directions for new developments on statistical design … statement open access directions for new...

POSITION STATEMENT Open Access Directions for new developments on statistical design and analysis of small population group trials Ralf-Dieter Hilgers 1*, Kit Roes 2, Nigel Stallard 3and for the IDeAl, Asterix and InSPiRe project groups Abstract Background: Most statistical design and analysis methods for clinical trials have been developed and evaluated where at least several hundreds of patients could be recruited. These methods may not be suitable to evaluate therapies if the sample size is unavoidably small, which is usually termed by small populations. The specific sample size cut off, where the standard methods fail, needs to be investigated. In this paper, the authors present their view on new developments for design and analysis of clinical trials in small population groups, where conventional statistical methods may be inappropriate, e.g., because of lack of power or poor adherence to asymptotic approximations due to sample size restrictions. Method: Following the EMA/CHMP guideline on clinical trials in small populations, we consider directions for new developments in the area of statistical methodology for design and analysis of small population clinical trials. We relate the findings to the research activities of three projects, Asterix, IDeAl, and InSPiRe, which have received funding since 2013 within the FP7-HEALTH-2013-INNOVATION-1 framework of the EU. As not all aspects of the wide research area of small population clinical trials can be addressed, we focus on areas where we feel advances are needed and feasible. Results: The general framework of the EMA/CHMP guideline on small population clinical trials stimulates a number of research areas. These serve as the basis for the three projects, Asterix, IDeAl, and InSPiRe, which use various approaches to develop new statistical methodology for design and analysis of small population clinical trials. Small population clinical trials refer to trials with a limited number of patients. Small populations may result form rare diseases or specific subtypes of more common diseases. New statistical methodology needs to be tailored to these specific situations. Conclusion: The main results from the three projects will constitute a useful toolbox for improved design and analysis of small population clinical trials. They address various challenges presented by the EMA/CHMP guideline as well as recent discussions about extrapolation. There is a need for involvement of the patientsperspective in the planning and conduct of small population clinical trials for a successful therapy evaluation. Keywords: EMA/CHMP Guideline on clinical trials in small populations, Statistical methods, Statistical design, Statistical analysis, Small population clinical trials, Rare disease * Correspondence: [email protected] Equal contributors 1 Department of Medical Statistics, RWTH Aachen University, Pauwelsstr 30, D-52074 Aachen, Germany Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © 2016 The Author(s). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Hilgers et al. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (2016) 11:78 DOI 10.1186/s13023-016-0464-5

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Directions for new developments onstatistical design and analysis of smallpopulation group trialsRalf-Dieter Hilgers1*† , Kit Roes2†, Nigel Stallard3† and for the IDeAl, Asterix and InSPiRe project groups


Background: Most statistical design and analysis methods for clinical trials have been developed and evaluatedwhere at least several hundreds of patients could be recruited. These methods may not be suitable to evaluatetherapies if the sample size is unavoidably small, which is usually termed by small populations. The specific samplesize cut off, where the standard methods fail, needs to be investigated. In this paper, the authors present their viewon new developments for design and analysis of clinical trials in small population groups, where conventionalstatistical methods may be inappropriate, e.g., because of lack of power or poor adherence to asymptoticapproximations due to sample size restrictions.

Method: Following the EMA/CHMP guideline on clinical trials in small populations, we consider directions fornew developments in the area of statistical methodology for design and analysis of small population clinicaltrials. We relate the findings to the research activities of three projects, Asterix, IDeAl, and InSPiRe, which havereceived funding since 2013 within the FP7-HEALTH-2013-INNOVATION-1 framework of the EU. As not all aspectsof the wide research area of small population clinical trials can be addressed, we focus on areas where we feeladvances are needed and feasible.

Results: The general framework of the EMA/CHMP guideline on small population clinical trials stimulates anumber of research areas. These serve as the basis for the three projects, Asterix, IDeAl, and InSPiRe, which usevarious approaches to develop new statistical methodology for design and analysis of small population clinicaltrials. Small population clinical trials refer to trials with a limited number of patients. Small populations may resultform rare diseases or specific subtypes of more common diseases. New statistical methodology needs to betailored to these specific situations.

