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Channel Allocation and post-CCA based

Bandwidth Adaptation in Wireless Local Area

Networks with Heterogeneous Bandwidths

Seowoo Jang

Ph.D. Dissertation


The new prominent 802.11ac standard aims at achieving Gbps data

throughput for individual users while at the same time guaranteeing

backward compatibility. The approaches to achieving this goal use

enhanced physical-layer features, such as higher modulation levels,

MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output), and wider bandwidth. As

for the bandwidth, the channel bonding technique that makes use of

multiple 20MHz channels in 5GHz band is adopted. However, the

heterogeneity of bandwidth in a network can cause asymmetric inter-

ferences in which some transmissions are not sensed by some nodes.

As a result, the conventional CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Ac-

cess with Collision Avoidance) may not work well in 802.11ac networks

and the Gbps throughput, which is attainable for a single link, is not

achievable network-widely, which we call the Hidden Channel (HC)


In this dissertation, we illustrate the HC problem with a 802.11ac

network as a reference system. Then we analyze the problem using

Markov chain technique and show how the contention parameters and


transmission time affect collision probability and fairness in some de-

ployment scenarios. The validity of the analysis is verified through

simulation in the same chapter.

As a solution to the HC problem, a centralized and heuristic chan-

nel allocation algorithm, PCA (Primary Channel Allocation), in an

enterprise local area network is proposed in the next part of this dis-

sertation. The PCA algorithm, a extended version of well known

“University Timetabling” algorithm for incorporating multi-channel

purpose, is designed to avoid HC problem effectively. Through simula-

tions, we demonstrate that our proposed channel allocation algorithm

lowers the packet error rate (PER) compared to uncoordinated and

RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) based allocation schemes

and increases the network-wide throughput as well as the throughput

of a station that experiences poor performance. This implies improved

fairness performance among transmission pairs with various channel


Then, simple experiments are conducted with USRP and WARP

boards to show that the problem is real and to prove that the va-

lidity of our next solution. Based on that, we argue for the need

of bandwidth adaptation based on post-CCA, which is another clear

channel assessment (CCA) procedure after finishing a transmission.

The post-CCA helps mimic the CSMA/CD (CSMA with Collision

Detection) mechanism in the wired Ethernet, thus enhancing chan-

nel assessment capability. Then, we propose PoBA (Post-CCA based


Bandwidth Adaptation) that alters bandwidth and channel config-

uration dynamically. Using simulation, we confirm that the PoBA

increases network-wide throughput, channel utilization and fairness,

and decreases packet error probability.

Keywords: channel allocation, post-CCA, bandwidth adaptation,

asymmetric interference, hidden channel problem, heterogeneous band-

width, local area network, HC, PCA, PoBA

Student Number: 2009-30931



1 Introduction 1

1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Contributions and Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 The HC (Hidden Channel) Problem 11

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 Problem Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.3 Numerical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.4 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3 PCA (Primary Channel Allocation) 33

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.2 Channel Allocation for Alleviating HC . . . . . . . . . 39

3.2.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.2.2 A Heuristic Primary Channel Assignment Algo-

rithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


3.3 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

3.3.1 Case for a Network with Two APs . . . . . . . 58

3.3.2 Case for a Chain Topology with Six APs . . . . 60

3.3.3 Case for Various Sized Random Networks . . . 62

3.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4 PoBA (Post-CCA based Bandwidth Adaptation) 69

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.2 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.3 Post-CCA & PoBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

4.3.1 Post-CCA Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

4.3.2 PoBA Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

4.4 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

4.4.1 Case for a Chain Topology with Six APs . . . . 90

4.4.2 Case for Various Sized Random Networks . . . 92

4.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

5 Conclusion 97

5.1 Research Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

5.2 Future Research Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99


List of Tables

2.7 Event outcome from states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.1 802.11ac MCS levels and minimum receiver sensitivity

(dBm). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.2 Weight vectors. (Pair types are in MHz, CM :Mutually

reserving, CT :Total invading, CP :partial invading, CB:

mutually Blind, CI : mutually Indifferent) . . . . . . . 47

3.3 Notations used in the integer problem. . . . . . . . . . 49

3.4 Channel allocation example of the heuristic algorithm.

(I = ∞) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

3.5 Channel allocation example of the RSSI based algorithm. 56

3.6 Tx. trial, error rate and throughput of each node in the

6-chain topology. Tx. (#), Err. (%) and Thr. (Mbps). 61

4.1 Post-CCA observations and intuitions. . . . . . . . . . 78

4.2 Simulation results for the toy topology in terms of error

rate (%), throughput (Mbps), and channel utilization (%) 91


List of Figures

2.1 Channelization of 802.11ac in USA. . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2 Static and dynamic channel accesses in 802.11ac. . . . 13

2.3 Enhanced RTS/CTS in 802.11ac. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.4 Hidden secondary channel collision problem where the

allocated channel numbers on the left are from AP1’s

viewpoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.5 Total and partial invading scenarios (downlink). . . . . 18

2.6 State space and transitions. The diagonal lines repre-

sent distinguishing line between two regions, and dots

with arrow represent state transitions from one to an-

other. Dots in ‘F’ region make transitions to one of the

dots on the corresponding horizontal line, and those in

‘S’ region to one on the vertical line. If both transmits,

then the next state can be any one on the entire space. 25

2.7 Collision rate and fairness performance vs. CWvic (CWinv

= 32). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

2.8 Collision probability vs. CWinv (CWvic = 32). . . . . . 30


2.9 Collision probability vs. packet length (CWvic = 32

and CWinv = 64). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.1 Channel reserving range vs. MCS level. . . . . . . . . 37

3.2 A victim pair (Tx. and Rx.) and an invader for PER

calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.3 PERs of the total and partial invadings between 40MHz

and 80MHz senders. x and y axes represent two dimen-

sional coordinates in meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.4 Channel index and configurations in the problem for-

mulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.5 Relations between primary channels allocated for neigh-

boring APs. Each number inside a node and on an edge

indicates the primary channel index and the channel re-

lation between the primary channels of the two neigh-

boring APs, respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.6 A heuristic approach for the vertex coloring. . . . . . . 51

3.7 An example of channel allocation for comparison. . . . 54

3.8 Empirical CDF of the victim’s throughput according

to the distance between the invader and the victim. . . 59

3.9 A chain topology and bandwidth allocation results. . . 60

3.10 Network-wide packet error rate, throughput and fair-

ness performance in small sized networks. . . . . . . . 63


3.11 Network-wide packet error rate, throughput and fair-

ness performance in large sized networks. . . . . . . . 65

3.12 CDF for PER when N = 10 and throughput increment

ratio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.1 Ideal MCS levels on each bandwidth according to re-

ceiver sensitivity, where the number in a circle repre-

sents the MCS level and the x-axis is the required re-

ceiver sensitivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.2 Power spectral density of full and half band transmissions. 74

4.3 Experimental topologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.4 Experimental results for different topologies. . . . . . . 76

4.5 Post-CCA operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

4.6 Action case studies according to bandwidth. . . . . . . 85

4.7 6-chain topology for simple simulation. . . . . . . . . . 91

4.8 Simulation results with random topologies - error rate

and throughput. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

4.9 Simulation results with random topologies - utilization

and fairness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94


Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation

Over the last decade, we have witnessed a dramatic increase of mobile

data traffic due to the large-scale deployment of increasingly powerful

mobile devices and the resulting proliferation of mobile applications.

This trend is expected to continue in the foreseeable future [7, 5, 6].

To deal with this explosive growth of mobile traffic, there have been

numerous efforts to increase wireless link/network capacity by devel-

oping new physical-layer technologies and/or improving the existing

design. But these solutions are still unable to keep up with fast grow-

ing demands.

Bandwidth has been used in a static or fixed manner until recently.

For example, 802.11a/b/g used one of 11 predefined channels, each

with 20MHz bandwidth in 2.4GHz band. Also, even though 3GPP


LTE (Long Term Evolution) allows from 1.25MHz up to 20MHz, a

system is required to choose one of the allowed bandwidths and a

corresponding channel. However, the advance of hardware technology

has made it possible to use wider bandwidth as defined in 802.11n

and 802.11ac [9, 10] or dynamically change bandwidth according to

the surrounding environments of a link as in [13, 14, 15, 16].

The wider and dynamically changing bandwidth introduces het-

erogeneous bandwidths into local area networks. 802.11n networks

with up to 40MHz bandwidth will coexist with 802.11ac with up to

160MHz bandwidth in 5GHz band. Furthermore, LTE also enhances

wireless capacity by exploiting bandwidth-related approaches [22, 23].

LTE-U (LTE in unlicensed band) is planning to make use of unlicensed

spectrum at 5GHz band along with its cellular band. Thus, next-

generation local area networks need to manage and handle problems

caused by heterogeneous bandwidths to offer better user experiences.

Recently, the 802.11 Group has initiated the development of the

next version, 802.11ax [8, 21]. As the name HEW (High Efficient

WLANs) implies, its goal is to offer 4x enhanced user experience over

the previous versions by improving WLAN to operate more efficiently.

It includes not just enhancement of the physical-layer technology

but also medium-access and network-layer technologies. The next-

generation WLANs will be deployed in an environment where a large

number of APs (Access Points) coexist to support higher throughput.

In such an environment, it is more important to resolve medium-access


and network-layer conflicts. Therefore, the standardization group ad-

dresses the problems related to the medium access control and the

network layer to make them operate more efficiently.

To be more systematically specific, the design goal of 802.11ac,

the reference local area network system in this dissertation, is to offer

very high throughput (VHT) and backward compatibility with legacy

802.11 specifications [9, 19]. The achievable throughput of 802.11ac

is around 500Mbps on a single antenna station and could be greater

than 1Gbps using multi-user MIMO (Multi-Input Multi-Output) tech-

niques. Thus, this increase in capacity is expected to alleviate some

of the traffic load that is being generated by these new devices.

A unique feature that differentiates 802.11ac from the legacy ver-

sions is its channelization i.e., extended bandwidth. 802.11ac allows

a device to work on one of the 20MHz channels in 5GHz band to

guarantee backward compatibility, however, it also allows bonding of

multiple adjacent 20MHz channels to create an aggregate single chan-

nel when needed. In the standards of 802.11ac it is mandatory to

support up to a single 80MHz channel, and optionally a simultane-

ous use of two separated 80MHz channels with channel aggregation

technique or a single 160MHz channel.

In order to guarantee backward compatibility with legacy stations

working only on a 20MHz channel, and compatibility among 802.11ac

stations using different bandwidths, the contention method of 802.11n

is also inherited. A 20MHz channel is used as a primary channel in


which ordinary backoff-based contention is performed. The remaining

channels, called secondary channels, are sensed for a predetermined

period to ascertain whether they are idle or not.

Detecting signals from multiple channels provides an additional

challenge for which two different CCA (Clear Channel Assessment)

levels are used in 802.11ac and 802.11n [17, 18, 19]. In 802.11n, the

CCA sensitivity of the primary channel is -82dBm, which is used for

decoding incoming packets, while that of the secondary channel is -

62dBm that is used only for detecting the energy. This means that

a device occupying a secondary channel of another device would be

disadvantaged by 20dB when assessing channel idleness. In 802.11ac,

the CCA sensitivity for the secondary channel is enhanced to -69dBm

or -72dBm depending on the allocated bandwidth [19]. However, there

is still a disparity between primary and secondary CCA sensitivities.

Another issue is that each station needs to use a fixed transmis-

sion power, regardless of its allocated bandwidth [9, 10]. Accordingly

many recent dynamic bandwidth allocation systems [14, 15, 16] as-

sume the fixed transmission power without considering RF (Radio

frequency) front-end modification. This dissertation also assumes the

fixed transmission power.

Because different stations may use different bandwidths with pos-

sibly some overlapping parts, the signal powers reaching each other

can be different even under the same channel condition. Hence, the

quality of the transmission could vary significantly causing unfairness.


Further, the fixed transmission power and the difference in CCA sen-

sitivity and bandwidth usage lead to asymmetric sensing/reserving

situations between two devices. This implies that a transmission from

a device may not be sensed by another device while it is sensed in the

other direction, so channel reservation is successful only in one di-

rection. We call this problem the Hidden Channel (HC) problem

throughput this dissertation. The HC problem has basically origi-

nated due to the heterogeneity of the channel and bandwidth usage.

Our main goal in this dissertation is to develop solutions that alleviate

the HC problem.

We use 802.11ac as a reference system and show that the con-

ventional CSMA/CA may not work well in the upcoming local area

communication networks with heterogeneous bandwidths. The ‘Hid-

den Channel’ problem [11, 17, 18] is similar to the well-known ‘hidden

terminal’ problem. The discordance of the physical locations between

a transmitter assessing channel idleness and a receiver experiencing ac-

tual conflicts is a cause for the hidden terminal problem. As a solution

to the problem, the RTS/CTS handshaking scheme resolves the spa-

tial reserving disharmony by sending small control packets from the

both sides. On the other hand, the hidden channel problem arises from

discrepancy of bandwidth usage. Since the RTS/CTS messages them-

selves can suffer the hidden channel problem, the RTS/CTS scheme

is not an adequate solution for it, Therefore, we need other means to

resolve spectral reserving discrepancy.


