dl edited - april 2018 workshop - cisva.bc.ca · when can employee leave the registered pension...

2018-04-16 1 1. Pension: Pension Plan Sponsor/Policy New Pension Default Fund Contribution levels, etc. Vesting period 2. Group Benefits: Plan Sponsor Group Benefit update 3. Disability Leave: STD/LTD Benefit “Own job” definition Duty to Accommodate 4. Maternity Leave: Maternity/STD Benefit EI and Top-Up Maternity Leave Calendars 5. Benefit Class structure: Benefit Class 2 restructured 6. Benefit website: Announcements/ Reminders Use of updated forms 7. Benefit Package: How we send packages – will give instruction and information on the re- enrollment email. 8. Re-enrollment: Important Dates Review of requirements Need for Annual salaries

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Post on 13-May-2018




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1. Pension:• Pension Plan Sponsor/Policy• New Pension Default Fund• Contribution levels, etc.• Vesting period

2. Group Benefits:• Plan Sponsor• Group Benefit update

3. Disability Leave:• STD/LTD Benefit• “Own job” definition• Duty to Accommodate

4. Maternity Leave:• Maternity/STD Benefit• EI and Top-Up• Maternity Leave Calendars

5. Benefit Class structure:• Benefit Class 2 restructured

6. Benefit website:• Announcements/ Reminders• Use of updated forms

7. Benefit Package:• How we send packages – will give

instruction and information on the re-enrollment email.

8. Re-enrollment:• Important Dates• Review of requirements• Need for Annual salaries



Our Plan Sponsors:

Pension Plan – Archdiocese of Vancouver (RCAV) 35169

Registered Pension Plan◦ Voluntary Pension

Other Pension Services◦ Individual and/or Spousal RRSP◦ TFSA

Who is eligible to join our Registered Pension Plan (RPP)? Any CISVA employee who works minimum of 20 hours per week

on a permanent basis.

Under Benefit Class 100 (Pension Only), any CISVA employee who has worked for two consecutive years earning 35% of the Year Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE).

2015: $53,600 * 35% = $18,760 2016: $54,900 * 35% = $19,215 2017: $55,300 * 35% = $19,355 2018: $55,900 * 35% = $19,565

When can employee leave the Registered Pension Plan (RPP)?

An employee can leave the plan only upon termination of his employment (resigned, retired, laid off). Once an employee is in the Plan he cannot opt out even if his work hours fall below 20 hours per week. If it happens, the employee’s benefit class is reclassified to Class 100 (pension only).

***Note: You can check the annual YMPE amount on the CRA website. http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/rgstrd/papspapar-fefespfer/lmts-eng.html



Contribution levels are based on the followingpercentages of gross annual earnings for RCAV/CISVA, CISKD and CISPG employees:

• new or existing employees 3% or 7%

For RCAV/CISVA and CISPG employees:• employees in the 15th year of service 8%• employees in the 20th year of service 9%

Note:For employees participating in the pension plan, percentage contribution to the plan will be based on the benefits offered by the employer in the contract, the amount will be paid by payroll deduction.

Upon new hiring, the employer is expected to explain to the new employee how the pension plan works and his/her options for pension investments.

Please remember: Once on pension, always on pension!



Default funds for pension will be changed from the current Conservative Continuum Target Risk Fund to GLC Continuum Target Date Funds effective September 1, 2018.

Plan update: What’s new to group registered pension plan?

Target Date Funds are portfolios that minimize the employee’s involvement in investing their pension money.

An employee determines his/her date (year) of retirement, usually 65.

The employee’s pension contributions are put into the closest TDF of his/her retirement.

For the next X number of years, the employee’s contributions go into that TDF, until retirement.

As time goes on, the asset mix of that fund automatically changes, towards stability just before retirement.



Only used as a Default option if member does not give specific investment instructions.

TDFs are available in 5-year increments, for example:◦ Continuum 2020◦ Continuum 2025◦ Continuum 2030◦ Continuum 2035, etc.

A member can change his/her investment choice at any time.

For existing members, any previous investment instructions will be followed as usual (No change).



