dispatch. - pinckneylocalhistory.orgpinckneylocalhistory.org/dispatch/1955-09-28.pdf · dispatch....

* "• Dispatch. /blame 71 THE EINCKNTT DISPATCH Wednesday, September 28, 1955 MICHIGAN MIRROR «*J^u»uuirtu nuffcS; SCHOOL NEWS I Politician* are swappi** *©"P Stockbridge win 1 have dial poxes as they get rea/'y for the vice October 1. 1956 campaign* Stephen Hadiey of Ui.a^i.la ia Eepublicans are going after tV.e n\ w ilh gangreen is St. Joe hospit PINCKNEY TIES SAND LAKE ! The Pinckney Pirates opened the home aease* Friday night by tieing ' the Sand Lake Wildcat* 12 to 12 Pinckney scored the second period | on a 25 yard pa»g from Higgs to ! br. Aiuerl Scn^iU, Pastor j Ma^se s 8:0U and 10:00 a. devotions, JY iny evening Coiifes~:ono, labor vote and Democrats p o~pcr- ul> A m , A roor. ©us with a full aiate of incumbents Dexter's new/irc hall will be ie Henry. Dick Kennedy went .in .to Nu\taa DtvoUon> ami .Sauiniay tron in office are going after the farm lcaie<i Utc & ' 7;30 m There kick the extra point but did not get: 7:3U to 9:00 p. tn . au.i Sunday be vote. .___,., . Chtuirman Feikens #nys his party will show the work- ing man he has benc-fitUd un er under the Republicans by increas- ed (workmen's iand iiaf&mploymen| anniversary benefits. Democrat Chairman Stabler *ays the Republicans are driving the i farmers off the farms by not giv- ing them the 100 percent " _.. ... _ . will be a program aua cider and , a ****** •» th / Pf« waa .^ douglmut* will be served. I orJ q ^ rtt ^ Saad L * k * tled the fore the &:Qu Mas? M. and Mrs. Feri Ernst of D--x- 50tn wedding ter celebrated theis Sunda Dexter postmas- attend the national postmas- convention at Galveston, as last week . on a 30 yard pass to Flynn. Tney took the lead in the 4th when Flynn Ufturcb ran 61 yards for a touchdown. The to run the extra point failed. With 2 farm ii*v. bzra a. S. Supt. minutes to go Pinckney worked Muuui* Wo. aliij way to the Sand Lake 10- Here j$ui:uay Sc-b ;i they drew a penalty On the nexf Yjuxitf Peoples Meeting rlay Mike Heath went 15 yard- Cottage Fellowship Service Bob Long, former Dexter high I for a touchdown. They failed to run Church Port or Waller l£acb 10;0u 11:00 7;30 price price parities they promised * l eh school star is playing football! the extra point. With many regulars and corporations are buying up on Western State College team, j injured Pinckney had to use a nsw T ' 1 » ! linep. Don Packer was only used-to Hamburg! P"at« Friday night tfoey meet Mike Wednesday farm lands as business enterprises Kalamazoo. and as yet neither of the parties Clifford VanHorn of know who their candidate will be has been, appointed to the new next year. Most people think that-county hospital board. Gov. Williams will try for a 5th , Brighton was all het up over the term if he does not get a place on Hatswell fund last week but ftel- the national ticket. iug is subsiding.The family burned Reepublicans are wary of the out and were left destitute.A sum special session as they think it is o f money was raised and $3000 a trap the governor set for them was contributed from the Commu- They .say whatever they do they n j ty Yund This caused the trouble wdll be eritiiaed. j as some contended it was a gift Democrats sought to tie their and ot h ers a loan.Now the Hatswell $200 a month pay increase to their ; family has agreeed t 0 p a y { t back $4000 minimum wage bill at us a n d a l J . g well Rev. O'Malley and .Dexter there to de- fend their League *O .Lakes -title Pinckney Wylie Campbell Imus Dyer .8:00 Church Winger, Faster 9:30 a. m. 10:45 a. m. for teachers but their state cent- tral committee killed the plan. The ! legislature snowed under the $5,000 minimum wage bill at its last session. i Gregory has Viet of for 3 hospital, London, Briggs of operates the disal engine which Simonson Henry Burns Huhman Stone Heath L.E. L. T. L.G. C R.G. L.T. R. E. . Q-B. L.K. R.H. F.B. Sand Lake P.Heiss £. Hei&s Diddinga Corgett ] •Cooper Speeese ZanK Braf ord Flynn Ains worth Helms Ken- M&ning Worship T|IUT5. night prajer meeting at the church a* tJementary School , CURKi^, O)AIM£N1 ' First Gradt. Connie Schmidt brought a spid-r lut our science table and Timniy Sprout a grasshopper. He named it George Gocbel. He visited fii> aunt in Ypsilanti Sunday. iiuniue Uun.-> brother Lad a birth- auy Sunday. Joe ISiiigei-'s brothers got locked j in the trunk ol the car. Joe heuid I , heard them cr> in* and released ' '** .! nmati? r. 1S J tre8sd aad Wlth th « them. I smalIer P o!l< -"<-- force here they pic- Aroused by reports and press ar ticle.s that the economy minJed legislature may move the i-'ova Lansing to the Td near Howell Howell an.i organizations have ur- organized tu fi^ht it. Thjj fact that Lansing- wants to get ria ol' it be- cause ol the numerous escapes of . choir practice 7:30 p. ni. FOOTBALL SCORES 'M: \ M-36 Weci letween Main and" Unadiila StreeU , Pastor 0:45 a. m. 10:50 A.M. 7:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 7:30 p. m. "Rev. K«ith School Worship Youth Group BJvening Service is. Praytr «,i. C'»oir Pruciice Wed. J$r P-oir Practice Fifth Grade Pat Hutslar gave a MRS. ALBERT BENHAM ! pulls the gravel cars at the Amen , Mrs. Albert Benham, 67,, died at< can Aggregate, was- bad y bun,« , J ^ » ' ^Claricston 81 , Mellus hospital Brighton, FA lay. last week when the «n*ae t*ped £ » ^ She ww Emily Schmidt, daugh.er over , Ann Arbor Kalamazoo 7; 1 The McPhers ^ of Christian and Regina Schmidt and While hauling fill dirt from the , ^^ SextQn Y ilaati 0!Brook , was born in Dixbon- August 7,1888. Diamond Dot ranch to the n-w ! ]yn 34> Grass ^^ 12 B 6 K ^ ' tho flag. Thanks. very nice a demonstration of oxygen and its :e. ank gave us a Anna Gydt-'s brother had a birth nay Saturday. Brian Wai ion is back in school. He saw some ducks on the lake. Candy Plummer has 5 puppies, Willie Meyers has a puppy nam- ed Tippy. Jimmy Baughn saw a doe deer with 2 fawns. . t . ralin(r Nancy Waring is back in school, handle We have started a unit on spid- ers and a movie on ths 3 Bears. Second Grade When Linda Wylie and her folks came home they found a polkv in the house. Carol Menke brought flowers to school. Jennie Devine has a baby sifter bora last Tuesday. Jeff Hcndee was in Cold water oil Sunday at his aunts. lure inmates running all around the bounty committing depreda- tions if the move is made. Another i.nouj) in tue leKislaiure would :rn the Howeil institution ijato a aental hospital. . All this «igi ution is caused by the fact that ne Unwell institution and otaer Tii hospitals in state ara not op- to capacity. Howeil can ;32U patients but now has illy 2S0. A year ago there were J'J. At the Hovv«ll meeting it was (ninteii out that organized effort .opped the location of a state > ison in the county. This is more ir less conjecture. It was rumored ell men were trying to sell the state a tract of land in Genoa for a stale prison. However no op- wcie ever taken ou the land i.itnpy \v&a ever appropriated tor ouch a prison. Petitions were ouch a prison. Petitions were Christine Clark went to the foot ! circiilalcJ against locating a pris ball game Friday. son iu the county and presented to Dennis Parker brought a iro^r to } the legislaUie.A similar petition to school and Alan Bur*? som« plants, iret the Chilson prison camp remov Third Grade Ronnie Corway's dad went to Kalkaska last week. Sarah McMacken visited fiom the county after an inmate escaped and committed a number of depredations failed. her aunt Germaine Sunday. Joan Kichman's mother new washing machine. has calendar charts with the rtory of, Cheryl Schmidt visited her grand parents where her dad is training his hunting dogs. She married Albert B*nham Oct.; Howell Bapt.st church a purse co.u Loth Dewkt g Bath Gainfc8 ' We are vvntm K numbers from 1 - ™ ><'^ " "j- 10. 1931 at Birmingham, Alabama.r^ing $600 was found. I5 _ Webbervillft 8 . Fowlervllle 6 , to 100 to »P«"-ns « * « « • „ „ , „ , „„ I; ,. ad ? s % y A nn 10, 1931 at Birmingham, Alabama, where they lived 15 years. She waa jg $600 was found. FivV^from this county 15, Webbervill^ 6; Fowlerville C, received Williamston 0; Dundee 14, Saline a member of ttte MftthoJist church. Masters Degrees from the Univer-' i3 ; Leslie 6, Densville Besides her^Ftisb'and she leaves 4, atty-trf--Michigan this month. They brothers Fred, Detroit, Herman and are Ray Moriarity and Ma Anjl d h f A - ^ M Har . 24, Flint Dye 6; Mason 0; 20, Lindon !<- spelling This Is Our Life is the subject wrote to help Mrs. Milter get ne quainted with us. We are working vi Kited A Georgia grandmother, 70 years old won the jackpot in the $64,000 Question Quiz last week.Her take *as $:!2,00U. The question was w hat 7 biff league ball players made over .'5000 hits during: their careers.She was told that Ty Cobb was one. and then she went ahead Rock 20, University 0; Lansing St. Gottlieb of Dixboro and John of Ann- Campbell of Arbor. nett Howell Clarence Schutz and' Mary's 30, St. Thomas 6. The funeral was at the KeehH Fun-1 Verna Va{ley> Briffh & rt# bridge 0; Lincoln 7, Chelsea 0;Flat h * T ? on . multiplication and have had arihinetic tests. We welcome Sharon eral Home Brighton Monday, Rev, McLucas officiating. Burial in Fair view Cemetery . /' The M. E. Darvows and George Thompsons of Pinckney attended the funeral. RUMMMAGE & BAKE SALE ' St. Mary's will sponsor a Rumm- age and Bake Sale on Friday and Saturday, September 30 and Octo- ber 1 in former Erma Lewis home on Main Street. A Howell bicycles carry lights. ordinance requires at night to OCTOBER JURY LITT The October term of court starts I October 10. For years Livingston er Bullock to our 5th grade, Ronni Singer and Ronnie Haines painted doL Duvl(1 Shirt ' y boxes for our insect collection. We have started charts for our Mich. unit We thank Mrs. Kellcnber.tr for the World News Chart and the Bill IJradys at Ann Arbor. Cheryl Darrow won a liiblc at . , ,, . .. „. L . i i i \» IT ir i. i- an <i named (..up Anson Honus Waa Sunday school. Nancy Ho]lister has " moved back to Pinckney- Judy Schroeder's mother Ohio and brought a is back from charm brac- who had the mumps is back in school. The (justafsons called on Jimmy Cantrell Sun. Lary mother had a birthday Saturday. uner, Tris Speaker. Eddie Collins Larry Lnjoie.Paul Waner.AU these have been inactive for years.Cap Anson retired 50 years ago and the others at least 25. It seems to ii3 the quiz programs are a form . ^ '"•'"•' o f gambling although the one quized floes not put up anything but The Chelsea schoel will allow no , ' . ' ""c" tp *L t i r m " h T i V " ^ ^ " concratulate her on a new pr-ind- Ann Miilie Young has moved into . . au a oeptemoer term but it has ^on^idvuidve nti on a m w j,rann ^^ ^^ ^^^^ Barbara Ludwg u ' ) ' of "i""" 1 questions leading- to off for small game hunting been changed to October, There daughter. Mrs. Miller goes to night went to Canada Sunday ami saw a or his time. There is usally a build up of minor (juestions leading the jackpot question and failure soapbox derby Jan.es Pine has the mrasels. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING This meeting was called to dis- cuss bids received of purchase of a new schoo] bus. Five bids were received. The board decided on a 48 passenger Ford V8 bus, favoring an 8 over a 6 d'ue to availability of same. Mr. Reader was appointed to check further in the exact descrip- tion of items included in the bids for direct comparson and to place, order according to finding. Thc school board signed several contracts with teachers who had »ot yet received same. HARVEST SUPPER Fried Chicken, Family Style at West Marion Church on Wednes- day, October 5.Free will offering. Serving starts at 6 p. m. LIBRARY NEWS New books are Act of God Kennedy and Phantom Deer Lippincott. by by- serving in Korea with the First U. Morgan and Robert Dickison; rape S. Marines. OCTOER JURY LIST Kirk.. Handy VTreva Risdonjlren* Tesh. ^~ Hartland-Herbert Lyong, Mavy but will allow 5 days for deer a r e 9 criminal> 16 jury cases> 25 gchool Monday niffht in Ypsilanti hunting providing the pupil's par- nO n-jury cases, 11 chancery and 24 ent makes the application in per- divorce Sixth ciraae son. The criminal cases are driving a We P^t out our first copy of The 1 Francis Reason visited her cousin Pvt. Gilbert Shugg, son of Mr.and car away unlawfully Alex Wilson Little Town hiK Games Fn^ay n-grt at Mesick. Mary Wylie visited her Mrs. E. G. Shugg of Hush Lake is and Morvin Lowman .appeal, Lilly and madfc * U -^ ! C0 " Sin ^'"^ Satur(1 * y> S««<«y , pan Mrs. Heaton's room visited us to . Lddie Fisher joined the Cub Oscar Stapleman; disorderly Alex see our Columbus Day Program. ; Scouts. Mrs. White is leader. Ray i the toll road. They are" asking why Wilson; Inde^cy/ ^ i Bowhall;fn Rachel Nash,Bobbie Heck,Euward i Bullock visited his grandmather in | Ziegler should use all of the hifh- deoent ' liberties^Marshall Campbell Guv> Paul Burg,Leonard Simonson, Ypsilanti and went fishing at the ^ way money to build a road parell- ; Jury cases-Attachment, , iRakpiV John Chamberlain, E Jward Riggs, Ford dam. Hambug-Clr.rwice Pwdham, Fred , Green yg Hockett MotQr Sales . tres Terry Rowell, Demse Mowers To n pass on case:Forest Dedun vs Lea- Read > Dennis Singer and l>unny | ^ L> have started a unit on insects state especially the proposed road Hertz Station vs Emmett Hinchey will represent our room in ! and havo jars for killing them and to Mackinac. The fill road can be Charles Bevard vs H nry the new elementary school orches-- \ nets for catching them. We are ; built in IW months.It will take Ziej? Hadley, Freda Bailey vs James tra Fourth Grade answer- any of them loses you ah you havp already won. The state press is beginning to State Highway Commissioner •gli'r for stubborn opposition to ing the toll road when roads are needed worse in other parts of the Goetz. Twp.-Mary Peterflon, Howell Geraldine Iosco-Heman Rife, Theron iphs Oceola-Vada Major. Stone, Raymond Lagley vs Koith Paul Bur K brought 5 • Miller, Tessie Teamon vs Marjorie 6cno ° l - making collection for our exhibit. plants to ' ^ e are Earning to place them on I a streching board. Each will make Putnam -Lenore Wagner, Myrtle j Ignace Goetz> Rugh Ward; assumpsit-Com. Credit vs Kathy Reason and Micky Rit er * chart about one. .We thank Mrs. Walter Gevera, Swedish Gage vs Joe Kujawa, Howeli Co-ops V3 er 5 years Io buid his. Anyway we Smith. Unadilla - Pauline Cole, Burr Jackson. Brighton Twp. - Lillian Parnell, Mae Understock. Cohoctah-Rufcy Wolfe. vs Walter Suter.Farm Bureau Mut. vs Nancy Hodges, City of Detroit vs Robert Nixon, Com. Credit vg birtrdays the some day. Kindergarten Dennis Booth has a new calf his farm Lindy Slones neighbor has 2 pon do not believe there is any great op- position to the roads except froa Ziegler and people whose land Downing for sending us a crayon ' crossed. So far the latter have loat batik of a Tiger Swallowtail Butt- I all court suits started by them. erfly showing the 4 stages of i's : - life. In arithemtic were are reviewing Farmer have raised ies Mike and Babe.'She rides one of addition and the carrying of tens,.' <;™P« th *' year but it apparently. nooew INlXOn, «J0m. credit Vs JCB Wlfte U »Q «»ue. one rwcg wic u- —— -"- " ". " . ( ] o e s n o t mpan onvfVi-o. oa „-:-«« Divorce cases are Tylor v S Cath them. Larry Klein ha, a calico cat. g*»Br.phjr. the hem..phen>. and ' - ' « ""^ ? ^ r "SS ;n a U;»J^ Mo^. ... r»_- »._i.-.. Rnnnip M«kin v Uit*A friends in T.^ tl;c 7 continents . ' L ' . w ldU \ LDe lwtM ^ *«<" erine Higdon.Mary vs ' Don Fishes | Ronnie Makin visited friends in Laa Lloyd, George | Dav id vs Audrey Mowers, Laura sin ^- Cari Cnrt<s brother, Bobby, Sunday and liruce his Olie - • • vs Gordon Bachman, Eleanor vg had a birthday bunday and liruce Conway;-Clna Love,Gay Johnson John whitehead. Mary vs Eugene Gyde was 5 years old Saturday.Tom income reduced while wages. manufactured articles continue Deerfield-Claude Ehreenberg. Sharp. Louise j Crarlick> Earl ; g Mary Pl . at t >A tm vs John Gregor, Lucy va Donald | caught a big fish. Susan Biu- Linda Whitley and Deanna Genoa-Vern Walker, Joe McGuire Crist Donald vs Shirley Smyth, '• Haines sing in the choir. Ricky Kim DuBois; Sec Carol Froehlich; preen Oak-Mat Weruel^C'hfford i Mary vs Leonard Kroczak James ; Burg has 2 frogs. Chuck Porter's Trea^., Karn Downing. Alison. i va TiPttv St.. rhnrlca PnlnU brother cut hia arm. One of John Fourth and Fiftn vs Bfttty St. Charles, Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Haines cn- tained at a turkey _ din ~tne~~CIauae Sopers,Whit Clyde Sopers Detroit; Carl Sopers and Carl Skomans, Ann Arbor Don Pattons. Howell; Dougla.«_jmd Joe Flanmera and Ora HaTnes^and wife of Pinckney. No Hunting and No. Trespassing tijrns for sale at Dispatch Office. H. C. Vedder a&d Lonnie VnSlam brook and wives spent the week end at northern Michigan and called on formers cousin, Lou Vedder the «td ball player atf Beulah. Rollison. The Leo Bettys family of Wall- ; all Sheldon, Lucille vs Willie Brew Zezulka was shopping in Detroit ed Lake akd 7 Bob Carr and Miss . e ^ Audrey vg Do^d Alman, June ' last week. Judy Hull's dog stays in Jjjyce Opendahl of Grand Rapids. vs Alred Stuick| Edward vs Virgin in the road. She is trying to teach Blades expects to have _a__bi^ycl.ej4. Margaret Harter, Velna vg Marsh Narrows raccoons got away. Linda Richarc McCarty's cousin broke oil Qtoi^nr. T ,«.iii« «c tx7iii;« n-«^, ' 7.f7.u)]ea wna aVinnni"n CT in n P trnit his arm and d:d not find it out un- Our class officers are as follows: ! ls Ruth Minock; Vice P.es., , e d t o iriake Political ca.pitol of this and charge that it is because the Republicans cut price supports to SO percent. The law they passed. provides for slashing price sups- port still lower reducing acorage crops of cotton__t_qb_2Cc_o J week afterwards, Richard next year and for the basic Mrs. Blanch Naylor of Eaton Rap- ids Sunday. Arbaugh Schaub and wife of Ithaca called n the* the Albert Diftk els Sunday planting some shade trees. Duwayne on a bottle and had 27 stitches tak Diht Mtto brother had K1WAN1S NOTES ; 20 Kiwanians attended the dinner ; at Cassidy Lake last night Then Alllen Dinkel and Audrey Klikot' was a program and they were taken Baxter has 2 goats, Vhe salamander Emily Milelr brought us died. CORNER STONE LAYING Dwight Mattesons brother had a birthday Sunday: A number from our room are go- ing to play in the band. 2 boys in were in Lansing Monday. ER TONE LAYING corner stone o f t h e n e w H o w | our room showed us a picture they f lk on a tour of the buildings including ; el B apt i st church was laid Sunday had drawn after looking at ants Mrs. Clara Kenneedy and child- ', the new modern regulation size gym. I with a pp ropr i a te ceremonies Spc-ik | » nd grasshoppers. We have inter- ren of Detroit ^Wilbur Eisele; The trip to Plymouth next Tuesday | ers were Dr . "<> ^ e of Fowlerville called on | is cancelled and the meeting is at o f t h e dioCese T aylo W cretnry The acquittal of the 2 rt»n in a neg n the Mrs. Emma Vollmer Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Pardon *of Rush ation at St. Joe hospital, Ann Ar- gation flourishes ]So the acquittal of a negro who it wag charged tried to date a white woman was only in 21M with the states policy. In 1918 7 elk were released at Pigeon River. The herd now num- bers 600 and has spread out to Al- pena and Hubbard Lake . tho C. W. Hookers of Ann Arbor caUed p.t the J. H. Hooker home. T H F KINCVS P The King's Daughters meet in Thursday. Oct. 6 at 2 p. m. with Mrs. Thomas Bonner. L & F. DRIVE IN M_36 AT HAMBURG Ran burgers Hot DORS Steaks and Satdwiehe* Soup, Chili Mattwtfi. Sodan Snnaaes CLOSED ON MONDAY^ esting items on our bulletin board. Last week we made cards and the Cong'l. church .here. .Howard ( memb er of the Baptist "convntion/, *ang Happy Birthday for Jamas Read and Kenneth Klein will have j rhe church will cost $200,000 and Kubat and Roy Carpenter. a fine program. | wi n stenH o n t h e gitG of thp old _- MOVED HIS OFFICE _ _ Attorney Charles B. Gates man wiM seat 300 and have Sunday haB moved bin office over .the Mc- school rooms, a ofUce, study and a Pher«on Bank.HoweJl where he will share offices with Municipal Judge will stand on the site of the old. church b'.n'U in 1873. and i< colonial Style of block with brick facing, it choir room. mmmmmmmmmmmmm ^, I Francis E. Barron. Gatesman was L BLOOD BANK AT HO WELL j candidate for . prcwerntor in .1954 The Blood Bank will It? at tho. i. will run again in 1956. Armory Oct. 6 from 12 to 6 p. m. Anyone wishing to donate i cail Pinckney tip 8 3131 - 27 fire& burned week. 99 acres last j___q_,p«a-- ruTfs~'an3~corn. Wheat has already been cut to the minimum and w*-ll not be reduced next year. All this will ?avp the nation millions to. price ^auj^xJftts and should make raw material and food cheaper but it will put an awful dent in the farmers income and may throw the western farming states in the Democrat column next year as It did back in 1948 when prices lfc<? into a tail spin. PINCKNEY M A M LEAGUE W 1. Dinkel's Plumbing 11 2. Barnes Hotel 11 3. Read's Lumber ...... 11 4. Larry's Marathon jSknrice .8 5. Plainfield Farm Bureau .. 7 R. Van's Motor Sales . .*.. .. 6 Velvet Eez .. .. ... 5 K. I. O. O. F. No. 40 4 0. Detroit Die Set .............. 4 9 10. Gregoiy Tavern .... «*,... 8 10 11. Price's Mobile flerrfe* ... 1 11 12 Lavey 4 ! Hardwwt L 1 1 1 4 5 7 7 8 1 \ i J - < -*

