.

radius of gyration

The value used when calculating the slenderness ratio of pillars and struts. If A is the cross-sectional area in inches of the pillar or strut and I is its moment of inertia, the radius of gyration is (I/A), generally known as K. Hammond

radius of rupture

In crater tests, the average distance from the center of the explosive charge to the periphery of the crater at the surface. Duvall

radius ratio

a. The ratio of the radius of the smaller ion to that of the larger ion. It may not exceed 1. Hurlbut b. The ratio of the radius of the smaller ion to that of the larger; commonly cation to anion. Radius ratios are used to predict coordination numbers of anions about cations in ionic crystal structures. CF:Pauling's rules


a. A heavy, radioactive, gaseous element; inert; the heaviest known gas.


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Symbol, Rn. Formed by the disintegration of uranium. Used similarly to radium in medicine. Radon build-up is a health consideration in uranium mines. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 3 b. Heaviest known gas. Colorless as a gas; yellow to orange-red, phosphorescent, opaque crystals; sp gr of liquid, 4.4 (at -62 degrees C); and of solid, 4.0; soluble in water; and slightly soluble in alcohol and in organic liquids. All 18 known isotopes from radon-204 to radon-224 are radioactive. Radon-222 emanates from thorium; half-life, 54.5 s; and an alpha particle emitter; and radon-219 or actinon emanates from actinium; half-life, 3.92 s; and an alpha particle and a gamma ray emitter. One part of radon exists in 1 sextillion parts of air. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2

radon daughter

A radioactive element produced in the disintegration of radon.

radon progeny

The short-lived decay products of radon, an inert gas that is one of the natural decay products of uranium. The short-lived radon progeny (i.e., polonium-210, lead-214, bismuth-214, and polonium-214) are solids and exist in air as free ions or as ions attached to dust particles. The U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration has established radiation protection standards that limit a miner's radon progeny exposure to a concentration of 1.0 WL and an annual cumulative exposure to 4 WLM. Each WLM is determined as a 173-h cumulative, time

weighted exposure.


The aqueous solution remaining after the metal has been extracted by the solvent; the tailing of the solvent extraction system.


See:float coal

rafter timbering

A method of mine timbering in which the timbers appear like roof rafters.


a. The transporting of sediment, rocks, silt, and other matter of land origin out to sea by ice, logs, etc., with subsequent deposition of the rafted matter when the carrying agent disintegrates. Hunt b. Matting or agglomerating of powdered coal. Bennett


a. In British usage, any of various hard, coarse, rubbly, or shelly rocks that weather with a rough irregular surface; e.g. a flaggy sandstone or limestone used as a building stone. The term appears in certain British stratigraphic names, as the Kentish Rag (a Cretaceous sandy limestone in East Kent). b. Any of various hard rocks, as a quartzose mica schist used for whetstones or a hard limestone used in building. Webster 3rd c. A large roofing slate left rough on one


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English side. Webster 3rd d. To break (ore) into lumps for sorting; to cut or dress roughly (as a grindstone). Webster 3rd

ragged rolls

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Rolls with rough surfaces to facilitate the gripping of the steel in the first stages of rolling, as distinguished from the smooth-finishing rolls. Mersereau, 2


a. The rough washing or concentration of ore or slimes on a rag frame. Nelson b. In roll crushers, grooves cut in surface to improve grip on feed, and increase angle of nip. Also, in ore concentration in jigs, oversized bedding placed on jig screens. Pryor, 3 c. See:bedding

raggy stone

Thin-bedded or flaggy sandstone. TIME




The chain or inner surface of a crawler. Nichols, 1

rail gage

The distance or width between the inner edges of the heads of the rails; (1) in coal mining, the rail gage for tub and car tracks ranges from 2 to 3 ft (0.6 to 0.9 m), and 2-1/3 ft (0.7 m) is considered a satisfactory

compromise; (2) the standard gage for railway tracks is 4 ft, 8-1/2 in (1.44 m) and, (3) in metal mining, the rail gage ranges from 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 ft (0.46 to 0.76 m).

rail haulage system

A materials transportation system consisting of gondola cars, and the steel rails on which the cars are moved about with a suitably powered traction unit as a locomotive.

rail riffles

These may be either longitudinal or transverse and consist of rails of various sizes, placed in sets usually upside down, either longitudinally in the sluice box, or transversally across the box. They wear well, are rigid, and give some security against theft of gold from the sluice boxes. Griffith


Specially shaped steel bars which, when laid parallel on crossties and fastened, form a track for vehicles with flanged wheels.

rail track ballast

Material placed around and between track ties and tamped under sides and ends of the ties to bring the track to proper grade by filling the space between the bottom of the ties and the graded roadbed.

rainbow chalcedony

Eng. A variety of chalcedony of thin concentric layers, which, when cut


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English across, exhibit an iridescence resembling the colors of the rainbow. Fay

rainbow quartz

See:iris quartz

rain chamber

A chamber in which fumes, such as those from molten metal, may be condensed by a water shower. Standard, 2

rain gage

A device used to measure precipitation (melted snow, sleet, or hail as well as rain). It consists of a receiving funnel, a collecting vessel, and a measuring cylinder. AGI


a. The washing-away of loose surface material by rainwater after it has reached the ground but before it has been concentrated into definite streams; specif. sheet erosion. Also, the movement downslope (under the action of gravity) of material loosened by rainwater. It occurs esp. in semiarid or scantily vegetated regions. AGI b. The material that originates by the process of rainwash; material transported and accumulated, or washed away, by rainwater. AGI c. The rainwater involved in the process of rainwash. AGI


a. A vertical or inclined opening in a mine driven upward from a level to

connect with the level above, or to explore the ground for a limited distance above one level. After two levels are connected, the connection may be a winze or a raise, depending upon which level is taken as the point of reference.

raise borer

These machines are used to produce a circular excavation either between two existing levels in an underground mine or between the surface and an existing level in a mine. In raise boring, a pilothole is drilled down to the lower level, the drillbit is removed and replaced by a reamer head having a diameter with the same dimension as the desired excavation and this head then is rotated and pulled back up towards the machine. SME, 1

raise climber

Equipment used in an opening (raise) that is mined upward. MSHA, 4

raised shaft



Excavating a shaft or steep tunnel upward. rise. Nelson


Mid. To split off the walls or sides of underground workings. Called rosh in Leicestershire.

rake Editorial Grupo Universitario: [email protected]


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a. As used by diamond drillers and bit manufacturers, rake is the angle, measured in degrees, formed by the leading face of a cutting tool and the surface behind the cutting edge.. Long b. The inclination of anything from the vertical; said of mineral veins, faults, etc. c. A timber placed at an angle. d. Shale containing ironstone nodules. BS, 11

rake blade

A dozer blade or attachment made of spaced tines. Nichols, 1

rake classifier

A type of mechanical classifier utilizing reciprocal rakes on an inclined plane to separate coarse from fine material contained in a water pulp, overflowing the fine material and discharging the coarse material by means of an inclined raking system.


Slanting props placed at the end of a drift set to keep the timbers steady when blasts go off.

rake thickener

Equipment for thickening in which the concentrated suspension settles in a container of circular section and is delivered mechanically to one or more discharge points by a series of arms revolving slowly around a central shaft. BS, 5

rake vein

a. A steeply inclined crosscutting irregular mineralized fracture or fissure. BS, 11 b. Rake vein and gas vein are synonymous; it is said that they are lodes filling distinct fissures. Their course in irregular; their dip, as a rule, vertical. Ricketts c. A vein or lode cutting through the strata.

raking strut

A strut set at an angle to the vertical to support timbering during excavation. Hammond

Raky boring method

A method of boring somewhat similar to Fauck's. Hollow steel rods 2 in (5.08 cm) in diameter are used with a mud flush. A walking beam, fitted with steel springs, imparts from 80 to 120 short blows/min to the chisel. Nelson

Raleigh's law

In 1909 Lord Raleigh established the general law of fluid flow: R = wV 2 (f)(wVD/m), where R = resistance of flow, w = density of fluid, V = velocity of flow, D = diameter of pipe, m = viscosity of fluid, f = signifies function. For any particular value of (wVD)/m, using any combination of quantities, there will be a definite corresponding value of R/wV2 . Lewis


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English ralstonite

An isometric mineral, Nax Mgx Al2-x (F,OH)6 .H 2 O ; structurally related to the pyrochlore group; occurs as octahedra.

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Ralston's classification of coal

A classification based on the percentage of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the ash-, moisture-, sulfur-, and nitrogen-free coal. These figures are plotted on trilinear coordinates giving well-defined zones of bituminous coals, lignites, peats, etc. Miall


a. To stem; tamp. Mason b. Black ram, bog iron ore; gold ram, gold ore. Arkell c. The plunger of a pump. Zern d. A mechanical pusher for forcing (discharging) coke from a byproduct coke oven. Mersereau, 2 e. An appliance for exerting a pressure on face equipment, such as steel supports, conveyors, or plows. Nelson


A monoclinic mineral, Ag3 Pb6 Sb11 S24 ; forms dark-gray twinned prismatic to lance-shaped crystals; at Potosi, Bolivia. CF:andorite


Loose stone, or waste rock; loose sandy or stony barren soil; mixed shale and sandstone. Also spelled: rammell.


An orthorhombic mineral, NiAs2 ; loellingite group; trimorphous with pararammelsbergite and krutovite; metallic; tin white; sp gr, 7.1; in vein deposits.


A rod for charging and stemming shotholes. Nelson


a. See:stemming; tamping. b. See:scaling

ramming and patching refractories

Those which can be rammed to form a monolithic furnace lining or special shapes.

ram operator

In bituminous coal mining, a laborer who tends operation of, adjusts, and repairs pumping devices (rams) used in low places in shallow mines to force a portion of the mine water to the surface by utilization of the flow of the entire amount. Nearly obsolete. See:pumper


a. A fault that is a gravity (normal) fault near the surface but curves through the vertical to dip in the opposite direction at depth, where the displacement is that characteristic of a thrust. b. A portion of a thrust fault that cuts across formational contacts in a


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English short distance. AGI c. An incline connecting two levels in an open pit or underground mine.

ram pump

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a. A pump consisting essentially of a plunger or ram which forces the contained water into the discharge pipe. Nelson b. A single-acting reciprocating pump that has a ram instead of a piston. The ram has a constant diameter and does not fit closely in the cylinder, pumping only by displacement. Hammond

ramp valley

a. A valley produced by the ramping or upthrusting of two masses, one on either side of an intervening strip. b. A valley bounded by thrust faults. �N9ðfÜòf³’ ���5�DICTIONARY TERMS:ram scraper A plow-type machine hauled by an endles [\B]ram scraper[\N]


An orthorhombic mineral, MnO2 ; trimorphous with akhtenskite and pyrolusite.


a. A prop set against the coal face that is undermined. Fay b. A dull red marble with blue and white markings. From Belgium, and sold in the United States as Belgian marble. Webster 2nd; Fay

rance marble

a. A white, hard, shining grit, striped red. Arkell

b. A kind of variegated marble from Hainault, Belgium. Arkell


S. Afr. A ridge, range of hills, or highland on either side of a river valley.


An abbrev. of Witwatersrand, the gold fields in the Republic of South Africa.

Randolph process

A modification of the series process of copper refining in which the electrodes lie horizontally, the top surface of each one acting as anode, the lower as cathode. Theoretically, it has the advantage of extremely low metal losses and great purity of copper. Smith process. Liddell


The direction of a rake vein.

random error

Any error that is wholly due to chance and does not recur; an accidental error. Ant: systematic error. AGI

random line

a. A trial line, directed as nearly as may be toward a fixed terminal point that is invisible from the initial point. Seelye, 2 b. A random traverse; i.e., a traverse run from an initial to a terminal point to determine the direction of the


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English latter from the former. Seelye, 2

random orientation

See:random set

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random pattern

The setting of diamonds in a bit crown without regard to a geometric pattern--without regular and even spacing. Long

random sample

a. A sample take without plan or pattern. Nelson b. A subset of a statistical population in which each item has an equal and independent chance of being chosen; e.g., a sample chosen to determine (within definied limits) the average characteristics of an orebody. AGI

random set

The setting of diamonds in a bit crown without regard to the attitude of their vector properties.

random stone

A term applied by quarry personnel to quarried blocks of any dimensions.

Randupson process

A system of molding in which the molds are made of a mixture of silica sand and cement with water added. Osborne


a. In the CIPW classification of igneous rocks, that division below order. b. A Ceylonese term for gold; from rangwelle meaning golden sand.


a. An area in which a mineral-bearing formation crops out; e.g., the iron range and copper range of the Lake Superior region; a mineral belt. AGI b. An established or well-defined line or course whose position is known and along which soundings are taken in a hydrographic survey. AGI c. Any series of contiguous townships (of the U.S. Public Land Survey system) aligned north and south and numbered consecutively east and west from a principal meridian. AGI d. The distribution of a genus, species, or other taxonomic group of organisms through geologic time. AGI e. An orderly arrangement or family of diamond-drill fittings, such as casing, core barrels, drill rods, etc., with diameters appropriately related to each other and intended to be used together. Ranges commonly are designated by letter names, using letters such as E, A, B, and N individually or as the first letter in two- and three-letter names. CF:group f. For a spherical model, the distance at which the model reaches its maximum value, or sill. For the exponential and gaussian models, which approach the sill asymptomatically, it means the "practical" or "effective" range, where the function reaches approximately 95% of the maximum. The nugget model effectively


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English has a sill with a range of zero: the linear model uses "sill/range" merely to define the slope.

range line

One of the imaginary boundary lines running north and south at six-mile intervals and marking the relative east and west locations of townships in the U.S. public-land survey; a meridional township boundary line. CF:township line

range of stress

The range between the upper and lower limit of a cycle of stress, such as is applied in a fatigue test. The midpoint of the range is the mean stress. CTD

range pole

a. A 6- to 12-ft (2- to 3-m) wooden or metal pole painted in contrasting colors at 1-ft (0.3-m) intervals. It is used in surveying to mark lines of sight, stations, etc. b. See:picket c. A metal rod, pointed at one end, and usually painted alternately red and white at 1-ft intervals; used by surveyors as a line of sight.

ranging rod

See:range pole


a. Describes the stage of carbonification attained by a given coal. IHCP b. The place occupied by a coal in a

classification. Specifications of the American Society for Testing and Materials cover the classification of coals according to their degree of metamorphism, or progressive alteration, from lignite to anthracite. For a complete description of this classification, consult ASTM Designation: D 388. ASTM c. When applied to coal, denotes its age in geological formation, not necessarily denoting quality. BCI d. The position of a coal relative to other coals in the coalification series from brown coal (low rank) to anthracite (high rank), indicating its maturity in terms of its general chemical and physical properties. BS, 11 e. Those differences in the pure coal material due to geological processes designated as metamorphic, whereby the coal material changes from peat through lignite and bituminous coal to anthracite or even to graphite. AGI f. All coallike fossil fuels form a continuous and progressive series, ranging from lignite, through the various bituminous coals, to anthracite. It is the position of a particular coal in this series that determines its rank. Therefore, lignite is a low-rank coal while anthracite is a high-rank coal. Nelson g. A term primarily devised to indicate the position of a fuel in the series peat-anthracite, probably best measured by the percentage of carbon (ashless, dry basis). Thus rank depends on the degree of metamorphism of coal, and increase of rank is, in general, marked by the decrease of volatiles and moisture. Tomkeieff h. The term rank may also be applied to

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English other series, such as the sapropelic coal series or the bitumen series. CF:type Tomkeieff

Rankine scale

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An absolute-temperature scale in which a measurement interval equals a Fahrenheit degree and in which zero degrees is equal to -459.67 degrees F (-273.16 degrees C). Named for William J.M. Rankine, a Scottish physicist.

Rankine's formula

An empirical formula giving the collapsing load for a given column. CTD

Rankine's theory

The state of stress theory as developed by Rankine in 1860 for application to earth pressures. He formulated that the pressure on a vertical retaining wall restraining earth with a horizontal surface is (1 - sinphi ) / (1 + sinphi ) multiplied by the soil density for each foot depth of soil retained, where phi is the angle of internal friction of the soil. The value (1 - sinphi ) / (1 + sin#2f) is the coefficient of active earth pressure. Hammond


A monoclinic mineral, Ca3 Si2 O7 ; dimorphous with kilchoanite; rare in contact metamorphic rock, but common in blast furnace slag.

rank variety

Variety in coals brought about as a result of progressive metamorphism. More or less arbitrarily, although carefully, selected chemical criteria are used to differentiate coals of different rank. Physical criteria are also used but are more difficult of application. AGI


A monoclinic mineral, CuFe2 (SO4 )4 .6H2 O ; forms slender sky-blue prisms; at Jerome, AZ.


a. To warn workers in an adjoining working place of a blast, when the working places are separated by only a small pillar, by knocking on the pillar with a tool or bar. b. To test the roof by tapping it with a stick or bar. c. To signal by knocking on a steam, water, or air pipe. Fay


A hornblende-biotite granite containing large rounded crystals of orthoclase mantled with oligoclase. The name has come to be used most frequently as a textural term where it implies plagioclase rims around orthoclase in plutonic rocks.

rapid blow drilling

A drilling method utilizeing a great number of short blows in quick succession rather than a few heavy blows from a relatively considerable


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English altitude. In this method, the bit is fixed either to a rod or to a rope, so that it pounds the bottom in quick succession with short blows and at the same time rotates. Stoces

rapid excavation

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An improved cycle and system of operation to achieve rapid advance and continuous operation in low-drillability rock. SME, 1

rapid plow

A fast moving plow with picks attached. The rapid plow is a continuous longwall cutter loader capable of working unattended on the face. For this reason, it is one of the safest machines in operation.


Som. To wedge down blocks of stone in underground quarries.


Excess in size of a casting because the mold is larger than the pattern when the latter is unduly rapped, as with the hand, for drawing. Standard, 2


In foundry work, loosening of pattern before its withdrawal from molding sand in flask. Pryor, 3

rapping roller

An eccentric roller or a roller fitted with devices such as bars welded

longitudinally along its outer casing, so arranged as to rap the belt and knock off fine coal or dust adhering to the return belt, or to centralize the coal on the carrying belt. Nelson

rare earths

Oxides of a series of 15 metallic elements, from lanthanum (atomic number 57) to lutetium (71), and of two other elements; yttrium (39), and scandium (21). These elements are not esp. rare in the Earth's crust, but concentrations are. The rare earth metals resemble one another very closely in chemical and physical properties, thus making it most difficult to separate them. The rare earths are constituents of certain minerals, esp. monazite, bastnaesite, and xenotime. Abbrev: REE. AGI


a. The process or act of making rare or less dense; increase of volume, the mass remaining the same: now usually of gases; also, the state of being rarified; as, the rarefaction of the atmosphere on a high mountain. Standard, 2 b. Diminution of air pressure below normal, as in alternate half-cycles in the transmission of a sound wave past a point. CTD


A very friable carbonaceous clay, with numerous slickensides and sometimes streaks of coal. Rashings may underlie, overlie, or be interstratified with the coal; a very weak material and breaks up around the face supports.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Rasorite



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An instrument used in a borehole for fishing operations, for reducing the length of the box, or for coupling lost tools. Also called mill; rose bit. Long

raspberry spar

a. See:rhodochrosite b. Pink tourmaline.


A monoclinic mineral, PbWO4 ; dimorphous with stolzite; forms small tabular brownish-yellow crystals having intense adamantine luster; at Broken Hill, N.S.W., Australia.


A set of teeth that are vertical on one side and sloped on the other; holds a pawl moving in one direction, but allows it to move in another. Nichols, 1

ratchet-and-pawl mechanism

A cogwheel (ratchet) with which a single pivoted catch (pawl) engages, thereby preventing any backward turning. Hammond

ratchet drill

A hand drill in which the drill holder is revolved intermittently by a lever through a ratchet wheel and pawl. A

drill used for boring slate. Webster 3rd; Fay

ratchet man

The worker who operates the duckbill loader when mining with duckbill conveyors. Lewis



rate action (nonstandard)

As used in flotation, the component of proportional plus rate action or of proportional plus reset plus rate action for which there is a continuous linear relation between the rate of change of the controlled variable and the position of a final control element. Fuerstenau

rated capacity

The load that a new wire rope or wire rope sling may handle under given operating conditions and at an assumed design factor.

rate determining step

In any series or sequence of chemical reactions used to leach a product from its ore, the slowest in the chain. Pryor, 3

rated horsepower

a. Theoretical horsepower of an engine based on dimensions and speed. Nichols, 1 b. Power of an engine according to a particular standard. Nichols, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rated load

The kilowatt power output that can be delivered continuously at the rated output voltage. It may also be designated as the 100% load or full-load rating of the unit. Coal Age, 1

rated output current

The current derived from the rated load and the rated output voltage. Coal Age, 1

rated output voltage

The current specified as the basis of rating. Coal Age, 1

rate of advance

a. The distance the bit penetrates a rock formation in a unit of time, such as inches (centimeters) per minute or feet (meters) per hour. Long b. In coal mining, the number of feet (meters) between the coal face at the beginning and at the end of a workshift.

rate of grade


rates of reduction

In crushing practice, these rates are (1) based on crusher dimensions, wherein the largest cube that will enter is compared with the largest that can be discharged, or (receiving opening) / (discharge opening); the receiving opening is measured from the top of the movable member to the top of the stationary member; and (2)

based on actual products; (a) overall reduction ratio = (mean size of feed) / (mean size of product); (b) individual reduction ratio = (size most abundant in feed) / (mean size of grading band concerned). South Australia






a. A hole drilled at an angle to the main hole by means of a deflection wedge. Long b. A small-diameter pilot-type hole drilled a short distance ahead of a larger diameter hole to stabilize a smaller diameter bit and core barrel when used to core a limited portion of the borehole. After core drilling is completed, the rathole is reamed out and the larger size hole advanced, usually by some noncoring method. Long c. A small sump or settling pond in which the larger sized cuttings from a drill hole are collected between the top of the drill hole and the main settling pond. Long d. A slanting hole, perhaps 25 ft (7.62 m) deep, used for adjusting or lubricating the swivel on a grief stem. The start of a hole for rotary drilling. Hess

rathole bit

A bit designed and used to drill the first portion of a deflected hole alongside and beyond the deflection

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English wedge; also, a bit used to drill a rathole. CF:wedge bit


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The act or process of drilling a deflected or pilot hole.


The maximum capacity of a drill hoist or a prime mover, such as an engine, motor, or pump; generally the maximum safe capacity. Long

rating flume

A flume used for purposes of control. Hammond


An instrument used to measure the ratio of two differences in potential. AGI

rational analysis

a. The mineralogical composition of a material as deduced from chemical analysis. b. The resolution into chemical types of a mass of rock or coal. Francis, 2

ratio of absorption

a. The percentage by weight that the absorbed water bears to the dry weight of the stone. b. The ratio (A), expressed as a percentage, of the volume (Vp) of the pore space in a rock to the weight (W) of the rock when dry, A = 100 Vp/W. Holmes, 2

ratio of concentration

(Weight of ore fed) / (Weight of concentrate produced). Pryor, 3

ratio of enrichment

The ratio of the percentage of valuable material in the concentrate to the percentage of the valuable material in the original material.

ratio of reduction

a. The relationship between the maximum size of the stone which will enter a crusher, and the size of its product. Nichols, 1 b. The ratio of enrichment with respect to the sought mineral: (Assay value in feed) : (Assay value in concentrate).

ratio of size reduction

Ratio of the upper particle size in the crushed material to the upper particle size of the feed material. BS, 5

rattle boxes

Limonite geodes from Chester County, PA. Schaller


a. York. Cannel coal. b. Scot. Inferior gas coal; sandy shale. c. U.K. A variety of gas coal that fetched high prices and was reputed to ignite with a match. It is hard, compact, uniform, bright, brittle, fine-grained, slightly sonorous when struck, and resembling jet but not so brilliant. Arkell


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English d. A revolving steel drum with a charge of metal spheres used for testing the abrasive resistance of brick. e. A device for shaking out the cores from small castings, such as a tumbling barrel.

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rattler test

A method for evaluating the resistance of paving bricks to impact and abrasion. A sample of 10 bricks is subjected to the action of 10 cast-iron balls 3.75 in (9.53 cm) in diameter and 245 to 260 balls 1.875 in (4.76 cm) in diameter in a drum 28 in (71.12 cm) in diameter, 20 in (50.8 cm) long, rotating at 30 rpm for 1 h. The severity of abrasion and impact is reported as a percentage loss in weight. Dodd

rattlesnake ore

A gray, black, and yellow mottled ore of carnotite and vanoxite, its spotted appearance resembling that of a rattlesnake. AGI


A mineral, Ca(UO2 )2 V10 O28 .16H2 O ; radioactive; purple- black; sandstone impregnation on the Colorado Plateau.

ravelly ground

Rock that breaks into small pieces when drilled and tends to cave or slough into the hole when the drill string is pulled, or binds the drill string by becoming wedged or locked between the drill rod and the borehole wall. Long


A small, narrow, deep depression, smaller than a gorge or a canyon but larger than a gully, usually carved by running water; esp. the narrow excavated channel of a mountain stream. Etymol: French, mountain torrent. AGI


a. In ceramics, fresh from a plastic process; unbaked. Standard, 2 b. Not prepared for use by heat. Webster 3rd

raw coal

Coal which has received no preparation other than possibly screening.

raw coal screen

A screen used for dividing run-of-mine coal into two or more sizes for further treatment or disposal; usually employed to remove the largest pieces for crushing and readdition to the run-of-mine coal. BS, 5

raw dolomite

a. Dolomite that has not been calcined. ARI b. Crushed dolomite used for dressing of basic open hearth bottoms and banks. AISI

raw feed coal

Coal supplied to a plant or machine, in which it undergoes some form of preparation. BS, 5


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English raw fuel

A fuel used in the form in which it is mined or obtained, for example, coal, lignite, peat, wood, mineral oil, natural gas. Nelson

rawhide hammer

A hand hammer having a rawhide head that serves to prevent bruising metal parts against which it is used. Crispin

raw material

The ingredients before being processed that enter into a finished product. Crispin

raw mica

A term commonly used for unmanufactured mica. Skow

raw ore

a. Ore that is not roasted or calcined. b. See:raw coal


A radio system for medium-range precision surveying in which the phases of two continuous-wave signals are compared. It is based on the heterodyne principle and uses low or medium frequencies. It requires a minimum number of frequencies and these frequencies usually need bear no fixed relationship with each other. Hunt

Rayleigh wave

a. A type of seismic surface wave having a retrograde, elliptical motion

at the free surface. It is named after Lord Rayleigh, the English physicist who predicted its existence.

b. A surface wave associated with the free boundary of a solid. The wave is of maximum intensity at the surface and diminishes quite rapidly as one proceeds into the solid. Therefore, it has a tendency to hug the surface of the solid. Such waves have been used quite effectively in detecting surface cracks and flaws in castings. Hunt

Raymond flash dryer

A suspension-type dryer that employs the principle of flash drying of fine coal. The coal is transported vertically through a drying column in a stream of hot gases. The source of heat for this system is usually an automatic stoker. In this system, the hot gases are drawn into the drying column by the action of the fan connected to the cyclone collector vent. The coal to be dried is continuously introduced to the hot gas stream. Virtually instantaneous drying occurs. The dried coal and the moisture-laden gases are drawn into the cyclone collector. The dry coal drops to the bottom of the collector and the moisture-laden gases are discharged by the fan to the atmosphere. Kentucky; Mitchell

Raymond mill

Grinding mill in which spring-loaded rollers bear against a horizontal rotating bowl--developed for coal pulverization. Pryor, 3

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rays

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a. Negatively charged particles which leave the cathode in an evacuated tube at between 10,000 mi/s and 90,000 mi/s (approx. 16,000 km/s and 144,000 km/s), depending on voltage. Positive rays are gas ions (e.g., N + , O+ ). X-rays are electromagnetic waves which travel at the velocity of light and are not deflected by magnetic fields. Length between 0.1 and 100 Aa (visible light lies between 4,000 and 8,000 Aa). Short X-rays are soft and long ones are hard. Rays emitted by radioactive substances are of three types, alpha, beta, and gamma. Alpha rays consist of He++ and move at some 10,000 mile/s (approx 16,000 km/s). Beta rays are electrons with speeds between 50,000 mi/s and 180,000 mi/s (approx. 80,000 km/s and 288,000 km/s); gamma rays are not charged. They move at the speed of light, but are shorter than X-rays (0.01 to 1 Aa). Pryor, 3 b. In wave propagation a ray is the trajectory that a signal travels from the source to another point (location).


