dirty money


Upload: anderson-gonzalez

Post on 08-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Dirty money
Page 2: Dirty money


Dirty Money is the fascinating story of a married couple Joe and Sandy

have recently moved from a dirty, noisy city in England to the small

town of Murray, Canada. They love the wild countryside, the beauty of

the trees, the mountains, the water and the birds and the silence. But

everything changes when PAN GLOBAL a company of nuclear dump

comes to town and alters the lifes of the people who inhabit there.

However Joe who is working for the Murray Echo, one of two local

newspapers manages to discover the true objectives of the company

and thus returns the peace and tranquility of the village.

This is a story where we can see that the natural, social and cultural

values are more important than money. Joe preferred to investigate the

incidents that were occurring and fix the problem and not as many

people who simply do not act and remain silent face of injustices. This

story we can see it in many real life situations where large companies

are destroying the environment and nobodies said anything. On the

contrary the government paves the way for them to do what they want

with the natural resources. For today's society money is more

important than preserving the natural life of our ecosystems. The world

is evolving in favor of technological development, industrial production

and finally in favor of nature, laying above this the first three aspects.

Fabulously the humanity has progressed with the help of technology,

but we keep killing with greed and a lack of solidarity scandalous. We

have not learned to live together in peace. People struggle for power,

to have money, mansions, cars, etc. When in reality it does not matter,

since nature anytime you can remove everything. In short, nature is

much stronger than the man, and despite all the power and money the

nature will prevail. To clear a forest, pervert the course of a river,

allocate land to urbanization or agriculture, for example, many living

things die and go extinct sometimes deliberately contaminated, all for

quick profits at the expense of the environment. The man is building his

own means of destruction destroying our planet