dicionário visual bilingue português – inglês

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Dicionário visual bilingue português – inglês


  • 1. portug~ese

2. Bilingual dictionary 3. mooA DORLING KINDERSLEY BOOK 4. LONDON, NEWYORK, MELBOURNE, MUNICH,AND DELHI Senior Editor Scarlett 0'Hara SeniorArt Editor Vicky Short Production Editor Phil Sergeant Production Controller Danielle Smith ManagingArt Editor Louise Dick Managing Editor julie Oughton US Editor Liza Kaplan Designed for Dorling Kindersley by WaltonCreative.com Art Editor Colin Walton, assisted byTracy Musson Designers Peter Radcliffe, Earl Neish, Ann Cannings Picture Research Marissa Keating Language content for Dorling Kindersley by First Edition Translations Ltd., Cambridge, UK Translator Maria Hooper Editor NormaTait Typesetting Writeldea First American Edition, 2010 Published in the United States by DK Publishing 375 Hudson Street NewYork, New York 10014 10 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 177768-May 2010 Copyright Darling Kindersley Limited All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by anymeans (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. Published in Great Britain by Darling Kindersley Limited. A catalog record forth is book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN: 978-0-7566-6209-7 DK books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or educational use For details, contact: DK Publishing Special Markets,375 Hudson Street, NewYork, NewYork 10014 or [email protected]. Printed byTlaciarne BB s.r.o., Slovak Republic Discover more at www.dk.com fndice contents a saude health comer fora eating out leisure 5. ,, sobre o dicionario about the dictionary home o estudo study o ambiente environment como utilizar este livro how to use this book os servi~os services otrabalho work refer(!ncia reference as pessoas people as compras shopping ostransportes transport index a apar(!ncia appearance os alimentos food ...os desportos sports agradecimentos acknowledgments 6. fNDICE CONTENTS as pessoas people o corpo I body 12 a cara Iface a mao I hand ope Ifoot os musculos I muscles o esqueleto I skeleton os 6rgaos internos internal organs os 6rgaos reprodutores reproductive organs a familia I family as rela~5es I relationships as emo~5es I emotions os acontecimentos da vida life events a aparencia appearance a roupa de crian~a children's dothing a roupa de homem men's clothing a roupa de senhora women's clothing os acess6rios I accessories o cabelo I hair a beleza I beauty a saude health a doen~a I illness o medico I doctor 14 15 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 25 26 30 32 34 36 38 40 44 45 a lesao I injury 46 os primeiros socorros I first aid 47 o hospital I hospital 48 o dentista I dentist o oculista I optician a gravidez I pregnancy o parto I childbirth as terapias alternativas alternative therapy 6 50 51 52 53 54 o lar home a casa I house as instala~5es internas internal systems a sala de estar I living room a sala dejantar I dining room a cozinha I kitchen os utensilios de cozi nha kitchenware o quarto de dormir I bedroom a casa de banho bathroom o quarto das crian~as nursery a lavandaria utility room a oficina Iworkshop a caixa das ferramentas toolbox a decora~ao I decorating o jardim I garden as plantas dejardim garden plants as ferramentas dejardinagem garden tools a jardinagem I gardening . as compras . shopping58 . 60 . o centro comercial shopping centre 62 os grandes armazens 64 department store 66 o supermercado supermarket 68 a farmacia I chemist a florista I florist 70 o vendedor de jornais 72 newsagent o vendedor de doces 74 confectioner as outras lojas 76 other shops os alimentos 78 a carne I meat 80 o peixe I fish os legumes I vegetables 82 a fruta I fruit 84 104 105 106 108 110 112 113 114 food 118 120 122 126 os graos e as leguminosas 130 86 grains and pulses as ervas aromaticas e especiarias 132 88 herbs and spices 90 os alimentos engarrafados bottled foods 134 os lacticinios os serv1~os serv1ces 136 os servi~os de emergencia 94 emergency services o banco I bank 96 as comunica~5es 98 communications o hotel I hotel 100 dairy produce os paes e as