1.2 Contributions and Outline

In this dissertation, we first briefly explore the 802.11ac contention

mechanism. Then, we present the failure scenario of the conventional

CSMA/CA in 802.11ac networks with heterogeneous bandwidths, the

hidden channel problem, in the first part of the dissertation.

The hidden channel problem is then analyzed using Markov chain

tools in a perpetrator - victim scenario. And how the contention

parameters and the transmission time affect the error rate is presented

with the analysis. Then, the validity of the analysis is verified using


In order to relax the assumptions used in the analysis for analytical

tractability, packet error rate (PER) behaviors when the entire or

some parts of the bandwidth are interfered are studied. The results

are used in the rest of the dissertation when formulating a problem

or running simulations.

Following that, The channel allocation problem with the hidden

channel problem is modeled with the graph coloring and proven that it

is NP-hard. As a first solution, PCA, i.e., primary channel allocation

algorithm, which allocates the location of the primary channels of

each APs, given the bandwidths, in an enterprise local area network, is

proposed. The algorithm is heuristic since the hidden channel problem

is NP-hard.

Using simulation we show that the PCA alleviates the hidden


channel problem, so the packet error rate decreases and the through-

put of the entire network increases. The effect of the enhanced RTS/CTS

proposed in the 802.11ac is also shown with the simulation results.

We also perform simple experiments with USRP [1] and WARP

v.3 [2] to show that the problem is real. We show that the CCA result

at one link is different from that of the other link depending on the

physical locations and the bandwidths of neighboring links. In other

words, one can sense the existence of the other transmission, but not

vice versa. We then argue the need for the bandwidth adaptation and

present the effect of the bandwidth selection.

As an another solution to the hidden channel problem, we propose

a simple yet effective operation called ‘post-CCA’. The post-CCA is

letting the transmitting device assess the channel idleness of the entire

channels that it has used once again after finishing a transmission.

It helps the wireless system mimic the CSMA/CD operation in a

wired Ethernet network. Finding out and knowing which channels

or sub-channels are interrupted by other transmissions is important

information to exploit.

With the post-CCA result, we propose PoBA (Post-CCA based

Bandwidth Adaptation) that alters the bandwidth and the central

frequency of a channel, to avoid the one-way interference. To the best

of our knowledge, this is the first proposing the post-CCA in wireless

networks and the corresponding bandwidth adaptation algorithm.

We also use simulation to show that the PoBA reduces the packet


error probability and increases the throughput in dense topologies

compared to without it. Because handling the hidden channel prob-

lem makes some links suffer from the always-intruding interference

free from interruption, the PoBA also increases the fairness of the

network. The results are consistent with the design philosophy of the

next-generation WLAN, 802.11ax, that aims to increase actual user

experience from the perspective of network design.

The following are the summary of the key contributions of our


• We present the Hidden Channel problem that arises due to the

heterogeneity of the bandwidth in the local area networks.

• We analyze the hidden channel problem, or the asymmetric

channel sensing/reserving situation, from the perspective of down-

link communication, and illustrate via numerical results how

the contention parameters and the packet length impact perfor-


• We use graph coloring to model the channel allocation problem,

and prove that the problem is NP-hard.

• We present a heuristic algorithm that aims to eliminate the HC

problem while maximizing channel utilization.

• We evaluate the performance of our heuristic algorithm with

simulations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work


that explicitly deals with channel allocation to alleviate the HC

problem in 802.11ac networks.

• Then, we conduct simple experiments with USRP [1] andWARP

v.3 [2] to confirm that the HC problem is real in actual environ-


• We propose a simple yet effective operation called ‘post-CCA’

that senses the channel idleness once again after completing a

transmission. Finding out and knowing which channels or sub-

channels are interrupted by other transmissions is important

information to exploit.

• We then propose ‘PoBA’ that changes bandwidth and chan-

nel configurations dynamically to avoid the one-way interfer-

ence by using the post-CCA operation in a distributed manner.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that pro-

poses post-CCA operation in wireless systems and correspond-

ing bandwidth adaptation.

• We evaluate the performance of PoBA using simulation. The

PoBA relieves the packet error rate by 25% and increases the

throughput more than 50% compared to without it on average

in a dense network.

The rest of the dissertation is organized as follows. In Chapter 2,

we present the hidden channel problem in 802.11ac systems and show


the analysis and experiments in detail. Then, in Chapter 3, the graph

coloring model of the channel allocation problem is presented. And

the first solution PCA, primary channel allocation algorithm, is pro-

posed in the same chapter. In Chapter 4 we first conduct simple

experiments to show that the problem is real and to prove the valid-

ity of our next solution. Then, the post-CCA operation is proposed

with the PoBA algorithm as the second solution to the problem. We

finally conclude the dissertation in Chapter 5 with the summary of

contributions and future works.


Chapter 2

The HC (Hidden Channel)


2.1 Introduction

In this chapter, we briefly introduce the new features of 802.11ac

designed for throughput enhancing purpose. Then the HC (Hidden

Channel) problem is detailed. The problem in a simple perpetrator,

i.e., invader and a victim is then analyzed with Markov chain, and

the simulation results regarding the problem situation are presented.

As briefly mentioned in the previous chapter, 802.11ac allows APs

to only use non-overlapping channels, as illustrated in Fig. 2.1[9, 19].

This concept is inherited from the design philosophy of 802.11n, which

tries to avoid in-band interference in a simple manner. Two adjacent

20MHz channels form a 40MHz channel, and two adjacent 40MHz


Figure 2.1: Channelization of 802.11ac in USA.

channels an 80MHz channel. A 160MHz channel can be formed either

by merging two adjacent or separated 80MHz channels with channel

aggregating technique.

The contention scheme in 802.11ac is characterized by a primary

channel separated from secondary channels. To support this expanded

channelization (by differentiating between primary and secondary chan-

nels), each AP uses control fields in the beacon to indicate its band-

width and primary channel number [9].

Also, 802.11ac defines two different CCA sensitivities for the pri-

mary and secondary channels. In the case of 20MHz and 40MHz band-

widths, the primary channel sensitivities are -82dBm and -79dBm,

respectively, while the secondary sensitivity for the both bandwidths

is -72dBm. The primary and secondary sensitivities for 80MHz band-

width are -76dBm and -69dBm, respectively [9]. The primary sensi-

tivity is for decoding incoming packets, while the secondary sensitivity

for detecting energy density. So, depending on the channel configura-

tions between neighboring devices, there can be a discrepancy in the

sensing/reserving capability among them as follows.


(a) Static access

(b) Dynamic access

Figure 2.2: Static and dynamic channel accesses in 802.11ac.

For the primary channel, each station uses the legacy contention

method. After the DIFS (DCF Inter-Frame Spacing) period, it selects

a backoff counter and waits for the backoff counter to reach zero. Be-

fore the counter expires, however, the station senses secondary chan-

nels for one PCF Inter-Frame Spacing (PIFS) period. When all the

primary and secondary channels are idle, the station starts transmit-

ting. However, if not all the secondary channels are idle, the sta-

tion has two choices as shown in Fig. 2.2; static access and dynamic

access[9, 17, 18, 19]. In static access, the station retries to access the

entire channel by choosing a new random backoff counter. In dynamic

access, the station transmits over the primary channel and only the

idle secondary channels that are adjacent to the primary one, exclud-


Figure 2.3: Enhanced RTS/CTS in 802.11ac.

ing busy secondary channels. Static access is mandatory, while the

dynamic access is optional. In this dissertation, we only focus on

static access.

Optionally, the enhanced RTS/CTS scheme can be used for spa-

tial reserving in 802.11ac [9, 17, 19]. In this scheme, a transmit-

ter sends RTS (Request-to-send) to a receiver before attempting a

transmission. The RTS message is in the format of 802.11a RTS

frame for backward compatibility, and thus occupies only 20MHz.

To reserve the entire channel, 802.11a RTS frames are duplicated for

each 20MHz channel as in Fig. 2.3. The receiver checks the idleness

of each channel upon receiving the RTS frame, then sends back a

CTS (Clear-to-send) message after SIFS (Short Inter-Frame Spacing)

duration on each idle channel. Other nodes receiving either RTS or

CTS frame, regard corresponding channels busy and defer their trans-

missions for the NAV (Network Allocation Vector) durations specified

in the RTS/CTS frames. The enhanced RTS/CTS can be used along

with the dynamic access shown on the right side of Fig. 2.3.

The new features above in heterogeneous bandwidth network cause

the asymmetric channel sensing/reserving situation, i.e., the hidden


channel problem detailed as follows.

2.2 Problem Description

As mentioned before, a collision could occur because the CCA levels

for the primary and secondary channels are different [17, 18, 19], and

such a collision is called the hidden secondary channel (HSC) problem.

(The hidden secondary channel problem is a subset of the HC problem,

which will be addressed later.) Fig. 2.4 illustrates an example of

the HSC problem between AP1 of an 80MHz channel and AP2 of a

20MHz channel. This type of collision happens when the two APs are

within the primary channel sensing range but out of the secondary

channel sensing range. AP1 cannot sense a PPDU (Physical layer

Protocol Data Unit) transmission from AP2 which occupies one of the

three secondary channels of AP1 because its received PPDU power lies

between the primary and secondary CCA levels. So, after contending

on its primary channel and believing that the secondary channels as

idle, AP1 transmits its PPDU even while AP2 is transmitting.

In this chapter, we call the sender, whose transmission is corrupted

due to this asymmetry, the ‘victim’, and the other sender that “in-

vades” the victim’s transmission, an ‘invader’. In Fig. 2.4, AP1 is an

invader while AP2 is a victim.

In the HSC problem scenario described so far, invading occurs from

an AP using larger bandwidth to another using smaller bandwidth.


Figure 2.4: Hidden secondary channel collision problem where theallocated channel numbers on the left are from AP1’s viewpoint.

The invading happens when the smaller bandwidth consists of only

secondary channels of the larger bandwidth, causing an asymmetric

sensing/reserving situation.

However, due to the fixed transmission power of an AP, regard-

less of the allocated bandwidth, the invading direction represents a

mutual relation between the two APs that use larger bandwidth and

smaller bandwidth, respectively. When an AP sends packets in a

20MHz channel, the full transmission power, for example, 17dBm is

concentrated on the single 20MHz bandwidth. If it exploits 40MHz

channel, it distributes 17dBm power over 40MHz, so its transmission

power per 20MHz is reduced by half (i.e. 14dBm). In this manner, an

AP exploiting 80MHz and 160MHz gets 11dBm and 9dBm, respec-

tively. In other words, power density decreases with the bandwidth.

Since the channel sensing is performed per 20MHz channel, the dif-

ferent power level injected per 20MHz channels can affect the result


of the channel assessment.

For better understanding, we use the notion of “reserving range”

instead of sensing range from now on. The results of channel sensing

on both primary and secondary channels depend on the CCA sensi-

tivities and transmission powers of other transmitting nodes. From

this perspective, there are two types of reserving range depending on

the type of the channel on which the channel reservation is performed.

The primary reserving range of a node is the distance within which

some other nodes can sense its transmission over their primary chan-

nels with the primary CCA threshold. Likewise, secondary reserv-

ing range is that with the secondary CCA threshold. Both reserving

ranges are defined from the viewpoint of a sender to make other nodes

give up their transmissions.

On the other hand, the sensing range of a node is the distance

within which an AP can sense some other node’s transmission. It

is defined from the perspective of the sensing node. Reserving range

and sensing range are complementary and their main difference comes

from which perspective, is the range is defined.

Fig. 2.5 illustrates two invading scenarios with different choices

of bandwidths and primary channels. In the figure, the primary re-

serving ranges are represented with dotted circles and the secondary

reserving ranges with solid circles. Bandwidth and primary channel

choices are shown on the left. Filled squares represent primary chan-

nels, shaded squares secondary channels, and empty squares unused


(a) Total (bandwidth) invading

(b) Partial (Bandwidth) invading

Figure 2.5: Total and partial invading scenarios (downlink).

channels. AP1 and AP2 use 80MHz and 40MHz channels, respec-

tively. Since AP1 consumes a weaker power per 20MHz than AP2,

the reserving range of AP1 is smaller than that of AP2.

In Fig. 2.5(a), AP1 chooses the first 20MHz channel as its pri-

mary channel while AP2 chooses the third channel as its primary

channel. When AP1 transmits, its transmission can be sensed by the

primary CCA sensitivity of AP2. So AP1 is ‘primary reserving’. If

AP2 transmits, its transmission is only sensed by the secondary CCA


sensitivity of AP1. Thus, AP2 is ‘secondary reserving’. Upon observ-

ing the primary reserving range of AP1 and the secondary reserving

range of AP2, we find that the former is longer and covers AP2 while

the latter does not cover AP1. Therefore AP1 reserves the channel

successfully but AP2 does not. We call this case ‘Total (bandwidth)

Invading’ because one using a larger bandwidth invades one using a

smaller bandwidth over the entire bandwidth. This case is the same

as HSC problem.1

In Fig. 2.5(b), we show a different scenario. Both APs choose the

first 20MHz channel as their primary channel. In this case, they can

sense each other with the primary CCA sensitivity. However, AP1’s

power per 20MHz channel is weaker than AP2’s. So, the primary

reserving range of AP1 is shorter than that of AP2. When they are

located somewhere in the middle of their reserving ranges, AP1 fails

in channel reserving while AP2 succeeds. We name this case ‘Par-

tial (bandwidth) Invading’ in which a smaller bandwidth AP invades

a larger bandwidth one in some band.