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Dispatch./blame 71 THE EINCKNTT DISPATCH Wednesday, September 28, 1955


Politician* are swappi** *©"P Stockbridge win1 have dialpoxes as they get rea/'y for the vice October 1.1956 campaign* Stephen Hadiey of Ui.a^i.la ia

Eepublicans are going after tV.e n\ w ilh gangreen is St. Joe hospit

PINCKNEY TIES SAND LAKE !The Pinckney Pirates opened the

home aease* Friday night by tieing 'the Sand Lake Wildcat* 12 to 12

Pinckney scored the second period |on a 25 yard pa»g from Higgs to !

br. Aiuerl Scn^iU, Pastorj Ma^ses 8:0U and 10:00 a.

devotions, JY iny evening

Coiifes~:ono,labor vote and Democrats p o~pcr- ul> A m , Aroor.©us with a full aiate of incumbents Dexter's new/irc hall will be ie Henry. Dick Kennedy went .in .to Nu\taa DtvoUon> ami .Sauiniay tronin office are going after the farm l c a i e < i U t c & ' 7 ; 3 0 m T h e r e kick the extra point but did not get: 7:3U to 9:00 p. tn. au.i Sunday bevote.

.___,., . Chtuirman Feikens#nys his party will show the work-ing man he has benc-fitUd un erunder the Republicans by increas-ed (workmen's iand iiaf&mploymen| anniversary

benefits.Democrat Chairman Stabler *ays

the Republicans are driving thei farmers off the farms by not giv-ing them the 100 percent "

_.. ... _ .will be a program aua cider and , a ****** •» t h / Pf« w a a . ^douglmut* will be served. I o r J q ^ r t t ^ S a a d L*k* t l e d

the fore the &:Qu Mas?

M. and Mrs. Feri Ernst of D--x-50tn weddingter celebrated theis

SundaDexter postmas-

attend the national postmas-convention at Galveston,

as last week .

on a 30 yard pass to Flynn. Tneytook the lead in the 4th when Flynn

Ufturcbran 61 yards for a touchdown. Theto run the extra point failed. With2


ii*v. bzraa. S. Supt.

minutes to go Pinckney worked Muuui* Wo. aliijway to the Sand Lake 10- Here j$ui:uay Sc-b ;i

they drew a penalty On the nexf Yjuxitf Peoples Meetingrlay Mike Heath went 15 yard- Cottage Fellowship Service

Bob Long, former Dexter high I for a touchdown. They failed to run

ChurchPort orWaller l£acb


price price parities they promised * leh school star is playing football! the extra point. With many regularsand corporations are buying up o n Western State College team, j injured Pinckney had to use a nsw

• T ' 1 » ! linep. Don Packer was only used-toHamburg! P"at« Friday night tfoey meet Mike


farm lands as business enterprises Kalamazoo.and as yet neither of the parties Clifford VanHorn ofknow who their candidate will be has been, appointed to the newnext year. Most people think that-county hospital board.Gov. Williams will try for a 5th , Brighton was all het up over theterm if he does not get a place on Hatswell fund last week but ftel-the national ticket. iug is subsiding.The family burned

Reepublicans are wary of the out and were left destitute.A sumspecial session as they think it is of money was raised and $3000a trap the governor set for them w a s contributed from the Commu-They .say whatever they do they n j t y Yund This caused the troublewdll be eritiiaed. j as some contended it was a gift

Democrats sought to tie their a n d o t h e r s a loan.Now the Hatswell$200 a month pay increase to their ; f a m i l y h a s agreeed t 0 p a y {t back$4000 minimum wage bill at us a n d a l J .g w e l l


O'Malley and .Dexter there to de-fend their League *O .Lakes -titlePinckneyWylieCampbellImusDyer

. 8 : 0 0

ChurchWinger, Faster

9:30 a. m.10:45 a. m.

for teachers but their state cent-tral committee killed the plan. The !legislature snowed under the$5,000 minimum wage bill at itslast session. i

Gregory hasViet

offor 3

hospital, London,Briggs of

operates the disal engine which



L.E.L. T.L.G.


L.T.R. E.

. Q-B.L.K.R.H.F.B.

Sand LakeP.Heiss

£. Hei&sDiddinga

Corgett ]•CooperSpeeese

ZanKBraf ord

FlynnAins worth


M&ning WorshipT|IUT5. night prajer meeting

at the church a*

tJementary School , CURKi^, O)AIM£N1' First Gradt.

Connie Schmidt brought a spid-rlut our science table and TimniySprout a grasshopper. He namedit George Gocbel. He visited fii>aunt in Ypsilanti Sunday.

iiuniue Uun.-> brother Lad a birth-auy Sunday.

