didactic unit


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Page 1: Didactic unit
Page 2: Didactic unit

In groups of 3 or 4 Design a didactic unit on a topic of your

choice Hand in written work by Tuesday 5 May Presentations: 15 minutes for groups of 3, 20

minutes for groups of 4 Dates of presentations: Thursday 7 May, 14

May, 21 May

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Each person will also have to hand in 1 criticalevaluation of another group’s presentation

Distribution of marks: - 30% presentation literary text- 50 % didactic unit(50% of this will be on the written work, 50% on the presentation itself)

- 20% on peer evaluation

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Timing: 5 sessions of 50 minutes a week, periodof 2 weeks (Total of 10 sessions)

Topic: you can choose the topic, but you have to justify your choice, referring to the curriculum

You need to specify (you can invent this):

- age/grade of students

- profile of the students (any special needs?) - number of students in class- the school- when you will teach this unit (dates, month, time of day)

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1. Justification (reason for choosing the topic, situation within the curriculum)

2. Contextualization (details about school and type of students)

3. Objectives4. Resources5. Methodology6. Sequence of activities (including timing and

materials)7. Suggestions for variation8. Evaluation

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Broad definition of the student competenceGeneral Syllabus for Preschool Education

In Navarra, Foral Decree 23/2007, 19th March.

La Educación Infantil contribuirá a desarrollar en las niñas y niños las capacidadesque les permitan:

a) Conocer su propio cuerpo y el de los otros, sus posibilidades de acción y aprender a respetar las diferencias.

b) Observar y explorar su entorno familiar, natural y social, reconociendo en él algunas características propias

de Navarra.

c) Adquirir progresivamente autonomía en sus actividades habituales.

d) Desarrollar sus capacidades afectivas.

e) Relacionarse con los demás y adquirir progresivamente pautas elementales de convivencia y relación social,

así como ejercitarse en la resolución pacífica de conflictos.

f) Desarrollar habilidades comunicativas en diferentes lenguajes y formas de expresión.

g) Iniciarse en las habilidades lógico-matemáticas, en la lecto-escritura y en el movimiento, el gesto y el ritmo.

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Describes what a teacher will cover in a course/unit.Less broad than goals and broader than student learning outcomes.

3 areas:

Self-knowledge and personal autonomy

Environment knowledge

Language: communication and representation

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1. Formarse una imagen ajustada y positiva de sí mismo, a través de la interacción con losotros y de la identificación gradual de las propias características, posibilidades ylimitaciones, desarrollando sentimientos de autoestima y autonomía personal.

2. Conocer su cuerpo, sus elementos y algunas de sus funciones, descubriendo lasposibilidades de acción y de expresión y coordinando y controlando cada vez con mayorprecisión gestos y movimientos.

3. Identificar los propios sentimientos, emociones, necesidades o preferencias, y ser capacesde expresarlos y comunicarlos a los demás, identificando y respetando, también, los delos otros.

4. Realizar, de manera cada vez más autónoma, actividades habituales y tareas sencillaspara resolver problemas de la vida cotidiana, aumentando el sentimiento deautoconfianza y la capacidad de iniciativa, y desarrollando estrategias para satisfacersus necesidades básicas.

5. Adecuar su comportamiento a las necesidades y requerimientos de los otros desarrollandoactitudes y hábitos de respeto, ayuda y colaboración, evitando comportamientos desumisión o dominio.

6. Progresar en la adquisición de hábitos y actitudes relacionados con la seguridad, la higieney el fortalecimiento de la salud, apreciando y disfrutando de las situaciones cotidianas deequilibrio y bienestar emocional.

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1. Observar y explorar de forma activa su entorno, generando interpretaciones sobre algunassituaciones y hechos significativos y mostrando interés por su conocimiento.

2. Relacionarse con los demás, de forma cada vez más equilibrada y satisfactoria, interiorizandoprogresivamente las pautas de comportamiento social y ajustando su conducta a ellas.

