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  • 8/9/2019 Do the First Thing First






  • 8/9/2019 Do the First Thing First




    Daniel 11. 33-35 (Amplified) 33. And they who are wise and understand among the

    people shall instruct many and make them understand, though some (of them and their

    followers) shall fall by the sword and by flame, by captivity and plunder, for many days.

    34. Now when they fall, they shall receive a little help. Many shall join themselves to

    them with flatteries and hypocrisies. 35. And some of those who are wise, prudent and

    understanding shall be weakened and fall; (thus then the insincere among the people will

    lose courage and become deserters. It will be a test.) To refine, to purify and make those

    among (Gods people) white, even to the time of the end; because it is yet for the time

    (God) appointed.

    To those people who only pay lip service to God, who mind the things of the flesh and notGod, I advise you not to read this .

    When taking up the Sword of the Spirit in Gods Army, darkness will meet you head on. For wewrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and rulers of wickednessin High places.

    This letter is for those who love God and wish to do His will more than anything in life. It will costyou your life to win Christ. I will share how God taught us to hear His Voice and pray, with somebackground. In the next letter, I will share what I believe God is telling me to write.

    I have not g iven all the scrip ture references. God does not reveal himself to half-heartedenquirers. Those that diligently seek shall find. We all have the Holy Ghost, and the Bible, andHEwill lead you into all truth. I pray that you will ask God for eye salve, that you may see.

    (LaodiceaChurch.Rev.3.14-22)Amp. And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (thechurch) in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the trusty and faithful and trueWitness, the Origin and Beginning and Author of Gods creation. (Is.55:4; Prov. 8.22 15.) I knowyour (record of) works and what you are doing; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you werecold or hot! 166. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out ofmy mouth! 17. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered and grown wealthy, and I am in need ofnothing; and do not realize and understand that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and naked.(Hos.12.8). 18. Therefore I counsel you to purchase from Me gold refined and tested by fire, thatyou may be (truly) wealthy, and white clothes to clothe you and to keep the shame of your nudity

    from being seen, and salve to put on your eyes that you may see. 19. Those whom I (dearly andtenderly) love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten (that is,) Idiscipline and instruct them. So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal, and repent changing your mind and attitude. (Prov. 3.12) 20. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyonehears and listens to and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him and he (shalleat) with me. 21. He who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant him to sit beside Me on My throne,as I Myself overcame(was victorious) and sat down beside My Father on His throne. 22. He whois able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the (Holy) Spirit says to the assemblies (thechurches).

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    Matthew 6:33:First seek the kingdom of God.

    The word of God is quite clear about what we should be doing first.

    Philippians 3:14 Press to the mark for the prize of high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

    Do you really understand what Christ is?

    Christ is: 1 Corinthians 13; vs4

    This chapter tells us about the character ofGod = Christ

    What is God?God is loveWhat is love?Love is: long suffering, kind, patient, it is not proud, love takes no account of evil and pays noattention to suffered wrong, love does no t rejoice at injustice but does rejoice when right and truthprevail, love bears up under anything and everything, love believes the best of every person, loveshopes are fadeless, love endures everything, love never fails and never fades out.

    Love is NOT: envious, not arrogant, not jealous, not inflated with pride, not boastful, not rude, notunmannerly, not haughty, not unbecoming, not conceited, not insistent on own rights, not selfseeking, not touchy or fretful, not resentful.

    The love of God (Christ) also has the fruits of the spirit.

    All of this is Christ. Win Christ at all costs, whatever it takes.

    God said: Be holy even as I am holy. Be perfect even as I am perfect.God breathed into Adam and he then became a living soul, (Adam Christ).

    Through disobedience, the fallen nature of man started. (Fruit of the flesh)The fruits of the flesh are the beast nature:Image of the beastEmotions that areSelf

    Nakedness, hurt, fear, rejection, anger, a long list. These emotions are the beast nature inmankind. The number of man in Bible Numerics is 6. Six is a recurring number in maths. Throughthe generations, the beast nature goes from generation to generation, its the number of man =666. The beast nature fallen from grace. Without the shedding of blood there is NO remission ofsin.

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    Old Covenant: Blood was shed in the old covenant by the High Priest, which covered Israel forone year. The blood went onto the mercy seat. This was a yearly event.

    New Covenant: The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ has made a way for every believer to work outhis own salvation with fear and trembling and to win Christ at the throne of grace, to put off thebeast nature, (Flesh) and to be conformed to the image ofChrist.

    My prayer for you is that you will understand that you will have to appropriate the new covenant inyour life, (it is NOTa case of just believe it brother)

    From a young convert, on The Way, (I do not use the word Christian because I was far from that,and I am still on the way to win Christ), I have heard many, many preachers, they all madereference to some level or another, but none that I can remember, told clearly, HOWto win Christ.

    On these pages I will do my best to explain the big: HOW.How: to give you insigh t into the Spirit realm.


    How to hear the voice of God. How to get people set free. How to get healed. How demon forces operate. Where demons come from. How the devil has infiltrated the church (Jezebel). Gods order of authority. Gods order of ministry. And How not to put God in a box by making Him conform to your plans And the manifestation of the sons of God and the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood

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    As a young believer, I saw that the disciples asked Jesus for two things. Increase ourfaithand :Teach us to pray. I DID THE SAME! From then on it was a whole new ball game.

    .Most people learn to pray by hearing other people pray. The Holy Ghost, HE will teach you.(ASK).Praying in the Spirit, with the understanding, thereby magnify God.(Prophetic prayer, praying by Word of Knowledge).

    Man was made in the image and likeness of God. God is a speaking Spirit,as is man. All thingswere made by theSPOKEN WORD OF GOD. Life and death is out of our mouth (tongue).Your words are Spirit and life, or your words are Spirit and death.

    ALL power in Heaven and Earth is in the NAME OF JESUS. There is NO power outside of thename of Jesus. The Devil comes not first but to steal. The forces of darkness have power, and the

    only place they can get it is from the Church! Covenant people who have a covenant with JESUS.We give Satan power by speaking words of death.

    HOW IS THIS DONE? By words! Life and death is in the tongue. GOD is NOT mocked. We willanswer for every idle and non-productive word we speak. The fate of this world is laid at the feetof GODS COVENANT PEOPLE. Jesus said,Allpower and authority I give to YOUin My Name.

    HOW IS THIS MADE RIGHT?In Gods covenant we are to keep His statutes and precepts. If not, and you break His covenant,He will split your backbone.

    God made a covenant with Abraham

    He split the backbone of an: Ox, (a beast) (strength).Goat (Character)Dove (will)


    Your backbone represents your character.

    Each time you or your ancestors break Gods covenant, your backbone gets split and your

    character gets fragmented intoselfand away from Christ, in the following manner

    Self Nature =Hurt, rejection, anger, lust, hatred, murder, jealousy etc, until you eventually become

    aself-emotionallycontrolled person.

    These emotions ride you, and control you and you say and do things that you really do not want to.You areNOT in control!

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    The opposite =The nature of God = Christ nature

    Love = Christ and with Christ you operate with the fruits of the spirit

    Oneness = Wholeness. A whole backbone in Christ. Cleansed by His blood back to Adam = Adam.

    By the blood of God, (Christ) and by His stripes you are healed and made whole

    Oneness with Christ (the true vine) = Holiness

    Be holy even as I am holy (controlled by the Holy Ghost)

    In Christ = Controlled by the Holy Ghost

    In Self =The Beast nature is in control: (Rev.17.3)A woman rides the Beast...And the Angelbore me away into a desert (wilderness) and I saw a woman seated on a scarlet beast that was allcovered with blasphemous titles (names), and he had seven heads and ten horns. 4. The woman

    was robed in purple and scarlet and bedecked with gold, precious stones and pearls, (and shewas) holding in her hand a cup of gold full of the accursed offences and the filth of her lewdnessand vice (Jer.51.7) 5. And on her forehead there was inscribed a name of mystery - with a secretsymbolic meaning: Babylon the Great, the mother of prostitutes (idolatresses) and of the filth andatrocities and abominations of the earth. 6. I also saw that the woman was drunk (drunk) with theblood of the saints (Gods people) and the blood of the martyrs (who witnessed) for Jesus. Andwhen I saw her I was utterly amazed and wondered greatly. (She rides the beast nature in us).

    In Zechariah 5: 7-11 And behold, a round, flat weight of lead was lifted and there sat a woman inthe midst of the ephah-like vessel. 8. And he said, this is lawlessness - wickedness! And he thrusther back into the ephah, and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth of it! 9. Then lifted I, up my

    eyes, and looked and behold, there were two women coming forward! The wind was in their wings,for they had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the ephah-(like vessel) between theearth and the heavens. 10. Then said I to the angel who talked with me, Where are they taking theephah? 11. And he said to me, To the land of Shinar (Babylonia) to build it a house, and when it isfinished, to set up the ephah (the symbol of such sinners and their guilt) there upon its own base.

    These three women make up the beast nature in us. (Males and females).