A kind of rubble work; in the United States, any rubble work of thin and small stones.


A sharp, narrow ridge, resembling the back of a razorback hog. AGI

razor saw

A narrow saw used in excavating limestone. Webster 3rd

razor stone



a. An arm of the sea extending up into the land; e.g. an estuary or bay. AGI b. A continuous and unbroken expanse or surface of water or land. AGI c. An unstated but specific distance; an interval. AGI d. The length of a channel, uniform with respect to discharge, depth, area, and slope. AGI e. The length of a channel for which a single gage affords a satisfactory measure of the stage and discharge. AGI f. The length of a stream between two specified gaging stations. AGI g. A relatively long, straight section of water along a lake shore; also, a narrow arm of a lake, reaching into the land. AGI h. A straight, continuous, or extended part of a stream, viewed without interruption (as between two bends) or chosen between two specified points; a straight section of a restricted waterway, much longer than a narrows. AGI


The part of the impedance of an alternating-current circuit that is due either to capacitance or inductance or to both and that is expressed in ohms. Webster 3rd

reaction border

See:reaction rim; corona.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English reaction curve

See:cotectic line

reaction line

See:cotectic line

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reaction pair

Any two minerals, one of which crystallizes at the expense of the other by reaction with a melt; esp. two adjacent minerals in a reaction series.

reaction principle

A relationship between liquid and crystals during crystallization, esp. during fractionation, whereby crystals and liquid change composition in response to changing temperature and pressure. CF:reaction series

reaction rim

A rind of one mineral surrounding another and presumably crystallized by reaction of the core mineral with surrounding fluids. CF:corrosion border

reaction series

The sequence of minerals produced by reaction between liquid and crystals during crystallization of a complex magma. Bowen's reaction series has a continuous side (calcic to alkalic plagioclase) and a discontinuous side (olivine-pyroxene-amphibole-biotite).

reaction-zone width

In explosives, the distance that detonation advances before the products

of combustion expand by an appreciable percentage. Leet, 2


Readily susceptible to chemical change. Osborne

reactive reagent

Substance, solution, or gas susceptible to chemical change, or used in influencing such change. Pryor, 3

reactive silica

The silica, SiO2 , present within various clay minerals occurring in bauxite. During the Bayer process digestion of bauxite, this silica reacts with comparable amounts of alumina to form insoluble sodium aluminum silicate, which is lost as refinery plant residue.


a. A measure of ease of ignition and response to the controls varying the rate of burning. It is used particularly in connection with fuels for transport gas producers and low volatile fuels used for open fires. Nelson b. An assessment of the speed of reaction of a coal with oxygen under specified conditions. BS, 4

readily extractable metal

As used in geochemical prospecting, refers to the content of a metal that can be extracted from weathered rock, overburden, or stream sediment, by weak chemical reagents.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Reading jig

A plunger-type jig of relatively simple design with only a single plunger being manually controlled. The hutch compartment is round for good water distribution. Mitchell

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a. Arsenic monosulfide, AsS, contains 70.1% elemental arsenic. Sanford b. A monoclinic mineral, AsS ; dimorphous with pararealgar; red to orange; soft; in ore veins, hot springs, and as a volcanic sublimate. .

real property

Includes mining claims, dumps, water rights, and ditches. Ricketts


To enlarge the hole by redrilling with a special bit. Wheeler, R.R.

ream back

The act or process of enlarging a squeezed or cave-obstructed borehole to its original size by reaming as the drill string is pulled.


A rotary-drilling tool with a special bit used for enlarging, smoothing, or straightening a drill hole, or making the hole circular when the drill has failed to do so. AGI

reamer bit

See:reaming bit

reamer shell

a. A cutter just above a diamond bit, used to assure a full-size hole. Nichols, 1

reamer stone

See:gage stone


The act or process of enlarging a borehole. Long

reaming bit

A bit used to enlarge a borehole. Also called broaching bit; pilot reaming bit.. Long

reaming diamond

See:gage stone

reaming pilot

a. See:pilot b. A smooth bar used to guide a reaming bit or casing bit in the hole. BS, 9

reaming pilot adapter

An adapter or coupling in a reaming pilot assembly that attaches the flush-joint casing to the casing reaming shell and the reaming pilot horn by pin and box threads, respectively. Long


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English reaming pilot horn

An adapter or coupling in a reaming pilot assembly attached to the reaming pilot adapter. It passes through the reaming shell and casing bit to which is attached the pilot bit. Long

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reaming ring

See:reaming shell

reaming shell

a. A short tubular piece designed to couple a bit to a core barrel. The outside surface of the reaming shell is provided with inset diamonds or other cutting media set to a diameter to cut a specific clearance for the core barrel. Long b. Sets of two or more shells that are alternated every 50 ft (15.24 m) to keep loss in gauge to the hole uniform. The shell is changed when wear reaches 0.012 in (0.03 cm) below the original set diameter.


See:reinforcing bar


A phenomenon, associated with the transformation of gamma iron to alpha iron on the cooling (supercooling) of iron or steel, revealed by the brightening (reglowing) of the metal surface owing to the sudden increase in temperature caused by fast liberation of the latent heat of transformation.


a. To increase the carbon content of molten cast iron or steel by adding carbonaceous material, high-carbon pig iron, or a high-carbon alloy. ASM, 1 b. To carburize a metal part to return surface carbon lost in processing. ASM, 1


Introducing spiegeleisen into the converter after the blow to add the desired element. Mersereau, 2


To form anew by running, as molten metal, into a mold; cast again; as, to recast a cracked bell. Standard, 2

receiving hopper

A hopper used to receive and direct material to a conveyor.


The later of the two geologic epochs comprised in the Quaternary period, in the classification generally used; Holocene. Also, the deposits formed during that epoch. Recent includes the geologic time and deposits from the close of the Pleistocene (glacial) epoch until and including the present.


Going back, as the gradual retreat of a waterfall or an erosional escarpment, the melting back of a glacier, or the withdrawal of a body of water so that the shoreline moves


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English successively farther away from the higher land. Stokes


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a. The processes by which water is absorbed and added to the zone of saturation, either directly into an aquifer or indirectly by way of another formation; also, the quantity of water so added. b. Putting water brought from elsewhere into a body of ground water to augment ground-water supply.

reciprocal lattice

An array of points, each point at a distance that is the reciprocal of the d spacing between planes in the direction normal to each set of parallel planes as measured from the origin. Each reciprocal-lattice point may be associated with Bragg diffraction in a crystal. CF:crystal lattice; direct lattice; X-ray diffraction.

reciprocal strain ellipsoid

In elastic theory, an ellipsoid of certain shape and orientation that under homogeneous strain is transformed into a sphere. CF:strain ellipsoid


Having a straight back-and-forth or up-and-down motion. Nichols, 1

reciprocating drill

A piston drill often referred to as a hammer drill. Hammond

reciprocating engine

Any steam or internal-combustion engine, which has a piston moving under pressure within a cylinder. Hammond

reciprocating feeder

a. A feeder in which the material is carried on a plate subjected to a reciprocating motion and so constructed that when the plate moves in the reverse direction the material remains stationary. The rate of feed is normally varied by adjusting the stroke of the reciprocating plate. b. A device used to empty a bin or hopper from the bottom by horizontal reciprocating action of its parts, usually after primary crushing. ACSG, 2

reciprocating flight conveyor

A reciprocating beam or beams with hinged flights arranged to advance bulk material along a conveyor trough.

reciprocating pump

A pump consisting of a piston or plunger which lifts water to a higher level by a series of to-and-fro movements. Nelson

reciprocating screen dryer

Usually an inclined reciprocating screen on which the coal travels and through which the hot gases pass. The screen may eliminate moisture in coal up to 2-1/2 in (6.4 cm) in size. It may also serve as a fine coal dryer to treat coals down to 1/8 in (0.32 cm). Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English recirculating water

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Circulating water that has been in the circuit for more than one cycle, often recovered from a collecting device such as a thickener from which the clarified water is circulated back into the process stream.


The continuous circulation of all or some part of the same air in part of a mine ventilation system. BS, 8

recirculation of air

A term describing a condition in which the ventilating air current is returned to the face repeatedly along a circuitous path. It may happen in the case of auxiliary fans or booster fans. If the intake end of the air pipes of a blowing fan is not placed well to the intake side of the main air current, the foul air from the heading may be recirculated to the face again and again. With an exhausting auxiliary fan, the end of the pipes is kept well to the return side of the main air current.

recirculation of water

The water used in a condenser or in a washery or other wet process is often repumped into the system by means of a circulating pump. The practice is economical in water and in reagent consumption and also reduces pollution of local streams. Water that is recirculated is clarified to reasonable purity.


a. Digging from stockpiles. Nichols, 1 b. Reprocessing previously rejected material. Nichols, 1

reclaiming conveyor

a. Any of several types of conveyors used to reclaim bulk materials from storage. b. The conveyor which receives material from the reclaimer in a blending system.


a. The recovery of coal or ore from a mine, or part of a mine, that has been abandoned because of fire, water, or other cause. b. Restoration of mined land to original contour, use, or condition.

reclosing circuit breaker

A circuit breaker that recloses automatically as soon as the demand for current becomes equal to or less than that for which the circuit breaker is set. Zern

recommended exposure limit

An 8-h or 10-h time-weighted average or ceiling of exposure to coal dust concentration; recommended by NIOSH and based on an evaluation of the health effects data. NIOSH

recomposed granite

a. An arkose consisting of consolidated feldspathic residue (produced by surface weathering of an underlying granitic rock) that has been so little


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reworked and so little decomposed that upon cementation the rock looks very much like the granite itself. It has a faint bedding, an unusual range of particle sizes (unlike the even-grained or porphyritic texture of true granite), and a greater percentage of quartz than is normal for granite.

b. A conglomerate that has been recrystallized by metamorphism into a rock that simulates granite, as in the Lake Superior region. CF:meta-arkose

recomposed rock

A rock produced in place by the cementation of the fragmental products of surface weathering; e.g. a recomposed granite. The term has been applied to a rock of intermediate character straddling an unconformable surface between the breccia of the lower formation and the conglomeratic base of the upper formation. AGI


a. A general, exploratory examination or survey of the main features (or certain specific features) of a region, usually conducted as a preliminary to a more detailed survey; e.g. an engineering survey in preparing for triangulation of a region. It may be performed in the field or office, depending on the extent of information available. AGI b. A rapid geologic survey made to gain a broad, general knowledge of the geologic features of a region. AGI

reconnaissance map

A map incorporating the information obtained in a reconnaissance survey and data obtained from other sources.

reconnaissance sampling

See:pilot sampling


To make a reconnaissance of; esp. to make a preliminary survey of an area for military or geologic purposes. AGI

reconstructed amber

See:pressed amber

reconstructed granite

See:recomposed granite

reconstructed turquoise

An imitation turquoise made of finely powdered ivory which is deposited in a solution of copper. Fay


The modernization of underground roadways, transport, ventilation systems, and the layout of mine workings. It may include modernization of shafts and winding and also the improvement of surface handling and cleaning or washing equipment.

reconstructive transformation

An isochemical change in a crystal structure in which chemical bonds are broken and reformed, e.g., tridymite-quartz or diamond-graphite.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English CF:dilational transformation; displacive transformation; rotational transformation; phase transformation.

record borehole

See:record hole

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record hole

The first borehole drilled in an area that is cored so that a detail record of the formations penetrated can be obtained. Also called test hole.

recording gage

A gage which automatically records the level of water in a stream or tank, or velocity and pressure in a pipe. It is operated by a float or by a submerged air tank fitted with a rubber diaphragm. Hammond

record table

Heavy-duty shaking table used to treat relatively coarse sands. Shaking is by double-link eccentric motion, with longer and slower throw than with Wilfley type of table. Pryor, 3


a. To restore a mine or a part of a mine that has been damaged by explosion, fire, water, or other cause to a working condition. Fay b. See:recovery

recoverable grade

The true mill-head grade of an ore-stream in percent, ounces, or parts per million of a metal or mineral, less

extractive metallurgical losses; the proportion of an ore material actually recovered.

recovered sulfur

Elemental sulfur produced from hydrogen sulfide obtained from sour natural gas, petroleum refinery gas, water gas, and other fuel gases.


a. The percentage of valuable constituent derived from an ore, or of coal from a coal seam; a measure of mining or extraction efficiency. AGI b. The ratio of the footage of core acquired from core drilling a specific length of borehole, expressed in percent. Long c. The carat weight of diamonds salvaged from a worn bit. Long

recovery plant

a. A plant designed for separating diamond particles from concentrate by various processes, usually including grease belts, jigs, electrostatic separators, and flotation. Also known as picking station. b. The processing facility where minerals are recovered.

recreational mining

Mining as an avocation rather than as a business. Barton


The formation, essentially in the solid state, of new crystalline mineral grains in a rock. The new grains are


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English generally larger than the original grains, and may have the same or a different mineralogical composition. AGI

recrystallized silicon carbide

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A refractory made of about 98% to 99% SiC.

rectangular drainage pattern

A drainage pattern in which the main streams and their tributaries display many right-angle bends and exhibit sections of approx. the same length; it is indicative of streams following prominent fault or joint systems that break the rocks into rectangular blocks. AGI

rectangular shaft

A shaft excavated to an oblong shape. The majority of shafts sunk in the Republic of South Africa before 1948 were rectangular and timber lined. The shape lends itself to equipping concurrently with sinking; it provides a convenient in-line hoisting arrangement and can easily be divided into separate compartments. However, in the 1950's and 1960's developments were towards the concrete lined circular shaft. Nelson


a. The process by which electric energy is transferred from an alternating-current circuit to a direct-current circuit. Coal Age, 1 b. The purification of a liquid by redistillation. CTD c. In electronics and signal processing, the

transformation of a signal from an alternating positive and negative signal into an all-positive signal by taking its absolute value.


Equipment used in mines to convert alternating current to direct current.

rectifying device

An elementary device consisting of one anode and its cathode that has the characteristic of conducting current effectively in only one direction. Coal Age, 1


A clay mineral with regularly interstratified mica and smectite layers.

recumbent fold

An overturned fold, the axial surface of which is horizontal or nearly so.


a. A continuous heat exchanger in which heat is conducted from the products of combustion to incoming air through flue walls. ASTM b. A system of thin-walled refractory ducts used for the purpose of transferring heat from a heated gas to colder air or gas. Harbison-Walker c. Preheating equipment for recovering sensible heat from hot spent gases from a furnace and using it for heating incoming charge or fuel gases; essentially, a low-pressure heat exchanger. Henderson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English recurrence horizon

A layer of peat marking a sharp change in the character of the peat and resulting from a profound change in climate. Tomkeieff

red antimony


red arsenic


red beds

Sedimentary strata composed largely of sandstone, siltstone, and shale, with locally thin units of conglomerate, limestone, or marl, that are predominantly red in color due to the presence of ferric oxide (hematite) usually coating individual grains; e.g. the Permian and Triassic sedimentary rocks of western United States, and the Old Red Sandstone facies of the European Devonian. AGI

red cake

The vanadium concentrate in a milling operation. Ballard

red chalk

Hematite mixed with clay.

red clay

A brown to red deep-sea deposit, which usually contains manganese nodules or a film of manganese. It is the finest divided clay suspension that is derived from the land and transported by ocean currents, accumulating far

from land and at the greatest depths. It has a high proportion of volcanic material due to lesser dilution of this material owing to slowness of accumulation of the clay portion. The color is believed to be caused by oxidation.

red cobalt


red copper ore


red copper oxide



a. Eng. To clear away fallen stone or debris. b. Northumb. Overburden. CF:ridding c. Scot. To scour through, take down, or rip. Fay

redd bing

A pile of waste made of material brought direct from the mine, not waste from washery. Zern


An orthorhombic mineral, Mn3 (PO4 )2 .3H2 O ; forms a series with phosphoferrite; pink; at Redding, CT.


Red ocher mixed with clay. Also spelled ruddle, raddle.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English reddleman

A dealer in reddle or red chalk.

red dog

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Material of a reddish color resulting from the combustion of coal shale and other mine waste in dumps on the surface.


Scot. One who works at night cleaning up and repairing roadways, etc.

red earth

The characteristic soil of most tropical regions. It is leached, red, deep, and clayey.

red glassy copper ore



A term applied to some varieties of tool steels that will retain their hardness even when operating at a red heat. Newton, 1

red heart

A harmless reddish core, sometimes found in fire clay refractories.

red hematite

A compact columnar variety of hematite with a brownish-red to iron-black color; so called to contrast it with limonite and turgite.


A monoclinic mineral, (Fe,Mg,Ni)(Cr,Al)2 (SO4 )4 .22H 2 O ; halotrichite group; forms reddish-purple fibrous masses.

Red I plate

See:selenite plate

red iron froth

A variety of hematite. Fay

red iron ore


red iron vitriol


redistilled metal

Metal from which the impurities, usually zinc and mercury, have been eliminated by selective distillation.

red lead



A tetragonal mineral, BaTi6 Cr2 O16 .H2 O cryptomelane group. Formerly called chromrutile.

red lime mud

A red mud to which lime, caustic soda, or quebracho, has been added. The pH is usually 12.0 to 13.0.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English red manganese

Any reddish manganese mineral, i.e., rhodonite and rhodochrosite. Also called red manganese ore.

red mercury

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Alleged to be a compound of mercury and antimony, and described in the press to be an ingredient of explosives or nuclear weapons manufacture or possibly a descriptive term employed to mask illicit trading activity involving controlled substances. SME, 1

red metal

a. A copper matte containing about 48% copper. Fay b. Any one of several alloys used in the manufacture of silverware. Fay

red mud

a. A reddish-brown terrigenous deep-sea mud that accumulates on the sea floor in the neighborhood of deserts and off the mouths of great rivers; contains calcium carbonate up to 25%. Hunt b. A clay-water-base drilling fluid containing sufficient amounts of caustic soda and tannates to give a pronounced red appearance. The pH is usually 10.0 to 13.0. Brantly, 1

red ore

Hematite ore.

red orpiment


red oxide of copper


red oxide of zinc


redox potential

Oxidation-reduction potential. AGI


To reopen a borehole by redrilling after it has been cemented, caved, or lost because of junk in the hole. Also called drill out, drilled out. CF:overlap

red roast

In fluidization roasting, conversion of iron from sulfides to red oxide. Pryor, 3


Corn. Copper glance. See:chalcocite


High explosive; used in mines. Bennett

red schorl

See:elbaite; rubellite; rutile.


In ironworking, to break or crack when red-hot, as iron under the hammer. Standard, 2


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English red silver

A red silver sulfide; esp. pyrargyrite and proustite.

red silver ore

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See:red silver


a. To lower the oxidation state by adding electrons to a chemical species. b. In general, to treat metallurgically for the production of metal. Fay

reduced iron

Free iron in a fine state of division obtained by reducing ferric oxide by heating it in a current of hydrogen. Also called iron by hydrogen, iron powder, and spongy iron. Standard, 2; Fay

reduced level

Height above specified datum level of a surveyed point. Pryor, 3

reduced natural frequency

The natural frequency of vibration of a foundation at an average ground pressure of unity is the reduced natural frequency divided by the square root of the ground pressure. This relationship has been established by Tschebotarioff. Hammond

reducing agent

a. A material that adds hydrogen to an element or compound.

McGraw-Hill, 1 b. A material that adds an electron to an element or compound; i.e., decreases the positiveness of its valence. McGraw-Hill, 1

reducing atmosphere

a. An atmosphere having a deficiency of oxygen. b. An atmosphere of hydrogen or other substance that readily provides electrons. c. Space from which air has been displaced by hydrogen, carbon monoxide, or other reducing gas. CTD

reducing flame

The blue part or inner cone of the flame produced by a blowpipe; characterized by an excess of hydrocarbon over oxygen so as to reduce mineral samples heated in it. CF:oxidizing flame

reducing furnace

A furnace in which ores are reduced from oxides, or metal is separated from other substances by a nonoxidizing heat or flame; usually a shaft furnace.

reducing roast

The reduction of metallic oxides, sulfides, or halides by heating in contact with carbon or other reducing agents. Newton, 1; Newton, 2


a. Process of reducing a metal compound to the metal and separating it from the slag; sometimes applied to the


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smelting process. b. A reaction taking place at the cathode in electrolysis through transfer of electrons to the species being reduced. c. A decrease in positive valence, or an increase in negative valence by the gaining of electrons. A metallic oxide loses oxygen through the action of reducing gas, reducing its valence. CF:oxidation

reduction cell

A pot or tank in which either a water solution of a salt or a fused salt is reduced electrolytically to form free metals or other substances. ASM, 1

reduction factor

The factor relating the allowable stress on a long column with that on a short column in order to prevent buckling. Hammond

reduction furnace

See:reducing furnace.

reduction of area

a. The difference between the cross-sectional area of a tension specimen at the section of rupture before loading and after rupture, expressed as a percentage of the original area. Roark b. Percentage decrease in cross-sectional area of bar or wire after rolling or drawing. Hammond

reduction of levels

The calculation of reduced levels from the staff readings recorded in a field book. Hammond

reduction ratio

In crushing, the ratio of the size of the largest feed particle to the smallest distance between the roll faces. As used frequently in the field, it is the ratio of the smallest aperture passing all of the feed to that passing all of the product. Another basis of expression is the ratio of the average size of feed to the average size of product. Taggart, 1

reduction roasting

Lowering of oxygen content of ore by heating in reducing atmosphere. Pryor, 3

reduction smelting

A pyrometallurgical process that produces an impure liquid metal and a liquid slag by heating a mixture of ore, flux, and reducing agent (usually coke). Newton, 1; Newton, 2

reduction to center

The offset of a side auxiliary telescope requires a correction to observed horizontal angles, and the offset of a top auxiliary telescope requires a correction to observed vertical angles. The process of computing the correct angle from the observed angle is called reduction to center. Urquhart


A sediment formed in a strongly reducing environment; e.g., coal, sedimentary sulfides, or sedimentary sulfur. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English red vitriol

See:bieberite; rose vitriol.

Redwood number

Viscosity, defined as rate of flow of oil from a Redwood viscometer. Pryor, 3

red zinc ore


red zinc oxide



a. Scot. Rift, or direction of easiest splitting. b. Weakness in a sedimentary rock parallel with the bedding. c. A reed filled with powder to act as a fuse.


A triclinic mineral, NaBSi3 O8 ; feldspar group; occurs in small colorless prisms having wedge-shaped terminations; from oil wells in Duchesne County, UT.


a. A ridgelike or moundlike structure, layered or massive, built by sedentary calcareous organisms, esp. corals, and consisting mostly of their remains; it is wave-resistant and stands above the surrounding sediment. Also, such a structure built in the geologic past and now

enclosed in rock, commonly of differing lithology. AGI b. A narrow ridge or chain of rocks either at the water surface or too shallow to permit safe passage of a vessel. CF:bank c. A provincial term for a metalliferous mineral deposit, esp. gold bearing quartz.

reef cap

A deposit of fossil-reef material overlying or covering an island or mountain. AGI

reef drive

Aust. A cutting through the bedrock in alluvial mining for the purpose of seeking other underground, gold-bearing gravel channels.


Working auriferous reefs or veins. See:reef

reef knoll


reef limestone

A limestone consisting of the remains of active reef-building organisms, such as corals, sponges, and bryozoans, and of sediment-binding organic constituents, such as calcareous algae. AGI

reef wash

Aust. Gold-bearing drift.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English reel

A device used for hoisting that has largely been replaced by round ropes. A flat rope is used for the reel, which is wound on an overlapping spiral like a clock spring. The reel is like a conical drum that increases in diameter by the thickness of the rope at each turn. Reels are more suitable for hoisting from a single level than from different levels. Lewis

reel boy

In bituminous coal mining, one who works on an electric locomotive--power being transmitted through an electric cable wound around a reel on the locomotive--tending the cable to see that it is wound up and fed from the reel so that it will not pull or break from the point where electric current is supplied. Also called nipper. DOT

reel locomotive

A trolley locomotive with a wire rope reel for drawing cars out of rooms. The rope end is pulled by a runner into the face of the room, attached to a car, and reeled out by the locomotive. Zern

reenforcing bar

See:reinforcing bar

Ree's torsion anemometer

Consists of a thin square aluminum vane centrally suspended from a horizontal wire mounted in a vertical frame. The velocity of the air

current is obtained from the measurement of the torque that has to be applied to the wire to bring the vane back to its vertical position. The instrument is mounted on a tripod, and the arrangement is such that the torsion can be applied, at a point 2 ft (0.6 m) away from the vane, by means of a shaft and bevel gearing. The instrument has been used to measure low air velocities in mines down to about 10 ft/min (3 m/min) and up to 180 ft/min (55 m/min).


The orderly arrangement of a rope or cable on a system of pulleys or sheaves to assemble block-and-tackle equipment for handling heavy loads. Also called reeved. Long


Threading or placement of a working line. Nichols, 2

reference axes

In structural petrology, three mutually perpendicular axes to which structural measurements are referred. a is the direction of tectonic transport, c is perpendicular to the plane along which differential movement takes place, and b lies in this plane but is perpendicular to a.

reference electrode

Hydrogen electrode used to determine electrode potentials of half-cells. Pryor, 3

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English reference level

See:datum plane

reference mark

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A selected distant point from which the bearings to other points can be measured at a survey station. Hammond

reference plane

See:datum plane

reference seismometer

In seismic prospecting, a detector placed to record successive shots under similar conditions, to permit overall time comparisons. Used in connection with the shooting of wells for velocity. AGI

reference size

Separation size, designated size, or control size used to define analyses of the products of a sizing operation. BS, 5

reference standard

Taken or laid down as a standard for measuring, reckoning, or constructing. Webster 3rd

reference station

A station for which tidal constants have previously been determined and that is used as a standard for the comparison of simultaneous observations at a second station; also, a station for which independent daily predictions are given in the tide or current tables from which corresponding predictions are obtained for

other stations by means of differences or factors. AGI


The process of measuring the horizontal (or slope) distances and directions from a survey station to nearby landmarks, reference marks, and other permanent objects that can be used in the recovery or relocation of the station. AGI


An orthorhombic mineral, C20 H32 O2 ; soft; white; in modern resins and lignite at Montorio, Abruzzes, Italy. Also spelled reficite.


a. To free from impurities; to free from dross or alloy; to purify, as metals; to cleanse. Webster 3rd b. To treat cast iron in the refinery furnace so as to remove the silicon. Webster 3rd

refined iron

Wrought iron made by puddling pig iron. CTD


a. A facility in which relatively crude smelter products such as blister copper are refined and emerge as acceptably pure products. b. An electrolytic or chemical facility producing pure metals.