farinhas breads and flours os bolos e as sobremesas cakes and desserts . a charcutaria I delicatessen . as bebidas I drinks 138 140 142 144 portugu~s english 7. comer fora eating out os desportos sport o futebol america no 220 American football 148o cafe I cafe obarlbar 150 o raguebi I rugby o futeboll soccer o restaurante I restaurant 152 o h6quei I hockey a comida rapida 154 fast food o criquete I cricket o pequeno-almo~o I breakfast 156 o jantar I dinner 158 o basqueteboll basketball o baseball baseball o tenis I tennis 0 eStUdO e Study o golfe I golf a escola I school 162 o atletismo I athletics a matematica I maths as ciencias I science o ensino superior college o trabalho work 164 166 168 o escrit6rio I office 172 o computador I computer 176 os meios de comunica~ao I media178 os desportos de combate combat sports a nata~ao I swimming a vela I sailing a equita~ao I horse riding a pesca I fishing o esqui I skiing outros desportos other sports 221 222 224 225 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 a lei I law 180 182 186 188 a forma fisica 250 a quinta I farm a constru~ao I construction as profissoes I professions os transportes transport as estradas I roads o autocarro I bus o carro I car a motocicleta I motorbike a bicicleta I bicycle o comboio I train o aviao I aircraft o aeroporto I airport o navio I ship o porto I port portugu~s english fitness o lazer leisure o teatro I theatre a orquestra I orchestra o concerto I concert o turismo I sightseeing 194 as actividades ao ar livre 196 198 204 206 208 outdoor activities a praia I beach o campismo I camping o entretenimento no lar home entertainment 210 a fotografia photography 212 os jogos I games 214 216 as artes manuais arts and crafts 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 fNDICE CONTENTS o ambiente environment o espa~o I space a Terra I Earth a paisagem I landscape o tempo I weather as rochas I rocks os minerais I minerals os animais I animals as plantas I plants a cidade I town a arquitectura I architecture referenda reference as horas I time o calendario I calendar os numeros I numbers os pesos e as medidas weights and measures 280 282 284 286 288 289 290 296 298 300 304 306 308 310 o mapa do mundo I world map 312 adverbios e ant6nimos 320 partides and antonyms frases uteis useful phrases 322 7 8. sabre o dicionario Esta comprovado que a utiliza~ao de imagens. ajuda na compreensao e reten~ao da informa~ao. Baseado neste principia, este dicionario bilingue altamente ilustrado apresenta uma ampla gama de vocabulario utile actual em duas linguas europeias. 0 dicionario esta dividido portemas e cobre a maior parte dos aspectos do mundo quotidiano em pormenor, desde o restaurante ao ginasio, da casa ao local de trabalho e desde o espa~o ao reino animal. Encontrara tambem palavras e frases adicionais para utilizar na conversa~ao e para alargar o seu vocabulario. Este dicionario e urn instrumento de referenda essencial para todos os que se interessam pelas linguas- e pratico, estimulante e facil de utilizar. Alguns pontos a observar As duas linguas sao sempre apresentadas na mesma ordem: portuguese inglh Em portugues, os substantivos mostram- se sempre com os seus artigos definidos a reflectir o genero (masculino ou feminino) e o numero (singular ou plural), por exemplo: a semente seed as amendoas almonds Os verbos sao indicados por urn (v) depois do ingles, porexemplo: colher =harvest (v) Cada lingua tern o seu proprio indice no final do livro. Ai podera consultar uma palavra em qualquer das duas linguas e ser encaminhado para a(s) pagina(s) onde a mesma aparece. 