differences between regional and national


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Page 1: Differences between regional and national
Page 2: Differences between regional and national

Based only on a specific region, suggesting they only appeal to a smaller audience ( that specific region).

All their content is based on regional involved aspects.

Images are usually taken in this region, or of people from their specific region.

Have less to talk about / less content compared to national magazines who can talk about anything in the whole country.

Can use regional dialect in order to appeal their magazine more to a specific region, can also have a humorous effect.

Usually just discuss local news, events and interests based in their specific region.

Examples of Region Magazines

- The Crack

- North East Life

- Cornwall Today

Page 3: Differences between regional and national

Appeals to a whole nation, meaning they have a much bigger target audience than regional magazines.

Have more content as they have a wider variety of things they can talk about.

Can include more a variety of images and sell lines.

Can include more content about celebrities, gossip and bigger news stories.

Have more competition, however national magazines are easier to create due to their being more content that they can include

Examples of National Magazines

- Vogue

- Cosmopolitan

- Men’s Health

Page 4: Differences between regional and national

Content of magazine is restricted as it has to be based on one specific region

Smaller target audience

Have to base price on specific regions income and wealth stats, magazine will also appeal to a small amount of people which can also influence the price, as regional magazines wont be as popular so people wont may a mass amount for them

Harder to gain popularity

Larger target audience, due to appeals to a bigger population of people

Therefore can include a varied range of content

Can include photographs of models or celebrities throughout a whole specific region

Company will make more money as they can be sold all over the nation

Can have their magazine at a higher price than regional magazines due to their magazine being more popular as it reaches a bigger audience