• Inclusion of 3rd party managers expands and improves the opportunity set

• Simplifies ongoing due diligence:• Consistent with current Target Risk series offered to members• Underlying funds remain the same throughout glide path (only weights change)

• Risk-adjusted option is available in future

• Lengthy and successful track record of return and volatility management

An employee’s length of employment determines his eligibility and benefit levels for participation in the pension plan. (only after 15 or 20 years of service)

Any application for an increase to employee’s pension contribution will not be considered unless the Application for Increase to Pension Contribution Formand Verification of previous teaching experience form(for teachers/principals ONLY) is completed in full. Group change form is no longer needed for this change.

(Please use the updated form from our CISVA Benefits website)



Total employer and employee contributions to an RPP (including Voluntary RPP contributions) are limited to the lesser of the current year’s contribution limit (as set by CRA) and 18% of the employee’s pensionable earnings for the current tax year.

For 2018, Revenue Canada has set the contribution limit at: $26,500

This does not mean that you can contribute up to $26,500. It’s the lesser of 18% of your earnings or $26,500. Important: It is the employee’s responsibility to track their RPP contribution. Overcontribution will lead to penalties.

Our Plan Sponsors:

ALL Group Benefits - CISVA Extended Health 335645

• Global Medical Assistance (Travel Insurance)• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Dental 56565

Critical Illness 100005769

Accidental Death and Dismemberment 10007814

Optional Life Insurance 335646

Voluntary Critical Illness 100007862



As of December 1, 2017, the Extended Health plan will now pay for the direct services of a registered clinical psychologist or a clinical counsellor up to a combined total of $1,000 per insured person in a calendar year. The clinical counsellor MUST be registered and treatment must be provided in the Province of British Columbia.

Plan update: What’s new to our extended health plan?

Effective January 1, 2017 the EI waiting period is 7 calendar days (it used to be 10 working days).

Effective September 1, 2017 the Short Term Disability waiting period of our Plan was change to 7 consecutive calendar days (including weekends and holidays).

For Maternity Leaves the EI waiting period is *unpaid.

Reminder: EI Waiting Period as of January 1, 2017



There are two options available for receiving parental benefits: standard or extended as of December 3, 2017◦ Standard parental benefits can be paid for a maximum

of 35 weeks and must be claimed within a 52 week period (12 months) ◦ Extended parental benefits can be paid for a maximum

of 61 weeks and must be claimed within a 78-week period (18 months)

Please note that this does not affect our top-up calculation for teachers/principals.

Reminder: EI Parental Benefit as of December 3, 2017

If an employee is going to be away from work for 7 consecutive calendar days (5 business days), he MUST apply for disability.

Only 5 sick days (if applicable) should be paid out. After this, disability payments will kick in

For employees who have pension, you (the employer) need to email the benefits office of the employee’s last paid day and the gross salary for that month.



It is important NOT to pay past 5 sick days. ◦ It may seem that the disability will only last for a few

days over the new waiting period. ◦ However, when and if the employee needs to be away

for longer than this, GWL payments will begin after the 7 days and the employer will need to get the money back from the employee since they were overpaid.

What is the definition of disabilityDisabled means being unable to perform the essential duties of your own job (less than 60%) for your employer due to illness or injury.

Waiting periodThere will be a waiting period of 7 consecutive days before you receive your benefit payment; this will include the 5-day paid sick leave, if applicable.

How much you will be paid66.67% of your weekly earning rounded to the next dollar, up to a maximum of $2,600/week for 16 weeks (payment will be received weekly).

Benefit amt = Annual salary/no. of weeks/year * 66.67%

No. of weeks used for calculations: 43, 45, 48 or 52 weeks is used for disability benefit amount EI benefit calculation is always based on 52 weeks



When used in our Short Term Disability policy, disabled means being unable to perform the essential duties(less than 60%) of your actual jobfor your employer due to an illness or injury.

The availability of work is not considered when assessing disability.

After 24 months on disability (long-term disability) the definition changes to essential duties of any occupation.