0 genero dos substantivos e indicado com as seguintes abreviaturas: 8 m = masculino f = feminino about the dictionary The use of pictures is proven to aid understanding and the retention of information. Working on this principle, this highly-illustrated bilingual dictionary presents a large range of useful current vocabulary in two European languages. The dictionary is divided thematically and covers most aspects of the everyday wortd in detail, from the restaurant to the gym, the home to the workplace, and from outer space to the animal kingdom. You will also find additional words and phrases for conversational use and for extending your vocabulary. This is an essential reference tool for anyone interested in Languages- practical, stimulating and easy-to-use. A few things to note The two languages are always presented in the same order- Portuguese and English. In Portuguese, nouns are given with their definite articles reflecting the gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural), for example: a semente seed as amendoas almonds Verbs are indicated by a (v) after the English, for example: colher = harvest (v) Brief pronunciation guide Vowels: pilha (battery) and mula (mule) -the pronunciation of i and u doesn't change in most words- i like ee in tree, and u like oo in booster Nasal sounds: ao, as in "pao" (bread): pown[g]; ae, as in "mae" (mother): mayn[g); oe, as in "feijoes" (beans), sounds like oin in point: fayjoinsh Consonants: homem (man)- h is always silent at the beginning of the word tenho (I have)- nh sounds like ny, tenyo Julho Quly) -lh sounds like ly, joolyo tacho (pan) - ch sounds like sh in shadow cenoura (carrot) and cidone (cyclone) - c before e and i is soft like sin sand, otherwise it sounds like the c in comer before a, o and u. tap (cup)-~ always sounds like a soft s as Each language also has its own index at the : in sun back of the book Here you can look up a gelo (ice) and girafa (giraffe)- g sounds word in either ofthe two languages and be like sin measure before e and i referred to the page number(s) where it guia (guide)- gu sounds Uke gin goat appears. The gender of nouns is shown before e and j using the following abbreviations: caro (expensive) and carro (car)- one r m = masculine f =feminine sounds like r in Dora and rr is like r in rat casa (house)- one s between vowels sounds like z in zebra. Sapato (shoe)- the initials sounds like sin sun. Passado (past) - ss also sounds like sin sun. taxi (taxi)- x sounds like in the English equivalent taxi. Baixo (Low)- x sounds like shin shop. Proximo (next)- x sounds like c in pace. Exacto (exact)- x sounds like z in portugu~s english 9. como utilizar este Livro Quer esteja a aprender uma lingua nova por motives de trabalho, prazer ou para se preparar para umas ferias no estrangeiro, ou queira aumentar o seu vocabulario numa lingua queja conhece, este dicionario eum instrumento de aprendizagem valioso que podera utilizarde varias maneiras diferentes. Ao aprender uma nova lingua, procure as palavras similares em linguas diferentes e as palavras que parecem similares mas que tem significados totalmente distintos. Podera tambem observar como as Unguas se influendaram entre si. Porexemplo, a lingua inglesa importou muitos termos de comida de outras linguas europeias, mas, em troca, exportou termas empregados na tecnologia e cultura popular. Actividades pn'iticas de aprendizagem Enquanto anda pela sua casa, localde trabalho au escola, tente procurar as paginas que se referem a esse local. Paden! entao fechar o livro, olhar em seu redor e ver de quantos objectos au caracterlsticas consegue lembrar-se. Lance a si mesmo o desafio de escrever uma hist6ria, uma carta ou um dialogo empregando tantos termos de uma determinada pagina quantos conseguir. lsto ajuda-lo-a a reter o vocabulario e a lembrar-se da ortografia. Se quiser progredirpara uma composi{:ao mais tonga, comece com frases que incorporem 2 ou 3 palavras. Se tiver uma boa memoria visual, tente desenhar ou decalcar objectos do livro num pape~ a seguir feche o livro e escreva as palavras correspondentes abaixo do desenho. Quando se sentir mais seguro, escolha palavras do indice na lingua estrangeira e veja se sabe o que significam antes de consultar a pagina correspondente para comprovar se tinha razao. portugu~s english how to use this book Whetheryou are learning a new language for business, pleasure, or in preparation for a holiday abroad, or are hoping to extend your vocabulary in an already familiar language, this dictionary is a valuable learning tool which you can use in a numberofdifferent ways. When learning a new language, look out for cognates (words that are alike in different languages) and false friends (words that look alike