dockerize the world

Dockerize the world! Martin Damovský

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Dockerize the world!

Martin Damovský

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My plan for today• Introduction to Docker• Some demos• Docker in Cloud• IoT and Docker• News from DockerCon 2015 in SF and Barcelona• Discussion + Beer

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Who am I?• Software engineer (java, DBs, continuous integrations, docker, etc.)• Grew up in Orlová - near Ostrava !!!• VŠB TU Ostrava, Tieto Czech s.r.o. Ostrava, Gemalto in Prague• Now in Vendavo CZ in Prague• Twitter @damovsky

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Who knows Docker?

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What is ?Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker is designed to deliver your applications faster. With Docker you can separate your applications from your infrastructure AND treat your infrastructure like a managed application. Docker helps you ship code faster, test faster, deploy faster, and shorten the cycle between writing code and running code.

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What is ? version• Docker is new way of virtualization• you virtualize only the app and not the whole OS• + dozen of tools for container sharing, running, orchestrations, etc.• it’s a whole platform for using containers

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Docker project• Docker inc. is a sponsor of “Docker” open source project•• Written in Go• Main contributors: Docker team, RedHat, IBM, Google, Cisco…• Initial release: 13 March 2013• Operation system: Linux•

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Docker vs VM

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How does it works?• Use kernel support for isolation (CPU, memory, I/O, network….)• Cgroups – linux kernel feature to limit resource usages• Namespaces – linux kernel feature to isolate services from each other

• Earlier LXC –• Now – runC (Libcontainer)

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Docker Image

Base Image (debian/ubuntu/busybox…)

Image – Added Apache

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Docker Container and its file system layers

Base Image (debian/ubuntu/busybox…)

Image – Added Apache

Writable Layer

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Docker Container and its file system layers

Base Image (debian/ubuntu/busybox…)

Image – Added Apache

Writable Layer

Image – Added MySQL

Writable Layer

Container #1 Container #2

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Docker mottoBuild – build container with your app

Ship - use docker registry to distribute your app

Run - wherever docker runs, your app will run as well

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Build – use Dockerfile• Recipe for building the image• Easy to transfer copy&paste• versioning in git, etc..

FROM debian:wheezy

RUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get install -y python2.7

CMD python2.7 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

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Dockerfile “flow”1. create docker file2. build dockerfile

$ docker build -t myTagName .3. run container

$ docker run -d myTagName

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Dockerfile• # Demo

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Dockerfile commands• FROM






• etc….see at

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Dockerfile vs layersFROM debian:wheezy

RUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get install -y python2.7

CMD python2.7 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

└─61f… Virtual Size: 85.1 MB Tags: debian:wheezy └─5b8.. Virtual Size: 93.4 MB

└─604.. Virtual Size: 123.5 MB└─43e.. Virtual Size: 123.5 MB Tags: python:latest

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Docker registry•• Official repo (trusted builds)• WordPress, MySQL, NgInx, Node, CentOS, Ubuntu, Postgress, mongo, rails,

ruby, java, python, golang, jenkins, php, tomcat, maven, httpd, …

• Public repo with thousands of images• Integration with GitHub• You push the Dockerfile to github• Docker Registry builds the docker image for you

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Docker requirements• Technical:• Linux kernel 3.10 +

• Knowledge:• Linux

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Docker on Windows / Mac OS

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Docker daemon




Docker client

Mac OS / Windows

VM with Linux

Docker daemon




Docker client

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Docker containers are small and fast!Demo #1 – debianDemo #2 - tomcat

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Docker itself is….like a java

Without tools and frameworks it’s useless

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Docker Toolbox• Docker engine• Kinematic – GUI, runs on MacOS + Windows• Docker Machine – automates Docker environment preparation• Docker Compose – define multi-container application in one file• Docker Swarm – clustering the containers

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Where can Docker be helpful?

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…when new dev starts configuring project

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…it works on my machine!

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J2EE Application in Docker - demo•

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Docker and IoT (Raspberry Pi)• ARM vs x86/64 architecture• Docker to plan official support ARM• HypriotOS – linux distro for Raspberry• Hypriot OS based images: •

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RPI + Docker• LIVE DEMO – hypriot OS httpd•

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DockerCon 2015 Challenge• How many containers could really be started on PI 2?• http://

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Docker in Cloud• Digital Ocean• UI – worth to try!

• Amazon• Microsoft Azure• Google Cloud

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$ Price $• Digital Ocean: $5 / 512 MB, 1 core, 20 GB SSD, 1TB Transfer• Amazon: ?• Microsoft Azure• Google Cloud: free up to 5 nodes, 6+ nodes $0.15 HR/Cluster • Alternative: 4GB RAM, 8 cores, 900 Kč /3 Months

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Docker and Microsoft ???

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Docker and Microsoft ?

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Docker and Microsoft ?• Microsoft contributes to docker• see pull request

• Microsoft Azure supports docker• Native Docker on Windows Server• Demo ASP.NET in Docker

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Docker and PHP ?• Piece of cake ;-)• Live demo

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Docker orchestration• Docker Swarm• Kubernetes• Apache Mesos

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Dockercraft• A simple Minecraft Docker client, to visualize and manage Docker


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What’s in Docker roadmap?• Official ARM support• Docker on Windows Server• Docker on IBM systems, Solaris

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Troubles you may face….

….with Docker

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Docker Registry - Image Repository• Public – no way for 99,9% apps

• Private• Limitation – money & your internet connection speed

• Local repo - can require some management• Authentication (users/passwords/roles, etc…)• cleaning olds images• disk space• backup (!!!!)

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Docker Public Registry and license terms

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Unrealistic tutorials and demos• Demos = “wow effect”• Typical problem for production use – database in container • Database container can really be big! (>10 GB or more)• Data should be outside of container and backuped• Virtualization decreases the performance

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Run Docker on dedicated machine only• You should use the latest Linux Kernel• Some bug fixes may require you to update Linux Kernel• Who can update Linux kernel in production?

• Which file system to use? BTRFS / AUFS / ?• Which OS ?• Core OS• RancherOS• Well known like a CentOS, Red Hat, Ubuntu ?


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Many thanks to…• Vendavo CZ for helping me with my presentation!• And for supporting our “after party”

• Tieto CZ for JUG Ostrava organization!• @VitekTajzich for his talk about Yowie

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Links:• My demos•

• Yowie – Open source project presented by @VitekTajzich•