digestive system digestive system. digestive tract digestive tract also called alimentary canal ...

Digesti ve Syst em

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Post on 11-Jan-2016




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Page 2: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Digestive TractAlso called alimentary canalHollow tube roughly 8 meters in


Page 3: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length
Page 4: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Structure of the WallLumen - hollow center of tubeMucosa - epithelial layer with

mucous-secreting cellsSubmucosa - connective tissue

layer rich with blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves

Muscular layer - smooth muscle layerCircular- adjust lumen diameterLongitudinal- adjust tract length

Serosa - outermost layer; secretes serous fluid

Page 6: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Types of DigestionMechanical

Physical breakdown of food into smaller pieces

ChemicalBreakdown of food molecules

into more simple molecules by enzymes

Page 7: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

MouthReceives foodPushes into the remaining digestive

tractIncludes: lips, teeth, cheeks,

tongue, and palateTwo cavities:

1) Oral cavity Space between palate and tongue

2) Vestibule Cavity between teeth and lips and cheeks

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Exit Slip

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Cheek and LipsCheeks

Contain muscles used during chewing Stratified squamous epithelial tissue


Highly mobile skeletal muscles rich in sensory receptors

Aid in sensing temperature and texture of food

Page 11: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length


Keeps food underneath teeth Mixes food with saliva Moves bolus to the back of the

mouth during swallowingMuscular structure covered with

mucous membraneRoot is attached to hyoid boneAttached to floor of mouth by

frenulumPapillae provide surface friction

and contain taste buds

Page 12: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

PalateForms roof of oral cavityHard palate

Anterior portionSoft palate

Posterior portion; includes uvula Soft palate raises during

swallowing to close off nasal cavity

Page 13: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Tonsils Masses of lymphatic tissue Lingual

On the tongue Pharyngeal

Posterior wall of pharynx; also called adenoids

Palatine Back of mouth on either

side of tongue; associated with palate

Page 14: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

TeethTwo sets:

1) Primary - 20 teeth Lost/shed, nonpermanent

2) Secondary - 32 teeth Permanent, come in after primary teeth are


Function: Begin mechanical digestion of food

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Page 16: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Anatomy of ToothCrown - section above gingiva (gum)Root -section below gingivaEnamel - outer covering on crownDentin - bone-like substance that fills

most of the toothPulp cavity - connective tissue that

contains blood vessels and nervesRoot canal - tubular extension that

brings blood vessel and nerve to the pulp cavity

Cementum and periodontal ligament - hold tooth in alveolar process of jaw bone

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Page 18: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Salivary GlandsFunctions:

Moistens food Binds food together Dissolves food (so it can be tasted) Cleanses mouth and teeth Begins digestion of carbohydrates

Two types of cells 1) Serous cells

Secretes serous fluid with enzyme amylase 2) Mucous cells

Secretes mucous

Page 19: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Salivary Glands (cont)3 Types:

1) Parotid glands:Largest glands; anterior and inferior to

ear; secrete watery saliva rich in amylase2) Submandibular:

Located in floor of mouth just inside lower jaw

3) Sublingual:Smallest glands; inferior to tongue;

secrete saliva in mucous concentration

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Page 21: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

PharynxCavity located posterior to oral cavityProvides connection to larynx and

esophagusThree parts:

1) Nasopharynx - upper potion connecting to nasal cavity

2) Oropharynx - middle section posterior to palate

3) Laryngopharynx - lower portion posterior to larynx opening; leads to esophagus