but carry significantly different meanings). You can also see where the languages have influenced each other. For example, English has imported many terms for food from other European languages but, in tum, exported terms used in technology and popular culture. Practical learning activities As you move about your home, workplace, or college, try looking at the pages which cover that setting. You could then close the book, lookaround you and see how many of the objects and features you can name. Challenge yourself to write a story, letter, or dialogue using as many of the terms on a particular page as possible. This will help you retain the vocabulary and remember the spelling. Ifyou want to build up to ' writing a longer text, start with sentences incorporating 2-3 words. Ifyou have a veryvisual memory, try drawing or tradng items from the book onto a piece ofpaper, then dose the book and fill in the words below the picture. Once you are more confident, pick out words in the foreign language index and see ifyou know what they mean before ' turning to the relevant page to check ifyou were right. 9 10. as pessoas people 11. AS PESSOAS PEOPLE o corpo body 12 o pescorro ~ o peito chest o abd6men abdomen a anca hip os genitais genitals a canela shin o homem male omamilo nipple a caberra head o peito / a cintura waist o umbigo a coxa thigh ~ a mulher female knee ope foot navel o antebrarro forearm portugu~s english 12. oombro~ o cotovelo elbow o pulse wrist hand otornozelo ~ portugu~s english a mulher female AS PESSOAS PEOPLE as costas r: o homem male a axila armpit a zona lombar small of back ~buttock a barriga da perna calf o calcanhar heel 13 13. AS PESSOAS PEOPLE a cara face a sobrancelha eyebrow a orelha ear o nariz nose o sinal mole o L~bio Lip 14 o cabelo ir a testa forehead a face cheek o olho eye a narina nostril a boca mouth a maxila jaw portugu~s english 14. a ruga wrinkle a mao . hand o dedo minima little finger ope foot o dedo dope toe a sarda freckle odedo media middle finger o dedo indicador index finger a almofada do antepe ball o polegar thumb a sola dope o area plantar sole a regiaa plantar instep portugu~s english arch AS PESSOAS PEOPLE o para pore a unha nail o n6 do dedo knuckle o dedo grande do pe r big toe a covinha dimple o punho fist a unha dope toenail o dedo pequeno dope little toe otornozelo ankle 15 15. AS PESSOAS PEOPLE os museulos muscles o frontal frontal o intercostal intercostal os abdominais abdominals 16 o delt6ide deltoid hamstring otendao de uiles Achilles tendon otr trapezius o dorsal Latissimus dorsi an buttock portugu~s english 16. o esqueleto skeleton a clavicula collar bone a omoplata shoulder blade oesterno breast bone a costela rib 0 cubito ulna 0 radio radius a pelvis pelvis ~kneecap o per6nio fibula o metatarso metatarsal portugu~s english o maxilar jaw a caixa tonkica rib cage o metacarpo metacarpal AS PESSOAS PEOPLE as vertebras cervicais cervicalvertebrae as vertebras toracicas thoracicvertebrae as vertebras lombares lumbar vertebrae o c6ccix tailbone a espinha dorsal spine a articula~ao joint o Ligamenta ligament ! 0 L~ otendao bone tendon 17 17. AS PESSOAS PEOPLE os 6rgaos internos internal organs o do Liver o duodena duodenum orim dney o intestine do small intestine 18 a glandula tire6idea thyroid gland a tra eia windpipe Lmao Lung o cor heart portugu~s english 18. a cabe~a head o seio nasal o lato palate a tongue a deAdao Adam's apple as cordas vocais vocal os sistemas body systems respirat6rio respiratory urinario urinary portugu~s english o diafragma diaphragm digestive digestive end6crino endocrine aveia vein cardiovascular cardiovascular nervoso nervous a arteria artery AS PESSOAS PEO PLE o cerebra brain o es6fago oesophagus a linfatico lymphatic reprodutor reproductive 19 19. AS PESSOAS PEOPLE os 6rgaos reprodutores reproductive organs 0 ovario ovary 0 utero uterus 0 cervix cervix a reprodu~ao reproduction o esperma sperm o 6vulo ~ a fertiliza'< a tenaz Itongs o filtro de papel filter paper a pipeta pipette olman magnet = 0 ESTUDO STUDY ( lontra f 290 malaquite f 289 marcas rodovianas f 194 meia pensao f 101 mile novecentos307 In losango m 164 malas f 37 Mar