    1. The Hard Woman - rules by aggression, anger and violence.

    2. The Soft Woman - rules by flightiness and flirtation, seduction.

    3. The Captive Woman - rules by self pity, tears and whining.

    These three characteristics are in male and female. Witchcraft is when you impose your will uponothers as does the beast nature. Jesus DIED to give us a free will. God hateswitchcraft andcontrol.

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    Controlled b y Jezebel = The beast nature in man, inverted into self = I Will siton the Sides of the North and be God. (Satan - the flesh Nature). Beingtheir own seven branch candlestick

    Gods seven branch candlestick Our own seven branch candlestick

    1. Spirit of the Lord - Self sits as Lord2. The Spirit of Fear of the Lord - Self (controlled by fear).3. The Spirit of Counsel - Our own counsel4. The Spirit of Knowledge - Our own knowledge5. The Spirit of Wisdom - Our own wisdom6. The Spirit of Understanding - Our own understanding

    7. The Spirit of Might - Our own might (Soul Power)

    Controlled by the Holy Ghost = The Christ nature in man

    The choice is you rs and its free


    EVERYTHINGis about repentance at theCrossand theBloodof Jesus to set us free.

    These emotions hold you captive. Jesus came to set the captive free. To open prison doors and toset at liberty them that are bound. To bind up the broken-hearted.

    God will not sympathize with your hurt and rejection, your sadness and sorrow or whatever otheremotion you are enduring, Jesus died to set you free from all that emotional mess of darkness andthat fragmented backbone. At the Cross you go free and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus, and theLove of God is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost through repentance and forgiveness.LOVE =The Nature of God (Christ)

    JESUS:I am the true vine. Every vine I did not plant, I will remove. By his stripes you are healedand madewhole(Oneness = Christ = the love of God and the fruit of the Spirit.)

    JESUS, isthe Repairer of the breach and we must walk on His path.

    HOWyour backbone gets fragmented....By breaking Gods ordinances and precepts.Covenant is unity - Blood Covenant.Sex is unity and blood covenant.

    He who goes with the harlot is one with the harlot (unity!)

    With ALL sexual relationships outside of marriage, there is blood covenant with your partner.Through this covenant you inherit all your partners ancestral sin along with whatever sins anddarkness they themselves have invited in!

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    The more promiscuous the person, the more emotional wreck they are.AIDS is just the tip of the iceberg to what you receive through a sexual relationship outside ofmarriage. Sexual relationships outside of marriage are Satans Evangelism, where allparticipantsare ensnared in Jezebels web.


    PAUL: JESUS and the Cross - There is the power of God for Salvation.


    Self righteousnessis as filthy rags to God. By laying on a pseudo (Christ) nature on top of thebeast nature, that is still within is doing it in your own strength. Putting on the Fruit of the Spirit

    andsuppressing the beast nature = Christian teaching without the Cross and Blood of Jesus. TheGolden Calf is organized religion. (Note: The calf is a beast) Lovers of self (self nature) and

    judging by the flesh (our own candlestick)

    The Law of Sin and death and the Law of Spirit and Life.

    P A U L: The things I want to do, I cannot doThe things I do not want to do, I do, who will deliver me? Thank God, Jesus Christwill.

    God will not live in your hurt, your rejection, your sadness and your hatred etc, Jesusdied to set

    you free from all that. Through repentance at the cross God sets you free from whatever theissue is. When that area is cleansed by the blood of Jesus, He will take up residence in that area.TheLove of God is shed abroad in your heart Love = Christ = Nature of God.

    1 Cor. 13If I (can) speak in the tongues of men and (even) of angels, but have not love (that reasoning,intentional, spiritual devotion such as is inspired by Gods love for and in us), I am only a noisygong or a clanging symbol. 2. And if I have prophetic powers, that is the gift of interpreting thedivine will and purpose; and understand all secrets, secret truths and mysteries and possess allknowledge, and if I have (sufficient) faith so that I can remove mountains, but have not love (Godslove in me) I am nothing - a useless nobody. 3. Even if I dole out all that I have (to the poor in

    providing) food, and if I surrender my body to be burned (or in order that I may glory) but have notlove, (Gods love in me), gain nothing. 4. Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never isenvious nor boils over with jealousy; is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itselfhaughtily. 5. It is not conceited - arrogant and inflated with pride; it is not rude (unmannerly) anddoes not act unbecomingly. Love (Gods love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its ownway, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evildone to it - pays no attention to a suffered wrong. 6. It does not rejoice at injustice andunrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail. 7. Love bears up under anything andeverything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadelessunder all circumstances and it endures everything (without weakening). 8. Love never fails - neverfades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end. As for prophecy (that is, the gift of interpreting

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    the divine will and purpose), it will be fulfilled and pass away as for tongues, they will be destroyedand cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away (that is), it will lose its value, and be superseded bytruth). 9. For our knowledge is fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect), and our prophecy (ourteaching) is fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect). 10. But when the complete and perfect (total)comes, the incomplete and imperfect will vanish away - become antiquated, void and superseded.11. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; now that Ihave become a man, I am done with childish ways and have put them aside. 12. For now we arelooking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection (of reality as in a riddle or enigma), butthen (when perfection comes) we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part(imperfectly); but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as Ihave been fully and clearly known and understood (by God). 13. And so faith, hope, love abide;(faith, conviction and belief respecting mans relation to God and divine things; hope, joyful andconfident expectation of eternal salvation; love, true affection for God and man, growing out ofGods love for and in us), these three, but the greatest of these is love.

    Ps. 32 vs. 5 Amplified . I acknowledged my sin to You ,and my iniquity I did not hide. I said, I willconfess my transgressions to the Lord, (continuallyunfolding the past till all is told), then You(instantly) forgave me the guilt and iniquity of my sin, Selah (pause and calmly think of that)!

    Press to the mark of the high calling in Christ. Win Christ at all costs. This present suffering isnothing compared to the glory that will be revealed. Work out your own salvation with fear andtrembling.

    Jesus said: If your eye stops you entering in, pluck it out. If your hand stops you, cut it off, Whatever it takes to enter into the Kingdom of God, do it. The fear ofthe Lordis the beginning of


    We live in a third dimension of time and space, where change is the norm. In the fourth dimensionof the spirit world, there is no change. You cannot accept Jesus into your life when you have leftthis world (died). Likewise you cannot change your nature, status once you are dead. (Departedfrom this world).

    Rev. 22. (11) He who is unrighteousness (unjust, wicked) let him be unrighteous still, and he thatis filthy (vile Impure) let him be filthy still, and he that is righteous (just, upright, in right standingwith God) let him do right still, and he who is holy, let him be holy still (Dan.12.10). Also refers

    Further scriptures say, I will reward them according to their works. Blessed are those who havecleansed their garments, they shall have access to the Tree of Life in the City of God...... Thosewho have not done so, will not, throughout eternity. Forever and ever.................... Work out yourown salvation with fear and trembling.

    The Apostle Paul said:I press to the mark of the High calling in Christ.... not that I have attained...Run the race, count all things as dung, BUT WIN CHRIST. Mary became pregnant when shereceived the Word of God, and the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us (JESUS).

    When we receive Jesus, we become pregnant with the Word of God. That seed contains thefullness of Christ = Love = God nature - (1 Cor. 13). (With the fruit of the Spirit).

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    As in the natural, so it is in the Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh. What is born of the Spirit isSpirit. As a natural child grows so does the Spirit of God within us. How the Spirit man grows isthrough the Blood of Jesus through repentance and praying one for another, submitting our faultsone to another, the land of our being gets transformed from the image of the beast to the image ofChrist.

    Again, I reiterate Christ, Gods nature within us, I live, yet not I, but Christ. = Love.

    Many shall come in that day and say, Lord, Lord, we cast out demons, healed the sick in Yourname, Jesus will say, Depart from me, I never knew you, you workers of iniquity. Iniquity =Professing Christ, yet carrying on in meditation and speech in the wantonness of the flesh(the beast, workers of iniquity).

    To be in a family, you have to be of the same blood. (Adam = is the Blood of God) Jesus is thesecond and last Adam and the firstborn of many sons. Same blood - same family. God says Hewill make the Nations Adam. This is the reason that Jesus says I never knew you; You are not ofthe same blood.All this becomes clear as I explain the various pitfalls and the escape from these pitfalls ofdarkness.


    The Manifestation o f the Sons o f God.

    John the Baptist was the last High Priest of the Levitical Order. He said I must decrease that Jesusmay increase. The Levitical Priesthood ended at the beheading of John. Jesus is after the orderof Melchizedek without generations, without mother or father and without number of days.

    God gavegiftsto the church. = Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists. These peopleare giftsand are gifted. The scripture does not refer to them as the Ministry (These people arefrom now on referred to as theGIFTS).

    These Gifts are given for the perfection and equipping of the saints for the work of the Ministry andthey (The saints) will restore the devastation of the many generations. (Once the saints arethemselves, perfected and equipped by theGifts). TheGifts are the starter pack from God.