Joe ISiiigei-'s brothers got locked jin the trunk ol the car. Joe heuid I ,heard them cr> in* and released ' '** .!nmati?r. 1S J t r e 8 s d a a d W l t h t h«them. I s m a l I e r Po!l<-"<-- force here they pic-

Aroused by reports and press article.s that the economy minJedlegislature may move the i-'ova

Lansing to the Tdnear Howell Howell

an.i organizations have ur-organized tu fi^ht it. Thjj fact thatLansing- wants to get ria ol' it be-cause ol the numerous escapes of

. choir practice 7:30 p. ni.


'M: \

M-36 Weci letween Main and"Unadiila StreeU

, Pastor0:45 a. m.

10:50 A.M.7:00 p. m.3:00 p. m.8:00 p. m.4:00 p. m.7:30 p. m.

"Rev. K«ithSchoolWorship

Youth GroupBJvening Service

is. Praytr«,i. C'»oir Pruciice Wed.J$r P-oir Practice

Fifth GradePat Hutslar gave aMRS. ALBERT BENHAM ! pulls the gravel cars at the Amen ,

Mrs. Albert Benham, 67,, died at< can Aggregate, was- bad y bun,« , J ^ » ' ^Claricston 81 ,Mellus hospital Brighton, FA lay. last week when the «n*ae t*ped £ » ^She ww Emily Schmidt, daugh.er over , A n n A r b o r Kalamazoo 7;1 T h e M c P h e r s ™ ^of Christian and Regina Schmidt and While hauling fill dirt from the , ^ ^ S e x t Q n Y i l a a t i 0 ! B r o o k ,was born in Dixbon- August 7,1888. Diamond Dot ranch to the n-w ! ] y n 34> G r a s s ^ ^ 1 2 B 6 K ^ ' tho flag. Thanks.

very nicea demonstration of oxygen and its

:e.ank gave us a

Anna Gydt-'s brother had a birthnay Saturday.

Brian Wai ion is back in school.He saw some ducks on the lake.

Candy Plummer has 5 puppies,Willie Meyers has a puppy nam-

ed Tippy.Jimmy Baughn saw a doe deer

with 2 fawns. . t . r a l i n ( r

Nancy Waring is back in school, handleWe have started a unit on spid-

ers and a movie on ths 3 Bears.Second Grade

When Linda Wylie and her folkscame home they found a polkv

in the house.Carol Menke brought flowers to

school.Jennie Devine has a baby sifter

bora last Tuesday.Jeff Hcndee was in Cold water oil

Sunday at his aunts.

lure inmates running all aroundthe bounty committing depreda-tions if the move is made. Anotheri.nouj) in tue leKislaiure would

:rn the Howeil institution ijato aaental hospital. . All this «igiution is caused by the fact thatne Unwell institution and otaer

Tii hospitals in state ara not op-to capacity. Howeil can

;32U patients but now hasilly 2S0. A year ago there wereJ'J. At the Hovv«ll meeting it was(ninteii out that organized effort.opped the location of a state> ison in the county. This is more

ir less conjecture. It was rumoredell men were trying to sell

the state a tract of land in Genoafor a stale prison. However no op-

wcie ever taken ou the landi.itnpy \v&a ever appropriated

tor ouch a prison. Petitions wereouch a prison. Petitions wereChristine Clark went to the foot ! circiilalcJ against locating a pris

ball game Friday. son iu the county and presented toDennis Parker brought a iro^r to } the legislaUie.A similar petition to

school and Alan Bur*? som« plants, iret the Chilson prison camp removThird Grade

Ronnie Corway's dad went toKalkaska last week.

Sarah McMacken visited

fiom the county after an inmateescaped and committed a numberof depredations failed. •

heraunt Germaine Sunday.

Joan Kichman's mothernew washing machine.


calendar charts with the rtory of, Cheryl Schmidt visited her grandparents where her dad is traininghis hunting dogs.She married Albert B*nham Oct.; Howell Bapt.st church a purse co.u L o t h „ D e w k t g B a t h „ Ga in fc8 ' We are vvntmK numbers from 1 - ™ ><'^ " "j-

10. 1931 at Birmingham, Alabama.r^ing $600 was found. I5_ W e b b e r v i l l f t 8 . F o w l e r v l l l e 6, to 100 to »P«"-ns « * « « • „ „ , „ , „„ I ; , . a d? s %yAnn10, 1931 at Birmingham, Alabama,

where they lived 15 years. She waaj g $600 was found.

FivV^from this county15, Webbervill^ 6; Fowlerville C,

received Williamston 0; Dundee 14, Salinea member of ttte MftthoJist church. Masters Degrees from the Univer-' i 3 ; Leslie 6, Densville

Besides her^Ftisb'and she leaves 4, atty-trf--Michigan this month. Theybrothers Fred, Detroit, Herman and a r e R a y M o r i a r i t y a n d M a A n j l

d h f A - ^ M H a r .

24, Flint Dye 6; Mason0;20,


spellingThis Is Our Life is the subject

wrote to help Mrs. Milter get nequainted with us. We are working

vi Kited

A Georgia grandmother, 70 yearsold won the jackpot in the $64,000Question Quiz last week.Her take*as $:!2,00U. The question wasw hat 7 biff league ball playersmade over .'5000 hits during: theircareers.She was told that Ty Cobbwas one. and then she went ahead

Rock 20, University 0; Lansing St.Gottlieb of Dixboro and John of Ann- Campbell ofArbor. nett Howell Clarence Schutz and' Mary's 30, St. Thomas 6.The funeral was at the KeehH Fun-1 V e r n a Va{ley> B r i f f h& r t #

bridge 0; Lincoln 7, Chelsea 0;Flat h*T? on. multiplication and have hadarihinetic tests. We welcome Sharon

eral Home Brighton Monday, Rev,McLucas officiating. Burial in Fairview Cemetery .

/ ' The M. E. Darvows and GeorgeThompsons of Pinckney attendedthe funeral.

RUMMMAGE & BAKE SALE' St. Mary's will sponsor a Rumm-age and Bake Sale on Friday andSaturday, September 30 and Octo-ber 1 in former Erma Lewis homeon Main Street.

A Howellbicycles

carry lights.

ordinance requiresat night to

OCTOBER JURY LITTThe October term of court starts

I October 10. For years Livingston e r

Bullock to our 5th grade, RonniSinger and Ronnie Haines painted d o L D u v l ( 1 S h i r t ' y

boxes for our insect collection. Wehave started charts for our Mich.

unit We thank Mrs. Kellcnber.trfor the World News Chart and

the BillIJradys at Ann Arbor.

Cheryl Darrow won a liiblc at . , ,, . .. „.L. i i i \» IT ir i. i- an<i named (..up Anson Honus WaaSunday school. Nancy Ho]lister has "moved back to Pinckney- JudySchroeder's motherOhio and brought a

is back fromcharm brac-

who had themumps is back in school.

The (justafsons called on JimmyCantrell Sun. Larymother had a birthday Saturday.

uner, Tris Speaker. Eddie CollinsLarry Lnjoie.Paul Waner.AU thesehave been inactive for years.CapAnson retired 50 years ago andthe others at least 25. It seems toii3 the quiz p r o g r a m s are a form

. ^ '"•'"•' of gambl ing a l though the one quizedfloes not put up a n y t h i n g bu t

The Chelsea schoel will allow no , ' . ' " " c " t p * L t i r m " h T i V " ^ ^ " c o n c r a t u l a t e her on a new pr-ind- A n n M i i l i e Young has moved into .. au a o e p t e m o e r t e r m but i t has ^on^idvuidve n t i on a m w j , rann ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B a r b a r a L u d w g u ' ) ' o f " i " " " 1 ques t ions leading- tooff for small game hunting b e e n changed to October, There daughter. Mrs. Miller goes to night

went to Canada Sunday ami saw a

or his time. There is usally a buildup of minor (juestions leadingthe jackpot question and failure

soapbox derbyJan.es Pine has the mrasels.

SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGThis meeting was called to dis-

cuss bids received of purchase of anew schoo] bus.

Five bids were received. Theboard decided on a 48 passengerFord V8 bus, favoring an 8 over a6 d'ue to availability of same.

Mr. Reader was appointed tocheck further in the exact descrip-tion of items included in the bidsfor direct comparson and to place,order according to finding.

Thc school board signed severalcontracts with teachers who had»ot yet received same.

HARVEST SUPPERFried Chicken, Family Style at

West Marion Church on Wednes-day, October 5.Free will offering.Serving starts at 6 p. m.

LIBRARY NEWSNew books are Act of God

Kennedy and Phantom DeerLippincott.


serving in Korea with the First U. Morgan and Robert Dickison; rapeS. Marines.