Conclusion: The main results from the three projects will constitute a useful toolbox for improved design andanalysis of small population clinical trials. They address various challenges presented by the EMA/CHMP guidelineas well as recent discussions about extrapolation. There is a need for involvement of the patients’ perspective inthe planning and conduct of small population clinical trials for a successful therapy evaluation.

Keywords: EMA/CHMP Guideline on clinical trials in small populations, Statistical methods, Statistical design,Statistical analysis, Small population clinical trials, Rare disease

* Correspondence: [email protected]†Equal contributors1Department of Medical Statistics, RWTH Aachen University, Pauwelsstr 30,D-52074 Aachen, GermanyFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2016 The Author(s). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Hilgers et al. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (2016) 11:78 DOI 10.1186/s13023-016-0464-5

BackgroundMost statistical design and analysis methods for clinicaltrials have been developed in the setting of confirmatorytrials with relatively large sample sizes, perhaps severalhundreds or even thousands of patients. These methodsmay not be suitable to evaluate therapies in small popu-lations, for example when the size of the population islimited because a disease is rare, or a treatment is tar-geted at a particular genetic subgroup or a small paediat-ric population. Such cases, where there is a limitednumber of patients that could potentially be enrolled inthe trial, raise a number of specific statistical challengesand can lead to slow approval of orphan drugs for mar-keting and poorly designed studies [1].

The Asterix, IDeAl and InSPiRe projectsIn the light of these challenges, in 2013 the EuropeanCommission set up a unique call for new methodologiesfor clinical trials for small population groups within theFP7-HEALTH-2013-INNOVATION-1 [2] framework.This builds on other initiatives from around the worldaimed at improving research, including methodology, inrare diseases [3]. The objective of the research is to de-velop new or improved statistical methodologies for clin-ical trials for the assessment of treatments for smallpopulation groups, in particular for rare diseases or perso-nalised (stratified or individualised) medicine. Research isexpected to be multidisciplinary and should involve allrelevant stakeholders including industry and patient advo-cacy groups as appropriate.Three collaborative research projects Asterix, IDeAl,

and InSPiRe, are funded under this call. As illustrated inFigs. 1, 2 and 3, the three projects focus on a number of

methodological challenges in the design, analysis and in-terpretation of clinical trials in small populations andrare diseases as well as considering specific aspects suchas patient perspectives and ethical issues.

Regulatory guidanceIn the EU, a disease is defined as rare if the prevalence isnot more than 5 in 10,000. New drug treatments forthese rare diseases may be eligible for orphan drug des-ignation, also depending on other conditions – such asthe status of existing treatments. The number of rarediseases is estimated to be around 7000 [4]. Thus al-though the diseases themselves are rare, the total num-ber affected in the EU is estimated to exceed 30 million[5] with 6 % of the global population affected by a raredisease at some stage in their life [6], resulting in consider-able total health care cost [7]. More than 1120 orphandrug designations have been granted by the EMA since2000, and 114 orphan drugs received market authorizationby January 2016 [8]. This seem to be small compared tothe objective of the international rare disease researchconsortium to develop 200 new therapies by 2020 [9]. Al-though many factors complicate the development of newmedicines for orphan diseases, the main issue setting itapart from drug development for common diseases is thechallenge of generating acceptable evidence from clinicaltrials in the clinical research phase in which recruitment isnecessarily limited.In the EU clinical trials in drug development for small

population groups should take into account the EMA/CHMP guideline [10] together with a recently publishedreflection paper on extrapolation of efficacy and safety inmedicine development [11]. In the US the FDA draftedguideline on orphan drug approval has been published[12], whereas in Japan no such specific guidance for clin-ical trials in small populations exists. To summarize, theEMA/CHMP guideline states, that “No methods exist thatare relevant to small studies that are not also applicable tolarge studies. However, it may be that in conditions withsmall and very small populations, less conventional and/orless commonly seen methodological approaches may beacceptable if they help to improve the interpretability ofthe study results” [10]. Further it is recommended to useas much information as possible for designing a clinicaltrial and extract as much information as possible from aclinical trial to enable valid benefit risk assessment. Add-itionally the EMA/CHMP guideline [11] suggests avoidingunnecessary clinical trials e.g., by extrapolation from a lar-ger source population to a smaller target population whenthis is appropriate.

