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ALDAR ACADeMIeS Message from the Principal Aldar Academies oveRvIew Vision and values Mission statement and aims

CURRICULUM Primary school Secondary school Key stages Post-16 Aldar Academies school of music FACILItIeS & AFteR-SCHooL ACtIvItIeS School facilities After-school activities HeALtH AnD SAFetY Health School hygiene Security

ADDeD vALUe The Aldar Academies added value

ContACt US Location map



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MeSSAGe FRoM tHe PRInCIPAL I am very proud to be the Head of Al Yasmina School. I strongly believe that our students deserve the very best. We have a highly dedicated and talented staff who work tirelessly to support the progress and development of every student in the school. We place great importance on collaboration between students, staff and parents as we work together to maximise the potential of all.

We value a true sense of belonging and our students are actively encouraged to participate in a vast range of experiences that build on current talents whilst nurturing new interests and intellectual pursuits. We set high standards in our work, conduct and appearance by fostering a sense of pride in our students by instilling aspiration in their learning and in themselves. We provide a warm, friendly and supportive environment where students enjoy learning and achieving in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Every student is encouraged to be a part of the community.

Students remain at the heart of all our decisions; we subscribe to the ‘every child matters’ philosophy and this is reflected not only in the life of the school but also in the curriculum, its makeup and provision.

At Al Yasmina we place an emphasis on developing skills and values that will enable our students to be confident, responsible and well informed people capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century. Since 2008, Al Yasmina has established itself as a thriving community where students feel safe, valued and happy. We are proud to share our school with you and look forward to welcoming new families to be part of our school community.

Yours sincerely

Mr. Gale Principal




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When it comes to selecting the best school for your loved ones, you will naturally look out for a trustworthy educator with a proven track record. Aldar Academies is the largest provider of world-class education in Abu Dhabi and is aimed at addressing its growing international and local community’s need for high-quality world-class education and should be a natural choice for more than one reason.

From a single, 247-student facility in 2007, Aldar Academies has fast grown into a highly sought after institution serving 3,700 students in five schools in Abu Dhabi and one in Al Ain. This phenomenal expansion reflects the great confidence of parents, students, and Abu Dhabi’s education authorities in Aldar Academies’ model.

Our English National Curriculum, specially adapted to the UAE and taught by professionals of international calibre,

ensures that our students have access to world-class education while enjoying a stimulating multi-cultural setting where intellectual development is nurtured alongside personal growth.

Our students enjoy the extra advantage of a diverse, creative, teaching and learning programme in Arabic language and Islamic studies, as appropriate.

Our schools are constantly winning the praise of Abu Dhabi Education Council as providers of top grade, Band A rated, education. Persistently high year-on-year performance from Year 1 through to GCSE, A Level and the IB Diploma Programme suggests that our students will maintain their excellent record all through to university and beyond.

Join thousands of parents who placed their trust in Aldar Academies as an able provider of superb education.

Aldar Academies’ six schools all currently offer the National Curriculum of England and Wales, adapted for the Middle East/international context, with plans in place to also offer the International Baccalaureate in some by the 2014/15 school year. While every curriculum has its own benefits and limitations, we have chosen these two for a number of reasons.

The English National Curriculum is in demand around the world for its high academic standards, for its focus on developing confidence and individual thought. For expatriate parents, those who are not sure where they might be in a few years, this curriculum offers the added benefit of being available in the same format across the world. At Aldar Academies, we tailor the English National Curriculum for an international audience, for example

replacing study of specific British history with more general international history.

The International Baccalaureate is growing in popularity. Also available across the globe, it encourages the broadening rather than narrowing of the mind in students.

A further consideration is where your students might want to attend university. An English National Curriculum education does help in applications to British universities who are familiar with this system. Universities across the world, including British universities, accept the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, recognising the rigour and breadth of knowledge this curriculum provides.



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At Al Yasmina School our focus is on progress. We want your child to progress academically, socially and personally. Our school motto is PART - pride, aspiration, respect and trust - and it underpins every aspect of our school as we strive to achieve our vision of being an outstanding international community school. All our policies, systems and processes support these key principles.

