doctoral programs in professional communication - a brief survey

Doctoral Programs in Professional Communication A Brief Survey | Jack Hennes

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A general resource for anyone looking to pursue graduate study in the fields of rhetoric and composition, professional communication, and English


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Doctoral Programs in

Professional Communication A Brief Survey | Jack Hennes

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University of Minnesota The doctoral program in Rhetoric and Scientific and Technical Communication (RSTC) at the University of Minnesota offers one of the most engaging environments to pursue graduate study in the field. Confronting complex issues in language, science, and technology, the RSTC program provides opportunities to pursue theory, research, analysis, and coursework in a minor field.

Students in the RSTC program also choose a secondary area or concentration, such as internet studies, digital literacies, and pro-fessional and technical communication. Housed in the Department of Writing Studies, students have access to weekly presentations and the Center for Writing. The faculty has strengths in digital technology, technical communication, and composition theory.

Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Scientific and Technical Communication

Lee-Ann Kast-man BreuchAssociate Professor

Technical commu-nication programs; theory of composi-tion and technical communication in-struction; computer pedagogy.

Laura GurakProfessor, Chair

Digital literacies; Internet studies and online research methods; social aspects of comput-ing; rhetoric and technology.

Weisman Art

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The Ph.D. in Technical Communication and Rhetoric (TCR) at Texas Tech provides one of the most respected and rigorous environments to pursue the study of rhetoric, writing, technical communication, and composition. In emphasizing five areas of scholarship, students may focus on Rhetoric, Composition, and Technology, Technical Commu-nication, Rhetorics of Science and Healthcare, Technology, Culture. and Rhetoric, and Visual Rhetoric, New Media, and User-Centered Design.

Research methods are strongly emphasized in the TCR program to prepare future scholars. The Usability Research Lab (URL) and the Multiple Literacy Lab (MuLL) enable students to explore research us-ing new and emerging technologies.

Texas TechPh.D. in Technical Communi-cation and Rhetoric


Joyce Locke CarterAssociate Professor

Computer-based in-struction in English; software develop-ment and design; hypertext theory and application.

Susan LangAssociate Professor

Computer-based in-struction in composi-tion and literature; intellectual property issues; hypertext; textual theory.

Texas Tech University LibraryWikipedia Commons

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Michigan Tech The Rhetoric and Technical Communication (RTC) program at Michi-gan Tech offers an interdisciplinary and innovative environment to pursue the study of rhetoric and communication. Emphasizing the changing role of technology and discourse in societies, Michigan Tech provides a diverse and respected group of faculty and students.

The RTC program draws from expertise in technical communication, technology studies, new media design, critical theory, and gender studies. A variety of approaches to research are supported, includ-ing interpretive, qualitative, and quantitative methodologies. Three streams of graduate study enable students to emphasize their study on Rhetoric, Composition, & Literacy (R), Technical Communication & Technoogy Studies (T), or Communication in Cultural Contexts (C).

Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Technical Communication


Marilyn M. CooperProfessor

Rhetoric and composition; social and critical theories of language, writing, and teaching.

Robert R. JohnsonProfessor

Historical nonfiction and cultural histories; technical communica-tion theory; teaching usability theory and methods; rhetorical criticism.

Rozsa Center for the

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The Ph.D. in Communication and Rhetoric prepares students to become leaders in the study of communication in technologically-mediated contexts. Drawing from the areas of rhetoric, technical communication, communication, human-computer interaction, composition, game studies, and graphic design, students can explore rhetorical inquiry with creativity and depth.

Faculty strengths encompass interaction design, semiotics, film studies, and social media. Research facilities include the Center for Communication Practices, the Games Lab, a Games project space, the VAST Studio, a Video Editing Studio, a Multimedia Conference room, and teaching conference rooms.

Rensselaer Polytechnic

Ph.D. in Communication and Rhetoric



Lee OdellProfessor

Composition theory and practice; busi-ness and technical writing; writing in non-academic settings.