Paper outlineThis paper is structured around the headings in theEMA/CHMP guideline [10]; “Levels of evidence”,

Fig. 1 Asterix approach to advance trial design in small populations

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“Pharmacological considerations”, “Choice of endpoints”and “Methodological and statistical considerations”. Weadd “extrapolation” and “patient involvement and ethicalconsiderations” as additional points, but do not considerspecifically “Choice of control groups” except when thisarises in association with the other headings. Under eachheading we give a brief overview of the key statisticaland methodological challenges and explain how thethree EU funded projects Asterix, IDeAl, and InSPiReaddress these challenges and will stimulate uptake ofnew methodology in practice. Some further aspects willbe considered, where we feel that extensions are helpful,e.g., taking into account health economic aspects.

Biostatistical Research by Asterix, IDeAl andInSPiReLevels of evidenceThe EMA/CHMP guideline states that, as a general rule,the same standards of levels of evidence are to be ap-plied to applications for marketing authorisations insmall populations as are used for other products. Theusual hierarchy of evidence places evidence from ran-domised controlled trials, either individual trials ormeta-analyses of trials, as being of the highest quality.Conventionally, sample sizes for definitive randomisedcontrolled trials are large and in some small populationsettings, particularly in very rare diseases, such trials

Fig. 2 Exhibit of the IDeAl project broken down in the workpackages

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may be infeasible. The guideline indicates that thelimitation on patient recruitment in a small populationsetting will be taken into account. The level of evi-dence required might thus partly be determined by thepotential availability of evidence, with decisions takenaccordingly. From a regulatory perspective, exceptionsfrom the default licensing requirements are consideredin the interest of patients’ access to treatments. ‘MarketingAuthorisation under Exceptional Circumstances’ permitslicensing under greater than usual uncertainty when a‘comprehensive clinical evidence base’ is not achievable.This, however, leads to case-by-case decision making,which makes planning for prospective drug developmentstrategies more difficult, and hampers adhering to thesame standard. Hence, providing a more quantitativefoundation for the level of evidence applied is an import-ant challenge. This will be addressed by the research ofthe Asterix, IDeAl and InSPiRe projects as follows:

� An approach will be developed based onBayesian decision theory to obtain optimisedclinical trial designs that account for prior beliefregarding the benefits of treatment and thepopulation size.

� Methods to relax the traditionally applied levels oftype 1 and type 2 errors based on the anticipatedfinite (and relatively small) future population to treatwill be developed, essentially based on a mix ofBayesian and frequentist methods.

� Value of information methods will be applied toassess appropriate sample sizes for clinical trials insmall populations.

� In small clinical trials properties of randomizationprocedure relying on approximate arguments fail to

suffice. Recommendations for selection of the bestpractice randomization procedure maintaining thesignificance level in the presence of selection biaswill be derived.

� Determination of appropriate levels of evidence fordecision-making in small population clinical trialswill be investigated.

When evidence from randomised controlled trials islimited or absent, evidence from lower levels in the hier-archy, including observational studies or case-reports, maybecome of greater importance together with systematic re-view and synthesis of all available information, whatever itssource. The formal synthesis of evidence from sources ofdiffering quality, briefly evidence synthesis, using eitherBayesian or frequentist meta analysis methods, can presentparticular statistical challenges.This challenge will be addressed by the research of the

Asterix, IDeAl, and InSPiRe projects in the followingways:

� Evidence synthesis methods for small populationsand rare diseases will be developed to support theplanning, analysis and interpretation of a singlerandomised controlled trial. The feasibility andutility of the newly developed methods will beassessed in small population settings.

� Generalized evidence synthesis approaches will beapplied to paediatric studies and compoundsdeveloped for potentially multiple rare indications.

� Evidence synthesis methods across trials (of similaror different design) that take into account thesequential nature of drug development will bedeveloped.