3. Conocer distintos grupos sociales cercanos a su experiencia, algunas de sus características,producciones culturales, valores y formas de vida, generando actitudes de confianza, respeto yaprecio.

4. Iniciarse en las habilidades matemáticas, manipulando funcionalmente elementos y colecciones,identificando sus atributos y cualidades y estableciendo relaciones de agrupamientos,clasificación, orden y cuantificación.

5. Conocer y valorar los componentes básicos del medio natural y algunas de sus relaciones,cambios y trasformaciones, desarrollando actitudes de cuidado, respeto y responsabilidad ensu conservación, tomando como referencia los paisajes de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra.

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1. Utilizar la lengua como instrumento de aprendizaje, de representación, de comunicación y disfrute, deexpresión de ideas y sentimientos y valorando la lengua oral como un medio de relación con los demás y deregulación de la convivencia.

2. Expresar sentimientos, deseos e ideas mediante la lengua oral y a través de otros lenguajes, eligiendo el quemejor se ajuste a la intención y a la situación.

3. Comprender las intenciones y mensajes de otros niños y niñas así como de las personas adultas, adoptandouna actitud positiva hacia las lenguas.

4. Comprender, reproducir y recrear algunos textos literarios mostrando actitudes de valoración, disfrute e interéshacia ellos.

5. Iniciarse en los usos sociales de la lectura y la escritura explorando su funcionamiento y valorándolas comoinstrumento de comunicación, información y disfrute.

6. Acercarse al conocimiento de obras artísticas expresadas en distintos lenguajes y realizar actividades derepresentación y expresión artística mediante el empleo de diversas técnicas.

7. Iniciarse en el uso oral de otras lenguas del currículo para comunicarse en actividades dentro del aula, ymostrar interés y disfrute al participar en estos intercambios comunicativos.

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Specify the level or criterion for the knowledge, skill, ability that the student must demonstrate

Include conditions under which they should be able to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, abilities

Contain active verbs Be measurable (some more easily than others) Do not join elements in one outcome statement

that can not be assessed by a single method

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The Three Domains of Learning

(Bloom, et al. 1956)

Cognitive: mental skills (knowledge)

Affective: growth in feelings or emotional

areas (attitude or self)

Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (skills)

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The cognitive domain involves knowledge and the

development of intellectual skills (Bloom, 1956).

There are six major categories of cognitive processes, from the simplest to the most complex:

▪ Remembering

▪ Understanding

▪ Applying

▪ Analyzing

▪ Creating

▪ Evaluating

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Recall or retrieve previous learned information, such as facts, terms, concepts and answers.


Choose, copy, define, find, duplicate, identify, label, list, match, memorize, name, observe, omit, quote, recognize, record , repeat, reproduce, select, show, spell, state, tell

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To show understanding and demonstrate comprehension of facts, ideas, instructions and problems.

State a problem in one's own words


classify, compare, contrast, demonstrate, discuss, explain, express, defend, distinguish, generalize, give examples, illustrate, interpret, indicate, infer, match, outline, paraphrase, report, show, summarize, translate

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Use a concept in a new situation or unprompted use of an abstraction. Applies what was learned in the classroom into novel situations in the work place


Apply, associate, build, change, calculate, connect, construct, correlate, demostrate, develop, dramatise, employ, identify, interpret, illustrate, link, manipulate, make use of, model, organise, perform, plan, practice, relate, represent, select, show, simulate, solve, summarise, use

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To examine in detail. Analyze and break

information into parts and identify causes

Make inferences and find evidence support generalizations

Distinguishes between facts and inferences.


Analyze, categorise, choose, classify,

differentiate, deconstruct, distinguish, examine,

discuss, identify, inspect, illustrate, infer, order, prioritize, reorganise,

relate, select, separate, structure

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To change or create into something new. Compiling information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.


Add, build, change, choose, combine, compose, construct, convert, create, elaborate, experiment, formulate, improve, makeup, modifiy, plan, predict, produce, propose, rewrite, simplify, solve, test, transform

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To justify Presenting information and

defending opinions bymaking judgements aboutinformation, validity of ideas or quality of workbased on a set of criteria.