These two invading scenarios are considered as the HC Problem

because the whole or a part of channels that some other node uses

are not sensed properly. Therefore an invading AP transmits while

some other node(s) is transmitting. Furthermore, depending on the

relative location of each node, some APs always get invaded, which

results in poor fairness performance.

1We use the term ‘total invading’ instead of HSC from now on.


For MAC, an enhanced RTS/CTS handshake scheme can be adopted

to ease the total invading problem [17]. However, it cannot solve it

properly because it does not consider the sensing asymmetry. To be

more specific, the RTS/CTS scheme aims to reserve space by transmit-

ting small sized control packets on both transmitter and receiver sides.

The RTS/CTS frames also suffer the invading problem since they are

transmitted over the entire bandwidth with the fixed transmission

power. We evaluate the effectiveness of the enhanced RTS/CTS on

the problem in Chapter 3.

In the next chapter, we take an approach to managing the primary

channel allocation to eliminate the HC Problem while maximizing the

channel utilization. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first

work that considers the sensing asymmetry in 802.11ac networks so

far. Before describing the channel allocation scheme, we first provide

a methodology to analyze a specific scenario with a Markov chain,

then show that the analysis results match with simulation results.

2.3 Numerical Analysis

To understand the effect of 802.11 backoff-based MAC (Medium Ac-

cess Control) in the problem situation, we analyze a simple invading

scenario using a discrete time Markov chain model. The considered

scenario is shown in Fig. 2.4 where a pair of victim and invader suf-

fer from the HC problem. For analytical tractability, we assume that


collision happens when the transmissions of the two senders overlap

in time, and the contention window size is fixed, i.e., no binary expo-

nential backoff. We also assume that the transmission time is fixed

for both pairs.

The state of the chain is defined as a tuple of two integers, (i, v),

each representing the selected backoff counters for the invader and the

victim, respectively. Each state leads to an outcome which indicates

whether or not the invader and the victim attempt to transmit and

their transmissions are successful. Along with contention collision,

in which two senders start to transmit at the same time, there are

five possible outcomes. Then the state transition occurs according to

the new random counter and the amount of time corresponding to the

outcome. With transition probabilities, we can derive the steady state

probability of each state by solving a homogeneous linear system. By

adding the probabilities of all the states that lead to a same outcome,

we can calculate the attempt and collision rates of the invader and

the victim.

In the model, a state transition happens when either one of the

senders enters a backoff stage. Each state is represented by a random

backoff counter pair (i, v) of the invader and the victim. Assume

for the time being that the contention window size (CW) is fixed

at 32, and the packet transmission time is also fixed. The random

counter value decides whether the transmission is successful or not.

For example, if (i, v) = (8, 20) and both can sense each other, the


victim will freeze its counter when the invader starts transmission after

8 backoff slots. Then the next state becomes (newcounter, 20− 8).

However, in an HC problem situation, it gets complicated. For

v > i, the victim freezes and the invader will have a new random

counter after having a successful transmission. So the newly selected

counter and (v − i) will form a next state. Since the new random

counter is uniformly distributed within CW, the transition probability

from (i, v) to (newcounter, v− i) will be uniformly distributed on the

(v − i) line of the victim counter. This is the same as the symmetric

scenario and denoted by ‘F’ (frozen) in Fig. 2.6.

In contrast, for v < i, the victim will start transmission first after

waiting v slots. Unfortunately, the invader will also transmit after i

slots, because it cannot sense the victim’s transmission. Depending

on the difference of the counter values, there are three possible cases.

1. If the counter difference is smaller than the victim’s transmission

time, a collision occurs, denoted by ‘C’ in Fig. 2.6. After the

collision, both select new random counters. Collision occurs

again if both happen to have a same random counter, denoted

by ‘CC’ (Contention Collision) in the figure.

2. If the difference is greater than the victim’s transmission time

and smaller than the transmission time plus DIFS, the invader

comes into the medium after the victim finishes transmission

but before the victim enters a backoff stage. In this case, the


victim and the invader sequentially succeed in their transmis-

sions, denoted by ‘SS’ (Sequentially Success) in the figure, and

the next competition with new counters begins after the invader

ends its transmission.

3. If the difference is greater than the victim’s transmission time

plus DIFS, the victim finishes its transmission successfully and

enters a new backoff stage after DIFS. The next state is ran-

domly chosen on the line of invader counter = n-m-l-d, denoted

as ‘S’ in the figure. Here, l is the victim’s packet transmission

time, and d is DIFS which is given as 4 slots from the 802.11


The Markov chain model for the above can be expressed as follows.





p1←1 · · · p1←K

.... . .


pK←1 · · · pK←K







si = 1 (2.2)


pi←j = 1 (2.3)

Here K is the total number of states, which equals the multi-

plication of the contention windows of the victim and the invader.

The steady state probability of state i is expressed as si, and pi←j


represents the state transition probability from states j to i. Eqs. 2.2

and 2.3 indicate that the sums of all the state probabilities and all the

outgoing transition probabilities from state j are unity, respectively.

There exists a unique solution if the rank of the transition matrix

equals the number of unknown variables, si. From Eq. 2.3, the rank

of the transition probability matrix is K−1. Using Eq. 2.2, we obtain



× S = 0, (2.4)

where P is the transition probability matrix, I is the identity ma-

trix, 1 is the raw vector in which all the elements are one, and S is the

steady state probability matrix. By solving this homogeneous linear

system, we can obtain a unique solution since the rank of the coef-

ficient matrix is K. Then we obtain the steady state probability for

each type of F, C, CC, S and SS by adding all the state probabilities

of each area.

For simplicity, we use the mapping table in Table 2.7, which sum-

marizes the outcomes from each category of states. Each element of

the outcome vector indicates whether the invader transmits (‘1’), the

invader’s packet is corrupted (‘1’), the victim transmits (‘1’), and the

victim’s packet is corrupted (‘1’), or otherwise (‘0’), respectively. For

type F, the invader successfully transmits while the victim freezes. So

we can express the outcome vector as (1, 0, 0, 0). For type C, the out-

come is (1, 1, 1, 1) which indicates that both transmit and collide. As


Figure 2.6: State space and transitions. The diagonal lines representdistinguishing line between two regions, and dots with arrow repre-sent state transitions from one to another. Dots in ‘F’ region maketransitions to one of the dots on the corresponding horizontal line,and those in ‘S’ region to one on the vertical line. If both transmits,then the next state can be any one on the entire space.


Table 2.7: Event outcome from statesState type Event Outcome

F (frozen) (1, 0, 0, 0)

C (Collision) (1, 1, 1, 1)

CC (Contention Collision) (1, 1, 1, 1)

S (Success) (0, 0, 1, 0)

SS (Success & Success) (1, 0, 1, 0)

collision occurs during their packet transmissions, they do not neces-

sarily have the same backoff time. For type CC, the collision happens

during the contention resolution, resulting in the same outcome as

type C. For type SS, both transmit successfully in sequence, so the

outcome is (1, 0, 1, 0). And for type S, only the victim transmits and

the state is expressed as (0, 0, 1, 0).

Calculating the collision probabilities is now straightforward. The

victim transmits in state C, CC, S and SS. And it experiences collision

in C and CC. So the victim’s collision probability can be calculated

by separating the collision probability from the transmission probabil-

ity. Likewise, the invader’s collision probability can be obtained from

separating the probabilities of C and CC from those of F, C, CC and

SS. We can also derive the fairness performance of the two senders in

the sense of their transmission attempts in the same way.

The analysis can be extended to derive other types of relations

between the two senders by using different assumptions for collision,

error model, and contention window size. For example, an extension

that allows different contention window sizes is possible by adding


more states. In 802.11, the basic contention window size is 32 and

doubles up to 1024 whenever a transmission failure occurs. In this

case, the state space can be extended in x and y axes according to the

contention window sizes of the invader and the victim, respectively.

However the lines that distinguish between F, C, CC, S, and SS

regions remain the same unless the packet transmission time of the

victim varies. If the transmission time changes, the two lines dis-

tinguishing between C, SS, and S will be shifted by the amount of

transmission time.

2.4 Simulation Results

We now show the collision probability and attempt-fairness in the

invading scenario through the results of the Markov analysis and sim-

ulations. Fig. 2.7 shows the numerical and simulation results for the

collision probability when the invader uses the fixed CWinv of 32 and

the victim has varying CWvic. The simulation time is 1 second with

saturated traffic. Two APs are appropriately separated to suffer the

invading according to the following channel model.

PL(d) = 20 · log(4πd0λ

) + 10n · log( dd0

). (2.5)

Here n is the path loss exponent and set to 3, d is the distance

between transmitter and receiver where d0 is the reference distance

which is set to 1m in our simulations, λ is the wavelength of 5.3GHz.


And we use the transmission power of 17dBm. This channel model

will be used throughout this dissertation.

As shown in the graph, the numerical results match well with the

simulation results. The collision probability of the victim in Fig. 2.7(a)

is nearly 50% for all CWvic and that of the invader stays below 3%.

As expected, the collision probability of the victim does not decrease

with CWvic. This is because the invader is insensitive to the victim’s

transmission. Fig. 2.7(b) shows that increasing the victim’s contention

window size only lowers its transmission attempt rate. It can be seen

that the transmission attempt of the victim normalized by that of the

invader decreases with CWvic.

To make the transmission opportunity fair, one can set the CWinv

larger than the CWvic. This allows more time for the victim to finish

its transmission before the invader comes in as shown in Fig. 2.8. The

victim uses the fixed CWvic of 32 and the invader varies CWinv. As

shown in the graph, the collision probability of the victim decreases

with CWinv. However the decrement in collision probability is highly

dependent on the packet transmission time. The collision probability

versus packet length is shown in Fig. 2.9.

The collision probability of the invader barely varies and stays be-

low 3% under all circumstances while that of the victim is around 50%

and fluctuates heavily depending on contention parameters. There-

fore, we can say that the 802.11 contention resolution scheme does

not handle the channel asymmetry effectively.


32 64 128 256 5120

















Victim’s collision probability (analysis)

Victim’s collision probability (simulation)

Invader’s collision probability (analysis)

Invader’s collision probability (simulation)

(a) Collision rate of invader and victim

32 64 128 256 5120










e n










al o

f v



Normalized Tx trial number of victim (analysis)

Normalized Tx trial number of victim (simulation)

(b) Fairness performance of invader and victim

Figure 2.7: Collision rate and fairness performance vs. CWvic (CWinv

= 32).


32 64 128 256 5120
















Victim’s collision proability (analysis)

Victim’s collision probability (simulation)

Invader’s collision probability (analysis)

Invader’s collision probability (simulation)

Figure 2.8: Collision probability vs. CWinv (CWvic = 32).

10 20 30 40 500








Packet length (slots)








Victim’s collision probability (analysis)

Victim’s collision probability (simulation)

Invader’s collision probability (analysis)

Invader’s collision probability (simulation)

Figure 2.9: Collision probability vs. packet length (CWvic = 32 andCWinv = 64).


One could design a contention window managing scheme that aims

to reduce the collision probability of the victim. However, this ap-

proach requires lots of information and a huge overhead for exchanging

the information among transmission pairs or to/from APC. Further,

tracking an optimal size of contention window is difficult when the

assumptions made in this section do not hold, i.e., topology, collision

and backoff assumptions. We leave this approach as a future work.

So our approach aims to alleviate the problem by channel alloca-

tion, which tries to make the invader and the victim contend as fair

as possible, while maximizing bandwidth utilization.

2.5 Summary

In this chapter, the 802.11ac channelization and contention mecha-

nism are briefly explored. Then, we presented the HC problem that

arises in 802.11ac networks with heterogeneous bandwidth. The prob-

lem is analyzed with discrete Markov chain and the validity of the

analysis is verified using simulation. Through the analysis and sim-

ulation, it is confirmed that the contention parameters, contention

counters of the victim and the invader, affect the packet error rate

severely. Also the relative packet transmission time is shown to be

another factor that influence the performance.

The analysis and simulation in this chapter assume the impractical

condition, time overlapping error event. In the following chapter, we


first break the assumption by exploring how to set the error event

more, then formulate the channel allocation problem and propose the

primary channel allocation algorithm.


Chapter 3

PCA (Primary Channel


3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, packet error behaviors when the entire or parts of the

channel are interfered by other transmission is firstly presented. The

PER behavior will be used in the following sections and chapters.

Then we formulate primary channel allocation problem with graph

coloring and show that the problem is NP-hard. Following that, the

primary channel allocation (PCA) algorithm to alleviate the hidden

channel problem is proposed and explained in detail. The performance

of the PCA scheme in simple and random topologies with and without

the enhanced RTS/CTS scheme is shown using simulation.

While the above analysis, provides some intuition and understand-


ing of the impact of various parameters on performance, the ac-

tual packet reception performance is affected by various factors, and

SINR (Signal to Interference & Noise Ratio) is one of those. When

two packets collide, the SINR of the desired packet at a specific re-

ceiver can be sufficiently high enough. In this case, the receiver is

enabled to decode the received packet successfully. This phenomenon

is called the capture effect [38].

Another factor that affects the packet reception performance is an

AMC (Adaptive Modulation and Coding) scheme which adaptively

switches modulation and coding according to the channel condition.