Fig. 3 Exhibit of the InSpiRe project broken down in the work packages

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Pharmacological considerationsThe “pharmacological considerations” section of theEMA/CHMP guideline suggests that the design of aclinical trial could be improved by detailed pharmaco-logical knowledge of the disease and the drug underconsideration [13]. As elaborated in the guideline,knowledge about the variability is essential for efficientstudy design and use of the best available techniques toobtain and analyse information is crucial. It is wellknown that poor designs may be a unnecessary sourceof variation.Many drugs are metabolized in a nonlinear e.g., expo-

nential fashion. Thus the description of pharmacologicalprocesses needs the application of complex statisticalmodels, such as non-linear mixed effects models. Thesemodels allow the evaluation of drug profiles resultingfrom repeated drug concentration measurements from agroup of patients while considering individual variation.As these models are extensions of the usual linear mixedeffects models, they are nonlinear in the parametersto be estimated, which complicates the optimal designproblem.These aspects will be addressed by the research in the

Asterix, IDeAl, and InSPiRe projects in the followingway:

� Pharmacometric [14] approaches will be consideredby modelling the disease – therapy relation usingnon-linear mixed effect models. These theoreticalmodels are used for improved sample size estimationin small clinical trials allowing for uncertainty, defin-ing appropriate outcome measures and investigatinganalysis methods.

� Optimal design techniques, resulting in time pointsof observation based on minimization of thevariance of the effects estimators in nonlinearmixed-effects models will be developed by means ofusing preliminary estimates from interim looks toimprove the final estimator. New numericaltechniques in case of small samples where asymptoticassumptions are no longer valid.

� Innovative designs for early phase clinical trialstaking into account safety, efficacy andpharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD)measures will be developed to better estimate thedose level to be recommended based on limitedsample sizes and subgroups with continuous andbinary outcomes.

� The performance of the novel methods will beevaluated in terms of information gain, number ofsubjects, efficiency, and robustness. Designs forwithin patient data modelling will be developed toallow as much information as possible to be used forbenefit risk assessment.

� Improved methods for identification of geneticprognostic factors will be derived, leading to efficientclinical trial design and analysis.

Choice of endpointsThe EMA/CHMP guideline indicates that although hardclinical endpoints, such as survival or serious mobidity,are preferred, surrogate endpoints may be an option insmall populations clinical trials [10] although evaluationof the surrogates might be challenging [15]. Another dir-ection in particular in small clinical trials is to use end-points from medical care which are important for thepatients, briefly patient-centered endpoints [16], e.g.,where hard clinical endpoints (such as survival) cannotbe observed in sufficient patients within a reasonabletimeframe. This implies further challenges like showingthe clinical relevance of the patient-centered endpoint,capacity to measure the risk-benefit relation and reliabil-ity considerations. On the other hand, the problem ofhow to derive a uniform definition of a patient-centeredendpoint has not yet been solved. Due to clinical hetero-geneity of the disease course in many rare diseases, pa-tients’ need for improvement can vary substantially withrespect to outcome measure. Although patient involve-ment in the definition of outcomes is high on the agendaof public funders, regulators and international researchgroups [17, 18], many generic measurement instrumentsfor patient-centered outcomes may not be sufficiently re-sponsive to detect changes for a particular disease. Fur-ther, the primary analysis of most confirmatory clinicaltrials relies on a single primary endpoint, which doesnot reflect the need to use as much information as pos-sible in particular in small clinical trials where typically arange of relevant outcome measures describes the bene-fit/risk of a treatment. Making use of this informationmay improve efficiency by capturing heterogeneitybetween patients’ disease courses. Related to this is theheterogeneous and multivariate nature of the diseasecourse, where it may not be obvious which aspects areactually affected by treatment or need priority. These is-sues will be addressed in the three EU funded projectsas follows:

� A suitable framework for validation ofbiomarkers as surrogate endpoints in smallclinical trials will be developed and optimaldesigns investigated. Hereby, the mostappropriate approach, e.g., the causal inferenceand meta analytical paradigm will be evaluatedwithin the context of small samples.

� The impact of unbalanced small data sets onnumerical accuracy for mixed effects models usedfor surrogate endpoint validation will beinvestigated.

