docker: the road ahead

Docker: the road ahead

Upload: shykes

Post on 23-Aug-2014




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Solomon Hykes at Dockercon 14 presenting Docker's philosophy and roadmap, and introducing new components of the platform.


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Docker: the road ahead

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So... what do we do now?aka

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Why are we here?

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We have a blueprint

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“My thought in the 70s was that the Internet was a really good scalable design, and we should make a virtual internet of virtual machines that could be cached by the hardware machines.

It’s really too bad this didn’t happen

Alan Kay

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Upgrade the Internettime to

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We have the technologybandwidth, storage, compute, sandboxing,

crypto, compression, copy-on-write filesystems, paxos/raft...

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We have standard interfaces

Time to fix this!

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It’s getting people to agree on something

The real value of Docker is not technology

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1. Packaging and distribution

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2. Sandboxing

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libcontainerA standard interface to OS sandboxing

namespaces, cgroups, capabilities, netlink, selinux, apparmor

Core Docker component...But also usable standalone

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libcontainerA standard interface to OS sandboxing

A few announcements.

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Now a standalone project

#libcontainer on Freenode

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Contributing SELinux and systemd integration

Welcome Dan and Alex!

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Joining as core maintainers

Welcome Victor and Rohit!

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Contributing C implementation and OpenVZ support

Welcome Pavel and John!

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collaborating on unified cgroup interface

Welcome Serge!


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libchana lightweight communication

protocol for distributed systems

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libchanLike Go channels over the network

Simple message passing

Synchronization without sharing state

Raw socket passing: channels as gateways to any other protocol

Nesting: channels can send channels

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libchanAvailable transports:SPDY/TLS,websocket,raw TCP,high-perf unix sockets (with fd passing),in-memory go channels.

Designed to be simple and portable

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A standard communication layer for Docker:

internal components, plugins,inter-container communication.

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4. Orchestration

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Docker API

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Shipper Mesosor

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Shipper or Mesos or Coreos/FleetGeardor

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Shipper or Mesos or Coreos/FleetGeardor

or or orConsul Helios Centurion

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Shipper or Mesos or Coreos/FleetGeardor

or or orConsul Helios Centurion

EC2 Rackspace GCE Orchard Tutum

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Shipper or Mesos or Coreos/FleetGeardor

or or orConsul Helios Centurion

EC2 Rackspace GCE Orchard Tutum

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libswarmA minimalist toolkit

to compose network services

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libswarmA standard interface to combine and organize

services in a distributed system.

Compose complex architectures from standard building blocks

Avoid vendor lock-in by swapping any service out with another

Pick services from a built-in library, or write your own with a simple API.

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libswarmCommunity-contributed adapters:

Docker server & clientMesos

Atomic / geardFleet / etcd

OrchardGoogle cloud

Rackspace cloudTutum.comShipyard

TLS tunnel

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libswarmFirst-class Docker compatibility

If you develop on libswarm, we guarantee compatibility with the

Docker ecosystem.

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libcontainer libchan


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What’s next?

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5. Identity

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6. Authorization

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Coming soon!

“But I need it naow!”Come say hi, maybe we can hook you up

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Let’s go build it!

Happy hacking!Drawings by @laurelcomics

#docker-dev on Freenode