die transvaal i dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › za-transvaal › 1965 ›...

I _ _ _ 1 I i . MENIKO - _ . . . . . DIE PROVINSIE ' TRANSVAAL t..t) THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL . 1 y ' kill'. ‘N....noei . , I - dipitisliett itotrant ictly official lipattte A I \ *t:4.11// 0 OW/ . (As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) - ;:sti,?fw (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) - . 6 JANUARIE ,„, - Vol.. 192.] PRYS 5c. PRETORIA, 6 JANUARY "'''' PRICE 5c. [No. 3130. INHOUD AGTERIN. . 1 CONTENTS ON BACK. PAGES. PROVINSIALE RAAD VAN TRANSVAAL. PROVINCIAL'. COUNCIL OF TRANSVAAL. i ' . 1 HERVATTING VAN SESSIE, RESUMPTION OF SESSION. . . . Aangesien dit nodig geag word dat die Provinsiale As it is considered necessary for the Provincial Council Raad sy sessie hervat, word 'dear kragtens die bevoegd- to resume its session, it is hereby notified, in terms of held wat die 'Rand by 'Besluit van. 11.1unie 1964, aan the authority conferred upon Mr. Chairman by Resolu - mnr. die Voorsitter verleen het. hiennee bekendgemaak tion of the Council, dated 11th June, 1964, that the said ' . dat gemelde Raad op Dinsdag. 9 Febrtiarie 1965, om Council will meet at Pretoria, on Tuesday, 9th February. 10.30 vm., to Pretoria byeen sal kora om sy werksaam- 1965, at 10.30 a.m., for the 'despatch of business. hede te verrig. - . . By Order of Mr. Chairman. . . . - 'Op las van Mar. die Voorsitter. - 1.. T.DE LANGE . . - . J.. T: DE LANGE.. . ... . ' . . . , . . , Acting Clerk nf the Provincial Council. ' , . Waarnemende Klerk. van die Provinsiale ' Transvaal. . . Raad, Transvaal. ' . . . , . ,.. . . Provinsiale Raadsaal, Provincial Council Chambers, .. Pretoria. 29 Desember 1964. . - ' . : . - , Pretoria. 29th December;11964. . - - ' - . . : ___ . , No. 1 (Administrateure-)..1965.) No. .I (AdminiStratqrs), 1965.1 .. .. ' " PROKLAMASIE - - PROCLAMATION. . . . . DEUR SY EDELE DIE ADMINISTRATEUR VAN DIE BY THE HONOURABLE THE ADMINISTRATOR OF TI - 111 PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL. - . . , PROVINCE' OF TRANSVAAL- 2 . "" . - Nademaal dit wenslik. geag word om die grense van Whereas it is deemed expedient to alter the boundaries die dorp Nelspruit Uitbreiding No. 3 te verander *deur. . of Nelspruit Extension No. 3 Township by. the inclusion .Gedeelte 33 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 2) van die plaas therein of Portion 33 (a portion - of Portion 2) of the film Nelspruit No. 312, Registrasie - afdeling IT., distrilc, - Nelspruit No. 312, Regtslration Division J.T., District II Nelspruit, daarin op te neem; . of Nelspruit; So is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge die. bevoegdhede Now; therefore, under and by virtue of the powers wat by subartikel (1) van artikel - nege-en-veertig van die vested in me by sub - section (1) - of section forty - nine of Registrasie van Aktes. Wet, 1937, gelees met artikel the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, read with section twenty twintig bis van die Dorpe - en Dorpsaanleg-Oidonnansie, bis - of the Townships and Town - planning Ordinance. 1931, aan my verleen word, hierby verklaar dat die grense 1931:1 hereby declare that the boundaries of the said van genoemde dorp uitgebrei is sodat die genoemde township are extended to include the said portion, subject ledeelte daarin opgeneem word onderworpe aan die .to the condition set out in the Annexure hereto. voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. 110 - Gegee under my Hand te.'Pretoria, op he de' die Agste - dag van Desember Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en- Given under my Hand at.Pretoria on this Eighth day of December, One thousand Nine hundred and Sixty - four. . . sestig. F. H. ODENDAAL, .. F. H. ODENDAAL, Administrator of the Province of Transvaal. - Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal. T.A.D. 6/178.. T.A.D. 6/178. . .. ANNEXURE. - BYLAE. Upon incorporation the - land is subject to existing Die grond is by inlywinj onderworpe an bestaaude conditions and servitudes. - voonnardes en serwitute. ' - . - . , . . . . , . . . . No. 2 (Administrator's). 1965. ] . . , No. 2 (Administrateurs-), 1961] . , . - PROKLAMASIE - PROCLAMATION . ADMINISTRATOR .BY THE HONOURABLE THE OF THE 'DEUR Sy - EDELE PIE ADMINISTRATEUR VAN DIE PROVINCE - OF TRANSVAAL. - . PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL. . - . . . . . . _ Whereas Town-planning. Scheme No. 1, 1946, of the . . Nademaal. Dorpsaanlegskema No..1; 1946; van die _City , Council of - Johannesburg, was .approved by Stadsraad van Johannesburg by - Proklaniasie No: 132 van - Proclamation. No. 132 of .1946„.in terms Of section forty - . 1946, ingevolge artikel drie-en-veertig van die Dorpe- en three of the Townships and ToWn - planning Ordinance, Dorpsdanleg - ordonnansie, 1931, goedgekeur is; 1931; .. - . •. _ .. . , En - nademaal dit wenslik geag word om genoemde . - .And whereas it is deemed expeclient.to.antend the said , . Dorpsaanlegskema in sekere opsigte te wysig; - Town-planning Scheme in certain respects; - - - - . - 1 - 5110197 . - - . ....____

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Page 1: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge


_ _ _1




MENIKO - _ .. .

. .


1 y'

kill'.‘N....noei . ,

I- dipitisliett itotrant ictly official lipattteA I\ *t:4.11// 0OW/. •

(As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer)-;:sti,?fw

(Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) -.

6 JANUARIE ,„, -

Vol.. 192.] PRYS 5c.•

PRETORIA, 6 JANUARY "'''' PRICE 5c. [No. 3130.




' • .1


Aangesien dit nodig geag word dat die Provinsiale As it is considered necessary for the Provincial CouncilRaad sy sessie hervat, word 'dear kragtens die bevoegd- to resume its session, it is hereby notified, in terms ofheld wat die 'Rand by 'Besluit van. 11.1unie 1964, aan the authority conferred upon Mr. Chairman by Resolu-mnr. die Voorsitter verleen het. hiennee bekendgemaak tion of the Council, dated 11th June, 1964, that the said


dat gemelde Raad op Dinsdag. 9 Febrtiarie 1965, om Council will meet at Pretoria, on Tuesday, 9th February.10.30 vm., to Pretoria byeen sal kora om sy werksaam- 1965, at 10.30 a.m., for the 'despatch of business.hede te verrig. - .

. By Order of Mr. Chairman.. . . - 'Op las van Mar. die Voorsitter. -

1..T.DE LANGE .. - .J.. T: DE LANGE...

... .'

• ..

. , . .

• , Acting Clerk nf the Provincial Council.'

, . Waarnemende Klerk. van die Provinsiale'

Transvaal. . .• Raad, Transvaal.' •


. . •

, . ,.. . .

Provinsiale Raadsaal, Provincial Council Chambers, ..•

Pretoria. 29 Desember 1964.. - '

. : . -, Pretoria. 29th December;11964. .


• - ' - . • . :___ •

. ,

No. 1 (Administrateure-)..1965.) • No. .I (AdminiStratqrs), 1965.1 .. ..'






. . , PROVINCE' OF TRANSVAAL-2 . • "". -

• Nademaal dit wenslik. geag word om die grense van Whereas it is deemed expedient to alter the boundariesdie dorp Nelspruit Uitbreiding No. 3 te verander *deur.. of Nelspruit Extension No. 3 Township by. the inclusion.Gedeelte 33 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte

2) van die plaas therein of Portion 33 (a portion- of Portion 2)of the filmNelspruit No. 312, Registrasie-afdeling IT., distrilc, -Nelspruit No. 312, Regtslration Division J.T., District

IINelspruit, daarin op te neem; .

of Nelspruit;So is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge die. bevoegdhede Now; therefore, under and by virtue of the powerswat by subartikel (1) van artikel- nege-en-veertig van die vested in me by sub-section (1) - of section forty-nine ofRegistrasie van Aktes. Wet, 1937, gelees met artikel the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, read with section twentytwintig bis van die Dorpe- en Dorpsaanleg-Oidonnansie, bis - of the Townships and Town-planning Ordinance.1931, aan my verleen word, hierby verklaar dat die grense 1931:1 hereby declare that the boundaries of the saidvan genoemde dorp uitgebrei is sodat die genoemde

township are extended to include the said portion, subjectledeelte daarin opgeneem word onderworpe aan die .to the condition set out in the Annexure hereto.voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae.


- • •

Gegee under my Hand te.'Pretoria, op he de' die Agste -

dag van Desember Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en-

Given under my Hand at.Pretoria on this Eighth dayof December, One thousand Nine hundred and Sixty-four.


sestig. • F. H. ODENDAAL, ..

F. H. ODENDAAL, Administrator of the Province of Transvaal.- Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal. T.A.D. 6/178..

T.A.D. 6/178..


BYLAE.Upon incorporation the - land is subject to existing

Die grond is by inlywinj onderworpe an bestaaude conditions and servitudes.- voonnardes en serwitute. ' - . - .

, . .. . ,. .. . No. 2 (Administrator's). 1965.] . .,No. 2 (Administrateurs-), 1961] . ,

. -



- . PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL. . - . . . . . ._ Whereas Town-planning. Scheme No. 1, 1946, of the

. . Nademaal. Dorpsaanlegskema No..1; 1946; van die _City , Council of - Johannesburg, was .approved byStadsraad van Johannesburg by - Proklaniasie No: 132 van-

Proclamation. No. 132 of .1946„.in terms Of section forty-. 1946, ingevolge artikel drie-en-veertig van die Dorpe- en three of the Townships and ToWn -planning Ordinance,

Dorpsdanleg-ordonnansie, 1931, goedgekeur is; 1931; ..-. •. _ ... ,

En - nademaal dit wenslik geag word om genoemde . - .And whereas it is deemed expeclient.to.antend the said,

. Dorpsaanlegskema in sekere opsigte te wysig; -Town-planning Scheme in certain respects; • - - - - .-

1- 5110197 . --

. ....____

Page 2: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge


_ _

SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge die-bevoegdhedE

- -NOW-rfliirefore; under and by virtue of


thepiiVverswat by artikel ses-en-veertig van genoemde Ordonnansie vested in me by section forty-six of the said Ordinance.aan my verleen word, hierby verklaar dat Dorpsaanleg- I hereby declare that Town -planning Scheme No. 1, 1946,skema No. 1, 1946, van die Stadsraad van Johannesburg, of the City Council of Johannesburg, is hereby amendedhierby gewysig word soos aangedui in die skemaklousules as indicated in the scheme clauses and on Mali No. 3. 4en op Kaart No. 3,'in bewaring gehou deur die Sekretaris filed with the Secretary of the Townships Board, Pretoria,van die Dorperaad,. Pretoria, en die Stadsklerk, Johannes- and the Town Clerk, Johannesburg; this amendment isburg; hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Johannesburg- known as Johannesburg Town -planning Scheme No. 1/142.dorpsaanlegskema No. 1/142.

Gegee onder my Hand to Pretoria, op hede die Twee- Given under my Hand al Pretoria on this Twenty-

en-twintigstesecond day of December, One thousand Nine Hundred anddag van Desember Eenduisend NegehonderdVier-en-sestig. Sixty-four.

S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,Waarnemende Administrateur van die - Deputy Administrator of the Province

Provinsie :Transvaal. of Transvaal.

T.A.D. 5/2/25/142. T.A.D.. 5/2/25/142.- - - -

No. 3 (Administrateurs-), 1965.] • No. 3 (Administrator's). 19651



Nademaal die Stadsraad van Kempton Park 'n. Whereas the- Town Council of Kenipton Park hasversoekskrif, ingevolge die bepalings van artikel vier van

die „ Local Authorities Roads Ordinance, 1904 ", ingedien petitioned, under the provisions of section four of theLocal Authorities Roads Ordinance, 1904, for the

4het om die proklamering tot 'n publieke pad van 'n sekerepad in die Munisipalitiet Kempton Park pled; proclamation, as a public road, of a certain road situated

En nademaal daar aan die bepalings van artikel vyt in the Municipality of Kempton Park;

van genoemde Ordonnansie Voldoen is en gees besware And whereas the provisions of section five of the saidteen die proklamering van die genoemde pad ingedien is Ordinance have been complied with and no objections

to be proclamation of the said road have been lodged;n'te;En nademaal dit dienstig geag word dat die genoemde And whereas it is deemed expedient that the said road

pad geproklameer moet word; should beproclaimed;Now,.therefore, under and by virtue' of the, powers

wat by artikel vier van genoemde Ordonnansie, gelees metSo, is dit dat ek. kragtens en ingevolge die bevoegdhede

vested in me by section four of the'said Ordinance, readartikel tagtig van die Grondwet van die Republiek van with section eighty of the Republic of South Africa

Constitution...lid, 1961, I do hereby proclaim as a publicSuid-Afrika, 1961, aan my verleen word, hierby die pad• sons omskryf in die bygaande Bylae en soos aangedui op road the road as described in the Schedule hereto, and as

Kaart L.G. No. A.4331/64 tot 'n publieke pad proklameer. shown on Diagram S.G. No: A.4331/64.Gegee onder my Hand te- Pretoria. op , bede. die_ Given under my Hand at, Pretoria on this Fourteenth

Veertiende dag van Desember Eenduisend Negehonderd-day'df DeCeintiecOne.thousand Nine hundred and Sixty-


S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,Deputy Administrator of the Province •

Waarnemende Administrateur van dieProvinsie Transvaal. of Transvaal.

T.A.L.G. 10/3/16. T.A.L.G. 10/3/16.



'n Pad wat in 'n noordelike rigting loop oor die bele REMPTON PARK 1VIumotrarry.—DESCRIPTION or ROAD.

oppervlakte van Erf No. 2368, dorp Kempton Park A road running in a northerly direction across the wholeUitbreiding No. 8, daarvandaan met 'n bereedte van 50 surface of Ed No. 2368, Kempton Park TownshipKaapse voet in 'n noord noordwestelike rigting oor die Extension No. 8, - thence, at a width of 50 Cape feet; in 4restant van Gedeelte D van die plaas Zuurfontein No. a north-north-westerly direction across the Remainder of33- 1.R., tot by die aansluiting van Pet-edam) en Kerk- Portion D of the farm Zuurfontein No. 33—I.R„ to thestraat, dorp Kempton Park Uitbreiding No. 2, soos weer junction of Peter Avenue and Kerk Street, Kempton Park •

' volledig aangedui deur die letters ABCDE op Kaart L.G. Township Extension No. 2, as more fully indicated by theNo. A.4331/64. letters ABCDE on Diagram S.G. No. A.4331/64.


Administrateurskennisgewing No. 11 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. I.] [6 January 1965.DIE PADVERKEERSORDONNANSIE, 1957.—VRY- THE ROAD TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, 1957.—


Ingevolge artikel honderd sewe-en-sewentig van die In terms of section one hundred and seventy-seven ofPadverkeersordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 18 van the Road Traffic Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 18 of1957), stel die Administraieur hierby die Staat en enige 1957). the Administrator hereby exempts the State andpersoon in diens van die Staat terwyl by ten behoewe any person in the service of the State while acting. ondaarvan optree, vry van die bepalings van regulasies 61 behalf thereof, from the provisions of regulations 61 bisbis en 85 ,ter van .die Padverkeersregulasies vir die tyd- and 85 ter of the Road Traffic Regulations for tlie period 4perk 1 Januarie, 1965 tot 30 ;40.19,65.. else JamiAry. 19651to 30th April, 1965. •

T.A.V. 48. . . .. • 4. •• • .:.• 48.2

Page 3: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge



.. __ . ' -


Administratcurskennisgewing No. 2.1 [6 Januarie 1965.-Administrator's Notice No. 2.] [6 January 1965.





Met betrekking tot Administrateurskennisgewing No. With reference to Administrator's Notice No. 805 of805 Van 28 Oktober 1964. word hiermee vir algemene the 28th October 1964, it is hereby notified for generalinligting bekendgemaak dat dit die Administrateur behaag information that the Administrator is pleased, under theom ooreenkomstig subartikel (6) van ad nege-en- -

provisions of sub-section (6) of section twenty-nine of thetwintig van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. Roads Ordinance,1957 (Ordinance No.22 of 1957) to22 van 1957), goedkeuring te heg aan die padraings, sons approve the road adjustments., shown on the subjoinedaangetoon op bygaande sketsplan. sketch plan.

'D.P. 07-075D-23/24/L9. D.P. 07-075D-23/24/L.9.



. .•



. L DP. 07 - 075D - 23 /24 / IS .

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niavvaima :-

RE rERENcE :Ai- 1 KLIPPA 1 10

49iipia ,


., - PAD GESLUIT = == = = a= TZWAD CLO5E.13



4/UMW - • ••



BossuiL. ir•

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- ' 1

- .. .

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 33 [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 3.] [6 January 1965.


-,.. .

Die Adminsitrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in' terms of section one

honderd-en-een van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur. hundred and one of the Local Government Ordinance,

1939. die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hOm 1939, publishes the by-laws set forth hereinafter, whichingevolge artikel nege -en-negentig van genoemde Ordon- have been approved by him in terms of section ninety-nansie goedgekeur is. nine of the said Ordinance.

,Die Verordeninge vir die Regulering van Lenings nit die Amend the By-laws for the Regulation of Loans from

Beursleningsfonds van die Munisipaliteit Piet Retief, the Bursary Loan Fund of the Piet Retief Municipality,

is afgekondig by Administiateurskennisgewing No. 488 van published under Administrator's Notice No. 488, dated the31 Julie 1963, word hierby as volg gewysig:- - 31st July, 1963, as follows : -

. 1. Deur in artikel 'I die woord „ verdienstelikheid " 1. By the deletion in section 1 of the word " merit "

_ asook die woordomskrywing daarby te skrap. and the definition thereof. -2. Deur in artikel 3 die woorde „ voleens ver- 2. By the deletion in section 3 of the words

dienste] ikheitl " te skrap.' - " -- ' " "according to merit ".

3. Deur in artikel 5 die woord „Munisipaliteit --" 3. By the substitution in section .5 for_ the word

deur die woorde „ landdrosdistrik van " te vervang. . "Municipality " of the words " magisterial district ".

T.A.L.G. 5/121/25.• T.A.L.G. 5/121/25.


Administrateurskennisgewing No. 4.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 4.]'

[6 January 1965.





Die Administrateur benoem - hierby, kragtens en . The Administrator, under and by virtue of the power

ingevolge die bevoegdheid horn verleen by subartikel (2) vested in him by sub-section (2) of section nine of the

van artikel nege van die Lisensie (Kontrole) Ordonnansie, Licences (Control) Ordinance, 1931 (Ordinance No. 3 of

1931 (Ordonnansie No. 3 van 1932), mnr. F. Grabe as lid 1932), hereby appoints Mr. F. Grabe as member of the

Illk van die Lisensiekomitee van die Warmbadse Dorpstaad Licensing Committee of the Warmbad Town Council for- vir 'n tydperk van twee jaar of totdat 'n kworum anderr a period of two years or until a quorum otherwise becomes

. sinds beskikbaar word, wafter tydperk ook al die kortste available, whichever period is the shorter. .. ..

is. T.A.A. 7/3/54. T.A.A. 7/3/54.3

Page 4: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

- -

. .. _

• .



Administrateurskennisgewing No. 5.] ..- : [6 Januarie 1965.‘ Administrator's. Notice No. 5.] .-

. ..- .. [6,January_1965.:




- - . - - • • WYSIGING VAN. . '.. - - . ._ . ?AMENDMENT.OF.,,...,. _ - I

'',Die Adtninistrateur.wysig - hierby ingevolge artikel sewe- The Administrator, in terms of. section fifty-seven of theen-vyftig van die Ordonnansie op Hospitale, - 1958, (Ordon- Hospitals Ordinance, '1958 (Ordinance No". 14 - of '1958),bansie No. 14 Nan 1958),die Hospitaaldiensregulasies hereby amends' the Hospital Service RegulatiOn.. publishedafgekondig by-Administrateurskennisgewing No. 513 van under Administrators' Notice No: 513, dated The 29th.29 _Mine 1960, en sons van. tyd 'tot' tyd gewysig, deur June, 1960, and as amended from time-to time, by theregulasie 65 met Ingang van 1 Maart 1965, te skrap. . deletion of regulation 65 with-effect from. the '1st March,

1965.. -

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 6.] . [6 Januarie 1965- A. .

•'[6dministratiesNotice No. 6.] .-





Met .betrekking • tot Administrateurskennisgewing No. . .

465. van 10 Junie•1964, word hiermee vir elgemene ]nlig- With reference to Administrator's Notice, N. 465 of theting bekeridgemaak •dat ,dit die Administrateur behaag om 10.th June, 1964: it is hereby notified fj3thciieral informa-ooreenkornstig .Sithartiliel (6) van artikel nege-en-iwintig tion that the Admini'st'rator is pleaied,.under' the provisionsvan: die „Padordimnansie, 1957. (Ordonnansie No. 22 van of subsection (6) of section tweiny-nine- of the; Roads1957). goedkeuring te heg aan die. padreelings, soos aap- - - - Ordinance 1957 (OrdinanceNar-2.2‘m&-1957);:trr.'approvegetcion op bygaande sketsplan. • -----:-. - -

- - - .... the icad shown 'onshow•on the ',subjoined sketch plan.., .

' .• ' D2. 03-032-23/24M-5: :

-- - .. - . .. .. . .

D,P. 03 -032-23/24/B -5.


. . ,••. •

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.„..... ... . • ... . .•• ,•.,...03 -032 - 23 I 2411 .9-5' '' , - ' . • " __-- • .. -

Ti.zawrsovo. , .._ Re?ii.evcr(- ) ‘ 'YtsCtintoL .r .


: 1, ::.; " •.7. ; • • ' kaitataA.M. • •


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007.. . BeSTAAJVOS PAAhr = ilia ront6 le0465. '

Gault. . SSE-<3.— - .

1.,!‘' " ' .1 . ';' il . • .g, b...? ... V . ..

• . .• : .. PAD SES.CuIr ¢¢¢¢ROAD . C40560. ',



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. ,. •• l

Administrateurskennisgewin&No. 7.] - . - [6 Januarie -1965. .Administrator's Notice No. 7.] . [6 January 1965.


. PANSBERG. .. .- • -

.____ . .41. .'Met betrekking tot Administrateurskennisgewing No. '

With reference to Administrator's Notice No. 186 Of the- 186 van 11 Maart 1964 word.hiermee vir algemene Mlig- .11th March, 1964, it is hereby notified for general infor-ting bekendgemaak dat dit die Administrateur behaag om -Illation that - the Administrator is"pleased. under 'the. pro-ooreenkomstig subartikel (6) van artikel nege-en-twintig !visions'bof sub-section (6). of section twenty-nine of the

. van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22 of 1957). to- 1957), goedkeuring te beg ann die padreelings, soos nab-approve the road adjustments, shown an the subjoinedgetoon op bygaande sketsplan. . sketch plan. .

- . , D.P. 03-035-23/24/L-11. - _ D.P. 03-035-23/24/L-11.t,

• ' ' - . ..

.. ,- Aw '


at.; .. .

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. .•CS1‘" -JJ.L...


-• 77 m...r.

- -7c Acs_ 7/ M.S. _Yeatien.1.41g4 REF-PRP-Any.

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., SE-STAANDE PAA -r-/Ec.r.t.f TING ROADS.,.


- -------CM __PAD GESZL//7- ::....3 ROAD CLOSED.,

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Page 5: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

. .

. .-. . ._ . .

- PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, JANUARY 1965 5__. _. _. . . ... .... _ .

`Ajministrateurskennisgewing No. 8.] ' [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 8.] [6 January 1965.




_....._• -

• Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak' • .

Administrator has approved afterinvestigaItis hereby notified for generalinformation investigationand that the

.dat die Administrateur na ondersaek en verslag deur die report by the Road Board of Lydenburg, that Main Road •

• Padraad van Lydenburg gOedgekeur ha dat Grootpad No. No. 046 traversing the farms Enkeldoorns No. 35—J.T.,046 oor die plase Enkeldoorns No. 35—J.T., BosclihoekNo. 36----J.T. en Roaikrans No. 57-1.T. dlstrik Lyden-, i

Boschhoek Na. 36—J.T..and Rooikrans No. 57—J.T.,District of Lydenburg, shall be deviated and widened to

burg, ingevolge die bepalings van paragraaf (d) van sub-1p

Cape feet in terms .of paragraph (d) of sub-section (1)artikel (1) van artikel vyf .en artikel drie van die Pad-ordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van 1957), verb

of section and section three of the Roads Ordinance,(Ordinance No. of 1957), as indicated on the

en verbreed word na 120 Kaapse voet, goos aangetoon op - -

subjoined sketch plan.'bygaande sketsplan.


-D.P. 04-042-23/22/046 Vol. 2 (a). . D.P. 04-042-23/-22/046 Vol. 2 (a).I.

- •

' . - .• • ,LYDENBURG:Doccpsotemoci4_..

. A1,:tliRc1.04

...0 • R-

1/Rd512 ' st - ir•

.. kr 13050-1110E-K.#

.- •• -

PQ1/.046Ti . 36-JT —




. 12.avi. .13% & 'tie- - ' •

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--.5: J.' P' • i • - - •

•-' •

Pil/Rd• -



Ott /•


RooKRANs- .


WATERVAL vte- . .

' 55-.JT• • KN. 28.5


50-J1 .<11\ .

.D.P. 04 -04Z-23/ZZ/046. %LEW Vexwising • Re-femme.

• • Rid Yule en ‘Itibreed .=. Rood Duktd..1.•Widened.•

. Pad Gemluit... -...._r - Road Closed.•'


. ' Bestoondj Pacts ---..= Existing Roads

— . • , . , ., . ,

. ••

. . .

Administrateigskennisgewing Na.9.] [6 Januarie 11945.-,,

Administrator's Notice NO. 9.]'

te January .196... ..


' - . ••

1 ,' LYDENBURG: ..



. . cs•

is. .. Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak • . • It. hereby 'notified. for . general information. that the

- dat •die Administrateur'na ondersoek en verslag...deur die. Administrator has approvedTafter investigation and report.Padraad van Lydenburg goedgekeur het dat 'n openbare by the Road - Board of- Lydenburg that a pUblic load, 50

pad 50 Kaapse voet breed, wat 'n verlenging van Distriks- Cape' ea wide, which shall .be an extension of District'

pad No. 285 sal wees. sal bestaan op die plaas Boschhoek; .Road No..285,..will be opened on the farm Boschhoek"No. 36-1.T., distrik Lydenburg ingevolge die bepalings No. 36—J.T.,.in. terms of .paragraph (b) of sub-section

van paragraaf (b) van subartikel ,(1) van artikel vyf en (1) of section five and. section three of the Roads Ordi- '

artikel drie van die Padordonnansie. 1957 (Ordonnansie' mace. 1957 (Ordinance No. 22 of 1957), as indicated onNo. 22 van 1957). soos aangetoon op bygaande sketsplan. the sketch plan subjoined hereto.

D.P. 04-

042:23/22/046 Vol. 2 (b).

36 ."_

13o5c H 01.143G-IT'

Pdpzel zas

D.P. 04.042.23/22/046 Vol. 2 (by.

' •

D.P. 04 -042- 2.3/ Z2/046 Neil lb)

.. Ve.rwcoaH_ ReStrence.

Rilkd Das N IPod Geopen ••••••• Rood opened

Existing Roods.i ear &storm& Pooiv.. ,





Na/To lalenbu—

•' '

• rPd.fr..d. 285 -


I . -•WATER AL 5S -JT I - .

'. ... -

' .• • ' •

:. .

.• _ .

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 10.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 10.) [6 January 1965.



