doctor who rankings

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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My rankings for seasons 1-7


SERIES 1 Rose 7/10The End of the World 8/10The Unquiet Dead 9/10Aliens of London 7/10World War III 7/10Dalek 5/10The Long Game 6/10Father's Day 7/10The Empty Child 10/10The Doctor Dances 10/10Boom Town 7/10Bad Wolf 7/10The Parting of the Ways 7/10The Christmas Invasion 8/10SERIES 2New Earth 6/10Tooth and Claw 10/10School Reunion 7/10The Girl in the Fireplace 7/10Rise of the Cybermen 7/10The Age of Steel 7/10The Idiot's Lantern 6/10The Impossible Planet 6/10The Satan Pit 6/10Love & Monsters 7/10Fear Her 4/10Army of Ghosts 5/10Doomsday 5/10The Runaway Bride 5/10SERIES 3Smith and Jones 9/10The Shakespeare Code 8/10Gridlock 7/10Daleks in Manhatten 5/10Evolution of the Daleks 5/10The Lazarus Experiment 5/1042 5/10Human Nature 5/10The Family of Blood 5/10Blink 8/10Utopia 7/10The Sound of Drums 4/10Last of the Time Lords 4/10Voyage of the Damned 4/10SERIES 4Partners in Crime 8/10Fires of Pompeii 10/10Planet of The Ood 6/10The Sontaran Strategem 7/10The Poison Sky 7/10The Doctor's Daughter 7/10The Unicorn and the Wasp 10/10Silence in the Library 5/10Forest of the Dead 5/10Midnight 6/10Turn Left 6/10The Stolen Earth 7/10Journey's End 7/10The Next Doctor 8/10Planet of the Dead 4/10The Waters of Mars 3/10The End of Time 6/10SERIES 5The Eleventh Hour 7/10The Beast Below 4/10Victory of the Daleks 4/10The Time of Angels 5/10Flesh and Stone 5/10The Vampires of Venice 7/10Amy's Choice 6/10The Hungry Earth 5/10Cold Blood 5/10Vincent and the Doctor 10/10The Lodger 8/10The Pandorica Opens 9/10The Big Bang 9/10A Christmas Carol 5/10SERIES 6The Impossible Astronaut 5/10The Day of the Moon 5/10The Curse of the Black Spot 5/10The Doctor's Wife 9/10The Rebel Flesh 8/10The Almost People 8/10A Good Man Goes to War 4/10Let's Kill Hitler 4/10Night Terrors 5/10The Girl Who Waited 3/10The God Complex 7/10Closing Time 9/10The Wedding of River Song 4/10The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe 10/10SERIES 7Asylum of the Daleks 5/10Dinosaurs on a Spaceship 5/10A Town Called Mercy 7/10The Power of Three 8/10The Angels Take Manhattan 6/10The Snowmen 4/10The Bells of Saint John 3/10The Rings of Ankhaten 7/10Cold War 7/10Hide 9/10Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS 3/10The Crimson Horror 7/10Nightmare in Silver 3/10The Name of the Doctor 3/10The Night of the Doctor 8/10The Day of the Doctor 7/10An Adventure in Space and Time 9/10The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot 10/10