    They are like the Training Staff at an Army Boot Camp who train up the troops to be soldiers. Theyare the gifts not the soldiers. The ministry of the gifts is the ministry of reconciliation (to Christ),for the Body of Christ, to work the ministry.

    When the gifts use their God-given abilities, calling themselves the ministry and draw the peopleto themselves, they are revered by the people and elevated. That congregation will becomeclosed in, and turn into a commercial venture. The gifts are there to wash the feet and cleansethe walk of the saints from walking in the ways of their ancestors and the devastation of manygenerations. Jesus said to the Pharisees The blood of righteous Abel, and the blood of Zechariahwho fell between the Porch and the Altar is on your hands. The son of a slave is a slave; the sonof a king is a king. The sins of our forefathers is inherent in our beast nature, (the flesh), as is

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    illness by the broken precepts and statutes of God and walking in disobedience. By one man sinentered the world, (Adam) by one Man (Jesus) sin will be removed. As the Gifts use their God-given abilities the generations will start to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.

    Paul -I want to hear nothing except Jesus crucified for there is the power of God unto salvation.Until all the defiled blood is cleansed and generational sin has all been dealt with and the beastnature. Then you are without generations. Your whole flesh nature will be gone. I live, yet not Ibut Christ. Born of the Spirit. No mother or father and without number of days. You have died thefirst death. The second death has no power over you. The Sons of God are of the order ofMelchizedek, their blood is ADAM, Gods family.

    Jesus says - John 17.21So that they all may be one (just) as You, Father, are in Me and I in You,that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe and be convinced that You havesent Me. (Love = Christ - God nature and Blood Adam).

    You are absorbed into God and one with Him, By His stripes you were healed and made whole =Oneness. Your backbone is no longer fragmented into emotions, which are each personalities intheir own right. Unless you are in Christ you are schizophrenic.

    Psalm 119.v 165Great peace has they that love Your law; nothing shall offend them or make themstumble.

    Love takes no account of a wrong done. These scriptures are the ones I use as a monitor in myown life. If Im offended in any way Im wrong. Not the offending party eg. Anger is an insanity.You are out of control, as with all lust of the flesh - Jezebel rides the beast again.

    Paul said, The things I do, I do not want to do, Oh wretched man that I am. (Help from above, thecross and the Blood of Jesus).

    Woe to the pastors who have not healed the wounds of my people.

    Hurt is at the root of the beast nature. All Gifts that are above the congregation and are notwashing the feet of the people are under the control of Jezebel and not the Holy Spirit.


    the captive woman. She has deceivedthe whole earth and the Kings of theearth have committed adultery with her.The Kings are thegifts to the church.

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    How is it done?

    Jesus said: As the father has sent Me into the world, so I send you.

    Ahead of every man is CHRIST. God has seven redemptive names, one of which is Jehovah NissiGod your Banner (Cover). Jesus ministered under the cover of Jehovah Nissi. Where others haveplaced themselves as the coverover Gods people, they have thrown out Jehovah Nissi and takenHis place. Thereby placing themselves under Baal (Jezebel - the anti-Christ). Whoever submits tothat persons cover now has a Pope (Baal). What fellowship has Christ with Baal? Can sweet andbitter water come from the same well?

    The Word says that we submit one to another and to the God-given authority. That the Apostlesand Prophets lay the foundation on which we are to build with the ministry of reconciliation (toChrist). Exhorting and helping one another in love, praying one for another.

    A bruised reed He will not break and a smoking flax He will not quench.

    It is all by grace in love and lowness of self. No judgment. JESUS does not judge you but the sinand this brings in holiness, the Judgment seat of Jesus is His Grace which sets us free with nocondemnation. With the Anti-Christ, (the enemy of Christ,) there isjudgment against the smokingflax and the bruised reeds. They are told to sort out their own problems.

    Woe to the shepherds (the civil leaders) who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasturing! Saysthe Lord. (Jer. 23 v 1)

    Those who have placed themselves under Jezebel are Eunuchs and are unable to reproduceChrist in others

    Other Pitfalls

    Bel and Nebo ? Bell is Baal and Nebo Is the God of Science and Understanding. Bowing theirknee toNebo With conferred Doctors degrees a Black Cap placed on the head, putting yet anothercover between them and Jehovah Nissi. This brings in secular teaching and learning with creditsto achieve and projections to attain. This is another cover between you and God and blocks off theHoly Ghost as the Teacher. Each time man bows his knee and swears allegiance to anybrotherhood, any country or authority other than the Lord God, kisses the rings of Baal, swears

    allegiance to any flag, this forms a cover between him and the Lord God, Jehovah Nissi. Menstart to revere man. In the last days perilous times will come when man will be lovers ofself more than God and worship the creature more than the Creator. There were people ofGod in the Bible who did no t bow their knee. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Joseph,Elijah, Mordecai, and all those faithful and true. The penalty for refusing to bow the knee beforethe King or authority of that time, was death, but those who refused to bow their knee because oftheir faith in the Lord God, were delivered by Him and exalted.

    In Isa.27.9 It says that when the Idol altars are smashed to chalkstone, and the Asherims are torndown and the Sun Images are destroyed, then will the sin of Jacob be atoned for. The altars andgods (idols) of silver and gold. The scripture says they suppose gain is Godliness. It says further

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    that You say you are rich and increased with goods, but you are wretched, miserable, poor andnaked. Peter and John said Silver and Gold have I none, but such as I have I give unto you. The

    just shall live by faith. Why do you labour for that which is not meat or raiment ... Be anxious fornothing .... Take no thought of tomorrow. God will be your source. Jehovah Jireh (PROVIDER).

    Ezekiel 36. 20-38: 20. And when they came to the nations to which they went, they profaned myHoly Name, in that men said of them, These are people of the Lord, and yet they had to go forthout of His land. 21. But I had regard, concern and compassion for My holy name, which the houseof Israel had profaned among the nations to which they went. 22. Therefore say to the house ofIsrael, Thus says the Lord God: I do not do this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for My HolyNames sake, which you have profaned among the nations to which you went. 23. And I willvindicate the holiness of My great name and separate it for its holy purpose from all that defiles; Myname, which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned among them; andthe nations will know, understand and realise that I am the Lord (the Sovereign Ruler, calling forth

    loyalty and obedient service), when I shall be set apart by you and My holiness vindicated in youbefore their eyes and yours. 24. For I will take you from among the nations, and gather you out ofall countries, and bring you into your own land. 25. Then I will sprinkle clean water upon you, andyou shall be clean from your uncleanness, and from all your idols will I cleanse you.. 26. A newheart will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out ofyour flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27. And I will put My spirit within you and cause you towalk in My statutes, and you shall heed My ordinances, and do them. 28. And you shall dwell in theLand that I gave to your fathers, and you shall be My people, and I will be your God. 29. I will alsosave you from all your uncleanliness and make it abundant and lay no famine on you. 30. And Iwill multiply the fruit of the tree and increase of the field, that you may no more suffer the reproachand disgrace of famine among the nations. 31. Then you shall (earnestly) remember your own evil

    ways and your doings that were not good, and shall loathe yourselves in your own sight for youriniquities and for your abominable deeds. 32. Not for your sake do I do this, says the Lord God; letthat be known to you. Be ashamed and confounded for your own wicked ways, O house of Israel!33. Thus says the Lord God: In the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities I will also cause(Israels) cities to be inhabited, and the waste places shall be rebuilt. 34. And the desolate landshall be tilled, that which had lain desolate in the sight of all who passed by. 35. And they shall say,This land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden, and the waste and desolate andruined cities are fortified and inhabited. 36. Then the nations that are left round about you shallknow that I, the Lord, have rebuilt the ruined places, and replanted that which was desolate, I, theLord, have spoken it, and I will do it. 37. Thus says the Lord God: For this also I will let the house ofIsrael inquire of Me to do it for them; I will increase their men like a flock. 38. Like the flock of holy

    things for sacrifice, like the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn appointed feasts, so shall the wastecities be filled with flocks of men, and they shall know, understand and realise, that I am the Lord(the Sovereign Ruler, calling forth loyalty and obedient service).All Gods seven redemptive names profaned and pushed aside and replaced and isolated fromworking in Gods people. And they ask, Why does God not come through? By their actions and bywhat their ancestors have done, He cannot! Again, repentance and forgiveness. Never leave theCross and the Blood of Jesus. Repent of the gods of Gold and Silver and repent for worshippingthem.The golden calf is a symbol of organised religion and lamination of a Christian front. Jezebel andBaal. (I pray that you are getting this message.) Asherims, phallic symbolsand such are all Baalsex symbols. Sex unifies and becomes one in the flesh (The beast.) Satans evangelism is free,

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    unmarried sex, you become one, and you become one with all the members of Baal, joined byblood covenant. This action producessun images- mans own nature (out of God). They worshipthe Sun God Ra, and sacrifice to him. They worship the creature more than the Creator(Periloustimes)

    They have their own light of darkness.

    Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness. He will arise with healing in His wings. (Nothing haschanged through the centuries has it?) The Gold Calf is still here as was with Moses and Cora.There is a dividing line - You choose! Those people who went with Cora, and the Golden Calf -(organized and commercialreligion) were swallowed by the earth. The earth is still swallowingthem! They love and lust for riches and are lovers of self more than of God (sun images). If yourlight be darkness, how great is that darkness? Satan comes as an angel of light, reflected in yourown image (self).

    You have a seven-branch candlestick which reflects:

    Your own wisdomYour own counselYour own understandingYour own knowledgeYour own mightYour own fear

    And the Spirit of self.

    Sitting as God in judgement by your own candlestick, judging by sight and not by the Spirit.....Satan said I will be God, I will sit as God on the side of the North....... In whose seat are yousitting?Who will stand on My Holy Mountain, He who has clean hands and does not put forth the finger .(Judgement). The worship and reverence of man produces soul power. The worship of Godproduces the Spirit of Life. Not by might (soul power) nor power - but by My Spirit says the Lord.

    Soul power produces signs and wonders and draws from the wrong anointing, from the mantle ofJezebel.

    Jesus said that no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah - the resurrection on the Third Day.

    They that believe, these signs shall follow them, The dead are raised, the lame walk, the deaf hear,the blind see, lepers are healed and captives are set free. Jesus healed them all. Not one here,and one there. The word says all. Soul power is a hook of witchcraft, to bring reverence to manand to ensnare Gods people. Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd. He laid down His life for theSheep, whereas Gods sheep are scattered by bad shepherds. Jesus said I will be their Shepherd.Those pastors who are in Christ, are one with the the Good Shepherd (Christ) Christ, throughthem, will lead by Still Waters and anoint their heads with oil. For this purpose was the Son of Godmanifest, to destroy the works of the devil (to unravel, to untie, to undo), to break the bands ofwickedness, to cut the cords of darkness. Unless there is the eternal part of man being conformedto Christ, you are missing the Cross and the Blood of Jesus. You can have all the signs andwonders you like. Christ formed in the people is the reason Jesus came - Behold the Bride!

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    If you have read this far, you are brave enough to read on!

    Jesus is the Word of God. Adam heard the Word walking in the Garden. Jesus Words are pureWords. Words that restore and heal like ointment poured forth, purified as silver seven times triedin the furnace of the earth.

    Words are --Spirit and life orWords are --Spirit of deathWords are alive toLifeorAlive todeath.

    Words are spirit. They produce after their own kind, all that exists are framed and made by words.

    God is a speaking Spirit. We are made in His Image and Likeness. We too, are speaking spirits.When you accepted Jesus into your life, you became pregnant, you conceived the Word by faith(life).

    The Bible says that you conceive sin in your heart and that the heart of man is exceedingly wickedand evil above all things. In Isaiah God says He forms the lightand evil above all things.

    Physical and natural calamity proceed from the Will of God, but moral evil proceeds from the will ofman. If you conceive, you arepregnant. Demon spirits are beings that need a host through whichto manifest themselves, because they are conceived in man. Words produce after their own kind.

    As a man thinks, so is he. The beast nature feeds the mind through hurt, justification of self; itproduces anger, and all these self-emotions which make up the three women characters in all ofus. (Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.)

    These natures/characters were mentioned earlier. All of the above, anger, hurt, fear, resentmentetc conceive sin. We speak words of spirit and death. A dead person is unable to host the spirits(demons) and therefore a dead person will release those spirits he/she hosted. They now needanother host through which to manifest themselves and seek access where they can, and find ahost through sin.

    God is not mocked, we will answer for every idle and non-productive word we utter. We will reap

    what we sow, Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

    When I still had hair that was thick and black, many years ago! I was praying for a disturbed younggirl who had been raped, and as I started to pray she kept shouting No - No - No God said Castout that speaking spirit shouting No. This I did and she stopped shouting No. Then she screamedDont touch me, Dont touch me And God told me to cast out that spirit, I could then touch her.God restored and healed that young girl and I asked the Lord where those spirits had come from, Iasked if these Spirits had been at the location at the time of the rape, God told me those spirits hadbeen conceived at the time of the rape, In her fear and terror these spirits were conceived in herwith words, along with fear, lust, hate, anger, rejection and self-abasement. The list is long, andcan go on and on. Satan plans to bruise every person. He uses every and any avenue. As we

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    conceive the Word of Life through faith, so do we conceive words of death through fear and theother negative emotions. As soon as this is mentioned, Jezebel (devil) starts screaming. The anti-Christ, the Golden Calf, the sun images (all religion) they will all contest that this is not so, and notof God. If you throw a stone into a pack of dogs, the one that you hit and hurt is the one thatsqueals the loudest!

    In all your getting, get understanding. Understanding is life. Wisdom is the principle thing. Godsays His people perish through lack of knowledge and goes on to say, because they rejectknowledge, He will reject them and their seed.

    The Word further says that He sets before us life and death, blessing and cursing, but He urges usto choose life. What we do with the Cross and the Blood of Jesus during our lifetime, before death,determines our eternity in the afterlife.

    God says I watch over My word to perform it. It will not return void but will accomplish that towhere it is sent. The Book of Revelation is the Revelation of Jesus Christs ministry from Hisresurrection. To behold the Bride The second coming. Blessed are they that read andunderstand this prophecy. . It is the destruction of darkness in our lives through the work of theCross. There is a Court Case going on in Heaven. Jesus is our advocate before the Father. Satanis the Accuser of the Brethren.

    When we come together in Jesus, One has a Psalm, One has a Word of Knowledge, a Word ofWisdom, and a Vision. By placing all that you get under the Blood of Jesus, the source of spiritualinput will be revealed, whether the input is from God or not, We overcome by the Word of ourTestimony and the Blood of the Lamb. This is the acid test! The Blood of Jesus! God, in His

    Wisdom, never granted me discernment to know what was of Him and what was not. The Bloodof Jesus and the Word of our testimony is all that Believers have to discern by, with the Bible.His Grace is sufficient.

    What I have learnt through the years as an intercessor in prophetic prayer(Praying in the Spirit,with the understanding, thereby magnify God) To cover everything we see in the Spirit with theBlood of Jesus, and the word of our testimony, destroy it, What is of God will stand. What is not ofGod will be revealed to its source. Here we go... What you know is what makes you go. If youdont go, you wont know. Scripture is unveiled by Scripture by revelation of the Holy Ghost. Whentruth is spoken, its as if you have always known it, but actually, you did not know it. Its the Spirit ofGod in your being that witnesses with your Spirit.

    In Luke 24.13 Two men were talking on the road to Emmaus, and a third man joined them, Heexpounded the scripture to them, revealing why it was necessary that Christ should suffer thesethings and other scriptures, It was only later when they realized that it had been Jesus who walkedand talked with them. They remarked Did not our spirits burn within us while He walked and talkedwith us their spirits were witnessing with what Jesus shared with them. The Holy Ghost will bearwitness and teach you all things. After a church or spiritual gathering, when you reach the door,and you have no idea or recollection of what transpired in the meeting, you would have been betteroff loving Jesus and enjoying your family.

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    Jesus said, I do nothing except that which I hear and see the Father do. Mary said, WhateverHe (Jesus) tells you to do, do it Jesus said As I have been sent into the world, so send I you. Itseasy, do what God tells you to do. Nothing else. When you pray, Gods Word says If any manlack wisdom, let him ask God - Is any sick among you? Call on the elders and the prayer of faithwill heal the sick. The prayer of faith is praying the Mind of God into the situation. A Word ofWisdom is a Word of Knowledge. This in most cases does not always mean the written Word.We give voice to the knowledge or wisdom of God, and HisWord will accomplish that where it issent and will not return void. The prayer of faith is simply praying what Jesus tells you to pray,Gods servant will not raise his voice. There is no need to shout. So a church meeting is any twogathered in His name, because He said where any two or more are gathered in my name, there Iam in your midst. (He is there in our midst to accomplish His Word as He promises in the Bible).

    God deals with individuals. Each person has their own finger-print of captivity, dependent on theirancestral line and what is happening in their lives. As you pray the Words of Knowledge, inspired

    by the Holy Spirit, God will touch the person being prayed for, bring darkness into the light, He willleave no stone unturned, All sales, receipts, and documents that Satan holds against the personbeing prayed for, are nailed to the Cross, thus removing the legal ground that darkness washolding, thereby breaking the law of sin and death and bringing forth the Law of Spirit and Life.Once the law of sin and death are broken, it is illegal to be sick or be in captivity in those areas thatGod has revealed, He sent His Word and delivered them. Jesus has paid the price, we are free,and we just have to appropriate it. (Through the New Covenant)

    An example: If a person has a terminal disease, God will reveal the root of it. In a personsancestry, the ancestors could have been involved in darkness where Christ was denied, andLucifer taken as their God, they would have sold their soul for their desire of life, be it fame,

    fortune, good crops, power or whatever. Darkness willingly grants these favours and covenant isentered into with the Devil. But the enemy is devious, and while offering the desired gift, he thenadds a codicil to the agreement, he says by the way, I want your seed as well. Since the personis so desirous of the gifts darkness has to offer, he/she agrees to the bargain. The seed ordescendant is born some generations later, and Satan has a document, a legal piece of paper thatsays this person belongs to him! With him comes all the hereditary diseases and sins of hisforefathers.