, —•

. . . ,

Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak It- is, hereby notified for general information that thedat dir die Administrateur behaag om, ingevolge die Administrator is pleased, under the provisions of sub- -

• bepalings van subartikels (1) en (2) van artikel vyfrily sections (1) and'

(r)) of section fifteen of the Roadsvan die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22 of 1957), to approve1957), goedkeuring te beg aan die benoeming van the appointment of Mr. P. A. Pansegrouw as member of


mnr. P. A. Pansegrouiv tot lid van die Padraad van the Road - Bolard of Wolmarinsstad, and ,shall hold office

I) Wolmaransstad met ampstermyn vir die tydperk for the period ending 30th June, 1965, to fill the vacancyeindigende 30 Janie 1965. om die vakature te vul war caused by: the resignation of Mr, I: Ft. van Rooyen.

I ontstaan het as gevolg van die bedanlcing van mnr. L F. - .van Rooyen. D;13. 07-25/3. - -

., ..: D.P. 07-25/3..T.


,. .,..

•- -

•. •

-- .

Page 6: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge


Administrateurskennisgewing No. 11.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 111 . [6 January 1965.


Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak _it is hereby notified for general information that the

dat dit die Administrateur behaag om, ingevolge dieAdministrator is pleased, under the provisions of sub -

vanbepalingsvan subartikels (I) en (2) van artikel vyftien

sections (1) and (2) of section fifteen of the Roadsdie Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van1957), goedkeuring te beg

-aan die benoeming van Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22 of 1957), to approve -

mnr. M. A. L. van der Walt tot lid van die Padraad the appointment of Mr. M. A. L. van der Walt as a

van Ventersdorp met ampstermyn vir die tydperk member of the Road Board of Ventersdorp, and shallhold officefor the periodending 30th June, 1965, to

eindigende 30 Junie 1965, om die vakature te vul wat _fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. C. J.

oritstaan het as gevolg van die bedanking van mar. C. J.Yssel. D.P. 07-25/3. Yssel. •D.P. 07 -25/3.

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 12.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 121 [6 January 1965.


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel • •

honderd-en-een van die Ordonnansie.op Plaaslike Bestuur, The Administrator hereby, in terms of section one

1939, die verordeninge hierna 'uiteengesit, wat deur horn hundred and one.-of the - Local - Government Ordinance,

ingevolge artikel nege-en-negentig van genoemde 1939: publishes the by- laws set forth 'hereinafter, 'which

Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. have been approved by him in terms of section ninety-nineof the said Ordinance.

Die Elektrisiteitvoorsieningsverordeninge van dieMunisipaliteit Germiston, afgekondig by Administrateurs- Amend the Electricity Supply By-laws of thekennisgewing No. 25 van 9 Januarie 1952, soos gewysig, Germiston Municipality, published under Administrator'sword hierby verder gewysig deur subparagraaf (h) van Notice No. 25, dated the 9th January, 1952, as .amended,paragraaf (b) van subartikel (1) van artikel 31 deur die by the substitution for sub-paragraph (ii) of paragraph (b)volgende te vervang: — of sub-section (1) of section 31 of the following: —

lyr„ (if) Geilurendedenige maand wanneer meters nie-

"(ii) In any month when there has been no meterti, Atfgelgea word nimmoet verbruikers.'neltedrag betaal t. reading, consumers shall pay an amount being the

. sytide die geniiddelde renindelikse bedrag betaalbaar ,atverageignonthly amount payablet.tby-. them con thedeur ,huller gegrond.,meterafiespigs geneem

. meter readings :taken during a• previous period of atOlden& 'n vorige tydperk

-van ten mmste vier least four months; or in the case of consumers of less'

maande, of in die gra' van verbruikers wat nog nie than four months standing, based on all previousvier maande elektrisiteit verbruik nie, gegrond op meter readings." T.A.L.G. 5/36/1.alle vorige meterailesings. " T.A.L.G. 5/36/1.


Administrateurskennisgewing No. 13.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 13.] [6 January 1965.



The Administrator hereby, in terms of section oneDie Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel hundred and one of the Local Government Ordinance,

Izonderd-en-een van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, publishes the by- laws set forth hereinafter, which1939, die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn . have been approved by him in terms of section ninety-ingevolge artikel nege-en-negentig Van genoemde Ordon-

nine of the said Ordinance.nansie goedgekeur is.

Die Riolerings- en Loodgietersverordeninge en Verorde- Amend the Drainage and Plumbing By- laws and By-ninge vir die Lisensiering en Reeling van Loodgieters en laws for the Licensing and Regulating of Plumbers andRioolleers van die - Munisipaliteit Edenvale, afgekondig by Drainlayers of the Edenvale Municipality, publishedAdministrateurskennisgewing No. 729 van 16 September under Administrator's Notice No. 729, dated the 16th1953, sobs gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur September, 1953, as amended, by the substitution forBylae H deur die volgende te vervang:— Schedule H of the following: —

„ BYLAE H. " SCHEDULE H.Die gebruikers van die Raad se rioolpype, 'dole, of

rioleringswerke moet die volgende gelde betaal:— The users of the Council's drains or sewers or sewerageworks shall pay the following charges: —

A. BASIESE KOSTE.A. BASIC CHARGE.Daar word geag, dat indien enige opgemete erf, stand-

pleas, perseel of ander terrein met of sonder verbeterings Where any surveyed erf, stand, lot or other area withdaarop by 'n rioolpyp of riool wat onder die beheer van or without improvements is, or in the opinion of thedie Raad staan, aangesluit is, of na,die mening van die Council, can be connected to any drain or sewer, underRaad daarby aangesluit kan word, die eienaar van son the control of the Council' the owner


of 'suet' etc stand.'

6 . .

Page 7: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

. ,



erf, stndplaas, perseel of ander terrein 'n gebruiker is, en lot or other area shall be deemed to be the user and shall• by moet kwartaalliks die volgende gelde soos hieronder pay quarterly to the Council the charges specified here-

inkuiteengesit, aan die Raad betaal :— under:—

1. Kwar- Per, - tad-

Quarter.lib. •

R cR e

(1) (a) Vir 'n oppervlakte van tot 12,500 (1) (a) For an area of up to 12,500 Cape square'

Kaapse vierkante voet „ 4 26 feet 4 26- (b) Vir elke addisionele 1,000 Kaapse vier- (b) For every additional 1,000 Cape square

. kante voet of gedeelte daarvan, van 'n feet or portion thereof, from an areaoppervlakte wat 12,500 Kaapse vier- exceeding 12,500 Cape square feet up 1

kante voet oorskry tot en met 'n totale to and including a total area of 20,000oppervlakte van 20,000 Kaapse vier- Cape square feet ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 27

(c) Vir elke addisionele 5,000 Kaapse vier- • (c) For every additional 5,000 Cape squarekante voet of gedeelte daarvan bo feet or portion thereof in excess of -20,000 Kaapse vierkante vett ... ... ... 0 27 20,000 Cape square feet ... ... ... ... ... 0 27

Met then verstande dat die basiese koste tenopsigte van elke opgemete erf, standplaas, perseel Provided that the basic charge in respect of anybf ander terrein, nie R8.25 per kwartaal to bowe surveyed erf, stand, lot or other area, shall notgaan nie. exceed R8.25 per quarter. .

(2) In gevalle waar verbeterings op enige sodanigeopgemete erf, standplaas, perseel of ander terrein (2) In cases where improvements on any such surveyedafsonderlik bewoon word in losstaande geboue, is erf, stand, lot or other area are in separate occupa-

IIIIhierdie . ttirief van toepassing op elke afsonderlik .

- - tion in detached buildings, this tariff shall applybewoonde gedeelte van so 'n opgemete erf, stand- to each portion of such surveyed erf, stand, lot orplaas. perseel of ander terrein, sonder benadeling other' area, in separate occupation, without pre-

van enige bepalings van die Raad se dorpsaanleg- judice to any provisions of the Council's town-skema. planning scheme.

(3) Vir die toepassing van hierdie tarief word die opper-vlakte van enige afsonderlik bewoonde gedeelte van - (3) For- the purpose of this tariff the area of any portion'n opgemete ere, standplaas, perseel of ander terrein; of a surveyed .erf, stand, lot or other area inbepaal deur die oppervlakte van so 'n opgemete erf, •separate occupation, shall be determined bystandplaas, perseel of ander terrein te, verdeel deur dividing the area of such surveyed, erf, stand, lotdie .aantal 'losstaande en afsonderlik bewoonde or other area by the number of detached buildingsgeboue, daarop. en die kwosihnt aldus verkry, word in separate occupation thereon, and the quotient

. , geag die oppervlakte to wees van elke afsonderlik .• thus obtained shall be deemed to be the area of

bewoonde 'gedeelte van so 'n opgemete erf, stand- ' 'eicir:portion• 'or such 'surveyed 'erf," stand, •lot or

i I "plan's; perseePof andef tetrein tr Met verstande i.-

: .Other area in separate occupation': .Provided that

• .dat 'die' bewoning 'van buitegeboue deur bona fide

- ;the ecukation 'of onthouseS by'botia fide domestichuisbediendes nie beskou word as afsonderlike . :servants shall not be deemed as separate occupa-

, bewoning the. tion..


Celde ten opsigte van huishoudelike rioolvuil.. .

B. ADDITIONAL CHARGES.Daar word geag' dat die eienaars

-van alle persele of

plekke wat by die Raad se rioolstelsel aangesluit is. Charges for Domestic Sewage.gebruikers is, en hulle Poet benewens die basiese koste


in A genoem, kwartaalliks ook die volgende addisionele . The owners of all premises or places connected to thegelde ten opsigte van

Idie betrokke persele of plekke Council's sewerage system shall be deemed to be users

bepaal : —




Met dien verstande dat, waar daar in 'n private

and shall, in addition to the basic charge referred to in A,


- • pay the following additional charges every quarter intaal- respect of the premises or places specified: —I . Per

R2 34Quarter.

1. Private woonhuise (elk) ... ... ... ... ... R c.

1. Private dwelling-houses (each) ... ... ... 2 34woonhuis meet as twee woonvertrekke, uit- Provided that where in a private dwelling-gesonderd 'n kombuis of 'n badkamer, wat deel house more than two diving-rooms, not beingnitmaak van, of gebruik word saam met, die a' kitchen or a bathroom, -forming part of orwoonhuis, verhuur word aan of gebruik word

used in conjunction with the dwelling-housedeur ander mense as bona fide bediendes of •

- are let to or allowed to be used by personslede van die gesin van die eienaar of okku-

other than bona fide servants or members ofpeerder van die woonhuis, en genoemde

the family, of the owner or the occupier of theeienaar of okkupeerder geldelike voordeel uitgenoemde verhuring of gebruik verlcry, dwelling-house, and a pecuniary benefit to the

genoemde woonhuis vir die toepassing van said owner or occupier results from the said

hierdie Bylae as 'n huurkamerhuis beskou letting or use, the said dwelling-house shall be_,

word, en die gelde wat by item 2 voorgeskryf deemed to be a lodging house for the purposes

word, daarop van toepassing is.• of this Schedule and the charges laid down in

2.Woonstelle, huurkamerhuise of kamers item 2 shall be applicable to it.

wat afsonderlik as woonplek verhuur word: . - •

Vir iedere woonvertrek waarvan die vloer- 2. Residential flats, lodging houses or roomsseparately let as lodgings: For each living-


uitgesonderd kombuise, badkapers, spenseen oppervlaktenie 200 vierkante voet oorskry nie,

room the area of which does not exceed 200, latrines, maar insluitende balkonne wat toege-

'square feet; excluding kitchens, bathrooias,

-maalc is en woonvertrekke wat rleur die „





,. d.bediendes.tvan


bewoon! i ten vers an e atm i n. ie1oerwopperv: la kit.e.te .,77van so 'n woonvertrek 200 'vferkante voet oor-


shy, die gelde daarvoor bereken word asof dit


pantries and lavatories but- including balconieswhich have `been closed in and living-rooms

occupied any 'c'seiVan.living-room-of' tenants:

ed. ''Proing


square feet in area shall be charged for as iftwee woonvertrekke is ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 1 50 it were two living-rooms ... ... ... ... .... ... 1 50

-- 2, .



Page 8: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

. _

. ,

. . • • •

_8 noyINSIAI.E: KOERANT, 6. JANUARIE; 1965 __ _, _ .__ _ _


- Kwar- Pertool-


. Quarter.- • ' liks. R c

R c I3. Composite premises comprising residen-3. Gemengde persele wat nit woonstelle, tial flats, lodging houses or rooms separately


huurkamerhuise of kamers wat afsonderlik as let as lodgings, and business premises underwoonplek verhuur word, en besigheidspersele one roof—onder dieselfde dak bestaan— -

(1) vir iedere woonvertrek, soos dit in item (1) for each living-room as specified in item2 omskryf word : Met dien verstande 2, each room exceeding 200 square feetdat, indien die vloeroppervlakte van so in area being charged for as two living-


'n woonvertrek 200 vierkante voet oor-•

skry, die gelde daarvoor bereken word - -

asof dit twee woonvertrekke is ... ... ... 1 50 (2) for every - 2,000 square feet' or part .

(2) vir iedere 2,000 vierkante voet. of 'n . thereof of the total floor areas - in thegedeelte daarvan, van die totale vloer- building, iticludiug any basement or•oppervlaktes in die gebou, insluitende mezzanine floor, constructed, adapted ,

• .• enige. kelder- of tussenverdieping, wat . - -or laid out for use for business purposei 2 34vir besigheidsdoeleindes gehou, aange- -

pas of ingerig is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 34 4. Unlicensed hotels and their annexes and, .

4. Ongelisensieeide hotelle of hul bygeboue boarding-houses and their annexes for everyen losieshuise en hul bygeboue: ,Vir ,iedere 1,000 square feet of their total floor area

. 1,000 vierkante voet van hul totale vloeropper- including any mezzanine •floor or basement 2 34vlakte, insluitende enige tussen- of kelderver- -


. • .

5.. Hotels and clubs licensed under the

5. Hotelle en 'clubs wat ingevolge die Drank- Liquor Act, 1928 (Act No. 30 of 1928), is

41wet. 1928 (Wet No. 30 van 1928), soos gewysig.- amended: 'For every 1,000 square feet or part

gelisensieer is: Vir iedere 1.000 vierkante voet, thereof of the total floor area including any

of 'n gedeelte daarvan. van die totale vloer- mezzanine floor or basement ....... ... ....• ... 2 76 ,

oppervlakte, insluitende enige tassen- of kelder- . . •. • ; .

verdieping ... ..: ..; .... ,.. ... ... ...'... - ... ... 2 76 .6. Composite premises comprising hotels or•i clubs licensed as aforesaid and ,business

' 6. „Gemengde persele wat uit hotelle of kluha premises under the same 'roof-- • • : •

wat gelisensieer is sonsvoonioem, en besig-heidspersele curler dieselfde dak liestaan— .

•. (1) for every 1,000 square feet orpart there-

(1) vir. iedere 1.000 vierkante voet, of 'n . of of the total floor area including any•

. gedeelte daarvan, van die totale vloer- mezzanine floor or basement con- -,

...tr oppervlakte, insluitende enige tussen- of . ; .structed, adapted Or - laid out for hotel .

keldeveraipping; war vir hotel- of.klub-.

• • or. club. purposes .............f.....I.t.....r ..... . 2 76'


,, • doielindes.gebou. amigepits'of ingiiii is 2 76• (2) vir iedere 2,000 ,vierkante ret, "of 'n (2) for every 2:,000 squire feel oi part there-

gedeelte daarvan. van die totale vloer- . of Of the total floor area including any,basementeon. flooror


•_ oppervlakte, insluitende enige tussen- of mezzanine.

kelderverdieping, ..Wat vir besigheids- • . structed, adapted, or laid out for busi-

doeleindes; uitgesonderd vir 'n hotel of . nesi, purposes other than those of the

klubgebou, aangepas of ingerig is ... ... 2 34 ' hotel or club ... ... ... ... - . ... ... ... 2.34

7. Krishuise (dit wil se, losieshuise wat deel 7. Hostels (being boarding establishmentsuitmaak van 'n opvoedkundige inrigting): Vir • forming part of an educational institution):iedere 2,000 vierkante

- voet, of 'it gedeelte daar- . For every 2,000 square feet or part thereof of- van, van•die totald vloeroppervlakte, insluitende the total floor area including any 'mezzanine •

.enige tussen- of kelderverdieping ... ... ... ... 2 34 floor or basement ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 34

8. Besigheids- of nywerheidspersele, uitge-- 8. Business or industrial premises other than

sonderd did wat uitdruklik elders in hierdie those specifically mentioned elsewhere in this '

deel van die Bylae gemeld word: Vir iedere part of this Schedule: For every 2,000 square II2,000 vierkante voet, of 'n gedeelte van die• oppervlakte van die totale vloeroppervlakte,

_feet or part of that area of the total floor area

insluitende enige tussen- of kelderverdieping 2 34 including any mezzanine floor or basement ... 2 34

• 9. Kerke of geboue wat uitsluitlilc vir open- 9. Churches -.or.

- buildings used exclusivelybare godsdiensoefening gebruik word: Per elk 2 34 fyr public. _Vvolkshilii ; Each


:',. ::...

.......: ......2 34• 10. Sale wat gebruik word vir doeleindes wat

met ,godsdiens verband hou en waaruit geen . 10. Halls tised for purposes connected withinkomste verkry word tile: Per elk ,...... ... 2 34. religion and from which no revenue is derived: '

11. Sale: 'Wit iedere 2,000 vierkante voet, of'n gedeelte yan die oppervlakte van die totale

• •

vloeroppervlakte, insluitende enige tussen- of . 11. Halls: For each 2.000 square feet or part

kelderverdieping ... ... ... ... ....... ... ... ... 2 34 of that area of the total floor area including.

12. Liefdadigheidsinrigtings wat-

behoorlik any mezzanine floor or basement .... .... ... ... 2 34

by wet as sodanig geregistreer is:— • •1

12. Charitable institutions duly registered as(1) Vir die- eerste 20 inwoners ofminder ... 1 23 such according, to law: —: . ,



(2) Vir iedere daaropvolgende 20 inwoners- - '

(1) For the first 20 inmates or less ... ..: ...;" 1 23

Vir.die berekening van hierdie gelde omvat (2) For every .succeeding 20 inmates or. less 1 23die woord. ., imitoners

' ook inwonende perso- • . - . . -

neel en bediendes, en .moet die getal inwoners :For the purpose of this• charge, the wigs.:betoken word volgens hulle gemiddelde daag-

'• sion 'inmates

' •includes resident staff and .

likse totaal gedurende die tydperk van ses• servants, and the number of the inmates shall

maande • watt did itydperk - Vaaryoot die geld be calculated -by reference to die average dailygevorder'.Word; lonmiddellik' voorafgegaan,' en . total thereof - during The six-mOtith periodmoet die getal deur die persoon wat in beheer immediately preceding that to whieh the charge •

van die inrigting staan, as juis gesertifiseer relates and shall be certified by the person inword. charge of the institution.


il• ,

Page 9: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

• PR0VINCIM..GA2EXTB,.6•JAMIARY.196.5 - - ,9_

. . Kwar- - . -. 'Per


.taal- - - Quarter.lilcs. .

-. R .



13: Opvoedkundige inrigtings: -7 -

R c•

13. Educational institutions: —-

, .. . , (1) For the first 20 persons or less as defined(1)" Vir die eerste 20' person° of minder, - below .


., '

2 34' -`soos

- theronder omskryf ... ... ...•'... ... 2 34" (2) For every succeeding 20 - persons - as(2) Vir iedere daaropvolgende 20 Persona, aforesaid or less ... ... ... ... • :. ... ... 2 34

soos vocatoem, of minder ... ... ... ... 2 34- Vir dic.lierekehing Van hierdie gelde beteken For the purposes of this charge' the expres-


woord , persone' :,dagsthdente Of -leer- sion ' person? means day students, boarding

, linge, kosgangers, - personeel-

en bediendes, of .- students, staff and servants whether resident or

hulle inwoon of nie, en hul getal word bereken not, and.the number of such persons shall be

op die wyse wat hierbo vir liefdadigheidsinrig- calculated in the manner prescribed above fortingnoorslcnif is., .. .

charitable institutions.-

, ••:-

14. "Spoitterreine wat aan klubs behoOrt nit- -

,14. Sports grounds belonging to clubs, but

i gesondeid die wit aart opVoedkundigg inrig-•

.not including such grounds.belonging to educa-

- . Wigs heliport eadent huge stnclente Of leerlinge I. tional institutions - and used by . the scholars'

gebrufic Wordi"—— * - "

• thereof:—-

.- - • ' • - .

- . .• - 11) Waaratoeskouers toegang • moet betaal:- :

,Vi; iedere 300,Of gedeelte van slid getal _(1) Where charges are "Made for'the'admis- .,,,.. • .

; mon of speetators: For every 300 Or •

.- -

part of that number of seats ... k... ... - 2 344.

- t .(2).._(a) Tgn ,opsigie - Nan, .'n klubgehpy.„ 4 41 ... , .. ..

(6) Vir die eerste 100 persone of (2) - (a) In respect of -atty.clubhouse ,.. ... 4 41

(b). For the first 100 or .less persons -- minder, insluitende' lede en .perso- •.

.., !, neel ... -... .N. i.r.. - :,.. i ....... ':.. .:. 2 34"

,,,.• .' including "members and staff ... ... 2 34

III• • .

-aa ., :(c)..Vit• -

. iedere. t daaropvolgende - x:100 , ,. - lc) For' ivery.iucceedihg. 100 or less- .. -„. :.person, soos voornoern, -of.minder `2 34 •

persons as aforesaid :. 2 34Hierdie geld word .bereken • volgens die. - ...

getal - lede van enige aard wie se name in die This charge shall be baied on the nuntber to'klub se' register verslcynrof Vat. andersins -as • -

. be certified by the secretary of the' club 'fcior - • -

' lede erken word, Birdie getal persontellede en • the six-month period, preceding that to which'.

.bediendes wat op die•cclub se perseel werksagin •

. tire .Charge relates; of memberi of any kind . .

• is, soos gesertifiseer deur die Sekretaris van die •

: appearing in the dubs register of members or• - • : • klub, ..ten opsigte 'van 'die..tydptrk van ses - -

: otherwise' recognised as - members and of the• maande -wat die - tydperk waarvoordie geld • staff and • servants employed at.. the club's

, gevorder word, voorafgaan. • '. . •• - premises. .

15. Openbare latrines. • insluitende* die wat • . .,15.. Ptibliet:,:bbiiVenien'pes..'•

inditithig,', thosebehoort tan of.beheer Word.deur, die:Raid : Vir

, owned-

or!dontrolled 1:14; lief toitined; Foriedere 50 vierkante voet, of .'n, gedeelte,daar- every

-50' square feet tirjaritherebl, *of the

van; van' die totale vlocroppervlakie Van die '

Wtallflool area of the building-..!: ... .:.' - I :.. 2 34

'16. Kragsentrales: Vir iedere 4,000 vier- .16. Power stations: For 'every 4.000. squarekante voet, of 'n gedeelte daarvan, van die feet or part- thereof of the total floor area of


total& vloeropperVlakte van ' die gebou. . the building including any mezzanine floor or


• insluitende enige tussen- of kelderverdieping 2 3417. Persele wat vir !ri meubelopbergbesig- •

17. Premises used for the purpose of a fur-heid gebruik word: Vir iedere 5.000 vierkante niture-storage business: For every


voet. of 'n gedeelte' daarvan, van. die - totale square feet or part thereof of the total floorvloeroppervlakte van die gebou, insluitende area of the building including any mezzanine

, . enige tussen- of kelderverdieping ............2 34 floor or basement..

. . 2

34 m18. Bantoekampongs:

18. Bantu compounds:—(1) Vir die eerste 20 inwoners, -of minder,

aan wie daar hhisvesting verskaf word 2 34 (1) For the firgt.20 inmates or less-for w

(2) Vir iedere daaropvolgende 20 Bantoes,• soos voornoem, of minder ............2 34 (2) For every succeeding 20 Bantu as afore-

Hierdie gelde word bereken volgens diegetal inwoners van idie kampong, soos geserti-fiseer deur die persoon wat in ,beheer daarvan

ho- accommodation is provided therein ... 2 34

said or 'less ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... 2 34

The accommodation of- a compound shallbe taken 'as that Certifiedi - by the person in

is, aan die eincid van ' die ' tydperk 'van see •

charge-thereof as at the end of the six-monthmaandp wat die tydperk waarvoor die geld

Period preceding that for which the - charge isgevorder word, voorafgaan:, Met dien ver-

made: Provided that this charge shall not bestande dat hierdie geld nie betaalbaar is ten

• payable.* respect of any compound used foropsigte van 'n kampong wat gebruik word as


• ' huisvesting virBantoes wie se getal in aan- the accommodation of -Bantu - the number ofmerking - geneem word vir die berekening van whom is taken into account for the purpose of•

enige ander bedrag .wat ingevolge hierdie Bylae calculating .the amount of any other charge

• betaalbaar is nie. ,... ,payable in terms of this Schedule.'


'19. OpelngmotorParkeerterreine waar daar 19. Open-air motor-car parking ground

vir parlceerplek betaal moet word:-

Vir iedere where a charge . is made for -parking: For: • 5,000 vierkante voet. of 'n gedeelte daarvan, every 5,000 square feet Or part thereof of the

Van die totale oppervlakte van die terrein ... 2 34 total area of the - ground ... ... ... ... ... ... - 2 34• - -'20. Houtwerwe, steenkoolwerwe, werwe vir -

, • 20. Timber yards, coal yards, second-hand ,• tweedehandst goedere,. rommelwerwe en ander - . . \

dergelike persele: 'Vir iedere 2,000 vierkante. material yards, scrap yards and other similar

. prelims.-

es: for every 2,000 square feet or Tart:wet of 'n - gedeelte daarvan, van die totaleoppervlakte daarvan ,.,.. ... ... ....... ... ... - ... 2 34

; 21.Geboue wat heeltemal leeg staan en in'


aanbou is, elk ":

- --' • -1111' ... 4 41


.iliereOf of the total area ... ,.. .1. ... ... ... ...,

-2 34

•:21. -Buildings which. are unoccupiedand are in the course of erection, each ... ... 4 41

• . `

- - - - .. _. -


. •

' •

Page 10: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge


- - -

' -' t ' - -


_- -

- taal- -. Quarter..

liks. R c• R c _ 22. Hospitals, nursing homes and ,convales-

. I22. Hospitale, verpleeginrigtings en herstel- cent homes:. For every 10 or part of thatlingstehuise: Vir iedere 10 person, of 'n number of persons, including patients, meth-


gedeelte van die petal, insluitende pasiente, bers of resident staff and resident servants, forlede van die inwonende personeel - en whom accommodation is certified by theinwonende bediendes, vir wie daar, soos deur person in charge of the premises to have beendie persoon in beheer van die perseel gesertifi- available at the end of the preceding calendar.seer, aan die einde van die voorafgaandekalenderjaar huisvesting beskikbaar was ... ... 2 34


• The following charges shall be payable in respect ofOnderstaande gelde is ten opsigte van swembaddens swimming

-baths according to their, capacity as specified

betaalbaar en dit word bereken volgens die inhoudsver- below:— .moe daarvan soos dit hieronder uiteengesit word:— Per- Kwar- -

_ taal- . Quarter.liks. R c

R c-

(1) Up to 25,000 gallons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.81, .


- (I) Tot 25,000 gellings ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 81 .O) Over 25,000 gallons and up to 50,000, gallons''

1 80(2) Meer as 25,000 en tot 50,000 gellings ... ... 1 80 .

(3) Meer as 50,000 en tot 100,000 gellings ... ... 3 30 (3) Over 50,000 gallons and up to 100.000

(4) Meer as 100,000 gellings ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 22


. •

(4) Over 100,000 gallons ... ... ... ... ..: ... ... 5' 22 I-


ladled ieinand wat ingevolge hierdie Bylae 'n opgaaf .. •

moet verstrek, versuim om dit te verstrek blame' 30 dae D. RETURNS.

nadat hy per kennisgewing wat deur die Stadstesourier . Where any person who is required to furnish a returnonderteken is. aangese is om dit te doen, moet hy nogtans

' in terms of this Schedule, fails to do so within 30 daysten opsigte van die gebruik van die Raad se riole 'n after having been called upon to do so by notice underbedrag betaal ooreenkomstig die tarief bepaal deur hier- the hand of the Town Treasurer, he shall, nevertheless,die Bylae, en wat bereken is volgens enige inligting waar- pay a charge for the use of the "Council's sewers in termsoor die Raad beskik.• of the tariff laid down under this Schedule and calculated

. • from any information available to the Council..B. INDELTNG VAN PERSELE. .


