dinosaurs are among us

DINOSAURS ARE AMONG US! This Lesson plan is focused in Primary level 2 children. Given that in my school we are implementing a bilingual program and I am in charge of it, apart from the 3 sessions of English established by LOMCE, I teach an Art session and a Science session through English, too. Therefore, I teach 5 hours per week in English to my class. According to LOMCE, teaching in Primary Education should be a cross-curricular and global process. That is why, instead of dividing the 5 sessions into English, Science and Art ones, I will carry out a global and cross-curricular lesson, where activities belonging to the three subjects are mixed up in a more related and globalized way, as you will see during my presentation. In order to know what part of the Science topics I must teach in English, I coordinate with the class teacher (as she teaches the 3 remaining sessions of "Conocimiento del Medio") and between us we agree on what parts of the lesson will be taught in English and which ones in Spanish, so we do not overlap each other's work and the English sessions are not a simple translation of what children have previously seen in the "Conocimiento del Medio" sessions in Spanish. This way we are carrying out a well balanced and planned bilingual work. DIDACTIC AIMS OF THIS LESSON PLAN: Once this Lesson Plan finished, children will be able to: Read text and listen to different recordings to obtain specific information. Ask questions to check comprehension. Identify English sounds patterns. Use vocabulary and sentence patterns according to the topic being worked.

Upload: carlossuarez75

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Dinosaurs are among us


This Lesson plan is focused in Primary level 2 children.Given that in my school we are implementing a bilingual program and I am in charge of it, apart from the 3 sessions of English established by LOMCE, I teach an Art session and a Science session through English, too. Therefore, I teach 5 hours per week in English to my class. According to LOMCE, teaching in Primary Education should be a cross-curricular and global process. That is why, instead of dividing the 5 sessions into English, Science and Art ones, I will carry out a global and cross-curricular lesson, where activities belonging to the three subjects are mixed up in a more related and globalized way, as you will see during my presentation. In order to know what part of the Science topics I must teach in English, I coordinate with the class teacher (as she teaches the 3 remaining sessions of "Conocimiento del Medio") and between us we agree on what parts of the lesson will be taught in English and which ones in Spanish, so we do not overlap each other's work and the English sessions are not a simple translation of what children have previously seen in the "Conocimiento del Medio" sessions in Spanish. This way we are carrying out a well balanced and planned bilingual work.

DIDACTIC AIMS OF THIS LESSON PLAN: Once this Lesson Plan finished, children will be able to:

Read text and listen to different recordings to obtain specific information. Ask questions to check comprehension. Identify English sounds patterns. Use vocabulary and sentence patterns according to the topic being worked. Organize information obtained through different sources. Express ideas and opinions. Make hypothesis, predictions and plans. Identify the characters and settings in a story. Process information. Identify and distinguish fiction and non fiction texts. Identify and talk about people, civilization or facts from the past. Identify changes that had a great impact in our present lives. Know some pre-history animals. Identify some differences and similarities between dinosaurs. Classify dinosaurs attending to what they eat. The sound /ei /. Comparatives and superlatives.

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Respect other’s speaking turn. Show interest in past events.

Use different techniques to make crafts.

TIMINGThis Lesson Plan consists of 10 sessions. Timing will always be open and flexible, as we cannot predict, before hand, the length of the activities planned. More or less, we can count on certain duration, but it will depend on many factors, such as children’s mood, weather, time of the school day, if they have had a PE session before, etc. Sessions could be modified depending on the different activities planned in the School PGA, improvised activities that will take place during the year, children’s involvement and participation, learning needs and priorities we see as the sessions develop, etc.



- Circle time.

- Daily routines: calendar, weather, season, register.



Activity 1: Story: “Caveman Dave” by Nick Sharrat. With this book we will work with the sound /eI/ and we will also make comparisons of the differences between the past and the present.

Activity 2: Art: Make a cave and put inside Caveman Dave and the words that rhyme with his name like: cave, shave, brave, wave and behave.

Activity 3: Activity worksheet. Words that rhyme with Dave.

Activity 4: Activity worksheet. Circle the correct answer.

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Activity 1: Assembly. Recall children’s prior knowledge about dinosaurs and tell them to search for more information at home.

Activity 2: Make a list with the things that we already know and the things that we would like to know about the dinosaurs.