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� Recommendations for models to describe thereliability of measurements in longitudinalstudies, where the number and measurementtimes differs between subjects and the number oflongitudinal measurements is large compared tothe number of subjects of the trial will beestablished.

� The possibility of using an individualized outcomemeasurement instrument, called Goal AttainmentScale [19], will be investigated. This may enablegeneration of evidence in diseases for which patientvariability precludes the use of conventionalvariables to demonstrate efficacy.

� Strategies will be developed that use informationfrom multiple endpoints to make inference ontreatment benefit [2, 14, 20–23].

Methodological and statistical considerationsThe section on “Methodological and statistical consider-ations” in the EMA/CHMP guideline covers “designstage,” “data analysis,” and “reporting”. Here it is statedthat the sources of variation should be reduced by usingefficient designs and the variation should be explainedby adequate statistical models. Elements of this, such asthe choice of the endpoint and incorporation of ex-ploratory factors in the statistical model, have implica-tions on the precision of the treatment effect estimateand the optimal design choice. General approachestaken to address these issues in the three EU fundedprojects include:

� Specific designs which are recommended in smallpopulation clinical trials will be evaluatedconcerning, whether it is possible to estimate thetreatment effect without bias.

� Once the treatment estimate could be estimatedwithout bias, optimal designs minimizing thevariation of the estimates, e.g., in non-linear mixedeffects models to analyse data in small populationgroups will be derived.

Randomisation is a key element in designing a clinicaltrial in particular to avoid bias. Matching and stratificationare mentioned in the EMA/CHMP guideline as optionsto improve the power, but the effectiveness of stratifiedrandomisation in small clinical trials is questionable. Aparticular challenge in rare diseases, where recruitmenttimes can be prolonged, are time trend biases that canoccur if patients’ response to treatments change overtime in some systematic way. Further, selection biascould invalidate study results even in double blind trials,where blinding is subverted by observing adverse events[24]. These problems are more relevant in small clinicaltrials where restricted randomisation methods are

favored by scientists and long run arguments may be in-valid. The three EU funded projects will address the fol-lowing objectives:

� The impact of selection and time trend bias onthe validity of trial results depending on theselected randomisation procedure will beinvestigated and recommendations derived fordifferent endpoints such as continuous or timeto event.

� A framework for scientific arguments to select the“best” randomisation procedure reflecting thepractical clinical constraints will be derived.

� A bias corrected randomisation test will bedeveloped.

� The advantage of covariate or stratifiedrandomisation procedures in small populationclinical trials will be examined.

� The benefits and limitations of response adaptiverandomisation in small population clinical trials willbe evaluated.

Options for efficient clinical trial design are adaptiveor sequential approaches in which data are evaluated ata series of interim analyses used to stop or modify theremainder of a clinical trial [25]. Within this context thethree EU funded projects will address the followingquestions:

� Adaptive designs such as multi-arm multi-stage tri-als suitable for small populations will be developed.

� Modelling and extrapolation tools will beincorporated in adaptive designs for confirmatorystudies.

� Adaptive designs that take into account multipleendpoints, biomarkers or surrogate endpointsefficiently will be developed.

� The use of adaptive designs within a trial will becompared with the use of adaptive strategies acrosstrials in a drug development programme.

� The use of adaptive estimation in non-linear mixedeffects models to gain in precision and sample sizewill be explored.

� The extent of bias due to interim analysis will beinvestigated.

Special types of study designs are needed if very fewpatients are affected or if individualised therapies shouldbe evaluated. For instance, the EMA/CHMP guidelineincludes a discussion of n-of-1 trials, a study designwhich has found little attention in large population tri-als. In such trials the patient receives a series of treat-ments preferably selected in random order for a chronicdisease that quickly return to stable baseline values after

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treatment. These aspects are addressed in the three re-search projects:

� Pharmacogenetic information for tailoredtherapeutics including its application in crossovertrials, n-of-1 trials and enrichment trials will beinvestigated.

� Randomisation and bias arguments for the validityof n-of-1 trials will be elaborated and randomisationbased inference will be developed.