    By Word of Knowledge in prayer, the Holy Spirit will reveal what has taken place and all other legalground that Satan has and has re-endorsed. By repenting for the sins of the fore-fathers, the legalground and hand writings and ordinances are now nailed to the Cross, the Blood of Jesus has

    already paid the price, we are simply appropriating it through repentance and prayer. The Court ofHeaven overturns the case of Darkness, the law of Spirit and Life is now in operation. Theterminal diseases are gone, along with death. Love = Christ = Nature of God conquers death.This way of praying for people is available for all believers. There are gifts of healing andmiracles. These do not deal with the legal ground. God said I will seal your sin and heal you(You can check this out in the Word.) Jesus said Sin no more lest a worse thing come upon youGod does nothing, He does not intervene in any circumstance except by prayer. You have not,because you ask not. You pray amiss to consume on your own lust, My Fathers house is a houseof prayer. The anointing breaks the yoke, Pastors who lay hands on people and impart theanointing, and we see the person healed, the healing is invariably because the pastor or some

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    intercessor has prayed beforehand, and broken the legal ground, some one has stood in the gapand prayed. Standing in the gap, by the Grace of God, hearing the cry of the person in need, Godcalls on intercessors to stand in the gap and pray and repent on behalf of the person in need, soGods Grace abounds.

    I was praying for someone once who had sinus problems and at this stage, had been praying forothers with the same problem, they were all being healed and set free from sinus hassles but withthis one person, nothing happened. I asked God why not, when others were being set free, andHe revealed through prayer and intercession, through Word of Knowledge, that a satanic ritual andhuman sacrifice had taken place where Apollyon (the Devil) had made a pact with man that Manwould heal man and that God would have no part in the healing of man. This nullified JehovahRephaiah (God, your Healer). The Hippocratic Oath was established here. Whoever takes thatoath are party to that ritual and a spirit of unbelief comes in. This person was a medical doctor andwhen he renounced the oath, he was instantly healed by Gods Word that is true. (Psalm 32 v.5) I

    acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I did not hide. I said, I will confess my transgressionsto the Lord ( Continually unfolding the past till all is told) then You (instantly) forgave me theguilt and iniquity of my sin. Selah (Pause, and calmly think of that)! Amplified Bible. People bowtheir knee to everything/everyone but Jesus. They swear allegiances to Kings and countries andpeople and companies and whatever and they thereby place barriers of darkness betweenthemselves and God and Gods seven Redemptive names. We have also inherited from ourancestry all that they have done They have turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, whorefused to hear My Words; they have gone after other gods to serve them; the house of Israel andthe house of Judah have broken My covenant or solemn pledge with made with their fathers.(Amplified Jer:11.10). We inherit it all, religious rights and rituals dedications..........all of it, anything other than Christ. There is a saying which rings true, (not biblical) A son of a

    slave is a slave, a son of a king is a king. An inheritance. BUT Jesus came to set the captive free.The Gifts are to perfect and equip the saints for the work of the ministry and they will restore thedevastation of many generations. The sinus that the doctor had that would not be healed was partof the devastation of many generations. This is simply an example of how the law of sin anddeath and the law of Spirit and Life operates Over many years of praying for people, I cannot recallany time that God has not healed. God watches overHis Word to perform it. The Holy Ghost willbring all darkness into the light and will leave no stone unturned. God says Give voice to My Word.Its that easy. This should be a normal gathering of the saints. God says Any two agree/touchingon anything in My Name, according to My will, that will I do. The Words of Wisdom and Knowledgeare His will. Repetition is good.. Christianity is not an appendage to your life, You have to winChrist to be absorbed into God, to be one with Him. (John 17.) Ampl. V.21So that they all may be

    one (just) as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that theWorld may believe and be convinced that you have sent Me.

    Isa. 27.v.9 Amp). Only on this condition shall the iniquity of Jacob (Israel) be forgiven and purged,and this is the full fruit God requires for the taking away of his sin: that Israel should make all thestones of the idol altars like chalkstones crushed to pieces, so that the Asherim and the sun-images shall not remain standing or rise again.

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    CHRIST BEASTLove and fruit of the Spirit. Self - Fruit of the fleshThe Kingdom of God. The kingdom of darknessSun of Righteousness Sun God Ra(Re)Worship of God Sun image, self worship



    1. Spirit of the Lord Self as Lord2. Fear of the Lord Motivated by fear3. Wisdom of the Lord Our own wisdom

    4. Knowledge of the Lord Our own knowledge5. Gods understanding Our own understanding6. Gods might Self might and soul power7. Counsel Our own counsel

    There is the judgement of God by the Light of God, the Sun of Righteousness - We be Lovers ofGod.

    There is judgement by our own light, the sun image - lovers of self and not Lovers of God.

    The judgement of God will begin in the House of God. Gods judgement is never against the

    person, but the sin in the person. The judgement of God brings in holiness and is His Grace andLove. This is the judgement Seat of Christ. If you judge yourself, you will not be judged, you willbe Bloodwashed of the beast nature at the Throne of Grace, the sun-images (self love & light)removed. The Word says, If your light be darkness, how great is that darkness? Jesus is theLight of the World, the Sun of Righteousness. Once pardoned by the King of all the Universe, thesecond death has no power over you. Therefore you have no number of days, because I live, yetnot I, but Christ = Love = the Nature of God - flavoured by your own personality with the Fruit of theSpirit, you will not appear at the Great White Throne Judgement where all out of Christ will be

    judged. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Who will stand in my Holy Mountain,He who has clean hands and a pure heart and does not put forth the finger (judgement).

    JESUS The Good ShepherdPastors who are in Christ.Gods mantle connected to the Throne of Grace.... Does not judge the person. Does not break a bruised reed. Does not quench a smoking flax. Washes the feet of the people God gave him to care for (cleaning up the path of their

    Forefathers) and thereby laying a foundation for them to build on in sound teaching andPrayer in the Holy Ghost, and with Christ as their Head. Jehovah Nissi their cover, is notexalted above the people and untouchable

    . Is no respecter of persons and is not partial in any way.

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    All sin is sin, and Jesus died to set us all free whosoever will. The bruised reed,(the emotionalwreck), the smoking flax (the toxic personality), Does not exploit people, is full of Grace, not justthe Word. Forgive seven times seventy a day, all in Love of God. Forgiveness is the armour oflight, love takes no account of a wrong.

    Shepherds under Jezebel Mantle:

    Judge from the pulpit Ignores the bruised reed and the smoking flax. Unable to deal with the issues.

    The Eunuchs served Jezebel and were unable to reproduce. As in the natural, so in the Spirit,these pastors are unable to reproduce Christ in the people. They take the place of Jehovah Nissi(God your Cover/banner) as the cover over the people of God. They operate by might of soulpower. They will not allow a Minister of God genuinely under Christ to come into theircongregation. What fellowship has Baal with Christ? They are control freaks. Money, (mammon),Excellence of Ministry, always striving, laminating a pseudo Christian personality on top of thebeast nature. They say to the people, Get over the issues, they are aloof and untouchable, exceptto those with the Ahab spirit, Yes men.

    Gods Word says, Woe to you pastors who have not healed the hurt of my people and scatteredthe sheep. I will come and be their Shepherd.

    (Pastors operating through Christ are one in Christ,)THE GOOD SHEPHERD

    There are those who will bow their knee to Bel (Babylonian Baal) and Nebo (The god of Scienceand Learning) and get doctorates and any form of credence to get respect of persons and will evenbow to kissing the signatory of Baal. They will teach mainly on money, supposing gain isGodliness and the Cross and the Blood of Jesus gets put into obscurity. Peter and John said inActs 3.6 Silver and Gold have I none, but such as I have, I give unto you, in the Name of Jesus ofNazareth, walk! In the Name of Jesus, God will meet all your needs according to His Riches inGlory. Another of Gods redemptive names. The just shall live by faith. Take no thought oftomorrow, such is the evil of today. Why do you labour for that which is not food and raiment?

    The idol altars (Isa. 27.9 amplified) Altars of gold and worship of gold and silver, the Asherims

    (lust), nothing has really changed. The Laodicean Church (rich and increased with goods)Think about it, Where the gifts and abilities of God have been handed over to Jezebel throughputting man over people as their cover, putting a pope (Baal) in place of the Holy Spirit, and inthese meetings there are healings of the flesh, falling over in the Spirit? Signs, but the soul of man,the eternal part of man is not being dealt with and being changed to Christ. The very reason Jesuscame and died so that man could be reconciled to God. Paul says we have this ministry ofreconciliation. Seven times Jesus says To him that overcomes will He grant the blessings. Bereconciled to Christ In John 17. In God, one with Him - Holiness is oneness with God - Be Holyeven as I am Holy, be perfect, even as I am perfect God says it. Whoever says that you cannot

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    attain to Christ in this life is denying the fullness of the Cross of Jesus and His Blood. If you denyMe, I will deny you.

