digipak ii

Upload: jackg165

Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 Digipak II


    I started with an image of a band which is similar to the band I & Chloe have created, The

    1975, they fit within the same music genre as ours (Indie/Alternative), they also have a

    similar clothing style as I intend to follow. (1)

    I was then inspired by previous bands album covers, who had a large image covering the

    whole front cover, with bold text outlining the bands names, album names etc. (2, 3)

    I then reached a point where my mind changed as I didnt feel this was simple enough to

    attract my target audience, having this type of design would gain less attention as theres

    possibly too much on the cover. Due to this is began to research more simplistic digipak

    covers, designs etc. (4, 5, 6)

    I decided I wanted to design a digipak, which featured one part on the cover which attracted

    all of the audiences attention, basically I wanted one item which was centre of attention, sopossibly like the Nirvana example, simply the bands name, which is one of the most

    important sections to sell a product or a logo like The XX cover, this logo would be well-

    known by their fans which would gain all of the attention to the product when seen. These

    three examples also are very colour linked to what I have considered, such as wanting to

    follow the style trend my individual audience have. (4, 5, 6)

    I then did research into fonts, looking at various locations which my genre of audience would

    be interested in, for example shops they may visit and the fonts they have on their shop

    names, magazines they may read and the font used for their mast heads etc. I decided a

    bold, capital font would work well as it stands out, simple and easy to read. (7, 8, 9)

    I then found a selection of bold, capital fonts online, using the website Da Font I saved a

    selection, testing them to see what worked well, I resulted with the font Bebas Neue, it was

    the font that fitted my intentions the best and looked good with my album name etc. (10)

    I decided to have a very simple black & white colour pallet; this is because as you can see

    from the images of clothing bought by my audience they choose a very simple, basic choice.(12)

    I researched other albums/digipaks that had chosen a similar colour pallet and I felt they

    looked brilliant and very inspirational, I thought that it had close links to my target audience

    and the black and white colour scheme may work for my designs. (11, 12, 13,14)

    I started brain storming some simple designs which could possibly work for my digipak, after

    doing further research into my simple digipaks I went off these designs and wanted to go

  • 8/10/2019 Digipak II


    even more plain and basic to gain more of the audiences attention. (15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,


    After making the decision to go more basic I decided on a final draft design, which was very

    basic, this included limited text and images etc. (22, 23)

    After the feedback outlining mainly good points about my digipak draft design, I had a lot of

    focus on the small number of bad feedback, such as the teachers not feeling the bar code

    didnt fit the location on the back cover, this lead to further research in types of bar codes

    and locations they have been found on other indie alternate digipaks. I also had feedback

    that I needed to add the record label logo to the back panel, I agreed with this feedback as it

    would be a highly important selling point for this product, so I did some research finding out

    where other indie/alternative digipaks had the logo placed on the back panel. (24, 25 26)

    Personally I also decided I needed to add one individual section to the insert of my digipak,

    to break it down slightly but mainly add something to my product which is more unique and

    will help as a selling point to my audience, an insert which I researched various ideas

    including booklets, posters and cards. I decided I could create a poster of my band and insert

    it within the digipak. (27, 28)

    After this I developed my digipak product and produced it, using the feedback I had received

    and further research and decisions I had made. (29, 30)