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Page 23: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Swallowing Action1. Bolus stimulates sensory receptors in

pharyngeal opening2. Soft palate raises- closes nasal cavity3. Larynx elevates; epiglottis closes off

larynx4. Tongue presses against palate5. Longitudinal muscle pull pharynx

towards food6. Muscles relax near esophagus to

open the tube7. Peristalsis moves food into



Page 24: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Esophagus Hollow collapsible tube Move food from pharynx to stomach Passes through diaphragm in opening called

esophageal hiatus When food reaches opening of stomach, lower

esophageal sphincter opens


Page 25: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

StomachJ-shaped pouch in

abdomen Holds about 1 liter of food

Functions: Mix food with gastric juices Begin protein digestion Responsible for limited

absorption Moves food into small

intestineSquid Continues

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Stomach (cont)Rugae

Thick folds of mucosa and submucosa allow for expansion of stomach wall

Regions of the stomachCardiac - portion near esophagusFundic - portion lateral to cardiac where

stomach ballonsBody - main portion of stomach between

cardiac and pyloric Pyloric - portion near opening to

duodenum Pyloric Sphincter - thick muscle band

controlling entrance into duodenum

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Page 28: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Gastric SecretionsMucosa is studded with gastric pitsGastric pits are the opening to gastric glands

Gastric glands have three types of secreting cells:1) Mucous cells - secrete mucous;

helps prevent stomach from digesting itself

2) Chief cells - secrete pepsinogen3) Parietal cells - secrete HCl and

intrinsic factor

Page 29: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Gastric secretions (cont) As food enters stomach, mixing actions

occur to breakdown food into chyme Gastric juices are added

HCl creates acidic environment Shortens (activates) pepsinogen and makes

it pepsin Helps with vitamin B12 absorption

Page 30: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Gastric secretions (cont) Limited absorption of the following

occur: Water Salts Alcohol Lipid-soluble drugs

Chyme is moved to pyloric sphincter and pushed through

Page 31: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Control of Gastric Secretions Digestion is controlled by medulla

oblongata Parasympathetic NS:

Increases gastric secretions Sympathetic NS:

Decreases gastric secretions Hormones:

Gastrin - stimulates production of gastric juices Cholecystokinin - released when small intestine

fills with food; decreases gastric motility

Page 32: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Review QuizMouth->Stomach 1. Contains rugae (folds)?2. Contains lower sphincter and opens to stomach?3. Mixes food with gastric juices? 4. Provides connection to larynx and esophagus? 5. Begins mechanical digestion of food?

2. Stomach 3. Esophagus 4. Stomach 5. Pharynx 6. Teeth

Page 33: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

PancreasHas endocrine and exocrine function

(Ch 11!)Nestled in C-shaped curve of duodenumPancreatic acinar cells

Secrete pancreatic juicesClustered around tubes that eventually

empty into pancreatic ductPancreatic duct run the length of the

pancreas Empties the juice into the duodenum

Hepatopancreatic sphincter Controls emptying

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Page 35: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Pancreatic EnzymesCarbohydrates:

Pancreatic amylase Breaks polysaccharides into


Pancreatic lipase Breaks fats into glycerol and fatty acids

Nucleic Acids: Nucleases

Breaks nucleic acids into nucleotides

Page 36: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Pancreatic Enzymes (cont)Protein:

3 enzymes (break them down into amino acids) Trypsin Chymotrypsin Carboxypeptidase

Stored in zymogen granules in inactive forms Ex: Trypsin’s inactive form is trypsinogen and is

activated by enterokinase which is secreted by mucosa of duodenum

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Control of Pancreatic Juices and Enzymes Parasympathetic NS control:

Stimulate release of pancreatic juices Acidic chyme:

Stimulates release of secretin into the bloodstream Stimulates release of pancreatic juice high in

bicarbonate ions Chyme high in protein and fat

Stimulates release of cholecystokinin into bloodstream

Stimulates release of pancreatic juice high in digestive enzymes

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Page 39: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length


Controlling carbohydrate metabolismLipid metabolismProtein metabolismStorageBlood filtering DetoxificationSecretion of bile

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Liver Structure Connective tissue divides liver into larger right

lobe and smaller left lobe Liver is further divided into lobules Hepatic cells radiate around a central vein Spaces between the hepatic cells are called

hepatic sinusoids

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Page 42: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Liver Structure (cont) Blood from digestive track enters sinusoids from

hepatic portal vein Kupffer cells

Large macrophages (filter out pathogens from sinusoids) Hepatic cells

Take out excess nutrients Blood enters central vein and continues on its path

back to the heart

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Page 44: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