Aspects of data analysis mentioned in the EMA/CHMP guideline include the distributional assumptionsrequired in the analysis of small clinical trials. The un-satisfactory restriction to use only descriptive statisticalmethods for analysis of small clinical trials [26] is incontrast to the high amount of information often result-ing from longitudinal observations in small clinical trials.Non-parametric analysis and/or statistical modelling oflongitudinal data may serve as tools for improved statis-tical analysis. As the EMA/CHMP guideline states, suchmethods “while not relying on strong distributional as-sumptions should be considered and may be preferredcompared to parametric statistical approaches when as-sumptions justifying a population based inference arequestionable.” The three EU funded projects will addressthese points as follows:

� The use of randomisation-based inference in smallclinical trials, where asymptotic behaviour ofparametric tests is questionable will be evaluated. Inparticular, randomisation tests for complex statisticalmodels and response adaptive randomisationprocedures will be developed

The guideline recommends using prognostic factors asstratification factors in the randomisation and analysis inorder to minimize the variance of treatment effect esti-mates. This consideration leads to the following objec-tives in the three EU funded projects:

� The gain in efficiency of stratification in smallclinical trials will be investigated.

� The use of non-linear and linear mixed effectsmodels for longitudinal, hierarchical, and clustereddata in small data sets and for unbalanced data willbe considered. In particular, non- or semi-parametric methods that do not rely, or rely less, onasymptotic arguments will be developed.

� More complex models that include genetic factorsthat influence the response to therapy in smallpopulation groups will be studied.

� Longitudinal data analysis methods will be improvedwith respect to non-parametric methods to

overcome potential weaknesses caused by theasymptotic theory.

� Frequentist and decision theoretic methods will bedeveloped to predict patients’ responses to targetedtreatments based on genetic features or otherbiomarkers enabling subgroups of patients for whichthe benefit risk balance of a treatment is positive tobe identified and confirmed.

Bayesian methods, in particular Bayesian designs, maybe effective in small clinical trials and lead to increasedacceptance in the context of evaluation of medical de-vices [27]. Certainly FDA has approved some devices fororphan indication based on use of informative priors.However, the introduction of prior belief is often a concernin therapy evaluation. Bayesian ideas may also be used fordecision analysis. This requires a multi-disciplinary ap-proach. Such methods are often used in health technologyassessment, although the evaluation criteria may vary sig-nificantly. The three EU funded projects will address thesechallenges as follows:

� The decision analysis framework will be expandedby explicitly studying the inter-relationshipbetween the decision analyses made by healthtechnology assessors, regulators, patients and trialsponsors.

� The way in which decision analysis affects thedesign of a clinical trial will be evaluated.

ExtrapolationAs already stated, clinical trials in small populations arechallenging because of the limited number of patientsthat can be enrolled. One way out of the limitations maybe to attempt to extrapolate from clinical trials of similartreatments or of the same treatment in other diseases orlarger population groups. It may be helpful for exampleif a drug is already in use for a more common disease[28] and for diseases that are rare in the EU but morecommon in other continents. Another aspect of extrapo-lation concerns the modelling of dose response informa-tion by the transfer of knowledge from larger to smallerpopulations so that it is possible to avoid unnecessarystudies [11]. This is reflected by the following objectivesof the three EU-funded projects:

� The uncertainty in dose–response information whenknowledge of disease and drug is used to extrapolatefrom a large population to a much smaller targetpopulation will be quantified.

� The use of extrapolation within a Bayesianframework will be explored.

� Adaptive design strategies for extrapolation studieswill be considered.

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� Guidance on the data to include in registries tosupport extrapolation and control group data fortrial design will be developed.

Patient involvement and ethical considerationsIncluding the patient perspective into the design of tri-als is of general interest. Arguably it is even moreneeded in rare diseases, for which there is an urgentneed for the development of new treatments, than inmore common diseases for most of which some type oftreatment is already available. Patients and their repre-sentatives are in a crucial position to influence the will-ingness to participate in clinical trials. There is noconsensus on the best practice of involving patients orpatient representatives in the design phase of a trial, letalone a series of trials. In the case of rare diseases this iscomplicated by the small number, geographical spreadand possible clinical heterogeneity of the available par-ticipants in such a pre-trial design process. However,the level of patient involvement is usually high – par-ticularly in rare diseases there are many patient repre-sentation organizations (in the Orphanet database over2500 patient organizations in Europe are registered,with over 500 operating at an international level). Thethree EU funded projects will address the questions inthe following ways:

� A “Patient Think Tank” is established within oneof the projects to directly involve the patientvoice in a project and to work together onmodels for patient involvement in design stagesof a trial. Patient organizations are representedin this Think Tank.