IEEE 802.11ac uses 10 MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme) levels

including 256-QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) with 5/6

redundancy [9].

In this section, we first consider the relations between MCS levels,

the distance between a transmitter and a receiver, and primary/secondary

reserving ranges. Then the numerical results for PER performance

when the HC problem exists are presented. Briefly speaking, even

under a perfect AMC scheme, the PER of a victim receiver increases

due to the interruption of the invader. The PER will be used as a

performance metric in Section 3.3.

With the receiver sensitivity (RS)1 and the channel model of Eq. 2.5,

we can obtain the maximum distance that a packet with a specific

MCS level can be delivered successfully. Table 3.1 summarizes MCS

1It is the minimum received signal power required for decoding the signal withthe error probability of smaller than 10%.


Table 3.1: 802.11ac MCS levels and minimum receiver sensitivity(dBm).MCS

Mod. Cod. 20MHz 40MHz 80MHz 160MHzindex

0 BPSK 1/2 -82 -79 -76 -73

1 QPSK 1/2 -79 -76 -73 -70

2 QPSK 3/4 -77 -74 -71 -68

3 16-QAM 1/2 -74 -71 -68 -65

4 16-QAM 3/4 -70 -67 -64 -61

5 64-QAM 2/3 -66 -63 -60 -57

6 64-QAM 3/4 -65 -62 -59 -56

7 64-QAM 5/6 -64 -61 -58 -55

8 256-QAM 3/4 -59 -56 -53 -50

9 256-QAM 5/6 -57 -54 -51 -48

levels supported in channels with the required minimum RS. The max-

imum reserving ranges are achievable with the CCA thresholds for the

primary and secondary channels, which are -82dBm and -72dBm, re-

spectively [19].

Fig. 3.1 shows the maximum distance and data rate for each MCS

level with primary/secondary reserving ranges of 40MHz and 80MHz

transmissions calculated from Table 3.1.2 Due to the decreased trans-

mission power per 20MHz, the reserving range decreases with increas-

ing channel bandwidth. The maximum distance for each MCS level

decreases due to the increased RS. In general, wider bandwidth and

higher RS lead to increased data rates at the cost of reduced trans-

2The numerical results of reserving ranges for 20MHz and 160MHz channelsare not presented due to the page limit. However, they show the same tendencyof having decreased reserving range and increased data rate with the bandwidthsize.


mission and reserving ranges.

If a 40MHz transmitter is 25m apart from an 80MHz transmitter

and their channel settings are the same as in Fig. 2.5(a), the 80MHz

one becomes the invader and the 40MHz one becomes the victim be-

cause the primary reserving range of the 80MHz one is 34m while the

secondary reserving range of the 40MHz one is 20m (Total Invading).

On the other hand, if they are located 40m apart with the channel

configuration as in Fig. 2.5(b), the 40MHz one invades the 80MHz one

because the primary reserving ranges of the former and the latter are

43m and 34m, respectively (Partial Invading).

We now calculate the PERs for the total and partial invadings

between the 40MHz and 80MHz transmissions. Fig. 3.2 shows a sce-

nario used for the numerical calculation of PER. There is a victim

pair (d[m] apart) and an invading sender that interrupts transmission

of the victim pair. Here, the victim sender is located at zero coor-

dinates, and the victim receiver’s location varies. And the invader is

locatedD[m] apart from the victim sender. The invader is set to suffer

the HC problem, and d and θ vary within reachability. Assuming Ptx

and Prx represent the transmission powers of the victim sender and

the invader, respectively, in a single 20MHz channel, the SIR (Signal

to Interference Ratio) at the victim receiver can be calculated from

the following equation.

SIR = (D2 + d2 − 2dDcosθ

d2)n2 × Ptx



0 10 20 30 40 50 600










Distance (m)


ta r





Data rate

Primary reserving range

Secondary reserving range

(a) Ranges in 40MHz channel

0 10 20 30 40 50 600









Distance (m)


ta r





Data rate

Primary reserving range

Secondary reserving range

(b) Ranges in 80MHz channel

Figure 3.1: Channel reserving range vs. MCS level.


Figure 3.2: A victim pair (Tx. and Rx.) and an invader for PERcalculation.

The difference in the channel bandwidths that the victim and the

invader are exploiting is considered so that the error rates of all the

20MHz channels are averaged to obtain the effective PER. Then the

effective SINR of the entire channel can be derived reversely. The way

of calculating the effective PER and the SINR is the same as in [24]

except that they calculate the PER as an average over all available

subcarriers instead of channels. While calculating the PER from the

SINR, we adopt the PER equation in [20] because it is effective in

incorporating various MAC layer operations such as perfect AMC

scheme, Viterbi algorithm, and packet size (1500bytes in our case).

Fig. 3.3 shows the PER performances of the total and partial in-

vadings between 40MHz and 80MHz senders. Recall that the one

with larger bandwidth invades smaller one in total invading, and vice

versa in partial invading. Here, dark (red) and gray (green) colors

represent the PERs of 1 and 0, respectively. In Fig. 3.3(a) and 3.3(b),

the invader is located at (25, 0) and (40, 0), respectively. The sender


of the victim pair is located at the origin while its receiver spans the

transmission range of the sender. It can be seen that the maximum

transmission distance of 80MHz one is shorter than that of 40MHz

one. The average PERs in the total and partial invadings are 83%

and 32%, respectively. This shows that using wider bandwidth re-

sults in lower PER due to the reduced transmission range.

The numerical results show impact of invading in terms of PER for

both directions. One using a larger bandwidth tends to be an invader

when separated by a shorter distance while the one using a smaller

bandwidth over a longer distance. The PER can be incorporated into

the outcome of each event in the Markovian analysis presented in the

appendix. And from now on, as a performance metric, we use the

PER instead of ‘collision probability’.

3.2 Channel Allocation for Alleviating HC

In this section, we formulate the channel allocation problem using

graph theory. We assume that the interference map among APs is

known a priori. The interference relation among APs is assumed to

be derived from the aggregated AP information reported back from

APs/user devices. Each AP with its own bandwidth generates a neigh-

bor AP list by overhearing, and reports the information to the APC.

Then the APC can generate an invading map among the APs with

the neighboring AP lists and bandwidth information. For example,


(a) 25m apart

(b) 40m apart

Figure 3.3: PERs of the total and partial invadings between 40MHzand 80MHz senders. x and y axes represent two dimensional coordi-nates in meters.


if AP a with 80MHz senses the existence of AP b with 20MHz but

not vice versa, then the APC can infer that they may suffer partial

invading.3 Note again that we only consider the downlink scenario in

this dissertation.

Coloring has been used to solve various network problems in graph

theory. In [26, 27, 28, 29], a vertex coloring algorithm is applied for

channel allocation that aims to reduce inter-channel interference in an

802.11 legacy network, where partially overlapped channel allocation

is allowed. Since 802.11ac does not allow channel overlapping, its

channel assignment structure should be different from conventional


Recently, graph modeling is used in CSMA protocol for achieving

optimal throughput properties as in [30, 31]. They maintain exclusive

usage (coloring) of network resource with the CSMA operation under

a single symmetric channel.

We use a special form of graph coloring which is called ‘University

Course Timetabling (UCT)’ [35, 36, 37]. The general UCT problem

considers assigning professors to courses and courses to time slots and

classrooms while minimizing conflicts, e.g., the number of students

who take multiple courses scheduled for a same time period or class-


However, the coloring approaches taken so far do not accommo-

date an asymmetric nature of our problem in multi-channel systems.

3Recall that one with smaller bandwidth invades some other one with largerbandwidth in the partial invading.


So we extend the formulation of UCT problem to ours.

The general UCT problem considers assigning professors to courses

and courses to time slots and classrooms. A number of versions of this

problem with different constraints have been studied [35, 36, 37]. In

this subsection, we review a simple version of the UCT problem that

aims to schedule courses for time slots in a department of a university.

The number of time slots is fixed to k. The department should

avoid scheduling two courses in a same time slot if there are students

registering for both courses. A conflict happens between two courses

having students in common who are scheduled for the same time pe-

riod. Since the number of time slots is constrained, it may not be

feasible to avoid all conflicts. The objective of this problem is to

assign courses to time slots while minimizing the number of conflicts.

The UCT problem can be modeled as a graph coloring problem.

Here, courses are vertices in the graph and an edge between two ver-

tices indicates that there will be a conflict if they are scheduled for

a same time slot. The conflict level can be expressed as a weight on

each edge. The weight can be simply one if they conflict with each

other, or the number of students registering for both courses. Assign-

ing a certain color to a vertex means that a course corresponding to

the vertex is scheduled for a time slot represented by that color.

Generally, the vertex coloring is one of the combinatorial optimiza-

tion problems that are known to be NP-hard, and the UCT problem

indeed falls in this category as well, and has been shown to be NP-hard


in [35]. This suggests the development of various heuristic algorithms

that sacrifice optimality for computational efficiency [37].

Heuristic algorithms to solve the UCT problem with constraints

expressed as the number of students registering for two courses in

common provide near optimal performance [35]. Since the constraints

and conflicts in the UCT problem do not identically match with those

of our channel assignment problem, we develop a proper algorithm

that aims to maximize the channel utilization while alleviating the

HC problem.

3.2.1 Problem Formulation

For modeling, we denote APs by vertices and the interference or in-

vading relations between them by edges. And we denote the channel

that an AP chooses as its primary channel by a color. We assume

that each AP has decided its bandwidth a priori in some manner. For

example, an 802.11a AP can only exploit 20MHz channel while an

802.11ac AP can choose one from all the options. Our objective in

the formulation is to assign a color to each vertex to minimize the

interference/invading relations to some extent.

Since we omit the case of using 160MHz channel for simplicity,

there are four primary channel choices of 20MHz channel and three

bandwidth choices as shown in Fig. 3.4. In Fig. 3.4(a), the band-

widths of 1, 2 and 4 represent 20MHz, 40MHz, and 80MHz channels,

respectively, and each number in bracket represents the primary chan-


(a) Channel index

(b) Possible channel configurations

Figure 3.4: Channel index and configurations in the problem formu-lation.

nel index among four channels. Fig. 3.4(b) shows all possible com-

binations of the bandwidth and primary channel choices. Here, each

filled square represents a chosen primary channel, shaded square a

secondary channel, and empty square an unused channel.

An important feature of our channel allocation algorithm lies in

how the interactions between these chosen primary channels are dealt

with. If both of the APs are with 20MHz channel and their primary

channels are not the same, then they are not mutually interfering (i.e.

invading) at all. However, if one is with 40MHz channel and the other

with 20MHz channel while the secondary channel of the former one

is the primary channel of the latter one, they possibly suffer the total

invading depending on the distance between them.

To understand the relation between the channels allocated for


Figure 3.5: Relations between primary channels allocated for neigh-boring APs. Each number inside a node and on an edge indicates theprimary channel index and the channel relation between the primarychannels of the two neighboring APs, respectively.

two neighboring APs, we define the (primary) channel relations. In

Fig. 3.5, if the two channels have the same (primary) channel index,

then the relation is S (Same). For the same upper/lower half alloca-

tions but not the same channel, it is N (Near), and for the different

half allocations, it is F (Far).

The definition uses non-overlapping-channel and non-separable as-

sumptions in 802.11ac. The channel relations defined in Fig. 3.5 will

be used for indicating the cost that will occur when the corresponding

channel relation between neighboring vertices is realized. The mean-

ing will be clear if we define a weight vector for each edge as follows.

A weight vector for an edge between two neighboring APs consists

of three elements, each of which represents the cost incurred when

the channel relation between the primary channels of two neighboring


vertices is ‘S’, ‘N’ and ‘F’, respectively. In other words, the first

element is for the channel relation of Same, the second for Near, and

the third for Far.

Table 3.2 summaries the weight vectors for all possible pair re-

lations (column 2) according to the geographical distance and band-

width combinations. The values CT , CP , CM , CB and CI are the costs

corresponding to the events realized according to the allocated chan-

nel relation. CT is for Total invading, CP for Partial invading, CM

for Mutually reserving, CB for mutually Blind, and CI for mutually


When the two APs are close enough, both can reserve/sense the

same channel of interest, so they are mutually reserving. And if they

suffer HC problem, it is a case of either total or partial invading. If

they interfere with each other but their reserving/sensing ranges do

not effectively cover each other, it is a case of mutually blind. Lastly,

it is denoted as mutually indifferent when they are far from each other

so that they do not interfere at all.