Agree, argue, assess, choose, compare, conclude, consider, convince, criticise, debate, decide, deduct, defend, discriminate, evaluate, explain, give reasons, interpret, justify, prove, relate, select, support, validate

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Are the outcomes aligned with the values, and goals? Do the outcomes clearly describe the expected

abilities, knowledge, values, and attitudes? Are the outcomes simply stated? Is it possible to collect accurate and reliable data for

the outcomes? Can they be used to identify areas to improve? Are they written using action verbs to specify definite,

observable behaviors? Does the language describe student rather than

teacher behaviors? Does the language describe a learning outcome, not a


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Analyze the general objectives and relate them to the contents.

Should include reference to concepts, procedures and attitudes.

Share them with students Catering for diversity:

Allow different grades of accomplishment

Some are basic and some are for deepening

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Conceptual: facts, concepts Procedural: skills, methods, techniques Affective: values and attitudes

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Bloque 1. El cuerpo y la propia imagen. Bloque 2. Juego y movimiento. Bloque 4. El cuidado personal y la salud. Bloque 3. La actividad y la vida cotidiana.

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Bloque 1. Medio físico: elementos, relaciones y medida.

Bloque 2. Acercamiento a la naturaleza. Bloque 3. Cultura y vida en sociedad.

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Language: communication and representation

Bloque 1. Lenguaje verbal. 1. Escuchar, hablar y conversar

2. Aproximación a la lengua escrita

3. Acercamiento a la literatura Bloque 2. Lenguaje audiovisual y tecnologías

de la información y la comunicación. Bloque 3. Lenguaje artístico. Bloque 4. Lenguaje corporal.

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Balanced: concepts, procedures, affective

Cater for diversity


Check first main contents for Preschool


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suitable for age

attractive and stimulating

suggests but doesn’t replace



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Gross-Motor Play: Large blocks Transportation toys, Climbing equipment, Tricycles, wagons, Big Wheels, Woodworking equipment and materials (child-size hammers, workbench, vise, screwdrivers, scrap lumber, etc.)

Fine-Motor Play: Clay, Puzzles, Art supplies (finger and water paints, brushes, markers, crayons, scissors, etc.), Beads for stringing, Construction materials (small blocks, Legos, Lincoln Logs, etc.)

Language and Literacy: Books, Writing materials (notepads, individual chalkboard, pens, pencils, old typewriters, sand trays, etc.), Thematic props (teddy bears for “Goldilocks,” puppets, etc.)

Cognitive Play: Materials for water play (buckets, squirt guns, sieves, etc.), Simple board games, Simple card games, Materials for science experiments (balance scales, eye droppers, animal cages, aquariums, terrariums, etc.), Objects from nature (leaves, bird’s nest, feathers, etc.)

Sociodramatic Play: Dolls and stuffed animals, Props for dramatic play (hats, neckties, child stethoscope, eyeglasses with lenses, etc.), Miniature life figures Housekeeping equipment and props (child-size broom, dishware, table and chairs, etc.)

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Promote mental activity

▪ participation▪ solidarity

no discrimination

Integrate a variety of: types of contents

▪ relevant contexts▪ difficulty levels

Allow different approaches

▪ expression ▪ accomplishment levels

roles and interactions

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variety of differences in people▪ cultural and language backgrounds

▪ religion

▪ values

▪ sexual orientation

▪ abilities

▪ educational background

▪ socio-economic status

▪ lifestyles

▪ gender

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Involves taking into account all

children’s social, cultural and

linguistic diversity in curriculum

decision-making processes

Acknowledging and catering for

difference so that all children

experience a strong sense of belonging

and acceptance as valued members of

the group

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Gradable learning outcomes


Participation: cooperative learning, peer instruction.

Mixed: for all learning styles

Grouping: different according to students’ needs

Activities for different curricular levels.

Reinforcement measures

Extension measures

Different materials/resources to motivate all students

Assessment instruments adapted to students’ needs