Merrill WhitburnLouis Ellsworth Laflin Professor of English

Philosophy and rhetoric; technical communication; classical rhetoric.

Experimental Media and Performing Arts CenterWikipedia Commons

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Iowa State University

Geoffrey SauerAssociate Professor

Rhetorical and cultural theory; technical com-munication; new media and the history of pub-lishing; nonlinear video and audio production; popular culture, film, and media.

Kathie GossettAssistant Professor

Digital humanities; new media theory & practice, user experi-ence (UX) design; multimodal/media communication; medieval rhetoric.

The Rhetoric and Professional Communication program at Iowa State emphasizes on the theory and practice of rhetoric and written communication in professional communities. Founded in 1991, the Rhetoric and Professional Communication program is one of the first to offer a doctoral degree in the field. Offering a wide variety of courses, students can pursue interests in theory, history, practice, pedagogy, and research methods.

Dedicated to the technological complexes of communication prac-tice, the study of multimodal composition, new media, and digital collaboration are central to this program. Faculty strengths include the rhetoric of science and technology, visual communication, and multimodal communication across the curriculum.

Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Professional Communication


Iowa State University CampanileWikipedia Commons

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Clemson University Ph.D. in Rhetorics, Communi-cation, and Information Design

The Ph.D. program in Rhetorics, Communication, and Informa-tion Design (RCID) at Clemson offers one of the most diverse and engaging interdisciplinary environments in the field. The RCID program prepares scholars to become active researchers, writers, and information architects in a variety of contexts.

The study of rhetorical traditions and histories, digital communi-cation, cultural research methodologies, pedagogical approaches to multimodal information design, and electronic communication are supported in the RCID program. Students engage in four stages (including academic and creative) before selecting cognate courses in specialized areas (i.e., critical critiques of mechanical reproductions, perspectives in information designs).

Steven B. KatzRoy Pearce Profes-sor of Professional Communication

Rhetorical analysis; rhetorics and ethics; ancient alternative rhetorics; material rhetorics.

David BlakesleyProfessor, Cambell Chair in Technical Communication

Rhetorical theory; digi-tal/visual rhetorics; in-formation architecture; technical communica-tion; computers and writing.

Tillman Hall

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The Ph.D. in Rhetoric & Writing at Michigan State emphasizes the study of writing as situated practice, in turn preparing students to take on careers in academic, workplace, publishing, and digital contexts. As this program is designed to be completed in four years, students take a set of core courses before selecting a formal concentration (i.e., Digital Rhetoric and Professional Writing).

Students electing to pursue the Digital Rhetoric and Professional Writing track take courses in web authoring, visual rhetoric, infor-mation and interaction design, and multimedia writing. Michigan State also houses the WIDE Research Center, one of the premier centers focusing on digital communication in various contexts.

Michigan State UniversityPh.D. in Rhetoric and Writing

Bill Hart-DavidsonAssociate Professor

Technical communica-tion; user experience (UX) design; rhetorical theory; cultural stud-ies.

Stuart BlytheAssociate Professor

Rhetoric and profes-sional writing; digital rhetorics; rhetoric of science; technology and society.

Eli and Edythe Broad Art

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The new Ph.D. in Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media (CRDM) at North Carolina State emphasizes the contextual study of information technologies, new media, and digital texts. Drawing from the departments of English, Communication, and affiliated faculty from diverse departments, this program offers an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to scholarship.

Located in the Research Triangle, students may collaborate on a variety of research projects outside the walls of the university. The CRDM program provides a flexible curriculum, offering coursework in game studies, mobile technologies, information design, social media, digital media research methodology, and visual rhetoric.

North Carolina State

Ph.D. in Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media


Jason SwartsAssociate Professor

Mobile communica-tion technologies; computer-sup-ported cooperative work; technical and professional writing.

Carolyn MillerProfessor

Digital rhetoric; genre studies; rhetorical theory; rhetoric of science and technology; technical and pro-fessional writing.