Our students are from more than 60 nationalities, creating a true international community of learners. Our school is a vibrant, happy, challenging environment where students follow the English National Curriculum until Year 9 and then study a suite of British and international qualifications under the Edexcel Examination Board.

As a school we are building an enviable reputation for academic excellence and strong, meaningful relationships between staff and students. We expect our students to work on becoming outstanding citizens of the world and to reach their full potential. vISIon AnD vALUeS We are committed to maximising pupil achievement and development.

our students will:

• Be happy and secure• Be high achieving learners – making excellent progress

in relation to prior attainment• Be enthusiastic and highly motivated to learn• Demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours

characterised by high self-esteem, independence and responsibility

• Develop key skills• Develop lively, positive and inquiring minds• Become well-rounded citizens of the 21st century• Value their own culture, while showing respect for that

of others• Value and enjoy the richness of UAE culture• Work as individuals and as part of a team• Take pride in their achievements and the success of


our staff will:

• Create a vibrant learning environment• Have a secure subject knowledge• Ensure learning is purposeful, relevant, creative,

challenging, employ effective teaching strategies, participative, and enjoyable

• Plan and assess effectively• Set high expectations and pace lessons effectively• Provide a rich, stimulating and balanced curriculum• Encourage students to solve problems, take risks and

be creative

• Employ positive reinforcement and celebrate achievement

• Work in partnership with parents• Contribute, take responsibility and develop initiatives• Consistently hold high professional expectations of

themselves and one another

It is a school where:

• There is a positive ethos, confidence and optimism• There is a culture of inclusion, enabling the

participation and involvement of all• There is an environment of opportunity engendering a

sense of pride, ownership, responsibility and identity• There are caring relationships where students and

adults are valued as individuals• Diversity is celebrated and respected • We value open and effective communication and

consultation• We value fairness, honesty and integrity• We maintain an open dialogue about how students learn

best• We value learning and development of students, staff

and volunteers• We learn from each other, making every effort to

disseminate good ideas and practice

MISSIon StAteMent AnD AIMS Al Yasmina School is a 21st century community that is all about learning while promoting enjoyment, support and challenge to all our students. We deliver personalised, high-quality teaching and learning for all in an inclusive and extended environment using the best technology.

We aim to foster a community that respects and trusts each other and where every member feels valued. We encourage our students to make healthy choices, equip them for future economic well-being and celebrate success.


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Students begin their secondary school years in Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9), following the National Curriculum of England and Wales, and then move into Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11). During KS4 they sit a range of UK national exams GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education).

If students achieve the required grades they can go on to an advanced level of study which is a prerequisite for university. This course is done in the last two years of school (which are non compulsory) and are spent in Key Stage 5, which at Al Yasmina is known as Post-16.

LISt oF SUBjeCtS We follow the English National Curriculum which has the same compulsory subject for Key Stages 1, 2 and 3: •English •Maths •Science •InformationandCommunicationTechnology(ICT) •DesignandTechnology •History •Geography •French(fromyear3onwards) •Arabic •IslamicStudies(forourMuslimstudents) •ArtandDesign •Music •PhysicalEducation


The Post-16 students are a group of young adults who make up the school’s most senior students. Expectations are high in Years 12 and 13 and we encourage our students to develop self-discipline and motivation.

There is a well developed pastoral care system which supports the students’ academic, personal and social development during their Post-16 years. Full support and guidance is offered with university applications, career development and helping the students focus on life beyond school. A team of Post-16 Learning Mentors are available for advice and encouragement.

While academic study and achievement are at the centre of life in the Post-16 years, there is much more to it than that. Students are involved in Post-16 social events and fundraising through the World Challenge programme. Students are offered many leadership opportunities through the Post-16 leadership team including the Community Service Award. Post-16 students also join in school-wide activities such as world maths challenge day. Guest speakers from universities - including the Red Brick University of Warwick and Middlesex University in London, along with the Dubai campus of the Rochester Institute of Technology and Sheikh Zayed University - have addressed Post-16 students, outlining opportunities available to them at their institutions.