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The purification of crude metallic products. Fay

refining heat

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A medium orange heat, about 655 degrees C, which imparts fineness of grain and toughness to steel that is raised to it and afterwards quenched. Webster 2nd

refining temperature

A temperature, usually just higher than the transformation range, employed in the heat treatment of steel to refine the structure, particularly the grain size. ASM, 1

reflected-light microscope

A compound microscope in which plane-polarized light impinges upon a polished specimen, commonly opaque, the light being reflected back to the objective through a second polarizer, where mineral color and polarization colors are observed in the ocular. .

reflected-light microscopy

See:ore microscopy

reflected wave

A (gaseous) pressure wave resulting from a direct wave striking an obstacle or an opposing surface and being reflected backwards. Rice, 2


a. The return of a wave incident upon a surface to its original medium. CF:refraction; diffraction; total reflection. b. The bounding back of light or other rays as they strike a solid surface. Light incident on a polished planar surface reflects at an angle equal to the incident angle, the proportion of reflected light increasing with increasing refractive index; e.g., for normal incidence, 17% reflects from diamond (n=2.4), and 5% reflects from quartz (n=1.5). c. In seismic prospecting, the returned energy (in wave form) from a shot that has been reflected from a velocity discontinuity back to a detector; the indication on a record of reflected energy. d. Misnomer for X-ray diffraction peaks. Also spelled reflexion.

reflection goniometer

An instrument that measures angles between crystal faces by reflecting a beam of light from successive faces as the crystal is rotated.

reflection mechanism

A rule stating that rock breaks from the surface inward toward the explosive rather than from the explosive charge outward.

reflection method

See:seismic reflection method


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English reflection shooting

A type of seismic survey based on measurement of the travel times of waves that originate from an artificially produced disturbance and are reflected back at near-vertical incidence from subsurface boundaries separating media of different elastic-wave velocities. CF:refraction shooting AGI

reflection wave

A wave that is propagated backward through the burned gas as the result of an explosion wave being completely or partly arrested against the closed extremity, or in a constricted portion of its path, as in a tube, gallery, etc. Fay


The ratio of radiant energy reflected by a body to that falling upon it. Strock, 2


The deflection of a ray of light or of an energy wave (such as a seismic wave) due to its passage from one medium to another of differing density, which changes its velocity.

refraction method A seismic method of geophysical prospecting.

refraction shooting

a. The detonation of heavy charges of explosive in comparatively shallow holes or pits. The effects may be measured over a wide area. The firing

creates the shock waves in the seismic method of prospecting. Nelson b. A type of seismic survey based on the measurement of the travel times of seismic waves that have traveled nearly parallel to the surface of high-velocity layers, in order to map such layers.

refractive index

See:index of refraction; dispersion.


a. A combustible gases detector. Nelson b. An instrument for measuring indices of refraction of transparent substances, both liquid and solid. CF:Abbe refractometer


The capacity of a material to resist high temperature. In the refractories industry, the pyrometric cone equivalent (PCE) is a comparative value used to determine the refractoriness of a material. Henderson


a. Said of an ore from which it is difficult or expensive to recover its valuable constituents. AGI b. Exceptionally resistant to heat. AGI c. A nonmetallic material suitable for use in high-temperature applications. AGI

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English refractory bonding mortars

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High-temperature bonding mortars containing various materials and exhibiting various properties, but primarily intended for providing structural bond between refractory units in high-temperature industrial furnace construction. Henderson

refractory brick

a. A brick made from refractory material, such as fire clay, bauxite, diaspore, etc., used to withstand high temperatures. Refractory bricks are made in various sizes and shapes. b. A brick used as a lining for the interior of fireboxes in furnaces and boilers. Refractory brick is constructed so that it can withstand very high temperatures, but it is not a very good insulator. API, 1

refractory clay


refractory lining

A lining that has high refractory qualities and is therefore suitable for furnace linings and boiler foundations. It is made from a good-quality refractory ore, clay, fireclay, or gannister. Nelson

refractory material

A material able to withstand high temperatures and, therefore, used in such applications as lining furnaces.

refractory ore

Ore difficult to treat for recovery of the valuable substances. AGI

refractory stone

Consists of sandstone, quartzite, mica schist, soapstone, or other rock that will withstand a moderately high temperature without fusing, cracking, or disintegrating. It may be used in solid blocks or crushed and mixed with a binder to form bricks. USBM, 7

refractory ware

Usually hollow ware, such as, saggers, pyrometer tubes, crucibles, etc.; also refractory brick and shapes.

refresher training

In mining, training given to all miners at least once a year consisting of 8 hours of instruction reviewing the essentials of new miner training. CF:new miner training; task training. Federal Mine Safety


A substance that will absorb heat while vaporizing and whose boiling point and other properties make it useful as a medium for refrigeration. Strock, 2


a. In special application to mining, cooling of air before release in lowest levels of deep, hot mine; also, expansion of compressed air for the


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same purpose. b. The process of absorption of heat from one location and its transfer to and rejection at another place; arbitrarily expressed in units of (short) tons and is equal to the coil cooling load divided by 12,000; 1 st (0.9 t) of ice in melting in 24 h liberates heat at the rate of 200 Btu/min (211 kJ/min), or 12,000 Btu/h (1.27 MJ/h). Hartman, 1

refrigeration plant

a. A surface plant to form the protective barrier of frozen ground in the freezing method of shaft sinking. The cooling agent used is ammonia which, in its gaseous state, is compressed to about 120 psi (827 kPa) when it passes to the top of the condensers, emerging at the bottom as liquid ammonia under pressure. It then passes through a regulator valve into the coolers where it immediately evaporates. The latent heat of evaporation is extracted from the brine circuit--the brine being passed through the coolers by the brine pumps. The ammonia gas passes back for re-use. The brine emerges from the coolers at a temperature of -4 degrees F (-21.7 degrees C) and is pumped down the boreholes to freeze the water around the shaft sinking. b. A surface plant to cool liquids. These liquids or ice are sent underground to cool the air current in heat exchangers. By this method, the air in deep mines is cooled considerably and the working environment is improved.

refuge chamber

An airtight, fire-resistant room in a mine used as a refuge in emergencies by miners unable to reach the surface. MSHA, 4

refuge hole

A place formed in the side of an underground haulageway in which a worker can take refuge during the passing of a train, or when shots are fired. Also called refuge stalls.


A condition arrived at when driving pipe, casing, piling, etc., when it cannot be driven to a greater depth or made to penetrate the ground a distance of more than 1 ft (30.5 cm) per 100 blows delivered by a drive hammer. Long


a. Waste material in the raw coal that has been removed in a cleaning or preparation plant. b. Notably used to describe colliery rejects; also called tailings. Pryor, 3

refuse conveyor

An adaptation of a drag chain conveyor.

refuse discharge pipes

Pipes used on some washboxes instead of a refuse worm. BS, 5


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English refuse extraction chamber

That part of the washbox into which the refuse extractor discharges. BS, 5

refuse extractor

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A device used in a washbox to remove the reject from the washing compartments, operated manually or automatically. BS, 5

refuse rotor

A reject gate in the form of a rotary (or star) valve. BS, 5

refuse worm

A screw conveyor fitted at the bottom of some washboxes to collect the fine reject which has passed through the apertures in the screen plate. BS, 5

regalian doctrine

The old doctrine that all mineral wealth was the prerogative of the crown or the feudatory lord. The concession system, in which the state or the private owner has the right to grant concessions or leases to mine operators at discretion and subject to certain general restrictions, had its origin in this doctrine. Almost all mining countries of the world, except the United States, follow this system. Hoover

regenerated anhydrite

Anhydrite produced by dehydration of gypsum that itself was generated by the hydration of anhydrite.

regenerated dense medium

Medium obtained from the medium recovery system and purified (wholly or partly) from contaminating fine coal and clay. BS, 5


a. In mineral leaching, reconstitution of barren leach solution after it has completed its chemical attack on mineral and its values have been removed. The regeneration of ion exchange resins and activated carbons by the removal of elements or compounds from extraction sites on the resins by special eluants. Pryor, 3 b. A reversing heat exchanger for preheating combustion air (and gaseous fuels) from waste heat of the exhaust gases. Van Vlack

regenerative chambers

Separate compartments connected with a furnace; they are arranged for preheating the gas and the air used for fuel. Mersereau, 2

regenerative furnace

A furnace in which hot gases, usually waste combustion gases, pass through a set of chambers containing firebrick structures, to which the sensible heat is given up. The direction of hot-gas flow is diverted periodically to another set of chambers and cold incoming combustion gas or air is preheated in the hot chambers.

regenerative heating



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English regenerative principle

Used in open-hearth furnaces to increase the furnace temperature by preheating the fuel gas and air previous to their combustion in the furnace. Newton, 1

regenerator checkers

Brick used in furnace regenerators to recover heat from hot outgoing gases, and later to release this heat to cold air or gas entering the furnace; so called because of the checkerboard pattern in which the bricks are arranged. Harbison-Walker


In hydraulics, the condition of a river with respect to the rate of its flow as measured by the volume of water passing different cross sections in a given time. Webster 3rd


a. Extending over large areas in contradistinction to local or restricted areas. Fay b. In gravity prospecting, contributions to the observed anomalies due to density irregularities at much greater depths than those of the possible structures, the location of which was the purpose of the survey. The term is also employed in an analogous sense in magnetic prospecting. AGI

regional anomaly

a. The more localized departures in the Earth's field from the values that would be predicted if the field were to

originate with a single magnet oriented along the magnetic axis. These have maximums as great as 10,000 gamma, which is about a third the total intensity at the equator, and extend over areas as large as a million square miles. The locations of such features do not change with time as do anomalies associated with secular variation. Dobrin b. The departure of a measured quantity from an expected or theoretical value on a scale larger than the most rapid spatial variations of the measured quantity; typically variations over tens to hundreds of kilometers.

regional dip

The nearly uniform inclination of strata over a wide area, generally at a low angle, as in the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains and parts of the Midcontinent region. CF:homocline

regional metamorphism

A general term for metamorphism affecting an extensive region, as opposed to local or contact metamorphism. CF:dynamothermal metamorphism; local metamorphism.

regional unconformity

A surface of discontinuity in sedimentary rocks that extends throughout an extensive region. It may record a significant interruption in deposition, tectonics, or erosion of older strata.

registered premises

Premises registered with the local authority for the storage of not more

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English than 60 lb (27.2 kg) of explosive. BS, 12


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A 12-in (0.3-m) scale divided into tenths and hundredths of a foot, used for accurate measurement in conjunction with a steel band that is graduated only in feet.


The layer or mantle of loose incoherent rock material, of whatever origin, that nearly everywhere underlies the surface of the land and rests on bedrock. It comprises rock waste of all sorts: volcanic ash, glacial drift, alluvium, windblown deposits, organic accumulations, and soils.

regular lay

Wire rope or cable in which the individual wire or fibers forming a strand are twisted in a direction opposite to the twist of the strands. Also called ordinary lay.

regular-lay left lay

See:left regular lay

regular-lay right lay

See:right regular lay

regular polygon

A polygon having equal sides, and the angles between these sides are equal. Jones, 2

regular sampling

The sampling of the same coal or coke received regularly at a given point. There are two forms of regular sampling, namely, continuous sampling and intermittent sampling. BS, 2

regular ventilating circuit

All places in a mine through which there is a positive flow of air without the aid of a blower fan or of ventilation tubing.

regulated feed

In contrast with choke feed, feed that is throttled back to a value below the full capacity of the crusher. South Australia

regulated split

In mine ventilation, a split where it is necessary to control the volumes in certain low-resistance splits to cause air to flow into the splits of high resistance.

regulating gate

A gate used to vary size of opening so as to control the flow of material through the opening.


a. A ventilating device, such as an opening in a wall or door; usually placed at the return of a split of air to govern the amount of air entering that portion of a mine. Kentucky b. A device for creating shock loss to restrict passage of air through an airway. Regulators are usually set in doors


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as adjustable, sliding partitions that can be varied to the desired opening. In their simplest form, for temporary service in an untraveled part of a mine, regulators consist of doors propped partially open. Where possible, regulators are located on the exhaust side of a split (in a return airway) to minimize interference with traffic.

regulator door

See:scale door


Impure metal produced during smelting of ores or concentrates. Pryor, 3


An apparatus for reheating a substance, as ingot steel, that has cooled or partly cooled during some process. Standard, 2

reheater load

The amount of sensible heat in w (British thermal units per hour), restored to the air in reheating. Hartman, 2

reheating furnace

The furnace in which metal ingots, billets, blooms, etc., are heated to bring them to the temperature required for hot-working. CTD


A plow developed from the Anbauhobel machine and designed for cutting thin coal seams. The plow drives, instead of being on the face side of the conveyor, are on the waste side and the plow chains run in two tubes along the waste side of the conveyor chutes. Nelson


An orthorhombic mineral, Zn3 (AsO3 )2 ; blue to green; at Tsumeb, Namibia. (Not renierite.)

reinforcing bar

a. The basic material used to form grouted roof belts. b. Iron or steel bars of various cross-sectional shapes used to strengthen concrete. c. See:rebar; reenforcing bar.

reinforcing steel

Steel bars of various shapes used in concrete construction to give added strength. Crispin


A pseudomorph, FeWO4 ; after scheelite(?).


In surveying, angular measurement made first with vertical circle of theodolite to right of sighting telescope, then repeated after transiting this through 180 degrees . Also called face


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English right, face left observation. Pryor, 3


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a. The material extracted from the feed during cleaning for retreatment or discard. BS, 5 b. The stone or dirt discarded from a coal preparation plant, washery, or other process; has no value.. Nelson

reject elevator

An elevator for removing and draining the reject from a washing appliance.

reject gate

The mechanism of the refuse extractor that may be manually or automatically operated to control the rate of removal of reject from the washbox. BS, 5


The renewal of any geologic process, such as the revival of a stream's erosive activity or the reactivation of a fissure.

relative age

The geologic age of a fossil organism, rock, geologic feature, or event, defined relative to other organisms, rocks, features, or events rather than in terms of years. CF:absolute age

relative biological effectiveness

The relative effectiveness of a given kind of ionizing radiation in producing a biological response as

compared with 250,000 electron-volt gamma rays. Abbrev., rbe. Lyman

relative bulk strength

A measure of the energy available per unit volume of explosive as compared to an equal volume of ANFO at a density of 0.81 g/cm3 ; it is calculated by dividing the bulk strength of an explosive by the bulk strength of ANFO and multiplying by 100.

relative compaction

a. For soil compaction, two types of tests are necessary: (1) determining the dry density of the soil after a standard amount of compaction has been applied, and (2) measuring the density of the soil in the field. The state of compaction is expressed as the relative compaction, and is the percentage ratio of the field density to the maximum density as determined by standard compaction. The percentages of relative compaction are high, since the initial relative compaction is about 80%. Nelson b. The dry density of a soil in situ divided by the maximum dry density of the soil as established by the Proctor compaction test or any other standard test.

relative consistency

The ratio of the liquid limit minus the natural water content to the plasticity index. ASCE


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English relative density

a. The relative density or specific gravity of a substance denotes the number of times the substance is heavier or lighter than water (for the same volume). Relative density and specific gravity mean the same thing. Morris b. The ratio of the difference between the void ratio of a cohesionless soil in the loosest state and any given void ratio to the difference between its void ratios in the loosest and in the densest states. ASCE

relative humidity

The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the amount of water vapor in a given volume of air to the amount that would be present if the air were saturated at the same temperature. CF:absolute humidity; specific humidity. AGI

relative movement

In fault descriptions, the displacement of one block relative to the other, rather than to some fixed point or plane of reference. AGI

relative roughness

The dimensionless ratio Epsilon /d (where Epsilon is the average height of the surface irregularities and d is the diameter of the pipe) is termed the relative roughness. The physical interpretation of this functional equation is that the friction factors of pipes are the same if their flow patterns in every detail are geometrically and dynamically similar. The

term Epsilon indicates the height of the irregularity above the boundary surface only; hence it is apparent that, dependent upon the thickness of the boundary layer adjacent to the surface, the projection can either lie submerged within the boundary layer or else project outside it. Roberts, 1

relative time

Geologic time determined by the placing of events in a chronologic order of occurrence; esp., time as determined by organic evolution or superposition. CF:absolute time

relative variogram

A variogram in which the ordinary variogram value for each lag has been divided by the square of the mean of the sample values used in computing the lag. This is sometimes useful when a "proportional effect" is present; i.e., when areas of higher than average concentration also have higher than average variance. When relative variogram models are used in kriging, the resulting kriging standard deviations represent decimal fractions of the estimated values.

relative weight strength

This is a measure of the energy available per weight of explosive as compared to an equal weight of ANFO. It is calculated by dividing the absolute weight strength (AWS) of the explosive by the AWS of ANFO and multiplying by 100.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English relaxation

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a. In experimental structural geology, the release of applied stress with time, due to any of various creep processes. AGI b. In an elastic medium, the decrease of elastic restoring force under applied stress, resulting in permanent deformation. AGI c. Relief of stress by creep. Some types of tests are designed to provide diminution of stress by relaxation at constant strain, as frequently occurs in service. ASM, 1 d. The decrease of load support and of internal stress because of plastic strain at constant deformation. AGI


A device, operated by an electric current, and causing by its operation abrupt changes in an electrical circuit (making or breaking the circuit, changing of the circuit connections, or variation in the circuit characteristics). NCB

relay haulage

Single-track, high-speed mine haulage from one relay station to another. Each operator has an exclusive track section between relay stations and can run at full speed since no other haulage equipment is operating on the section. Side track at each relay station permits the operator to pick up or drop off loads or empties, then make the return run. Also called intermediate haulage.

release analysis

A procedure employed to determine the best results possible in cleaning a coal by froth flotation. BS, 5

released mineral

A mineral formed during the crystallization of a magma as a consequence of an earlier phase failing to react with the liquid. Thus the failure of earlier formed olivine to react with the liquid portion of a magma to form pyroxene may result in the enrichment of the liquid in silica, which finally crystallizes as quartz, the released mineral. AGI

release fracture

A fracture developed as a consequence of the relief of stress in one particular direction. The term is generally applied to a fracture formed when the maximum principal stress decreases sufficiently that it becomes the minimum principal stress; the fracture is an extension fracture oriented perpendicular to the then-minimum principal-stress direction. AGI

release mesh

a. In liberation of specific mineral from its ore by comminution, the optimum grind. Pryor, 3 b. Specified mesh-of-grind for best conditions for treatment to recover a specific mineral from the ore. Pryor, 4


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English reliability of method

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In geochemical prospecting, refers to the probability of obtaining and recognizing indications of an orebody or mineralized district by the method being used. Reliability depends not only on whether a readily detectable target exists and how effective the exploration method is in locating it, but also on the extent to which the anomaly is specif. related to ore and the extent to which it is possible that non-significant anomalies may confuse the interpretation. Hawkes, 2


A landform that has survived decay or disintegration, such as an erosion remnant; or one that has been left behind after the disappearance of the greater part of its substance such as a remnant island. The term is sometimes used adjectivally as a synonym of relict, but this usage is not recommended. AGI


Pertaining to a mineral, structure, or feature of an earlier rock that has persisted in a later rock in spite of processes tending to destroy it. Also, such a mineral, structure, or other feature. AGI


The slow and gradual withdrawal of the water in the sea, a lake, or a stream, leaving the former bottom as permanently exposed and uncovered dry land; it does not include seasonal fluctuations in water levels. Legally,

the added land belongs to the owner of the adjacent land against which it abuts. Also, the land left uncovered by reliction. AGI

relict texture

In mineral deposits, an original texture that remains after partial or total replacement. AGI


A compact fibrous variety of talc pseudomorphous after pyroxene; harder than talc; polishes well; made into ornamental objects; in northern New York and Canada.

rent and royalty

a. The amount paid by a coal mining operator to the owner of the coal for each ton of coal mined and usually expressed in cents per ton. b. In mining leases, words used interchangeably to convey the same meaning. Ricketts

reopening sealed area

There are four methods used in reopening sealed-off areas in a mine: (1) the direct method in which the stoppings are breached and air is circulated around the district without previous inspection by a rescue team; (2) the prior-inspection method in which prior inspection of the whole district by a rescue team is followed by circulation of air around the district; (3) the stage method in which the ventilation is restored and the enclosed gases are removed in successive stages; and (4) the partial-reopening method which is


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English adopted when it is required to recover part of a district but leave the remainder sealed off. Sinclair, 1


A worker whose duty it is to repair tracks, doors, brattices, or to reset timbers, etc., under the direction of a foreman. Also called repairer. Zern

repeated twinning

Crystal twinning involving more than two individuals.

replaceable hydrogen

Hydrogen atoms in acid molecule that can be replaced by those of metal. Pryor, 3

replaceable insert

Diamond inset plates and other geometric forms fastened to and/or supported by the bit blank by brazing or mechanical locking so that in drilling they may be replaced when diamond wear exceeds a specified amount. Long

replaceable pilot

A central interchangeable pluglike portion of a noncoring bit protruding or leading the outside portion of such bits. Long


a. Change in composition of a mineral or mineral aggregate, presumably accomplished by diffusion of new

material in and old material out without breakdown of the solid state. AGI b. A process of fossilization involving substitution of inorganic matter for the original organic constituents of an organism. AGI

replacement bit

See:reset bit

replacement deposit

A mineral deposit that has been formed by deposition from mineral solutions taking the place of some earlier, different substance.

replacing switch

A device consisting of a united pair of iron plates hinged to shoes fitting over the rails to replace, on the track, derailed railway rolling stock. Also used for mine cars. Fay


A filling of mineral material deposited by percolating ground waters in external molds, thus reproducing the original exterior of the fossil shell or other object, with its exact size and shape. AGI

replicate sampling

Taking each sample in a number of subsamples by putting increments in turn into different containers, in order to estimate the sampling accuracy. The same total weight of sample is collected whether or not replicate sampling is employed. BS, 2

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English repose angle

The angle between the horizontal and the surface slope of any pile of material formed by free fall of the material.

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representation work

Assessment work on a mining claim.

representative fraction

The scale of a map, expressed in the form of a numerical fraction that relates linear distances on the map to the corresponding actual distances on the ground, measured in the same units (centimeters, inches, feet); e.g., 1/24,000 indicates that one unit on the map represents 24,000 equivalent units on the ground. Abbrev: RF. AGI

representative sample

In testing or valuation of a mineral deposit, samples large enough and average in composition as to be considered representative of a specified volume of the surrounding orebody. Blended large samples from different exposures are not necessarily representative, since the mineral structure may have varied so as to introduce special problems from area to area in treatment. Pryor, 3


A small lightweight device, used in pairs that straddle and are locked to each of the rails to retrack railroad cars and locomotives. Of Y-shaped design, they permit both wheels to be retracked from either or both sides

of the rail at the same time. As the car is pulled across the device, the derailed wheels are channeled back onto the tracks. Also called retracker.


To move live workers or dead bodies from a mine after a mine disaster. Sometimes called recover. The latter applies esp. to putting the mine in shape for operation again.

rescue apparatus

A name applied to certain types of apparatus worn by workers, permitting them to work in noxious or irrespirable atmospheres such as obtained during mine fires, following mine explosions, as a result of accidents in ammonia plants, from smelter fumes, etc. Oxygen compressed in a cylinder, a regenerating substance to purify the breathed air, and a closed system constitute the general principle of the apparatus. escue-car

See:mine rescue car

rescue station

Mine chamber equipped with rescue gear, including oxygen apparatus, and manned by trained rescue workers. Pryor, 3

rescue team

A team of workers, from five to eight strong, trained in the use of breathing apparatus and in rescue operations after colliery explosions or mine fires. The team trains every week or


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English so at a rescue station. Nelson


Word often misused. Two broad meanings are reexamination of previously accepted data in the light of current expansion of basic knowledge; and search in reality, specific to an entirely novel concept and calling for development of new approaches. Wrongly defined when descriptive of original rehash. Pryor, 3


a. A method in surveying by which the horizontal position of an occupied point is determined by drawing lines from the point to two or more points of known position. b. A method of determining a plane-table position by orienting along a previously drawn foresight line and drawing one or more rays through the foresight from previously located stations. AGI

resequent fault-line scarp

A fault-line scarp in which the structurally downthrown block is also topographically lower than the upthrown block. CF:obsequent fault-line scarp


a. The quantity of mineral that is calculated to lie within given boundaries. It is described as total (or gross), workable, or probable working, depending on the application of certain arbitrary limits in respect of deposit thickness, depth,

quality, geological conditions, and contemporary economic factors. Proved, probable, and possible reserves are other terms used in general mining practice. BS, 7 b. Sampled ore, developed, blocked out, or exposed on not less than three sides. CTD c. The amount of payable ore, developed and ready for extraction, or blocked out ahead of immediate requirements. Weed, 2

reserve base

That part of an identified resource that meets specified minimum physical and chemical criteria related to current mining and production practices, including those for grade, quality, thickness, and depth. The reserve base is the in-place demonstrated (measured plus indicated) resource from which reserves are estimated. It may encompass those parts of the resources that have a reasonable potential for becoming economically available within planning horizons beyond those that assume proven technology and current economics. The reserve base includes those resources that are currently economic (reserves), marginally economic (marginal reserves), and some of those that are currently subeconomic (subeconomic resources). The term geologic reserve has been applied by others generally to the reserve-base category, but it also may include the inferred-reserve-base category; geologic reserve is not part of this classification system.

reserved coal

Coal reserved from lease, as coal under buildings.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English reserved lands

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Defined by the U.S. Department of the Interior as "federal lands which are dedicated or set aside for a specific public purpose or program and which are, therefore, generally not subject to disposition under the operation of all the public land laws." SME, 1

reserved mineral

Economic minerals that are not the property of the landowner but belong to the State. The State confers the right to prospect for and to mine these minerals on any one who applies for this right on the form prescribed and at the competent mining office. Such minerals as coal and iron ores are included in this group. CF:unreserved mineral


a. An estimate within specified accuracy limits of the valuable metal or mineral content of known deposits that may be produced under current economic conditions and with present technology. Shanz b. That part of the reserve base that could be economically extracted or produced at the time of determination. The term reserves need not signify that extraction facilities are in place and operative. Reserves include only recoverable materials; thus, terms such as extractable reserves and recoverable reserves are redundant and are not a part of this classification system. reset action (nonstandard)

In flotation, the component of control action in which the final control

element is moved at a speed proportional to the extent of proportional position action. This term applies only to a multiple action including proportional position action. Fuerstenau

reset bit

A bit made by reusing the sound diamonds salvaged from a used drill bit and setting them in the crown attached to a new bit blank. Some new diamonds usually are added to those salvaged, since generally not all of the salvaged or recovered stones are reusable. Long

repose angle

The angle between the horizontal and the surface slope of any pile of material formed by free fall of the material.

representation work

Assessment work on a mining claim.

representative fraction

The scale of a map, expressed in the form of a numerical fraction that relates linear distances on the map to the corresponding actual distances on the ground, measured in the same units (centimeters, inches, feet); e.g., 1/24,000 indicates that one unit on the map represents 24,000 equivalent units on the ground. Abbrev: RF. AGI

representative sample

In testing or valuation of a mineral deposit, samples large enough and average in composition as to be


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considered representative of a specified volume of the surrounding orebody. Blended large samples from different exposures are not necessarily representative, since the mineral structure may have varied so as to introduce special problems from area to area in treatment. Pryor, 3


A small lightweight device, used in pairs that straddle and are locked to each of the rails to retrack railroad cars and locomotives. Of Y-shaped design, they permit both wheels to be retracked from either or both sides of the rail at the same time. As the car is pulled across the device, the derailed wheels are channeled back onto the tracks. Also called retracker.


To move live workers or dead bodies from a mine after a mine disaster. Sometimes called recover. The latter applies esp. to putting the mine in shape for operation again.

rescue apparatus

A name applied to certain types of apparatus worn by workers, permitting them to work in noxious or irrespirable atmospheres such as obtained during mine fires, following mine explosions, as a result of accidents in ammonia plants, from smelter fumes, etc. Oxygen compressed in a cylinder, a regenerating substance to purify the breathed air, and a closed system constitute the general principle of the apparatus.