Kirk..Handy VTreva Risdonjlren* Tesh. ^~Hartland-Herbert Lyong, Mavy

but will allow 5 days for deer a r e 9 c r i m i n a l > 1 6 j u r y c a s e s > 2 5 g c h o o l M o n d a y n i f f h t i n Ypsilantihunting providing the pupil's par- nOn-jury cases, 11 chancery and 24ent makes the application in per- divorce Sixth ciraaeson. The criminal cases are driving a W e P^t out our first copy of The1 Francis Reason visited her cousin

Pvt. Gilbert Shugg, son of Mr.and car away unlawfully Alex Wilson Little Town hiK Games Fn^ay n-grt at Mesick. Mary Wylie visited herMrs. E. G. Shugg of Hush Lake is and Morvin Lowman .appeal, Lilly a n d m a d f c * U - ^ ! C 0"S i n ^ ' " ^ S a t u r ( 1*y > S««<«y , pan

Mrs. Heaton's room visited us to . Lddie Fisher joined the CubOscar Stapleman; disorderly Alex see our Columbus Day Program. ; Scouts. Mrs. White is leader. Ray i the toll road. They are" asking whyWilson; Inde^cy/ ^ i Bowhall;fn Rachel Nash,Bobbie Heck,Euward i Bullock visited his grandmather in | Ziegler should use all of the hifh-deoent ' liberties^Marshall Campbell G u v > P a u l Burg,Leonard Simonson, Ypsilanti and went fishing at the ^ way money to build a road parell-

; Jury cases-Attachment, , iRakpiV J o h n Chamberlain, E Jward Riggs, Ford dam.Hambug-Clr.rwice Pwdham, Fred , G r e e n y g H o c k e t t M o t Q r S a l e s . t r e s Terry Rowell, Demse Mowers To n

pass on case:Forest Dedun vs Lea- Read> Dennis Singer and l>unny | ^L> h a v e started a unit on insects state especially the proposed roadHertz Station vs Emmett Hinchey will represent our room in ! and havo jars for killing them and to Mackinac. The fill road can be

Charles Bevard vs H nry t h e new elementary school orches-- \ nets for catching them. We are ; built in IW months.It will take Ziej?Hadley, Freda Bailey vs James t r a

Fourth Grade

answer- any of them loses you ahyou havp already won.

The state press is beginning toState Highway Commissioner

•gli'r for stubborn opposition to

ing the toll road when roads areneeded worse in other parts of the

Goetz.Twp.-Mary Peterflon,Howell

GeraldineIosco-Heman Rife, Theron

iphsOceola-Vada Major.

Stone, Raymond Lagley vs Koith P a u l BurK brought 5• Miller, Tessie Teamon vs Marjorie 6 c n o ° l -

making collection for our exhibit.plants to ' ^ e a r e Earning to place them on

I a streching board. Each will make

• • •

Putnam -Lenore Wagner, Myrtle j I g n a c e G o e t z > R u g h

Ward; assumpsit-Com. Credit vs Kathy Reason and Micky Rit er * chart about one. .We thank Mrs.Walter Gevera, Swedish Gage vsJoe Kujawa, Howeli Co-ops V3

er 5 years Io buid his. Anyway we

Smith.Unadilla - Pauline Cole, Burr

Jackson.Brighton Twp. - Lillian Parnell,

Mae Understock.Cohoctah-Rufcy


vs Walter Suter.Farm Bureau Mut.vs Nancy Hodges, City of Detroitvs Robert Nixon, Com. Credit vg

birtrdays the some day.Kindergarten

Dennis Booth has a new calfhis farm

Lindy Slones neighbor has 2 pon

do not believe there is any great op-position to the roads except froaZiegler and people whose land i»

Downing for sending us a crayon ' crossed. So far the latter have loatbatik of a Tiger Swallowtail Butt- I all court suits started by them.erfly showing the 4 stages of i's : - —life.In arithemtic were are reviewing Farmer have raised

ies Mike and Babe.'She rides one of addition and the carrying of tens,.' <;™P« th*' year but it apparently.nooew INlXOn, «J0m. credit Vs JCB W l f t e U»Q «»ue. one rwcg wic u- —— -"- " ". " . ( ] o e s n o t m p a n onvfVi-o. o a „-:-««

Divorce cases are Tylor vS Cath them. Larry Klein ha, a calico cat. >« g*»Br.phjr. the hem..phen>. and ' - ' « " " ^ ? ^ r " S S;na U;»J^ Mo^. ... r»_- »._i.-.. Rnnnip M«kin vUit*A friends in T.^ tl;c 7 continents . ' L' . w ldU\ LDe l w t M ^ *«<"erine Higdon.Mary vs ' Don Fishes | R o n n i e Makin visited friends in Laa

Lloyd, George | D a v id v s Audrey Mowers, Laura s in^- C a r i C n r t < s brother, Bobby,Sunday and liruce


Olie- • • vs Gordon Bachman, Eleanor vg had a birthday bunday and liruceConway;-Clna Love,Gay Johnson J o h n whitehead. Mary vs Eugene Gyde was 5 years old Saturday.Tom

income reduced while wages.manufactured articles continue


Sharp. Louise j C r a r l i c k > E a r l ; g M a r y P l .a tt>Atmvs John Gregor, Lucy va Donald |

caught a big fish. Susan Biu-Linda Whitley and Deanna

Genoa-Vern Walker, Joe McGuire Crist Donald vs Shirley Smyth, '• Haines sing in the choir . Ricky Kim DuBois; Sec Carol Froehlich;preen Oak-Mat Weruel^C'hfford i M a r y v s L e o n a r d K r o c z a k J a m e s ; Burg has 2 frogs. Chuck Porter's Trea^., Karn Downing.Alison. i va TiPttv St.. rhnrlca PnlnU v« brother cut hia arm. One of John Fourth and Fiftnvs Bfttty St. Charles, Ralph

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Haines cn-tained at a turkey _ din

~tne~~CIauae Sopers,WhitClyde Sopers Detroit; Carl Sopersand Carl Skomans, Ann Arbor DonPattons. Howell; Dougla.«_jmd JoeFlanmera and Ora HaTnes^and wifeof Pinckney.

No Hunting and No. Trespassingtijrns for sale at Dispatch Office.

H. C. Vedder a&d Lonnie VnSlambrook and wives spent the weekend at northern Michigan and calledon formers cousin, Lou Vedder the«td ball player atf Beulah.


The Leo Bettys family of Wal l - ; a l l Sheldon, Lucille vs Willie Brew Zezulka was shopping in Detroited Lake akd 7Bob Carr and Miss . e^ A u d r e y v g D o ^ d Alman, June ' last week. Judy Hull's dog stays inJjjyce Opendahl of Grand Rapids. v s A l r e d S t u i c k | Edward vs Virgin in the road. She is trying to teach Blades expects to have _a__bi ycl.ej4.

Margaret Harter, Velna vg Marsh Narrows raccoons got away. Linda Richarc McCarty's cousin brokeoil Qtoi^nr. T ,«.iii« «c tx7iii;« n-«^, ' 7.f7.u)]ea wna aVinnni"nCT in nPtrnit his arm and d:d not find it out un-

Our class officers are as follows: ! ls

Ruth Minock; Vice P.es., , e d t o i r i a k e Political ca.pitol of thisand charge that it is because theRepublicans cut price supports toSO percent. The law they passed.provides for slashing price sups-port still lowerreducing acoragecrops of cotton__t_qb_2Cc_oJ

week afterwards, Richardnext year andfor the basic

Mrs. Blanch Naylor of Eaton Rap-ids Sunday.

Arbaugh Schaub and wife ofIthaca called n the* the Albert Diftkels Sunday

planting some shade trees. Duwayne on a bottle and had 27 stitches takD i h t M t t o brother had

K1WAN1S NOTES; 20 Kiwanians attended the dinner; at Cassidy Lake last night Then

Alllen Dinkel and Audrey Klikot' was a program and they were taken

Baxter has 2 goats, Vhe salamanderEmily Milelr brought us died.


Dwight Mattesons brother hada birthday Sunday:

A number from our room are go-ing to play in the band. 2 boys in

were in Lansing Monday.

ER TONE LAYINGc o r n e r s t o n e o f t h e n e w H o w | our room showed us a picture they

f l kon a tour of the buildings including ; e l B a p t i s t church was laid Sunday had drawn after looking at ants

Mrs. Clara Kenneedy and child- ', the new modern regulation size gym. I w i t h a pp r o p r i a t e ceremonies Spc-ik | »n d grasshoppers. We have inter-r e n o f D e t r o i t ^ W i l b u r Eisele; The trip to Plymouth next Tuesday | e r s w e r e D r ."<> ^ e of Fowlerville called on | is cancelled and the meeting is at o f t h e d i o C e s e


The acquittal of the 2 • rt»n ina negn the

Mrs. Emma Vollmer Sunday.Mrs. Arthur Pardon *of Rush

ation at St. Joe hospital, Ann Ar-

gation flourishes ]So the acquittalof a negro who it wag charged triedto date a white woman was only in21M with the states policy.

In 1918 7 elk were released atPigeon River. The herd now num-bers 600 and has spread out to Al-pena and Hubbard Lake .

tho C. W. Hookers of Ann ArborcaUed p.t the J. H. Hooker home.

THF KINCVS PThe King's Daughters meet in

Thursday. Oct. 6 at 2 p. m. with Mrs.Thomas Bonner.


Ran burgers Hot DORS Steaks and

Satdwiehe* Soup, Chili

Mattwtfi. Sodan Snnaaes


esting items on our bulletin board.Last week we made cards and

the Cong'l. church .here. .Howard ( m e m b e r of the Baptist "convntion/, *ang Happy Birthday for JamasRead and Kenneth Klein will have j r h e church will cost $200,000 and Kubat and Roy Carpenter.a fine program. | w i n s t e n H o n t h e gi tG o f thp o l d _ -

MOVED HIS OFFICE_ _ Attorney Charles B. Gates man

wiM seat 300 and have Sunday h a B moved bin office over .the Mc-school rooms, a ofUce, study and a Pher«on Bank.HoweJl where he will

share offices with Municipal Judge

will stand on the site of the old.church b'.n'U in 1873. and i< colonialStyle of block with brick facing, it

choir room.mmmmmmmmmmmmm^, I Francis E. Barron. Gatesman was L

BLOOD BANK AT HO WELL j candidate for . prcwerntor in .1954The Blood Bank will It? at tho. i. will run again in 1956.