We represent the costs for CI , CM (or CB), and CT (or CP ) as

‘0’, ‘1’, and ∞, respectively. If two APs are indifferently positioned,

they are not contending, so the cost is 0. And the cost is 1 if they are

in mutually reserving or mutually blind relation because they fairly

contend for the channel. However, if they suffer HC problem, one of

them experiences heavy interference. So we set the cost to ∞ for these



Table 3.2: Weight vectors. (Pair types are in MHz, CM :Mutually re-serving, CT :Total invading, CP :partial invading, CB: mutually Blind,CI : mutually Indifferent)

Pair Pair WeightExample

type relation vector

20&20mutually reserving (CM , CI , CI) (1, 0, 0)

mutually separated (CI , CI , CI) (0, 0, 0)

40&40mutually reserving (CM , CM , CI) (1, 1, 0)

mutually separated (CI , CI , CI) (0, 0, 0)

80&80mutually reserving (CM , CM , CM ) (1, 1, 1)

mutually separated (CI , CI , CI) (0, 0, 0)


mutually reserving (CM , CM , CI) (1, 1, 0)

total invading (CM , CT , CI) (1,∞, 0)

partial invading (CP , CB , CI) (∞, 1, 0)

mutually separated (CI , CI , CI) (0, 0, 0)


mutually reserving (CM , CM , CM ) (1, 1, 1)

total invading (CM , CT , CT ) (1,∞,∞)

partial invading (CP , CB , CB) (∞, 1, 1)

mutually separated (CI , CI , CI) (0, 0, 0)


mutually reserving (CM , CM , CM ) (1, 1, 1)

total invading (CM , CM , CT ) (1, 1,∞)

partial invading (CP , CP , CB) (∞,∞, 1)

mutually separated (CI , CI , CI) (0, 0, 0)

For example, when two APs exploit 20MHz and 40MHz chan-

nels (see the pair type of 20&40 in Table 3.2), respectively, and their

primary channels are 1 and 2, the channel relation is ‘N’. So the sec-

ond element of the cost vector will have the following (indicated in

bold in the table): CM if they are close enough (‘mutually reserving’),

CT if within the invading distance to each other (‘total invading’), and

CB if appropriately distant (‘mutually blind’), and CI (‘mutually in-

different’) if far from each other.

Based on the assumptions and mathematical expressions above,

we formulate the problem as an integer programming problem below.


Notations used in the formulation is summarized in Table 3.3.



wij(xi, xj ;T,R,C)

s.t. xi ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}, ∀i.


We call this problem PCA (Primary Channel Allocation) problem

and note that the instance of PCA can be represented as < T,R,C >.

We now prove that the PCA problem is NP-hard. A reference

NP-complete problem is “k-colorability”.

Definition. k-colorability: For a given graph G(V,E) where V,E are

vertex and edge sets respectively, and an integer k, there exists a map

π : V → {1, 2, ..., k} such that for (u, v) ∈ E, π(u) = π(v).

The k-colorability is known as an NP-complete problem for any

k [25]. Note that the instance of k-colorability can be represented as

< G(V,E), k >.

Proposition. The PCA problem is an NP-hard problem.

Proof. Consider an arbitrary instance of 4-colorability problem rep-

resented by < G(V,E), 4 >. We denote the color assigned to the

vertex i of G(V,E) as xi ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}. For any vertices i and j with

(i, j) ∈ E, pair type ti,j is set to ‘20&20’ pair relation Ri,j is con-

figured as ‘mutually reserving’ and the costs are set to CI = 0 and

CM = CB = CT = CP = ∞, respectively. Clearly, this reduction

from k-colorability < G(V,E), 4 > to PCA < T,R,C > requires only

the time proportional to the problem size.


Table 3.3: Notations used in the integer problem.




















































































We need to note that from Table 3.2, wij(xi, xj ;T,R,C) = 0 when

xi = xj and ∞ when xi = xj for any (i, j) ∈ E with this setting of

T, R and C. Therefore, an instance of 4-colorability problem can be

reduced to an instance of PCA problem in a polynomial time.

If the minimum of PCA < T,R,C > is 0, the answer for the 4-

colorability problem < G(V,E), k > is ‘yes since wij(xi, xj ;T,R,C) =

0 for all (i, j) ∈ E, which means that all the adjacent vertices are

colored by different colors. On the other hand, if the minimum of

PCA < T,R,C > is ∞, the answer for the 4-colorability problem

< G(V,E), k > is ‘no since wij(xi, xj ;T,R,C) = ∞ for at least one

(i, j) ∈ E, which indicates that some adjacent vertices should be col-

ored by the same color.

This means that if we solve the instance of PCA problem, we can

answer the instance of 4-colorability problem as well. Therefore, the

considered problem is NP-hard.

The objective of the PCA problem is to minimize the total cost

incurred in allocating a primary channel to each AP while maximizing

the channel utilization. As the concept of channel utilization is con-

noted in the weight vector, minimizing the total cost means that the

channel relation between each pair of APs should minimize the num-

ber of contending relations and avoid invading relations as much as

possible. As it is proven to be NP-hard, we need a heuristic algorithm.


Figure 3.6: A heuristic approach for the vertex coloring.

3.2.2 A Heuristic Primary Channel Assignment Algo-


In this subsection, we present a heuristic algorithm for primary chan-

nel assignment. A basic heuristic approach for the vertex coloring is

shown in Fig. 3.6

We define two types of vector metrics for doing this. One is the

cost vector for each vertex. The cost vector helps us select which color

should be assigned to each vertex.4 The other is the degree vector for

each vertex, which is used to decide which vertex to be colored next,

i.e., sequence of vertex coloring. Depending on how these two metrics

and edge weight vectors are combined, many heuristic algorithms can

be considered. In this work, we consider a simple example to illustrate

the procedures of channel allocation.

4Our concept is similar to that in [35] but with different definitions.


For the degree vector, we use a vector of two elements for each

vertex. The first element of the degree vector is the number of ‘∞’s

in the weight vectors on all the edges that a vertex is connected with.

And the second element is the number of ‘1’s on the same edges. The

rationale for using these two elements is that with the increase in

the numbers of ∞’s (invading relation) and ‘1’s (fair contention), the

vertex coloring is becoming more difficult. To avoid invading relations,

we put a more weight on the first element than on the second element

(reducing the number of contenders). If a tie in the first element

occurs, we color a vertex with a larger second element then.

For the cost vector, we use four elements as there are four primary

channel choices of 20Mhz each. The first element represents the cost

incurred when the first channel is chosen as the primary one, and the

second element represents the cost when the second channel is chosen,

and so forth. A vertex with the lowest cost element is colored since

our objective is to minimize the total cost. When multiple colors are

with a same lowest cost, choose one randomly.

For example, consider two neighboring vertices A and B with the

edge weight vector, (ws, wn, wf ) and assume ws > wn > wf . Initially,

vertices A and B both have the cost vector (0,0,0,0). Assume node A

is assigned first color 2. Then vertex B will have the primary channel

relation with A as ‘N’, ‘S’, ‘F’, and ‘F’ according to the allocated

channels of 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively, as four channels are available.

From the edge weight vector of (ws, wn, wf ), vertex B will have the


cost vector of (wn, ws, wf , wf ). Refer to Fig. 3.7 too.

Then the algorithm selects a next vertex by comparing the degree

vector of each vertex to be allocated, and assigns it a color that shows

a minimum value among the four elements in its cost vector. The

procedures stop when all the vertices are colored. In the previous

example, the minimum element value among wn, ws, wf and wf for

vertex B is wf . So vertex B will be assigned channel 3 or 4, randomly.

In Fig. 3.7, we consider an example of channel allocation for a

topology of 6 APs, where we denote an AP exploiting 80MHz channel

by a largest circle, 40MHz one by a medium sized circle, and 20MHz

one by a smallest circle, respectively. And simply connected edges

and directed edges represent mutually reserving relation and invading

relation, respectively. For comparison, we use the RSSI based pri-

mary channel selection algorithm, in which each AP selects a channel

with a lowest RSSI as its primary one. The RSSI-based scheme emu-

lates a channel selection method in the legacy versions of 802.11 which

chooses the best channel as its operating one. For simplicity of illus-

tration, the number of active neighbors on each channel is used as a

channel selection metric for the RSSI-based algorithm.

Figs. 3.7(b) and 3.7(c) illustrate the allocation results of the heuris-

tic algorithm and the RSSI based algorithm, respectively. Also, for

the comparative study, we show the optimal allocation results in

Fig. 3.7(d) which are obtained by brutal force calculation for a small

size network.


(a) Notations (b) Heuristic allocation

(c) RSSI based allocation (d) Optimal allocation

Figure 3.7: An example of channel allocation for comparison.


Table 3.4: Channel allocation example of the heuristic algorithm.(I = ∞)

Vertex 6 5 1 4 2 3

Degree [4 5] [4 4] [2 7] [2 4] [1 6] [1 4]

1st 0⃝000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

2nd II 1⃝1 1111 1III 0000 0000

3rd II 2⃝2 1III 0000 001I

4th 1⃝III II11 001I

5th II 1⃝1 101I

6th 1 0⃝2I

Result Ch.1 Ch.3 Ch.3 Ch.1 Ch.3 Ch.2

For our algorithm, we give the procedures in Table 3.4. Since

vertex 6 has a largest first element in the degree vector (i.e. 4 but a

tie with vertex 5) and a larger second element (i.e. 5) compared to

vertex 5, it becomes the first one to be colored. And vertex 3 has

the lowest value (i.e. 1 but a tie with vertex 2), and it has a smaller

second element (i.e. 4) compared to vertex 2. So it becomes the last

one to be colored.

Vertex 6 is randomly assigned color 1 first, which is channel 1,

because the cost vector is filled with all zero elements (i.e. equal).

In the third row and second column, the circled first element (i.e. 0)

indicates the chosen channel number ‘1’ for vertex 6. Then the cost

vectors of vertices 1, 4 and 5 are updated since they are the neighbors

of vertex 6.

The weight vector on the edge between vertices 6 and 5 is (∞,∞, 1),

each of which represents the cost to be incurred if a channel relation of

‘S’,‘N’ or ‘F’ with vertex 6 is assigned to vertex 5. So, the updated cost


Table 3.5: Channel allocation example of the RSSI based algorithm.Vertex 6 5 1 4 2 3

1st 0⃝000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

2nd 1⃝111 1111 1111 0000 0000

3rd 22 1⃝1 1111 0000 1100

4th 1⃝111 1111 1101

5th 2 1⃝11 2101

6th 32 0⃝1

Result Ch.1 Ch.1 Ch.3 Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3

vector for vertex 5 becomes (∞,∞, 1, 1). In the same manner, the up-

dated cost vectors for vertices 1 and 4 are (1, 1, 1, 1) and (1,∞,∞,∞),


The updated cost vectors are shown in the fourth row. Then vertex

5 is colored in the third row. As vertex 5 has the lowest cost value

for the third element, it is assigned channel 3. Then the cost vectors

for vertices 1 and 3 are updated in the same manner, and shown in

the fifth row. Since there are six vertices, the coloring and updating

cycles are performed six times. After coloring vertex 3, the algorithm

stops. The allocation results are given in the bottom row, and also

shown in Fig. 3.7(b) with filled rectangles.

Table 3.5 shows an example of the RSSI based allocation algorithm

operation with the same vertex coloring order as in our proposal. Each

element in the cost vector represents the number of active neighboring

APs in the corresponding channel. Each vertex chooses a channel with

a lowest number of active APs as its primary one.

The final costs for the comparative schemes are shown in Fig. 3.7.


The proposed heuristic method and the optimal method show the

same cost while the RSSI-based one permits invading relation at three

edges. The heuristic allocation and the RSSI based allocation have the

same computational complexity of O(n2) while the optimal allocation

is NP-hard. This suggests that our heuristic algorithm works well at

least for reasonable size networks.

3.3 Simulation Results

In this section, we present the simulation results in terms of error

rate, throughput and fairness.5 We compare the heuristic algorithm

with random, RSSI-based, and exhaustive (optimal) allocation. The

random allocation selects a primary channel for each AP randomly

(i.e., in an uncoordinated manner). The RSSI-based one allocates a

channel with the lowest RSSI for each node and emulates a channel

selection method in the legacy versions of 802.11. The optimal allo-

cation uses the result of the exhaustive search of Eq. 3.2. Since the

integer programming is NP-hard, the optimal allocation is infeasible

in polynomial time. For this reason, we obtain the allocation results

for up to 10 APs.

Throughout the entire simulations, the slot time, DIFS, PIFS, and

SIFS are set to 9, 34, 25, and 16µs, respectively, and the transmission

5None of the available simulators (NS2, NS3, etc.) so far implements the802.11ac contention mechanism in multi-channel environments. So, we imple-mented it with C++ in the same way that NS2/3 implements the simulator (Event-queue based ‘event driven simulator’).


power is fixed to 17dBm. We assume that the inter-transmission-

attempt-time is 100µs and the packet length is 1500bytes. The trans-

mission time depends on the selected MCS (Modulation and Cod-

ing) level and number of control messages (RTS, CTS and ACK)

with PLCP (Physical Layer Convergence Protocol) overhead of 20µs.

Packet error events are emulated with PER values calculated from

SINRs as in Section 3.1.

3.3.1 Case for a Network with Two APs

Fig. 3.8 presents the throughput performance of the heuristic algo-

rithm in a simple invading scenario. In the considered scenario, two

transmitting APs of 40MHz (invader) and 20MHz (victim) are located

a certain distance apart and each AP’s receiver is positioned randomly

between those two APs. Each simulation is performed 100 times and

the simulation time is 1s. Then the empirical CDF (Cumulative Dis-

tribution Function) of throughput is measured.6

In Fig. 3.8(a), we show the throughput improvement of the heuris-

tic algorithm compared to the random and RSSI-based allocation

algorithms when the victim and the invader are 30m apart. The

RSSI-based allocation shows better performance than the random

one because it helps 20MHz PPDU and 40MHz PPDU avoid each

other orthogonally in the 80MHz band. The CDF shows a stair-like

shape because the AMC scheme discretizes the throughput space. The

6The results for other combinations of bandwidth choice show a similar ten-dency, and are omitted due to the page limit.


