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Distinct Counting with a Self-Learning BitmapAiyou Chen and Jin CaoBell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent


Abstract— Estimating the number of distinct values is afundamental problem in database that has attracted extensiveresearch over the past two decades, due to its wide applications(especially in the Internet). Many algorithms have been proposedvia sampling or sketching for obtaining statistical estimates thatonly require limited computing and memory resources. However,their performance in terms of relative estimation accuracy usuallydepends on the unknown cardinalities. In this paper, we addressthe following question: can a distinct counting algorithm haveuniformly reliable performance, i.e. constant relative estimationerrors for unknown cardinalities in a wide range, say from tens tomillions? We propose a self-learning bitmap algorithm (S-bitmap)to answer this question. The S-bitmap is a bitmap obtained viaa novel adaptive sampling process, where the bits correspondingto the sampled items are set to 1, and the sampling rates arelearned from the number of distinct items already passed andreduced sequentially as more bits are set to 1. A unique propertyof S-bitmap is that its relative estimation error is truly stabilized,i.e. invariant to unknown cardinalities in a prescribed range. Wedemonstrate through both theoretical and empirical studies thatwith a given memory requirement, S-bitmap is not only uniformlyreliable but more accurate than state-of-the-art algorithms suchas the multiresolution bitmap [6] and Hyper LogLog algorithms[8] under common practice settings.


Estimating the number of distinct values (cardinality) ina large dataset or streaming data is a fundamental problemthat has wide applications, including data integration, queryoptimization, and especially, network traffic monitoring. Overthe past two decades, many algorithms have been developed inthe literature that assume only one-scan of the data and derivestatistical estimates with limited memory and computationalresources ([9], [15], [7], [1], [4], [11], [2], [5], [6], [10],[12], [3], [8]). Almost all of them make use of one of thefollowing basic ideas plus appropriate estimation methods:[i] sampling or Wegman’s adaptive sampling [7] to obtaina portion of distinct values; [ii] bitmap that first randomlyassigns each distinct value to an entry of a bit vector andthen uses the number of empty entries to infer the count;[iii] order statistics (e.g. minimal) obtained by hashing eachdistinct value to a random number with a common distri-bution; and [iv] combination of the above [i], [ii] or [iii].See [13] for a comprehensive review and extensive simulationcomparisons of the algorithms appearing before 2006. Mostnotable algorithms include linear counting [15] falling into[ii], Flajolet-Martin’s logarithmic counting algorithm [9] basedon minimal statistics of geometric random numbers (i.e. [iii]),the multiresolution bitmap algorithm (mr-bitmap) [6] usinga combination of sampling and bitmap (i.e. [iv]), and theLogLog counting algorithm (LLog) [5] ([iii]) that improves

the logarithmic counting algorithm from space requirementO(log(Nmax)) to O(log log(Nmax)). Here Nmax is an upperbound of cardinalities to be estimated. The Hyper-Loglog(HLLog) algorithm proposed recently by Flajolet et al [8] thatfurther improves LLog also belongs to [iii].

Although many algorithms for distinct counting exist, theirperformance in terms of relative estimation accuracy usuallydepend on the unknown cardinalities. For example, withlimited memory, linear counting [15] works best with smallcardinalities while LLog works best with large cardinalities.However, in many network applications, the cardinalities in-volved not only may have large scales but also may fall ina wide range due to the non-stationarity of network trafficin the time domain or inhomogeneity of link speeds inthe spatial domain. For example, network traffic is typicallynon-stationary and bursty, especially under unusual events.The property of non-stationarity imposes the challenge thatalgorithms relying on sampling design adapted from historicaldata will not be reliable. Further, network links belongingto a large service provider may have different link speeds,and therefore real-time flow counts on these links can bevery heterogeneous, for which, it is critical but challengingto guarantee reliable estimation performance among all linksusing a uniform design of memory and computation resources.The lack of homogeneity in these problems, imposes a centralquestion: Can a distinct counting algorithm provide uniformlyreliable estimates, in the sense of constant relative estimationerrors, no matter what the cardinalities are, say from tens tomillions? Here we use the error metric defined by the squareroot of mean square relative errors, i.e.