We teach the English National Curriculum, with additional lessons in Arabic Language, UAE Social Studies and Islamic Studies (for our Muslim students) to meet the requirements of the UAE Ministry of Education.


The Primary School at Al Yasmina is divided into 3 sections - the Early Years Foundation Stage (FS1 and 2), Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6). There are 1000 students in the primary school and five classes in each year group.

There is a maximum of 25 students in all classes in the primary school and all teachers are supported by classroom assistants. There are two assistants in FS1 and one assistant in FS2 classes. In Years 4-5 five teaching assistants work across the five classes and there are a further five teaching assistants who work across the five Year 5 and 6 classrooms. SeConDARY SCHooL

The secondary curriculum at Al Yasmina School is vibrant and exciting. Our specialist teachers are experts in their fields, committed to engaging students and encouraging them to reach their potential. We have robust systems in place to support students both academically and on a pastoral level as they navigate their way through the secondary school system.




Al Yasmina School offers a broad curriculum that includes a range of AS and A2 subjects and a BTEC Subsidiary and Diploma course in Art.

The school can also be used as a centre for private candidates. There are 15 AS and A2 subjects and BTEC subsidiary and diploma in Art.


•EnglishLiterature •Mathematics •French •BusinessandEconomics •ICT •Chemistry •Physics •Biology •History •Geography •Psychology •MediaStudies •Music •Drama


•ArtDiploma •ArtSubsidiaryDiploma

Subjects are assessed using a variety of methods, but most involve external examinations. Chemistry, for example, also involves a practical assessment, drama includes a performance and art is continually assessed throughout the year. There are no exams for BTEC subjects which are based on developing a portfolio. Work is checked twice a year by an external verifier from Edexcel to ensure and agree it is of the appropriate standard.


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Music is not only one of the most beautiful art forms, it is also a great way for students to develop better memory and improve their organisational skills. The singing and instrumentation classes offered at Aldar Academies School of Music are a perfect complement to your child’s academic studies. Sessions are 30 minutes long and conveniently set according to his or her class schedule.

The instrumental music service provides not only professional tuition from qualified staff, but also a very competitive instrument hire scheme to enable parents to overcome issues of costly instrument purchase. A wide range of instruments are currently available for study. From September, these include Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Alto Trombone, French Horn, Euphonium and Voice training.

Aldar Academies School of Music offers students a wide range of performing opportunities and activities. Students take part in school orchestras, string ensembles, brass groups, rock groups, recorder groups, keyboard classes, junior and senior choirs, flute choirs and theory classes. All ensembles are active in frequent public performances, monthly student recitals, solo performances, preparation of ABRSM examinations, workshops and termly concerts.

MUSIC IS not onLY one oF tHe MoSt BeAUtIFUL ARt FoRMS, It IS ALSo A GReAt wAY FoR StUDentS to DeveLoP BetteR MeMoRY AnD IMPRove tHeIR oRGAnISAtIonAL SKILLS.

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FACILItIeS The Al Yasmina School building is a-state-of-the-art facility which has been designed to accommodate the most up-to-date teaching methodology and technology.

In addition to a wide range of academic classrooms and administrative areas, the school also provides excellent specialist facilities. It has a 25-metre pool as well as a smaller learner pool, a large gymnasium, two junior halls, an activity studio, two astro-turf playing fields and soft playing areas. There are also separate and secure covered play areas for each of the different school stages.

Our state-of-the-art Design Technology department provides specialist areas for learning activities relating to food preparation, resistant materials and electronics. Our performance spaces include an auditorium, amphitheatre, and drama studio and recital rooms.


Computer suites

Swimming pools


Sports hall

Astro-turf pitch

Soft playing areas

Home Economics

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AFteR-SCHooL ACtIvItIeS Al Yasmina currently offers over 40 Extra Curricular Activities. Life outside the classroom is rich and varied for Al Yasmina’s secondary students.

Many opportunities are available through the school’s extracurricular clubs, which offer activities ranging from drama and musical productions to sport, Spanish lessons and revision groups.

But there are many other chances for students wanting to fully immerse themselves in school life, ranging from overseas trips, social events for students such as proms and discos, and family fun days.



