disruption is inevitable - how will you face it


Upload: jeff-loehr

Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Disruption is inevitable - how will you face it


Page 2: Disruption is inevitable - how will you face it

TRANSFORMATIONthat impacts our l i ves , bus inessesand soc ie ty

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ECONOMYAs a resu l t o f changes in the

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CULTUREOr in terna l a l i gnment and

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EMBRACEThe key to prosperous outcomes


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OPTIONSDeve lop ing and innovat ing

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FOCUSAnd de l iver resu l t s through

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DENIALi s much l e s s e f f ec t ive

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DISRUPTIONis happening and denial won't work

Unders tand i t . Create opt ionsFocus on de l ivery .

So embrace i t :

Page 12: Disruption is inevitable - how will you face it

in fo@stra t i s tgroup .comwww. s t r a t i s t g r oup . c omt w i t t e r : @s t r a t i s t g r oup

J e f f L oehrPar t ner , S t r a t egy P r ac t i c e L e ad

ht t ps : / / www. l i nk e d i n . c om/ i n / j e f f l oehrt w i t t e r : @ j e f f l oe hr