Armory Oct. 6 from 12 to 6p. m. Anyone wishing to donate

i cail Pinckney tip 8 3131 -27 fire& burned

week.99 acres last

j _ _ _ q _ , p « a - -ruTfs~'an3~corn. Wheat has alreadybeen cut to the minimum and w*-llnot be reduced next year. All thiswill ?avp the nation millions to.price ^auj^xJftts and should makeraw material and food cheaper butit will put an awful dent in thefarmers income and may throwthe western farming states in theDemocrat column next year as Itdid back in 1948 when prices lfc<?

into a tail spin.


1. Dinkel's Plumbing 112. Barnes Hotel 113. Read's Lumber ...... 11

4. Larry's Marathon jSknrice .85. Plainfield Farm Bureau . . 7R. Van's Motor Sales . .*.. . . 6

Velvet Eez . . . . . . . 5K. I. O. O. F. No. 40 40. Detroit Die Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 910. Gregoiy Tavern . . . . « * , . . . 8 1011. Price's Mobile flerrfe* . . . 1 1112 Lavey4! Hardwwt


1 \i

J -

< -*


PINCKNBY DISPATCH Wednesday, September 28, 1966


THE BBTTER WAYTo Fina»c« a New Autemob I U

THE BANK WAY -Buying a car with a loan from tbiaback gives you these clear-cut advantages. )1. Lower dealer price because we ad-!vance all cash above down payment.X. Lower interest rate than you mightotherwise pay.8. Spaced_oul repayments for yourconvenience.Finance your car the better waywith a cash l«aa here.

Charles Teeple and CharlesCamptcll are drawn on jury.

A large clock was installed iathe Glazier tower at Chelsea lastweek.v

Jeff Parker is now janitor ofthe school, opera house and Meth-dist church.

Joie Harris is attending the Normal at Ypsila"ti.

Sydney Sprout has 34 music pupils at Stockbridge.



Wednesday. Thursday Sept. 28, 29Micky Spillane's

"KISS ME DEADLY"wits ' —

Ralph Meeker and Glwia Leachmaia ?° m * n g :5?n f S i n b a d«Angels, The Americano


Tue., Wed., Thur, Sept. 27-28-19•THE SEVEN LITTLE FOYiw

in TechnicolorMusical Comedy with

Bob Hope and Millk Vitals\ and Angel* Clark

Showg 7:15 and 9:00Wer's No

.First Nanouai Bank NOTES 25 YEARS AG1Fedatal

oi tcderail UcMire Cm*parattm *&& federal Deposit I n v

HOME LOAN PLAN?If you're looking for sensible home-financing — for• well-advised plan that as eas> to-live-with — be sureand check with our home loan advisers. Our mort-gage financing gives you payments to fir your in-come. Equal monthly renc-iiL? payments includeprincipal and interest and m?) include ta.*es andinsurance, too. Our plan leads 10 frcc-and clearownership.

AD cwpo&iie op to $10,000 msweu D> our me'mbertiiip in eke federal

Deposit kisuranc* Corp-jrattor •*

THE McPHERSON SiATE BANKOver £ighty-Niae Years of Sale

Ail Deposits lasored Op to flOJXM)

V *UM>

. it to« Maiux oi uu»£ala M. Potter, Mentally incompe-tent, | j

AC a oeasiuu oi swuuiSepieuiber 7, 1855.


Liinxnx it.oi Probaee.

a la



HELEN REYNOLDS, Villlage Treasurer545 East Putnam St. P. 0 Box 203, Pinckney

tu uelwic

Given, Taat tillaxe

y± i'l'O-Court on October 4,1955,at 10:00

ashould not be graiueu 10

Guardian of said est i t iu i 01

ntua leal

pose of investing the proceeds.

u> puoncuuwulux



Phone 284 ho we II




Rev. Lewis Dion of Ruth has beenappointed pastor of St. Marys'church here.

Pinckoey played a 0 to 0 tie withYpsilanti high school reservesthere Friday. '

The state cement plant at FourMile Lake has closed down. The I190 convicts who operate will re- 1main there though. ^ f

The Cong'i. Church put on an c\\men's service Sunday night. RossRead was in charge. The orchestra ;consisting of the Iseler Sisters.Ar-nold Berquist, Wayne Wagoner, •Robert RichardeoivClifforfl Mftler, 'Win and Bill Baugbn and EdsilMeyer played Rev. Schwartzkopt •Bjoiwefi, gave the invsocation.Floydweeks related his experiences in \France and Rev. McClain,chaplainof Jackson prison gave the address.Lester Huff, Harry Palmer and M. 'E. Darrow sang soloes. The allmens choir of John Martin HenryKice, Wm. Euler, Percy SwarthoutAzel Carpenter, Merwin CampbellMark Nash, Emil Weddige, DonSwarthout and* Harold ReasonStanley Dinkel sang. Fred Read,N.

cupy! 0 . Frye and John Dinkel ushered.| The attendance was large. !

M M. J. Reason and son, Gerald,:cms *-mci£iie> -LUayavcn. uua m<4L tne have started a meat market in thetycuauiici caa»e a c^^y oi ixua uouce Pearson building on West Main St. 'u> ua siervfeu uyuu ««*cu ikii wii pun> Pinckney Independents beat theto mujieai ai n±fl ia*i *UO*& awuttm' South End Athletic Club of Aan ;

Arbor here Sunday 26 to 6. Don (

Swarthout, Emil Weddige, CecilHendee and Vic Bourbonnais gotthe touchdowns.

Birkett Newkirk is building abig- bathing beach at Portage Laketo be called Newport Beach.

John Roberts, the Dexter patri-arch was 101 years old Sunday.

Mrs. Flossie Martin, widow ofthe late Max Martin of Tinckney,died at Chelsea Sunday.She leaves2 sons.

Hoff & Smith have sold their oilsta+.ons in the county to the Stab-le. Oil Co. of Ann Arbor.

r. Walter Mercer was marriedlo Miss Aila Hoyer at Hancock onSept. 12.

Miss Mae McCleer of Gregory Mrs. Jennie HaEe Segee died ntwno was tucke by a horte tiled Zephyr Hills, Florida, last week.last weuk. t uiurai was 4'ridtu'. M.T. Kelly will give a lecture r\n

\ lockjaw developed. Ireland Sunday night at St-Josph's1 ir;e Chancu uuu met with Mrs. hall,. Dexter. Admission free.

Leiia Monks Tuesday night.Chiford Baughu, 17, son of Mr.

C. £ .liaufeii.i, died Sept. 25. Tnefuneral was at the home Saturdayand was attended by 300. EmmaBurgess, Blanch Martin, PetcySwarthout and W. A. Nixon sang.Rev. Gates pruached the sermon.

Clyde Darrow is working inJackson.

Frank Hacker of Brighton is

Friday .Saturday. Sept 30 ct. 1Double Feature

Gary Cooper, Burt Lancaster

VERA CRUZ"In Superscope and cote


StarringStewart Grainger, George

*n LineraaScope and Color

Swu, Mon., Tu«u Oct. 2 3 4"THE PRIVATE WAR OF MAJOE

BENSON"Playing the old army game with

bran neew rulesStarring

Charletton Heston, Julie AdaawNoveltie* News

in Color"THE COBWEB"

in CinemaScope

S. .

Sunday, Monday October 2, 3Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Co/it.Humphrey Bogart, Gene Tierney Richard Widanark,jLauren Racafl

in "' * - '"THE LEFT HAND OF GOD"In Cinema Scope -;.a Coior

Charles Boyer Gloria Graham*Color Cartoon and New*

Tues. Wed., Thurs., Oct. 4Rosalind Russel, Fernando Lamos


in Technicolor


Friday .Saturday. Sept. 30 ct. 1AMERICANO"


A Drama StarringDale Robertson, Sally Forrest

In Cinema Scope and ColorCartoon and N«we

auxu, i"ecux-ii, ai, acast i^urieeu

prior u> autlx aeariii^, urawvicu ac ieabt live <o>

j n o r u> bucu neafiii*K. biinui, Juuge of Piobate


Motes ot 4o icursWe thaiik C. A. Hwsse for a oush

ui oi' elderberries and Geuige Hendec for a bushel of potatoes*

'ihe A'eeeple Hardware hayscales on the square nave uuca rw-

and uio wuxkm ' again.

withGlenn Ford, Frank Lovejoy and

Caesar Romeroand

"GUN FURY"in Technicolor

withRock Hudson and Donna Reed


Sunday, Monday October 2, 3"WE'RE NO ANGELS"

In TechniortorA Comedy Starring

Humphrey Bogart, Joan Bennettand Aldo Ray

Sunday Show* 3, 5, 7, 9Cartoon

Sunday, Mo/day October 2, 3"THE KENTUCKIAN"

in CiiieniaScujje and Colorwith

Burt Lancaster, Dia; na Foster and Shows 7:15, 9:05Dianna Lynn

Tues. Wed., Thurs., Oct. 4A Walt DISTV.*' Production


"BEN AND ME"A Walt Disney Production

Cartoon, "This is the Life"

SADBAKA*Tn Technicolor

doming: The Cobwebb, Girl RushTo Catch a Thief.

Tue». Wed., Thurs., Oct. 4"MARTY"


THE HOLUSTER MARKET103 East Main St. Pinckney $5.50

David Nash entered MichiganBoris Kaloff, and Nino Marcel ^ 9 j a t h e r n I (^lersity l . t week

i^mmet King underwent an operation at SSt. Joe hospital. Ann Atbor last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Snyder of AnnArbor called on the Clare MillersSunday.