What is Bile? Yellowish-green liquid secreted by liver

cells Includes:

Bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol, and electrolytes

Page 45: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

What does bile do? Emulsification

Breaks fats globules into smaller droplets Smaller droplets are easier for lipases to

digest Enhances absorption of fatty acids,

cholesterol, and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K

Page 46: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Bile (cont)Sequence of travel:

Hepatic cells → Bile canaliculi → Bile Ductules → Bile duct → Hepatic duct → Common hepatic duct → Hepatopancreatic sphincter → Duodenum

Page 47: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Gallbladder Between meals, bile up in common hepatic

duct and into the cystic duct that attaches to it Bile is backed up into gallbladder that is

attached to the cystic duct

Gallbladder also absorbs excess water in bile therefore concentrating it

Page 48: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Control of Bile Release Chyme high in protein and fat

Stimulates release of cholecystokinin into bloodstream which stimulates release of bile

Where peristalsis reaches hepatopancreatic sphincter, it relaxes and bile squirts into duodenum

Page 49: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Small Intestine StructureThree parts:

1) DuodenumFirst part after stomach; forms a C-

shape 2) Jejunum

More active than ileum 3) Ileum

Leads to large intestine

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Page 51: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Small Intestine Structure (cont)

Mesentary Holds loops of intestine to posterior abdominal wall Supports blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and

nerves associated with intestine Greater omentum

Double fold of membrane covering intestines Helps wall off infected area Prevent spread throughout cavity

Page 52: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Structure of Intestinal Wall

Wall has many projections called villi Increase digestive surface areaMost numerous in duodenum and first part of

jejunumCovered with simple columnar epithelium Have a connective tissue coreContains blood vessels, a lymphatic vessel

called a lacteal, and nervesAt the base are pockets called intestinal


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Page 54: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Small Intestine SecretionsMucosa

Goblet cells secrete mucosMucous

Secreting cell in submucosa - secrete alkaline mucous

Intestinal gland Secrete watery substance

Epithelial cells of mucosa (all release enzymes) Peptidase Sucrase, maltase, and lactase Intestinal lipase

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Control of Small Intestine Secretions Parasympathetic NS:

Triggers release when intestine wall is expanded

Other glands are stimulated by chyme (both mechanically and chemically)

Page 56: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Sm. Intes. Absorption

Small intestines = 95% of absorption of nutrients Absorption follows release of chemicals:

Chemicals mix with chyme to help digestion and absorption Bile Pancreatic juices Intestinal enzymes (maltase, lactase, sucrase, trypsin

and chymotrypsin)

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Absorption (cont)Carbohydrates:

Simple sugars are moved into the blood stream by diffusion or active transport

Proteins: Amino acids are actively transported into the blood


Lipids Fatty acids and glycerol diffuse into cell of villi Fatty acids with short chains diffuse into blood

stream Other are synthesized into fats and packed with

protein (chylomicron) by the ER These enter the lacteal and are carried to the blood

Page 58: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Movements of Sm Intes

Mixing movements Contractions move chyme from side to

side to mix it Peristalsis

Movement toward large intestine; very slow

Peristaltic rush Forceful contraction if intestine if irritated

or over distended; pushes chyme to large intestine without much absorption’ leads to diarrhea

Ileocecal sphincter Controls movement between ileum and

cecum; normally closed; open after a meal

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Structure of Large Intestine Large diameter lumen Composed of:

Cecum Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon Sigmoid colon Rectum Anal Canal

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Page 61: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Structure of Large Intestine Wall

Longitudinal muscle occurs in three bands called teniae coli

Tension in teniae coli creates pouches called haustra in intestine

Page 62: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Functions of Large Intestine Mucous secretion

Protects walls Bind fecal matter Controls pH

Absorption Absorb water and electrolytes in proximal portion

Habitat for bacteria Bacteria digest parts of fecal matter that is

indigestible to us; Synthesize vitamins that are then absorbed

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Page 64: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Movements of Large Intestine