LTD is for Class 1 and Class 4 (Priests) employees only

There is a waiting period of 119 days before you are eligible to receive LTD payments.

The employee will receive 67% of monthly earnings rounded to the next dollar, up to the maximum of $12,000/month (payment will be received monthly).



The employer has a duty to accommodate a gradual return to work by the employee once approved by the employee’s physician and the disability office.

The employer needs to inform the benefits office of the return to work date and the gross salary

For status update regarding an employee on disability please contact Stephanie at the Benefits Office.

When submitting a disability claim please make sure to email the benefits office of the employee’s gross salary for the month. This also applies to maternity leave.

Example:If the employee’s last paid day is the 20th of the month, we will need to know his earnings from the 1st to the 20th to calculate pension.

The employer is responsible for giving the information to the benefits office if the employee has returned to work full-time or to their pre-disability position.



Things to keep in mind when an employee goes on maternity leave:

EI Benefits Top Up benefits (if applicable) Short Term Disability (STD)Benefits Informing the benefit office whether the

employee is keeping, reducing or waivingpension

Employees on Maternity Leave is eligible for salary increase

• Childbirth by normal delivery: 4 weeks benefit (1 week waiting period, 3 weeks payable)

• Childbirth by c-section delivery: 6 weeks benefit (1 weeks waiting period, 5 weeks payable)

Note:An employee who was previously on STD due to pregnancy related complications will not be required additional forms for this benefit. The disability office will continue to pay the employee for a 4 or 6 week period, as of the date of birth of the child.



These post delivery claims are handled in the samemanner as any other STD claim:

• The employee (including physician’s statement) and employer statements must be completed.

• The 7 consecutive day waiting period still applies.

• Claims are still adjudicated in the same manner (ie: 66.67% of their gross earnings).

Note: Top Up is not payable when an employee is receiving this GWL Benefit. If both Top Up and the STD benefit were paid, the employee would receive over 100% of their salary.

Sick days paid and vacation pay MUST (if applicable) be reported on the Record of Employment (ROE).

The EI waiting period will start from the last day paid. Maternity EI benefit can be applied prior the childbirth.

Top-Up benefits are for CISVA teachers/principals only.

Top-Up benefits are between 6-15 weeks depending on what the doctor reports on the Maternity Medical Leave Report.



Employee has baby on scheduled due date

Employee decides to begin Maternity Leave 3 weeks before due date

Employee decided to apply for EI benefits 3 weeks before due date (EI maternity benefits can be applied 12 weeks before the due date)

Employee has a natural childbirth.

AprilSun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 3 4 5 6 7 8Last day worked /

Last day paid

EI waiting period


EI waiting period EI waiting period EI waiting period EI waiting period

9 10 11 12 13 14 15EI waiting period EI waiting period EI benefit

payment begins

EI payable EI payable EI payable

16 17 18 19 20 21 22EI payable EI payable EI payable EI payable EI payable

23 24 25 26 27 28 29Baby born: STD waiting period start – Top-up can be paid

STD waiting period


EI Payable

STD waiting period

EI Payable

STD waiting period

EI Payable

STD waiting period

EI Payable

STD waiting period

EI Payable

STD waiting period

EI Payable

30STD waiting period



MaySun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6STD payableEI and Top-up must be suspended

STD payable STD payable STD payable STD payable

7 8 9 10 11 12 13STD payable STD payable STD payable STD payable STD payable

14 15 16 17 18 19 20STD payable STD payable STD payable STD payable STD payable

21 22 23 24 25 26 27EI and Top Up payable starts again

28 29 30 31

Employee needs to go on disability due to pregnancy related illness in January.

Employee has a C-Section birth in February.



