do you have control?

Do you have control? Mr. Caudy Systems and Computer Control

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Do you have control?. Mr. Caudy Systems and Computer Control. Design Brief. Can you find a need for this programmable system? Design a product which uses a PICAXE 08 and four LEDs to perform some function. Design a computer programme for the product. PICAXE PRODUCT. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Do you have control?

Do you have control?

Mr. Caudy

Systems and Computer Control

Page 2: Do you have control?
Page 3: Do you have control?

Design Brief

• Can you find a need for this programmable system?

• Design a product which uses a PICAXE 08 and four LEDs to perform some function.

• Design a computer programme for the product.

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Page 5: Do you have control?


Page 6: Do you have control?


• Control is all around you. – The microwave, MP3 player, central heating system,

oven, toys, watches, IPODs. All of these devices can be controlled or programmed to do something. At the heart of these products is a control system. Some are complex others quite simple. However they all have one thing in common.

– An INPUT, PROCESS and OUTPUT. – The PICAXE chip is a PROCESS device that can be

‘interfaced’ with INPUTs and OUTPUTs on a printed circuit board (PCB) to perform a function. Formula 1 uses control for a variety of things. Can you research and find out how many control systems there may be involved in formula one?


Page 7: Do you have control?

Top View Track view

Planning the making of my PCB

Page 8: Do you have control?

Planning the making of my PCBCLEAN WITH WIRE WOOL and drill

1mm holes

Drill square pads 3mm pads when you are waiting

Step 1 solder on 4 x 220 ohm resistors.

Step 2 solder on 2 x 1k ohm resistors

Step 3 solder on the 10k resistor

Step 4 solder on the push button

Step 5 solder on the 8 pin DIL

Step 6 solder on the LEDs (choose your own colours!!!)

Step 7 drill square pads 3mm pads

Step 8 solder on the battery snap.

Page 9: Do you have control?

Good soldered joints

Which joint is the best soldered joint?


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My plan

• Step 1 –

• Step 2 –

• Step 3 –

• And so on…

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Page 12: Do you have control?

Learning questions

• What is a control system?

• What is a PIC chip?

• How can I programme a PIC chip?

Page 13: Do you have control?

What is a control system?

• A system is made up of three parts.

• The programmable PIC system is made up of more than this






Page 14: Do you have control?

Uses for the PICAXE PCB

• How many different uses can you think of for this programmable PCB?


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My design brief

• I am going to design my PIC PCB to be a …..


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• SCAMPER 3 ideas for your PIC product– What criteria are important?

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Follow your plan

• What do you do next?– 1k = brown black red– 10k = brown black orange– 220 = red red brown– 330 = orange orange brown

Page 18: Do you have control?

Push Button






Stereo Socket


Page 19: Do you have control?

Push Button


8 Pin DIL

Stereo Socket








22KLED 1



Page 20: Do you have control?

How can I design systems?

What particular components are used in this system

Push Button Switch





Page 21: Do you have control?

What are systems components?

• INPUT– Push buttons– LDR Light dependent

Resistors– Thermistors– Moisture sensors

• OUTPUT– LED– Buzzer– Motor

Page 22: Do you have control?

Some Programmes





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Page 24: Do you have control?

Some ProgrammesMetronome

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Some ProgrammesEgg Timer

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Design Brief

• Can you find a need for this programmable system?

• Design a product which uses a PICAXE 08 and four LEDs to perform some function.

• Design a computer programme for the product.

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Programmable Product

Programmable night light

MetronomeBike light

Sports TimerDecoration -



Egg, sports, running, activity, training, cake,


Lights go out slowly one after another

Page 28: Do you have control?

A Designing and making

Work demonstrates elements of creativity, innovation and originality.Produce products to a good standard of construction, finish or taste.

Produce products to an appropriate standard of construction, finish or taste.

When designing and making – develop an outline design specification / recipe using supporting information gathered from various sources…Produce products of acceptable quality, function or taste.

When designing and making – gather information independently… Produce functional or edible products.

With guidance – gather given information to support own ideas when designing and making.

C Showing detail of designs; sequencing manufacture

Annotate design ideas and, where appropriate, model them in order to aid development.Communicate appropriately, using a range of skills including the use of CAD (PICAXE)Order and sequence the manufacture of own product.

Produce formal drawings with details of manufacture using a range of skills, including the use of CAD. (PICAXE)Sequence the manufacture of own product.

Produce drawings with outline dimensions, and sequence what (I am) going to do.