.. . .

Indies daar 'n geskil oor die indeling 'van •persele of; I. E. CLASSIFICATION' OF,PREMISES: ... . .

plekke volgens hierdie Bylae ontstaan, berus die eind-'

• In all cases of dispute as to the. tlatsifiation 'ofbeslissing by die ingenieur.1 premises or places under this Schedule the decision of the

F. BETALING VAN KOSTE. engineer shall be final.

Waar die woord , kwartaalliks ' in hierdie Bylae voor-F. PAYMENT OF CHARGES.koin. beteken dit die tydperk van drie maande wat op 1

Januarie of op 1 April of op 1 Julie of op 1 Oktober, na Where the words ` per quarter' appear in this Schedulegelang van die geval, begin en die gelde wat gedurende en . it means the period of three months beginning on anyten opsigte van iedere sodanige tydperk oploop, is betaal- of the following dates according to the circumstances.baar op die 15de dag van die laaste maande van' die viz., 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October.betrokke tydperk. The charges payable which accumulated during and in

'respect of every such period shall be payable on the 15th

G. DATUM WAAROP TARIEP VAN KRAG WORD. day of the last month of the period concerned.Voornoemde . tariewe is betaalbaar van . 'n datum of

waarop die ingenieur vereis dat die aansluitings by so 'n• G. DATE OF COMING INTO OPERATION.riool voltooi moet word. ingevolge artikel 7 van hierdie The aforesaid tariffs shall be payable from the date 411verordeninge of van 'n datum van aansluiting by sodanige upon which the engineer desires the completion of suchperseel, watter ookal die vroegste van die twee datums connections to such sewer in terms of sectien 7 of theseis." by-laws or from the date of connection of such premises.'

- ,, . ,TA:L.G: 5/34/13. whicheve -is -the earlier."'' - ' -T.A.L.G. 5/34/13..

.. .. . . - . 2,


Administrateurskennisgewing No. 14. ] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 14.] . [6 January 1965., 0 PEN B A R E P A D.— VERMEERDERING VAN PUBLIC ROAD.—INCREASE OF WIDTH, DISTRICTBREEDTE, DISTRIK PRETORIA. . OF PRETORIA.-


- - —

Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak It is hereby notified for general inforthation that thedat die Administrateur, ingevolge artikel drie van die Administrator has approved, in terms of section three ofPadordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van 1957), the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22 of 1957),goedgekeur het dat die breedte van Provinsiale Pad No. that the width of Provincial Road No. P.1-3 traversingP.1-3 oor die plaas Wonderboom No. 302—J.R., distrik the farm Wonderboom No. 302—.T.R., District orPretOria,Pretoria, vermeerder word soos op bygaande sketsplan shall be increased as indicated on the sketch plan sub-aangetoon. joined hereto.

• • ,.. . - II,,,,, ....J - , r_. .... J.D.P. 01 =012=23/21/P1-3 Vol- •V. D.P. 01-012-23/21/P1-3 Vol. V... ..


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_ ..,

- : •






II' Point/ Y Eng. Vt./Ft. XDie figuur / The figure 13 D DI

Stel voor die verbreding van. die Punt4


padreserwe van pad P1/3 / Represents260 000 • 00 • 9 310 000 00


the widening of the' road reserve 76A + 9 189 - 26 + 10 395


B + 9 038 • 46 4 10 602 - 52___—of road P 113 .

C 4 9 201 - 80 • II 054 • 20--- -- —

_,..samat_Lt c___‘r - _nenu __ D + 3 029 - 33 + 10 74-07r6

--4'800 cod/Road at.' Di + 8 991 .43 + 10 841 - 92o 49 -- E + 8 '766 • 18 4 14 454.65

4269ru 302 x F + 8 73'7 • 21 4 I 1 559 - 48•

-4?g a


. ..

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 15.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 15.] [6 January 1965.



.• .

0Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge die 'The Administrator hereby, in terms of sub-section (5)

bepalings van subartikel (5) van artikel agt-en-dertig van of section thirty-eight of the Bantu (Urban Areas) Con-

die Bantoes (Stadsgebiede) Konsolidasiewet, 1945, gelees solidation Act. 1945, read with section one hundred andmet artikel honderd-en-een van die Ordonnansie op one of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishesPlaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die regulasies hierna uiteengesit, the regulations set forth hereinafter. which have beenwat deur horn en die Minister van Bantoe-administrasfe approved by him and the Minister of Bantu Adminis-

en -ontwikkeling goedgekeur is ingevolge die bepalings tration and Development in terms of sub -section (5) ofvan subartikel (5) van artikel agt -en-dertig van genoemde section thirty=eight of the said Act. .

Wet. Amend the Bantu Location Regulations of theDie Bantoelokasieregulasies van die Munisipaliteit Vanderbijlpark Municipality, published under Adminis-

VanderbijIpark, afgekondig by Administrateurskennis- trator's Notice No. 24, dated the 12th January, 1949. as

gewing No. 24 van 12 Januarie 1949. soos gewysig, word amended, as follows: — .

hierby verder as volg gewysig: — 1. By the substitution for sub-item (2) of item 1 of1. Deur subitem (2) van item 1 van Bylae C deur die -Schedule C- of the following: —

volgende.te vervang:-t ::•- "(2) Boipatong Location: " •. ..,

„(2) Boipatonlokasie: • -' - "

HuurgeldRental payable Rental payable


Huurgeld betaalbaarby Lessee. by Lessee

Type of Dwelling. falling not Falling1


deur huurder deur huurder within the within theTipe woning. wat nie binne •

wat binne die Sub-economic Sub-edonomicthe sub-

sub-ekonomiese ckonomieseGroup. Group.

groep val. groep val nie. -1

RP. . . .


(a) Tweeslaapkamerenkethuis (1,110x 2 slaapkamerhuise).

(b) Drieslaapkamer tweelinghuis (88

B yl


-- R



2. Deur die volgende na subitem (5) van item 3 vanBylae C toe to voeg: —

(a) Two-bedroomed detached house0.110 x 2 bedroomed houses

(b)Three-bedroomed semi-detach).ed

house (88 converted hostelhouses)




6.15 "

omskepte hostelhuise) 6.15

2. By the addition of the following after sub-item (5)of item 3 of Schedule C: —

. . „ (6) Perseelhuur (word gehef wanneer die. Read ." (6) Site rental (levied when the Council. leases

'n woonhuis verhuur of 'n woonperseel vir bou- a dwelling house, or leases a dwelling site for build-


.' - doeleindes verhuur in die Boipatonglokasie en is ing purposes in the Boipatong Location and is

betaalbaar bo en benewens die gelde wat betaalbaar payable in addition to the amounts payable in respectis ten opsigte van elektrisiteit en waterverbruik): of electricity and water consumption): R2.70 per

R2.70 per perseeP per maand of gededte van 'n site per month. or part thereof. ".maand.". T.A.L.G. 5/61/34. ,

- T.A.L.G. 5/61/34.

AdrninistrateUrskennisgewing No. 16.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 16.] [6 January 1965.


Dit word hiermee vir 'algemene inligting bekendgemaak It is hereby notified for general information that thedat die Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur die Administrator has approved, after investigation and report


Padraad van Potgietersrus, ingevolge paragraaf (d) van _by the Road Board of Potgietersrus, in terms of para-subartikel (1) van artikel yy. en artikel drie van die Pad-

graph (d) of sub-section (I) of section five and section -


-(Ordonnansie No. 22 van 1957), goed- three of the Roads Ordinance; 1957 (Ordinance No. 22 of

1 gekeur het,dat Distrikspad No. 973' oor die plase Kaffers- 1957), that District Road No. 973, traversing the farmskraal No: I68—K.R. en Pure Krans No. 271—K.R..distrik Potgietersrus, verle en verbreed word na 80 Kaapsevoet sops aangetoon op bygaande sketsplan.

D.P. 03-033-23/22/973: subjoined ahlereNtoo..

168—K.R. and Pure Krans No. 271—K.R., District of Potgietersrus, shall be deviated andwidened to 80 Cape feet as indicated on the sketch plan

- D.P. 03-033-23/22/973.

, it

- . .

Page 12: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

, .

.. - •


- .


a- • .

.. _ . - - - . . - . —


. 'A'Arl4A-rn*RAAL .

. ..-•

1G S-NR - ' - '\ . .

....: •- .,

..,. . . _ - - 4 A 01-011 ' -.-T 1.2. 7 / 97,:t '_-.,:' ' ' - - Z.''


• t 2'i'.•




' . e_revtsANG re






XIf-llR ' PAD GESLO/r -- - - - ROAD Casio --

,. . ..

PAD- VERift A AR nit ...... "ROAD OCCLAREO -


..zt. .J

'Z' -1.



' w/brivi-o ro SO,

' '7; N AAP-TE %/OCT ' : .CAPE FEET rZ':.••

.• --z-- ,, • •

, :.i•

4 . -• --

‘.e.f...; ,-,„-- - ..


.. I


t. .' ' '

' -. ... - t, •. . . .. . ..

',... .,

. ,. .

AdministMteurskennisiewing No.• 18.] - [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 18.] .:. [6 January 1965.

Ingevolge die bepalings van-

-artikel drie bis van die . In'terms of the previsions of section three his of the 4Ordonnansie op die Uitroeiing van Ongedierte, 1949. ...Vermin. Destruction • Ordinance, 1949 - (Ordinance --No. 25(Ordonnansie No. 25 van 1949). verklaar die Administra- • of 1949), thi Administrator hereby declares that member-teur hierby dat lidmaatskap van die Rooidraai Ongedierte- ship of the Rooidraai'- Vermin Club. District of Volksrust.uitroeiingsklub,, distrik Volkswit, verpligtend is vir elke shall be compulsory.for every occupier of land..asliefinedokkupeerder van grand. - soos • in daardie artikel omslryf.-binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die Rooidraai Onge- .

in - that section, in the,area.m respec_..t.of which the Rooi-dierte-uitroeiingsklubingevolge artikel drie, van daardie draM

-Vermin Club has been registered in terms. of the

'• Ordonnansie geregistreer is. •. . provisions of section three of that Ordinance. •

i' . - . - ' •

•1 si'c' .

"J. ":.:-" .r.. .

Administeateurskeiluisgewing No. 20.] ' [6 Januatie 1965. 'Administrator's Notice No. 20.] [6 nuiudry 1965.








• ,

.— , , - •

_ .- . . . . . ._.. .. .

.. . ..Dit• behaag .die Adthinistrateur .oni ingevolge altilcel.


.. • - -

. .' vyf van die Schutten Ordonintiee No'. 7 van 1913,.goed- The Administrator is pleased, in terms of section five

keuring to heg aan die opheffing van die skut op die pleas" of the Pounds Ordinance, No. 7 of 1913, to appiove - the..Goedertiou No. 11, distrik AmersfoOrt disestablishment of the Pound on the farm Goedertrou

.• _ , T.A.A. 10/1/140. No. 11, District of Amersfoort. T.A.A. 1011/140.

•• • .

• i • , •

.. ' ..

. .. -

Administrators Notice No. 17.] - ' ' [6 January 1965. IAdministrateurskennisgewing. No. 17.] .[6 Januarie 1965.


— .

• ,-.


_ -.

Dit word hiermee vir algernene inligting bekendgemaak it is hereby notified for. general information thatdat Administrateursproklamasie No. 189 van 13 Julie Administrator's Proclamation No. _189, dated 13th July,1957 deur die volgende kennisgewing vervang word:- .

• 1957, is superseded by the following notice:-• .

Dat die,. Administrateur . ooreenkonistig die-

• That the Administrator has approved in terms ofbepalings van paragrawe (6) en (c) van subartikel (1) - paragraphs (b) and (6) - of sub-section (1) and para-en paragraaf (b) van subartikel (2) van artikel vyf. graph (b) of sub-section (2) of section five, anden artikel drie van Padordonnausie, No. 22 van 1957, section three of the Road Ordinance, No. 22-of 1957,goedgekeur het dat 'n openbare grootpad met af- •

that a Rublic main road of .varying widths and thewisselende breedtes en die nodige verbredings by die necessary widening at

-the intersections shall exist

aansluitings oor Pietersburg dorp en dorpsgronde en over•Pietersburg Town and Tovinlands and the farmsoor die

-plase Duvenageskraal No. 689-L.S.,* Riet- Duvenageskraal No. 689-L.S., Rietfontein No.

fontein No. 743-L.S., Sterkloop No. 688-LB.,. 743-L.S., Sterkloop No. 688-L.S., WeltevredenWeltevreden No. . 746- L4. Krugersburg. No. No. 746-L.S., Krugersburg No. 687-L.S., Koppie-6877—L.S., Koppiefontein No. 686-L.S.-, Krugers- fontein No. 686-L.S.. Krugersburg No. 685-L.S.burg No. 685-L.S. en Enkelbosch No. 683-L.S., and Enkelbosch No. 683-L.S., as indicated and - Asal bestaan soos_aangetoon_ en_beslcrYf op. bygaande . ____:described _ on the _subjoined__ sketch, . plan and llIlsketsplan.cen'knOrAnate 1Y‘ste, ___• co-ordinate lists. -•ta c -

- . %..-1-= i2 12•




.. .

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•. .•


Die liguiir Li - Leo dat. die Zinkerkant en The figure Li -Leo on the Leff handside

IR Sti - RI aan de Re:fief:Wag uzigeskif die ,and -leI oh the Right hand sidefiguur L Si - L 87 steboor die • Piefersbuly excluded figure L 81 - L 87 represents the

Verbyfrad (Ti - as 'Nuid) van Pielersharg By-Pass ( 7? - 26 New) ofafivissefende wydies met aanshilings varying widths with infers e cil10115

en die liguar R zeo' R751 Rs8 R87 and the figure R798 R 79 1 Rae R37slelvoor 72 Diensioad.

-represents a Service Road •



fdrElwAGESAWAAL 689 -18


A./7I A 41 L" Li3a

, ,e .


i iv 19 Lis"

A I ti•Ni I L7 LB Lai


(.1 L3 L4 IS L6Coar-

q Lar. I -

LI Rat- --..WocR3 Rs RS R6

127 Rs RISR 1.4


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Page 15: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

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L 3 - 27708•6 + 98186.7 L64 - 53351•0 • 75638.0 R38 - 57240.8 e 86226.9L 4 1 - 27800.8 + 98053.4 L65 - 59934.0 • 75205.0 R39 - .57004 - 4 • 85910.3L 3 - 28102.6 + 97935.0 166 - 59826 - 7 + 7463.3•3 R40 - 57036.6 • 85869 - SL 6 - 28312.7 4 97832•2 L67 - 51042.7 + 66656.2 R4I - S7176 - 7 4- 85645 • 8

L 7 - 29384.8 4 97356.8 L68 - 578/4.6 • 65797 - 2 R42 - 57294.0 a 85417.2L 8 - 29874.0 4 97085 - 0 L69 - 57798.4 • 65687.6 R43 - 60232•3 « 78783.54 9 - 30253•5 + 96606 - 5 L70 - 57631 -S • 64816.-7 1244. - 60337:3 + 78517 :2110 -_30i71 - 4 + 96360 .6 L71 - 57425 - 5 • 63895.6 R 45 - 60421 - 8 • 78243.4 .

L II' - 3006.9 - 3 + 56258.1 L72 - 572/3.0 • 63350.0 RA6 - -60483.7 + 77963.8' L12 - 30465.3 4 95911.2 - G73 - 5682.3•0 • 62768 - 0 547 -, 60523 - 2 • 77680•1 - -

1/3 - 30315.0 3 56068.0 L 74 - 58393 - 0 + 62664 - 0 - R48 - 60550:0 • 77242.0414 - 302.99•4 + 96303.9 173 - 56192 - 5 • 62938.0 549 - 60540.0 • 76532.0L 15 - 30423 - / • 96533 - S 176 - 56083 - 7 • 62678 - 5 R50 - 60638.5 + 76012 • 6

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,119 - 39363.6 + 92938.0 180 - 57603.3 + 59804 • e R54 - 60771 - 3 4 75223- 6

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L26 - 48908 -.0 • 90576'0 487 -571.25

- 7 + 61230.5 561 - 60644.8 • 74254 5

. 4 27 - 49335.0 + 90398.0 R 1- 275/5.3 + 98605. i 562. -,'60,13:4 t..74153.1

128 - ' 49321 •O • 90230•0 -R 2 - 27656.3 4 9848 1- 8 R63. - .

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.430 - 49860.0 4 89875.0 R 4 - 28006.5 • 98218.8 R65 - - 6061 6.9 • 74075 • 6

• 131 - 49868.0 • 89700.0 R 5 - 28195•5 • 96107.9 R66 - 60336 8 • 74133.6432 - 49908.9 + 89467.3 R 6 - 28392.3 + 98011.6 R67 - 60.477 - 3 • 74323.2 .

L33 - 49922.6 • 139260'1 R 7 - 29277.6 • 97619 • 1 R68 - 60433.3 • 74460•8

L34 - 500.50 3 • 8.9207 - 3 R 8 - 29862.0 • 97380.0 R69 - 60425.7 + 74602.6435 - 50032.61+ .99475•5 R 9 - 30598.2 • 57372.6 R70 - 60435•I • 74744 • 9 •

436 - 50036.01+- 89795.0 R/0 - 30694.3 • 97520 • 3 R71 - 60467.8 4 74883 - 7

£37 - 50110.0 4 39860.0 R11 - 30807.7 • 97470.0 R 72 - 60523•0 + 75015.2

438 - 50470.0 + 89872.0 R/2 - 30762.8 • 97299.6 R 73 - 60661.3 • 75280.8

439 - 51002.8 + 89596.3 5- 13 - 31105.0 • 96900•.0 R74 - 60722.2 • 75451 - '4

LAO - 56177.7,+ 86410.2 R 14 - 31618.6 • 96581 •1 R 7.5 - 60782.5 + 75740.1

Ill L41 - 56376 -3'. 86273- 8 R15 - 391 46 - 7 14 93243.3 576 - 60748.9 • 75840.3

L42 - .56560.1 + 86118.2 R16 - 39437 - 3 • 93119.9 877 - 60606.8 + 75856.0.

L43 - 56727.5 • 85345- 0 R 17 - 39731 - 9 • 93005.8 R78 - 602i9.o r 75480.0

L44 - 56750.4 • 85916'0 R18 - 40030 - 0 • 32901•2 R75 - 60070.6 + 74826.8145 - 36374.9 + 85445.1 R 19 - 40331 - 2 + 92806.2 R 7941 - 55278 • I .• 71282.2 •

L46 - 56467.3 4 85362.4 R 20 - - .406.35- 4 t 92720.8 :7830? :




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L50 - .571/4 - 6 • 83337.7 R24 - 496/35.o • 90658.0 5 64 - 57592.6 • 63743.I.

. LSI -60052•814 78704.0 R2.5 - 49970.0 • 90708.0 R 85 - 57545.0 • G3 iS 4 .0

R EIS - .57640 • o • ez657 .0452 - 60152 -

61+ 78452 • a R26 - .50031: I • 90895.6 R 87. _ 57810.0 t 62358 - SLS3 - 60231 -

9 ir 78193 - 4 R27 - 50153 - 4 • 908 -75• 1 R86 - 5775/ • i . 62449 3

154 -60290.514 77929. 0 R28 - 50142.0 + 90632.0 R 05 - 57597. 0 • 62489.0

1.55 - 60327.814 77660.8 829 - 50278.0 + 90610.0 R 50 - 57517.0 1 62434.05L56 - 603.42 - 014 77220 - o R30 - 50678 - 0 4- 90061 • 0 R91 - 57335.0 • 619.35.0'

R52 - 57284 - 0 • 6i 540.0L57 -

60280.01+ 76815.0 12.31 7 51105 - 7 4 89763 - 5 893 - 57346.9 • 61187 - 2.

- L38 - 60(46.0 4. 76457. 0 R32 - 56280.6 + 86577.4 R94 - 67461 - 3 • 60837.4L59 - 59940 - 04 - 76318.0 R33 - 56495•4 + 86425.8 R95 - 57619 0 + 60504.91

- ..160. - 59845 - 0 • 76195.0 R34 - 56694.2 * 86261 • 5Ree:67 : 55.97392122:: : if::45:7a


- 596582.6 + 76216.6 R35 1568753 4- 86074 •1 ag;- -05.9430• o • 67252•3

_.. .


. ,

Page 16: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

. .

• le•:•- • . - . - .. - - - PROVINSLALE KatitA14:6- JANTYAitig 1965__ ._

__ _ _

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 19.7 [6 Jannarie .1965.. Administrator's Notice No. 19.j" ''' • .16 January 1965.



'- '


.• • -


. .. • . • .

. -

Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekend- -.

, . ..gen:mak dat die Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag It is hereby notified for- general information • that'' the

' deur die Padraad van Potchefstroom, kragtens die Administratoi has approlved, after. investigation- '

and:bepalings yin paragraaf (a) van subartikel (1) 'van artikel report by The Road Board of Potchefstrobni, in tet

-ms -of

vjg ea artikel drie van die Padordonnansie, 1957 paragraph (a) of sub-section (1) of section five and section(Ordonnansie No. 22 van 1957), goedgekeur het dat 'n three of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance' No: 22openbare pad, 30 Kaapse voet' breed, sal bestaan op die of 1957). that a ,public road, 30 Cape, feel Wide; .shallplaas Droogespruit No. 416—I.P., distrik Potchefstroom, exist on the farm Droogespruit No. 416—I.P., District :of -

soos aangetoon op bygaande sketsplan. Potchefstro'om, as indicated,on the 'sketch "plan subjoined. • .

O.P. 07 -072-23/20/T13-10: hereto. ' -D.P. 07 -072:23/20/T1340.-

-.. . ' . .,. -

-..• /ft :. - ' •;•::..-- ; •: ' . PcoltfiEF-S-KRocnti tihnitfitrns /004- GROti OE -` 43S' :I Q. 0 - .,.. - /II

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33el! orr: 612. - 2'3 20/ T1311. i. -- V ' - 4 ' '


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FAD GEOPEN. 30 K.VT.SREED. am...am . KOF10 .OPENED 30 En. WIDE. • f

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Administrateurskennisgewing No. 21.] .. ' [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. •21.] _ [6 January 1965.



. • - •

Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak , It is hereby notified for 'general .information that the 4dat die Administrateur ingevolge paragraaf (a) van sub-. :Administrator has approved in..f.terthi of paragraph (a)artikel (2) van artikel vyf van die •Padordonnansie, 1957 of• sub=section (2) of section five of the Roads Ordinance.

(No. 22 van 1957), goedgekeur het - dat die pad oor -1957 (No. 22 of 1957), that the road traversing the

Potchefstroom Dorp en Dorpsgronde No. 435—I.Q... Potchefstroom Town and. Townlarids ; No. 435—I.Q..distrik Potchefstroom, soos op bygaande.'" skela.plan District of.Potchefstroom,,is indicated on' the sketch planaangetoon, 'n openbare pad sal wees. - '

.' subjoined hereto, shall 'bd a public



. , • D.P. 07-072-23/22/87(A).' '

- D.P. 07-072-23/22/87(A).•

- .

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--C....." ------ 1 - DP. 07 - 072 - 23/22 /87 (A).-p..oi.ls goRp.

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IMSEn Reim,ME T Hamm 'PAD • AS A'.

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Page 17: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge



Administrateurskennisgewing No. 221; ., [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 221 [6 January 1965.



- .

Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak It is hereby notified for .general information that thedat die Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur die Adminiltrator has approved, after investigation and reportPadraad van Potchefstroom, goedgekeur het, kragtens die by the Road Board of Potchefstroom, in terms of para-

bepalings .Van paragrawe (c) en (d) van subartikel (1) van graphs (c) and (d) of sub -section (1) of section five andartikel vyf en artikel drie van die Padordonnansit, 1957 section three of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance(Ordonnansie No:.22' van 1957). dat Distrikspad No. 87 No. 22 of 1957), that District Road No. 87 traversing theoor die plase Potchefstroom .Dorp en Dorpsgronde No. farms Potchefstroom Town and Townlands No. 435-435-1.Q.-. Harpington No. 461—I.Q.. Haaskraal No. I.Q.. Harpington No. 461—I.Q.. Haaskraal No. 460:-

469-0.. Haaskraal No. 462—I.Q.. Haaskraal No: 490 I.Q.. Haaskraal No. 462-1.Q.. Haaskraal No. 4901---1.0..1.0.. Elbrinxen No. 493-1.12. Taaiboschbult No. 497 Elbrinxen No. 493—I.Q.. Taaiboschbult No. 497-1.0..

—1.0.. Mullersvlej No. 494- 1.0.. en Kromdraai No. 420 Mulleisvlei No. 494—I.Q.. and Kromdraai No. 420- 1.P.,—LP., distrik Potchefstroom, verle en verbreed word na 'District of Potchefstroom, shall be deviated and widened120 Kaapse voet eti -

-tot -'n°' Grootpad veiklaaeword as 'to 12b -rape feet and' declared a Main Road as anverlenging van Grootpad No. 0175, soos aangetoon op extension of Main Road No. 0175, as indicated on thebygaande sketsplan.

_- - sketch plan subjoined hereto, -

D.P. 07-072-23/22/87 (b). ...... .

- D.P. 07-072-23/22/87 (b).

. . • .-

- .


. • .

10. ..



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12.0 U. VT. ER VERRLAAR . AS sitooiscio - 120 C.FT. AND DECLARED AS A MAIM RORD. •.- . - -









• .


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. •

Page 18: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge


Administrateurskennisgewing No. 23.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 23.] [6 January 1965.


. .f IDit word hierby vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak It is hereby notified for general information that the

dat die Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur die Administrator has approved, after investigation and reportpadraad van PotchefstrOom, goedgekeur het dat die pad by the Road Board of Potchefstroom, that the roadoar die plaas Kromdraai No. 420—I.P., distrik Potchef- traversing the farm Kromdraai No. 420—I.P, District ofstroom, soos op bygaande sketsplan aangetoon word, Potchefstroom, as' shown on the sketch - plan subjoinedingevolge paragraaf (a) van subartikel (1) van artikel vyf hereto, shall, in terms of paragraph (a) of sub-section (1)vn die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van of section five of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance1957), tot openbare distrikspad verklaar word as ver- No. 22 of 1957), be declared a public district road as anlenging van distrikspad No. 2036. extension of District Road No. 2036.

D.P. 07-072-23/22/87 (C).. D.P. 07-072-23/22/87 (C).

r•D- -

, .

DRO 0 GE SPRU it11IL 116'SP .

Ti- •.




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2 ESTAANDE "ARSE Ems-rise. top1/415s .

. .

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 24.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 24.] [6 January 1965.BRAKPANSE TETTERSALLSKOMITEE. — AAN- B R A K P A N TAT T E R S A L L S COMMITTEE.



II1966. .• • •

Dit het die Administrateur behaag orn mnr. A. Rudman The Administrator has been pleased, in terms of sectioningevolge artikel 22 van die Perdewedrenne en Wedden- 22 of the Horse Racing and Betting Ordinance, 1927skappe Ordonnansie, 1927, (prdonnansie No. 9 van 1927), (Ordinance No. 9 of 1927) to appoint Mr. A. Rudman asaan to stel as lid van die-

Brakpanse Tattersallskomitee member to the Brakpan Tattersalls Committee, with term.met ampstermyn tot 31 Augustus 1966, in die plek van of office expiring on the 31st August, 1966, vice Mr.mnr. J. H. Meyer. _ I. H. Meyer.

T.A.A. 12/5/1/2/6..

T.A.A. 12/5/1/2/6.

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 25.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 25.] [6 January 1965.VERLEGGING EN VERBREDING.—OPENBARE DEVIATION AND WIDENING.—PUBLIC ROAD,


Dit wordIt is hereby notified for general information that thedat die

hierby vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak Administrator has approved, after investigation and reportAdministrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur dieby the Road Board of Zwartruggens, that Provincial RoadPadraad van Zwartruggens, goedgekeur bet dat Provinsiak ,No. P.124—I traversing the farms Brakspruit' No.Pad No. P.124-1, op die plase Brakspruit No. 402—J.P..

