division 20i may newsletter 2013

you can! And remember to end this year with a bang! May is a very busy and exciting month for most of us, with AP and IB testing, so I hope you all are doing well! If anyone has any questions at all, feel free to contact me! I will be planning a DCM possibly for the month of June, nothing is final yet but I would love your guys’ input on dates that work 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204 |VOLUME 2| ISSUE 2 |MAY 2013| Hello Division 20i! I hope you all are having a wonderful end of the year! It has been about a little more than a month since DCON, and I hope no one is still experiencing post DCON syndrome and that you guys are preparing for next year’s DCON! This DCON will be the craziest and most incredible one yet! Since it is in a new location, the price will be a bit more but it will most definitely be worth it! So start fundraising as soon as HIGHLIGHT TEXT CALL OUT BOX What are you about to read? Introduction.....1 District Project. 2 Events...........3 To the Seniors!. .4 K E Y C L U Need Help? Questions? Contact me!! Cell Phone: 360 632 1857 Email: [email protected] Contact me on Facebook! ®

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This is the 2nd issure of 20i newsletter! Happy May!


Page 1: Division 20i May Newsletter 2013

questions at all, feel free to contact me! I will be planning a DCM possibly for the month of June, nothing is final yet but I would love your guys’ input on dates that work best!

Stay golden guys, and keep on serving!

Your LtG. Of Division 20iJackie DeJesus


|VOLUME 2| ISSUE 2 |MAY 2013|

Hello Division 20i!I hope you all are having a wonderful end of the year! It has been about a little more than a month since DCON, and I hope no one is still experiencing post DCON syndrome and that you guys are preparing for next year’s DCON! This DCON will be the craziest and most incredible one yet! Since it is in a new location, the price will be a bit more but it will most definitely be worth it! So start fundraising as soon as you can! And remember to end this year with a bang! May is a very busy and exciting month for most of us, with AP and IB testing, so I hope you all are doing well! If anyone has any


What are you about to read?Introduction..............1

District Project..........2


To the Seniors!.........4


Need Help? Questions? Contact me!!

Cell Phone: 360 632 1857 Email: [email protected] Contact me on Facebook!


Page 2: Division 20i May Newsletter 2013

2 KEY CLUB <your club/district> newsletter

WHAT IS THE ELIMINATE PROJECT?This year’s district project is THE ELIMINATE PROJECT. What exactly is this project? The Eliminate Project is a joint project with Kiwanis and UNICEF to internationally terminate MNT.

WHAT IS MNT?In 30 countries around the world, maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) can quickly turn the joy of childbirth into tragedy. MNT kills one baby every nine minutes. Its effects are excruciating– tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. There is little hope of survival. And tetanus kills mothers too.

WHO SUFFERS FROM MNT?MNT is caused when tetanus spores, found in soil everywhere, come into contact with open cuts during childbirth. The disease strikes the poorest of the poor, the geographically hard to reach and those without health care.

WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP? Fundraise. Hold car washes, have miracle minute. Raise as much money as you can! Our goal is to raise enough money to eliminate MNT from the face of the earth. It only costs $1.80 to help save a life. That’s less than one cup of coffee, or some froyo. Sacrificing one latte or one pack of gum can save a mother and her new born.

Do your part

The ELIMINATE project

EDUCATE yourself.ADVOCATE to the world.INVEST to save and protect.


and Neonatal Tetanus.

$1.80 =enough to save a mother and her newborn’s life.

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1. Head onto www.relayforlife.org2. Input 98277 onto the "Find an Event" search bar and click on the "Relay For Life of Whidbey Island"3. Click on the "## Teams" link and find OHHS Wildcats4. Find "OHHS Wildcats" and click "Join Team"5. Fill out the Event Registration on you own. Any questions you would like to address should be posted on the comment section.


OAK HARBOR:-Don’t forget about the campus clean up with K-kids on Monday! I will be during our normal meeting time, 6pm-7pm. everyone is welcome! -Sign up now for relay for life! Info and steps on the side bar!

ANACORTES!Don’t forget Saturday is the Snow cone Event at the Island Hospital!

ATTENTION ALL CLUB OFFICERS:I’m trying to plan a DCM for the month of June, so all the new officers will now what to do next year! I would much appreciate it if I could get some input on a good location, a date and a time! Thank you so much! And I am always here if any of you have any questions. Remember, end this year with a bang!!



Another reminder! This week is ELIMINATE WEEK! Fundraise and spread the word! If you miss it this week, remember that you can always fundraise year round (which is highly encouraged). If you guys need fundraising ideas, contact me and I would be happy to help!

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Senior! He wish to see every Key Club Senior to at least see this application, so let’s make his wishes come true! He has also graciously wrote a thank you letter to all of the seniors that have served in the PNW District! Unfortunately, I cannot attach the files, but if you would like them email me or Mr. Holland! His email is

Contact Information: phone, email, address, etc.4 www. keyclub.org

Hello Seniors! Whether you

have been in Key Club since freshman year, or you just joined recently, this doesn’t have to be the end of your wonderful service! A message from our very own PNW District Governor Greg Holland has come to report that there is infact, LIFE AFTER KEY CLUB. This program is called “Next Generations Kiwanis” and it is available to every single Key Club

[email protected] will be more than happy to send you the info, and if you have any question I know Mr. Holland will be more than happy to answer them!

Seniors . Farewell. THIS IS NOT THE END…

Contact Us! Governor Trang Tran                                                            Convention Chair Denny Lim

[email protected]                                                 [email protected] District Secretary Hakikat Bains                                        District Administrator John [email protected]                                                  [email protected] District Treasurer Eric Grewal                                            Assistant District Admin Tom [email protected]                                                        [email protected]  Bulletin Editor Sara Thomas                                                Finance Administrator Kevin [email protected]                                                        [email protected] International VP Caitlin [email protected]