Illustrate alternative ideas using sketches, models and / or ICT, and make choices between them based on own experiences.

Use labelled sketches and / or models to develop and show the detail of own designs.

D Selecting and using appropriate tools and materials

Use tools and equipment with increasing precision, making changes in the light of unforeseen problems.Choose from a range of materials and ingredients.

Use tools and equipment accurately, adapting to unforeseen problems.Choose from a range of materials and ingredients.

Select and use appropriate tools and equipment to measure, mark out, cut, join and mix and range of materials and ingredients.

Select and use appropriate tools and equipment when working with a range of given materials and ingredients.

Use simple tools and techniques to cut, shape, join and mix materials and ingredients.

How far up the pencil are you?

Page 29: Do you have control?

Using the assessment sheet decide on your target for the next project with Mr. Banbury

My target is ….

Page 30: Do you have control?

Control Board Layout

Top View Underside

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Control Board Layout

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My PCB making Plan

1. First I will clean the board with wire wool

2. Next drill 50 holes with PCB drill

3. Check the holes have come all of the way through

4. Solder on the 330, 1K, 10K, 22K resistors

5. ..6. ..7. ..8. ..

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Page 34: Do you have control?

Lesson questions

• What is the date?


• How do you programme your chip?

• How will you be assessed in this project?

• What will your ideas look like?

Page 35: Do you have control?


• Describe how the Bike Light programme works?

• What is the diamond box for?

• What do the rectangles do?

• What do the parallelograms do?

• How can you stop the programme?

Page 36: Do you have control?

How does it work?

Describe how the Bike Light programme works.

This is asking if the switch is pressed

High 0,1,2,4 switches all LEDS on

Pause 75 stops the programme running for 75 milliseconds

Low 0, 1, 2, 4 switches off the LEDS

This asks if the button has been pressed after

LEDS are all off

One final delay for 1 second to stop the

Programme from carrying

On a again

Page 37: Do you have control?

How does KIT work?

Page 38: Do you have control?

Two programmes in one

Make the variable b0=0

Jump to subroutine 0

Is the variable b1 = 1?

If the variable b1 =1 then jump to subroutine 1

If the variable b1 is not equal to 1 jump to subroutine 2

Page 39: Do you have control?

Make the variable b1=0

Is pin3 on?

Switch on LED 0

Add 1 to b1

Is pin3 on?

Add another 1 to b0

Is b1 equal to 10?

If b0 equal to 10 return back to flowchart?

Switch off LED 0 & switch on 1

Add 1 to b1 (represents programme 2)

This part of the flowchart is a second timer, which gives the user time to decide which programme they want

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Page 41: Do you have control?

Last lesson

• Task 1 draw your final programme idea – use ruler

• Task 2 I will print off your 2D design idea

• Task 3 stick in assessment sheet

• Task 4 self assess your work

• Task 5 peer assess your work

Page 42: Do you have control?

Finish your PCBs

By the end of this lesson your PCB must be finished and programmed!


Page 43: Do you have control?

How does the egg timer work

• What is the date?

• What is the heading?

• How does the egg timer work?

• 10minutes

Page 44: Do you have control?

How does the Egg Timer work?

Page 45: Do you have control?

How does the Egg Timer work?

• The system will not work until pin3 is a 1.

• Then all the LEDS light up• The system pauses for 60,000

milliseconds which is 1 minute• Then LED 0 is switched off• Then the system pauses for 1

minute (60,000)• Then LED 1 is switched off.• Then the system pauses for 1

minute (60,000)• Then LED 2 is switched off

• Then the system pauses for 1 minute (30,000)

• Then LED 4 is switched off.• Then it pauses for 100

milliseconds• Then all LEDS are switched on

for 100 milliseconds• Then all switched off• Then is pin3 = 1 is asked if it is

a no the LEDS continue to flash

• If it is a yes the flowchart pauses for 100ms and then back to the start.

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Writing my programme

• Start by writing an IF then Question• For example

• If a button is pressed I want all the LEDS to light up and then go out one after another 1 minute apart. Then, finally I want the LEDS to flash after 3.5 minutes until the button is pressed again to turn them off.

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If… thens..

• If the button pressed then all lights come on until the button is pressed agin to switch them off

• If the button is pressed the lights will flash until the button I pressed

• If the button is pressed one LED will come on and then the button is pressed again for the next one to come on and so on until all are pressed.

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MY First Idea for my PIC Project

• LAST LESSON IF….. Then….

• Now write a flowchart of your idea

• Then finish soldering or write and print off your programme