diwali celebration · diwali celebration if your child is celebrating diwali or a hindu new year on...

Attendance Winners W/C 07/10/19 4 Skylark with 98.3% and 20 Woodpecker with 98.8% Whole school attendance = 95.3% Well done! A note from Mrs Simpson… to all of our families that are celebrating Diwali this weekend, we hope that you have a wonderful time. We look forward to you continuing your celebrations with us on Wednesday. It will be a wonderful community event that is the launch of our drive to raise enough money to buy a minivan for sports fixtures, cross school travel and to attend competitions. https://kestrel-tmet.uk 0116 2461732 @kestrelmead kestrelmead 25 th October 2019 Edition 7 REMINDERS Tues 29 th Oct: 13 Swallow - LOPC Will return to school for approx. 3pm Thurs 31 st Oct: 14 Chaffinch LOPC Will return to school for approx. 3pm Fri 1 st Nov: 15 Robin LOPC Will return to school for approx. 3pm Tues 5 th Nov: Class 18 @ 8.55am Fri 8 th Nov: Class 10 @ 8.45am Year 5 Space Centre Will return to school for approx. 3pm Mon 11 th Nov: Class 21 @ 8.55am Fri 15 th Nov: Class 7 @ 8.45am Diwali Celebration If your child is celebrating Diwali or a Hindu New Year on Monday 28 th October and will be absent from school, please make the office aware. You can contact the office on this date or inform us in advance so that we will not be disturbing you. Children are entitled to 1 day off school for Religious Observance per year.

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Page 1: Diwali Celebration · Diwali Celebration If your child is celebrating Diwali or a Hindu New Year on Monday 28th October and will be absent from school, please make the office aware

Attendance Winners W/C 07/10/19

4 Skylark with 98.3% and 20 Woodpecker with 98.8%

Whole school attendance = 95.3%

Well done!

A note from Mrs Simpson… to all of our families that are

celebrating Diwali this weekend, we hope that you have a wonderful

time. We look forward to you continuing your celebrations with us on

Wednesday. It will be a wonderful community event that is the

launch of our drive to raise enough money to buy a minivan for

sports fixtures, cross school travel and to attend competitions.

https://kestrel-tmet.uk 0116 2461732

@kestrelmead kestrelmead

25th October 2019 Edition 7


Tues 29th Oct:

13 Swallow - LOPC

Will return to school for

approx. 3pm

Thurs 31st Oct:

14 Chaffinch – LOPC

Will return to school for

approx. 3pm

Fri 1st Nov:

15 Robin – LOPC

Will return to school for

approx. 3pm

Tues 5th Nov:

Class 18 @ 8.55am

Fri 8th Nov:

Class 10 @ 8.45am

Year 5 – Space Centre

Will return to school for

approx. 3pm

Mon 11th Nov:

Class 21 @ 8.55am

Fri 15th Nov:

Class 7 @ 8.45am

Diwali CelebrationIf your child is celebrating Diwali or a Hindu New Year on Monday 28th October

and will be absent from school, please make the office aware. You can contact

the office on this date or inform us in advance so that we will not be disturbing


Children are entitled to 1 day off school for Religious Observance per year.

Page 2: Diwali Celebration · Diwali Celebration If your child is celebrating Diwali or a Hindu New Year on Monday 28th October and will be absent from school, please make the office aware

Friends of Kestrel MeadOver the past 2 years the Friends of Kestrel Mead PTA have worked tirelessly not only

to fundraise towards worthy causes but to provide and support entertaining and

enjoyable events for the Kestrel Mead community.

We have organised events such a film nights, World Book Day events and New Years

discos. These events and others have helped to fund a community defibrillator and

vibrant playground markings at the Infant build. All this could not be achieved without

the unwavering and generous support of the Friends of Kestrel Mead. We would like to

take this opportunity to thank them for giving up their time in support of the school and

the wider community.

The Friends of Kestrel Mead’s next goal is to support the school in its efforts to

fundraise towards a school Mini Van. The Mini Van will provide transport to sports,

educational and social events. We have film nights, discos and quiz nights lined up,

keep your eyes peeled for information on these events closer to the dates.

Thank you to the Kestrel Mead community for supporting our events and making them

a success! If you would like to become part of the Kestrel Mead PTA team, please get

in contact with Miss Charles or speak to one of our PTA members at our next event.

Thank you again for being valuable members of the Kestrel Mead community.


Admissions Policy Consultation for 2021 for

Kestrel Mead Primary Academy

Having joined TMET (The Mead Educational Trust), Kestrel Mead Primary Academy is its

own admissions authority and as such has to establish its own admissions arrangements.

The proposed admissions policy for the 2021/22 academic year is available to view on

our website and is in line with the admissions criteria that LCC uses. As we have decided

to remain part of the Leicester City admissions process, the Local Authority will continue

to administer all admissions to the Academy.

There is a consultation period which runs from 21 October 2019 to 2 December 2019 , if

you would like to comment about the proposed 2021/22 admission arrangements. You

can comment by:

Writing to: Cathy Brown, The Mead Educational Trust, The Mead Centre, 343 Gipsy

Lane, Leicester LE4 9DD

Emailing: [email protected]

Please indicate which academy you are commenting on.

Wheelie Wednesday

Well done to all the

children for biking and

scooting to school!