√E(n̂n−1 − 1)2

where n̂ is an estimate of the cardinality, say n.In this paper we address the above central question and

develop a self-learning bitmap algorithm that meets the re-quirement of uniform reliability. Our idea is to build anadaptive sampling process into a bitmap such that the rel-ative errors are stabilized constantly. To be more precise,the sampling rates are learned from the number of distinctitems already passed and decreased sequentially as more andmore bits in the bitmap are filled. The abbreviation of “S-bitmap” therefore comes from the features, self-learning andadaptive sampling bitmap. Our adaptive sampling idea can betraced back to Morris in 1978 [14] who proposed it for thesimple item counting problem with no replicate items. Wenote that Morris’ adaptive sampling is different from Weg-man’s adaptive sampling since Wegman’s sampling schemewas designed for distinct counting; Furthermore, Wegman’ssampling does not consider uniform reliability defined in the

IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering

1084-4627/09 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/ICDE.2009.193


IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering

1084-4627/09 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/ICDE.2009.193


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above and is yet computationally more expensive. We showthat the S-bitmap algorithm is not only uniformly reliable butmore accurate than state-of-the-art algorithms for commonpractice cardinality scales. For example, with 2,520 bits (or315 bytes), the S-bitmap can estimate arbitrary cardinalitiesfrom 1 to a million with relative errors uniformly about 4%. Asa comparison, state-of-the-art algorithms such as mr-bitmap,LogLog counting require requires at least twice the memory,and even Hyper-LogLog requires 30% more memory, in orderto achieve the similar performance.Organization. Section II describes the the S-bitmap algorithm,dimensioning rules and some analysis; Section III reportsperformance comparison with state-of-the-art algorithms andexperimental studies on monitoring worm traffic.


In this section we begin with a description of the S-bitmapalgorithm. The key idea is to build a novel adaptive samplingprocess into a bitmap. Since typically Nmax � m, mappingfrom {0, · · · , m} to {0, · · · , Nmax} cannot be one-to-one,but one-to-multiple. In order to efficiently make use of thesem bits, the sampling rates are learned from the number ofdistinct values already passed by and are updated adaptivelyfor dynamic arrival of new distinct values. The samplingprocess forms a non-stationary Markov chain, from which anefficient statistical estimate is derived. Below we describe thealgorithm, its dimensioning rules of the sampling rates andsome analysis.Self-learning bitmap. A bitmap is a vector V ∈ {0, 1}m withlength m and is initialized with 0s. A counter L is initializedby 0 for counting the number of buckets filled with 1s, then0 ≤ L ≤ m. Assume that items come sequentially as a datastream. Upon the arrival of an item (the same item may appearmultiple times), it is mapped by a universal hash function usingthe item ID as the key to the kth bucket in the bitmap for somek ∈ {1, · · · , m}. If V [k] = 1, then skip to the next item;Otherwise, with a sampling probability pL, V [k] is changedfrom 0 into 1, in which case we update L by L+1. Note thatthe sampling is also applied with a universal hash using theitem IDs as keys. Here, L ∈ {0, 1, · · · , m} tells how many 1-bits by the end of the stream update. The bigger L is, the largerthe cardinality is expected to be. We require that p1, p2, · · · bedecreasing such that for a large cardinality, items are sampledwith smaller and smaller probability sequentially, while fora small cardinality, items are sampled using the first a fewof p1, p2, · · · , i.e. higher sampling rates. The rationale is tomake the relative estimation error constant for an arbitrarycardinality in the whole range [0, · · · , Nmax]. The methodcan also be applied for the range [Nmin, · · · , Nmax] whenNmin > 1 is a known lower bound of cardinalities, see ourfull paper at http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/aychen/sbitmap.pdf.

The S-bitmap update algorithm is described in Algorithm1, where the configuration parameters, i.e. sampling rates,{p1, p2, · · · , pm} are described later. Since both sampling andbitmap hashing use the item as the key, we can use oneuniversal hash function to serve both purposes. Following the

Algorithm 1 S-bitmap (UPDATE)Input: a stream of items x (a binary vector with size c + d)

V (a bitmap vector of zeros with size m = 2c)Output: B (number of buckets with 1s in V )Configuration: m, C and (p1, · · · , pm)

1: Initialize L = 02: for x = b1 · · · bc+d ∈ U do3: set j := [b1 · · · bc]2 (value of first c bits in base 2)4: if V [j] = 0 then5: u = [bc+1 · · · bc+d]26: if u2−d < pL+1 then7: V [j] = 18: L = L + 1

9: Return B = L.

setting of [5], each item is assumed to be a binary vector (sayafter a universal hash) with length c+d, where c is determinedby bitmap size i.e. m = 2c, and d is pre-determined by Nmax

(i.e. c + d = O(log(Nmax))) and the sampling rate precision.Since the sequential sample rates pL only depend on L whichallow us to learn the number of distinct items already passed,the algorithm is called self-learning bitmap (S-bitmap).