    The gifts say they are the ministry, thereby drawing men to themselves by signs and healings.The people believe they are Gods anointed. They are reverenced by the people and this producessoul power and controls the people (Control is witchcraft). Come out from among her My people.Call no man Father. God is our Father. By calling themselves the ministry they neutralize thepeople and do not build the Army of God where the saints work the ministry.God deals withindividuals. Pray one for another, submit your faults one to another Continuallyunfolding thepast till all is told.

    Christ is Christianity.

    The state of this earth is laid directly at the feet of the Christians.

    All power and authority in Heaven and on Earth, I give unto you in My name. The wordallmeansallThere is no other authority outside of Jesus. Except that which is stolen from the church, thedevil came not first BUT TO STEAL......How? The gifts, the anointing , the abilities given to men by God, who bow their knees to Baal andhand them over for nothing, they come under the wrong mantle by idle words, by judgement, byloving themselves and not God, submitting to everything, bowing their knee to anything except theseven Redemptive Names of God, and by the Church not coming into Christ, the devil can do whathe likes with what he has stolen from the Church all the power and authority!Only In Christ, In this unity, will God command a blessing, and when the saints pray according toHis Will then God will do all that He has said. The rulers of wickedness in this world will be pulled

    down. God will install a righteous Government controlled by New Jerusalem and the MysteryBabylon, the rulership over this world will be finished, and the smoke of her burning will go onforever, andall of Heaven will shouldHallelujah!

    Saints, run the race, Win Christ, Come out from among her. Stand and be counted in the Army ofGod and be united - dont break rank.

    Gods call on my life is Ezekiel Chapter 3.

    God said, Son of Man, eat this scroll that I give you and fill your stomach with it. I ate it and it wassweet as honey in my mouth, and He said, go, get you to the house of Israel and speak to them My

    Words, for you are not sent to a people of foreign speech and of a difficult language, but unto theHouse of Israel. Had I sent you to such a people, they would have listened to you and heeded MyWords, but the House of Israel will not listen to you and obey you for they will not listen to Me andobey Me for all the House of Israel are impudent and stubborn of heart. Why would God want meto write this, because then they would have no excuse. Col 4 v 16. And when this epistle hasbeen read before you, (see) that it is read also in the assembly (the church) of the Laodiceans; andalso (see) that you yourselves in turn read the (letter that comes to you) from Laodicea.

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    W O R D SWords are Spirit and Life and Spirit and death. Satans whole purpose is to get words of death todestroy and kill mankind. He needs the words of the Church and he needs our beast nature thatspeaks these words (All power and authority is in the name of J E S U S).

    The words of Jesus are:Pure wordsThey give lifeThey set the Captive FreeThey accomplish that which they are sent to doThey are loveThey are correctionThey are direction ... And so many more positive and good.

    There is so much to say about the Wholeness of the words of Jesus. Our words too, must beSpirit and Life, because everything that is and is to come is all by words.

    John, like Paul, won Christ before they died, they were In Christ they had attained to the power ofHis resurrection. As indeed, did many other Christians who worked out their own salvation withfear and trembling.

    I write this to those who love God and want to do the will of God more than anything in life.

    Jacob wrestled with God in the darkness, he had a rock as a pillow. Jesus is the Rock. ,. With hismind on God, Jacob won the battle. This is the stairway to Heaven. Jacob was changed from asupplanter a thief, he became Israel, and God renewed His covenant with Jacob.

    When the Priest was in the Holy Place, there was a table of Shewbread which is representative ofthe Bread of Life. Jesus is the Bread of Life. Man shall not life by bread alone, but by every wordthat proceeds from the mouth of God. Their meditation of their mind and heart was on God. TheSeven Branch Candlestick in the Holy Place, represents the Seven Spirits of God, which givesthem the illumination of God through the Sun of Righteousness. This is the Light of God, and Godis Light. The Bible says walk in the Light, and put on the armour of Light, that your walk in life isilluminated by Gods light and forgiveness seven times seventy a day puts on the armour of Light,where no weapon can penetrate and they are set free to worship at the Altar of Incense. Whenyour meditation is on God and your eye is single, then you will be full of light. The seven branch

    candlestick, (the Seven Spirits of God), Wisdom, Counsel, Understanding, Knowledge, Might, Fearof the Lord, and Spirit of the Lord which is fed by the oil from Two Olive Trees. Zechariah 4. V.14Then said he, these are the two sons of oil (Joshua the high Priest, and Zerubbabel the Prince ofJudah) the two anointed ones - who stand before the Lord of the whole earth (as His anointedinstruments). Joshua type of (Jesus) Zerubbabel type of (the Holy Spirit). They stand before theGod of all the earth, that anointing from the Two witnesses is contained in the frame of the Wordthat we speak from Gods Wisdom and Knowledge, and these words will break the yoke and healaccording to what voice and word is given to Gods instruction and will accomplish that to where itis sent and Paul says, we speak mysteries and we come not in word only, but in the demonstrationof the Power of the Holy Ghost.

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    Because our understanding is now light from the Candlestick of God, the spoken word ofknowledge and wisdom carries the anointing within the frame of the word of the two Olive Trees.And thereby accomplishes that to where it is sent and the anointing breaks the yoke. This Ibelieve, is the Spirit of Might. From Jezebels aspect, it would be soul power, the wrong anointingand their own candlestick.

    Those who love God for who He is are the WheatThose whowant from God are the tares.

    REV. CHAP 10

    Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, robed in a cloud, with a (halo like a)rainbow over his head; his face was like the sun. and his feet (legs were like columns of fire. 2. Hehad a little book (scroll) open in his hand. He set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the

    land, 3. And he shouted with a loud voice like the roaring of a lion; and when he had shouted, theseven thunders gave voice and uttered their message in distinct words 4. and when the seventhunders had spoken (sounded), I was going to write (it down)but I heard a voice from heavensaying, Seal up what the seven thunders have said! Do not write it down! 5. Then the (mighty)angel whom I had seen stationed on sea and land raised his right hand to heaven (the sky)(Deut.32.4; Dan.12:6,7) 6. And swore in the name of (by) Him Who lives forever and ever, Whocreated the heavens (sky) and all they contain, and the earth and all it contains, and the sea and allit contains. (He swore) that no more time should intervene and there should be no more waiting ordelay. 7. But that when the days come that the trumpet call of the seventh angel is about to besounded, then Gods mystery His secret design, His hidden purpose as He had announced theglad tidings to His servants the prophets, should be fulfilled (accomplished, completed). Dan.

    12:6,7) 8. Then the voice that I hard from heaven spoke again to me, saying, Go and take the littlebook (scroll) which is open on the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land. 9.So I went up to the angel and asked him to give me the little book, And he said to me, Take it andeat it. It will embitter your stomach, though in your mouth it will be sweet as honey. (Ezek. 2:8, 9;3:1-3) 10. So I took the little book from the angels hand and ate and swallowed it; it was sweet ashoney in my mouth, but once I had swallowed it my stomach was embittered. 11. Then they said tome, You are to make a fresh prophecy concerning many peoples and races and nations andlanguages and kings. (Jer.1:10)

    DAN:12: 8-10 And I heard, but did not understand. Then I said, O my lord, what shall be the issueand final end of these things? 9. And he, (the Angel) said, Go your way Daniel; for the words are

    shut up and sealed till the time of the end. 10. Many shall purify themselves, and make themselveswhite, and be tried, smelted and refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly. And none of the wickedshall understand, but the teachers and those who are wise shall understand. (Dan. 11. 33-35)

    All the gifts and equipping of the saints are for the reconciliation of the saints to Christ, no matterwhat function you have in the body of Christ. Everything must culminate in the church to winningChrist. Everything that is missing the Cross and the Blood of Jesus is dysfunctional. You are in asquirrel cage, being ridden by Jezebel, and being made drunk with the wine (herrevelation) of herlewdness and fornication. All ministry is, is saying and doing what God tells you to do from themind of Christ. (Let the same mind be in you as was in Christ) (The seven branch candlestick),fed by The two witnesses, (Jesus and the Holy Spirit) The olive trees (Joshua Type of Jesus) and

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    Zerubbabel (Type of the Holy Spirit). The Book of Revelation is the Ministry of Jesus fromPentecost to the second coming. All the saints work the ministry by saying and giving voice to HISword. To win Christ Love Kingdom Fruit of the Spirit and Adam Blood of God) Godsfamily (Blood). God is Light and His Light is the life of men and life is in the blood.