Winkelhaak No. 408—LP. en Nooitgedacht No. 381—IP ,402—J.P., Winkelhaak No. 408—J.P. and Nooitgedacht' deviated No.381-1.P., District of Zwartruggens, shall bedistrik Zwartruggens, soos op bygaande skits aangetoon

word, ingevolge paragraaf (d) van subartikel (I) van artikel and widened to 120 Cape feet in terms of paragraph (d)vyf en artikel Brie van die Padordonnansie, 1957

of sub-section (1) of section five and section three of the(Ordonnansie No. 22 van 1957), verle en verbreed word Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22 of 1957), as ana 120 Kaapse voet. indicakd on the sketch plan subjoined hereto.

D.P. 08-082Z-23/21/P.124-1 (a). -' .D.

. .P. 08-082Z-23/21/P.124- 1 (a)._ .. .


' .

' .

- -•

Page 19: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

• .


. . ., •. .

• • . .


- -,

0 v._DR CB -013ZZ - 23/a/M/24 -/: cej




•• a* .


PAD GEoPeni ROAD OPENED12 17/44.<411

- \/20 K. Vt. /a0 C. rt. 'slat

- ..- 3813P apt 10

P40 GESLUIT.— — ROAD CLOSED. t..itriV.ELN. 4 _.....::


t3ESTRINDE Pm. EXISTING RIAD."' Aoslit; --,:d.

-"r aTv --47- --mom•••••••*It


. 402 3E . - - . . .. .

' -

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 26.] ,

'[6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 26.] ' [6 - January 1965.


- .

Dit word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat die41/4cItninistrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur die Padraad It is hereby notified for general information that the

van Zwartruggens, goedgekeur het dat Provinsiale Pad No. Administrator has approved, after investigation and report

P.124- 1 ingevolge die bepalings van paragraaf (b) van by the Road Board of Zwartruggens that Provincial Road

subartikel (2) van artikel vyf. artikels sewe. veertig en No. P.124- 1. with a road reserve of 120 Cape feet.

drie van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 traversing the farm Brakfonteiu No. 402—J.P. on' van 1957). oor die pleas Brakfontein No. 402—J.P. op Zwartruggens townlands, shall exist in terms of paragraph

Zwartruggens dorpsgronde met 'n reserwebreedte van 120 (b) of sub-section (2) of section five, sections seven, forty

Kaapse voet, soos op bygaande sketsplan aangetoon. and three of the Roads Ordinance. 1957 (Ordinance Nq.

geopen word. •22 of 1957), as indicated on the subjoined sketch. plan.

D.P. .08- 082Z- 23/21/P.124- 1 (b). D.P. 08- 082Z- 23/21/P.174-- .1 (b).

.DI? 08-0822 -23/2//P/24 -/ C-0VERWYSING, REFERENCE.



— 1""stikliS — • :•


t -c /20 Kvt. . E-C /20 C.&' a E .


. _

402 re . •


. .

. ,

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 27.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 27.] [6 January 1965.


. .

Dit word hierby vir algemene inligtilig bekendgemaak It is hereby notified for general information that thedat die Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur diePadraad van Zwartruggens, goedgekeur het dat openbare Administrator has approved, after investigation and report

by the Road Board of Zwartruggens, that public roads,paaie ingevolge die bepalings van paragawe (b) en (c)

50 Cape feet wide, shall exist on the farms Winkelhaakvan subartikel (1) van artikel vyf en artikel drie van diePadordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van 1957), op No. 408—J.P. and Nooitgedacht No. 381—J.P., District

die plase Winkelhaak -No. 408—J.P. en Nooitgedacht No. of Zwartruggens, in terms of paragraphs (b) and (c) of

381—J.P., distrik Zwartruggens, soos aangetoon op sub-section (I) of section five and section three of the

bygaande sketsplan, met 'n reserwebreedte van 50 Kaapse Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22 of 1957), as

voet sal bestaan.indicated on the sketbh plan subjoined hereto.

D.P. 08--082Z-23/21/13.124-1 (c). D.P. 08-082Z-23/21/P:124- 1 (c).


DP08-08EZ -231211PIR44 CO 7.. to #.a.- SIR/_





SO K. wt. • so C. Ft. fat .." . ir*BESTARNDE Pan EArsrinG ROAD v .

air' ..•

ollat•-- tre .: ,....0.11111111°-


I. • 44- x.; ,-





402 JP- •



Page 20: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

. .

• „.. _ _ 1 ..1.. ..zn

. ._ • - -

AdministrateurskamisgeWing No. 28.] [6 Januarie 1965. Administrator's Notice No. 28.] ' [6 'January 1965.


NELSPRUIT. ' ' mr•

IDit word hiermee vir algemene inligting.bekendgemaale It is hereby notified for • general information that thedat die Administrateur na ondersoek en verslag dew die Administrator has approved after investigation and reportPadraad van Nelspruit, goedgekeur het dat Distrikspad by the Road Board of Nelspruit, that District Road No.No. 957 oor die plaas. Rietfontein No. 274—J.T., distrik . 957. traversing the farm Rietfontein No. 274—J.T.. Dis-Nelspruit, ingevolge die bepalings van paragraaf (d) van, trict of Nelspruit, shall be deviated in terms of paragraphsubartikel (1) van artikel vyf van die Padordonnansie, (d) of sub-section (1) of section five of the Roads1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van 1957), vale word sacs Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22


of 1957), as indicatedaangetoon op 'bygaantle sketsplan.

'• on the subjoined sketch plan. •

D.P. 04-044-23/22/957. D.P. 04-044-23 /22/ 957..,- - ' . • •

. )

NI- 29 DP 04 - 044=23/2Z/9ST

• .

. .,. Vervvtisin9_ . Reirtrance.--.... N . .Pod Vet to ... .

Rood DeNto e.

A1N• Pod .Gesluit. = = Itoad closed - .

• . . . •°7,4. .

-- '

30 . ...•te, toeR E. - 41 NI '.%274- it - f5e4Ocirtde (bole. __.... ,EY.IstiN9 Roods. • '

, 1.1 .5.......".> . .9" . .

• . '.




HI_ipl •


. . -

.. .


Ai- s .#

, . .„.

. . •

i II• .... .

• .. .

• .•


• ., ,, •

, .

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 29.) • •• [6 Januarie 1965.* Administrator's Notice No. 29.] . . [6 January 1965. • •.



• Die Administrateur benoem • hierby, . kragtens en . . The Administrator' hereby. under and .by virtue of theingevolge die bevoegdhede , horn verleen 'by .subregulasie. powers vested in him by • sub-regulation (4) of regulation -

(4) van ,regulasie T,yan die regulasies, gemaak ingevolge • T of. the,regulations made in„ terms. of section, eighteenartikel agtien. van die.Lisensies • (Kontrole) Ordonnansie, iot;the Licences (COritiol) Otainande;1931

-(Ordiriance No.

1931. (Ordonnansie No. 3 . van 1932).. en afgekondig by 3: of 1932),, and published.:by•AckminWatorts;N§tice. NO.AdmirdstrateurskentirSgeping No. -267,-Van. 8..Iuniet 1932 .207....aated' 8th Juner.1932..(al amended - from , time to

van' lyd t6t tya gewysig), mnr. G. J.' le Rotoicas. lid .; time); appoints Mr. G. J. le Roux as member of,the,Rdral- van die Landelike -

Lisensieraad vir die •Laiddrosdistrik :Lieensing•Board for.the Magisterial.District.of Pietersburg. -

van Pietersburg,.met ampstertnyn tot 30.-

Noveniber 1966 with term of .office until. the. 30th November. 1966. vice...in•die plek van mnr O. F. Snyman.•

, ., ' •

. Mr. G. F. Snyman.- ,•

. ,• TA:A 7/2/32. ,

. k.. T,A.A..7/2/32. '.. .

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 30.] . [6 fanuaric. 1965. Administrator% Notice No. 30.] • ' ' [6 January 1965:•


'Notice is' hereby given, in' terms' of sub-section (1) ofKennisgewing geskied hierby ooreenkomstig subartikel section eight of the Reads Ordinance,. 1957 (Ordinance

(1) van artikel agt van die Parlordonnansie, 1957 (Ordon- No. 22 of 1957), that it is the intention of the Administratornansie No. 22 van 1957), dat die Administrateur voor- to .enter upon .the land and ,properties ,on the farms 4nemens is om die -

. grand en eiendomme .op die plase'Knopjeslaagte No. 385—J .R:., -Laezonia Agridulturil

Knopjeslaagte No. 385—J.R., Laezonia .Landboahoewes, Holdings, Witpoort No. 406.J.R., .Randjesfontein No.Witpoort No. 406—J.R., Rindjesfontein No. 405—I.R. 405—I.R. and Olifantsfontein No. 402—J.R., District ofen. Olifantsfcithein Np. 402—J.R:, distrik Pretoria en die .Pretoria. and the farm Olifantsfontein..No. 410÷JR., Dis-

pleas Olifantsfontein No. 410—J.R., distrik Kempton Park, trict of Kempton Park, for the purpose of making measure-te betree ten einde opmetings, of waarnemings - te doen of ments, observations or surveys or the carrying out of anyopnames te maak, of ow enige ander ondersoek uit te other investigation in connection with the construction orvoer in verband ••met die aanle of instandhouding van maintenance of District Road No. 795 or an

-y otherlitir-

Distrikspad No. 795 of enige doel wat in verband daarmee pose incidental thereto.staan. . D.P. 01-012123/22/795,2.Vol. 111.

D.P. 01-012-23/22/795, Vol. M. .

. .•. .

. Administrator's Notice No. 31.] . . .. [6 January 1965.*. .Administrateurskennisgewing No. 31.] [6 Jeannie 1965. ROAD TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, 1957.—AMEND-



—• . . . ,

Kragtens subartikel -(1) van - artikel twee van die Pad- - In terms of sub-section (1) of section two of the Road

verkeersordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 18 van 1951),• Traffic Ordinance 1957 (Ordinance No. 18 .of 1957); .thewysig die Administiateur hierby Administrateurskennis- Administrator'hereby amends Adnfinistrator's Notice No.gewing No. 723 van 24 September 1958— . 723 of 24th September, 1958— - • - . ., - -

(1) deur in die beskrywing van die gebied van die : (1) in - the descriptiOn of the area' of the Registering ARegi.strasie-otyerheid yen Sanpieshof irdie svoorde;en


:- ;Authority; of Sannieihof by'' tlia..antititution for "the' le:dyfeit '21:".eeuirlduill 'No. n6131' - to Veryang: met - •! •-

.“ words and-

figures .• "Leeuvamil Noi."00" i Of ihe„ BlaauwildebeeStput No. 65 en KlippatNix 202'. - ' ' -words and figures "

BlaauwildebeeStfurN6:365 andt \en Klippan No. 202 ", and ,

20' . .


- .. .

. .

Page 21: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

I .

111,9VINgAL. PA4t1.iie...0./ANUANIC 19p , 21- . .1 .

,(2) denri. in .die beskrywing, van die gebied . van_ die. (2) in the description of the area of the Registering1 ,.. .wiegistrasie-owerheid - van. Lichtenburg die .woorde.

' Aitttibr4 of Lichtenburg by the substitution 'fOr• '


- en syfers „ Blaapwildebeestput No. 65 en KlippanNo. 202 " met „ Kenkelspruit No. 38, Wesselsfort

the Words - and figures- "

Blaauwildebeestput i No.65 and Klippen No. 202 " of the words and figures"Kenkelspruit No. 38, Wesselsfort No. 383 and

.:. - :No.:383 en - Uitval No. 172 " te vervang. - . -, :- Uitval No. 172 ": - "•

. „• - -

- -•i

. ,. DIVERSE. , . •.. - .

- -—• - -MISCELLANEOUS. . .

. . . , . .. .. . .. •

. ..:- •


-No. 462 y 1964.


• NOTICE No. 462 (IP 1964.. ., -



. _— .

NotiIngevolge artikel tiervan die Ordonnansie..op Plaaslike Notice is hereby given; in terMs of. section ten of AleBestuur; - 1.939: rwOril:c•blerby -bekendgemaak ' dat • die Lotal Government Ordinance„ - 1939. that the TovnStadsraadz _van ) Alberto.' 'n . versoekslcrif . - by :die Colincil bf Alberton hai submittichm petition to theAdtninistratenr ingedien .bet met die bede dat Int , die. . Administrator Praying 'that-he may in the exercise of thebevbegdbedkaan honi verleen by sitbarlikel(7).Vad artikel

powers ConferredOn

him by Sub-section7) -of 'section) nee van genoemde Ordonnansie uitoefen en die grense nine of .the said rdinance alter the boundaries of itsvan sy munisipaliteit verander deur die inlywing van die

„municipaltiy by the inclusion of

the area described in. thegebied omskryf in die Bylae. hiervan.Schedule hereto.

' - i.

0 Alio belanghebbende one is bevoeg om binne 30 It is Went for any person or persons interested.dae na die eerste publikasie hiervanpn

in die Miele within

. .


within 30.:clays ,of the' first , publication hereof in theKoerant- vaii • ille -Prciiiinsie

-aan die Administriteur 'n Provincial Gazette. to pielent to the Adniinistrifor- ateenpetisie voor te le met vermelding van code Nan. Counter petition

-setting 'forth the grounds of opposition


beswaar teen genoande voorstel. • to the Council's proposal.T.A.L.G.r5. .:

- '1'

BYLAE. ••" ...:' - ' •


• • • - - .. . .

T.A.L.G. :3.7214.'

; , SCHEDULE, • „.•....,. • , - - . .. . •


"Bigih' 11'Se' Vie Atooictwisthliko' ..Sakeli. vaw'rdie plaak-


Pilipietkintein ' No'

141.AI.K. diarVeridiait"

algetneeni• ••.':€

f' •':'" flr`..)j.:? t 'V (*i'lliaritideri.. q a •:. At:

.7.:: "Tx, othimaits' en'• dadocisWaftts'claiigs i die noordelike




Eleglithiigat, ,the north-western beacon of' the firm'ridatiltioetelga Odle 'oncienlieidelik. vandi nen-dem:de" - -e ° - - - - -11: Sitnieitonteiif 2461 141"

-- Iqi.; proceed*. thence:generally',ialacik'iot by. die' noordelikste baken van Tokozi'Bentoe- eastward( and .south=eastwards along the:Inorthern and'dorp' IICeart. LG. No. -AA358 /58); daervaddean algemeen northeastern• boundaries respectively •of the said bhp `to`attidweafts Tangs' die westelike grens van che genoemde -

the noitheramost' beacon • of'

Tokoza 'Bantu' TownshipTokoza. Bantoedorp sodat dit uit hierdie'gebied uitgisluit ..

(Diagram S.G. No:• A.4358/58); thenCe 'gebetallyword tot by die suidelikste baken darvan op die. said- 'southwards along the western boundary of the said Tokozaoostelike grens van'clieplaas Palmietfontein No. 141—I.R.; . Bantu Township'-so' as to' exclude it fronz.this area to thedaarvandaan suidweswaarts tangs, .die. genqemde said- Southern most beacon - thereof ..Ori the.' south-eastern.

• oostelike gams - tot •-by die suidelikste. bake° van die. bonder). 'of the farm Palmietfontein No.141,1:12.4 - thence.genoemde pleas; daarvandaan algemeen 000rdwaarts langs . south-westwards. along ' the .said south.eastern 'boundary

die westelike grens van die pleas -Pahnietfontein No.• to the southern most beacon of the said farm; thence1

-41—I.R.: tqt, .. by die,; noordwestelilce, :bakes van the generally northwards along the western boundary of thelaasgenoe die begin punt. '

farm •Palinde plans;, mietfontein No. 141—I.R. to the. north-western.



030-6'13' theplace.beacon of the said farm,: of beginning.

- ..- '

.. - : - . i

••. ,.

. - - NOTICE -

Nd.' 463 oh 1964. .-


KENNISGEWING-No. 463 VAN 1964. . . •

.. . .,

. . . .


•- '

. .' : -- _ . _. . . .

, . . .

flierbiiwOrd oOreepk omsdg die benelings van Sub-art/1re)

. .

- '


(1) van artikel nege-en-dertig van die DorPe- en DorpS- It ishereby tion. thirty-nine .

notified•in terms of sub -section a) of sec-of the Townships and Town-planning

aaplegordonnansie..1931,.bekendgenmak oaf die Stadsraad -Ordinance, 1931, that the Town Council of Roodepoortvan Roodepoort, aanibek ged,opp het om Roodepoort-has applied • for Roodepoort-Maraisburg Town-planning

. IViataisburg-dorpsaahlegskema•No. 2, 1954, te wysig deurScheme No. 2, 1954, to be amended by the rezoning ofdie - herindeling van Gedeelte 82 van die plans Weltevieden Portion 82 of the farm Weltevreden No. 202, RegistrationNo. :202; Registrasie-dfdeling W. van „ Spesiale Woon"•Division 1.Q.. from "Special Residential " to "Generaltot„ Algemene Wood". .... .. i

Residential .Verdere • besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Roode- " .

poort-Maraisburg-dorpsaanlegskema No. 2/7 genoem sal This amendment will be known as Roodepoort-Word) 16 in:die. kantoor van die..Stadsklerk van Roode- Mar,als

-b T


SchemeNo.2/7urg own-p annmg. . Further„ . . .poort 'en' in.che kantoor van die Sekretaris van die DOS- particulars of the scheme are lying ,for inspection at theraad,r.Kamer No. B2221 Provinsiale Gebou. Pretodus-, office of. the Town Clerk, Roodephort, and at the office of'

straat, Pretoria, ter insae. ... . . -.. the Secretary of the Townships Board, Robin No. .13,1222.'

..Alleeienaars of bewoners van obtoerende eiendom- wat Provincial puilding..Pretorius Street, Pretoria.


. ..

1 gad is-binne: die:gebled -.ten. opsigter wain* die Ad= ! -,:gtly.i. owner or Slcctifiter . 9f ,imniqable property

. van 1044as-sing i ;S:Iet die reg ombeiswair, teen die

-skema situate wit 'area fa which the scheme appliesshalla-

te, teken en kan to 'eniger•tydllnime 'ri. iniand na die have.- the right of objection 'to the pcheme and pay notify.. :

. (1.. LT, ,-

.,;.:. .: . Jai:: - . h. 21


• •

Page 22: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge


laaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in - die Offisiele the Secretary of the Townships Board. in writing. at theKoerant van die Provinsie, d.w.s. op of voor 5 Februarie above address or P.O. Box 892, Pretoria. of such objection'1965, die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde and of the grounds thereof at any time within one monthadres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in kennis stet van after the last publication of this notice in the Provincialso 'n beswaar en die redes daarvoor. Gazette, i.e. on or before the 5th February, 1965.

H. MATTHEE,Sekretaris, Dorperaad. H. MATTHEE,

Secretary, Townships Board.Pretoria, 23 Desember 1964.30-6-13

Pretoria, 23rd December, 1964.

KENNISGEWING No. 464 VAN 1964. NOTICE No. 464 OF 1964.•


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub- It is hereby notified, in terms of sub -section (I) ofartikel (I) van artikel nege-en-dertig van die Dorpe- en section thirty-nine of the Townships and Town-planningDorpsaanlegordonnansie, 1931, bekendgemaak dat die Ordinance, 1931. that the City Council of Pretoria hasStadsraad van Pretoria aansoek gedoen het om Pretoria- applied for Pretoria Region Town-planning Scheme, 1960.streek-dorpsaanlegskema, 1960, te wysig deur die her- to be amended by the rezoning of certain portions of theindeling van die volgende straatgedeeltes in die dorp following streets in Lynnwood Township to " SpecialLynnwood na „ Spesiale woon " met 'n digtheid van „ een Residential" with a density of " one dwelling-house perwoonhuis per 20,000 vierkante voet ":— _ 20,000 square feet ": —

(a) Die straatgedeelte op die hoek van Sappers Contour (a) The street portion at the corner of Sappers Contour Ien Flinders Lane; and Flinders Lane;(b) Farmer's Folly; (b) Farmer's Folly; •

(c) The Loop. (c) The Loop.Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Pretoria- This amendment will be known - as Pretoria Region

streek-dorpsaanlegskema: Wysigende Slcema No. 31 Town-planning Scheme: Amending Scheme No. 3Lgenoem sal word) 18 in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk Further particulars of the scheme are lying for inspectionvan Pretoria, en in die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die at the office of the Town Clerk, - Pretoria, and at the officeDorperaad, Kamer No. B222, Provinsiale Gebou, of the Secretary of the Townships Board, Room No.Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter insae. B222, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat Every owner or occupier of immovable property situategelet is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema within the area to which the scheme applies shall have thevan toepassing is, het die,5eg om beswaar teen die skema tight of objection to the scheme and may notify the

'aan te teken en kan to eager tyd binne 'n maand na die :Secretary of the Townships Board, in writing, at the above.laaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Oftsiele 'address or P.O. Box 892, Pretciria, of such objection add' Koerant van dietrabilie; d.w.s. op of voor 5 Februarie .of the grounds thereof at any time one month after the1965, die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde last publication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette,adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in kennis stet van i.e. on or before the 5th February, 1965.so 'n beswaar en die redes daarvoor.

H. MATTHEE, H. MATTHEE,Secretary, Townships Board.Sekretaris, Dorperaad. •

Pretoria, 23 Desember 1964. . 30-6-13 Pretoria, 23rd December, 1964. - •

- KENNISGEWING No. 465 van 1964. NOTICE No. 465 OF 1964.


Hierby word, ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub- It is hereby notified, in terms of sub-section (I) of Iartikel, (1) van artikel nege-en-dertig van die Dorpe- en- section thirty-nine - of the Townships and Town-planningDorpsaanlegordoniansie, 1931, bekendgemaak dat die Ordinance, 1931, that the Town Council of -Benoni hasStadsraad van Benoni aansoek gedoen bet om Benoni- applied -for Benoni Town-planning Scheme No. 1, 1948,dorpsaanlegskema No. I, 1948, le wysig deur die her- to be amended by the rezoning of Ed No. 302,. Benoniindeling an Erf No. 302, dorp Benoni, na „ Spesiale " -Township, to " Speeial " purposes to allow for the use ofgebruik vir winkels. shops only.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Benoni- This amendment will be known as Benoni Town-

dorpsaanlegskema No. 1/37 genoem sal word) 18 in die .planning Scheme No. 1/37. Further particulars of thescheme are lying for inspection at the office of the Townkantoor van die Stadsklerk van Benoni en in die kantoorClerk, Benoni, and at the office of the Secretary of the• van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad, Kamer No. B222,

Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter insae. Townships Board, Room No. B222, Provincial Building,Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom watgelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema Every owner or occupier of immovable property situate

within the area to which the' scheme applies shall havevan toepassing is, het die reg om beswaar teen die skema taan te teken en kan te eniger tyd binne 'n maand na die the right of objection to the scheme and may notify thelaaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Offisiele Secretary of the Townships Board, in writing, at theKoerant van die Provinsie, d.w.s. op of voor 5 Februarie above address or P.O. Box 892, Pretoria, of such objection ,

1965, die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde and of the grounds thereof at any time within one monthadres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in kennis stel after the last publication of this notice in the Provincialvan so 'n beswaar en die redes daarvoor. .Gazette, i.e. on or before the 5th February, 1965. -


411Sekretaris, Dorperaad. Secretary, Townships Board.

Pretoria, 23 Desember 1964. - 30-6-13 Pretoria, 23rd December, 1964. - -


Page 23: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge


. t .— - KENNISGEWING No. 466. AN 1964. . _, _ „ _ , .NOTICE No. 466,.or 1964. . ..


• ::.Hierbs. Word, ooreenkomstig die bepalings van sub- It is hereby. notified; in terms of sub -section (1) ofartikel (I) Van artikel nege-en -dertig van die. Dorpe- en section thirty-nine of the Townships and Town-planningDorpsaanlegordonnansie, 1931, bekendgemaak dat die Ordinance, 1931, that the City Council of Pretoria hasStadsraad van Pretoria aansoek gedoen het om Pretoria- applied for Pretoria Town -planning Scheme No. 1, 1944.dorpsaanlegskema No. 1, 1944, te wysig deur die her- to be amended by the rezoning of Erven Nos. 224 andindeling van Erwe Nos. 224 en 227. Sunnyside, van 227, Sunnyside, from "General Residential" to a

Algentene Noon" na 'n „ Spesialestreek " ten einde " Special Zone " to permit the erection thereon of shops

die oprigting - van winkels en woonstelle daarop toe te and flats.hat. . . . This amendment will be known as Pretoria Town-

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Pretoria- planning Scheme No. 1/57. Further particulars of theddrpsaanlegskema NO. 1/57 genoem sal word) 18 in die scheme are lying for inspection at the office of the Townkantoor van die Stadsklerk Van Pretoria en in die kantoor Clerk. Pretoria, and at the office of the Secretary of thevan die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad, Kamer NO. B222. Townships Board, Room No. B222, Provincial Building,Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter insae. Pretorius Street, Pretoria.'• • Alle eienaars .of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat .. Evez-y owner or occupier, of immovable property situategelee is Urine die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema within the area to which the scheme applies shall, havevan toepassing is; het die reg om beswaar teen die skema the right of objection to the scheme and may notify theaan te teken en kan te eniger tyd binne 'n maand na die Secretary of the Townships Board, in writing, at thelaaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Oftisie/e above address or P.O. Box 892, Pretoria, of such objectionKoerant van' die Provinsie, d.w.s. op of voor 5 Februarie and of -the grounds thereof at any time within one month1965. die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde after the last publication of this notice in the Provincialadres of. Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in •kennis .stel Gazette. i.e. on or before the 5th February. 1965.

0 van so 'n beswaar en die redes daarvoor. •• H. MATTHEE,-

. H. MATTHEE, Secretary, Townships Board.Sekretaris, Dorperaad.

Pretoria, 23 Desember 1964. 30.6.13 Pretoria, 23rd December, 1964.. . _ . ..

, . . .• • KENNISGEVVING No. 467 VAN 1964. . NOTICE No. 467 or 1964.

• — ... . • . —,


• . .


Na1/3.. .

- ,Hierby word, ooreenkomstig die bepalings ,van sub- • - — .

artikel (1) van' artikel nege-en-dertig van die Dorpe- en , „It A hereby notified, in, terms of sub-section (1) ofDexpsaanlegOrdonnansie, 1931, bekendgemaak dat die, section ibiriY-nine. of the, Townships and ,TOinvp1tiniting',Stadsraad van Pietersburg ,aansoek gedoen

'het om Ordinance. 1931, that the Town Counpii of 'Pietersburg

Pietersburg- dorpsaaniegskema No. 1, 1955..soos volg te has applied for Pietersburg Town-planning Scheme, No. 1.wysig:'A- , .1951. to be amended as follows: — •

(a) Deur Algemene besigheidsregte toe te ken aan Erwe (a) By the allocation of General Business Rights toNos. 115 en 116. gelee in die dorpsgebied van Erven Nos. 115 and 116, situated in the townshipPietersburg. of Pietersburg. •

(b) Dat die stuk grond bekend as Paul Krugerplein se (b) That the use zoning of the piece of land known as

gebruiksindeling gewysig word van munisipale doel- Paul Krugerplein be amended from Municipalerodes -na algemene besigheidsdoeleindes. Purposes to General Business Purposes.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Pieters- This amendment will be known as Pietersburg Town:.burg-dorpsaanlegskema No. 1/3 "genoem sal word) le in planning Scheme No. 1/3. Further particulars \ of thedie kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad, Kamer scheme are tying for inspection at the office of the TownNo. B222, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. Clerk, Pietersburg, and at the office of the Secretary of.en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Pietersburg, ter the Townships Board, Room No. 8222, Provincial Build-

insae.' .

ing, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.- Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat - Every owner or occupier of immovable property situategelee' is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema within the area to which the scheme applies shall hate

van toepassing is, het die reg om beswaar teen die skema the right ,of objection to the scheme and may notify theaan te teken en kan te eniger tyd binne 'n maand na die Secretary of the Townships Board, in writing, at thelaaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Offlsiele above address or P.O. 'Box 892, Pretoria, of such objectionKoerant .van die Provinsie, d.w.s. op of voor 5 Februarie and of the grounds thereof at any time within one month1965, die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bovermelde after the last publication of this notice in the Provincial

'adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, stadia& in kennis stel Gazette, i.e. on or before the 5th r

February, 1965.,r. .van so i'n beswaar en die redes daarvoor. .