� Involvement of patients at the design stage is alsoaimed to assess impact of design features (such asassessment schedules, informed consent procedures,multiple treatment arms) on willingness and abilityto participate.

Since research in rare diseases primarily remains re-search with human research subjects, the common frame-work for ethically evaluating clinical research equallyapplies to studies with small populations. Innovative trialdesigns in rare diseases may yield new ethical questionsthat have to be addressed, such as how we should balancescientific validity and reliability of evidence for favourablebenefit-risk ratio. Another example is that informed con-sent processes may differ if innovative designs like adap-tive trials are used [29]. For instance, one may askwhether participants should be able to understand thatthose who enter an adaptive trial later may have a higherchance of receiving the more favourable treatment.Research questions addressed by the three EU fundedprojects will include:

� To what extent does our ethical framework need tobe adjusted to accommodate using innovative trialdesigns in the context of research on orphandiseases?

� Could we ethically accept less stringent standards ofevidence in the context of rare diseases in order tobenefit people with orphan diseases sooner?

Ethical perspectives are reflected in the projects in par-ticular in the extended advisory boards. In answering thesequestions, the framework of Emmanuel [30] is used asstarting point.

Regulatory impact and disseminationFor regulatory impact it is essential that specific guid-ance can be given on the use and acceptability of newmethods. This is where the current guidance may fallshort. As there are several thousands of rare diseases de-velopment of disease specific guidelines is impractical.To support regulator impact we propose an intermediateapproach based on clustering of diseases sharing similarcharacteristics that determine similar methodological ap-proaches to their study. While previous approaches havefocused on the selection of the best design for a singledisease, through algorithms guided on disease and treat-ment characteristics [31, 32], the aim of our clustering iswider, in the sense of serving as the framework to pro-duce methodological and regulatory recommendationsthat can be valid not only for a single study or disease,but for the general approach to product development ofa group of diseases sharing similar traits.

Awareness of biostatistical methodsA major goal of all three projects is to raise awarenessand to disseminate newly developed statistical methodsthroughout the scientific community involved in clinicalresearch. We will undertake dissemination activities suchas teaching relevant groups and informing the scientificcommunity and general public about the project throughour websites (,, We will publishour findings in peer-reviewed journals and stimulatethe process of revision or development of regulatoryguidelines as necessary. Information about the newlydeveloped results will be targeted towards all relevantgroups, e.g., regulators, patient advocacy groups, industry,the scientific community, etc. Further dissemination activ-ities will include giving information about our methods topatient, families, carers, clinicians, social services, regula-tors, etc., and training of early stage researchers and otherinterested parties. Results are discussed on a regular basiswith the projects’Advisory Boards that include representa-tives from EMA, eurordis and patient organisations,amongst others. Although funding is organised around

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three projects, the scientists involved collaborate closelyto ensure that work progresses efficiently and without du-plication. Some pairs of projects have members in com-mon, as do project advisory boards, and representatives ofthe three projects meet regularly at conferences and scien-tific meetings, where current and planned research direc-tions are presented and discussed. In some cases, this hasled to closer links between projects with groups compris-ing scientists from more than one of the funded projectscollaborating on a specific topic.

ConclusionThe three projects address open statistical methodo-logical design and analysis problems for clinical trials insmall population groups, encompassing areas like rarediseases in paediatrics, nephrology, etc. and as well assubgroups of populations, and individualised therapyevaluation.The description above shows the wide spread and

interwoven structure of the research, which has to beaddressed. Obviously, additional research will be stimu-lated by the investigations. The main gain will be thatnew methods are available with proven efficiency forsmall population clinical trials. The derived methods willserve as a basis for small population clinical trials in thefuture.This paper aims to raise awareness of the ongoing re-

search and stimulate other groups to work on statisticalmethodology on design and analysis of clinical trials insmall populations. Having well informed researchers,physicians and biostatisticians will result in the use ofmore efficient methods to conduct a clinical trial insmall population groups and thus bring approved treat-ments faster to our patients.