    The seven branch candlestick

    The Spirit of the Lord has a voiceThe Spirit of Fear of the Lord has a voiceThe Spirit of Knowledge of the Lord has a voiceThe Spirit of Understanding of the Lord has a voiceThe Spirit of Wisdom of the Lord has a voiceThe Spirit of Might of the Lord has a voice

    The Spirit of Counsel of the Lord - has a voiceRev. Ch.10 & Dan: 12 8-10

    Jesus is the Spirit of ProphecyJesus is the Good ShepherdJesus is the EvangelistHoly Ghost is the Teacher

    The Apostle is all in one.

    Ask God if the Gifts and abilities given to men are used as the Ministry as an end in themselves.

    They will draw men to Gifts (supernatural) and start churches that are insular and introverted,causing division between churches. Jesus bones and joints were pulled apart to bring unity inChrist and pay the price.

    Love Christis the fulfillment of all the law and commandments. Love one another. All thingswere framed and made by words. Gods voice. Adam heard the Voiceof God walking in theGarden. TheVoice of God Jesus. God is a speaking spirit, as are we.

    Be Gods Postman........G.B.Intercessor and Foot soldier for Jesus.

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    Words that come from the mouth of a person In-Christ = Love = Gods Character (1.Cor.13) theirblood is Adam in the Family of God and in the Kingdom of God. Joy, Peace and Righteousness.

    The Seven Branch Candlestick represents the Seven Spirits of God.

    The Spirit of the Lord Spirit of Fear of the Lord Spirit of Wisdom of the Lord Spirit of Counsel of the Lord Spirit of Knowledge of the Lord Spirit of Understanding of the Lord Spirit of Might of the Lord

    The oil that feeds the Candlestick comes from the two Olive Trees (the two witnesses) Joshua andZerubbabel (a type of Jesus and the Holy Spirit) who stand before the God of all the earth. (Father

    God) the Oil (anointing) gives illumination and the Mind of God to those In-Christ from the SevenSpirits of God. God says Give voice to My Word (and the Light of God is the Life of men).

    The spoken Word from God through a person In-Christ will carry the Anointing and Light of God from the two witnesses Jesus and the Holy Ghost in the frame of the words and will not returnvoid but accomplish that to where it is sent.

    Having the Mind of Christ, your words In-Christ, with the Wisdom of the Book of Proverbs; theWords will teach, instruct, and give knowledge and wisdom. They will set the captive free, set atliberty them that are bound, bring sight to the blind, raise the dead, mend the broken-hearted.They will bless, encourage and heal the bruised reed and restore the smoking flax (those who arebroken, wounded people and those with a toxic personality). The words will take those hopeless

    and despairing people, unable to reach God, and words ofLove, will take their hand, and put it intothe Hand of God. The words oflove will wash their feet of the contamination of their walk, and thatof their ancestry. Jesus said to the disciples, Unless I wash your feet, you have no part of Me. Allsin and iniquity will be washed away along with all sicknesses and diseases through the cleansingby the Blood and the Cross of Jesus, and all the wild vine of broken covenant, He will pull out.(All the beast emotions). And, Jesus, the True Vine will be the Backbone. Love, the Characterof God Christ Jesus, the Repairer of the Breach, Paths to walk in. His Words are asOintmentpoured forth, purified as silver, seven times, Faithful and True.

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    This ministry if reconciliation to Christ is what all the Gifts to the Church, (Apostle, Prophet, Pastor,Teacher, Evangelist) are required to do for all under their care. And to lay a foundation of sounddoctrine for each person to build on that with Christ as the Head of every man.

    The Words of Jesus are Spirit and Life and the saints give voice to HisWord, from the mind ofChrist.

    In all your getting, get understanding. Understanding is life, Wisdom, the principle thing. TheWord says My people perish through lack of knowledge, and because they reject knowledge, I willreject them and their seed. Because God will not allow the nature of the beast in HisHeaven.


    God breathed into Adam and he became a living soul. Adam had the character of God Christ.He did not know what self, introverted emotions were. These came through the sin ofdisobedience and then came fear, hurt, rejection, shame, judgment and blame. At the second actof disobedience, when Cain killed Abel, came jealousy, hatred, anger and unfaithfulness. The rotnow set in, the seed of the serpent is conceived in the heart of man. They are under the curse.The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (of Blessing and Calamity) brings exactly what it says intoour lives.

    From many years of praying by Words of Knowledge, and Wisdom, there unfolds a pattern of the

    fallen nature. This comprises of three areas.

    Like Delilah, who seduced Samson, and Jezebel, who murdered for a vineyard for her husband,and the women in Ezekiel 8.14 who wept for Tammuz, the Three Women in Zechariah 5. v.6-11 -6. And I said, What is it? What does it symbolise? And he said, This that goes forth is an ephah(-like vessel for separate grains all collected together). This, he continued, is the symbol of thesinners mentioned above and is the resemblance of their iniquity throughout the whole land. 7. Andbehold, a round, flat weight of lead was lifted and there sat a woman in the midst of the ephah-likevessel. 8. And he said, This is lawlessness wickedness! And he thrust her back into the ephah,

    and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth of it! 9.Then lifted I up my eyes, and behold, therewere two women coming forward! The wind was in their wings, for they had wings like the wings ofa stork, and they lifted up the ephah-(like vessel) between the earth and the heavens. 10. Thensaid I to the angel who talked with me, Where are they taking the ephah? 11. And he said to me,To the land of Shinar (Babylonia) to build it a house, and when it is finished, to set up the ephah(the symbol of such sinners and their guilt) there upon its own base.

    Of the above scripture, the angel said of the two women on either side of the Ephah and of thewoman under the lead cover, This is wickedness. Three women.. The nature in all of us. Male andFemale. The hard woman, who controls through aggression, and anger, hatred and rage, andmanipulates through fear in order to get their own way. Control is witchcraft. The soft woman

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    seduces with words, and favours, flirtation and manipulates for her own ends. This too, iswitchcraft. The captive woman manipulates and controls through self-pity, whining, woe is me, inorder to achieve her own ends, all three are witchcraft, all is wickedness, and this makes up thebeast nature within us, fallen from grace.

    God makes a covenant with Abraham, He splits the backbone of a beast, a goat and a dove. ThenHe swears by Himself, for there is none greater, a smoking lamp and a burning furnace, (Jesusand God the Father) on behalf of Abraham. If you break My covenant, I will split your backbone(your will and your mind).

    Through broken covenant with God, these wild vines take over our character and nature and ourmind until we are totally under the control of our own candlestick and not the candlestick of God,Satan said, I will sit on the sides of the North, and judge man. Judgement from this standpoint ofself opinion, with words of spirit and death (Life and death are in the power of the tongue). These

    words are self justified and judgemental and cause divorce, heartache, wars, wicked governmentsand rulers of wickedness in the high places that control this planet. Its witchcraft and brings lust formaterial gain, lust for anothers spouse, the Word says that moral evil proceeds from the will ofman. The things you want to do, you cannot, the things you do not wish to do, you do. You arebeing controlled, you are no t in control. The law of sin and death is in operation. Who will deliverme, thank God, Jesus will, by the Blood and the Cross. The wild vines in your backbone will beremoved. Jesus the true vine will take over your backbone. By His stripes you were healed andmade whole oneness Wholeness = Christ. This is done by applying the New Covenant toyour life, through the Blood of Jesus, at the Throne of Grace. Pray one for another, Submit one toanother, go to those who have obtained through precious faith, apply the Blood of Jesus to all thewords of knowledge, give voice to Gods Word.

    A person who is in prison cannot set someone else free from prison. Through years of praying forpeople in captivity, if I was in captivity in the same area, God first set me free from that area ofcaptivity then the other person went free. This went on for years with just about everyone I prayedfor. Job went free when he prayed for his friends. Any two who agree on the same subject,according to the will of God, that will He do. If any lack wisdom, let him ask. The Bible is rich withGods Grace. Apply the Blood of Jesus to your life and win Christ.

    Jesus said, pluck out your eye, cut off your hand, whatever stops you, get rid of it, count all thingsas dung. BUT WIN CHRIST

    I believe there is an anti-Christ coming, who will, by the fullness of the evil natures contained in thethree women, totally control witchcraft in the fullness of self-righteousness and soul poweringcomplete defiance against God in the religious do-gooder. The fullness of the beast nature (Satan)with signs and wonders will war against the Saints. The beast number is 666 the number of man,who rules by fear. The golden calf is organized religion and self righteousness.Humanism.The calfis also a beast.

    Men worship men and are lovers of self more than of God. They worship the beast.

    The two witnesses, the fullness ofChris t L O V E.

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    The beast has seven heads. Nero, I suppose would have been one, Hitler probably another. I

    have not studied history but it seems to me that each church age will have its own beast,

    Daniel; 11. 33-35 Amplified tells about the testing of the saints to purify them even to the end byforces of darkness, Revelation tells of Satan being bound for a thousand years and then releasedagain to test and try the world. Longevity would have come then to man. The test of the soil of amans heart, Good soil, hard soil, thorny ground of briars etc. God says I take one from a city

    Be Gods Postman........G.B.Intercessor and Foot soldier for Jesus.