?Tra. Luelle Patterson of Stock-bndgc called ou ihe Stanley Dink-

*lo Sunday. £

>* nilErnest Borgnine and Betsy Blair

'GARDEN OF EDEN",« 1v ur.icolor


The Harold Porters went to ScottField, 111., Saturday. Their son,Jimmie, who is in the air corpcame home with them for a week.

Mrs. Mae Daller's White ShrineClub held a picnic at the HaroldPorter home Sunday.

Robert Read and wife att:n"edthe Mich.-Missouri football gameat Ann Arbor Saturday.

THE ROUSH PLUMBINGWaltr Sysien s Plumbing Repair



, . , Wayne Carr spent the week endputting- in 3 milking machine and a t p o r t H u r o n w - t h h i g

will increase his herd to 70 cows. , J o h n McDonTie!I is a patientThe Mich. State San. at How.ll S t J o e h o s p i t a l ) A n n A r b o r <

• eceived its 1st patients last week T h e Kenneth Lorings of HowellA from Detroit, 3 more come t.iig j , n r , l f Sunday with the L. J. Henryweek. ' | • r flly.

Dr. Andrew Rocho and Mrs. Mrs. Alta Meyer is taking a re-•ssie Hoskin'.' of Calumet were fresher course at Stockbridge. Al-

inrried Monday at the home of so Mrs. Audrey Lee.the groom's sister, Mrs. E. T. Me-- The Mark Nash family spentClear of Anderson by Rev. Com- Sunday at the George Brookmanmerford. home in Ovid

The George VanNormans were Frank Aberdeen is home from St.la Detroit Uat week. Joe hospital, Ann Arbor € I o



WE Qve Gold Stamps with /.


* ' • > •



740A Cal 30-06Aato Loading Rifles.




^ BREAK GROUND FOR NEW PIN KNEY PAROCHIAL SCHOOLbroken here Sept. 14 for St. Mary's parochial school. The ones taking part in the ceremony were front row:E. Go^chev.arc1 itect

.i'Hoy^jl Rev. CampWU Maryland; Rev. Schmitt Pinckney; Rev. Kokowitz. Lakeland; Francis Grady contractor; Re. MfcCann,The *ltar boys are Denni s Singer, Francis Clark,Tom Siagre. Bobby Kelly Dennis Clark, DoaalJ Singer .

Phonv IIA milt on 6-3135

The D. Conklin family of GrandRnpicls spent the week en.i at theRay urns .h>me . h

The Hubert Le.hvidpre family ofRoyal Oak spent SaLuday wilhMrs. Eleanor Ledwidg^.


> *The Wayne AtT ees are visttteft-iy ton, Cy ar.d family at Glad-

Thr A J r v Wylio Aftmily called OBthe Ned Schaufles of near 8tod»

bridge Sunday.

t • * l • * •

• > < •


U4 So. ttowei; tt

hr.VHj Dispaica jas 8eoond CUss j• at f *totficm

Act ut Marca S. W77



E M<v ?ss


UP ~*-siu





No eosfl/ pip

- » " ••' '-•--••'i^


Siegler captures the Top-o'-the Flame heat, doesn'twaste it up the flue &•ordinary heaters do. Thiiextra, patented inner beateris bujlt right into the heartof t!.j hottest fire It cap-tures the 4 Times Hotterheat from the burner flame•-pours it over your floors.


ttftBM C®* FUlliftS

O Tlfi EOTtOM OF THE COtD * i©O*

IL HEATERSProv» If of your Slmghr ftooferx-mak* fhs XMATCH-Ttsri

The Jack SUA-T^S of Lun^i y andJ i m m y Laviy ot i p.-.ilu;ui -vent Athe week en,i \\n.h ti*j L.e Laveys. X

0 " a Campocil ami wile caK^i .-uthe Puul S i i , u . . u . , c . o u;a . .dRapids Suturuay ana spent Sundaywith the Carl IA.-^U family in Lunsing where, iiif LLMILZ childrenwere christened and the Lent.: fainily joined the .\k'L.hu..i.-1 ciiiuch.

Mrs. Eloyse Cam, .\il .. -ndedthe Kings' Dauj.hu rs conventiona i F l in t Tuesday.

The Roy ltt-a.un family s p t a tSunday with her aunt in Midland.

Sunday guests uf the M. J. Keas-on family were Cieiu- itcason andwife Walter Keason and wife,Mis.Florence Artz of Dciioii. and Mrs.

. Mae Kane n\' Whitmure LakeA r t h u r Diamond and wife of

Shreveport ,La., and Al Steeie andwife of Buffi.KJ ciiilt'd on the K -b-bert Ambur^ey.s SuixJay.

The Ronnie llo.-kins family ar;dMadge- Jack of Detroit spent Sun-day with the Ho Jacks.

The Gerry Eichmans were Sun-day dinner yius:•> of tlie IrviaKennedys.

Mr. nr.d Mrs. [Wn W. ile c .liedon the Erik'.-,1.. While and the Ua^ilWhite families ai Howell Sun iay.

Miss Amanda DcLarr to;'k iser •Girl Scout.- •• • ;i X'' r v roast a t 'Half IMoon Lake Sunday. : |

The Wesley Morrisons uf Chel- jsea callcil on the John Cnyers iSunday. \

Dinner .<ri!e.sL> of the Robert 'Pikes Friday were the ETston •Claries of Cna.ii lu, Ay.-. ii ,::A iIJand and Floyd Kiik oi' H:AV 1!.' *

Gerald He-uy va-; home from ^Detroit over the week end. '

Mr. and Alrs.Asher Vv\\ lie, S .ir-ley arid Jimmie, attended the wedd 'in^ of her neice, M a r ^ a r t Pickfordto Claude Thomas at Ionia S a t u r -day. ,„ I

Dr. Harlow Siiohan and wife (<f- Jackson, Hilly Siiehan of Ann A.- ]

bor Leo Carish and wife and Mr. ; ^and Mrs.Wells of Detroit called on ' tthe William Shehan.s Sunday. I

Miss Blanch M a r t i n w a s a t U of [.

M. h o s p i t a l . Ann A r b o r l a s t wee k 1

a c o u p l e of d a y s for t r e a t m e n t . C1

M)1. and Mr-. Lynn H e n d e e and

t h e Ll-.jyd H c a d e c ' f a m d y s],/..t f e W a l t e r lieusoii and W : . i a i n M r

week end wi th the Dr . J i m N sh fer W Q I - W e d n e s d a y - u - is of ih.

f a m i l y of Coldwater . M r s . Lynn

~ Mr. and M . s . W. F . Close have

r e t u r n e d fro:.: tht-ir ^ii)'i mile i hi


Complex Line Tkrrb'.v, Fixtures


j line of P

7 5 BA8T M -»JI




Lanej me (Ju

4 0UJ2

.Mrs. l i e \ I h n d e e <. n: i:. ir h a 1

h a d y w h i l e r a n n i , ^ fi u it l a s : wei

..iid 17 s t i t c h e s v. ert.1 ia!<( n.

\\ i. iia\ e re. e i w d a c a r d f r o m

' i ( " ! ; : r a n d E v u I'^nquist, l ' i n c k n e y ,

t- —LU^ m-^- v4+ritm^r \hx?~-fch ,i: R i d n o w s

\ •-> U• .ai ioke W. \ 'a . T h e y a l s o v i s i t-

• ni - iv .er , .Mrs. (J. D. M c N i t t , a t

. / a t l e r . v . : , i ' a .

wliei'u they visited the Oito D.nk-

( ! s i n S i o u x C i t y a n d w - r e i n t ! " M i 1 . ; ^ i d M i . L e - D a v i s m i ' i i .

i d . c h H i l l s . i . e y \\ ' . . . c x i i d n t >A _ i o r t h ( ' i n m i

T h e M o •. " s ,•••-;• W i H i . '•'; . a . v d m y h e i f e r a t t r i e I n t i i . - . a ; o i

I h i ^ e ' A d a m s o f D ; n - ' l c a 1 ' - ! o - : L i . i 1 : : , D I I , S ; i ' , \ , a ! t ! a . C . i ^ a

M a w H o i ' . ' S i i i i d . i v 1 . >"-1 " ' K \ . M I . , ( . \ l . ;-> i .> .

! ! • < • •

• T

l\- ,.;.a v.\ k ui t h e U. S. M a r

^ home nil Irave from San Dl

. . . . I . i h ' i o i v | i ' a \ d h ^ o n a.-5siy;n

i i ' s i u I'll Ii . w d i there . H e

- ' i n i U i . v ' A G J u and dined a t

The Howlett HardwareHardware, Implements, Plumbing, Gregory ,Mich.



ONLY $4.95. This Includes Shampoo and Set



Dorothy Dinkel took care ofih* Don Pasco children last weekwhil« their parents were on a trip.They got them Sunday.

On Sunday the Arthur Pardons§p& George Roushes visited JanetJohnson, Mrs. Rouahea neice atHurley HospiUl Jlint.

OUa Robinson and wife left thison a vacation trip to Escau-

RobinsoBS of Aw*Sanday with

Lester McAfee and wife wereLansing last Tuesday.

Charles Rice and William Shawand wives of Detroit and the LynnBeattys of Rush Lake spent Sun-day with the Lester McAfees.