See:mine rescue car

rescue station

Mine chamber equipped with rescue gear, including oxygen apparatus, and manned by trained rescue workers. Pryor, 3

rescue team

A team of workers, from five to eight strong, trained in the use of breathing apparatus and in rescue operations after colliery explosions or mine fires. The team trains every week or so at a rescue station. Nelson


Word often misused. Two broad meanings are reexamination of previously accepted data in the light of current expansion of basic knowledge; and search in reality, specific to an entirely novel concept and calling for development of new approaches. Wrongly defined when descriptive of original rehash. Pryor, 3


a. A method in surveying by which the horizontal position of an occupied point is determined by drawing lines from the point to two or more points of known position. b. A method of determining a plane-table position by orienting along a previously drawn foresight line and drawing one or more rays through the foresight from previously located stations. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English resequent fault-line scarp

A fault-line scarp in which the structurally downthrown block is also topographically lower than the upthrown block. CF:obsequent fault-line scarp


a. The quantity of mineral that is calculated to lie within given boundaries. It is described as total (or gross), workable, or probable working, depending on the application of certain arbitrary limits in respect of deposit thickness, depth, quality, geological conditions, and contemporary economic factors. Proved, probable, and possible reserves are other terms used in general mining practice. BS, 7 b. Sampled ore, developed, blocked out, or exposed on not less than three sides. CTD c. The amount of payable ore, developed and ready for extraction, or blocked out ahead of immediate requirements. Weed, 2

reserve base

That part of an identified resource that meets specified minimum physical and chemical criteria related to current mining and production practices, including those for grade, quality, thickness, and depth. The reserve base is the in-place demonstrated (measured plus indicated) resource from which reserves are estimated. It may encompass those parts of the resources that have a reasonable potential for becoming economically available within planning horizons beyond those that assume proven technology and current

economics. The reserve base includes those resources that are currently economic (reserves), marginally economic (marginal reserves), and some of those that are currently subeconomic (subeconomic resources). The term geologic reserve has been applied by others generally to the reserve-base category, but it also may include the inferred-reserve-base category; geologic reserve is not part of this classification system. USGS, 2

reserved coal

Coal reserved from lease, as coal under buildings.

reserved lands

Defined by the U.S. Department of the Interior as "federal lands which are dedicated or set aside for a specific public purpose or program and which are, therefore, generally not subject to disposition under the operation of all the public land laws." SME, 1

reserved mineral

Economic minerals that are not the property of the landowner but belong to the State. The State confers the right to prospect for and to mine these minerals on any one who applies for this right on the form prescribed and at the competent mining office. Such minerals as coal and iron ores are included in this group. CF:unreserved mineral


a. An estimate within specified accuracy limits of the valuable metal or

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English mineral content of known deposits that may be produced under current economic conditions and with present technology. Shanz b. That part of the reserve base that could be economically extracted or produced at the time of determination. The term reserves need not signify that extraction facilities are in place and operative. Reserves include only recoverable materials; thus, terms such as extractable reserves and recoverable reserves are redundant and are not a part of this classification system.

reset action (nonstandard)

In flotation, the component of control action in which the final control element is moved at a speed proportional to the extent of proportional position action. This term applies only to a multiple action including proportional position action. Fuerstenau

reset bit

A bit made by reusing the sound diamonds salvaged from a used drill bit and setting them in the crown attached to a new bit blank. Some new diamonds usually are added to those salvaged, since generally not all of the salvaged or recovered stones are reusable. Long


a. Weathered material, including the soil, down to fresh, unweathered rock. Legrand b. Material resulting from the decomposition of rocks in place and

consisting of the nearly insoluble material left after all the more readily soluble constituents of the rocks have been removed. c. The structureless groundmass of microscopically unresolvable constituents, consisting of particles of one to two microns or less, usually opaque, and of a dark color. It is the same as the lower range of fine micrinite.


The ability of a material to store the energy of elastic strain. This ability is measured in terms of energy per unit volume. AGI

resilient couplings

The resilient type of coupling has many designs but essentially has torsional response to application or variation of the transmitted load. For the all-metal types, the resilient element may be in the form of laminated spring packs or a cylindrical grid member, connecting the driver and driven hubs. Resilience damps shock loads and also provides means of keeping gear teeth in contact, compensating for small errors in gear cutting. Other types use rubber or rubberlike material that may be in the form of a spider, segmental blocks, a number of balls, or a molded disk with metal inserts, providing the connection between the driver and driven hubs. Pit and Quarry


A device for testing resilience. Standard, 2

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English resin

a. One of various hard, brittle, transparent or translucent solids formed esp. from plant secretions and obtained as exudates of recent or fossil origin, such as conifers and certain tropical trees, by condensation of fluids on loss of volatile oils. Resins are yellowish to brown with resinous luster; fusible and flammable; soluble in ether and other organic solvents, but not in water; and represent a complex mixture of terpenes, resin alcohols, and resin acids and their esters. CF:amber; fossil resin. b. A synthetic addition or condensation polymerization substance or natural substance of high molecular weight, which under heat, pressure, or chemical treatment becomes moldable.beads. Jessop

resin-anchored bolts

A passive roof-bolting technique in which a rebar-type bolt is anchored in resin. A two-part resin cartridge is placed at the back of a hole and is mixed as the bolt is inserted and rotated. The bolt is forced tight against the roof until the resin sets.


An ion exchange process applied in acid-leach slurry from which abrasive particles of sand have been removed. Abbrev., R.I.P. Pryor, 3

resin-in-pulp (RIP) process

The method in which pulp is classified to remove the sands, and the resin

adsorbs the metal directly from the slime pulp without the necessity of thickening or filtering. It is esp. adapted for ores that do not settle readily, and where thickening and filtration are difficult. Newton, 1


A maceral of coal within the exinite group, consisting of resinous compounds, often in elliptical or spindle-shaped bodies representing cell-filling matter or resin rodlets. CF:cutinite; sporinite. AGI

resinite coal

This coal consists of more than 50% of small resin bodies embedded in gelito-collinite, fusinito-collinite, or in collinite of fusinitic nature. The resin bodies differ in shape and may be angular, spheroidal, or lenticular. Varying in size, they may be visible to the unaided eye in a hand specimen of coal or only distinguishable under the microscope. Resinite coal may also contain small quantities of microspores, fine fragments of fusinized tissue, and, not infrequently, broad streaks of vitrinite. Hand specimens of resinite coal are matt or semimatt and in coals of low rank are brown or brownish-black. On fractures perpendicular to the bedding, the resin bodies appear rounded, black, and lustrous; in the bedding planes themselves they frequently appear as matt rodlets. Resinite coals frequently are high in ash. IHCP

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English resin jack



A coal constituent similar to material derived from resin. AGI


a. Resembling resin, as opal, and some yellow varieties of sphalerite. Fay b. The luster on fractured surfaces of minerals, e.g., opal, sulfur, amber, and sphalerite, and rocks, e.g., pitchstone. CF:vitreous

resinous coal

Coal in which the attritus may contain a large proportion of resinous matter. Coals of this type are found more often among the younger coals. AGI

resin rodlets

A fossil resinous secretion that may be isolated from coal. It was presumably deposited in a resin duct by a secretory epithelium. AGI

resin tin



a. When an air current flows through a mine it meets with frictional resistance from the roof, sides, and floor. The amount of this resistance depends upon the extent and nature of the

rubbing surface, the area of the airways, and the velocity of the air. b. In flotation, a property opposing movement of material or flow of energy, and involving loss of potential (voltage, temperature, pressure, and level). Fuerstenau c. The property of an electrical circuit that opposes the flow of a current and is measured in ohms.

resistance methanometer

A version of the catalytic methanometer with the addition of improved detector elements. Platinum may be used as the filament that both heats the detecting element and acts simultaneously as a resistance type thermometer. Gas is drawn through the instrument by a rubber suction bulb, and the filaments are heated from a dry battery of the mercury type contained in the apparatus. Readings of methane concentration can be taken on the built-in electrical meter. Nelson

resistance of detonator

As applied to electric blasting caps, the total resistance of the leg wires and the bridge wire. Fraenkel

resistance strain gage

See:electrical resistance strain gage

resistance to blasting

Specific value of the resistance of the rock to the explosive force, determined by trial blasting. It is a function of maximum burden, hole depth, quantity of explosive (degree of packing), and throw. Fraenkel

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English resistivity

a. Resistance, R, of a block of specified material in terms of units of length 1 and cross section a. Unit volume is 1 cm3 of the material concerned, and the resistivity measurement is made during electrical prospecting. Specific resistance = (Ra) / 1. Pryor, 3 b. The electrical resistance offered to the passage of a current. Usually expressed in ohm meters, which is the electrical resistance of a column of fluid 1 m long and 1 m2 in cross section. Brantly, 1 c. The opposite of conductivity of an electrical current passing through fluid-bearing rock formations. Wheeler, R.R. d. The electrical resistance between opposite faces of a 1-cm cube of a given substance. The unit of resistivity is ohm/centimeter. Hy e. The reciprocal of conductivity. Strock, 2

resistivity method

Any electrical exploration method in which current is introduced into the ground by two contact electrodes and potential differences are measured between two or more other electrodes. AGI

resistivity profile

a. A geophysical survey using the resistivity method. An assembly of electrodes spaced at a constant distance is moved along profiles, resulting in lateral variations in resistivity being shown. In favorable terrain, the test shows the existence of faults that have thrown strata of

different resistivity against each other; similar relationships result in the detection of an anticline, a syncline, or an underground channel. Nelson b. A survey by the resistivity method in which an array of electrodes is moved along profiles to determine lateral variations in resistivity. AGI


A device to provide resistance in an electric circuit, usually to limit the current, dissipate energy, or provide heat. Kentucky


The replacement of the original topsoil at an opencast site on completion of operations to allow the growing of crops.


a. A measure of the ability of individual components, and of remote-sensing systems, to distinguish detail or to define closely spaced targets. AGI b. The minimum size of a feature that can be detected. c. The separation of a vector into its components. AGI d. The sharpness with which the images of two closely adjacent spectrum lines, etc., may be distinguished. AGI e. In gravity or magnetic prospecting, the indication in some measured quantity, such as the vertical component of gravity, of the presence of two or more close but separate disturbing bodies. AGI

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f. In seismic prospecting, the ability to indicate separately two closely adjacent interfaces. AGI g. The ability of an optical or radiation system to separate closely related forms or entities; also, the degree to which they can be discriminated. ASM, 1

resolution limit

In gravity and magnetic prospecting, the separation of two disturbing bodies at which some obvious indication in a measured quantity of the presence of two separate bodies ceases to be visible. AGI

resolved-time method

A seismic reflection technique that involves the plotting of reflections in time and the representation of horizontal distances along the section in equivalent time units (obtained by dividing the true horizontal distance by the sub-weathering velocity as determined from first-arrival times). Once this transformation of the coordinate system is made, migration is accomplished by swinging arcs of reflection times from successive shot points and drawing lines which are tangent to the respective arcs for the same events from adjacent shot points. For the final mapping of migrated horizons in depth, the times are recorded directly beneath the shot points. These times are converted to depths by using the best available velocity information. Dobrin

resolving power

In optical viewing, the minimum distance possible between two separately distinguishable objects. Pryor, 3


a. A term denoting a variety of phenomena characterized by the abnormally large response of a system having a natural vibration period to a stimulus of the same, or nearly the same, frequency. AGI b. A buildup of amplitude in a physical system when the frequency of an applied oscillatory force is close to the natural frequency of the system. AGI

resonance screen

A high-speed vibrating screen in which the applied force has a frequency equal to the natural frequency of the suspended mass. In its basic form, the vibrating frame of the resonance screen is a mass oscillating between two compression springs, that alternately store and return this energy. Nelson

resonant frequency drilling

Drilling that utilizes longitudinal vibration corresponding to the resonant frequency of the drill string in order to "fluidize" the sediments being sampled, thereby achieving efficient penetration. Padan

resorption border

A border of secondary minerals, produced by partial resorption and recrystallization, surrounding an original


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English crystal constituent of a rock.


A concentration of naturally occurring solid, liquid, or gaseous material in or on the Earth's crust in such form and amount that economic extraction of a commodity from the concentration is currently or potentially feasible. USGS, 2

resource characterization

The determination of the shape, size, quality, quantity, and variability of the geologic entity and the limits of variable geologic features, so as to provide the information for synthesis of commonly subtle features into an accurate, predictive description of the resource environment. SME, 1

respirable-size particulate

Particulates in a size range that permits them to penetrate deep into the lungs upon inhalation. NSC, 2


a. A device (such as a gas mask) for protecting the respiratory tract (against irritating and poisonous gases, fumes, smoke, dusts) with or without equipment supplying oxygen or air. Webster 3rd b. A device for maintaining artificial respiration. Webster 3rd c. The mining-type respirator is a fitting that covers the nose and mouth to prevent the wearer inhaling excessive quantities of dust. Tunnel miners and workers at sinter plants and blast

furnaces are issued respirators for use where danger is known to exist.; mask. Nelson d. A device worn over the mouth or nose for protecting the respiratory tract from noxious gases or dust.

respirator protection factor

a. A measure of the degree of protection provided by a respirator to the wearer. FR 166 b. The ratio of the ambient concentration of an airborne substance to the concentration of the substance inside the respirator at the breathing zone of the wearer, a measure of the degree of protection provided by a respirator to the wearer. ANSI

respiratory cycle

One complete breath--an inspiration followed by an expiration, including any pause that may occur between the movements. Hunt


Referring to a degree of luster that reflects with brilliancy and gives well defined images; e.g., hematite and cassiterite.

rest magma

See:residual liquid


a. Restoring the disturbed land to the conditions which existed at the site before any disturbance occurred. SME, 1 b. The process of gaining or recovering land, bringing it into a condition

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for cultivation or other use. SME, 1 c. Response to any disturbances to the Earth and its environment caused by mining activity. SME, 1 d. Returning the disturbed site "to a form and productivity in conformity with a prior use plan." SME, 1 e. The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA) states that, among other provisions, reclamation must "restore the land affected to a condition capable of supporting the uses which it was capable of supporting prior to any mining, or higher or better uses." SME, 1

restore circulation

The action taken to fill or seal the cracks or openings through which drill fluid is escaping from the borehole into the rocks forming the walls of the borehole and by which the drill fluid is made to return to and overflow the collar of the borehole. Long

restrained cable plug and socket

a. A flameproof restrained plug and socket incorporates an interlock to ensure that the power connections are dead when they are separated or until they make contact; the design is such that the enclosure is flameproof at all times when there is contact between the pins and tubes. BS, 13 b. A plug and socket designed to be held together by an operating bolt, or screwed union ring, or other equivalent device, the use of which enables the plug to be readily inserted or withdrawn. BS, 13

restrained plug and socket

These are used when the cable is removed from a machine or apparatus frequently. The most common type is the 100-amp British Standard plug and socket, and it is employed to connect the trailing cable to a coal cutter or face conveyor. The gland of the plug is arranged to grip the sheath of the cable and to make connection with the screen and earth core. Power and pilot conductors are connected to the appropriate contact tubes, which make connection with corresponding pins in the socket portion. Mason

restricted earth fault protection

As used in mining, a system of earth fault protection in which the fault current is limited, without requiring the use of sensitive earth fault protection. BS, 13

restricted resources

That part of any resource category that is restricted from extraction by laws or regulations, but otherwise meets all the requirements of reserves. USGS, 2


The arrangement at the top and bottom of a shaft, or intermediate levels, for supporting the shaft cage while changing the tubs or cars. .


a. To mine or strip sufficient barren rock to expose a narrow but rich


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vein, which is then extracted in a clean condition. Nelson b. To open up a stope, not in the vein but in the wall rock. c. In lode mining, separate removal of undercut barren rock immediately below a lode or vein too narrow for human entry. Following this, the lode is mined and separately removed. Used when the lode is less than 30 in (76 cm) wide. Pryor, 3


a. A method of stoping wherein the wall rock on one side of the vein is removed before the ore is broken. Employed on narrow veins, less than 30 in (76 cm), and yields cleaner ore than when wall and ore are broken together. b. A method of stoping in which the ore is broken down first and then the waste or vice versa; usually the one which breaks easier is blasted first. The broken waste is left in the stope as filling, and the ore is broken down on flooring laid on the fill to prevent admixture of ore and waste. Resuing is applicable where the ore is not frozen to the walls and works best if there is considerable difference between the hardness of the ore and of the wall rocks.



retaining mesh

In sieving or screening, that mesh at which division is made between oversize (arrested on screen) and

undersize (passing through meshes). Pryor, 3

retaining ring

a. In drilling, a shoulder inside a reaming shell that prevents entry of the core lifter into the core barrel. Long b. A term sometimes incorrectly applied to a core lifter. Long

retaining screen

The screen that has retained the particles. Pit and Quarry

retaining structure

A temporary or permanent structure used for holding dredged material on a limited basis, not to be confused with a confined disposal facility.


In crystal optics, the amount by which the slow wave falls behind the fast wave during passage through an anisotropic crystal plate. Retardation depends on plate thickness and the difference in refractive indices of its two principal directions. AGI

retarding conveyor

a. A chain-type conveyor used on steeply inclined faces, where the problem is not so much to move the coal but rather to restrain its movement downhill. It consists of link chains carrying discs 6 to 8 in (15 to 20 cm) in diameter at every yard (0.9 m). The endless chain runs in an open semicircular trough, and the coal is lowered to the discharge end. The chain returns uphill, in an enclosed tube,


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to the driving unit at the top end. Its capacity is about 100 tons per hour. Nelson b. Any type of conveyor used to retard the rate of movement of bulk materials, packages, or objects, where the slope is such that the conveyed material tends to propel the conveying medium.


The capacity of a material to retain a portion of the magnetic field set up in it after the magnetizing force has been removed. ASM, 1


A tetragonal mineral, NiSO4 .6H2 O ; dimorphous with nickelhexahydrite; blue green; associated with morenosite, the septehydrate.

Retger's salt

Thallium silver nitrate that melts to a yellow liquid at 75 degrees C having a density of 4.6 g/cm3 ; can be diluted and used as a heavy liquid for mineral separation.




a. Said of a vein or lode with netlike texture; e.g., stockwork. CF:stockwork b. Said of a rock texture in which crystals are partially altered to a secondary mineral, forming a network that

encloses remnants of the original mineral. CF:mesh texture


A mineral structure of fibers or columns that cross to resemble a net; e.g., rutile.

reticulated veins

Veins that cross each other, forming a network.

reticulate texture

See:mesh texture


A set of intersecting very fine lines, wires, etc., in the optical focus of an optical instrument. It is also referred to as graticule.


An extremely attenuate pyroclastic rock consisting of glass threads which join a series of points forming a polyhedral space lattice. It is formed from pumice by the collapse of the walls of adjacent vesicles and the retraction of the liquid into threads which form the perimeters of the former polygonal faces. The threads are usually of triangular cross section, indicating chilling, before rounding could take place. Such rock has generally been known by Dana's name, thread-lace scoria.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English retiform

Netted; reticulate; said of the boundaries of some vein quartz (rare). Hess


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Bitumen contained in meteorites. The name indicates that this substance on distillation gives rise to resin, in contrast to kerogen which on distillation gives rise to oil. Tomkeieff


A massive, honey-yellow or greenish variety of serpentine with a waxy or resinous luster.


A light brown resinous substance found in brown coal in Devonshire, England. Tomkeieff


A variety of fossil resin found as rodlets secreted in canals or ducts of coal-forming plants.


A microscopical constituent of torbanite consisting of translucent orange-red discs. CF:gelosite; humosite; matrosite. Tomkeieff

retonation wave

A wave passing back through burned or burning explosion gases toward the origin, at the rate of a sound wave through gases of like temperature, from a point in the explosion wave,

usually of high pressure, to an area of lower pressure. Rice, 2


a. A vessel used for the distillation of volatile materials, as in the separation of some metals and the destructive distillation of coal. ASM, 1 b. A long semicylinder, now usually of fireclay or silica, for the manufacture of coal gas. Webster 3rd c. See:amalgam retort


a. Removing the mercury from an amalgam by volatizing it in an iron retort, conducting it away, and condensing it. Fay b. In the sulfur industry, synonymous with sublimation. Fay

retort pressman

A person who operates a hydraulic press in which fireclay retorts, used in smelting zinc ores, are made. DOT


The mechanism by which a dipper shovel bucket is pulled back out of the digging. Nichols, 1

retractable wedge

A type of deflecting wedge that can be retrieved after the deflected drill hole has been completed.




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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English retreat

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To work rooms or pillars to finish coal or ore extraction in an area that has been penetrated to its limits by advance work; workings are generally in the opposite direction of advance work and allow the area to be abandoned as finished. BCI

retreating longwall

a. First driving haulage road and airways to the boundary of a tract of coal and then mining it in a single face without pillars back toward the shaft. Fay b. See:longwall retreating

retreating system

a. A method of working a mine that is designed to allow a stope to cave soon after it is worked out, thus relieving the weight on the supports in adjacent stopes. Lewis b. A method of extracting coal or ore by driving a narrow heading to the boundary, then opening out a face and working the deposit backwards towards the shaft, drift, or main entry. Nelson c. A stoping system in which supporting pillars of ore are left while deposit is worked outward from shafts toward the boundary, the pillars being removed (robbed) as the work retreats toward the shaft; the unsupported workings are abandoned and left to cave in. Pryor, 3 d. A system of robbing pillars in which the line of pillars being robbed retreats or moves from the boundary toward the shaft or mouth of the mine. See also:longwall retreating

retrievable inner barrel

The inner barrel assembly of a wire-line core barrel, designed for removing core from a borehole without pulling the rods. Long

retrievable wedge

See:retractable wedge

retrieving ring

A catch ring on a retractable wedge that engages a lifting device on the deflection barrel or bit, enabling the drill runner to remove a deflecting wedge from a borehole after deflection has been effected. Long

retrograde metamorphism

The mineralogical adjustment of relatively high-grade metamorphic rocks to temperatures lower than those of their initial metamorphism, characteristically inducing hydration and hydrous minerals. ; diaphthoresis. CF:prograde metamorphism

retrogressive metamorphism

See:retrograde metamorphism


a. Any airway in which vapid air flows from the workings to the upcast shaft or fan. b. Any airway which carries the ventilating air from the face outby and out of the mine. BS, 8 c. Any surface turned back from the face of a principal surface. ACSG, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English d. The rate of profit in a process of production per unit of cost. Webster 3rd

return air

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a. Air traveling in a return. BS, 8 b. Air that has circulated the workings and is flowing towards the main mine fan; vitiated or foul air. Nelson c. Air returning to a heater or conditioner from the heated or conditioned space. Strock, 2

return aircourse

Portion of ventilation system of mine through which contaminated air is withdrawn and evacuated to surface. Pryor, 3

return circulation

That portion of a circulated drill fluid flowing from the face of a bit toward the collar of a borehole. CF:return water

returning charge

Charge made per unit of ore or concentrate treated by smelter in custom smelting. In addition to a basic charge that allows for process costs and agreed percentage loss in recovery, extra charges may be specified, or remitted as premiums, in adjustment of variations from the normal makeup of the parcel treated. Pryor, 3

returning fluid

The water, mud, or other circulated medium reaching the borehole collar after having been circulated past the drill bit. Long

return-line corrosion tester

A tester developed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines for detecting and controlling corrosion in steam-condensate-return lines of large heating plants. This tester determines types and rates of corrosion and can distinguish among various possible causes. It is assembled from ordinary black iron pipe nipples and couplings, the linings are easily machined, and the corroded linings can be analyzed quickly in any laboratory.

return man

In anthracite coal mining, one who resets timbers, shovels up falls of slate, rock, or dirt, and keeps in general repair the airways by which mine air returns to the surface. DOT


a. The drill fluid and entrained sludge that overflows the collar of a borehole. Long b. In seismic reflection prospecting, the signals reflected back to the surface from layer boundaries in the subsurface. c. Also used in geophysical prospecting to register passage of waves caused by detonation of dynamite. Hess

return water

Drill fluid that reaches the surface and overflows the borehole collar after it has been circulated downward through the rods and past the drill bit. Long


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An orthorhombic mineral, (Mn,Mg)2 (Ce,La,Nd)(AsO4 )(OH) (sub 4) ; speciated on the basis of predominance of cerium, lanthanum, or neodymium; in dolomite cavities in Sweden.


An impure Glauber's salt (mirabilite), found native. Standard, 2


A resinlike, reddish-brown oxygenated hydrocarbon, soluble in boiling alcohol and in ether. Found in certain coal deposits.


