diseases & parasites of beef cattle agriscience course

Diseases & Parasites of Beef Cattle AGRISCIENCE COURSE

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Page 1: Diseases & Parasites of Beef Cattle AGRISCIENCE COURSE

Diseases & Parasites of Beef Cattle


Page 2: Diseases & Parasites of Beef Cattle AGRISCIENCE COURSE


Producer needs to develop overall plan for maintaining health of the beef herd

Key to success is the prevention of problems Awareness of beef cattle diseases and parasites

can help farmers plan preventive programs that reduce health problems and increase profits

Develop a good working relationship with a veterinarian

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Working with a veterinarian Good feeding practices that meet nutritional needs Keeping good records Vaccinating at correct time Follow procedures for handling and storing vaccines Controlling parasites Following good reproductive management

procedures Detecting signs of disease, correctly diagnosing, &

treating with proper medicines

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TPR: Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration Temperature: normal range is 100.4 degrees

F to 102.8 degrees F Pulse: normal range is 60-70 beats per

minute Respiration: normal range is 10-30 breaths

per minute

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Body temperature is taken in the rectum with a thermometer

Pulse rate is taken by finding the artery on the lower edge of the jaw, the artery along the inside of the foreleg, inside of the hind leg just above the hock, or the artery on the underside of the tail

Respiration is determined by observing the number of times the animal breathes per minute

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It is always better to prevent than to treat!!! Good sanitation programs are essential in

preventing diseases and parasites

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Disease caused by bacteria that may remain in the soil for 40 years or longer

Certain conditions cause the bacteria to become active

Can enter the body through the mouth, nose, & open wounds

Biting insects, such as horseflies, may spread the disease

First sign is typically sudden death Less acute infections show symptoms of high fever,

sudden staggering, hard breathing, trembling, and collapse

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Death will typically occur within a few hours after symptoms appear

Carcass of an animal should be burned or buried at least 6 feet deep and covered with quicklime

Never bury the carcass near wells or streams Anthrax can be spread to humans Annual vaccines can be given against


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BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY (BSE) Otherwise known as mad cow disease Chronic degenerative disease that affects the

central nervous system One of a class of brain diseases called

transmissible spongiform encephalophathies Symptoms include nervousness or aggression,

muscle twitching, abnormal posture, loss of body weight, decrease in milk production, and difficulty in rising after lying down

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No treatment and animals eventually die Contracted by ingesting protein in feed that

came from an animal protein source that was contaminated by a prion (microscopic piece of protein)

No vaccination exists

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Caused by bacteria that grow only in the absence of oxygen

Most serious when bacteria lodge in deep wounds

When the bacteria are exposed to air, they form a protective spore (covering), which allows them to live for many years in the soil

Young cattle are more commonly affected than older cattle

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Symptoms include lameness, swollen muscles, severe depression, and high fever. The animal may be unable to stand.

Calves are vaccinated young and again at weaning

Treatment involves massive doses of antibiotics Vaccination is vital b/c the spores can live in

the soil for 10 years

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Research and find the cause of the disease, symptoms, treatment, and vaccination.Foot & Mouth Disease (Hoof & Mouth Disease)Foot RotJohne’s DiseaseLumpy JawPinkeyeRingwormLeptospirosis

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Include: flies, lice, mange, mites, and ticks They slow down weight gain and sometimes

damage the hides of the animals Some parasites irritate the animals; others

are bloodsuckers Chemical control methods are the most

economical. A program of parasite control includes


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Horn Fly Stable Fly Horsefly and Deerfly Blackfly (Buffalo Gnats) Mosquitoes Screwworm Fly Housefly Face Fly Heel Fly (Cattle Grub)

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One species of biting lice & 4 species of bloodsucking lice attack beef cattle

Louse eggs are laid on hairs on the animal’s body Louse population is low during the summer &

increases in the fall and winter Symptoms include cattle rubbing against fences Bloodsucking lice weaken cattle, which causes

them to be more likely infected by other diseases Control of lice is used by insecticides

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Cause a condition known as scab, mange, or itch

Mite populations are at their lowest in the summer and increase during the winter

Symptoms include the appearance of small pimply areas on the skin that lose hair

Infected animals rub, scratch, or lick at the infected areas

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Tick bites irritate the animals, causing them to rub and scratch at the infected area

Ticks are flat, oval shaped and dark brown or reddish in color

The spinose ear tick attaches itself deep in the ear of the animal & causes severe irritation, wax buildup, and infection

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Roundworms Flatworms Coccidia Anaplasma

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Research the cause, symptoms, treatment, and prevention methods.BloatFescue ToxicityFounderGrass TetanyHardware DiseaseWhite Muscle