Note that in the update process, for each item, only onehash is needed. The bucket location is computed using thefirst c bits of hashed binary values. For bucket update, onlyif the localized bucket is empty, the next d-bits block is usedwhich determines whether the bucket should be filled with 1 ornot. Note that the sampling rate changes only when an emptybucket is filled with 1. For example, if K buckets becomefilled by the end of the stream, the sample rates only need tobe updated K times. Therefore the computational cost is lowcompared to to most existing algorithms.Estimation. From the update process, it is clear that each ofthe n distinct items is assigned into one of the m bit locationsindependently with equal probability. Replicate items will behashed into the same bit location and be sampled either all ornone. For simplicity, let the distinct items be index sequentiallyby 1, 2, · · · , n. Let Lt be the number of 1 bits in the bitmapwhen the t-th distinct item arrives. It can be shown that {Lt :t = 1, · · · , n} follows a non-stationary Markov chain modelas below:

Lt = Lt−1 + 1, with probability qLt−1+1

= Lt−1, with probability 1 − qLt−1+1,

where ql = m−1(m − l + 1)pl.Let Tl be the index for the distinct item that fills an empty

bucket with 1 such that there are l buckets filled with 1 bythat time. By default, T0 ≡ 0. Now given the output B fromthe update process, obviously, we have TB ≤ n < TB+1.Let tb = ETb be the expectation of Tb, b = 1, · · · , m. Then anatural estimate of n could be any value in [tb, tb+1) if B = b.In order to stabilize the estimation errors at boundaries, ourS-bitmap estimator is defined as below:

n̂ =


if B < m and tB+1 − tB > 1.5tB otherwise.



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Since tB+1 − tB ≥ 1, the threshold 1.5 is used to avoidinterpolation for cardinalities close to 1.

Lemma 1: {Tl − Tl−1 : 1 ≤ l ≤ m} are independentgeometric random variables with corresponding means q−1


and variances (1 − ql)q−2l . Therefore tl =

∑lj=1 q−1

j .Dimensioning rule. Notice that the stopping times Tb areunbiased estimates of tb = ETb if the stopping times areobservable but the parameters are unknown, where t1 < t2 <· · · < tm. Notice that the unknown cardinality n must fall intosome two consecutive tb. Let

Re(Tb) =√

E(Tbt−1b − 1)2 = t−1



be the relative error for Tb estimating tb. In order to make theS-bitmap estimation error invariant to an arbitrary n, the ideais to choose sample rates that stabilize the relative estimationerrors at these breaking points, i.e. Re(Tb) ≡ ε for b ∈{1, · · · , m}, where ε is the desired relative estimation error.We will show later that although the stopping times Tb areunobservable, choosing parameters that stabilizes the relativeerrors of Tb is sufficient for stabilizing the relative estimationerrors of our S-bitmap estimator for arbitrary n ≤ Nmax. Thetheorem below summarizes the dimensioning rule.

Theorem 1: Given m and ε, let r = 1− 2ε2(1 + ε2)−1. Letthe sequential sampling rates be pk = m(m + 1 − k)−1(1 +ε2)rk . Then for k = 1, · · · , m,

Re(Tk) ≡ ε.

That is, the relative errors Re(Tb) for stopping time expecta-tions are constant.

For the upper bound Nmax, we let tm = Nmax, i.e., thebitmap is expected to be filled up when the maximum numberof distinct items are reached. So, Nmax = .5ε−2(r−m − 1).From this, we can express m as

m =log(1 + 2Nmaxε2)

log(1 + 2ε2(1 − ε2)−1). (2)

This tells how to choose the bitmap size with given Nmax andestimation precision ε.Analysis. We conjecture that the following is true. If givenNmax, the sequential sampling rates are designed by Theorem1 with parameters (m, ε), where m is given by (2), then therelative error for the S-bitmap algorithm is ε(1 + o(1)) forany n ∈ {1, · · · , Nmax}. This is supported by two sets ofempirical studies. First, we fix m = 4, 000 bits and ε = 0.033and design the sequential sampling rates according to Theorem1, then for n the power of 2 in the range [32, 1.2× 106], wesimulate n distinct items and obtain S-bitmap estimate. Foreach n, we replicate the simulation 1000 times and obtain theempirical mean square relative error. The second set uses m =1, 800 bits and ε = 0.05, and similarly empirical estimationerrors are computed. These empirical errors are compared withtheoretical error ε, shown in Figure 1. In both studies, theempirical errors and theoretical errors match very well. Weleave theoretical justification of the empirical results to futurestudies. A less rigorous result is given below.

Theorem 2: Under the S-bitmap algorithm setting, the rel-ative error is of order ε.