An impure, hydrous nickel silicate from Revda (Revdinsk), Ural Mountains, Russia. Also spelled revdinite, revdinskite, rewdinskit, rewdanskite; rewdjanskit, and refdanskite. English; Hey, 1


The process of restoring or replacing the botanical species upon an area disturbed by mineral operations. Revegetation is a customary requirement for reclamation of a mineral operation. SME, 1


a. To deflect flame or heat, as in a reverberatory furnace. Fay b. To reduce by reverberated heat; to fuse. Fay


a. The persistence of sound in an enclosed space as a result of multiple reflections after the sound source has stopped. Hunt b. The sound that persists in an enclosed space, as a result of repeated reflection or scattering, after the source of the sound has stopped. Hunt

reverberatory furnace

A furnace, with a shallow hearth, usually non-regenerative, having a roof that deflects the flame and radiates heat toward the hearth or the surface of the charge. Firing may be with coal, pulverized coal, oil, or gas. Two of the most important types are the open-hearth steel furnaces and the large reverberatories employed in copper smelting. ASM, 1; CTD; Newton, 1


A local change of approx. 180 degrees in the direction of the regional dip.

reversal of ventilation

In the case of a centrifugal fan, the reversal arrangement may consist of an emergency drift connecting the fan with the downcast shaft. The drift is normally sealed off by airtight doors. In the case of an axial-flow fan, it is only necessary to reverse the rotation of the fan. This arrangement entails a reduction in volume and pressure in the reversed airflow. Nelson


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In surveying, a sight along the reverse direction of a line; the reciprocal of a given bearing.

reverse bend

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To bend a line over a drum or a sheave, and then in the opposite direction over another sheave. Nichols, 1

reverse book fashion

The manner in which drill core is laid in a core box, starting at the upper-right-hand corner of the box and laying core from right to left in each groove. CF:snake fashion

reverse circulation

The circulation of bit-coolant and cuttings-removal liquids, drilling fluid, mud, air, or gas down the borehole outside the drill rods and upward inside the drill rods. Also called countercurrent; counterflush.

reverse-circulation core barrel

A core barrel designed so that core tends to float within the barrel when the fluid is circulated down the outside of the rods and returned to the surface inside the rods. Long

reverse classification

In jigging, stratification of particles by size with largest uppermost; in streaming, rolling effect of transporting current that arranges particles with smallest nearest feed end. Pryor, 3

reverse-current braking

A method used in the braking of alternating-current winders. This method absorbs power equal to the energy destroyed and dissipates it in the liquid controller as heat. Two phases of the stator supply are interchanged by bringing back the driver's lever to the off position and then to that for the opposite direction of drum rotation. The amount of braking depends upon the position of the lever, since the lower the resistance in the controller, and therefore in the rotor circuit, the greater the rotor current and the braking torque produced. When the direction of rotation of the stator magnetic field is reversed, the voltage between the stator and the rotor is doubled and the insulation of both must be adequate to prevent breakdown. Sinclair, 5



reversed bratticing

A method of narrow heading ventilation in coal mines by means of a brattice partition. The air is led to the face along the wide section of the heading and the contaminated air returns from the face along the narrow section. In this way, workers in the heading are placed in relatively clean air. Nelson

reversed flush boring



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A front-end loader mounted on a wheel tractor having the driving wheels in front and steering at the rear. Nichols, 1

reverse fault

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A fault on which the hanging wall appears to have moved upward relative to the footwall. The dip of the fault is usually greater than 45 degrees . There is dip separation but there may or may not be dip slip. CF:normal fault AGI

reverse feed

To move bit and drill stem backwards away from the borehole bottom while the drill stem is rotated. Long

reverse-feed gear

System of gears in drill swivel head that can be engaged to move the bit and drill stem backwards away from the bottom of the borehole while the drill stem is rotated in a clockwise direction Long

reverse gear

See:reverse-feed gear

reverse initiation

See:inverse initiation

reverse laid rope

A wire rope with alternate strands right and left lay. Hunt

reverse reaming

See:ream back

reversible auxiliary ventilation

In this system, a single duct is provided and is normally operated by a blowing fan. After blasting, airflow is reversed and the fumes and dust are exhausted. Ventilation is again reversed to blowing, when the work at the face is resumed. The usual arrangement is to use two fans, one for forcing, one for exhausting, at the mouth of the heading. This arrangement is particularly suited to underground use as it allows clean air to be drawn from, and contaminated air to be discharged to, separate points in the main airways.; two-fan auxiliary ventilation.

reversible endless-rope system

A haulage system in which a single rope is used passing around a surge wheel. A single track may be used or, if more than one train is hauled, a single track with passbys, or a three-rail system with passbys, that eliminates facing points, may be used. The system may be operated at higher speeds than normal endless systems since the trains are attached and detached from a rope at rest; it has been used for the haulage of workers at speeds up to 12 mph. Extra rope must be spliced onto the rope, and the return wheel moved forward, when the system is extended. Sinclair, 5

reversible pick

See:double-ended pick


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See:bilateral transducer

reversing clutch

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A forward-and-reversing transmission that is shifted by a pair of friction clutches. Nichols, 1

reversing doors

The system of doors or shutters on or near a surface radial-flow fan for reversing the direction of the air passing through a mine. BS, 8

reversing machine

A molding machine having a flask or flasks that may be turned over for ramming the sand. Standard, 2

reversing mill

A type of rolling mill in which the stock being mechanically worked by rolling passes backwards and forwards between the same pair of rolls, which are reversed between each pass. three-high mill. CTD

reversing shaft

A shaft whose direction of rotation can be reversed by the use of clutches or brakes. Nichols, 1

reversing thermometer

A mercury-in-glass thermometer used to measure temperatures of the sea at depth. The temperature is recorded when the thermometer is inverted; and the recording is maintained until it is once again upright. A protected

thermometer and an unprotected thermometer are usually used as a pair, attached to a Nansen bottle. AGI


a. A facing, sheathing, or retaining wall of masonry or other materials for protecting a mass or bank of earth, etc., as in fortifications and riverbanks. Standard, 2 b. A wall sloped back sharply from its base. Nichols, 1


An obsolete term for a time of profound orogeny and other crustal movements, on a continentwide or even worldwide scale, the assumption being that such revolutions produced abrupt changes in geography, climate, and environment. See:orogeny

revolving screen

A screen consisting of a cylindrical (sometimes conical) screening surface mounted on a revolving frame for sizing coarse material; it is still common in gravel-washing, coal-washing, and stone-treating plants, but is not widely used in ore dressing.. Newton, 1

revolving shovel

A digging machine that has the machinery deck and attachment on a vertical pivot, so that it can swing independently of its base. Nichols, 1

revolving washing screens

The rotary washing screen is cylindrical in shape and made of three


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English sections--a scrubber, a sand jacket, and a gravel-screening section--mounted on a steel frame. Pit and Quarry


To re-treat a product in the same or in another washer. BS, 5

rewash box

A washbox to which the product (or a portion thereof) of a previous washing operation is fed for additional treatment. BS, 5




Said of components derived from an older sedimentary formation and incorporated in a younger one.

Reynolds number

A numerical quantity used as an index to characterize the type of flow in a hydraulic structure in which resistance to motion depends on the viscosity of the liquid in conjunction with the resisting force of inertia. It is the ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces, and is equal to the product of a characteristic velocity of the system (e.g., the mean, surface, or maximum velocity) and a characteristic linear dimension, such as diameter or depth, divided by the kinematic viscosity of the liquid; all expressed in consistent units in order that the combinations will be dimensionless. The number is chiefly

applicable to closed systems of flow, such as pipes or conduits where there is free water surface, or to bodies fully immersed in the fluid so the free surface need not be considered. AGI

Rf value

In paper-strip chromatography, ratio of distance moved by component in solution under test to that of transporting solvent. Pryor, 3




A form of dowsing using a rod or twig. CF:dowsing


a. A hexagonal mineral, (Ce,La,Nd)PO4 .H2 O ; speciated on the basis of predominance of cerium, lanthanum, or neodymium; Also spelled rhabdophanite. b. The mineral group brockite, grayite, ningyoite, rhabdophane-(Ce), rhabdophane-(La), rhabdophane-(Nd), and tristramite.


a. A substance below its melting point that deforms by viscous flow during the time of applied stress at an order of magnitude at least three times that of the elastic deformation under similar conditions. b. A body of rock showing flow structure.

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rheid folding

Folding accompanied by slippage along shear planes at an angle to the bedding or older foliation.


The capacity of material to flow within the earth. AGI

Rhenania furnace

A combination of the Hasenclever and O'Hara furnaces, with four hearths, and with a combination flue under the lowest hearth and one over the upper hearth. It has mechanical rabbles. Fay

Rhenish furnace

A zinc distillation furnace that is a modified type of the Silesian furnace. Fay


A rare, silvery-white metal. Symbol, Re. Occurs in very small quantities in platinum ores and in columbite, gadolinite, and molybdenite. Used for filaments for mass spectrographs and ion gages; for thermocouples and photoflash lamps. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 3

Rheolaveur washer

A washer wherein raw coal and water is fed into the head of an inclined trough equipped with openings in the bottom for the discharge of rejects. There are three types of Rheolaveurs used in coal washing: (1) the sealed discharge type for coarse sizes, from which the reject falls against an

upward current of water and is removed by an automatic gate that controls the feed to a drowned elevator; (2) a system of two, three, or four superimposed troughs for washing fine coal below about 1/2 in (1/3 cm). The troughs are equipped with several bottom discharge devices. The separation of the heavy shale from coal and middlings takes place progressively until finally the pure shale is discharged from the lowest trough, and (3) a system for washing slurry consisting usually of two troughs one above the other and equipped with a number of Rheo boxes of the open discharge type but designed to minimize the loss of coal with the fine shale. Nelson


Study of the flowage of materials, particularly plastic flow of solids and flow of non-Newtonian liquids. AGI


The process by which a rock becomes mobile and deforms viscously as a result of at least partial fusion, commonly accomplished, if not promoted, by addition of new material by diffusion.


a. An instrument for testing blasting machines by inserting definite resistance equal to a known number of electric blasting caps of a standard-length wire, using one electric blasting cap as an indicator. b. An instrument by which a variable or an adjustable resistance may be introduced into a circuit to regulate the strength of a current, as in the

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English field coils of a motor or a generator. Standard, 2

rheostat rope

A small rope consisting of 8 strands of 7 wires each. Hunt

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a. Quartz and other material cut to imitate diamond. b. Glass backed with a thin leaf of metallic foil to simulate a diamond. c. Originally a syn. of quartz crystal. d. Cut colored glass.


An orthorhombic mineral, (Ca,Na2 ,K2 )8 Si16 O 40 .11H2 O ; fibrous; resembles zeolites; at Bultfontein Mine, Kimberley, South Africa.


See:rhodium gold


a. An element of the platinum group, Symbol: Rh. b. An isometric mineral, RhPt .

rhodium gold

Native gold alloyed with rhodium.


Chromian clinochlore, formerly called kaemmererite.


A trigonal mineral, MnCO3 ; calcite group, with Mn replaced by Fe toward siderite, Ca toward calcite, Mg, Zn, Co, and Cd; rhombohedral cleavage; in hydrothermal veins, residual manganese deposits, and pegmatites; a minor source of manganese.


A pale pink, rose, or purple to violet variety of pyrope garnet having good transparency; may be of gem quality.


A triclinic mineral, (Mn,Fe,Mg,Ca)SiO3 ; a pyroxenoid; in metasomatic manganese ore deposits; an ornamental stone, esp. in Russia.




A word employed by Wadsworth to designate smelting materials or fluxes. Fay

rhombic dodecahedron

The isometric form hh0 having twelve faces in the shape of a rhombus; e.g., garnet. CF:pyritohedron

rhombic mica



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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rhombic quartz

An old name for feldspar. Fay

rhombic system

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a. In crystallography, same as the orthorhombic system. b. A former name for the orthorhombic system.


An orthorhombic mineral, HFe(SO4 )2 .4H2 O ; forms colorless to gray rhombic plates; in Slovakia.

rhombohedral division

In assigning point groups to six crystal systems, those members of the hexagonal system that may be assigned rhombohedral crystallographic axes a r belong to the rhombohedral division of the hexagonal system. They have a unique triad, but not all point groups with a unique triad may be assigned rhombohedral axes; hence, not all trigonal point groups are rhombohedral. CF:trigonal; trigonal system.

rhombohedral iron ore


rhombohedral system

a. Same as the hexagonal system, except that the forms are referred to three axes parallel to the faces of the fundamental rhombohedron instead of to the usual four axes. Fay b. The trigonal division of the hexagonal

system, the forms being referred to the same three axes as above. Neither usage has been generally accepted. Fay


A parallelepiped with each face a rhombus. Dolomite crystallizes as rhombohedra, and members of the calcite group cleave as rhombohedra. Adj. rhombohedral.


A parallelogram that does not have any right angles, and one pair of opposite sides differ in length from the other pair of opposite sides. Jones, 2

rhomb spar



A parallelogram that does not have any right angles, but the sides are all equal in length. Jones, 2


A triclinic mineral, Ca2 (Fe,Mg,Ti)6 (Si,Al)6 O (sub 20) ; aenigmatite group; in silica-undersaturated mafic to intermediate rocks commonly as an alteration product of amphiboles; in Germany and the Czech Republic.


Scot. Bituminous shale.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rhyacolite



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The extrusive equivalent of granodiorite. The principal minerals, sodic plagioclase, sanidine, quartz, and biotite or hornblende, commonly occur as phenocrysts in a finely crystalline groundmass of alkali feldspar and quartz. Accessory minerals are apatite and magnetite, and occasionally augite. AGI


A group of extrusive igneous rocks, typically porphyritic and commonly exhibiting flow texture, with phenocrysts of quartz and alkali feldspar in a glassy to cryptocrystalline groundmass; also, any rock in that group; the extrusive equivalent of granite. Rhyolite grades into rhyodacite with decreasing alkali feldspar content and into trachyte with a decrease in quartz. The term was coined in 1860 by Baron von Richthofen (grandfather of the World War I aviator). Etymol: Greek rhyo-, from rhyax, stream of lava.

rhyolite glass



A rhyolite in which some grains or crystals are visibly larger than others. Sinkankas

rhythmic crystallization

A phenomenon, observed in igneous rocks, in which different minerals crystallize in concentric layers, giving rise to orbicular structure. AGI

rhythmic driving

In this type driving, the drilling, loading, and blasting are carried out in one shift and the mucking and transportation in the following one. This enables every worker to specialize in his or her tasks and machines, which in a highly mechanized job is a necessary condition for making the best use of expensive equipment. It also reduces or eliminates the loss of time for ventilation; in rhythmic driving it is carried out between two shifts. Langefors

rhythmic sedimentation

A regular interbanding of two or more types of sediment or sedimentary rocks due to a regular change in the conditions of sedimentation, such as alternation of wet and dry periods.


The couplet of distinct types of sedimentary rock, or the graded sequence of sediments, that form a unit bed or lamina in rhythmically bedded deposits. It implies no limit as to thickness of bed, lamina, or complexity, but the term should exclude groups of beds such as cyclothems and carries no time or seasonal connotation. CF:cyclothem; varve. AGI


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rib

a. The side of a pillar or the wall of an entry. BCI b. The solid coal on the side of a gallery or longwall face; a pillar or barrier of coal left for support. c. The solid ore of a vein; an elongated pillar left to support the hanging wall in working out a vein. d. A stringer of ore in a lode. e. The termination of a coal face. Where solid coal is left, the term fast rib, end, or side, is used; and where the coal face ends at the gob, the term used is loose rib, end, or side. TIME f. See:buttock g. A hard zone, bed, or horizon within a formation; a silicified zone in a sedimentary stratum. Long h. A ridge projecting above grade in the floor of a blasted area. Nichols, 1 i. A ridge, paralleling the long axis of a drill string member, that acts as a wear-resistant surface. Long

ribbed roll

A crusher in which the material passes between a moving set of rolls with ribs on their surfaces parallel to the axis of the rolls.


Enlarging a heading or drift.


a. One of a set of parallel bands or streaks in a mineral or rock, e.g., ribbon jasper; when the lines of contrast are on a larger scale, the term banding is used.

b. Said of a vein having alternating streaks of ore with gangue or country rock, or simply of varicolored ore minerals. CF:banded; book structure. AGI c. A color band in slate that represents original bedding and crosses the superimposed slaty cleavage. Ribbon is generally undesirable and decreases the value of the slate.

ribbon brake

A friction brake having a metal strap that encircles a wheel or drum and may be drawn tightly against it. A band brake. Standard, 2; Fay

ribbon diagram

Geologic cross section drawn in perspective and joining control points along a sinuous line. AGI

rib boss

See:pillar boss

rib dust

Dust found on the side walls of a mine. The dust from the roof is generally included with this sample. Rice, 2

rib hole

Final holes fired in blasting around sides of shaft or tunnel. Also called trimmer. Pryor, 3

rib line

A continuous line along which pillars are mined.Lewis

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rib lining

In rod or ball mill, replaceable ribs that project longitudinally from shell liners so as to act as lifters for crop load as mill rotates. Pryor, 3

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rib mesh

Expanded metal stiffened at intervals with bent steel plates. Hammond

rib pillar

A pillar whose length is large compared with its width.


The lines or ridges of cut gems that distinguish the several parts of the work, both of brilliants and roses. Hess


The side of a heading or roadway driven in the solid coal.

rib-side gate

A gate road in longwall mining with a rib of solid coal along one side. Nelson

rib-side pack

A pack formed by working 5 to 10 yd (4.6 to 9.1 m) of coal along a rib-side of a road and packing the waste. Nelson

rice coal

a. Anthracite coal of a small size; No. 2 Buckwheat coal. b. A steam size of anthracite. Jones, 1

Richards' pulsator classifier

A classifier operating in such a manner that the pulp grains fall through a sorting column against an upward pulsating current of water. It has no screen. Liddell

Richards' pulsator jig

An outcome of the pulsator classifier, in which a pulsating column of water is used in the jig.

Richards' shallow-pocket hindered-settling classifier

A series of pockets through which successively weaker streams of water are directed upward. The material that can settle does so, and is drawn off through spigots. Liddell


A triclinic mineral, PbU4 O13 .4H2 O ; strongly radioactive; black; occurs embedded among fine needles of uranophane.


a. A discredited mineral term since a number of specimens have proved to be mixtures containing, in order of abundance, argentian tetrahedrite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and perhaps stromeyerite. Am. Mineral., 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English b. A mixture of sulfide minerals containing silver, lead, zinc, and copper.


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An orthorhombic mineral, Cu7 Te5 ; pseudotetragonal; deep purple; at Vulcan and Bonanza, CO; Warren, AZ; and Salvador, Brazil.


An airway along the side of an adit or shaft. Also called ricketing.




N. of Eng. Separating ironstone from coal shale. Fay


a. A barrel-shaped, revolving perforated drum in which blank coins are washed and dried after passing through a bath of sulfuric acid. Standard, 2 b. A coarse sieve. The large pieces of ore and rock picked out by hand are called knockings. The riddlings remain on the riddle; the fell goes through. Webster 3rd; Fay c. A sieve used to separate foundry sand or other granular materials into various particle-size grades or free such a material of undesirable foreign matter. ASM, 1

ride over

Arkansas. A squeeze that extends into the workings beyond the pillar. It is said to ride over a pillar. Fay


a. A thin coal seam above a workable seam, or a seam that has no name. Nelson b. The rock lying between two lodes or beds; a mass of country rock enclosed in a lode; a horse. c. An ore deposit overlying the principal vein. Standard, 2 d. A steel or iron crossbeam which slides between the guides in sinking a shaft. It is carried up and down by, but is not attached to, the hoppit, which it guides and steadies.


a. A long, narrow elevation of the Earth's surface, generally sharp crested with steep sides, either independently or as part of a larger mountain or hill. b. A long elevation of the deep-sea floor having steeper sides and less regular topography than a rise. AGI

ridge fillet

A runner or principal channel for molten metal. Standard, 2

ridge terrace

A ridge built along a contour line of a slope to pond rainwater above it. Nichols, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Ridgeway fiter

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A horizontal, revolving, continuous vacuum filter. The surface is an annular ring consisting of separate trays with vacuum and compressed air attachments. The filtering surface is on the underside, the trays being dipped into the tank of pulp to form the cake and then lifted out of it. Liddell


Said of mine timbering when the sets are thrust out of line, or lean.

Ridley-Scholes bath

Dense-media system used to float coal away from shale, the latter falling to the bottom of a wedge-shaped pool of separating fluid and being withdrawn by a rising belt. Pryor, 3

rid-up runners

To clean up after a cast, as when the scrap, slag, and iron is removed from runners, troughs, and skimmers, and they are freshly clayed, loamed, or sanded. Fay


A monoclinic mineral, Na2 Ca(MgFe+2 )5 Si8 O 22 (OH)2 ; amphibole group with Mg/(Mg+Fe2+ ) = 0 to 0.49 and Fe3+ /(Fe3+ +Al) = 0.7 to 1.0; forms a series with magnesioriebeckite; fibrous; in soda-rich rhyolites, granites, and pegmatites; crocidolite variety is blue asbestos, tiger eye is crocidolite replaced by quartz. CF:glaucophane

Riecke's principle

The statement in thermodynamics that solution of a mineral tends to occur most readily at points where external pressure is greatest, and that crystallization occurs most readily at points where external pressure is least. It is applied to recrystallization in metamorphic rocks with attendant change in mineral shapes, such that mass is transferred from contact points to pressure shadows resulting in reduced rock porosity. It is named after the German physicist E. Riecke (1845-1915) although it was actually discovered and described by Sorby in 1863. AGI




a. A natural shallows extending across a stream bed over which the water flows swiftly and the water surface is broken into waves; a shallow rapids of comparatively little fall. AGI b. The lining of the bottom of a sluice, made of blocks or slats of wood or stones, arranged in such a manner that chinks or slots are left between them, into which heavy mineral grains fall and are held for recovery. c. The raised portions of the deck of a concentrating table, that serve to trap the heaviest particles. d. A device used to reduce the volume or weight of a sample consisting of a thin metal plate on which is mounted a series of metal strips to guide or deflect a small portion of the sample material into a separate container. CF:sample splitter


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English e. Sample reducing device such as Clark riffler or Jones riffle, which splits a batch sample of ground ore into two equal streams as it falls across an assembly of deflecting chutes. CF:Jones splitter

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riffle bars

Slats of wood nailed across the bottom of a cradle or other gold-washing machine for the purpose of detaining the gold.

riffle box

A device designed to reduce a sample of coal or ore to half its original size. The box contains about 12 chutes discharging alternately to opposite sides. The width varies according to the largest particle size. The volume reduction is rapid for dry material of suitable fineness. Nelson


See:sample splitter


a. As used by drillers, a borehole that is following or has followed a spiral or corkscrew course; also said of a drill core that has spiral grooves appearing on its outside surface. Long b. A drill hole, in rock, that has become three-cornered while drilling. c. Applied to the three-cornered section of a hole drilled by hand. Though the bit is supposed to be turned one-eighth after each blow, to insure a circular hole, the majority of hand-drilled holes are three-cornered. Stauffer

rifle bar

A cylinder with curved splines. Nichols, 1

rifle nut

A splined nut that slides back and forth on a rifle bar. Nichols, 1


a. Working coal which was left behind over the waste. Nelson b. The spiral grooving in the walls of a drill hole and/or on the surface of a drill core. Long c. A borehole following a spiraled course. Long


a. A regional-scale strike-slip fault, e.g., the San Andreas rift in California, with offset measured in hundreds of kilometers. AGI b. A trough or valley formed by faulting. c. In quarrying, a direction of parting in a massive rock, such as granite, at approx. right angles to the grain. CF:grain; hard way. AGI d. A narrow cleft, fissure, or other opening in rock (such as in limestone), made by cracking or splitting. AGI e. A planar property whereby granitic rocks split relatively easily in a direction other than the sheeting (parallel to the surface of the Earth.) AGI f. A term used in slate quarrying to describe a second direction of splitting less pronounced than slaty cleavage and usually at right angles to it.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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g. In sedimentary rocks, the horizontal plane of stratification, or the bed of the rock. Stauffer h. An obscure foliation, either vertical (or nearly so) or horizontal, along which a rock splits more readily than in any other direction. i. A crack, such as in the mid-ocean ridges. MacCracken


One who separates blocks of mica into sheets and trims sheets preparatory to processing. Also called full trimmer. DOT


The process of splitting hand-cobbed mica into sheets of usable thicknesses. Skow

rift structure

A long, narrow structural trough that is bounded by normal faults; a graben of regional extent. CF:rift valley

rift valley

a. A valley that has developed along a rift structure. b. The deep central cleft in the crest of the mid-oceanic ridge.

rift zone

a. A system of parallel crustal fractures; a rift structure. AGI b. In Hawaii, a zone of volcanic features associated with underlying dike complexes.


a. A drill machine complete with auxiliary and accessory equipment needed to drill boreholes. Long b. To assemble and set up a tripod, derrick, and/or drill machine and put it in order for use.

c. A general term denoting any machine. More specif., the front or attachment of a revolving shovel. Nichols, 1


Drill machine and equipment in place at a drill site and ready to start drilling. Long


One who, with special equipment and tackle, moves and transports heavy machinery, etc. Crispin


a. Process of setting up a drill and its auxiliary equipment preparatory to drilling. b. The cables or ropes anchoring a drill derrick, mast, or tripod. c. Sometimes used as a term for derrick, mast, or tripod complete with anchor, stay ropes, and cables. Long d. The equipment or gear such as hoists, tackle, winches, chains, or rope used by riggers in their work. e. The engineering design, layout, and fabrication of pattern equipment for producing castings; including a study of the casting solidification program, feeding and gating, risering,


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English skimmers, and fitting flasks. ASM, 1

rigging bar

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A long, extension-type jack bar or drill column for use underground, on which a drilling machine can be mounted. Long

right-angled block

In quarrying, a block of stone bounded by three pairs of parallel faces, all adjacent faces meeting at right angles.

right bank

The bank of a stream that is on the right when one looks downstream.

right-hand cutting tool

A cutter, all of whose flutes twist away in a clockwise direction when viewed from either end. ASM, 1

right-hand feed screw

A diamond-drill feed screw that rotates in a clockwise direction. Long

right-hand lay

Rope or strand construction in which wires or strand are laid in a helix having a right-hand pitch.

right lang lay

Wire or fiber rope or cable in which the individual wires or fibers forming a strand and the strands themselves are both twisted to the right. Also called right long lay. Long

right-lateral fault

A fault on which the displacement is such that the side opposite the observer appears displaced to the right. CF:left-lateral fault

right lay

Wire or fiber rope or cable in which the strands formed from a group of individual wires or fibers are twisted to the right. Long

right line

A straight line; the shortest distance between two points. Crispin

right long lay

See:right lang lay


A grant by Act of Congress, to convey water over or across the public domain, for mining purposes.

right regular lay

Wire or fiber rope or cable in which the wires or fibers in the strand are twisted to the left and the strands to the right.

right running

a. N. of Eng. Applied to a vein carrying ore in beds often unproductive. b. N. of Eng. Rake veins extending approx. east and west.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rigid arch

A continuous arch which is fully fixed throughout. Hammond

rigid coupling

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A rod-to-feed-screw sub or rod-to-drive-rod sub by means of which the drill rods are coupled directly to the feed screw or drive rod of the diamond-drill swivel head, and the chuck is discarded or eliminated. Also called screw-to-rod adapter. Long

rigid double tube

See:rigid-type double-tube core barrel

rigid ducts

See:ventilation ducts

rigid foam

Formed by mixing isocyanate and a polyether polyol containing a halogenated hydrocarbon agent. Mixing releases heat, causing the foam to expand as much as 30 times the original volume of the liquid. The foam, which becomes cellular and rigid within minutes, is heat resistant and essentially impervious to air and water, and has substantial binding strength. Its characteristics suggest possible uses in mining for insulation, stoppings to control ventilation, and seals to control water and to consolidate broken ground. Encyclopaedia Britannica

rigid frame

A framed structure having columns and beams rigidly connected; there are

no hinged joints in this type of structure. Hammond

rigid hammer crusher

A machine in which size reduction is effected by elements rigidly fixed to a rotating horizontal shaft mounted in a surrounding casing. BS, 5


The property of a material to resist applied stress that would tend to distort it. A fluid has zero rigidity. AGI

rigidity modulus

See:modulus of rigidity

rigid pavement

A road, taxitrack, or hardstanding constructed of concrete slabs. Hammond

rigid solution

Solubility of solution of elements in a natural glass as compared with a solid solution that implies crystallinity.

rigid-type double-tube core barrel

A double-tube core barrel in which both the outer and inner tubes are rigidly connected to a single headpiece. Long

rigid urethane foam

See:rigid foam


See:setting up


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rig up


rig-up time

The time required to set up and make a drill rig ready for use at the site where a borehole is to be drilled. Also called setup time; rigging time; mobilizing a rig. Long


To mine ore in such as way that it runs down a slope to a chute or loading level. Ore is said to be rilled to a chute when it is rolled down a slope left in mining. Hess

rill stope

Overhand stope so shaped that miners can stand on the ore they have severed, and work horizontally along the side walls of unbroken ore that confine the excavation. The stope is carried as an inverted stepped pyramid, its apex ending in a winze that leads to the tramming level, down to which ore gravitates or is moved. Pryor, 3


a. The border, edge, or face of a cliff, as at the Grand Canyon of Arizona. AGI b. The outermost portion of a zoned crystal, e.g., a reaction rim. AGI

rim flying

A reconnaissance method in which a plane follows an outcrop along steep

canyon walls, keeping where possible within 50 ft (15 m) of the face of the cliff. This type of prospecting has been successful in discovering new deposits in the Colorado Plateau region. Dobrin

rimmed steel

A low-carbon steel containing sufficient iron oxide to give a continuous evolution of carbon monoxide while the ingot is solidifying, resulting in a case or rim of metal virtually free of voids. Sheet and strip products made from the ingot have very good surface quality. ASM, 1


a. The outcrop of a horizontal layer of resistant rock, such as sandstone, at the edge of a plateau, butte, or mesa; the cliff or ledge so formed. b. The bedrock rising to form the boundary of a placer deposit.