This week…

Infant site:

14 bikes & 12 scooters

Junior site:

21 bikes & 7 scooters

Keep this up Kestrel


Page 3: Diwali Celebration · Diwali Celebration If your child is celebrating Diwali or a Hindu New Year on Monday 28th October and will be absent from school, please make the office aware

Here are this week’s Kestrel Mead Rockstars…

Who is the fastest in each year group? Year Group Name Current Studio Speed (seconds)

Year 3 Arun L 1.72

Year 4 Avani M 0.99

Year 5 Diya D 0.92

Year 6 Aryan P 1.33

This week’s Year 2 champion is Mishka in Class 9 who has earned 7635 coins this week!

Goodbye to Mrs Pugh & Mrs Deacon

It is with great sadness that we are today

saying farewell to these lovely ladies.

Mrs Pugh has been an important part of

Kestrel Mead for 11 years. So many children

and families have benefited from her

kindness, compassion and huge heart. As we

wave farewell to her, we also say

congratulations on being ‘head hunted’ and

presented with an offer she couldn’t refuse.

We wish her well and are excited to see

where her next adventure takes her….

Mrs Deacon has been with Kestrel Mead

since September 2017, she spent her first

year supporting a child in the reception and

then the last 2 years has supported children

across the junior building. Mrs Deacon is

leaving us to work in an independent

specialist setting. Well done on achieving

this! Her last day working at Kestrel Mead will

be Monday 28th October, be sure to say your


We have been busy recruiting for these

posts, and can share that after a wonderful

round of interviews we have some new

recruits to our team.

Mrs Pugh and Mrs Deacon, we will miss


Page 4: Diwali Celebration · Diwali Celebration If your child is celebrating Diwali or a Hindu New Year on Monday 28th October and will be absent from school, please make the office aware

Sports Events (August – October)Year 5 Health & Wellbeing Sports Leaders (Leicester SSPAN)

We selected 8 Year 5 pupils (4 boys, 4 girls) to undergo Sports Leader training provided

by Leicester SSPAN. It was a one day event held at the Watershed, with 8 other schools

attending. The children were given specific sports leader roles which will be developed

throughout the year. Roles include: Health & Wellbeing Leaders, Media & IT leaders and

Playground Activity Leaders. When the children were allocated these roles, they learnt

how they could benefit our school at break times and lunch times: this could be through

setting up small physical activities or encouraging children to eat healthy food options

throughout the day.

Year 5/6 Boys Football Team (LCFC in the Community)

The boys had their first outing at Judgemeadow with some preliminary league fixtures put

on for us by LCFC in the community, and found it wasn’t as easy as they first thought!

They played 3 games in total and, unfortunately, narrowly lost all three games, but played

some good football. The next round of fixtures will take place on Nov 18th.

Year 1 Health & Wellbeing Festival at Leicester Tigers Stadium (TMET Event)

Year 1 superstars spent a morning learning why it’s important to be Healthy and Active.

They found out which foods are good/bad for them and why keeping hydrated is

important. Also, they took part in different tag-rugby themed activities alongside other

schools and finished with a tour of the Leicester Tigers stadium, as well as meeting the

team’s mascot, Welford.

Year 5/6 Girls Football Team (LCFC in the Community)

So our Year 5/6 Girls football team got off to a fantastic start at Judgemeadow going

unbeaten throughout the afternoon, winning three matches, drawing one and only

conceding one goal. The teamwork and skills shown by the girls was brilliant and this was

praised by parents and the LCFC coaches who were hosting the event. As a school, we

can be thoroughly proud of them. The girls are really excited for the next round of fixtures

in a few weeks.

Year 3-6 Cross Country Preliminary Event

On a cold, wet and windy Friday afternoon, we took 8 children to the preliminary cross-

country event at Knighton Park. Over 1,000 children took part in the event from Years 3-6,

both boys and girls. All of our children finished the race successfully and we even had a

couple of children finish in the top 25 out of 150 children and even an 11th PLACE! This is

AMAZING! We hope to take a larger group to the next cross-country event, and if our

children finish in the top 25 next time around, they will go straight through into the County

Finals Cross-Country event.

Academy Council Update

Thank you to the academy council (previously school governors) who attended school before half

term to meet with the senior leadership to find out about this years school improvement priorities.

As always, they were rigorous with their questions.

Page 5: Diwali Celebration · Diwali Celebration If your child is celebrating Diwali or a Hindu New Year on Monday 28th October and will be absent from school, please make the office aware

Primary Leadership Team Event

Our Primary Leadership Team spent the morning at Abbey Mead before

half term. The morning gave them opportunities to work as a team:

skipping and playing music amongst other things. They were inspired to

come back to school full of ideas about their role and the messages they

want to be heard this year.

They are excited about having a focus on our environment starting with

looking at the traffic around our school and working towards a bigger goal

of the Junior school field.

Votes for Schools

Before half term we thought about “Should vaping be

banned?” It was interesting to see that the majority of our

school think it should. Our children are very concerned about

themselves and their families health and want to help protect

them. 10% more of our school thought this than nationally. Some

children also disagreed because vaping could be better for us

than smoking and people are trying hard to quit smoking

This week we have been thinking about “Are super size

classes the future?” Since a school in Devon has

approximately 67 children in each class and think it benefits their

students. Next week you can see the results of what our children


EAL Coffee MorningA massive thank you to all the parents who came to our EAL coffee morning. We explored how to support

children with their writing and learnt about some fun and different ways to write. Here are some fun ideas:

Please remember you can use the Languagenut app at home to support your child as well. If you do not

know their username and password, please talk to your child’s class teacher.