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 Last day worked

4 STD Wait Period Begins

5 STD Wait

6 Sick DaySTD Wait

7 Sick DaySTD Wait

8 Sick DaySTD Wait

9 Sick DaySTD Wait

10 Sick DaySTD Wait


12 13STD Payable

14 STD Payable

15 STD Payable

16 STD Payable

17 STD Payable


19 20 STD Payable

21 STD Payable

22 STD Payable

23 STD Payable

24 STD Payable


26 27 STD Payable

28 STD Payable

29 STD Payable 30

STD Payable31 STD Payable


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3 STD Payable

4 STD Payable

5 SSTD Payable

6 STD Payable

7 STD Payable


9 10 STD Payable

11 Baby Born: C-sectionEI Wait period beginsNo Top-Up while on STD STD payable

12 EI waiting periodSTD Payable

13 EI waiting periodSTD Payable

14 EI waiting periodSTD Payable

15 EI waiting period

16 EI waiting period

17 EI waiting periodSTD Payable

18 EI Wait period ends. STD still payable (EI cannot be collected while on STD) STD Payable

19 STD Payable

20 STD Payable

21 STD Payable


23 24 STD Payable

25 STD Payable

26 STD Payable

27 STD Payable

28 STD Payable




Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3STD Payable

4STD Payable

5STD Payable

6STD Payable

7STD Payable


9 10STD Payable

11STD Payable

12STD Payable

13STD Payable

14STD Payable


16 17STD Payable

18STD Payable

19STD Payable

20STD Payable

21STD Payable


23 24STD Payable

25STD Payable

26EI Payments begin now that STD Maternity benefit has ended. Top-Up can be paid.

27 28 29

30 31

March 2014

Life Insurance (2 x salary)

AD&D Insurance (2 x salary)

Short-term disability (STD)only

Extended Health (Single or Family coverage)

Reduced Dental coverage (Single or Family coverage)• No major coverage (ie: crowns, bridges)• No orthodontic coverage• Reduced dental rate compared to class 1 employee

Critical Illness Pension Voluntary Critical Illness (EE and spouse)



20 hour minimum work-week requirement enforced for Benefit Class 1, 2, 4 and 8

Class 1: Permanent (FT/PT) Employees Class 2: 1-year contract employees This is not intended to be used as a “probation” class

Class 3: Employees on an approved Leave of Absence Class 4: Priests Class 5: Retirees Class 8: All Other Participants (ie: non-salary) Class 100: Pension only

Important to note:If you are hiring an employee (except new hired teachers) on a 1-yr period contract, with no intent to rehire him, the employee’s benefits would be categorized as Class 2.

However, if you are hiring an employee (i.e. EA in schools) for a 1-year contract but you intend to rehire him on ongoing basis, then for all intents and purposes you are considering him to be a permanent employee.

Regardless of funding, the employee’s benefits should be re-categorized to Class 1.



Important information can be found on our website:◦ Benefit coverage and eligibility◦ Benefits/Pension Booklets◦ Group Benefits application and change forms ◦ Pension forms◦ Claim Forms◦ Top-up Calculators

Announcements, important dates, etc. are available on the website

Benefit Reps have their own section is available online!

NOTE: Please USE the forms from our website. Please download a new form whenever you need to fill it out.

Please submit ALL of your adjustments on or before the cut-off time and date. Adjustments received after the cut-off date will be added on the next billing adjustment!

If you have employees who are covered under the Welcome Plan, please, please, please, remind them to let you know as soon as they are being covered by MSP.




If you choose to continue sending us Cheque for the benefits payment, please make sure that we will receive the Cheque on or before the stated due date. Latepayment will incur the 1% late fee chargers.

For salary and contact number, changes, there is NOneed to fill out the group change form (GCF). You can send us an email or a spreadsheet with the salary or contact number update.

** RCAV and CISVA employees must fill out the Application for Increase to Pension Contribution for the 8% and 9% increase.

All other changes – termination, benefit class, address, name change, transfer of employment, re-instatement, addition of benefits, late applicant, refusal of benefits, life beneficiary changes, pension level changes (**except increase to 8% and 9% for RCAV and CISVA employees), and add/remove dependents, employees MUST fill out the GCF.

Applicable pension form must also be completed when changing the address, name, and beneficiary.

Both the employee and the employer must sign the Group Change Form (GCF)



Effective March 1, 2013, the Benefits Administration office had introduced the new Retro Active Service Charge.