Prospecting for carnotite on the Colorado Plateau, where the favorable beds, more or less flat-lying, crop out in cliffs or rims.

rim texture

A texture in ores where the metasome forms a narrow rim around grains of the host mineral.

rim walking

Prospecting a canyon rim with a Geiger counter. Ballard

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rincon

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a. A term used in the Southwestern United States for a recess or hollow in a cliff or a reentrant in the borders of a mesa or plateau. Also called a cove. b. A term used in the Southwestern United States for a small, secluded valley. c. A bend in a stream.--Etymol: Spanish rincon, inside corner, nook.


a. A complete circle of tubbing plates around a circular shaft. b. Troughs placed in shafts to catch the falling water, and so arranged as to convey it to a certain point. c. d. S. Staff. A circular piece of wrought iron, about 8 in (20 cm) deep, placed on the top of a skip of coal to increase its capacity.

ring arch

One composed of a series of straight, unbonded rows, one brick wide.

ring coal

a. An old name for bituminous coal. Tomkeieff b. Bituminous coal as opposed to stone coal or anthracite. Arkell

ring complex

An association of ring dikes and cone sheets. AGI

ring crusher

a. A type of hammermill with a high-speed horizontal shaft upon which a series of steel rings are swung. ACSG, 2 b. Impact mill, beater mill, or hammermill, in which the beaters are loosely swinging rings. Pryor, 3 c. See also:hammermill


Holes in a ring around one central hole used to carry a cavity forward, usually six. Pryor, 3

ring dike

A subcircular to circular dike with steep dip. Ring dikes may be many kilometers long, and hundreds or thousands of meters thick. Their radius is generally from 1 to 20 km. Although some ring dikes may form a nearly complete circle, more commonly they encompass 1/4 to 3/4 of a circle or ellipse. They are commonly associated with alkalic igneous complexes and carbonatites, so are probably related to deep shock effects or to cauldron subsidence. Ring dikes are commonly associated with cone sheets to form a ring complex.

ringed out

A diamond bit in the face of which has been gouged a circular groove deeper than, and at least as wide as, the diameter of one row of the inset diamonds. Long


A crowbar. Fay


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English ring fault

A steep ring-shaped fault, complete or incomplete. It is associated with cauldron subsidence.

ring-fracture intrusion

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See:ring dike

ring holes

The group of boreholes radially drilled from a common-center setup. Long

ring-induction method

An inductive method in which the primary coil and the measuring coil are concentric. Schieferdecker


The audible or ultrasonic tone produced in a mechanical part by shock, and having the natural frequency or frequencies of the part. The quality, amplitude, or decay rate of the tone may sometimes be used to indicate quality or soundness. ASM, 1

ring main

Closed loop of piping, including provision for entry of material, circulation boost and controlled withdrawal points; used for circulating solids such as pulverized fuel, or fluids such as lime slurry, continuously without settlement or chokeup. Pryor, 3

ring ore

Fragments of gangue covered with deposits of other minerals.

ring pit

A circular pit in which a large wheel is revolved for tempering clay. Fay

ring-roll crusher

A type of crusher in which high-speed rolls act on the inside circumference of a vertical cylinder to powder raw material like clay. Enam. Dict.

ring-roll grizzly

A sturdily built grizzly for handling large pieces of ore. This type transports its material across a series of grooved rollers moved mechanically, or alternatively by the sliding ore. Undersize falls through the grooves. Pryor, 3

ring-roll press

A press consisting of rolls of unequal diameter, revolving one within the other and in the same direction. BS, 5

Ringrose methane recorder

A recorder that gives a continuous record in the range of 0% to 3%. Roberts, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Ringrose pocket methanometer

A small instrument that is capable of estimating methane in the range of 0% to 2% . Roberts, 1

ring-shaped occurrences

In some areas altered rock has been found as a halo over an orebody and thus serves as a geologic target for guiding prospecting operations. The ratio between the size of the ring and the orebody must not be too large for practical purposes. Such target rings are not always obvious and will only be recognized after much painstaking work and study. Also called bulls-eye alteration patterns. Lewis

ring stone

a. A voussoir showing on the face of the wall. Webster 3rd b. Eng. Large oolitic grains in very hard crystalline matrix, above the slates at Collyweston, U.K. CF:sun bed

ring stress

The zone of stress, higher than that pre-existing in the rock, which surrounds all development excavations is called the ring stress. Spalding

ring-stress bursts

In stoping, the ring stresses around a level, rise, or winze are so increased by the influence of an approaching stope face that at some point on the periphery the rock fails. The stress ring is broken, and the rock of sides, back, and bottom released thereby expands suddenly and violently

into the excavation, causing a rock burst. This rock burst is identical in type with those occurring in development. It is usually extremely local in effect, though a heavy earth tremor is caused. Spalding

ring tension

Tension that develops in the wall of a circular tank containing liquid or solid material. Hammond

ring-type reaming shell

In drilling, a reaming shell, the inset reaming diamonds of which are set into a cast- or powder-metal band encircling the outside surface of the shell. Long

ring-type wedge

A drill-hole deflecting wedge having a short metal sleeve attached to the uppermost end. The outside diameter of the sleeve is the same as that of the lower, full-circle part of the wedge. Long

ring wall

The inner firebrick wall of a blast furnace. Standard, 2


A monoclinic mineral, (Na,Ca,Ce)3 Ti(Si2 O7 )2 OF3 ; weakly radioactive; forms prismatic crystals in veins containing silicates of cerium metals, yttrium, and niobium; near Barkevik, Norway, in sodalite syenite in the Julianehaab district, Greenland, and in large crystals on the

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Kola Peninsula, Russia. Also spelled rinkolite.

Rinman scale

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A Swedish standard scale for the estimation of slag inclusions in iron and steel. This scale consists of a series of micrographs, designed to show different typical fields of view, and arranged in groups according to the form and distribution of the inclusions and numbered according to their quantity. Osborne


A trigonal mineral, K3 NaFeCl6 ; colorless to varicolored; becomes brown on exposure to air and has an astringent taste.


In the ion-exchange (IX) cycle, applied to pregnant leach liquors, the displacement wash used after the absorption cycle, which moves pregnant liquor still in the column onto the next absorption column in the series. Term also applied to water rinse used after elution cycle, and before acid rinse. Pryor, 3

rinsing water

a. Water used to remove fine particles from larger sizes, usually located over vibrating screens. BS, 5 b.

Rio Tinto process

Heap leaching of cupriferous sulfides after their slow oxidation to

sulfates on prolonged atmospheric weathering. Pryor, 3


a. To bring down rock in a roadway to increase headroom. Fraenkel b. See:brush


a. Pertaining to or situated on the bank of a body of water, esp. of a watercourse such as a river; e.g., riparian land situated along or abutting upon a stream bank, or a riparian owner who lives or has property on a riverbank. AGI b. Pertaining to shrubs and trees with root systems that seek deep ground water, as mesquite and greasewood. AGI

riparian rights

The rights of a person owning land containing or bordering on a watercourse or other body of water in or to its banks, bed, or waters. Under common law, a person owning land bordering a nonnavigable stream owns the bed of the stream and may make reasonable use of its waters.

rip current

A strong surface current of short duration flowing seaward from the shore. It usually appears as a visible band of agitated water and is the return movement of water piled up on the shore by incoming waves and wind.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rippability

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A measure of the ease or difficulty with which a rock or earth material can be broken by tractor-drawn rippers or rigid steel tines into pieces that can be economically moved by other equipment, usually scrapers.


a. Coal miner who breaks down the roof of a gate road to increase headroom or breaks down the roof at the ripping lip, or where the roof has sagged on a roadway due to subsidence. The miner is often paid on yardage of ripping performed. Also known as brusher; stoneman; repairer. b. A tool for removing slates, or edging them. Standard, 2 c. An accessory that is either mounted or towed at the rear of a tractor and generally used in place of blasting as a means of loosening compacted soils and soft rocks for scraper loading. The ripper has long, angled teeth that are forced into the ground surface, ripping the earth loose to a depth of 2 ft (0.6 m) or more. Carson, 1 d. See:rooter


a. A machine for cutting stone into slabs by passing it on a bed under a gang of saws. Standard, 2 b. The act of breaking, with a tractor-drawn ripper or long-angled steel tooth, compacted soils or rock into pieces small enough to be economically excavated or moved by other equipment such as a scraper or bulldozer. c. The breaking down of the roof in mine roadways to increase the headroom

for haulage, traffic, and ventilation.; second ripping. Nelson

ripping bed

A machine for cutting stone into slabs by passing it on a bed under a gang of saws. Standard, 2

ripping blasting

Where coal seams are worked by the longwall method it is necessary to maintain roadways leading to the face. These roadways should be of sufficient height to permit the easy passage of workers and materials, and this invariably means that some of the stone above the coal must be removed. This operation is known as ripping, and, unless the roof strata are very soft, blasting will be required. The main considerations in ripping blasting are to keep the sides of the roadway square, and to obtain good fragmentation of the stone so that it can be removed easily. McAdam, 2

ripping face support

A timber, or timber and steel structure, to provide support at the ripping lip. There are various types: one consists of bent corrugated steel bars behind which wooden planks are wedged; another consists of adjustable stretchers that are fitted across the roadway. Nelson

ripping lip

a. The edge of the rippings at the face of a roadway. When enlarging a roadway, the ripping lip is the end of the


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English enlarged section and where work is proceeding. b. The edge of the nether roof at a gate end at the point up to which the ripping has been taken. TIME

ripping scaffold

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A staging or platform erected over the moving conveyor at a ripping lip of a gate road, on which the miners can stand and work. This implies that the coalface and conveyor loading point are some distance ahead. Nelson

rip plates

A means of repairing damaged belting. It consists of two short plates, with teeth on one side to grip the belting, which are fastened on both sides of the belting across the rip or worn place. Short bolts and nuts serve to compress and hold the plates tightly against the belting. Jones, 1


A groove or bar across sluices for washing gold.

ripple board

An inclined trough having grooves or strips across its bottom to catch fine gold.

ripple index

The ratio of wavelength to amplitude of a ripple mark. It usually ranges from 6 to 22 for ripples produced by water currents or waves and from 20 to 50 for ripples produced by wind.

ripple mark

a. An undulatory surface or surface sculpture consisting of alternating subparallel small-scale ridges and hollows formed at the interface between a fluid and incoherent sedimentary material (esp. loose sand). It is produced on land by wind action and subaqueously by currents or by the agitation of water in wave action, and generally trends at right angles or obliquely to the direction of flow of the moving fluid. It is no longer regarded as evidence solely of shallow water. AGI b. One of the small and fairly regular ridges, of various shapes and cross sections, produced on a ripple-marked surface; esp. a ripple preserved in consolidated rock and useful in determining the environment of deposition. The term was formerly restricted to symmetrical ripple mark, but now includes asymmetrical ripple mark. The singular form may be used to denote general ripple structure (as well as a specific ripple), and the plural form to describe a particular example.

ripple-mark index

See:ripple index

ripple voltage

The alternating component of a substantially unidirectional voltage. Coal Age, 1


a. A layer of large, durable fragments of broken rock, specially selected and graded, thrown together irregularly


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(as offshore or on a soft bottom) or fitted together (as on the upstream face of a dam). Its purpose is to prevent erosion by waves or currents and thereby preserve the shape of a surface, slope, or underlying structure. It is used for irrigation channels, river-improvement works, spillways at dams, and sea walls for shore protection. AGI b. The stone used for riprap. AGI

rip tide

See:rip current


a. A vertical or inclined shaft from a lower to an upper level in a mine. Eng. Min. J., 1 b. To dig upward, as from one level to the next one above; opposite of sink. Standard, 2 c. Upward inclination of a coal stratum. Standard, 2 d. An ascending gallery at the end of a level. Gordon

rise and fall

A system of reduction of levels by working out the rise or fall of staff readings from each level point to the one following it.

rise heading

A heading driven to the rise in a long-way workings.


a. A shaft excavated from below upward. rise.

Fay b. See:column pipe; rising main.


a. An excavation carried from below upward; a rise or riser. Standard, 2 b. Eng. The horizontal division of the stratum, from which the blocks of stone are lifted; e.g., in the Portland quarries. Arkell

rising column

See:rising main

rising current

The direction in which a drill circulation fluid is flowing after it has passed the bit and continues toward the collar of a borehole. Long

rising-head test

A soil permeability test in which the level of water in a borehole is reduced and then the rate at which the water recovers is observed. Mining

rising main

a. The length of steel piping that conveys the water from a pump to the surface or to a higher pump in the shaft. The term rising main is obsolete; delivery column preferred. Nelson

rising shaft

Excavating a shaft upwards from mine workings; staple shaft. Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rittingerite


Rittinger's law

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The energy required for reduction in particle size of a solid is directly proportional to the increase in surface area. CF:Kick's law CCD, 2

Rittinger table

A side-bump table with plane surface, actuated by a cam, spring, and bumping post. Liddell


A pick with one or two points, formed of flat iron, used to undercut coal by scraping instead of striking. Fay

river bar

A ridge or mound of boulders, gravel, sand, and mud found along or in a stream channel at places where decrease in velocity causes deposition of sediment.

river-bar placer

a. Gravel flats and terraces laid down by rivers when flowing at higher levels than at present. The deposits are sometimes gold or tin-bearing. b. A term used in Alaska for placers on gravel flats in or adjacent to the beds of large streams.

river claim

A claim that includes the bed of a river.

river drift

The gravel deposits accumulated by a river in its torrential stages.

river flat

See:alluvial flat

river mining

Mining or excavating beds of existing rivers after deflecting their course, or by dredging without changing the flow of water.

river pebble

Applied in Florida to a certain class of phosphatic pebbles, or concretions, found in rivers as distinguished from land pebble phosphate.

river plain

See:alluvial plain

river quartz

Rounded, waterworn masses of quartz found in stream gravels.

river right

See:creek right

river run gravel

Natural gravel as found in deposits that have been subjected to the action of running water.

river sand

Sand generally composed of rounded particles, and may or may not contain


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English clay or other impurities. It is obtained from the banks and beds of rivers. Zern

rives in

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Eng. To crack open or produce fissures.


A round bar of mild steel having a conical, cup- or pan-shaped head, which is driven while red hot into a hole through two plates of steel that have to be joined together. Aluminum, copper, and other materials are also used for rivets.


A worker who forms the head of a rivet, generally with a pneumatic rivet hammer. Hammond

rivet forge

A portable forge, used by boilermakers and ironworkers, for heating rivets near the work for which they are required. Crispin

rivet heater

A laborer responsible for heating rivets in a portable forge and throwing them with tongs to the rivet catcher. Hammond

rivet snap

A punch having a recess in its head shaped to the form of the rivet.

rivet test

A test on the steel used for rivets, in which a bar is bent through 180 degrees ; if any cracks are formed, the steel is rejected. Hammond

rivet tester

A trained worker who can detect sound or loose rivets by testing them with a hammer. Hammond

riving seams

Open fissures between beds of rock in a quarry.

R.K. process

A method for converting pig iron into a product with a low carbon content, which is suitable as a substitute for steel scrap for remelting in steel furnaces. Osborne


a. A roadway in a mine, e.g., gate road, traveling road, dummy road. Nelson b. Any mine passage or tunnel. Mason c. Rail track. Mason


a. The material fundamental part of a road; primarily, the foundation of gravel, road metal, etc., constituting the bed, but by extension, esp. in railway use, the superstructure also. Standard, 2 b. The foundation carrying the sleepers, rails, chairs, points, and crossings, etc., of a railway track. CTD


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English road cleaner

See:track cleaner

road dust

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Dust found on the floor of a mine entry. Rice, 2


The face of a roadway, usually in longwall conveyor mining. The records indicate that the roadhead is the most dangerous place in a coal mine based on accidents from falls of ground. Nelson

road-making plant

Various types of specialized plant used solely for road construction, including such machines as planers, scarifiers, rollers, pavers, finishers, gritters, and mixers. Hammond


a. A person employed on the laying and maintenance of rail tracks underground. Also known as a trackman. Nelson b. A person whose duty it is to keep the roads of a mine in order. Fay c. In bituminous coal mining, a general term for miners working along haulageways or airways (roads). Usually designated according to job, as repairman; wasteman. DOT

road metal

Crushed stone for surfacing macadamized roads, and for the base course of asphalt and concrete roadways; also used

without asphaltic binder as the traffic-bearing surface, generally on secondary roads. AGI

road-mix method

A method of preparing aggregates for bituminous surfaces in which the aggregates and bitumen are combined on the surface of the road, using the penetration or mixed-in-place method. Pit and Quarry

road roller

Power-driven roller of any weight from one-half to 12 tons. Hammond

roadside pack

A pack built alongside a roadway. Nelson


Low-priced model of a scraper or a truck. Nichols, 1


An underground drivage. It may be a heading, gate, stall, crosscut, level, or tunnel and driven in coal, ore, rock or in the waste area. It may form part of longwall or bord-and-pillar workings or an exploration heading. A roadway is not steeply inclined. Nelson

roadway cable

An electric cable designed for use in mine roadways. It may be either rubber insulated, sheathed, and armored or paper insulated. Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English roadway consolidation

To bind the floor dust together with water and calcium chloride flakes, or other chemical, to form a firm plastic carpet.

roadway support

A timber, steel, concrete, or other erection in a roadway to (1) ensure safety by preventing falls of ground, and (2) maintain the maximum possible roadway size by resisting the tendency of the roadway to contract and distort.


To heat to a point somewhat short of fusing, with access of air, as to expel volatile matter or effect oxidation. Fay


A reverberatory furnace or a muffle used in roasting ore. Standard, 2

roaster slag

Slag resulting from the calcination of white metal in the process of copper smelting. Standard, 2


a. Heating an ore to effect some chemical change that will facilitate smelting. ASM, 1 b. The operation of heating sulfide ores in air to convert to oxide or sulfate. CTD c. Calcination, usually with oxidation.

Good, dead, or sweet roasting is complete roasting; i.e., it is carried on until sulfurous and arsenious fumes cease to be given off. Kernel roasting is a process of treating poor sulfide copper ores, by roasting in lumps, whereby copper and nickel are concentrated in the interior of the lumps. Fay d. The heating of solids, frequently to promote a reaction with a gaseous constituent in the furnace atmosphere. ARI

roasting and reaction process

The treatment of metal ore in a reverberatory, by first partly roasting at a low temperature and then partly fusing the charge at a higher temperature, which causes a reaction between the lead oxide formed by roasting and the remaining sulfide, producing sulfurous acid and metallic lead.

roasting and reduction process

The treatment of lead ores by roasting to form lead oxide, and subsequent reducing fusion in a shaft furnace. Fay

roasting cylinder

A furnace with a rotating cylinder for roasting, amalgamating, or smelting ore.

roasting furnace

A furnace in which finely ground ores and concentrates are roasted to eliminate sulfur or other elements or compounds; heat is provided by the burning sulfur. The essential feature is free access of air to the charge,

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English by having a shallow bed that is continually rabbled. Many types have been devised; multiple hearth is the most widely used. CTD

roast sintering

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See:blast roasting

roast stall

A form of roasting furnace, built in compartments or stalls open in front, with flues running up the wall at the back for the purpose of creating a draft.


a. In anthracite and bituminous coal mining, one who breaks down and rips out with a pick, pillars of coal left to support the roof in rooms when the usual mining was being done. Also called pillar robber. DOT b. An extra cathode or cathode extension that reduces the current density on what would otherwise be a high current-density area on the work. ASM, 1


a. Removing timber from a mined-out stope to use it again elsewhere. Stoces b. Extraction of the pillars of ore left to support workings during original stoping. Pryor, 3 c. Scot. Reducing the size of pillars; taking as much as possible off pillars, leaving only what is deemed sufficient to support the roof.

robbing an entry

See:drawing an entry

robbing pillars

The mining of coal pillars left to support the roof during development mining, often resulting in cave-ins.

Robiette process

A heat treatment process carried out in a substantially closed furnace, in which a fluid fuel is burnt to partial combustion with a gas containing 70% or more of oxygen to produce a nonoxidizing atmosphere. The treatment is effected continuously in the furnace through which the heating gas and metal are passed in opposed directions. The fuel and gas are partially burnt at the exit end of the furnace, and passed to the cooler entry end of the furnace, and burnt to substantially complete combustion so as to preheat metal entering the furnace. Osborne

Robins-Messiter system

A stacking conveyor system in which material arrives on a conveyor belt and is fed to one or two wing conveyors. This part of the system moves so as to form a long ridge; reclaimed by raking gear that works across the ridge, moving slowly forward and shifting material loosened and blended by the rake action by means of a spiral that pushes it to a reclaiming conveyor at the side of the ridge. Used to stockpile ore, concentrates, and coal. Pryor, 3

Robinson and Rodger system


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A method of obtaining sound steel by fluid compression of the ingot in the mold. The molds are divided in the center, a removable packing piece being placed between the halves of the mold. The packing piece is removed when the metal has set, and the mold is placed horizontally in the press, pressure being applied to the ingot at both ends. Osborne


A triclinic mineral, Pb4 Sb6 O13 .

robot loader

A pneumatic loader for inserting cartridges into drill holes.

Robson and Crowder process

An early oil flotation process. The oil was added to several times its weight of ore and mixed in a slowly revolving drum or tube. The process at one time had quite a large application. The process used but little water (25% to 30%) and no acid. Fay


Smokeless and flameless safety explosive consisting of ammonium nitrate and dinitrobenzene or dinitrochloro benzene; used in mines. Bennett


a. Sp. Rock or stone, whether in the ordinary or geological sense. b. Sp. Rock standing out from the general surface. c. Sp. A vein or bed of hard rock and stone.


Fr. Rock, boulder.


a. An aggregate of one or more minerals, e.g., granite, shale, marble; or a body of undifferentiated mineral matter, e.g., obsidian, or of solid organic material, e.g., coal. AGI b. Any prominent peak, cliff, or promontory, usually bare, when considered as a mass, e.g., the Rock of Gibraltar. AGI c. A rocky mass lying at or near the surface of a body of water, or along a jagged coastline, esp. where dangerous to shipping. AGI d. A slang term for a gem or diamond. AGI e. Strictly, any naturally formed aggregate or mass of mineral matter, whether or not coherent, constituting an essential and appreciable part of the Earth's crust. Ordinarily, any consolidated or coherent and relatively hard, naturally formed mass of mineral matter; stone. In instances, a single mineral forms a rock, as calcite, serpentine, kaolin, and a few others but the vast majority of rocks consist of two or more minerals. f. A local term used in New York and Pennsylvania for the more massive beds of bluestone that are not jointed and are, therefore, well-suited for structural purposes. g. In the geological sense, any natural deposit or portion of the Earth's crust whatever be its hardness or softness, but used by miners to denote sandstone. TIME h. In geology, the material that forms the essential part of the Earth's solid crust, and includes loose incoherent


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English masses, such as a bed of sand, gravel, clay, or volcanic ash, as well as the very firm, hard and solid masses of granite, sandstone, limestone, etc. Most rocks are aggregates of one or more minerals, but some are composed entirely of glassy matter, or of mixtures of glass and minerals. Hunt i. In the Lake Superior region, crude copper ore as it comes from the mines. The concentrate obtained is called mineral, and contains about 65% metallic copper.

rock asphalt

See:asphalt rock

rock association

a. A group of igneous rocks within a petrographic province that are related chemically and petrographically, generally in a systematic manner such that chemical data for the rocks plot as smooth curves on variation diagrams. AGI b. The association of mineral deposits with certain rock types. If mineral-producing localities are considered individually, valuable generalizations often can be made, and lithotectonic-plate tectonic classifications of ore deposits and exploration strategies derived from them.

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rock base


rock bit

a. Any one of many different types of roller or drill bits used on

rotary-type drills for drilling large-size holes in soft-to-medium-hard rocks; also sometimes applied to drag-type bits. roller bit. Long b. In mining, a detachable-type chisel or cruciform bit used on percussive drills to drill small-diameter holes in rock. Long c. See:drill bit

rock body

A dump body with oak planking set inside a double steel floor. Nichols, 1

rock bolt

A bar, usually constructed of steel, that is inserted into pre-drilled holes in rock and secured for the purpose of ground control. Rock bolts are classified according to the means by which they are secured or anchored in rock. In current usage there are mainly four types: expansion, wedge, grouted, and explosive.

rock bolting

a. See:roof bolting b. The process of rock bolting consists of (1) anchoring the bolt in a hole; (2) applying tension to the bolt to place the rock under compression parallel to the bolt; and (3) placing the bolts in such a pattern that they will properly support the rock structure. Rock may be supported by bolts in five ways: (1) suspension; (2) beam building; (3) reinforcement of arched opening requiring support; (4) reinforcement of an opening otherwise self-supporting; and (5)


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English reinforcement of walls against shear and compressive action.


