digiscan- digital pathology slides & e- modules

Welcome to DigiScan A house of Digital Slides Digital Images for Medical & Dental e-teaching & e-learning

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Digiscan- Digital Pathology Slides & E- Modules

Welcome to DigiScan

A house of Digital Slides

Digital Images for Medical & Dental e-teaching & e-learning

Page 2: Digiscan- Digital Pathology Slides & E- Modules



1Digiscan is a pioneering company with a vision and engaged in promoting e-medical and e-dental education.

Digiscan has vast repository of more than 2500 high quality Digital slides or whole slide images.

Digiscan has collection of rare images of teeth ground sections and development of tooth germ in its repository.

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1Digiscan provides these digital images at nominal charges to the dental and medical institutions for integration of digital slides in teaching curriculum




5 Digital whole slide image has advantage over glass slide as it does not fade on storage or break.

By using Digital images during teaching, teacher and the students see the images of the tissue or lesion together on the PC or laptop screen

Annotation of the image makes it easier for the teacher to illustrate the features easily to the students.

Since whole slide image represents the full slide, there is no need of the microscopy slide or the microscope in the class room.

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1 Since by using Digital slides for teaching, microscopy glass slides can be eliminated, there is no need of preparation of teaching glass slide sets time to time.

2Digital slides are great tool for self learning by students. They can see images outside the class rooms in their free time as there is no time or place limitation to view Digital slides.

3 Digiscan provides demonstrative e-modules and case studies for e-learning for undergraduate and postgraduates using whole slide images.

4 These modules are great tool for self learning and are very popular among students.

5 Digiscan provides slides and e-modules through web server which are very easy to view. All students can see together or at different times if they wish.

6 Thus Digiscan provides digital pathology environment and one window solution for e-teaching and learning.

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Why choose Digiscan

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1. High quality images in the vast repository for teaching.

2. Rare collection of Digital images particularly in Oral embryology and Dental anatomy.

3. Digiscan also provides service of scanning of glass slides of provided by the clients either for teaching or for their record keeping.

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4. Digital images available in all the subjects namely Histology, Oral Histology, Dental Anatomy, General Pathology, oral Pathology and all organs in Systemic pathology.

5. E-Modules for teaching and self learning available.

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6. Excellent team of software engineers and medical professionals to provide one window total solution in digital pathology environment for e-education.

7. Images are labeled or annotated for ease of teaching to the students.

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8. For the service of scanning of slides using high precision microscope to give sharp, bright defect free digital whole slide images.

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Since seeing in believing, kindly click at link given below to see the excellent quality of Digital whole slide images of Digiscan

Username : demoPassword : demo

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Best compliment from DigiScan.

Dr. Chandra (Mobile: +91-874-390-4252)

DigiScan611, 6th Floor, Kasana Tower-1, Alpha-1, Commercial Belt, Greater Noida, U.P. - 201308, INDIAPhone No-0120-4237202Website: www.digiscan.in Email Ids: [email protected] [email protected]