The Kenaeth Zills of Ann Arborwere Sunday visitors of the Mar-

tin Ritters.George Spratt and wife of Farm

ington spent Sunday with the OUn

The following attended the rec-eption for Willard Sauer, newgrand marshall of the Michigan jGrand Lodge F. and A. M. at Sparta Saturday.: Lawrence Camburn,Orland Winslow, Clare Miller OnaCampbell OUn Robinson, Rex Sackett Francis Dodge and wives a"dye editor. Dodge was speaker.Sauer is a big apple grower andhas about 70

;:»№, -m

tacft •hfiric dry9t load 1$ g*ntfy fombhd dry...

toff, fluffy, fmarkohty wtinkk-frm

IDick Darrow, Rick Miller andJerry Mrofka were home from Al-college over the week end. t

Lawrence Camburn, Clare Mill-er and Ona Campbell, Pinckneytended an MM degree conference atStockb^idgp Thursday and aaaift*

ed in the work.

Murray and George Dagg spentthe week end at the latters homein Detroit. j

Edward Reindea, husband o{ thetermer Eva McLucas, suffered aheart attack at his home in AnnArbor last week.

Rex Noggle and wife of Ann Arbor have got» to Texas. -i

140,000 of your n e i g h b o r s use

Electric Clothes Dryers

Why do so >nany folks choose electric

clothes driers? Simply because electric

heat is aS clean as the svn't.

There's another reason why electric dryers

have the %dae. They cost less to buy . . .

operate for only, pennies a load. They

are convenient, too. Rain or shine/you can

dry clothes any time in an electric dryer.

It's easy . . .when you dry clothes




\ *'l


7- ^ mF*F%

FtNGENST mpFATGB Wednesday, September. 28, 1955


Jonn Vaughn and dftugbterjaneof Detroit called on Mn. EmmaDinkel Sunday.

Born to Dwight Butler and wife(Jennie Tupper) of Durand lastweek a daughter .

The Jo* Griffiths and Otn Matteson and wife had dinner at theMark Matteson home at Cunning-ham Lake Sunday. i

James Amburgey who is In theair corp is home from Texas. Hisnext asignment is Wichita, Kan-


Raf M. Duty, M. D.Pinckney Michigan

Call 11:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M.Except Wednesdays

Mon., Tues., Fri., Sat7:00 to 8:00 P. M.

Geneisas:Mrs. Clare Palmer and daugh-

Detroit Saturday. **HUMg I? P &D»-

manceter, Patty were in

Mrs. Blanch Clark was in;trt#t Saturday.

The Merlin Amburjjeys had din-ner at Tourney's, Stockbrige Sun-day.

Martin Ritter and wife and RayYoung and wife and dinner atFrankenmuth Thursday.

Mrs. Eleanor Ledvvidge is ^sit-ing her sister, Mrs "Veronica Walk •

. er in Detroit and her 30ns, Hubert 1( and Desmond, in Royal Oak.



Pre-seoson Trade-in "Specials! Limited time!Beautiful new 1955 Duo-Thermsin smart Sandalwood finish!

Blower circulates heat by force.Turns itself on and off automatically.Gives greater comfort floor to ••::: \ .saves up to 2 5% on fuel!





tOrfxe; zik\; . mi Graud ftiferh 1551-V How el I, Micniga*

W. Mun&el), A*j^olaU

Br» ft ft MeCtoskejDENTIST

112M. North Michigan AveTelephone Office 935

Residence 814Evenings by Appointment


D01 C. SwtrtkoyiDilator

Moderai EquipmentAbl

PHONE U P 8-1172

Fod C. Reickheff, Si.OPTOMETRIST

120 Weal Grand KivwrUowell. Michigan

'in.ria 358

ftictiftnaerFarn? Sales A Spe

Bert WyiieCall Fowlervilk 226F6

Lloyd hor.ueeTrip* Ma*!',' tu

fUONE 17 P 84647



Edith R. Carr1 4 2 MILL ST.

Pinckne?, Mich. Phone UP 8-818}

Arnold Berquist233 tmadilla Si PtncJd^Watch Repqlring.Gold ._Watches. Watch BandsTjewele

Handmade Feather Billfold*

yoxafoot on lflu000 tiny Mtbubbles, taVelvet . SetAir-


Prompt and CourteousPhone UP 8-55J1 128 Webster Si

Hnckney, Michigan

Real EstateHomes, Lake Prepertires*' Opportunities

. - t Your property Hitb M»

Gerald Reason<oker — 209 North Pew*



Eye KxaminattontWednesday and' Batiur4ajr

by Appoiatment•126 Chilson Road, y4mi. N. of M-*

Ph kPhoa* AC

A D V S 1 WEDDING INVITATIONSMW » « . - . 1 4 S t y I e g j n t h e n f w W h . t e jg

. s tavxca > i ROOMS-Working woman will ihare-1 \°r *9:5 0 Per hundred. Al8o wedding1 X>tt °!?»?ofiSJ or°go?fetaoCffiS \ } 6 room house with woman or couple. '. ^ l n a \ Mat»_Booka, Receptionr t w boat, office, or oiiop, to ffve

yc« Ftnonal Pitting-JScrvU a—andIdea of shoe comloit. V#

N t t21101 Doyle Rd.,Phone Alpine 621Q2Be/ore 7 a. m. and after 6 p, m.

Lards etc. pMrs. Frances Olson

Phone Dexter HA 6-4426.4870 MattRoad. ^












FOR SSALE-Cugtom made Drapes.. FOR SALE_12 guage double barrelWill give suggestions on material Stevens shotgun George Meabonand also on decorating schemes. Phone UP 3312

i Susan Hood, Phone Alpine 6-2102t ~ FOR SALE_1953 Chevrolet Conver

j FOR SALE-DUO THES^Oil H e a t ^ k s ^ / ? 1 6 ™ ™ B

1 ing Stove with 55 gallon barrel a n d ~ ^ J ? "V*% ° l1

J s r i u S ? 2 2 feet of copper tubing 3 ° 7 4 w«t - M 3 6 A - S o m e r s

N. J Buzzard Phone UP 8-3139


FOR SALE _16 Oxford breedingewes excellent condition', 3 to 5

FOR SALE-Oae OH Spec. Heater, y e a r °ld' *>m* « g ^ m l with pepOne Coal or Wood SpaTHeater.Oni e r f l ' W l i h < t m D e u t s c h ' H o w e 1 1 4 2 1 J 1

Uundry Store UP 8 3289 W ANTED_A small .used .eemealidixer. Henry Zelker

FOR SALE: Accordian 120 base Phone HA 6-3563Gailanti,like new, CoSt $612.85. WillSacrifice. Call Eva Enquiat at FOR SALE-8 inch tilting arborHowell 706 bench saw, useed slightly.

= Thomas Murphy 211 E Main St.WANTED SEWING-Will do altera Phorxe HP 8-9732. Pinoknrtions and repairs at my home. LOST_Three white faced Hereford

Mrs. Merle Bobier, Phone 916 Cattle near Bentley Lake and Beard303 East Sibley, Howeell. s W Roads. Finder notify

, phone UP


FOR SALE-1948 and 1941 Dodge 4Tread Tires i D o o r s > 48 has R. H. new paint,needs


7:10X15, Two mens suits, 11 wool,One gabardine sizes 39 alsochecked Sport Jacket, size 40.Phone UP 8-3167

%r.on truck

WANTED-Woman or girl to care bridle, curry comb aid brush,for two children days. Transportat Roy Campbell, phoae UP 8-9746ion furnished. 3090 Pattegon Lake — - . •

R o a d . | WANTED-^eihiiig. an<x

motor repair, 41 runs good, both pOR S A T F I Q K O

%?£1£- ^ ^ *<- Th* 4 ^ - - d "condi Co-,;8318 Thurston^d^lver Lake &^*^*~» «g

f FOR SALE_Go>d westeru saddle, ^ * " ^ ^ XC 7'50«*

FOR SALE- Sat., Sept.. 24 to to * T6 P. M.: Trailer, lawn mower.floor

lamps, pressure cooker, furniture ,

j called for and delivered.Phone Howell 1364 or 11

F0R SALE_ Universal AutomaticPerculator, 8 Cups, Never bees used*"OM Ca!J HA-.6-9452$18.00.

, FOR SALE_47 DodgeCadillac, 49 Dodge, 4

_ AUTO PABTS-r— a n d a GW'i bicycle.. *^_ *>W#W —Auto Poc'.r George VaaSkiver 1122 MowersAutomotive Glass Sbld and [Phone UP 8-9908other items. •

THE WILSON'S Installed8010 Pingree Rd. Phone UP 8-3297 1018 East^rand^Rr^r.Phone ISl WANTED^Custom Combinimr







iFOR RBNX-House excellent l o r ! f OK Sfor a large family. Could be shared

by 2 families with 2 chiWrem,oii heatand electric hot water,full bath with w\ & r

shower. ..Phone UP 8-3250 « • • l> N Y Imlie* weel of HoweU at 4851

m CombiningBailmg. Eugeae MacAinsh

. UP 8 9737 or UP 8 5W6

R. L SORRELWell* .nd p n m p tf ?


FOR SALE_Rock Red stewingat $1 each. Bruce EulerHA 6--9300

FOR SALE Parakettes, Male $3.00per pair $5.60 M n . Albert ShirleyPhoae UP 8 327.A

STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENTOwnership Circulation of PinckneyDispatch As Required by Acts ofCongress March 2, 1933, July 2For October, 1065Publisher Paul W. CurlettEditor . . . The SameManaging Editor The SameBusiness Editor . . . The Same

Names of Bondholders^>nd Stockholders. There are none.

Names of Bondholders, Mortgageand Security holders/There are none.

Weekly Circulation 800Paul W. Curlett, Owner

Subscribed and sworn to before metin* 24th day of September, 1965

Lee Levey, Notary PxrtflkMy commission expires February

14, 19M.

Phone HA 694*4