Memorial Bell

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The new Ph.D. in English program at Old Dominion provides an interesting synthesis of writing, rhetoric, and technology. Within the program, students select two of three emphases, including rhetoric, writing, and discourse studies, technology and media studies, and literary and cultural studies. Flexible summer and hybrid courses make this program appealing to working teachers and professionals, yet full-time students are welcome. Assistantships and fellowships are offered to competitive candidates.

University of Central FloridaPh.D. in Texts & Technology

Old DominionUniversityPh.D. in English


Combining scholarship, digital media texts, and creative production, this new program offers an innovative curriculum based on not only technology, but also a historical grounding in the humanities. Stu-dents may elect to explore the areas of digital editing, Web design, multimedia production, information architecture, and visualization. Current course offerings include the theory and practice of docu-ment usability, sounds of texts and technology, and the rhetoric of digital literacy. Students may take courses through face-2-face, online, or through hybrid course models.

John C. Hitt Library (UCF)UCF Today

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Supporting research in composition studies, critical/cultural studies, and rhetoric, the Ph.D. program in Rhetoric and Professional Com-munication at New Mexico State provides a variety of avenues for theory and pedagogy. Home to the Borderlands Writing Project and Writers in the Schools, students in this program have an opportunity to apply their research to practice and foster critical literacy in the region. Students may elect to focus on either qualitative or quantita-tive research.

Although this new program is grounded in rhetorical theory, it retains a strong focus on the communication practices of organiza-tions. Students have the opportunity to work with advanced commu-nication technologies and engage in fieldwork experiences. While the program has strengths in online education, computer lab classrooms, an Interactive Media Research Lab, and the Learning Games Initiative provide students with diverse facilities to put research into practice.

Utah State University

New Mexico State

Professional Communication

UniversityPh.D. in Rhetoric and

Practice of ProfessionalPh.D. in Theory and



Utah State University Campus

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Integrating the scholarship of rhetoric, composition students, and professional writing, the Ph.D. program in Rhetoric and Writing at Virginia Tech prepares students to examine rhetoric and writing in academic, corporate, and public contexts. Coursework in professional writing include visual rhetoric, writing and publishing in electronic environments, genres of professional communication, and intercul-tural communication. Coursework outside of the English department is also encouraged, and students have drawn from the fields of com-munication, human-computer interaction, and science and technol-ogy studies.

University of Wisconsn-Milwaukee

Ph.D. in English

Virginia Tech

Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Writing


With a large and diverse department, the Ph.D. in English at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has earned a national reputation for its support of a range of research and scholarship. Students at UW-Milwaukee select a concentration, such as Professional Writing or Media, Cinema, and Digital Studies, although students often draw from all categories when selecting their coursework. Topics of recent courses in the Professional Writing area include grant writing, new media writing, the rhetoric of technology, usability studies, and in-formation design. To accommodate for the needs of students, most courses are offered during the evenings and online.

Burruss Hall, Virginia Tech

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For over 30 years, the Ph.D. program in Rhetoric and Composition at Purdue has produced nearly 150 graduates to become some of the leading scholars, writing teachers, and professional writers in the field. A large and diverse program, students may pursue a range of secondary concentrations, including rhetoric, technology, and digital writing, professional and technical writing, and cultural stud-ies. Recent dissertations have focused on the process and power of technical communication, collaborative writing, and the Aristotelian art of techne. Notable graduates include Kristine Blair, Stuart Blythe, Bill Hart-Davisdon, and Tim Peeples.

The doctoral program in Rhetoric and Composition at the University of South Florida prepares students to become active teacher-scholars in the field. Emphasizing critical theory, literature, and composition, the program empowers students to pursue study in composition theory and research, rhetoric and technology, the history of rhetoric, and professional/technical writing pedagogy. The program also offers a 15-credit graduate certificate in Professional and Technical Communication.

Purdue University



University of SouthFloridaPh.D. in Rhetoric and Composition

Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition

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