Mixing movements Same as small intestine

Peristalsis Waves occur only a few time a day; usually

after mealsDefecation reflex

Feces are forced into rectum; internal anal sphincter is relaxed

Pressure is increased in abdomen which squeezes the rectum

External anal sphincter is relaxed

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Composition of Feces Water Undigested material Electrolytes Mucous Intestinal Cells Bacteria

The Science of Farting

Page 66: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Thumbs up, Thumbs Down 1. The large intestines houses bacteria such as E coli? Thumbs up! 2. The liver can absorb excess water in bile. Thumbs down! Gallbladder 3. The small intestines contains mesentery which helps bind and support. Thumbs up! 4. The large intestines helps perform peristalsis and peristaltic rush. Thumbs down! Small intestines 5. The liver metabolizes proteins and lipids and filters blood. Thumbs up!!

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Review of Digestive Tract

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Digestive Nutrients Macronutrients

Carbohydrates Protein Lipids

Micronutrients Vitamins Minerals

Essential Nutrients Nutrients that body cannot produce itself

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Process of Digestion: Complex carbohydrate (Polysaccharide) →

Disaccharide → Monosaccharide Indigestible carbohydrates:

Ex: Cellulose - provides roughage (or fiber) to diet

Page 70: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Carbohydrates (cont) Fructose and galactose are converted to glucose

by the liver Excess glucose

Liver converts glucose to glycogen or to fats Deficiency of Glucose

Liver converts glycogen, fats, or proteins to glucose Requirements for carbohydrates varies depending

upon energy expenditures More energy = more carbohydrate requirement Ex: Athletes will consume pasta before event for

more energy

Page 71: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Lipids Process of Digestion:

Fat → Glycerol + Fatty Acids Use of Lipid Products:

Used to synthesize glucose Converted to acetyl CoA and enters

Krebs/Citric acid cycle (of cellular respiration) Stored in adipose tissue (insulation) Used in building cellular structures (cell and

organelle membranes) Used to synthesize some hormones (steroid) Animation

Page 72: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Protein Process of Digestion:

Polypeptide → Amino Acids Uses of Amino Acids:

Used to create enzymes Used to create structural proteins (muscle, etc) Various other uses Deaminated (removal of amine group from amino

acid) by liver Converted into products used in citric acid cycle

(cellular respiration)

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Proteins (cont) Nonessential amino acids

Can be synthesized by body; do not need to be in diet Essential amino acids

Cannot be synthesized by body; do need to be in diet Complete proteins

Dietary proteins that contain enough of the essential amino acids

Incomplete proteins Dietary proteins that don’t contain enough of the essential

amino acids Partially complete proteins

Contain enough essential proteins to sustain life but not enough to promote growth

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Vitamins Organic compounds requires in small

amounts for normal metabolism Fat-soluble: A, D, E, and K

Accumulate in tissues and can lead to overdoses

Water-soluble: B and C Excess is often excreted

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Minerals Elements other than carbon needed for

human metabolism Concentrated in bones and teeth; parts

of structural components and enzymes; free-floating ions

Major Minerals: Ca, P, K, S, Na, Cl, and Mg

Trace Elements: Fe, Mn, Cu, I, Co, Zn, F, Cr

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Page 77: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length

Diseases and disordersHepatitis:

Inflammation of liverCaused by class of viruses

(usually) Names of hepatitis (A-G) come from virus

Symptoms: Lack of appetite Nausea and vomiting Low fever and mild headache Stiff joints and rash Upper right quadrant pain in

abdomen Dark/foamy urine Yellowish skin/sclera of eye

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Diseases and disorders Lactose Intolerance:

Lactose sugar unable to be broken down Caused by lack of production of lactase (enzyme

which breaks down lactose) Symptoms:

Bloating Intestinal cramps Diarrhea

Avoidance: Avoid lactose sugar (drink soy/almond milk) Take lactase pills before eating lactose

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Page 80: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length
Page 81: Digestive System Digestive System. Digestive Tract Digestive Tract  Also called alimentary canal  Hollow tube roughly 8 meters in length