In this section we compare S-bitmap both theoreticallyand empirically with state-of-the-art algorithms including mr-bitmap, LLog and HLLog which are known to be best per-formers in terms of space efficiency for the same accuracy.The studies show that S-bitmap is uniformly reliable and alsoperforms better than the alternative algorithms in commonpractice setting with Nmax = O(107).Theoretical comparison. Notice that from the asymp-totic analysis in [5] and [8], the space requirements forLLog and HLLog are asymptotically most efficient, about1.302ε−2 log(log(Nmax)) and 1.042ε−2 log(log(Nmax)) inbits respectively, where ε is the desired relative error. Weprovide a comparison in Table I below between S-bitmap,LLog and HLLog for the memory requirement in bits. TableI tells that to achieve the accuracy of 1% relative errors, S-bitmap is more efficient than LLog and HLLog when Nmax isof order 108 or less. S-bitmap is more advantageous for smallerNmaxε2 while HLLog is most advantageous for extremelylarge Nmax.

Nmax S-bitmap (Kb) Hyper LogLog (Kb) LogLog (Kb)10000 5.5 44.1 67.61e+05 15.2 54.1 84.51e+06 26.5 54.1 84.51e+07 38.0 54.1 84.51e+08 49.5 54.1 84.51e+09 61.0 54.1 84.5




Empirical comparison. We now use empirical studies to com-pare mr-bitmap, LLog and HLLog with S-bitmap. In the firstexperiment, with Nmax = 1.5×106 and ε = 1%, the design ofmultiresolution bitmap algorithm requires m = 55, 500 bits ofmemory. We therefore apply this m to all algorithms. Let thetrue cardinality n vary from 10 to 106 and run the algorithmsto obtain corresponding estimates n̂. The relative estimationerror, measured by

√E(n̂n−1 − 1)2, is computed based on

1000 replicates of this procedure. This is reported in the firstpanel of Figure 3. Note that the LLog algorithm has a flawin handling small cardinalities, which is remedied in HLLog(see [8] for details). The result also tells that mr-bitmap doesnot produce reliable results as its performance is better forsmall cardinalities but worse for large cardinalities, while S-bitmap always produces reliable estimates with relative errorabout 0.7%. In the second and third experiments, we useε = 4%, 10% for the mr-bitmap design and obtain m = 3242and m = 941 respectively. The simulation setup is similar tothe above and the results are reported in the second and thirdpanels of Figure 3 respectively. As shown, besides uniformreliability, S-bitmap is most accurate in most cases.Worm traffic monitoring. We use a 9-hour traffic tracescollected at a large university network during the period of first


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Cardinality (log base 2)


tive e


32 256 2048 16384 131072 1048576











8Simulated error (m=4K,C=1000)Theoretical error (0.033)Simulated error (m=1.8K, C=400)Theoretical error (0.05)

Fig. 1. Empirical and theoretical estimationerrors with (m, ε) taking values (4000,0.033)and (1800, 0.05) (Note: C = ε−2).

Time (PST)N



of flo


(log b



01/25/03 14:00 01/25/03 16:00 01/25/03 18:00 01/25/03 20:00 01/25/03 22:00























Number of flowsS−bitmap relative error

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10








Quantile of absolute relative errors (S−bitmap)


e o

f abso



tive e





S−bitmap vs mr−bitmapS−bitmap vs LLogS−bitmap vs HLLog

Fig. 2. Left: Time series of flow counts (in circles) and S-bitmap estimation relative errors (in’+’) per minute; Right: Quantile-Quantile plots of absolute relative estimation errors betweenS-bitmap and others (mr-bitmap, LLog, HLLog).

Cardinality (log base 2)


tive e


16 64 256 1024 4096 16384 65536 262144 1048576
















Cardinality (log base 2)


tive e


16 64 256 1024 4096 16384 65536 262144 1048576
















Cardinality (log base 2)


tive e


16 64 256 1024 4096 16384 65536 262144 10485760.0






.10 S−bitmap


(a) Memory: m=55,500 bits (b) Memory: m=3,242 bits (c) Memory: m=941 bits

Fig. 3. Comparison between S-bitmap and other algorithms: mr-bitmap, loglog and loglog-bitmap

outbreak of the ’Slammer’ worm in 2003. Distinct countingalgorithms are used to estimate the number of network flowsper minute. The left panel of Figure 2 shows the true flowcounts in triangles and the relative errors of S-bitmap estimatesin ’+’ with standard deviation 2.2% and median absolute errorabout 3.5%. The right panel of Figure 2 compares the quantilesof absolute relative errors of the four algorithms, where thevertical lines are the 25, 50, 90, 99 and 99.9 percent quantiles.The result shows that the absolute error quantiles of S-bitmapis uniformly better than all others, while HLLog is better thanmr-bitmap and LLog.


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