H. MATTHEE,, • . . • H. MATTHEE. ,.Secretary, Townships Board.

Sekretaris, Dorperaad. Pretoria, 23rd December, 1964.Pretoria, 23 Desember 1964. 30-6-13

, •• KENNISGEWING No. 1 VAN 1965. -


NOTICE No. 1 OF 1965.



. , . It is hereby notified, in terms of section eleven of the': . Ingevolge artikel elf van die Dorpe- en Dorpsaanleg- Townships and Town-planning Ordinance. 1931, thatOrdonnansie, 1931, - ward .hierby bekendgemaak dat application has been made by Gerry' Mann for permission

DGerry Mann aansoek gedoen het om 'n dorp te stig op die to lay out a township on the farm Witbank No. 307—J.S.,plans Witbank. No. 307—J.S., distrik Witbank, wat bekend District .of sWitbank, to be known as Witbank Extensionsal wees as Witbank Uitbreiding No. 17. No. 17.

• _.

Page 24: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

. . .




, ,Die:VOorgeltelde dorp le oos Van en grens .aan dorp The proposed township is situated east:- of 4nd„abuts•Witbank Uitbreiding No. 8 en Watermeyerstraat... Witbank _E.I.tension No..:43 Township and Waterineyer

.,Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en Street.

inligting le ter-

irisae in die kantoor van die Sekretaris van The application, together with the. ,relatiVe plans. •

4'die Dorperaad, Kamer No. B221., Tweede Vloer1 Blok 13, documents and information, is open for inspection, at the

Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van twee office of the Secretary. Townships Board, Room No.

maande na datum hiervan. B221. Second Floor. Block; B. PrOvincial Building,• •

Pretoria, for, a period of two months from the date hereof.Ingevolge artikel elf (4) van genoemde Ordonnansie '

..• Ordinance


terms of section eleven (4)..of the said rdinancemoet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van any. person who objects td the granting of the application

-die aansoek of wat verlang om in die saak .gehoor te word, .

or who is desirous of being heard or of,making represen-of vertod in verband daarmee wil indien, binne twee rations in the matter

. s.hall, communicate with the.maande na die, datum hiervan met die Sekretaris van die Secretary of the Board within a period of two 'monthsRaad in verbinding tree. -

from the date hereof.- -

- Ingevolge artikel elf (6) van die Ordonnansie kan In terms of section eleven. (6) of - the Ordinance anyiedereen wat beswaar `wil maak teen die toestaan van 'n person twho objects to the granting of the application 'Oraansoek-of wat verlang am in die saak gehoor te word of who is desirous of being heard or of 'making rePresen-

-vertod in verband daarmee wil indien, skriftelik met die• tations in -,the matter. may communicate, in writing, with'Sekretaris van die Raad in vcrbinding tree of persoonlik; the Secretary of the Board, or. may give_ evidence ingetuienis ,yoor_die Raad ail op die datum en,..nlek 'van' person before the board on the

-date and at 'the placi'Of

ifispeliiie, of op sadanige ander datum en Plek as wat die inspection - or such 'other-

date endear:ranch place as theRaad bepaal: Met dien verstande - dai hierdie skrywe die Board may 'appoint: . Provided that silent .*titten cam-Sekretaris van, die Raad nie later nie as een maand na mnnication


shall "be in the hands of the Secretary of the •

.The datum hiervan moet -.

• •• • ... • . Board not filer than one - month - from the date hereof. •

. .

Alle'besware moet iti -duplo' ingedien .word. en gerig: All objections. must be lodged :in:duplicate, and

word aan,die Sekretaris. Dorperaad, Posbus 892, Pretoria. addressed to the Secretary, Townships Board; P.O. Box•

'.H. MATTHEE, ' mAtritEE ''' III892, Pretoria...


Sekketarii,.D6rperaad. . Searetary•'-; ToWnships Board.-

Pre toria,.30 Desember 1964.' •

. Pretoria. 30th beereniber, 1964: • .

'' ' -- 6r13-20.„. . .. . . . — . .

•- ICENNISGEWING No -2 VAN' 1965; . .NOTICE , No.- 2 OF 1965. -

• . - ,-,.. ,'4 - ,. •

._. . - • - .. .

• _•



-Hierby word .00reenkomstig -die bepalings van subaitikel. • • : • --

. — i


, (1) van artikel nege-enadertig van die Dorpe- en Dorpt- • • • • •

• .


aanlegordonnansie, 1931, bekendgemaak dat.die Stadsraad It is hereby notified, in terms of sub-section (1) of

dowr; Witt/Mach: tartioelQ .gedoen : .het . om • -Warnibad- 1 - section. thirty-nine. of, the'Townships and Town -planning


rpsaanlegskema No..1;. 1949. te. .wysig deur die her- Ordinanee. 7931,-that The Town Courier of Warmbaths -

.:indeling. van. Erf . Noy.557. van wMunisipale doeleindes " has applied .for Warmbaths Town-planning Scheme No.tot.,, Algemene woongebied " met 'n digtheid van ;, een 1,

1949Municipal Purposes " to " General Residential ", to he amended by the rezoning of.ErtNO.: 557 .


woonhuis op 10,000• vierkante voet ".00k dat die erf- vir from'n karavaanpark gebruik mag word op sekete voor- with a


density zoning of " one dwellifig-house per 10,000

waardes.. square feet.", .also that a caravan park may be allowed'

= • Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Warmbad- on the erf on certain conditions.- ,dorpsaanlegskoma No. 1/5 germ= sal word) le in die This amendment will be known as Warmbaths Town?

kantoor van - die Stadsklerk. van -Warmbad en in die planning Scheme No. 1/5. Further particulars of the

kantoor van die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad, Kamer•scheme are lying for inspection at the Office of the Town


Clerk, Warmbaths, and at the Office of the Secretary ofNo. B222, Provinsiale Gebel]; .Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria,ter ins'ae. . • . .

the Townships Board, Room No. B222, ProvincialBuilding, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat .

Every owner or occupier of immovable property situategeld is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema•

within the area to which the schen* applies shall have:van toepassing is, het die reg om beswaar teen die skema'

athe right of objection to the scheme and may. notify theaan te teken en kan te enter tyd _binne 'n maand Da dielaaste publikasie van hierdie


-wing in die Offisiele Secretary of the Townships Board, in -writing, at the above

address or P.O. Box 892, 'Pretoria: of such objection andKoerant van die Provinsie, d.w.s. op of voor 19 Februarie1965, die Sekretaris van .die Dorperaad by bovermelde of the

-grounds thereof at any time within one month

of this .notice- notice in the Provincial.adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in keonis stet van after the last publication.s0•?n4?.esw,aar en dieredes daarvoor.

Gazette, i.e. on or before the' 19th February, 1965., ., , . .

- . . 11. MATTHEE,. .. H. MATTHEE,.. ,

_ Sekretaris,, Dorperaad. •'

. Secretary, :Townships Board.Pretoria, 6 Januarie 1965. Pretoria,-.6th January, 1965. ' • -

- - - ' 61;3 -20'

- ,

KENNISGEWING No. 3 VAN 1965. NOTICE No. '3 OF 1965..

. .. . ..


No. 40. ' • :.. - . . .. .. •-Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalingi van lubartikel ; .

(1) van artikel nege-en-dertig van die Dorpe- en Dorps:- It is hereby. notified, in terms of sub-section (1) of'aanlegordonnansie, 1931; bekendgemaak dat die

-Gesond- section thirty-nine of .the Townships and Town-planning

lieidsraarLvir Buite-Stedelike Gebiede aansoek gedoen bet: Ordinance, 1931, - that :the , Peri-Urban Areas Healthom. Noord• •Johannesburg-streekdorpsaanlegskema„195t . Board has applied . for Northern - Johannesburg Regionte wysig deur 'die gebruiksiiideling van Erwe Nos. 55, 56 Town-planning Scheme, 1958, -ti; be amended by amend-en 57, dorp Essexwold, te_verander van „Spesiale besig- ing the use•zoning'of Erven. Nos. 55, 56 and 57, Essex-heid " na „ Spesiaal

" - oncierworpe aan - sekere voor- Wold-Township - from -" Special Business ": to "

Special " Iwaardes..


subject to certain 'conditions..

24. • •


. .. . • .

. , .• •

.. .

Page 25: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge



I •.



..— _. - - -



Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Noord This' amendment will be known as Northern Johannes-.

Thhannesburg Streek-dorpsaanlegskema: Wysigende Skema burg Region Town-planning Scheme: Amending SchemeNo. 40 genoem sal word) le in die Kantoor van die No. 40. Further particulars of the scheme are lying forGesondheidsraad vir Buite-Stedelike Gebiede - te Pretoria inspection at the Office of the Peri-Urban Areas Healthen Johannesburg en in die Kantoor van die Sekretaris Board at Pretoria and Johannesburg, and at the office ofvan die Dorperaad, Kamer No. B222, Provinsiale Gebou. the Secretary of the Townships Board, Room No. 8222,Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter insae. Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

Alle eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom watgelee is' binne die' gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema Every

-owner or occupier of immovable property situate

vah toepassing is, het die reg om beswaar teen die skema within the area to which the scheme applies shall have •

. the right of objection to the scheme and may notify theaan te teken .en kan te eniger tyd binne 'n maand na diekaste publikasie. van 'hierdie kennisgewing in die Offtsie/e Secretary of the Townships Board, in writing, at the above

address or P.O. Box 892, Pretoria, of such objection and'Koerant vim die Provinsie, d.w.s. op of voor 19 Februarie1965, die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by - bovermelde

' of the grounds thereof at any time within one month

adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, _Dorperaadin kennis stet van •after the last publication of this notice in the Provincial

sb_ -'n beswaar en die redes daarvoor. •Gazette, i.e. on or before. the 19th. February, .1965.'... ' H. MATTHEE, ' H. MATTHEE,. .. .... . '

SekretariS. Dorperaad._ . Secretary, Townships Board... . .,Pretdria„6:Januarie 1965... :

" Pretoria, - 6th January, 1965. . . i. 6-13-20, .. ..., . • .. • .. -,

. ,,

• ,-, KENNISGEWING No. 4 VAN - 1965. - NOTICE Na 4 0E 1965.. .

- .1


THREE. ,RIVERS;- -. • .• ...., _ -

- ..

Hierby word bekendgemaak dat Raymond- Sellars inge- •



.___ •

volge,die bepalings van artikel .een van die Wet op Ophef- . It is hereby notified that 'application has been made by111.

fing van"Eieperkings in 'Doipe, 1946. aansoek gedoen het Raymond Sellars in terms of section one of the Removalom die wysiging van die titelvoOrwaardes van Erf No. of Restrictions in Townships Act, 1946, for the attnend-, ,•


• 308, rp Three River's, ten elnde dit moontlik te maak meitt of the conditions 'of title of Erf No: 308, Threedat die erf vir die oprigting van winkels en woonstelle -

Rivers Township, to permit the erf being used for thegebruik kan word. •

• erection of shops and flats..Die,aansoek en die betrokke dokumente M ter insae in • The application..and• the relative documents are open


die kantoor van die Sekretaris van die DOrperaad, Kamer for inspection at the office of the Secretary of the Town-

No. B222, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat. ships Board, - Room No. 13222, . Block B, Provincial. ,pretnria,.,yir. 'tt, tydperk van twee. mange na datum hier- Building, .Pretorius - Street, Pretoria, for a period of two

vph. • , ;.. ,-

,• i months•from the date hereof. '

• . .:.. : _ . „I. .

I.Iedereen wet . teen. die toestaan. Van:die aansoek beswaar Any" person who; objects-to the• grantink of abet applica-'Wil maak of :wat vel1inecn i6 'die.saak,8ehoOr:ter word , tion or who is desirous of being heard . or of making.of verto6In lierband dharmee wil indien, mot"( bake twee •

represdntitionsitthd'inatterordarcommunicated in.Writing,maande na, die daturn hiervan skriftelik met die Sekretaris with the Secretary of the Townships' Board,. at the abovevan die DOrperaad by bov,ermelde adres ofPoibus 892, address or P.O. Bok 892, Pretoria, within a period of twoPretoria, in verbinding tree.


months from the date hereof. .

- , H. MATTHEE, • '


.Sekretaris, Dorperaad. Secretary, Townships Board.Pretoria, 6 Januarie 1965. Pretoria, 6th January,. 1965. .. • 6-13-20

• .

. . .

. .



• •

,_.__._.- - •--

T.---- .- 7---. ------ - - _

L.W.—Tenders wat voorheen gepubliseer is en waarvan die N.B.—Tenders previously published and where the closing.sluitingsdatums nog nie verstreke is me, word ore. in hierdic dates have not yet passed, have not been repeated in this notice.

Dkennisgewing herhaal nie. Tenders word normaal,eg 3-5 wekc Tenders are. normally published 3-5 weeks before the closingstool die 'sluitingsdatum gepublisier.

.• date.. •


. .,•. . •


' "

. ••

- -

Tenders, vir die volgende diertste/voon-adefverkope

Tenders are invited for the following services/supplies/....

Word ingeviings. (Tensy dit in die uiteensetting anders aan• sales. (Unless otherwise indicated in thedescription tenders'are for supplies):gegee word, word tenders vir voorrade bedoel): — lies): --

• . ailing. . . Tender_ No.-

. Description of Tender.. _Dar .


.Tender No. •. Beskrywing ran dewier. datum. - W.F.T.B.. .1/65 Jcppe .Boys' High School: Altera:. 22/1/65W.F.T.B. 1/65 Jeppe Boys' High School: Aan- 22/1/65 tions and additions

le •r•• - bourns enveranderings W.F.T.B. .2/65 Laerskool Ebenhaeser: General 22/1/65

, J.i'W.F.T.131 12/65_ Laerikool Ebenhaeser: Alaemene . 22/1/65- • - renovations -

' •

' • ' oPknapping ' W.F.T.B. .3/65 Nooitgedachtskooi: Repairs and 22/1/65W.F.T.B. 3/65 Nooitgedachtskool: Reparasies en' 22/1/65


apknapping W.F.T.B. 4/65 Vanderbifipark Hospital: Repara- 22/1/65•

. W.F.T.B. _ 4/65 Vanderbijlpark-hosPitaal: Herstel 22/1/65- • - tion and replacement of glazed - • •

en Vervanging van alasuurteas. tiles j

.'' W.F.T.B.. . 5/65.Coronation-hospitaal:.11grstel aan 22/J/65--- • W.F.T-B. 5/65. Coronation Hospital: Reparation


I ':5 '. L•

' - ..- . .. . tecroppervlaktes en ,.vaterchgting. .. . - ..to tar surfaces and waterproofing

‘.., . _ van, dakke' of roofs ' .


'W.F.T:B. '6/65' toudstadse .'" OnderwyslEollege, • 22/1/65 W.F.T.B. .6/65 Goudstad College of Education, 22/1/65' '''' ' ? ' f ::: Johannesburg:._ Hitgrawing en • Johannesburg: . Excavation and ... ,


' - -.

- gedeeltelike te van paaie - , . . . . partial tarring of roads .':.W.F:T.B. .7/65 .:Lesliese : Laerskpol: .GelyIsmaap WU%

.7.. W.F.T.11. 7/65 Lesliese Laerskool: Levelling of 22/1/65van terrein .

•-: _


v, •'


. - -. .

Page 26: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

- -5.--

. .



. .

I.' Die betrokke tenderdokumente, met inbegrip van din 1. The relative tender dricuments, including theAdminis-amptelike tendervorms van die Administrasie, is op aan- tration's official tender forms, are obtainable on applica- 4vraag by die onderstaande adresse verkrygbaar. Sodanige tion from the relative addresses indicated below. Suchdolcumente asmede enige tender/kontrakvooryntardes wat documents and any tender/contract conditions notnie in die tenderdokumente opgeneem is nie. is ook by die embodied in the tender documents are also available forgenoemde adresse vir inspeksie verkrygbaar:— inspection at the said addresses:— .

ICantoor in Nuwe ProviosialoGebou. Pretoria.

'Office in New Provincial Building,

Pretoria.Tender- Posadres se

verwysing. Pretoria. Tele- Tender Postal Address.Kamer- Verdie. Ref. Pretoria. .Blot loono -

• Phoneno. tins. Pretoria. Room Block. Floor. No.,

• Nom Block.

H.A..... Direkteur van A867 A 8 (89401)Hospitaaldiens- ;89251) H.A..... Director of Hos- A867 A 8 (89401)

te, Privaatsak pital Services, •(89251)

-221 Private Bag 221

H.B... - Direkteur van. A846 A 8 89202/3 N.B... - Director of Hos- A846 A 8 89202/3Hospitaaldiens- pital Services,te, Privaatsak Private Bag 221 .

. 221 . H.C..... Director of Hos- A848 A 8 89206

H.C...... Direkteur van A848 A 8 89206 pital Sirvices. .

Hospitaaldiens- Private Bag 221te. Privaatsak H.13..... Director of Hos- A840 A 8 89208/922? pital Services.

H.D... - Direkteur van A840 A 8 89208/9 Private Bag 221Hospitaaldiens- H.W•.... Director of Hos- A901 A 9 89356

to. Pnvaatsakpitat Services,,

221 . PrivateBag 221 • •- II

lil.W.... Direkteur van A901 A. 9 89356' P.F.T... Provincial Sacra- A1119 A 11 80965

Hospitaaldiens- mrY(Purchases .

to. Privaatsak and Supplies), '

P.0 Box 383

P.P.T.... ProvinsialeSekre- A1119 A 11 80965 lit-FT.... Director: Trans- D518 13 5 89184.

tads (aankope vats. Roadsen Voorrade).• • Department,„ Posbus 383 P.O. Box 1906

R.F.T... Direkteur.Trans- D518 D 5 89184 T.E.D... Director. Trans- A463 A 4 80655

vaalse Pattie- veal Education.

departement, Department, • .

Posbus 1906 Private Bag 269T.B.D.... Direkteur, Trans- A463 'A •

4 80655 _ T.O.D... .Director; Trans- A470. A ' " 4 80651

mesa Onder- . veal Education .•

-- - — wystle_parrev -- ' - ` - "--^'•Departmen t,meat, Pdvaat- . Private Bag 269sak 269 • A ;liV..F.T:.-. Director. Trans- .0109 - C . .


1 - 4 80675

TAD.- Direkteur, Trios- A470 A'

•• 4 80651 vast De art-vaalse Onder- moot ot Works,rnwysde_parte- - PrivateBag 228meet, Privaat- - W.F.T.B. Director. Trans- CM7


C M 80306sak 269 •

. vital Depart-WX.T... Direkteur,

WTrans- C109 C 1 80675 mental Works,

• vaalse erke- • PrivateBag 228• departement, •

Pnvaatsak 24.W.F.T.B. Direkteur; rans- CM7 C M 80306 2. The Administration is not bound to accept the lowest

vaalse Werke-departement, or any tender and reserves the right to accept a portion ofPnvaatsak 228 a tender.

2. Die Administrasie is nie daartoe verplig om die 3. In the case of each W.F.T.B. tender the tenderer mustlaagste of om enige tender aan te neem the en behou horn pay a deposit of R4 before he will be supplied with thedie reg voor om 'n gedeelte van 'n tender aan te neem. tende'r documents. Such deposit must be in the form of 43. In die geval van iedere W.F.T.B.-tender, moet die cash, a bank initialed cheque, or a departmental standingtenderaar 'a deposito van R4 stort alvorens by van dietenderdokumente voorsien sal word. Sodanige deposito deposit receipt (RIO). The said deposit will be refunded ifmoet in kontantgeld wees, 'n tjek deur die bank geparafeer a bona fide tender is received from the tenderer or if theof 'n departeroentele legorderkwitansie (RIO). Genoemde tender documents including plans, specifications and billsdepositobedrag sal terugbetaal word as 'n bona fide-inskry- - of quantities are returned by the tenderer with 14 dayswing van die tenderaar ontvang word of as die tender- after the closing date of the tender to the relative addressdokumente, met inbegrip.van planne, spesifikasies en hoe-veelheidslyste, binne 14 dae na die sluitingsdatum van die shown in note 1 above.

tender. deur-

die tenderaar teruggestuur word na die4. All tenders must be submitted on the Administra-

betrokke adres in opmerking 1 hierbo aangetoon.-

4. Alle.tenders moet op die amptelike tendervorms van Lion's official tender forms.

die Administraste voorgele word. 5. Each tender must be submitted in a separate sealed5. ledere inskrywing meet in 'n afsonderlike verseelde envelope addressed to the Chairman, Transvaal Provincia"1

koevert ingedien word, geadresseer aan die Voorsitter,Tender Board, P.O. Box 1040, •Pretoria,

and must beDie Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad, Posbus 1040,Pretoria, en moet duidelik van 'n opskrif voorsien wees clearly superscribed to show the tenderer's name andten einde die tenderaar se naam en adres aan to noon

-address, as well as the number, description and closingasook die nommer, beskrywing en sluitingsdatum van die date of the tender. Tenders must be in the hands of thetender. Inskrywings moet teen 11 vm. op die shillings-


Chairman by 11 a.m. on the closing date indicated above.datum hierbo aangetoon, in die Voorsitter se hande wees. -

6. Indien inskrywings per hand ingedien word, met '6. If tenders are delivered. by .hand, they must. behulle teen 13 vmcop die sluitingsdatum in die Formele

I&posited in the Formal Tender Box at the Enquiry Office.Tenderbus geplaas wees by die navtiagkintoof in die -

-in_rithe foyer of .the New Provincial Building.- at: the

-itierportaal van die nuwc.Piovinsiale Gebou..by die hoof-ingang aan aPretoriusstraat . se . kint (Baby die hoek van Pretorius Street, main publicentraneefnear. Bosnian Street•Bosmanstraat). Pretoria. i corner)oPretoria. by 11 a.m. on the closingdate. - '. ... . • •

26 .


Page 27: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

. _





of Waterberg, on the 27th January, 1965, at—11 a.m.- 1 Ox, Africander, 4 years, red. VERVREEMDING VAN GROND.

Tensy voor die tyd gelos, sal die dierehieronder beskryf, verkoop word sacs aan burg.' -

Persone war oavraag wens te does aan -

RlETICOLK Pound, District of Pieters-

burg, oft the 27th January, 1965, at-

11 Kennis word hiermee gegee, ingevolge diegedni. a.m.- 1. Goat, castrated, 2 years, black and bepalings van Artikel 79 (18) van die Ordon-

white; 1 goat, castrated, 2 years, black; I Dangle op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat diegaande dieNeronder omskrewe diere quiet, goatecastrated, 2 years, black; 1 goat, ewe, Dorpsraad van Fochville besluit het omin die geval van diere in munisipale skutie, 2 years, black and white; 1 goat, ewe, 2 onderhewig aan die goedkeuring van diedie Stadsklerk nader, en war diere in years, black. Administrateur 'n gedeelte van die dorps-distrikskutte betref, die betrokke Landdros. RUSTENBURG Municipal Pound, on the grander geled aan Eerste Straat, ongeveer 12

oe is 20th January, 1965, at 2 p.m.- 1 Bull, ter- morg, te verruil aan die Departement vanBETHALSE Munisipale Skut,

sey, 4 years, black-brown, left ear swallow- Lande vir Erf No. 663.Januarie 1965, om ,11 vm.—I Bul; Fries, 2jaar, swartbont.

tail and two halfmoons underneath. Besonderliede in verband met die voorge-

KRUISFONTEIN Skut, Distrik Pretoria, WAKKERSTROOM Municipal Pound, on stelde roiling, Id ter iniae gedurende kantoor-

op 27 Januarie 1965, cm 11 vm.- 1 Bul, the 16th January. 1965. at 1.10 p.m.—I ure en kan besware daarteen, indien enige,

Afrikaner, 4 jaar, rooi; 1 koei, Afrikaner, Horse, mare and foal, 6 years, brown; I skriftelik by ondergetekende ingedien word,

II 'jeer, rooi, brandmerk SA, linkeroor horse, gelding, 5 years, chestnut. nie later as Vrydag, 5 Februarie 1965, om0

getop; I koei, Afrikaner, 9 jaar, rooi, ore WELVAART Pound, District of Potgie- 3 om. nie,

swaelsterty I koei, Afrikaner, 7. jaar, rota, tersrus, on the 27th January, 1965, at 11 P. L. J. VAN RENSBURG,

ore awaelstert; 1 koei, Afrikaner, 6 jaar, root' a.m.- 1 Heifer, 3 ,years, brown, branded Stadsklerk.

ore swaelstert; 1 vers, Afrikaner, 4 jaar, T4S. Munisipale Kantore,.. -

4 WELVERDIEND Pound, District of Fochville, 22 Desember 1964.roof, - ore swaelstert; 1 vers, Afracaner, (Kennisgewing No. 30 /6.0 - - -Warmbaths, on the 77th January, 1965, atjaar, rooi, ore swaelstert; I koei, 10 jai, •. :

11 a.m.- 1 Heifer, Africander, 3 years, red,rooi, brandmerk +III, linkeroor getop; 1

koei, 10jaar, swart, brandmerk, TSS, ore' branded AM1; 1 heifer, Africander, 3 years, FOCHVILLE VILLAGE COUNCIL.red; 1 heifer, Africander, 3 years, red; 1

tandmerke. '—

LICHTENBURGSE Munisipale Skut, op heifer. Africander, 3 years, red; 1 heifer, ALIENATION OF GROUND. •

22 Januarie 1965, om IQ vm.- 1 Vers, Jersey, Africander, 3 years, red.

2 jaar, kram No. 11792; 1 vers, Jersey,' I SILVERTON Municipal Pound, on the Notice is hereby given, in terms of Sectionjaar, kram No. 11794; 1 vers, Jersey, 1 jaar, 13th January, 1965, at It a.m.:- 1 Horse. 79 (18) of the Local Government Ordinance,

I kram .No. 11994; 1 tollie, Jersey, 1 jaar; I gelding, 7 years, brown; I horse, gelding, 12 1939, that the Village Council of Fochville

bul, poena, 1 jaar, rooi, kram No. 10959.II OLIEVENHOUTHOEK Skut, Distrikyears;white. have resolved, subject to the approval of

the Administrator to exchange a portion ofWaterberg, op 27 Jumada 1965, om 11 GESONDHEIDSKOMITEE VAN the town lands adjoining First Street, of


vm.- 1 Os, Afrikaner, (jeer, rooi. MARBLE HALL. about 12 morgen, to the • Department of '

RIETKOLK.Skut, Distrik Pietersburg, op ,— Lands for the erection of a•school building

27 Januarie 1965, om 11 vm.- 1 Bok, kapa- EIENDOMSBELASTING. 1964/65.in exchange for Erf No. 663.

ter, 2 jeer, witbont; 1 bok, kapater, 2 ;ear, — Details of the proposed alienation may be

swart; 1 bok, kapater, 2 jaar, swart; 1 bok. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee, ooreen- inspected at - the office of the undersigned

ooi, 2 jaar, swartbont; 1 bok, Doi, 2 jaar, komstig die bepalings van die Plaaslike- during normal office hours and any objec-swartbont. Bestuur-Belastingordonnansie, No. 20 van .toss against it must be lodged, in writing,

RUSTENBURGSE Munisipale •Ant, op 1933, soos gewysig, dat die Gesondheids- on or before the 5th of February, 1965.

20 Januarie 1965, om 2 am.- 1 Bul, Jersey, komitee van Marble Hall, die volgende P. L, J. VAN RENSBURG.I

4 jaar, swartbrutn, linkeroor swaelstert en belastiogs gehet het op die waarde van alle` ' Town Clerk.

twee halfmane van. onder. belasbare eiendomme in die gebied van die Municipal Offices,WAKKERSTROOMSE Munisipale 'Sk$, -

Gesondheidskomitee soos dit op die Waar- Fochville, 22nd December,1964op 16 Januarie 1965, om 1.10 tim.= .4 Feld disielys • voorkom vir.: die tydperk van 1 (Notice No. 30/64.).„.,, 18- 6- 11-20merrie en vul, 6 jaar, bruin; 1 perd, retia. ..lulie'1964 tot 30 Junie:1965:— . t..4.-•

5 jaar, VOL .


