dichotomy - vila nova de gaia

coexisting frames Unidade curricular de Comunicação, Fotografia e Multimédia Faculdade de Arquiteura da Universidade do Porto 2013 | 2014 Dichotomy

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Comunicação, Fotografia e Multimédia - Universidade do Porto - 2013


Page 1: Dichotomy - Vila Nova de Gaia

coexisting frames

Unidade curricular de Comunicação, Fotografia e Multimédia

Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto

2013 | 2014


Page 2: Dichotomy - Vila Nova de Gaia


Page 3: Dichotomy - Vila Nova de Gaia


“an expanse of rusting sheet metal, sackcloths, planks bristling with spikes, pipes black with soot, piles of tins, behind walls with fading signs,

frames of staved-in straw chairs, ropes good only for hanging oneself from a rotten beam. From one part to the other, the city seems to continue, in perspective,

multiplying its repretory of images: but instead it has no thickness, it consists only of a face and an obverse, like a sheet of paper, with a figure on either side,

which can neither be seperated nor look at each other. “

Italo Calvino - Invisible Cities

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Ramiro MarcosG. Martin PegoIrene Princivalle

M. Clara Serenellini

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Dichotomycoexisting frames

comunicação, fotografia e multiméDia


Vila Nova de Gaia is a city in which a lot of different realities coexist, and therefore, buildings show this. Our work starts from a game of point of views to create two images in one shoot. Every single photograph is like a diptych. Spaces, materials, surfaces and textures. Different plans meet when they enter in the 2D space of the image, that becomes almost abstract but mantains some recognizable elements. This research originates from the exploration of this overlapped layers that are often in contrast, but still they seem to create a harmonic unity and they perfectly represent the identity of the city and the caves. The influences are more, from Andreas Muellerpohle (Berlin-based media artist and publisher) with his series Constellations in which shadows and textures create sad and out-of-time images, to some sculptures with which Lucio Fontana (Italian artist) explores materials and how light works on black and white objects. In the end talking about literature we felt close to Italo Calvino, author of the book “The Invisible Cities”.

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Destructions, empty spaces and new constructions are historical moments that play key role in the speculative restructuration of urban space

Maros Krivy, Preparations

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The image is not a reproduction of a reality, but oppositionHubertus von Amelunxen

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Andreas Müller PohleAndreas Müller Pohle is a Berlin-based media artist and publisher. In his work Constellations Müller Pohle makes a decomposition of the visuals that gives the picture an abstract effect. Different layers join in a second space, creating different deeps and non-deeps spaces. We chose this author because he works with overlapping plans and also because of the way he works with light creating dark and light surfaces. www.muellerpohle.net

Paulo CatricaPaulo Catrica is a portuguese photographer and an Image and Communication License. In his work Portugal guide, behind the Mountains and Upper Douro, he photography objects and architecture in different approaches. He also works with diptychs counterposing landscapes with concrete elements and architecture. www.dearsir-agency.com

Carlos LoboCarlos Alfonso de Oliveira Lobo is a portuguese photographer and an Image and Communication License. In his work Surfaces he works with different plans and surfaces, decomposing a frontal space in separate elements and embossing them.www.carloslobo.net

Maros Krivy Maros Krivy is a photographer and sociologist from the Slovak Republic. He has numerous writing and publications. All his works hide strong concepts that support his thoughts and photographs. We use this author as a reference on the way he writes and develops different ideas that characterize its work.www.maroskrivy.eu

Lucio FontanaLucio Fontana is an Italian painter, sculptor and theorist of Argentine birth. He moved with his family to Milan in 1905 but followed his father back to Buenos Aires in 1922 and there established his own sculpture studio in 1924. We learned from this artist how to explore materials and how light works on black and white objects.www.fondazioneluciofontana.it

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“Made of fragments mixed with the remaining, of instants separated by intervals, of signals that join tracks and do not know who receives them.

The city that my trip tends is discontinuous in space and time, sometimes split, sometimes dense, do not think that one has to stop searching for it “

Italo Calvino - Inivisible Cities

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O objectivo geral da unidade curricular de Comunicação, Fotografia e Multimédia (CFM) do 4º e 5º Ano na FAUP é o

de estudar e explorar a Fotografia Documental e Artística relacionada com Arquitectura, Cidade e Território, bem como os

suportes das publicações alternativas (livros de artista) e as características de acessibilidade na Internet para a comunicação

destes conteúdos. O intuito é o de produzir diversas narrativas visuais que exploram de forma crítica os espaços de

Arquitectura, Cidade e Território.

Prof. Pedro Leão Neto

Regente da unidade curricular de CFM e CAAD