8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 260


















(a) 30m apart

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 260


















(b) 40m apart

Figure 3.8: Empirical CDF of the victim’s throughput according tothe distance between the invader and the victim.


(a) A 6-chain topology

(b) Random allocation result (231434)

(c) RSSI-based allocation result (313121)

(d) Heuristic allocation result (113113)

(e) Exhaustive allocation result (311311)

Figure 3.9: A chain topology and bandwidth allocation results.

heuristic algorithm shows the identical result with the exhaustive.

Fig. 3.8(b) shows the same results except that the performance

improvement is reduced and the RSSI-based allocation shows a bit

better performance than the random allocation to some extent. The

reasons are that their invading intensity decreases with their separated

distance and the AMC scheme runs properly, respectively.

3.3.2 Case for a Chain Topology with Six APs

Fig. 3.9 shows a simple chain topology of 6 transmitter-receiver pairs

indexed by 1 through 6. The transmitters are on a straight line and the

receivers are positioned on another straight line which is 20m below


Table 3.6: Tx. trial, error rate and throughput of each node in the6-chain topology. Tx. (#), Err. (%) and Thr. (Mbps).

Tx. (#) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Overall

RandomTx. 2359 1787 1655 1619 1597 1536 10553Err. 0.00 64.91 0.06 0.00 0.31 55.14 19.08Thr. 28.31 7.52 19.85 19.43 19.10 8.27 102.05

RSSI-basedTx. 2370 1783 1652 1582 1614 1542 10543Err. 0.00 67.13 0.18 0.00 0.12 56.74 19.70Thr. 28.44 7.03 19.79 18.98 19.34 8.00 101.58

HeuristicTx. 1626 1591 1653 1604 1599 1810 9883Err. 0.00 0.25 0.43 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.10Thr. 19.51 19.04 19.75 19.25 19.16 21.72 118.44

ExhaustiveTx. 1594 1605 1659 1586 1637 1804 9885Err. 0.00 0.12 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07Thr. 19.13 19.24 19.85 19.03 19.64 21.65 118.54

the transmitters. Their relative distances are configured to suffer HC

problem so that node 1 invades node 2, node 2 invades node3 and so

on. Because of their bandwidth usages (80, 40, 20, 80, 40 and 20),

each pair of nodes suffer ‘Total’, ‘Total’, ‘Partial’, ‘Total’ and ‘Total’

invadings, respectively. Also, the results of the competitive bandwidth

allocation algorithms are shown in the figure. The random and RSSI-

based algorithms happen to be not able to avoid the invadings from

1 to 2 and 5 to 6 while the heuristic and exhaustive ones do.

The simulation results for the chain topology are summarized in

Table 3.6 in terms of number of transmission trials, error rate and

throughput. As shown in the table, high packet error happens at node

2 and node 6, so their throughputs decrease. In the random and RSSI-

based allocation schemes, the number of transmission trials for node 1

is much higher than those for the other nodes. This is because node 1

does not sense any other nodes nearby, thus attempts to transmit all

the time. The rest of the nodes have at least one contender, so they


possibly defer their transmissions. A proper channel allocation leads

node 1 to sense node 2, so the trial number for node 1 becomes similar

to those for the others in the heuristic and exhaustive schemes. Node

6 shows relatively higher throughput for the heuristic and exhaustive

schemes because they have no contender.

We can see that the throughput increases about 15% and the error

rate drops 19 percentage point in the chain topology. The error rate

reduction in the considered topology is rather great. However, the

performance improvement depends heavily on the network topology,

so we perform simulations for random networks in the following.

3.3.3 Case for Various Sized Random Networks

We consider N APs and N user terminals randomly located in a 100m

× 100m grid topology. Each AP, with randomly chosen bandwidth,

is associated with a randomly distributed user terminal nearby. The

following results are the averages of 100 repeated simulations and each

simulation time is 1 second.

Fig. 3.10 presents the performance comparison in terms of network-

wide PER, throughput, and fairness. The heuristic algorithm lowers

PER by 7 percentage point at maximum compared to the random

and RSSI-based allocation schemes as shown in Fig. 3.10(a). The

random and RSSI-based allocation schemes show almost the same

performance because each AP chooses a primary channel in a greedy

manner without considering others’ choices. And our heuristic al-


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100







Number of APs









Random w/o RTS/CTS

RSSI−based w/o RTS/CTS

Heuristic w/o RTS/CTS

Exhaustive w/o RTS/CTS

Random w/ RTS/CTS

RSSI−based w/ RTS/CTS

Heuristic w/ RTS/CTS

Exhaustive w/ RTS/CTS

(a) Packet error rate

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1035











Number of APs





e t







(b) Network-wide throughput

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10









Number of APs



ess i



(c) Jain’s fairness index

Figure 3.10: Network-wide packet error rate, throughput and fairnessperformance in small sized networks.


gorithm shows near optimal performance. The enhanced RTS/CTS

handshake avoids collision by reserving spaces at both the transmit-

ter and receiver sides, which also results in around 4 percentage point

improvement. However, it also suffers from the HC problem since

RTS/CTS messages are also transmitted with a fixed transmission

power regardless of the bandwidth usage. Therefore, our channel al-

location approach along with the enhanced RTS/CTS scheme shows

the best performance.

The lower PER leads to the improvement of throughput perfor-

mance as shown in Fig. 3.10(b). The network-wide throughput im-

proves at most 17%. The collision avoidance effect of the RTS/CTS

scheme does not lead to throughput improvement, since it causes the

exposed terminal problem which leads to reduced transmission at-

tempts. So our channel allocation approach without the RTS/CTS

scheme shows the best performance. This leads us to conclude that

the RTS/CTS scheme lowers PER at the expense of throughput.

Fig. 3.10(c) shows throughput fairness performance. The RTS/CTS

scheme does not have a significant impact on the performance while

the channel allocation approach has.

Fig. 3.11 shows the same performance evaluation results for a 200m

× 200m topology with more APs. Since the exhaustive search is not

feasible for a large number of APs, it has been excluded from the

evaluation. In the figure, PER and throughput performances show

similar results.


5 10 15 20 25 305






Number of APs









Random w/o RTS/CTS

RSSI−based w/o RTS/CTS

Heuristic w/o RTS/CTS

Random w/ RTS/CTS

RSSI−based w/ RTS/CTS

Heuristic w/ RTS/CTS

(a) Packet error rate

5 10 15 20 25 3080









Number of APs





e t







(b) Network-wide throughput

Figure 3.11: Network-wide packet error rate, throughput and fairnessperformance in large sized networks.


Note that the results so far are obtained from the averages of all

the nodes in the network. While 7 percentage point improvement of

PER does not influence a single user experience significantly, there

are some nodes whose transmissions are highly interfered, and thus

corrupted by others’ in the invading scenario. We directly show the

performance improvement on those victims in Fig. 3.12.

Fig. 3.12(a), the CDF for PERs of all transmission pairs is shown.

As it can be seen, our heuristic algorithm significantly lowers the

distribution of PER and shows near optimal performance. As before,

the random and RSSI-based schemes show similar performances.

The throughput increment ratio of our proposal for a particular

AP which gets the minimum throughput among all APs is shown in

Fig. 3.12(b). The performance of the worst throughput user greatly

improves under all cases. While the results fluctuate heavily, the gen-

eral tendency that the ratio increases with the number of APs can be

observed. This is because as the network gets congested, the worst-

performing AP has more influencing invaders, and alleviating this

situation improves the throughput performance more. These mini-

mum throughput and packet error rate results prove that the heuris-

tic allocation algorithm lessens the invading problem, thus leading to

improved fairness performance, as in Fig. 3.10(c).


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10













(a) CDF for PER with RTS/CTS when N = 10

2 4 6 8 100




Number of APs





t o

f m







t (%


Improvement compared to random w/o RTS/CTS

Improvement compared to RSSI−based w/o RTS/CTS

Improvement compared to random w/ RTS/CTS

Improvement compared to RSSI−based w/ RTS/CTS

(b) Throughput increment ratio of a node with the worstthroughput

Figure 3.12: CDF for PER when N = 10 and throughput incrementratio.


3.4 Summary

As a first solution to the hidden channel problem, the PCA algorithm

is proposed in this chapter. While formulating the channel allocation

problem and running the simulations, the PER behaviors when some

parts of the bandwidth are interfered by other transmission studied

in the beginning of this chapter are used to make the problem and

simulation more realistic. The channel allocation problem is formu-

lated using graph theory and proven to be NP-hard. Then the PCA

algorithm, which is heuristic, is proposed. Using simulation, we show

that the PCA lowers the packet error probability which leads to the

enhanced throughput performance of a network. Also, fairness of the

network can be boosted.

The channel allocation problem formulated in this chapter assumes

that the bandwidth of each link or AP is fixed by some reasons. In the

following chapter, we break this assumption. And we propose another

solution to the hidden channel problem by modifying the bandwidth



Chapter 4

PoBA (Post-CCA based

Bandwidth Adaptation)

4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the effect of the bandwidth selection is firstly pre-

sented in general. Then the post-CCA operation, another clear chan-

nel assessing procedure after finishing a transmission is proposed fol-

lowed by the PoBA, post-CCA based Bandwidth Adaptation algo-

rithm. Then the performance enhancement of the PoBA is shown

using simulation.

Fig. 4.1 shows MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme) levels and

corresponding receiver sensitivities defined in 802.11ac. Receiver sen-

sitivity is the minimum received signal power required for decoding a

signal with error probability of smaller than 10%. So, the required re-


Figure 4.1: Ideal MCS levels on each bandwidth according to receiversensitivity, where the number in a circle represents the MCS level andthe x-axis is the required receiver sensitivity.

ceiver sensitivity can be considered as an ideal channel condition (i.e.,

only with path loss attenuation). Intuitively, a higher MCS level re-

quires a higher receiver sensitivity for correct decoding.

As the figure shows, using a wider bandwidth with the same MCS

level requires better channel condition. In other words, for a given

channel condition, we need a lower MCS level if we want to use a larger

bandwidth. On the other hand, from the perspective of achievable

throughput, it is always best to use the largest bandwidth possible.

For example, when the channel condition is -82dBm, there is only one

option of MCS level 0 at 20MHz bandwidth. As for -79dBm, the viable

options are MCS 1 at 20MHz and MCS 0 at 40MHz. The theoretical

data rates at each option are 13Mbps and 13.5Mbps, respectively.

Likewise, if the channel condition is -76dBm, there are three options,

MCS 2 at 20MHz, MCS 1 at 40MHz, and MCS 0 at 80MHz, with


data rates 19.5, 27 and 29.3Mbps, respectively. Therefore, using a

wider bandwidth is always better and the best options are indicated

by black circles in Fig. 4.1 .

However, using a larger bandwidth comes at some disadvantages.

First, it results in the reduced transmission range. Since the trans-

mission power is fixed due to the restriction at the power amp, using a

wider bandwidth reduces the power spectral density of each transmis-

sion. For instance, if 100mW is used for transmission, then 5mW per

MHz and 2.5mw per MHz are the power spectral densities of 20MHz

and 40MHz bandwidth, respectively. Since the channel attenuation

and fading are multiplied and noises are added on the entire band-

width that a transmission occupies, using a larger bandwidth lowers

SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio), i.e., the decreased transmission range

or degraded packet reception probability. In other words, using wider

bandwidth yields lower power spectral density.

This disadvantage leads to the second one. The range of a trans-

mission on a wider bandwidth becomes shorter, thus reducing the

spatial area that the transmission reserves through CSMA/CA. So,

if there is another device outside the reserving range of a transmit-

ter, then the packet in transmission suffers from potential interfer-

ence. This problem did not happen until 802.11ac was introduced,

because all the devices used the same bandwidth and power. How-

ever, in 802.11ac with non-overlapping channelization, the heteroge-

neous bandwidth usage leads to the imbalance between the reservation


capabilities [12, 15].

4.2 Experimental Results

We have conducted simple experiments to demonstrate that the hid-

den channel problem is real. We measure the differences in power

spectral density in accordance with different bandwidth usages, and

in the results of channel assessment as a function of physical locations

of a transmitter, a receiver and an interferer. All these affect the

results of contention and transmission.

RSSI(dBm) = (200/3069) ·RSSID − c

c =

280/3 gain = high

155/2 gain = medium

126/2 gain = low


USRP N200 with GnuRadio [1, 3] and WARP v.3 with WARPLab

reference design version 7.5.1 [2] are used in our experiments. The

WARP v.3 uses MAX2829 transceiver hardware [4]. The ADC and

DAC in the MAX2829 have an intrinsic curve for converting RSSI (Re-

ceived Signal Strength Indicator) values from the hardware to the dig-

ital value, as the above equation, depending on antenna gain. Here,

RSSI is in dBm and RSSID is the digitized RSSI value that the ADC



First, we measure the spectral densities for 10MHz and 20MHz

transmissions with a fixed power. A WARP board transmits a packet,

and its spectral density is measured by a USRP board which is 0.5m

away from the transmitter. Since the stably supporting bandwidth of

the WARP board is 20MHz at 5GHz band,1 we use 20MHz for a full

band transmission and 10MHz for a half band one in the following

experiments without loss of generality. Both the interpolation [14, 15]

and the sub-carrier nulling [16] are used to control bandwidth, and

they yielded the same results.