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An orthorhombic mineral, (Fe,Mn)Fe4 (PO4 )3 (OH) (sub 5) ; forms a series with frondelite; dark green; named for Rockbridge County, VA.

rock bump

The sudden release of the weight of the rocks over a coal seam or of enormous lateral stresses due to structural or tectonic folds and thrusts and sometimes both. A rock bump may take the form of a pressure bump or a shock bump. Nelson

rock burst

A sudden and often violent breaking of a mass of rock from the walls of a tunnel, mine, or deep quarry, caused by failure of highly stressed rock and the rapid or instantaneous release of accumulated strain energy. It may result in closure of a mine opening, or projection of broken rock into it, accompanied by ground tremors, rockfalls, and air concussions. AGI

rock butter

A soft yellowish mixture of alum with aluminum and iron oxides; a decomposition product of aluminous rocks. See:stone butter Standard, 2

rock car runner

See:car runner

rock channeler

A machine used in quarrying for cutting an artificial seam in a mass of stone. It is made in several forms, the principal types being the bar channeler (in which the cutters are mounted on a carriage that works along a heavy bar or bars) and the track channeler. Standard, 2

rock chute

See:chute; rock hole. Also called slate chute.

rock-chute mining

See:bord-and-pillar method

rock cleavage

The property or tendency of a rock to split along closely spaced planar structures, produced by deformation or metamorphism.

rock cone bit

See:roller bit

rock contractor

In anthracite coal mining, one who contracts to mine rock, as distinguished from coal, at a certain price per ton or footage of advance. DOT

rock cork

A light-colored variety of asbestos.rock leather. Standard, 2; Fay


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rock cover

Thickness of consolidated rock above the roof of an opening (equivalent to cover, minus depth of weathering or of other soil). CF:cover

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rock crusher

A machine for reducing rock or ore to smaller sizes. Three principal types are the jaw crusher, the gyratory, and the hammer crusher.

rock crystal

a. Transparent quartz. ASTM b. Highly polished brown glassware, hand-cut or engraved. ASTM

rock cut

A way, esp. for a railroad, cut through a rock or rocky formation. Mathews

rock cuttings

See:cuttings; sludge.

rock cycle

A sequence of events involving the formation, alteration, destruction, and reformation of rocks as a result of such processes as magmatism, erosion, transportation, deposition, lithification, and metamorphism. A possible sequence involves the crystallization of magma to form igneous rocks that are then broken down to sediment as a result of weathering, the sediments later being lithified to form sedimentary rocks, which in turn are altered to metamorphic rocks. AGI

rock dredge

a. A dredge that excavates rock for the purpose of deepening harbors and waterways; also, a device for sampling underwater outcrops and boulders. b. A general term for a seabed sampling device consisting of a heavy bucket frame that is pulled across the seabed on a cable controlled by a winch operator on deck.

rock drift

A horizontal mine passage cut in rock, esp. along a vein on a principal level of a mine. See:crosscut; stope.

rock drill

a. A machine for boring relatively short holes in rock for blasting purposes. It may be a sinker, jackhammer, drifter, or stoper. rotary drill. Nelson b. A roller bit. Long c. A conical bit for drilling hard rock. AGI

rock-drill bit

See:rock bit

rock driller

a. In bituminous coal mining, one who works in rock or slate as distinguished from coal. Also called rock shooter; slate driller. DOT b. See:rock splitter

rock drivage

A hard heading or stone drift. Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rock dust

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a. The general name for any kind of inert dust used in rendering coal dust inert or in filling rock-dust barriers. Equivalent to the British stone dust. Rice, 2 b. The dust produced in mines by blasting, drilling, shoveling, and handling rock. Rock dust in suspension varies in particle size and composition. The most dangerous dusts are silica, sericite, and asbestos; but all fine dusts are health hazards when inhaled. The smaller sizes, 10 microns and less, are more dangerous than the larger sizes. Wet drills, sprays, water infusion, and ample ventilation are employed to reduce the dust menace. stone dust; stone-dust barrier. Nelson

rock-dust barrier

a. A device that releases a large quantity of inert dust in the air in the path of an explosion, extinguishing the flame. Rice, 2 b. A series of troughs or shelves laden with rock dust and so arranged that the air waves from an explosion will trip them and fill the air with rock dust and thus quench the flame of exploding coal dust.

rock duster

a. A machine that distributes rock dust over the interior surfaces of a coal mine by means of air from a blower or pipeline or by means of a mechanical contrivance, to prevent coal dust explosions. Also called rock-dust machine. b. See:rock-dust man

rock dusting

a. The dusting of underground areas with powdered limestone to dilute the coal dust in the mine atmosphere and on the mine surfaces, thereby reducing explosion hazards. b. A very widespread control measure used in coal mines to combat explosive dusts. By machine, inert (combustible) dust is sprayed, dry or wet, on the roof, floor, and ribs in all working places and haulageways, to reduce the explosibility of settled coal dust. The Mine Safety and Health Administration requires rock dusting to within 40 ft (12 m) of the face. The incombustible content of settled dust samples after rock dusting must constitute 65% or more by weight, with an increase of 1% for each 0.1% methane present. A dust as nearly inert, physiologically, as possible, should be employed in rock dusting; limestone (calcium carbonate) is most widely used. Hartman, 2

rock-dusting machine

A machine consisting essentially of a flexible hose fed by a powerful blower. It is used in forcing rock dust, usually powdered limestone, onto the floor, walls or ribs, and rooms and entries of a mine, thereby making the coal dust nonexplosive.

rock-dust man

In bituminous coal mining, a laborer who sprinkles rock dust by hand or with a machine throughout mine workings as a precaution against explosions. DOT


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rock-dust testing kit

This kit is designed to prevent coal-dust explosions. It helps to determine the explosion hazard prior to rock dusting, the fineness of the rock dust as it comes from the pulverizer, and the percentage of combustible matter present in rock and coal dust mixtures after rock dusting. Best, 1

rock-dust zone

A section of a mine entry, the ribs, roof, and floor of which have been coated with rock dust. Rice, 2


a. A small digging bucket mounted on two rocker arms in which auriferous alluvial sands are agitated by oscillation, in water, to collect gold. A shortened term for rocker shovel; rocker arm shovel. b. Used for testing placer deposits and for working pockets and small placer deposits. The gold-bearing gravel is placed on the screen; gold and fine sand are washed through the screen, and remaining stones are cleaned out. A chute directs the material to the upper end of the bottom, which may be covered with small transverse riffles or canvas. Waste material passes over a tailpiece at the end of the rocker. Rockers range in length from 6 to 12 ft (2 to 4 m), and in bottom width from 14 to 20 in (35 to 50 cm), with holes in the screens from 1/4 to 1/2 in (0.6 to 1.2 cm) in diameter. The slope of the rock should be adjusted to the nature of the gravel and is commonly 1 in 12, ranging from 1 in 8 to 1 in 20. Two

workers with a rocker can handle from 3 to 5 yd3 (2.3 to 3.8 m 3 ) of gravel in place in 10 h if the ground is easily rocked. Lewis c. A portable sluicebox used by prospectors and fossickers in treating alluvial mineral deposits. Also called rocking cradle. Pryor, 3

rocker arm

a. A lever resting on a curved base so that the position of its fulcrum moves as its angle changes. Nichols, 1 b. A bell crank with the fulcrum at the bottom. Nichols, 1

rocker arm shovel

See:rocker shovel

rocker bottom


rocker dump car

Among the smaller capacity cars, the most popular and most widely used are the gravity dump types, such as rocker dump and scoop cars, designed so that the weight of the load tips the body when a locking latch is released by hand. The body of this type is balanced to right itself after the load is discharged. Rocker dump cars range in capacity from 1 yd3 (0.76 m3 ) handloaded types, to units of 10 yd3 (7.6 m3 ) for power shovel loading. Pit and Quarry

rocker shovel

A digging and loading machine consisting of a bucket attached to a pair of semicircular runners that when rolled, lifts

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English and dumps the bucket load into a car or other materials transport unit behind the machine.

rocker sieve

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A miner's cradle or rocker, a cradlelike device for washing out mud from the contents of a dredge. Mathews

rock excavation

In situ removal of all firm, unaltered, and unweathered surface geological materials.

rock fabric


rock factor

See:resistance to blasting

rock failure

Fracture or failure of a rock that has been stressed beyond its ultimate strength. AGI


a. The relatively free falling or precipitous movement of a newly detached segment of bedrock (usually massive, homogeneous, or jointed) of any size from a cliff or other very steep slope; it is the fastest form of mass movement and is most frequent in mountain areas and during spring when there is repeated freezing and thawing of water in cracks in the rock. Movement may be straight down, or in a series of leaps and bounds down the slope; it is not guided by an underlying slip surface. AGI

b. The mass of rock moving in or moved by a rockfall; a mass of fallen rocks. Also spelled rock fall. AGI

rock fault

Eng. A replacement of a coal seam over a greater or lesser area by some other rock, usually sandstone.. Fay

rock-fill dam

An earth dam built of any broken rock or similar material that may be available. Hammond

rock filling

a. Waste rock, used to fill up worked-out stopes to support the roof. Weed, 2 b. See:overhand stoping

rock flour

a. Powdered rock material formed by the grinding-up of rocks beneath a glacier, either deposited as part of the till or washed or blown away and deposited elsewhere as stratified drift or loess. Also called glacier meal. b. Fault gouge.

rock flow

a. The movement of solid rock when it is in a plastic state. Leet, 1 b. The term given to a slope failure when there is a general breakdown of the rock mass. When such a rock mass is subjected to shear stresses sufficient to break down the cement or to cause crushing of the angularities and points of the rock blocks,


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English the blocks will move as individuals and the mass will flow down the slope, or will slump into a more stable slope position. Woodruff

rock formation

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rock-forming mineral

A mineral that is common and abundant in the Earth's crust; one making up large masses of rock. From 20 to 30 minerals are usually considered as being the most important. Stokes

rock foundation

A foundation that is carried down to the solid rock. The rock is cut and dressed level, loose and decayed portions are removed, and holes filled with concrete. The crushing strength of the rock can be ascertained by tests and the bearing pressure should not exceed one-eighth of the value. Nelson

rock fracture

When rock is broken by crushing or impact, the resulting fragments can be divided into two components: (1) the complement, comprising a wide size distribution in accordance with a probability law, and (2) the residue of large incompletely broken pieces. The relative proportions of complement and residue depend upon the mode of fracture. If the rock is completely crushed, only complement is formed, but if the rock is fractured by the impact of a point or wedge, there may be more residue than complement.

rock glacier

An ice-cored mass of angular rock waste, usually heading in a cirque or other steep-walled amphitheater and in many cases grading into a true glacier.

rock glass

Obsidian or other volcanic glass.

rock gypsum

A massive, coarsely crystalline to finely granular, sedimentary rock of the mineral gypsum with bedding commonly disturbed by expansion during hydration of parent anhydrite.

rock hardness

The resistance of the rock to the intrusion of a foreign body. Stoces


a. The upper surface of bedrock. b. The boundary between superficial deposits (or drift) and the underlying solid rock. BS, 11 c. See:bedrock

rock hole

A short staple shaft driven from a lower to a higher coal seam and used for the gravity transfer of coal to the haulage road in the lower seam.

rock hound

An amateur mineralogist or collector.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rocking

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a. The process of separating ores by washing on an incline trough. b. Pushing a resistant object repeatedly, and backing or rolling back between pushes to allow it to reach or cross its original position. Nichols, 1

rocking beam

See:walking beam

rocking cradle

Short sluice, hand-oscillated; used in gold prospecting and fossicking. rocker

rocking lever

A beam to give the reciprocal motion in hand boring. Nelson


a. The relatively free falling or precipitous movement of a newly detached segment of bedrock (usually massive, homogeneous, or jointed) of any size from a cliff or other very steep slope; it is the fastest form of mass movement and is most frequent in mountain areas and during spring when there is repeated freezing and thawing of water in cracks in the rock. Movement may be straight down, or in a series of leaps and bounds down the slope; it is not guided by an underlying slip surface. AGI b. The mass of rock moving in or moved by a rockfall; a mass of fallen rocks. Also spelled rock fall. AGI

rock fault

Eng. A replacement of a coal seam over a greater or lesser area by some other rock, usually sandstone.. Fay

rock-fill dam

An earth dam built of any broken rock or similar material that may be available. Hammond

rock filling

a. Waste rock, used to fill up worked-out stopes to support the roof. Weed, 2 b. See:overhand stoping

rock flour

a. Powdered rock material formed by the grinding-up of rocks beneath a glacier, either deposited as part of the till or washed or blown away and deposited elsewhere as stratified drift or loess. Also called glacier meal. b. Fault gouge.

rock flow

a. The movement of solid rock when it is in a plastic state. Leet, 1 b. The term given to a slope failure when there is a general breakdown of the rock mass. When such a rock mass is subjected to shear stresses sufficient to break down the cement or to cause crushing of the angularities and points of the rock blocks, the blocks will move as individuals and the mass will flow down the slope, or will slump into a more stable slope position. Woodruff


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rock formation


rock-forming mineral

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A mineral that is common and abundant in the Earth's crust; one making up large masses of rock. From 20 to 30 minerals are usually considered as being the most important. Stokes

rock foundation

A foundation that is carried down to the solid rock. The rock is cut and dressed level, loose and decayed portions are removed, and holes filled with concrete. The crushing strength of the rock can be ascertained by tests and the bearing pressure should not exceed one-eighth of the value. Nelson

rock fracture

When rock is broken by crushing or impact, the resulting fragments can be divided into two components: (1) the complement, comprising a wide size distribution in accordance with a probability law, and (2) the residue of large incompletely broken pieces. The relative proportions of complement and residue depend upon the mode of fracture. If the rock is completely crushed, only complement is formed, but if the rock is fractured by the impact of a point or wedge, there may be more residue than complement.

rock glacier

An ice-cored mass of angular rock waste, usually heading in a cirque or

other steep-walled amphitheater and in many cases grading into a true glacier.

rock glass

Obsidian or other volcanic glass.

rock gypsum

A massive, coarsely crystalline to finely granular, sedimentary rock of the mineral gypsum with bedding commonly disturbed by expansion during hydration of parent anhydrite.

rock hardness

The resistance of the rock to the intrusion of a foreign body. Stoces


a. The upper surface of bedrock. b. The boundary between superficial deposits (or drift) and the underlying solid rock. BS, 11 c. See:bedrock

rock hole

A short staple shaft driven from a lower to a higher coal seam and used for the gravity transfer of coal to the haulage road in the lower seam.

rock hound

An amateur mineralogist or collector.


a. The process of separating ores by washing on an incline trough.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English b. Pushing a resistant object repeatedly, and backing or rolling back between pushes to allow it to reach or cross its original position. Nichols, 1

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rocking beam

See:walking beam

rocking cradle

Short sluice, hand-oscillated; used in gold prospecting and fossicking.

rocking lever

A beam to give the reciprocal motion in hand boring. Nelson

rock kicker

Usually found at sand and gravel processing facilities. A mechanical device consisting of a roller (with rows of metal protrusions along its length) placed at a 45 degrees angle just ahead of a feed hopper (or conveyor transfer point). It is usually run by a small electric motor and as roots, large stones, and clay meet the roller, they are dumped off the belt to a small pit that is periodically cleaned out.

rock loader

a. Any device or machine used specif. for loading slate or rock inside a mine. However, it is most frequently used with scraper loaders equipped for handling rock.

rock-loader operator

See:rock loader


In bituminous coal mining, a foreman who is in charge of the drilling of holes in rock or slate and the charging and tamping of explosives in the holes drilled by miners prior to blasting. DOT

rock mechanics

a. Mathematical analysis of the forces acting along joints, faults, and bedding planes of natural rock in situ, esp. in the evaluation of wall strengths, and hence slopes and slope ratios, in open-pit mines. b. The theoretical and applied science of the physical behavior of rocks, representing a branch of mechanics concerned with the response of rock to the force fields of its physical environment (NAS-NRC, 1966). AGI

rock melt

A liquid solution of rock-forming mineral ions at sufficiently high temperatures to be considered molten.

rock milk

Soft pulverulent forms of calcite found in caves, or as an efflorescence. See:agaric mineral

rock miner

In anthracite and bituminous coal mining, a miner who works in rock as distinguished from coal. DOT


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rock navvy

A cranelike loading machine used at opencast pits and quarries.

rock pedestal

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rock phosphate

See:phosphate rock

rock pillar


rock pressure

a. The pressure exerted by surrounding solids on the support system of underground openings, including that caused by the weight of the overlying material, residual unrelieved stresses, and pressures associated with swelling clays. AGI b. The compressive stress within the solid body of underground geologic material. AGI c. See:ground pressure; geostatic pressure. d. In petroleum geology, the pressure under which fluids, such as water, oil, and gas, are confined in rocks. No particular cause or origin of the pressure is implied. Geophysicists and isostasis, however, have used, and are using, the term rock pressure in the primitive and more correct sense of the pressure exerted on underlying rock by superincumbent strata. To avoid confusion, it is desirable to substitute for the term rock pressure, as now used in oil, gas, and underground water technology, the more appropriate term reservoir pressure. Stokes

rock pressure burst

A sudden and violent failure of rock masses under stresses exceeding the elastic strength of the rock. The classification and nomenclature of these occurrences are not clear and are based largely on effects and not on the basic causation factor. Nelson

rock quartz

Ordinary crystalline quartz. Also called rock crystal.

rock rake

A heavy duty rake blade. Nichols, 1

rock roll

Inverted ridges of rock, usually sandstone, extending from the overlying strata into a coal seam, caused by localized streams active during the formation of the coal.

rock ruby

A fine red variety of pyrope garnet.

rock salt

Coarsely crystalline halite, NaCl, resulting from evaporation of saline water; in massive, fibrous, or granular aggregates; occurs as a nearly pure sedimentary rock, as extensive beds, or in domes or plugs.

rock sediment

The combined cuttings and residue from drilling and sedimentary rocks and


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English formations, commonly known as sand pumpings. Williams

rock series

See:igneous-rock series

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A shaft made for sending down rock for filling the stopes, etc., generally kept nearly full, the rock being trammed away as needed. Standard, 2

rock sharp

A mineral expert. Mathews

rock shovel

A machine for loading broken rock. Nelson

rock silk

A silky variety of asbestos. Fay


a. A slide involving a downward and usually sudden and rapid movement of newly detached segments of bedrock sliding or slipping over an inclined surface of weakness, as a surface of bedding, jointing, or faulting, or other preexisting structural feature. The moving mass is greatly deformed and usually breaks up into many small independent units. Rockslides frequently occur in high mountain ranges, as the Alps or Canadian Rockies. AGI b. The mass of rock moving in or moved by a rockslide. Also spelled rock slide.

rock slip


rock slope

A slope driven through rock strata.

rock soap

See:mountain soap

rock spar

Material filling fracture cleavages in coal, consisting of nonclay mineral matter, probably deposited from solution, and sand, usually calcite or gypsum. AGI

rock splitter

In the stonework industry, one who splits large blocks of building granite, marble, and sandstone into slabs or smaller blocks, by drilling holes into the stone and then driving wedges into them until the stone breaks along the line of drilled holes. Also called rock breaker; rock driller. DOT

rock stress

a. See:rock pressure b. The problem of determining the stresses that exist in the Earth's crust has long been of interest to engineers and geologists. Many mining problems are directly concerned with stresses that may cause mine openings to collapse. Two phases of occurrence of rock stresses are important: (1) the stresses existing in the rock before the excavation of the mine openings; i.e., the free field stress, and (2)


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English the indirect stresses caused by the mine openings.

rock temperature

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a. The formational temperature at depth. The rate of increase of temperature with depth (the geothermal gradient) is highly variable over the earth, but averages 25 degrees C/km. AGI b. The temperature of the rock in a mine. Lewis

rock tunnel

A tunnel, drift, or crosscut driven through rock, usually connecting one coalbed with another; also through barren rock in metal mines.

rock turquoise

A matrix of turquoise with small grains of turquoise embedded in it. Fay

rock type

a. One of the three major groups of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic. AGI b. A particular kind of rock having a specific set of characteristics. It may be a general classification, e.g., a basalt, or a specific classification, e.g., a basalt from a particular area and having a unique description. AGI c. The megascopically recognizable ingredients of coal rock; i.e., vitrain, clarain, durain, and fusain.

rock waste


rock weight

S. Afr. One (short) ton (0.9 t) of rock in place equals about 12 ft (super 3) (0.34 m3 ). Horizontally, therefore, the weight of an ore reserve covering a claim over a stoping width of 3 ft (0.91 m) is 64,000 ft2 X 3 ft / 12 ft3 /st = 16,000 st (14,500 t) at 100% payability. In case the vein dips downward, the resulting amount must be divided by the cosine of the angle of dip. Beerman

Rockwell hardness test

A method of determining the relative hardness of metals and case-hardened materials. The depth of penetration of a steel ball (for softer metals) or of a conical diamond point (for harder metals) is measured.

Rockwell machine

Trade name for an apparatus that measures the hardness of metals and alloys, in which a diamond-pointed cone is pressed under a specific load into the metal. The relative resistance to penetration (Rockwell hardness) is indicated by a number (Rockwell number) on a dial. The operation is called a Rockwell hardness test.

rod bit

A noncoring bit designed to fit a reaming shell that is threaded to couple directly to a drill rod, thus eliminating the core barrel in blasthole drilling. Also called blasthole bit. Long


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rodding

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a. Cleaning and descaling of piping by means of scrapers attached to series of jointed rods. Pryor, 3 b. Eng. The operation of fixing or repairing wooden cage guides in shafts. c. In metamorphic rocks, a linear structure in which the stronger parts, such as vein quartz or quartz pebbles, have been shaped into parallel rods. Whether the structure is formed parallel to the direction of transport or parallel to the fold axes has been debated. AGI

rod dope

Grease or other material used to protect or lubricate drill rods. Also called rod grease.

rod drag

The rubbing of the rods or drill string on the sidewalls of the borehole.

rod drop

The distance of slump or slag in a long string of rods when released from the drill chuck. Long

rod elevator

See:elevator; elevator plug.

rod friction

a. The drag created in the flow of the drilling liquid by contact and constrictional effects created by the inside surface of the drill rods and couplings. CF:skin friction; wall friction.

Long b. See:rod drag


A massive dense buff to pink rock typically rich in grossular garnet and calcic pyroxene, and enveloped in serpentinite. Epidote, vesuvianite, and other calcium-rich minerals are commonly present. It is formed by metasomatic alteration of a protolith that, in many cases, was a dike rock, as shown by preservation of structures. The name was applied by Bell in 1911. AGI

Rodio-Dehottay process

A method of shaft sinking by the freezing method. It is based on the direct cooling effect of expanding highly compressed carbon dioxide in the freezing pipes.


Refers to elongate crystals. CF:acicular; equant; tabular; lathlike.


a. A person who uses or carries a surveyor's leveling rod. Also called rodsman. Standard, 2 b. See:staff man

rod mill

a. A mill for rolling rod. ASM, 1 b. A mill for fine grinding, somewhat similar to a ball mill, but employing long steel rods instead of balls to effect the grinding. ASM, 1


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rod millman

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One who grinds clinker, phosphate rock, or ore in a revolving cylinder partially filled with round steel rods; also, he or she tests a product for fineness by observing how much material is left on sieve of determined mesh, and regulates amount of material entering the mill accordingly. DOT


Eng. A rude platform near the shaft's mouth for a night fire. Fay

rod plug

See:elevator plug

rod proof

A test specimen taken from the melt on an iron rod. ASTM

rod pull

a. The number of borehole round trips made in a unit of time. Long b. The number of lengths of drill rod (two or more standard 10-ft lengths coupled together and handled and stacked as unit lengths) needed to reach the bottom of the borehole. Long

rod puller

Various mechanisms, essentially a double-acting air-actuated piston equipped with a rod-gripping device, commonly used to pull drill rods from a borehole in underground workings where a small drill without a hoist is used, or from drill rods stuck in a drill hole. Long

rod reaming shell

A reaming shell designed to be coupled directly to a drill rod.

rod reducing bushing

A pin-to-box sub used to connect one size rod in a string to a larger or smaller size. Long

rod reducing coupling

A pin-to-pin adapter used to connect a rod of one size to one of a larger or smaller size. Long


a. Eng. Vertical or inclined timbers for actuating pumps. b. Long bars of Swedish iron of the toughest quality, for boring through rocks, etc. c. See:cage guide

rod sag

The bending of a long drill string due solely to its own weight. Also called rod slack.

rod shaft

The mine shaft containing the pump rods.

rod slap

The impact of drill rods with the sides of a borehole, occurring when the rods are rotating.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rod snap

A sudden acceleration in rotational speed of the rods followed immediately by a sudden return to the former speed. Long

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rod spear

A long, tapered, four-sided fishing tool. Used to remove a lost drill rod or other tubular piece of drill equipment from a borehole. Long

rod stand

The length of drill rod handled and stacked in the tripod or derrick as a unit piece during round trips. Also called offtake.; treble. Long

rod stock

Round steel rod. Nichols, 1

rod string

The drill rods coupled to form the connecting link between the core barrel and bit in the borehole and the drill machine at the collar of the borehole. Long

rod stuffing box

An annular packing gland fitting between the drill rod and the casing at the borehole collar. It allows the rod to rotate freely but prevents the escape of gas or liquid under pressure. Esp. utilized when drilling with counterflow; when drilling in an area where a high hydrostatic pressure or flow of water may be encountered, as in drilling a cover or pilot hole; or

when drilling up holes from an underground drill site. Long

roentgen equivalent man

A unit of ionizing radiation, equal to the amount that produces the same damage to humans as 1 R of high-voltage X-rays. Abbrev. rem. McGraw-Hill, 1




A photograph made with X-rays. radiograph. Webster 3rd



Roesing lead pump

An automatic apparatus for discharging lead from the kettle; used in the Parkes process. Fay

Roesing wires

Wires suspended in a dust chamber to assist in settling and condensing dust and fumes from furnace gases. Fay

Roesler process

A process for separating copper, and in part silver, from gold by fusing with sulfur or with antimony sulfide, obtaining copper or silver sulfide. Fay


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English roestone

A fine-grained oolite resembling the roe of a fish. See:oolite Fay

Rohbach solution

An aqueous solution of mercuric barium iodide with a density of 3.5 g/cm 3 ; used for separating minerals by density.

Roheisenzunder process

A method that makes use of an airstream at a pressure of 4 atmospheres for atomizing molten pig iron into minute particles. The molten metal falling into an air stream formed by an annular slit in a steel cyclone is atomized, the particles falling into a water bath and subsequently dried. Osborne

Rohrbach solution

An aqueous solution of mercuric barium iodide; clear, yellow liquid; very refractive; sp. gr., 3.5. Used in separating minerals by their specific gravity and in microchemical detection of alkaloids. CCD, 2


Prov. Eng. A vein of ore. A variation of rake. See:rake


a. An elongate protrusion of shale, siltstone, or sandstone (locally limestone) from the roof into a coal seam, causing a thinning of the seam and sometimes replacing it almost entirely.

commonly overlain by a thin coal stringer. AGI b. An elongate upheaval of the floor material into a coal seam, causing thinning of the seam. c. Various minor deformations or dislocations of a coal seam, such as washouts, small monoclinal folds, or faults with little displacement. AGI d. In veins and other types of ore deposit, a thickening or an arcuate change in dip in the orebody. e. See:roll orebody f. A rotating cylinder used to support or guide a portion of conveyor belt. g. One of two cylinders or grooved rollers between which material is drawn, for reducing its thickness, as the finished rolls of a rolling mill. BS, 11 h. The appearance of other types of mineral deposits in places where the bed or vein thickens or thins. Mason i. A roughly cylindrical distribution of uranium mineralization occurring usually in the Salt Wash Sandstone. There is some question whether the feature is structural or sedimentary. j. An inequality in the roof or floor of a mine. NEMA, 1 k. S. Wales. The drum of a winding engine. l. Cast-iron or steel cylinder, used to break coal and other materials into various sizes. Applies to the type of crushing machinery in which the ore or coal is broken between cylindrical rolls, either plain or fitted with steel teeth, revolving toward each other, drawing the material in between the crushing peripheries, which rotate in a vertical plane. Fay; Liddell m. In powder metallurgy, a machine used

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English to apply pressure progressively to form a compact.Rolfe

roll compacting

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The progressive compacting of metal powders by the use of a rolling mill. ASTM

roll crusher

A type of secondary or reduction crusher consisting of a heavy frame on which two rolls are mounted. These are driven so that they rotate toward one another. Rock fed in from above is nipped between the moving rolls, crushed, and discharged at the bottom.

Newton, 1

rolled metal

Refers to metal, such as silver or stainless steel, which has been clad with a precious metal and rolled to reduce the thickness of the coat. USBM, 7

rolled plate

A thin plate of gold spread upon a layer of base metal by soldering the metals in the bar and then rolling the whole out into plate, forming a thinner plate of gold than that of the ware known as gold-filled. Also called rolled gold. Fay

rolled-steel joist

An I-beam made from a single piece of steel passed through a hot rolling mill. Hammond


a. A broad pulley or wheel fixed to the floor, roof, or sides of roadways to prevent a haulage rope running against the ground that would cause excessive friction and wear of rails and sleepers. Nelson b. A component part of a roller chain in which it may serve only to reduce frictional loss occurring as the chain negotiates sprockets. Rollers may also serve as the rolling support for the chain and the load being conveyed. c. A heavy vehicle used for compacting soil, earth fill, and top layers of spoil dumps to increase the density and bearing capacity of the material. Nelson

roller bearings

Hard steel cylinders in bearings that have very low frictional resistance. Hammond

roller bit

a. A rotary boring bit consisting of two to four cone-shaped, toothed rollers that are turned by the rotation of the drill rods. Such bits are used in hard rock in oil well boring and in other deep holes down to 5,000 m and more. b. A type of rock-cutting bit used on diamond and rotary drills. The bit consists of a shank with toothed, circular, or cone-shaped cutter parts affixed to the head of the bit in such a manner that the cutters roll as the bit is rotated. Generally used for drilling 10-cm-size or larger holes in soft to medium-hard rocks, such as shale and limestone. Usually


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English noncoring and not diamond set. Also called cone bit. CF:noncoring bit roller-cutter bit; rolling cutter bit; toothed roller bit. Long

roller chain

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a. Generally, any sprocket-driven chain made up of links connected by hinge pins and sleeves. Nichols, 1 b. Specif., a chain whose hinge sleeves are protected by an outer sleeve or roller that is free to turn. Nichols, 1

roller cone bit

See:roller bit

roller-cone core bit

A type of roller bit with cutter cones arranged to cut an annular ring leaving an uncut section in the center as core. Long

roller conveyor

A series of rolls supported in a frame over which objects are advanced manually, by gravity or by power. gravity conveyor; herringbone roller conveyor; hydrostatic roller conveyor; portable conveyor.

roller-cutter bit

See:roller bit

roller gate

Hollow cylindrical crest gate controlling a dam spillway.

roller grip

A device for clutching a traction cable between grooved sheaves or rollers.