AbbreviationsASTERIX, Advances in Small Trials dEsign for Regulatory Innovation andeXcellence; EMA, European Medical Agency; EU, European Union; EURORDIS,European Organisation for Rare Diseases; FDA, U.S. Food and DrugAdministration; IDeAl, Integrated Design and Analysi of small populationgroup trials; InSPiRe, innovative methodology for small populations research;PD, Pharmacodynamic; PK, Pharmacokinetic; pocri, Patient-Centered OutcomesResearch institute

AcknowledgementThis work has received funding from the European Union Seventh FrameworkProgramme [FP7 2007–2013] under grant agreement no.: Health-F5-2013-603160(Asterix project), 602552 (IDEAL project) and 602144 (InSpiRe project).The Asterix, IDeAl and InSPiRe investigators are Corinne Alberti (InSPiRe, PhD,INSERM, Paris, France), Caroline van Baal (Asterix, PhD, University MedicalCenter Utrecht, The Netherlands), Norbert Benda (InSPiRe, PhD, BfArM, Berlin,Germany), Egbert Biesheuvel (Asterix, PhD, EFSPI, UK), Carl Fredrik Burmann(IDeAl, PhD, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden),Malgorzata Bogdan, (IDeAl, PhD, Warschau University, Warschau, Polen),Emmanuelle Comets (InSPiRe, PhD, INSERM, Paris, France), Simon Day(InSPiRe, PhD, CTCT Ltd, Buckingham, UK), Holger Dette (IDeAl, PhD, RuhrUniversity Bochum, Germany), Alex Dmitrienko (InSPiRe, PhD), Tim Friede(InSPiRe, PhD, University Medical Center, Göttingen), Alexandra Graf (InSPiRe,PhD, Medical University Vienna, Austria), Mats Karlsson (IDeAl, PhD, UPPSALAUniversity, Uppsala, Sweden), Armin Koch (Asterix, PhD, Hannover Medical

School, Germany),Franz König (IDeAl, PhD, Medical University Vienna, Austria),Johanna H. van der Lee (Asterix, MD, PhD, Amsterdam Medical Center, TheNetherlands),Frederike Lentz (InSPiRe, PhD, BfArM, Berlin, Germany), JasonMadan (InSPiRe, PhD, Warwick Medical School, UK), Christoph Male (IDeAl,PhD, Medical University Vienna, Austria), France Mentré (IDeAl, PhD, INSERMParis, France), Frank Miller (InSPiRe, PhD, Stockholm University, Sweden),Geert Molenberghs (IDeAl, PhD, I-BioStat, UHasselt, Hasselt &, KU Leuven,Leuven, Belgium), Beat Neuenschwander (InSPiRe, PhD, Novartis, Basel,Switzerland), Martin Posch (Asterix, InSPiRe, PhD, Medical University Vienna,Austria), Cor Oosterwijk (Asterix, PhD, VSOP), Christian Röver (InSPiRe, PhD,University Medical Center, Göttingen), Stephen Senn (IDeAl, PhD, LIHLuxembourg, Luxembourg), Ferran Torres (Asterix, University of Barcelona(UAB), Spain), Sarah Zohar (InSPiRe, PhD, INSERM, Paris, France).

Authors’ contributionsAll three authors contributed equally in conceiving the manuscript andread and approved the final manuscript. RDH is principal investigatorand responsible for designing the IDeAl research project. KR is principalinvestigator and responsible for designing the Asterix research project.NS is principal investigator and responsible for designing the InSPiReresearch project.

Competing interestThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details1Department of Medical Statistics, RWTH Aachen University, Pauwelsstr 30,D-52074 Aachen, Germany. 2Quality and Patient Safety, Biostatistics, UMCUtrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands. 3Statistics and Epidemiology, Warwick MedicalSchool, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.

Received: 25 March 2016 Accepted: 3 June 2016

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