Fig. 4.2 plots power spectral density (PSD) while varying the

bandwidth, where the unstable lines at the bottom are the PSD at a

specific point in time and the stable lines at the top are peak hold-

ing graphs that store the maximum PSD over time. As shown in the

figure, the PSD with the full bandwidth is around -45dBm while that

with a half bandwidth is approximately -40dBm. This result simply

verifies that using a narrow bandwidth concentrates the entire power

on the narrow bandwidth, which results in higher PSD compared to

using a wider bandwidth.

Fig. 4.3 shows the topologies used in the next experiment in which

3 WARP boards are used to create a simple transmitter–receiver (Tx–

Rx) pair with an interferer (Ix). Topology 1 is for an equal distance

scenario, topology 2 for a close Tx–Rx scenario, topology 3 for a close

1A WARP hardware supports up to 40MHz bandwidth. However, when apacket is sent in 40MHz bandwidth at 5GHz with the WARPLab reference design,it suffers from a higher bit error rate.


(a) PSD of fullband transmission (20MHz)

(b) PSD of halfband transmission (10MHz)

Figure 4.2: Power spectral density of full and half band transmissions.


(a) Topology 1 (b) Topology 2

(c) Topology 3 (d) Topology 4

Figure 4.3: Experimental topologies.

Tx–Ix scenario, and topology 4 for a close Rx–Ix scenario. The Tx–

Rx pair use full bandwidth and the Ix occupies only a half bandwidth.

The Tx and Ix transmit simultaneously to measure the CCA results

and bit error rates. The averages with the standard deviation bars

are shown in Fig. 4.4, where each point is obtained from 100 repeated


Fig. 4.4(a) shows the CCA results for different topologies, where

the conventional CCA is the one performed right before starting a

transmission and the Post-CCA is another channel assessment after

completing a transmission. The conventional CCA results are shown

at both Tx and Ix and the post-CCA results are shown on both of

the half channels.

As shown in Fig. 4.4(a), the post-CCA results on the interfered

half channel show much larger values than those on the other inter-


Topology 1 Topology 2 Topology 3 Topology 4−100









A r





Conventional CCA on Tx

Post−CCA on interfered channel

Post−CCA on inferference free channel

Conventional CCA on Ix

CCA sensitivity

(a) Conventional CCA and Post-CCA results on both of the halfchannels at Tx and CCA results at Ix while Tx is transmitting

Topology 1 Topology 2 Topology 3 Topology 40













(b) Bit error rates of BPSK, QPSK and 16QAM modulations oneach topology when there is hidden channel interference

Figure 4.4: Experimental results for different topologies.


ference free one. This is a simple, expected result since the interfer-

ence occupies only half of the channel. The post-CCA results on the

interference free half-channel should be similar to the conventional

CCA results, which is nearly -90dBm in the experiment. However, in

Fig. 4.2(b), there exists some power leakage on the interference-free

half channel due to the imperfection of bandwidth control software

and hardware in our experiment.

Also, note that conventional CCA results at the Ix side during

the Tx’s transmission are also different from post-CCA results at the

Tx side. This gap implies unbalanced CCA capabilities of Tx and Ix.

The dotted line in Fig. 4.4(a) represents the primary CCA sensitivity

level, -82dBm. Above (below) the sensitivity level is the region for the

channel busy (idle). During the Tx’s transmission, Ix cannot detect

the existence of the transmission on topologies 1 and 4. However, on

the same topologies, Tx is aware of the existence of Ix’s transmission

through the post-CCA results on the interfered half channel. This

implies that Ix interferes with Tx all the time on the half channel due

to the failure in busy channel detection. That is, the hidden channel

problem occurs.

The corresponding bit error probabilities are plotted in Fig. 4.4(b)

when Ix interferes with Tx. Since the error rates without interference

are nearly zero on all the topologies, the results represent additional

bit errors caused by Ix. As shown in the figure, the severity of the

problem depends on the modulation level. A higher modulation level,


Figure 4.5: Post-CCA operation.

Table 4.1: Post-CCA observations and intuitions.Observation

IntuitionPost-CCA ACK?

Idle Yes Working wellIdle No Fading errorBusy Yes Collision but working wellBusy No Hidden channel collision error

which is used when the channel condition is good, is more prone to

the interference. These experiments show the discrepancy in the CCA

capability of different bandwidths, and also show that the discrepancy

and the physical topology affect transmission bit error rate greatly.

4.3 Post-CCA & PoBA

In this section, we propose a solution to the hidden channel problem,

called PoBA (Post-CCA based Bandwidth Adaptation), which uses

post-CCA for bandwidth adaptation.

4.3.1 Post-CCA Operation

The intuition behind the post-CCA operation and the corresponding

bandwidth adaptation, PoBA, is that an ‘interferee’ can sense its ‘in-


terferer’, but not vice versa, and hence the interferee should avoid

collision. Fig. 4.5 illustrates the post-CCA operation in a simple two

channel scenario, where the filled solid squares represent interferee’s

channel occupancy and the empty solid squares represent interferer’s.

The interferee starts to back off right after the interferer finishes

its transmission. Upon sensing the entire channel idle, the interferee

starts transmission. But, the interferer also starts its own since it

is unable to sense the channel busy. With the post-CCA operation,

the interferee is aware of the existence of a disrupting transmission

on channel 2. If no ACK packet is received in time, the interferee

concludes that the transmission has failed due to a hidden channel


Table 4.1 shows the interferee’s speculations about the network

condition according to the observations from post-CCA and whether

an ACK is received correctly. Here, we are interested in when the

post-CCA tells that some channels are busy and an ACK has not

been received in time. The other cases are usual scenarios as in ho-

mogeneous bandwidth networks.

If the interferer’s transmission ends before the interferee’s, the

post-CCA cannot detect the interferer’s existence. Clearly, the du-

ration of the interferer’s transmission affects the performance of the

post-CCA operation. If its duration is relatively short, a transmission

failure will be considered as a channel fading error. We leave this

case to the responsibility of AMC (Adaptive Modulation Coding) and


FEC (Forward Error Correction) scheme which combat bad channel


After finishing a transmission, a transmitter switches its antennas

from transmit mode to receive mode to wait for an ACK packet. So,

post-CCA operation is not a new operation because the conventional

operation just has not made use of the information that has been

available. Or, it has not been needed since spectral reservation (not

spatial) was assumed to work well in homogeneous bandwidth net-


High throughput WLAN standards, i.e., 802.11n, 802.11ac and

802.11ax, adopt OFDM/OFDMA as a basic physical-layer scheme.

The granularity of resource management/scheduling is a sub-carrier

or a sub-channel in OFDM. Via FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), it is

possible to measure idleness of each subcarrier if proper CCA sensitiv-

ity per subcarrier is defined. So, the idea of post-CCA can be applied

to OFDM. Here we use a 20MHz channel as the unit of resource

management, and hence we only suggest per-channel post-CCA. De-

signing a proper clear sub-carrier assessment is a separate open issue

for future 802.11 systems.

The post-CCA operation helps a transmitter assess network con-

dition like CSMA/CD in the wired Ethernet. In a wired network,

a transmitter can detect other signals during the transmission of a

packet. The post-CCA operation cannot enable collision detection

during transmission, but helps improve assessment of channel condi-


tion by sensing the channel once more after completing a transmission.

Albeit different, they share a similar concept of re-assessing channels

after starting a transmission.

CSMA/CD aborts transmission if a collision is detected. However,

a different approach should be taken in wireless systems since no other

action can be taken during a transmission. Next we present a band-

width adaptation algorithm, PoBA, to alleviate the hidden channel

collision problem.

4.3.2 PoBA Algorithm

Recently, researchers have studied feasibility of dynamically changing

bandwidth without modifying hardware, i.e., by only manipulating

digital signal processing stages [14, 15, 16]. They claim that agile

expansion or reduction of bandwidth according to the medium condi-

tion enhances the efficiency of transmissions. We use their methods of

controlling bandwidth by adding an additional signal processing step,

such as an interpolation or a subcarrier nulling block at the digital

baseband processing stage.

Fig. 4.5 also illustrates an example of bandwidth reduction based

on the post-CCA. In the figure, the interferee is aware that channel 2

has been interrupted from the middle of the transmission until the end.

So, the interferee changes its bandwidth from using both channels to

only channel 1 in the following transmission. Then, the interferee and

the interferer use only one of the two channels, and hence no more



Before detailing the algorithm, we address how a transmitter and a

receiver agree on the same channel configuration (i.e., primary channel

and bandwidth), when the transmitter initiates bandwidth adapta-

tion. One can assume that they share the same channel configuration

before bandwidth adaptation is triggered. There are a number of ways

for rendezvous of the transmitter and the receiver.

First, the transmitter initiates bandwidth adaptation by sending a

preamble sequence. 802.11ac defines a different preamble sequence for

each bandwidth [9]. So, by sending a packet with a bandwidth-specific

preamble, the transmitter informs its receiver that the bandwidth has

been changed. For this purpose, the receiver must be ready to receive

any possible bandwidth-specific preambles.

Second, each AP transmits a beacon message periodically that

contains a control field to indicate its bandwidth and primary channel

number [9]. This control field can be also used for rendezvous in a


Another method is through enhanced RTS/CTS messages as in

Fig. 2.3. A transmitter sends RTS messages only on desired channels,

then the receiver responds with CTS messages on those channels. In

this dissertation, we assume that a transmitter–receiver pair agree on

the same channel configuration through one or a combination of the

above methods.

We assume the maximum bandwidth to be 80MHz since it is the


mandatory supporting bandwidth. The following PoBA algorithm

can be extended to bandwidth of 160MHz without loss of generality.

Under this assumption, there are three bandwidth options: 20MHz,

40MHz and 80MHz. Recall that there are two 40MHz channels and

four 20MHz channels in a single 80MHz channel as shown in Fig. 2.1.

Besides bandwidth variation, channel location is another factor to

be considered. Thus, we define four different actions — reducing,

expanding, exploring and staying — for which Fig. 4.6 shows case-

study examples.

Reducing bandwidth is to relinquish some part of the bandwidth

because of the hidden channel collision on it while bandwidth is ex-

panded/enlarged for one of two cases. The first case is to face the

hidden channel intrusion from another transmitter that uses a wider

bandwidth as in Fig. 2.5(a). This case happens due to discrepancy be-

tween the CCA sensitivities on the primary and secondary channels.

If the interferee reserves channels which are secondary for the inter-

ferer, the reservation may not be successful because the secondary

channel(s) requires more power to assess busyness. In such a case,

matching the bandwidth with the interferer’s solves the reservation

asymmetry by sharing their primary channel. We incorporate the

cases with and without discrepancy by controlling the probability of

taking an expansion action.

The second case is to maximize channel utilization. As discussed

earlier, it is better to use a wider bandwidth possible if there is no


interference. So, when the transmission is successful, our algorithm

expands the allocated bandwidth with a predefined perturbation prob-

ability, ϵbwper, to make use of available bandwidth as much as possible.

In both cases, the expansion is a viable option, if possible. Recall

Fig. 4.1 where increasing bandwidth is not possible when the ideal

channel condition is not good. For example, if the ideal channel con-

dition is -82dBm, the only viable option is 20MHz. In such a case,

the probability for expanding bandwidth is set to zero.

Exploring is to try some other channels with the same bandwidth.

The entire bandwidth can be interrupted by the hidden channel prob-

lem on each channel from multiple interferers in dense networks. Also,

a possible way of avoiding a partial hidden channel collision is to try

different channels at different locations, i.e., exploring other channels.

For these purposes, the exploration action allows channels to move to

another location with the same bandwidth. Staying is to keep current

channel configuration again.

Fig. 4.6 shows case studies for each of the actions mentioned above,

where ‘staying’ options are not shown, filled squares represent loca-

tions of primary channels, shaded squares are for secondary channels,

empty squares are for unallocated channels, and big arrows represent

hidden channel collision from an interferer to an interferee.

Each case illustrates a possible channel configuration of hidden

channel collision, and actions show possible channel switching options

that the interferee can take. Channel configurations right next to the


(a) 20MHz interferee

(b) 40MHz interferee

(c) 80MHz interferee

Figure 4.6: Action case studies according to bandwidth.


question marks represent possible specific channel switching options

on each action type. These case studies assume that there is a gap

between the primary and secondary CCA sensitivities, so they include

expansion options in 20MHz and 40MHz cases,2 where the location of

each primary channel matters.

Our algorithm first determines which action type to be taken ran-

domly. Then, within each type, a specific channel switch is also se-

lected randomly. In doing so, the algorithm uses information from the

post-CCA operation on each channel that the interferee previously oc-

cupied. If not used before, spectral and spatial reservations do not

hold those channels, and thus the result of ‘busy’ from the post-CCA

does not imply hidden channel collision.

There are many options in each action type that the interferee can

take. The probability of selecting each action type is shown in the

figure with ϵ. ϵbwexpand, ϵbwreduce and ϵbwexplore represent the probabilities

of taking expanding, reducing and exploring actions, respectively, on

bandwidth bw. The choice of an action depends on which hidden

collision has happened, and the summation of the probabilities for all

the possible actions including ‘stay’ must be one. Primary channel

location within an action is selected with uniform distribution among

viable locations.

Defined actions with conditions are summarized in Algorithm 1.

In each case of detected hidden channel collision, one or more possible

2The other case, without any gap, can be incorporated by setting the probabilityfor expanding action to zero.