Previously, we never charged for any Disability, Maternity or Welcome Plan retroactive adjustments. We will now be charging for these if they are over 1 month retroactive.

Refunds for terminations will occur to a maximum of 4 months retroactive prior to the current date, even though the notification may be older than 4 months.

Retroactive Service ChargesTier Amount

Tier 1: 1 month $25 – first 2 adjustmentsTier 2: 2-3 months $50 – first 2 adjustmentsTier 3: 4 months and up $75 – first 2 adjustments




The Benefit Administration Office will be emailing you two documents:

◦ (1) Employee Data Sheet (DO NOT return to the Benefits Office) ◦ (2) Re-enrollment spreadsheet. The Excel spreadsheet is not

PDF protected; therefore, you can make changes accordingly.

The later document (excel spreadsheet) is to be completed in full, with supporting ORIGINAL document(s) (if applicable)

– there is NO need to complete the Group Coverage Change Form (“GCF”) for a SALARY UPDATE – and returned to the Benefits office before the submission deadline.

These information will be sent by May 28th, 2018.

Deadline for submitting the 2018/2019 re-enrollment documentation is Friday, June 29th, 2018.

All ORIGINAL document(s) (IF applicable) must be forwarded to the Benefit Administration Office.

PLEASE send the electronic copy of the Excel spreadsheet to the Benefits Office. Please do not change the format to PDF.

Please retain copies for your own records.



IMPORTANT: please note that every employee that will be listed on your June billing statement must appear on your upcoming re-enrollment excel spreadsheet. Their employment status with you may have changed (or ended for that matter), but clear documentation needs to be recorded to support that change.

The Excel spreadsheet needs to be returned to our office for processing of the upcoming September 2018 billing statement. The following required columns need to be completed in full, in alphabetical order (by last name):

Division No. Name (already done for you) ID Number (already done for you) Annual Salary Benefit Class

NOTE: it is imperative that you indicate how many weeks per year your employee works and how many hours per week they work. This information is required for disability claim purposes. This figure is used to accurately calculate the STD benefit amount & required premiums.



Occupation Hours Worked Per Week No. of Weeks Worked per Year (min: 43, 45, 48 or max:

52 only) Change required (Y/N)

NOTE: it is imperative that you indicate how many weeks per year your employee works and how many hours per week they work. This information is required for disability claim purposes. This figure is used to accurately calculate the STD benefit amount & required premiums.

A GCF is NOT needed for the following changes to existing employees:

1. Correction of spelling to existing Employee’ name (first or last name)

2. Correction to existing date of birth information3. Straight-forward salary change (increase or decrease)4. Weeks worked per year5. Hours worked per week (min: 43, 45, 48, or max: 52)6. Minor address change (example: only part of the Postal Code is wrong or only a digit of a house # is wrong)



Employees off on Maternity Leave: if you have a staff member off on mat leave, please remember that they are ELIGIBLE for the salary increase as if they were physically/actively at work. Please note the salary change accordingly.

If you have an employee going off on maternity leave or returning from maternity leave, as of September 1st, please ensure that you advise if changes to the pension plan is required (example: reinstating/waiving pension contributions).

Employees off on disability or an approved leave or absence (LOA): if you have a staff member off on either one of these leaves, please note that they are NOT eligible for a salary increase at this time.

If you have an employee going off or from either of these leaves, as of September 1st, please ensure that you advise if changes to the pension plan and benefits are required (example: reinstating or suspending pension contributions, reinstating or waiving extended health and/or dental while on LOA).



The Benefits office will NOT manually calculate the earnings for you. We will simply process the figure that you have supplied us with.

If a change to any of these columns has been applied, please indicate “Yes” ( or ☒) in the Change requiredcolumn.

In the “Notes” field, specify the change to assist our office in recognizing the change. We want to ensure that we don’t overlook anything.