Activity 3: Activity worksheet. Look at the funny dress that Caveman Dave wears and talk about the kind of clothes they used to wear in the past and why.

Activity 4: Mural. In big group, make a mural about life in the past and life at present and compare the tools, the clothes, the food, etc. Then talk about how life has improved and ask them: “What would you miss if you were Caveman Dave?”


Activity 1: Power Point. How life has improved (TV, cars, iron, computers, etc).

Activity 2: Colour, cut and laminate different types of dinosaurs and then talk about their differences. Why do they think they have such a long neck and tail?, etc.

Activity 3: Plant-eaters, meat-eaters. Students will become aware of the concept that some animals are meat-eaters and some others are plant-eaters and this is reflected in physical characteristics such as teeth, posture, hands and feet. Plant-eaters, meat-eaters: label, classify them and give the reasons why. For this activity we will use the fact files.

Activity 4: Activity worksheet. Plant-eaters, meat eaters.


Activity 1: Footprints. Before kids come to class we prepare the activity. We will put dinosaurs’ footprints along the school corridor and we put a sign that says: Find Us. The children, with a magnifying glass in hand, will be detectives and will follow the footprints till they find the dinosaurs on the blackboard. Then we will talk about their sizes and we will classify them according to their sizes, speed, etc.

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Activity 2: Song. “ The Dinosaurs Rap”

Activity 3: Story: “Me hungry” by Jeremy Tankard.


Activity 1: Art. Dinosaur fossil. With white modelling paste and a small plastic dinosaur make a fossil, let it dry and colour it.

Activity 2: Game: “Pelmanism”. A memory card game in which two identical sets of cards are shuffled and put face down on a table. Players take it in turns to pick two cards up, turn them over and see if they match. If they do, they keep the pair and continue playing. The child with more pairs wins.

Activity 3: Activity worksheet. Listing the names of the dinosaurs in alphabetical order.


Activity 1: We are palaeontologists. I prepare big trays filled with sand and hide inside them different dinosaur bones that I previously printed, cut and laminated. The kids, with the appropriate tools (a brush and a magnifying glass) will have to search for bones and footprints. Each time they find one I will give them a sticker. After founding all the bones they have to try to reconstruct the five dinosaurs hidden.

Activity 2: Story: “Meg Mog & Og” by Helen Nicoll and Jan Pienkowski.

SESSION 7 Activity 1: Role play. For this activity the class will be decorated as a Jurassic museum. Children will have to buy the tickets at the ticket office. Then, they will visit the different areas of the museum where they will see dinosaurs’ skeletons, replicas, eggs, fossils, etc. Then, they can visit the museum shop (they will have some fake rounds) where they can buy souvenirs like toy dinosaurs, dinosaurs’ eggs and teeth, books, etc. Finally, they will visit the museum café where they can taste savoury dinosaur biscuits.

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Activity 1: ICT: We will go to the ICT room to practice with the interactive board and the PC’s some activities related to the topic “Dinosaurs” such as: watching, labelling, word puzzles, identifying, sequencing and classifying.


Activity 1: Where is the MUJA? Explain the children the place we are going to visit the following day, try to locate it on a map, measure the distance between the school and the museum and measure also other distances.

Activity 2: Activity worksheet. Measure the dinosaur’s tale.

Activity 3: Field Book. Start to fill up our field book before the visit.

SESSION 10Activity 1: Visit the MUJA, “La Griega” Beach and fill up the Field Book.

REINFORCEMENT AND EXTRA-ACTIVITIES: Slower children can do some activities like the game “Odd one out” or play dough mats and fast finishers can play with dinosaur’s puzzles and folder games.

ROUND-UP ACTIVITIES/FINAL TASKS: Phonics. Role play and trip to the MUJA.



www.learningpage.com/http://www.kidspuzzlesandgames.co.uk/word-search/dinosaur/#.VIoYwid_j_4The Dinosaurs Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0FOZ0-VpcUThe Dinosaur Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK0L6UkvnAkhttp://LearningApps.org/display?v=pqoote18c01http://www.dinoleaks.com/1053/dinosaur-names-for-kids/http://www.amazon.com/Caveman-Dave-Read-Beginners-Series/dp/1406309923http://www.amazon.com/Me-Hungry-Jeremy-Tankard/dp/0763647802

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