dipesh pala - unleashing the full potential of your agile teams

@DipeshPala Unleashing the Full Potential of Your Agile Teams Dipesh Pala

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Post on 01-Dec-2014




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If you’re a leader or aspiring leader of an Agile team, this session will provide clear implications of where to focus your efforts and what serves to catalyse and nourish progress (and what does the opposite). What could be more important for leaders than increasing their teams' productivity? Conventional thinking would rank ‘increased motivation’ as one of the most important tools for increasing productivity of teams (Motivation > increases Progress > increases Productivity). This interactive session disrupts and challenges this and provides the alternative view (Progress > increases Motivation > increases Productivity). Drawing upon 10+ years’ research including 26 project teams, 7 companies and a deep analysis of nearly 12,000 daily diaries by team members, this session uses real case studies to illustrate the key elements of Catalysts, Inhibitors, Nourishers and Toxins.


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Unleashing the Full Potential of Your Agile Teams

Dipesh Pala

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By Dipesh Pala




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Once upon a time…

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Once upon a time…Teamwo




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What will we cover in this session?

Power of


What serves to Catalyse and Nourish


Power of

Small Wins

Checklist for

Team Leaders

What makes Agile Teams


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What makes us Happy?

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What makes an Agile Team Happy?

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Which one is the number 1 Motivator?

Providing Clear Goals

Providing Interpersonal Support

Providing Recognitio

n for Good Work

Providing Rewards

and Incentives

Providing Support for

Making Progress

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People are most motivated when they

get an opportunity to experience

achievement - Frederick Herzberg

1968 HBR

The Power of Progress

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A Surprise for Leaders!

Providing Clear Goals

Providing Interpersonal Support

Providing Recognition

for Good Work

Providing Rewards

and Incentives

Providing Support for

Making Progress

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“Small wins are something people can experience pretty regularly if the work is chunked down to manageable pieces.”

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If you can’t fly, Run.If you can’t run, Walk.

If you can’t walk, Crawl.But, by all means

keep moving. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Of all things that can boost

emotions and motivation, the single most

important is making progress in

meaningful work.

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Daily Checklist for Team Leaders




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Clear Common Goal Autonomy Safe to Fail Continuous Learning Courage to challenge, and be


“If you always do what you always did then you will always get what you always got” – Albert Einstein

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Inhibitors Unclear Goals Unable to ask for help Constraints with Resources Lack of Information Failure is punished Not learning anything new

The strongest pillar for Agile teams is built on

trust – with complete transparency

Agile teams thrive when

they are trust-based, not


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* Inspired by Mary Kay Ash

MMFI Nourishers

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Respect Courage Support Belongingness Recognition Trust

The words you use impact the attitude of



* Inspired by Mary Kay Ash

Make Me Feel Important*

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Toxins Disrespec

t Fear Neglect Discourag


People will forget what you said,

people will forget what you did, but people will never

forget how you made them feel.

- Maya Angelou

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1 Disorganised2 Inflexible3 Stubborn4 Inconsistent5 Emotionless6 Shy7 Irresponsible8 Boring9 Unrealistic10 Negative11 Intimidating12 Arrogant13 Indecisive 14 Impatient

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1 Disorganised---> Creative2 Inflexible ---> Organized3 Stubborn ---> Dedicated4 Inconsistent ---> Flexible5 Emotionless ---> Calm6 Shy ---> Reflective7 Irresponsible ---> Adventurous8 Boring ---> Responsible9 Unrealistic ---> Ambitious10 Negative ---> Realistic11 Intimidating ---> Assertive12 Arrogant ---> Self-Confident13 Indecisive ---> Patient 14 Impatient ---> Passionate

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1 Disorganised---> Creative2 Inflexible ---> Organized3 Stubborn ---> Dedicated4 Inconsistent ---> Flexible5 Emotionless ---> Calm6 Shy ---> Reflective7 Irresponsible ---> Adventurous8 Boring ---> Responsible9 Unrealistic ---> Ambitious10 Negative ---> Realistic11 Intimidating ---> Assertive12 Arrogant ---> Self-Confident13 Indecisive ---> Patient 14 Impatient ---> Passionate

Hidden StrengthWeakness

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Every has a

Competencies Values

Huge overlap required when it comes to Values

Little or no overlap required with Skills

and Strengths

Hidden StrengthWeakness

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Daily Checklist for Team Leaders






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Thank You

Dipesh PalaAgile Capability LeadIBM

[email protected]