't .: -•• . • (a) 'n Oorspronklike belasting van 0.417 VERKLARING TOT SLUM.. •

WELVAART Skut, .Distrik Potgietersnis. ;sent in die rind .(1t1),op 27 Januarie 1965, om 11 vm.- 1 Vers, - 3 (b) 'n Addisionele belasting an 2.5 sent


HiehrbicwoArd do-Ie'enkoitiit'irdia benhIngs

jaar. bruin, brandmerk T4S. . in die rand (RI) op die terreinwaar- van Artikel 6 van.die Slumswet, 1934 (WetWELVERDIEND Skut, Distrik Warmbad; . des. No. 53 van 1934), sons gewysig, bekendge-

op 27 Januarie 1965, om 11 vm.- 1 'Vera, (c) 'n Ekstra -addisionele belasting van mask' dat die Slumopruinfingshof van dieAfrikaner, 3 jaar, rooi, brandmerk. AMI; - -1.583 sent op die terreinwaardes. plaaslike bestuursdistrik 'Johannesburg krag;1 vers, Afrikaner, 3 jaar, mei; 1 vers, Aid'. Bogenocmde belasting is verskuldig en tens die bevoegdhcid hbin verleen - bykaner, 3 jaar, root; 1 vers, Afrikaner, 3 leer. betaalbaar voor of op 30 November 1964. genoemde Wet die perseel. in die onderge-

rooi; 1 vers, Afrikaner, 3 jaar, rooi; 1. vers, Rente teen 7 persent per jaar sal gehef noemde Bylae beskryf beskryf, tot 'n slumAfrikaner, .3 .jaar, rooi. word op.alle belasting-gelde wat na gemelde verklaar het.

. . . ,

. SILVERTONSE Munisipale Skut, op 13 datum nog• uitstaande is en geregtelike Kragtens paragraaf (b) Van subartikel (1)

Januarie 1965, om 10 vm:- 1 Perd, reun, stappe kan sonder verdere kennisgewing van Artikel 5 van genoemde Wet het die1 7 jaar, bruin; 1 perd, reun, 12 jaar, wit. teen wanbetalers geneem word. Slumopruimingshof - die . eienaar van

H. G. VAN ASWEGEN, .genoemde perseel gelas om 10 kamers op-

' -• / Sekretaris. gemclde perseel te sloop en om met sodanige

POUND SALES. Posbus 111, sloping voor of op 1 Oktober 1965, te begin.

'111Unless previously released, the animals

Marble Hall.. .

described hereunder will be sold • as HEALTH COMMITTEE OF MARBLE ..

H. KEYSER,Sekretaris, Slumopruimingshof.


indicated: HALL. — •

Persons desiring to make inquiries ,- 'n Sekere gebou geled te Von Brondis-

respecting the animals described ,hereunder, •

ASSESSMENT RATES, 1964/65.straat 41/43/43a, Paarlshoop, naamlik Ed

in the case of. animals in municipal pounds. . No. 118, Paarlshoop, geregistreer op naamshould address the 'Town Clerk; for those' - _L•.__ van J. T. Peake.in district pounds, the Magistrate of the Notice is hereby given, in terms of the .

district concerned. Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, No. 20 DECLARATION OF SLUM.—

. of 1933, as amended, that the Health Conn-

BETHAL Municipal Pound, on the 15th mittee of Marble Hall has imposed the Notice is hereby' given, in terms of Sec -

January, 1965, at 11 a.m.- 1 Bull, Frisian, following rates on the valuation of all rate_ tion 6 of the Slums Act, 1934 (Act No. 53

able property within the area of the Health of 1934), as amended, that the Slum2 years, black and white. . Committee, as appearing on the Valuation Clearance Court of the local authority,

KRUISFONTEIN Pound, District of Pre- Roll for the period from the 1st July, 1964, District of Johannesburg, acting under the

toria, on the 27th January, 1965, at 11 a.m.— to the 30th June, 1965:— powers conferred upon it by the said Act.1 Bull, Africander, 4 years, red; 1 cow, has declared the premises in the Annexure.Africander, II years, red, branded 0 SA, (a) An original rate of 0.417 cent in the hereto to be a slum.

left ear cropped; 1 cow, Africander, 9 years, rand (R1). In terms of - paragraph (b) of sub-section

red, ears swallowtail; 1 cow, Africander, 7 (b) An additional rate of 2.5 cents in the (I) of Section 5 of the said Act, the Slum

years, red, ears swallowtail; 1 cow, African- rand (121.) on the site value of land. Clearance Court has directed the - owner to

der, 6 years, red, ears swallowtail; 1 heifer, (c) An extra additional rate of 1.583 cent demolish 10 rooms on the said premises, and

Africander, 4 years, red, ears swallowtail; on the site value of land. to commence such demolition on or before

1 heifer, Africander, _4 years, red, earsthe 1st October, 1965.

swallowtail; 1 cow, 10 years, red, branded The rates due are payable on the 30th H. KEYSER,+HI, left ear cropped; 1 cow, 10 years, November, 1964, Secretary, Slum Clearance Court,black, branded TSS, ears teethmarks. All rates remaining unpaid after the due

9 .LICHTENBURG Municipal Pound, on date shall be ,subject to interest at the rate

the • 22nd January, 1965, at 10 a.m.- 1 of 7 per cent per annum and summary legal

Heifer, Jersey,. 2 .years, tag No. '11792; -1

proceedings ma y be takeragainst defaulters.



heifer,'. Jersey; .1- year, tag No. 11794; .1 . 1.H..0. VAN . cer am iu g si ua a 3aASWEGEN A 'It• 'I) 'Min

'' I" te 04/41/4heifer. Jersey,- 1 ,year, tag. No. 11994;. -

1' Secretary. Von Brondis Street, Pairlshoopi on Erf No.

tolley, rerSey, 1 year; tbull: 1 year;polled; P.O. Box 111, - - • : -. - .. .•• . Ilk .Piarlshoop; registeredr in •the name, of

red, tag No. 10959..- : `"n' r :: ' ' . : . MarbleillaIL- .o, 6- 6 J. T. Peake., ,__

- 27..



. .

Page 28: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

. -

. • -„ , . •

23 - - a PROVINSIALE KOERAbLT,.-6_ IANUARIE 1965. ._ _ . ....... , , ___.; _•


.• . .. . .


- . • - • •. .

1 . DORPSAANLEGSKEMA Nit. 1/12. .-

I...Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings. van Artikel 35 (2) van die Do -enen Dorpsaanlegprdonnansie 1931, en die' Regulasies

daarkragtens opgestel, dat die Stadsraad van Potchefstroom van voomeme is om bogemelde Skema aan tenneani... Die Skerna maak your-- siening vir die volgende wysigings:— •. . . . . .

. . -

• -. • , .

I. Kaart Nr. 5 van Skema Nr. 1 soos aangedui op Kaarr N'. 3 ran Skema 1/12.—Deur die algehele weglating van die omskrywingvan die woord „.Kaart " in Artikel 2 en die vervanging -daarvan deur die volgende:—:

„ Kann." beteken die „ gekonsolideerde Kaart " bestaande uit vyf vette wat die konsolidasie is van Kaart. Nr. 5 van SkemaNr. 1 van 1946 en die wysigings daaraan tot en insluitende Skema 1/12 en soos gedefinieer in Regulasies 22.van die Regulasies afge-kondig by Administrateurskennisgewing Nr. 565 van 2 November 1932. .

2. Artikel 5 Tabet A.—Die weglating van Tabel A sous gewysig en die vervanging daarvan met die volgende:—•

• TABEL „ A ". • .. -

Aanduiding op Kaart van Grand Gereserveer. ' Gebruik waarvoor Grand gereserveer is. '

DEEL L— . ., .Rooi ingekleur en genommer 1= 48 •

..• Nuwe strate en.yerbreding yan bestaande stmte.

DEEL II.r. . - . . -. .•

13onkergroen gearseer en genommer 49 '- Voorgestelde Openbare Ope Ruimte. ' '' ' • .• .

.Dart. III.— , - -•

.Bruin gearseer in bred lyne Landbou grond. -

. . . .. ,, ,

Deer. IV.— .•

Bruin kruis gearseer' • Okkupasie deur nie-Blankes. . . .

3. Artikel 174, Tabel B.-L'

"(a) Deur die toevoeging van die woorde ,; in bra lyne " na die woord „ arseP-r " in kolom 2 van Gebruikstreek II-=„ Losieshuise ". I(6) Deur die algehele weglating van Gebruikstreek X „ Spesiale Gebied " en die hemommering van die daaropvolgende Gebruik-

streke as volg:— . - •

X—Ondenyys. , • • ,

• -

XI—Munismaledoeleindes. . .' •

- • '.• . XII—Liandbou.• . . • . . • •


XIII—Onbapaalde. . .

. • . , , .XIV—Bepaalde Besigheid. • : ..

. •

XV—Beperkte Residensiele. •. • . •

•• XVI—Spesiaal. .


- . . ,. • , ' ,.

'(e) Deur die vervanging•yan die woord „ kooi " met die woord „ Oranje " in kolom Ivan' Gebruikstreek X ,. Ondenvys ". -

.• _

•• ,(d)Deur die vervanging van die woorde „ amen gearseer." met die woorde ;, blou•kruisarsering " to kolom 2 van 'Gebruikstreek •

.• . Xi„ Muniiipale doeleindes".


(e) Deur,, die toeroeging Nail. ).die .voorde•;*„ in bra. lyite.": na - die woorde 4.blotesirsering ". in kolom 2 van Gebruikstreek XII(f) beta. die vervanging van die woorde „ gearseer in bra en smal swan lyne 'flin •kolom :twee veil 1.Gebniikstreek XIV van •

„ Bepaalde Besigheid ". •. -

(g) Deur die volgende toe to voeg flan die end. an Gebruikstreek XVI,. „ Spesiaal ":—. 'y

$ • . 1 • • .. •

I.. •

. .' - • . . _

• • . • • • -. .••• •

• .


XVI. Spesitial • Swart ariering in bred en' (h).Enve - 1439,.9440; 1441. 1442, Si' -- — ' Pakhuis, vermaaklikheids: of vergader-• amal lyne _

'. • 1443. Winkels en .Besigheidsdoel- • plek, garage, nyweiheidsperseel hotel,. . : etudes op grondvloer. Woondoel- • .naturelle eethuis en geliou vir hinder- '

•' —,

.• .- - .modes op; boonste - verdieping ,of - . ••. like bedrywe.,.' - . ' verdiepings . . . , ...

- V) Potchindustria Erwe Nrs. 46, 52,53, .— Pakhuis, vermaaklikheids- of vergader-. -


' 54, 66, 67, 68, 69, 177, 178, 179. • . plels. garage, nywerhiedsperseel, hotel,Winkels en Besigheidsdoeleindes. naturelle eethuis en.gebou vir hinder-

• - Woondoeleindes op boonste ver- , like bedrywe.,

.. . I . .. ' dieping of verdiepings- . (I) Potchindustria ErfNi. 170. Winkels — Verinaaklikheids- of vergaderplek en

en Besigheidsdoeleindes gebou vir hinderlike bedrywe.(k) Restant van Kerkplein (gedeeltes — . • • • • • • - -

-• , • bestem vir Bepaalde Besigheid uit- . . . .

'. . .

• II.

_., .,. •• gesluit). Plek vir Openbare Gods- . .. . • • diensoefening en Kerksaal. Kerk- .• . • . ... like doeleindes en doeleindes daar- - ' •

. .•

- •. • mee gepagrdgaande, insluitende 'a /.y , •

' - - "

pastorie, sinodesaal, biblioteek. -

Administratiewe kantore in verband ' - ...-

.' • - met .Kerklike en . Ondenvysdoel- •


. .:•


. eludes .•. . . . ,. . .

4. Deur die weglating van die Skedule wat volg op Artikel 40 en die vervanging daarvanMet die volgende:—._

•. . . '. .• • '

SKEDULE.- ' . .


Nommer op Kaart van Bestaande street war gesluit inset'

word.' - ' Doeleindes wdarvoor grond bestem is.

50 Residensiele doeleindes.-

5: Vertaling van Skemabepalings in Afrikaans. • - .,•. ,., . . .., - -

. . I.



Kaart Nr. 5 (vette 1 en 2), Skema Nr. 1 van 1946, soos gewysig, word verder gewysig soos aangedui op Kaart Nr. 3, Skemal /12, 1963:-1. Skema Nr. 1/12, Kann Nr. 3. Velle 1, 2, 3 en 4. _

(a) Me obderverdelings en konsolidasies van erwe met nuwe erTnommersiword aangedui.' . .

(b) S6mmile van die voorgestelde nuwe paaie, voorgestelde padverbredings en voorgestelde sluitings, is voltooi eri word nou aange-.,

'dui as bestaande strafe.'

.' ' • - • - • . - -

..- • -r • • .-

. ..(c) Sommige-varrelie.voorgestelde.dorpsuitbreidings is opgemeet in drive en paaie en word•nilu aangedui as bestaande

' ' c'

411. . . (d)Die'bestaande hoofwee is gevvysig. . . .(e) Paaie wat nit voorheen aangedui was nit meat nogtans bestean, word aangedui.

.- . . •

28 .. . .. , .• •

__ •



Page 29: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

, .

• ..

- •



2. Vel Nr.,2 van Kean Nr. 3. .. - - - - - - - - . - _.. - _ - . -- ._.

. ._ . - .___•

-- r • i(a) Die herindeling van gedeeltes 146 eri 180 van die.plaa;Dorp en Dorpsgronde van Potchefstroom-Nr. 435 I.Q. „ Voorgestelde

Openbare Ope Ruimte " ha „ Goewerinentsdoeleindes " en „ Onderwysdoeleindes " respektiewelik.

II(b) Die herindeling van gedeelte 161 van die pleas Dorp en Dorpsgronde van Potchefstroom Nr. 435 I.Q. van „ Goewerments-'

doeleindes " na „ banging ".„(e),Voorgeatelde nuwe paaie Nrsi 8 en 9 word weggelaat. •


_L'' •' Id) Vborgeatelde Iniive pad Nr.11 en die verlenging daarvan word M die korrekte pick - aangedui. .

(e) Die stigtingsvodnvaardes vah -Potehefstoom Dorpsuitbreiding Nr.- -3 word ingesluit:- -. .(i) Ed Nr. 1416 vir „ Goewermentsddaeindea ". '

• • - •. . .

(ii) Erwe Nn. 1439 tot 1443 as „ Spesialearea ".. (iii) Erwe Nrs. 1464 tot 1474 en 1483 tot 1497 as „. Onderwysdoeleindes ".

. _ -' (iv) Erf Nr. 1498'as ;, Bestaande Openbare Ope Ruinue ": - - - . -

(v) Gedeelte van dory en dorpsgronde getee bp die noord westelike boek van Erf Nr. 1464 as „ MunisipidedoeleindeS". "


' (f)cpie bestemming van erwe Nrs. 1599 tot 1664 wal deal VMnsau Potchefstroom Dorpsuitbreiding Nr. 7 word ingesluit as volg:—(i) Erwe Nrs. 1599 tot 1663 „ Spesiale Woonbuurt ". . •

• (ii) Erf Nr. 1664 as „ Bestaande Openbare Ope. Ruimte ".(g) Die herindeling van Gedeelte 159 van Dorp en Dorpsgronde Nr. 435 I.Q. en Erf Nr. 1409 van „Bestaande Openbare Ope

Ruimte " na „ Ondeiwysdoeleindes ". .(h) Die omvang van die bestaande begraafplaas in Alexandrapark word korrek aangedui.(1) Die herindeling van 'n Gedeelte van die High School for Boystterrein van „ InrigtingMoeleindes " na „ Ondenvysdoeleindes ".(j) Die bcsigheidatandplase in Potchindustria word aangedui as „ Spesiale Gebied •

.(k)in 0Pgemete'PalliSivai ForaShiM-(eri'Pclortmatistraat verbind, word aangedui as,; Bestaande'Openbare Deurgang t?.., :-

-:.:,.,(I) Die voorgestelde Dorpsuitbreiding suid van Fonteinstraat, die nuwe paaie Nrs. 87 tot 92, die Gedeelte van voorgestelde pad,

Nr. 86 suid van Rissikstraat en voorgestelde_„ cope Ruimtas " Nn. 118, 119, 122 en„'n gedeelte van_... Ope Ruimte "117 Word

weggelaat en word nou aangedui as „ Onbejnald ' ...

-...(n) Die geproklameerde Bantoe Dorpsgebied Ikageng op Gedeelte 202 van die plaas Dorp en Dorps'gronde van Potchefstroom:: .

- word aangedui as „ Gebiede vir ander persone as.Blankes.". • . . ... . . .(n) Die herindeling van Err No. 1351 en die restant van Dorp en Dorpsgronde van Potchefstroom'. Nr.'435 LQ: van

• „ Goewer-mentsdoeleindes " na „ Onderwysdoeleindes ".• .

(o) Voorgestelde nuwe pad bit I Word aangedui. '. . • • . --


S. Ye/ Nr. 3 van iCaart No. 3. .. , .

(a) Voorgestelde pad. Nr. 36 weggelaat. , • -


(i) Gedeelte 1 van erf Nr. 7 word heringeded van „'Bestaande Openbare Ope Ruimte" na „ Spesiale Woongebied ".(d) Die noord•oostelike gedeelte van erf Nr. 7.word heringedeel van „ Bestaande Openbare Opt Ruimte " na „'Ondenvysdoe)-


. eindes ". . . . .• . • • -

,• (c) Erwe Nrs. 348, 349 en 350 word heringedeel van „ Spesiale Woofibuurt " na „ Ondenvysdoeleindes ".

(d) Die Potchefstroomse Buiteklubgronde (Diagram S.G. Nr. A. 4843/53) word heringedeel van „ Munisipaledoeleindes " na'Bestaande Private Ope Ruimte " en die restant na „ Munisipaledoeleindes ". .

(e) Voorgestelde nuwe strate- en verbredings word hernommer 2 tot 29 en 48.(f) Erf Nr. 70 word heringedeel na „ Goewermentsdoeleindes ". .

.„ . . . -..•

. • .

.. .

(g) Die ,, Algemene Woonstreek " van twee gedeeltes van Erf Nr. 258 word vergroot om die gebeel van die gedeeltes in te &ult.• (I) Ten einde die definitiewe grease aan te dui vaadie verskillendegebrulicstreke, is die geheel vandie„ Besigheids "1 en „ Algemene

.., • • .. • Woonstreke " wear erwe meet. dan ten gebruiksreg het aangedui in swan syfers. "In gevalle vamgdedgeketirdeonderverdelings .

waar dit effens afwyk van die dieMes op die ou kaart, is die grense viudiegebruikstreekiodanig verander diet iriagname as wat(:', ....3.: •.:. dit tedelik err prakties rtmontlik is teneinde die grenseyan opclerverdelingsAvoig.. ..•

(I) Die noordelike gedeelte van Gedeelte A, Gedeelte Ben RestaincvniGideelie 2 Van Eit Nr147, wardligieweejyaw „ Spesiale. „. v . i.N 1, 7. Wonnstreek ". nau„.Algemene.Woonstreek. r. ti, .;:.. i. •• .. -. . -;.---•• ..., .. . - .... . ... ..! to:. ..! Ili.-. •

. ,, 4. Vel Nr. 4 ran A'aart Nr. 3. , - . . • - - - . „ . -, , . -, .

' '' • :‘., . .., ,. • ,-,- • --••• <, OA'. ogv.....r; :11

[1,^1Wri (11,1.

=, .(a) Grense van die Godwermentselendoth—d.Ws. djelcAjlitere ICampgrense—word korrek aangedui.' -

• (b) (p Die gebied begrens deur die westelike verlenging van Fontemstraat aan die snide, Militere Kamp grense aan die weste,Meyerstraat aan die noorde en die bestaande „ Spesiale Residensiele " erwe aan die oostekant, word nou heringedeel as 'a

. - - . VoorgesteldeDorpsuitbreiding met 'n digtheid van een woonhuieper 10,000 vierkante voet..''• .

.. (ii) Gedeelte van voorgestelde street Nr. 86 word weggelaat en n gedeelte. behou en beinginnier F1r: 30. , , ,' • „ ... .


- (c) Gedeelte van voorgestelde „ Openbare Ope Ruimte "Nr..117; word heringede.etvir 4 Onderwysdoeleindes

" terwyl die gedeelte,7'1 ' • grond tussen boaendemde gedeelte en die miiitere Kamp grans, heringedeel wdrd vir „ Opvoedkundigedoeleindes ".

(d)Spesiale woonerwe verlcry deur die Departement van Lande.virlebruik. deur die Potchefstroomse Onderwyskollege, sowel as -

die strate gesluit vir die doel, word noti heringedeel vir , Onderwysdoeleindes.”. „ Spesiale residensiele ' woonerwe verkry .' • ' ' deur die P.U.'vir C.H.O., word nou aangedui yin ;, Onderwysdoeleindes ".

.-7•._ • •'(e) Vodrgestelde nuwe strate,en verbredings, asook strate wat gesluit meet word, word aangedui en hernommer 30 tot 48,"

. (f)' Die Restatit Oen die grond grensende aan die rivier, nie.ingesInit in•Dorpsuitbreidings Nrs. 4, 5 en 7 nie, word nou ingedeel asBesthande•Openbare Ope Ruimte '1.

--../ .... J .,* ., • . . .

. •. w Err Nr. 884 word heringedeel van „ Goewennentsdoe1eindes st na „ Spesiale Woonbuurt ",met 'n digtheidsbeitemming van eta

? • - wobnhuis Per 9,600 vk.'voet. ' •.

•II 5. - Vel Nr. 5 van Naar: Nn 3,-

. • -..

- ' ' •

,. . . '

- -.

. .


(a) Hierdie vel bevat die geheel van die Dorn en Dorptionde van Potchefstroom Nr.435 I.Q. en toon aan Hoofpiaie, Munisipale-

en Skemagrense. Dit dui ook am die Modderfonteinpid soot %redo; terwyl Gedeelte 160 van die Dorp en Dorpsgronde heringe-deel word na „ Goewermentsdoekindes ". Die pleas wat aangedurwas as „ Forest Reserve"; word heringedeel as „ Goewer-mentsdoeleindes".

(b) Die Gedeelte van Dorp en Dorpsgronde ,yan .P.otctiefs1rcirim'Nr. 435J.Q. wat gebruik word vir rioleringswerke en lughawe,word as sulks aangedui.

, •• Die ontwerpskema en Kaart Nr. I 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Stadsingenieur, Munisipale Kantore, Potchefstroom, gedu-

rende kantoorure, vir 'n tydperk van ses weke vanaf 6 Januarie 1965.

Besware of vertoe in verband met die ontwerpskema, meet skriftelilr by die ondergetekende ingehandig word voor of op 18 Februarie.1965. . _ .. - •

S. H. OLIVIER; Stadsklerk.


-. .

. - •• -


. '

,- _ -

. . •

• •

Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of section 35 (2) of Townships -and Town Planning Ordinance 1931, and the regu-lations frayed in terms thereof, that it is the intention of the Town Council of Potchefstroom to adopt the above Scheme. The Scheme

.provides for. the following amendments:—


.A. .. ,

1. Map No. 5 ofScheme No.'1 as shown on Map No. 3, Scheme. 1/12.—By the entire deletion of the description of the word " Map "

'in Clause 2, - encl•the substitution therefor; of the following:r- . -

.. . . . _ . _ - -,

" Map ' means the " Codsolidated Map " comprising 5 sheets, which is the consolidation of Map No. 5 of Scheme No. .1 Of - 1946, andthe aniendrnbins thereto iip'18 ancrinchidingSehome No. --1/12, andias defined in -Regulation •22 of the Regulations promulgated underAdministrator's Notice No. 565 of 2nd November, 1932. . fir. • /- •:t. ... *. -..0-_.:‘.-: '.troll -A(.5U aiu Ali


- 29. . -



. .

Page 30: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge


2. Clause 5 Table A.—By the deletion of Table A as amended, and the substitution therefore, of the following:—

TABLE "A"„Indication on Map of Lands Reserved. Uses jar which Lands are Reserved.

4PART I.— •

Coloured Red and numbered 1 -48- New streets and widenings of existing streets.


Hatched Dark Green and numbered 49 Proposed Public Open Space.

PART III.— 0Hatched Brown in Broad Lines Agricultural Land.

PART IV.—Cross Hatched Brown Occupation by Non-Europeans.

3. Clause - 17 (a), Table B.(a) By the addition of the words " in broad lines " after the words " Hatched Green ", in Column 2 of Zone 11, Boarding Houses.(b) By the entire deletion of Zone X "Special Arca ", and the renumbering of the zones thereafter, consecutively as follows :—

X—Educational.• XI—Municipal Purposes.

XII—Agricultural Land.XIII—Undetermined. .

XIV—Limited Business.XV—Limited Residential.

XVI—Special.(c) By the deletion of the word " Red", and the substitution therefore, of the word " Orange " in Column 2 of Zone X " Educational "(d) By the deletion of the words " Edged Green and the substitution therefore, of the words " Cross Hatched Blue " in Column 2

of Zone XI " Municipal Purposes ' .•

(e) By the addition of the words " in broad lines ", at the end of Column 2 of Zone XII " Agricultural Land ".(f) By the deletion of the words " Hatched Board and Narrow Black ", in Column 2 of Zone XIV

" Limited Business ", and thesubstitution therefore of the words " Hatched Broad Black Lines ".

(g) By the addition at the end of Zone XVI " Special " of the following:-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

XVI Special.... Hatched Black in Broad (h) Erven Nos. 1439, 1440, 1441, 1442, — Warehouse, place of amusement orand.Narrow Lines . and 1443. Shops and Business assembly, garage, industrial 'premises,

Premises on ground floor. Resideit- hotel, kaffir eating-house, noxioustial Buildings on upper floor or / industrial buildings.floors

(i) Potchindustria Erven Nos. 46, 52, Warehouse, - place of amusement or53, 54, 66, 67, 68, 69, 177, 178 and

'assembly, garage, industrial premises,

179. Shops and Business Premises. hotel, kaffir eating-house, noxiousResidential Buildings on upper floor industrial buildings. -

. or floors. •

(I) Potchindustria Erf No. 170. Shops Place of amusement or assembly,,

I . . • .- . . • . . . .and,Business Premises noxious industrial buildings.

Remainder of Church Square (pot- .7-Lions zoned Limited 'Business ex- ' '

eluded). Place of Public Worship . •• and Church Hall. Ecclesiastical

purposes and purposes incidental• •

• thereto, includinga Parsonage, Syno-dical Hall, Library, Administrative •

Offices in connection with Ecclesias- •

tical Educational Purposes•

4. By deletion of Schedule following clause 40, and the substitution therefore, of the following:—


Number on Map ofExisting Skeet to be closed. Purpose for which - land is to be used.50 Residentia' Purposes.

•5. The translation of the Scheme clauses in Afrikaans.

Map No. 5 (Sheets 1 and 2), Scheme No. 1 of 1946, as amended, is further amended as shown on Map No. 3, Scheme 1/12,1463:-1. Scheme No. 1/12, Map No. 3. Sheets 1, 2, 3 and 4.

(a) All subdivisions and consolidations of stands with new erf numbers are shown.(b) Some of the proposed new roads, proposed road widenings and proposed dosing of roads, have been effected, and are now

shown as existing. . •(c) Some of the proposed Township Extensions have been surveyed into Erven and roads, and are now shown as existing.(d) The existing main roads have been altered.(e) Roads not shown previously, but which now exist, are shown.

. 2. Sheet No. 2 of Map No. 3. •

(a) The rezoning of Portions 146 and 180 of the farm Town and Townlands of Potchefstroom No. 435 I.Q.. from" Proposed Public

Open Space " to " Government Purposes " and " Educational Purposes ", respectively.(b) The rezoning of Portion 161 of the farm Town and Townlands of Potchefstroom No. 435 I.Q. from t' Government Purposes "

to " Institutional ".(c) Proposed new roads. Nos. 8 and 9 °milted.(d) Proposed new road No. 11 and its extension shown on the correct place.


