dinosaurs heaven and hell


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Post on 28-Jan-2018




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Many Dinosaurs roamed this earth but none where nearly as small as the Velociraptor.

The Velociraptors are meat-eaters and have a s shaped neck they also have to small arms. These arms have claws with three small fingers. The Velociraptors also have two thin legs with claws and four toes. Its mouth and nose are really flat and it has a long thin nose. Its tail is long and stiff. Velociraptors are about five to six feet long and about two point five to three feet high. The Velociraptors weigh around about 15 to 40 pounds and lived eighty to about eighty five million years ago. Experts are now also saying Velociraptors had feathers.


Dinosaurs huge, small and vegetarian.They came to this earth and they left this earth just like we

will some day. The Question is how did they die out?

Dinosaur Extinction!Some things and dinosaurs where killed by a asteroid which hit the earth this split the now so called nation and states this happened about 160 million years ago. As soon as the astroid hit its said that the atmosphere changed completely sending down acid rain from the sky and sending of earthquakes everywhere. It is also said that explosion from the astroid hitting earth also made a volcano erupt. With all this happening many dinosaurs died because they did not know what to do. Some may have survived but probably died from



Weather in the Jurassic period was not great it was

hot and sticky and was very likely to rain steadily

at any moment.

A 160 million years ago in a land near you lived the dinosaurs the rulers of the earth. There where many

different kinds but a part which interests most people is What armor used to have on top of there skin and this is

where we come to the subject of Dinosaur armor.

Dinosaur Armor

A dinosaur study has reveled that dinosaur armor would have been bullet proof since it was made from same kind

of material as a bullet proof vest. Studies say that most dinosaur who had armor were found in the Jurassic period.

The Dinosaur with the strongest armor is called ankylosaurs it is also the most protected animal ever to

walk this earth

Of course Dinosaurs had to eat but the Question is what did they eat?

Dinosaur FoodLizards, turtles, eggs or even small

mammals where part of a meat eating dinosaurs diet. Other meat eating

dinosaurs scavenged food instead of killing there own prey. Where as the plant eating

who took up 2/3 of the dinosaur population ate plants like evergreen, pine-

trees, redwoods, ferns, moss, horsetail, rushes, cycads, ginko and later on the plant eater had trees with fruit to eat from. These

many dinosaurs had different names for there diet some where called Omnivores

who ate plants and meat. Last but not least oddball which scavenged tiny bits of left

over meat.

Thanks For Watching By Kris

For More Information: Watch Jurassic Park 3

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