A GCF IS needed for the following changes to existing employees:1. Change to employee surname (example: EE married over the

summer)2. Full Address change3. Change to dependent coverage (example: adding/removing

dependent)4. Revising Extended Health or Dental benefits (example:

Single-Family or vice versa)5. Revising pension contribution levels (example: 3% to 7%

and vice versa)

If a change is requested for existing employees, indicate “Yes” ( or ☒) in the Change Requiredfield. In the Notes field, specify the changes and include the applicable documents (originals only) to support the requested change. For changes in address, pension beneficiary/contingent beneficiaries applicable PENSION FORM MUST BE COMPLETED TOO!



A GCF IS needed for the following changes to existing employees:

6. Addition of a contingent beneficiary to the Life and Pension benefits – pension form must be completed

7. Transfer of employer information (example: EE moving from one school to another or employee moving from one parish to another)

8. Benefit class change

If a change is requested for existing employees, indicate “Yes” ( or ☒) in the Change Requiredfield. In the Notes field, specify the changes and include the applicable documents (originals only) to support the requested change. For changes in address, pension beneficiary/contingent beneficiaries applicable PENSION FORM MUST BE COMPLETED TOO!

A GCF IS needed for the following changes to existing employees:

9. Pension Level Change (employees who are on their 15th or 20th year of service must fill out the



If a change is requested for existing employees, indicate “Yes” ( or ☒) in the Change Requiredfield. In the Notes field, specify the changes and include the applicable documents (originals only) to support the requested change. For changes in address, pension beneficiary/contingent beneficiaries applicable PENSION FORM MUST BE COMPLETED TOO!



For new employees, please add them to the employee listing on the Re-enrollment spreadsheet, in alphabetical order. ◦ New employees should not be added to the bottom of the re-

enrollment listing. ◦ Please “insert” a new line accordingly, and enter the employee data.

Indicate that the individual is a new employee in the Notescolumn and include the following forms ◦ Application for Group Coverage and ◦ Application for membership to RPP (pension application form will

be required if they're participating in our RPP). ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS ONLY!

Optional/Voluntary Benefits are also available for new/existing employees:

Voluntary Critical Illness Optional Life Insurance

CLASS 2 Employees are ELIGIBLE for pension!!

Termination of employment. Always indicate the effective date of the termination.

Retiring employee – the Benefit Representative must let the retiring employee knows that they are entitled to join the Benefit plan as a Retiree Member (100% of the premiums will paid by the retired member). Please indicate on the form if the employee would like to join the plan or not.

Note: The employee have 31 days from the date of retirement to decide whether they would like to join the retiree plan.



Retired members will now have the option to pay the benefits premium through direct debit! Just let us know of your desired deduction frequency and we will do it for you!

Retired member can choose to pay their premiumson a month to month basis, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual lump sum.

Employee who previously waived their Extended Health and/or Dental benefits (due to spousal coverage), and now decides that they want dual insurance (ie: maybe they want to double-up on coverage due to children's expenses) - he/she would be considered a late applicant.

The Evidence of Insurability form will need to accompany the Application for Group Coverage (new employees not enrolled within the 31 days after the actual hire and eligibility date) or the Group Coverage Change (existing employees) form when someone is deemed to be a late applicant.

For those individuals approved as a late applicant, Dental benefits are restricted to the following:For the first 12 months of coverage the Dental Maximum for Routine, Major and Orthodontic expenses will be $250 combined



Please note that the benefits office no longer have a fax machine. You can send documents by email and mails ONLY.

Please make sure that you send all the original documents (if applicable) after sending the scanned copy to our office.

Please send all documents to: Benefits Administration OfficeCatholic Independent Schools

of Vancouver Archdiocese4885 Saint John Paul II Way

Vancouver, BCV5Z 0G3

Disability Maternity leave Benefit/Pension policy

interpretation Escalated claim issues

Monthly Billing statement (Adjustments on billing statement, premium payments)

Optional Life Welcome Plan (application and cancellation)

Benefits Issues (Denied Claim, Deferred Drug Card issues)

Information changes (adding/removing dependents, change of address/contact information, Beneficiary Changes for Life and Pension)

Retiree Benefits Employees Benefit Packages Student Recertification

For questions regarding:

Stephanie [email protected] April [email protected]