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Many activities support classroom learning with curriculum trips to different parts of the UAE and overseas, classroom visitors such as artists and authors. There are also activities planned around global events such as Earth Day, World Book Day or science week. Al Yasmina students are also active in raising money for charity for both national and international causes.

There are ample opportunities to learn musical instruments and take part in regular ensemble or orchestra performances. Arts festivals showcase the work of the school’s talented students. Other students turn their hand to introducing sustainability measures within the school. There are also many whole school events, such as international and national days.




Chess club



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Safeguarding our students is the highest priority at Al Yasmina School. In order to support this a well-trained team of trusted security staff ensure safe arrival and departure of students and parents and visitors throughout each day, as well as maintaining high standards of organisation and support through lunchtimes and during the many community events held at the school. The school is a secure site and access is managed through clear policies and procedures to ensure that students, staff, parents and community members are safe at all times and buildings are protected 24 hours a day.


HeALtH Al Yasmina School is staffed by a full-time school nurse who provides health related services for all students throughout the day. The nurse is registered and licensed with Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD). She provides first aid, administers medicine and, if necessary, refers students to medical practitioners or emergency services. The nurse also works with doctors to manage the health of students who have chronic conditions such as asthma and diabetes. She also conducts weight, height and vision screening, co-ordinate the vaccination programme. The nurse also provides cover for home sporting fixtures held outside of school hours.

The Al Yasmina School building has been upgraded to a very high standard, with much attention being paid to health and safety. For instance, the courtyard floors are covered with a safe surface, and much of the exterior learning area is shaded. The school has detailed policies to ensure child welfare and protection are a priority. SCHooL HYGIene School hygiene is of the utmost importance and we strive to provide a clean learning environment for all students in our care. There are a high set of standards for hygiene and sanitation across all Aldar Academies schools, from providing safe water and sanitation facilities to carefully monitoring food and drink preparation and distribution across all our schools. By combining superb facilities, correct behavioural practices and education, students enjoy coming to school, love learning, and take back to their homes the same concepts and practices on sanitation and hygiene.


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Innovative teaching methods at Aldar Academies help our students develop initiative, leadership, problem-solving skills and a love of learning. With private world-class education in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, Band A rated by the Abu Dhabi Education Council, our students benefit from superb learning environments, Arabic studies and a British curriculum taught by internationally qualified teachers of a high calibre. Inter-school competitive programmes include academic, sports, music and drama fixtures ensure a healthy competitive spirit. Our teachers’ in-teaching programmes and conferences keep them abreast of best teaching methods and up-to-date practices.

Aldar Academies’ profits are re-invested into the developments of our schools, our facilities, and the learning experiences we are able to offer.

Aldar Academies strong partnership with the Abu Dhabi Education Council which also regulates Al Ain and overseas school ratings, of which Al Ain International School is Band A rated, means that Aldar Academies is set to play an ever increasing role in the development of high quality education across the Emirates of Abu Dhabi and Al Ain.



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Tel : +971 2 501 4888Fax: +971 2 556 3961 Registrar: [email protected]: www.alyasmina.sch.ae

Al Yasmina School is located at the east end of Al Raha Gardens

AL AIn InteRnAtIonAL SCHooLTel : +971 3 7151000Fax: +971 3 7151010 Registrar: [email protected]: www.alaininternational.sch.ae AL BAteen SeConDARY SCHooLTel : +971 2 8132000Fax: +971 2 8132033 Registrar: [email protected]: www.albateen.sch.ae

AL MUSHRIF PRIMARY SCHooLTel : +971 2 8132200Fax: +971 2 8132233 Registrar: [email protected]: www.almushrif.sch.ae

AL MUnA PRIMARY SCHooLTel : +971 2 501 4777Fax: +971 2 631 9490 Registrar: [email protected]: www.almunaprimary.sch.ae

tHe PeARL PRIMARY SCHooLTel : +971 2 6418887 / +971 2 6424046Fax: +971 2 642 4041 Registrar: [email protected]: www.pearlprimary.sch.ae


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