Algorithm 1 Pseudo code for PoBA

Precondition: After finishing a transmissionInput: Post-CCA results & ACK1: if Entire bandwidth busy & no ACK then2: State: Entire hidden channel collision3: switch (Bandwidth)4: case 20MHz or 40MHz:5: Do explore or stay (or expand if possible) randomly6: case 80MHz:7: Do explore or stay randomly8: else if Partial bandwidth busy & no ACK then9: State: Partial hidden channel collision

10: switch (Bandwidth)11: case 40MHz:12: Do reduce or explore randomly13: case 80MHz:14: Do reduce15: else16: State: No hidden channel collision17: switch (Bandwidth)18: case 20MHz:19: Do expand if possible with a small probability20: case 40MHz:21: Do expand if possible with a small probability22: case 80MHz:23: Do nothing24: end if


actions can be chosen. In such cases, the algorithm randomly selects

one with predefined probabilities as explained above. Even when a

collision is not detected and current bandwidth is either 20MHz or

40MHz, expanding to 40MHz or 80MHz, respectively, is performed

with predefined perturbation probability.

To maximize the performance of the bandwidth adaptation al-

gorithm, we need to optimize the probabilities used in the algorithm.

For example, detecting hidden channel collision on 40MHz bandwidth

gives three possible actions. Depending on network condition, some

of the actions alleviate the problem while some cause another hidden

channel problem. It is impossible to know the result in advance from

the perspective of the interferee because the information is limited3.

Our approach is to try one of the possible solutions, and if it does not

solve the problem, then try others in a greedy manner.

A natural question is whether the algorithm converges, and if so,

whether it converges to the optimum. We find that in a dense net-

work, it is impossible to guarantee convergence. For instance, if there

are multiple interferers, one for each channel configuration that an

interferee can have, the interferee will ping-pong among the possible

options. Finding the network conditions that guarantee the conver-

gence and optimality is an open research issue, which we leave for

future work. However, using PoBA reduces packet error caused by

the hidden channel problem, thus improving throughput. We show

3The uncertainty of the result is represented with the questions marks in Fig. 4.6


the PoBA’s performance improvement via simulation.

4.4 Simulation Results

We implemented a simulator for PoBA — post-CCA and bandwidth

adaptation — with C++.4 The performance in terms of packet er-

ror rate, throughput, channel utilization and throughput fairness are

measured with and without PoBA when closed loop channel estima-

tion (i.e., explicit channel feedback) is applied. Also, to see the effect

of the AMC, a simple AMC rule is used along with the post-CCA

based bandwidth adaptation in the case of open loop (i.e., no ex-

plicit channel feedback) systems. The simple AMC scheme decreases

one MCS level when a packet error is detected and increases one

level if nsucc consecutive transmissions are successful, where we set

nsucc = 20. Channel utilization is the bandwidth–time product used

for successful packet transmissions over the entire available band-


The slot time, DIFS, PIFS, and SIFS are set to 9, 34, 25, and

16µs, respectively, and the transmission power is fixed at 17dBm.

We assume that inter-transmission-attempt-time is 100µs and packet

length is 1500bytes. The transmission time depends on the selected

MCS level and the number of control messages (RTS, CTS and ACK)

4None of the available simulators (NS2, NS3, etc.) so far implements the802.11ac contention mechanism in multi-channel environments. So, we imple-mented it with C++ in the same way as NS2/3 implements the simulator (event-queue based ‘event driven simulator’).


with the PLCP (Physical Layer Convergence Protocol) overhead of


The difference of the bandwidths that the interferee and the in-

terferer are exploiting is considered so that the error rates of all the

20MHz channels are averaged to obtain effective PER (Packer Error

Ratio). Then, the effective SINR of entire channel can be derived in

an opposite way. The way of calculating effective PER and SINR is

the same as in [24]. When calculating PER from SINR, we adopt the

PER equation in [20] that counts various MAC-layer operations, such

as MCS levels, Viterbi algorithm, and packet size.

The perturbation probability, ϵbwper, is set to 0.05 for all bandwidths

in the algorithm. The other ϵs, probabilities for choosing each action

of explore, expand and stay, are 0.4, 0.4 and 0.2, respectively, for

20MHz hidden channel collision. They are 0.4, 0.4, 0.2 for the entire

40MHz hidden collision. When a partial hidden collision is detected

on the 40MHz channel, the probabilities for reduce, explore and stay

are 0.4, 0.4 and 0.2, respectively. Finally, the probabilities are 0.5 and

0.5 for explore and stay, respectively, in case of entire 80MHz hidden

collision, while they are the same for reduce and stay in a partial

80MHz collision.

4.4.1 Case for a Chain Topology with Six APs

Fig. 4.7 illustrates a six transmitter–receiver chain topology for a sim-

ple demonstration of the effect of PoBA on performance, where APs


Figure 4.7: 6-chain topology for simple simulation.

Table 4.2: Simulation results for the toy topology in terms of errorrate (%), throughput (Mbps), and channel utilization (%)

Node 1 2 3 4 5 6

w/o PoBAErr. 0.21 86.93 0.06 0.33 3.87 69.41Thr. 28.48 0.31 19.96 18.24 16.70 1.43

(closed) Util. 34.88 0.66 54.71 22.34 35.22 3.92

w/ PoBAErr. 0.27 1.64 1.50 0.07 3.12 0.36Thr. 21.78 10.06 15.80 18.08 16.75 19.87

(closed) Util. 26.68 20.15 43.44 22.15 35.32 54.48

w/o PoBA Err. 4.28 3.95 3.34 5.13 3.34 3.82w/ AMC Thr. 25.75 8.75 16.68 13.64 13.88 4.86(open) Util. 35.13 67.78 58.17 20.30 44.41 77.65

w/ PoBA Err. 4.04 2.96 3.34 4.09 3.25 3.31w/ AMC Thr. 20.78 11.99 16.99 14.08 12.49 15.79(open) Util. 27.30 36.01 58.42 20.59 45.44 59.30


are transmitters and handsets are receivers. Depending on the dis-

tance among neighbors and channel configurations, some AP–handset

pairs suffer the hidden channel problem. The distance and the initial

channel configurations are set so that APs 2 and 6 suffer the HC

problem due to APs 1 and 5.

The simulation results for the six chain topology are shown in Ta-

ble. 4.2. In both closed and open loop systems, PoBA improves the

throughput of APs 2 and 6. In closed systems, the algorithm improves

the channel utilization and decreases the packet error rate. However,

in open loop systems, error rates are already low even without PoBA

because AMC adapts the MCS level to combat the bad channel con-

dition. So, the channel utilization is high initially. In this case, PoBA

leads interferee APs to raise their MCS levels by avoiding the hidden

channel collision, which results in improved throughput even when

the channel utilization decreases.

4.4.2 Case for Various Sized Random Networks

In the following simulation, random topologies with a fixed number

of links are generated within a 100m × 100m grid. Each simulation

is run for 5 sec, which is sufficient for the algorithm to asymptotically

converge to a sub-optimal point if it exists, and each topology with

the number of links is randomly generated 60 times. The results of

the repeated simulations are averaged.

Fig. 4.8 and Fig. 4.9 shows the results. The density of the network


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100








Number of links



r e


r ra


w/o PoBA (closed)

w/ PoBA (closed)

w/o PoBA (open)

w/ PoBA (open)

(a) Packet error rate

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 105





Number of links





t (M



w/o PoBA (closed)

w/ PoBA (closed)

w/o PoBA (open)

w/ PoBA (open)

(b) Throughput

Figure 4.8: Simulation results with random topologies - error rate andthroughput.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100.2







Number of links




l uti




w/o PoBA (closed)

w/ PoBA (closed)

w/o PoBA (open)

w/ PoBA (open)

(a) Channel utilization

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100.4







Number of links






w/o PoBA (closed)

w/ PoBA (closed)

w/o PoBA (open)

w/ PoBA (open)

(b) Fairness

Figure 4.9: Simulation results with random topologies - utilizationand fairness.


increases with the number of links in the grid. When the number of

links is 10, in most dense networks, packet error rates without PoBA

are around 35% and 22% in closed and open loop systems, respectively,

as in Fig. 4.8(a). The error rates decrease by 25 and 17 percentage

points, respectively, when PoBA is applied. These results lead to the

increment of throughput per link as in Fig. 4.8(b). We can achieve

170% and 150% of throughput enhancement with PoBA in the closed

and open systems, respectively.

The results of channel utilization show different tendencies in open

and closed loop systems. In closed loop systems, the utilization in-

creases, while decreasing in open loop systems. These results come

from the fact that the AMC scheme tries to make use of the wireless

bandwidth as much as possible by sacrificing throughput. So, band-

width adaptation does not affect channel utilization a lot in open loop


Finally, fairness performance increases by 0.25 point for both the

closed and open loop systems. It reflects the fact that alleviating the

hidden channel problem increases throughput of the nodes suffering

the hidden channel collision all the time.

Performance in terms of error rate, throughput, utilization and

fairness is achieved with PoBA even though the probabilities, ϵs, are

not optimized. We leave the optimization for future work.


4.5 Summary

In this chapter, we firstly explored the effect of the bandwidth selec-

tion, then proposed post-CCA and PoBA which changes the band-

width of each link dynamically and in a distributed manner to avoid

the hidden channel problem. The post-CCA operation is a simple yet

effective operation that enhanced the channel assessment capability

and the PoBA exploits it. Using simulation we show that the PoBA

enhances the throughput, fairness and utilization performance as well

as decreases the packet error probability of a network.

The solution proposed in this chapter is a practical solution for

its simplicity and applicability. Besides solving the hidden channel

problem presented in this dissertation, we expect there are many ap-

plicable research areas such as distributed scheduling or more efficient

contention mechanism that the solution can be used. In that sense,

the post-CCA and PoBA are novel solutions.


Chapter 5


5.1 Research Contributions

In this dissertation, we presented the hidden channel (HC) problem

that arises from use of heterogeneous bandwidths in the upcoming

gigabit local area networks. This problem shows that the conventional

CSMA/CA fails to achieve its goal in some network scenarios. We

first illustrated the problem with an 802.11ac network as a reference


The HC problem occurs due to the heterogeneity of devices using

different bandwidths. Also, the fixed transmission power results in dif-

ferent power density, which affects channel sensing/reserving ranges.

Therefore we analyzed the HC problem scenario in the first part of

this dissertation to understand the impact of CSMA contention pa-

rameter variations on asymmetric channel sensing/reserving behav-


iors. Through simulations, we confirmed the validity of our analytical

model. The contention window sizes of an invader and a victim along

with the packet transmission time of the victim mainly affect the per-

formance with respect to collision probability and fairness. Under

different scenarios, we observed that the performance of the victim

fluctuates heavily while that of the invader is stable. This leads to

the performance asymmetry between an invader and a victim, in terms

of collision probability, fairness and stability.

In the next part of the dissertation, we formulated a centralized

channel assignment problem with graph coloring and proposed a low

complexity heuristic algorithm, PCA, as a first solution to the hid-

den channel problem. The objective of the assignment algorithm is

to maximize the channel utilization while alleviating the HC prob-

lem. Simulation results indicate that the heuristic algorithm shows

improved performance with respect to error rate, throughput and

fairness when compared to the random and RSSI based allocation

schemes. The impact of the enhanced RTS/CTS scheme on the per-

formance is also evaluated. We then showed that solving the HC

problem results in improved error rate and throughput of stations

experiencing poor performance.

Because the PCA assumes that the bandwidth of each link is fixed

by some reasons, it does not change the bandwidth. In order to ex-

pand the solution to an environment in which the bandwidth can be

dynamically modified, we then explore the effect of the bandwidth se-


lection in the last part of the dissertation. Also, we performed simple

experiments to show that the problem is real and to prove the validity

of the our next solution, PoBA.

The post-CCA operation, another channel assessing stage after

finishing a packet transmission, is suggested to alleviate the problem.

The post-CCA helps mimic the CSMA/CD mechanism in the wired

Ethernet to enhance the channel assessing capability. The results from

the post-CCA operation can be used to dynamically adapt the band-

width of each system in a distributed manner. The PoBA helps avoid

the hidden channel problem in general network topologies. Thus, the

algorithm increases the network throughput, channel utilization and

fairness performance, and decrease the packet error rate.

5.2 Future Research Directions

The results of this dissertation can be applied in next-generation

WLAN systems, such as 802.11ac and 802.11ax, to improve user ex-

periences. Since both these systems will adopt OFDMA (Orthogonal

Frequency Division Multiple Access), the entire bandwidth can be

partially used according to the network conditions. So, the network-

wide channel allocation (PCA alorithm) the CSMA/CD-like opera-

tion (post-CCA and PoBA) will be helpful. We leave the design for

more system-specific operations for future work.

The hidden channel problem holds on the assumptions based on


the 802.11ac standard’s parameters. The next versions of the wireless

local area networks can have more flexible parameters, thus under cer-

tain conditions, the hidden channel problem may not arise. However,

it is for sure that the next generation wireless local area networks

will have heterogeneous bandwidths in the same frequency band, so

it is expected that more problems related to the bandwidth will be

encountered in such an environment.

Therefore, our future agenda is to explore the upcoming wireless

local area systems and to find out other bandwidth related problems

that will arise in the future heterogeneous bandwidth networks.



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