(e) The conditions of establishment of Potchefstroom Township Extension No. 3 are embodied as follows:—(i) Erf No. 1416 as " Government Purposes ".

Oil Erven Nos. 1439 to 1443 as "Special Area ". •

(iii) Erven Nos. 1464 to 1474 and 1483 to 1497 as " Educational ".- (iv) Erf No. 1498 as " Existing Public Open Space ".

(v) Portion of Town and Townlands situated on the north-west corner of Erf No..1464 as "Municipal Purposes ".(f) The conditions of establishment of Erven Nos. 1599 to -1664, which form part of Potchefstroom TiAnship Extension No. 7,

• are embodied as follows:— •

(i) Erven Nos. 1599 to 1663 as " Special Residential "-(ii) Ed No. 1664 as " Existing Public Open Space ": •

4- (g) The rezoning of Portion 159 of Town and Townlands No. 435 I.O. and Erf No. 1409 from " Existing -Public Open Space" to"EducationaL ".

(h) The extent of the existing cemetery within Alexandra Park correctly shown. • •

(i) The rezoning of a Portion of the HighSchool for Boys site, from.? Institutional " to " Educational Purposes'': • . .- (.0 The business stands in Potchindustrials now shown as " Special Area ".30

Page 31: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

- -.......- - - -

- •


. .- ...- - ., (k) Surveyed road linking Forssman and Poortinari Streets, isshown as an "'Existing Public Thoroughfare ".(I) The proposed ToWnship extension south-ofTontein Street, new roads Nos. 87 to 92, and that Portion of proposed roa. .


south of R issik Street, proposed Open Spaces numbered 118;119, 122 and a Portion of Open. Space No. 117, have been a. •

and is now shown as " Undetermined 7.(n) The proclaimed Bantu Township Ikageng on Portion 202 of the farm Town and Townlands of Potchefstroom is now :. .sed


as "Areas for persons other than Europeans ".(n) The rezoning of Erf No. 1351 and the remaining extent of Town and Townlands of Potchefstroom No. 435 LQ.. from" Government Purposes " to " Educational Purposes "-(o) Proposed road No. 1 is shown. •


3. Sheet No. 3 of Map No. 3.

(a) Proposed road No. 36 omitted. .(b) (i) The rezoning of Portion 1 of Erf No. 7 from the " Existing Public Open Space " to " Special Residential ". •

(ii) Rezoning of the, north-eastern quarter of Erf No. 7 from " Existing Public Open Space ' to " Educational Purposes ".WErven Nos. 348, 349 and 350. rezoned from "Special Residential" to " Educational Purposes ".(d) The Potchefstroom Country Club ground (Diagram S.G. No. 4843/53), is rezoned from " Municipal hirposes " to " Existing

Private Open Space ", and the remainder of the area as 'a Municipal Purposes ".(e) Proposed new roads and proposed road widenings are renumbered 2 to 29 And 48.

(f) Ed Na 70 is rezoned to "Government Purposes". .

(g) The " General Residential " zoning of two portions of Erf No. 258, has been extended to include the whole of these portions.(h) In order to indicate definite limits of the various use zones, the whole of the existing "

Business and General Residential "

zones, where erven have more than one use, arc shown in black figures.In the case of approved subdivisions which deviate slightly from the depths scaled on the old map, the demarcation of use

zones have been adjusted within reasonable and practicable limits to follow the boundaries of these subdivisions.• (I) The northern portion of Portion A, Portion B and the Remaining Extent of Portion 2 of Erf No. 147, are rezoned from

" Special Residential " to " General Residential ". . . . . . .

4. Sheet No. 4 ofMap No. 3. • . . •

. .(a) Boundaries of Government property—It is the Military Camp boundaries shown correctly. '

-. . . (b) (i) The area bounded by the westward extension of Fontein Street on the south, Military Camp boundary on the west, Meyer

Street on the north and existing "Special Residential "erven on the east, are now indicated as a Proposed Township Exten-sion with a density of one dwelling per 10,000 sq. feet. . .

(ii) Portion of proposed road No. 86 is omitted and a podion is retained and renumbered No. 30.

III(c) Portion of "Proposed Public. Open Space" No. 117 is rezoned to "Educational ", whilst the portion between the aforesaid

ground and the Military Camp Boundary, is also rezoned for " Educational Purposes ".(d)" Special Residential ' erven acquired by the Department of Lands for use of the Potchefstroom Teachers' Training College,

as well as the roads closed for this purpose, are now zoned as " Educational ". " Special Residential" erven acquired by thePotchefstroom University for C.H.E., are now zoned as "Educational ".

(e) Proposed new roads'and widenings and roads to be closed, are shown and renumbered 30 to 48.(f) The remaining ground vordering on the river not included in Township Extensions Nos. 4, 5 and 7, is now shown as

" Existing,• Public Open Space ".

,(g)Erf No. 884 is rezoned from " Government Purposes" to "Special Residential Purposes" with a density zoning of 1 dwellingper 9,600 sq. feet. . - .

5. Sheer No. 5 of Map No. 3.. ev

(a) This sheet covets the whole of the Town and Townlands of Potchefstroom No. 435 I.Q.. and shows Main Roads, Municipal andScheme boundaries. It also shows the realigned Modderfontein roadcwhilst Portion 160 of the Town and Townlands of Pot-chefstroom No. 345 I.Q.. is zoned as "Government Purposes ". The farm shown as " Forest Reserve ", is also zoned as


• n Government Purposes ".(b) That portion of the Town and Townlands of Potchefstroom. No. 435 I.Q. used for sewage worIcs and aerodrome, is shown as

s6ch. • • • • . 11 4 1..11..4...“11..:7 t .. .

The draft Scheibe and Map No. 1 may be inspected at the'offiCe Of tie Towtitngineer, Municipal Offices, Potchefstroom, duringoffice hours, for a period of six weeks as from 6th January:1965. ;

•' '

Objections or representations with regard to the draft scheme, must be lodged in writing with the undersigned on or before 18thFebruary, 1965.

. .• . ' . • •

S. H. OLIVIER, Town Clerk.36- 6- 13-20



Notice is hereby given in accordance with Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939,Hierby word, ooreenkomstig die bepalinge the provisions of Section 67 (3) read with

die bepalings van Artikel 79 (14) (d) van die

soon gewysig, van die voorneme van dievan Artikel 67 (3) gelees met Artikel 79 Section 79 (18) (b) of the Local Government Stadsraad van Pietersburg, om die munisi -(18) (b) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Ordinance, No. 17 of 1939, as amended, that pale mark te sluit op 31 'mimic 1965.Bestuur, No. 17 van 1939, sdos gewysig, it is the intention of the Town Council ofbekendgemaak dat die Stadsraad van Alber- Atherton, subject to the consent of the J. A. BOTES,

ton, voornemens is om, mits Sy Edele die Honourable the Administrator, to close as Stadsklerk.. —Administrateur dit goedkeur, Erf No. 88, a public park Erf No. 88, Alrode Industrial Munisipale. Kantofe,Alrode Nywerheidsdorp (Naudeplcin), per- Township, and thereafter to transfer it to a Posbas III,manent te sluit as openbare park en em dit subsidiary company of Messrs. • James Pietersburg, 30 Oktober 1964.

daama, onderhewig aan sekere voorwaardes, Thompson, Ltd., subject to certain condi- .

aan 'a filiaalmaatskappy van - menere James tions. TOWN COUNCIL OF-PIETERSBURG.Thompson, Ltd., te vervreem. •

'n Plan waarop die Egging van Erf No. A plan showing the situation of Erf No. —88, Alrode Nywerheidsdorp aangedui word 88. Alrode Industrial Township may be NOTICE: CLOSING OF MUNICIPAL

inspected at the office of the Clerk of the MARKET._

le gedurende gewone kantoorure in die kart- ordinaryduringtoor van die Klerk van die Raad ter insae. Counciloffice hours.

Enigiemand wat beswaar wil opper teen Any person who has any objection to suds Notice is hereby given, in terms of thedie sluiting en oordrag van die betrokke erf closing and subsequent transfer, or who may provisions of Section 79 (14) (d) of theof wat moontlik skadevergoeding sal wil eis, have any claim for compensation if such Local Government Ordinance, of 1939. assal rtes gelang van die geval, indicts die closing is carried out must lodge his objec-

amended, of the intention of the Townsluiting plaasvind, mom sodanige beswaar of tion or claim, as the case may be, in writing, muni-eis sknftelik voor of op 19 Maart 1965, by with the Town Clerk, Municipal Offices, Council of Pietersburg, to closethe dieStadsklerk, Munisipale Kantoor, Alber- Alberton, not later than 19th March, 1965. Coal market on the 31st January, - 1965.

ton, 'indien. A. G. LOTTER. - J. A. BOTES,Town Clerk.

A. G. LOTTER. Town Clerk..0 Municipal Offices, -

Stadsklerk. Municipal Offices, ‘--

II• .

Munisipale Kantoor, Atherton, 18th December, 1964.

Albertdn, 18 Desemberl 1964. - ' " (Notice No. 8071964)—

P.O. Box 111,Pietersburg, 30th October, 1964.

(Kennisgewing No. 80/1964.) .., . 961- 330-6-13 . ...183.6.-.--.:11.Nov.-2 Dec.-61mi-- „... 31. . . ... ... ,

• -i.m.

, .•

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--mamar"- -


STADSRAAD VAN KEMPTON PARK. Olienhout Avenue and continuing in a north- DECLARATION OF SLUM.westerly direction along the southern bound-

, PROKLAMERING VAN PAD. ary of an existing road, 25 (twenty-five) Cape Notice is hereby given in terms of Section. — feet wide, proclaimed over Portion• 31 of 6 of. the Slums Act, 1934 (Act. No. 53 of

'Hierby word ingeVolge Artikel 5 van die Consolidated Erf No. 17, in Birchleigh 1934). as amended; that the Slum Clearance a' Local Authorities Roads Ordinance ", No. Township by Administrator's Proclamation Court - of the local

'authority district of

44 van 1904. soos gewysig. bekendgemaak No. 115 of 1961, up to a point in line with Johannesburg, acting under the powers coo-dat die Stadsraad van Kempton Park Inge- the. Imaginary extension in a southerly dime- ferred upon it by,the said Act, has declared

' volge die bepalings van Artikel 4 van tion of the eastern boundary of Portion 3 the premises in the Annexure hereto to be agenoeinde Ordonnansie 'n versoekskrif - tot of Consolidated Ed No. 17, in Birchleigh slum.Sy Edele die Administrateur van Transvaal Township. This coincides with Portion 35 In terms of paragraph (6) of sub -sectiongerig het om die pad in die Bylae hiervan of Consolidated Erf No. 246, in Birchleigh (I) of Section 5. of the said Act, the Slumbeskryf tot 'n publieke pad te proklameer. Township as shown on 'Diagram S.G. No. Clearance Court has directed the owner to

'a Afskrif van die versoekskrif en van die A.80/58, and with the Servitude of Right demolish all the buildings, consisting ofkaart wat daaraan geheg Lis, 18 gedurende of Way No: 672/1958-S, as shown 'on Dia- 11 rooms, on the said premises, and tonormale kantoorure ter insae in Kamer No. gram S.G. No. A.79/58. A. . 7- 6- 13-20 commence such demolition on or before the35, Munisipale Kantoor, Pinelaan, Kempton 1st December, 1965:


• H. KEYSER.ledere belanghebbende persoon wat teen - - .. Secretary, Slum Clearance Court.

die proklamering van die voorgestelde pad Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalingsbeswaar wil upper, moet sy beswaar, in ANNEXURE.tweevoud, indien by die Provinsiale Sekreta- van Artikel 6 van die Slumswet, 1934 (Wet

ris en by die Stadsklerk voor of op 20 No. 53 van 1934), soos gewysig, bekendge-

Certain buildings and rooms situate at 7Februarie 1965. maak dat die Slumopruimingshof, . van die

Kruger Street, Paarlshoop,.. on ErfnameNo.

60,' F. W. PETERS, plaaslike bestuursdistrik, Johannesburg, krag-

Paharlshoop.registered in the of S.tens die bevoegdheid horn verleen by.. . Stadsklerk.eodosiou. 2- 6genoemde Wet die perseel in die onderge- 3Munisipale Kantoor,

noemde Bylae_beskryf, tot 'n slum verklaarPinelaan (Posbus 13), het. " STADSRAAD VAN. KEMPTON - PARK.- Kempton Park, 23 Desember 1964. .- Kragtens paragraaf (b) van subartikel(1) (KennisgewingNo. 74/1964.) van Artikel 5 van genoemde Wet het die VERVREEMD1NG


VAN GROND.$liimopruimingshof die eienaar van genoemde - -- -

". . BYLAE. ', 'perseel gelas our al die geboue, bestaande

' A. — -

• Kennis. word• hierby gegec ingivolge die. — wt 22 kamers, op gemelde perseel te sloop bepelings van' Artikel 79. (IS) (b) van die -• 'n Pad 50

. (vyftig) Kaapse voet breed en dm met sodanige sloping voor- -of op 1 Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestow, No. 17. Ibeginnende by die•nboidwestelike grens van. Februarie 1966, te begin. . • van 1939, silos gewysig dat die Stadsraad ..Matumilaan; 'vandaar noord-weswaarts Tangs

-H. KEYSER, van Kempton Park vooroemens is, onder-die suidelike ' grens van die dorp Birchleigh , Sekretaris, Slumopruimingshof. worpe (nen die toestemming van Sy. Edeletot by -die oostelike grens van Ohenhoutlaan; - .. • - . `die Administrateur, om abn die Elektnsiteits-. _

• vandaar 'n padverbreding van 25' (vyf-en- •- • BYLAE. . - voorsieningskommissie 'n Aserwituin toe tetwintig) Kaapse voet breed beginnende by staan vir die oprigting van rhograndse Vag--

die westelike grens van Olienhoutlaan,en-dan . Sekeregeboue'. - .

en kamers•

gelee • te lyne emondergrondse kabels oor Gedeelte.16noord-weswaarts tangs die suidelike Menaa -Maraisstraat 33/33a/35/35a taatishoop, .rn gedeelte van Gedeelte 2) van Ate plea;van 'ii bestaande 'pad,- 25 (vyf-en - twintig) oaamlik Erf .No..96. Paarlshoop,." g . .

-•eregistteer Zuurfontein 33 -.I.R:,'Distnk Kempton ParkKaapse voet , breed,- geproklameer

• oor on naam -van E C de Villiers. •• • - - en - die kansellasie - van Serwituut. No.Gedeelte 31 van.•Gekonsolideerde Erf No. -,

E. • 4

66/1947 -S oor voormelde eiendom registreer.17 in die ddrp Birchleigh by Administra- ; - DECLARATION' OrSLUM.' ' '

Die betrokke planne en verwante dokii-teursproklamaste No. 115 van 1961 tot by • • ' - ; . mente sal vir 'n tydperk van een. (1) maand'n punt op een lyn. met die suidwaartse denk-beeldige verlenging van die oostelike grens -Notice is hereby given in terms of Section van die datum van hierdieaehnisgewing af, '

6 of the Slums 'Act, 1934 (Act No. 53 of ter insae .'ge urende normale kantoorure18 'gedurende.Van Gedeelte 3 van Gekonsolideerde Erf No. 1934Vas untended, that the Slum Clearance in Kamer No. 37, -Mimisipaletaittoor, Pine-17 in .die'dorp Birchleigh. Dit stem ooreeomet Gedeelte 35 van Gekonsolideerde Erf Court of the local authority district of loan, Kemptdn Park. . .. . ;'


, s -•r - -Johannesbure acting under the nowers con- Enige persOon• wat beswaar will aahtekenNo, 246 in die dorp Birchleigh soos aange- . ferred upon it by the said Act? has declared teen die Stadsraa. se veomethe om sytoon op Kaart L.G. No. A.80/58 asook met the premises in.the Annexure hereto- to be a magte, soft. hierbo aangefoon, ult. te oefen, .

die Serwituut van Reg van Weg No• slum.' moet, sodanige besware skriftelik . by 'die672/1958-S soos aangetoon op Kaart L.G. In terms of patagraph (b) of sub-section ondergetekende indien, nie latet nie as 12-No. 'A.79/58. (1) of Section 5 of the said Act, the Slum uur middag op Maandag; 1 Febttiarie 1965.1

Clearance Court hat directed the owner to . .• -F. W. PETERS,TOWN COUNCIL OF KEMPTON PARK. demolish all the. buildings, consisting of , . •

. Stadsklerk.— . 22 rooms, on the, said premises, and to corn- Munisipale Kantore, . •

PROCLAMATION OF ROAD.' • mence such demolition on or before the 1st Pinelaan. (Posbus 13),'February, 1966.


, Kempton Park, 21 Desember 1964.Notice is hereby given, in. terms of Sec '

. ,•

1-1. KEYSER, (Kennisgewing ;No. 71/1964.) ' '

film 5 of the Local Authorities Roads Ordi. Secretary, Slum Clearance Court.nance, No. 44 of 1904, as amended, that the . --

. . ••

TOWN COUNCIL OF KEMPTON PARK.Town Council of Kempton Park has, in •


terms of Section' 4 of the said Ordinance,.

.. . •

petitioned the Honourable the Administrator Certain buildings and rooms situate at ALIENATION - OF LAND.of the Transvaal to proclaim as public road 33/33a/35/35a Marais. Street, Paarishoop, • 4,the road described in the Schedule attached on Erf No. 96,'Paarlshoop, registered in the .

. hereto. . name of E. C. de Villiers. . 1 - 6 Notice is hereby given, in terms of SectionA copy of the petition and of the diagram 79 (18) 01 of the Local Government Ordi-A

attached thereto may be inspected during , nance, No. 17 of 1939, as amended, thatordinary office hours at Room No. 35, VERKLARING•


the Town Council of Kempton Park intends,- Municipal Offices, Pine Avenue, Kempton - : • subject •to the approval of His Honour thePark. Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings Administrator, to grant a servitude to theAny interested person who desires to lodge van. Artikel 6 lien die Slumswet, 1934 (Wet. Electricity Supply Commission to erect over-any objection to the proclamation - of the No. 53 van 1934), soos gewysig, bekendge-

head power lines and lay underground cables-proposed road must lodge such objection, in maak dat die, Slumopruimmgshof van die over Portion 16 (a - portion of Portion.2) ofwriting, in duplicate, 'with - the PrOvincial '.haglike bestuursdistrik, Johannesburg, krag- the farm Zuurfontein .33- 1.R., District ofSecretary and the Town Clerk, on or before tens die bevoegdheid born . verleen by Kempton Park, and the cancellation of Ser-20th February, 1965.


- genoemde Wet die perseel .in die onderge- vitude No. 66/1947-S -registered 'over the• ' •

F. W. PETERS, noemde Bylae beskryf, tot 'n slum verklaar property..

Town Clerk. het. The relative plans and documents areMunicipality- of Kempton Park, - . Kragtens paragraaf (b) van subartikel (1) open • for . inspection - during normal officePine Avenue•(P.O. Box 13), • .. . -. van Artikel 5 van genoemde Wet 'het die hours at Room - No. 37, Municipal Offices,

Kemptnn. Park, 23rd.December, 1964." '

Slumopruimingthof die eienaar van genoemde Pine Avenue, Kempton .Park, for a period(Notice No. 74/1964.) . perseel gelas .om al die geboue,. bestaande of one month. from the date of this' notice.

- uit 11 kamers, op gemelde perteel te sloop • Any- ' •

- person wishing to objectigainst the• . en. om met' sodanige 'sloping voor of op 1 intentions ' of 'the -Council to exercise' its- • - . . ,

. • SCHEDULE. Desember 1965;•te"begin.. -. powers as indicated-above, shall lodge such• - •

' .., H. 'KEYSER. . 'objection, in' writing, with the' undersigned '

"A -road, -50. (fifty) - Cape feet 'wide, com - , - - -.Sektetaris,- Slutdopruimingshof. by not later-than 12 noon on Monday, 1st

menchig at the north-western .boundary of . -.

-, February, 1965.

' ' / - •,, ,Maturn" Avenue; thence in a north -westerly - BYLAE. ••

F..W. Phi bRS, .. . . , .direction along the southern boundary ofT.dhm Clerk.

IIBirchleigh Township up to the eastern Sekere geboue en kamers gelet te Kroger-r- Municleal Offices, •.

'- .

- -

boundary Of Olienhout Avenue; thence a straat 7, Paailshoop, naamlik Erf No:.-60, - Pine Avenue (p.O.Box - 13).'

.' - '

'.,;road widening of 25. (twenty-five) -Cape feet. Paarlshoop, geregistreer op naam: van S. Kemplon - Park, 21 December, 1964. -

commencing at the western boundary of Theodosiou. . .' _(Notice No'. 71/1964.)"

" c` "'" '

.'' 12.632 . .


.• .• . - •

. -.

Page 33: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge

--•••••111•••"----., •


. ._ .• - .

.. -

• -.PROVINCIAL GAL-bills, 6 JANUARY.. 1965 - 33• -

.- -

STAD JOHANNESBURG. Besonderbede .vin hierdie-wysiging 16 ses• GESONDHEIDSRAAD VIR BUTTE-- weke lank met ingang van ondergenoemde STEDELIKE GEBIEDE.VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE datum in Kamer No. 423, Stadhuis, Johan- —, JOHANNESBURGSE DORPSAAN- nesburg, ter insae. Alle bewoners of eie- VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE

L E G SK E M A 'No. 1 (WYSIGING - naars van vaste eiendom wat gelee -is binne NOORD JOHANNESBURG STREEK-SKEMA No. 1/170.) die gebied waarop die Skema van toepassing •DORPSAANLEGSKEMA (WYSI-

(ICennisgewing ingevolge die bepalings van is, kan teen die wysiging beswaar opper en GENDE SKEMA No. 55).Artikel 35 van die Dorpe- en Dorps- most -die Klerk van die Raad te. enigeraanleg-Ordonnansie, 1931.)

- - tyd gedurende die ses weke waarin die beson-Kragtens die regulasies wat ingevolge diederhede ter insae le, skriftelik van hulk

Die Stadsraad van Johannesburg is voor- besware en die cedes daarvoor verwittig. -DnrPe" en annsaaning'Ckdimmansie No. 11van 1931, soos gewysig, uitgevaardig is, word

nemens om sy Dorpsaanlegikema No. 1 te . ROSS BLAINE.'

hiermee bekendgemaak dat die Gesondheids-•

wysig deur die indeling van standplase Klerk van die Raad. rand vir Buitestedelike Gebiede van voor-Nos, 1702/3/4/5/6, 1790 en 1790A (pagper- 'Stadhuis, neme is om sy Nonrd Johannesburg Stretk-sele); 609f 8/7/6/5, 599 en 599A (eiendoms- Johannesburg, Vanuarie 1965. dorpsaanlegskerna sees vole te wysig:—persele), Johannesburg, gelet op die suid-westelike bock van Pritchard - en Delvers- . . „Die digtheidshestemmings van— -

straat, sat tans „ algemeen " in Hoogtestreek CITY OF JOHANNESBURG. (i) Erf No. 3, Sandown;..

1 is, op sekere voorwaardes te verander, - (ii) Hoewe Nos. I, 2, 3 en 4, Morning-sodat die gebou hoe as die 59"-lyn gebou - • side Hills; en

DPROPOSE AMENDMENT TO JOHAN-kan word en die toelaatbare omvang oorskry (iji) Hoewes Nos. 7, 8, 9 en 10,kan word. „ NESBURG TOWN - PLANNING Moming,side Landboulmewes, van

Besooderhede van hierdie wysiging le ses SCHEME No. I (A-

N E N DI N G , Een woonhuis per 60,000 vierkante.SCHEME No. 1/176).weke lank met ingang van ondergenoemde voet; 80,000 vierkante voet 611.1

datum in Kamer No. 423, Stadhuis, Johan - (Notice in terms of Section 35.of the Town- morg' respektiewelik, te verandernesburg, ter insae. Alle bewoners of eie- ships and Town-planning Ordinance; 1931.) na , Een woonhuis per 40,000 vier-naars van vaste eiendom wat gelee is binne . - _ kante voet'.die gebied waarop die Skema van toepassing Die volgende Rooipad Voorstelle inge-is, kan teen die wysiging beswaar opper en The City Council of Johannesburg. pro-

, voeg te word in Tabel A van Deel I vanmoet die Klerk van die Raad te• eniger. Poses to amend its- Tot -Planning Scheme die betrokke Skema -klousules van dietyd gedurende die ses weke waarin die besot:. No. I by rezoning Stands Nos. 731 - to 733,'

derhede ter insae le, skriftelik van sy

1 beswaar en die cedes daarvoor verwittig.Johannesburg, at present zoned "General _ nommer 386,402 424." 'nl. en

Area " in Height Zone 2, and Stands Nos. Besooderhede en planne van hierdie voor-734/5, Johannesburg, at present zoned gestelde wysiging H ses wake yanaf datum

. ROSS BLAINE, "General -Business" in Height Zone 1, being van hierdie kenoisgewing ter, insae. by dieKlerk van die Raad. the south-western corner of the intersection Raad se Hooflcantoor, Kamer No, A.713,

Stadhuis, of Market and Sauer Streets, to permit the H. B. Phillipsgebou, Bramanstraat 320, Pre-Johannesburg, 15 December 1964. building to project above the 59* height toria, en by sy takkantoor, Kamer' No. 501,

line and to permit a greater bulk on certain Armadalegebou, Breestraat 261, Johannes-CITY OF JOHANNESBURG.


conditions. burg. '

—PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO JOHAN- Particulars of this amendment are open

Beware teen of venue in vertand metdiewysiings kalet enige tyd skriftelik eaNESBURG TOWN - PLANNING for inspection at Room No: 423: Municipal -

cue oandergetekende gerig word maar nie-literSCHEME No. 1 (AMEN DING Offices. Johannesburg, for a period of sot Vrvibe 12- Februane 1965, nie. ...•

SCHEME No. 1/170). weeks from the unden-oentioned date. Every as - -'

occupier or owner of immovable property H. B., PHILLIPS.(Notice In terms of Section 35 of the Town-situate within the area to which the scheme Sekretaris/Tesouner.ships and Town-planning Ordinance, 1931.) applies has the right to object to the amend- Posbus 1341, . - .

ment and may inform the Clerk of the'

Pretoria.The City Council ofJohannesburg pro- Council, in writing, of such objection' and (Kearns' &win.' g' No. 222/1964.)


poses to: amend its Town -planning Scheme.

the grounds thereof at any time during theNo. 1 by'rezoning Stands Nos.1792/3/4/5/6,1790 and' 1790A (Leasehold); 609/8/7/6/5.

six weeks 'tile particulars arc open for PERI-URBAN AREAS HEALTH 'BOARD.-inspection. — .

599 and 599A (freehold), Johannesburg, : 6

ROSS BLAINE. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THEsituate on the south-west corner of Pritchard - Clerk of the Council. NORTHERN 10 HANN ES B U RG I

and Delvers Streets, at present zoned "Gen- Municipal Offices. REGION. TOWN - BLANNINGral " in Height Zone 1, to permit the building Johannesburg, 6th January, 1965. SCHEME (AMENDING scrundato project above the 59° line restriction and 13- 6-13-20 No. 55).to permit extra bulk, on certain conditions. • . .— .

Particulars of this amendment are open -In terms of the regulations framed underfor inspection at Room No. 423, Municipal CHARL CILLIERS

,Offices, Johannesburg, for a period of six GESONDHE1DSKOMITEE. • the Townships and Town -Planning Ordi-weeks from the undermentioned date. Every . .

_ • . nance No. 11 of 1931, as amended, it, is

occupier or owner of immovable propertyhereby notified that the Peri-Urban Areas

situate within the area to which the scheme DRIEJAARLIKSE WAARDAS1ELYS. Health Board proposes to amend its North -

applies has the right to object to the amend- — em Johannesburg Region' Town -planning

ment and may inform the Clerk of theCouncil, 'in writing, of such objection andthe grounds thereof at any time during thesix weeks the particulars are open for • Morning-inspection.

ROSS BLAINE,Clerk of the Council.

Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat diebogenoemde Lye non • voltooi en gesertifi-Ma is ooreenkomsig Artikel 14 van Pins-

Scheme as follows:—" The density zonings ,of—

(f) Lot No. 3, Sandown;-

like-Bestuur-Belastingordonnansie, No- 20 . (ii) Erma Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Morning-

Van 1933, soos gewysig. en dat dit vasgestelen bindend sal weer op elle belanghebbende

side Hills; and(iii) Holdings Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Morningside Agricultural Holdings


Municipal Offices, - . en betrokke persons wat nie voor of op 28to be amended from' One dwelling-December 1964, teen die beslissing' van die

Waarderingshof appeleer in terme van die house per 60.090 square feet; 80,000square feet and 2 morgen ' respec-nie 16

- 6-13'20 bepalings van die genoemde Ordonnansie ' tively, to ' One dwelling-house per- STAD JOHANNESBURG. H. 1. M. JACOBS, 40.000 square feet'.

- Sekretaris. The following ' Red Road Projnisals'Posbus 12. be inserted in Table A of Part I of the


' • - relevant Scheme Clauses after the numberJOHANNESBURGSE DORPSAAN- 386. viz. 402, 424."L E G S K E MA Na i (WYSIGING- - .

SKEMA No. 1/176). . CHARL' CILLIERS HEALTH' ' . Particulars and plans of this proposed

- -• COMMITTEE. : 'amendment are open for inspection at the

(Kennisgewing ingevolge die bepalings van Board's Head Office, Room No. A.713, H. B.Artikel 35 van die Dorpe- en Dorps- Phillips Building, 320 Busman Street, Preto-


aanleg-Ordonnansie, 1931.)' TRIENNIAL VALUATION ROLL. i

• ria, and at its Branch Office, Room,No. .r___501, -Armadale - House, 261 Thee Street,— - Notice is hereby given .that the ,above-

prepared, and Johannesburg, for a. period of six weeksDie Stadsraad van Johannesburg is, voor- mentioned Roll has now been

nemens om sy Dorpsaanlegskema No. I te certified in terms of Section 14 of the Local from the date of this notice.

wysig deur die indeling van standplase Authorities Rating .Ordinance, No.. 20 of Objections to or repreientations in con-• Nos. 731 tot 733, Johannesburg, wat tans 1933. as - amended, and will become fixed nection with the amendment may be sub-- algemene gebied " in hoogtatreet 2, 'en and bincling_upon all parties concerned who mitred to the undersigned, in writing, at any

standplase Nos. 734/5, , Johannesburg, - wat have not on of before the_ 29th -day of Hiner - but not later than Friday, the 12th

tans , algemene besigheidsdoeleindes" - in December.-1964, appealed against the deci- February, 1965.

hoogn;streek 1, naarnlik die suidwestelike siva of the Valuation Court in terms of thehock van die kruising van Market- en Sauer- said Ordinance. . ..


Secretary/Treasurer.striat, is, op 'sekere voorsvaardesle veranda.; .. , _ 11.. J. M. JACOBS. _ „x

-- _ .. _

abilat die gebou hoer as die,550-lyn gebou • -.4:- N , •• . .

J.:- a - - ' '

.- • •SanatarY: Preto

. kan word, en' die toelaatbare omvang cot' P.O. Box 12.4r.s..ka') word.

-Z- 6110197'

.. Chad Callers.


. • - . - . • - , (Notice. No.. 222/1964.)949- 30-6-13


..- - 971- 30-6-13

I .

. • -J

Page 34: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge


.•- . -

_ FR_OVINS1ALE -tOERANT, EIJANUARIE - T965---- • - - • - - - - -- - - -- • -- - ,

. .. . . .- - ' . .STALYJOHANNESBORG.

.• ' - Julie -1964: atit -10 - .Itini& 1965; 'van (3) hi -

terniirof Section 20' ;of! Ordinance,,

' '' ' drinsent'Oci in die rand (RI) op die'.. No:20''of 1931--LA&extra 'additional


aide van trond en op 'die rate of three and three-quarter cents

JOHANNESBURGSE DORPSAAN-' ' verbeterings Seta op giond wat krae - : .. ..(3:1c) in •the• rand (RD),. on the. site ALEG St E M A No. '1 (WYSIGING- - tens Mynbrief besit word Luitgeson- . .• . value of • land 'held by . any. iniWer

' SKEMA No,' 1 / 175). derd grond in 'n wettig-gestigde dorp) undertaking .within. the Municipality II-- - sowel as opdie terreinwaarde van of Randfontein, as appearing in: the(Kennisgewing ingevolge die bepalings van _ , .- ,sodartige grond as bedoelde grond vir Valuatidn Roll, for the year 1st:July,• Artikel. 35 • van die, Dorpe - •

en Dorps-woondoeleindes of vir docleindes wat 1964, to 30th June, 1965, due and

. aanleg-Ordonnansie, 19.31.) nit op mynontginning betrekking het . :payable. as to one-half thereof on the


Stadsraad van Johannesbu.

rg• is vonr- nie, deur persone of maatskappyc wat 7th October, 1964, and the remaining

nemens om sy Dorpsaanlegskema by mynontginning betrokke is, gebruik . • - half due .and payable on • the 7th

wysig deur die indeling van standplaasNo.1

te No.word, onverskillig of sulke persone of April, 1965... . -


70, Linksfield Ridge-uitbreiding No. I, • maatskappye die besitters van die -In any case

date'wie rate imposed is not

naamlik Linksfield -rylaan 79, op sekererev Mynbrief is, of nie, soos dit op die paid'on the due dae, interest will be chargedWaarderingslys verskyn, waarvan diewaardes van „ spesiale woondoeleindes " na at the -rate of seven per cent (7%-) per annum

„ algemene woondoeleindes" te verander. helfte op 7 _ Oktober 1964. en dieand legal proceedings taken for the recoveryoorblywende helfte op 7 April 1965, thereof.Besonderhede van hierdie wysiging 18 ses veiskuldig en betaalbaar sat wees.weke lank met ingang van ondergenocaide - - All ratepayers who do not receive accounts

datum in Kamer No. 423, Stadhuis, Johan- (3) Ingevolge Artikel 20 van Ordonnansie for the above, are advised to inform. the—nesburg, ter insae. Alle bewoners of eie- No. 20 van 1933.—'n Ekstra addisio- Town Treasurer's Department, as the non-

nele belasting vir die jaar 1 Julie 1964.naars van vaste eiendom wat gelee is binne receipt of accounts does' not, relieve themtot. 30 Junie van drie-en-drie-die gebied waaroji'die'Slcbma Sian toepassing . •-t -. 1965, . . - from liability for payment.kwart sent (no in the rand (RI)op'

is, kan teen die wysiging beswaar upper en J. 'Fr' VAN '120GGEREN BERG,die terreinwaarde van grond deurritual die Klerk t..:yan die Raad te eniger Town Clerk.kragoideriteming binne die "munisi- •

tyd gedurende die ses weke waarin die beson-pale gebied van Randfontein besit, Municipal Offices, . -

derhede ter insae le, skriftelik van hulle Randfontein, 9th December, 1964. ..• besware en die redes daarvoor verwittig. soos dit op die: Waaideringslys ver- -

skyn, waarvan die helfte op 7 Oktober 8 - 6ROSS BLAINE, 1964, en die oorblywcnde helfte op - -

. - Klerk van die Raad. 7 April 1965 verskuldig en betaalbaar--z

• • - •'

, STADSKAAD VAN BETHAE:Stadhuis, -sal wees.• —

,Johannesburg, 30 Desember 1964. • ' -

In ieder geval waar die gehefill belasting PERMANENTE SLUITING VAN PARK 4,.• • nie op die verskuldigde datum betaal is nie, 'BESKRYF AS ERF No 778 EN SKEN-


CITY OF JOHANNESBURG. sal rente teen sewe perseot (7%) per jaar KING DAARVAN TESAME MET "Isl.

_ bevordcr word en wetlike stappe sal vir 'die AANGRENSENDE GEDEELTE VANPROPOSED AMENDMENT TO JOHAN- invardering van "die verskuldigde bedrae EEN MORE AAN DIE REPUBLIEK.


NESBURG TO W N - P L A N,N I N G gedoen word. VAN. SU1D -AFRIKA.SCHEME . No. .1 . (AMEN D I N G Alle .belastingbetalers wat nie rekenings [Kinniegewing ingevolge Artikels 67. 68 en

• SCHEME No. 111753.- vir voorgaande .ontvang nie, word .versoek 79 (18) van Ordonnanste No. 17 van ,1939.]

(Notice in terms of Section 35 of the Town- om met die Stadstesourier se Departementships and Town-planning Ordinance, 1931.) in verbinding te tree,. aangesien .die feit dat Die Stadsraad is van, voomerne on?, ander-

. geen rekening ontvang is nie, hulle nie van worpe aan die goedkeuring van die Admini-The. City Council of. fohannisburg pro-


aanspreeklikheid vrywaar nie. . . strateur, die park beskryf as Erf No. 778,0bses to amend fti Town•planning Scheme : J. F. VAN LOGGERENBERG. grensende aan.Eeufeess en. Simonstraanrocit'No. I. by rezoning Stand No.. 70,,Linksfield • • Stadsklerk: vier morg, permanent te. sluit, en dit tesame

dgialf.tengonr.No..,1, being 79 Linksfield. Munisipale Kantore, met 'n aangrensende ,gedeelte van een morg.. aan die Republiek van Suid -Afrikii. te ske'nkAirive„ front.. ipe`Ciate.Reaidential " .,to


.... Randfontein; 9 Desember -19,64. • • - -• ' Geneil leeidetitial "'.oil certain condition's; ';•t‘ ... :so . . . . .:. .• .. - i. : • ...:: a.....e. -

;"as .Affilitiefiele'..terteiri iiir did. 'Lierskoolkr:Particulars p_f ilhis , amendmekaik.oppn. ..v, .0:. .. _ . . - nt -e - - ... 1 11. CI :.). 1nel .... e I


"1,.. /14;.Thyalt. Yu „AfWif iStriq die .kaast wattot' inspection at Room 14o. 423, Municipal' '.MUNICIPALITY1 •OF RANDFONTEIN::: die park' dabto'dill In 'din goolVeithiderg yen

1 •Qffices„ Iohanrieiburg, for a period. of six - • . bonde aan die skenking.sal gedurende kan -... toorure ter insae 18 in die Kantoor van die • •weeks from the underinentioned date. Very .• •

NOTICE' No. 87 sit. (964.... .3 Stadsklerk, tot Vrydag, 12 Maart 1965. .,occupier or owner of Unmovable property

situate within 'the, area to which the scheme . ledereen wat enige beswaar teen die voor-applies has the -right to object to the amend- • ASSESSMENT RATES. •

. gestelde sluicing en/of skenking het, ofment and may inform the Clerk of the - . mdien die geooemde park geiluit word, enigeCouncil, in writing, of such objection and .

•eis om skadevergoeding wil instel, moet sy

the, grounds theitof. at any time during the Nonce is hereby- given that, under beswaar of eis skriftelik, nie later as boVer-eix weeks the Particulars are open for authority obtained from the Administrator], melde datUm by die Stadsklerk indien.inspection. . . in terms of sub-section (5)

-of Section 18 of

P. S. BURGER,'. .

• ROSS BLAINE, Ordinance No. 20 of 1933, as amended, the ' Stadsklerk.following rates on . the value of rateableClerk of the Council.Munisipalel. Kantore •

'Municipal Offices, •. ' . • . property .within • the municipal . area, is . .Bethel, 23 Desember 1964. •

• appearing on the* Valuation Roll, have beenJohannesburg; 30th December, 1964. ,•

14- 6- 13-20 imposed by the Town Couricil of Randfon-tein, in terms of • the Local Authorities TOWN COUNCIL OF BETHAL. '

Rating Ordinance No. 20 of 1933, as amen:—

MUNISIPALITE1T RANDFONTEIN. ded:— PERMANENT CLOSING OF PARK 4. — . (I) In terms of Section 18 (2)of Ordinance DESCRIBED AS ERF No. • 778'ANDDONATIONTHEREOF TOGETHERKENNISGEWING No. 87 VAN 1964. No. 20 of 1933.—An original rate for WITH AN ADJOINING PORTIONthe year 1st July, 1964, to 30th June,. EIENDOMSBELASTING. 1965, of a half cent (ic) in the rand OF ONE MORGEN TO THE REPO-


" BLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (RI),on the site value of the land, asappearing on the Valuation Roll, due [Notice in terms of. Sections. 67, 68, and

magtiging deur die Administrateur verleen,•Hiermee word bekendgemaak dat' kraktens '

and payable as to one-half thereof 'on 79 (18) of Ordinarice"Noz 17 of 1939:]'

under subartikel (5) van Artikel 18 van the 7th October, 1964, and theremaining half due and payable on It is the intention of the Town Council-ofOrdonnanste No. 20 van 1933, soos gewysig, the 7th April, 1965. ,

- Bethal, subject to the consent of the Admini-. die volgende belastings op die waarde van (2) In terms of Section 18 (3) read with strator, to permanently close the parkbelasbare ,eiendom binne die munisipale Section 18 (5) and Section 21 (I) of described as Ed No. 778 abutting on Eeu-gcbied, soos dit op die Waarderingslys ver-skyn, deur die Stadsraad van Randfontein Ordinance No. 20 of 1933.—An addi- fees and Simon Streets, in extent four

tional rate for the year 1st July, ow morgen, and to donate it together with angehef is, ingevolge die Plaaslike-Bestuur--

to 30th June; 1965, of three cents (3c) adjoining portion of one morgen to - theBelastingordonnansie, No. 20 van 1933, sops in the rand (R1) on the site value of Republic of South Africa as additionalgewysig:— - •

land and upon improveinents situated ground for the H. M. Swart Primary School.(1) Ingevolge Artikel 18 (2) van Ordont . upon land held under Mining Title A copy of the plan showing the park and

- . nansie No. 20 van 1933.—'n Oor- (not being land in a lawfully estab- conditions applicable to the donation, mayspronklike belasting vir die .jaar I fished township) as well as upon the be inspected during office hours at the Office

. Julie .1964, tot 30 Junie 1965, van 'n .. site ,value of such land where such of the Town Clerk up to Friday, the - 12thhalwe sent ,(}c) in' di"e. rand (RI) op land is used for residential 'purposes, March, 1965. -

die ferreinwaarde van• grond soos.dit . or for purposes not incidental to Any person who has any objection to the• op die Waarderingslys verskyn waar- mjning operations, by persons or Proposed closing and/or donation. or who

• van die helfte op 7 Oktober 1964, , Companies engaged in mining have any claim for compensation ifopera- mayverskuldig en betaalbaar sal wees en

tions, whether such persons 'or Corn-.

the closing is carried. out, must lodge his, ,

- ,,, die • oarfily3yende • belfte op 7 April ' panes art the holders of the84' Mining objection or claim, in writing, with the Town• 1965. Title or not, as appearing in 'the Clerk on before the above date.



", '', , ".

' -;1'

'13 5

BrURGER:,II(2) Ingevolge Artikel 18 (3) ,,.,gefeasitnef ,,': - ynluition-12011,, due, and;payible as' r


11rtikel 18 (5) en Agtikel .21 (1) van "-ty;11:10 cluelialf-the'retiog &a on

-Oef ' - ''''''

,- " - ' ' '-'' '. '


r" . Ordonnansie.. No. :20'-"van' 1933.-a-'n - -bar; 1964;and..the r4riaiming

-balgigue Municipal Offices,

' .• .. .

-. .'' 4 -


--Ada 1 - belasting. - _. - . :stone e - vir -die jaar - 1 • - and payableWriltIcApn1.11965::- . - '

Bethel; 23rd December, 1964:'(' sds-I0 =6. .._

.. -

. ..

- - "

. .

Page 35: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge


PROVINCIAL- GAZ.E1113, 6 JANUARY .1965, .„ ... 35

- GESONDHEIDSRAAD VIR 'BUTTE- Die.besluiten.verdere besonderhede le ter The new plan shows an increase in theSTELIELIICE GEBIEDE.. insae by die-Kantoor van die Hoofverkeers- area on which shops may be erected in terms• — , beampte gedurende kantoorure. Enige of Town-planning Scheme No. 1/45.


VOORGESTELDE - WYSIGING VAN' DIE besware daarteen moet skriftelik .by die :The draft scheme and Map No. 1 will beL—• .

DORPSAANLEGSKEMA NOORDJOHANNESBURG STREEK. ondergetekende nie later as 15 lanuarze 1965, open for inspection' at the Office of the

0.i7 1. s i_ ingehandig word nie. . Director of Town-planning and Architecture,'

GENDE SKEMA No. 57). p..A. DU PI IPSSIS, Room No. 416, Van der Stel Buildings,Stadsklerk. Pretorius Street, and at Room No. 33, NewStadskantore, City Hall, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria, forKragtens die regulasies wat ingevolge die Pbos's 3, a period of six weeks from the 30th Decem-Dorpe- en Dorpsaanleg -Ordonnansie, No. Carletonville. - her, 1964, during the normal office hours.II van 1931, sons gewysig, uitgevaardig is, (Kennisgewing No. 61/19643 Any objections or representations withword hiermee bekendgemaak dat die Gesond- • regard - thereto should. be submitted, inheidsraad vir Buite-Stedelike Gebiede van writing, to the. Town Clerk, P.O. Box 440,

voorneme is om sy. Noord Johannesburg


MUNICIPALITY OF CARLETONVILLE. Pretoria, on or before Wednesday, 10th• Streekdorpsaanlegskema soos volg te - February, 1965.

BUS ROUTES AND BUS STOPS.wysig:— HILMAR RODE,— -Town Clerk.Die gebruikSbestemmings van Gedeeltes Notice is hereby given, in terms of the 22nd December, 1964.• • 1. 2 en die restant van Lot No. 46, Sand- provisions of Section 65 bis (2) of the Localhurst; Gedeeltes 3 van Lot Na. 29 en A Government Ordinance, No. 17 of 1939. as

(Notice No. 31871964.) 15- 6- 13-20van Lot No. 29, Sandhurst; en Lot No. amended, that the Town Council has53, Sandhurst Uitbreiding 1, verander to approved of additional European bus routes - GESONDHEIDSRAAD VIR BU1TE-word van „ Spesiale woongebied 1! en and bus stops in the Carletonville complex ETEDELIKE GEB1EDE. . .„AW lgemene oongehied No. 1 9. „ . ..13esondettede en planne van hierdie voor- The relevant resolution and further pear_ VOORGESTELDE VVYSIGING VAN DIE

gestelde wysiging le ses weke vanaf. datum enters lie open for inspection at the Office NOORD-JOHANNESBURG STREEK-. van hierdie .kennisgewing• ter insae by die of the Chief Traffie Officer. Any objections DORPSAANLEGSKEMA ( W Y.S I -

Raad se Hoofkantoor, Kamer No, A.713, must be lodged, in writing, with the under- GENDE SKEMA No. 56).H. - B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, signed not later than 15th January, 1965.Pretoria,- en by sy takkantoor, Kamer No. . , P. A. DU PhESSIS, Kragtens die regulasies wat ingevolgedieD ' •orpe- en Dorpsaanlegordonnansie No.501, Armadalegebou, Breesiraat 261, Johan - Town Clerk:

r nesburg. Town Offices, 11 van 1931, soos gewysig, uitgevaardig is,.

Besware teen of vertoe in verband met die P.O: Box 3, .

.word hiermee bekendgenmak dat dieGesondheidsraad vir Butte - Stedelike

-wysigings lean ter enige tyd skriftelik aan die Carletonville. .

syondergetekende gerig word maar nie later (Notice No. 61(1964.) 17- 6Gebiede van voorneme isom JohannesburgStreekdorpsaanlegske

Noord- .

as Vrydag, J2 Februarie 1965,m masonsie. . : . .volg to wysig:—.

H. B. PHILLIPS, STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA. Die gebrulksbestemming van dieSekretaris/Tesourier. - — restant van Erf No. 843, Bryanston„Posbias 1341, e KONSEP-DORPSAANLEGSKEMA verander te word van „Spesiale' Woon- 'Pretoria. . No. 1/77. gebied " na „ Algemene Besigheid ".. .

(Kennisgewing No. ,223/1,964.) ,

• —OoreenkoBesonderhede en plume van' hierdie

,'' ' •

rosti g regulasie No. 15 uitgevaar-voorgestelde wysiging le ses weke vanaf. • dig ingevolge die bepalings Van die Dome-'

PERI7DREIAN AREAS HEALTH BOARD. en..Dorpsaanleg-Ordonnansie, No. 11 van. datum van hierdie kennisgewing ' ter insae- by die Raad se .Hoofkantoor, KamerNo,. . -•


• ' -- "1931. soos gewysig, word hiermee kennis

• ' ." '

A.713. H. B. phillipsgebrati, Bosmanstraa1• ' gegee dat die Stadsraad van Pretoriavan IEROPOSEDAMENDMENT , ,TO . THE •

d. ft- . 4 i 320„Pretoria, iirby sy Takkanioor. rata,, ; ,N.0 g TI-1 ER N :. ..(QHANNESBUts, •...G. voomeme is l•pm. , se . getorm. orpsean et. .N


501.enktur'd I

• lir rh 1.

i'.0, • ma a ege ou, . r s raa261 skemaNo, 1 van1944 t wyeg d d' '• '"'REGION. TOW N - Is LA N /4 MG .. 9 a eur le. .r.„. . . . ..... . . '

&Rea burg.. .. .. .SC wn.* c4IVIENDIN9 SCHEME' N& T ..r hi. .

voorstelle wat in konse wysigende Dorps- .-'`!"P - • • - • • ' ' - '13esware' teen 4W vernili in dieitbandainetv/ n?. *. itt l • . • • f 1 0 ii,.,. .,„ . ,. I ash egs 6 a Nct. 1/77 •vetvab is.1 to aanvalms a ..... . . c . , . . . . ,mi r".. • .: .. • • r• • .1 .• '.. z

" Die konsepskema.maak voorsiening vir die' dm wysigings kan , ter enige • tyd skriftelik:,

,wysiging van die kaart soos aa,ngetoon oac.

aan' die:ondergefekende gerig word marIn terms of the- regulations frathed under Kart NO. 3, Skeins No. 1/77 deur Plan No. nie later as Vtag, 12 Februarie 1965;. nie.

the Townships 'and' Town-planning' Ordi- 274 met Plan No. 306, Bylae B, te vervang . .. .'

. H. B. PHILLIPS,nonce, No 11. of 1931; as' amended,' it is' ten opsigte van Gekonsolideerde Lot No.: ' - , .. Sekretaris/Tesourier.'hereby notified that the Peri-Urban Areas 214, Riviera, vice op die boek van Louis Posbus 1341;Health .Board proposes to amend its Bothalaan en Viljoenstraat. Pretoria.. \'


• . , .„ .

Northern Johannesburg. Region Town-plant- • Die ntiwe plan toon 'n vermeerdering van (Kennisgewing No. 229/64.) 'ning Scheme as follows:— ' " ' '

. - die oppervlakte waarop'winkels opgerig mag . .The use-zoning of Portions 1. 2 and the word ingevolge Dorpsaanlegskema No. 1/45. - PEE-URBAN AREAS HEALTHremainder of Lot No. 46, Sandhurst;

' Die konsepskema en taan No. 1 sal vir t •• -BOARD.Portions 3 of Lot No. 29 and A of, Lot 'n tydperk van ses weke vanaf .30 Desembir , . _

No. 29, Sandhurst; and Lot No. 53..Sand-, 1964, gedurende die gevione diensure in die PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO . THEburst Extension No. 1, to be amended Kantbor vandie Direkteur van Stadsbeplan- N 0 R THE It N JOHANNESBURGfrom .14 Special. Residential" to "Generalning en Argitektuur, Kanter No. 416, Van 'REGION TOWN - PLANNINGResidential Nil 1 ". der Stelgebou, Pretoriusstraat, en te Kamer SCHEME (AMENDING '. SCHEME

P.1 Particulars and : plans. of this proposed No. 33, Stadhuis, Paul ICrugerstraat; Preto- No. 56).!amendment are open for inspection at the' na, terinsae M..•

d3oard's..Head Office, . Room No. A.713, 'Range besware of vertoe 'desbetreffend In terms 'of the. regulations framed under!H. B. Phillips Building, 320 Bosman Street, moet skriftelik voor of op Woensdag, 10. the Townships and Town -planning '

Februarie 1965, by die Stadsklerk, - Posbus Ordi-Pretoria, and at its. Branch Office, Room No, nance, No. 11 of 1931, as amended, it is- 501, Armadale House, 261 Bree Street, 440, Pretoria, ingedien .wees. •

hereby notified that the' Pcii -Urban Areas• . Johannesburg, . for a period of six weeks' '

,• HILMAR RODE, Health Board proposes to amend its'

film *the date. alibis riptide, '1.u

'0.1 ..:./ i .:3,- 1.").:( I; ?IA le:'•". •I.. ':" tr' -'1' IStadsklerk. .Northern .' Johannesburg, Region Town-Objections to or representations in con- 22 1964."1 -


.planning Scheme as follows:—nection with the amendment may be sub- (Kerniisgewing No. 318/19644 . ' The use-zoning of the' remainder ofmitted to the undersigned, in writing, at any Erf No. 843, Bryanston, to be amendedtime, but not later than Friday, the 12th CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA. from "Special Residential to "General


. ;February, .1965. 'Business '.H. 13..PHILLIPS ' DRAFT TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME. Particulars and plans of this promised-

. Secretary/Treasurer.amendment are open for inspection at the

No. 1/77. .P.O. Box 1341, .. . - . - . Board's Head Office, ILoom No. A.713,-

Pretoria. -

H. B. Phillips Building, 320 Bosman Street,•

,Notice is hereby given, in terms of Rev-INcitice' No. 223 /1964.)


962- 30:6-13 1a ion No. 15, promulgated under the pro- Pretoria, and at its Branch Office, RoomHouse,No. 501,Armadale261 Bree Street,visions of the Townships and Town-planning

. . •. . , , Ordinance, No. 11 of'1931, as amended, that Johannesburg, for a period of six weeks

mUNISIPALITEITCARLETONVILLE. the 'City Council of Pretoria- intends to From the date of this notice.'— - 'amend the Pretoria - Town-planning. Scheme Objections to or representations' in con-


- N6: 1 'of 1944, by adopting the proposals nection with the amendment may beSubmitted' to the undersigned, in writing, at

, containeddraftamending Town-planning in- -Scheme No. 1177: ' ' ; any time,' but not later than Friday, the. .. . . . . „.

,- Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge :The above draft scheme_provide,s for. the2 eb 'ar 65I tpy_ 13.1 .y, i9 . ...- . .. .



-die bepalings van Artikel 65 ibis (2) van die amendment of the map' as - shown on Map . • . 'Secretaty/TreasUrer. Orilonnansie:op..Plaaslike, Bestuur„ No', 17 No. 3, Scheme No: 1/77. by the substitution . . . . _ .. . ,, ..

12 0 Box 1341van .1939. soos gewysig, dat die Stadsraad sy Of Plan NO. 3116 for Plan- W - 274; Annexure • •, , ,1.i .;i„.„,,, ,,,,o.„....0. kt3

- •


geheg het aan -addisionelc 11.-.3n44Sbelti

-tifIConSolfdaterreeplo. 2M`, .•“PrPtona•.; -e.i.. :::•1 .n. V..e.,-1,

- - - '. • -.

• ..-131anke•busroetes en halte's in, die Carleton- :RiviernisitilateonWeehrnerinditis Botha .0.1.3t1Ce Nu: 229/64 - ...' .-

.:i:- —..... -

ville-gebied* ,. '

- , ,' ',', • .' Avenue -end.noen'Street.,... ,..•0- e. 001 yinrozir,a lil.1 .4i4k“ .v.t., ,li.1.. ui. ..:. .2...4:gc bii.. .. iiifil Fro it. litithi.14 •iinct........,.t


. -

. . -•

.• •


.. .. .

Page 36: DIE TRANSVAAL I dipitisliett itotrant ictly kill ... › archive › ZA-transvaal › 1965 › ... · 2 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT. 6 JANUARIE 1965 SO is dit dat ek, kragtens en ingevolge


STAD JOHANNESBURG._ I Kragtens paragraaf (10 van subartikel (1)1 The above-mentioned .rates. are due on



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1; 9`)11.11S6f71'