    CONTINUATION OF WORDS(All scriptures from Amplified Bible)

    Rev:19.13 He is dressed in a robe dyed by dripping in blood, and the title by which He

    is called is calledis T H E W O R D O F G O D .

    Below are listed scriptures detailing WORDS and the power of life and death from the spokenWORD.

    GOD is a speaking spirit.Man is a speaking spirit.

    Genesis 1 v 26: God SAID: Let Us, (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) make mankind in

    Our image, after Our likeness; and let them have complete authority over the fish of the

    sea, the birds of the air, the (tame) beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything

    that creeps upon the earth.

    All things created were by the spoken WORD of God. The WORDS of God that created all theuniverse, and everything in it, were SPOKEN into Mary, and she conceived the WORD. JESUS:JESUS made everything. His name IS the WORD of God. The WORD became flesh and dweltamongst us.


    We (humans) are spirit and our spirit is eternal. But we are in a body of flesh in a threedimensional world of change, in this three dimensional world there is the BLOOD OF JESUS andthe CROSS, these, given to us by Grace. And, only in this dimension of change, can the eternalpart of man be changed. This is done at the throne of Grace, through repentance and forgiveness:

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    REV: 22 : 11-15 He who is unrighteous (unjust, wicked) let him be unrighteous still, and

    he that is filthy (vile, impure) let him be filthy still, and he that is righteous (just, upright,

    in right standing with God) let him do right still, and he who is holy, let him be holy still.

    (Dan: 12.10) 12. Behold, I am coming soon, and I shall bring my wages and rewards

    with Me, to repau and render to each one just what his own actions and his own work

    merit. (isa. 40:10, Jer. 17.10). I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last

    (Before all and at the End of all). Isa.44.6 -48.12) 14: Blessed (happy and to be envied)

    are those who cleanse their garments that they may have the authority and right (to

    approach) the tree of life and to enter in through the gates to the city. (Gen.2.9 -3.22, &

    24). 15: (But) without are the dogs and those who practice sorceries (magic arts) and

    impurity (the lewd adulterers) and the murderers and idolaters and everyone who loves

    and deals in falsehood, untruth, error, deception, cheating.

    Life and Death are in the power of our tongues: Mat. 12.36 But I tell you, on the day of

    judgement men will have to give an account for every idle (inoperative, non-working)WORD they speak.

    People are speaking spirits. Our WORDS are eternal as are our spirits, and the WORDS produceafter their own kind, Life, or Death. As Gods WORDS made all things, our WORDS produce Lifeor Death.

    JAMES 3. 5-6 Even so, the tongue is a little member, and it can boast of great things.

    See how much wood or how great a forest a tiny spark can set ablaze! 6. And the tongue

    (is) a fire. (The tongue is a) world of wickedness set among our members, contaminating

    and depraving the whole body and setting on fire the wheel of birth the cycle of mans

    nature being itself ignited by hell. (Gehenna). Rev: 21.8 But as for the cowards, andthe ignoble and the contemptible and the cravenly lacking in courage and the cowardly

    submissive; and as for the unbelieving and faithless; and as for the depraved and defiles

    with abominations; and as for the murderers and the lewd and adulterous and the

    practicers of magic arts, and the idolaters (those who give supreme devotions to anyone

    or anything other than God) and all liars (those who knowingly convey untruth by word

    or deed, all of these shall have) their part in the lake that blazes with fire and brimstone.

    This is the second death. (Isa.30.33)

    I believe that the WORDS their part in the above scripture referto theirWORDS of death that

    people have spoken are their own words of fire, (their WORDS). WORDS are either spirit and lifeor flesh and death. The words of death that are spoken are the peoples own fire of their words.Your spirit serves the God of the living, and by our words, the flesh serves the God of death.

    Rev.21.8 But as for the cowards and the ignoble and the contemptible, and the cravenly

    lacking in courage, and the cowardly, submissive; and as for the unbelieving and

    faithless, and as for the depraved and defiled with abominations; and ass for murderers

    and the lewd and adulterous and the practicers of magic arts, and idolaters (those who

    give supreme devotion to anyone or anything other than God) and all liars (those who

    knowingly convey untruth by word or deed, all of these shall have) their part in the lake

    that blazes with fire and brimstone. This is the second death. (Is.30.33)

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    Your spirit serves the God of the living. Your flesh serves the God of death. By your words you areeither lifted up, or put down.

    Is.28 .15-20

    Because you have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol (the place

    of the dead) we have an agreement; when the overflowing scourge passes through, it will

    not come to us; for we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken

    shelter. 16.Therefore thus says the Lord God, Behold I am laying in Zion for a foundation

    a Stone, a tested Stone, a precious Cornerstone of sure foundation; he who believes

    trusts in, relies on and adheres to that Stone will not be ashamed or give way or make

    haste (in sudden panic) (Rom 9.33 )(Pet 2.4-6. 17. I will make justice the line, and

    righteousness the plummet; and hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and waters will

    overwhelm the hiding place the shelter. 18. And your covenant with death shall be

    annulled, and your agreement with Sheol (the place of the dead) shall not stand; when

    the overwhelming scourge passes through, then you will be trodden down by it. 19. Asoften as it passes through, it (the enemys scourge) will take you; for morning by

    morning, will it pass through, by day and by night; and it will be utter terror merely to

    hear and comprehend the report and the message of it (but only hard treatment and

    dispersion will make you understand Gods instruction.) 20. For (they will find that) the

    bed is too short for a man to stretch himself on it, and the covering too narrow for him to

    wrap himself in it, (All their sources of confidence will fail them). Lies are words,Falsehoods are words.

    Jesus said in the last days they will be lovers of self more than God, and worship the creationrather than the Creator (God). These are perilous times, Lust of the eyes,

    Lust of the fleshPride of Life


    Take note, I will make those of the synagogue of satan, who say they are Jews and are

    not, but lie, behold, I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and learn and

    acknowledge that I have loved you.

    God gave me this verse of scripture and when I asked what it meant, He said, change the wordJewforChristians(they that serve the flesh, they say they are Christians, yet they serve the flesh.

    When Peter said to Jesus, Youcannot die Jesus rebuked him, saying Get behind me satan. He

    was telling Peter that he was in the flesh. Our flesh must be crucified with Christ, all words of theflesh and emotions (of the flesh) are spirit and death. All prayers that are soul power andemotional, service the God of Death (satan). Soul power (self proclaimed and emotional prayers)produce death and the light of darkness.

    If your light be darkness, how great is that darkness(Matt.6.23) Ps. 50.23 He who

    brings an offering of praise and thanksgiving honours and glorifies Me; and he who

    orders his way aright (says conversation in K.J.) who prepares the way that I may

    show him to him I will demonstrate the salvation of God.

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    In Rev. 22.11, He who is unrighteous (unjust, wicked) let him be unrighteousstill and he

    that is filthy (vile, impure) let him be filthystill and he that is righteous (just, upright, in

    right standing with God) let him do rightstill, and he who is holy, let him be holystill.

    The word stillmeans forever. Nothing changes in eternity. The cross and blood of Jesus is in therealm of time and change. If you do not work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, andto be holy, even as He is holy, and perfect even as He is perfect, , by Grace, through the cross andthe Blood of Jesus, you will remain as the scripture says, let him be unrighteous still the time forchange is NOW. Through Grace (Gods Grace) and by the Blood of Jesus, you go free. JESUSWORDS ARE PURE WORDS. We need to get our conversation aright with pure words.

    God made a covenant with Abraham and said to him, I am your exceeding great rewardWhatHe was saying to Abraham was, Your words will be pure words of life and spirit. The words offlesh and death will be cancelled. The beast nature of self removed, with all the human, fallen

    emotions, such as what happened to Adam through disobedience and broken covenant with God,thereby making a covenant with death.

    Isaiah, said he was a man of unclean lips. God cleansed his lips with a fire-brand from the altar.

    In Zephaniah 3.9 For then, (changing their impure language) I will give the people a

    clear and pure speech from pure lips, that they may call upon the name of the Lord, to

    serve |Him with one unanimous consent and one united shoulder (bearing the yoke of the


    Christianity is what you speak (Words).

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    The Lords Prayer:

    Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name: Matthew 6.9 and Luke 11.2


    Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed (kept holy) be your nameYour kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread,

    And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven (left, remitted and let go the debts, and given upresentment against ) our debtorsAnd lead (bring) us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one, (For yours is the Kingdomand the power and the glory forever, Amen).

    Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed .. In this verse the worship of God sets us free toworship. God is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Any lies, falsehoods,fantasies, delusions, any kind of deceptive bribery, corruption, an uneven balance etc, is death..lies

    Isa:28.15 Because you have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol (the

    place of the dead) we have an agreement; when the overflowing scourge passes through, it will notcome to us; for we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter; God istruth (Life) Satan is lies (Death)You have t