dna sequencing_blok 9

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  • 7/21/2019 DNA Sequencing_Blok 9


    DNA SequencingHow do you do it?

  • 7/21/2019 DNA Sequencing_Blok 9


    What & Why?

    Sequencingmeans fnding the ordero nucleotides on a piece o DNA .

    Nucleotide order determines Amino acid

    order and !y e"tension proteinstructure and unction #proteomics$

    An alteration in a DNA sequence canlead to an altered or non unctional

    protein and hence to a harmul e%ect ina plant or animal

  • 7/21/2019 DNA Sequencing_Blok 9


    What & Why td.

    'nderstanding a particular DNAsequence can shed light on a geneticcondition and o%er hope or the e(entual

    de(elopment o treatment DNA technology is also e"tended to

    en(ironmental agricultural and orensicapplications

  • 7/21/2019 DNA Sequencing_Blok 9


    DNA Sequence (ariation can change the )roteiproduced !y a particular gene

    Simple point mutations such as this can causealtered protein shape and unction.

    Diseases such as Sic*le ell Anaemia and ys+i!rosis are caused !y point mutations

    ,A A,A ,A- AA- -,-,ene Aromperson

    odon results inparticular AminoAcid #AA$ sequence

    Ala Arg Asp Asn ys

    ,, A,A ,A- AA- -,-,ene Aromperson /

    odon changema*es no dierencein AA#redundant code$

    Ala Arg Asp Asn ys

    ,A AAA ,A- AA- -,-,ene Aromperson 0

    odon changeresults in di%erentAA sequence

    Ala 1ys Asp Asn ys

  • 7/21/2019 DNA Sequencing_Blok 9


    Historically there are two mainmethods o DNA sequencing2

    3a"am & ,il!ert usingchemical sequencingSanger using

    dideoxynucleotides.3odern sequencing equipmentuses the principles o the Sanger


  • 7/21/2019 DNA Sequencing_Blok 9


    -he Sanger -echnique

    'ses dideo"ynucleotides#dideo"yadenine dideo"yguanine etc$

    -hese are molecules that resem!lenormal nucleotides !ut lac* the normal

    45H group.

  • 7/21/2019 DNA Sequencing_Blok 9


    Nucleoside (dNT)

    Nucleotide (dNTP)

  • 7/21/2019 DNA Sequencing_Blok 9


    6ecause they lac* the 45H #which allowsnucleotides to 7oin a growing DNAstrand$ replication stops.

    Normally, this wouldbe where anotherphosphateIs attached, but withno -OH

    group, a bond can notform and replication


  • 7/21/2019 DNA Sequencing_Blok 9


    -he Sanger method requires

    3ultiple copies o single strandedtemplate DNA

    A suita!le primer#a small piece o DNAthat can pair with the template DNA toact as a starting point or replication$

    DNA polymerase#an en8yme that copiesDNA adding new nucleotides to the 09end o the template

    A :pool9 o normal nucleotides

    A small proportion o dideo"ynucleotidesla!eled in some way # radioacti(ely orwith ;uorescent dyes$

  • 7/21/2019 DNA Sequencing_Blok 9


    PCR Reagents

    1X Buffer 10mM Tris-HCl, 50mM KCl

    MCl! 1mM - "mM (1#5mM)

    dNTPs !00$M

    Primers 100%M-1$M, !00%m (or less) for re&l time &%&l'sis

    N *ol'mer&se TaqN *ol'mer&se is t+ermost&le 1-" %its (1 u%it)

    N (tem*l&te N) 10*-1$ (!0%)



  • 7/21/2019 DNA Sequencing_Blok 9


    -he template DNA pieces are replicatedincorporating normal nucleotides !ut

    occasionally and at randomdideo"y#DD$ nucleotides are ta*en up.

    -his stops replication on that piece oDNA

    -he result is a mi" o DNA lengths eachending with a particular la!eledDDnucleotide.

    6ecause the di%erent lengths :tra(el9 atdi%erent rates during electrophoresistheir order can !e determined.