digital marketing _ simply sales

Digital Marketing Introduction

Upload: shankar-ramchandran

Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Digital Marketing


Every Digital Marketing Initiative comprises of 3 core pieces

1. Strategy

2. Implementation and

3. Analysis

We firmly believe that if companies want to experience

phenomenal ROI with respect to their digital marketing activity

then they need to own the Strategy Piece and the Analysis

Piece.  As far as the Implementation piece  is concerned they

can choose to get it outsourced or do it in house.

Unfortunately, majority of the companies outsource all the 3

pieces above to an agency.  What they don’t take into

consideration is that an agency does not eat, sleep and breathe

your business, you do.  An agency would have many companies

like yours as their customers, expecting them to do the same

would be unreasonable.  The net result: Poor ROI on Digital


So what is the solution to this problem:  What we need is a

seamless synergy between Agencies and Businesses wherein

businesses Strategize and Analyze and agencies implement.

And for that to happen businesses should know what is possible

with digital marketing. For example, businesses should know

that it is possible to target their Facebook ads only on mobile

devices and within mobile devices they can still choose whether

to target on Apple iOS Devices or Android Devices. However,

they need not necessarily know how to actually configure the

same within the Facebook Ads Manager. They can hire agencies

to implement the same.

The core purpose of our Digital Marketing Program is just that:

To empower businesses and individuals with the knowledge of

what is possible with digital marketing thereby putting them in a

position to control the strategy and analysis piece of their digital

marketing activity.

As a part of this course we have identified the core concepts

which businesses should know with respect to Strategy and

Analysis across all the primary tools used in Digital Marketing be

it Facebook, Linkedin, Google Adwords, E-mail Marketing,

Google Analytics etc.


The course is not about the tools but about the core features

which these tools possess that shall enable you to be in full

control of the Strategy and Analysis piece of your digital

marketing activity.

If you want to deep dive into the implementation details then

we offer specific courses on all of the tools mentioned above.

Last but not the least, we are not against agencies as we

ourselves are one. But we sign up only those customers who

are ready to own the first and third piece mentioned above and

for them to achieve that this training program is a part of the

package that we offer.

Course Modules

Get to know the basics of Digital Marketing and also how

important and necessary it is for you to have a digital

marketing strategy for your company for long term growth

and success.

Understand the latest trends in Digital Marketing. Get to

know which digital marketing channels are companies

spending their marketing budget on.  Also, get a sneak

peek into the future of digital marketing.

What is Digital Marketing? Why is it Important?

Latest Trends in Digital Marketing

If you have a business, you should have a website. Period.

No question. Without a doubt.

Learn how to promote your mobile optimized website by

increasing its visibility in search engine results pages

(SERPs) through optimization and grow your sales. The

search engine that we shall focus on will be Google.

The 3 Phases of any Digital Marketing Strategy are:

A: Acquisition B: Behavior and C: Conversions.

Learn how to create a robust Customer Acquisition

Strategy in Google Adwords. Learn how to Analyze user

Behavior on your website using Google Analytics. Finally,

learn how to measure your conversions on your website

using a combination of Google Adwords and Google


Learn how to effectively advertise your products/services

on Facebook and drive sales. Also learn how Facebook can

be used to build brand awareness and as a way to gain

insight into what your customers care about. Indirectly, all

Why is your website important

�Google Adwords

�Facebook Marketing

of these things will contribute to a rise in overall sales.

Also learn how to measure the performance of your

Facebook Marketing Campaign in Google Analytics by

connecting your Facebook Campaign with Google


LinkedIn isn’t just for professionals and job seekers. From

making connections to generating leads, establishing

partnerships and creating better brand awareness, LinkedIn

makes an invaluable addition to your digital marketing

strategy.  Learn how to use this tool to its fullest potential

and grow your sales.

Learn how to use blogs and achieve the following:

Drive traffic to your website

Increase your SEO/ SERP

Position your brand as an industry leader

Develop better customer relationships

Learn how to deploy effective YouTube video marketing

campaigns within Google Adwords and measure the

Linkedin Marketing


Video Marketing

engagement of your audience with your videos.

Email continues to be one of the main channels for driving

online sales. Email marketing accounts for over 7% of all

e-commerce transactions. Combine the power of your e-

mail newsletters and transactional e-mails to redefine your

e-mail marketing strategy and experience sales growth like

never before.

“Go Mobile or Go Home” is particularly true in the e-

commerce landscape. But there is a gap with respect to the

understanding of what does “Going Mobile” truly mean? Is

it just having a mobile website or a mobile app? No, its a lot

more than that. Learn how to excel in mobile commerce.

Remarketing can help you reach people who have

previously visited your e-commerce website. You can even

show these previous visitors ads that are tailored to them

based on which sections of your site they visited. Learn

E-mail Marketing

'Mobile Marketing

�Digital Remarketing

how Remarketing is possible on Google and Facebook.

Learn how to harness the power of Google Analytics to

Analyze Behavior Patterns of the users on your website.

Connect Google Analytics to your other digital marketing

channels and see how each channel is performing and

track everything in one centralized place.

Other Important Information

Crash Course Version

The Crash Course Version will be for 2 days spread across 2

sessions of up to 7 hours each.

Detailed Version

The Detailed Version will be for 4 days spread across 4

sessions of up to 7 hours each.

Google Analytics

�Training Duration

Soft Copy of the Training Material and a Certificate of

Completion from Simply Sales.

Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.

Digital Marketing Heads of Companies.

Anybody who wants to start an online business.

Anybody who wants to learn Digital Marketing.

Executives or Business Heads who are responsible for the

online business division of their company.

Companies who want to set up an e-commerce arm to their


Small-to-medium business owners or entrepreneurs who

want to set up an online business.

You will get to understand the potential and power of the

most robust digital marketing and analytics tools that are

available in the market today.  Also, you shall have crystal

clear clarity on the key points that need to be considered

while devising a Digital Marketing Strategy.

What will you take home?

Who Should Attend?

{Learning Outcomes

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