In mining, a laborer who inspects idler rollers or pulleys over which a cable passes along inclined haulageways, oiling or greasing rollers, resetting displaced ones, and repairing or replacing damaged ones. Also called pulley man; pulley repairer; pulley repairman; roller repairman; sheaveman; wheelman. DOT

roller repairman


roller rock bit

A rotary bit fitted with two or more hardened steel or tungsten-carbide-tipped rollers of cylindrical or conical form. Variously known as two-cone bit, three-cone bit, four-cutter bit, etc. roller screen

See:revolving screen

rolley man

See:incline repairman

roll feeder

a. A smooth, fluted, or cleated roll or drum that rotates to deliver packages, objects, or bulk materials. b. A circular drum, plain or ribbed, rotating on a horizontal shaft and situated at the mouth of a bunker or


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English hopper to control the rate of discharge of material therefrom. BS, 5

roll-front orebody

A roll orebody of the Wyoming type, which is bounded on the concave side by oxidized altered rock typically containing hematite or limonite, and on the convex side by relatively reduced altered rock typically containing pyrite and organic matter.

rolling and quartering

A sampling method in which the sample is formed into the requisite flat heap by placing it upon a rubber or other smooth sheet and, by lifting the corners of this sheet in proper rotation, rolling the material to and fro. The resultant heap is then quartered and alternate quarters are taken. This method is used with smaller bulk and smaller sizes of material. Truscott

rolling cradle

A rod slide equipped with rollers that contact the rods and over which the rods roll on being pulled or lowered into an angle borehole. Long

rolling plant

A rolling mill or establishment for rolling metal into forms. Standard, 2

rolling resistance

a. The sum of the external forces opposing motion over level terrain. Carson, 1 b. The tractive resistance caused by

friction between the rails and wheels, which forms the major resistance on level tracks. rolling-up curtain weir

A type of frame weir, the frame of which remains upright, being rolled up from the bottom. Hammond

roll jaw crusher

A crusher of the same general type as the Blake or Dodge, but the moving jaw has a rolling instead of an oscillating motion. Liddell


In beneficiation, one who tends rolls that are used to crush ore, which has already been broken into small pieces in a crusher, to a fine size preparatory to the extraction of the valuable minerals. DOT

roll operator

One who operates conical rolls that separate stone from clay, preventing machine from jamming by regulating flow of clay into it. DOT

roll orebody

A uranium and/or vanadium orebody in a sandstone lens or layer, which cuts across bedding in sharply curving forms, commonly C-shaped or S-shaped in cross section. Two types can be distinguished: the Colorado Plateau type, named in 1956, and the Wyoming type, named in 1962. Roll orebodies of the Colorado Plateau type are of highly variable geometry, with their longest dimension in plan view parallel to the axes of buried sandstone lenses

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English

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representing former stream channels, and surrounded by a wide halo of reduced (altered) rock. Orebodies of the Wyoming type are crescent-shaped in cross section and typically form in relatively thick, tabular, or elongate sandstone bodies, with the tips of the crescent thinning and becoming tangent to mudstone layers above and below. roll scale

See:mill scale

roll screen

A screen consisting of a number of horizontal rotating shafts, fitted with elements arranged to provide screening apertures. BS, 5

roll sulfur

a. A commercial name for sulfur that has been purified and cast into rolls or sticks. Standard, 2 b. See:brimstone

Roman cement

See:pozzolana cement


A monoclinic mineral, (Ba,H2 O)Mn5 O10 ; rare as single crystals; commonly intergrown with other manganese oxides. Formerly called psilomelane, a term now reserved for mixtures. CF:hollandite


A yellow, black, or green amber from Romania. Also spelled rumanite. English

Roman ocher

A native ocher of a deep orange-yellow color. Standard, 2

Roman pearl

A hollow sphere of opalescent glass with its interior coated with essence d'orient and then filled with wax.


An isometric mineral, (Ca,Fe,Mn,Na)2 (Sb,Ti)2 O6 (O,OH,F) ; stibiconite group; forms clusters of minute yellow octahedra.


An instrument for measuring changes in vertical height and lateral movements of the roof relative to the floor at the coal face. Nelson


The crust or scale that forms upon the surface of molten metal in cooling. Fay


The unit of exposure dose of X-ray or gamma-ray radiation. One roentgen is an exposure dose of X-ray or gamma-ray radiation such that the associated corpuscular emission per 0.001293 g of air produces, in air, ions carrying 1 electrostatic unit of quantity of electricity of either sign. Designated by the symbol R. Also spelled roentgen. NCB


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English roentgenite

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Minute wax-yellow to brown, trigonal pyramidal crystals, intergrown with synchysite, parisite, and bastnasite, from Narsarsuk, Greenland. From X-ray and optical data, the composition is deduced as Ca2 (Ce,La) 3 (CO3 )5 F3 . Also spelled roentgenite. Spencer, 5


a. The rock immediately above a coal seam. It is commonly a shale and is often carbonaceous in character and softer than similar rocks higher up in the roof strata. The roof shale may contain streaks and wisps of coaly material, which tends to weaken the deposit. Roof in coal mining corresponds to hanging wall in metal mining. b. In mine timbering there are two classifications of roof, the immediate roof and the main roof. The immediate roof lies directly over the coal and may be a single layer or several layers of rock material of the same, or different consistencies, and from a few inches to several feet in thickness. This roof requires timbering to support it as the coal is removed. The main roof is the roof above the immediate top, and may vary from a few feet to several hundred, or even thousands of feet in thickness. This roof is generally controlled by leaving pillars of solid coal that will support its weight. Kentucky c. The country rock bordering the upper surface of an igneous intrusion. CF:floor

roof bolt

a. A long steel bolt inserted into walls or roof of underground excavations to strengthen the pinning of rock strata. It is inserted in a drilled hole and anchored by means of a mechanical expansion shell that grips the surrounding rock at about 4 ft (1 m) spacing and pins steel beams to the roof. b. c. Current roof bolting consists of steel rods, 5/8 to 1 in (2 to 2.5 cm) or more in diameter and 3 to 8 ft (1 to 2.5 m) in length, anchored by a mechanical expansion shell, resin grout, or a combination of both. Grouted bolts may be fully or partially grouted. A steel plate, sometimes in combination with wooden headers or steel straps, fits tightly between the bolthead and mine roof or rib.

roof bolter

In bituminous coal mining, one who reinforces roofs of mine haulageways, side drifts, and working places with metal or timber to prevent rock and slate falls. Also called raise driller; stoperman; stoperperson; timberman. DOT

roof bolting

A system of roof support in mines. Boreholes usually from 3 to 12 ft (1 to 4 m) long are drilled upward in the roof, and bolts of 5/8 to 1 in (2 to 2.5 cm) or more in diameter are inserted into the holes and anchored at the top by a split cone, mechanical anchor, or resin grout. The bolts are put up in a definite pattern. The idea is to clamp together the several


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English roof beds to form a composite beam with a strength considerably greater than the sum of the individual beds acting separately. . CF:strata bolt

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roof control

The scientific study of the behavior of rock undermined by mining operations and the most effective measures of controlling movements and failure. The subject is comprehensive, including the systematic measurement of the movement of strata and the forces and stresses involved. An attempt is made to correlate data with rock types and the type of excavation.

roof cut

A machine cut made in the roof immediately above the seam. A roof cut is sometimes made in a soft band of dirt over the coal, which gives increased height in thin seams. The cut is made with a turret coal cutter. Nelson

roof cutting

It is a common occurrence to hear miners talk of gas cutting the roof and causing it to weaken; however, this condition is seldom encountered. There are some seams where gas does cut the roof, generally where top coal is left in gassy seams. The most common cause of roof cutting is its exposure to air. Gunite or painting of the top helps a condition of this kind. Kentucky

roof drill

Various hydraulically operated mechanized machines designed to install roof bolts. Two workers can install up to 200 bolts per shift. Units are available in both standard and special design to satisfy requirements in different mines. Best, 1


A roof that is tenacious and when allowed to fall breaks down in large blocks or frames of stone. Peel


The wedging of a loaded wagon or horse against the top of an underground passage. Fay

roofing hole

In West Wales, a small, steeply inclined stone drivage from a lower to an upper coal seam or for exploration in disturbed ground. Nelson

roof jack

A screw- or pump-type extension post used as a temporary roof support. BCI

roof layer

a. Uniformly thick layer of rock supported or clamped at the edges by pillars. Obert b. A layer of combustible gas under the roof of mine workings. BS, 8


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roof pendant

A downward projection of country rock into an igneous intrusion. CF:cupola

roof pressure

The pressure that the overlying rocks exert on the support of mine workings.

roof rock

Rock forming the ceiling of a cave passage, underground chamber, mine opening, etc. AGI

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roof shale

The layer or seam of shale occurring immediately above the Pittsburgh coal seam. Because of its friable nature, this shale or slate is taken down in most mining operations. Rice, 2

roof station

A survey station fixed in the roof of a mine roadway or working face. BS, 7

roof stone

Scot. The stone immediately above a coal seam.roof Fay

roof stringer

Used in a weak or scaly top in narrow rooms or entries that have short

life. It is done by placing lagging bars running parallel with the working place above the header. It has limited uses because of necessary additional height and because its weight rests on the center of the header.

roof testing

In the simple testing of the roof, it is struck by a hammer or a heavy object. A loose roof will give off a dull or hollow sound compared with a solid top, which has a clear ring. Good roof that has a clear ringing sound is called "bell top." Also known as sounding, sounding the roof, sounding the top, and jowling.

roof-testing tool

Usually a wooden pole with a metallic ball at the upper end.

roof-to-floor convergence

The deformation of the coal or ore pillars is estimated by monitoring the closure of the entry. This roof-to-floor convergence is generally measured with a tube extensometer, to an accuracy of 0.001 in (25.4 mu m), or a tape measure, to an accuracy of 0.01 ft (3.048 mm). Measurements are repeatedly taken as the mining geometry changes. SME, 1


See:roofing hole

roof work

A term applied to a vein worked overhead.


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English room

a. A place abutting an entry or airway where coal or ore has been mined and extending from the entry or airway to a face. b. A wide working place in a flat mine corresponding to a stope in a steep vein. A chamber. CF:stope c. A heading or short stall.


Said of a system of mining in which typically flat-lying beds of coal or ore are mined in rooms separated by pillars of undisturbed rock left for roof support.; County of Durham system.

room-and-pillar mining

In coal and metal mining, supporting the roof by pillars left at regular intervals. Lewis

room-and-pillar with waste filling

See:overhand stoping

room boss

In bituminous coal mining, a miner who inspects the working face in working places (rooms) to determine whether mining operations are being carried on properly and safety regulations are being observed. Also called wall boss. DOT

room conveyor

a. Any conveyor that carries coal from the face of a room toward the mouth. Normally, a room conveyor will deposit its coal into a car or

another conveyor at the mouth of the room, but occasionally it will dump into a cross conveyor at some point between the face and the mouth. Jones, 1 b. See:underground mine conveyor

room entry

Any entry or set of entries from which rooms are turned. A panel entry.

room neck

A short passageway from the mine entry to the room in which a miner works.

room system with caving



A monoclinic mineral, BiAsO4 ; monazite group; at Santiaguillo, Bolivia.

root clay


root deposit

A lode or vein from which alluvial cassiterite or gold may have been derived.


a. A towed scarifier; sometimes used to break up a hard surface and prior to the use of bulldozers in removing overburden at quarries and opencast pits. A heavy-duty ripper. Nelson b. A towed machine equipped with teeth,

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English used primarily for loosening hard soil and soft rock. Nichols, 2

root hook

A very heavy hook designed to catch and tear out big roots when it is dragged along the ground. Nichols, 1

root-mean-square value

The root-mean-square value of an alternating current or voltage. It is the square root of the mean value of the squares of the instantaneous values taken over a complete cycle. When an alternating current or voltage is specified, it is almost invariably the root-mean-square value that is used. Also used of quantities that alternate over longer periods, for example, a month or year. Also known as effective value. Abbrev., R.M.S. CTD

rope and button conveyor

A conveyor consisting of a rope with disks or buttons attached at intervals, the upper flight running in a trough. The coal or other material is dropped into the trough, and the conveyor either is actuated by the weight of the coal in the trough when the trough is inclined forming a retarding conveyor, or moves the coal along the trough where the gradient is insufficient or adverse. In the one case a brake is provided; in the other, the sprockets are actuated by a motor. Zern

rope core

An important component of stranded ropes is the core, which may be either

of fiber or of wire. In winding ropes it is generally made of manilla, sisal, or hemp. The function of the core is to support the strands and prevent them from bearing hard against one another. An even more important function is as a store for lubricant for the interior of the rope, and during manufacture it is saturated with lubricant. Sinclair, 5

rope cutter

See:hook tender

rope diameter

The diameter of a steel wire rope is the maximum obtainable measurement across the outer edges of the strands. The size of fiber ropes is usually specified by their circumference. Modern steel wire winding ropes are large and heavy and may be 2-1/4 in (5.7 cm) in diameter for a moderately deep shaft. Nelson

rope driver

In bituminous coal mining, a foreperson who looks after the haulage cable and the equipment of trains of cars by which coal is hauled from the mine. The rope driver superintends the attaching of cars to cable by clipper and directs movement of the cable by signaling a slope engineer through a buzzer system. DOT

rope driving

The transmission of power by means of rope gearing, as distinguished from belt drive. Crispin

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rope drum

Any drum, powered or otherwise, on which rope is wound; e.g., mining machine rope drums, room hoist rope drums, etc. Jones, 1

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rope fastening

The most suitable fastening between a wire rope and its socket is a white metal capping. Haulage ropes are generally doubled back on themselves around a steel thimble and secured with bulldog clips. Hammond

rope guide

Steel rope suspended in a vertical shaft to prevent excessive swinging of the cages or skips. Eight rope guides are generally used for the shaft, four for each cage, and two additional rubbing ropes are installed to prevent possible collision between the cages or skips. The ropes are suspended from girders fixed on the safety hook catch-plate platform and kept taut in the shaft by means of weights in the shaft bottom sump. The clearances between the cages, and also between the cage corners and the shaft wall, should be about 12 in (30.5 cm). Nelson

rope haulage

a. Means of moving loaded and empty mine cars by use of wire rope; generally used on steep inclines where use of electric mine locomotives is inefficient. BCI b. Any transportation system employing a steel wire rope to haul the mine cars or trams. Nelson

rope haulage systems

Systems of rope haulage may be classified as (1) self-acting or gravity planes; (2) engine planes; (3) tail-rope haulage; (4) endless-rope haulage; and (5) aerial tramways, which are frequently considered by themselves, since they are not applied to transporting material underground. Lewis

rope lay

That length of rope in which one strand makes one complete revolution about the core.

rope plucking

The sudden jerking or twitching of a haulage rope due to the rope laps slipping to a smaller diameter on the drum. A severe plucking of a rope may be felt faintly more than 800 yd (725 m) distance from the engine.

rope rider

An employee whose duty it is to see that cars are coupled properly, and to inspect ropes, chains, links, and all coupling equipment. A trip rider.

rope roof bolt

A steel wire rope, with wedge heads fixed to its ends, used instead of the normal steel rod in roof bolting. Also known as cable bolting. The rope has a diameter of about 7/8 in (2.2 cm) and a length from 15 to 20 ft (4.5 to 6 m). Nelson


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Roeschen method rope socket

A drop forged-steel device, with a tapered hole, which can be fastened to the end of a wire cable or rope and to which a load may be attached. It may be either the open- or closed-end type. Long


a. A line or double line of suspended ropes, usually wire, along which articles of moderate weight may be transported on slings, either by gravity or power; much used in mining districts for transportation to watercourses or to railway lines. An aerial tramway. Standard, 2 b. See:aerial ropeway

Ropp furnace

A long reverberatory furnace with a series of plows or rakes that are drawn over the hearth by a continuous cable, moving the ore steadily from the feed to the discharge end. Fay


A tetragonal mineral, CuInS2 ; chalcopyrite group; at Charrier, Allier, France.


a. A monoclinic mineral, 4[(Cu,Zn)2 (CO3 )(OH)2 ] ; forms green to blue spherules in oxidized zones of zinc-copper-lead deposits. b. The mineral group glaukosphaerite, kolwezite, mcguinnessite, nullaginite, rosasite, and zincrosasite.

A combustible-gas drainage method utilizing controlled drainage from the coal seams as they are being mined. This method, which is also known as the pack cavity method, was devised to extract gas from the mined-out areas of advancing longwall mining systems by leaving corridors or cavities at regular intervals in the pack. Virginia Polytechnic


A monoclinic and triclinic mineral, Ca(Fe,Mn)2 Be3 (PO (sub 4) )3 (OH)3 .2H2 O .


A monoclinic mineral, K(V,Al,Mg)2 (AlSi3 )O10 (OH) 2 ; mica group; soft; a source of vanadium.

rose beryl

The morganite variety of beryl.

rose bit

A hardened steel or alloy noncore bit with a serrated face to cut or mill out bits, casing, or other metal objects lost in the hole. Also used to mill off the rose-bit dropper on a Hall-Rowe wedge. Also called mill; milling bit. CF:junk mill

rose diagram

A circular diagram for plotting strikes (with or without dips) of planar features, such as joints, faults, and dikes; so named because clusters of

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English preferred orientations resemble the petals of a rose. AGI


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a. A monoclinic mineral, Ca2 (Co,Mg)(AsO4 )2 .2H (sub 2) O ; roselite group; forms a series with wendwilsonite; dimorphous with roselite-beta; perfect cleavage. b. The mineral group brandtite, roselite, wendwilsonite, and zincrosasite.

rose of cracks

The system with radial cracks issuing from the center of the hole as a result of the tangential stresses. Langefors

rose opal

A variety of opaque common opal having a fine red color. CMD

rose quartz

Crystalline quartz with a rose pink color, due probably to titanium in minute quantity. The color is destroyed by exposure to strong sunlight. Used as a gem or an ornamental stone. Fay

rose steel

A steel that shows a peculiar fracture and texture in the interior, different from that near the surface. Standard, 2

rose topaz

The yellow-brown variety of topaz changed to rose pink by heating. These crystals often contain inclusions of liquid carbon dioxide. CMD


A radially symmetric, sand-filled crystalline aggregate or cluster with a fancied resemblance to a rose; formed in sedimentary rocks by barite, marcasite, or pyrite.

rosette copper

Disks of copper (red from the presence of suboxide) formed by cooling the surface of molten copper through sprinkling with water. Also called rose copper. Fay

rosette texture

A flowerlike or scalloped pattern of a mineral aggregate. AGI

rose vitriol

Cobalt sulfate. vitriol. Standard, 2


A monoclinic mineral, S (gamma sulfur); dimorphous with sulfur.


a. The hard, amber-colored residue left after distilling off volatile oil from pine pitch. API, 1 b. To melt a resin and apply a coat to the right-handed threads of heated rod couplings; the coating sets when cooled, which permits the rods to be used in the same manner as left-hand-threaded rods in fishing operations. Also called rosining. Long


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rosin blende

A yellow variety of zinc blende, ZnS. When dark in color it is called blackjack.

rosined joints

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Drill-rod or casing couplings to which hot rosin was applied and that were joined before the rosin cooled. Long


The act or process of milling a metal object in a borehole with a rose bit. Long

rosin jack

A yellow variety of sphalerite. Also called resin jack, rosin blende, rosen zinc. CF:blackjack

Rosin-Rammler equation

An equation relating to fine grinding: for most powders that have been prepared by grinding, the relationship between R, the residue remaining on any particular sieve, and the grain size in micrometers (x) is exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx

exponential: R = 100e-bx exponential: R = 100e-bx (super n , where e is the base of the natural logarithm and b and n are constants. Dodd

rosin tin

A reddish or yellowish variety of cassiterite. Also spelled resin tin.

rosin zinc

Sphalerite of a rosiny appearance. Hess


a. See:anorthite b. An impure muscovite as alteration product.

rosiwal analysis

In petrography, a quantitative method of estimating the volume percentages of the minerals in a rock. Thin sections of a rock are examined with a microscope fitted with a micrometer that is used to measure the linear intercepts of each mineral along a particular set of lines. This method is based on the assumption that the area of a mineral on an exposed surface is proportional to its volume in the rock mass. AGI


A rose-pink variety of grossulatire garnet. Also called landerite and xalostocite. From Xalostoc, Morelos, Mexico. English


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English Ross and Welter furnace

A multiple-deck roasting furnace of the annular type; used in Germany. Fay

Ross feeder

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Mechanism for control of rate of feed of coarse ore in the primary and secondary crushing system. Several heavy loops of chain lie above and bear on ore that rests in the delivery chute at just above its natural angle of repose. When the shaft from which the loops are suspended is rotated by its small motor, ore slides under control. Pryor, 3

Rossie furnace

An American variety of hearth for the treatment of galena, differing from the Scotch hearth in using wood as fuel, working continuously, and having hollow walls, to heat the blast. Fay

Rossi-Forel intensity scale

A scale for rating earthquake effects. Devised in 1878 by de Rossi (Italy) and Forel (Switzerland). No longer in general use, having been supplanted by Wood and Neumann's Modified Mercalli intensity scale of 1931.


A brown to garnet-red resinous material forming lenticular masses in the coal of Carusthia. AGI


A tapered float rises or falls in a transparent tube in accordance with

the velocity of the rising liquid. Variations include spinning floats and magnetic or radioactive ones for use with opaque fluids. Rate-of-flow indicator. Pryor, 3


Laboratory screen shaker widely used in screen sizing analysis. Up to seven 8-in round screens are nested on the appliance and given a shaking, rotary, and tapping motion. Pryor, 3


See:rotary table; rotary-drill rig.

rotary bit

As used in a broad sense by drillers, a roller bit. Long

rotary boring

A system of boring, using usually hollow rods, with or without the production of rock cores. Rock penetration is achieved by the rotation of the cutting tool. The method is used extensively in exploration, particularly when cores are required. It is the usual method in oil well boring with holes from 6 to 18 in (15 to 45 cm) in diameter. . Nelson

rotary breaker

A breaking machine for coal, rock, or minerals. It consists of a trommel screen with a heavy cast steel shell fitted internally with lifts that progressively raise and convey the coal and stone forward and break it. As the material is broken the undersize passes


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English through the apertures, so that excessive degradation does not occur.; Bradford breaker. Nelson

rotary bucket drill

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A rotary-type drill on which a rotary bucket is fastened to the kelly bar. The bucket is equipped with a hinged bottom, which has straight-edged cutting blades or teeth. When rotated by the kelly bar, the bucket loads from the bottom; when filled, it is withdrawn from the hole and dumped by unlatching the bottom. Holes 30 to 250 cm in diameter can be drilled with this machine in soft, boulder-free ground. Also called bucket rig; dry-hole digger; rathole rig.

rotary compressor

A compressor designed for a delivery pressure of 100 psi (690 kPa) and ranging in capacity from 60 to 300 ft3 /min (2.1 to 8.5 m (super 3) /min).

rotary drier

A drier in the shape of an inclined rotating tube used to dry loose material as it rolls through. ACSG, 2

rotary drill

Broadly, various types of drill machines that rotate a rigid, tubular string of rods to which is attached a bit for cutting rock to produce boreholes. The bit may be a roller cone bit, a toothed or fishtail drag bit, an auger bit, or a diamond bit.. CF:diamond drill; shot drill.

rotary-drill cuttings

The chips and pulverized rock produced by the abrasive and chipping action of a drag, roller bit, or diamond bit when used on a diamond- or rotary-drill machine to drill a borehole. CF:cuttings

rotary drilling

The hydraulic process of drilling that consists of rotating a column of drill pipe, to the bottom of which is attached a drilling bit, and during the operation, circulating down through the pipe a current of mud-laden fluid, under pressure, by means of special slush pumps. The drilling mud and cuttings from the bit are forced upward and outside the drill pipe to the surface. CF:cable-tool drilling

rotary drill motor

The space available in the casing of a pneumatic rotary rock or coal drill is necessarily limited and precludes the use of a reciprocating engine. The power unit used instead is similar in design to the vane compressor. The rotor runs at a very high speed, between 3,500 rpm and 4,000 rpm, and this is reduced by gearing to give a drill spindle speed of about 650 rpm.

rotary-drill rig

A rotary drill complete with accessory tools and equipment necessary to drill boreholes. Long

rotary dump

An apparatus for overturning one or more mine cars simultaneously to


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English discharge coal. They may rotate either 180 degrees or 360 degrees . BCI

rotary dump car

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A standard small car in which the car body, of about 2 yd3 (1.5 m 3 ) capacity, is mounted on a turntable in the car fr

rotary dumper

A steel structure that revolves a mine car and discharges the contents, usually sideways, into a bunker or onto a screen. Nelson

rotary excavator

Earth-moving machine with vertical wheel that carries digging buckets peripherally. These loosen soil and deliver to short conveyor loader, the assembly being mounted on crawler track. Capacity up to 5,000 st/h (4,500 t/h). Also called bucket wheel excavator. Pryor, 3

rotary feed table

a. A feeder comprising a horizontal rotating circular plate mounted under the mouth of a hopper and arranged with an adjustable plow to control the rate of flow of material over the edge of the plate. BS, 5

rotary furnace

Horizontally mounted cylinder rotating between trunnions through which gas or oil flame is introduced. Pryor, 3

rotary-percussive drill

A drilling machine that operates as a purely rotary machine to which is added a percussive action. The specially designed rotary-percussive drilling bit not only gives a greater penetration rate, but is also able to operate longer without deterioration of the cutting edges. A disadvantage is the great size of the air-operated machine, which is usually mounted on a carriage. Nelson

rotary percussive drilling

A method of drilling in which repeated blows are applied to the bit, which is continually rotated under power. BS, 12

rotary pump

A positive-displacement pump in which the liquid-propelling parts are cams, gears, impeller wheels, etc., rotating within a case, as distinguished from those pumps that move liquids by means of the to-and-fro motion of a piston within a cylinder. CF:centrifugal pump Long

rotary screen

a. A screen for sizing aggregate and similar material; it is a pierced rectangular plate bent into a cylinder. Hammond b. See:trommel

rotary shot drill

a. Any rotary drill used to drill blastholes. Long b. See:seismograph drill


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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English rotary smelter

Any of the cylindrical smelters that depend on slow rotation about a horizontal axis for agitation of the molten mass. ASTM

rotary sorting table

A circular plate conveyor to effect a preliminary grading of coals and removal of stone by hand. A screened-out fraction of the run-of-mine coal is delivered to the table by chute from a conveyor. As the stream of coal revolves on the table, the various grades of coal and the dirt are raked into positions where they are diverted by plows into chutes. The operators are positioned on the inner and outer edges of the table and the coal is not handled but only raked.

rotary table

a. The geared rotating table that propels the kelly and the drill stem when drilling a borehole with an oilfield-type rotary rig. Also called rotary; table; turntable. Long b. The mechanism used in some forms of rotary drilling to rotate the drilling column. BS, 9

rotary vane feeder

A rotor of cylindrical outline with radial, spaced plates or vanes rotating on a horizontal axis, for controlling the flow of bulk materials.

rotary vibrating tippler

A tippler designed to overcome the tendency for coal or dirt to stick to

the bottom of the tubs or mine cars. When the tippler is in the inverted position, the car rests upon a vibrating frame that gives it a high-speed vertical jolting motion, which frees any material tending to stick inside the car. Nelson

rotating casing screw conveyor

A screw conveyor in which the tubular casing rotates at a different speed or in an opposite direction to the conveyor screw.

rotational fault

A fault on which rotational movement is exhibited; a partial syn. of hinge fault. CF:hinge fault; scissor fault.

rotational flow

Turbulent flow involving all parts of a moving liquid.

rotational movement

Apparent fault-block displacement in which the blocks have rotated relative to one another, so that alignment of formerly parallel features is disturbed. CF:translational movement AGI

rotational shear

One of four types of slope failure. Failure by rotational shear produces a movement of an almost undisturbed segment along a circular or spoon-shaped surface and occurs in comprehensive, uniform material. This material would not be affected by geological planes of weakness. Failure of this type can

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Dictionary Technical: Technical English-English occur from causes that either increase the shear stresses or decrease the shear strength of the material. Woodruff

rotational slide

A slide of homogeneous earth or clay in which the slip surface of failure closely follows the arc of a circle. Nelson

To Go At beginning the Dictionary

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